it,sly n; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 23/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 2. 6. 2019 Gospodov Vnebohod Ascension of the Lord Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ »Galilejci, kaj gledate v nebo?« Če hočete danes biti uspešni, če hočete priti v časopise in na TV, morate samo druge prepričati, da znate čarati ali pa da vsaj kaj o tem veste. Ne gre samo za razne prerokovalce in vidce o človekovi prihodnji sreči in njegovih nalogah, ti namreč le berejo znamenja iz zvezd, kart, steklenih krogel in vseh mogočih stvari. Od Herryja Potterja do najrazličnejših čarovnic, ki burijo domišljijo sodobnemu človeku, lahko najdemo dokaze za to človekovo žejo po nečem, kar bi presegalo vso to stokrat zmerjeno in preračunano stvarnost. Ob vsej pripravljenosti, da verjamemo ali da nas vsaj zanimajo najbolj neverjetne stvari, to, kar nam je bilo še pred kratkim znamenje mračnega srednjega veka, pa je vera v Boga, še vedno nekaj zgolj umišljenega, neresničnega. Vera, ki hoče vedno znova preseči ujetost v goli vsakdanjik, nam z današnjim praznikom Kristusovega vnebohoda kaže pravo smer našega preseganja ujetosti v to, kar spodbuja sanjanje o čarovništvu. Mi, ki smo tu, hočemo iti po poti tistega, ki je šel najprej v službi človeka na križ, nato premagal smrt in končno odšel k Očetu. Čeprav je delal čudeže, ni bilo nič čarovniškega v njem, bil je v službi človeka, v službi odrešenja vsakega izmed nas, predvsem pa nam kaže, kje je naš cilj in v moči koga lahko pridemo do njega. Človekove roke so polne zemlje. Kljub temu da sanjamo o potovanju v vesolje in o preseganju gole stvarnosti, se vedno bolj zapletamo v skrbi za to zemeljsko življenje. In prav je tako, saj je to naša dolžnost in pot do Boga. Če je začetek zaznamovan z rajem, kjer je bilo vse dobro in je bil stik z Bogom neposreden, je nadaljevanje polno teže zemlje. Kača se bo plazila po tleh. Zemljo bo jedla, človek bo v potu svojega obraza obdeloval zemljo in se končno vrnil vanjo, ko bo njegovo telo razpadlo. Zemlja je simbol smrti, je znamenje trpljenja in ujetosti. Nebo, kamor se je človek vedno oziral, še preden je znašel letala in rakete, pa mu je pomenilo brezmejnost, odprtost, kraj uresničitve neizmernega hrepenenja. Dvigniti se med zvezde, postati bleščeče znamenje neba, je tema številnih pravljic, da otroci v svoji domišljiji mnogokrat poosebijo nebesna znamenja in se pogovarjajo z luno, s soncem,z zvezdami. Kristjani smo stvarni. Poznamo kraj svojega bivanja in trdno stojimo na zemlji in pomnimo, da smo le prah. Ne zatiskamo pa si oči, upamo si pogledati v nebo. Ne zgolj v nebo, kadar ocenjujemo vreme, opazujemo zvezde. Predvsem, kadar upamo. V trenutkih trpljenja, preizkušenj in smrti naš pogled ni ujet v zemljo, ampak je odprt v nebo, pustimo svoji duši, da upa proti upanju. Zato niti ni pomembno, kam je v resnici šel Kristus. Bog tako in tako nima prebivališča v smislu naših prostorov in krajev. Pomembno je sporočilo, kot so ga razumeli apostoli. Kristus je tisti, ki je premagal smrt. Tisti, ki je zemlji dal večno rodovitnost. Nič več ni rojevanja, zato da bo nato znova propadlo, ampak se vse rojeva za večno srečo. Človekova sreča je končna našla pravi vir hrepenenja, ko je zrla za Kristusom, ki odhaja k Očetu. V vseh pravljicah, tudi sodobnih, je polno duhov, ki nemirno tavajo in iščejo svoj mir. Ne morejo se odrešiti svoje ujetosti v ta svet. Spreminjajo se in sprejemajo vedno nove oblike, nikakor se ne morejo iztrgati iz stalnega boja med dobrim, svetlim in zlim, temačnim. Da se kakšna stvar vsaj malo uredi, da se prežene kakšnega hudobnega duha, je vedno potrebno kakšno sredstvo, ki ga je težko najti. Vendar je iz tega sveta in za ta svet. Kristus se dvigne v nebo. Iztrga se iz kroga rojevanja in smrti, s tem pa dvigne