BRÖKEN SPELEOTHEMS AS INDICATORS OF TECTONIC MOVEMENTS PRETRTA SIGA KOT POKAZATELJ TEKTONSKIH PREMIKOV Stanka ŠEBELA1 Abstract UDC 552.545:551.248 Stanka Sebela: Bröken speleothems as indicators of tectonic movements In karst caves broken and non-ideal speleothems are very wide-spread. Mostly they develop because of the instability of the ground due to its composition (loose sand or loam). The presence of recent cryoturbation in some caves in higher altitudes suggests that some ancient breaks of the speleotheme can be caused by ice in the cave. And we also have some good proofs for recent and past tectonic activity in karst caves. In many cases it is very difficult to determine the real reason for broken speleothems, because several reasons could be interacting. In Postojna Cave some examples related to tectonics were stud-ied. Key words: broken speleothems, tectonics, Postojna Cave, Slovenia. Izvleček UDK 552.545:551.248 Stanka Sebela: Pretrta siga kot pokazatelj tektonskih premikov V kraških jamah pogosto najdemo pretrto in nepravilno sigo. Večinoma nastane zaradi nestabilnosti tal, in sicer zaradi sestave tal (nesprijet pesek in ilovica). Prisotnost današnje krio-turbacije v nekaterih jamah v višjih nadmorskih višinah nas napeljuje na trditev, da je nekatere stare razpoke na sigah lahko povzročila prisotnost ledu v jamah. Imamo pa tudi nekaj dobrih dokazov za današnjo in staro tektonsko aktivnost v kraških jamah. V večini primerov je težko določiti vzrok za pretrto sigo, ker se med seboj lahko prekriva več vzrokov. V Postojnski jami smo raziskovali nekaj primerov vezanih na tektoniko. Ključne besede: pretrta siga, tektonika, Postojnska jama, Slovenija. INTRODUCTION In Slovenia but also in other countries the influence of active tectonics in the formation of karst caves is being dis-cussed a lot. After an enthusiastic period when research-ers from Slovenia (Gospodarič 1977), Belgium (Quinif & Genty 1998; Delaby 2001; Vandycke & Quinif 2001), France (Gilli 1986; Gilli 1992, Gilli 1999a etc.), Italy (Postpischl et al. 1991; Bini et al. 1992) related many broken speleothems with earthquakes or at least with older tectonic events, in recent years some researchers defined ice (Kempe 2004; Gilli 2004) to be one of the principal causes for broken speleothems in the caves. Becker et al. (2005) determined caves to be a difficult archive, refering to the complexity of the processes. This means that in the study of the cave as a complex en- vironment we cannot select only one cause for broken speleothems, but need to consider more reasons that can interact. Tectonics in Slovenia is active today, and karst caves are a useful place to search for evidence of deformation. Thin stalactites, stalagmites, flowstone, and helictites may all be easily damaged, and therefore serve as indicators of paleoseismicity. Observations during and after earth-quakes, modeling and laboratory experiments indicate that, except for some slender speleothems, cave formations usually do not break during an earthquake. Most stalactites remain undamaged after an earth-quake because their natural frequencies are higher than the maximum for seismic frequencies (which are 0,1 1 Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, 6230 Postojna, Slovenia, Received/Prejeto: 08.11.2007 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 37/1, 51-62, POSTOJNA 2008 to 30 Hz). But, thin and long stalactites may be broken (Lacave et al. 2001). Regarding ice as a cause for broken speleothems I think we need representative proofs. Delaby (2001) stat-ed that it seems very unlikely that the Hotton cave was affected by frost or permafrost. This is confirmed by the total absence of cryo-clastic features in the surrounding limestone host rock. Frost would probably cause the stalagmite to crumble while the observed breaks are very clean and occur in the lower half of the stalagmite (De-laby 2001). Ice is a kind of cave filling that leaves almost no traces (Becker et al. 2006) The entrance of Snežna Jama (1556 m above sea level) in Slovenia, is filled with ice and in the cave the effect of the ice on the speleothems is obvious (Gilli 2004). Regarding our experiences the presence and the effect of ice in Postojna Cave described by Kempe (2004) and Gilli (2004) is more doubtful. The ice was probably not so widespread in the cave as is described by Kempe (2004). With this article I want to show good proofs for broken speleothems related to tectonic deformations. An overview of selected literature will hopefully provoke new prospective studies. BROKEN SPELEOTHEMS IN KARST CAVES The principle causes recognized for speleothem break-age/disruption in karst caves are: 1) Instability of the ground due to its composition (loose sand or clay). 2) Removal of grounding due to water flow 3) Collapse of cave floor (for example into underly-ing passage). 