Naslov — Address nova doba ®233 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio NOVA DOBA (NEW ERA) Ameriška bratska zveza je naša, Amerika je naša, obramba Amerike je naša in tudi pri osveti za Peari Ilarbor bomo imeli mi naš del! URADNO GLASILO AMERIŠKE BRATSKE ZVEZE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION ^Entered as Second Class Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, Under the Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided for In Section 1103, Act of October 3rd, 1917, Authorized March 15th, 1925 CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 — SREDA, 18. FEBRUARJA, 1942 VOL. XVIII. — LETNIK XVIII. ZAPISNIK 6hTvcfiZB0R0VANJA GLAVNEGA ODBORA AMERIŠKE veiyt,ZVEZE’ KI SE JE vršilo V GLAVNEM URADU \ U‘ Minnesota, od 9. do 11. februarja 1942 Prva seja K; Ideljgk Q1 Pre^se^n'k Janko N. Rogelj otvori prvo sejo v po-' ^ruarja ob 9. uri dopoldne, centralni vojni čas, s nagovorom.- bratje in sestra: ibvanraVilih ^-meriške bratske zveze smo se zbrali k letnemu tesecev t ^šimo poročila o našem delovanju zadnjih šestih Kim er da napravimo načrte za prihodnjih šest mesecev. Stjjj, vso pozornost predloženim poročilom, na podlagi **t, narri bo mogoče zamišljati potrebne smernice za bodoč- ^ vseraV-^am ^as v imenu članstva naše Zveze ter Vam ž ^ato ria^°^e za časa tega zborovanja. * H0 Se Ugotovi, da so navzoči sledeči glavni odborniki: jr f’aui j^0gelJ’ Predsednik; Frank Okoren, prvi podpredsed- • )block, drugi podpredsednik; Anton Krapenc, četrti ' šegf ^ ’ ^osePh Sneler, peti podpredsednik; Mary Predo- > ^ Jr 4 P°dPredsednica; Anton Zbašnik, tajnik; Frank Tom- * v;hP°m0Žni tajnik! Louis Champa, blagajnik; dr. F. J. ^Dob°Vni travnik; Anton J. Terbovec, urednik-upravnik * ran' t’ Kumše, predsednik nadzornega odbora; Frank S* Su’ j>rvi nadzornik; Matt Anzelc, drugi nadzornik; 'f 1 aVe°’ ^r’’ tretJ* nadzornik; Frank J. Kress, četrti *' °dsot ^°^re^sec^n^ Joseph Kovach je pismeno opravičil * 2a , nost in glavni odbor je njegovo opravičbo sprejel. |oVec ’stl^arja zborovanja je imenovan urednik Anton J. f emu se za zapisnikarsko delo določi običajna ^Hega an ln soglasno sprejet je zapisnik zadnjega zborovanja : čag °, ^ora> ki se je vršilo v avgustu leta 1941. Nfie te °rovanJa se določi od 9. ure dopoldne do 12. ure |fatoer 0(^ P°1 dveh do pol šestih popoldne. (jr>^e bilo soglasno sklenjeno, da se predsedniku Zedi-jt Zav Pošlje sledeča pozdravna brzojavka: p ^ranklin D. Roosevelt, lesident of the United States, he s Washill£ton, D. C. a ^ireme Board of Directors of the American Fraternal an la^ernal benefit insurance society operating in 22 teg. having a membership of over 25,000, extend to you, Ued 6n^’ sincere greetings and best wishes for your f 0/°°d health. Permit us, Mr. President, to re-assure >jj, unshaken confidence in your leadership, and to rebel our entire membership, our pledge of loyalty oved country—The United States of America. AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION, ^ By Anton Zbasnik, Supreme Secretary.” e Poročila glavnih odbornikov. 11L . UROČILO GLAVNEGA PREDSEDNIKA 1 <; bratje in sestra: y %0 2 ° •*e zoPet šest mesecev našega dela za Ameriško A * pofl ezo' dolžnost mi veleva in pravila mi narekujejo, da ca SV0Je P°r°čilo o mojem šestmesečnem delu. % S ^asa sem vam poročal o posameznih dogodkih v 1 nem Siasilu, zato mi ne bo potreba v detajlih opisovati v-j \ 8|QCe v tem poročilu, da sem se udeležil dveh sej glavnega $ V*5' inVetlSke sekcUe Jugoslovanskega pomožnega odbora v IS k^Ša l(0*ak° tudi seje pripravljalnega odbora Slovenskega na-'4 !, ij ?n^resa v Ameriki. Med tem sem obiskal naše društvo f ^in^’ ^ont-’ ter društvi v Biltte, Mont., kjer so prazno- V fan- Udeležil sem se Narodnega bratskega kongresa in 'J Seuj r&tskega kongresa kot zastopnik naše organizacije. | & * udeležil tudi slavnosti društva št. 66 v Jolietu, 111. % kof62*11 zastoPnik pri JPO,SS imam precej dela s publici- 5 k t)av esP°ndenco med glavnimi uradniki in posamezniki, ki L’ t0da° ^eSa i/* a^ciji> kakor tudi o zapričeti akciji Slovenskega m 3. ha °ngresa Vam bom lahko več poročal pozneje, ko pride 3 ni red- ^4 v 2^'°čila glavnega tajnika boste videli napredek naše šestih mesecih, kakor tudi celoletni napredek. A [Alo je, da se vam zahvalim za vsako delo, ki je pri temu napredku. Tako se zahvalim tudi vsem našim Ij^i j. v^ra-dnikom in posameznim članom, ki so bili delavni <•] aS* ^vezi v zadnjem letu. Le s skupnim delom in močjo ^ čfak naPredek. f ,atl finančnega odbora sem vedno priporočal nakup , f'i&r!;. atere sem smatral zanesljive in obrestonosne za našo * kVhClJo. s <4 SVqJj m letu so bile Združene države napadena od sovraž-fii in demokracije. Naša domovina je sedaj v vojni. f \ C s^j.^ui nove domovine in člani Ameriške bratske zveze / l na strani naše vlade v Washingtonu. S tem da je s v°jni, računati moramo tudi z novimi postavami in s kateremi bo povezano naše bratsko udejstvovanje, f JVi^ega odbora bo, da bo v tej smeri tudi vodil našo število naših mlajših članov se je že odzvalo voja-®V>v°ial^Združenih držav, drugi jim bodo še sledili.Vsem tem ^ tj. v °m naj bo povedano v imenu Ameriške bratske zve-I&l fts 6 članstvo sodelovalo ž njimi, kjer koli bo prilika in I Jo, ftesla tako, da se ohrani ameriško svobodo in demo-I I ''T £ Naša organizacija je že kupila obrambne bonde ter jih bo od časa do časa še kupila, ko se bo investiralo zvezin denar. V tem letu bomo morali poskrbeti, da pridobimo nove člatie v odrasli in mladinski oddelek ABZ. V deželi so sč razmere izboljšale in dano situacijo moramo izrabiti v prid našega dela. To naj bi bilo moje poročilo sedanjemu zasedanju glavnega odbora ABZ. Ko pridejo na dnevni red razprave, bom lahko poročal več o mojem delu, ako bo potrebno. Hvala lepa glavnemu tajniku, bratu Antonu Zbašniku, in vsem drugim glavnim odbornikom za bratsko naklonjenost zadnjih šest mesecev. Skušal bom enako naklonjenost vračati vedno in vsepovsodi, ker le v skupnem in bratskem delu glavnega odbora bo napredovala naša Ameriška bratska zveza, kajti takemu vzgledu bo sledilo ostalo članstvo naše organizacije. J. N. Rogelj, glavni predsednik. v H- ¥ POROČILO PRVEGA GLAVNEGA PODPREDSEDNIKA Glavnemu odboru ABZ: Po pravilih naše organizacije je moja dolžnost, da vam podam tu moje poročilo. Od zadnje seje pa do danes sem skušal vestno in po moji najboljši zmožnosti vršiti posle mojega urada. Skušal sem biti točen na korespondenco, katero sem od časa pa do časa prejemal iz glavnega urada. Na referendume sem odglasoval vselej tako, kakor sem smatral, da je najboljše za organizacijo. Ravno tako sem bil deležen iste kooperacije od strani glavnega urada, kadar sem slučajno vprašal za kaka pojasnila, pa najsibode tikajoče se urada društvenega tajnika ali glavnega uradnika, za kar naj velja zahvala gl. tajniku br. Zbašniku. Dne 22. nov. je naše društvo obhajalo 40-letnico svojega obstanka. Proslava se je nepričakovano lepo obnesla. Zato je moja dolžnost, da se ob tej priliki lepo zahvalim našemu gl. predsedniku, ker se je nas spomnil ob isti priliki z lepim voščilom in priporočilom, kar bo naše društvo skušalo upoštevati. Bratje in sestra, ker so tudi Združene države potegnjene v vrtinec vojnega valovja, bo gotovo prišlo na tem zborovanju v pretres glede certifikatov tistih članov, kateri so bili ali bodo poklicani pod orožje, da čuvajo svobodno zveznato zastavo, bodem podal svojo priporočilo, kadar bo prišla stvar na dnevni red. Končno pa želim sedanjemu zasedanju obilo uspeha ter dobrih in za organizacijo koristnih zaključkov. Z bratskim pozdravom, Frank Okoren, prvi gl. podpredsednik. * * * REPORT OF THE 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Honorable Members of the Supreme Board: Sister and Brothers:— I am submitting my report for the fiscal year. I have answered all the various referendums and letters received from the Home Office with my honest opinion and best ability for the AFU. \ The war between the United States and the Axis has resulted in saddened moral during these trying days as many of our active AFU members who have been called and who have volunteered to the colors are all playing an important part in active service of our country. We who are still at home must not relax in doing our part. We must work even harder now and pull together cooperatively so that we can throw every facility against our enemies and assure a victory—great and complete—for our great country. We should not forget about our American Fraternal Union in these trying times. Let’s get to work. Go out and secure new members. Let’s get the younger generations for they are the future of the AFU. Let’s all work hard so our Union many continue to grow larger and stronger. Let us work together to make our United States a better place to enjoy real Fraternalism. I have attended the AFU Penna. Federation meetings and several of our local lodge affairs. They all have proved to be a real benefit to our great AFU. I attended the 40th Anniversary of grand AFU Lodge No. 26 in Pittsburgh where our brother Secretary Zbasnik was an honored guest and speaker. Brother Zbasnik gave the people an interesting and inspiring talk on the present world affairs. I wish more of us could have heard him. I am sure all the people understood him and are living up to what Brother Zbasnik has asked of them to do their part in helping our great country. In conclusion, I want to thank the Supreme Board and members for the fine cooperation I received from them the past six months. May this meeting bring good results for the benefit of all the members of our great AFU. I also wish to express my best wishes for the health, happiness and safe return for all our boys in active service that they may bring back victory to the land we all love, the United States, the home of the freedom loving people. Fraternally yours, Paul J. Oblock, 2nd Vice President. ¥ * * REPORT OF THE 3rd SUPREME VICE PRESIDENT To the Supreme Board Of the American Fraternal Union: Again, I extend my heartiest greetings to each and every one attending the annual meeting beiqg held here at Ely, Minnesota, the heart of the Arrowhead Country. As a member of the Athletic Committee I have tried to attend every meeting called by our Supreme Secretary. At these meetings, as may be seen by the minutes, I have always acted upon each subject in best possible manner. I answered all referendums and other correspondence received from the home office without unnecessary delay. I attended the Minnesota Fraternal Congress sessions held Nov. 29, 1941 at the Ryan Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. At this meeting, problems concerning all Fraternal Organizations were discussed. The payment of Social Security assessments by the officers of subordinate lodges, was one of the most important subjects on the floor. The Fraternal Congress was informed by Mr. Wm. G. Fisher, Chairman of the Educational Committee, that the University of Minnesota would have a short course in Fraternal Sales Training this summer. Further details on said course will be mailed to members of the Minnesota Fraternal Congress at a later date. It was suggested that if at all possible, all Fraternal Organizations begin to study the underwriting of group insurance. Delegates, of some of the Fraternals now writing group insurance, spoke on the subject. Mr. Wm. Finke, Director of the State Old Age Assistance of Minnesota, gave a very interesting talk on “Old Age Assistance Now and in the Future!” Norton J. Williams, Vice-President of the N. F. C. of A., spoke at the meeting and also substituted for Mr. Thomas R. Heaney, President of the N. F. C. of A., at the banquet, held in the evening of Nov. 29th. With our nation at war, I am sure our members are now and will continue to do their utmost to help Uncle Sam win this war. Through our official organ the “Nova Doba,” we are and must continue to encourage our members to help by buying United States Defense Bonds and Stamps. We also must encourage our members how they can be helpful in Civilian Defense Work. We must do everything to be strong. For a bigger and better American Fraternal Union in these United States of America, the best land in all the world, I remain Fraternally yours, Joseph Kovach, 3rd Supreme Vice President. ¥ H- * REPORT OF THE 4th SUPREME VICE PRESIDENT To the Supreme Board of American Fraternal Union, Ely, Minnesota: Since the Board’s last meeting up to this date, I sincerely tired to perform my duties as a member of the Supreme Board of A. F. U. The referendums and correspondence received from headquarters and members of the Supreme Board, I answered as promptly as possible. On November 8, 1941, I represented the supreme board at the 15th anniversary of the Lodge Ilirska Vila, Np. 173 AFU in Cleveland, Ohio and at the same time I attended the 20th anniversary of Lodge No. 71 AFU. At that time I had the opportunity to come in contact with the officers and members of both lodges, and I want to compliment them for the wonderful spirit they show for our American Fraternal Union. On November 9, 1941 I attended an AFU Federation meeting for Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. Both affairs, in Cleveland and Joliet, were a great moral success for A. F. U. Now that our country is at war, I would like to suggest to the Supreme Board that we consider this situation very seriously and that we invest all the money we possibly can in the United States Savings Bonds. By doing this, we’ll help to save our country and freedom and at the same time we’ll help to preserve our Great American Fraternal Union. Since we have a lot of our young members in the armed forces of the United States, we should try to make an effort to remember them with a few dollars for cigarette money. By doing this, wee’ll show tKem that we appreciate their efforts to save our country from distruction and dictatorship. I am sure that these boys will take this to their hearts and when they return to civilian life, they will stay in our Lodge and they will continue to be 100% loyal members of our American Fraternal Union. Fraternally, Anton Krapenc, 4th Supreme Vice President. * v * POROČILO 5. GLAVNEGA PODPREDSEDNIKA Glavnemu odboru ABZ: V sledečem podajam moje skromno poročilo za dobo zadnjih šestih mesecev. Na vsa pisma, poslana iz glavnega urada, sem odgovarjal kar mogoče točno in hitro. Moje poslovanje z glavnim tajnikom in z drugimi glavnimi odborniki je bilo kooperativno in se je vršilo v pravem bratskem duhu. Upam, da ostane tako tudi v bodočnosti, ker s tem dajemo vsemu članstvu dober vzgled. Od sloge, sodelovanja in medsebojnega zaupanja ima korist naša Ameriška bratska zveza. Dne 28. decembra lanskega leta je društvo št. 26 proslavilo štiridesetletnico svojega obstanka, in slavnostne prireditve se je na željo društva in po sklepu glavnega odbora udeležil tudi naš glavni tajnik Anton Zbašnik, bivši dolgoletni član in večkratni predsednik omenjenega društva. Njegov govor je napravil kar najboljši vtis na člane in na prijatelje društva in so ga mnogi še dolgo potem omenjali in citirali. Društvo je hvaležno glavnemu odboru, ki je bil društveni želji ugodil, ter nam poslal omenjenega kot slavnostnega govornika. Moje osebno prepričanje je, da so obiski glavnih odbornikov pri raznih važnejših društvenih prireditvah koristni za organizacijo, ker dvigajo moralo članov in ugled organizacije. Predno končam, naj mi bo dovoljeno še omeniti, da je naše društvo št. 26 tekom zadnjih šestih mesecev izgubilo dva dobra člana ,namreč Johna Balkovca, bivšega gl. odbornika, in Jos. Matičiča, večletnega društvenega blagajnika. Naj jima bo ohranjen blag spomin. S tem zaključujem moje skromno poročilo in ostajam vaš vdani, Joseph Sneler, 5. gl. podpredsednik. (Dalje na 2. strani) VSAK SVOJE Pošten človek da priznanje tudi sovražnikom, kadar ga zaslužijo. To velja tudi za urednike, ki so tako rekoč tudi ljudje; vsaj po večini. Jaz, na primer, sovražim zimo in imam redkokdaj dobro besedo zanjo. Letošnjo minnesotsko zimo pa sem na vsa usta hvalil vse tiste tri februarske dni, ki sem jih preživel v Minnesoti. Na tleh komaj par palcev na debelo snega, živo srebro vse dni in noči nad ničlo in podnevi sončni sij kar pomladanski. Prav kakor v Illinoisu, Indiani in Ohio. Morda je v tem vojnem času tudi zima postala patrio-tično vseameriška, to je v vseh državah enaka. / * Pustna nedelja in pustni torek sta minila in z njima je minilo brezskrbno veseljačenje. Danes je pepelnica in občinstvu so se zresnili obrazi. Bo namreč še dosti pepelničnih dni, brez ozira na sezono, predno bomo to vojno uspešno zaključili in spet lahko igrali maškare po priljubljenem ameriškem načinu. * Angleži sami včasih poudarjajo, da skoro v vsaki vojni izgubijo vse bitke, razen zadnje. Upajmo, da se bo tudi v sedanji vojni ui^esničil zadnji del omenjene trditve. Prvi se že uresničuje vse od Francije, Belgije, Grčije, Krete, Libije, Hong Konga, Malaje in Singapora. Angleži so naši zavezniki in seveda simpatiziramo z njimi, posebno, ker se zavedamo, da čim več hiš pogori okoli nas, v tem večji nevarnosti je naša lastna hiša. Naj bi bila Angležem naklonjena vsaj zadnja zmaga, ker tista je, ki šteje in odloča. * Iz Rusije se poroča, da so na nekem kraju dolge fronte Rusi pognali Nemce že 400 milj daleč nazaj. To niso več nikake predpustne šale niti za Hitlerja. Zdi se, da ruski mlini meljejo počasi, pa gotovo. * Posledice vojne se ne poznajo povsod enako. Na primer, v Clevelandu ali Chicagu je prav toliko ljudi in avtomobilov na cestah kot v normalnih časih; morda še več. V Elyu, Minnesota, ki šteje v normalnih časih okrog šest tisoč prebivalcev, pa se vojna pozna. Neki tamkajšnji obrtnik je dejal, da se je zadnje čase izselilo iz omenjenega malega mesta okrog 500 mladih ljudi. Mnogo jih je odšlo v velika mesta, kjer jim nudijo vojne industrije obilico za-poslenja, drugi so odšli k vojakom. V velikih mestih primanjkuje stanovanj, v malih pa se redči prebivalstvo. Vojni problemi zadevajo vso deželo, dasi v različnih oblikah. * Kmalu bomo pričeli dobivati sladkor v odmerkih in narodni ekonomi pravijo, da se bo vsled tega v doglednem času povprečna teža ameriškega prebivalstva znatno znižala. Posebno na ženski strani tehtnice. * Kadar pridem v Chicago in imam par ur časa na razpolago, se rad nekoliko izprehodim po “downtown” distriktu, ki se tam imenuje “loop.” Pa ni tam ničesar posebno lepega in privlačnega. Hladan, konvencionalen finančni, hotelski in trgovski distrikt. Pred desetletji sem ga večkrat videl, pa nikdar nisem kaj dosti maral zanj, in, ko me je usoda zanesla v drugi del dežele, ga nisem nikdar po-(Dalje na 4. strani) NOVA DOBA, 18. FEBRUARJA, 1942 Zapisnik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora ABZ (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) REPORT OF THE 6th SUPREME VICE PRESIDENT The Supreme Board of AFU, Ely, Minnesota Brother Members: In accordance with our by-laws, I am hereby submitting my report for the past six months. I have fulfilled my duties as a member of the Supreme Board to the best of my ability. I have answered all of my various referendums from the Supreme Office to the best of my ability and to the best interests of our Union. The Fourth Juvenile Convention which was held in Ely, Minnesota, August 15, 16 and in Eveleth, Minnesota, August 17, was a success being attended by 99 qualified delegates. We had as a guest in Montana, our Supreme President, Janko Rogelj, enroute to the National Fraternal Congress last September. In conclusion, I wish to thank all Board members for the cooperation hi the past year, and I hope that this meeting will continue to do good work for our Union. Fraternally yours, Mary Predovich, 6th Supreme Vice President. * * * POROČILO GLAVNEGA TAJNIKA Glavnemu odboru ABZ: Moje finančno poročilo za dobo od 1. julija pa do 31. decembra 1941 je narejeno na posebni formi in en iztis istega je bil izročen vsem glavnim odbornikom in odbprnici. Finančno poročilo izkazuje lep napredek v vseh skladih ter zdravo in zadovoljivo stanje Zveze v vseh ozirih. S smrtninskem skladu smo tekom zadnjih šest mesecev napredovali za $60,126.35, v bolniškem in odškodninskem za $11,-828.56, v dobrodelnem za $1,676.68, v športnem za $577.50 in v stroškovnem za $8,354.80. V mladinskem oddelku smo tekom zadnje polovice leta 1941 imeli $984.53 več izdatkov kot je bilo dohodkov, in sicer v glavnem radi 4. mladinske konvencije, ki se je vršila meseca avgusta 1941 in ki nas je stala $3,502.01. Skupno premoženje obeh oddelkov Ameriške bratske zveze je z dnem 31. decembra 