c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 31 Science Teachers’ Practices During the Pandemic in Portugal Mónica Baptista* 1 , Estela Costa 2 and Iva Martins 2 • This paper aims to examine how science teachers adapted their practices to the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and what they learned during the period of confinement. The participants are fifteen science teachers who currently collaborate on a STEM research project. To collect the data, we used two techniques (individual interviews and teachers’ individual written reflections), which have been analysed using an inductive content analysis approach. The results reveal that adjustments have been made in the design and management of classes. Synchronous classes using digital platforms and other communication infrastructure have been held; experimental dis - tance activities have been implemented, and online courses based on a television programme have been taught. In addition, during the period of confinement, to enable distance learning, teachers developed peda - gogical skills using technological skills. Finally, this study highlights the importance of teachers’ role in crisis management, such as during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: pandemic context, science teachers, online teaching and learning, pedagogical skills, technological skills 1 *Corresponding Author. Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal; mbaptista@ie.ulisboa.pt. 2 Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Doi: 10.26529/cepsj.1143 32 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal Prakse učiteljev naravoslovja med pandemijo na Portugalskem Mónica Baptista, Estela Costa in Iva Martins • � lanek poskuša preučiti, kako so učitelji naravoslovja prilagodili svojo prakso v luči pandemije covida-19 in česa so se naučili v obdobju zapr - tja. Vzorec sestoji iz 15 učiteljev naravoslovja, ki trenutno sodelujejo pri raziskovalnem projektu STEM. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili dve tehniki, in sicer individualne intervjuje in pisne refleksije učiteljev, ki smo jih analizirali z induktivnim pristopom analize vsebine. Rezultati kažejo, da so bile prilagoditve uperjene v oblikovanje in upravljanje z oddelki. Pouk je bil izveden sinhrono prek digitalnih platform in druge komunikacijske infrastrukture; realizirane so bile eksperimentalne de - javnosti na daljavo in spletni pouk, ki je temeljil na televizijskem progra - mu. Poleg tega so med zaprtjem vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov učitelji razvijali svoje pedagoške kompetence, nanašajoče se na tehnološke ve - ščine, zato da je bilo omogočeno učenje na daljavo. Končno, raziskava poudarja pomen vloge učiteljev v kriznem upravljanju, kot je na primer covid-19. Ključne besede: kontekst pandemije, učitelji naravoslovja, spletno poučevanje in učenje, pedagoške kompetence, tehnološke veščine c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 33 Introduction Science teaching has been the focus of several studies and debates re - garding its aims and objectives. Dulsch (2008), in a literature review on this topic, highlighted that the purpose of science education could be organised around conceptual, epistemic, and social learning goals, which are brought to - gether in the term ‘scientific literacy’, which can be conceptualised from two distinct viewpoints: (i) considering conceptual knowledge as crucial, based on scientific ideas fundamental to academic pathways and scientific careers; or (ii) seeing scientific literacy as related to its usefulness to society, aligning it with the development of life skills, and recognising its universality as a way of pro - viding citizens with the ability to understand the changes and developments taking place in modern societies (Holbrook & Rannikmae, 2009). Therefore, the definition of scientific literacy is not simple, and its more contemporary conceptualisation moves away from scientific content, tend - ing to focus on understanding the context and nature of science (Bybee et al., 2009). Various definitions of scientific literacy can be found in the literature and have been reviewed (e.g., DeBoer, 2000; Roberts, 2007), such as the one referring to scientific literacy as ‘the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity’ (NRC, 1996, p. 22). Thus, considering its importance, science teaching should be designed and delivered to ensure the development of the fundamental aspects of scien - tific literacy, which, according to the PISA report (OECD, 2006), consists of the competence to (i) identify scientific questions; (ii) explain phenomena scientifi - cally; and (iii) use scientific evidence. In this sense, it is crucial to use diversified pedagogical approaches, such as practical and enquiry activities, grounded in everyday problems and authentic contexts. Thus, placing the student at the centre of the teaching-learning process promotes students’ engagement and motivation to learn science. Several studies in the literature describe the benefits of these ap - proaches on students’ achievement, interest, and attitudes towards science topics (e.g., Anderson et al., 2021; Bruder & Prescott, 2013; Holstermann et al., 2010; Marshall et al., 2017; Sadi & Cakiroglu, 2011; Vlassi & Karaliota, 2013). Moreover, in the previous two decades, the internet has also contributed to rethinking and adapting science teaching, since more and more institutions offer training based on online courses (Allen & Seaman, 2017; Bennett & Lockyer, 2004; Gemin & Pape, 2017). However, this adaptation is only possible and effec - tive if teachers are trained to modify their instructional practices, requiring differ - ent skills than face-to-face teaching (Barbour, 2012). In this sense, it is necessary 34 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal to ensure that teachers have access to programmes to develop the necessary skills for effective online teaching (Gachago et al., 2017; Walters et al., 2017). Thus, taking into consideration that the Covid-19 pandemic forced the imposition of emergency remote teaching (Hodges et al., 2020), in a short pe - riod, teachers were faced with sudden and urgent response needs, associated with inevitable constraints and difficulties arising from the unpredictable na - ture