4) Gravitational deformation close to valleys 5) Ice 6) Changes in drip water resulting in dissolutional loosening of ceiling deposits (for example the falling shield in Škocjanske Jame (Kranjc 1999)). 7) Earthquakes (Bini et al. 1992) 8) Anthropogenic impacts (accidental, mining) 9) Faunal impacts (cave bears, bats etc.) ABOUT BROKEN FLOWSTONE IN SLOVENE CAVES In 1830, in Postojna Cave, Hohenwart first recognized that fallen stalagmites and stalactites required unusual conditions, and that they might represent geologically important information. He did not, however, determine the specific causes for broken speleothems. In Postojna Cave it was found that stalactites were broken due to ceiling collapse caused by earthquakes, and also due to the removal of allochthonous sediments (Gospodaric 1968). The same author examined the orientation of broken stalactites and stalagmites in Rov za Veliko Goro passage of Postojna Cave. The passage is filled with flysch sediments and covered by flowstone and collapse blocks. Gospodaric (1968) concluded that some stalagmites fell down from the ceiling together with pieces of the limestone bedrock when aggressive percola-tion water widened the fissures. Gospodarič (1968) did not, however, find any good evidence of earthquake damage from the periods of flowstone deposition that were from the Atlantic period (about 6.000-3.000 BC). His directional analysis of the broken stalagmites from Rov za Veliko Goro did not reveal any significant particular direction. He also noted that local ground shaking could be initiated not only through tectonic processes, but also through ceiling collapses or through the development of collapse dolines nearby. However, such local events would not be of suf-ficient magnitude to break the flowstone (which was 2 metres thick). In a subsequent study, Gospodaric (1977) investi-gated a broken speleothem dated at 10.000 BC. In this particular case the speleothem was broken due to consolidation of the underlying loamy sedimentary floor. It was later overturned due to earthquake activity. Compression of loamy sediments is also responsible for consolidation of the cave floor, and consequently the breakage of flow-stones in Pisani Rov. This process is a long term one, and therefore cannot be caused by earthquakes. Gams (2003) mentioned broken stalagmites in Zgornji Tartarus of Postojna Cave. He also described the consolidation of clastic sediments as a cause for broken stalagmites. Perko (1910) believed that a massive stalagmite called Zvrnjeni steber in Postojna Cave (Figure 1) is 150.000 years old, and fell down more than 67.000 years BC. He obtained these age results by calculating and ex-trapolating from measured deposition rates for flowstone in the cave. On the Zvrnjeni steber some glass plates (6x3 cm) were installed about 30 years ago. Today some of them are broken and there is also one that is still cemented but curved. It looks as if the crack through the stalagmite is still opening. The movements should be connected with ground instability and not with tectonics. Fig. 1: Zvrnjeni steber in Postojna Cave (photo J. Hajna). Brodar (1966) thought that frost was the cause of broken flowstone between clastic sediments in the entrance portion of Postojna Cave. Kranjc, in 1999 reports that between March 2 and 3, 1999, a shield style stalactite fell 70 m from the ceiling of Velika Dvorana in Škocjanske Jame. The weight of the speleothem was estimated at 2.500 kilos. The speleothem falling was attributable to changes in drip water chemistry. Mihevc (2001) used U-Th dating to determine that breakage of a flowstone deposit in Divaška Jama occurred 176.000 years BC (within the Mindel/Riss interglacial). He did not hypothesize any cause for the breakage. In another cave, Jazbina v Rovnjah, flowstone deformed by cryoturbation was found to be 241 Ka old (Mihevc 2001). In the example of Snežna Jama the flowstone in the entrance area of the cave was broken by frost action. In addition, flowstones deeper in the cave were de-formed by cryoturbation (Bosak et al 2002). The observations (Gilli 2004) in Postojna Cave and Snežna Jama na Raduhi reveal mechanisms as the creep-ing of ice or clay filling and in this way explain most of the speleotheme breaks. The most promising cause for natural speleothem breakage in general in Postojna Cave is, according to Kempe (2004), cave ice. It must have formed in caves dur-ing glacial maxima when permafrost spread throughout northern, eastern and central Europe. The ice could be the most prominent factor in explaining non-recent speleothem damage. In the side passages of the cave (Pisani Rov and Brezimenski Rov) there are masses of broken stalagmites and speleothem fragments in precarious positions. Cave ice offers an overall process to explain these observations. It is suggested that all or parts of the Postojna Cave were filled with ice during