Dive into the world of Citizen Science MANUAL Dive into the world of Citizen Science MANUAL Preface Dear reader, whoever you might be. I am glad this book found you, and I hope you will find yourself in it. Title: Dive into the World of Citizen Science Its content is perhaps a little unusual, and so is its goal. It is intended as a light read – a theoretical and practical introduction to the world of experimentation and discovery, of Authors: Gjino Šutić, in collaboration with: the world around us and of ourselves. It is suitable for almost all ages, although it will Filip Grgurević, Ana Klarin, Gaspard Berger and Maja Drobne perhaps have greatest impact on children and young adults (12 years old and up). Publisher: Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA, Gortanov trg 15, 6000 Koper, Slovenija Through its narrative and methodologies, it seeks to help young people articulate bigger questions, and find a way of approaching and answering them through analytical (decon-Year: 2024 structive) and constructive tinkering. It also hopes to encourage adults to examine topics and practices mostly neglected and sometimes forgotten – that is, to find their inner Publication’s web address: https://www.pina.si/en/portfolio/dive-in-2/ playfulness by (re)discovering science and rethinking perspectives on the things we take for granted. In addition to those who are open to a little self-learning and discovery, the Dive into the World of Citizen Science © 2024 by Gjino Šutić, in collaboration with book might also serve as a teaching aid to youth workers in STEAM (Science, Technolo-Filip Grgurević, Ana Klarin, Gaspard Berger and Maja Drobne, is licensed under gy, Engineering, Art & Mathematics), as well as general educators who wish to incubate CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. the development of analytical, critical and constructive thinking skills in young people. It To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ looks to do so not by being a source of definitions and a ‘dry read’, but by planting seeds from which curiosity grows, and being a tool for developing better tools along the path of Publication if free of charge. self-learning and of co-creation of a sustainable future. And that would be its basic philosophy: seeking to inspire citizens not to conform to existing global challenges (such as climate change, environmental pollution, inequalities, etc.) or non-stimulative environments and communities, but to grasp the problems, re-form, (re)invent and build a better future. Do not forget that citizens such as you are the ones who build and make society. The content itself is made to be read in any way you like. Feel free to read the book from cover to cover, skim through it, or jump directly to any chapter that takes your fancy. There is only one thing I would kindly ask of you: don’t just read without trying out the practical part. Knowledge without application has little meaning, while real comprehen-sion does not come from taking theory for granted, but by diving deeper into the topic, all hands in. Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani Don’t be scared of making mistakes or making a mess. Self-learning comes from the pro- COBISS.SI-ID 200086531 cess of experimentation, mess is a fertile ground for creation, and mistakes are a surefire ISBN 978-961-94054-8-2 (PDF) way of ensuring that the end result is as good as it can be. 0 C O N T E N T 08 1 INTRODUCTION 3.2.3 Interaction 44 09 1.1 The playground of citizen science General observational questionnaire 45 09 1.1.1 Discover Experiment: DIY honey trap (for insects) and observational questionnaire 46 1 1 1.1.2 Citizen science Experiment: DIY bird feeder and observational questionnaire 49 1 3 1.1.3 DIY engineering Quest: Food web mapping 51 1 5 1.2 Why Citizens Science in Youth work 1 7 1.3 Possibilities – The example of Hedy Lamarr 4 ENGINEER (DESIGN and CREATE) 52 4.1 Closed systems, systems thinking and design 53 20 2 DIY tinkering spaces/household laboratories 4.2 DIY microcosmos 53 2 1 2.1 Workspace 4.2.1 Guided tutorial: Making a Winogradsky column 54 22 2.2 Safety 4.2.2 Guided tutorial: Making a microbial fuel cell 57 23 2.3 Basic equipment 23 2.3.1 Wet lab equipment (biology and chemistry) 5 INNOVATE 60 26 2.3.2 Electrical and electronic equipment 5.1 Design your STEAM project 61 30 3 EXPLORE 31 3.1 Open environments, natural systems and the cybernetic approach 33 3.2 DIY case study – Exploring an open environment of your choice 33 3.2.1 Object 35 3.2.2 Environment 35 Introduction 37 Guided observational study questionnaire for in situ exploration 38 Experiment: DIY laboratory soil composition experiments 42 Experiment: DIY laboratory water analysis 1 1.1 1 The Playground Introduction of Citizen Science INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 Discover ⊕ the ability to make the most use of what one has at one’s disposal (for construc-In tion and growth). nature, every being, organism and cell comes into existence with- Science and engineering are nothing more out knowing its environment and its than human manifestations of these phe- working mechanisms; it then seeks nomena. They have evolved into a form that to live, find positive stimuli, a hos- can be shared with others, which allows us pitable environment and directions to keep building and refining, and to achieve in which to grow. This is something more as individuals and as a human collective. worth thinking about, isn’t it? The natural, innate way of doing science and We could say the most important tools engineering is deeply embedded in all of us, for fulfilment come in the form of: as that core method of experimentation: tri-al and error. ⊕ the ability and skill to explore and analyse the environment, whatev- If we simplify this process, we can see that it er it might be (in search of hospita-is rooted in the most innate and basic mech-ble and stimulative conditions), anisms of control found in all self-controlling living systems, and recreated through engi- ⊕ the ability to critically compare neering in all artificial automatic control sys-findings, pick the best and avoid tems – something called a ‘feedback loop’ in the negative, the science of cybernetics. This process re-DEFINE THE GOAL, PICK THE TOOLS. Remember as successful, and go further. YES. Define the goal, Try to achieve. Did it work? pick the tools. NO. Rethink and change the angle of approach, the tools of choice and/or definition of the goal, then try again. 9 1 lies on feeding data that has been produced The scientific methodology usually listed – but not always. Sometimes Ultimately, science is a powerful tool for back into itself, learning from its trials and comprises these elements: questions do not come directly from human progress, driving innovation, tech- FEEDBACK LOOP. errors, to produce the desired outputs. the object of focus or the domain of nological advancements and a deeper un- ⊕ OBSERVATION science itself, but through inspira- derstanding of the universe and of our But first, let us go back and try to grasp what Scientists observe phenomena tion – seeing similarities, perhaps, or place within it. It provides a reliable and ev-science is in general terms. in the world, making note of pat- seeking connections with other ob- idence-based framework for exploring and INPUT terns, behaviours, and events. jects and domains. Making connec- explaining the phenomena that shape our INTRODUCTION Most dictionaries would say that science is a tions (correlation) and comparing the world. systematic and methodical approach to un- ⊕ QUESTION comparable and the incomparable derstanding the natural world through ob- Based on their observations, sci- are therefore important processes. servation, experimentation and the formu- entists formulate questions that lation of testable explanations or theories. seek to explain or understand the There is a saying: “We shouldn’t com- ACK It represents a systematic way of acquiring phenomena they have observed. pare apples and pears”. But that just PROCESS knowledge, organising information and mak- isn’t true. When comparing apples 1.1.2 Citizen science ing predictions about the world and about the ⊕ HYPOTHESIS (THEORETICAL and pears, we can discover more FEEDB objects, subjects and phenomena within it. IDEA OF PROBABLE about both fruits than we can when CONCLUSION) we compare apples with apples, As we pointed out above, there are peo- At its core, science as a discipline is based on Scientists propose theoretical, pears with pears. It is important to ple who choose to practise science and sci-the principles of empiricism (the idea that all untested explanations or hy-correlate – and to develop the skills entific methodology in a non-profession- learning can only come from experience and potheses that can be tested of correlation. al capacity and and/or get involved in the MEASURMENT observation) and the practice of objectivity. through further investigation. A process of professional science as citizens. Objectivity approaches the study of the world hypothesis is a proposed expla-It is important to knows that we can As a group, they form the body of citizen We should compare apples and with an unbiased and impartial mindset, nation that can be supported or sometimes also find questions, new science. pears. seeking to uncover truth based on evidence refuted by testable and measur- knowledge and ideas for experiments rather than personal beliefs or opinions. able evidence. in pure data – such as in the hybrid Citizen science, also known as community field of data science, which rep-science or public participation in scientifThis is a truthful explanation, but it’s a bit ⊕ EXPERIMENTATION resents one of the newest branches ic research, is a collaborative approach to dull, isn’t it? What it does not contain is any Scientists design and conduct on the science domains tree. professional scientific inquiry or hobbyistic OUTPUT sense of the spark and drive of science. experiments to test their hy- practice in which members of the gener- Why should we relate to and care about potheses. Experiments involve In addition to good methodologies al public (citizens not academically trained science? Well, the answer is that a core of manipulating variables and mea-for learning, science teaches us about in science) actively contribute to scientific science is embedded in all of us as a natural suring outcomes to determine knowledge itself. It teaches us not research projects. It can involve engaging principle – one of the innate mechanisms of cause-and-effect relationships. to take knowledge (and things) for non-professional scientists in various stag-exploring and understanding, even though granted, since it considers knowledge es of the scientific process, including data we might not be aware of it. We could say ⊕ DATA COLLECTION AND to be dynamic, and subject to change collection, hypothesis production, experi- that science is a tool we are born with, and ANALYSIS and revision when new evidence mentation, analysis, data interpretation and that it is up to us whether we want to use Scientists collect relevant data emerges. This process of self-correc- producing conclusions. On occasions, such and develop it. during experiments or through tion and refinement contributes to non-academically trained individuals can, other means. They then analyse the cumulative advancement of sci- if they have developed sufficiently through Since we could say science (as a tool) is in all the data using statistical meth-entific understanding over time, and self-learning and scientific experimentation, of us, it is not surprising that many people ods and other techniques to draw to the growth of the body of human produce scientific research comparable in practise science. meaningful conclusions. knowledge itself. quality to the work of professionals – and even take it a step further into true (patent-Some people specialise in practising science. ⊕ CONCLUSION Science shares another interesting able) inventions. Perhaps the most shining These professional scientists employ vari-Based on the analysis of the characteristic with living organisms example of an ideal citizen scientist, inno-ous methods and processes to investigate data, scientists reach conclusions by being organic. Science encom- vator and inventor would be Hedy Lamarr, and understand the natural world, and do so about the validity of their hypoth-passes a wide range of disciplines with her impressive body of work in various as their job. eses. If the data