ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 14 (2018) 83-95 (Also available at Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four* Luke Morgan t Centre for the Mathematics of Symmetry and Computation, School of Mathematics and Statistics (M019), The University of Western Australia, Crawley, 6009, Australia Joy Morris * Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, ABT1K3M4, Canada Gabriel Verret § Centre for the Mathematics of Symmetry and Computation, School of Mathematics and Statistics (M019), The University of Western Australia, Crawley, 6009, Australia Received 21 February 2017, accepted 5 April 2017, published online 10 May 2017 A Cayley graph on a group G has a natural edge-colouring. We say that such a graph is CCA if every automorphism of the graph that preserves this edge-colouring is an element of the normaliser of the regular representation of G. A group G is then said to be CCA if every connected Cayley graph on G is CCA. Our main result is a characterisation of non-CCA graphs on groups that are Sylow cyclic and whose order is not divisible by four. We also provide several new constructions of non-CCA graphs. Keywords: CCA problem, Cayley graphs, edge-colouring, Sylow cyclic groups. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C25 *We would like to thank Gordon Royle for his help with some of the computations. We would also like to thank the anonymous referee for a number of helpful suggestions. ^This research was supported by the Australian Research Council grant DE160100081. ^This research was supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and by the Cheryl E. Praeger Fellowship from The University of Western Australia. § Current address: Department of Mathematics, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand. This research was supported by the Australian Research Council grant DE130101001. E-mail addresses: (Luke Morgan), (Joy Morris), (Gabriel Verret) Abstract ©® This work is licensed under 84 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 117-128 1 Introduction All groups and all graphs in this paper are finite. Let G be a group and let S be an inverse-closed subset of G. The Cayley graph of G with respect to S is the edge-coloured graph Cay(G, S) with vertex-set G and, for every g G G and s G S, an edge {g, sg} with colour {s, s-1}. Its group of colour-preserving automorphisms is denoted Autc(Cay(G, S)). Let Aut±i(G,S) = {a G Aut(G) : sa G {s,s-1} for all s G S}. It is easy to see that Gr x Aut±1(G, S) < Autc(Cay(G, S)), where GR is the right-regular representation of G. Definition 1.1 ([5]). The Cayley graph Cay(G, S) is CCA (Cayley colour automorphism) if Autc(Cay(G,S)) = GR x Aut±i(G, S). The group G is CCA if every connected Cayley graph on G is CCA. In other words, a Cayley graph is CCA if and only if the colour-preserving graph automorphisms are exactly the "obvious" ones. The terminology we use for this problem largely comes from [5]. Other papers that study this problem include [2, 3, 4, 8]. Note that Cay(G, S) is connected if and only if S generates G. It is also easy to see that Gr x Aut±1(G, S) is precisely the normaliser of GR in Autc(Cay(G, S)). In particular, Cay(G, S) is CCA if and only if GR is normal in Autc(Cay(G, S)), c.f. [5, Remark 6.2]. In Section 2, we introduce some basic terminology and recall a few previous results on the CCA property. In Section 3, we consider wreath products of permutation groups, and produce conditions that are sufficient to determine when such a product is a non-CCA group. This generalises results from [5]. In Section 4, we give some new constructions for non-CCA graphs. Finally, in Section 5, we obtain a characterisation of non-CCA groups whose order is not divisible by four, in which every Sylow subgroup is cyclic. This generalises the work of [3], which dealt with the case of groups of odd squarefree order. 