St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 37/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 15. 09. 2013 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Veselje nad vsem, kar je dobrega V jezusovem času so imeli za grešnike tudi ljud, ki so opravljali manj častne poklice in so bili zaradi poklica v nevarnosti, da kršijo moralo. Zato je veljalo nepisano pravilo: »Človek naj se ne druži z grešniki!« Za te ljudi, ki so bili izrinjeni iz družbe, nihče ni imel tolažilne besede. Vendar Jezus se je prav z njimi družil in jim ni pretil s kaznijo. To pa je zbujalo nejevoljo farizejev. Menili so, da Jezus s takim početjem podira, kar oni gradijo. Preprosto niso mogli razumeti božje ljubezni in usmiljenja, ki ga Jezus skazuje cestninarjem in grešnikom. Človek se mora najprej spreobrniti, potem še šele vreden božjega usmiljenja, so menili farizeji. Jezus pa obratno ve, da je pripravljenost grešnikov, da ga poslušajo, začetek njihove vere, vera pa začetek spreobrnjenja in božjega odpuščanja. Ko so grešniki prisluhnili Jezusu, so se dejansko že spreobračali. Najbolj pogubno je, če človek misli, da je popoln, ko v resnici nit. In tak, ki se ima za popolnega, pa čeprav v resnici ni, druge najbolj obsoja; medtem ko resnično svetniško živeči človek druge nikoli ne obsoja, temveč se ima prej sam za manj vrednega od drugih. Jezus zavrne očitke farizejev s priliko o izgubljeni ovci, in izgubljeni drahmi. S priliko o izgubljenem sinu pa razodene božje potrpljenje z grešniki. Bog čaka kot neskončno dobri oče tudi na tiste, ki so se mu izne -verili in ko se vrnejo, nikomur nič ne očita, ampak skesanega grešnika celo prej poljubi, kot se mu on more zahvaliti za milost spreobnjenja in rešenja. Bog resnično noče smrti grešnika, ampak želi, da se spokori in živi in ko se grešnik spreobrne, je nad njim v nebesih večje veselje, kot nad devetindevetdesetimi pravičnimi, ki ne potrebujejo pokore. Tega veselja pa ne smemo razumeti, kakor da greh ni greh in da je odpravljena razlika med pravičnimi in grešniki. Kaj takega Jezus ni nikdar učil, ampak bolj odločno kot preroki ljudi klical k spreobrnjenju. ROMANJE V MIDLAND_ V soboto, 7. septembra 2013 je naša župnija poromala v Midland. Že nekaj časa se nismo organizirano udeležili tega srečanja, letos pa se je avtobus kar hitro napolnil. Zjutraj ob osmih smo odrinili v deževen dan, vendar, ko smo prispeli do cerkve je dež ponehal. Najprej smo se zbrali ob spominskem križu h kratki komemoraciji, ki so jo pripravili člani društva Tabor iz Toronske skupnosti. Potem smo se ob molitvi pomikali od postaje do postaje križevega pota v parku in opoldne smo se še zbrali k sveti maši v cerkvi kanadskih mučencev. Tokrat je pridigal med mašo škof Boissonneau, ob koncu maše smo še zapeli litanije matere božje. Pri maši je pel mladinski zbor. Včeraj, 14. septembra, se je začel vpis v sobotno Slovensko šolo. Za nekatere je to prvič, za druge že nekaj znanega. Šola je »resna stvar«, človek se kar zamisli. Zakrament svetega krsta je v nedeljo, 8. septembra 2013 prejel deček CALEB DAVID VINCENT McCOMB. Starša dečka sta oče David in mati Tanja, rojena Benc. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu prvega otroka, naj mu bosta dobra vzornika v veri in naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in varstvo božje Matere Marije. Hajdinjak Terezija - 100 letnica Davnega leta 1913, 21. septembra se je rodila naša faranka TEREZIJA HAJDINJAK, ki bo te dni dopolnila 100 let. Življenje se je od takrat zelo spremenilo in pot jo je zanesla v svet, v Kanado, kjer si je ustvarila svojo družino. V sredo, 11. septembra, smo jo z nekaterimi predstavnicami Slomškovega oltarnega društva obiskali pri njeni hčerki Dragici Ferenčak, ki zadnja leta zanjo skrbi. Skupaj smo zmolili, zapeli in potem še nazdravili in ji zaželeli božjega blagoslova in še naprej trdnega zdravja in dobrega razpoloženja. 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: I will get up and go to my Father. First Reading Exodus 32:7-11. 13-14 Moses prays, so the Lord relents and does not punish his people. Second Reading 1 Timothy 1: 2-17 St Paul rejoices because God has shown him mercy. Gospel_Luke 15:1-32 Three "lost and found" stories to show how God loves to forgive. "Your brother here was dead and has come to life." Illustration Many of us may have spent long afternoons in stuffy classrooms studying Pythagoras' Theorem - a key piece of geometry. If you didn't understand it, you didn't get far in mathematics. Perhaps the maths teacher did not tell us that Pythagoras was a real person, an ancient Greek philosopher, and that he had a couple of students called Pythias and Damon. These lads decided to see the world and they sailed for Sicily. On arrival they fell foul of the local ruler, and Pythias was sentenced to death. "Let me at least go home to Greece," he said, "and say goodbye to my parents." "Certainly not," said the ruler. So Damon spoke up and said, "I trust my friend Pythias completely. So much so that I offer myself in his place. If he doesn't return, you can kill me instead." So that was the agreement, and Pythias departed. The day for Pythias to report back came and went, and there was no sign of him. The ruler prepared to execute Damon; but at the last possible moment, with great commotion, Pythias