of the pandemic situation, with no time to plan a response model to the emerging teaching-learning reality. This posed further challenges for science teachers, as the practical component and the associated processes that are nec - essary to understand the nature of science are difficult to implement online (Babinčáková & Bernard, 2020). In the meantime, several studies have been made on the reporting strategies that have been used by science teachers, and the difficulties they faced in the implementation of online science classes (e.g., Azhari & Fajri, 2021; Chadwick & McLoughlin, 2020; Khlaif et al., 2020). How - ever, these studies do not describe what teachers have learned and how this knowledge can help them in unexpected new crises or simply in new waves of Covid-19. This research aims to contribute to this aspect and specifically to examine how science teachers adapted their practices to the pandemic context and what they learned during the period of confinement. Theoretical framework Thus far, from this pandemic scenario, in a literature review, Baran, Cor - reia, and Thompson (2011) synthesised and critically analysed the role and skills required for online teaching. In this work, based on publications developed since 1990, the authors selected 11 articles and examined them in the light of the transformative learning theory, which states that teachers must have the skills required to assume several roles: managerial, instructional designer, ped - agogical, technical, facilitator, and social. Thus, the role of teachers in online education must be dynamic and multidimensional. Furthermore, professional development programmes must prevent teachers from ‘leaning on their tradi - tional teaching practices as reference points’ as ‘the affordances and limitations of online environments will pose new challenges for them as they try to operate within their existing sets of beliefs and practices’ (Baran et al., 2011, p. 435). In a review developed by Kebritchi et al. (2017), based on 104 published articles, three main categories were identified regarding the problems affecting online teaching: issues related to online learners, teachers, and content develop - ment. Issues related to teachers were structured into four categories: role change, transition from face-to-face to online, time management, and teaching styles. c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 35 Thus, the authors determined that for teachers it is a challenge to move from teacher-centred to student-centred education to ensure proper communication and use of technology. Moreover, for many teachers, it is difficult to deal with the lack of eye contact with their students, which is a communication barrier. In addition, teachers tend to bring their traditional teaching styles to online classes, and usually do not use the available tools, nor do they take into consideration the most appropriate way to help students achieve their learning goals. Regarding online science teaching, almost all the studies described in the literature concern higher education, where the number of online courses is growing (e.g., Fischer et al., 2019; Hill et al., 2015; Ramlo, 2016; Swinnerton et al., 2016; Venkateswaran, 2016), and which, according to some authors (Clary & Wandersee, 2010; Johnson, 2002), provide environments that promote learn - ing equitably. As for pre-university education, where attendance is compulsory, there are few studies that focus on the distance learning modality as a frequent practice. This lack of studies makes one wonder what is happening with the laboratory component, whose importance lies in the need to get students to learn not only manual techniques but also to make the link between theory and practice, to solve problems, interpret data, reach conclusions, and similar. Furthermore, engaging students in real laboratory activities also allows them to develop motor skills, learn to assemble apparatus and experiment with the use of measuring instruments (Burkett & Smith, 2016; Olympiou & Zacharia, 2012; Son et al., 2016). In face-to-face teaching, it is common to use various resourc - es available online, such as virtual laboratories and simulations, and remote laboratories, to illustrate and promote a deeper understanding of theoretical concepts, and as a complement to laboratory activities. Although they do not promote the development of some of the skills acquired in the manipulation of real materials and equipment, these resources have the advantage of providing alternative representations of aspects not visible from a macroscopic point of view, as well as providing the possibility of performing experiments under ideal conditions (Zacharia & Anderson, 2003, Zacharia & Jong, 2014). Furthermore, they also enable the use of multiple representations (verbal, numerical, picto - ral, and graphical), which facilitates a deeper understanding of the phenomena (Ainsworth, 2006). Although not specifically about distance learning, there are several stud - ies that describe the use of these resources by elementary and high school stu - dents. For example, Sullivan et al. (2017) carried out a quasi-experimental study, with 100 eighth-grade students, which involved the use of a virtual laboratory to carry out experiments related to pulleys. The results led to the conclusion that virtual laboratories can be an alternative to real laboratories, whenever 36 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal access to them is limited, because virtual laboratories facilitate the learning of some physical concepts, such as work and mechanical advantage. In this sense, it is worth to highlight a study that consisted of the use of virtual laboratories on pulleys by 6 th -grade students ( N = 115) divided into two groups (an experimental group and a control group). The control group students, who performed the laboratory activity in a physical laboratory, had greater participation in discussions related to assembling the devices, perform - ing measurements, and calculating outputs. The students who carried out the activity virtually were focused more on predictions, establishing patterns of re - lationships between variables, and interpreting the phenomenon. According to the authors, both modalities are complementary in terms of the development of