1941 znašalo $2,972,109.65. Napredek tekom leta 1941 znaša $128,071.21. V zadnji polovici leta 1941 je pristopilo v odrasli oddelek Zveze 354 članov, v mladinskega pa 238, skupaj 592. V odraslem oddelku smo napredovali za 77 članov, v mladinskem pa nazadovali za 303. Ob koncu leta 1941 je bilo v odraslejn oddelku 16,031 članov, v mladinskem pa 9,275, skupaj 25,306. Tekom celega leta smo v odraslem oddelku napredovali za 425 članov, v mladinskem pa nazadovali za 132. Čisti napredek v članstvu 293. Zavarovalnina članov odraslega oddelka je dne 31. decembra 1941 znašala $11,301,522.00, mladinskega pa $4,184,900.00, skupaj $15,486,422.00. ■ t Napredek, ki ga ZV^za beleži za leto 1941 je, kot že rečeno, povoljen in razviiefjiv, toda ojunačiti se radi tega ne smemo preveč, ker se nahajamo—v vojni. Vojna je gorje, pa vzemite jo s katere strani hočete. Mi, svobodni ameriški državljani, imamo vsaj to zadoščenje, da se naša domovina bori za pošteno in pravično stvar in, ker pravica vedno zmaga, smo prepričani, da bo zmagala tudi to pot. ,, Tekom sedanje vojne ni pričakovati kakega znatnega naraščaja v odraslem oddelku, izvzemši tistih, ki bodo pristopili iz mladinskega oddelka. Treba bo torej paziti in se potruditi, da dobimo slehernega mladinskega člana v odrasli oddelek, ko dopolni 16., 17. ali 18. leto in da istočasno posvetimo tudi vse naše moči za pridobivanje novih članov v mladinski oddelek. V vojsko bo poklicanih mnogo naših mladih članov, ki tekom službovanja ne bodo plačevali bolniških asesmentov, ker niso do bolniških podpor upravičeni. To pomeni, da bodo prispevki v bolniški in odškodninski sklad v bodoče znatno padli, a izdatki ne bodo ostali proporcijelno isti, ker je med starejšimi člani več bolnikov kot med mlajšimi. Vsled prekinjenja plačevanja bolniških asesmentov od začasno odsotnih mladih članov se torej ne more pričakovati, da bi bolniški sklad v bodoče napredoval v isti meri ali raciji kot je zadnje leto, in to vzlic temu, da imamo zdaj novo bolniško lestvico. Ta nova letsvica je prvoletno izkušnjo dobro prestala in, če bi jo bili vpeljali že prej, bi danes imeli lep prebitek v bolniškem skladu. Tako pa vsota, ki jo imamo danes v bolniškem skladu, še v^dno ne odgovarja zahtevani rezervi in bojim se, da bomo vsled nezadostne rezerve v državi New York prisiljeni zavarovanje za bolniško podporo novih članov ukiniti. Omenjena država namreč zahteva oceno bolniških rizikov na podlagi priznane in odobrene “standard” bolniške lestvice, ki predvideva višje prispevke in manj podpore in ki zahteva gotovo rezervo za vsak posamezni bolniški rizik ali certifikat. Razni državni zavarovalninski oddelki se čimdalje bolj zanimajo za operacijo bolniških oddelkov, in to vprašanje je trn v peti vsakega glavnega odbornika bratske podporne organizacije, ki zavaruje člane proti boleznim in nezgodam. Pa se še najdejo med nami člani, ki tega ne verjamejo in ki mislijo, da se solventnost zahteva samo v smrtninskem skladu, v bolniškem skladu se jo pa lahko vzdrži s klobukom. Z ozirom na naš smrtninski sklad lahko izjavim, da je malo podpornih organizacij in zavarovalninskih družb, ki bi beležile tako visoko solventnost kot jo beleži naša Zveza. Pa zdi se mi, da smo tudi v tem oziru vsaj za nedoločen čas dosegli vrhunec. Zraven tega, da bo smrtninski sklad več ali manj prizadet vsled posledic sedanje vojne, se tudi denarja ne more več varno investirati po boljši obrestni meri kot 3% in 3lA%. Obveznice, ki so nam donašale po 4 ali več odstotkov obresti, redno do-zorujejo, nove obveznice pa donašajo komaj po 3 ali 3',4%. Umevno je torej, da mora razliko med pričakovanimi obrestmi in faktično realiziranimi obrestmi kriti prebitek, ki smo ga prihranili tekom zadnjih * let. V zvezi s tem je treba dati priznanje delegatom naših konvencij in glavnim odbornikom, ki so bili toliko varčni in dalekovidni, da niso trošili denarja v obliki plačevanja dividend ali opuščanja mesečnih asesmentov. Na dividende, v eni ali drugi obliki, članstvo kaj hitro pozabi, dočim so izredne naklade navadno predmet dolgotrajnih razprav, kritike in nezadovoljstva. Kar se tiče športnega sklada, sem že od več strani prejel sugestijo, da bi bilo umestno in priporočljivo, ako bi glavni odbor financiranje športnih aktivnosti za dobo sedajne vojne uki- nil. Na ta način prihranjen denar, pravijo, naj bi se porabil v delno pomoč tistim članom-vojakom, ki se bodo iz vojne vrnili pohabljeni ter začasno ali trajno onemogli. Z ozirom na to idejo ne bom delal nobenih priporočil' in prepuščam vso stvar vam v razsodbo. Mladinski sklad je mnogo nadsolventen in, ker ne bomo letos imeli mladinske konvencije, priporočam, ‘da se letos štiri mladinske asesmente opusti in da razpišete tri posebne nagrade za tista društva, ki bodo tekom letošnjega leta pridobila največ novih članov v mladinski oddelek. Pogoji za nagrade naj bodo pa takšni, da bodo tudi manjša društva lahko tekmovala za iste. Poročilo o kupljenih bondih je bilo priobčeno v uradnem glasilu dne 28. januarja. Priporočam, da glavni odbor izda nalog, da se mora od zdaj za naprej investirati v vladne bonde najmanj deset tisoč dolarjev na mesec, dasiravno nam bodo nosili samo 2»/2% obresti, kajti dolžnost naša je, da storimo za našo novo domovino vse, kar ji v naših močeh, posamezno in korporativno. Priporočam nadalje, da glavni odbor pri tem zasedanju od-glasuje gotovo vsoto za Ameriški rdeči križ, ki vrši plemenito in humanitarno delo v naših vojnih silah, kjer služijo tudi naši člani, in v to svrho odobrena vsota naj se izplača iz športnega sklada. Po mojem mnenju je tudi vojna nekakšna depresija, hujša od vseh depresij v mirnem času, in kar bomo darovali Ameriškemu rdečemu križu, bomo indirektno darovali tudi našim članom-vojakom, ki se nahajajo v vojnih ali oboroženih silah Združenih držav. Smatram, da je naša dolžnost, da darujemo tudi nekaj v odpomoč Rusiji, katere čete se tako hrabro in junaško borijo proti nacijskim in fašističnim hordam in ki je že toliko krvi prelila za uničenje nemškega beštijalnega barbarizma. Naš veliki predsednik Roosevelt je že sam opetovano pohvalil hrabrost ruskih armad in enako bi morali storiti mi. Priporočljivo je tudi, da glavni odbor za dobo sedanje vojne razpiše na vse člane in članice odraslega oddelka primeren prostovoljni asesment, s katerim naj bi se podpiralo Ameriški rdeči križ in slične ustanove in s katerim naj bi se obenem podprlo tiste člane, ki se bodo z vojske vrnili pohabljeni in onemogli. Upam, da teh ne bo mnogo, toda nekaj jih bo prav gotovo, in dobro je, ako se na take slučaje pričnemo pripravljati že zdaj. Ne pričakujem, da bi se kdo tej ideji protivil, ker smatram, da se sleherni član in članica zaveda svoje moralne dolžnosti in da bo vsak izmed nas z veseljem prispeval v ta sklad. V primeri s tem, kar bodo žrtvovali za nas in za našo novo domovino naši člani-vojaki, bo ta prostovoljni asesment jalfo majhna žrtev, zato sem prepričan, da bi tak sklep glavnega odbora žel splošno odobravanje od strani našega članstva. Dela v glavnem uradu je dovolj in pričakujem, da ga bo vsled vojne še več, ker bo treba od časa do časa delati razna poročila na federalne in državne oblasti. V splošnem je bilo poslovanje tekom leta 1941 zelo zadovoljivo, tako z glavnimi odborniki, kakor tudi z društvenimi uradniki in uradnicami. Osobje v glavnem uradu je vršilo svoje dolžnosti točno in mamljivo, vsled česar je deležno vašega priznanja. Kar se tiče ostalih zadev, ki pridejo pri tem zasedanju pred glavni odbor, bom spregovoril o njih, kadar, pridejo na dnevni red. -j. • 1! -j., ;i *.n Sobrat glavni tajnik, je vam ravnokar V podrobnostih poročal o finančnem stanju Zveze z dne 31. decembra^ 1941, za odrasli in mladinski oddelek, zato ne srfiatram za potrebno ponavljati številk. Iz poročila je razvidno, da je zopet v zadnji polovici lanskega leta zvezino premoženje povoljno napredovalo. Sledila bodo poročila glavnih nadzornikov, kateri so pregledali knjige in drugo premoženje Zveze zadnji teden, glede katerih upam, da so našli vse poslovanje v redu. Razveseljivo je, da imamo do male izjeme vse naše obveznice (bonde) v tako povoljnem stanju. Ob zaključku knjige dne 31. decembra, je bilo samo $13,225.00 neiztirjanih obresti v odraslem oddelku, in od tistega časa je že plačanih $1,137.50, torej ostaja samo še $12,087.50. Od obveznic, ki so last mladinskega oddelka, so bile vse obresti plačane. Do male izjeme so vsa krajevna društva pošiljala svoje mesečne asesmente točno, kot je predpisano v pravilih, in pra vilno poročala, v kake svrhe pošiljajo denar, zakar sem vsem tistim hvaležen. Asesmente od društev, obresti od obveznic, in vse diuge dohodke Zveze, sem vedno skušal vložiti v banko točno kot mi je pre Ipisano v pravilih. The Northern National Banka v Duluthu, kjer ima Zveza svoj čekovni račun, nam daje točno in uslužno postrežbo. Moje poslovanje z glavnim uradom je bilo vsestransko zadovoljivo. Kadar sem prišel v glavni urad po uradnih opravkih, sem bil točiro postrežen, bodisi od glavnega tajnika ali od ostalega osobja. Ravno tako sem hvaležen vam vsem ostalim odbornikom in odbornici za vaše tako prijazno sodelovanje. Zaradi današnjih razmer želim temu važnemu zasedanju glav-: nega odbora najlepših uspehov in konkretnih zaključkov v dobrobit Zveze, in njenega članstva. Z bratskim pozdravom, Louis Champa, glavni blagajnik. * * * REPORT OF SUPREME MEDICAL EXAMINER of 1940. The number of claims for operations and indemnity benefits acted upon was one-hundred-ninety-one (191) or thirty-one (31) more than the last half of the previous year. The number of sick benefit and disability benefit claims was one-thoušand nine-hundred thirty-eight (1938) or two hundred-ninety-six (296) less than in 1940. The number of non-medical applications considered was two hundred-thirty-two (232) mostly trarfsfers from the Juvenile department. When we consider the applications for adult membership, it was greater than the number considered for any similar period during the past few years. This together with the increase in the number of maternity benefit claims received indicates a healthy growth for the Union. The increase in number of operation and indemnity claims can be accounted for by our growth as well as increased employment. The decrease in the total number of sick and disability benefit claims indicates quite a substantial increase in the assets of these funds. It also proves that the new by-laws with reference to these funds are beginning to show results. The number of cases that required investigation were less than usual for a similar period. Those that were investigated were reported to the home office, some of these may come before this meeting. It is my extreme pleasure to thank all the local lodge officers, the members of the Supreme Board as well as the members of the Supreme Judiciary Committee for their splendid cooperation during the past year. It is also my earnest desire that this meeting will continue the good work done in the past. The problems that will be presented in such serious times may be more difficult than those of the past, but, I feel sure that the ability of our membership to cope with them will be a shining light in the future history of our Union. Fraternally submitted, F. J. Arch, Supreme Medical Examiner * * POROČILO UREDNIKA-UPRAVNIKA NOVE DOBE ' Glavnemu odboru ABZ: Od zadnjega zborovanja glavnega odbora do danes so se splošne razmere tako silno izpremenile, da na en ali drugi način občuti to izpremembo vsak prebivalec te dežele. Vaš urednik se je izredne resnosti teh izprememb v polni meri zavedal in jih skušal na primeren način predočiti članom, v namenu, da jih obvaruje kakih morebitnih nepremišljenih postopkov. V tem mu je večkrat s poučnimi članki pomagal tudi glavni predsednik. V vojnih časih je na razne načine otežkočeno stališče vseh časopisov, posebno pa še tujejezičnih. To vemo posebno tisti, ki se spominjamo časov zadnje svetovne vojne. ‘K sreči je danes v tem oziru več razumevanja, tudi od strani oblasti. Amerika, vštevši tujerodno prebivalstvo iste, je danes neprimerno bolj enotna kot je bila tekom zadnje svetovne vojne. Kar se našega in drugih slovenskih časopisov tiče, so seveda vedno brezpogojno stali na strani demokracije in v opoziciji nacizmu in fašizmu, kakršna je tudi bila in je smernica ameriške vlade. Zaradi vstopi Amerike v vojno ni bilo treba nobenemu našemu listu spremeniti stališča. Slovenci smo bili izraziti nasprotniki nacijske Nemčije in fašistične Italije že v časih, ko so nekateri sicer dobro misleči Američani, še sqdili, da bi se morda z njima dalo še na kak način izhajati. Ko je z omenjenima zatiralkama demokracije stopila v zvezo še Japonska in Ameriki napovedala vojno, se je naše sovraštvo do teh združenih banditov še poglobilo. Naš rekord v teh ozirih je neomadeževan in odločno ameriški od vseh začetkov in tak ostane. Tak je v splošnem tudi rekord vsega slovenskega življa v tej deželi, kar nam more biti le v'zadoščenje in ponos. To je nedvomno znano tudi oblastim, zato ni verjetno, da bi v bodočnosti imeli kake neprilike z ozirom na naše časopisje ali z ozirom na naše tujerodno članstvo. Ni pa dvoma, da bo naša Ameriška bratska zveza, obenem z drugimi sličnimi organizaci jami, morala od časa do časa reševati težke probleme, izhajajoče iz izpremenjenih in hitro se izpreminjajočih gospodarskih razmer v deželi. Pripravljeni bomo morali biti tako rekoč na vse ker nihče ne ve, kaj prinese jutrišni dan. Nova Doba se tiska v nakladi nekaj nad 14,000 iztisov teden sko. Postrežba, ki nam jo daje tiskarna Enakopravnosti, kjer se po pogodbi tiska naš list, je v vseh ozirih zadovoljiva. Oglasov je malo, toda, kolikor jih je, so v splošnem točno plačevani. Dne 31. decembra 1941 je bilo dolgovanega na oglasih $90.03, toda največji del te vsote je bil plačan v'mesecu januarju 1942. Podrobni računi so bili predloženi glavnemu nadzornemu odboru v pregled. Omembe vrednih sporov med uredništvom na eni strani in dopisniki na drugi strani ni bilo. Ena za priobčitev namenjena pritožba je bila poslana glavnemu odboru, kamor spada. Par manjših nesporazumov je bilo zadovoljivo rešenih pismenim potom. V splošnem pa je treba poudariti, da so bili odnošaji med urednikom in članstvom korektni, prijateljski in bratski. Od glavnega predsednika, glavnega tajnika in od drugih glavnih in porotnih odbornikov, s katerimi sem bil v kakih poslovnih stikih, sem bil deležen stoprocentnega sodelovanja in prave bratske naklonjenosti. Tako sodelovanje koristi organizaciji in je vsled tega zaželjivo in potrebno kadar koli, posebno pa še v teh izrednih časih. Hvala vsem! Anton J. Terbovec, urednik-upravnik Nove Dobe. * * * POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA NADZORNEGA ODBORA Glavnemu odboru ABZ: V smislu pravil Ameriške bratske zveze vam podajam šestmesečno poročilo o mojem delovanju ter o pregledu knjig in imovine. Dne 3. februarja, ob deveti uri zjutraj, smo se sešli na The Northern National Bank v Duluthu, Minil., sledeči: Janko N. Rogelj, gl. predsednik; Louis Champa, glavni blagajnik, in drugi glavni nadzorniki, katerih poročila bodo sledila. V omenjeni banki hrani naša Zveza vse vrednostne listine in obveznice. Poročati moram, da smo ob navzočnosti bančnega uradnika pregledali vse vrednostne listine, odrezali in prešteli vse vrednostne kupone ter iste izročili glavnemu blagajniku, da iste vnovči, ko dozorijo. Sporočati moram, da smo tam našli vse v redu in soglasju s knjigami glavnega tajnika in glavnega blagajnika. Iz varnostnih bančnih predalov smo vzeli sledeče bonde: Matagorda County, Cons, and Reel. District No. 1, $10,000.00; Milwaukee County, Wise., Metropolitan Sewer, $15,000.00; Northfolk County, Va., Tanners Creek Magisteral Dist., No. 6, $5,000.00; St. Lucie County, Fla., Refunding Series A, $2,500.00; (Dalje na 3. strani) DOPISI Mi,m. - Na društva St. 1 šila v nedeljo 10- „ sem bil podpisani lZ' :ebil društvenega tajnika, e ^ dosedanji tajnik Jose‘'1 fijti vach poklican v arnl‘l da našega društva so P ^ se glede plačevanja ^ tov in v drugih »dev*«,. * tičejo tajništva, obrata g£gB. fcl slov podpisanega, k1 J®" *j Sheridan St., Ely, mesto društvenega naQ ■ „. lire, katero sem podpisani P j ^ vzemal, je bil izvoljen ry Pluth. _ ^vnokH % Naše društvo je P° . ijj pilo za $75.00 obrani .j^j. dov, in ima z že PrcJ gloflfl.0i: HJ] mi bondi skupno za. . £<,,# j [ obrambno varčevallni .. p(v % Zedinjenih držav. * ^ P fay zdrav! - Za drustv« 1 ABZ: tajnih Louis Zgonc, W | Sejali Johnstown, Pa. — » ■' .jene postojanke Jug03 ^ ^ ga pomožnega 0C^01? vršil,fj | stownsko okrbžje se nedeljo 22. februarja ^ i treh (2.30) popoldne, , * ustanovila tu postoja ,.' biranje darov za P°n| v starem kraju, P" JPC-SS., pod št. 23. postojanke je ^ ;o dolžnost, da sklice s cjje!® ko dobi potrebne in 01 J l sklicati skupen sh»c > j . ga naj se dobi K0''01'1’ er, '*J k brega poznavalca ra* ^ cer v prvi vrsti £oS ^ jii' .. , Snoja, ki je naš roja ^ ^ ter sedanje zamejn goslavije. . b)IM k Ožjemu odboru ^ »t j ^ zadnji seji na'0Žel’°[urnt J sporazumu določi da | shoda, seja sama P® $ .A | v dvorani društva ^e)^ v Conemaughu. -7" 0(Jbl',r j ;. informacijah se je a ločil in določil c*nll,jne, četrto nedeljo P°P° vC 1? 22. marca, kot že rec maughu, Pa. , . Ker pa je v zvezi * gfl - l kim shodom tudi v(iOnjp ^ in skrbi, bo potrebi' ^ ^ , cija, zato se je o( toPy k. da skliče sejo vseh uarj<>| v nedeljo dne 22. 1° no ob 1. uri pop- J dom na Moxham, v \ vse sporazumno pi|'.c <^[1 \ naš veliki dan za H‘1^ yfli J |< Ta poziv na to seJ» vse zastopnike jednot in zvez ter ^ ^ / skupin brez razl' je prepričan, da b New York School $5,000.00 in Mer-^*■000.00 District, Cameron County, Texas Refunding, lobodo d0°n j-Sm° lzro^ili glavnemu blagajniku, da jih vnovči, % tajnik^1Uarja Smo Pr^e^ s Pregledovanjem knjig glav-tybe,a’.Slavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika Nove Sm0 c^°*10^ke 'n izdatke s predloženimi poročili, selfnjjg 1 ln listinami. V vseh transakcijah smo pronašli, da l(n.j vo soglaša s predloženimi računi in zahtevami, ^nika Vodsty° glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in Nuž»n ,avr)ika Nove Dobe je dobrem redu in stanju, zato Ca H,a‘° 2a svoie clel°' pr' Cern^ra lansko leto bi moral po sklepu glavnega ’ 0hio'Sp!