COBISS: 1.01 SPATIAL PLANNING AND PROTECTION MEASURES FOR KARST AREAS PROSTORSKO NAčRTOVANJE IN UKREPI ZAŠčITE NA KRAŠKIH OBMOčJIH Elery HAMILTON-SMITH1 Abstract UDC 551.444:504.054 Elery Hamilton-Smith: Spatial planning and protection mea-sures for Karst areas Tis paper presents a brief review of the values and vulnerabil-ity of karst systems, and specifcally examines issues of water balance, physical destruction, sedimentation and pollution. It then outlines key issues in the protection of karst and the need for continuing vigilance. keywords: karst, management, groundwater balance, vulner-ability, protection. Izvleček UDK 551.444:504.055 Elery Hamilton-Smith: Prostorsko načrtovanje in ukrepi zaščite na kraških območjih članek prestavi kratek pregled vrednot in ranljivosti kraških sistemov. Posebej se osredotoči na vprašanja vodnega ravnotežja, fzičnega uničevanja, sedimentacije in onesnaževanja. Predstavi temeljne probleme pri zaščiti krasa in opozori na potrebo po budnem spremljanju posegov v kras. ključne besede: kras, upravljanje, ravnotežje podzemne vode, ranljivost, zaščita. INTRODUCTION . . . a karst system incorporating component landforms as well as life, energy, water, gases, soils and bedrock . . . (Eberhard 1994: 8.) Any discussion of karst protection must commence with the basic understanding that karst is a complex, dy-namic and interactive system. An overall view of karst must engage with that complexity, and so call upon a wide range of insights from a diversity of disciplines. It calls for application of what is usualbf termed integrated systems analysis. Tis was probabb/ rst well recognised in the karst literature by Yuan Daoxian (1988) in his key-note address to the Congress of the International Asso-ciation of Hydrology. My own experience over many years has been based in this approach - which is now generally accepted, al-though some scholars still maintain a narrow disciplin-ary perspective. In this paper, I will focus particularly upon protective management but this frst demands an introductory perspective on the values and vulnerability of karst. 1 Charles Sturt University, N.S.w., Chair, IUCN / wCPA Task Force on Caves and Karst, P.O. Box 36, Carlton South, Vict. 3053, Australia, e-mail: Received/Prejeto: 05.10.2006 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2, 5-11, LJUBLJANA 2006 ELERY HAMILTON-SMITH COMMENTING UPON KARST VALUES Many karst systems are places of striking, even sublime beauty (Burke 1756). In turn this is coupled, for many people, with a genuine sense of spirituality Most such landscapes thus have extremely important cultural val-ues that may even have persisted continually since the Neolithic. fig. 1: Te famous towerkarst of Guilin in China is famed for its beauty In turn, cultural values are linked with a great diver-sity of scientifc values in the common claim that Caves are the Books in the library of the history of the Earth, even though we are still striving to fully understand the languages of those books. Te very way in which evidence of the past is interwoven within karst echoes both the complexity and integration of the karst system it-self, and in so doing, potentially adds a further layer of integration to our understandings. So, karst provides a unique store of knowledge with many features not found in other earth systems. Finally, there is a wondrous range of economic as-sets in karst, of which the most signifcant must be the groundwater reservoirs, which probably provide for the water needs of at least 25% of the world population. Re-grettably, the importance of maintaining the quality and quantity of groundwater is all too ofen overlooked in the greed for more highly priced and spectacular commodities such as the lime-stone itself or even the swiflet nests of Southeast Asia. (watson et al, 1997) AND UPON VULNERABILITY Te same complexity and integration of karst, in itself, underlies the vulnerability of the system. A change in any of the major components of the system will inevi-tably impact upon others. Given that water is the most basic yet most variable of the major components, it is the one most likely to be subject to either changes in volume or to pollution of various kinds. Tus, it is also the most important element in almost any protective management program. However, the very attractiveness of karst brings with it the impact of human developments with dams, roads, bridges and other constructions. Ten the quality of many karst soils or other products of economic value brings both extractive or developmental industries and urbanization, so as a result, both destruction of the rock Itself and ofen the introduction of pollutants, either as waste products or in the name of chemical management practices, e.g., fertilizers and pesticides. So, we know we must look towards sustainability, but in