skills and knowledge in the students involved (Puntambekar et al., 2020). In the chemistry area, Ambusaidi et al. (2017) describe a study carried out with 69 students (grades 5–10), who used virtual laboratories for chemical experiments. By applying an achievement test and two questionnaires on atti - tudes towards science and virtual labs, students had a positive attitude towards virtual laboratories, and using them had no effect on academic achievement. Remote labs differ from virtual/simulation labs because they are real-time in - teractive learning environments that allow students to control, perform and observe real distance experiences (de Jong et al., 2014; Tho & Y eung, 2014). In a study carried out with 32 students (grades 7–9) with eight remote experiences on sound, electrical circuits, plant growth factors, plant respira - tion, and solar energy, researchers concluded that it was appropriate (i) to ex - tend/enhance the existing e-learning practices (with virtual/simulation experi - ments only) and (ii) that doing so largely induce students’ favourable views and perceptions in their learning (Tho & Y eung, 2018). Similarly, in the physics area, a study by Evangelista et al. (2017) on the use of remote laboratories for studying electrical circuits by 37 secondary school students, showed that these were a powerful tool for students’ learning and in promoting their interest and motivation. With the Covid-19 pandemic, online teaching, and, particularly, science online teaching, became of utmost importance to the education scientific com - munity. Therefore, at the end of the first semester of 2020, several educational re - searchers reflected on the impacts of these sudden and drastic changes in school communities, and numerous scientific journals have edited special issues on the theme. There are lessons to be learned from this new reality and experiences. Once shared, they can support a better understanding of how teachers and stu - dents have adapted themselves, the difficulties they have experienced, the strate - gies that have been used, and the ones considered the most effective. c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 37 Initially, the main difficulties faced by teachers and students were related to the selection and use of technologies that allowed the implementation of distance learning or, at least, that allowed the communication with the stu - dents. In a study carried out in Indonesia, with 353 mathematics and science teachers of primary and secondary education (Azhari & Fajri, 2021), through surveys and interviews, it was concluded that teachers did not feel prepared for distance learning. However, they felt motivated and committed to their mis - sion. Another aspect that stood out from this study was the lack of guidance and technical support felt by teachers and students. The limited access to the internet caused several constraints and inequalities in the learning process. Most teachers chose to use applications with which they were already familiar, such WhatsApp (72%), although other applications (ZOOM Meetings, Google Classroom, Webex, etc.) were also used. One explanation for the prevailing use of WhatsApp was the financial difficulties of the students’ parents, which made it impossible for them to have stable access to the internet and purchase com - puters. Moreover, Azhari and Fajri (2021) determined that teachers’ confidence in the implementation of distance learning has increased, during this period, and pedagogically it had a positive effect, although requiring a great sense of initiative and creativity. As some teachers mentioned in the interviews, they overcame their difficulties individually and shared experiences with their peers. In addition to being forced to deal with platforms and overcome constraints, such as students who live in places without access to the internet, teachers also made use of state television and radio channels. Another study, by Chadwick and McLoughlin (2020), conducted with 269 Irish science teachers (primary and secondary levels), explored, through surveys, the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on teaching and learning and assess - ment in science, the use of learning technologies to support distance learn - ing in science, and the facilitation of practical activities in science. The results revealed a negative impact of Covid-19 on student teaching, learning, and as - sessment, with teachers recognising difficulties in supporting student learning, meeting specific student needs, and providing feedback. A particularly critical point that denotes teachers’ problems about online teaching, was practical ac - tivities, whose implementation decreased dramatically, with more than a third of secondary school teachers not doing any. When implementing practical ac - tivities, primary teachers generally chose more hands-on activities. In contrast, second-level teachers used mostly technology-based solutions, such as video demonstrations and interactive simulations. 38 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal Method In this study, we followed a qualitative research methodology, based on an interpretive approach (Cohen et al., 2007). Interpretative research is a powerful tool for examining teachers’ meaning construction and thinking. This is particularly important within this study, as it aims to examine how science teachers adapted their practices to the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and what they learned during the confinement period. The Portuguese context The Portuguese education system is organised into three sequential levels: early childhood education and care, primary education, and second - ary education. As in other OECD countries, pre-school education is offered to children between 3 and 5 years of age. Compulsory education usually starts at age 6, when children enrol in elementary schools. Compulsory basic education is organised into three cycles of studies, with varying lengths. At the end of the third cycle, students (typically aged 15) transit to (upper) secondary educa - tion. Secondary education is compulsory and organised in both general and vocational education pathways. Students choose one of four curricular areas in secondary education: science and technologies, social and economic