2 Preliminaries The identity of a group G is denoted 1G, or simply 1 if there is no risk of confusion. We denote a dihedral group of order 2n by Dn, while Qg denotes the quaternion group of order 8 with elements {±1, ±i, ±j, ±k} and multiplication defined as usual. We now state some preliminary results and introduce some terminology related to Cay-ley graphs. Let r be a graph and let v be a vertex of r. The neighbourhood of v is denoted by r(v). If A is a group of automorphisms of r, then the permutation group induced by the vertex-stabiliser Av on the neighbourhood of v is denoted Lemma 2.1 ([5, Lemma 6.3]). The vertex-stabiliser in the colour-preserving group of automorphisms of a connected Cayley graph is a 2-group. Definition 2.2. Let G be a group, let r = Cay(G, S) and let N be a normal subgroup of G. The quotient graph r/N is Cay(G/N, S/N), where S/N = {sN : s G S}. Lemma 2.3 ([3, Lemma 3.4]). Let A be a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of Cay(G, S), let N be a normal subgroup of A and let K be the kernel of the action of A on the N-orbits. If N < G, then A/K is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of r/N. L. Morgan et al.: Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four 85 Lemma 2.4. Let r = Cay(G, S), let A be a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of r, let N be a normal 2-subgroup of A and let K be the kernel of the action of A on the N-orbits. If Kv = 1, then S contains an element whose order is a power of 2 that is at least 4. Proof. Let v0 = v. Since KVo = 1, Kr0(v0 -1 = 1 and there exists k e KVo and a neighbour u0 of v0 such that uQ = u0. Let w = uQ. Note that KU1 = KVo hence there exists I e KU1 such that v0 = v0. Let vi = v0. Repeating this process, we get a monochromatic cycle C = (u0, v0, u1, v1,...) of length at least 3. By construction, u, e uK = uN and vj e vKK = vN for all i. In particular, |C n vN | e {|C|, |C|/2}. Since each vertex of r lies in a unique monochromatic cycle of a given colour, C is a block for A. On the other hand, vN is also a block for A and thus so is C n vN. It follows that |C n vN | divides |N| which is a power of 2. This implies that |C| is also a power of 2. Since |C| > 3, |C| is divisible by 4 and the result follows from the fact that C is monochromatic. □ For a group H, let H2 := (x2 | x e H}. The following lemma is inspired by an argument contained within [5, Theorem 6.8]. Lemma 2.5. Let r = Cay(G, S) be connected, let A be a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of r that is normalised by G and let v be a vertex of r. If Av has a subgroup U such that U < (Av )2 and no other subgroup of Av is isomorphic to U, then U = 1. In particular, Av is isomorphic to neither Z2n for n > 2 nor isomorphic to D2n for n ^ 3. Proof. Since A is colour -preserving, A^^ ' is an elementary abelian 2-group. Since U < (Av)2, it follows that U fixes all the neighbours of v. Let s e S. Since A is normalised by G, we have Us < A and, by the previous observation, Us < Av. As Av has a unique subgroup isomorphic to U, we must have U = Us. Since this holds for every s e S, U is normalised by G. As G is transitive and U fixes v, this implies that U =1. The second part of the lemma follows from the first. Indeed, if Av is isomorphic to Z2n for n > 2 or to D2n for n > 3, then (Av)2 is non-trivial and is the unique cyclic subgroup of its order. □ 3 Wreath products Proposition 3.1. Let H be a permutation group on a set Q, let G be a group and let X = G fa H .If (i) there is an inverse-closed generating set S for G and a non-identity bijection t : G ^ G such that t fixes 1, and t(sg) = s±1 t(g) for every g e G and every s e S, and (ii) either H is nontrivial or t e Aut(G), then X is non-CCA. Proof. Let m = |Q| and write Q = {1,..., m} such that, if H is nontrivial, then 1 is not fixed by H. Write X = H k (G1 x • • • x Gm). Note that, if g e G, and h e H, then gh e Gih. Without loss of generality, we may assume that 1g e S. Let Sj be the subset of Gj 86 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 117-128 corresponding to S, let T = (H - {1#}) U Si U • • • U Sm and let r = Cay(X, T). Note that T generates X hence r is connected. We will show that r is non-CCA. Define r': X ^ X by r': hgig2 • • • gm ^ hr(gi)g2 • • • gm, where g € Gi and h € H. Let v be a vertex of r and let s € T. We will show that r'(sv) = s±1r'(v) and hence r' is a colour-preserving automorphism of r. Write v = hg1 • • • gm with h € H and gi € Gi. Let g = g1 • • • gm. Note that r'(v) = r'(hg) = hr'(g). If s € H, then r'(sv) = r'(shg) = shr'(g) = sr'(v). Suppose now that s € Si for some i € Q. If ih = 1, then r'(shg) = r'(gi • • • shgih • • • gm) = r(gi)g2 • • • shgih • • • gm = = shr(gi)g2 ••• gm = shr'(g). If ih = 1, then sh € Si C T and r'(shg) = r'(shgi • • • gm) = r(shgi)g2 • • • gm = (sh)±ir(gi)g2 • • • gm = (sh)±ir'(g). Either way, we have r '(sv) = r '(hshg) = hr'(shg) = h(sh)±ir '(g) = s±ihr' (g) = s±ir'(hg) = s±ir '(v). This completes the proof that r' is a colour-preserving automorphism of r. It remains to show that r' is not a group automorphism of X. (Note that r' fixes 1X, so if r' € XR