Y. TAO, P. LI: EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC ... 417–423 EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC RESIN CARBON COMPOSITES VPLIV PARAMETROV IZDELAVE NA OKSIDACIJSKO ODPORNOST OGLJIKOVIH KOMPOZITOV NA OSNOVI LESA IN FENOLNE SMOLE Yubo Tao, Peng Li * College of Material Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University, no. 26 Hexing Road, Xiangfang District, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2018-10-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-12-20 doi: 10.17222/mit.2018.216 The oxidation resistance of wood/phenolic-resin carbon composites (woodceramics) in air was investigated from room tempe- rature to 700 °C by the simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) analysis. The elementary analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were utilized to characterize the woodceramics samples prepared with different weight ratios of wood powder to phenolic resin (PF) and carbonized under 800 °C, 1000 °C, and 1400 °C. The elementary analysis revealed that the higher carbonization temperature contributed to a higher carbon content, whereas the higher ratio of PF led to a lower carbon content in the samples. The FTIR results showed that the higher carbonization temperature was beneficial to a more regular carbon structure, which was further proven by XRD. The TG-DSC analysis demonstrated that the oxidation resistance of woodceramics increased with the rise of carbonization temperature, which was due to the development of graphitization of woodceramics under a higher carbonization temperature. However, the increased ratio of PF did not bring apparent improvements to the oxidation resistance of the samples. The apparent activation energy was high at the intial reaction stage, and then decreased with the development of thermal degradation, which indicated that more energy was consumed for the completion of the oxidation reactions at the start stage. This study showed that the developed woodceramics exhibited good oxidation resistance in air below 300 °C. Keywords: woodceramics, oxidation resistance, TG, DSC Avtorja opisujeta raziskavo oksidacijske odpornosti ogljikovih kompozitov na osnovi lesa in fenolne smole (angl.: wood- ceramics) na zraku pri sobni in povi{anih temperaturah (do 700 °C). Pri tem sta uporabila simultano termogravimetrijo in diferencialno vrsti~no kalorimetrijo (TG-DSC). Vzorce kompozitov sta pripravila z razli~nim masnim razmerjem lesnega prahu in fenolne smole (PF). Karbonizacijo (pooglenitev) vzorcev sta izvedla pri 800 °C, 1000 °C in 1400 °C. Za karakterizacijo vzorcev kompozitov sta uporabila elementno analizo, Furierjevo transformacijsko infrarde~o spektroskopijo (FTIR) in rent- gensko difrakcijo (XRD). Elementna analiza je pokazala, da vi{ja temperatura karbonizacije prispeva k vi{ji vsebnosti ogljika, medtem ko vi{ji dele` PF v kompozitu privede do manj{e vsebnosti ogljika v vzorcih. Rezultati FTIR spektroskopije so nedvoumno pokazali, da vi{ja temperatura karbonizacije prispeva k bolj urejeni strukturi ogljika. To je bilo potrjeno tudi z XRD. TG-DSC analiza je pokazala, da odpornost kompozita proti oksidaciji nara{~a z nara{~ajo~o temperaturo karbonizacije, kar je posledica popolnej{ega razvoja grafitizacije kompozita pri vi{jih temperaturah karbonizacije. Po drugi strani pove~anje dele`a PF v kompozitni me{anici ni prispevalo k izbolj{anju oksidacijske odpornosti vzorcev. Navidezna aktivacijska energija je bila visoka v za~etnem stadiju reakcij in se je zmanj{evala z razvojem termi~ne degradacije. To nakazuje, da je ve~ energije porab- ljene za dokon~anje reakcij oksidacije v za~etnem stadiju. [tudija je pokazala, da je razviti kompozit na osnovi lesa in PF dobro obstojen proti oksidaciji do 300 °C. Klju~ne besede: lesna keramika, odpornost proti oksidaciji, TG, DSC 1 INTRODUCTION Biomass and resin hybrid carbon composites, i.e., woodceramics, are environmentally friendly, light weight, and low cost. Woodceramics are usually ob- tained through impregnating resin into wood or woody materials, and then carbonizating in vacuum conditions at high temperatures. 1–3 Woodceramics possess unique characteristics such as high wear and friction resistance, 4 electromagnetic shielding capacity, 5 and good mechanical properties. 6 Previous studies show that porous woodceramics have potential applications for catalyst supports, gas filtration, brake pads, etc. due to their hierarchical, biomorphic, and porous structure. 