supports the hy- (including physics, chemistry, biology, fields of science, or that genius for the ages pothesis, it may become a theory astronomy, geology, psychology and Leonardo da Vinci, who helped lay the foun- Some people seek to practise science or a well-established explanation. many others), which grow and branch dations of several fields of science through non-professionally – perhaps for personal If the data does not support the out just like a living tree. Each field of self-learning by experimentation. development or as a way of spending their hypothesis, scientists may modify science has its specific methodolo- free time constructively. These are citizen or reject it, and then go on to degies and areas of focus, but they all The concept of citizen science is founded scientists. velop new hypotheses for further share a commitment to the system- on the belief that scientific research should investigation. atic study of the world and what it not be limited to the realm of profession- From this we can cook up a wide definition contains, and a desire to uncover and al scientists and researchers. Instead, it of a scientist as an individual who practises These elements of professional sci-explain underlying principles and pro- recognises that individuals from diverse science and follows scientific methodology. ence usually follow the sequence cesses. backgrounds and with different levels of 10 11 1 expertise can make valuable contributions The professional scientific commu- 1.1.3 DIY engineering policies on sustainability, such as the United to scientific knowledge and understanding. nity derives several benefits from Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN citizen science. Researchers are SDGs), which see global resources as limited We should not forget that no father or able to gather large amounts of data Practical engineering utilises and as things that must be cherished if we mother of a scientific discipline has been over large geographical areas and knowledge to design, create and are to live comfortably. If you are interest-formally educated in that discipline – sim- extended periods, something that construct tangible outputs; and just ed in the subject of the problem of resource ply by virtue of the fact that the discipline would be otherwise challenging or as citizen science relates to profes- scarcity and responsible consumption and INTRODUCTION did not exist until they turned up. As they impossible to achieve. This process sional science, there are some inter- production, it is important to mention that were giving birth to the field, they were cit-helps scale up data-collection ef- esting cultural practices that relate one of the current UN SDGs is precisely izen scientists in it. forts, leading to a richer and more to engineering fields. Prominent ‘Responsible consumption and production’, comprehensive understanding of examples include the do-it-yourself which has been recognised as a global chal- It is therefore no surprise that citizen sci-various phenomena. (DIY) repair cultures found in social- lenge we need to solve as citizens. entists today are involved in almost all doist and communist countries. These mains of science – collecting environmental Citizen science also fosters public often emerged from necessity, be- Emerging relatively recently, in the 2000s, data, identifying species, monitoring bird engagement with science, and pro- cause local resources were scarce. and swiftly gaining public attention, maker populations, tracking weather patterns, motes scientific literacy in citizens Their goal was to utilise these re- culture is a cultural movement similar to re-analysing astronomical images, analysing and communities. By actively partic- sources to the maximum. pair culture and related to citizen science. It water quality, solving problems of protein ipating in research projects, individ- is a social movement that emphasises DIY folding (necessary for developing solutions uals gain hands-on experience and DIY repair cultures were common in and hands-on learning, exploration and cre- to target and eradicate diseases, as well as develop a deeper understanding of the former Yugoslavia (1945–1992) ation, a global community of individuals who create biological innovations), and so on. scientific processes and concepts. and are very much part of society in engage in various creative activities, such as Citizen science empowers people present-day Cuba. Their approaches designing, building, tinkering, inventing and In citizen science, as in professional science, to contribute to important societal to DIY repair differed slightly, whether prototyping, and often leveraging technolo- we distinguish between two main practices issues, and increases their appreci- they involved buying sustainable do- gy and digital fabrication tools. of research and experimentation: individual ation of scientific inquiry; it can also mestic products at an economical price do-it-yourself (DIY) and collaborative do-actually strengthen connections (e.g. items from recycled and/or af- At its core, maker culture encourages in- it-with-others (DIWO) experimentation. between scientists, the public, pol- fordable and sustainable local materi- dividuals to become active participants in icymakers and industry, and foster als) or avoiding wasteful consumption the process of making things (and making The concept of citizen collaboration and dialogue. Profes- and related unsustainable practices. things better) rather than simply being pas-science is founded on sional researchers benefit from the The DIY culture became quite rooted in sive consumers. It values creativity, collab-the belief that scientific expertise and local knowledge of Yugoslavia, and was further fostered oration, and the sharing of knowledge and research should not be citizen scientists, while citizen sci- through ‘Sam svoj majstor’ and sim- skills. Makers embrace an open mindset, limited to the realm of entists gain insights into the profes- ilar magazines, which gave practical seeking to learn and experiment with differ-professional scientists sional scientific community’s work, detailed instructions on how to build ent tools, materials and techniques. and researchers. and can contribute to real-world sci- and repair household items – and even entific advancements. how to build houses themselves. In recent years, technological ad- At its core, maker vancements have played a signifi- culture encourages cant role in expanding the scope and individuals to become impact of citizen science. The wide- active participants in spread availability of smartphones, the process of making internet access and data-sharing things (and making platforms has facilitated the partic- things better) rather ipation and collaboration of citizen than simply being scientists on a global scale. passive consumers. Overall, citizen science offers a col- While Cuba followed a similar path, laborative and inclusive approach economic constraints mean that the to scientific research, harnessing country’s repair culture has become the power of collective intelligence, unique and recognisable, with highly and contributing to a more informed innovative ways of repurposing items and engaged society. Through the in DIY engineering and for repair. Its diversity of individual backgrounds, aesthetics have famously become an ‘Sam svoj majstor’, citizen science has the potential to essential part of everyday life. ‘Make:’, 1st issue, 1975. address complex scientific and social 1st issue, 2005. challenges, and to drive meaningful These examples are interesting in the change in the world. context of the relatively recent public 12 13 1.2 1 The key characteristics of maker culture in-We should also mention the charac- clude: teristics and specific places for maker Why Citizens Science culture – hackerspaces and maker- ⊕ DIY MENTALITY: Makers are driven by spaces – which are physical locations a desire to create and build things on where individuals can gather to col- their own, seeking to acquire skills and laborate, share resources and work in Youth Work INTRODUCTION knowledge through hands-on experi- on projects. They are mostly open to ence. the public, and typically provide ac- cess to tools, equipment and a sup- ⊕ OPEN-SOURCE PHILOSOPHY: Makers portive community. often adapt, freely sharing their ideas, designs and projects with others. They The maker movement has gained value collaboration, and believe in the recognition in education as a way of power of collective creativity and the promoting hands-on, project-based When we decided to start this ownership over their learning and con- freedom of knowledge and learning. learning. Makerspaces began appear- project, we knew, we were doing tributions to society. This empower- ing in schools, colleges and libraries, something controversial. Bringing ment fosters a sense of responsibility ⊕ MODERN TECHNOLOGY: Maker culture providing students with opportuni- citizen science into youth work is towards addressing global challenges embraces the use of modern technolo- ties to explore STEAM subjects and crucial for fostering a generation such as climate change, biodiversity gies, including 3D printers, laser cutters, develop practical skills. that is engaged, informed, and ca- loss, and pollution. As they witness the microcontrollers and robotics. These pable of contributing to the global impact of their contributions, young in- tools enable makers to bring their ideas Another related practice is biohack- challenges they will inherit. dividuals are motivated to become pro- to life and rapidly prototype their cre- ing, which refers to the practice of active agents of change, understanding ations. DIY research in biology and biolog- The importance of integrating citi- that their actions can make a difference ical engineering (biotechnology). It zen science into youth work can be in the world. ⊕ INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH: is perhaps one of the youngest and understood through several dimen- Maker culture often encourages the most cutting-edge practices of sci- sions: C. BUILDING COMMUNITY AND blending of different disciplines, bring- ence-related DIY engineering and, as COLLABORATION ing together people from diverse back- such, is not well defined in literature. A. EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT Citizen science projects often require grounds, such as artists, engineers, de- It has different meanings to different Citizen science offers a unique collaboration among participants, re- signers, programmers and hobbyists, people and practitioners. The com- educational experience that searchers, and sometimes, interna- who exchange ideas and skills. mon philosophy lies in open-sourc- complements traditional class- tional teams. This collaborative en- ing – which is enabling free access to room learning, but also comple- vironment teaches young people the ⊕ PROBLEM-SOLVING AND INNOVA- biological and biological engineering ments the youth work settings, importance of teamwork, communi- TION: Makers often tackle real-world knowledge, which is often jealously which are usually more focused cation, and the collective pursuit of problems, seeking innovative and cre- guarded by academic/science pub- on soft skills. It provides young knowledge. Through these projects, ative solutions. They embrace a hands- lishing systems (closed to general individuals with hands-on, prac- young people can connect with peers on, iterative approach to design and citizens) or by patents on natural bi- tical learning opportunities that and mentors with shared interests, development, learning from failure and ological mechanisms and resources. enhance their understanding of fostering a sense of belonging and embracing the spirit of experimentation. scientific concepts and meth- community. These experiences help Biohacking communities often share odologies. By participating in them develop interpersonal skills that STEAM = Science, Technology, The maker movement has had a significant knowledge by organising workshops, real-world scientific research, are valuable in every aspect of life. impact on education. It has encouraged a lectures, conferences, exhibitions youth can develop a deeper ap- Engineering, the Arts and shift towards more practically minded, proj-and similar public events, seeking preciation for the sciences, im- D. ENHANCING ENVIRONMENTAL AND ect-based learning approaches, and fos- community engagement and engag- proving their analytical, critical SCIENTIFIC LITERACY Mathematics tered the development of contemporary ing in open-door practices. thinking, and problem-solving Citizen science projects, especial- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, skills. This practical approach to ly those focused on environmental the Arts and Mathematics) education by Many members of the community learning makes science acces- monitoring and conservation, enhance adding the joys of creating, tinkering with build affordable DIY tools, such as sible and engaging, potentially participants’ environmental and sci- and exploring the world through a hands-on microscopes, for exploring biology, sparking a lifelong interest in entific literacy. Young individuals learn and collaborative approach. and share open-source knowledge scientific exploration and dis- about the complexities of ecosystems, with the community. Usually expen- covery. the importance of biodiversity, and the ‘Maker Faire’ events are worth mentioning sive tools therefore become more impacts of human activities on the en- here. These are maker innovation, creation affordable to the public, providing B. EMPOWERMENT AND vironment. This knowledge is crucial and practice fairs which, through the inter-everyone (not just the privileged few) OWNERSHIP for developing informed active citi- active public engagement of makers, con- with the opportunity to learn. Involving young people in citi- zens who can make responsible de- tribute to the development of STEAM at lo- zen science projects empowers cisions and advocate for sustainable cal and international levels. them by giving them a sense of practices. 