x Aut±i(X, T), then r' € Aut(X).) If H is nontrivial, then, since 1 is not fixed by H, there exists h € H such that 1h = 1. Let g be an element of Gi that is not fixed by r. We have r'(gh) = r'(hgh) = hgh = gh but r'(g)r'(h) = r(g)h. Since g = r(g), r' is not an automorphism of X. If H is trivial and r € Aut(G), then there exist gi,g2 € G such that r(gig2) = r(gi)r(g2). Applying r' to the corresponding elements of Gi shows that r' is not an automorphism of X. This completes the proof. □ We now obtain a few corollaries of Proposition 3.1. Corollary 3.2. Let H be a permutation group on a set Q and let G be a group. If G is non-CCA, then G H is non-CCA. Proof. Since G is non-CCA, there exists a colour-preserving graph automorphism r of a Cayley graph Cay(G, S) such that r (1G) = 1G but r does not normalise GR. Since r is colour-preserving, r(sg) = s±ir(g) for every g € G and every s € S. Finally, since r does not normalise GR, we have r € Aut(G) and the result follows from Proposition 3.1. □ Corollary 3.3. Let H be a nontrivial permutation group on a set Q and let G be a group. If G = B k A, where A is abelian of exponent greater than 2, then G H is non-CCA. Proof. Every element of G can be written uniquely as ba with a € A and b € B. Let r be the permutation of G mapping ba to ba-i. Clearly, r fixes 1G but, since A has exponent greater than 2, r is not the identity. Let S = (A U B) - {1G}. Note that S is an inverse-closed generating set for G. Let g € G, let s € S and write g = ba with a € A and b € B. L. Morgan et al.: Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four 87 If s G B, then t(sg) = t(s6a) = sba 1 = st(6a) = st(g). Otherwise, s G A, sb G A and t (sg) = t (sba) = t (6sba) = 6(sba)-1 = 6(sb)-1a-1 = s-16a-1 = s-1t (g). The result then follows from Proposition 3.1, since H is nontrivial. □ Corollary 3.4. Let H be a permutation group on a set Q and let G be a group. If (i) G has exponent greater than 2, (ii) H is nontrivial when G is abelian, and (iii) G has a generating set S with the property that sg = s±1 for every s G S and g G G, then G Iq H is non-CCA. Proof. We can assume without loss of generality that S is inverse-closed. Let t be the permutation of G that maps every element to its inverse. For every s G S and g G G, we have sg = s±1 and thus t(sg) = g-1s-1 = s±1g-1 = s±1t(g). Since G has exponent greater than 2, t is not the identity. If H is trivial, then G is non-abelian so that t is not an automorphism of G. The result then follows from Proposition 3.1. □ In view of Corollary 3.4, it would be interesting to determine the groups G such that G has a generating set S with the property that sg = s±1 for every s G S and g G G. This family of groups includes abelian groups and Qg. This family is closed under central products but it also includes examples which do not arise as central products of smaller groups in the family, for example the extraspecial group of order 32 and minus type. 4 A few constructions for non-CCA graphs In this section, we will describe a few constructions which yield non-CCA Cayley graphs. For a group G, let KG denote Cay(G, G - {1}), the complete Cayley graph on G. We will need a result which tells us when GR < Autc(KG). First we state some definitions. Definition 4.1. Let A be an abelian group of exponent greater than 2, and define a map t: A ^ A by t(a) = a-1 for every a G A. The generalised dihedral group over A is Dih(A) = A x (t). Definition 4.2. Let A be an abelian group of even order and of exponent greater than 2, and let y be an element of A of order 2. The generalised dicyclic group over A is Dic(A, y) := (A, x | x2 = y, ax = a-1 Va G A). Let t be the permutation of Dic(A, y) that fixes A pointwise and maps every element of the coset Ax to its inverse. It is not hard to check that i is an automorphism of Dic(A, y). Definition 4.3. For a G {i, j, k}, let Sa = {±a} x Zn and let aa be the permutation of Qg x Zn that inverts every element of Sa and fixes every other element. Theorem 4.4 ([2], Classification Theorem). If G is a group, then GR < Autc(KG) if and only if one of the following occurs: 1. G is abelian but is not an elementary abelian 2-group, and Autc(KG) = Dih(G), 88 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 117-128 2. G is generalised dicyclic but not of the form Q8 x Zn, and Autc (KG) = GR x (i), where i is as in Definition 4.2, or 3. G = Q8 x Zn and Autc(KG) = (GR, aj, aj, ak), where ai, aj, ak are as in Definition 4.3. Definition 4.5. Let B be a permutation group