7–14 The unique three-dimensional natural microstructure of wooderamics cannot be artifi- cially fabricated easily. Moreover, woodceramics have hierarchical pores structures tunable in the micropore- to-macropore range. Pan et al. proved that the sugarcane bagasse woodceramics demonstrated a hierarchical porous structure from the micrometer (0.6–21 μm) to the nanometer scale (3.1–9.3 nm). 14 As reported by Yang et al., these hierarchical pore structures were extremely useful in terms of mass transfer and enhancing the reaction pathways, and were anticipated to be effective catalyst media. 12 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 417–423 417 UDK 620.168:546.26: 630*81:665.947.1:547.56:542.943 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 53(3)417(2019) *Corresponding author e-mail: lptyb@aliyun.com However, as functional materials, the performances of woodceramics are usually determined by the mate- rials’ ability to resist heat. For example, catalytic reac- tions involving oxidizing conditions above 250 °C burned off carbon-supported catalysts and reduced its lifespan. 15 Therefore, the thermal reactivity in air at high temperatures is a crucial characteristic to evaluate wood- ceramics’ proper utilization as catalyst supports for durable applications. Ozao et al. analysed the thermal properties of apple woodceramics and their results showed that the higher carbonization temperature bene- fited the oxidation resistance of woodceramics. 2 Oishi et al. reported that the thermal degradation of woodcera- mics was dependent on the oxygen concentration. 16 In this paper, to clarify the effects of the processing parameters on the characteristics as well as the oxidation resistance of woodceramics in air, the performances of wood flour/PF woodceramics were investigated using simultanous TG-DSC analysis from room temperature to 700 °C. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Woodceramics preparation The woodceramics were prepared using a labo- ratory-made fir powder and laboratory-synthesized PF resin. The fir powder used had a moisture content of 8 % and a size passing through a 40-mesh sieve. The PF resin had a solid content of 48–50 %, a viscosity of 30–40 s (TU-4 viscometer), an alkali content of 2.0–2.7 %, bro- mides of 16–24 %, and a storage period of at least 60 d at 5–20 °C. The composite preform was fabricated by impregnat- ing PF resin into wood powder. The weight ratios of wood powder to PF resin were 40:60, 50:50 and 30:70. The procedures were conducted in three steps, i.e., drying, cold-pressing, and hot-pressing. Samples were then carbonized at temperatures 800 °C, 1000 °C, and 1400 °C in a vacuum sintering furnace under the heating rate of 2 °C/min. 2.2 Sample characterization Before the thermal analysis, the samples were analyzed to determine the properties that may affect the thermal degradation abilities. The contents of C, H, and N of the dried samples were investigated by the CHNS-O Elemental Analyzer (Euro EA 3000-Eurovector Italy) with a combustion temperature at 1020 °C. The FTIR analysis was used to analyze the possible chemical functional groups in the samples using a Nicolet Magna 560 at a resolution of 4 cm –1 . The physical characteristics of the prepared woodceramics were identified by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method on a Rigaku D/max-RB 12KW X-ray Diffractometer (Rigaku Corporation, Japan) using the nickel-filtered Cu-K radiation in the range of 2 (10°–90°), where the scanning speed was 2 degree/min. 2.3 TG-DSC analysis The TG-DSC analysis of ca. 10 mg dried material was performed under an air atmosphere in a TG-DSC OLAP analyzer (Netzsch Sta 449c, Deutschland, Germany) with the sensitivity of 0.1 μg and 0.1 °C. The samples were heated from 25 °C to 700 °C in a Pt-Rh crucible. The air flow rate was 30 mL/min throughout the whole procedure. The test conditions are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Test conditions of woodceramic specimens Sample number Weight ratios of wood powder to PF Carbonization temperature (°C) Heating rates of TG/DSC (°C/min) S1 40 : 60 800 2 S2 40 : 60 800 5 S3 40 : 60 800 10 S4 40 : 60 800 20 S5 40 : 60 1000 10 S6 40 : 60 1400 10 S7 50 : 50 800 10 S8 30 : 70 800 10 2.4 Calculation of activation energy of thermal decom- position reaction Using the data of TG, the conversion rate of the samples at any given time/temperature can be obtained with Equation (1): = − − () () mm mm 01 0f (1) where, : conversion rate; m 0 :initial sample weight; m 1 : sample weight at any given time; m f : stable sample weight at the end of reaction. It is assumed that the woodceramics are reactive sub- stances, and the Arrhennius equation could be used to describe the reaction law of the thermal decomposition. == − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ − d dT A E RT n exp ( ) 1 (2) where, heating rate, K s –1 ; conversion rate; T tem- perature of sample, K; A prefactor; E apparent activation energy, J/mol; R gas constant, 8.314 J/mol·K; n reaction order. In order to analyze the kinetic parameters of wood- ceramics, the apparent activation energy of woodcera- mics is able to be calculated using four heating rates with the Ozawa method. 17 The TG data curves obtained at heating rates of (2, 5, 10, and 20) °C/min and Equation (3) were used in calcul- ation. log . !"#$+= E RT Const (3) Y. TAO, P. LI: EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC ... 418 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 417–423 If the weight loss rate of formula (3) is a constant, the heating rates 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 correspond to the tempe- rature T 1 ,T 2 ,T 3 and T 4 respectively. A straight line can be drawn using the data of 1/T and log . The apparent activation energy E value can be obtained by calculating the slope of the straight line. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Element analysis of woodceramics The contents of C, H, and N of woodceramics under different carbonization temperatures as well as different ratios of wood powder to PF were presented in Table 2. As seen, the main component in all samples was carbon. The hydrogen content was low because H 2 O, low mo- lecular weight phenolic substances (LMP), and the low molecular weight hydrocarbon (LMH, including CH 4 ) were produced during the carbonization process. 18 With the increase of the PF ratio, the carbon content of samples prepared under 800 °C declined slightly (S7, S3, and S8) along with lower H and N contents. However, under the same weight ratio of wood powder to PF (S3, S5, and S6), the increased carbonization temperatures contributed to higher carbon contents and lower amounts of heteroatoms. The increase of the carbon content and decrease of the oxygen content with the rise of carbo- nization temperature revealed that more energy was consumed to deprive the oxygen-containing functional groups. Table 2: C, H, and N contents of woodceramincs Sample number Carboni- zation tem- perature /°C Weight ratio of wood pow- der to PF C/% H/% N/% O+ ash /% S7 800 50:50 91.6 0.7 1.5 6.2 S3 800 40:60 90.2 0.6 1.4 7.8 S8 800 30:70 88.3 0.6 1.2 9.9 S5 1 000 40:60 95.9 0.2 1.4 2.5 S6 1 400 40:60 99.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 Figure 1 shows the FTIR spectra of woodceramics obtained at 800 °C, 1000 °C, and 1400 °C, respectively. All the samples displayed a broad O-H stretching vibration at around 3 430 cm –1 . Meanwhile, the aromatic and aliphatic C-H asymmetrical stretching vibrations around 3000 cm –1 exhibited a weak trend. C=O stretch- ing vibrations between 1750 cm –1 and 1700 cm –1 dis- appeared with the deprival of oxygen in the samples. A symmetrical peak at 1629 cm –1 was attributed to aromatic C=C in-plane stretching vibration. 6 Strong ab- sorptions at 1400 cm –1 were the results of aromatic stretching vibrations and -CH 3 stretching resulted in peaks at 1384 cm –1 . 18,19 Nevertheless, the vibration strengths of the C=C and -CH 3 stretching were lowered when the carbonization temperatures were increased. This phenomenon was assocaited with the deprival of low-molecular-weight substances and the diminished carbon and hydrogen contents, as described in Table 2. Figure 2 presents the XRD intensity curves for the samples prepared under three carbonization tempera- tures. Two main and a weak wide peaks were detected over the scattering range. The peaks at around 22°, 43°, and 80° correspond to the (002), (10), and (11) peaks, which represented the graphite-like crystalline structure in woodceramics. 6 The observed broad peaks illustrated the weak regularity of carbon in woodceramics. Further- more, the data indicated that the amorphous carbons derived from wood powder and PF resin were hard to be graphitized. However, as the carbonization temperature increased, the (002) peak became sharper and moved to a larger angle slightly. It was shown that the higher car- bonization temperature contributed to higher levels of graphitization and lower remaining content of the amor- phous carbon. 20,21 Figure 3 shows the curves of woodceramics prepared with different weight ratios of wood to PF. The contri- bution of PF content to the graphitization of woodcera- mics was not obvious. The research conducted by Qian et al. obtained similar results. 6 Therefore, it can be con- cluded that carbonization temperature is the vital factor Y. TAO, P. LI: EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 417–423 419 Figure 2: XRD patterns of woodceramics carbonized under different temperatures Figure 1: FTIR spectra of woodceramics at different carbonization temperatures (weight ratio of wood powder to PF is 40:60) to improve the regularity and crystallite growth of wood- ceramics. 3.2 Carbonization temperature vs. oxidation resistance Figure 4 depicts the effects of carbonization tem- peratures 800 °C, 1000 °C, and 1400 °C on the oxidation resistance of woodceramics. The key data of TG from Figure 4 were summarized and are listed in Table 3. Table 3: Oxidation resistance of woodeceramics under different carbonization temperatures Sample number Temperature at 9 % weight loss (°C) Temperature at a starting of linear variation (°C) Residual weight at 700 °C (%) S3 (800 °C) 400 430 22.8 S5 (1000 °C) 565 600 60.9 S6 (1400 °C) 640 670 77.1 The results indicated that the higher carbonization temperature was beneficial to the oxidation resistance of the woodceramics. As shown in Table 3, when the samples were burned in air till 700 °C, the residues left increased greatly with the growth of carbonization tem- perature. Moreover, at the first stage, samples carbonized under 800 °C, 1000 °C, and 1400 °C exhibited a linear relation with its9%w e ight loss, being reached at 400 °C, 565 °C, and 640 °C, respectively. After a short period of accelerated weight loss, the remains of all samples decreased linearly until the end of the test. An exothermic peak and a small endothermic peak were observed between 400 °C and 500 °C on the DSC curve of woodceramics obtained under 800 °C, whereas these peaks disappeared on the other curves. The weight loss of woodceramics was due to the reaction of carbon with O 2 . The TG-DSC results demon- strated that the carbonization temperature was a vital factor that affected the oxidation resistance of wood- ceramics. With the growth of the carbonization tempera- ture, the starting thermal degradation temperature of woodceramics in air was extended into a higher tem- perature zone and its oxidation resistance was enhanced. It is well known that the oxidation resistance of wood- ceramics depends on its reactivity with O 2 . Based on previous studies involving the oxidation resistance of carbon materials, 22,23 the oxidation deterioration of woodceramics under high temperatures experiences at least two steps: (1) oxygen diffusing through pores and cracks in the woodceramics to form surface oxides on the carbon surface; (2) reaction between carbon and oxygen to form CO 2 , CO, and surface oxygen com- plexes. Further, it can be assumed that the oxidation resistance of woodceramics is affected by its micro- structure, the portions of the surface which are active to react with O 2 (also known as active sites), and the reactivity of these active sites. The XRD results in this study illustrated the graphite-like, crystalline amorphous carbon structure of woodceramics, which was consistent with the research conducted by Qian et al. 6 Nonetheless, the higher carbonization temperature contributed higher regularity of carbon. 20,21 Although woodceramics in- herited the hierarchical porous structure of wood powder, providing abundant oxygen pathways for carbon contacts, 5 the higher carbonization temperature led to the increase of carbon content and crystallinity, and reduced the internal defects as well as heteroatoms of the woodceramics. Additionally, the carbon crystallization or crystallite growth would abate the reactivity of carbon materials. 24 Therefore, the oxidation resistance of the woodceramics was improved by increased carbonization temperature. 3.3 Component ratio vs. oxidation resistance Figure 5 shows that, with the increase of PF content, the weight loss of woodceramics (carbonized under Y. TAO, P. LI: EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC ... 