Research Note Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina Nemanja Šarenac University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Economics Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Rebić University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Economics Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina Milica Bojat University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Economics Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sustainable tourism development is based on ecological sustainability, ways of using renewable and non-renewable resources, and socio-cultural and economic sustain- ability. Stakeholders of the tourism sector have an important role in tourism devel- opment, in which the public represents one of the critical segments of sustainable tourism development. This paper aims to analyse and determine the most effective way of sustainable tourism development for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Understand- ing different approaches to tourism development and their inclusion in the process can significantly increase the sustainability of future tourism development. The re- search was conducted as a population survey on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sample size was appropriate, based on the total population and included more than 385 respondents of different demographic categories. The main hypothesis of this paper emphasises that citizens’ education about the significance of the concept of sustainable tourism represents a fundamental approach for the further development of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis of the approach to sustainable tourism development has shown that most respondents consider the reduction of environmental pollution as the most critical instrument for sustain- able tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They also emphasise the im- portance of providing the active participation of all stakeholders in the creation of tourism products, with a particular emphasis on local governments. In accordance with the obtained research results, it was concluded that the main hypothesis was not confirmed. Keywords: sustainable development, economic sustainability, socio-cultural sustainability, ecological sustainability, cultural heritage Introduction Today, the sustainable tourism concept is considered to be a crucial link to the economic growth and de- velopment of a country. Mihalic (2016) concludes that the concept of responsible tourism is gaining increas- ing attention from scholars in the tourismdomain. Ac- Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 | 207 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development cordingly, we can confirm the existence of many defi- nitions that put social equity and environmental qual- ity into their focus. Pearce, Markandya, and Barbier (1991) list more than twenty definitions of sustainable tourism. The term ‘sustainable tourism’ was first de- fined by the United Nation World Tourism Organi- zation (unwto) in 1996: ‘Tourism that leads to the management of all areas, in such a way that the eco- nomic, social and environmental needs are fulfilled by cultural integration, ecological processes, biodiversity and support for the development of society’ (Fennel, 2003). unwto also specifies that sustainable tourism considers the needs of current tourists as well as the needs of future generations. Buckley (2009) lists the most important activities that characterise sustainable tourism: • optimal usage of natural resources, adequateman- agement of environmental processes, and efforts to preserve biodiversity; • respecting the socio-cultural attitudes of the local community, preserving cultural and traditional values, as well as undertaking activities in the field of intercultural understanding and toler- ance; • providing real and long-lasting economic pro- cesses that would enable the growth of thewelfare of society, employment stabilisation, and oppor- tunities to earn income; • the long-term success of tourism depends on whether the tourism sector is able to manage and reconcile economic, social and environmen- tal aspects, which, at the same time, represent the dimensions of sustainable development. The underlying assumptions of sustainable tourism are precisely formulated in international documents, such as the Charter for Sustainable Tourism (see http: // and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (see http://www Vehbi (2012) mentioned that sustainability as a concept stands for long term economic, environmen- tal, and community health. Wearing and Nail (2012) define the dimensions of sustainable tourism develop- ment in the following way: ecological dimension – en- vironmental quality and natural resources quality cre- ate the level of attractiveness of the place for tourists. Therefore, any activity that affects the environment or natural resources, in the long run, aggravates attrac- tiveness from the point of view of tourists, which leads to fewer visitors and less income from tourists. Socio- cultural dimension – the social and cultural heritage