^V°Va^ konvenciji Ohio Fraternal Congressa v To-^ me V i(Ji zaposlenosti mi ni bilo mogoče iste se udeležiti, N R6 nacjornestoval na konvenciji naš glavni predsednik K0t v, ka^eri je že podal svoje poročilo v Novi Dobi. kater^11 ^'nan^neJ?a odbora em vedno priporočal obvežejo Sem smatral, da so zanesljive in dobre za našo or- \ 1"a^8^rn Pozdravom, ' John Kumše, predsednik nadzornega odbora. Jjc * :|c ^ Report of 1st supreme trustee °f^e ^uPreme Board The gQ erican Fraternal TJnion:— ^'book ^'rusl-ees ^as completed its semi-annual audit S and accounts of t le Supreme Secretary, Supreme '^oper an major problems and I solicit your con-f ^.and mutual cooperation, which will enable us to ^is crisis with flying colors, in a truly American I',‘ ^CtfuHy submitted, Frank E. Vranichar, First Supreme Trustee. itf * * * |e!» d|a IL0 DRUGEGA glavnega nadzornika if u odboru ABZ V k^iltotn ruarja smo se se®li v D*uluthu, Minn., z glavnim '4 r s ’ g^avnim blagajnikom in ostalimi glavnimi nad- L^one 'l!0 Pregledali vrednostne listine ali bonde ter odreja n?1, ' a^ere &1- blagajnik vnovčil v prihodnjih šestih I S 4. { h ** s Uarja smo se v glavnem uradu na Ely, / V^bla ° P.r^eli s pregledovanjem knjig glavnega tajnika, l> L**1’ da s5ajn*ka iu urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe. Poročati ii- N nriv.0 na®li vse knjige v lepem redu, zakar priporočam ^ihš°rU knj‘Se v sprejem. Č t mesecev sem P° rnoji skromni zmožnosti vedno C8e Vse er redno odgovarjal na vso korespondenco. Zahva-1 °8ta] °dbornikom za složno sodelovanje. Zahvaljujem ^ dob”11 članstvu za vse, kar so napravili k napredku in re Ameriške bratske zveze. Matt Anzelc, drugi glavni nadzornik. ^ ir ht-, * * * ') ^thG ^°RT 0F the 3rd SUPREME TRUSTEE o £ L CorRp]U^reme boat'd of the A. F. U. — L 'e res^ln£ with our Constitution and By-Laws, I, along • °f uiembers of the Board of Trustees, our M ^ iti o nt, and our Supreme Treasurer, met on February ^^e^a6 ,^orthem National Bank in Duluth, Minnesota. lned and counted all of our Union’s bond invest-r] k^poare ^ePt in the bank’s great safety vaults. We also iJfjj Utr^e nS ^r°m the bond certificates that had interest due H Th^ to°’ ^rom those that had interest due in the r for eSe couPons were then turned over to our Supreme \yj: ^ ! ch6c, c°Hection. Our bond records as compared with the V ^*!yVestftT* °Ut weH- Incidentally, I wish to state that our ‘’ J ^ ^ad increased approximately 2.80% in the to |Jjer c°niplying with our Constitution and By-Laws, w ! h e ^°me Office and examined all the books and /j ^ °Ur Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, and /Š t>'4tlaSer of our official ot-gan—The New Era. All II f S’ ^ in ^nditures w^re carefully checked, and every thing ’jf V* order. I vouch that the statement showing our ttiy^^ 38 December 31, 1941 is true and correct to ^ V ^ COf knowledge. We are steadily growing. \ ev ^Pondence of various kinds with the Home Office, J) I it ^ l°tter with sincerity, and as soon as I possibly er of the finance committee, I continued to use IL my very best judgement when selecting bonds of various kinds for our Union’s investments. In conclusion, I wish to thank every official for the good cooperation in the past, and I hope that the same spirit of cooperation shall exist in the future. Above all, let’s keep in mind that our members and our country come first. Fraternally submitted, Andrew Milavec Jr., Third Supreme Trustee. » v * REPORT OF THE 4th SUPREME TRUSTEE To the Members of the Supreme Board: Your Board of Supreme Trustees has made an examination of the Balance Sheet of the American Fraternal Union as of December 31, 1941. In connection therewith we examined and audited the books and accounts of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer and Manager of the official organ, New Era, for the last of the year of 1941, and other supporting evidence to the extent deemed appropriate, reviewed the accounting methods and obtained information and explanations from officers and employees of the Union. Cash and securities as of December 31, 1941 were substantiated by actual count. All other assets were accounted for by examination of the supporting records. Based on our examination and the information and explanations furnished us, in my opinion, the Balance Sheet fairly presents the position of the Union as of December 31, 1941. I wish to recommend to the Supreme Board for consideration the following suggestion: Since the financial report of the Juvenile Department presents fairly the position of said department as of December 31, 1941, that we issue 50c in defense stamps to each member of said department in place of a credit for monthly assessments. Respectfully submitted, F. J. Kress. 4th Supreme Trustee. * * .v REPORT OF THE ATHLETIC COMMISSIONER, AFU I Honorable Members of the Supreme Board, American Fraternal Union, Ely, Minnesota. Dear Brothers and Sister: Sports activities during the last six months of 1941 were confined to baseball and bowling. Only one baseball league was in action, and that one in Cleveland, Ohio, where four teams participated, augmented by teams from Barberton, and Struthers, Ohio, who participated in the AFU Softball tournament. The affair was a success. Bowling which begins in fall, and concludes in spring is receiving a great deal of attention this year. We have leagues operating in Chicago, Omaha, Neb., and Cleveland. Various teams in Pennsylvania are conducting inter-lodge meets as are other teams in other states, most of them represented in some league. Because of the great interest manifested in bowling by our members, many are looking forward to the coming National Tournament. No date has been set for the event pending Supreme Board discussion and action on the subject. Although enlistments in the U. S. Army have thinned the ranks of our younger members, there still are a large number of youngsters who are coming up to fill these ranks. However; with the enlistment situation in the U. S. Army destined to increase considerably by April, none can forsee what the next few months may hold in store, and it is wise to proceed with caution. At this writing, it is apparent that most all other fraternals will conduct annual tournaments this year, and I do not think it would be wise to cancel the event this year. The effect of not conducting a tournament, providing conditions would merit same, Would be bad. Therefore, I would recommend that the Supreme Board allot as much as is possible under the circumstances to again hold the event this year. Should conditions arise forcing cancellation, the event could be cancelled at a moment’s notice with no money spent. On all applications for financial requests from the sports fund arriving to the office, I have taken actions according to the rules, keeping in mind the worthiness of the lodge in question with respect to new members and progress. Fraternally,, Stanley J. Pechaver, Athletic Commissioner * * * REPORT OF ENGLISH EDITOR, NOVA DOBA Honorable Members of the Supreme Board, American Fraternal Union, Ely, Minnesota. Dear Brothers and Sister: It is a privilege for me to report that during the past six months I have tried to fulfill my duties as English Editor to the best of my ability in addition to performing any and all duties assigned me by our editor-manager, Bro. A. J. Terbovec. I have tried to make our English Section as interesting as possible for all our members and every incoming article was treated in accordance with our by-laws. Bold heads were used in many stories with the idea that they would add color and life to the paper and thus inspire our members and writers. However this became a problem when our editorial offices were crowded with more material than at any other time, causing a crowded” condition. Therefore, mainly to make room for more incoming articles and to allow every article equal consideration, I am resorting again to smaller heads on the articles. This will solve the space problem. In addition, I have tried to mantain in all stories the spirit of patriotism &nd the close relationship which links our American Fraternal Union with our government of the United States. Truly, our members are responding 100 per cent to the aid of our Nation. They indicate this in their extraordinarily heavy purchase of U. S. Defense Bonds and participating in other types of Civilian Defense Work. We have also maintained a close link with our members in the Army, and we see, to our best extent, that they receive the Nova Doba each week. In closing, I am resolved to continue this work to the best of my ability during the coming year. With best fraternal regard, Stanley J. Pechaver, English Editor, Nova Doba. * * * 1 Po prečitanju in sprejemu poročil glavnih odbornikov se prečitajo nekatera na glavni odbor naslovljena priporočila predsednika gl. porotnega odbora, brata Antona Okolisha, in se vzamejo na znanje. V pregled so predložena poroštva glavnih, porotnih in društvenih odbornikov in poroštvo tiskarne, kjer se tiska Nova Doba. |Vsa poroštva so pronajdena v redu. Glavni tajnik želi, da glavni odbor tolmači točko 378 naših I pravil, ki se nanaša na kvalifikacije društvenih odbornikov. So-|glasno tolmačenje glavnih odbornikov v tej zadevi določa, da I more za uraid društvenega odbora kandidirati le član ali članica, ki je član ali članica odraslega oddelka že najmanj šest mesecev; morebitno prejšnje članstvo v mladinskem oddelku se 'pri tem ne more upoštevati. Nato se soglasno sklene, da se investira vsota $50,000.00 v obrambne bonde Zedinjenih držav. Ker je že od prej investirano v sličnih bondih $25,000.00, bomo imeli s to investicijo v vladnih bondih $75,000.00. Glavnemu tajniku se naroči, da vpraša vsa društva naše Zveze, koliko so posamezna društva investirala v obrambne bonde Zedinjenih držav, da bomo imeli za vsak slučaj na rokah pregled teh investicij, tako od strani Zveze, kot od strani njenih podrejenih društev. Zaključek prve seje ob 12. uri opoldne. * * * Druga seja Drugo sejo zborovanja otvori glavni predsednik v. ponedeljek 9. februarja ob pol dveh popoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prvi seji. Glavni tajnik predloži odbornikom v razpravo in odločitev sledeče zadeve: Mihael Požega, član društva št. 6, prosi za podporo iz dobrodelnega sklada. Sklenjeno, da se mu sporoči, da se v to svrho lahko posluži določb v smislu točke 360-A naših pravil. Frank Mehle, član društva št. 15, je prestal operacijo, za kakršno v pravilih ni predvidena operacijska podpora. Po pojasnilih vrhovnega zdravnika se sklene, da se mu na podlagi točke 307, podtočke 12, nakaže $50.00 izredne podpore. Frances Knaus, članica društva št. 20, ki boleha za sladkorno boleznijo in ki ni zavarovana za bolniško, ampak le za dobrodelno podporo, se nakaže $15.00 izredne podpore. Prošnja za izredno podporo od Antona Škerjanca, člana društva št. 25, se ne more upoštevati, ker ni bila predložena potom društva oziroma s potrdilom istega. Društvo št. 27, prosi za plačevanje asesmentov za svojo dolgo časa bolno članico Mary Arko in za povrnitev neke vsote ases-menta, ki jo je društvo založilo. Sklenjeno, da se za omenjeno članico še za naprej plačuje asesment na podlagi točke 360-A, in obenem, da se društvu povrne, kar je v to svrho založilo zanjo. Louis Prebil, član društva št. 30, ki je izčrpal že vse podpore in je še vedno bolan, prosi za kako izredno podporo. Ker ima še stari certifikat, se mu svetuje, da ga spremeni v načrt “AA,” nakar lahko na istega dobi posojilo. Joseph Petrič, član društva št. 37, star in brez sredstev za življenje, prosi za kako podporo. Se mu nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Društvo št. 37 bo 20. septembra 1942 obhajalo 40-letnico ustanovitve in želi za tisto priliko dobiti glavnega tajnika Antona Zbašnika za slavnostnega govornika, želji društva se ugodi. Prečitano je pozdravno pismo brata Antona Drenika, člana društva št. 71, ki služi zdaj v armadi Zedinjenih držav. Odborniki vzamejo vsebino pisma z veseljem in odobravanjem na- znanje, želeči mu, da ga spremlja sreča na vseh njegovih potih. Štefan in Frances Pavlesich, člana društva št. 86, prosita za podporo v svrho pokrivanja asesmentov. Društveni tajnik, brat Anzelc, ju priporoča v podporo. Ker imata oba še stara certifikata, se jima priporoči, da ista premeni ta v načrt "A A,” nakar lahko dobita posojilo. Margareti Sharka, članici društva št. 88, se v smislu pravil ne more nakazati bolniške podpoj-e. Sklenjeno, da se ji nakaže $10.00 iz dobrodelnega sklada. Joseph Likovich, član društva št. 99, je prestal operacijo, za kakršno se v prvem letu članstva ne more nakazati operacijske podpore. Se mu na podlagi točke 307 nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Louis M. Kochevar, član društva št. 112, želi dobiti bolniško in operacijsko podporo, ki mu je bila odklonjena, želji se ne more ugoditi, ker je iz listin ugotovljeno, da je vzrok za poškodbo obstajal pred njegovim vstopom v društvo. Društvo št. 114 priporoča, da bi Zveza nabavila posebne častne znake za člane, ki so pri organizaciji 25 let ali več. Dose-daj so taki znaki le za člane, ki so pri organizaciji 40 let ali več. Sklenjeno, da se gleide te zadeve ostane pri prejšnjem sklepu glavnega odbora. Frank Kirn, član društva št. 116, je prestal operacijo, za kakršno v pravilih ni predvidena operacijska podpora. Po pojasnilih vrhovnega zdravnika se mu na podlagi točke 307, podtočke 12, nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Terezija Petkovšek, članica društva št. 137, je prestala operacijo, za kakršno v pravilih ni predpisane operacijske podpore. Nakaže pa se ji $25.00 izredne podpore. Glede bolniške podpore pa se ugotovi, da je prejela polno vsoto, ki ji je pripadala po pravilih. Richard Skena, član mladinskega oddelka društva št. 138, je bil operiran na slepiču, in njegov oče prosi za nekaj izredne podpore v svrho pokritja stroškov. Z ozirom na dejstvo, da je bil operiranec član mladinskega oddelka, se ne more nakazati nikake podpore. Mary Kranc, članica društva št. 149, ki se je morala podvreči operaciji, za kakršne se v smislu pravil ne plačuje operacijskih podpor, prosi za nekaj izredne podpore. Se ne more ugoditi, niti na podlagi točke 307. Kate Plantan, članica društva št. 182, želi dobiti nekaj izredne podpore za operacijo, za kakršno podpora ni predvidena v pravilih. Se ji dovoli $25.00 izredne podpore. Terezija Koščak, članica društva št. 184, prosi za kako izredno podporo za operacijo, za kakršno v pravilih podpora ni predvidena. Se ji nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. < Angela Košir, članica društva št. 200, je bila operirana, ko še ni bila dovolj časa pri Zvezi, da bi bila upravičena do operacijske podpore. Njeni prošnji za izredno podporo se ne more ugoditi. Federacija društev Ameriške bratske zveze v državi Colorado bo enkrat spomladi zborovala v Canon Cityu, Colo., in prosi, da bi prišel na dotično zborovanje prvi glavni podpredsednik Frank Okoren, ki biva v Denverju, Colo. želji federacije se ugodi. Sledi obširna razprava, da li naj se še nadalje financirajo iz zvezine blagajne športne aktivnosti pri naših društvih, ali naj se z ozirom na vojni čas financiranje istih začasno ukine. Poudarjalo se je, da je bilo že mnogo športnikov poklicanih v ar- (Dalje na 4. strani) DOPISI (Nadaljevanje z 2. strani) pomagali Z. D( v tem času potrebe. Po vojni pa bi se jih z lahkoto preneslo v pomoč ljudem, za katere je bila vsota namenjena. Državni bondi (Defense Bonds) sami na sebi so gotovina ,kakor vsak drugi državni denar, in poleg tega tudi najbolj varni. Vlada sama bi bila vesela tega, kajti s tem bi bilo pomagano na dve strani, izkazana bi bila naša na j več j a lojalnost do Amerike in ob snim milosrčje do našega naroda, za katerega se tudi ameriška vlada poteguje, da mu čim prej olajša gorje. Ker bo imelo tukajšnje Samostojno društvo svojo redno sejo takoj za našo, je važno, da smo točno ob eni uri pop. na mestu, to je v nedeljo (4. nedelja v mesecu) dne 22. februarja v Slov. del. domu na Moxhamu. Za odbor postojanke št. >23: Andrej Vidrich, preds. Barberton, O. — članstvo društva Sv. Martina, št. 44 ABZ, je vabljeno, da se polnoštevilno udeleži prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo 22. februarja v dvorani društva “Domovina” in se bo pričela ob 2. uri popoldne. Na naši letni seji so bili za leto 1942 izvoljeni sledeči uradniki: Frank Smrdel, predsednik; John Balant, Sr., podpredsednik; Alice Zalar, tajnica; Jennie Podlipec, Sr., blagajničarka; Anton Okolish, John Klančaft- in Joseph Križaj, nadzorniki; August Maver, zastavonoša. Dr. J. J. Folin in dr. F. M. Warner sta društvena zdravnika. Za voditelja športnih aktivnosti je bil izvoljen John Opeka, ki se je vneto udejstvoval v tem v preteklosti, in upamo, da se bo prav tako ali pa še bolj v letošnjem letu. Naši kegljači dobro napredujejo. Pred par tedni so tekmovali s kegljači društva št. 182 h?,,|86 iz Clevelanda, in upa^ jo v bližnji bodočnosti vrniti poset. Naše članice, ki se zanimajo za kegljanje, so prošene, da pridejo na prihodnjo sejo v nedeljo, bomo skušale organizirati ženski kegljaški team. V zvezni armadi so sedaj sledeči naši člani: Anthony Au-setts, Frank Okolish, Joe Zellia in Jack Verhotz, v mornarici pa Frank Doles in Frank Segu-lin. želimo jim vso srečo, obenem bomo mi od naše strani storili vse, kar je v naših močeh, za zmago Amerike ter za ohranitev ameriške svobode in demokracije. Brat Frank Troha, ki je bil na bolniški listi, se je ozdravljen spet vrnil na delo. Brata Martin Žagar, Jr. in Mike Samic sta tudi že okrevala od njunih nedavnih operacij. Nekaj naših članov je, ki še vedno zaostajajo s svojimi ases-menti, in ti so prošeni, da plačajo do konca tega meseca, da jih ne zadene suspendacija. Za-poslenje je zdaj splošno, zato ni vzroka za zaostajanje z ases-menti. Vsak naj stori svojo dolžnost napram društvu pravočasno, pa bo poslovanje točno in vsem v zadovoljstvo. — Za društvo št. 44 ABZ: Alice Zalar, tajnica. Chicago, lil. — člani in članice društva Liberty Bell, št. 70 ABZ, so vabljeni, da se kar mogoče polnoštevilno udeležijo prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v navadnih prostorih v soboto 21. februarja. Na programu seje bo več važnih zadev, obenem bo naš tajnik, brat Krapenc, poročal o važnejših zaključkih letne seje glavnega odbora, s katere se je vrnil pretekli teden. Pq seji bomo imeli nekoliko okrepčil. Pri tej priliki naj tudi omenim, da je naše društvo spet izgubilo enega dobrega člana. Preminil je namreč brat John Debelak. Naj mu bo ohranjen blag spomin. (Dalje na 7. strani) NOVA DOBA, 18. FEBRUARJA, 1942 rr NOVA DOBA rr GLASILO AMERIŠKE BRATSKE ZVEZE Lastnina Ameriške bratske zveze IZHAJA VSAKO SREDO Cene oglasov po dogovoru Naročnina za člane 7Zc letno; za nečlana $1.50; za inozemstvo $2 OFFICIAL ORGAN of the AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION, Inc., Ely, Minn. Owned and Published by the American Fraternal Union, Inc. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Subscription for members $.72 per year; nonmembers $1.50 ■—..I. • -....I ............... ........................—■ . .......—■— Advertising rates on agreement Naslov za vse, kar se tiče lista: NOVA DOBA 6233 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. VOL. XVIII. ŠT. 7. Zapisnik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora ABZ imun VlflRM srn i J (Nadaljevanje s 3. str.) mado in mnogi nadaljni bodo nedvomno še poklicani, da bo zaradi daljšega dnevnega in tedenskega delavnika v obrambnih industrijah morda ostajalo prospektivnim športnikom malo časa za igre, da bodo morda vsled vojnih razmer težave s transpor-tacijo, in da bi bilo priporočljivo naš športni sklad, ki ni visok, hraniti, da naraste do višje vsote, iz katere bomo mogli financirati ene ali druge vrste pomoč našim članom vojakom, ko bodo odpuščeni iz armade. Razmere sedanjosti in prilike bodočnosti so tako negotove, da nam narekujejo hraniti športni sklad, katerega bomo mogli črpati v slučajih nepredvidenih toda slutenih potreb. Po vsestranski razpravi je bil stavljen in sprejet predlog, da se financiranje spcytnih aktivnosti pri društvih iz zvezinega športnega sklada začasno ukine. Ta sklep ostane v veljavi, dokler ga glavni odbor ne ukine ali izpremeni. Druga seja zborovanja zaključena ob pol šesti uri zvečer. Tretja seja Glavni predsednik otvori tretjo sejo zborovanja v torek 10. februarja ob 9. uri dopoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prejšnjih dveh sejah. . Zapisnikar prečita zapisnika prve in druge seje, ki sta sprejeta kot čitana. * Na dnevni red pride iniciativni predlog, ki ga je poslalo društvo št. 124. Po pregledu je bilo ugotovljeno, da je predlog pomanjkljivo sestavljen,' zato’se glavnemu tajniku naroči, da pošlje predlog nazaj društvu, ki naj ga popravi, da bodo za spremembo namenjene točke v skladu še z nadaljnimi točkami, ako bi se nameravane spremembe izvedle. Kakor je predlog zdaj sestavljen, bi zahteval izpremembo še nadaljnih točk naših pravil, katere spremembe pa v predlogu niso navedene. Dotične točke so: 321-A, 321-B, 321-C, 323, 324, 324-B, 324-C, 357 in 360-A. Namesto opustitve par mladinskih asesmentov se sklene, da se vsakemu članu mladinskega oddelka, ki je bil dobro stoječ 31. marca 1942, da dividendo v obliki obrambno varčevalnih znamk za vsoto 50 centov. Ta dividenda se plača iz smrtninskega sklada mladinskega oddelka. čitajo se nekatera predložena pisma, katerih vsebina se nanaša na mladinsko konvencijo, ki se je vršila lani v avgustu. Izražene sugestije .tikajoče se sistema bodočih mladinskih konvencij se zabeležijo za eventuelno porabo kdaj v bodočnosti, ker za letos glavni odbor ne bo razpisal mladinske konvencije. Glavnega tajnika in glavnega blagajnika se pooblasti, da smeta prodati bonde v znesku $5,000.00, izdane od Mercedes, Texas, Independent School District. Glavnega tajnika se pooblasti, da si nabavi za glavni urad nekaj potrebne opreme. Uprava Glasa Naroda v .New Yorku se priporoča za oglas v koledarju, ki bo izdan prihodnje leto za priliko 50-letnice omenjenega lista. Se sklene vzeti oglas ene strani. Common Council for American Unity se priporoča za prispevek kot lansko leto. Se dovoli $25.00 v to svrho. United Service Organizations (USO) se nakaže $100.00. Russian War Relief Inc. se nakaže $100.00. American Legion Auxiliary, Iron Lung Committee, v Elyu, Minn., se priporoča za prispevek v svrho nabave aparata “železnih pljuč,” ki morda kdaj reši življenje tudi kakšnemu našemu članu ali rojaku. Se sklene prispevati vsoto $25.00. Z ozirom na izredno važnost organizacije Ameriškega rdečega križa v teh vojnih časih, se sklene iz športnega sklada nakapati Ameriškemu rdečemu križu vsoto $1,000.00. Navedena vsota se pošlje direktno na glavni urad v Washington, D. C. Zaključek tretje seje ob 12. uri opoldne. * * * četrta seja četrta seja zborovanja je po glavnem predsedniku otvorje-na v torek 10. februarja ob pol dveh popoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prejšnjih treh sejah, z izjemo glavnega nadzornika And. Milavca, ki je moral odpotovati domov.