v nebo tudi vsakega izmed nas. Da to resnico sprejmemo, da z njo zaživi- mo, pa je zaman strmeti v nebo. Treba je trdno stati na zemlji in sredi življenja. Šele tako bo naše romanje na tem svetu odgovorno in tako vredno cilja. Ko hodimo po tej poti, so nam dani smerniki, ki smo jih sprejeli v moči krsta. Naročilo ob slovesu apostolom je bilo, naj gredo na vse konce sveta in krščujejo v znamenju Sv. Trojice. To, kar so doživeli prvi učenci, je bilo zanje v veliko veselje, kot smo slišali v današnjem evangeliju. Razumeli pa so, da je treba to posredovati drugim, saj je to veselje dosegljivo le v moči krsta in življenju po njem. Če nočemo izničiti v sebi pristnega hrepenenja in ob tem ostati ujeti v sodobno vraževerje, je treba poglobiti našo vero v Kristusa, povišanega na božjo desnico. To vero pa edino lahko poglobimo, če živimo iz nje, iz krsta, ki smo ga prejeli in veselo pričujemo svetu, kje je naš pravi dom. prvo sv. obhajilo_ V nedeljo, 26. maja 2019, je bilo v naši župniji slovesno. Maša je bila samo ob 10:00h dopoldne, ker je bil za naši dve dekleti - Teyo Škrban in Faith Čule-Allison - dan prvega svetega obhajila. Pa ne samo za njiju, za vso skupnost je to prazni, saj se vedno spominjamo tudi tistega dne, ko smo sami pristopili k angelski mizi. Že zjutraj smo lahko opazili, da bo dan lep in sončen, zato smo se ob desetih zbrali pri kipu Marije Pomočnice, za dvorano. Tam smo sta dekleti položili cvetje v vazo pred Marijo, mi pa smo posvetilno molitvijo obnovili našo predanost Mariji. V procesiji smo se napotili v cerkev, po poti pa prepevali Marijine pesmi. Pri maši sta prepevala mešani pevski zbor pod vodstvo Johna Horvata in ob spremljavi Carla Veglja na orglah in angleški pevski zbor, pod vodstvom Ivana Mertuka. Prvo berilo je prebral Danijel Škrban, druga pa Katherine 242 | VESTNIK 2019 Čule. Teya in Faith sta sodelovali pri prošnjah in potem po obhajilu sta prebrale še zahvale, vsaka po eno tudi v slovenščini. Darove sta prinesli Teya in Faith, pomagala pa sta še Danijel in Deyan. Maša je bila nadvse slovesna. Ob koncu smo se še skupno poslikali, da bo nekaj ostalo tudi za spomin. Hvala tudi Lorie Mramor, ki je pomagala v pripravah in tudi pri bogoslužju, da je vse lepo potekalo. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste tako ali drugače pomagali in sodelovali pri slovesnosti, pa tudi hvala vsem, ki ste molili za mlade in njiho ve družine. VESTNIK 2019 | 243 VESTNI K 2019 j 245 Ob praznovanju prvega sv. obhajila, iskrena hvala ge. Olgi Glavač, da je, kot vedno, čudovito lepo okrasila cerkev, pripravila mizico in cvetje pri Mariji in spekla tudi poseben kruh za prinašanje darov. Moya Financial Seminar - June 4, 2019 If you want a better understanding of your finances and what to do with your money... Come to the MOYA SPONSORED financial seminar event on JUNE 4, 2019 starting at 7:00 p.m. We will have light refreshments and hope that you can join us as we listen to various options to help us make our money work for us! See you on Tuesday! MOYA SEMINAR WORD LIST .JUNE4 GIC HOUSE VRED RORVR QSZ INVESTMENTS J ESSTEKRAMTWF MARKETS MOYA RESPONSIBLE RIST RRSP SAFE SAVINGS TFSA B K K P S S L R V 1 E D R O R V R Q S E S S T E K R A M T W U S U B A N K 1 N G S N P O S W U E G A E O H G M G 1 F 4 N T N X C A Y S S F 1 D X S E M 1 B V A S V O G Y B Z A F 1 N A Y G Q L N E s s O 246 | VESTNIK 2019 moya, ^FINANCIAL ^ Don't forget to tell your kids and grandkids - this seminar will be the gift that keeps on giving! i nil III M ,11 ill I « Aêjûmtyijjfflt 141 • Call, visit, or click! 