and let G be a regular subgroup of B. We say that (G, B) is a complete colour pair if G is as in the conclusion of Theorem 4.4 and B < Autc(Kg). For a graph r, let L(r) denote its line graph. Proposition 4.6. Let r be a connected bipartite G-edge-regular graph. If H is a group of automorphisms of r such that: (i) G < H, (ii) the orbits of H on the vertex-set of r are exactly the biparts, and (iii) for every vertex v of r, either (a) Gr(v) = Hvr(v), or (b) (Gr(v), hV(v)) is a complete colour pair, then H is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of L(r) viewed as a Cayley graph on G. Proof. Since G acts regularly on edges of r, its induced action on L(r) is regular on vertices. Vertices of r induce cliques in L(r), which we call special. Clearly, H has exactly two orbits on special cliques. Moreover, special cliques partition the edges of L(r), and each vertex of L(r) is in exactly two special cliques, one from each H-orbit. Since G < H, the set of edge-colours appearing in special cliques from different H-orbits is disjoint. Let v be a vertex of r and let C be the corresponding special clique of L(r). Note that Hr(v) is permutation isomorphic to H£, while G^(v) = Gg = GC. Since G is vertex-regular on L(r), GC is regular on C and thus C can be viewed as a complete Cayley graph on GC. If (g£(v), H^(v)) is a complete colour pair, Theorem 4.4 implies that H§ is colour-preserving. If gT(v) = Hvr(v), then since G is colour-preserving, so is HCC. Since G acts transitively on the special cliques within an H-orbit and G is colour-preserving, it follows that H is colour-preserving. □ Remark 4.7. In the proof of Proposition 4.6, we only use one direction of Theorem 4.4, namely that if G appears in Theorem 4.4, then GR < Autc(KG). The converse is not used here, but it can help to identify situations where Proposition 4.6 can be used to construct non-CCA graphs. Example 4.8. Let r be the Heawood graph and let H be the bipart-preserving subgroup of Aut(r). Note that H = PSL(2, 7) and H contains an edge-regular subgroup G isomorphic to F21, the Frobenius group of order 21. Moreover, for every vertex v of r, we have Gr(v) = Z3 while Hr(v) = D3 and (Z3, D3) is a complete colour pair. By Proposition 4.6, L. Morgan et al.: Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four 89 H is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of £(T) viewed as a Cayley graph on G. Since G is not normal in H, it follows that £(T) is a non-CCA graph and so F2i is a non-CCA group. Example 4.8 was previously studied in [3] and [5], under a slightly different guise. Example 4.9. Let A = Q8 x Z^ and B = Autc(KA) = (AR, a,, a^, ak}. Then A is not normal in B, and by Theorem 4.4(3), (A, B) is a complete colour pair. Let n = | A| and let Kn n be the complete bipartite graph of order 2n. Let G = A x A and let H = B x B. By Proposition 4.6, H is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of L(Kn,n) viewed as a Cayley graph on G. Since A is not normal in B, G is not normal in H hence L(Kn n) is a non-CCA graph and so G is a non-CCA group. For a graph r, let S(r) denote its subdivision graph. Corollary 4.10. Let r be a connected G-arc-regular graph. If H is a group of automorphisms of r such that: (i) G < H, and (ii) (Gr(v),Hr(v)) is a complete colour pair for every vertex v of r, then H is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of L(S(r)) viewed as a Cayley graph on G. Proof. Let r' = S(r). We show that Proposition 4.6 applies to r'. Clearly, r' is bipartite and G acts on it faithfully and edge-regularly. It is also obvious that, in its induced action on r', H must preserve the biparts of r'. Finally, let x be a vertex of r'. If x arose from a vertex v of r, then we have that Ar(v) is permutation isomorphic to Ar (x) for every A < Aut(r). Since (Gr(v), Hr(v)) is a complete colour pair, so is (Gr'(x), Hxf(x)). If x arose from an edge of r, then x has valency 2 and, since G is arc-transitive, Gr (x) = Hr (x) = Z2 and (Gr (x), Hr (x)) is a complete colour pair. □ Example 4.11. Let r be the Heawood graph and let H = Aut(r). Note that H contains an arc-regular subgroup G isomorphic to AGL(1, 7). Moreover, for every vertex v of r, we have Gr(v) = Z3 while Hr(v) = D3. By Corollary 4.10, H is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of L(S(r)) viewed as a Cayley graph on G. Since G is not normal in H, it follows that r is a non-CCA graph and so AGL(1, 7) is a non-CCA group. Remark 4.12. In fact, AGL(1,7) is a Sylow cyclic group whose order is not divisible by four, so Example 4.11 will appear again in our characterisation of non-CCA groups of this sort, in Section 5. However, the construction we have just presented is very different from the approach we use in that section. 