- Glavni tajnik obširno poroča o zadevi poslovnice v Califor-niji in njegovo postopanje se odobri. Pismo od North American Bank Co., ki se priporoča za vlogo, se vzame na znanje. Plače pomočnikom v glavnem uradu se določijo sledeče: Barbara Matesha, $165.00; Katherin Peshel, $130.00; Margaret Mlakar, $85.00; Frank Shipel, $80.00; Elizabeth Sever, $75.00. Plače se razumejo mesečno in so v veljavi od 1. februarja 1942 naprej. Sklenjeno, da Ameriška bratska zveza še nadalje ostane včlanjena v Jugoslovanskem pomožnem odboru, slovenska sekcija. Našemu zastopniku J. N. Roglju se naroči, naj priporoča, da se nabrani fondi omenjenega pomožnega odbora investirajo do porabe v obrambno bonde Zedinjenih držav. Nadalje je sklenjeno, da glavni predsednik Janko N. Rogelj zastopa našo Zvezo |na konferenci zastopnikov slovenskih podpornih organizacij, ki se bo bavila z akcijo, tikajočo se dosege združenja vseh delov Slovenije v okviru jugoslovanske demokratične federacije. Prečitana sta zapisnika dveh sej pododseka glavnega izvr-ševalnega odseka, ki sta se vršili 23. septembra in 22. oktobra 1941. Vsebina zapisnikov se vzame na znanje. Sklenjeno, da se za prihodnje leto spet nabavijo zvezini stenski koledarji. V odboru za to nabavo so: Janko N. Rogelj, Frank E. Vranichar in Frank J. Kress. Sklenjeno, da vojna klavzula, kakršna je sedaj v naših certifikatih in pravilih, ostane na priporočilo našega aktuarja ne-izpremenjena. ^ Za delegata na konvencijo Narodnega bratskega kongresa, ki se bo vršila v Chicagu, je imenovan Frank Tomsich, Jr., za namestnika pa Anton Krapenc. Za zastopnike na državnih bratskih kongresih pa so imenovani kot sledi: Minnesota: Matt Anzelc, delegat, Louis Champa, namestnik; Illinois: Frank E. Vranichar, delegat, Anton Krapenc, namestnik; Ohio: Janko N. Rogelj, delegat, John Kumše, namestnik; Pennsylvania: Paul J. Oblock, delegat, F. J. Kress, namestnik; Colorado: Frank Okoren, delegat, Steve Mauser, namestnik; Washington-Wyoming: Mary Balint, delegatinja; Montana: Mary Predovich, delegatinja. Zaključek četrte seje ob pol šestih zvečer. * * * Peta seja Peta seja je po glavnem predsedniku otvorjena v sredo 11. februarja ob 5. uri'dopoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot so bili na četrti seji. Prečitana sta zapisnika tretje in četrte seje tega zborovanja in sprejeta kot čitana. Glavni tajnik obširno poroča o vedno večjih zahtevah zava-rovalninskega departmenta države New York z ozirom na sklad bolniških podpor. Zadeva je izročena našemu aktuarju. Sledi obširna razprava o kampanji za pridobivanje novih članov v naš mladinski oddelek, nakar je bila sklenjeno, da se denarne nagrade za novo pridobljene mladinske člane zvišajo za' 50 centov za člana. Nagrade, ki so v veljavi zdaj, ostanejo, in vsaki se doda še 50 centov. Tako, da se za čas kampanje plača za vsakega novega člana mladinskega oddelka, ki je sprejet v načrt “JA,” $1.00 nagrade, za novega mladinskega člana načrta “JB,” $2.50, itd. Poleg tega je določenih za tista društva, ki bodo tekom kampanje vpisala največ mladinskih članov, pet posebnih nagrad v gotovini, namreč, prva nagrada $100.00, druga $75.00, tretja $50.00, četrta $25.00 in peta $10.00. Te nagrade bodo najbolj uspešnim petim društvom izplačane še poleg gori omenjenih zvišanih nagrad za posamezne nove člane. Kampanja traja od 1. januarja do 31. decembra 1942. Po zaključku kampanje se nagrade nakažejo društvom. S tem so bile rešene vse zadeve, ki so prišle pred to zborovanje. Prečitan in sprejet je zapisnik pete seje. Glavni predsednik se nato zahvali vsem glavnim odbornikom za vzorno pozornost in sodelovanje, želi jim srečen povratek na njihove domove in jim priporoča, da povsod in pri vsaki priliki delujejo za napredek in ugled Ameriške bratske zveze. Peta seja in obenem letno zborovanje glavnega odbora sta bila zaključena v sredo 11. februarja 1942 ob enajsti uri dopoldne. JANKO N. ROGELJ, ANTON J. TERBOVEC, gl. predsednik; zapisnikar. VSAK PO SVOJE (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) FINANCIAL REPORT of the SUPREME SECRETARY of the AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION Covering Period from July 1 to December 31, ADULT DEPARTMENT 1941 RECEIPTS Mortuary Fund: Assessments ................................................. $ 96,927.65 Interest on Bonds, less am’t trans, to Expense Fund 55,192.19 Interest cn Certificate Loans ................................ 3,781.34 Gross Profit on sale of bonds ............................... 971.07 Gross increase by adjustment in book value of -bonds ........ 541.85 $157,414.10 Sick and Indemnity Fund: Assessments .............................................$ 67,548.30 > Refunds from Lodges .......................................•••■ 32.00 ■Transferred from Mortuary, Welfare & Expense Funds 172.90 $ 67,753.20 ----------- Welfare Benefit Fund: Assessments ................ •.............................$ 7,852.90 Refunds from Lodges .......................................... 50.00 $ 7,902.90 Athletic Fund: rnsferred from the Expense Fund ..........................$ 1,885.94 $ 1,885.94 Expense Fund: Assessments .............................................$ 23,082.30 Interest ..................................................... 1,892.95 Fcr Lodge Supplies and new certificates ....................... 420.00 Ads and Subscriptions (Nova Doba) ................................ 181.07 Refund from Insurance Department of Maryland 25.00 Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota ....................... 10.00 Transferred from the Mortuary Fund ....................... 150.00 Transferred from the Sick and Indemnity Fund ................... 4,728.39 $ 35,489.71 v ---------------------- TOTAL ...........’.................................... ‘........ $270,445.85 DISBURSEMENTS Mortuary Fund: Death Benefit Claims .........................................$ 61,017.66 Cash Surrenders ..........................:................. 3,175.94 Accrued Interest on Bonds Purchased .. 1,869.92 Gross decrease by amortization of bonds ...................... 11,835.51 Loss on sale of bonds ......................................... 18,961.94 Assessments returned to members .................................. 199.28 Transferred to the Expense Fund .................................. 150.00 Legal expense Re: deceased member of lodge No. 190 77.50 $ 97,287 75 Sick and Indemnity Fund: Sick and operation benefit claims ........................$ 51,105.65 Assessments returned to member .................................. 90.60 Transferred to the Expense Fund ........................1 4,728.3ft $ 55,924.64 Welfare Benefit Fund: Welfare Benefits ........................................... $ 6,212.68 Assessments returned to member .................................... 13.54 $ 6,226.22 Athletic Fund: Authorized payments to lodges .................■............. $ 750.00 Jugoslav Relief Committee ........................................ 500.00 Ohio Softball Tournament expenses 50.00 (Continued on page 7) grešal. Nikaki izrazito lepi spomini me ne vežejo nanj. Vendar, če pridem tja, rad ponovno pogledam tiste bučne in pri tem vendar monotone ceste in črno-sive nebotičnike in včasih grem še skozi kako večjo trgovino, ne da bi mislil kaj kupiti. Je nekako tako, kot sniti se z nekdanjo znanko, ki ni bila niti posebno lepa niti ljubeznjiva, včasih celo vsa od hudiča, a kljub temu a grand old girl. * V Detroitu je nedavno 91-letna Maria Millis dobila raz-poroko od svojega 73 let starega moža na pritožbo, da moži-ček vedno leta za drugimi ženskami in se hvali z uspehi. Kdo bi si mislil, da je iz Detroita že toliko mladih fantov in mož odšlo k vojakom! * Dobrodelnost je največkrat plačana z nehvaležnostjo, včasih pa še s čim hujšim. V new-yorskem Centralnem parku so nedavno policisti aretirali damo, ki je prinesla nekaj narezkov mesa za brezdomovinsko pasjo paro, ki se je potikala po parku. Damo s pasjim kosilom vred so transferirali na policijsko postajo in so jo obtožili, da je nameravala zastrupljati brezdomovinske pse. Obtožena dama je trdila, da meso ni zastrupljeno in za dokaz resnice je pred policijskimi pričami sama pojedla košček prospektiv-nega pasjega kosila. Policijska oblast je bila z dokazom zadovoljna in je obtoženko odpustila, češ, kar ne škoduje nežni dami, tudi ne more škodovati brezdomovinskemu pudeljnu. •* V Bostonu je neki lastnik taksija že zaprosil za fijakarsko licenco, namreč za oblastveno dovoljenje, da sme svoje vozilo obratovati s konjsko vprego. Tako nam vojna prinaša nazaj dobre stare ’čase. Toda, nam se zdi, da pri vsej hvali dobrih starih časov ni nihče v resnici navdušen zanje. * Za grmadenje sladkorja bo baje določena kazen 10 let ječe in 10 tisoč dolarjev globe. Zaradi mene, naj bo. Kakor sem se navadil jesti solato brez je-siha, tako se bom navadil piti kavo brez sladkorja. Pivo pa že zdaj pijem kar grenko. * Ameriške revije že prinašajo slike kopalnih oblek, ki bodo letos v modi, seveda z vsebino, ki spada vanje. In, bogovi, kako se tam zrcali pomanjkanje oblačilnega materiala! Zaradi vojne, seveda. * Vsaka kokoš, brez ozira na starost, mora producirati najmanj 50 jajc na leto. Tako se glasi odlok živilskih oblasti v okupirani Franciji. Za kokoš, ki se ne bo pokorila temu odloku, bo moral njen lastnik plačati predpisano denarno kazen. Lastnik pa naj se potem pogovori s svojo kokodajsko, kakor hoče. - , * V vojnih časih je vse mogoče. Tako se je zgodilo pretekli teden, ko se je skupina glavnih odbornikov vozila iz Dulutha proti Chicagu, da so se na postaji Great Lakes čevlji našega predsednika v patriotičnem zanosu odpravili nekam v smeri velikega yežbališča naših mornarjev. To bi še ne bilo tako čudno, če bi bil predsednik v njih, toda brat predsednik je takrat z nami vred še spal spanje pravičnega. Ko je bila de-zertacija predsednikovih čevljev odkrita, je nastala v vlaku velika komocija, kot pravijo Američani. Nas je skrbelo, kako bo naš predsednik v Chicagu, čakajoč na vlak, bos prome-niral po ledenih cestah, ker to v predpustni sezoni ni niti praktično niti moderno. Najbolj v strahu pa je bil črni porter, ki dezertacije ni opazil, dasi bi bila to njegova dolžnost. Obraz se AMERIŠKA BRATSKA ZVEZA Ustanovljena 18. julija 1898 GLAVNI URAD: ELY, MINNESOTA GLAVNI ODBOR IZVRŠEVALNI ODSEK: ^ 0 Predsednik: J. N. Rogelj .......... 6208 Schade Ave., cle*er,’ 1. podpredsednik: Frank Okoren ......... 4759 Pearl W-i 2. podpredsednik: P. J. Oblock RD No. 1, Box 506, » 3. podpredsednik: Joseph Kovach 132 East White ''QQ&iy' 4. podpredsednik: Anton Krapenc 1636 W. 21st Pla ’ ^ 5. podpredsednik: Joseph Sneler __5237 Carnegie Ave., gutte, 5* 6. podpredsednica: Mary Predovich ....... 2300 Yew b •• ^it Tajnik: Anton Zbašnlk ....................... AFU Bldg- Pomožni tajnik: Frank Tomsich, Jr...........— AFU gjj, MB®1«, Blagajnik: Louis Champa ........................~~STPittsM^iici Vrhovni zdravnik: Dr. F. J. Arch ... 618 Chestnut St., Urednik-upravnik glasila: A. J. Terbovec....6233 St. Clair A •» NADZORNI ODSEK: ' -j.t Predsednik: John Kumse ................1735 E. 33r<* joWj 1. nadzornik: F. E. Vranichar ......... 1312 N. Cente ,ujora, 2. nadzornik: Matt Anzelc .................. wrpadoWl***"!. 3. nadzornik: Andrew Milavec, Jr.......... Box 31, » pjttsb'#' 4. nadzornik: F. J. Kress ..............218—57th b FINANČNI ODSEK: , r>level8IiaV J. N. Rogelj_______________________ 6208 Sciiade Ave.,1^ Anton Zbašnik, tajnik __________________________AFU John Kumše______________________________1735 E. 33rd •> j0uet Frank E. Vranichar..................... 1312 N. Cen Andrew Milavec, Jr._____________________— Box 31, GLAVNI POROTNI ODBOR: # Predsednik: Anton Okollsh ________ 1078 Liberty Ave" ®gtraba^ 1. porotnik: Frank Mikec .................... ®ox jgy, 2. porotnica: Rose Svetich ..........-.............. Den'-51’• < 3. porotnik: Steve Mauser................ 4627 Logan gro0)[lfft 4. porotnik: Ignac Zajc___________ 683 Onderdonk Ave., NAGRADE V GOTO ZA NOVOPRIDOBLJENE ČLANE ODRASLEGA DINSKEGA ODDELKA DAJE AMERIŠKA l ZA NAGRADE V GOTOVINI. Q prem Za novopridobljene člane odraslega oddelka * I , lji deležni sledečih nagrad: ? fitfm za člana, ki se zavaruje za $250.00 smrtnine, ? ^ \ za člana, ki se zavaruje za $500.00 smrtnine, ? • /l^jr za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,000.00 smrtnine, t ’ ^ za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,500.00 smrtnine, za člana, ki se zavaruje za $2,000.00 smrtnine, J* ■ ^ za člana, ki se zavaruje za $3,000.00 smrtnine, Za novopridobljene člane mladinskega odde lagatelji deležni sledečih nagrad: za čla/ia načrta “JA” — $0.50; za člana načrta “JB” — $2.00; 9 za člana načrta “JC,” s $500.00 zavarovalnine za člana načrta “JC,” s $1,000.00 zavarovalnine za člana načrta “JD” z $250.00 zavarovalnine za člana načrta “JD” s $500.00 zavarovalnine za člana načrta “JD” s $1,000.00 zavarovalnine ^ ^, Vse te nagrade so izplačljive šele potem, ko s . .. člane plačani trije mesečni aseštnenti. mu je daljšal in polt mu je bledela, da je bil končno skoro tako bel kot mi, ki smo kavkaškega plemena. Prijatelj Krapenc je menil, da bi prestrašeni porter s svojo spremenjeno barvo lahko kvalificiral za kandidata za članstvo v naši Zvezi ali pa kot reklamni eksemplar za uspehe kake čudovite žajfe. Situacija je bila končno rešena s parom rezervnih čevljev, ki jih je predsednik izvlekel iz svojega kov-čega, in zaprepašČeni črnec je polagoma spet dobil svojo naravno afriško barvo. Kdo se zdaj postavlja s predsednikovimi čevlji in kakšne ali-monije bo morala železniška družba plačati zanje, spada v probleme bodočnosti. A. J. T. Ohio. Takoj nato S*'*« "< pretrgati svojo P , turo in je odpot°'‘ ed nijo, da na pozi' v b? j pri izdelavi fil^3’ to^j? ^ razvoj Amerike P j« ju, ljencev. Mr. ^ .-0i» ^ logo napisati štor1 filmsko slikoA * ffl ' to Clevelandski žul^j V* Lausche je imeJ,°' A Grilla za pom©**« V h ga prosekutorja- kjl 1) ije tudi član let urednik d»e ; 1J^ j (, Moose in Eagle^0 K j ^ progo, tri sine> A* vnuka in več d , , ’ kov. — Istotain J ^ 0f let za srčno hib° j,f; jt ^ Anton Lusftrak. . bj!]( ■ j a SNPJ. Pokojnik J ^ j je živel pri sor0<; 'Hi' bil od Škofje LoKe' J f w V**" ‘,i | s , V Davisu, W- .J r \ Josephina Kosal1 .^i*’ jr cic^ lene, stara 50 1©k ^ \ Of, va št. 106 ABZ. . j f | ^ Krškega okraja 1 J |C Ameriki 34 let. | »ive ga, tri sinove n1 m,' V Conemaugh^ / g \ sledicah operaC*J . fij ^ j, Kovačič, star" 55 .0 Iva št. 36 ABZ. [N in več pastorko''- # | št. Rupertu^ je bival v Amer1* f 'J(J( V Chicagu, Ill-’iH Ji Debelak, član bj| I ABZ. Doma je H N škofje Loke. L DRUŠTVENE IN DRUGE SLOVENSKE VESTI Glavni odbor Ameriške bratske zveze je na svojem letnem zborovanju sklenil investirati $50,000.00 zvezinega premoženja v obrambne bonde Zedinjenih držav. Prej je bilo v vladnih b o n d i h investirano $25,000.00 zvezinega premoženja, torej bo s sedaj avtoriziranim nakupom skupno investirano $75,000.00 v obveznicah Zedinjenih držav. * Ameriškemu rdečemu križu je bilo nakazanih $1,000.00 iz športnega sklada Am e r i š k e bratske zveze. * Nadaljni društvi Ameriške bratske zveze, ki nam sporočata o nakupu obrambnih bondov Zedinjenih držav, sta št. 230 v Chisholmu, Minn., in št. 1 v Elyu, Minn. Zadnje omenjeno društvo ima zdaj že en tisoč dolarjev investiranih v obrambnih bondih. * Pisatelj Louis Adamič je pretekli teden imel predavanje v “City Clubu” v Clevelandu, BUY UMtTtD STATES VINO* OHM New Eta ENGLISH SECTION Of r oir,cial°r9dn ▼ of the American Fraternal Union. Nou& Dota AMPLIFyiNG THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS 5Kapredek Notes p^^'Cleveland, 0. — Last Ka«ay,S howling proved that on v- 6^S Cavaliers are still two y avenue, by taking dp5 Jfmes from the Ivies No. 1, thr 1 ® ^ct that they lost brother Bums the PrJv>ous session. tried *nitial game Slopko Ivies With 158’ but the Then qI011 ^ a n*ce margin. ^„1 . erlekar and Sesek came resn^th games of 184 and 179 the fC t° hand the Ivies Seseua news- In the nightcap, 17l „ fnd Chukayne bowled ing. n ^1, to help in hand- ApU No jnother defeat to 173 a t'*f f°r the Naps, with by oj °/ and was followed Pko with 448. Th d ^etsv r> Ums were drubbed by thev • After the fine style seei^p i °Wed the week before it Rrjjjp ,^° be a hard blow, and 7- i a good j°b ^th 497, MthT,ric was a great help R0ss > hut it seems Betsy I1* tWJust one better, so J took all three. to ex? ^aPredek Bowlers wish fw paj-L- end their sincerest sym-SJ Sttij-tn'v ^°hn and Frank | death fellow bowlers, o l the Mn n their grandmother, | jeklenk. an(l to wish Wealthi0th aI1 the happiness, anri’ ^ree sons, one daugh-in j, °ther relatives. ’n ^ Anf° Same city the death Lustrak, aged 49 ■». ^ Win if ^ announced. A bache- !^tiVe made his home with 1 % ^ethv^’ Lustrak was also - . l„Jbcr»f AFU. ifj : ^ ofa?> West Va., the nass-^ rs- Josephine Kosan- 'f I ^0 v° ^°lence) at the age ^ Was announced. A li C °u Lodge 1()6- AFU-> W V>!^ in A rn in Europe and 'rm Vs ^merica-34 years. Sur-H *je her husband, three < W ^ Cn S^x daughters. fM Vic, "emaugh, Pa., Blaz Ko-/S j, ettlbei.8ed 55 yeai'S, and a v**. H Lodge 36 passed (flWt j3 and ?.'Vas born in Jugosla-i»^M \ 1Ved in America since Ž * i01,n nhiCaeo> 111.,, death of ! | lak, a member of , ’ AFU, was announced. as Lodge 44 News Barberton, O. — All members of Lodge No. 44, AFU., are asked to attend our next monthly meeting this coming Sunday, February 22, 1942 in the Domovina Hall on 14th Street at 2 o’clock p. m. At our annual meeting, the following officers were elected: Frank Smrdel, president; John Balant, Sr., vice-president; Alice Zalar, secretary; Jennie Podli-pec, Sr., treasurer; John Yentz, recording secretary; Anton Okolish, John Klančar, and Joseph Krizaj, trustees; August Maver, flag-bearer; Dr. J. J. Folin and Dr. F. M. Warner, lodge physicians. To lead the sport activity in our lodge, John Opeka was elected athletic supervisor. He has done a lot to make our members interested in sports, and am sure that he will do more than ever this year. According to the latest news dispatches, the next National AFU Bowling Tournament will be held in the little hospitable town of Barberton, Ohio. We hope-a hope-a hope. The men’s bowling teams are getting along nicely. A few weeks ago the teams bowled the Betsy Ross and Napredek lodges from Cleveland, and are looking forward to return matches in the near future. All girls and ladies interested in bowling please come to the meeting Sunday so that we can have a little meeting after our regular meeting in regard to organizing a few teams. The following fellow members are in the Navy: Frank Doles, and Frank Segulin, and the following are in the Army: Anthony Ausetts, Frank Okolish, Joe Zellia, and Jack Verhotz. We wish you all the luck in the world, and we are all working hard to make our United States of America, a safe and free country to live in. Brother Frank Troha was on the sick list, and has returned to work. Brothers Martin Žagar, Jr. and Mike Samic have also recovered from their recent operations. There are still a few members who are behind in their assessments, and all are asked to pay same up by the end of this month, otherwise drastic measures will have to be taken. Inasmuch as practically all of us are working and will be for some time to come, there is no reason why we all can’t pay our assessments on time. So let’s all cooperate so that we won’t have to suspend anyone. Alice Zalar, Secretary, Lodge 44, AFU. Lodge No. I AFU Has New Secretary Ely, Minn. — At the regular meeting of Lodge No. 1, AFU.. held Sunday, Feb. 10th, I was elected financial secretary of Lodge No. 1, succeeding Lieute-nent Joseph J. Kovach who was called into active service by the United States Army. Members are asked to pay their assessments at my address, 826 East Sheridan street, Ely, Minnesota. Henry Pluth was elected to the position of trustee that was previously held by me. The lodge also purchased aif-other $75.00 U. S. Defense Bond which brings the total amount purchased, in bonds to $1,000. Louis Zgonc, secretary, Lodge No. 1, AFU. Export Majestic^ Lodges reporting the purchase of U. S. Defense Bonds were No. 230 in Chisholm, Minn.; and No. 1, in Ely, Minn. The latter lodge now has $1,000 invested in Defense Bonds. ❖ * Writer Louis Adamic addressed the Cleveland City Club at a luncheon meeting, Satur