905-578-7511 • 23 Delawana Drive, Hamilton • A Free Seminar Not to Be Missed! WHEN: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 7:00 PM WHERE: St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Hall 125 Centennial Pkwy N., Hamilton Whether you are just starting out in your first job or are looking for new insights around your investments as you head toward retirement, this free seminar is for you! For those of you with children entering the workforce, this is a perfect no-pressure way to introduce them to important elements of investing and to Moya Financial as their trusted financial partner. At the seminar, you'll learn where to put your money to work and the investments that work best for you based on your life objectives. You will discover tips and tricks for successful investing that will put money in your pocket and get you on the golf course or travelling around the world sooner. And remember, Moya Financial is here to help with advice that matters. The subheadings are the following: ♦ Financial literacy ♦ Investing basics ♦ Investing insights and common emotional behavior during volatile markets ♦ Late stage investing and portfolio construction Featured Speaker Jennifer Cheung District Vice President, Retail Sales, at Mackenzie Investments Prior to joining Mackenzie Investments, Jennifer spent almost seven years at a global asset management firm, and in a previous role she was a Certified Retirement Specialist and Investment Advisor. She has more than 12 years of experience in the investment industry and a proven history of effective advisor and investor collaborations involving business-building and practice management. With her team, Jennifer is fully committed to understanding client needs, educating, and providing solutions to support investment strategies and portfolio construction. VESTNIK 2019 | 247 Ascension of the Lord You are cordially invited to Response: God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. First Reading Acts 1:1-11 Before leaving the disciples at his ascension, Jesus promises them power from on high when the Holy Spirit comes. Second Reading Ephesians 1:17-23 The power of God is at work in Christ to raise him from the dead and make him sit at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Gospel Luke 24:46-53 After the ascension of Jesus into heaven, the disciples return to Jerusalem, waiting to be clothed with power from on high to begin their mission to all the nations. Sunday, June 16th, 2019 Featuring: For Information Contact: Frank Gimpelj 905-531-0894 Tom Mes 905-971-3831 Illustration In the lead-up to the 2012 London Olympic Games, a great deal was made of the "Olympic Legacy" in the UK. This was to be not only developments to the infrastructure in a deprived part of London, but, more importantly, young people would be encouraged to participate in many different sports in the coming years. This would be a preparation for future international sporting events, while improving the overall health of the nation. Thus the Olympic Games were promoted as a worthwhile investment. In the event, there was great excitement in the host country during the Olympics, and subsequently during the Paralympics, as the Great Britain team's biggest haul ever of gold medals was 248 | VESTNIK 2019 achieved. Pillar boxes around the country were painted gold in the hometown of each of the gold -medal winners. Here was a new set of role models for young people. These were people, just like us, who pushed themselves to the limits to achieve the very best. If they could do it, surely we could push ourselves a little harder to achieve our goals. Gospel Teaching Our scripture readings today give us a picture of what might be called the "resurrection legacy" of Jesus. The one who had suffered and died had risen from the dead and shown himself to his disciples for a period of forty days. He had been preparing them for the day when they would no longer see him physically present among them. They were