sci - ences, languages and humanities or visual arts. Formal schooling, in Portugal, is compulsory for students until 18 years old or until the completion of upper secondary if students complete their studies before the age of 18 (Liebowitz, et al., 2018). Physics as a subject starts in grade 7 along with chemistry; the same teacher teaches both subjects. Participants The participants in this study are fifteen science teachers who collabo - rate on a research project that aims to understand the effects of implementing STEM activities on the learning and motivation of students and their interest in pursuing scientific careers. The project started in 2019 and it will end in 2022; it is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. All teachers had graduated in teaching science or in science and/or a postgraduate in the same area. Their ages ranged between 37 and 62 years old, and their professional experience between 8 and 36 years. Teachers belonged to several schools within the Lisbon district. They were all science teachers and teaching students aged 12 to 18 (from 7 th to 12 th grade) (Table 1). c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 39 Table 1 Teachers’ attributes Teacher Age Gender Teaching experience Formal education Science subjects (grades) taught during the project activities 1 41 F 8 Master’s degree in teaching physics and chemistry Physics and chemistry 8 th grade 2 46 F 21 Bachelor’s degree in teach- ing physics and chemistry Physics and chemistry 7 th grade 3 60 F 32 Bachelor’s degree in chem- istry engineering Physics and chemistry 8 th grade 4 37 F 10 Bachelor’s degree in teach- ing physics and chemistry Physics and chemistry 9 th grade 5 59 M 36 PhD science education Physics and chemistry 12 th grade 6 55 F 29 Bachelor’s degree in chemistry Physics and chemistry 11 th grade 7 55 F 32 Master’s in chemistry Physics and chemistry 12 th grade 8 42 F 19 Bachelor’s degree in teach- ing physics and chemistry Physics and chemistry 9 th grade 9 54 F 25 Bachelor’s degree in chem- istry engineering Physics and chemistry 10 th grade 10 55 M 30 Bachelor’s degree in chem- istry engineering Physics and chemistry 9 th grade 11 61 F 19 Master’s in science educa- tion Physics and chemistry 10 th grade 12 62 F 30 Bachelor’s degree in chem- istry engineering Physics and chemistry 11 th grade 13 39 F 15 Bachelor’s degree in teach- ing physics and chemistry Physics and chemistry 7 th grade 14 54 F 22 Bachelor’s degree in chem- istry engineering Physics and chemistry 8 th grade 15 49 F 26 Bachelor’s degree in teach- ing physics and chemistry Physics and chemistry 7 th grade The fifteen teachers were involved in the project’s activities when the confinement period started, and they simultaneously volunteered to be part of the present study. The anonymity of the participants and the confidentiality of personal data were guaranteed. They signed an informed consent agreement to participate in the study and were informed about the goals and the nature of the research and about their right to leave the research at any time. 40 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal Data collection and analysis The data collection instruments were semi-structured interviews and teachers’ individual written reflections. Each interview lasted 30 minutes and was conducted online, using the ZOOM platform and video recording. The in - terview script consisted of two dimensions (class design and management, and teachers’ learning) and included the following five open questions: How did you adapt to distance learning? How did you develop the work with your students dur - ing the confinement period of the pandemic? How did you conduct experimental activities? How did you use #EstudoEmCasa with your students? What did you learn with distance teaching? These questions were conceived by the researchers with the purpose of collecting data for this study. In July 2020, teachers also did individual written reflections that enabled triangulating the data obtained from the interviews (Patton, 1990). Therefore, they were asked to reflect on the work with students during the pandemic (i.e., distance work, the infrastructure they used, experimental activities, the media) and the learning they did with dis - tance learning. These individual written reflections were emailed in July 2020. To analyse the data, the first author of the present paper started reading the interview transcripts. After that, the text was segmented, and each segment was assigned a code and a category. After an initial categorisation, the reports were reread, and the first author inductively created subcategories (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) (Table 2). Then, the third author analysed the transcripts of the interviews and based on the descriptive categories and subcategories, created interpretive codes. The two researchers compared their codes and discussed a consensus coding scheme, which was 0.88 (Cohen et al., 2007). Consider - ing the agreed codes, the researchers independently analysed the transcripts of the interviews and the recorded data. This procedure generated the categories and subcategories shown in Table 2. In addition to the transcripts of the inter - views, the written reflections were also examined by the two researchers, who autonomously analysed the content of the reflections, considering the catego - ries and subcategories already defined in the interviews, thus comparing their analyses. Disagreements and doubts were discussed to reach a consensus. The inter-rate reliability measured with Cohen’s kappa coefficient was close to 0.85 (Cohen et al., 2007), after a second researcher coded 10% of the teachers’ writ - ten reflections. c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 41 Table 2 Categories and sub-categories of analysis Categories Sub-categories Class design and management Synchronous classes Experimental activities conduction Television lessons Teachers’ learning Pedagogical skills Technological skills Results Class design and management Science teachers have adapted their lessons plans and class management to the context of the confinement. During the interviews and in written reflec - tions, teachers have mentioned they have developed synchronous classes, using digital platforms and other