5 Sylow cyclic and order not divisible by four We first introduce some notation that will be useful throughout this section. Recall that PGL(2,7) has a unique conjugacy class of subgroups isomorphic to AGL(1, 7). The intersection of such a subgroup with the socle PSL(2, 7) is a Frobenius group of order 21 which we will denote F2i . We say that a group G is Sylow cyclic if, for every prime p, the Sylow p-subgroups of G are cyclic. 90 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 117-128 Our aim in this section is to characterise both the non-CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four, and the structure of the corresponding colour-preserving automorphism groups for non-CCA graphs. Theorem 5.1. Let G be a Sylow cyclic group whose order is not divisible by four, let r = Cay(G, S), let A be a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of r, let R be a Sylow 2-subgroup of G and let r be a generator of R. If G is not normal in A, then G = (F x H) x R and A = (T x J) x R, where the following hold: (i) PSL(2,7) = T < A, (ii) T n G = F = F21, (iii) J n G = H < J < A, (iv) H is self-centralising in J, (v) J splits over H, (vi) H is normal in A. Proof. To avoid ambiguity, for g G G, we write [g] for the vertex of r corresponding to g and, for X C G, we write [X] for {[x] : x G X}. Let P be a Sylow 2-subgroup of A containing R. By Lemma 2.1, A[1] is a 2-group. Up to relabelling, we may assume that A[1] < P. Since G is regular, we have A = GA[1] and | A| = |G||A[1] |. Note that (v) and (vi) follow from the rest of the claims. Indeed, H must have odd order and, since |A : G| is a power of 2, so is | J : H| and thus J = H x (P n J). As H has odd order and is normal in J, it must be characteristic in J and thus normal in A. Since |G| is not divisible by 4, it follows that G has a characteristic subgroup G2 of odd order such that G = G2 x R. By order considerations, we have A = G2P. Case 1: There is no minimal normal subgroup of A of odd order. In this case, we have that soc(A) = T1 x • • • x Tk x B, where soc(A) is the socle of A, the Tj s are non-abelian simple groups, and B is an elementary abelian 2-group. Recall that A = G2P, that is, A has a 2-complement. Since this property is inherited by normal subgroups, soc(A) and Tj also have 2-complements for every i. This implies that, for every i, Tj = PSL(2,p) for some Mersenne prime p (see [7, Theorem 1.3] for example). Now, |Tj| is divisible by 3 but the Sylow 3-subgroup of soc(A) is cyclic (since |A : G| is a power of 2 and G is Sylow cyclic) so that k = 1. Let T = T\. Suppose that p > 7 and hence p > 31. Note that T[1] has index at most 2 in some Sylow 2-subgroup of T which is isomorphic to D(p+1)/2. It follows that Tj^ has order at least (p + 1)/2 and is either dihedral or cyclic. Since p > 31, this implies that Tj^ contains a unique cyclic subgroup of order (p + 1)/8, say U, and U is contained in (Tj^ )2. By Lemma 2.5, U =1, which is a contradiction. It follows that p = 7 and T = PSL(2,7). Let 02(A) be the largest normal 2-subgroup of A. If 02(A) = 1, then soc(A) = T = PSL(2, 7) and A is isomorphic to one of PSL(2,7) or PGL(2,7). If A = PSL(2, 7), then, as F21 is the only proper subgroup of PSL(2, 7) with index a power of 2, G = F21 and the theorem holds. If A = PGL(2,7), then, for the same reason, G is isomorphic to either F21 or AGL(1,7). If G = F21, then A[1] must be a Sylow 2-subgroup of A and thus isomorphic to D8. In particular, A[1] contains a unique cyclic subgroup of order 4 and this subgroup is contained in (A[1] )2. This contradicts Lemma 2.5. We must therefore have G = AGL(1, 7) and again the theorem holds. L. Morgan et al.: Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four 91 We now assume that O2 (A) = 1. In particular, the orbits of O2 (A) are of equal length, which is a power of 2 greater than 1. It follows that |O2(A) : O2(A)[i]| = |[1]°2(A)| = 2. Let K be the kernel of the action of A on the O2 (A)-orbits. By Lemma 2.4, K is semiregu-lar hence so is O2 (A). It follows that |O2 (A) | = 2 and O2 (A) is central in A. This implies that B = O2(A), hence soc(A) = T x O2(A). Now, A[1] is a complement for O2(A) in P, so by Gaschutz' Theorem (see for example [6, 3.3.2]), O2(A) has a complement in A. Clearly, O2(A) < CA(T). We