to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit, "the power from on high" that would enable them to give witness to Jesus "not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the earth". In his letter to the Ephesians, St Paul is aware that the power of the Holy Spirit that was at work in Jesus, raising him from the dead and taking him up into the glory of the Father, is the same power that is to be at work in the disciples of Jesus. He wants us to understand what hope God's call holds for us, what rich glories the saints will inherit and how infinitely great is the power God has exercised for us believers. This is our legacy, that what Jesus has achieved is to be the destiny of all those who hear and respond to the proclamation of the Good News. There is an urgency to this message. As the apostles stood gazing into heaven after the ascension of Jesus, "two men in white" appeared and asked what they were doing. In effect, they were saying, "Don't just stand there, there is work to be done. Get on with it." So the disciples went back to Jerusalem to await Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that would be the driving force of the mission of the newly born Church. Application Unfortunately, in the UK, the enthusiasm and excitement of the "Olympic Legacy" has faded. The golden pillar boxes have become part of the background furniture of the street. Government funding of sport in schools has been cut and fewer young people are engaging in the sports that are available. Is the same true for us of the "resurrection legacy"? Today in our towns we can find too many churches that have closed. What were once symbols of faith and an encouragement to us to build a relationship with Jesus, present among us, are now dusty monuments to a bygone age. Once they were lively hubs of worship, prayer and social outreach. Now they are an expensive problem to be solved. In many places there has been a dramatic decline in the practice of the faith. There is a diminishing and ageing clergy. What are we going to do about it? With the angels' encouragement, the disciples returned to Jerusalem and joined in continuous prayer with Mary, the mother of Jesus, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the power from on high. So we too can stop gazing into the heavens waiting for God to solve all our problems. Today we are those who have been empowered at our baptism and confirmation to bear witness to Jesus. He is our risen and ascended Lord. He affirms the inheritance that is ours in the glory of heaven. He encourages us to lay claim to it through lives of faithful love and service of all those who are in need. With the Holy Spirit, we cannot fail. VESTNIK 2019 | 249 Obvestila - Announcements pevske vaje_ Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor ima ta teden vaje v četrtek, po večerni maši. Angleški zbor ima vajo vsako sredo po večerni maši. Novi pevci vedno dobrodošli. Zbor poje v soboto, 22. junija v Breslavu na Slovenskem dnevu. Maša bo ob 12:00h. Potem pa poje tudi v nedeljo 23. junija ob 10:00h dopoldne, ker je takrat praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi in imamo po maši tudi procesijo. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 8. junij: Slovenski Park - Golf Tournament ♦ 9. junij: Triglav - Mass & Procession at St. John the Divine - London ♦ 16. junij: Bled - Father's Day, Mass 12:30, Picnic ♦ 22. junij: SAVA - SLOVENSKI DAN, Mass 12:00, Lunch, Cultural program, Picnic - Ansambel FIS -Fantje iz Slovenije ♦ 23. junij: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. -Corpus Christi procession after Mass. ♦ 28. junij - 1. julij: Slovenski park - Canada Day Long Weekend - Mass: Sunday, 30 junij, 1:00 p.m. ♦ 7. julij: Lipa park - Summerfest Picnic ♦ 20. julij: Slovenski park - Pečenkafest - Band Golden Keys ♦ 21. julij: Bled - Mass 12:30 p.m. - PROŠČENJE, Picnic ♦ 3.