420 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 417–423 Figure 3: XRD patterns of woodceramics carbonized at 800 °C (with different weight ratios of wood to PF) Figure 4: Effect of carbonization temperature on oxidation resistance of woodceramics (Weight ratio of wood to PF was 40:60; Heating rate of TG was 10 °C/min; Carbonization temperatures were (800, 1000, and 1400) °C; Gas environment of TG was Air) 800 °C) increased slightly. For all samples, the tempera- ture inflection point of weight loss was in the range from 400 °C to 420 °C. At the temperature inflection point, the sample prepared with the highest weight ratio of wood powder to PF resin exhibited the fastest weight loss among all the samples. At 700 °C, the remaining sample weights were 25.8 % (50:50), 22.8 % (40:60), and 7.6 % (30:70). The results showed that, with the increase of PF resin ratio, the oxidation resistance of woodceramics decreased slightly due to the uneven carbonization of PF in woodceramics under 800 °C. As shown in Table 2, the higher the ratio of PF resin in samples, the lower the carbon content and higher the amounts of heteroatoms were obtained. Therefore, the unstable structure of samples contributed more weight losses when they were heated in air at high temperatures. The results showed that the increase of PF resin ratio was unable to enhance the oxidation resistance of wood- ceramics when they were fabricated under 800 °C. The DSC curves in Figure 5 show that a distinct exothermic reaction was exhibited between 370 °C and 450 °C. With the increase of PF resin ratio, the curve peaks shifted to the higher temperature range and covered a larger area. This phenomenon showed that the increase of heat release with the rise of PF resin ratio. After that, a small endothermic peak was observed, then the woodceramics continued to have an exothermic reac- tion. Theoretically, the reaction of carbon and oxygen in air is an exothermic reaction. DSC curves proved that the exothermic reaction was the most important reaction in the thermal decomposition of woodceramics. 3.4 Heating rate vs. oxidation resistance As shown in Figure 6, the heating rate has a signi- ficant effect on the thermal decomposition of wood- ceramics. Before the rapid degradation, all the samples at four heating rates had low weight losses. With the heating rates of (2, 5, 10, and 20) °C/min, the starting temperatures of the rapid thermal decompositions were at (350, 380, 410, and 450) °C, respectively. With the rise of heating rate, the starting temperature of rapid thermal decomposition moved to a higher temperature zone. When the heating rates were at 2 °C/min and 5 °C/min, the thermal decomposition temperatures were terminated at 490 °C and 570 °C. However, when the woodceramics were treated under heating rates of 10 °C/min and 20 °C/min, their remaining weights were 22.8 % and 50.4 % at 700 °C, respectively, indicating that the thermal decomposition was uncompleted. The DSC curves in Figure 6 show that the four heat- ing rates of all woodceramics appeared in exothermic, endothermic, and exothermic reaction sequence. It was revealed that there were some active groups in the wood- ceramics incompletely degraded when they were pre- pared under 800 °C. The results showed that the speed of weight loss of woodceramics was reduced with the increase of heating rate. The performances of woodceramic products were Y. TAO, P. LI: EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 417–423 421 Figure 6: Effect of heating rate on oxidation resistance of wood- ceramics (weight ratio of wood to PF is 40:60; Heating rates of TG are (2, 5, 10 and 20) °C/min; Carbonization temperature is 800 °C; Gas environment of TG is Air) Figure 5: Effect of component ratio on oxidation resistance of woodceramics (Weight ratios of wood to PF are 40:60, 50:50 and 30:70; Heating rate of TG is 10 °C/min, carbonization temperature is 800 °C; Gas environment of TG is Air) Figure 7: Conversion ratio of woodceramics using different heating rates of TG stable under 300 °C. Therefore, the woodceramics (car- bonized under 800 °C, weight ratio of 40:60) are able to be used in air below 300 °C for a long period of time or be used under an instantaneous high-temperature en- vironment. 3.5 Apparent activation energy of the thermal decom- position reaction The activation energy of a chemical reaction can be used to characterize its reaction rate and analyze the reaction mechanism. Using Equation (1), the conversion ratios of samples (the weight ratio of wood to PF resin was 40:60, the carbonization temperature was 800 °C, and heating rates of TG was (2, 5, 10, and 20) °C/min respectively) at any given time/temperature are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 illustrates that at 700 °C, the final conversion ratios of woodceramics were 81.2 % (heating rate of 10 °C/min) and 52.2 % (heating rate of 20 °C/min). However, when the heating rates were 2 °C/min and 5 °C/min, the conversions ended at around 500 °C and 590 °C. With the increase of the