ap- peared. His ship had been captured by pirates, who had thrown him overboard; and out of love for his friend he had swum to shore and then run, non-stop, for many miles, to save Damon from death. The ruler was so impressed that he pardoned them both. And that's a Greek legend about running. He ran to save his friend. He ran, from sheer love. Gospel Teaching There is some running in the four Gospels too. For instance, in St John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene returns from the empty tomb to tell the apostles that Jesus' body has gone. St John tells us how he and Peter set off, running, to see what had happened. Both were running out of love for Christ, running as fast as they could. John was the beloved disciple who had rested his head on the breast of the Lord at the Last Supper. Peter was the one who had denied Jesus three times, and was desperately sorry. You can imagine them both, pelting through the trees to the cave, pounding along with different thoughts and memories in their hearts and tears in their eyes, each hoping against hope that the resurrection might be true. And today in the Gospel we have a very different kind of running. An elderly Middle Eastern gentleman, for whom running would have been very undignified, rushing down the road to meet his wasteful and ungrateful son. It's really moving. When the boy had worked his way through his inheritance in riotous living, he had got a job in a pigsty. For Jews, this was equivalent to denying his faith. For them, pigs were impure, and to look after them was like becoming a Gentile. So the boy needed forgiving, not only for grabbing the money at the start of the story, not only for being so cruel and rude to his father, but also for abandoning his religion. But his old father didn't just forgive him, he ran at top speed to forgive him. Application The father in the story is really God our Father. And the boy who comes home is, thinly disguised, you or me. It is a tale of forgiveness. God is so anxious to forgive us. See how the boy begins his little speech, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you..." and his father does not even let him finish, he is so keen to vest him in the robe and the ring and the sandals, so keen to lay on the party to end all parties. We are tempted to think that surely God's forgiveness cannot work quite like that; we'd expect that a repentant sinner would have to do a lot of penance to earn God's forgiveness. Well, if we think like that, we are like the elder son in the parable. He is not in a forgiving mood. In our own time, virtuous people sometimes find it hard to forgive, hard to imagine God really and truly forgiving people who have lived irregular lives. And the press and the media are very good at being virtuously unforgiving, aren't they? It is easy to look at the damage the sinner has done, and wait for him or her to do an equivalent amount of good to prove his or her sorrow. Well, if you feel like that, just close your eyes and listen to the running feet. That's the Father coming, running to welcome us home because we're sorry. A Conversation for the Year of Faith in the Diocese of Hamilton_ Saturday, September 21st, Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, 714 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario Fostering mutual understanding and friendship among believers and non-believers through conversation, music and a social gathering. 10:00am Panel Discussion in the Nicholas Mancini Centre ♦ David Cayley, CBC Writer/Broadcaster ♦ Peter-Anthony Togni, Composer/Musician ♦ Fr. Scott Lewis, SJ, Regis College, Toronto School of Theology ♦ Sr. Bernadette Caron, SOLI, Catholic Cate-chist 12:00pm Music Concert and Open House in the Cathedral Church ♦ Peter-Anthony Togni, Sharon Fazari, Diocesan Choir ♦ Social Gathering to Follow in the Cathedral Auditorium ♦ For more details visit: Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - PEVSKE VAJE Ob četrtkih imamo sedaj redne pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Pripravljamo se za 22. septembra, ko je naše župnijsko žegnanje in banket. Maša je ta dan ob 10:00 dopoldne. Pripravili se bomo za pesmi pri maši in še kakšno pesem za popoldanski program. ŠTRUDELJ_ Danes po slovenski maši lahko v spodnji dovrani kupite štrudelj /je še zmrznjen/. Če ga bo kaj ostalo, ga bodo prodajale tudi po enajsti maši. BARAGOVI DNEVI_ Ker se letos ne bomo organizirano udeležili Baragovih dni, pa bi nekateri kljub temu želeli kaj prispevati za Baragov sklad, lahko to storite pred oktobrom, tako, da bomo lahko darove poslali tja pred začetkom baragovih dni, ki so letos prvi teden v oktobru. JESENSKI BANKET - 22. september 2013 22. septembra imamo JESENSKI BANKET -FARNO ŽEGNANJE in začetek praznovanja 50 letnice ustanovitve naše župnije. Ta dan bomo imeli SAMO ENO MAŠO in to ob 10:00 dopoldne. Za to priložnost bo prišel med nas murskosoboški škof dr. PETER ŠTUMPF, ki je s strani slovenske škofovske konference zadolžen za Slovence po svetu. Gospod škof bo prišel že v četrtek 19. septembra skupaj s stolnim kaplanon, g. Goranom Merico in bo tukaj ostal do 3. oktobra. Če se bi kdo še rad prijavil za banket naj to stori čimprej. Terezija Sarjaš: 905-560-1218 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - SLOVENIAN SCHOOL Dear