-5. avgust: Slovenski park - Long weekend. Maša v nedeljo 4. avgusta ob 1:00 p.m. - Popoldne igra Ansambel ŠIBAJ. ♦ 6.-9. avgust: St. Gregory the Great - SSDC - DAY CAMP ♦ 11. avgust: St. Gregory the Great - pri maši ob 10:00h pojejo Singing Slovenes ♦ 11. avgust: Lipa Park - Music in the Park - Picnic -Singing Slovenes from Minnesota gift bearers - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 2. junij 9:30 a.m.: Maks in Jožica Pavličič ♦ 9. junij 9:30 a.m.: Vera Gonza & Theresa Pučko ♦ 16. junij 9:30 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc ♦ 23. junij 10:00 a.m.: Aranka in Danny Dundek ♦ 30. junij 10:00 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin prvi petek - first friday_ Ta teden je prvi petek v mesecu juniju, mesecu posvečenemu Srcu Jezusovemu. Čez dan bom obiskoval bolnike, zvečer pa 6h bo priložnost za sveto spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim, ob sedmih pa je redna sv. maša. SLOVENSKI DAN 22. junij 2019 Pri društvu SAVA - Breslau 12:00 - MAŠA 1:00 PM - KOSILO 3:00 PM - KULTURNI PROGRAM PIKNIK - IGRA ANSAMBEL FANTJE IZ SLOVENIJE Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 250 | VESTNIK 2019 cwl - kžz CWL Reminder of our General Meeting on Wednesday, June 5th after 7:00 p.m. Mass. Ladies, please try to attend this meeting. Thank you. Rosemary Button Akordion Rocks Club-"Canadian Slovenians Have Talent" Event_ This is the last call to sign up for the "Canadian Slovenians Have Talents" celebration, to be held on August 4th, at "Lovska Farma". All who wish to participate - singers, dancers or bands along with their accordion player, please register on the website or contact Martin Pusic at 226934-3947. The deadline for registration is June 8, 2019. We look forward to hearing from you soon! -t» SVETE MASE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 251 od 2. 6. 2019 do 9. 6. 2019 svete maše - masses Gospodov vnebohod Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Stanko in Fanika Malevič, obl. Družina Malevič 2. Junij f Branko Ježovnik Žena Dorothea Marcelin in Peter, muč. f Ferdinand Volf 11:00 a.m. Žena Marija z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 3. Junij t Douglas Leslie Allen 8:00 a.m. Francisca D'Costa Janez XXII. papež Torek - Tuesday .. . . _ . _ , „ Za zdravje 7:00 p.m. Dragica Dundras 4 . , ^ . , , t Toni Lipej Zlatko Berkovič z družino Frančišek Carcciolo,rea iai™.,-.™, t Matija Vlasic 7:00 p.m. Zena in otroci Sreda - Wednesday i j. ... p. ., . - .. t Matija Vlasic Dorothea Ježovnik 5 JUNIJ t Ante Čule Ivka PaSalič lgor, menih Po namenu CWL - KZZ Četrtek - Thursdav f Srečk0 Rev' obl' 7:00 p.m. Žena Zorka in otroci . f Marjeta Gimpelj, obl. Mož z družino 6: JU,NIJ . V dober namen N.N. Norbert,skof f Ante Čule Družina Majzelj Prvi petek First Friday 7. Junij Robert, opat f Karl Zorčič f Karl Volčanšek ff Jože in Marija Zelko ff Franc in Paula Pelcar f Marija Kociper 7:00 p.m. Sestra Jožica Vegelj z družino Hčerka z družino Bernarda Milosavljevič Bernarda Milosavljevič Bernarda Milosavljevič ff Jožica (Marjeta) Gimpelj, obl. 5:30 p.m. Martin in Kathy Simončič Sobota Saturday 8. Junij a /f i i w r f Jakob Muhič, Jr. Družina Muhič ff Terezija in Marija Bunderla Ana Gergyek f Katarina Mujdrica Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak f Ante Čule Lojze Ferenčak z družino Meaara, skoj f Karel Volf Jože Lackovič in družina f Karel Volf Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš BINKOštI Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Paula in Franc Pelcar Stan Pelcar in Josie Dube 9: Junij f Ludvik Hull 11:00 a.m. Janez Lovrenčec Primož in Felicijan, mučenca ff Pokojni iz društva Triglav 2:00 p.m. St. John the Divine 252 | VESTNIK 2019