heating rate, the starting tem- perature of rapid thermal decomposition moved slightly toward higher-temperature zones. Meanwhile, the ending temperature of thermal decomposition increased. Fur- thermore, through the Equation (2) and (3), the apparent activation energy E value can be obtained by calculating the slope of straight lines as shown in Figure 7. The cal- culated apparent activation energy are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Apparent activation energies of thermal oxidation of wood- ceramics using the Ozawa method 17 Weight loss (%) Apparent activation energy, E (kJ/mol) R 2 20 55 0.98909 30 47 0.98889 40 43.5 0.99614 50 40.7 0.99624 60 40.1 0.98417 70 38.4 0.98056 From Table 4 and Figure 7, it was found that the apparent activation energy decreased with the increase of the weight loss of woodceramics. The activation energy was relatively high at the initial phase of the reaction. As the reaction proceeded, the activation energy declined. The higher activation energy at the initial stage denoted that it was difficult for some carbon molecules to overcome the activation energy barrier to complete oxidation reactions. In another word, more energy were consumed to complete the oxidazation reaction at first, which was consistent with the TG-DSC results. It is noteworthy that once some carbon molecules can overcome the activation-energy barrier and complete the reaction, they would release energy. The released energy supported other carbon molecules to surpass the energy barrier and lead to a chain reaction. 25 Consequently, this phenomenon contributed the higher oxidation rate of woodceramics during the second stage. In theory, the heat released from the thermal decomposition reaction can promote the degradation process of woodceramics. Furthermore, with the development of thermal degra- dation and carbonic oxides emission, the volume of in- accessible pores would diminish, making it easier for oxygen to reach the interior surface of carbon and accelerate the oxidation of woodceramics. 26,27 4 CONCLUSIONS Woodceramics demonstrated good antioxidant pro- perties in this research. Taking the sample prepared under 800 °C as an example, due to eliminating moisture and small molecule substance, the thermal weight loss in air at 350 °C was merely 9 %. The carbonization temperature was an important factor that affected the oxidation resistance of wood- ceramics. Proliferating the carbonization temperature made it possible to improve the oxidation resistance of the woodceramics. The results highlighted the potential of woodceramics being used as catalyst supports. The effect of PF resin content on the oxidation re- sistance was not as apparent as the carbonization tem- perature. With the increase of PF resin ratio, the thermal weight loss of woodceramics increased, oxidation resist- ance decreased, and heat release of thermal decompo- sition increased. Therefore, an optimal ratio of PF resin should be considered if it is desired that the wood- ceramics can provide sufficient mechanical properties when being used as catalyst supports. With the growth of TG heating rates, the starting temperature of rapid thermal decomposition increased and slightly shifted to higher temperature zones. Mean- while, the ending temperatures of oxidation degradation increased. As the oxidation mass loss increased, the apparent activation energy of woodceramics declined. At the initial stage of reaction, the apparent activation energy of thermo-oxidative decomposition was relatively high. As the reaction progressed, the heat released by decom- position processes played an important role in helping the continuous reaction. Acknowledgment We acknowledge the support from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant no. DL12CB07), the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China (Grant no. 122044). Y. TAO, P. LI: EFFECTS OF FABRICATION PARAMETERS ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF WOOD/PHENOLIC ... 422 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 417–423 5 REFERENCES 1 T. X. Fan, T. Hirose, T. Okabe, D. Zhang, R. Teranisi, M. Yoshimura, Effect of components upon the surface area of woodceramics, J. Porous Mat., 9 (2002), 35–42, doi:10.1023/A:1014399621253 2 R. Ozao, Y. Nishimoto, W. P. Pan, T. Okabe, Thermoanalytical cha- racterization of carbon/carbon hybrid material, apple woodceramics, Thermochim. Acta, 440 (2006), 75–80, doi:10.1016/j.tca.2005. 10.014 3 L. Zhang, W. Li, J. Peng, N. Li, J. Pu, S. Zhang, S. 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