day, Feb. 14. Following this appearance a speaking tour was cancelled to allow Mr. Adamic to collaborate with the government on the writing and supervision of a scenario for film to be produced in Hollywood, Cal., reflecting on the contributions of immigrants in the general development of our country. Mr. Adamic will write the scenario. Export, Pa. — At the annual meeting of lodge, No. 218, AFU., held in December, the following officers were elected: William Korach, president; Della Calder, vice president; Bert Marcellio, secretary; Sara Helen Rebich, recording secretary; Nick Gru-bich, treasurer; John Biesuz, Mary Merrick, and Mary Biesuz, board of trustees; Eli Biesuz, athletic supervisor; Aldo Calder, sick committee chairman; Violet Merrick, Esther Biesuz, and Sara Helen Rebich, publicity committee; Della Calder, Mary Merrick, and Sara Helen Rebich, standing committees. Members were enthused about promoting activities and adding life to the lodge, but so far we haven’t seen it. Our monthly meeting was held January 15th. Rather it was scheduled, but because a quorum wasn’t present, no meeting was held. Where are our members? I urge every member again to attend monthly meetings. If not, perhaps they wouldn’t mind paying small penalty fines for not attending. I talked to most members recently and especially asked if they read the Nova Doba. They say they do, but fail to see any news that Lodge 218, of Export, Pa., is holding any kind of affair or entertainment for its members. But why is this the case? It’s because members fail to attend meetings to plan such entertainment and affairs. If no one shows up at the meeting, how can we be expected to make arrangements for activities? Come on members! Let’s see what we can do at the next meeting scheduled Fe b r u a r y 19th at the same place and time! Sara Helen Rebich, recording secretary, Lodge 218, AFU. Greetings in behalf of all AFU members were dispatched to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the opening of the meeting of the Supreme Board at Ely, Minn., last week. The message read: “Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, Washington, D. C. — The Supreme Board of Directors of the American Fraternal Union, a fraternal benefit insurance society operating in 22 states and having a membership of over 25,000, extend to you, Mr. President, their sincere greetings and best wishes for your continued good health. Permit us, Mr. President, to reassure you of our unshaken confidence in your leadership, and to renew, on behalf of our entire membership, our pledge of loyalty to our beloved country —The United States of America. American Fraternal Union by Anton Zbasnik, supreme secretary.” * * Aviation Cadet Frank Slavec, LaFayette, Colo., a member of Lodge 21, of Denver, Colo., has been promoted to the Advanced School for Navigation at Kelly Field, Texas. This is considered the last stepping stone in a long climb to complete his flying course and obtain his wings. He was formerly at Ellington Field in Texas. * ; * Miss Lorraine Jackson, a member of Lodge 114, AFU, Ely, Minn., left for Washington, D. C., where she has obtained a position with the Civil Aeronautics Administration. A post card was received from Miss Edith Femec of Lodge 186, Cleveland, who also has a governmental position in Washington, D. C. (Continued on page 6) Center Ramblers Center, Pa. — Well, what’s wrong with our gang, anyway? We started out swell with our bowling teams, but now it seems that things aren’t going as well as they could. What’s wrong girls ? I think I know what it is. Yep, we haven’t had a match game for a while. Perhaps that is why some of you have lost interest. So how about it Clar-idge, Export, or any other women’s team. We don’t say we’re experts, but I would like to see our girls get-together again. So if you want to book us for a match game please get in touch with Mary Peternel, our athletic supervisor, R. D. 1, Turtle Creek, Pa. — So much for bowling. I want to say that our last dance was a great success. I want to thank everyone who came to our “Victory” dance. I know everyone had a swell time. I know I did. I’m sorry, too, that we didn’t have enough hamburger. They certainly did go fast. Must have been pretty good, eh! Kathryn Sobr, Lodge 221, AFU. G-W’s Plan 15th Anniversary Party Lodge 57 on Winning Splurge Export Victory Team Improves Averages Important Notice Cleveland, O. — Members of Lodge 71, AFU., please take notice that I will be at the Slovene National Home on Holmes avenue next Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 24 and 25 from 6 to 9 p. m., to collect lodge assessments. Please make every effoi’t to pay your dues on time. I will .really appreciate all cooperation you can give me. ✓ Elsie Desmond, sec’y, Lodge 71, AFU. Remember Pearl Harbor! Buy U. S. Defense Savings Bonds! Export, Pa. — As captain of our Lodge 138 bowling team, I am certainly very glad to see our members take such a great interest in bowling this year. We have named our ladies team the AFU No. 138 “Victory” team since we organized it during this war period. I am sorry to say that we have been defeated in games we have already bowled but this is mostly because majority of us are first year bowlers. Individual scores are climbing up however, and maybe we’ll have a lot better luck next season. Here are the individual averages of our duckpin Victory team so far this year: Mrs. Violet Skerly, 107; Mrs Ruddy Kuznik, 101; Anna Kužnik, 80; Mrs. Ella Kovacic, 75; Mrs. Helen Kovacic, 73; Mrs. Mary Kahosek, 71; Mary Gum-bach, 71; Mrs. Frank Kuznik 61; and Mrs. Frances Kuznik 58. In closing my column, I must say that tho we may not be professionals this year we are serving a warning to other teams fco look out for next year! By the way, any time our men’s bowling team wants a beating we’re ready to challenge them and really give it to ’em! Mrs. Violet Skerly, Lodge 138, AFU. Export, Pa. — Lodge 57, AFU., continued its winning ways in recent duckpin match games against Lodge 138 of this city. In a game played Feb. 14, Lodge 57 swept all three games from No. 138. Another match game will be played with Lodge 138, Feb. 21. Everybody is invited to be on deck to watch Lodge 138 in their attempt to even the series. Prev i o u s 1 y Lodge 57 won games from Lodge 116, AFU of Delmont. This was the first match with Lodge 138. Lodge 57, led by Poscic, R. Supancic, scored games of 716, 661, and 734; while Lodge 138, with Bill Skerly and Frank Za-lusky leading the way scored ijames of 689, 582, and 630. Louis Supancic, Bowling club mgr. Lodge 57, AFU. Cleveland, 0. — Gradually gaining added momentum, Geo. Washington Lodge 180, AFU., met in reguldr session last Tuesday, and decided to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the lodge by holding a social get-together following the business session of the meeting, scheduled March 10th. At the last session the list of officers for 1942 was officially revised to read as follows: John Kardell, president; Mary Pechaver, vice-president; Stanley Pechaver, secretary; Agnes Kardell, treasurer; John Merhar, recording secretary. Other officers remain as previously reported. To members who are puzzled regarding when and where to pay their monthly lodge assessments, Little Stan informs that he will collect assessments in Room 6 of Nova Doba office, 6233 St. Clair Ave., from Wednesday thru Saturday of each week, during regular office hours. The secretary will also be in the office on the 25th day of each month from 7 to 9 p. m. The secretary’s telephone number is HEnderson 3889, and members are- urged to call whenever necessary and prompt attention will be given their requests. Newly transferred members at the last meeting were Mr. and Mrs. William Lindgren, formerly from Ely, Minn. Mrs. Lindgren is the former Mary Mantel, daughter of one of our AFU charter members and onetime supreme officer, Joseph Mantel. Until her marriage she had been employed at the Home Office. Mrs. Louis Zgonc, formerly from Gilbert and wife of “Kat” is arranging to transfer to G. W.’s. The two young ladies who attended the G-W meeting and left a little earlier are asked to attend the next meeting which will convene promptly at 8 p. m.! And a good time will be in store for every G-W member who turns out! Following the regular session, G. W. members congregated at Birk’s for an entertaining social. Here it was learned that G-W’s have an exclusive game called “Box Hockey” which mekibers recall provided much entertainment in past years. It was hoped to have this game brought to the next meeting. Johnny Merhar declared he will bring one up. Congratulating G-W’s.— the Plavcan’s, the Frank Kardell’s and the Danhoffer's on the new arrivals. The congrats may be a little late for a few—but nevertheless, they still ring sincerely. All G. W.’s are urged to keep the date—March 10—in mind for the G-W 15th anniversary get-together. An excellent time is being prepared and we want you all to be a part of it. Until next week— Stan Pechaver, secretary, Lodge 180, AFU. Onward Betsy Ross By Rose Mary Rossa, Lodge 186 Cleveland, O. — Here we are folks, again with the latest— And let me tell you it is the LADDEST, we have been asked to be on the lookout for a LADDER—but we forgot to ask what size it is to be so Ivan how’s about information concerning this, Huh? And speaking of weddings there’s the newjyweds Mr. and Mrs. Eugene March just back from their honeymoon in Florida—doing a bit of cake cutting last Sunday. Congratulations go to Mary Bratovich who received a beautiful sparkler on Valentine’s Day from her boyfriend Stanley Rossa. Happy Birthday wishes altho a bit late go to our good friend Eleanor Alex who celebrated hers last Sunday. Our good luck wishes go to Edith Femec who is working in Washington doing secretarial work. Army bound is our friend Frank Marson Martic— Frank leaves February 19th (today) good luck Marson and may we hear from you soon. - BOWLING— The boys are still out there battling it out (Continued on page 6) SMonday Musings By Little Stan Cleveland, O. — With none of our active lodges having anything special on the week-end program, opportu-ni was afforded to do a little breezing in various spots and take notes of interest here and there. Saturday p. m. were surprised to have visitors in the persons of the Tom-uttie sta» sich Twins and Vince Zergaj all fonner Elyites. The Tomsich Twins are so much alike the only way you can tell them apart is—one of them wears glasses. That night, with the Bub Kardell’s and the Bill Lindgren’s, the Little Stans romped about several popular night spots. Stopped over to Joe Struna’s—this time rang the chimes for sometime, but they were out. Drove to Yanky’s pop ular spot on East 152nd. Immediately upon entering ran into Andy Champa, formerly from Aurora, and the Smuk boys, formerly of Ely. At a nearby table saw the Tomsich Twins weren’t wasting any time. Escorting the Baudek sisters, also former Elyites, the Twins ate up the dance floor in Ely National Home style. Their impression of Cleveland: “It’s just like home!” In a heavy and wet snowfall dropped in a west side sandwich'shop—into Birk’s and home to bed. Drove to Broadway Sunday afternoon where our good friend, and G-W, Joseph Kolkmeyer was busy as can be. His work would keep him busy until midnight—then back to Minneapolis to continue work on another job. Kolkmeyer is an excellent CPO and it was he who installed a modern up-to-date bookkeeping system in the Home Of-(Continued on page 6) Idle Chatter r.;>t Enumclaw, Wash. — We’ve been away f9r some time but here we go with another edition of Idle Chatter. Had no idea this column had such a nice following and that it actually would be missed. So many have inquired why we don’t make it a regular weekly feature. Sure, that would be fine but how. about a little cooperation from some of the other members. I’m not twins—I have only one writing arm—I haven’t a typewriter and then you know there are other clubs and organization crying for attention. I’d like to hear from Johnny or Mary Chacata. Or little Dorothy Kladnik who is a reporter for a local newspaper. Way out in Hobart we have Bea Grady and Chris Kochevar who could bring us news from there. And why don’t. we ever hear from our singing bartender, our jolly John Millarich? He’s so full of wit and humor... we’d all relish a few columns a month from him. A few days ago he approached me with, “Well Micka, what’s the matter? Don’t you ever write to Nova Doba any more?” Well darn it all, here I go and the sky’s the limit. And no dog-h ouses, please! Birthday Ball On Jan. 31st, the Krain Ballroom catered to one of the largest crowds in its history when it honored the President with a Birthday Ball. Over a thousand persons attended the dance which netted over $400.00. This financial report was the uppermost topic with the male members of the committee, but it surely went secondary with y. t. to all the beautiful gowna and furs and lovely coiffures. Oh gee, oh gee! A million dollar fashion show. What a grand time everyone had. At midnight a grand march (Continued on page 6) \ AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION Pounded July 18, 1898 HOME OFFICE: ELY, MINNESOTA SUPREME BOARD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: President: J. N. Rogelj............... 6208 Schade Ave., Cleveland, Ohio: 1st Vlce-Pres’t: Frank Okoren ............ 4759 Pearl St., Denver, Colo.; 2nd Vlce-Pres’t: P. J. Oblock RD No. 1, Box 500, Turtle Creek, Pa.; 3rd Vice-Pres’t: Joseph Kovach........... 132 East White St., Ely, Minn.; 4th Vice-Pres’t: Anton Krapenc __________ 1636 W. 21st Place, Chicago, 111.; 6th Vice-Pres’t: Joseph Sneler 5237 Carnegie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.; 8th Vice-Pres’t: Mary Predovich__________ 2300 Yew St., Butte, Montana; Secretary: Anton Zbasnik ...................AFU Bldg., Ely, Minnesota; Assistant Secretary: Frank Tomsich, Jr AFU Bldg., Ely, Minn.; Treasurer: Louis Champa _______________________________ Ely, Minnesota: Medical Examiner: Dr. F. J. Arch _..618 Chestnut St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Editor-Mgr. of Off’l Organ: A. J. Terbovec..6233 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. TRUSTEES: President: John Kumse______________________ 1735 E. 33rd St., Lorain, Ohio; 1st Trustee: F. E. Vranichar________________1312 N. Center St., Joliet, 111.; 2nd Trustee: Matt Anzelc____________________ Box 12, Aurora, Minnesota; 3rd Trustee: Andrew Milavec, Jr .. Box 31, Meadowlands, Pa.; 4th Trustee: F. J. Kress___________________218—57th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. < FINANCE COMMITTEE J. N. Rogelj ________________________ 6208 Schade Ave., Cleveland, Ohio; Anton Zbasnik, Secretary_______________________— AFU Bldg., Ely, Minn.; John Kumse_________________________________ 1735 E. 33rd St., Lorain, Ohio; Frank E. Vranichar_________________________1312 N. Center St., Joliet, HI.; Andrew Milavec, Jr.____________________________Box 31, Meadowlands, Pa. SUPREME JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: Chairman: Anton Okolish_______________107* Liberty Ave., Barberton, Ohio; lit Judiciary: Frank Mikec________________________Box 46, Strabane, Pa.; 2nd Judiciary: Rose Svetich______________________________Ely, Minnesota; 3rd Judiciary: Steve Mauser_________________ 4627 Logan St., Denver, Colo. 4th Judiciary: Ignac Zajc----------- 683 Onderdonk Ave.,- Brooklyn, N. Y. Boosters In 2nd Place; Cavaliers Halt I. V. 1 Cleveland, O. — Round three came to a close Friday evening with the following teams: Betsy Ross, Collinwood Boosters and Ilirska Vila No. 1 in the win, place and show order respectively. The Collinwood Boo s t e r s gained undisputed position of second place by downing the St. John Johnnies for three games. The clean sweep now extends the Boosters’ winning streak to nine games. The Johnnies proved to be no easy picking for the Boosters as the scores of the first two games indicate. Considered to be one of the closest match games in this league thus far, the Boosters won the first game from the Johnnies by one pin and in the second game by only two pins. Rather close games are they not? Friday the thirteenth was an unlucky day for the Ilirska Vila No. 1 crew as the Napredek Caveliers snapped their winning streak at that unlucky number of thirteen. The Cavaliers gained a double victory from the Ivies. The two setbacks pushed the Ivies No. 1 down to third place in the race and the wins enabled the Cavaliers to regain their fourth place berth. After their previous week’s ordeal of losing three games, the Betsy Ross Flagmakers recovered sufficiently to administer a white wash job to the Napredek Bums and get back into the win column. In taking three games from the Bums the Betsy Ross five belted the maples for a 2559 total. The Betsy Ross lads dedicated their triple victory to Frank Martich, who made *his last appearance with the team before entering the U. S. Army. Followers of the B. R. team know that Frank was one of the mainstays of the team and did much to aid the team in holding its first place berth. To you Frank, in behalf of the league, teammates and myself, I extend to you a most sincere wish for the best of luck and success in your new venture. And now back to the fourth encounter of the evening. The St. John Saints regained their hold on sixth place as they downed the Ilirska Vila No. 2 team for two games. The double setback for the Ivies No. 2 pushed them back into fifth place in the race. Boosters Make It Nine Ludie Laurich was once again the mainstay for the Collinwood Boosters as they made it nine in a row by taking three games from the St. John Johnnies. Ludie hit the maples for a 513 count. For the Johnnies in their heart-breaking losses Joe ONWARD BETSY ROSS! (Continued from page 5) Zabokovec with 469 was high. Streak Ends at “13” The Napredek Cavaliers once again took the role of the spoiler as they ended the Ilirska Vila No. 1 team’s winning streak at thirteen games. Leading the Cavaliers in their spoiler role was Frank Sesek with a 479 count. Tony Prime’s 519 total enabled the Ivies to gain their lone victory. Back In Stride With “Iky” Kocin blasting a 570 series and Ivan Rožance with a 546 the Betsy Ross Flagmakers were back in their winning stride as they downed the Napredek Bums for three games. For the Bums, Frankie Krince with a 497 was high. Frank Martich with 537 also aided the B. R. five to their clean sweep. Frank ushered out his appearance with the team in grand style as he rolled a 236 game in the final game. ! Saints Best Ivies Without the services of their two ace bowlers the St. John Saints were still able to gain a two to one victory over the Ilirska Vila No. 2 team. For the Saints Frank Znider with 495 was high and for the Ivies Laddie Debevec with a 509 total was their mainstay. Two Hundred Circle The select two hundred circle was entered by the following: Frank Martich, 236; Ivan Rozanc, 212; Gustie Fortuna, 202; “Ike” Kocin, 201 and Tony Prime 201. Fraternally yours, Joe Kozar, Secretary of AFU League American Fraternal Union Standings, Feb. 13, 1942. W L 1 Betsy Ross ............. 42 21 2 Collinwood Boosters 39 24 3 Ilirska Vila No. 1 ..... 37 26 4 Napredek Cavaliers .. 31 32 5 Ilirska Vila No. 2 ..... 30 33 6 St. John Saints ........ 28 35 7 Napredek Bums 26 37 8 St. John Johnnies .... 19 44 Team High 3 Games 1 Ilirska Vila No. 2 ........ 2587 2 Ilirska Vila No. 1 ........ 2566 3 Betsy Ross................. 2562 Team High 1 Game 1 Betsy Ross.................. 963 2 Collinwood Boosters ........ 908 3 Ilirska Vila No. 2 ......... 899 Individual High 3 Games 1 L. Debevec ................ 636 2 S. Zagorc ................. 623 3 J. Krince ................. 612 Individual High 1 Game 1 J. Krince .................. 264 2 L. Debevec -................ 257 3 J. Jerinain .............. 255 4 T. Prime ................. 255 Individual Averages 1 Rozanc .................... 174 2 M. Poklar ................ 172 3 Martich ................... 169 4 Zagorc .................... 167 5 Quinn ..................... 