143 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers DOI: 10.2478/orga-2019-0010 Information Technology Reliability in Shaping Organizational Innovativeness of SMEs Katarzyna TWOREK, Katarzyna WALECKA-JANKOWSKA, Anna ZGRZYWA-ZIEMAK Background and Purpose: This article refers to the relation between information technology (IT) reliability and types of innovations. The main objective of the article is to identify the role of reliability of IT (mainly information reli- ability) in shaping organization ability to develop different types of innovations, according to Oslo Manual. Design/Methodology/Approach: Theoretical concept of IT reliability is proposed as a one of innovation determi- nants. Authors proposed four hypotheses and developed a questionnaire to measure the relation between four types of innovation (product, process, organizational and marketing) and IT reliability. The hypotheses were verified using data collected in 2017 from 400 SMEs operating in Poland. Results: Information reliability as the whole notion is statistically significantly correlated with all four types of inno- vation in organization. Searchability, accuracy and relevance of information have significant relation with product, process, organizational and marketing innovation. Conclusion: The performed empirical research should be treated as the first step of the analysis of innovation determinants, however allowing to draw a set of conclusions useful for the development of next steps of the study. Keywords: management, information technology, IT reliability, types of innovation 1 Received: September 14, 2018; revised: April 10, 2019; accepted: May 15, 2019 1 Introduction Nowadays organizations operate in dynamic, turbulent, uncertain and competitive environment. That is the reason why organizations are trying to achieve competitive ad- vantage in order to obtain stable market position. There is widespread agreement among authors, researchers, consultants and thinkers in the field of management that innovation is the central capability for all organisations interested in maximizing the opportunities for success in the 21st century (Pereira & Fernandes, 2018). As Dobni (2010) noticed, innovation is a crucial aspect of surviv- al, growth and profitability of the organization, support- ing the achievement and maintenance of competitive ad- vantage. In order to increase the level of innovative ideas implementation, it is necessary to understand innovation process. Moreover, there are different types of innovation. Therefore, there are different ways in which organizations can be innovative. Practitioners and theoreticians concen- trate on the problems of managing innovations, seeking its determinants, which can emerge by minimising barriers to the creation and implementation of different types of innovations. Therefore, it is crucial to identify innovation determinants, considering the typology of innovation. One of the known determinants of organizational innovation is information technology (IT) (Tworek et al. 2018, Corso & Paolucci 2001; Dewett & Jones 2001; Xu et al. 2005). In Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Management, wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Corresponding author: katarzyna.tworek@pwr.edu.pl 144 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers case of innovation, the importance of IT for current busi- ness practices has drawn the attention of practitioners and academicians for a long time. As Liao (2003) noticed, the rapid access to information is an important aspect of IT in- fluence on innovation level and a critical factor of success for many organizations enabling innovations. Significance of IT is caused by their ability to support acquisition, lo- cating, transfer and codification of knowledge. However, there are some limitation of IT use in organization. First of all, IT is oriented to the management of well-structured, numerical data, intended for many recipients (Davenport & Prusak, 1998, Zaliwski, 2000). It does not always allow to show a context and all the links between information. The IT supports the process of knowledge combination, knowledge sharing and enables many users to participate in such activities (Nonaka et al., 2001). In most cases, IT does not offer the possibility to create knowledge, which is developed in the minds of individuals and as a result of interaction between them (Davenport & Prusak, 1998; Zal- iwski, 2000; Nonaka et al., 2001). However, the role of IT in shaping innovative process is also related to communi- cation support. Nonaka with the team (2001) indicate that the importance of using IT should be acknowledged while supporting the constant creation of knowledge, but it must be more deliberately directed towards hidden knowledge. It is necessary to integrate the human and technological subsystem to achieve such an objective. “It is important to perceive technology as potentially supporting human ef- fort, not replacing it” (Sage & Rouse, 1999, p. 210). Authors of this article focus on reliability of IT in organization (based on the model developed by Tworek (2019), as a new approach to the analysis of IT in organiza- tion, which can be helpful in explaining how IT influenc- es the level of innovation, considering its different types). One of the elements building IT reliability – the reliability of processed information – seems to be especially impor- tant determinant of innovation level. Therefore, the main aim of this article is to analyse the relation between the IT reliability (mainly information reliability) and innovation level of the organization. 