communication infrastructure, conducting experi - mental activities, and developing courses making use of a television programme. Thirteen teachers reported having developed synchronous classes, eight reported that they performed experimental activities in a context of confinement, and eleven teachers highlighted the use of the television programme (Table 3). Table 3 Identification of class design and class management mentioned in the interviews and written reflections Teacher Class design and management Synchronous classes Experimental activities Television programme 1 X X 2 X X 3 X X X 4 X X X 5 X 6 X X 7 X X X 8 X 9 X X 10 X 42 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal Teacher Class design and management Synchronous classes Experimental activities Television programme 11 X 12 X X X 13 X X 14 X X X 15 X X X By analysing Table 3, it is possible to verify that the teaching experience and the age of the teachers do not seem to influence the way they designed and managed the class. In the next subsection, examples of interviews with teachers and written reflections are presented for each subcategory, enabling us to know how, in the perspective of teachers, they have adapted their lesson plans and class manage - ment to the confinement context. The selected examples are representative of the types of responses obtained. Synchronous classes Thirteen teachers, from the most experienced to the least experienced, used digital platforms, such as ZOOM or Microsoft Teams, to carry out syn - chronous sessions with their students. ZOOM was considered very important to monitor the students’ activities and overcome the difficulties experienced during the confinement. In this regard, for example, one of the interviewees mentioned: My school took a while to react and define a plan for this situation. When I started working with students in a context of total confinement and with - out access to synchronous interaction, I began to realise that it was im - possible. It was difficult to assist the pupils, they had many doubts and doing it by email was not enough to clarify them. The pressure on our school started to increase to ensure the quality of students’ learning, and the school management has taken action. If there is an issue, a difficulty, we can resolve it at that moment […], most of my students, even the most disadvantaged, had been in class and enjoyed those moments. It was im - portant to them. (Interview) Teachers said that synchronous classes have been crucial. Still, it was problematic to manage students from more disadvantaged, socio-economic contexts or belonging to minorities because of the lack of resources (computer c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 43 and internet), as a teacher stated: Microsoft Teams was very important for kids to have real-time classes, and my school had already developed a digital technology plan. Not everyone had access to computers and the internet. In my class, with more economic difficulties, there were still four or five. The school lent them computers to guarantee access to classes, and our municipality was also spectacular and arranged some computers for the kids. […]. These things are difficult to achieve without interaction with the student ... and the use of the platform was good for giving feedback instantly, and seeing the difficulties, accom - panying the student. (Interview) Moreover, interviewees reported that they used distance learning plat - forms and other technological infrastructure that allowed them to communi - cate in sync with students and, above all, ensure that all students had access to the materials provided. The digital infrastructure they have used to communicate were email, WhatsApp, Moodle, mobile phones, and videos. According to one of the interviewees: Students had difficulties in accessing the platform, especially in the first weeks, some of them simply did not even have the internet at home or a computer […], but everyone has a mobile phone and mobile data, so I used to send materials via WhatsApp, and answered the students’ ques - tions. It was the strategy I used and that they used with me to make sure that everyone had contact with me and access to the materials. (Interview) One teacher highlighted other digital infrastructure that made it pos - sible to ensure that everyone was able to access the proposed activities: When I developed the class, I had to consider that there are kids who don’t have access to the computer and think about strategies to manage this […] I used the mobile phone a lot to create synchronous moments with these students. Everyone had a mobile phone, and I called to accompany them on the subject, ask questions […] the kids went to school to check the ma - terials and then left them at school for the teachers to correct. Still, it is dif - ferent if we can interact with them by phone, they feel more accompanied. (Interview) Conducting experimental activities Experimental activities are critical in science teaching. In this sense, various resources have been used so that students could perform experiments 44 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal at a distance, using mobile phone applications to measure variables (e.g., sound level) and assembling and carrying out experimental activities, using bottles, balls, marbles, boxes, wood, etc. Videos were also used to make simulations, animations, and remote laboratory activities. In this regard, one teacher declared that her students had developed an experimental activity on sound, at home, using a mobile phone application to measure the sound level in one room of their homes or the surrounding area: I asked students to make sound level measurements in the area where they live, placing the sonometer installed on the phone at the window at differ - ent times of the day. Each student identified areas of their home where the noise produced is highest and took measurements at other times. They took measurements for three days a week and recorded them for later treat - ment. They organised the data in a table, performed the calculations of the averages of the collected values and constructed the noise map of the area where they live or of the area of the chosen house, using the same scale of the maps analysed initially. (Written reflection) Moreover, most