167 every Friday evening hitting those pins for strikes and spares —the boys assure me that they certainly will miss Marson, one of their star bowlers— don’t lose the spirit, boys— A return match with Barberton’s St. Martin’s teams will take place this Saturday nite at the Slov. Waterloo Home Alleys. There will be three men teams and one girls’ team. May the best team win, after the games there will be dancing and refreshments for all. So we’ll be looking for you Barberton. There is being formed this Friday nite a girls’ bowling team to take the place of one of the men teams which has dropped; any B R girl willing to bowl Friday nites is cordially invited. • We welcome two new members Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schonwald and a transfer from the Juvenile Walter Franklin Lunka— May we see a lot of you brothers and sister. This year we doubt very much if we’ll have a male baseball team but we’re positive there will be a female team there— So wish us luck, boys. Stan Zagorc because of his night work has passed over the chairmanship temporarily of the United AFU Federation Entertainment Committee to Dorothy Rossa. The committee composed of Elsie Desmond, J. Lunka, Frank Sesek, Blackie Krall, Ivan Rozanc and Hrvatin and anyone else who maybe interested will meet at 7:30 p. m. this Friday (February 20) at the Clubroom in the East 152nd Street (Perusek’s) Bowling Alleys. Please be present. The dance, a combined dance of all AFU, is expected to be scheduled for May 2nd with Johnny Pecon playing. The Betsy Ross three consecutive Saturday nite Barn dances are to take place July 11, 18, 25 at Manchutta’s Farm on Glenridge Rd. with Johnny Pecon in the band stand. On November 28th the Betsy Ross Anniversary Dance will take place at the Slovenian Waterloo Hall with our friend Johnny Pecon again giving out those tunes for dancipation. As we mentioned last week our Second Midnite skate was again the grand sensation we expected and ever*yone was present (I told you Little Stan that you wouldn’t be present—Jinx I still wonder?) Everyone had a grand time and we really hope' to have another one in the near future till then we hope you’ll rub up those sore spots and be with us again. May we again mention that every second Sunday of the month at 2 p. m. the Betsy Ross lodge will hold their monthly meeting. We sincerely hope that the attendance continues improving as it has been doing these last few meetings. So till next week may suggest that for all our boys who have already gone tb defend our rights for freedom and justice may we suggest that we at home do our part by buying those DEFENSE BONDS. Let’s all keep ’em flying for the RED, WHITE AND BLUE. 6 L. Debevec ............... 165 7 Primc ................... 165 8 Kozar .................... 165 L. Laurich ................. 163 10 Ruzic ................... 162 Schedule for Friday, Feb. 20th Alleys 1-2 Napredek Bums vs Ilirska Vila No. 2. Alleys 3-4 St. John Johnnies vs Napredek Cavaliers. Alleys 5-6 Betsy Ross vs Collinwood Boosters Alleys 7-8 St. John Saints vs Ilirska Vila No. 1. LITTLE STM'S ARTICLE (Continued from page 5) fice which has resulted in more efficient service to members than ever before. Besides it has saved our Union much money. Birthday parties are very nice. The Little Stan’s attended the 19th birthday festivities accorded to Frankie Znidar, popular Johnny member, at his home on Holmes avenue. Handsome young Gene Znidar and brother Stan, Florence, Celia Zalar and Frankie’s mother combined to prove excellent hosts. With other close friends present, among them, Stan Zagorc, Elsie Desmond, Chuck Clements, Frank Tomazin, Frank Sesek, Baker Bokal, Mirko, and Tony Malavašič, and Armand Bokal, plus aunt and uncle and “Botra” the Happy Birthday greetings were warm and sincere. Joe Jer-main and his sister dropped in to give their regards. A delicious meal and entertainment followed. A few were among, those bowling on Gene’s outfit. Young Gene showed complete mastery of the game, coming out high man. There was excellent group singing with Malavašič accompanying on his accordion. And when some asked Frank Tomazin for a light he pulled out what he called his “blow-torch” and the flame that came from that lighter really looked like a blow torch to the merriment of all those present. That girl Betty was considered extra lucky—walking off with a couple nice prizes including a sailor-doll which was immediately christened “Flago-vich.” Frank Sesek, Chuck Clements, and Frank Tomazin received the other gifts. It was great fun and again congratulate Frankie Znidar and his mother and all for giving us the opportunity to participate in this fine get-together. Many more happy returns, Frankie! It was Friday the 13th all right for the Ivies No. 2 bowlers. Bowling in lowest form since beginning of the league they dropped two games to the Johnnies Saints. They managed to revive enough to come back and take the last game for consolation. Znidar, Baker Bokal, and Chuck Clements led the Johns with Laddie Debevec shooting the works for the Ivies. At Holmes avenue hall met the brother of Rudy Agnich, latter who is now in Michigan , and reported recently engaged to be married soon. Forgot his first name, but Rudy’s brother and a friend were taking it easy after an exciting Saturday. By the way the Holmes avenue hall is really an excellent place since being remodeled. And until next week— FROM THE EDITOR Several articles intended for publication in this issue have been postponed until next week due to shortage of space. Western Pennsylvania Fed eration of AFU lodges in conjunction with Lodge 149, Strabane, Pa., will commemorate American Fraternal Union Day with a picnic at Drenik’s Park, Sunday, July 4th, 1942. July 11, 18, and 25 are the dates selected for barn-dances to be sponsored by Betsy Ross, Lodge 186, AFU. The lodge will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a dance Nov. 21st, 1942. Napredek Lodge 132, AFU of Euclid, O., will sponsor a picnic at Stusek’s Farm June 21st. Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember it every pay day! Buy U. S. Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps. —For Victory: Buy Bonds— Collinwood Boosters Cleveland, O. — Back again, keeping my promise of last week to have three consecutive weekly articles. Visited the bowling alleys, Feb. 6, and kept score for the battle between the Boosters and St. John’s. The Johnnies were handicapped by the absence of two of their mainstays, Stan Zagorc, who is working nights, and Tony Baraga, who is vacationing in Florida. His recent postcard reveals he’s having a swell time (lucky stiff!). Outcome of the match-game proved fatal to the Johnny Saints as they were handed a three-game setback by the Collinwood Boosters. Looking at the score sheet at the end of the second game, noticed a record you don’t see very often. Ludie Laurich, anchor man for the Boosters, mastered the tough task of getting 10 spares in one game, winding up with a 184 total. Tough part of it was he had to make two splits in this game—which he did to the cheers of the crowd. Keep track of your bowling and see how often this happens to you— splits or without. Following are the averages of Booster bowlers. L. Laurich, 163-21; F. Fortuna, 160-27; T. Laurich, 159-28; G. Fortuna, 157-34; and Dave Zipkin, 144-3. Team average is 785. Dave has not bowled for 10 years until recently when he signed up with the Boosters. Being a little rusty after this long lay-off, he got off to a slow start, but is improving each week. Wonder what’s wrong with Johnny Rutar better known as “Hlače,’ ’to some of his fellow workers at a local box factory. They tell me every time a certain blonde passes the window “Hlače” gets nervous and jittery. This results in “Hlace’s” hammer hitting the wrong nail —the finger nail. Would you call her glamour girl or hammer girl, John? Frankie Fortuna and Ludie Laurich have solved the tire and gasoline problems. They both have cracked blocks—in their automobiles, I mean. Frank’s ’40 Chevy and Lud’s Ford are both jacked up in their stalls; thereby solving the problems of saving on tires and gas too. In last week’s definition of a flat, I’d like to correct a misprint or was it my mistake. (Eh, Ed?) (Could be!) I read that on such a ball most common pins to stand up are the 7 or 1. It really should be the seven or 10. Quoting “Big Ham” on the matter: “To leave the one-pin up, the ball must be flatter’n ’ell!” Latest Member Newest addition to the Collinwood Booster ranks is Stan Barba, 19 years old, and better known to his friends as “Steamy” or “Flash.” His most-liked sport is bowling and Lud says he’d rather bowl than eat. Last week he purchased a new pair of bowling shoes from Dave Zipkin. Seeing that bowling season is drawing to a close, and that Steamy’s feet are still growing I- thought it would be a good idea for him to trade in his shoes on a larger pair next season. But “no smoke.” Well, Steamy is at the alleys every Friday night, bowling as a fill-in for absentees. One thing the Booster bowlers s h o uld be praised for is their perfect attendance at all league games this year. Throughout the season they have not had to resort to using a blind. Wonder if any bther AFU team of this league can claim a perfect attendance? Reminder The Collinwood Boosters monthly meeting will be held tomorrow (Friday) right at the home of Mrs. Laurich, 15717 Saranac road. The attendance IDLE CHATTER (Continued from page 5) was held after which everyone joined in a toast to the President and singing the Happy Birthday song. One young, young man brought over some Crosby cider. You know—one drink and Bing! And then there was the singing teacher. G. F. Elsie and I exchanged a few greetings with him after which Elsie remarked, “Don’t you think Mary has great possibilities as a singer?” He looked from one to the other and then— Veil, yah—she’s got a mouth. Hm-m. Found out later he wasn’t a teacher of voice after all! Sour grapes? Neh! Everyone is still talking what a wonderful Ball it was. Mrs. Richtar’s face is still wreathed in smiles over the nice compliments she received all evening. And when Mrs. Potočnik, Mrs. Richtar, and Mrs. Meheiich and all the other old timers got on the floor they outshone everyone. This is just an example of the fun you can have at the new Krain Ballroom. Dances are held there every Saturday evening. Modern and old time music is provided by the two orchestras. In conjunction with the dances, Red Cross auctions are held during the evening. By patronizing the Krain Ballroom, you not only add to your evening’s enjoyment but help a very worthy cause as well. Let’s see you there more often. Slavic Club Meeting Feb. 22nd is the date of the first Slavic Club meeting in ’42. All the members are urged to come over. Elmer Petchnik you know will be initiated into the office of President so let’s all be there to help him along. The meeting gets under way at 2 p. m. on the dot. Refreshments will be served. , Vacationists Vacationing in California the past week were Mrs. Mary Meheiich and son Joe. They visited relatives in San Francisco—and also took in the golf tournament there. Joe is quite a golfing enthusiast and is by the way Enumclaw’s champion golfer. Lodge ladies were presented with miniature crates of California oranges and grapefruit by Mrs. Meheiich. Thank you a lot. Sunday evening Mrs. Meheiich, Pegs, Sylvia, John and Max dropped in for a few games of Pedro. What excitement. The črna baba was disposed of too for the rest of the season. We put her in the cellar with the “skunk” of the evening. And you know very well whom I’m referring to Johnny! Heh, Heh, Heh. Horse and buggy days are coming back. An ad, Want to buy—horse and buggy, appeared in a local newspaper. It’s Briefs (Continued from page 5) At their annual meeting^ at the Home Office in Minn., last week, the Sup Board of the AFU at. ^ ^ the purchase of ^ United States Defense B Adding the $25,000 amount vested last year, tota ^ of money invested in _ States Defense Bonds ib f 000. In addition, the Board* thorized that $1,000 be to the Red Cross, native ter, money to be taken r Sports Fund. * * J Cleveland’s Mayor ^va^tr0 Lausche has appointed. Grill to the office of ^ a city police prosecutor f member of the AFU, w „ of “Napredek,” geis of the now merged * ‘ also president of & ,joVa nost, firm which Prin Doba each week. :Jj * ^ Minutes of the annual ^ ing of the Supreme 0 of- j Directors held at the ^ fice in Ely, Minn., j, * 1942 are published W of sue. An English transi ^ , the minutes will appea subsequent edition. THE SALVATION AR^y. IS HELPING UNCLE SAW For collection of your clotlj' papers, books, magazin ’ jsCei- , ing, rags, furniture. an e^\ j laneous articles, inclwHW-jtf7^1 of all kinds, call been a long while since tjj have had an 0PP°rt^geII)eDHLq place such an adve | Giddup Nellie! PM1 gll0c ■ The community "raS paSS'^M^ recently at the sudden of Dr. Ulman, for i^'1 physician of the 10. cup ^ W Enjoying a mid-mornin ^ I coffee with Mrs. Ulmar* . 0\'& % of the fireplace, he topP^ 1# ,J without warning and oDe Si wife’s lap. He was S the great characters o ^ ^ od in this communi Sti, sands of friends moui’n itf \ ing and will miss his c ^ their everyday life- Si Enumclaw, alongC(.ae9' ^ ^ rest of the United ^ ^ observe the new u „ | , light saving law, wb» ,S, for an advance pf 0 0 ^ the time, starting Fe • W est hit very likely,^ out adjustments to t light plan will J* X farmers. Setting clo .^gt J a simple procedure ✓ O changing bossy’s ^ J overnight. ^ ifU gj And remember f* ^ » a & buy, buy bonds; & bye, Hitler. ^ O. K. Ham. Well c( j and make it Gootb^J^, Lodge I62’ at the last few meetings has been somewhat discouraging. At this meeting important topic to be discussed is our AFU Bowling Tournament. We know there are enough bowlers for two teams so I’ll be looking forward to the attendance (or word from them) of Frank Bezin, Frank Oberstar, Minnie Nahtigal, Lou Starman, and whosoever may be interested in this tourney. After the meeting—a few blocks distant is East 162nd Recreation and AFU bowling night. Until next week, John Laurich, Lodge 188, AFU. ijr c« v tej zavarovane do »o,«"1"' ce Savings & Loan *nsur p. tion, Washing^ Sprejemamo osebne vl°ge ^ , Plačane obrC,tl*<5 St. Clair Savings 6235 St. Clair Avenue NAJCENEJŠI SLOVENSKI DNEVNIK V i AMERIKI JE EnakopravnoJ Naročnina za celo leto izven Clevelanda je 9* Društvom in posameznikom se priporočam0 tiskovine. Unijsko delo—zmerne cene. _^\Q 6231 ST. CLAIR AVE. CLEVELAND FINANCIAL REPORT of the SUPREME SECRETARY of the AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION Vering Period from July 1 to December 31, 1941 ADULT department I. (Continued from page 4) puTtesetUrned t0 member ..................... 2 96 I- ' ! 5.48 $ 1,308.44 Cofe5* Pund: --------- l01%3SlfO,NS AND FEES = '^»etsio* ”ew members and to sec'ys for W certificates .............$ 1,236.50 $ 1,236.50 s««, --------- p**® fees for |£. Ior new members ..........$ 431.00 $ 431.00 Hrs of Mo^Preme Boal'd not including Medio'? Examiner ................$ 5,732.00 Noftt ' EXaminel' ...................... 694.25 Ett>Plovep anCe Committee ........... 275.00 h. s ......................... 3,742.70 $ 10,443.95 ^C0JBHT?mSES °F OFFICERS ............................$ 1,156.94 | jjg^ ................................. x 2,510.00 $ 3,666.94 I’%USCstabEPAR™ENT FEES: , ates for filing fees ...........? 1400 ? 1400 Dept tj | ^ Home Office Bldg..........$ 600.00 $ 600.00 i^tflf(SE0PFlCE maintenance and ^SSOo Addi^ale» Agency ..*........... $ 35.00 ; 'TerbfivS Machine Company ............... 13.15 I ec (Office) ................... 29.62 $ 77.77 i^G- stationery and I W < Dlvision ........................$ 44.42 5J Cov; 'PP:ieS .......................... 2.00 Wfliia c’ *uPP!ies ................. 191-22 I ^^Og^nh i)mi3any .......................... 2621 1 ph & Printing Company 21.47 Reiw ,.............................. 20.00 5 T plarion ’ advert>sement ................ 5.00 ^*her ................... ~.......... 10.00 k» k'i. sub?mpany ...................... 562.30 1 66 J^11^on “Prosveta” ................ 6.00 ^ yM^User 8^tisement ...................... 20-00 |: !S Enves.iUPPlies ..................... 1°° m?esl>eu.s,,vS Serv*ce ..................... 2.50 Corno ipUon “Am- Slovenec” .......... 5.00 ll^NaUorati0n ............................ 11.40 ■ W>nsh Home- Denver, Colo 30.00 ■t ‘P & Company ................... 605.90 $ 1,564.42 ^Ho^£SPRess' telegrams and Krsnik o I*1- TerhnvIUpreme Secretary ......... $ 507.22 ’ Editor-Manager ............ 136.39 Med. Examiner ........... 36.23 im^ittberš f reme Treasurer ............... 22.04 ■ thern N ,,the Supreme Board ............ 29.56 Batlk’ DUlUth’ Minn 8'84 $ 74°'28 t\ JUAgo.!iFFlCIAL PUBLICATION: 1 III aV Ptg- & pub. Co...............$ 4,859.00 $ 4,859.00 i V^VlCES: ---------- 6 L at1, Unions .......................$ 75.00 $ 75.00 V** FIDELITY BONDS: ■ ^ egin & Co., Inc........................$ 2.00 $ 2.00 M ^* Service A Mrvice ............................ S 573.68 'I Sjw 150.00 $ 723.68 ! I COMPENSATION CON- Js-s-TAX: '■tX^Z?eCUrityT™ ......................5 104.45 Š Slv t|10yrt] ymeiU ComP- Fund ........... 38.11 I UnPent ComPensation Bureau .. 79.49 5 \k. emP1oym’t Compensation Pd. 29.29 $ 251.34 ‘ x*; ---------- Sl> AthIetic Fund ...................$ 1,885.94 $ 1,885.94 I'BS*. ---------- is’ r H ^ h .......................... $ ^ ^ A kCl Rf- ^^e Prat. Congresses-/ 148.00 ' ' V 8w c’d member ..................... 15.00 15 Saf 1500 iX* ^°lkttip ’• y Deposit Boxes . 83.25 l eh ^ ®Xch yer’ Consulting Accountant 100.00 S6cks ailge fees on interest coupons !»' \lservir. ' A.......................... 76.34 * VČ- F«reil 8ency' Comp. Ins..... 28.37 j ? t*! J*Ce foy 1 ^rs, Ely, (donation) .... 10.00 H Ns,, 6 chf.S^'e'guarciing Supreme Of- 1 n8 Securities ............... 10.00 t ■ ’«............................. 5.00 V fco* ’ N°tarial acknowledgements 3.75 t ^ 31' 1941 $ 46'633'62 I ; % il ^und; iWt Disbursements Gain $ 6,226.22 1,676.68 Balance June 30, 1941 26,280.42 Balance December 31, 1941 $ 27,957.10 Athletic Fund: Receipts 5 1,885.94 Disbursements 1,308.44 Gain § 577.50 Balance June 30, 1941 5,914.79 Balance December 31, 1941 $ 6,492.29 Expense Fund: Receipts . , $ 35,489.71 Disbursements 27,134.91 Gain $ 8,354.80 Balance June 30, 1941 18,121.41 Balance December 31, 1941 $ 26,476.21 BONDS Book Par (Amortized) Value Value GOVERNMENT United States Savings Bond, Series “G”...... 2%% $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 United States Savings Bond, Series “G”...... 2% 10,000.00 10,000.00 STATE North Dakota State—Real Estate Series D 5 10,000.00 9,989.92 W. Va. State—Hopemont Adm. & Hosp. Rev 4 6,000.00 6,628.73 W. Va. State—Hopemont Adm. & Hosp. Rev. .... 4 4,000.00 4,439.74 COUNTY | Atlantic Co., N. J.—Bridge. ............. 4>/2 10,000.00 11,374.30 I Atlantic Co., N. J.—Bridge................ 4% 10,000.00 11,298.39 i Brazoria Co., Tex.—Brazos Navig. Dist ...... 5H 10,000.00 10,243.57 | Brevard Co., Fla.—Spec. Road & Bridge, .... 4^-6 10,000.00 9,559.53 i Camden Co., N. J.—Co. Bldg. & Highway 4% 5,000.00 5,687.03 ; Camden Co., N. J.—Co. Bldg. & Highway 4'4 10,000.00 11,439.37 j Cameron County, Texas—Road................. 5% 10,000.00 10,158.07 j Carroll County, Tennessee—Refunding.......... 4 15,000.00 16,040 22 1 Coleman County, Texas—Road, Precinct .jfl 5 10,000.00 10,000 00 ! Cowlitz Co., Wash.—Public Utility Dist....... 4% 25,000.00 '27,110.72 .Crow Wing Co., Minn—Refunding Series B 4‘/4 500.00 511.59 | Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B.... 4Vfs 1,000.00 1,021.04 Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B.... 4V> 500.00 510.12 Crew Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B. 4‘/2 500.00 50f>.13 Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B. .' 4% * 500.00 5C7.83 Crow Wing Co., Minn—Refunding Series B....... 4\i 500.00 506.37 Crew Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B...... 4% 500.00 505.08 Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B. ... 4‘/j 500.00 502.11 Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B. ... 4V4 1,000.00 1,029.25 j Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B.. 4% 500.00 514.38 Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B.. 4% 500.00 514.36 Crow Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B...... 4M> ■ 500.00 513.21 ! Crew Wing Co., Minn.—Refunding Series B. 4¥j 500.00 512.98 Crow Wing Co.. Minn.—Refunding Series B. 4M> 1,000.00 1,024.37 Dade County, Florida,—Causeway Revenue...... 4*4 20.000.00 20,997.40 Hudson County, New Jersey-«Park............. 4V4 10,000.00 9,900.81 Hutchinson County, Texas—Road. ............. 5% 10.000.00 10.615.73 Hutchinson County, Texas—Road................ 5W> 10,000.00 to,554.39 Jefferson County, Texas—Court House Ref..... 5 10,000.00 10,485.91 Johnston County, North Carolina—Highway. 