2 IT reliability Many authors underline that it has become necessary for the organizations to integrate IT into all organizational functions in order to build its potential to influence or- ganizational performance and competitiveness (Tsubira & Mulira, 2004; Bieńkowska et al., 2017). However, since the relevance and the need for IT use in organization final- ly seems to be undisputable, there is a need for the analysis and evaluation of its use in organization. The concept of 3 R (reliability, resilience and robustness) (Little, 2003) un- derlines that the key factor influencing the ability to profit from using IT is its appropriate functioning in organiza- tion. Hence, the main element of this concept is IT reliabil- ity. When almost every organization operates using some kind of information system (IS), its reliability seems to be one of the key factors influencing organization’s competi- tive advantage from using it and its ability to benefit from IT during the entire innovation process (Tworek, 2019). The reliability of IT in organization is understood as measurable property of IT, useful for its control and man- agement, identifying its quality level and pointing out po- tential problems (Zahedi, 1987) and it is directly linked to the efficiency of IT components, especially those critical to its proper operations (Tworek, 2019). Therefore, it can be said that IT reliability in organization is a notion build by factors connected to three different IT theories. First one is DeLone and McLean success model (DeLone & McLean, 2003), second one is Lyytinen (1987) four types of IT fail- ure and third one is TAM model (Davis, 1985). Model of IT reliability in organization has been developed by Tworek (2019) and it is presented on Figure 1. The reliability of IT in organization consists of four factors: reliability of infor- mation included in IT in organization, reliability of support services offered for IS in the organization and reliability of system itself, which also includes the usability of this sys- tem. Each factor is built by series of items, listed on Figure 1 (dark shade indicates the most significant item for the component, than lighter tones indicate lesser importance). 2.1 Information reliability Information reliability – one of four components included in the IT reliability model – is the main topic of this arti- cle. That is because it is a well-known fact that informa- tion management is conducive for developing innovations (Trantopoulos et al., 2017) and it may by assumed that re- liability of those information has an especially important role in this relation. The Conceptual Framework of infor- mation reliability was proposed by Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in 1978 and its basic assumptions are still true. The report proposes two characteristics of in- formation reliability. First one is connected to representa- tional faithfulness understood as “the correspondence or agreement between a measure or description and the phe- nomenon it purports to represent” (FASB 1980, 1163) and it is the most important aspect considering the notion of IT information reliability. Second one is connected to verifia- bility, understood as “the ability through consensus among measurers to ensure that information represents what it purports to represent or that the chosen method of meas- urement has been used without error or bias” (FASB 1980, 1163), which is however less important in the context of reliability of information included in IT operating in or- ganization. Moreover, FASB underlined that information reliability is not a binary concept (information is or is not reliable) but rather it should be treated as linear concept with a level of information reliability as a characteristic (FASB 1980, 1159). It is consistent with the findings of 145 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers Tworek (2019) formulated as one of the steps of IT relia- bility model development. Many authors also recognize that information reliabil- ity is closely connected with information quality and cred- ibility – all features that are especially important during processing any information within the organization (Hilli- goss & Rieh, 2008; Kim, 2010; Tomaél, 2000). Moreover, Hilligoss & Rieh (2008) and Mai (2013) are underlining that information reliability is highly dependable on user evaluation and the information can be considered as relia- ble or nonreliable only in the context. All above mentioned arguments can be a basis for the con- clusion, that information reliability should be measured with a series of items connected to all aspects of the no- tion. Hence, based on the literature review and several sets of items (Niu et al, 2013; Palmius, 2007; Finne, 2005; Ira- ni, 2002), Tworek (2019) identified seven items building the notion of information reliability in IT used in organiza- tion. Those items are: • Accessibility, understood as the ability of access in- formation included in IT, • Searchability, understood as the ability and efficiency of searching through the information included in IT, • Accuracy, understood as the quality and credibility of information included in IT, • Relevance, understood as the ability to avoid irrele- vant and overlapping information included in IT, • Archivability, understood as the ease of archive the information included in IT, • Portability, understood as the ability to move infor- Fig. 1: Model of reliability of IT in organization Source: (Tworek, 2018) 146 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers mation included in IT between different system en- vironments, • Movability, understood as the ability to move infor- mation included in IT between disk spaces. 3 Innovation level Depending on the discipline, in which term innovation originated (in organisation theory, economics, sociology, technology), the various approaches to it are underlined. Most authors emphasise the organisation’s search for new solutions in response to changes in the environment (both changes in customer needs and changes in organisational environment elements such as e.g. technology) (Tidd & Bessant, 2018). Commonly, innovation is interpreted as the introduction of a new product and is associated with the production process, especially manufacturing technol- ogy. As Davila and the team noticed, more rarely is it re- lated to organisational, administrative and cultural changes (Davila et. al. 2006). However, innovation novelty should be understood objectively (the macroeconomic view: in- novation is something absolutely new, pioneering work) and subjectively (the microeconomic view: innovation is something new to the organisation, developed and im- plemented regardless of whether such a solution exists in other organisations). Innovation implies success as a result of implementation of a novelty (it is not just theoretical assumptions or a new idea). Innovative activity should be reflected in improving the use of resources or generating socio-economic benefits like economic profit, personal development of employees, higher job satisfaction, better communication within the organization, the increase of resources knowledge and experience (Walecka-Jankowska 2015). Schumpeter (1985) described the following types of innovation: new product, method of production, source of supply, method of business organization and the ex- ploitation of new markets. Drucker (2014) distinguished different types of innovation and defined innovation as the process of equipping in new, improved capabilities or in- creased utility. Nowadays the distinction described in the Oslo methodology is often used (Oslo Manual 2005). This document is the primary international basis of guidelines for defining four types of innovation: process, product, marketing and organizational. In this paper, those four types of innovation are considered in relation with IT reli- ability – product, process, organizational, marketing. Innovation is connected to new ideas and new knowl- edge. Development of new knowledge requires informa- tion from extrapolation and experimentation, although as Zgrzywa-Ziemak (2015) noticed – the essence of explora- tion is experimentation with new alternative proposals and the results are uncertain, postponed, often negative and not so unambiguously related to a specific activity. The relation between IT and innovation can be especially seen, while concentrating on different stages of innovation pro- cess, because it enables communication between employ- ees and influences the information flow within the organ- ization. Moreover it is one of the key factors supporting information security (Tworek, 2019; Safa et al., 2016). IT enhances sharing of data, information and knowledge by lowering temporal and spatial barriers between employees (Tworek, 2018). At the same time, IT improves access to information and to shared knowledge, which is essential to make new solutions. It can be assumed that on every level of organizational hierarchy, it is necessary to develop knowledge, locate an existing one, diffuse knowledge to all employees, and access up-to-date information that al- lows decision making. Tasks connected with information reliability, secures the ability of IT to support all those tasks (Tworek et. al 2018, Tworek, 2019; Safa et al., 2016). 3.1 Product innovation Product innovation is understood as the implementation/ commercialization of product or service with improved performance characteristics that delivers objectively new or improved services to the user (Oslo Manual, 2005). Product and/or service innovation entails activities such as design, research and development, acquisition of patents, technology licenses, trademarks, and industrial engineer- ing. From the 1970s, authors emphasized that technolo- gy plays an important role in the stimulation of product/ service innovation (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975; Tushman and Anderson, 1986). IT can support especially receiving signals from environment about the possibili- ties of change and it is crucial for making decision e.g. concerning the domain in which organization is going to compete. Therefore, a broad and extensive mechanism is needed to identify, process and select information from the dynamic environment. Reliability of information included in IT is a prerequisite for supporting those mechanisms. Availability of secure, relevant and up-to-date information is a deal-breaker in case of product innovation (Rehm et al., 2016). Moreover, more advanced innovations might draw from scientific knowledge, generated in universities and research organizations. Such knowledge is often ex- changed in personal interactions at a local or regional level (Tödtling et al., 2009; Soto-Acosta et al., 2018). It is im- portant to enable free and secure communication in many different directions. Reliable IT, securing those informa- tion flows, influences the ability to generate innovations. Based on that analysis, the following hypothesis can be formulated: H1: The more reliable the IT information in organization, the greater the level of product innovation. 147 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers 3.2 Process innovation Process innovation is understood as the implementation of new solution or significant improvement in production or delivery methods (Oslo Manual, 2005). It may involve investment in new technology process, new technology embodied in devices, machinery, tools and equipment, new software for supply-chain management, new business software for designing products and training of staff to of- fer new services. Organizations, especially manufacturing ones, often improve product quality in product innovation, and in the same time implement cost reduction based on process innovation (Trantopoulos et al., 2017). It can be achieved by decrease of the cost of production and deliv- ery (also by the reduction of time) or by increase of quality. As in the product/service innovation case - IT plays an im- portant role in the stimulation of process innovation. First of all, it can be useful in process of acquisition of knowl- edge during the phase of seeking new solutions. Second of all, it is crucial for the proper process changes implemen- tation, considering that nowadays IT supports most pro- cesses in organization (Janampa et al., 2018). Moreover, IT is essential in process of transfer of new knowledge, especially on the first stage of this process, when organiza- tion is choosing from numerous technological and market opportunities (Tidd & Bessant, 2018). Hence, the follow- ing hypothesis can be formulated: H2: The more reliable the IT information in organization, the greater the level of process innovation. 3.3 Organizational innovation An organizational innovation is understood as the imple- mentation of a new solution and significantly improved method in the business practices, management methods, workplace organization or external relations (Oslo Manu- al, 2005). Organizational innovation is increasing organi- zational outcomes by gaining access to non-tradable assets (such as non-codified external knowledge) or reducing costs of supplies (Oslo Manual, 2005). One of the examples of organizational innovation may be the introduction of practices for codifying knowledge by establishing databases of best practices, lessons learnt and other knowledge, so that it can be easily accessible to or- ganization members (Gunday et al., 2011). Organizations need to raise their absorptive capacities to acquire, assim- ilate, transform, and exploit knowledge which can lead to the organizational innovations (Daghfous, 2004). As Gun- day et al. (2011) claim – organizational innovations are strongly related to all the administrative efforts of renew- ing the organizational routines, procedures, mechanisms, systems, etc. to promote teamwork, information sharing, coordination, collaboration, learning and innovative- ness. Therefore, it is necessary to develop knowledge at every level of organization, locate an existing one, diffuse knowledge to all employees, and access up-to-date infor- mation that allows decision making (Trantopoulos et al., 2017). All those tasks, needed to obtain organizational in- novation, are nowadays impossible to be efficiently imple- mented without reliable IT. Moreover, absorptive capacity appears to be one of the most important determinants of the organization’s ability to acquire, assimilate, and profit- ably utilize new knowledge to increase its innovation per- formance (Chen et.al 2009). Features such as accessibility and searchability are needed in order to efficiently process needed information and allow organization members to efficiently use all the information already gathered as the organizational know-how. True value for organizational innovations is generated by the increase in the level of knowledge and the possibility of learning from one’s own mistakes, which is impossible without efficient access to information and proper communication flows. Moreover, insufficient transfer of knowledge causes the organization members to reinvent the wheel and is counterproductive in generating organizational innovation (Tidd & Bessant, 2018). Based on that, the following hypothesis arise: H3: The more reliable the IT information in organization, the greater the level of organizational innovation. 3.4 Marketing innovation A marketing innovation is understood as the implemen- tation of a new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product place- ment, product promotion, pricing or customer segmenta- tion (Oslo Manual, 2005). Marketing innovations concern addressing customer needs better, opening up new markets, or positioning a product on the market with the intention of increasing organization’s sales (Gunday et al., 2011). As Kotler and Keller (2012) assumed in P theory – market- ing innovations are strongly related to pricing strategies, product package design properties, product placement and promotion activities. Similarly to the process, product or organizational innovation, the process of gathering infor- mation is crucial for marketing innovation to occur. From the vast amount of information concerning customers, it is especially important to identify and obtain those connect- ed to the changing needs of clients and transfer them to the R & D department (Tidd & Bessant, 2018; Nguyen et al., 2015). Those tasks are supported by IT, and its reliability also plays a role in this case. Archivability of information seems to be important in building and analysing past mar- keting strategies. Also, securing relevance of information seems to be a prerequisite for analysing customers infor- mation. Moreover, accuracy of information causes market- ing innovation to be better tailored to the environment. The research shows that the early inclusion of customers in 148 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers the process of creating innovation (not possible nowadays without IT support) leads to better adoption by the market, better quality of innovation, allows more effective simu- lation of behaviours, and thus more effective adaptation of the organization’s activities (Tidd & Bessant, 2018). Therefore, the following hypothesis can be formulated: H4: The more reliable the IT information in organization, the greater the level of marketing innovation. 4 Empirical research methodology The survey based on developed questionnaire was con- ducted in order to identify the relation between the level of IT reliability in organization and innovativeness. The pilot survey was conducted in 2017 among the group of 100 or- ganizations, indicating the issues concerning ambiguity of several questions. Some questions were rewritten based on the obtained feedback. The main survey was conducted lat- er in 2017, among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) located in Poland (organizations employing less than 50 people), using online survey service: SurveyMonkey. The Table 2: Items building types of innovations Please mark X for actions that have been implemented by your organization last year process 1. New technological processes, crucial for the company’s business 2. New machines / devices / equipment/ tools, crucial from the business point of view (excluding standard personal computers) 3. new business-critical software used in the enterprise (only key software) 4. new business-critical way of services creation product 5. new business-critical product or service implemented on market marketing 6. new business-critical change of implemented product appearance 7. new business-critical change in the positioning of products or services 8. new business-critical change in price policy 9. new business-critical change in customer segmentation organizational 10. new business-critical methods of personal development of employees (career plan- ning, system of professional qualifications, etc.) 11. new business-critical methods of business organization i.e. quality management system 12. new business-critical methods of delegation of responsibilities and decision-making by employees 13. new business-critical systemic knowledge management solutions 14. new business-critical ways of selling goods or services (including new distribution channels) 15. new organization of external relations – i.e. outsourcing research was anonymous. Efforts had been made to make sure that the questionnaire was filled in by employees who have a broad view of the entire organization (higher level managers or CEO). A total of 400 valid responses were collected. Since the responses were collected using prop- erly prepared form, the online system counted only those fully and correctly filled in. Respondents were asked to evaluate innovation level based on 16 questions, which are presented in Table 2. Four types of innovations were evaluated, according to the Oslo Manual (2005). Respondents were asked to evaluate the IT in the organiza- tion based on the list of factors using the five point Likert scale (from very poor to very good with the middle point: fair) – see Table 3. They were asked for the general opin- ion concerning reliability of system, usage, information and service, and then they were asked to evaluate each fac- tor constructing those 4 variables (see Table 3). 149 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers Table 3: Items building reliability of IT Variable: system reliability Variable: usage reliability Variable: information reliability Variable: service reliability • usability • security • hardware stability • availability • replicability • saliency • compatibility • hardware performance • adaptability • learnability • memorability • efficiency • errorproness • acceptance • responsiveness • accessibility • searchability • accuracy • relevance • achievability • portability • movability • assurance • empathy • responsiveness • failrate • quality • availability Using a Likert scale to measure IT reliability seems to be an appropriate choice. First of all, reliability of IT in or- ganization is a subjective notion. Employees own perspec- tive and opinion concerning aspects of IT reliability is the best source of knowledge, since their perception matters the most, that is because IT influences the organization mainly through its potential to influence every-day work of the employees. Quantitative methods are commonly used to assess the software and hardware features linked to the reliability. However, they do not give the information con- cerning the actual perception of IT reliability within the organization. Average Median Minimum Maximum Std. deviation Information reliability 3,65 4 1,00 5,00 1,08 accesibility 3,67 4 1,00 5,00 1,26 searchability 3,63 4 1,00 5,00 1,23 accuracy 3,82 4 1,00 5,00 0,97 relevance 3,85 4 1,00 5,00 1,26 archivability 3,67 4 1,00 5,00 1,15 portability 3,71 4 1,00 5,00 1,23 movability 3,67 4 1,00 5,00 1,41 Product innovation level 0,74 0,85 0,00 1,00 0,27 Process innovation level 0,77 0,75 0,00 1,00 0,29 Organizational innovation level 0,68 0,69 0,00 1,00 0,32 Marketing innovation level 0,68 0,78 0,00 1,00 0,25 Table 4. Descriptive statistics. Source: own work 150 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers in case of process innovation and biggest in case of orga- nizational innovation. Moreover, not all individual items are correlated with innovation level in case of every in- novation type. Only three of them: searchability, accuracy and relevance proved to be statistically