06/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 10. 02. 2013 5. NEDELJA MED LETOM 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca Web page www.carantha.net Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Dragi bratje in sestre! V postnem času smo povabljeni, da obnovimo vero v Boga, da poglobimo naše poznavanje in ljubezen do Jezusa Kristusa in živimo življenje, polno svetega Duha tako, da velikodušno delimo svoj čas, svoje sposobnosti in materialne dobrine. Čas za spreobnjenje in prenovo življenja se začne s pepelnično sredo. Duhovnik na čelu naredi znamenje, ki ga spremljao besede: »Pomni, da si prah in da v prah povrneš« ali »Spreobrni se in veruje evangeliju.« Oba sta vabilo k spremembi življenja. Če se zavedamo, da bomo umrli, kakšno življenje si izbiramo? Če sprejemamo grešnost, kako se bomo potem odrešili? V tem letu vere se trudimo, da bi razumeli, kaj izpovedujemo tako da, ko bomo na veliko soboto obnovili krstne obljube, bomo to storili s prenovljenim navdušenjem in veseljem! To navdušenje delimo s katehumeni - to so tisti, ki so si izbrali, da bodo hodili za Kristusom in bodo krščeni, birmani in prejeli prvo obhajilo skupaj z nami na velikonočno vigilijo. Njihova izbira vzpodbuja in podpira tudi našo izbiro. Post torej pomeni, življenje ŽIVETO v polnosti - v ljubezni do Kristusa, v poslušanju njegovega nauka in nauka Cerkve in v skrbi za druge, še posebej tiste v največjih potrebah. V postu se »postimo-odpovedujemo«, zato, da bi se bolj osredotočili na Njegovo besedo in bolj jasno slišali, kaj želi od nas. Ko smo se odpovedovali v postnem času, smo ob koncu povabljeni, da bi namenili del teh »zakladov« tistim, ki imajo manj. Kanadska organizacija »Development and Peace« dobi dobršen del te nabirke in s tem podpira različne programe po vsem svetu, še posebej v južni polobli. Tudi letos vas povabim, da bi namenili dolar na dan /dovolj, da se nahrani ena družina/ za vsak dan posta v ta namen. Vabim vas, da se v postnem času pri svoji dnevni molitvi spomnimo drug drugega, še posebej pa tistih, ki so v preizkušnjah in življenjskih težavah in toliko bolj potrebujejo božjo bližino. Naj Bog blagoslavlja vsakega od nas, naj nas PRITEGNE bližje k sebi in zbliža med seboj in nam pomaga ponovno odkriti veselje v hoji za Njim. Iskreno vaš v Jezusu Kristusu in Brezmadežni, Douglas Crosby, hamil. škof Ash Wednesday 2013 Dear sisters and brothers in Christ: Throughout Lent we are encouraged to renew our faith in God, to deepen our knowledge and love for Jesus Christ, and to live a Spirit-filled life by sharing generous gifts of time, talent and treasure. This time of conversion and renewal of life begins on Ash Wednesday. The priest or minister marks our forehead with ashes saying either: Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return; or, Repent, and believe the Gospel. Both are life-changing invitations. If we recall that we are going to die, then how do we choose to live? If we accept that we sin, then how are we saved? In this Year of Faith, we strive to understand what we profess so that when we renew our baptismal promises at Easter, we will do so with fresh enthusiasm and joy! We share that enthusiasm with catechumens - men and women who choose to follow Jesus Christ as Catholics - who will be Baptized, Confirmed, and receive First Eucharist with us at the Easter Vigil Mass. Their choice encourages and supports ours! Lent, then, is all about LIFE lived to the full - in love with Christ, listening to His teaching and the teaching of the Church, and caring for others, especially those who are most in need. We "fast" during Lent so that we might focus more intensely on His word and hear more clearly what He wants of us. Having "fasted" through Lent, we are invited to give some of our "treasure" to those who have less through the Share Lent collection. The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace benefits greatly from this collection and supports development programs around the world, particularly in the Global South. Again this year, I invite you to consider making a contribution of $1.00 per day (the amount to feed a family for a day) for each of the 40 days of Lent. In our daily prayer during the Lenten season, let us remember to pray for one another, especially those who are experiencing difficulties and challenges and who need the Lord in special ways. May God bless each one and all of us, DRA W US close to Him and to one another, and help us Rediscover the Joy of following Him! Yours sincerely in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate. +D0ug/aA, OMI (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton T V sredo, 6. februarja 2013 smo s članicami Katoliške ženske zveze imeli večerno sveto mašo, med katero smo ustoličili nov izvršni odbor zveze: predsednica: Heidy Novak, bivša predsednica: Sidonia Poppa, podpredsednica: Angela Kobe, tajnica: Pamela Gosganch, blagajnik: Mary Ann Demšar. Vse čestitke novemu vodstvu, da bi dobro vodile skupino in ji dajale novega duha in zagona. Med sveto mašo je pesmi prepevala angleška skupina. 