show that equality holds. Suppose, on the contrary, that O2(A) < Ca(T). Since Ca(T) is normal in A, Ca(T)/O2(A) must contain a minimal normal subgroup of A/O2(A), say Y/O2(A). Since O2(A) has a complement in A, O2(A) has a complement in Y, say Z. Thus Y = O2(A) x Z and Z is isomorphic to Y/O2(A) which is a minimal normal subgroup of A/O2(A) and therefore either an elementary abelian group of odd order, or a product of non-abelian simple groups. It follows that Z is characteristic in Y and thus normal in A. Since the action of A by conjugation on Z and on Y/O2 (A) are equivalent, we see that Z is a minimal normal subgroup of A. The only possibility is that Z = T but, since T has trivial centre, this contradicts the fact that Z < Y < Ca(T). This concludes our proof that CA(T) = O2 (A) = Z2. As O2 (A) has a complement in A, it follows that A is isomorphic to one of PSL(2, 7) x Z2 or PGL(2,7) x Z2. Suppose first that A = PSL(2,7) x Z2. Since G has even order, is not normal in A and has index a power of 2, we must have G = F21 x Z2 and the theorem holds with H = J =1. Finally, suppose that A = PGL(2, 7) x Z2. In particular, P = Q x O2(A) where Q = Dg. Note that |P : Aw | =2 and Aw n O2(A) = 1 hence A[1] = P/O2(A) = D8. This contradicts Lemma 2.5. Case 2: There exists a minimal normal subgroup of A of odd order. Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of odd order, that is, |N | is a power of some odd prime p. Let K be the kernel of the action of A on the set of N-orbits. Since the N-orbits have odd size and K[1] < A[1] is a 2-group, K[1] must fix at least one point in every N-orbit. For each N-orbit B, pick b e G such that K[1] = K[b] and B = [b]N. Now the kernel of the action of K on [1]N is K^p) = f|neN(Km)n = f|„eN(K[b] )n = K([6p). It follows that K([1]n) fixes every vertex of r, and so K acts faithfully on [1]N. Moreover, N[1] = 1 hence K = N x K[1]. As | A : G| is a power of 2, G contains a Sylow p-subgroup of A. Since N is normal in A, it is contained in every Sylow subgroup of A, and thus N < G. We therefore have GK = GNK[1] = GK[1]. Since G is Sylow cyclic and N is elementary abelian, we must have | N| = p. If K[1] = 1, then K[1] must move a neighbour of [1], say [s] for some non-involution s e S. It follows that K[s] must move [1], necessarily to [s2] since K is colour-preserving, and thus [s2] e [1]N. Let C be the cycle containing [1] with edge-label {s, s-1}. We have shown that [1], [s2] e [1]N n C and hence |[1]N n C| > 2. Since [1]N and C are both blocks for the action of G, the former of prime order, it follows that [1]N n C = [1]N, that is [1]N C C. Since K acts faithfully on [1]N, K[1] acts faithfully on C and thus |GK : G| = |K[1] | < 2. It follows that G is normal in GK, GK = G x K[1] and either K = N = Zp or K = Dp. Suppose that GK/K is normal in A/K and hence GK is normal in A. We show that this implies that G is normal in A, which is a contradiction. This is trivial if G = GK hence we assume that |GK : G| = 2 and K = Dp. If G has odd order, then it is characteristic in GK and thus normal in A. We may thus assume that G has even order. Recall that G2 is a characteristic subgroup of index 2 in G, hence G2 is normal in GK and, since |GK : G2| = 4, we have that G2 is characteristic in GK and thus normal in A. Note that 92 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 83-95 G and G2 x K^] both have index two in GK but G2 x K[1 is not semiregular, hence they are not conjugate in A. In particular, G2 x K[1] and G are distinct index two subgroups of GK and thus GK/G2 is elementary abelian of order 4. Let X be the centraliser of N in GK. Since N = Zp, Aut(N) is cyclic hence GK/X is cyclic and X is not contained in G2. Since N, G2 and GK are normal in A, so is XG2. If XG2 = G, then we are done. We thus assume that this is not the case. Note that |XG2 : X| = |G2 : CG2 (N)| is odd, hence every Sylow 2-subgroup of XG2 centralises N. Since K[1] has order 2 but does not centralise N, G2 x K[1] is not contained in XG2. We thus conclude that G, G2K[1] and XG2 are the three index two subgroups of GK containing G2. One of them is normal in A, and we have seen that the other two are not conjugate in A. It follows that all three are normal in A. In particular, G is normal in A, a contradiction. We may thus assume that GK/K is not normal in A/K. Again, we use the bar notation with respect to the mapping A ^ A/K .By Lemma 2.3, A is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of r/N. By induction, we have G = (F x H) x D and