significantly cor- related with all types of innovations and the correlation is moderate in all cases. The fourth item – accessibility - is also correlated with organizational innovation, however the correlation coefficient is very low (r = 0,131, p < 0,05). The highest correlations appear in case of organizational innovation (r = 0,562, p <0,001 for IT information reliabil- ity as a whole and r = 0,638, p < 0,001 for accuracy – the most correlated item) and marketing innovation (however, a little bit lower values). What is surprising, the lowest cor- Table 5. Correlation analysis between IT information reliability and different types of innovation level. Source: own work 5 Research results There were two main variables: information reliability and innovation level calculated for each types of innovations. It is worth noting that Cronbach’s α was above 0,890 in case of IT information reliability and even higher for each type of innovation level (every variable), which indicates a high internal reliability of the scales and measurements. Values describing innovation level are calculated based on average values of responses (positive response was as- signed as 1 and negative response as 0) to statements in Table 2. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all meas- ured variables (Table 4). Average value of responses given by respondents is followed by median of those responses, its minimal and maximum value and standard deviation. The r-Pearson correlation coefficients between the in- formation reliability together with all items building this notion and innovation level for each type of innovation have been calculated (Table 5). The results show that IT information reliability is significantly correlated with all types of innovations. However, the correlation is smallest Product inno- vation Process inno- vation Organization- al innovation Marketing innovation IT information relia- bility 0,432 ** 0,298** 0,562** 0,523** accesibility 0,066 0,092 0,131** 0,098 searchability 0,388** 0,295** 0,516** 0,464** accuracy 0,421** 0,324** 0,638** 0,541** relevance 0,465** 0,368** 0,460** 0,496** archivability -0,001 0,001 0,027 0,007 portability 0,054 0,045 0,086 0,073 movability 0,008 0,022 0,041 0,017 Figure 2: Research hypotheses verification. Source: own work 151 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers relation appears in case of process innovation (r = 0,298, p <0,001). As the empirical analysis clearly showed – there is a rela- tion between information reliability and innovation level in case of all four types of innovation. Obtained results are presented in Figure 2. First of all, based on the r-Pearson correlation anal- ysis it can be concluded that IT information reliability is related to the level of process, product, organizational and marketing innovations in organization. Thus, information reliability as the whole notion is statistically significant- ly correlated with all types of innovation in organiza- tion, which was the basis for accepting hypotheses H1, H2, H3 and H4. Hence, it positively verifies the views, which arose from the literature review (Trantopoulos et al., 2017), that reliable information included in IT in or- ganization is an important factor building the ability to generate product, process, organizational and marketing innovation. That influence is the biggest in case of organi- zational and marketing innovation. Hence the information processing needs are definitely the biggest in those two cases, it is not surprising that those correlation were prov- en to be the highest. 6 Discussion As authors noticed in introduction it is crucial to identi- fy determinants of innovation, considering the typology of innovation. Article concentrates on IT as one of those determinants. The contribution to the existing knowledge in this fields consist of introducing IT reliability as a new method for the evaluation of IT in organization, allowing to focus the considerations on information reliability role in fostering innovation. Therefore the main aim of the article was to empirically verify the relation between in- formation reliability (and its constructs) and the level of innovation in case of four types of innovation. The results show the strongest relation occurring between information reliability and organizational and marketing innovations, then product. The least strong relation occurs between in- formation reliability and process innovation. Moreover, the performed empirical research allowed to conclude that three elements of information reliability are especially im- portant for fostering innovation processes: searchability, accuracy and relevance of information. The analysis re- vealed that only those 3 out of all items building informa- tion reliability are significantly correlated with all types of innovation. It seems to be consistent with the assumptions made based on the literature (Niu et. al., 2013). Searchabil- ity of information, understood as the ability and efficien- cy of searching through the information included in IT, is especially important due to employees’ ability to quickly gain access to information which are already available in the organization. That definitely shortens the time of idea creations and influences positively the possibility to gen- erate innovations. Accuracy of information, understood as the quality and credibility of information included in IT, is especially important and can be considered as prerequisite for generating innovations. Basing innovation process on non-accurate information seems to be a potential source of problems for efficient innovation