parents, September is here and the school doors are open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL. If you have a child in Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendants of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the language of their parents or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and are geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones used in English schools so that they can be easily followed and understood. Our Kindergarten and Level One programs are geared towards children who do not speak any Slovenian. Accordingly, they concentrate on vocabulary building by listening to stories, tapes, videos, games and conversation, etc. - with no formal reading and writing, to prepare them for level 2 where they will be eased into reading and writing in Slovenian only when they are ready for it. Registration for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL is on September 14 and 21, from 10:00 am to 12:00pm in the classroom behind the upper hall. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more importantly, it is to instill into them a Slovenian identity, a feeling of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural heritage. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian community, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity. It is important that we work together to keep their interest alive. We, on our part, are striving to make it interesting for them. In the summers of 2000, 2004, 2008 and this past summer, we organized an excursion to Slovenia to give the children the opportunity to see and experience Slovenia, first hand. The last three excursions were unforgettable for the children, a great success, so we look forward to possibly organizing another one down the road. In turn, dear parents, you must do your part as well! Please give SLOVENIAN SCHOOL your full consideration and register your children on Sept. 14 and 21. If you have friends, who are of Slovenian background and this notice does not reach them, please tell them and encourage them to send their children to our school. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your children the same opportunity! We look forward to seeing you! Sandy Allen - Principal Slovenian International Language School OKTOBERFEST, Saturday October 19th Breslau - Kitchener - OBERKRAINER HAUS Hosted by "SAVA", sponsored by Slovenian Society St. Joseph Society - Društvo Sv. Jožefa, Hamilton Saturday, October 19th, 2013 - Departure - 12:00, St. Gregory's Parking Lot SPECIAL PACKAGE- $55.00 per person includes: • Visit to St. Jacob Market and Flea Market • Admission ticket to Sava Club • Delicious Dinner (6:30 PM) • Dancing to live band • Kitchener German Oktoberfest Dancers • Taxes & Gratuities • Comfortable Motor Coach transportation Reservation only with full payment of: $55. Cheque payable to St. Joseph Society! Act soon, one bus only! Contact: Jerry Ponikvar@ 905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar@905-643-0285 KONCERT_ Slovenski komorni zbor Megaron iz Ljubljane, pod vodstvom g. Damijana Močnika in dirigentke ge. Martine Batič, bo nastopil v cerkvi Brezmadežne na Brown's Line v petek, 27. septembra ob 7:30 zvečer. Vsi prisrčno vabljeni! svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lìi Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don Bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 15. 09. 2013 DO 22. 09. 2013 svete mase - masses 24. Nedelja med letom 24th Sunday in O.T. 15. September Žalostna Mati Božja Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Stane Napast Grand children Pinter f Ankica Mlačak 11:00 a.m. Družina Mlačak Ponedeljek f Starši Ceklin in brat Miro 7:00 p.m. Družina Svoljšak Monday f Marija in Anton Družina Svoljšak 16. September f Sorodnik in prijatelji Družina Žvan Kornelij in Ciprijan f Alojz Šuštar Janka Mihelčič z družino Torek f Frank Gimpelj 8:00 a.m. Tony in Marilyn Letnik Tuesday Za zdravje Majda Salajko 17. September f Vinko Kovič Zečevič Stojanka Robert Bellarmin,šk.c.u f Izidor Salajko Majda Salajko Sreda f Jože Lovšin 7:00 p.m. Družina Pust Wednesday f Jože Pust Družina Pust 18. September ff Tončka in Janko Dmešar Družina Pust Jožef Kupertinski, muč f Marija Gjerek n.n. ČETRTEK f Ludvik Hull 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Thursday f Frank Gimpelj Joe in Kathy Prša 19. September f Frank Gimpelj Kalman in Kristina Mes Januarij, škof-muč. f Viktor Ferko Brat Karl z družino Petek Friday 20. September Andrej Kim, korejski m. ff Iz družine Zorčič f Frank Gimpelj ff Janko in Tončka Demšar ff Štefan in Marija Pelcar 7:00 p.m. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Monika Barkovich Pavla in Franc Pelcar Pavla in Franc Pelcar Sobota f Frank Gimpelj 8:00 a.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak s°turaay f Frank Drvarič 5:30 p.m. Sidonia Drvarič u f Ferdinand Volf Družina Volf 21 SEPTEMBER f Janko Demšar Družini Napast-Pinter Matej, ap°st°l-evangelìst f Marija Gjerek Marija Glavač 25. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. 25th Sunday in O.T. f Ladislav Salajko Majda in Slavko Salajko 22. September ff Ana in Rudi Hanc Joe in Olga Hanc Slomškova nedelja Jesenski banket - Fall Banquet 12:00noon ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA