DECEMBER, NUMBER 12-VOLUME 32 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. ’ * * * DlRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio Stale President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President oj Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. Slate President oj California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President oj Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President oj Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union oj America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze t> Ameriki Editorial Otlice: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . CHRISTMAS PARTIES OF OUR BRANCHES! Dec. 4 —Br. 16, So. Chicago, III., 3 p.m. for children & adults Dec. 4 —Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., 1:30 p.m. yearly meeting & party Dec. 6 — Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio, party Dec. 7— Br. 95, So. Chicago, III., party Dec. 8 — Br. 2, Chicago, III., yearly meeting Dec. 8 —Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., 1 p.m. St. Mary’s Aud., yearly meeting & party Dec. 8 — Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn., yearly meeting & party Dec. 11 — Br. 73, Warrensville Hghts., Ohio, 3 p.m. child- ren's party Dec. 11—Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa., yearly meeting 11 — br. S>*:, Ciested Butte, Colo., Christmas banquet Dec. 12 — Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, yearly meeting & party Dec. 13 — Br. 30, Aurora, III., Christmas meeting T'oc. 15 — r'" ” nmiith M'nn.. vearly mw11’"! & party Dec. 15 — Br. 80, Oglesby, III., children’s party Dec. 18 — Combined Cleveland Branches’ Juvenile Party, Cleveland. O., 2 p.m. Dec. 18 — Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise., 3:30 p.m. yearly meeting. 5 p.m. dinner & party Dec. 18 — Br. 2, Chicago, III., 2 p.m. party for children & adults Dec. IS — Br. 20, Joliet, III., 2 p.m. yearly meeting Dec. 18 — Br. 22, Bradley, III., 2 p.m. party Dec. 21 — Br. 72, Pullman, III., party Jan. ,! — Br. 95, So. Chicago, III., yearly meeting Marci J1-12 — Ohio State Bazaar & Style Show, Cleveland, March 18-19 — Midwest Bowling Tourney, Milwaukee, Wise. April 3 — Wisconsin State Convention, West Allis, Wise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN DECEMBER Branch Presidents: Dec. (> — Stella Cicconi, Br. 70, West Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 8 — Mary Pristavec, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Dec. 22 — Agnes Lukeman, Br. G6, Canon City, Colo. Dec. 2(! —• Mary Pavlesic, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburg, Pa. Dec. 28 — Anna Zgonc, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY On the Cover . . . Caroling got its start in America when a small group of Bostonian neighbors same outdoors to sing from hymnals on Christmas Eve in the early 1900’s. Traditionally-wandering minstrels in Europe kept ancient carols aJive through the centuries, passing them along from generation to generation before words or music were written down. ZARJA “•DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXII — NO.12 DECEMBER, 1960 LETO XXXII — ŠT. 12 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ZVEZA, DECEMBER 19th a: > ■"o DO O o § 03 cn ►—* rH- 3- X > TJ T3 Da ►»-< 70 H a: o > *< H O N s O cn n x IN HONOR OF ZVEZA’S BIRTHDAY DEC. 19th ONE DOLLAR WILL BE PAID IN CASH FOR EACH NEW MEMBER ENROLLED IN DECEMBER! THIS IS A SPECIAL AWARD! “Honorary Delegate” awards are in effect for every worker reaching the quota of 30 new members — plus a dollar a member for those enrolled in the last month of this campaign! EN DOLLAR ZA VSAKO NOVO CLANICO V MESECU DECEMBRU! Častne delegatinje dobijo prosto vožnjo na SŽZ konvencijo v maju 1961 v Ely, Milin, in poleg tega bo vsaka članiea, ki v mesecu decembru pridobi novo članico, prejela dolarsko denarno nagrado! December je mesec Zvezine ustanovitve, zato se potrudite! HAPPY BIRTHDAY a: “D -o S S H a: D > -< H O N < ft N > D trn 0 Dn § DO trn m <0 S- 1 a: -o Do H a: o > H O N S S N* O m o HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ZVEZA, DECEMBER 19th— HAPPY BIRTHDAY hen we celebrate Christmas we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As lesson for this big feast we can use the word of the Holy Scripture saying: “unless you become as little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." To become as little children means nothing more than humility or truthfulness in judgment about ourselves, an acknowledgement of all our weakness, our frailty, our sin, the poorness of all we are doing now and yet the power and wisdom which is to be ours, provided we are humble enough to kneel before a Babe in a manger of straw and confess him to be our Lord, Our Life and Our All. Thus, the birthday of the God-man is the children’s day, in which age turns backwards, in which the wrinkles are smoothed by the hand of the recreating hand, in which the proud become children and the big become little and all find their God. When we go into the cave to see Jesus we speak in the words of a child and we put off our wordly wisdom, our pride, our seeming superiority and we become as little ones in the face of the humiliation of the Son of God. There in the cave we kneel near Mary, mother, who in begetting Our Lord became the mother of men. Not afraid a bit we ask her to teach us how to serve God, how to love God, how to pray to God. Then, when we have asked Mary how to pray, we go to Jesus, and if we have not lost anything of that littleness, we will ask Him one of the most important questions in all the world. We will ask Him how it feels for the God of heaven to live as a child on this poor earth of ours. If we are little enough to do these things about a crib then we shall discover the Infinite; if we are humble enough to go to One who has no home, then we shall find our home; if we are simple enough to become children by reborn in our old age then we shall discover the Life that abideth when time shall be no more. To some He comes when their hearts are empty of the world; to others He comes when their hungry bodies testify to the hunger of their spirits; to others He comes when joy possesses them as truly as embrace; to others He comes when the world on which they leaned as a staff has pierced their hands; to others He comes only when tears stream down their cheeks, that He might wipe them away. But to each and every one He comes in his own sweet way; He Christ; at the Christ’s Mass; on Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all. JCSSC'C Hhrfahme fo Dear officers and members: DECEMBER 19 is the birthday of the Slovenian Women’s Union. It concluded 34 years of hard work and many outstanding accomplishments. As a token of appreciation and congratulations to our founder, Sister Marie Prisland, attempt to secure a few new members before December 31. It is not enough to say that you belong to the Slovenian Women’s Union. We must take responsibility and must not shirk your duty. Let’s celebrate the 34th anniversary—fittingly, by adding new blood to our branches and implant love for growth. It is often said that our youth is without care and responsibility. Maybe that is so. But, I believe that if we can encourage them to action they are able and they can be made an important part in the life of the branch. We must make them mindful of the need for joining us so that together we may be stronger and so that together wc may accomplish more. You are entering an important month, not only have you your election of officers before you, but also the progress for the coming year. It is very important for you to hold the members attention for the next few months as you will revue past contributions and future expected gains. It is not too early to discuss the coming convention and its election of the delegate. At this meeting do discuss your By-Laws—if you desire any changes in them, send the results to sister Marie Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. not later then January 10, 1961. If at this meeting you have ar.y resolutions to make, send these to the Supreme President until April 1st, 1961 for the next convention. In closing I thank you for your past assistance and hoping for your future service. I extend my sincere wishes for a blessed Christmas and a healthy and prosperous NEW YEAR, 1961! Josephine Livek, Supreme President Attention Illinois Members! For quite some time now, we have been waging a vigorous campaign for new members. With the conclusion of the drive drawing ever nearer, there are still innumerable opportunities for us all to gain additional members if we strive hard enough. Since it is for the expansion of the Slovenian Women’s Union (one of the best causes I know), I know you are all eager to help your branch attain its goal. Let’s all get to work! At the Nov. 10 meeting, we held a Penny Social. Although the attendance was not up to par, all who were present had an enjoyable evening. participating in the games. For the winners, lovely prizes were the reward, and delicious refreshments brightened the gathering and perked up our spirits even more. It seems as though the same faithful members attend each month. Since this December meeting is an important one, our invitation is doubly emphasized—come one, come all— for this is the month when many items of interest to all are discussed. Among other things, our Christmas party will take place and it will be a good chance for those of you with delinquent dues to bring them up to date. Let me stress this just one more time—PLEASE attend the December meeting if at all possible. You’ll not be sorry you came! The date, Dec. 8th. Mary Muller, State President ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wise.—The members are invited to attend the annual meeeting on Sunday, December, 18th. The meeting will be held at Standard 1-Iall, together with a dinner and a Christmas party. The treasurer and I will begin to collect assessment at 2:30 P.M. at Standard Hall. The meeting will start at 3:30 P.M. followed by the dinner at 5:00 P.M. Christmas party will follow witli a short program and a 50 cents exchange of hankies. Beautiful colored films from Slovenia will also be shown. Don’t miss this interesting meeting. A very Merry Christmas to all officers and members. . Margaret Fischer, Secretary I**^5*. tste?. '55*=’'.'SS*' 55>^’"gv'*&'S'<3ižZ;'i3š'> /I MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU .... /1 HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, Too! BRANCH no. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Albina Novak, Pres. Mary Hozian, Vice Pres. Mary Muller, Secretary Corinne Leskovar, Rec. S’y Mary Tomazin, Treas. Luba Troha, Sentinel Auditors: Elizabeth Zefran, Sophie Petrovič, Jean Kovacic M ERRY C H R 1 STMAS KELLY’S PHARMACY 517 Main Street Forest City, Penna. HOLIDAY GORSICH GREETINGS! MERCANTILE 1200 So. Santa Fe Avenue, PUEBLO, COLO. merry Christmas: URSICK MEAT, CO. Beef & Veal 715 Craig Phone 5-2553 Pueblo, Colorado $ HOLIDAY WISHES FROM THE PRINCE PHARMACY “Your Slovenian Druggist” Cor. North & Pine St. Phone LI. 5-1811 Pueblo, Colo. I I No. 2, Chicago, III.—Yearly meeting date is Dec. 8th, ladies, and I hope you will all be on hand for the important meeting, which will be followed by a Christmas social for all members. We will have a room-ful of Christmas spirit and hope you all remember to bring a one dollar grab-bag gift. The Christmas tree will be colorfully arranged with valuable ornaments and lots of prizes for lucky members. The meeting will begin at 8 p.m. On the agenda will be Important things, such as election of officers and program of activity for the new year. This includes plans for our branch’s 35th anniversary in 19G1 and the Illinois State Convention which takes place right here in Chicago. And, we have the date set for our children's Christmas party—it’s Dec. 18th at St. Stephen's Lower Hall from 2 to 5 p.m. Our committee, consisting of the president, Mrs. Novak, secretary, Mrs. Muller, Ann Zorko, Frances Gomlar, auditor. Mrs. Zefran, Steffie Osterman, Albina Rakovec and recorder (yours truly), made preliminary plans at a special meeting in November for a very entertaining and memorable party for our youngsters and all the members who wish to join them. There’ll be goodies for the kids and “coffee-and” for the adults. Our talented juniors will be invited to participate in the program again, as they did for Mother’s Day when we enjoyed a very nice program of singing and other acts. Games with prizes for the winners and a visit from Santa Claus and his helper “Twinkle Toes" will round out the day. All junior members are cordially invited to attend. See you Dec. 8 and Dec. 18th! Corinne Leskovar No. 7, Forest City, Pa.—At our November meeting, the members decided to have a party at our next meeting on the second Sunday of December, each member to bring a little surprise package (grab-bag) or some goodies. We will also dispose of our sofa pillows at that party. Come all! The Zvon Hall has been sold and we had to get a new place for our meetings. After inquiries at the V.F.W. Hall, we were granted that place for our meetings in the future. I’m sure all the ladies will be pleased at the new surorundings—very warm and pleasant. The children’s annual Christmas Party will be in January, after the Christmas rush. Other parties and home preparations cause so much hustle and bustle that we thought if the party is later on, we will appreciate it more! So, it’s actually a New Year’s Party instead of Chirst-mas. The date of the event has not yet been set, but in the meanwhile, remember the place, the new V.F.W. hall, Dundoff St., Forest City. We’re trying had to secure new members—how about it, ladies? Got some now, but we’d like more! Mary Telban left Forest City to spend the winter in Cleveland with her daughters. We will miss her— but look forward to the spring when she’ll be back. Drop us a line, Mary —we will likewise. Sympathy from all members of our branch to the Gregory Vrhovsek family and also the Joseph Jevnik family on the loss of their dear ones. May they rest in peace. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Albert Prince—newlyweds! Pots, Pans and Pastime is interesting—our members tried the strudel, very good! Thanks to the ladies who attend our meetings, other events and who have made our past year a success. Hope this continues in the new year. Happy holidays—see you at the next meeting, the annual meeting with the time spent in reorganization, new officers, new ideas! Hope to see you all then. Christine Menart, secretary A MUSICAL GIFT IDEA! NOW! At a savings of $1.50 from the original price — the S. W. U. Choral club of Chicago, Br. #2, is offering its few remaining record albums of Slovenian Songs. Just think, 8 lovely Slovenian melodies on a 33% rpm long-play record can be yours for a mere $2.00 (plus postage). Place your order now so as not to be disappointed. Address all orders to: Mrs. Frances Zibert 1808 W. 22nd Place Chicago 8, 111 The record includes the following selections: Zvezina Himna Slovenian Medley (old favorites) Koroški Raj Jaz bi Rad Rdečih Roz H Nedeljo Zjutraj Bratje Slovenci Smo Gor Cez Jezero Večerna Pesem The Happiest Christmas HILLTOP FLORAL 253 - 16th St., N.W. Barberton, Ohio Henry Muren . .VA. 5-7105 BEST WISHES For The HOLIDAYS FROM WEST THEATRE BARBERTON’S FINEST THEATRE Owned by 300 Slovene Families JOHN T. McGRANAGHAN Funeral Homes & Ambulance Service 513 MAIN ST. FOREST CITY & CARBONDALE, PENNA. Telephone 742 WOOSTER RD. at 21st ST., BARBERTON, Ohio ■ VfSfc. 5?K5h. '*?r2š&. -s&sz. -5<&. i^sfc, & -^sfc, i&ss. ■<&*»>> «5^. p A twenty-fifth wedding anniversary was celebrated on Sept. 11 by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clapacs. A Mass was said in their honor at St. Helen’s Church in Newbury, Ohio. Breakfast was held for relatives and friends, and in the evening an old-fashion Slovenian-Croation reception was held for 600 people at the Burton Fire Hall. On the exact date of their anniversary, Sept. 14, Mr. and Mrs. Clapacs attended Mass at the National Shrine in Washington, D. C. Thev also visited the Monastery, then went to Richmond, Virginia. Good luck and many more years together. Sister Clapacs has a buisness and sells sterling silver, stainless steel, Bavarian china, crystal, linen, cutlery and cookware. If any members are interested, they should contact her in Newbury, Ohio. We heard that Mr. and Mrs. Angel Plesnikar’s son, Donald, recently wed Paula Fiedel of Maplewood, N. J. Mr. Plesnikar attended Eastman School of Music and Ohio State University. Congratulations and best wishes as you begin your new life. Sister Plesnikar, prior to her son’s wedding, attended many meetings and donated many nice gifts. Most of them will he on display March 11 at St. Vitus Hall. We hope Sister Caroline Turk returned rested from a two week vacation in Florida. At this time of the year we would all like to enjoy some Florida sunshine. At this meeting we also played some games and for refreshments we had delicious donuts brought by our recording secretary, Antonia Sustar. Thank you, Sister Sustar, they were delicious. There are many December birthdays and we wish each and every one of you a very happy day: Anna Burjak, Mary Cervan, Faye Clapacs, Agnes Dragolic, Jenne Erjavec, Elberta Eržen, Francis Gorse, Mary Iskra, Alice Marie Kausek, Frances Kolar, Anna Korošec, Vera Krajic, Olga Klančar, Rose Maurich, Frances Modic, Jennie Mandel, Jennie Novak, Lucille Ogrinc, Josephine Plesnikar, Frances Plevnik, Jean Pluth, Mary Rolih, Jennie Rome, Mary Smrdal, Frances Srpan, Steffie Petrie, Antonia Strlekar, Josephine Strnad, Dorothy Strasky, Mary Straž- išar, Antonia Tanko, Mary Gregorich, Jennie Travnikar, Anne Troha, Josephine, Žnidaršič, Josephine Cebulj, Antoinette Wichich, Josephine Illebak, Lorene Ixmrin. To all members I wish a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Pauline Cesar, Sec’y No. 16, So. Chicago, III.—I would like to remind all our members to attend our Christmas Party for children and members, on Sunday, Dec. 4th at 3 p.m. at the St. George’s Hall. We shall have entertainment, refreshments, games and Santa Claus. The adult members may participate in the usual “grab-bag”—this gift to be at least $1.00 in value. Don’t miss this annual affair as we always have a delightful time. One of the highlights will be the prize give-away of a Jugoslav doll donated by our Supreme President, Mrs. Livek and a knitted stole made by Mrs. Angeline Novak. We decided at our July meeting to give out free bus tickets for Zveza Day next July in Lemont, 111., to all members who attend six or more meetings in the year. This is in effect since July and will end June, 1961. So, members, try to attend at least 6 meetings by next June and be eligible for a free trip to Lemont. This is to replace our usual custom of a "Chicken Dinner” treat. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mary Cholak and her family on the loss of husband and father. On our sick list in the last couple of months we had Mrs. Prlsol, Anna Buck and Mrs. Skill. We wish them a speedy recovery and hope they will soon return to our meetings. We shall see you then, Sunday Dec. 4th. Rose Salakar, rec. sec’y No. 17, West Allis, Wise.—At our September meting, it was decided that Wisconsin State Day will be held on Sunday, April 23, 19G1 at St. Mary’s Auditorium. Due to the KJKJ lodge’s Children’s Christmas Party on the day of our December meeting, we have changed the meeting date to Sunday. Dec. lltli, 1960 at 1:00 p.m. sharp at room 3 of the auditorium. Please use the rear doors of the building at all times. Santa Claus will be there to per-sent Christmas gifts to the children, (members only) and all members are urged to attend the meeting and party. We will have election of officers and important business to discuss lor the coming year of 1901. Please bring $100 gift which will be exchanged after the meting. Congratulations are extended to our member, Mary Petrich, secretary of St. Mary’s Lodge and Supreme Officer of K.S.K.J. upon being awarded a Citation of Merit by the Wisconsin Fraternal Congress at the convention. She won a similar award last year. On Sat., Sept. 10th at 10 a.m., Agnes Rose Potočar, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Potočar of 6139 W. Beloit Kd., became the bride of Oliver M. Fennig, son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fennig, 2177 S. 69th. High Mass took place at St. Rita’s Church with Rev. G.A. Nuedling officiating. The bride,who attended Holy Angels Academy, wore a princess line gown of poi di soi with alencon lace panels, a sabrina neckline, a cathedral train and the long sleeves were trimmed with seed pearls. Frances Zeman, the bride’s si3ter, was her maid of honor anil Thomas Kezman was best man. Ushers were Kenneth Zeman and John Belough, Jr., and bridesmaids were Barbara Fennig and Patricia Kuhn. David Zeman was the ring bearer and Michele O’Reily, the flower girl. The newlyweds received hundreds of guests at their reception that evening at the St. Mary’s Auditorium and they are honeymooning now in Florida. They will reside at 2848 Au Rene Circle. Best wishes and congratulations are extended to the happy couple for a blessed wedded life. Later in the month, quite a number of members, friends and relations of Rev. Rudolph Urbic attended his silver jubilee. He is the pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Cooks Valley, Bloomer, Wise. Rev. Urbic is the brother of Frances Imperl, our charter member, and the late Louise Wamberger and an uncle of our organist, Josephine Imperl, who also has been our auditor for many years. ft ** iS&AVSfc*- '*!&*. ^š* ■^i*. '*&£'&■* SEASON’S GREETINGS Katie Triller, Pres. Josephine Krai, Vlce-Pres. Gladys Buck, Sec’y Anne Buck, Treasurer Rose Salakar, Recording Secretary ft. >Y I CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR from The Members of % | BRANCH NO. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. Branch 21, Cleveland, Ohio Mary Ann Hosta, Pres. Stella Dancull, Sec y Josephine Weiss, Treas. Meetings on the first Wednesday, J.D.N. Hall [A K) _______________________________ ^ -i1 .. * Other nieces and nephews are Eme-lie, Carol Frank and Ernest Imperl. Congratulations, Father TJrbic, on your 25th Silver Jubilee. Members who are in arrears with their dues are kindly asked to bring them to date, so that the books can be closed for the year. We wish our sick members full re covery and hope to see them soon at the meeting. Greetings to all. Marie A. Floryan, sec’y members far and near and may the New Yea'- bring yo i all the best of health and contentment, is my most sincere wish to all! Mary Lenich, secretary No. 19, Eveleth, Minn.—In a few more weeks we will be taking leave from the year 19G0. Our branch successfully carried out the work involved in sponsoring the Minnesota State Day on Sunday. September 11, I960. It was a great event for our town and I’m deeply grateful to each and everyone who lie’ped in one way or another. I wish to thank the merchants in Eveleth for the ads in this edition of Zarja. This is a wonderful medium to deliver a Christmas message and I’m certain that every member reads every line that appears from Eveleth. Please mention to the merchants when you are making purchases this month that you read their ad in Zarja because that will help us next time when we will be soliciting ads from them. (Thank you, Mrs. Lenich, you are our top solicitor and we are very proud of your city of Eveleth and your interest in the publisher’s fund. C L.) Our annual meeting will be held on Thursday, December 8th at the usual place and time. Please attend this most important meeting of the year and offer your good suggestions which will bring future progress to our branch. I’d like to remind those who are in arrears with dues to please come to the meeting so that you will be in good standing before the close of the year. For a lasting Christmas gift, I’d like to recommend our famous cookbook, “Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen”. I’ll have them on hand at the meeting or come to my home for the book. This gift will be remembered by all good cooks especially those who like to bake good poticas, strudels and other delicacies. A Merry Christmas to our Spiritual Advisor, to all the officers and No. 20, Joliet, III.,—Our condolences to the family of Joseph Govednik, who passed away recently at Billings at the age of 69 years. His wife. Jennie, who was our member many years preceded him in death in 1955. Mr. Govednik was born in Slovenia and lived in Joliet for the past 50 years. Prior to his retirement he was employed by the Ruberoid Co. for 25 years. He was a member of various organizations. He is survived by three sons and two daughters, (Dorothy) Mrs. Joseph Mahon, and Miss Jean. As we remember, Dorothy has been a long-time captain of the champion cadets. He is also survived by a brother, Martin, and two sisters, Mrs. Barbara Ancel and Mary Stefanicli of Slovenia. Mrs. (Suzajine) Anton Glavan mourns the loss of her father Mr. Thomas Kovalcik, who passed away suddenly, at the age of 76 yrs. The family of Rudy Pucel has returned home from a two week trip to Miami, Florida, where Rudy, as a member of the Champion Harwood Post Band, participated and again enjoyed the band’s winning first prize. With best wishes for permanent health to Mrs. Agnes Ferkol who has been ill in the past. Now that the presidents’ campaign has come to an end and the winner was Senator John Kennedy, I think that every member should look upon this incident with pride and joy to have a catholic rule our vast country. Regardless what party our members are, we must join together now, and pray that God will help him in this tremendous task for peace and progress in the future years. How soon the calendar has come around, and here we are in the last month of the year. I sincerely hope that all of you members will celebrate Christmas in health and happiness in the midst of your family. At this time, I would like to remind you also that our meeting will be the last one held this year in the Ferdinand hall, commencing at 2 P.M. All of you members are most cordially invited to come, for, I am sure, our president, Mrs. Planinšek, will extend to you her heartiest welcome. At the same time, please look at your dues if they are paid to date in order that our secretary Frances Gaspicli will be able to close her books for the year. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Muster who have become parents of a fine boy, and who is to play with his two sisters. Congratulations! It is most proper at this time thaL we also congratulate the grandpar-rents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muster. Mrs. Muster is our auditor. With best wishes to all members, and hope to see you December the 18th. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III. — The gong has sounded! After all the points were tallied, we find the American Slovenian Home came out the winner of the first round of bowling. Capt. Jo Ml kar, 150 average, stayed in there all the way with a 511 high series and 181’. high game credited to her account. Other members putting forth their best toward that hold on 1st place are Bernice Suski 100/169; Ann Černetič 411 /14G; Th ere se Pavnica 442/175 and their lead off with that powerful right, Helen Golobic 509/ 1S8. Stealthily punching away, is the 2nd place Northwest Rec. Club, with their dependable Capt., Marge Rachor averaging 149. Her scores of 502/192 are high for the round. Seconding her from their corner are the balance of the team: Ann Picco 4G4/I64; Ag lies Koerber 394/148; Ann Sternisha 495/198; and Shirley Goron who really let all know that she had returned, with an opening series of 498/190. In 3rd place we find the Clarence Ellena, Builders. Capt. Marje Wajch-ert 161 averager (league’s high), racked up a 513/199 for her 1st round high. Other builders are as follows: lead off Bee Kostelc, league’s president, 4G4/164; Dot Nemanich 464/164, keeping pace with Bee; and Ann Ariagno. 393/157. The team most likely to succeed is Merichka’s Restaurant, which is in 4t.l> place. They have league’s high game —819, and league’s high series—2291. Mary Rudman, Capt., is in 3rd placo with a 154 average, and also leads g v >|©.B Mit A Bright, Cheery Christmas and a | Healthy, Happy New Year! | I.G.A. FOODLINER ELY, MINN. Joseph L. Pucel, Prop. TO YOU AND YOURS, A BOUNTIFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON! BARBARA ROSANDICH STATE PRESIDENT OF MINNESOTA ELY, MINN. BRANCH 23, ELY, MINNESOTA extends cordial greetings for the Christmas season! Katherine Grahek, Pies. Barbara Rosandich, Sec’y Mary Shikonya, Treas. To Everyone, a Joyous Season and a Happy, Healthy New Year, 1961! A FRIEND Eveleth, Minn. I her team in game and series 519-196. Other members are: Ann Savol, 483-177; Rita Mitchell 465-172; Mary Rez-ick 410- 161; and Vickie Bernickas 528-203, both scores being season’s high. Papesh Funeral Home is tied for 5th. League Treasurer and Capt. Edna Grohar, 143 average has a 462-173 as her 1st round high. Lead off is Ann Stefanich with a top division average of 153 and round high of 491-178. Completing the team are; Jo Sumic 460-175; Mary Nahas 405-156; and Ann Papesh, sponsor’s mother, 4381-170. The other team tied for 5th place is Horvath Bakery, captained by BeaZo-bel, 147 average. Bea’s high recorded in the first round is 496-1S2 Other bakers are: Lead off Ann Makovec 470-179; Sophie Stiguich 462-192; Jo An-gelus 360-149; and Ann Cox 446-154. Coming out of their corner punching is 7tli place Krause Radio & TV. Their captain has league’s 2nd highest average, 160, she is Gen Klainsek. Her 511-200 is found posted on the board as "Pay Off”. The Krause team had two replacements during the first round. One is Lill Anderson, who’s name will be found in the league’s earlier records as Lill Stepaniak. In her "come back” swing she came up with a 406-151 Ind. high. The other bowler welcomed into the league in Lucille Doolin. She entered as a beginner, & polished beginner, her style proves, Lucille’s high was a 406-151, very impressing. Terese Trishner 416-147 and Fran McCarthy 453-177 comprise the rest of the team. Down but not out is Shep’ Service Station. Their fundit Capt. Lorraine Rothllsberger, 150 average, sees to it that her team’s spirit is never low. I/Orraine chalked up a 526 series. League’s 2nd high and a 191 game. Laughing their way through it all are: New Members Urged By Minnesota State President We are now approaching the end of our 1960 membership campaign. I’m appealing to every member of our fine organization to go out and talk Zveza—sell them the idea to be one of us! The assessment is most reasonable for the adults and it’s just a few cents for your children’s dues. Let the boys and girls be proud members of our juvenile department. For the member who enrolls the most new members, there is a fine award—a free paid trip to Ely, Minn., for the 1961 Convention. We are looking forward to seeing many “Honorary Delegates” visiting us then! (Minnesota members who reach the quota, will receive 3 per diems instead of travel fare.) Without increasing our membership, we cannot expect the organization to grow. So, take a day off from your daily chores and go out to see people— get a new member! You’ll be so proud and satisfied if you can say you DID! It can be done—I am wishing you lots of success! Barbara Rosandich, state president Ely, Minnesota Lead off Gen Gasmovich 505-199; Marie Senffner 457-171 Dolly Eliena 319-118; and Bernie Tezak 449-175. Good luck to all of you bowlers when you compete in the Christmas sweeper. And, a merry Christmas to all. Jo G No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio—As secretary of branch 21, I wish to extend the very merriest Christmas greetings to the members and officers of our branch. May each of you know the same pleasures and happiness during the new year of 1961 as we have had in the past. Our meetings of late have not been drawing large attendances, but we know that our members will visit us at the annual Christmas party. A one dollar gift exchange is planned among the members. Come to see us at this important and enjoyable meeting-party. And, if you would resolve to attend at least a few meetings a year, you would see that everything will be easier, happier and better. Victoria Brack is leaving soon for a vacation to New Smyrna Beach, Fla. where she will be visiting her si&ter, Josephine Basko. Happy trip, Victoria, and a safe return home. Our sincere sympathy to Pauline Tratnik and her family whose mother, Mi's. Mary Hribar from Brewster, Ohio passed away recently. Our ill member, Teresa Zupančič is in the hospital. We all wish that when she reads this, she will be well and on her feet. Happy Birthday to the following members who will celebrate in December: James Hosta, Mary Hunter, Edith Cimperman, Mary Golick, Mary Hočevar, Mary Stražišar, Victoria Brack, Rose Pfeil, Darlene Capek and Mary Cimperman. Frances Skoda is the proud grandmother of a new grandson, which makes her grandma of three. Congratulations! And, a hearty welcome to our new member, Joseph Nosan. A biassed Christmas to all. Stella Dancull, secretary g!**? '*Sš2i '5fež x»^. 's**g. 3£«l3&i* •*&%.?&£ -cfe^. -s**#. xfe*? -ss^* '®'-* -ra*^ Many a wish for happiness on Christmas and the New Year through! BRANCH NO. 28 WITH BEST WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR! SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION #32 EUCLID, OHIO m 8 Calumet, Michigan Ti»™» ***«, pre, Ann Heinemann, Pres. £■ _ Jj Mary Bonenfant, Sec’y. Stephanie Ryan, Treas. | Theresa Popovič, Sec’y Molly Gregorc, Treas. » k»®Sl. >Z^ v?3fa. r,>2fc, £<5s No. 22, Bradley, III.