c o HEAVY INDUSTRIES AND PROJECT ENGINEERING SERVICES Established 1920 , HEAD OF.-ICE: Zagrebška 20,62000 Maribor, Yugoslavia Phone: (062) 32 751, telex: 033115 yumetmb, cables: METALNA MARIBOR, P.O.B.: 103 BRANCH OFFICES: Beograd, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje DIVISIONS: PRODUCTION PROGRAMME: Heavy Equipment Plant- Gates and hoists for hydraulic projects Maribor Penstocks . ’ Materials handling equipment Industrial equipment Steel hatch covers Heavy Equipment Erection Heavy equipment erection Division-Maribor Light Structures Plant- Steel building construction Krmelj Steel bridges Construction Machinery Building cranes and hoists Plant-Senovo Agricultural Machinery Farm sprayers and tractor attachments Plant - Maribor Research and development institute, specialised design offices, after-sales service 1. THE DJERDAP (IRON GATE) HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT on the Danube wasbuilt jointly by Rumania and Yugoslavia. ; ISTALLA manufactured and erected 9000 tonnes of water control equipment for the dam and navi, gat ion lock. Main part of equipment delivered: three sets of four gates each, sise: 27 X 2,6 x 4.1 m, weight: 65 - 75 tonnes each; seven spillway gates of 25 x 158 m and 300 tonnes each. Other equipment: embedded nete], and guides for gates, trashrack cleaning machine, linings and embedded parts for navigation lock. 2. handling 65-tonne stop log for DJERDAP (IRON GATE) Hydel Plant 3. The largest dam under construction in the world - TARBELA DAM on the Indus in West Pakistan. By the end of 1974 Metalna , will have delivered 6OO rail-wagon loads worth 7,000.000 dollars for that project. Twenty-eight 10 be 6 m wheel gates, six 14 X 5.5 m gates and sixteen 15 x 19 m radial gates will be installed. Each radial crest gate weighs 180 tonnes, and its hoist 40 tonnes. The gear reducers weigh 5»5 tonnes each, and each drum, with gear v/eighs 11 tonnes. Tarbela Dam is the 87th power generating project fitted with METALNA's equipment. Photo: BUTTRESS DAM with 28 wheel gates. 4. Trial shop erection of 180-tonne radial crest gate of 15 x 20 size for auxi!5.ary spillway, TARBELA DAM PROJECT 5. Partial view of BUTTRESS DAM 6. Erecting one of the eighteen 47-tonne gates for the buttress dam of Tarbela Dam Project 7* Tarbela Dam Project, West Pakistan 8* Trial shop erection of 180-tonne radial crest gate for TARBELA DAM PROJECT 9. In the manufacture and trial erection of heavy hydraulic gates METALNA uses overhead travelling, portal and mobile cranes of relevant capacities 10. Two 60-tonne electromechanical hoists of 200-tonne hoisting capacity each for 180-tonne radial crest gate for spillway for TARBELA DAM PROJECT * 11. FIATATILA DAM in India - the 600-metre long dam is provided with 23 gates of 18 x 7 m size 12. Manufacture of gates for Mutatila Dam in India 13. DAHUBE-TIS A-D A'UJ BE CANAL - mitre gate of Kucura navigation lock 14. Stop log of 3.2 X 1.3 m size for DAHUBE-TISA— DANUBE CANAL 15. 12 X 12 m mitre gate for navigation lock at Novi Sad, DANURE-IISA-DANUBE CANAL 16. Wheeled stop-logs- for KOKIN BROD Hydel Plant 17. Radial gate for JAJCE I Hydel Plant 18. Stop log for 18-metre spillway bay of ZVORNIK Iiydel Plant 19. Loading and sealing test of draft tube gate for AWASH Hydel Plant, Ethiopia 20. 27OO mm dia ring-follower gate for BAJIRA BASTA Hydel Plant 21. 18 X 8 m drum gate for one of the snillway bays in ZVORNIK DAM 22. Radial gate with flap for Šumeoica dam of SENJ Hydel Plant 23. Roller gates for GUJRANWALA Hydel Plant in Pakistan 24. Radial gate for HAHABAD Hydel Plant 25. Non-return flap valves preventing underground drainage - for PERUGIGA Hydel Plant 26. OgBALT Hydel Plant - power and manually operated gate hoist with sprocket chain, 2 x 100-tonne hoisting capacity 27. Rixed-dispersion cone valve (HOWELL BURGER type) for Hodrac Dam 28. MAHABAD Hydel Plant in Iran - installing bottom outlet regulating gate 29. SPLIT Hydel Plant - Tee of 5000 mm. dia penstock 30. VUHRED Hydel Plant - Electrically operated 3.2.5 - tonne lifting capacity trash rack cleaning machine 31. .MAHABAD Hydel Plant in Iran - 3200/2 x I6OO mm dia penstock 32. PERUGIGA Hydel Plant - penstock 2064 m long, 2200/2100 mm dia 33. \,TInVEŠ Hydel Plant - 4700 mm dia manifold with 2500 mm ■ bifurcates 34« Bottom, outlet transition piece for MAHABAD Hydel Plant 35«.'Overhead travelling cranes of 150/10-tonne capacity in SRiiĐliJA DRAVA I Hydroelectric Power House 36. 75-tonne capacity gantry crane in IIIRAKUD DAM, India 37. VUZENICA Hydel Plant on Drava river - 2 x 70-tonne capacity crane s O loQ-\ ' l* MH fj»P Pis ».is . * pis Pis Pus -.,-s* K