the last and earlier Glacials (Kempe 2004). TECTONIC MOVEMENTS DURING THE FORMATION OF KARST CAVES Gams (2002) reported on tectonic deformation in three Slovene caves (Postojna Cave, Planinska Jama, Lukenjska Jama), occurring after the passages had been formed. Gospodaric (1964) identified tectonic deformations on the flysch sediments in the artificial passage in Postojna Cave. Maurin (1953) and Wojcik & Zwolinski (1959) found evidence of Riss/Würm tectonic movements due to shifted cross-sections in caves. In Frassino Cave (Italy), a phreatic passage is offset along a bedding plane reverse fault. Dating of flowstone shows that this movement is older than 350 Ka (Bini et al. 1992). Through research in Pološka Cave (Figure 2), Habič (1971) found that the passages in one part of the cave are developed close to the crossing of two faults. He in-dicated that the passages are developed along N-S fault zones. However, he did not mention tectonically offset passages. The fact is that Pološka Cave, which is 10.800 m long, is located just about 300 m south from Ravne Fault, which was active in the earthquake of April 12, 1998 (Mw=5.6). fig. 2: pološka Cave, NW Slovenia (photo S. šebela). In Kamniška Jama one of the passages ends with a tectonic fault. Urbanc (1982) described that the fault offsets the principal passage into two parts. In connection with that, I have to mention Predjama Cave (Šebela 1996), where the northern wall of the passage at the beginning of Vzhodni Rov has a generally east-west direction, and is basically limited with a fault zone (Figure 3). In that example, the cave is developed along the mentioned fault Fig. 3: The fault zone in Vzhodni Rov of Predjama (photo J. Hajna). zone, which was active before the final formation of the passage. Čar et al. (2002) described that active tectonics along the northern part of Cerknica Polje is very strong. They compare the position of the systems of Postojna and Planina Caves, with Križna Cave, because between those there is an offset of 12 km, which is due to dextral movement along the Idrija Fault. During the exploration of the 1,2 km long and 173 m deep Hirschgrubenhöhle, abundant scratched, sheared and broken speleothems were found. Because Quaterna-ry mass movement and ice-movement in the cave, which are known to cause deformations on speleothems, can be excluded, these deformations are presumably sismoth-ems, i.e. speleothems that were broken or deformed by fault slip associated with seismic events. The cave is located 8 km south from the master fault of the left-lateral Salzachtal-Ennstal-Mariazell-Puchberg-Line (SEMP). First results suggest that a seismic event with at least 20 cm offset (sinistral strike-slip) took place between 11-86 Ka (Plan et al. 2005). Unstuck parts of the vault, broken stalactites, and horizontally sheared columns show that the Wintimdou- ine Cave in Marocco was and is still modeled during the time of vertical and horizontal shifts that correspond to the contemporary rising up of High Atlas and its thrust-ing to the south. This dynamic is sprinkled by brief seis-mo-tectonic events, such as are recorded in speleothems (Angelova et al. 2005). In the Rochefort Cave (Belgium) the recent tectonic features are bedding planes reactivated as normal faults. The faults are still active because fresh scaling and fallen blocks are observable (Vandycke & Quinif 2001). In the shaft of Avent Abel and Calernaum (France), the recent movement of a thrust fault has cause the break-age of many speleothems (Gilli 1992 and 1999 e). Gilli & Delange (2001) examined the active move-ments of thrust faults along which karst caves are devel-oped in France. They found proof of displaced faults and broken flowstone. EVIDENCES OF SEISMIC EVENTS IN THE CAVES Among the older scientists and relation between flow-stone and earthquakes, there is a work by Becker (1929) about the Bing Cave in Germany and Han-sur-Lesse (Belgium). Postpischl et al. (1991) recognized that karst caves have great potential for the study of tectonic, especially paleoseismic, events. They recognized that deviations from vertical growth for stalagmites could be caused by local factors (such as movements of supporting blocks), or they could be due to tectonic events and earthquakes. The evidence for earthquakes in karst caves, can be seen in: deviation of growth axes (from the vertical), differences in flowstone growth, and colour differences in spe-leothem bands, possibly resulting from changes in the physio-chemistry of percolation water input. Postpischl et al. (1991) examined the growth of flowstone in two different caves (Buco dei Buio and Spi-pola near Bologna, Italy), particularly with respect to a strong earthquake that occurred in the region on January 3, 1117. The epicenter was 15 km far from these caves. They found that the observed anomalies in the stalagmite growths are