A = (T x J) x D, whereD is a. Sylow_2-subgroup of G, PSL(2, 7)= T < A, T n G = F = F21, Jn G = H < J < A and H is self-centralising in J. Further, since R n K = 1 we may assume R = D. Note that T/Ct(K) < Aut(K) is soluble since K is either cyclic or dihedral. As T/K = PSL(2,7), it follows that T = KCT(K) and hence CT(K)/ Z(K) = PSL(2, 7). If K = Dp, then Z(K) = 1. Set T0 = CT(K) in this case. Otherwise, Z(K) = N = K = Zp and, since the Schur multiplier of PSL(2, 7) has order 2, we have CT(K) = N x T0 for some T0. In both cases, T0 = PSL(2,7) and, since both T and K are normal in A, so is T0, which proves (i). Now, TJ = T0KJ = T0 J, both T0 and J are normal in A and T0 n J =1 hence A = (T0 x J) x R^Since T0 = T there is F < T0 such that F0 = F. Since F0 n K =1 we have F0 = F0 = F21. Further, F = F0K = F0 x K. Since |GK : G| < 2, we have that F0 < G and, since F0 is maximal in T0, we have T0 n G = F0 which is (ii). Note that |H| is not divisible by 4, hence H = H0 x K[1] for some characteristic subgroup H0 of H. In particular, H = H0. Now GK = FHR = F0H0Kt1]R so G = F0H0R = (F0 x H0) x R. Since H0 is characteristic in H, it is normal in J. Recall that K n G = N < H0, hence K n F0R = 1. As J n F0R = 1, this implies that J nF)R = 1 Since H0 < J, we have J nG = H0_(_J nF)R) = H0, which is (iii). Note that H0/N = H. Since H contains its centraliser in J, we have Cj(H0) < HK = H0K[1]. As N < H0 and N is self-centralising in K, we have CJ (H0) < H0, which is (iv). This concludes the proof. □ We now build on the previous result and give some information about the structure of the connection set. Theorem 5.2. Let G be a Sylow cyclic group whose order is not divisible by four, let r = Cay(G, S) be a connected non-CCA graph and let A = Autc(r). Using the notation of Theorem 5.1, write A = (T x J) x R and G = (F x H) x R. Let r be the generator of R, let Y = S \ (F U (H x R)) and let r' = Cay(F x R, (F n S) U {r} U {s2 : s G Y}). Then 1. r' is connected and non-CCA, L. Morgan et al.: Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four 93 2. Y C {fz : f € F, z € Hr, |f | = 3, |z| = 2}, and 3. if Y = 0, then |R| =2, and T commutes with R. Proof. Since r is non-CCA, G is not normal in A. This yields the conclusion of Theorem 5.1. As in the proof of that theorem, for g € G, we write [g] for the vertex of Cay(G, S) corresponding to g and, for X C G, we write [X] for {[x] : x € X}. Let P be a Sylow 2-subgroup of A containing R. Up to relabelling, we may assume that A[!] < P and thus P = A^R. It follows that [1]PH = [H x R] is a block for A. As T is normal in A, its orbits are also blocks. One such block is [1]T = [F]. As [F] n [H x R] = [1], we find that the two block systems induced by [F] and by [H x R] are transverse. The action of T on [F] is equivalent to the action of PSL(2,7) by conjugation on its 21 Sylow 2-subgroups. In particular, if f € F and T^] = Tf ], then f =1. This observation, together with the previous paragraph, yields that the set of fixed points of Tji] is exactly [H x R]. We first show (2) and (3). Let s € Y. Note that [Fs] is the orbit of T that contains s. Since s € H x R, [s] is not fixed by Tj^. Since T is colour-preserving, we have that [s] = [s-1] € [Fs]. It follows that 1 = s2 € F. In particular, |s2| € {3,7}. Since A is colour-preserving, the cycles coloured {s, s-1} form a block system for A. This means that [(s2)] is also a block for A, contained in the block [F]. Now, PSL(2,7) on its action on 21 points does not admit blocks of size 7, therefore |s21 = 3. Since s € F this implies |s| = 6. Notice also that [{1, s3}] is a block of A. Thus, [s3] is a fixed point of Tj^, so [s3] € [H x R]. Since |s3| = 2 but |H| is odd, s3 € H hence |R| = 2 and s3 € Hr. Since H and F centralise each other and s3r € H and s2 € F, it follows that s2 commutes with r. Note that [1]P = [R] is a block for A. Now, [(s2)] is also a block for A, being a set of vertices of even distance contained in one of the monochromatic hexagons coloured {s, s-1}. It follows that [(s2, r)] is also a block for A, of size 6 and contained in the block [1]TP = [F x R]. Note that PGL(2,7) does not have blocks of size 6 in its transitive action on 42 points. It follows that T x R = PGL(2, 7), and hence T commutes with R. Writing f = s4 and z = s3 concludes the proof of (2) and (3). Let n: G ^ F x R be the natural projection and let s € Y .By the previous paragraph, we have s-1 = s2s3 = s2hr, where s2 € F and h € H .It follows that n(s-1) = s2r. As S is inverse-closed, we