teachers have stated how they encouraged their students to use daily life materials to carry out experimental activities. As an example, we describe the case of a teacher who developed the gravity pendulum activity. As she mentioned in the interview: The students made pendulums at home with their materials and the most creative ways they could imagine. They used balls and wires attached to the ceiling of their rooms, squares and hangers with a string and a ball, kitchen materials […] they made videos with the experience and the parents helped, so the families got involved [Figure 1]. […] The students made a very positive evaluation of the activity and motivated them a lot. (Interview) Figure 1 Gravity pendulums built by students at home c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 45 In her written reflection, the teacher pointed out that with the pendulums already built, students were able to control variables and make measurements: The students built a pendulum, carried out experimental determinations and communicated the results obtained through a scientific article, scien - tific poster and even a video about the work. They had to build tables and graphs, do treatment of the results obtained. (Written reflection) T eachers also used videos and other external representations (e.g., simu - lations, animations, remote laboratory) for students to explore experimental activities. As one of the teachers revealed: In Sciences, there is an experimental component, and this part has been heavy during confinement. We didn’t have a laboratory, and we had to think about how to get the experiences to the students’ homes. I used PHET simulations and several animations available on the internet. I showed videos to make observations. (Interview) During the interview, there was a teacher who reiterated that she used a remote laboratory to develop experimental activities with students: The remote lab played an important role during the confinement. Students were able to launch the experiment in real time, control variables and col - lect data. It is not the same as carrying out the activity in the classroom, but it was an important resource in this pandemic context. (Interview) Television class One of the Portuguese government’s measures was creating a television broadcast ( #EstudoEmCasa) for students to be able to access the contents of the subjects. The interviews showed us three types of uses of television classes: (i) teachers who did not suggest to their students to watch #EstudoEmCasa; (ii) teachers who had recommended it to complement the contents; (iii) teachers who, in synchronous classes, explored the subjects covered in the programme, but also used other activities and strategies. For example, one of the teachers who recom - mended #EstudoEmCasa to complement the subjects of the discipline mentioned: It was an option taken by my school cluster. We give our synchronous classes, send the materials to the students; those who have no chance of accessing synchronous classes, because they do not have a computer or in - ternet, they come to schools and pick up the materials, and then use #Es - tudoEmCasa as a supplement. In my discipline, the television programme concentrates two years of schooling at the same time. So, I only use it as a complementary activity. If I developed my work with them based on the 46 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal programme, it would accentuate the inequalities, because students with support at home can follow the programme and then study; those who don’t have it, need the materials that the teacher gives them and that guides them in their study. (Interview) Moreover, several teachers chose to explore, in synchronous classes, sub - jects discussed in the #EstudoEmCasa, having also resorted to other activities: I think, in this context, #EstudoEmCasa was important because, in some way, it had given access to all students to classes. The most disadvantaged stu - dents, from socio-economic backgrounds, with more problems, have accessed the contents and classes on television. […] parents may not have a computer (as in either case), but all students have a television. So, it was an important initiative so that the gap is not so big […] in my classes, I explored the subjects of #EstudoEmCasa, but I also did other things. I used different materials, I put them to experiment with materials they had at home. (Interview) Teachers’ learning In the interviews and written reflections, teachers recognised that they have learned at the level of pedagogical skills and multimedia skills during the confinement period, due to their experiences in remote teaching. More specifi - cally, seven teachers mentioned having developed pedagogical skills and twelve mentioned learning related to technological skills (Table 4). Table 4 Identification of teachers’ learning mentioned in the interviews and written reflections Teacher Teachers’ learning Pedagogical skills Technological skills 1 X 2 X X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X X c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 47 10 X Teacher Teachers’ learning Pedagogical skills Technological skills 11 X 12 X X 13 X 14 X 15 X X In the next subsection, examples of interviews with teachers and written reflections are shown for each subcategory. The selected examples are repre - sentative of the types of responses obtained in relation to what teachers learned during the pandemic. Pedagogical skills From the teachers’ perspectives, they have developed their skills to de - sign tasks adapted to distance learning during the pandemic period, which has involved students in their own learning. For example, one of the teachers said: The adjustment of STEM activities to this context was one thing that I learned. I had no experience in online teaching, and I had to build and adapt activities that would suit this new situation of total confinement, in which students are at home, having online teaching. […] I think I have learned to use the platforms and develop activities that focus the students’ attention and motivate them. (Interview) Another teacher also mentioned what she learned in the development of STEM activities during the confinement. The transition from face to face to online was not easy and it was necessary to