14 15 1.3 1 E. CAREER EXPLORATION Such engagement can be particularly For many young people, participation validating for those who feel isolated in citizen science projects provides a due to their unique interests, embed- Possibilities – window into the world of scientific re- ding their efforts within a global con- search and various STEM careers. It al- text of scientific inquiry. lows them to explore their interests and passions within these fields, potential- Furthermore, participating in citizen The example of Hedy Lamarr INTRODUCTION ly guiding their educational and career science helps these young individu- paths. Experiences gained through cit- als to develop crucial social skills and izen science can enrich their resumes emotional intelligence through collab- and college applications, setting the orative work with peers, mentors, and foundation for future opportunities in professionals. This not only aids their STEM. personal development but also helps them find a sense of belonging within F. INCLUSION a community of like-minded individu- We can find amazing exam- a pioneering inventor. Despite lacking for-One important thing we noticed on als. Leadership roles in these projects ples of citizen science and engi- mal scientific training, she possessed an the way is as well how citizens science can foster self-confidence and resil- neering from inspiring individuals. innate aptitude for understanding complex as a methodology can be very inclu- ience, encouraging them to pursue They range from globally renowned concepts, and a relentless drive to push the sive element. We tend to talk in youth STEM careers where their talents can figures such as Leonardo da Vinci boundaries of what was possible. work about the inclusion when we talk be further nurtured. (1452–1519), with his experiments about vulnerable groups, growing up in and discoveries in anatomy and en- Lamarr’s most renowned innovation came hard situation or facing different abili- The customizable nature of citizen sci- gineering, to more contemporary during World War II when she, along with ties. Inclusion in citizen science extends ence allows for personalized learning examples such as Rita Levi-Montal- composer George Antheil (1900–1959), de- beyond supporting vulnerable groups experiences, catering to the specific cini (1909–2012), who won a No- vised a groundbreaking frequency-hopping to encompass young individuals with interests and capabilities of each par- bel Prize for her discovery of nerve spread spectrum technology by combining exceptional intellectual curiosity, who ticipant. This ensures that learning re- growth factor (NGF), which was mathematics, radio technology engineer- might feel misplaced in traditional ed- mains relevant and engaging, encour- based on the experiments she car- ing and concepts found in the mechanisms ucational settings. These young people aging continuous intellectual growth. ried out in an improvised bedroom of musical instruments (specifically, the pi-possess a deep thirst for knowledge and neurobiology lab in Turin at the ano). This invention, initially intended to aid engagement, often seeking challenges Incorporating citizen science into height of World War II. the war effort by creating secure torpedo and opportunities for exploration that youth work is not just about engaging guidance systems whose signal could not go beyond what standard curriculums young people in scientific research; it’s But perhaps the most illustrative be cracked and scrambled, laid the ground- offer. They are often excluded from their about preparing them for the future. It example comes from the unlikely work for modern wireless communication peers due to the need for more expla- offers them the tools, knowledge, and citizen scientist and engineer Hedy technologies, including Bluetooth and winations, deeper research and curiosity, experiences needed to navigate and Lamarr* (1914–2000), a Hollywood fi. Yes, you read that right: wi-fi, the thing which is as well putting them in the ex-contribute to a rapidly changing world. Golden Age beauty who spent her that enables all our gadgets to access the cluding position as it’s hard for them to By fostering a generation that values spare time between shooting movie internet today. Lamarr’s brilliance not only find the company. Citizen science pro-science, collaboration, and communi- scenes doing experiments and tin- revolutionised military tactics, but also vides an invaluable platform for these ty, we equip them with the ability to kering with science and engineering paved the way for countless technological individuals, allowing them to apply their face global challenges with innova- in an improvised lab in her on-set advancements that continue to shape our talents to genuine scientific research tion, resilience, and hope. trailer. interconnected world in the twenty-first and innovation. The natural, innate way of doing sci- century. ence and engineering is deeply em- Hedy Lamarr’s story is testament to Incorporating citizen bedded in all of us, as that core meth- the transformative potential of curi- It is important to point out that inventions science into youth od of experimentation: trial and error. osity and ingenuity, and the poten- in the field of radio communications tech- work is not just about tial an individual can achieve through nology were not her only playground. She engaging young people self-learning. Born Hedwig Eva Ma- experimented with bionics, which is the in scientific research; ria Kiesler in Vienna, she demon- construction of artificial systems inspired it’s about preparing strated an insatiable thirst for by living organisms – specifically, translat-them for the future. knowledge from a very young age. ing the aerodynamic body shape of fish and Her early experiments with disman- birds to aircraft design – and with chem- Intellectually curious young people bene- tling and reassembling household istry, patenting an innovative approach to fit from the stimulation that citizen science gadgets foreshadowed her future as making concentrated soft drinks. projects offer, engaging deeply with complex topics that satisfy their need for discovery. These projects connect their advanced abil- * To honour this remarkable individual, we invite you to do some self-exploration on your own. Use the wi-fi that ities to tangible societal challenges, giving Hedy gave us and do a bit of internet research on her inventions and motivations, as well as on the remarkable them a sense of purpose and contribution. works of Rita Levi-Montalcini and Leonardo da Vinci. We are sure you’ll find some personal motivation there. 16 17 1 Central to Lamarr’s success was her un-Moreover, Hedy Lamarr’s journey un- In embracing the spirit of do-it-your- wavering belief in the power of hands-on derscores the importance of ampli- self exploration championed by Hedy experimentation and the value of learning fying the voices and contributions of Lamarr, we are encouraged to em- through trial and error. She was unafraid women in science. She persevered in brace our innate curiosity, to ques- to dive into unfamiliar domains through the face of systemic barriers and so- tion the status quo, and to pursue self-learning, often teaching herself new cietal expectations (on what a Holly- our passions with unwavering deter- skills and disciplines along the way. Her wood actress should and should not mination. Her story challenges us to INTRODUCTION story serves as a reminder that innovation do, for example), and managed to push beyond the boundaries of what knows no bounds and that anyone, regard- leave an indelible mark on the history is known, to boldly venture into un- less of background or formal training, can of technology. Her legacy serves as a charted territories, and to harness contribute to scientific progress through beacon of inspiration for aspiring fe- the power of innovation to shape a sheer determination and a willingness to male scientists, reminding them that brighter future for the generations to take risks. their ideas and insights are invaluable come. assets to the scientific community. Leonardo da Vinci Rita Levi-Montalcini Hedy Lamarr 18 19 2 2.1 2 DIY tinkering DIY tinkering spaces/ s p a c e s / h o u s e h o l d household laboratories Workspace laboratories Every invention requires a place Since we are all unique, with dif- So before constructing your creative corner, of birth. In citizen science, these ferent interests and desires, it is not put it on paper first. List what you think you easy to describe an average tinker-will need, sketch the layout, think about safe-are often household laborato- ing workspace or household lab. De- ty and be sure to know the limits. Start small ries or ‘DIY tinkering spaces’. pending on your interests and needs, and let it develop gradually. For example, if Depending on what you are in-you can customise it to best fit your you’re into biology, a basic microscope will current field of study. If you decide to be more than enough to kick start your citi-terested in and what resourc- explore the realm of chemistry, it will zen science research; if electronics are your es you have at home, these have to be customised to ensure that thing, a cheap multimeter, a soldering iron, a spaces can come in a variety of you can work safely with chemicals, few screwdrivers and some old electronics to with easy-to-clean surfaces that do disassemble will set you on your way. forms. The trend among citizen not absorb liquids. Be sure to put it in scientists in the US is to turn a nicely ventilated space as well (next Start small and let it garage spaces into tinkering to the window is fine). The same goes develop gradually. for biology, as things can get smelly. spaces and DIY laboratories, If you are looking to experiment with while in people Europe seem Here’s a lovely example of a DIY chemistry modern engineering, such as 3D lab from 1960. Various designs can be found to be keen on using kitchens printing, it might be better to work in online – just find one for the domain you’re for biological experimentation. a room other than the bedroom – the interested in. hum of 3D printing can become an- But sometimes, a small corner noying after a while. The possibilities in any room is more than suf- are vast and endless. ficient. The first lab of Gjino – one of the authors of this book was exactly like this: an old, unused wooden cabinet repur- posed into a bedroom work- bench and storage space for all my improvised research tools and materials. So if you decide to go a bit more seriously into citizen science, we invite you to be creative with your cre- Regular chemistry lab (left) ative corner – customise it to vs. a small, improvised DIY your needs and desires. A DIY chemistry lab (right) tinkering space or household (Illustration from The Golden laboratory is your gateway to Book of Chemistry Experiments, a world of endless innovation 1960) and boundless curiosity. 