1 Sunday's Readings 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: "Before the angels I sing your praise, O Lord." First Reading Isaiah 6:1-8 The Lord takes away the sin of the prophet and invites him to be his messenger. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1 -11 Paul speaks about the hope of the resurrection and the confidence that he has received from God's power at work in his life. Gospel_Luke 5:1-11 Jesus calls Simon Peter and commissions him to preach the Gospel to all people. "Do not be afraid." Illustration Last summer we witnessed the spectacle of the London Olympics and Paralympics. For the competitors, those few weeks provided the opportunity to bring to fulfilment the many years of preparation, training, commitment and sacrifice. Emotions ran high, and for many hope changed to disappointment in a moment. For only a few were there medals to take home. While many were disappointed, there was the personal reassurance of doing one's best. Of course, behind every achievement there is a hidden group of people who have helped and assisted the progress of the person who is centre stage. This may be the dedication of parents who take their daughter whose passion is swimming to the pool early every morning, or the loving care of those who have enabled people with disability to achieve their potential in new and difficult ways. To persevere and work towards such achievements requires courage and making many sacrifices so that the goal can be pursued. Following such a path in sport is a calling because it requires courage, commitment and sacrifice to use one's God-given gifts to the full. Often a person needs the support of those who say, "Do not be afraid." Gospel Teaching Today's readings are full of surprises about the people chosen by God for particular tasks. The prophet Isaiah is a man of prayer who is familiar with the Temple. He is called by the Lord to become his prophet through whom he will name injustice, call kings to account and proclaim an unwelcome message that will meet resistance and opposition. Paul is aware of his history and recalls how he persecuted the Christians and had Stephen put to death. How he might have wept in later life when he looked back at his misdirected zeal. The tears might have been of sorrow for his actions; they might have been of joy because of the way in which God had graced him to do God's will. The central figure in today's Gospel reading is Simon Peter, the fisherman who is ready to acknowledge his sinfulness and asks the Lord to leave him in peace. But Peter's wishes are not God's will and he is called to be a disciple. In this moment of feeling very small and somewhat inadequate in the presence of Jesus, he is given a new mission and sent as an apostle to call others to Christ. Jesus says, "Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch." Each of these men, Isaiah, Paul and Peter, recognises his inadequacy in the face of God's call- ing and knows that it is only by God's grace that he can carry out God's call and God's will. Each one is created in the image and likeness of God and reflects an aspect of God's glory. Through God turning their lives upside down, they begin explicitly to proclaim the saving power of God and the message of God's kingdom: Isaiah moves from fearful man to bold preacher; Paul from persecutor of Christians to prophetic apostle; Peter from fisherman to martyr in Rome. They remembered the words of God: "Do not be afraid." Application Calling comes in many different forms. For those people competing last summer their calling could be seen in the world of sports. Many of those competing in the Olympics and Paralympics might not have recognised they were using God's gifts and witnessing to God's power among them. However, we believe as Catholics that every act makes a