rethink the way of teaching. What changes should be made to STEM ac - tivities to be developed in this context? Will it work? Yes, I had difficulties that I gradually got over, and I feel I’ve learned something. For example, at that time, I found myself thinking about the best way to teach the sound. I had to think of new strategies and chose to use the cell phone. (Interview) Moreover, in her written reflection, one teacher highlighted she had also learned to develop activities appropriated to distance learning (e.g., virtual ex - hibitions), and to vary students’ ways of working (e.g., using group work). [I learned that] in a distance learning context, students can present their work to the class and get to know the work developed by each other [using 48 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal the online platform]. [I also learned that] the final products can be organ - ised to form a virtual exhibition to be presented on the group’s website. (Reflection) In the interview, one of the teachers also corroborated the learning re - ferred in the two previous examples: We had to adapt the best we knew to the new situation, and the challenges were countless. We had to move quickly from face to face to online, and it was different […] I had to learn which activities did work in this context and for my students. (Interview) Technological skills T eachers recognised that learning has been developed mainly in two do - mains: the skills to use digital platforms and the skills to select and use digital resources. Regarding the use of digital platforms, one of them stated: At the beginning of the pandemic, I didn’t know how to use the digital platform and I frequently have used the cell phone, which was very well accepted by the students. I had to gain this skill to be able to use it and make the most of the platform, because I recognise that it is an important tool to help students […] I think I have been able to develop this ability and that now I am able to work and make more effective use of the platform. (Interview) Another teacher mentioned that: The correct word is ignorance about platforms, I had never used them be - fore, and we had to quickly get used to using them and the students too. And this is something that I had to learn and explore. The school cluster made a platform option, we have used Teams and in the first days I have explored it and then I have managed to use it in a more profitable way, and it was certainly a learning experience. (Interview) Teachers also recognised that they have learned to select and use digital resources appropriate to the tasks they have proposed to their students: I already used simulations and videos in my classes, but not that way. Teaching exclusively at a distance is another way of looking at teaching and learning, which involved developing my own skills to use resources in other way. I give as an example a PHET simulation that I used to explore orally, in the classroom, but now I had to think about how they could use this at home, and which questions I could ask them to explore. (Interview) c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 49 Discussion This study aimed to examine how science teachers have adapted their practices to the pandemic context and what they have learnt during the con - finement. The results showed several adaptations related to class design and management: the development of (i) synchronous classes using digital plat - forms and other communication infrastructure; (ii) experimental distance ac - tivities; (iii) classes based on a television programme. Concerning the first adaptation, synchronous classes using digital plat - forms and other communication infrastructure teachers considered the use of digital platforms essential to monitor students learning. However, they faced several challenges associated with students with socio-economic difficulties, who are more vulnerable or belonging to minorities, which is related to the lack of computers and the internet. To overcome these difficulties, teachers used other technological infrastructure that allowed them to communicate in sync with their students. These results are in line with research developed in other countries, during the confinement period showing inequalities in access to ed - ucation for students from underprivileged contexts (Chadwick & McLoughlin, 2020; Fore, 2020; Fox, 2016). Also, in the study of Khlaif et al. (2020), developed with science teachers, the constraints were overcome, resorting to other com - munication infrastructure, more familiar to students (email, WhatsApp, Moo - dle, mobile phone, and videos). Regarding the development of experimental activities , the results show that the closure of schools impacted the way teachers carried them out. In the science subject, teachers encouraged students to do practical activities in their homes by using everyday materials, mobile phone applications, videos, among others, which facilitated the teaching of experimental science at a distance. From the teachers’ perspective, carrying out activities with materials that the students had at home (e.g., in their kitchens) allowed them to increase their engagement and the involvement of families. Likewise, in other studies that intended to examine the impact of Covid-19 on teaching science, during online classes, it was demonstrated that teachers also developed hands-on activities with students, such as kitchen science and fieldwork, video demonstrations, and interactive solutions (Chadwick & McLoughlin, 2020). Regarding the television programme #EstudoEmCasa , most of the inter - viewees considered it a means for all students to have access to classes, because it reaches all families, especially those from the most disadvantaged socioeco - nomic classes. Similarly, a study conducted by Azhari and Fajri (2021) shows that the use of public television to access science classes was crucial to support 50 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal the learning of students with financial difficulties (they could not obtain stable access to the internet or buy computers) In addition, it is noteworthy that the present study shows that teachers adopted #EstudoemCasa differently: some teachers did not suggest that students watch the programme; other teachers recommended