5 10,000.00 10,310.23 Lee County, North Carolina—Road............. 4% 10,000.00 10,193.44 Liberty County, Texas—Road................... 5V4 8,000.00 8,140.74 Los Angeles Co., Calif.—San. Dist. #5....... 5 Vi 5,000.00 • 6,033.95 Los Angeles Co., Calif.—San. Dist. to....... 5Vi 5,000.00 6,106.92 Los Angeles Co., Calif.—San. Dist. ?5........ 5!,4 5,000.00 ’ 6,033.21 Los Angeles Co., Calif—San. Dist. *5. ...... 5'4 8,000.00 8,970.3!) j Los Angeles Co., Calif.—San. Dist. J5....... 514 2,000,00 2,234.97 i Macomb County, Michigan—Drain............... 6 10,000.00 10,320.08 1 Macomb County, Michigan—Center Line R. D. 5% 15,000.00 15,569.54 Mahoning Valley San. Dist., Ohio—Ser. A..... 4% 5,000.00 4,713.58 Mahoning Valley San. Dist., Ohio—Ser. 3..... 4>/2 10,000.00 9,039.68 Marion Co., W. Va.—Mannington Rd. Dist 5M 10,000.00 10,170.79 Mason Co., Wash.—Pub. Utility Dist. |F3..... 4% 10,000.00 11,163.24 Matagorda Co., Tex.,—Cons. & Reclam. Dist. .. 6 10,000.00 10,414.63 Matagorda Co., Tex.,—Cons. & Reclam. Dist. .. 6 10,000.00 10,033.38 McKinley County, N. Mex.—Rd. & Bridge......... 5 10,000.00 10,304.51 Milwaukee Co., Wis.—Metropolitan Sewer... 4% 15,000,00 14,988.69 Mobile County, Alabama—Funding........... 4% 15,000.03 15,484.301 Monroe County, Alabama—Refunding............ 6 10,000.00 10,809.46 Morton County, N. Dakota—Fdg. & Rfdg. ...... 3-4 15,000.00 15,000.03 Perry County, Kentucky—Road & Bridge........ 5 10,000.00 10,710.75 Polk County, Tennessee—Funding.............. 6 5,000.00 6,005.32 Polk County, Tennessee—Funding.............. 6 5.000.00 5,931.22 Polk County, Tennessee—Funding.............. 6 I?,033.30 12,004.06 Roarie Co., Tenn.—Gen. Ref. Series 1940..... 33a 23,033.03 20,000.00 St. Lucie County, Fla—Refunding Ser. A...... 4-5 2,30300' 2,500.00 Unicoi County, Tennessee—Refunding. ....... 4 25,000.00 27,447.50 Wayne County, North Carolina—Funding........ 5 5,000.00 5,049.81 i Wayne County, Ncyth Carolina—Funding........ 5 * 5,000.00 5,0-10.20 Westchester County, N. Y.—Saw Mil| Riv...... 6 10,000.00 10,355.35 j Westchester County, N. Y.—Park ............. 4Va 20,000.00 13,431.591 Wichita County, Texas—Water Impr. Ref 454 15,000.00 16,354.401 Wichita County, Texas—Water Impr. Ref....... 4*4 5,000.00 5,443.51 j Wise Co., Va—Richmond &‘Gladevill§ Dist;. .... 4% 7,000.00 8,238.431 Wise $9., Va.—Rich^pjid. & Gl^eyille Dist... 4:U 3,000.00 3,508.lS Wise Co., Va.—Richmond & Gladeyilje Dist 4?i o'OOO.OO 5,807.85 Wyoming Co., W. Va —Slab Fork Mag. Dist. . 51,- , 10,000.00 10,113.94 Yuma County, Ariz.—Highway Improvement. 5'2 5,000.00 5,000.00 Yuma County, Ariz.—Highway Improvement. SVa 10,000.00 9,900.18 MUNICIPAL * Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue, ........ 5 2,000,00 2,146.39 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue.......... 5 3,000.00 3 2.i7.01' Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue. ........ 5 5,000.00 5.500.15 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue.......... 5 10.000.00 ■ 10,882.55 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue.......... 5 7,000.00 8,503.44 Akron, Ohio—Sewage Disposal. .............. 4Vi 10,000.00 10,319.95 Akron, Ohio—Grade Crossing Elimination. .... 4!!4 15,000.00 16,532.95 Alpine, Texas—Refunding, .................. 4V1--5 3,000.00 3,504.70 Alpine, Texas—Refunding................... 4V4-5 ,3,000.00 3,£20.51 Alpine, Texas—Refunding. ................... 4VŽ-5 4,000.00 4,714,32 Altoona, Pennsylvania—Improvement............. 4'^ 7,000.00 6;802.71 Amarillo, Texas—Water Works................. 5 10,000.00 10,312.70 Amarillo, Texas—Water Works....... ....... 5 10,000.00, 10,195.01 Eirmiligham, Michigan—Sewage Disposal. .... 4 3,000.00 3,105.44 Birmingham, Michigan—Sewage Disposal. ...... 4 7,000.00 7,247.24 Birmingham, Michigan—Sewage Disposal. ...... 4 5,000.00 5,177.81 Birmingham, Michigan—Refunding. ........... 2V»-4 5,000.00 5,441.99 Birmingham, Michigan—Ref. Series B-l........, 2VŠ-4 7,000.00 7,293 60 Birmingham, Michigan—Ref. Series B-l. ...:..*2%-4 3,000.00 3,124.09 Bloomington, Illinois—Water Revenue. ....*.. ... 4V4 10,000.00 9,625.29 Blue Island Park Dist., Cook Co., Ill...... 4f 4,000.00 4,403.33 Blue Island Park Dist,, Cook Co., Ill....... 4 3,000.00 3,287.08 Blue Island Park Dist., Cook Co., Ill....... 4 3,000.00 3,268.84 Bradley, Kankakee Co., 111.—Judgement Fdg. .. 3% 10,000.00 10,623.11' Bristol, Virginia—Ref. City Hall & Ct. Hse 4V4 10,000.00 11,087.34 Camden, New Jersey—General Refunding 4 5,000.00, 5,153.50 Carbondale, Pa.—Judgement Fdg. Ser. 1939..:. 4!4 5,000.00 5,717.88 Carbondale, Pa.—Judgement Fdg. Ser. 1939 ... 4H 5,000.00 5,828.93 Chatanooga, Tennessee—Public Impr............. 4 25,000.00 28,395.06 Childress, Texas—Water Works Refunding. ..... 4>i 6,000.00 7,356.54 Cicero, 111.—Funding, Third Series. ..'..... 44 10,000.00 11,132,66 Cicero, 111.—Water Revenue. ........... 4U 10,000.00 11,278.53 Cleveland, Ohio—Aircraft Landing Fieid 44 23,000.00 18,887.35 Cleveland, Ohio—Aircraft Landing Field 4Vi lO.OJJ.OO 10,027.2j Consumers Pub. Pow. Dist. Northeastern Neb. 3 25,000 00 24,876.40 Consumers Pub. Pow. Dist. Eastern Nebraska. .. 3Vi 15,003.00 15,271.70 Dearborn, Michigan—Sewer................... 4’-2 10,000.00 10,219.48 Detroit, Michigan—Water..................... 4 10.000.00 9,053.10 Detroit, Michigan—Water.......................'4Vi 10,000.00 10,257.99 Dunmore, Pennsylvania—Judgement Funding. 4 Vi 25,000.00 27,993.14 East Chicago, Indiana—Water Works. ......... 6 10,000.00 11,384.24 East Chicago, Indiana—Water Works........... 6 15,000.00, 16,970.95 East Paterson, New Jersey—Refunding. 4 5,000.00 5,443.97 East Paterson, New Jersey—Refunding ........ 4 10,000.00 10,932.98 East Paterson, New Jersey—Refunding 4 10,000.00 10,976.59 Fairmont, W. Va.—Hospital Revenue .......... 4 10,000.00 11,116.23 Fairmont? W. Va.—Hospital Revenue. ......... 4 10,000.00 , 11,230.02 Flint, Michigan—Sanitary Trunk Sewer. ...... 4-4 10,000,00 10,797.68 Forest Park, Illinois—Water Revenue......... 4 Vi 10,000.00 9,154.62 Freeport, Illinois—Water Revenue............ 3Vi 25,000.00 26&&.06 Gallitzin, Pennsylvania—Water Works......... 4 Vi 3,000.00 3392.17 Gallitzin, Pennsylvania—Water Works......... 4 Vi 3,000.00 3!436.24 Gallitzin, Pennsylvania—Water Works......... 4*4 3,000.00 3,407.35' Gallitzin, Pennsylvania—Water Works......... 4V4 1,300.00 L140.63 Galveston, Texas—Warf & Terminal Faciiit. .. 3>i 20,003 00 21,382.49 Garfield, New Jersey—Water Refunding........ 4Vi 20,000.00 22,200.55 Garfield Heights, Ohio—Ref. Issue #3........ 2Vi-5 10,000,00 7,715.62 Glencoe Park Dist., Cook County, Illinois... 4% 10,000.00 10,218.53 Goldsboro, N. Carolina—Pub. Impr............ 4:4 5,000.00 5,013.10 Goldsboro, N. Carolina—Pub: Impr............ 4% 5,000.00 5,014.18 Greenburgh, New York ...................... 5Vi 15,000.00 15,252.63 Kamtramck, Michigan—Pub. Water System. 4% 10,000.00 11,912.90 Harriman, Tennessee—Funding................. 4-14 5,000.00 5.973.50 Harriman, Tennessee—Funding................. 4;4 10,000.00 12,014.03 High Point, North Carolina—Water............ 5 10,000.00 * 12,919.62 Highwood, Illinois—'Water Revenue. ......... 3Vi 4,000,00 4,123.31 Highwood, Illinois—Water Revenue............ 3'.* 4,000.08 4,138.97 Highwood, Illinois—Water Revenue '.......... 3 Vi 4.000.0Q 4.148.36 Highwood, Illinois—Water Revenue............ 3V& 4,000.0p 4,157.48 Highwood, Illinois—Water„Revenue............ 3V4 2,000.06 2,091.60 Hcquiam, Washington—Water Works............. 5 Vi 10,000.00 10,539.01 (Continued on page 8) 1 DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS PAID From July 1, 1941 to December 31, 1941 Names of Deceased Lodge Amount i Names of Deceased Lodge Amount Members No. Paid Members No. Paid Mary Slabodnik 1 $ 500.00 John Lamprecht 47 1,000.00 Frank Jerich, Jr 1 500.00 Joseph Steffanc 49 1,000.00 Mary Prebil 1 500.00 Blaz Gorshe 54 85.00 George Ban 1 250.00 Donald Ponzuric 55 500.00 Jacob Varoga , 1 1,000.00 Frank Sepich 55 1,000.00 Anton Kastigar 3 1,000.00 Joseph Mauser, Sr. ... 55 1,000.00 Gregor Resek 4 1,000.00 Ludwig Meyer 58 1,000.00 Joseph Brula 5 1,000.00 Frank Pucelj 66 1,000.00 Matt Bajuk 5 1,000.00 Anna Kirin 66 500.00 Gertrude Novak 6 500.00 Andrej Gruden 71 500.00 Anton Pogorelc 6 1,000.00 Martin Stermole 71 . 1,000.00 Matt Anicich 9 1,000.00 Frank Joe Blatnik 77 500.00 Frank Klobuchar 9 1,000.00 Jožefa Kosiča 77 500.00 Cecilija Prislich 9 500.00 Marija Trlep 78 1,000.00 Elizabeth Makara 11 100.00 Anton Borse 82 1,000.00 Carl Klun 15 1,000.00 Lawrence Preloznik .... 82 150.00 Margaret Mehle 15 500.00 Joseph Frlan 84 1,895.00 John Ribich 15 563.04 Anna Tomazin 84 1,000.00 Mary Starasinich 15 500.00 Angela Mlakar 86 500.00 Paul Baltuzie 15 500.00 Antipa Dedich ... 87 1,000.00 Frank Mihelič 15 1,000.00 Andrew Sharko 88 100.00 • Louis Papes 15 28.47 Leopold Klanchar 89 500.00 Johana Intihar 16 500.00 Joseph Levstik 92 250.00 Katarina Luzan 18 500.00 Mary Polansek . ... ... 94 1,000.00 Joseph Tercek 18 250.00 Jozefina Mustar 103 500.00 Helen Yuhant 20 500.00 Mary Nosek 103 500.00 Jacob Jelnikar 21 1,000.00 Jerumen Frank Zadel 106 500.00 Agnes Sadar 21 500.00 Matt Stefin 114 47.18 Frances Zupančič 22 20.00 Frank Vodopivec 121 1,000.00 John Balkovec . 26 2,000.00 John Turk 128 211.65 Joseph Lokar 26 1,000.00 Tony Golob 131 500.00 Joseph Maticich 26 1,000.00 Mary Pajk .132 500.00 Frances Persin 29 500.00 Elsie Subic 134 500.00 | Mary Tomazich 29 500.00 Prances Gratton 136 500.00 Leopolda Zevnick 30 500.00 Frances Žnidaršič 137 500.00 Anna Gorse 30 500.00 Josephine Zivoder 137 ; 500.00 Anton Janezich 30 500.00 Apolonija Lach 137 500.00 Paul Stempfer 31 500.00 Frank Medvešek 143 1 242.95 Agnes Jereb 33 500.00 Anton Slanich 145 242.05 Frank Peternel 33 1,000.00 Anton Gore 162 500.00 Jacob Klinar 33 250.00 Jerry Cadez 173 1.96 Mary Kapler 36 250.00 Margaret Persin 174 ' 500.00 Mike Osaben 36 94.73 John Dermota 183 878.58 Jernej Lindič 36 1,000.00 Nicholas A. Deriana .. 190 800.00 John Blitz 36 250.00 Florence E. Zore 194 500.00 Anton Tursic 36 500.00 Marko Sobar 167 226.86 John Hochevar 37 1,000.00 Louis Kuhar , 200 250.00 Marjeta Vicic 37 500.001 George S#mson ... 222 500.00 Frances Smole 43 500.00 Jerry Stenfel 45 80.19 Total .$61,017.66 John A. Hajec 45 1,000.00 j TRUST,FUNDS DUE BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED MEMBERS Names of Deceased Lodge Amount Names of Deceased Lodge Amount Members No. Due Members NO: Due Frank Zupančič .... 71 $ 53.85 John Pintar . 99 450.00 Katherine Pogorelc ... 30 137.26 Mike Raspet . 36 100.00 Anna Novosel '. 122 119.50 1 497.79 50.69 John Hutar 2 104.57 John Gross 58 Mary Ulchar 158 355.25 Katherine Lamber ... . 45 600.00 Joseph Volk 126 350.00 John Princ . 36 176.17 PSter Novak 199 99.00 Anton Bojc . 15 49.81 Mary Miklaucic .... 29 50.00| George Nemanich ... 5 114.28 Jernej Jaklovich .. 61 111.98 Marjeta Sunich .. 9 133.33 Mary Gorichan 122 400.00 Frances Zupančič .... .. 22 40.56 Frank Gorichan .... ..... 122 483.25 John Erchul . 30 200.00 Anton Svigel 43 25.00 Margaret Shustarich .. 120 100.00 John Simcic 179 100.00 John C. Mertel 3Č 333.33 79.28 Mary Lisac 122 230.84 Anton Jaklic ... 61 Louis Rudman 71 282.13 Martin Marold . 25 50.00 John Marolt .... 2 175.67' Martin Gerdanc . 158 127.71 Lucija Kalan 134 150.00 Louis Mauser . 45 500.00 Mary Klinar 6 150.00 Veronika Jesih ... . 42 400.00 Barbara Plantan .... 5 77.78 Ivana Vintar 137 142.85 John Sposta 3 , 50.00 Milka Jakovic .... . 36 395.95 Joseph Sluga 106 47.43 Michael. Omahne . 26 100.00 John Turk 128 232.82 Margaret Siskar . 162 30.00 Blaz Gorse 54 340.00 Matt Stefin . 114 47.19 Angela Zupancich 1 50.00 Jakob Tomazic . 3 35.00 Josephine Bradach .... Ill 390.42 Caroline Jeray 81 114.30 Jožefa Bolka 120 333.34 Frank Bevc . 36 250.00 Lucy Merhar 123 112.22 Leonard Lenassi .. 75 14.53 Fannie Stariha 90 221.03 Caroline Merhar . 15 150.00 Mary Milavec 199 410.03 Frank Ahacevic 2 125.85 Mirko Mihtel 32 292.49 Louis Sedmak 132 150.00 John Podpečan 104 189.75 Matija Ostanek 6 83.90 John Krize 9 ..... 70 654.03 Joe Kastelic .. 207 100.00 Frank Debar 151.36 Anton Tekavec .. 200 129.44 Anton Stare 12 14.14 Mike Osaben .. 36 284.19 Mike Jankovitz . 13 508.01 Ignacij Plahutnik . .. 37 1,000.00 Ivana Guzelj . 116 135.20 John Jaklic . 105 750.00 Matt Simec 5 54.02 Frank Završnik . 87 400.00 John Jamnik 31 570.19 Frank Zunk ... 45 250.00 Frank Umek 36 125.18 BVances Zust ... 99 500.00 Joseph Slkich 18 318.32 Joseph Petretic .. 55 . 750.30 George Krcelic . 135 994.70 Jack Ilicic .. 1 279.56 Anton Pust 6 28.46 Joseph Mismash 86 283.34 Elizabeth Oblak 53 100.00 Andrej Champa 2 886.00 Louis Papes 15 85.41 Anna Keil . 138 175.00 'Katrina Krall . 129 479.16 John Kogovšek .. 57 712.91 Mary Semerl 16 823.87 Nik Matko . .. 68 139.72 John Premro . 75 200.00 Stipan Vukas 176 100.00 Frank Gruden .... 1 34.05 Joseph Tercek .. 18 250.00 Frank Stanich 43 416.50 Marko Sobar . 1B1 23.14 Tony Shine 78 276.42 Jerry Cadez 173 248.04 350.00 Anton Bolka 114 428.57 Lawrence Preloznik .. 82 Paul Tomsich 144 371.78 John Ribich . 15 436.06 Ursula Prijatelj ... 2 33.65 Anton Slanich .. 145 257.35 Mary Tekavefz . 1 70.00 John Dermota , 183 121.42 Lina Schober 13 170.69 John Polugnak 125 320.57 $27,560.08' DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS IN COURSE OF ADJUSTMENT Mary Pesic .. 16 $ 500.00 Valentine Subic ... 202 -500.00 Louis Smajcek 49 1,000.00 j Frances Kotchevar 120 1,000.00 Josephine Kosanic .... 106 500.00 , i $3,500.00 1 DEATH CLAIMS INCURRED BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 1951 — REPORTED s JANUARY 1942 John Kerzisnik ........... 18 $1,000.00 John Vogrich ........... 70 500.00 Anna Lumbert . 174 250.00' -------- 1 1 > $1,750.00 DOPISI (Nadaljevanje s 3. str.) K sklepu še enkrat: Vsi na sejo v soboto 21. februarja v navadne prostore in ob navadni uri. Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 70 ABZ: Anton Golenko, predsednik. Cleveland, O. — “Ivan Can-| kar” vas vabi. — Za četrto igro to sezone, si je izbral dramski zbor “Ivan Cankar,” sijajno komedijo “Pri belem konjičku.” Ko sem jo prečitala, mi je bila takoj všeč, kar se ne zgodi vselej. Včasih se je težko navdušiti za igro, ko se jo prečita, ker j nastane vprašanje, če bo po-I vsem odgovarjala okusu naše avdijence? No, kar se te komedijo-tiča, j ni bojazni, da ne bi kom "i ugajala. Zamišljena je tako, da se gledalce res lahko vživi v naravno razvijanje in potek dogodkov. V njej ni kake bombas-tike ali neokusnega dvoumnega dialoga, kar se kaj rado primeri v komedijah. Ker se dogaja na letovišču, v hotelu na Bledu, si lahko predstavljamo, da mora biti to za nas nekaj zelo'privlačnega in [zabavnega. Ko dospejo omnibusi s tujci, tedaj je pred hotelom vse oživljeno; posebno natakarji imajo polne roke s sprejemanjem istih. Ker pa prihajajo tujci od povsod, si tudi lahko mislimo, da se bomo seznanili z ljudmi različnih karakterjev. Tako res naletimo na: temperamentne in nervozne, hudomušne in šegave, lahkožive in romantične, skromne inu-plahe. -n, Z vsemi pa mora znati hote- ^ lirka taktno ravnati. Kar stori igro posebno mikavno je, da je ihotelirka vdova. Ker pa veljajo j vdove, kakor pravijo “za de-jvet,” ima posebno z natakarji j veliko preglavic. Razumljivo je, j da jim ne diši samo vdova, ampak. Audi hotel. Toda naša Go-ren.Jkft1 Meta, je lahko za vzor vsem vdovam. Največ razočaranj pa doživi pri “konjičku” ljubljanski trgovec z “ljudsko žajfo,” Oro-slav Buček, žnjim boste najbolj sočustvovali. Vsi njegovi pazno zamišljeni,' načrti se mu izjalovijo. Saj mu je za ponoreti ! Odšel je na počitnice samo zato ,da bi se vsaj za nekaj tednov rešil ljubljanskega advokata. In kaj se mu zgodi na Bledu? Istega dne dospe h “konjičku” isti advokat, pred katerim je bežal iz Ljubljane, da se duševno spočije. Zato se njegova križeva pot znova začenja. Vsi glavni karakterji vam bodo nudili veliko zabave, veliko napetih situacij in zapletljajev. Petja tudi ne bo manjkalo. Vse ; to skupaj povezano, bo nudilo ! našim posetnikom par ur res : zdravega razvedrila. Da bo pa igra dobila tudi pravo lice, bo nalašč za ta slučaj zgrajen nov hotel. To konstrukcijo ima v delu artist Shirley Braithwaite, poklicni slikar scenerije. Kaj takega nismo do se-) daj še imeli. Najlepši šobi v »hotelu, to sta sobi št. 4 in 5, radi katerih bo cela konfuzija— bosta imeli pravi balkon s solidnimi stebri, na katerem bo imel Buček svoj slavni prepir. Za zaljubljene parčke in no-voporočence bodo postavljene ; ute, a v zaledju bo krasen raz- 1 i • gled na jezero, od koder se bo cula znana pesem “Po jezeru f bliz’ Triglava” . . . | Gotovo so še spominjate lepe , scenerije planin v igri “Divji ; loveč?” Ko se je dvignil zastor, \ so ljudje aplavdirali sami sce-[ noriji, tako je bilo navdušenje, i tako jih je zajelo! I11 v spomi-| nu nam je še krasno naslikana i soba v drami “Norec." Potem : veste kaj smete pričakovati od istega umetnika v tej igri. ; Zanimivo dejstvo za nas ie 1 tudi vedeti, da si je izbral pol. 1 sloviti ljubljanski igralec Anton Verovšek, za svojo jubilej-(Dalje na 8. strani) FINANCIAL REPORT of the SUPREME SECRETARY of the AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION Covering Period from July 1 to December 31, 1941 ADULT DEPARTMENT (Continued irom page 7) Hcquiam, Washington—Water Works.............. 5% 10,000.00 10,926.63 Jennings, Louisiana—Public Improvement. 10,000.00 11,726.43 Jennings, Louisiana—Street Improvement....... 4V& 3,000.00 3,538.39 Jennings, Louisiana—Public Improvement. ... 4% 12,000.00 14,153.57 Jersey City, New Jersey—Harbor............... 4Vt 5,000.00 4,674.49 Jersey City, New Jersey—Water.................414 5,000.00 4,743.57 Knoxville, Tennessee—Sewer................... 4Vi 5,000.00 5,088.79 Knoxville, Tennessee—Bridge..................4Ms 10,000.00 10,802.97 Lakewood, Ohio—Sewage Treatment Works 4V4 16,000.00 16,219.40 Long Beach, New York—Water Refunding. ...... 4 10,000.00 10,000.00 Long Beach, New York—Gen. Ref. Ser. A 4 20,000.00 19,740.46 Mamaroneck, New York—Sewer................... 4U 5,000.00 4,881.27 Mamaroneck, New York—Sewer................... 4Vi 5,000.00 4,861.09 Manville, New Jersey—Water. ......... 5 7,000.00 8,971.18 Manville, New Jersey—Water................... 5 7,000.00 9,041.42 Manville, New Jersey—Water...................5 3,000.00 3,904.09 Marion, Illinois—Refunding................... 5 16,000.00 16,000.00 Menominee, Michigan—Sewage Disposal Sys. 3V4 4,000.00 4,298.36 Metropolitan Water Dist. of So. California 4 10,000.00 10,409.52 Metropolitan Water Dist. of So. California 4 5,000.00 5,189.72 Michigan City, Indiana—Sewage Works Rev 4 7,000.00 7,685.07 Michigan City, Indiana—Sewage Works Rev 4 3,000.00 3,277.18 Middle Rio Grande Cons. Dist., N. Mexico 4 5,000.00 5,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Cons. Dist., N. Mexico 4 5,000.00 5,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Cons. Dist., N. Mexico 4 5,000.00 5,000.00 Millville, New Jersey—Gen. Refunding. ....... 4V4 10,000.00 11,749.12 Millville, New Jersey—Gen. Refunding 4V4 15,000.00 17,688.96 Moffat Tunnel Imp. Dist. Denver, Colorado 5'4 10,000.00 10,531.97 Moffat Tunnel Imp. Dist. Denver, Colorado 5V4 10,000.00 ' 10,407.07 Montgomery, Ala.—Water Works Warrants, .... 5 10,000.00 11,095.23 Montgomery, Ala—Water Works Warrants 5 5,000.00 5,602.03 Muncie, Indiana—Sewage Works Revenue 3% 10,000.00 10,977.56 Newark, New Jersey—City Railway Constr 4V4 10,000.00 9,956.89 Newark, New Jersey—Public Improvement 6 5,000.00 7,196.03 New Orleans (Port of), La.—Gen. Impr 4Va 5,000.00 5,084.00 New York City, New York—Refunding............ 4U 20,000.00 17,841.70 North Chicago, Illinois—Water Revenue........ 5 5,000.00 5,726.58 North Chicago, Illinois—Water Revenue........ 5 5,000.00 5,747.65 Pawhuska, Oklahoma—Sanitary Sewer............ 6 10,000.00 10,213.74 Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of.—Turnpike .... 3% 15,000.00 14,927.25 Philadelphia, Penn.—Gen. Obligation.......... 4 10,000.00 8,441.33 Philadelphia, Penna—Gen. Obligation.......... 4 10,000.00 8,433.37 j Pueblo Conservancy District, Colorado........ 4% 20,000.00 19,784.45 Raritan, New Jersey,—Refunding. ............. 4V4 25,000.00 28,362.50 St. Petersburg, Fla.—Non Callable Ref. ...... 4 10,000.00 10,461.09 Salem, 111., Marion Co.,—Elec. Light ........ 3% 10,000.00 10,336.26 Balt Riv. Proj. Agr. Impr. & Pow. Dist. Ariz. 4 Vi 5,000.00 5,255.56 Balt Riv. Proj. Agr. Impr. & Pow. Dist. Ariz. 4Vi 5,000.00 5,285.45 Balt Riv. Proj. Agr. Impr. & Pow. Dist. Ariz. 4V4 5,000.00 5,425.70 Bialt Riv. Proj. Agr, Impr. & Pow. Dist. Ariz. 4V4 5,000.00 5,462.11 San Antonio, Texas—Water Works Revenue....... 