difference and in some way speaks of God. The calling for Isaiah, Paul and Peter is explicitly to proclaim the message of God's kingdom. However, at the time of their deaths, human minds might have questioned their achievements. In spite of Isaiah's preaching, the land of Israel was conquered. Peter and Paul died as martyrs in Rome, one on a cross, the other by the sword. Only later do we see their achievements in the light of the resurrection. Most of us do not win medals at the Olympics or become like Isaiah, Paul or Peter. However, each of us is given gifts by God to use for the good of others. We are God's witnesses and when we can speak of God's grace at work in ourselves we can be recognised clearly as Catholics and Christians. We are lights in the world who can share our hope with others. To allow our light to shine out, we can take courage from those words of Jesus, "Do not be afraid." »TOVARNA NUDLCEV« - Clanice KZZ delajo rezance za vskoletni Bazaar, ki bo 3. marca 2013 Obvestila - Announcements pevski ZBOR Pevske vaje bodo v četrtek po večerni maši. Zbor bo zopet pel pri maši v nedeljo 17. februarja, na prvo postno nedeljo CWL KZZ Catholic Women's League of St. Gregory the Great invites our parish | and their families to our Annual Parish Bazaar, Sunday, March 3. Lunch tickets will be on sale between Sunday masses starting next Sunday, Feb. 17. Adult-$12 ( $15 at the door); Child 4-10-$5; 3 and under-free. Reservations will only be held for pre-paid tickets. In an effort to be able to properly prepare seating and food we really need to know our numbers in advance. Thank you for understanding our concern. Lottery tickets are being sold between Sunday masses. Could all members please attempt to sell 5 books each. All proceeds from the sale of lottery tickets go directly to the parish. Noodles will be available only the day of the Bazaar at 10:30am; after the first morning mass. Strudel will be sold only at the Bazaar. Unfortunately we are unable to take pre-orders this year. We kindly ask for donations of new or crafted items for the Penny Sale and Raffle tables. These can be given to our members that are selling tickets and on the morning of Saturday, March 2. We would greatly appreciate these donations before the Bazaar date to prepare them for presentation. This is our leagues biggest fundraising effort. We have been and continue to prepare for a day that our parish community can come together to share a lovely afternoon of fun with family and friends. We look forward to your attendance, generosity and support to help make this a successful parish event. Membership fees are now past-due. Please hand them in as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to the matter. novi člani za Župnijski svet_ Mesec februar se hitro bliža in tudi letni Občni zbor. Vsake leto potrebujemo tudi nove člane za Župnijski pastoralni svet. Župnijski svet je desna roka župnika pri načrtovanju in upravljanju župnije. Potrebujemo pripravljene prostovoljce, ki boste s svojim znanjem in sposobnostmi pomagali, da bomo še naprej ohranjali delovanje naše župnije. Nove ideje, novi pogledi so vedno dobrodošli, saj nam to pomaga pri načrtovanju dogodkov in prireditev. Pred nami je 50 letnica župnije v letu 2014 in bo potrebno veliko načrtovanja in organiziranosti. Naslednje leto smo tudi gostitelji Slovenskega dneva. Ne se ustrašit, češ to pa ni za mene, naj drugi to delajo; vsak lahko doda svoj delež in tako bomo lažje in lepše gradili našo prihodnost. 60. let poroke_ V četrtek, 14. februarja 2013, bosta Pavla in Frank Pelcar obhajala 60 letnico poroke. Ob 5:00 p.m. sveta maša, potem pa ste vabljeni na okrepičilo v spodnjo dvorano. BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA_ 17. marca 2013 bo društvo sv. Jožefa skupaj z društvom Bled pripravilo BANKET. Ta dan bo SAMO ENA SV. MAŠA in sicer ob 10:00h dopoldne, začetek kosila bo ob 12:00h. Po kosilu bodo nastopili FANTJE S PRAPROTNA, spremljal jih ansambel BRAJDA. Cena vstopnice je $35 za odrasle in $20 za študente. Rezervacije in vstopnice dobite pri Franku Erzarju 905-643-0285 ali pri Ivanu Krušiču 905-393-6594. DAROVI_ V zadnjem času so za cerkev darovali: $100 Cecilija Sobočan namesto cvetja na grob Ivana Simončiča; $100 daruje Lojzka Saje namesto cvetja na grob Ivana Simončiča; $50 daruje Marija Hočevar za cerkev v spomin na Ivana Simončiča; $60 daruje Gizella Ray za čiščenje in za rože; $50 darujeta Dragica in Alojz Ferenčak namesto cvetja na grob Ernesta Frumen; $50 daruje družina Malevič v spomin na Ivana Simončiča; $100 daruje Alojz Sarjaš z družino za misijone; $100 daruje Francka Cestnik za misijone. Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $200 Olga Čulig; $100 Štefan in Gizella Ray, $150 Irma in Ignac Dorenčec. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam stoterno poveni. SVETOVNI DAN BOLNIKOV - 11. Feb. 2013 Na dan Luške Matere božje obhajamo svetovni dan bolnikov. Vodilo letošnjega dneva bolnikov se glasi se: »Pojdi in ti delaj prav tako!« Ta misel nas vabi, da na obličju trpečega človeka prepoznamo obličje Kristusa našega Odrešenika. Dan in njegovo bližino naj zaznamuje naša pozornost do bolnikov in trpečim. Prav je, da v letu vere mislimo tudi na to razsežnost našega krščanskega življenja. Podoba usmiljenega Samarijana naj v teh dneh zaživi v naših srcih in delih. To je velika promocija zdravja in krščanskega pogleda na bolezen in trpljenje. K temu nas močno spodbuja tudi papeževa poslanica. Leto vere je priložnost za okrepitev diakonije ljubezni v naših cerkvenih skupnosti. POSTNI ČAS_ Na pepelnico bo med mašo pepeljenje. Strogi post je na pepelnico in veliki petek. Ta dva dneva se le enkrat na dan do sitega najemo in se zdržimo mesnih jedi. Strogi post veže od izpolnjenega 18. leta do začetka 60. leta. Samo zdržek od mesnih jedi je na vse petke v letu. Zunaj postnega časa smemo zdržek od mesnih jedi zamenjati s kakim drugim dobrim delom pokore ali ljubezni do bližnjega. Zdržek od mesnih jedi veže vernike od izpolnjenega 14. leta. Ob petkih bo zopet križev pot ob 6:30 p.m. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 13. februar 2013: Pepelnica /obred pepelenja / ♦ 24. februar 2013: Občni zbor - General meeting ♦ 3. marec 2013: BAZAAR - CWL-KŽZ ♦ 17. marec 2013: Banket društva sv. Jožefa .Ta dan bo samo ENA MAŠA in sicer ob 10:00h ♦ 24. marec 2013: Cvetna nedelja ♦ 29. marec 2013: Veliki petek ♦ 30. marec 2013: Velika sobota - blagoslov jedil in zvečer bogoslužje Velikonočne vigilije. ♦ 31. marec 2013: VELIKA NOČ ♦ 14. april 2013: SPOMLADANSKI BANKET ♦ 13. maj 2013: MATERINSKI DAN ♦ 26. maj 2013: PRVO OBHAJILO ♦ 2. junij 2013: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi v župniji in popoldne v Londonu; v katedrali je ta dan ob dveh popoldne maša za vse, ki obhajajo okrogle obletnice porok. ♦ 9. junij 2013: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa v Slovenskem parku. ♦ 16. junij 2013: Očetovski dan - Bled /12:30/ ♦ 23. junij 2013: SLOVENSKI DAN - SAVA/ BRESLAV OD 10. 02. 2013 DO 17. 02. 2013 svete maše - masses 5. Nedelja med letom 10.Februar Sholastika, redovnica Za žive in rajne župljane T Ivan Sobočan T Janez Recek T Justika Mencigar TT Pokojni člani društva Sava TT Pokojni člani društva London 9:30 a.m. Družina Vuk 11.00 a.m. Jožica Recek Jožica Recek 12:00noon SAVA - BRESLAV 4:00 p.m. LONDON - St. John the Div. Ponedeljek - Monday 11.Februar Lurška Mati Božja T Štefka Rihar TT Ludvik in Irma Hull T Štefan Prša T Ludvik Hull TT Simončič Ivan in Ethel 7:00 p.m. Družina Rihar Ray Bates Lahner cecilija Lehner Cecilija Amalija Štadler Torek - Tuesday 12.Februar Erna in Aleksij T Adam Lehner T Ludvik Hull TT Irma in Ludvik Hull TT Anton in Malka Marušič 8:00 a.m. Cilka Lehner Gizela Hauzar Mary Hočevar Frank in Thea Marušič Sreda - Wednesday 13.Februar ++ PEPELNICA T Jože Jerič T Irma Hull Pepeljenje T Štefan Prša med mašo T Janez Hočevar 7:00 p.m. Jožica Hapke Družina Vogrinčič Kathy in Martin Simončič Manja Erzetič Četrtek - Thursday 14.Februar Valentin, mučened Bogu v zahvalo za 60 let poroke TT Irma in Ludvnik Hull T Ciril Virant T Štefan Prša T Štefan prša 5:00 p.m. Pavla in Frank Pelcar 7:00 p.m. Ignac in terezija Sarjša Ženski pevski zbor Joe in Kathy Prša Marija Štern in Sonja Podre. Petek - Friday 15.Februar Klavdij, redovnik T Sidonia Horvat T Stanko Ferenčak T Irma Hull T Janez Hočevar Križev pot ob 6:30p.m. 7:00 p.m. Sestra Verona Tompa Veronika Obal Ludvnik Hull Štefan Petek z družino T Ivan Sobočan 8:15 a.m. Pavel Novak in družina Sobota - Saturday T Florian Miklavčič 5:30 p.m. Žena Anica 16.Februar T Ivan Sobočan Anica Miklavčič Julijana, mučenka T Štefan Prša Hema Kosednar z družino T Florian Miklavčič Družina Cule 1. Postna nedelja 17. Februar Aleš, red. ustanovitelj Za žive in rajne župljane T Fabian T Marija Suhadolc 9:30 a.m. Anica Miklavčič 11.00 a.m. Anton Suhadolc svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971,