processes. Moreo- ver, relevance of information, understood as the ability to avoid irrelevant and overlapping information included in IT, seems to be important due to the fact that employees gain rapid access to that information, which are crucial and helpful for them in the process of innovation generating. Therefore, it further verifies the views from the literature, that IT gives employees’ possibility to communicate, to search for information, to share the knowledge and infor- mation reliability is particularly important to make quick decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information (Soto-Acosta, 2018). All of innovations’ types need in- formation as a starting point of innovation process, it is a trigger to think of new solutions. IT makes it possible to acquire information from around the world, continuously updating, both through access to knowledge and through the support of free, multidirectional information flow be- tween employees (Trantopoulos et al., 2017). 7 Conclusions and future research The main aim of this article was to analyse the relation between the IT reliability (mainly information reliabili- ty) and innovation level of the organization. The obtained results allowed for the conclusion that indeed, there is a significant relation between those notions, which suggests that information reliability is conducive to innovativeness. Moreover, determining the relation between IT, in par- ticular information reliability, and four types innovation, requires the analysis of numerous other factors that are considered to be key to innovation (generally accepted are e.g. corporate culture, knowledge workers, motivation sys- tem). Therefore, the performed empirical research should be treated as the first step of the analysis of the broader notion, however allowing to draw a set of conclusions use- ful for the development of next steps of the study. How- ever, the presented research has some other limitations – the hypotheses verification is based on the sample of 400 organizations operating in Poland and further verification in different business contexts is required. Nevertheless, the research presented here can be a solid first step in the process of framework verification. It is a well-known fact that nowadays information is crucial for obtaining ability to generate innovations. Considering the obtained results, it seems logical to assume that it is especially true for pro- cess innovations. The performed research caused some new scientific questions to arise: are process innovations even possible without the availability of reliable informa- tion? Or will they be misdirected without them? It seems that it is a new direction of research emerging from the 152 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers conclusions obtained in this paper, especially considering the surprisingly lowest correlation obtained for this type of innovation. Literature Abernathy, W. J., & Utterback, J. M. (1975). Innovation and the evolving structure of the firm. Working Paper HBS–75–18. Boston: Harvard University Press. Bieńkowska, A., Kral, Z., & Zabłocka-Kluczka, A. (2017). IT tools used in the strategic controlling process: Polish national study results. In I. Šimberová, A. Kocmanová & F. 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Scientific interests focus on use of information technology in organizations, with the special emphasis on IT reliability. 154 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 2, May 2019Research Papers Vpliv zanesljivosti informacijske tehnologije na oblikovanje organizacijske inovativnosti MSP Ozadje in namen: Članek analizira odnos med zanesljivostjo informacijske tehnologije (IT) in vrstami inovacij. Glavni cilj članka je ugotoviti vlogo zanesljivosti informacijske tehnologije (predvsem informacijske zanesljivosti) pri oblikovanju sposobnosti organizacije za razvoj različnih vrst inovacij, po priročniku Oslo Manual. Zasnova / Metodologija / Pristop: Predlagan je teoretični koncept zanesljivosti informacijske tehnologije kot eden od determinant inovativnosti. Avtorji so predlagali štiri hipoteze in razvili vprašalnik za merjenje razmerja med štirimi vrstami inovacij (produkt, proces, organizacija in marketing) in zanesljivost IT. Hipoteze so bile preverjene z uporabo podatkov, zbranih v letu 2017 od 400 MSP, ki delujejo na Poljskem. Rezultati: Zanesljivost informacij kot celoten pojem je statistično značilno povezana z vsemi štirimi tipi inovacij v organizaciji. Iskanje, natančnost in ustreznost informacij imajo pomembno povezavo s produktnimi, procesnimi, or- ganizacijskimi in trženjskimi inovacijami. Zaključek: Izvedene empirične raziskave je treba obravnavati kot prvi korak v analizi determinant inovacij, vendar omogočajo pripravo sklopa zaključkov, koristnih za razvoj naslednjih korakov študije. Ključne besede: management, informacijska tehnologija, IT zanesljivost, vrste inovacij Katarzyna Walecka-Jankowska Ph.D. in econom- ic sciences, in the discipline of management sci- ence. Works as assistant professor at the Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Sci- ence and Management, Department of Organization Management and Development. Scientific interests focus on innovation and knowledge management. Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak Ph.D. in economic scienc- es, in the discipline of management science. Works as assistant professor at the Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Man- agement, Department of Organization Manage- ment and Development Scientific interests focus on business sustainability and organization’s learning.