always related to earthquakes or at least to tectonic events. In southern Italy, the same researchers (Postpischl et al. 1991) examined Grotta Grande del Cervo. They analyzed 25 stalagmites using 14-C and U-Th disequi-librium methods. They were able to connect some mor-phological deviations in the speleothems with times of known seismic events. The earthquake of December 1456 was particularly obvious. In the last 350 Ka they believe that there were 4 strong earthquakes, with the 1456 one being the most recent. That one, as indicated by archaeo- logicai studies, closed the entrance to the cave. So, the earthquakes did not only overturn the speleothems, they also caused ceiling collapses and movements of walls. Some stalagmites did not continue to grow afterwards, because the stalactites over them (supplying drip water) had been displaced. Quinif & Genty (1998) spoke about the methods by which deformed flowstone can be used for the period of the Holocene and Upper and Middle Pleistocene. And earthquakes from the Holocene can be studied by laminations from the flowstone. In any case it is necessary to do a correlation of the events from different caves. Quinif et al. (1994) also observed that displacements along bedding planes could cause the same stalactite to feed different stalagmites. Dating of disturbed stalagmites from Grotta Gigante, Italy (Cucchi & Forti 1989) showed that disruption in growth (reorientation of the growth axis) occurred at 25 Ka, 20 Ka, and 15 - 12 Ka. They believe that the causes are seismic events. After the earthquake of February 18, 1996 (magnitude 5.2) in the area of the eastern Pyrenees, France, 8 caves were examined (Gilli 1999 a). They ranged in distance from 2 to 10 km from the epicenter. The hypocenter was at a depth of 5 to 10 km. On the cave floor they found thin stalactites, which had fallen from the ceiling. One of the caves, Barrenc du Paradet, is located directly on the active fault. The prevalent orientation of the fallen soda-straw stalactites was concordant with the orientation of the fault, and also probably accordant with the direction of maximum ground acceleration of the earthquake. In the same cave some older broken soda-straws, which are evidence of the earthquake of 1922, could be found. These are now covered with newer flowstone de-posits. It does not appear that the earthquakes caused the breakage of all soda straws that were present, but rather only those with structural anomalies. On May 3, 1887 there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Sonora, Mexico. It probably influenced the flowstone about 100 km away at a cave at Sutherland Peak, Arizona (Gilli 1999 b). Broken soda straws in the cave in Monaco (Grotte de l'Observatoire) are related to the year 1887, when an earthquake of magnitude 6 to 6.5 occurred. The cave is developed inside a thrust fault on the south and between a vertical fold on the north. The lower layer of the broken flowstone and soda straws in the cave is related to the earthquake from the year 1564 (Gilli 1999 c). And there is a collapse material within Nimfite Cave, Bulgaria (Angelova et al. 2003), which has been correlated to the 1928 earthquake. In a study from the south-central massif in France, Camus et al. (2001) made an investigation of flowstone in Garrel Cave, which is cut by a fault that, according to some authors, was active in the upper Pleistocene. They found, however, by analysis of unbroken flowstone in stratigraphic context, that this fault has not been active for 466 Ka. In the Belgian karst (Delaby & Quinif 2001) they found proof for previously unknown earthquakes. In Hotton Cave they found that 23-55% of all stalactites are the broken thin stalactites in different parts of the cave. They explained this as caused by an undocumented earthquake with an epicenter somewhere near the cave. Probably the strongest recorded earthquake in eastern Belgium (September 18, 1692) did not leave any breakage evidence in the caves. There are many broken stalagmites present in the Milandre cave (Swiss Jura), situated about 40 km far from 1356 Basel earthquake (Mw=6.9±0.5). Only most of the long and slender stalactites are expected to break during a "reasonably" strong earthquake, with 0.3 g100,000 years re-corded in cave sediments, Dinaric karst, Slovenia.-Environmental Geology 44, 8-13. Shanov, S., Kourtev K., Kostov, K., Nikolov, G., Boykova, A. & Benderev, A., 2001: Palaeoseismological traces in the Lepenitsa Cave, Velingrad district, South Bulgaria.- Tectonique active et géomorphologie, Riviera 2000, Villefranche-sur-Mer 18-22 oct. 2000, Revue d'Analyse Spatial N° spécial - 2001, 151-154, Nice. Šebela, S., 1996: The influence of tectonic zones on cross section formations in the Predjama cave, Slovenia.-Kras i speleologia, 8 (XVII), 72-76, Uniwersytet Slaski, Katowice. 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