have n(Y) = {s2r : s € Y}. Since (S) = G, we have F x R = (n(S)) < (F n S, r, s2r : s € Y) = (F n S, r, s2 : s € Y) and thus V is connected. Note that [1]T'aR = [F x R] hence T x R < Autc(F). Since F x R is not normal in T x R, V is not CCA. □ The following result is, in some sense, a converse to Corollary 5.2. Proposition 5.3. Let G be a Sylow cyclic group whose order is not divisible by four such that G = (F x H) x R where F = F21, R is a Sylow 2-subgroup of G, and F and H are normal in G. Let r be the generator of R, let S be a generating set for G, let Y = S \ (F U (H x R)), let S' = (F n S) U {r} U {s2 : s € Y}, and let r = Cay(F x R, S'). If 1. r' is connected and non-CCA, 94 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 117-128 2. Y C jfz : f € F, z € Hr, |f | = 3, |z| = 2}, and 3. if Y = 0, then |R| = 2, and F commutes with R, then Cay(G, S) is connected and non-CCA. Proof. Since S generates G, Cay(G, S) is connected. Since r' is a connected and non-CCA Cayley graph on F x R, it follows from Theorem 5.1 that there exists a group T x R of colour-preserving automorphisms of r', with F < T and T = PSL(2, 7). This yields an action of T on F x R. We extend this action to the vertex-set of Cay(G, S) in the following way: for t € T and xh € G, with x € F x R and h € H, let (xh)4 = x4h. Notice that if x € F x R, then, since r € S' is an involution and T x R is colour-preserving on r', for any t € T we have (rx)4 = rx4. Note that F < T n G < T. Since T is simple, it follows that T n G is not normal in T. We claim that T is a colour-preserving group of automorphisms of Cay(G, S). By the previous comment, this will show that Cay(G, S) is non-CCA. Let t € T, let v € G and write v = xh with x € F x R and h € H. We will show that, for all s € S, we have (sv)4 = s±1vt. Suppose first that s € S'. (This includes the case when s € F.) Since T is colour-preserving on r', we have (sx)4 = s±1xt. Since sx € F x R, we have (sv)4 = (sxh)4 = (sx)4h = s±1xih = s±1vi, as required. Suppose next that s € H x R. Write s = hV and x = rj f, where h' € H, f € F and i, j € Z. Let h'' € H be such that ri+j h'' = h'ri+j. Then (sv)4 = (h'ri+j f h)4 = (ri+j h'' fh)4 = (ri+j f h''h)4 = (ri+j f )4h''h = ri+j f 4h''h = ri+j h''f 4h = h'ri+j f 4h = srj f4h = s(rj f )4h = sx4h = sv4, as desired. Finally, suppose s € Y. We can write s = fz where f € F, z € Hr, |f| = 3 and |z| = 2. By (3), we have s3 = z, s2 = f2 and |s| =6. Since s3 € H x R, the argument of the previous paragraph shows (s3v)4 = s3v4. On the other hand, since s2 € S', we have (s3v)4 = (s2(sv))4 = s±2(sv)4. Combining these gives (sv)4 = s3±2v4 = s±1vi, as desired. □ We view Theorem 5.2 as a reduction of the CCA problem for groups of the kind appearing in its statement to the determination of non-CCA graphs on F21 and AGL(1, 7). It therefore becomes of significant interest to understand the structure of such graphs. Let x and y be elements of order 7 and 6 in AGL(1, 7), respectively, and let d = (y3)x. Note that (x, y2) = F2 1 . Let S21 = jy±2, (xy2)±1}, S42,1 = jy±2,d} and S42,2 = jy±2, (y±2)d,d}. Note that Cay(F21, S21) is isomorphic to the line graph of the Heawood graph (see Example 4.8), while Cay(AGL(1,7), S42j1) is isomorphic to the line graph of the subdivision of the Heawood graph (see Example 4.11). Proposition 5.4. 1. The graph Cay(F21, S) is connected but not CCA if and only if S is conjugate in AGL(1, 7) to S21. L. Morgan et al.: Characterising CCA Sylow cyclic groups whose order is not divisible by four 95 2. The graph Cay(AGL(1,7), S) is connected but not CCA if and only if S is conjugate in AGL(1,7) to one of S42j1 or S42,2. 3. The graph Cay(F21 x Z2, S) is connected but not CCA if and only if S is conjugate in AGL(1,7) x Z2 to some inverse-closed subset of {y±2, (xy2)±1, y±2r, (xy2)±1r, r} that generates F21 x Z2, where Z2 = (r). Proof. This was verified using Magma [1]. The proof of the first claim can also be found in [3, Proposition 2.5, Remark 2.6]. □ Remark 5.5. It can be checked that Proposition 5.4(3) yields eleven generating sets for F21 x Z2, up to conjugacy in AGL(1,7) x Z2. References [1] W. Bosma, J. Cannon and C. Playoust, The Magma algebra system. I: The user language, J. Symbolic Comput. 24 (1997), 235-265, doi:10.1006/jsco.1996.0125. [2] D. P. Byrne, M. J. Donner and T. Q. Sibley, Groups of graphs of groups, Beitr. Algebra Geom. 54 (2013), 323-332, doi:10.1007/s13366-012-0093-7. [3] E. Dobson, A. Hujdurovic, K. Kutnar and J. 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