practice this may be very difcult and very slow to develop. Te Shui people of China have published a text on sustainability over a thousand years ago, and have managed their forest and karst lands at Maolan for at least that long. But more generally, the dominance of simplistic economic thinking (and greed) ofen defeats the demand for sustainability Contemporary modernism in resource management was initiated by March (1864) in his rightly famous man and Nature. But far too much of his wisdom still awaits full expression (e.g., Goldie et al., 2005). MAINTAINING THE wATER BALANCE Te centrality of water as a major determinant of the character and integrity of karst has already been em-phasised. Natural variations in water as a result of food-ing, increased rainfall, or drought may all arise, and are 6 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 - 2006 largely self-balancing over time. But because the cycles of nature may well be gradual in change, we ofen ne-glect the potential of permanent change. Te process of desertifcation has adequately demonstrated its capacity fig. 2: temple of Baal, Jenolan Caves, New South wales for permanency, and although there is no question that it can be reversed and so restoration may be possible, it is all too rarely attempted. Te widespread karst deserts of China are well known, but current research is furthering our understanding of the processes at work, including the formerly neglected role of microbiota. But the major threat comes from human action. Ex-cessive drawdown of groundwater for agriculture, mining or other industrial activities is all too common. Urbani-sation and other forms of construction may well cause major changes in groundwater re-charge. Forests may both impede recharge and increase drawdown through transpiration. Planning to reduce damage to water balance is vi-tal, and should always be based in accurate delineation of total catchments. It has been recognised for many years that subterranean divides may not coincide with sur-face catchments. But many protected areas sufer from boundaries that were established in ignorance or neglect of this understanding. Even when the problem is recognised, the political considerations in boundary change may well demand many years of negotiation, and may well prevent re-defnition. Regrettably, even conservation activists may well lack proper understanding of the character and behavior of groundwater. One striking example from this region PLANNING AND PROTECTION MEASURES OR KARST AREAS fig. 3: Groundwater is of great value, but ofen adds to the beauty of caves: weebubbie Cave, Nullarbor Plain, western Australia (Photograph Normal Poulter, OAm) occurred when Croatia frst proposed a change of bound-ary of the Plitvice Lakes world Heritage area in order to encompass (and hence control) the upper section of the catchment area. Many of the referees who were consulted totally failed to recognise the importance of this and ar-gued that the world Heritage Committee should reject the proposal because “it did not add to the biodiversity of fig. 4: Khayon Cave, near mawlamyine, myanmar (once known as farm Cave and an important biological site) is a fne example of the religious use of caves the site” Fortunately, the Committee recognised and ac-cepted the total validity of the proposal that afer all was simply putting the case for total catchment management - now a widely accepted principle in karst management. Another recent development is taking place in In-donesia where the special province of Yogyakarta is un-dertaking the revegetation and restoration of the Gunung Sewu - one of the worlds great tropical karst areas which has been devastated by both total denudation through log-ging and by uncontrolled limestone quarrying. Research by Professor Suhardi to develop optimal sequencing and timing of re-vegetation and his leadership in implemen- ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 – 2006 ELERY HAMILTON-SMITH tation are achieving remarkable results, unprecedented in tropical karsts. Further, his work is now providing a model for other countries with similar problems, albeit ofen on a less scale, now using his strategies to achieve their own successes So, in summary, we must strive for total catchment management and on-going monitoring of recharge or of drawdown. Te importance of deliberative environmen-tal restoration is at last being recognised, even though Marsh argued back in 1864 that forests destroyed by human action need human action to ensure their recovery. fig. 5: One of the examples of sublime majesty: the Xiaozhai fig. 6: Another majestic sight: Nare doline (over 300 m. deep) on tiankeng of China the Nakanai Plateau, Papua New Guinea PREVENTING DESTRUCTION Te establishment of protected areas is the most obvious and best-known strategy for protecting natural or cultur-al resources. Tese are ofen established under relevant legislation with such names as national parks, nature re-serves, etc. Te IUCN has established a standard classif-cation of these (IUCN 1994, Bishop et al 2004) according to the nature and extent of protection that is aforded. Others may exist by long-standing tradition for as long as many thousands of years; still others are established and managed under private commercial ownership. Te underlying assumptions and managerial styles in protected areas have been undergoing a continuing evolutionary development and adaptation. Te famous “Yellowstone Model”, was long promoted by the United States as the ideal model for protected area management, but has come under massive challenge by alternative models from Eastern Europe, other cultural traditions and in particular from many new countries. Adrian Phillips (2003) at the Durban Parks Congress provided a magnifcent summary of the patterns of change and Hamilton-Smith (2005) provided a further overview which incorporated and commented upon Phillips’ sum-mary of changes. Another important contribution from the Dur-ban Congress was a magnificent discussion paper on governance principles for protected areas prepared by the Canadian Institute of Governance (Graham et al 2003). More vexed questions arise in respect to areas that are not accorded protected area status. Ofen, politicians, and other public ofcials, exercising Bierce’s (1911: 243) defnition of politics as “the conduct of public afairs for private advantage” will hand over major areas for de-structive exploitation. In some countries there is little legislative infrastructure to provide a degree of control over the use of either public or private. Even where there is, conservationists may fnd themselves forced to appeal against decisions already made – and this can be a difcult and ofen costly pro-cess. A further mechanism that seeks to provide for safer decision-making is the Precautionary Principle (Cooney 2004, Cooney et al 2004), enunciated clearly in the deci-sions of the 1992 Rio Declaration: 8 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 – 2006 SPATIAL PLANNING AND PROTECTION MEASURES OR KARST AREAS where there are threats of serious or irreversible dam-age, lack of full scientifc certainly shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-efective measures to prevent environmental degradation. I am glad to say that afer two days in the witness box in the course of challenging an application for min-ing on a particularly important karst area, the judge not fig. 7: One page from the library of the history of the Earth: victoria fossil Cave, Naracoorte Caves whA, Australia fig. 8: Gouldens hole - One of the Cenotes in the limestone Coast region, South Australia: both a beautiful place and a point of access to an immense groundwater reservoir through both the nineteenth century excavated ramp and the modern pumping station (Photograph Ken Grimes) fig. 9: Te bat fight from deer Cave, Gunung mulu whA, malaysia only upheld the appeal, but also wrote the precautionary principle into his judgment. Tere is also the potential for adoption of minimal impact codes of practice. Speleologists have used such codes in various forms, e.g., the Honour Code of the Swiss Speleological Society and the Minimum Impact Code of the Australian Speleological Federation. At the other extreme of scale there is an excellent example in the Cement Sustainability Initiative (wBCSD 2002). fig. 11: Buchan Caves, victoria, preserved as a National Park, now fig. 10: Te terraces on the Northern side of the huon Peninsula, Caves Reserve. (1938 photograph made available by Park manager Papua New Guinea are a wondrous source of geo-climatic history d. Calnin) ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 - 2006 9 ELERY HAMILTON-SMITH POLLUTION AND SEDIMENTATION Both pollution and sedimentation share the character-istic that they can spread over an immense area, some-times reaching locations that may be hundreds of miles from the point of origin. Tey may result from ignorance, laziness, cost cutting, genuine accident, unforeseen con-sequences, and inappropriate use of agricultural or other chemicals. Pollution may well be invisible as when exces-sive organic wastes are discharged and enter the ground-water, creating a high level of nitrates that may be fatal to infants or young children. Sedimentation can result from any form of soil erosion or mobilization. In New Zealand, the waitomo Glowworm cave was threatened when a farmer cleared a hillside some 25 miles upstream of the cave. Te result- fig. 12: Te wonderful maolan forest of China, managed on a basis of sustainability by the Shui people fig. 13: Te havalu forest of Niue managed as a “National Park” since the original inhabitants frst arrived over 1,000 years ago. ing muddy run-of entered the river and progressively settled, killing the Chironomid and other larvae which were growing all along the river and which normally pro-vide the food source of the glowworms. In Vietnam, a clumsy road construction mobilized immense amounts of mud into several underground rivers and from there to the major surface streams draining the karst. 