21 2.2 2.3 2 DIY tinkering s p a c e s / h o u s e h o l d Safety Basic equipment laboratories Ensuring personal protection and safe- have all electric appliances in your DIY Embarking on a DIY science jour- Keeping a laboratory log is common practice in ty in a workspace is paramount in any lab or on your workbench connected ney, whether in biology, chemistry or all good labs. It is essentially a simple book in scientific endeavour, particularly in en-to a central switch that you can easily electronics, requires a solid founda- which you enter your notes, and is the most vironments where DIY experimentation turn off in case of emergency, and to tion of basic equipment to facilitate essential piece of material in your thinking It is better to be too careful than with biological, chemical and electrical have a small fire extinguisher to hand experimentation and innovation. space. Making good research notes is the best materials is to take place. Before embark-nearby. You should also have a small way to self-learn science and engineering. not careful enough. ing on any project, it’s crucial you wear the basic medical kit containing plasters, At the heart of any DIY laboratory is appropriate gear: safety goggles to shield bandages, etc. Even the most careful a versatile workbench – a sanctuary the eyes from chemical splashes and fly- professionals can injure themselves. where ideas take shape and discover- ing debris, lab coats or aprons to protect ies unfold. Here, an array of essential against spills and splatters, and gloves to The general rule is to always play it tools and instruments stand ready to 2.3.1 Wet lab equipment protect the hands from hazardous sub- safe. It is better to be too careful than assist in the pursuit of knowledge and stances (although beginners should avoid not careful enough. creativity. (biology and chemistry) those, generally speaking). By integrating personal protection and As we have already pointed out, the It is essential that you adhere to strict safety safety practices into every aspect of tools and materials you require differ The tools most usually encountered in protocols and warning signs. Chemicals must their work, DIY scientists not only pro-greatly depending on your needs and biology and/or chemistry labs are: be clearly labelled and properly stored. When tect themselves, but also create a cul-interests. It would be impossible to list working with electricity, it is imperative that ture of safety that benefits the entire them all, so we will mention just a few ⊕ a microscope and related consumables you use insulated tools and equipment, and community. Again, do your research of the most common ones. We will (glass slides) for studying the smallest deploy proper wiring techniques, to prevent on safety before carrying out any ex-also give you pointers to some tutori- objects electrical shocks and fires. It is best practice to periments. als on how to make your own. ⊕ (today there are many affordable ones, both digital and classic optical) ⊕ a magnifying glass (for studying the surfaces of large objects) ⊕ tweezers, scissors, scalpel and a chop- ping board for preparing samples for study ⊕ a wide variety of containers, such as glass jars for collecting your samples and objects of study (you will use these things very often) ⊕ a hotplate for cooking and heating Affordable commercial microscope/ ⊕ volumetric glassware (glass cylinders, digital magnifier (left) and DIY water pipettes, droppers, etc.) drop microscope projector (right) ⊕ glass containers (jars, etc.) that can be sterilised 22 23 2 If you decide to pursue research in microbi-RECOMMENDATIONS juice, sodium bicarbonate and baking nuclei and cytoplasm, and malachite green ology, you will also need: If you’re starting out with DIY chem- powder, for example. Polar solvents (for colouring endospores, pollen and fungi) istry, we would recommend the clas-are easy to get hold of (water, alcohol), can both be found in pet shops as anti-fungal ⊕ a DIY Bunsen burner (e.g. a portable gas sic Golden Book of Chemistry Exper-while Zippo fluid, easily available from agents for aquariums. DIY tinkering camping cooker) for sterilising tools and imentation (1960) by Robert Brent, your local corner shop, makes a good s p a c e s / making sterile microenvironments for which is available from the Internet non-polar solvent for DIY chemistry Next to acids, bases, solvents and stains, the h o u s e h o l d microbiology experimentation Archive (https://archive.org). experiments. most common tools in biology and chemistry laboratories labs are those used to measure pH. We can ⊕ sterilisation equipment for liquids and For DIY biology and biotechnology, In biology, dyes and stains are often measure pH value (how acidic/basic a sub-tools: a pressure cooker (DIY autoclave) you could try the online Hackteria used to colour and analyse samples. stance is) with digital or chemical pH meters. for sterilising liquids and metal and wiki at https://hackteria.org/wiki/Ge- You can also find those easily find on But one of the best and most fun to play with glass tools, or a microwave oven (for neric_Lab_Equipment (where you’ll the retail market: methylene blue, for is a pH meter you can make yourself, from sterilising liquids) + a regular oven (for find amazing tutorials on how to example, which is used to colour cell cabbage juice. So here’s the recipe. sterilising metal and glass tools) make your own microscope cheaply from an old webcam, for example). For those who decide to go deeper into the Tutorial: field of serious biotechnology at some point, MATERIALS DIY cabbage juice pH meter there are affordable educational tools such Materials for DIY biology and chemistry as PCR kits (e.g. PocketPCR by GaudiLabsor experimentation are all around us. We YOU WILL NEED or PCR by OpenPCR), and even DNA/RNA invite you to be creative and explore. ⊕ Red cabbage sequencers (Oxford Nanopore), that can be Read the labels on products in grocery ⊕ Blender or food processor used to explore the mysteries of the biolog-stores, as you’ll be able to find most of ⊕ Strainer or cheesecloth ical world. the materials and reagents there. ⊕ Clear glass or plastic container ⊕ Distilled water Again, it is not easy to list everything, so Weak acids and bases/alkalis are ⊕ Something acidic and basic to test it with we encourage you to do your own research. among the reagents most common- (e.g. drop of lemon juice as acid, a drop of soap as base) Explore the literature to find out what will ly used in biology and chemistry labs, meet your needs. and can be found in vinegar, lemon Step 1: Chop the red cabbage into small pieces and place them in the blender or food processor. Add enough distilled water to cover the cabbage pieces and blend until smooth. Step 2: Strain the cabbage mixture through a strainer or cheesecloth to remove any solids, leaving the purple cabbage juice behind. Step 3: Pour the cabbage juice into a clear glass or plastic container. Note the colour. Step 4: Place a teaspoon of cabbage juice in a glass, add a drop of lemon juice and stir. Notice the change in colour. Step 5: Place a tablespoon of cabbage juice in a glass, add a drop of liquid soap and stir. Notice the change in colour. DIY cabbage juice pH meter. 24 25 2 2.3.2 Electrical and There are so many good, detailed DIY Connect your M5Stick or other M5Stack device to your computer with a suitable USB type electronic equipment electronics tutorials out there that it C cable and follow the following instructions to connect it to your computer and the coding would be rather redundant for us to program, UI Flow: https://docs.m5stack.com/en/quick_start/m5stickc_plus/uiflow provide you with one as well. But to get DIY tinkering you started, we would recommend the On the bottom left corner of the UI Flow window on your computer, check that the s p a c e s / In the field of electronics, soldering book “Make: Electronics” by Charles M5stick is properly connected to the M5Stick! h o u s e h o l d irons, multimeters and breadboards are Platt and the Instructables website laboratories essential. These enable circuits to be (https://www.instructables.com/). studied, assembled and tested with pre- cision and accuracy. People who exper- As an interesting study example, we Step 1: Adding the environment sensor iment with digital electronics often also give you one tutorial in electronics on First physically: use DIY experimental microcontrollers how to make your own DIY Arduino/ ⊕ Connect your environment sensor to the bottom of the M5stick with a Grove cable; (such as Arduino, Raspberry PI, ESP, Mi-ESP-powered environmental data this sensor will serve as an input in our project. croBit, etc.). collector. Secondly digitally: ⊕ Add the sensor in our program by clicking on Units (1) en then on the + symbol (2). ⊕ Select the environment sensor in the list of sensors (you can find the exact sensor name on the back of the sensor). ⊕ Click on ‘OK’ to finalize adding the sensor. Step 2: Visualizing the data of the sensor ⊕ Add a label from the left-hand side by clicking and dragging it onto the virtual screen of the M5stick. Arduino Uno-compatible microcontroller (controlling LED lights) ⊕ You’ll see some options to edit your label Tutorial: appear on the right. (if not, click the label) Environmental data visualizer with M5Stick ⊕ You can duplicate the label by double clicking on it. Do this 3 times. How can we know at a glance if our houseplants are enjoying themselves well? We make ⊕ Make a grid of 4 labels as seen on the picture. things easier for ourselves by programming a circuit with an environmental sensor and screen. That way we communicate with our plants via a screen and meet all our plant’s needs. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to capture and visualize data coming from an environment sensor on a microcomputer called an M5stick Plus. We’ll also use a cable to connect it to a computer that uses UI Flow to code our M5stick and the sensor. For this, we use the following input-output circuit: ⊕ Change the text of the labels on the right so they say “C (Temperature)” & “% (Humidity)”. These labels will not change as they are only here to express the units of the data. ⊕ You can drag codeblocks from different categories to the empty field on the right. Find the following codeblocks in the corresponding categories: Event - Units - Math - UI > Label 26 27 2 ⊕ ⊕ Duplicate the following block twice: ⊕ DIY tinkering ⊕ Place the Loop-block under Setup ⊕ Duplicate this block once: s p a c e s / ⊕ Place the rest of the blocks in the following structure: h o u s e h o l d laboratories ⊕ Now that you have all the necessary codeblocks rearrange them to achieve the following result: Watch out! make sure the label names in your code blocks match your left labels. Step 3: Testing the sensor ⊕ Press the play button in the top right corner (newer versions of the program have a Run button in the bottom right) Old version New version ⊕ You can blow on your sensor to see if the data changes on the screen of your M5Stick. Step 6: Running your code on the machine ⊕ Test your code again by pressing the Play/Run button How do we turn our M5Stick into a creative representation of our little plant? Using the ⊕ Blow on your sensor to see if your smiley changes on the screen of the M5Stick. screen, we give our plant a face to express itself; code animations using the steps below: Congratulations you have now successfully coded an environment sensor! Step 4: Adding a face ⊕ Add 2 more labels and rotate them 90° See if you can add more components to your code such as: ⊕ Place them below each other and replace the text of the top label in “:” and of the - Try and store the data of the sensor lower label in “)”. - Make an InternetofThings application that shows the data online so that you can check ⊕ Lastly change the font size to 72 your plants conditions anywhere. You should have something that resembles this: You can find a lot of documentation and code examples for all the different sensors that are available through the M5 website (https://docs.m5stack.com/en/uiflow/uiflow_home_ page). Step 5: Adding more codeblocks ⊕ Find the following codeblocks in the corresponding categories: Math - Logic 28 29 3 3.1 3 Open Environments, Explore Natural Systems and E X P L O R E the Cybernetic Approach Most of the world around and By contrast, closed systems (such as en-within us can be seen as an open gineered closed environments) provide a system – the human body, a specif- controlled environment in which internal ic organ, a single cell, a tree, a for- processes unfold without external inter- est, a lake, the sea or planet Earth ference. This controlled setting allows for itself. In the realm of open systems, precise experimentation and analysis, en- objects continuously interact with abling scientists to isolate variables and their environment, exchanging en- study fundamental principles in depth. ergy, materials and information. Closed systems offer valuable insights In living systems, this dynamic ex- into the underlying mechanisms of com- change often fosters adaptation plex phenomena, from chemical reactions and evolution, as systems respond in a sealed chamber to the workings of a to external stimuli to maintain sta- closed-loop feedback system in engineer- bility and functionality. Whether ing. it’s the intricate web of ecosystems balancing nutrients and energy flow A cutting-edge example of a closed sys- or the complex network of social in- tem would be the Large Hadron Collider teractions shaping human societies, (LHC) built by CERN for subatomic particle open systems highlight the inter-research, or the bioreactor, which is an es-connectedness of all things. sential instrument in biotechnology and is a A human body, a tree and planet Earth 31 3.2 3 Agitation system DIY Case Study – Feeding pump Exploring an Open E X P L O R E System monitor Medium Sensors probes Environment of your Choice Air Here we invite you on a small ment, and any legal or logistical restrictions journey of exploration. We would that may apply. like you to choose an open system, Reactor tank Thermal jacket study it carefully and examine its CONSIDER RELEVANCE AND IMPACT intricate interconnections with the Reflect on the relevance and potential im- environment. pact of studying each object. Choose an ob- ject that not only aligns with your interests, but also contributes to broader scientific knowledge, conservation efforts or personal growth. Selecting an object with ecological Basic schematic of a significance or educational value can enhance Submerged aerator common bioreactor Effluent 3.2.1 Object the relevance and impact of your study. (by Yassine Mrabet CC BY-SA 3.0 2009) FIELD RECONNAISSANCE IDENTIFY YOUR INTERESTS Conduct field reconnaissance visits to po-Consider your interests, passions and tential study sites to assess their suitability goals for the study. Are you intrigued first hand. Observe the object’s condition, by plant biology, fascinated by aquat-surrounding environment, accessibility, and vessel containing finely controlled environ-homeostasis, communication and ic ecosystems or smitten with hor- any potential challenges or opportunities for mental factors (temperature, pH, gas con-control that underpin the functioning ticulture? Identifying your interests study. Take notes, photographs and prelim- centrations, etc.) used for cultivating single of complex systems, for example in will help you select an object of study inary data to inform your decision-making cells and tissues in vitro, and for the produc-the regulation of body temperature that aligns with your curiosity and process. tion of biological compounds, living cells and in living organisms and the design of objectives. derivatives. autonomous robots, SELECT YOUR OBJECT OF CHOICE RESEARCH POTENTIAL OBJECTS Based on your research, assessment and By studying the interplay By studying the interplay between Conduct preliminary research on the field reconnaissance, make an informed deci-between objects and objects and their environments, as various objects that you’re consider- sion on which object to study. Choose an ob-their environments, as well as the principles of cybernetics, ing studying. Learn about their char- ject that excites and inspires you, aligns with well as the principles scientists gain a deeper understand- acteristics, ecological roles, habitats your interests and goals, and offers practical of cybernetics, ing of the fundamental dynamics and significance within the broader opportunities for observation, data collection scientists gain a deeper that govern the world around us. This environment. Explore the diversity of and analysis. understanding of the interdisciplinary approach not only options available, from individual or- fundamental dynamics sheds light on the intricacies of nat- ganisms such as trees and plants to Choose an object within an open environ-that govern the world ural systems, but also informs the entire ecosystems such as gardens, ment that intrigues you. It could be a species around us. design of more efficient technologies ponds or forests. of plant or animal, a geological formation, a and the development of strategies body of water, or any other component of the As the science of communication and confor sustainable living in an intercon- ASSESS ACCESSIBILITY AND ecosystem. trol in systems, cybernetics bridges the gap nected world. FEASIBILITY between open and closed systems. It ex- Evaluate the accessibility and fea- GIVE THE OBJECT A NAME plores how feedback loops and regulatory sibility of studying each potential This might seem silly, but giving your object mechanisms enable systems to maintain object. Consider factors such as a name makes it more likely that you will stability and achieve goals in both natural proximity to your location, ease of connect more closely with it and have more and artificial contexts. It provides a frame-observation and data collection, motivation to explore. So we encourage you work for understanding the processes of availability of resources and equip- to do so. 32 33 3 Use scientific principles and analyt- 3.2.2 Environment ical tools to interpret your findings and draw meaningful conclusions. Introduction DOCUMENTATION Compile your notes, observations, The natural environment includes our plan- data and analyses into a comprehen- et’s living and non-living components – the E X P L O R E sive case study report of around two land, water and all living things. It includes or three pages. Organise your findings everything from the highest mountains to in a logical manner: an introduction the deepest oceans, from the tiniest micro- followed by sections on background organisms to the mightiest predators. This information, methods, results, discus- environment is always changing and full of sion and conclusions. Use clear and life. It’s not like a still picture, but more like concise language, supported by visual a lively, moving scene that supports many aids such as charts, graphs and maps, different forms of life. to present your findings effectively. COMPONENTS OF THE NATURAL PEER REVIEW ENVIRONMENT Introduce peers to your case study The natural environment isn’t merely a col- and seek their feedback. Construc- lection of separate elements. Its main com- tive criticism is a great tool for learn- ponents interact with each other, shaping ing. Incorporate their suggestions to the kind of ecosystem that develops and A bush and a lake improve the clarity, accuracy and impacts the lives of its inhabitants. It’s like rigour of your analysis in this case a well-coordinated team, where each part study and in your future work. plays a crucial role in supporting life. For example, plants release oxygen through By following these steps, you can photosynthesis, supporting animals, while PLAN YOUR STUDY APPROACH ing research or conservation efforts create a comprehensive case study animals produce carbon dioxide, which is Develop a study plan outlining your re- related to it. Map your findings in a exploration of an open environment essential for the growth of plants. This in-search objectives, methodologies, time- notebook. object of choice, enriching your un- terdependence stretches across all levels of lines and the resources needed. Consider derstanding of its ecological signif-the ecosystem. the specific research questions you aim to FIELD OBSERVATION icance and contributing to scientific address, the methods you’ll use for data Visit the location at which your ob- knowledge and conservation efforts. collection and analysis, and any permits ject exists in its natural environ- or permissions required for conducting re- ment. Spend time observing and search at the chosen location. documenting its behaviour, physical attributes and interactions with its RESEARCH – BEGIN YOUR STUDY surroundings. Take detailed notes, Once you’ve selected your object of choice photographs and videos to capture and planned your study approach, begin your observations accurately. your investigation with dedication. Im- plement your research plan, collect data, DATA COLLECTION Landforms and Terrain BODIES OF WATER analyse findings and draw conclusions Collect quantitative and qualitative that contribute to your understanding of data relevant to your case study. the object and its broader ecological con- This may include measurements text. Make sure you use your research log/ of environmental variables such as diary – a notebook in which you can en- temperature, humidity and pH lev- ter all measurable data, notes, ideas and els, as well as behavioural observa- NATURAL thoughts. tions, population counts and habi- SOIL ENVIRONMENT VEGETATION tat assessments. Use the tools you Conduct comprehensive research on your have at your disposal. chosen object. Gather additional informa- tion from reputable sources such as sci- ANALYSIS entific journals, textbooks and academic Analyse the data you’ve collect- publications. Learn about the object’s char-ed to identify patterns, trends and acteristics, habitat, ecological role, interac-correlations. Consider how environ- CLIMATE WILDLIFE tions with other organisms, environmental mental factors influence the object’s factors affecting its survival, and any ongo-behaviour, distribution and survival. 34 35 3 VARIABLES FOR MEASUREMENT Guided AND STUDY I. BIODIVERSITY observational study To understand the natural environment, Refers to the variety and abun- questionnaire for we rely on various variables, which are dance of living organisms in “in situ” exploration specific aspects or characteristics that can a given area. It indicates the be measured and studied. These variables health and resilience of an eco- help us figure out how different parts of system. All variables influence each other and create an environment. Study the E X P L O R E the environment are connected. Here are patterns of interdependence among the variables. (Depending on the some key variables: J. VEGETATION COVER object of observation you have chosen, you might not be able to measure Describes the density and types all the variables.) A. TEMPERATURE of plants in an area. It is crucial Measures the warmth or coldness of for understanding habitat quali- Each variable will be measurable by the DIY tool listed in 2.3 Basic equipment (e.g. the air, water or soil, and influences ty and ecosystem services. temperature and humidity by Arduino/ESP equipped with a DHT11 sensor. The the behaviour and distribution of living same goes for all observations and experiments.) organisms. Various variables 1. Measure the variables throughout the day. help us figure out B. HUMIDITY how different parts Reflects the amount of moisture in the Variable 8:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 of the environment air. It affects plant growth, animal be- are connected. All variables influence each other Temperature haviour and weather patterns. and create an environment. Humidity By measuring and studying these C. PRECIPITATION variables, we gain valuable insights Precipitation Includes rainfall, snowfall and other into the complex interactions that forms of water falling from the atmo- Wind speed shape the natural environment. This sphere. It is crucial for the water cycle and direction helps us make smart and informed and the sustenance of ecosystems. choices about taking care of our Light planet and using its resources in a pH D. WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION way that keeps ecosystems healthy Describes the movement of air. It im- for as long as possible. 2. Draw graphs of the data you have collected, with the x-axis being the time pacts climate, plant pollination and the of collection and the y-axis being the data. Try to put more than one variable spread of seeds. on the same graph to make it easier to visualise the interdependence of the variables (e.g. temperature and humidity). E. LIGHT This tells us how much sunlight reach- es an area. It is essential for plants to grow and for animals to find their way around. Different plants and animals need different amounts of light. F. SOIL COMPOSITION The composition and quality of soil are critical for plant growth and serve as a habitat for many organisms. G. PH LEVEL 3. What is the relationship between these variables? Have you noticed any Measures the acidity or alkalinity of rules in their behaviour? water or soil. It influences the types of plants and animals that can thrive in a particular environment. H. POLLUTION LEVELS 4. Find a flower (daisy, dandelion, etc.). Notice the relationship between the Quantifies the presence of harmful amount of sunlight and whether the flower is open or closed. Why would the substances in air, water or soil. Mon-flower open and close depending on the amount of available sunlight? itoring pollution helps protect the health of ecosystems and human pop- ulations. 36 37 3 Experiment: Soil pH is also a very important char- DIY laboratory soil acteristic. It greatly influences the YOU WILL NEED composition experiments availability of nutrients to plants – for ⊕ Soil samples instance, acidic soils may have limit- ⊕ Water Soil, often overlooked but crucial to life on ed access to essential nutrients like ⊕ Glass jar or measuring cylinder Earth, is a dynamic and complex mixture of calcium and magnesium, while alka- ⊕ Cabbage juice mineral particles, organic matter, water and line soils may lock up iron and other ⊕ Dropper E X P L O R E air. It serves as the foundation for terrestrial micronutrients. Understanding and ⊕ Microscope ecosystems, supporting plant growth and managing soil pH is therefore crucial ⊕ Ruler providing habitats for a myriad of organ- for optimising the health of crops and isms. Soil also plays a pivotal role in nutrient plants because it directly affects their Part 1: Determining soil type and composition cycling, water filtration and carbon storage. ability to take up vital nutrients from Its properties vary widely across different the soil. Soils with a pH below 7 are Step 1: Prepare the soil-water solution regions and climates, influencing agricultur-classed as acidic and those above 7 Mix a sample of soil with water in the jar and shake well to create a suspension. Transfer al productivity, land use and even cultural as alkaline. the mixture into a measuring cylinder, if you have one; otherwise, you can use a DIY alter-practices. Soil health and conservation are native, such as a thinner jar or a cylindrical glass, and use a standard ruler for measurement. vital for sustainable agriculture and biodiThe last component of soil is bio- versity, and for mitigating the impacts of logical. Soil is a bustling ecosystem Step 2: Let it settle climate change. This makes it a precious and teeming with a myriad of organisms, Allow the mixture to sit undisturbed for a while (about 48 hours, or until the water be-often undervalued natural resource. from microscopic bacteria and fungi comes completely transparent again). Over time, the different particles in the soil will to larger creatures like earthworms settle into layers. The first settled layer will be sand and the next one will be silt. The third One of the most important characteristics and insects. These soil organisms layer (clay) will take the longest to settle. of soil is texture. Soil texture refers to the play essential roles in nutrient cycling, relative proportions of sand, silt and clay decomposition and the overall health Step 3: Observe mineral and organic separation particles in a soil sample. These particles de-of the soil. They break down organic Note that the settled layers primarily consist of mineral components, while the organic termine the physical properties of the soil, matter (which releases nutrients for matter tends to float on top or remain suspended. including its ability to retain water and nutri-plants), improve soil structure and ents, its aeration and its workability for plant help control pests. Their contribution roots. Sandy soils have larger, coarser par-to the productivity and sustainability ticles, allowing for good drainage but often of terrestrial ecosystems is therefore requiring frequent irrigation and fertilisation. indispensable. Silt soils have intermediate-sized particles, offering better water retention and fertility. In this experiment, we will deter- Clay soils, with the smallest particles, retain mine the main characteristics of soil water exceptionally well, but can become through three smaller experiments to compacted and poorly aerated. Understand- determine soil type and composition, ing soil texture is essential for successful ag-test the pH of the soil and carry out riculture and gardening, as it influences plant microscopic observation. selection and the need for soil amendments to optimise growth conditions. Water-soil solution in a jar. Step 4: Measure and calculate Use a ruler to measure the volume of each layer in the jar. If you are using a volumetric cylinder, carefully measure the volume of each layer (sand, silt, clay). Record these volumes. Step 5: Calculate percentages Using the recorded volumes, calculate the percentage of each type of soil in the mixture. VOLUME OF THE COMPONENT LAYER TOTAL VOLUME X 100 = ( ) PERCENTAGE OF THE SOIL COMPONENT (%) Soil samples. Step 6: Use the soil composition triangle Refer to a soil composition triangle to determine the soil type based on the percentages of sand, silt and clay. 38 39 3 Step 2: Observe under the microscope 100 Examine the soil particles under the microscope. Note their shapes, sizes and structures. Try to use different magnification levels. Is everything inorganic and still, or are there live 90 10 organisms ‘running around’? 80 20 percent silt 70 30 1. How much time did it take for your sample to settle down? clay E X P L O R E 40 60 50 percent clay 50 silty 60 clay 40 sandy clay 70 30 clay loam silty clay loam sandy clay loam 80 2. Using soil composition analysis, determine your soil type. 20 loam 90 loamy sand 10 sandy loam silty loam 100 silt sand 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 The soil composition triangle percent sand 3. What is the soil pH of your sample? What does that mean for organisms living in and on it? Part 2: Testing soil pH Step 1: Create a cabbage juice indicator See Chapter 2.3.1. Step 2: Apply cabbage juice Place a small amount of soil in a dish and add some drops of cabbage juice. Observe any 4. Observe the soil sample under the microscope and draw the different colour change. Pink to red indicates acidity, purple is neutral, while blue and green to inorganic particles that make up your soil sample. Try to identify whether yellow indicates alkalinity. they are sand, silt or clay. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5. Is there any dead organic matter? If so, draw it and try to identify it. strong acid neutral strong alkali The red cabbage juice pH scale acidic alkaline Part 3: Microscopic observation 6. Are there any living organisms in your sample? If so, draw them and try to This experiment requires a microscope with a minimum magnification of 40x, which identify them. means any microscope will suffice: a child’s toy microscope, a professional microscope or a DIY microscope assembled from an old webcam or laser pointer (instructions can easily be found online from places such as https://hackteria.org/wiki/DIY_microscopy). Step 1: Preparation Take a tiny amount of soil and place it on a microscope slide. Add a drop of water and cover with a coverslip. 40 41 3 Experiment: DIY laboratory water 3. Are there organisms actively swimming around? If so, sketch them and try analysis to identify them. YOU WILL NEED ⊕ Water samples ⊕ Small dishes or containers E X P L O R E ⊕ Dropper or pipette ⊕ Microscope 4. Are there any sedimentary (immobile) organisms? Sketch them and try to ⊕ Microscope slides and coverslips identify them. ⊕ Water pH test strips (optional) Part 1: Testing pH level with cabbage juice Step 1: Collect water samples It would be best to test several water samples in parallel. Try to compare outdoor water 5. Can you determine what photosynthetic and heterotrophic organisms are? samples (from a lake, the sea, a pond, a bird feeder, etc.) with tap water. (The former eat other organisms and the latter feed on organic particulates.) Are all photosynthetic organisms in your sample sedimentary (like plants) Gather water samples from different sources in separate containers, and mark them (so or do some of them move? Are all the organisms that you see protozoa and as not to mix them up). algae, or are there other types of living organism present? Step 2: Apply the cabbage juice indicator Using a dropper or pipette, add a few drops of cabbage juice indicator to each water sample. Observe any change in colour. Pink to red indicates acidity, purple is neutral, while blue and green to yellow indicates alkalinity. For comparison, you can also use pH test strips (from pet stores for testing aquarium water) to verify the results. 6. Have you noticed any difference between water sources in terms of the number of species and organisms you have found? Part 2: Microscopic observation of water samples Step 1: Prepare the microscope slide Using a dropper, place a small drop of water from the sample onto a clean microscope slide. Step 2: Cover and observe Gently place a coverslip over the water drop, ensuring there are no air bubbles. Carefully place the slide on the microscope stage and focus on the water sample. Use the microscope to explore the microscopic organisms present in the water sample. Note their shapes, movements and any observable features. Step 3: Record your findings Make sketches or take pictures to document your observations. 1. What are the pH levels in your samples? How does that affect the organisms living in the water? 2. Try to take multiple samples from different water sources (pond, river, sea, sink, etc.) and determine their pH. Is there a difference in pH between water sources? Try to determine what is causing these differences. Animalcules by Henry Baker, 1754 (from Wellcome images, Wellcome Trust, UK charity organisation CC BY 4.0) 42 43 3 3.2.3 Interaction shelter or other resources. These General interactions can range from mi- observational Ec croscopic parasites like bacteria questionnaire ological interactions play a pivotal role to large organisms like ticks and in shaping ecosystems and maintaining tapeworms. They often have Use this questionnaire to record ob- the delicate balance of life on Earth. These significant impacts on the health servations of your chosen object interactions encompass a wide array of re-and behaviour of both parasite from Chapter 3.2.1. E X P L O R E lationships between organisms and their and host. environment, resulting in a complex web of dependencies that sustain life as we know ⊕ MUTUALISM is a fascinating Observe your chosen object through different times of the day/on more it. They can be classified as “intraspecific” ecological interaction that in- than one day/through different seasons. and “interspecific” interactions. volves two or more species in a mutually advantageous rela- 1. How much sunlight falls on your observed object? Is there an equal amount Intraspecific interactions involve interactions tionship that boosts their odds of sunlight everywhere on your object? between individuals of the same species. of survival and reproduction. Ex- These interactions are critical for activities amples include pollination per-like mating, cooperation, competition for re-formed by animals such as bees, sources within a population and establishing hummingbirds and bats, which social hierarchies, all of which influence the benefit from nectar while facil-2. Observe plant life on and in your chosen object. Where do they grow? Do population dynamics and behaviours of a itating plant reproduction, and they prefer sunny or shady places? Try to identify them. particular species in its environment. the vital role animals play in seed dispersal, either through inges- Interspecific interactions refer to relation-tion and excretion or the attach- ships and interactions between different ment of seeds to fur or feathers. species in an ecosystem. These interactions These interactions showcase the 3. Observe different animals on and inside your object. Do they live on or in can take various forms, such as predation, remarkable ways in which or- the object, or do they only spend some of their time there? What do they do mutualism, competition or commensal-ganisms cooperate in nature to there (feed, find shelter, etc.)