it as a complement to the classes; some teachers explored the programme’s subjects through synchronous classes, among other strategies. None of the adopted solutions seem to be better than the others. They are just different ways of reaching students, as in the case in which students, not having internet at home, went to schools to get the materials, using #EstudoemCasa as a complement. During the pandemic, the interviewees revealed what they have learnt related to pedagogical and technological skills. At the beginning of the confine - ment, the technological skills influenced the pedagogical practices, and teach - ers recognised that they made efforts to become accustomed to a new way of teaching, integrating, and exploring digital resources. The use of digital plat - forms was at first a challenge for teachers. Moreover, most teachers recognised that they did not know how to work with platforms and that they had learned to use them for their students’ learning’ s sake. Other studies have also shown posi - tive results in this domain, highlighting the importance of teachers in respond - ing to the pandemic to support their students (Delcker & Ifenthaler, 2020) and the gradual development of self-confidence in the implementation of ICT dur - ing the Covid-19 pandemic (Azhari & Fajri, 2021). Conclusions The sudden closure of schools in Portugal in March 2020 made teachers respond rapidly to ensure their students’ learning. In this sense, most teach - ers resorted to distance learning platforms, developed experimental activities with their students through everyday materials and other digital resources and resorted to home study. However, to make this possible, teachers recognised that they had to develop their own learning. Given these results, some recom - mendations emerged: the need for schools to develop distance learning plans to guide teachers and the educational community in times of crisis; the need to involve teachers in professional development programmes that allow them to develop knowledge about online teaching; the need to support science teachers to develop their pedagogical skills on experimental distance learning; the need to ensure that all students have access to resources that enable them to learn at a distance. Finally, this study showed teachers’ importance and role in managing this unpredictable crisis in their schools. c e p s Journal | V ol.13 | N o 2 | Y ear 2023 51 Thus, this study has enabled listing pedagogical implications for post- Covid education: the importance of teachers using digital resources with their students, either face-to-face or remotely, allowing them to develop digital skills; the importance of teachers carrying out open experimental activities with their students to develop their autonomy, essential in crisis situations, such as Cov - id-19, with students planning the experiments, selecting materials, carrying out the experiments and drawing conclusions. In the future, in a post-pandemic context, what kind of measures can be taken to enhance the science curriculum and support teachers in unforeseen situations like the one we are experiencing. Public authorities and policymakers also would find in this study the motiva - tion to go further in the training of teachers in STEM areas, creating training contexts and promoting programmes to prepare teachers for the unpredictabil - ity of modern times. This crisis has made clear the need to think about science teaching taking place not only in a physical space, but also in a virtual space, and all that this implies in new strategies and activities that allow for the pro - motion of inclusion and the development of student learning in virtual edu - cational environments. The study contributed to thinking about new ways of teaching that could be put into practice by teachers in the current context and maintained in a post-Covid period. This study had some limitations, which should be considered when interpreting its results. First, only fifteen teachers participated, so the results cannot be generalised. 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Biographical note Mónica Baptista, PhD, is an associate professor, researcher and deputy director at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, where she coordinates the master program on Physics and Chemistry teaching. She earned her Ph.D. in Science Education. She has been involved in EU projects named STEMKey, 3C4Life, LOOP, IntTT, SAILS, IRRESISTIBLE and she is the coordinator of a national research project, focused on STEM Education and funded by the na - tional agency. She is the representative member of the Mediterranean countries of IOSTE and she is vice-president of Portuguese Physics Society. She has published and been involved in research related to Physics and Chemistry Education, in - quiry-based science education and its association to competences development, lesson study and preservice teachers and teachers’ professional development. Estela Costa, PhD, is an assistant professor, researcher and deputy director at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon. She coordinates the M.Ed. in School Management and Administration, and an external consult - ing team of ‘Educational Territories of Priority Intervention schools’ (TEIP), in partnership with the Ministry of Education. She holds a PhD in Educa - tional Administration and Policy. She has been involved in EU projects named KNOWandPOL, ONTP , Polycentric Inspection, LOOP , and 3C4Life. She con - ducts evaluation studies on political programs and consultancy activities in Portugal and abroad. Currently, she is the Portuguese national expert at the European Commission Independent Experts in Education and Training. She 56 science teachers’ practices during the pandemic in portugal has published and been involved in research related to education policy, school evaluation, leadership, innovation and school improvement. Iva Martins, PhD, is a Doctoral Researcher and an Invited Assistant Professor in the Master’s Course in Teaching Physics and Chemistry at the Insti - tute of Education, University of Lisbon. Her research interests are STEM Educa - tion, Inquiry, PCK and Professional Development of Science Teachers. She col - laborates in several research projects, including teachers training programs.