10 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 – 2006 fig. 14: Te main pathway through Jeita Cave, suspended well above the foor on pillars, and with all electric fttings concealed under the pathway Most examples of both pollution and sedimentation can be prevented or remedied but it is much less costly to prevent either or both occurring. It may be useful to note here that the South-east Asian grass vetiver zizanioi-des provides a remarkable tool in controlling water run-of and in stabilising disturbed soils (whitten et al 1997: 144-146). fig. 15: Te commencement of the medical plants trail at Gunung mulu whA, malaysia fig. 16: Te beauty of the Plitvice lakes whA, Croatia SPATIAL PLANNING AND PROTECTION MEASURES OR KARST AREAS CONTINUING VIGILANCE It is absolutely vital that land managers do not become complacent, and rather maintain continuing vigilance, as there will always be stupidity, greed and irresponsibility. But there are two other special hazards: • Te introduction of new and hence little known chemicals or other technology My personal experience in discovering (by accident) that Metamidophos was be-ing used as a mass pesticide in an Australian karst area is one frightening example. • Ten there are time bombs that will one day ex-plode. Te worst example of which I am aware is the mas-sive water storage built when gold mining commenced in South Africa over 100 years ago. when it was built on dolomite, everybody knew that dolomite was insol- Bierce, A., 1911: Te Devils Dictionary Neale Publish-ing, USA.- [My copy from London: Te Folio Soci-ety, 2003.] Bishop, K., Dudley,N., & S. Stolton,2004: Speaking a Common Language.-Cardif University IUCN and the world Conservation Monitoring Centre. Burke, E.,1756: A Philosophical Inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and the beautiful- Te Harvard Classics, 1969, 62nd printing. Cooney, R., 2004: Te Precautionary Principle in Biodi-versity Conservation and Natural Resource Management.- IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Cooney R. et al. 2004: Managing Uncertainty: Risk and the Precautionary Principle in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use.- Dare Es Salaam, Tanzania workshop Report from the Global Diversity Forum. Eberhard, R., 1994: Inventory and Management of the Junee River Karst System, Tasmania.- Hobart, Tas. : Forestry Tasmania. Goldie, J., Douglas,B., & B. Furnass, 2005: In Search of Sustainability- Collingwood, Victoria: CSIERO Publishing. Graham, J., Amos, B., & T. Pluptre, 2003: Governance Principles for Protected Areas in the 21st Century-Ottawa: Institute on Governance. uble in water. More recently a few geologists started to sound a warning - they were ignored. Ten about three or four years ago, the water escaped into the underlying limestones, and then arose through the abandoned mine shafs, bringing an unbelievably dangerous chemical soup to the surface. At present, the government vacillates between ‘it hasn’t happened, but if it did, it isnt dangerous and we have it all under control’. Te result is that it has proved virtually impossible to get any genuine re-sponse in place - not surprising when one thinks of the magnitude of the disaster and the ducking for cover of the government response! • what others might be awaiting attention elsewhere in the world? Hamilton-Smith, E. 2005: Reviewing Changes in Nature Conservation.- Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association Journal, 60: 32-3 6. IUCN, 1994: Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories.- IUCN, Gland Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K. Marsh, G. P., 1864: Man and Nature, or, Physical Geogra-phy as Modifed by Human Action.- Harvard University Press, 1998. Phillips, A., 2003: Turning Ideas on Teir Head: Te New Paradigm for Protected Areas.- Background Paper, world Parks Congress, Durban. watson, J., E. Hamilton-Smith, Gillieson,D., & K. Kier-nan. 1997: Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protec-tion.- IUCN, Gland Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K. whitten, T, Soeriaatmadja,R.E., & A.A. Suraya, 1997: Te Ecology of Java and Bali.- Oxford University Press. world Business Council for Sustainable Development (wBCSD) 2002: Te Cement Sustainability Initia-tive. Daoxian,Y., 1988: On the Karst Environmental System. Proceedings of the IAH 21st Congress, XXI (1): 30-46. REFERENCES ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 – 2006 11