5V4 10,000.00 10,777.87 Seattle, Wash.—Sewer Bonds Series 1926....... 4Vi 5,000.00 5,662.42 Sheffield, Alabama—Water Revenue. ......-.... 4V4 5,000.00 5,127.18 Sheffield, Alabama—Water Revenue. ........... 4V4 10,000.00 10,225.20 Southfield Township, Michigan—Water Sup. 3% 10,000.00 10,359.86 Southfield Township, Michigan—Water Sup. .. 3% 4,000.00 4,140.29 South Jersey Port Dist., N. J.—Marine Ter.... 4V4 10,000.00 10,330.86 Tulsa, Oklahoma—Water Works................... 5 10,000.00 10,042.75 Union City, New Jersey—Serial Funding........ 4% 10,000.00 10,557.73 Vancouver, Washington—Water"Revenue.......... 4Vi 10,000.00 10,868.54 West Park, Ohio—General SeweiV............... 6 10,000.00 10,198.31 Woodbridge, New Jersey—Refunding............. 4 Vi 15,000.00 15,721.32 Vincennes, Indiana—Water Works Revenue. .... 3:>i 5,000.00 5,394.12 White Plains, N. Y.—Reg. Water Works......... 4V4 10,000.00 11,017.70 Yonkers, New York—Water .....................>4V4 5,000.00 4,945.82 SCHOOL Aberdeen, S. Dakota—Ind. Sch. Dist........... 4V4 10,000.00 10,000.00 Alexander County, 111.—Sch. Dist. 51......... 5 10,000.00 10,946.81 Altoona, Pennsylvania—School District........ 4 Vi 3,000.00 2,860.65 Bayonne, New Jersey—School................... 4Vi 25,000.00 28,099.73’ Borger Ind. Sch. Dist., Hutchinson Co., Tex. .. 3-5 473.30 473.30 Borger Ind. Sch. Dist., Hutchinson Co., Tex. . 3-5 10,000.00 10,000.00 Camden, New Jersey—School. .................. 4Vi 10,000.00 9,636.13 Camden, New Jersey—School & Improvement. 4 Vi 10,000.00 9,734.29 Camden County, New Jersey—Co. Voca. Sch 4 Vi 5,000.00 5,656.56 Carter County, Tennessee—School.............. 4 5,000.00 5,440.38 Carter County, Tennessee—School. ............ 4 5,000.00 5,469.40 Coal Township, Pa,—Northumberland County. 5 15,000.00 17,292.47 Coal Township, Pa.—Northumberland County. 5 5,000.00 5,677.34 Cook Co., 111.—Sch. Dist. S99 (Cicero) ...... 5 20,000.00 20,572.19 Cranford Township, New Jersey—School Dist. 4 15,000.00 16,341.41 Cranford, New Jersey—School Bd. of Educ 4 5,000.00 5,431.55 Cranford, New Jersey—School Bd. of Educ. 4 5,000.00 5,503.36 Euclid, Ohio—School District................. 5 15,000.00 15-,263.80 Evanston Twsp. H. Sch. Dist., Cook Co., Ill 6 5,000.00 5,139.30 Evanston Twsp. H. Sch. Dist., Cook Co., Ill 6 5,000.00 5,179.68 Evanston Twsp. H. Sch. Dist., Cook Co., Ill 5 10,000.00 9,936.13 Flint, Michigan—Union School District........ 5 5,000.00 5,705.14 Flint, Michigan—Union School District........ 5 5,000.00 5,934.23 Harljngen. Texas—Ind. Sch. Dist. Ser. B 5 5,000.00 5,978.13 Harlingen, Texas—Ind. Sch. Dist. Ser. B 5 5,000.00 6,041.22 Hoboken, New Jersey—School................... 4V4 5,000.00 5,221.58 Hoboken, New Jersey—School. ................. 4Vi 5,000.00 5,262.51 Lakewood, Ohio—City School District.......... 6 10,000.00 10,128.04 Lakewood, Ohio—School. ....................... 4% 10,000.00 9,850.21 Lubbock, Texas—School District............... 5 20,000.00 20,697.42 Lubbock, Texas—School District............... 5 10,000.00 10,224.95 Lynwood (Lugo) Sch. Dist., Los Angeles, Cal 5 5,000.00 5,458.94 Maine Township, 111—District *207............ 4Vi 10,000.00 9,740.72 Maple Heights, Ohio—Village School Dist. .... 6 10,000.00 10,734.51 Maricopa Co., Ariz.—Phoenix U. H. S. Dist. 4Vi 10,000.00 9,989.77 Marion County. W. Va.—Union Ind. Sch. D. ... 4% 10,000.00 10,216.01 Minot, North Dakota—Sch. Bldg. Dist. #1...... 5 10,000.00 10,000.00 Montgomery, Alabama—School................... 5 15,000.00 16,874.48 Perth Amboy, New Jersey—School............... 4% 5,000.00 4,816.38 Perth Amboy, New Jersey—School............... 4% ' 5,000.00 4,785.24 Perth Amboy, New Jersey—School. ............. 4V4 10,000.00 10,132.56 Perth Amboy, New Jersey—School. ............. 4V4 10,000.00 10,141.31 Richland Parish, La.—Consolid. Sch. Dist 4 10,000.00 10,000.00 Rutherford County, North Carolina—Refdg...... 4 10,000.00 10,963.83 Rutherford County, North Carolina—Refdg 4 5,000.00 5,500.41 Toledo, Ohio—School District................. 5Vi 6,000.00 6,999.81 Union City, New Jersey—Sch. Bond of 1932..... 6 5,000.00 6,650.32 Union City, New Jersey—Sch. Bond of 1932..... 6 5,000.00 6,699.61 Union Township, New Jersey—School Dist 5 10,000.00 11,658.76 Union Township, New Jersey—School Dist 5 10,000.00 11,624.60 Yonkers, New York—School..................... 4V4 5,000.00 4,995.02 Yonkers, New York—School ......... 4Vi 10,000.00 9,882.79 PUBLIC UTILITIES / West Penn Power Co., Pgh„ Pa.—First Mge. 5 30,000.00 29,824.93 $2,278,473.30 $2,411,070.49 Financial Condition of the Adult Department of the ' AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION December 31, 1941 ASSETS Cash: I Cash on Hand .................... $ . 200.00 SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES: Collector of Internal Revenue ...................$ 9.32 $ 9.32 JUVENILE CONVENTION: Fare and per diems ................„............$3,199.70 Other expenses ................................... 302.31 $3,502.01 MISCELLANEOUS: Awards for articles in the "Nova Doba”...........$ 23.00 $ 23.00 $ 7,129.33 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ....................................... $ 14,340.15 LOSS ......................... j........................ $ 934.53 TOTAL ..................................................... $ 13.355.62 dobnega ob priliki. Toda ^ pesnikovanje naj Va® 11 „ proč od naših Prired! * igre Vam lahko nudi]« inspiracij. Vašega sojg ; grešamo. Torej, se vid.®« i nedeljo, kaj? - oH Chisholm, Mmn- ^ društva Sv. Jožefa, s • ;{S je bil za leto 1942 izv0 ^ stari, in sicer: -^n °,u podpredsednik ; John Per ' ,aj. predsednik; Joseph nik; John Lamuth, j^r: Frank Udovich, zaP J Frank Tekautz, L<>U1S , orBH , zich in Anton Pluth, n sfi. ■ ki; Albert Centa, atleti pervizor. ^ ptf Meseca marca letos ^ teklo 40 let, odkar je je, društvo ustanovljeno. bilo na zadnji sej' ® 45- da proslavimo duis' ^ . letnico z banketom, * redimo meseca maja. to it določen pozneje. DruS ^ ll potrudilo za bogat pr^ •£ le se bo obrnilo tudi na pjj. ii bor, da nam za tisto pr' ff S( lje enega ali dva g°'01 nas** >(i di urednika vabirn°> . ^ ta tisto priliko poseti, 8 -avof* tjj se že dobi sok sladkeg in rdeče breze. rjdr^ k Od ustanovnikov s a v štvu samo še dva !S! John Pahule in John * te, Pahule' je bil PrV1 . bilf1* tt, društva, John Hus Pa ^ ^ Jednoti že prej in J® goi! (g pri ustanovitvi ,dru 5 M dne 8. septembia ^ Chisholm pogorelo, J -ejjt*" ^ tudi vse društveno n11 ^ ( ko nam manjka raZJ! a_ pr* l. koz iz zgodovine drus ^jli* sednik društva je o1 jjj r pokojni John Koche' bil tudi soustanovniK ^ * Več podatkov iz drus t dovine in poslovanja ^jl v čeno enkrat pozneje- . da Jp; šega društva so Pr0t^nšteV'dfcc prihodnjih sej P° era®o udeležijo, ker le s ^gli vsega članstva bomo šo 40-letnico vili. Dan naše 40-letfli naše Ameriške bratertil!8*i zato je dolžnost vsa ga člana, da sodeluje uspeh. d0 (A Tu in tam me * g]tf£j*0 glede mojega sina, .'L mornarici in je ob c' ^ skega napada služi ^ pi’ ladji West Virgin^* ^.aL datiranem 2. febi'ual še, da je zdrav in vse pod kontrolo- ^ j^rjJ zahvaljuje za 1^1 za letalske znamke 1 ne liste. Iz tega je je zdrav in na varIie.nefli °"' L more pač biti na va v vojaški službi. ri& M 1 Pri tej priliki Je . J1 no omeniti, da s^ar J L be nikakih poročil ° , $tr, 5 nov, ki služijo v zve. e), ^ j rici (navy ali ro*# to L< pišejo na revijo jpfl -aWi! ki jo dobi vsaka '|°. Tako bo njihov ape tudi njihov sin. SeV® v iyjjj& navede natančen n^njič Py l J; čas, kdaj je sin zaC -e\ j * Nasloiv tiste revU c£t $ Navy, 1 Hanson P a lyn’N-Y’’ Joseph $° 3|)> ^ tajnik društva s ’ ^ ^ LISTNICA VREl)?,[A S Zaradi priobčil \{f J letnega zborovati11 r odbora in finai^,te^ (. ^ glavnega tajnika A j0f/ rali za prihodnjo 'z ^ ti več dopisov, ki / uredništvu prejeti J J j f/ ter urejeni in na» priobčitev, pa ni štora v tej izdaji. $% samo taki dopisi, ki uv / pomen tudi po eno ^ flj > { kasnitvi. Dopisniki, %. dejo svojih poslani1 ^j X tej izdaji, naj bod° ni, da bodo isti Pr*° no¥‘ A hodnji izdaji NoV*^ Kupujte obram^g fe ne bonde in znamke^e,i^|\ nite denar zase in j magate k obrambi te • V-'' ■ W•' Cash in transit to North'n Nat’l Bk„ Duluth, Minn 5,777.20 Checking account, North’n Nat’l Bk„ Duluth, Minn. 91,001.15 $ 96,978.35 Investments: Bonds ...........................................$2,411,070.49 $2,411.070.49 Certificate Loans ........................................$ 192,974.04 $ 192,974.04 j Other Assets: Due and Accrued interest on bonds ....................$ 43,249.72 Accrued interest on certificate loans .................... 3,779.41 Due from Lodges ....................................... 25,852.81 $ 72,881.94 Inventory ...........................................$ 10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 TOTAL ......................................................... $2,784,404.82 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims: Trust Funds due beheficiaries of deceased members $ 27,560.08 Trust Funds due beneficiaries (Sick Benefits) ............... 39.20 Death Benefit claims in course of adjustment ............. 3,500.00 Death Benefit claims incurred 1941—reported 1942 1,750.00 Sick and Indemnity Claims ................................ 5,544.75 Welfare Benefit Claims ............................... 2,667.81 $ 41,061.84 Accounts Payable: Awards for new members ;............................$ 1,114.50 To Sec’ys of lodges for conversions of certificates 11.00 To Sec’ys of lodges for applications Forms 1-NM 126.00 Medical examiner’s fees for new members...................... 35.50 American Jugoslav Printing and Publishing Co 1,128.70 Anton Okolish, expenses ..................................... 18.78 Collector of Internal Revenue. Excise Tax for 1941 98.95 Michigan State Board of Tax Administration .................... .60 Minnesota Unemployment Compensation Fund ... 14.26 Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation 38.64 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Fund 11.46 Taylor and Taylor, Consulting Actuaries .................... 83.66 Chas. A. Winship & Company, membership pins 386.93 W. A. Fisher Company, supplies ........................... 32.36 Ely Miner, advertising .......................«.............. 15.00 E. C. Jacobs, Ohio Fraternal Congress dues ................ 10.00 $ 3,126.34 Assessments not due ......................................$ 7.47 $ 7.47 Outstanding Checks .......................................$ 12,499.95 $ 12,499.95 BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1941 ................................... $2,727,709.22 t ------------- TOTAL ..................................................... $2,784,404.82 STATE OF MINNESOTA"! 9OUNTY OF ST. LOUIS) SS: John Rogelj, Anton Zbasnik and Louis Champa, being duly sworn, each for himself depose and say that they are supreme president^ supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the American Fraternal Union; that on the 31st day of December 1941, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of said American Fraternal Union, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disbursements and the general condition of said American Fraternal Union are true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of February, 1942. Joseph L. Mantel—Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 JOHN ROGELJ, Supreme President ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer STATE OF MINNESOTA") COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS) SS: John Kumse, Frank E. Vranichar, Matt Anzelc, Andrew Milavec, Jr. and Frank J. Kress, trustees of the American Fraternal Union, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined thg foregoing statements of income and disbursements and general condition of said American Fraternal Union, and that they have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said - Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every respect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of February, 1942. Joseph L. Mantel—Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 JOHN KUMSE FRANK E. VRANICHAR MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, JR. F. J. KRESS FINANCIAL REPORT of the SUPREME SECRETARY OF THE AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION Covering Period from July 1 to December 31, 1941 JUVENILE DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS Mortuary Fund: Assessments ......................................... $2,757.49 Interest on Bonds ....................................... 3,036.25 Gross increase by adjustment in book value of bonds 144.62 $ 5,938.36 Expense Fund: Assessments ....................................... $6,817.26 Rent paid by the Adult Department ..................... 600.00 $ 7,417.26 TOTAL INCOME .............................................. $ 13,355.62 DISBURSEMENTS Mortuary Fund: Death Benefits ................................... $ 639.00 Reserve Credits ................................. 1,365.02 Accrued interest on bonds purchased ....................... 123.20 Gross loss on sale of bonds .............................. 210.11 Gross decrease by adjustment in book value of bonds 4,873.49 $ 7,210.82 Expense Fund: COMMISSIONS AND FEES: To various lodges for new members ...............$ 373.00 $ 373.00 MEDICAL FEES: Examination fees for new members ................$ 21.00 $ 21.00 SALARIES: Clerk and Janitor ........■......................$ 931.60 $ 931.60 GENERAL OFFICE MAINTENANCE & EXPENSE: City of Ely, Light and Water .................. $ 62.24 Standard Oil Company ........................... ' 176.97 Joseph L. Mantel, Insurance Premiuip ............. 65.25 Mrs. Anton Pirsh, towels and laundry .............. 16.75 ^ Zenith Mfg. Company, door mat....................... 4.00 $ 325.21 ADVERTISING, PRINTING & STATIONERY: Ely Drum and Bugle Corps ........................$ 25.00 W. A. Fisher Company ............................. 313.68 Cyko Art Studio ................................... 1100 Fortier Drug Store ................................ 10.00 Arthur Von Senden Co., Inc. (Calendars) ........ 1,520.52 $1,880.18 TAXES & REPAIRS TO HOME OFFICE BUILDING: Manufacturer Supplies Company ...................$ 15.05 Lenci, Lenci & Englund, Inc........................ 46.44 Freight on stone for entrance ...................... 2.52 $ 64.01 BONDS COUNTY Galveston, Texas—Co. Road Improvement .. 5 % Par U Value $ 5,000.00 Book Amortized) Value $ 5,050.11 Liberty Co., Texas—Road .• .. 5 Vi 5,000.00 5,096.94 Mahoning Valley, Ohio—San. District i'A ' 5,000.00 4,986.05 McLennan Co., Texas—Rd. Dist. J3 - 5V4 10,000.00 9,914.20 Norfolk Co., Virginia—Tanners Creek. .. 5 5,000.00 5,008.49 Stark County, N. Dakota—Funding .. 6 5,000.00 5,016.99 Wise Co., Virginia—Gladeville Mag. Dist .. 4% 5,000.00 5,997.23 MUNICIPAL Birmingham, Mich.—Ref. Ser. B-l. . .. .. 2 V2-4 7,000.00 7,289.92 Bloomington’, Indiana—Sewage .. 4 5,000.00 5,674.80 Bluefield, W. Va.—Direct Obligation .. 5 5,000.00 5,028.60 Chicago Heights, 111.—Refunding .. 5 1,000.00 1,099.25 Chicago Heights, 111.—Refunding .. 5 2,000.00 2,205.80 Chicago Heights, 111.—Refunding .. 5 2,000.00 2,212.72 Childress, Texas—Water Works Refunding - 4Vss 3,000.00 3,646.60 Childress, Texas—Water Works Refunding - 4V4 1,000.00 1,220.89 Childress, Texas—Water Works Refunding .. 4VŽ 1,000.00 1,231.12 Fort Worth, Texas—Voted Hosp. Series. .. 3% 5,000.00 5,608.97 Gallup, Newr Mexico—Elec. Lt. & Pow. Rev .. 4>/2 2,000.00 2,255.24 Gallup, New Mexico—Elec. Lt. & Pow. Rev .. 4V4 4,000.00 4,592.31 Garfield Heights, Ohio—Impr. Refunding .. 2%-5 3,000.00 2,314.67 Hamtramck, Mich.—Pub. City Hospital. ... .. 3% 2,000.00 2,082.72 Hamtramck, Mich.—Pub. City Hospital .. 3M> 3,000.00 3,127.74 Jersey City, New Jersey—Water .. 4V4 5,000.00 4,688.57 Knoxville, Tennessee—Bridge .. 4''2 5,000.00 5,383.10 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Dist., N. Mex. .. 4 5.000.00 5,000.00 Raymondville, Texas—Refunding .. 4 5,000.00 5,490.00 Salt Riv. Proj. Agr. Impr. & Pow. Dist. Ariz. ... .. 4% 5,000.00 5,273.14 Shelbyville, Tennessee—Refunding .. 4 10,000.00 11,171.96 Vincennes, Indiana—Water Works. ... 3% 5,000.00 5,394.15 Vincennes, Indiana—Water Revenue ... 3% 5,000.00 5,532.90 SCHOOL Maricopa Co., Ariz.—Phoenix U. H. S. Dist ... 4 4,000.00 3,977.25 Mercedes Ind. Sch. Dist., Texas—Ref ... 1H-5 1,000.00 339.57 Mercedes Ind. Sch. Dist., Texas—Ref ... l%-5 4,000.00 1,358.28 $140,000.00 $144,270.28 Financial Condition of the Juvenile Department OF THE AMERICAN FRATERNAL UNION December 31, 1941 ASSETS Cash in transit to the Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota ..$ 169.40 Checking Account, Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota .... 17,595.68 Bonds .................................................. 144,270.28 Real Estate ..................>.................................... 22,680.77 Accrued interest on bonds ....................................... 1,679.53 Assessments due from Lodges ........................................ 1,309.17 TOTAL .............. .'......:..................... :...$187,704.83 LIABILITIES Death Benefit Claim in course of adjustment ...................... $ 34.00 Death Claim incurred in 1941—reported January 1942 .................... 58.00 Reserve Credits ...................................................... 268.46 Assessments not due ................................................... 2.85 Awards for new members ......................................... 308.50 Medical Examiner’s fees for new members ......,.......................... .50 Arthur Von Senden Company, Inc., prepaid express on calendars ......... 58.77 Outstanding Checks ............t.................................... 1,866.86 BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1941 ...............1..................... 185,106.89 TOTAL ....................................................$187,704.83 STATE OF MINNESOTA") COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS) SS: John Rogelj, Anton Zbasnik and Louis Champa, being duly sworn, each for himself depose and say that they are supreme president, supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the American Fraternal Union; that on the 31st day of December 1941, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of said American Fraternal Union, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disbursements and the general condition of said American Fraternal Union are true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of February, 1942. Joseph L. Mantel—Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 JOHN ROGELJ, Supreme President ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer STATE OF MINNESOTA"] COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS | SS: < John Kumse, Frank E. Vranichar, Matt Anzelc, Andrew Milavec, Jr. and Frank J. Kress, trustees of the American Fraternal Union, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined the foregoing statements of income and disbursements and general condition of said American Fraternal Union, and that they have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every respect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of February, 1942. Joseph L. Mantel—Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 JOHN KUMSE FRANK E. VRANICHAR MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, JR. F. J. KRESS DOPISI (Nadaljevanje s 7. str.) no predstavo ravno to igro “Pri belem konjičku.” Torej, tu je nov dokaz, da je igra res zanimiva. Cankarjevi igralci bodo skušali dati svoje najboljše, da bodo zadovoljili našo razvajeno publiko. Pričetek igre bo ob 3.30 popoldne. Vstopnina k igri je 50c. Da se za gotovo vidimo, v nedeljo 22. februarja “Pri belem konjičku!” A. Simčič, režiserka. * P. S.—Ta igra bo za urednika Nove Dobe, Mr. Terbovca, če se bo slišalo nekoga neprenehoma smejati—saj veste kako prostodušno se zna on smejati— boste takoj vedeli, da je njegov smeh in, da je on v dvorani. Čestitati mu moram na njegovi pesniški žil’ci. Tisti sarkastični verzi na račun Japoncev, so bili pa že cel umotvor. Ukrepala sem: Koga pa citira? Saj se motiv nanaša na najzadnjej-še svetovne dogodke? Preči tam tudi začetek njegove nadvse zabavne kolone “Vsak po svoje” in zvem, da je naš urednik tudi pesnik, če le hoče biti. Kje je neki dobil ves tisti besedni zaklad? želeli bi čitati še kaj po-