of a region have a crucial role in tourism, especially in regions with particularly rich cultural and artistic her- itage, or places where local tradition and values have a meaningful role. In these places, tourism can sig- nificantly contribute to creating new jobs, protecting cultural heritage, but it can also contribute to the de- pendence of these regions on foreign companies and tourist operators. Economic dimension – refers to the financial aspects of tourism activities that are reflected in the profit achievement, respecting the principles of the sustainable development concept. If we do not comply with the concept of sustainable development and do not consider the ecological and socio-cultural dimension, the results of future projections can distort the picture and lead to inappropriate planning. Furthermore, sustainable tourism should (unwto, 2017): • optimally use ecological resources that are a cru- cial element in the development of tourism, as well as maintain basic ecological processes and contribute to the preservation of natural and bi- ological diversity; • respect the socio-cultural authenticity of the lo- cal community, preserves its material and cul- tural heritage, traditional values and contributes to intercultural understanding and tolerance; • preserve the vital and long-term goals of eco- nomic and business growth, providing socio- economic benefits for all interested parties, em- ployment, income and social services for the local community and contributing to poverty reduc- tion. Huang (2011) found that non-conventional meth- ods of assessing tourism sustainability failed to pro- vide reliable results. To fill this gap, numerous activi- ties have been undertaken to develop a relatively com- prehensive and logical assessment methodology (Rei- 208 | Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development hanian, Hin, Kahrom, & Mahmood, 2015; Dupeyras & MacCallum, 2013). Some critical reasons call for an urgent assessment of the sustainability of tourism. Very poor ecological settings and cultural sensitivity of the sites call for the consistent monitoring and eval- uation of the impact of tourism. In addition, the dy- namic, unstable and unpredictable nature of the in- dustry encourages the consistent implementation of the assessment and tracking progress towards sus- tainable tourism development (Asmelash & Kumar, 2019). Many tools can be used to assess the sustainable development of tourism. As one of the most widely accepted assessment tools, we indicate indicators or instruments of sustainability because they are both considered relatively reliable and easy to apply, and they contain qualitative and quantitative data. How- ever, the absence of well-developed sustainability in- dicators greatly influences the adequacy of tourism sustainability assessments (Asmelash & Kumar, 2019). Nevertheless, Reihanian et al. (2015) propose several instruments that can adequately assess the develop- ment of sustainable tourism, especially emphasising the systematic organisation and measurement of in- dicators, based on which the state can make adequate conclusions and decisions for the sustainable develop- ment of tourism. It is necessary to note that most of the studies car- ried out on the topic of tourism sustainability assess- ment applied positively and negatively expressed in- dicators (Cottrell, Vaske, & Roemer, 2013; Ayazlar & Ayazlar, 2016). Thus, indicators/instruments provide an insight into the state of development of sustainable tourism, or its particular aspect, at a given point in time, but this cannot be a final assessment of the state of the given occurrence. Therefore, indicatorsmeasure information that can enable the authorities to reduce the chances of making bad decisions unconsciously (Jovičić, 2014). Sustainable tourism is highly dependent on its abil- ity to increase financial benefits, including the abil- ity to maintain social, cultural, and ecological her- itage (Janusz & Bajdor, 2013). The concept of sus- tainable development has led to numerous controver- sies. The approaches are different: from those who see it as the only acceptable concept of future de- velopment to those who accept it as a theoretically conceived conception and philosophical paradigm but dispute its applicability in practice. The concept of sustainable development is directly related to the improvement of the quality of the tourist destina- tion. The preserved natural environment, cultural- historical heritage, positive relation of inhabitants to- wards tourists, cultural identity – those are the ele- ments of the quality of a tourist destination, for which sustainable development stands. In this way, a positive interaction between tourism and the environment is created. Tourism brings revenue and part of it is in- vested in improving the quality of the environment. The preserved environment is an essential element of the tourist attraction of the destination. Sustainable tourismdevelopment shouldmaximise the benefits of tourism and, at the same time,minimise damage or costs and direct and limit tourism devel- opment in line with the requirements of sustainable tourism development. We can observe that the con- cept of sustainable development is based on the princi- ple of intergenerational equity and that sustainable de- velopment requires harmonisation between economic growth, social justice, and a healthy environment. The violation of this principle causes environmental dam- age, which, although done today, is shifted to the next generation, endangering economic development and the development of tourism. The population of a local community, region, en- tity, or country represents one of the most critical stakeholders in sustainable tourism development. If the population is not involved in the decision-making process, then the development process does not have a great chance to succeed in the long run. They will take a negative attitude about both existing and future tourism development. This paper aims to determine the perceptions of the population towards the devel- opment of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the perspective of sustainability. The research in the work was carried out based on the scientific method of deduction and analysis for the interpretation of sec- ondary data sources, and the primary research was carried out based on the descriptive statistical analy- sis method. Secondary data were collected from offi- Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 | 209 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development cial reports of tourist organisations, scientific works of experts in the field of sustainable tourism and rele- vant websites. Also, we obtained a list of sustainability indicators from an extended literature review and in- terviews with some key informants, with a particular emphasis on the European Tourism Indicator System (etis). Literature Review In recent years, sustainable development and sustain- able tourism development have become a very impor- tant subject of numerous research papers around the world. Sustainability has become a significant link of tourism development, especially for tourist destina- tions, because the environment and its quality are an essential segment of tourist attraction (Bramwell & Lane, 1993; Butler, 1999; Garrod & Fyall, 1998; Stabler &Goodall, 1997; Inskeep, 1991;Wahab& Pigram, 1997; Hudson & Miller, 2005; Lynn & Brown, 2003; Ross & Wall, 1999). The primary aim of sustainable tourism development is to provide economic benefits, to max- imise visitors’ satisfaction, to protect the environment and improve the quality of life of the population of the relevant destination (Akis, Peristianis, & Warner, 1996; Aronsson, 2000; Bramwell et al., 1998; Choi & Sirakaya, 2006;McIntyre, 1993;Mowforthand&Munt, 2003). Sustainable tourism development greatly facilitates and accelerates local economic development, envi- ronmental protection, as well as cultural heritage, as confirmed in numerous international resolutions and agreements (Carta di Rimini per il turismo sosteni- bile, 2001; European Commission, 2000, 2006, 2007; unwto, 1995). Also, it should be emphasised that the real effect of sustainable tourism can only be achieved if local communities and the state truly understand that sustainable tourism development greatly con- tributes to the improvement of social well-being (Ha- nafiah, Azman, Jamaluddin, & Aminuddin, 2016). Neto (2003) andmanyother authors (Godde, Price, & Zimmermann, 2000;Milne &Ateljevic, 2001;Wells, 1997), confirmed the positive correlation of sustainable tourism and local development, which makes it clear how vital sustainable tourism is for the local and re- gional development and the whole economy. Indicators and standards for sustainable tourism development have been proposed by several organisa- tions. In 1995, for example, the United Nations Com- mission for Sustainable Development (csd) launched a five-year programme to create sustainability indica- tors. However, the indicators obtained were focused on the global (not local) and environmental (not cul- tural, economic, or institutional) dimension of sus- tainability (Cottrell, Vaske, & Shen, 2007; Cottrell, Vaske, Shen & Ritter, 2007). unwto has also produced 11 key indicators for sustainable tourism, which are divided into four cat- egories: ecological, social, economic, and planning (Cottrell et al., 2013). The European Commission launched the Euro- pean Tourism Indicator System (etis) in 2013 to help destinations to monitor and measure their sustainable tourism performance by using a common compara- ble approach. The etis was based on 27 core indica- tors and 40 optional indicators, subdivided into four categories: destination management, social, and cul- tural impact, economic value, environmental impact (the list indicators can be found at growth/sectors/tourism/offer/sustainable/indicators/ index_en.htm). Choi and Sirakaya (2006) also pro- posed six dimensions for measuring the sustainability of community-based tourism: political, social, ecolog- ical, economic, technological, and cultural indicators. Kim, Uysal, and Sirgy (2013) believed that the per- ception of the well-being of the inhabitants under tourism can influence the development, and tourism policy and planning. Consequently, well-being can be used as an indicator of testing the perceptions of res- idents for encouraging the development of tourism. Woo, Kim, and Uysal (2015) say the population feels that life satisfaction is a key indicator for supporting sustainable tourism development. To achieve the sus- tainable development of community-based tourism, the population should be provided with life satisfac- tion sustainability such as material, emotional, health and safety, and well-being. In their paper, Edington and Edington (1986) anal- ysed and confirmed the impact of tourism on the envi- ronment, culture, and social and economic conditions; tourism also relies heavily on the natural and socio- 210 | Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development cultural environment. Gratton and Van der Straaten (1994) also stated that sustainable tourism develop- ment is only possible when environmental capacities are not endangered. Sustainable tourism is becoming increasingly rel- evant for other forms of tourism, regardless of scope, including mass tourism, which implies the fact that the concept of sustainable tourism brings together so- cial, cultural, economic, and political alongside envi- ronmental issues (Bramwell, Higham, Lane, & Miller, 2017). In recent years, some critical issues in sustain- able tourism have changed. For example, it has been found that research and policies within sustainable tourism are too focused on the behaviour of individ- uals, rather than considering the broader social rela- tionships and structures, institutional rules, and other factors. (Nunkoo, 2017; Bramwell et al., 2017; Hall, 2013). According to Choi and Sirakaya (2005), any form of tourism development can be sustainable, but only if the population is the focal point of the mentioned de- velopment. The population attitudes are the basis for successful sustainable tourism development. Gursoy, Chi, and Dyer (2010) concluded that the population aspires to have positive attitudes towards the concept of sustainable tourism because they see tourism as a tool for economic development. Perceptions of population can be influenced by de- mographic factors – age, gender, education, and years of residence (Vargas-Sánchez, Plaza-Mejia, & Porras- Bueno, 2009), community attachment (Lee, 2013), tourism planning, environmental sustainability (Choi & Murray, 2010), the state of the local economy (Gur- soy, Jurowski, & Uysal, 2002), and the stage of tourism development (Lundberg, 2015; Hunt & Stronza, 2014). Populations with positive perceptions will become major stakeholders in tourism planning and manage- ment (Lee & Hsieh, 2016). Methodology The empirical research results, as the most important part, will be processed by descriptive statistical meth- ods, as well as appropriate tests to compare variables within each dimension. These statistical methods will be particularly useful in the presentation of survey re- sults, for which the demographic impact on individ- ual decisions, perceptions and preferences will be pro- cessed. The questionnaire, as the main segment of this research, consists of: • demographic data of respondents (gender, age, education, employment); • an open question of the eight instruments of sus- tainable tourism development that could best be applied in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A Likert scale for measuring the value of attitudes with five responses provided, which are coded in num- bers from one to five will be used to evaluate the atti- tudes of the respondents. The questionnaire will con- sist of open and closed questions, meaning statements with offered responses (or without intensity-yes/no answers) and statements without an offered response. The questionnaire will be implemented in written and electronic form in two ways: individual and by post (or e-mail). The survey aims to analyse and imple- ment the concept of sustainable tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The population (basic set) in this survey are res- idents of Bosnia and Herzegovina who, according to the available official data of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, number 3,531,159 (data for 2013). The sample will be probabilistic andwill be cho- sen by a simple random method, assuming a normal pattern of the sample and population (the sample is n > 30, and the probability of each unit’s choice is the same). Of course, such a choice will include all demographic categories of respondents who differ by gender, age, education, income. A sample that has at- tributes of impartiality, representativeness and econ- omy is calculated according to the formula for calcu- lating the minimum sample size: n = Z2p(1 − p) c2 = 1.962 · 0.5 · (1 − 0.5) 0.052 = 0.9604 0.0025 = 384.16. For the 95 level of reliability Z = 1.96, reliability interval (c) ± 5, population estimation in b&h of 3,531,159, response rate of (p) 50. This led to a sample of 385 respondents. The sample rate (step) isR =N/n = 2227970/385 = 5786.93. The rate of choice or coverage Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 | 211 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development Table 1 Statistical Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Instruments that Could be Applied in Bosnia and Herzegovina Instruments () () () () Education of citizens about the importance of sustainable tourism . . . () Reduction of environmental pollution . . . () Maintaining natural and cultural heritage . . . () Improving tourism management . . . () Establish an integrated natural resource management system . . . () Enable the public-private partnership model . . . () Ensure active participation of all stakeholders, especially local communities, in the creation of tourism products . . . () Complete integration of the term sustainable tourism into strategic planning . . . Average . . . Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) mean, (2) standard deviation, (3) coefficient of variation. Table 2 Comparison of Respondents by Gender Item () () () () () () () () Mean Rank Male . . . . . . . . Female . . . . . . . . Mann-Whitney U test . . . . . . . . Wilcoxon W . . . . . . . . Z –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. Asymp. significance (-tailed) . . . . . . . . Notes For column headings see instruments in Table 1. of the sample by the population is f = n/N = 0.00017 < 0.05 (n > 30). Since a large amount of data on indicators rele- vant to sustainable tourism has been collected and analysed, a statistical method from general scientific methods will be used. The technique to be used in this research will be primarily cabinet or ‘desk’ re- search. An insight into the available literature in the field of research subjects (books, articles in scientific journals, collections from scientific conferences, elec- tronic sources, etc.) will be done. The collected data were analysed using spss software. Data analysis us- ing this software will consist of descriptive statistical methods (arithmetic mean, frequencies, standard de- viation, correlation coefficient), as well as appropriate inferential statistical analyses (Mann-Whitney’s U test and Kruskal-Wallis H test). Research Results The method of descriptive statistics was used to cover the generalities of respondents such as gender, age and education. A total of 385 peoplewere tested. In the total sample, there were many females, but this is not sig- nificant for the purpose of the research. Of the total number of female respondents, there were 221 (57.4) female and 164 males (42.6). Regarding age structure, the highest percentage of respondents is from 18 to 30 years old (61), followed by subjects aged 31 to 40 (24.20), 41 to 51 years (9.4) and respondents over 51 years (5+.5). The survey in- cluded 191 persons with high school diploma, then 163 with bachelor’s degrees, 30 master’s degrees, and one doctor of science. In the opinion of the population, the highest rat- ing received an instrument that refers to the mainte- 212 | Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development Table 3 Comparison of Respondents by Age Item () () () () () () () () Mean Rank – . . . . . . . . – . . . . . . . . – . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . Chi-Square . . . . . . . . Degrees of freedom         Asymp. significance . . . . . . . . Notes For column headings see instruments in Table 1. Table 4 Comparison of Respondents by Education Item () () () () () () () () Mean Rank High Sch. . . . . . . . . bch . . . . . . . . msc . . . . . . . . phd . . . . . . . . Chi-Square . . . . . . . . Degrees of freedom         Asymp. significance . . . . . . . . Notes For column headings see instruments in Table 1. nance of natural and cultural heritage (4.09), followed by the instrument of inclusion of all stakeholders in the creation of tourism products (4.06). There are two instrumentswith ratings above 4: the reduction of pol- lution and the improvement of tourism management. The average deviation from the average rating is 0.966. The dispersion of the opinion of the respondents about the instruments is moderate (coefficients of variation amount to between 21 and 28). Non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney’s U test and Kruskal-Wallis H test) will be used to determine whether there are sta- tistically significant differences between demographic groups, in the direction of instruments of sustainable tourism development can be applied in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the test results shown in Table 2, conclu- sions about the attitudes of men and women towards the instruments of sustainable tourism development can be drawn: • there is no statistically significant difference in at- titudes between men and women, except on the second instrument about reducing pollution of the environment, where the difference is statisti- cally significant p = 0.047 < 0.05; • as shown in the average of the ranking of instru- ments, six of the eight instruments women, un- like men, considers more important. Based on the results shown in Table 3, it can be con- cluded that: • there is no statistically significant difference be- tween respondents in relation to their age be- cause all values are p > 0.05; • respondents aged 31–40 years, unlike the other age groups, consider certain instruments of sus- tainable tourism development more important than the other age groups do; • respondents aged 41–50 years, unlike the others, Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 | 213 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development consider the reduction of pollution more impor- tant, while respondents above 50 years old con- sider the participation of all stakeholders in creat- ing a sustainable tourism product to be the most important. Based on the results shown inTable 4, it can be con- cluded that: • there is no statistically significant difference be- tween respondents in relation to their educa- tion, except on the sixth instrument (enabling the public-private partnership model) for which p = 0.007 < 0.05; • respondentswith a university degree, unlike those who are categorised in the other education groups, give greater importance to certain instruments of sustainable tourism development; • respondents with a master’s degree, unlike the others, consider reducing pollution of the envi- ronment, maintaining natural and cultural her- itage, and improving tourism management to be more important. Conclusion It is necessary to emphasise that this work is not com- prehensive. Despite the contribution of this paper, which mainly refers to extending the knowledge of sustainable tourism development and makes a sig- nificant contribution to relevant literature, it has sev- eral limitations that need to be considered for future research on the assessment of tourism sustainabil- ity. The population perceptions were measured based on three dimensions (economic, socio-cultural, and environmental). To overcome this shortcoming, it is necessary to include some additional dimensions and their respective indicators such as technological sus- tainability, infrastructural sustainability, information, communication technology, and stakeholder collabo- ration. In this paper, the emphasis was placed on per- ceptions of local residents using a survey conducted during one year. Consequently, future research should have a long-term qualitative approach (in-depth in- terviews, focus groups, participative observations and ethnography). Also, this study was conducted when b&h was in a politically instable time and, thus, the perception of respondents might be negatively af- fected. Based on the obtained results of this empirical re- search, the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina has shown positive perceptions towards sustainable tourism development. All instruments of sustainable tourism development were rated with a high rating. That means that the respondents do not have an un- decided attitude about their application. A priority is given to the maintenance of natural and cultural re- sources, as the main impetus for the implementation of sustainable tourism. Also, it can be concluded that all the population groups possess certain knowledge about sustainable development and the ways it can be applied in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the future development of sustainable tourism in b&h, it is necessary to actively implement all prin- ciples of sustainable development in the ecological (preservation and protection of natural resources), the socio-cultural (protection of cultural and histor- ical material and intangible heritage), and the eco- nomic principles of sustainable development. The eco- nomic principles of sustainable tourism development in b&h are easier to accomplish in big cities (Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar), where there is a broad range of tourism services and facilities, and attractiveness is based largely on cultural and historical heritage. It is vital that the future conceptualisation of sus- tainable tourism issues involves local communities and the public sector. If the public sector does not implement training activities and a sustainable devel- opment policy, it is difficult to expect the interest and active role of other stakeholders in the realisation of sustainable development. If the population does not recognise the benefits that a sustainable development policy will bring, the public sector and its policy will not have the support of the population. b&h chronically faces the problem of a lack of quality tourism development strategies. Perhaps the biggest problem that b&h faces in terms of develop- ing development strategies is the lack of understand- ing of the importance of long-term planning. Specifi- cally, long-term planning implies a period of over ten years and is still rarely used in development strategies in b&h. The lack of a long-termvision of development 214 | Academica Turistica, Year 12, No. 2, December 2019 Nemanja Šarenac et al. Instruments for Sustainable Tourism Development can prevent the implementation of the same. We em- phasise that the sustainable development of tourism relies on a long-term perspective, and therefore re- quires a strategy that covers a period of more than ten years. 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