? Try to identify them. ism, and they play a vital role in shaping the achieve shared goals. structure and function of ecosystems. ⊕ COMMENSALISM is an eco- Intraspecific interactions logical interaction in which one involve interactions species benefits while the other between individuals of remains unaffected. An example the same species. is the relationship between rem- 4. Are there parts of the object that some organisms prefer and some that they ora fish and sharks: the remora actively avoid? If so, which ones and why? Interspecific interactions attaches itself to the shark to refer to relationships and hitch a ride, obtaining protection interactions between and access to nutrients without different species in an harming or benefiting the shark ecosystem. in any discernible way. 5. List all the living beings you noticed during your observations. The most important types of interaction to ⊕ COMPETITION for resources is understand are: another key ecological interac- tion. When two or more species ⊕ PREDATION is a fundamental ecolog-vie for the same limited resourc- 6. Are there parts of the day or season when some organisms are more active ical interaction where one organism, es (e.g. food, water or shelter), and some when they are less? Does the weather affect them? known as the predator, hunts, kills and they engage in a struggle for sur- consumes another organism (the prey) vival. This competition can lead for sustenance. This interaction plays to the evolution of specialised a crucial role in regulating populations, traits or behaviours that enable driving evolutionary adaptations and species to coexist by occupying 7. Try to write anything else that you might have noticed during your maintaining the ecological balance slightly different niches within observations. within ecosystems. an ecosystem. Competition also occurs between individuals of ⊕ PARASITISM is a symbiotic relationship the same species. in which one organism (the parasite) benefits at the expense of another or- ganism (the host) by deriving nutrients, 44 45 3 Experiment: DIY ⊕ Insects serve as important indi- In this experiment, we will make a simple DIY honey trap to help us observe the insect honey trap (for insects) and cators of environmental health. species in our environment. observational questionnaire Changes in their populations or behaviours can signal environ- Insects are incredibly diverse and abundant mental disturbances and pol-YOU WILL NEED members of the animal kingdom, and their lution, which helps researchers ⊕ Plastic bottle contributions to ecology are both extensive assess the well-being of ecosys- ⊕ Honey E X P L O R E and vital. They play key roles in various eco-tems. ⊕ Scissors logical processes: ⊕ String or twine ⊕ Insects are a significant dietary ⊕ Small sticks or twigs (optional) ⊕ In the realm of pollination, insects like source for many animals, including bees, butterflies and beetles are essen- birds, bats and amphibians, mak- Step 1: Prepare the bottle tial for the reproduction of many plant ing them a critical energy source Begin by ensuring the plastic bottle is clean and dry. Remove any labels or residue. species. They facilitate the production for higher trophic levels in food of fruits, vegetables and nuts, which webs. Step 2: Make the trap not only sustain numerous species but Use scissors to carefully cut the bottle in half horizontally, creating two distinct pieces. also provide essential sources of food ⊕ Some insects, such as termites You’ll be using the upper half for the trap. Turn the upper half of the bottle upside down for human beings. and ants, are considered eco- so that the open end is facing downwards. This will serve as a funnel to guide the insects system engineers due to their into the trap. ⊕ In the process of decomposition, insects construction of complex un-such as ants, beetles and flies act as derground tunnels and mound Step 3: Create a hanging loop (optional) nature’s recyclers, breaking down dead structures. These structures alter If you plan to hang your trap, use the scissors to make two small holes near the top of organic matter. Their efforts accelerate soil composition and water flow, the bottle. Thread a piece of string or twine through these holes and tie a knot to create the decomposition process, returning which impacts local habitats. a loop. nutrients to the soil and enhancing soil fertility. ⊕ Certain insects, such as ants and Step 4: Apply the honey beetles, contribute to seed dis- Generously coat the bottom of the bottle with honey. This will serve as the bait for the ⊕ In addition to their role in decomposi- persal by transporting seeds to insects. tion, insects also function as both pred- new locations, thereby promot- ators and prey in various food chains. ing plant diversity and helping Step 5: Assemble the trap They help regulate populations of her- plants colonise new areas. Place the honey-coated top back onto the bottom half of the bottle. Ensure the edges bivorous insects and small arthropods, are aligned properly. contributing to the overall balance of ⊕ Insects can influence nutrient cy- ecosystems. cles, particularly nitrogen. Some Step 6: Optional perch (for bees) species can fix atmospheric ni- If you’re specifically targeting bees, you can insert small sticks or twigs horizontally trogen into forms that plants can through the bottle. This will provide a perch for the bees to land on. utilise, thereby contributing to soil fertility. Step 7: Hang the trap (optional) If you’ve created a hanging loop, find a suitable spot to hang your trap. Make sure you In summary, insects play foundation-choose an area of insect activity. al roles in the ecological processes of pollination, decomposition and nu- trient cycling, among others. Their multifaceted contributions highlight their significance in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance, emphasising the importance of their conservation for both ecosystems and human well-being. Insect trap 46 47 3 Find a suitable place to place your trap. Position it somewhere where you Experiment: have noticed a large amount of insect activity, such as flower patches or DIY bird feeder tree trunks. Birdwatching is a fascinating and There are lots of different bird feeders. If possible, place it somewhere on your chosen object. Observe the peaceful hobby that enables people Some are like little wooden houses and oth- insects caught in the trap over a couple of days. of all ages to enjoy nature. It’s a great ers are just flat trays on tree branches filled E X P L O R E way to learn about different birds and with different kinds of seed. It doesn’t mat-1. What types of insect do you think will be attracted to honey? help protect them. Creating a simple ter how big or what kind your feeder is. The bird feeder in your backyard or balco-most important thing is that it contains food ny provides a convenient spot for birds and is in a good spot where birds can easily to find food, particularly when natural get to them. resources are scarce (as in the winter months). This also allows you to ob- Here are some easy DIY ideas for bird serve the fascinating behaviours of feeders. 2. What insects are you observing and what behavioural patterns do you different bird species from the com-notice? fort of your back garden or balcony. YOU WILL NEED ⊕ Apple, orange or pinecone ⊕ Bird seeds ⊕ Honey 3. Once you have caught an insect in a trap, close the opening to observe it ⊕ String or twine better. Sketch the insect. Try to identify it. ⊕ Scissors ⊕ Small stick or twig (optional) Step 1: Prepare the fruit or pinecone Cut an apple or an orange in half horizontally. Scoop out any pulp or seeds from the fruit to create a hollow space for the seeds and honey mixture. If using a pinecone, it’s ready to use as is. Step 2: Create the seed mixture 4. Set up traps in two different locations, e.g. one near a field and one in a In a bowl, mix the bird seeds with honey. The honey acts as a natural adhesive, helping flower garden. Note down all the different species that have been caught in the seeds stick together and stay in place. your traps. Step 3: Fill the fruit or pinecone Species from Location 1 Species from Location 2 Using a spoon or your fingers, carefully fill the hollowed-out fruit or the spaces between the pinecone scales with the seed mixture. Press gently to ensure the seeds stick. Step 4: Add a hanging loop (optional) If you want, create a hanging loop using string or twine. Push the ends through the top of the fruit or pinecone and tie them securely in a knot. Step 5: Optional perch (for apple or orange feeders) If you have a small stick or twig, you can insert it horizontally through the fruit to provide a perch for visiting birds. Step 6: Hang your bird feeder Find a suitable spot to hang your feeder. It should be a place where birds can easily access Bird feeder 5. Is there a difference in biodiversity (number of species) between the two it, like a tree branch or a hook in your garden. locations? Is there a difference in the number of insects caught? Why? 48 49 3 Quest: Food web mapping Use all the data and observations Then draw connecting lines between spe- documented in this chapter to create cies that have exhibited interactions, spec-a visual representation of biological ifying the type of interaction (e.g. predation, interactions in the form of a mind mutualism, etc.) along these lines. E X P L O R E map. This approach will enable you to visually Place the names of the observed comprehend the diverse range of interac- species (plants, animals, algae, pro- tions within the ecosystem. tozoa, etc.) within the clouds. Bird feeder Hang your newly crafted bird feeder in a safe and easily visible spot, preferably near a window. If possible, place it somewhere on your chosen object. Use your questionnaire to record your observations. 1. How many different bird species did you see? Can you identify the species? 2. What were they doing? (eating, flying, resting, etc.) 3. Did you notice any interesting behaviours? 4. Were there any other animals around (squirrels, insects, etc.)? If so, list them. 5. Prepare two different feeders, one with larger seeds and the other one with smaller seeds. What do you observe? Which species preferred the feeder with smaller seeds and which preferred the feeder with larger seeds? 50 51 4 4.1 124 Engineer Closed Systems, DIY E tinkering N G I N E E R s p a c e s / h o u (DE sehold SIGN and (Design and Create) Systems Thinking and Design INTR lab C R ODUCTION ora E t A orie T E s) Imagine being inside a bubble, a puzzle. Systems thinking emphasises an where everything stays in and noth-understanding of the interconnectedness ing comes out – that’s a closed sys- and interdependencies within closed sys- tem. Closed systems are like little tems. Changing one piece can affect every- worlds of their own, where all the thing else, for example – like how adding too action happens inside, without any much food to a fish tank can make the water interaction with the outside environ-murky. So when we design closed systems, ment. Within the context of systems we must keep everything steady –main- thinking and design, closed systems taining equilibrium while also being ready to refer to environments in which in-adapt when things change – and also main- teractions occur solely within the tain system stability (homeostasis). It’s like system’s boundaries, without ex-finding the perfect harmony between stabil- changes with the outside. In closed ity and flexibility so that our little world can systems, inputs, outputs and pro-keep running smoothly. cesses are contained within the de- Designing closed systems involves careful fined system, fostering a self-con- consideration of feedback loops, emergent tained dynamic. behaviours and maintaining equilibrium. Effective design requires balancing stability In these systems we need to think and adaptability to ensure that the system about how all the different parts can function efficiently and evolve over time work together, just like the pieces of within its closed environment. 4.2 DIY microcosmos The easiest way to learn about can even go smaller into the world systems thinking and design is to of microbes. Here we give you some start small. You can make a fish interesting and fun examples to play aquarium your case study example with: a Winogradsky column and mi- (of a semi-closed system), or you crobial fuel cells. 53 124 4.2.1 Guided tutorial: Winogradsky columns are versatile to observe ecological processes ⊕ ARTISTIC AND OUTREACH tools with several key applications: and better grasp microbiology Their colourful, dynamic ecosystems Making a Winogradsky and ecosystem dynamics. make Winogradsky columns engaging ⊕ MICROBIAL ECOLOGY AND DIY E tinkering N G I N E E R for artistic displays and public outreach. DIVERSITY ⊕ BIOREMEDIATION RESEARCH This raises awareness of the importance s p a c e s / column They are used to study how mi- These columns aid in research- of microbial life to the environment. h o u (DE sehold SIGN and croorganisms interact and thrive ing bioremediation strategies by INTR lab C R ODUCTION ora E t A orie T E s) A in simulated environments, pro- studying how specific microorgan- This experiment will teach you how to make Winogradsky column is a fascinating viding insights into microbial isms break down contaminants. a Winogradsky column at home. and miniature ecosystem encapsulated in ecology and diversity. a simple glass or plastic cylinder. Named after the Russian microbiologist Sergei ⊕ BIOGEOCHEMICAL RESEARCH Winogradsky, these columns serve as re- They help researchers under- markable models of microbial diversity and stand how microorganisms in-ecological interaction. By harnessing the fluence biogeochemical cycles, power of mud, water and sunlight, Wino- shedding light on nutrient cycling YOU WILL NEED gradsky columns allow scientists and en- and environmental processes. ⊕ Bucket thusiasts to observe the intricate relation- ⊕ Small shovel ships between various microorganisms, ⊕ ENVIRONMENTAL ⊕ Soil samples such as bacteria and algae, as they thrive MONITORING ⊕ Pond water or boiled tap water in different environmental niches within They can be used as bioindica- ⊕ Mud from pond or dirt from garden the column. This unique and self-sustaintors to assess ecosystem health, ⊕ Plastic bottle ing microcosm offers valuable insights into detect disturbances, and monitor ⊕ Scissors biogeochemical cycles, nutrient cycling and pollution or nutrient imbalances. ⊕ Dried leaves or paper the intricate web of life at a microscopic ⊕ Eggs level. Winogradsky columns are not only ⊕ EDUCATIONAL TOOLS ⊕ Bowl educational tools, but also windows into They serve as engaging educa- ⊕ Plastic foil the complex world of microbial ecology. tional tools, and allow students ⊕ Scotch tape ⊕ Aluminium foil (optional) Step 1 Begin by collecting soil samples from a nearby pond, stream or garden. If you don’t have a Gradients Zonation pond or stream nearby, you can use tap water – but you will need to boil it first to remove Sulfide Oxygen chlorine, then let it cool. Low Aerobic Step 2 Take a plastic bottle and, using scissors or a knife, carefully cut off its top section into Cy C anobacteria y three parts. Be careful of any sharp edges. aterW Heterotrophic Step 3 bacteria Separate egg yolks and whites. Crush the eggshells into a fine powder, and cut dried leaves or paper into smaller pieces. Mix half of the collected mud with the egg yolk, egg-Iron oxidizing Iron o shells and dried leaves/paper. bactzeria Purple Step 4 non-sulfur In the first third of the bottle, place the mud mixture you have prepared. Add only mud to Mud bacteria the second third and only pond/boiled tap water to the final third. Purple sulfur bacteria Step 5 Securely seal the top part of the bottle with plastic foil to create an airtight environment. Green sulfur Place the column in a sunny location for a few months. bacteria Sulfate reducing Sulf Step 6 (optional) bacteria If you choose to take an additional step, create a second column and completely cover Illustration of a it with aluminium foil to block out all light. Position it alongside the first column, and let Wingradsky column both columns sit for a couple of months. Remove the aluminium afterwards and notice by HHMI BioInteractive High Anaerobic the differences between the two columns. 54 55 124 MFCs come in two types: one- and After several months, examine the column. Notice the different layers 4.2.2 Guided tutorial: two-chamber. Two-chamber MFCs have a and the colours in each layer. Making a microbial chamber with anaerobic conditions, an an- ode and bacteria and their food (mud with DIY E tinkering N G I N E E R 1. How many different layers are there? What is the colour of the water on top? dry leaves, wastewater, etc.), a membrane s p a c e s / What colours can you see in each layer? fuel cell that separates this from the other chamber, h o u (DE sehold SIGN and and a second chamber with a cathode and INTR lab C R ODUCTION ora E t A orie T E s) Mi a lot of oxygen. A one-chamber MFC has crobial fuel cells (MFCs) are an everything in one chamber and just keeps innovative and sustainable technol- anode and cathode as far away from each ogy at the intersection of microbi- other as possible so that the anode can have ology and energy generation. These anaerobic conditions and the cathode aero- devices harness the metabolic activ- bic conditions. ities of microorganisms to directly 2. We placed egg yolk, eggshells and leaves in the bottom layer. Why? How do convert organic matter into electrical In this chapter you will learn how to make they affect the layers? energy. Essentially, MFCs function as a very simple DIY one-chamber MFC with living power sources, leveraging the the help of microbes found in mud – a so- ability of certain microorganisms to called ‘mud battery’. For electrodes, we will transfer electrons produced during use graphite for anode and aluminium for organic substrate degradation to an cathode. Graphite is conductible material electrode, and generating an electric that isn’t harmful to bacteria, so they can current in the process. This fascinat-grow and feed on it; this produces electricity ing blend of microbiology and energy that the graphite captures. As a food source, science holds promising applications we will add dry leaves or paper made from 3. Why did we place them in the BOTTOM layer? in wastewater treatment, bioenergy cellulose that the bacteria can degrade in production and environmental re- anaerobic conditions and use to produce mediation, positioning microbial fuel electricity. This is why the anode goes on the cells as a frontier technology in the bottom where there is no oxygen. The cath- quest for cleaner and more efficient ode goes into the water, where it releases energy solutions. electrons onto oxygen. 4. What are the concentrations of oxygen in each layer? How does that influence the microorganisms in each layer? YOU WILL NEED ⊕ Bucket ⊕ Small shovel ⊕ Pond water or boiled tap water ⊕ Mud from a pond or dirt from a garden ⊕ Jar or a plastic urine container ⊕ Copper wires ⊕ CATHODE Paper ⊕ Scissors 5. If you have performed Step 6, is there a difference between the two ⊕ Dried leaves (optional) columns? Are all the layers present in both columns? ⊕ Pliers (Nutrients) ⊕ Hot glue gun ANODE ⊕ Paper ANODE ⊕ Graphite pencil BIOFILM ⊕ Aluminium foil ⊕ Multimeter ⊕ Small LED light (optional) Step 1 Take the bucket and a small shovel and go to a nearby pond or a stream. Dig up some mud Diagram of soil based MFC (by and take some of the water with you. If you don’t have a pond or a stream nearby, you can use MFCGuy2010 CC BY-SA 3.0) normal dirt from a garden or a park and add tap water. If you are using tap water, be sure to https://creativecommons.org/ boil it first to remove any chlorine that might harm the microorganisms, then let it cool. While licenses/by-sa/3.0/ you are outside, try to collect some dry leaves if there are any. If not, you can use paper instead. 56 57 124 Step 2 Prepare the wires by cutting them into shorter pieces. You need two per MFC. Strip them 3. Try to think of a way to increase the production of electricity. Try changing at both ends. the size of the electrodes, the soil composition and volume, the electrode DIY E tinkering N G I N E E R material, etc. Write down what you have tried and learned. Step 3 s p a c e s / Take the container you have chosen (we recommend glass jars or plastic urine containers h o u (DE sehold SIGN and as they are the easiest to get hold of and use) and puncture a hole in the lid big enough INTR lab C R ODUCTION ora E t A orie T E s) for the two wires to go through. Step 4 Draw a circle on paper with a graphite pencil the size of the bottom of your container. Fill in the circle with graphite pencil so that it is as dark as it can be. Cut out the circle. This will be the first electrode on which the bacteria will grow and produce electricity. Step 5 Glue one stripped end of the wire with a hot glue gun to the circle you have just filled in. Be 4. Why did we use the aluminium foil for the second electrode if we know that careful not to burn yourself during the glueing process, and try to not get glue between it is harmful to bacteria? the wire and paper (as this will isolate it, preventing electricity from being conducted). Step 6 Put the electrode on the bottom of the container and then place enough mud/dirt on the electrode to cover it. Then shred a bit of paper or add crushed dry leaves if you have any. Add more mud/dirt on top of that until you fill the container to half the volume. While you are adding the mud, try to compress it as much as you can so that no air becomes trapped. Step 7 Pour pond or boiled (and cooled) tap water into the container until it is completely full. Take the second wire and completely cover one stripped side with aluminium foil. Sub-5. Leave the MFC for some time and then measure the voltage. Is there a merge it in the water and try to have it not touching the mud. This will be our second difference in the electricity produced? If so, when did it start to happen? Did electrode. the voltage increase or decrease? Step 8 Push both wires through the hole you made in the lid and close it. Let it sit for about ten minutes, then use the multimeter to check the voltage the MFC is producing. If you have a small LED light (5V), you can try to connect it and see if it produces any light. 1. How much voltage is it producing? Was it enough to power an LED light? 2. Try to make several MFCs and connect them serially. Is there a difference in the voltage produced? How many would you need to make and connect to be able to charge your phone? 58 59 5 5.1 5 Design your Innovate STEAM project I N N O V A T E Guided questionnaire on developing personal ideas into Dear Reader, we have come to TO DO project framework the last chapter of this open book. We hope it served at PROJECT FORM least a little of its intended pur- pose: to spark a desire in you 1. TYPE OF PROJECT (Mark and fill in.) to explore the amazing world 1.1. around you and, driven by in- ⊕ Scientific spiration, to create new things. ⊕ Artistic-scientific To finish up, we invite you to 1.2. design a future research/engi- ⊕ Educational neering project of your own. ⊕ Research ⊕ Development We are sure many ideas came ⊕ Public event to your mind as you were ex- ploring this book. We would like 1.3. In connection with which scientific and/or artistic fields is the you to use the knowledge and project associated? experience you have gained, and to approach your future endeavours systematically. 2. PROJECT NAME We have created a short guided questionnaire to help you plan to make your idea come to life. 3. PROJECT GOAL But most of all: Have fun! 61 5 4. SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PROJECT (What doors does the project open?) 6. SPECIFIC GOALS 4.1. Does the project contribute to the development of science, art, and community? 7. DELIVERABLES (What are the visible/tangible products of the I N N O V A T E project’s developmental process?) 4.2. Can the project be further developed? Upgraded? If yes, how? 8. ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT (List and explain all activities the project encompasses.) 4.3. What new projects could arise from it? 9. PROJECT EXECUTORS (List all executors of the project, their functions, and responsibilities.) 5. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (State all essential details. Minimum of 10 sentences.) 10. ESTIMATED DURATION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES (State the total duration of the project, approximate or exact start and end date, and each phase of the project.) Total estimation: 1st phase: 2nd phase: 3rd phase: 4th phase: 11. DOCUMENTATION (How will the project and its development be documented?) 12. REQUIRED RESOURCES (For all materials and equipment, if rented, list the price.) 12.1. Equipment 12.2. Services (Such as printing, telecommunications, rentals, certifications, etc.) 12.3. Material 62 63