—With the year 19G0 soon coming to a close and not having as yet given any honorable mention to our hostesses, we wish now to thank most sincerely mes-riames Helen Sebastian!, Anna Sta-rasinich, Molly Metchuleit, and Margaret Hasset for offering their homes for our April, June, August and October meetings. They, with their assistants, entertained us with evenings full of fun, always ending with delicious, tasty refreshments. It seems this try-out of home meetings is a success and enjoyed by all. The Oct. meeting, of course, carried the Halloween theme, with some coming in very Interesting costumes. A special prize for best-dressed was giv en to Mrs. Anna La Montagne who played her part really well, acting very mute. We are happy to know that our recently sick members, Mrs. Mary Stefanich, suffering from a heart condition and Mrs. Anna Starinich, who was seriously ill with pneumonia, are both now recovering and we pray that they continue on to good health! To them and to all we wish every blessing of this joyous Christmas season! My sister, Antoinette Lustig and I, with our committee, invite you to our home, 29G No. Michigan Ave., for the Christmas party-meeting Sunday Dec. 18th at 2 P.M. Bring a dollar gift for grab-bag exchange. See you! Gabrielle Lustig, reporter No. 24, La Salle, III.—Our member, Anna Gregorčič and her husband, Frank celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary recently. The couple was honored with a surprise party given by their children. Mary and Frank Struna observed their 50th anniversary with a large reception at which the entire family was present. They had a Mass of Thanksgiving offered for them also. Best, wishes to both couples for many happy years. Deep sympathy to the family of the late Perusa Kastigar who died suddenly at the age of 18 years. Her grandmother is our treasurer Mary Kastigar. Hospitalized Is Mary Brate. To all sick members, speedy recovery. A very merry Christmas to all—and a happy new year. Please remember to get your 19C0 dues paid up before the end of the year. Angela Strukel, secretary No. 23, Ely, Minn.—Our meeting of Oct. 19th at the Jugoslav National Home was well attended. Since my last report, one of our faithful members passed away, Sophie Pryatel, who died on Sept. 27th at her home. She suffered a long illness and now we pray God has granted her sweet rest. Our deepest sympathy to the Pryatel family and her sisters. Mrs. Albert Russ and Mrs. James were welcomed as new members. Glad to have you in our midst. After the business meeting, a counting game was played. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. A speedy recovery to all who are convalescing. Ann Rowe, reporter (See page 272 for pictures of our “Dawn Club" officers.) A merry and blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Remember, Dec. 13th, meeting at the home of Theresa Zefron. Mary De King, reporter No. 30, Aurora, Minn. — Previous meetings were held at the homes of Ann Bowman of Boulder Hill which is south of Aurora, and Mary Klemenčič, who entertained us at the new home of yours truly. The October meeting was held at the home of Goldie Fayfar. Usually, the number attending ranged from 12 to 14 members. The December meeting will be held at Theresa Zefron’s home. All members attending are asked to bring a $1.00 grab-bag gift. The bowling tournament was discussed briefly. Nothing new was decided upon. However, we did hear some nice reminiscences by our last year’s team. Each hostess served a delicious lunch, popular games were on the program at each meeting and those lucky enough received fine gifts. Judy Fayfar, daughter of Barbara and granddaughter of Mary Fayfar, both our members, became the bride of Dennis Gasper of Aurora in September. We hope they have a happy and successful marriage. To those members who are 111, hurry and get well. To those members who haven’t attended meetings, please come and join us in our enjoyable evenings No. 33, Duluth, Minn.—Our November meeting night will be remembered for a long time. It was filled with activity. At 6 p.m., a very delicious chicken dinner and all the trimmings was served to 82 members. Our Pastor, Father Larkin and Father Perkovich were our special guests. A big thank you to my kitchen helpers and all who did anything to make the party a success: Mmes. Helen Krall, Frances Blatnick, Helena Ellena, Gloria Abbott, Madeline Abbott, Frances Danko, Rose Krizay and Liz Smolnikar. The tables were beautifully decorated by the dining room commitee: Winifred Ellena, Ann Puhl, Helen & Mathilda Budimir, Suntina Spehar, Doris Podgoršek, and Yolanda Plesko. Prizes were awarded to the eldest member present; she was Mrs. Mary Spehar. The youngest member, Fay Ellena and the mother who had most juvenile members in the branch, Suntina Spehar, were also remembered. I shall always treasure the fine cooperation given me for this event. The meeting followed with our president, Liz Smolnikar presiding. 13 new members were initiated—congratulations, girls! We’re liappy to have you in our midst! A bowling league was organized—-with 15 members signed up to bowl on Wednesday nights. Good luck, girls! We’ll be rootin’ for you! Our candy project sale was a huge success. Those who want more candy may get it at the December meeting. After the business portion, games were played and everyone enjoyed themselves. Because our regular meeting night would fall on an Ember Day, our December meeting will be held on the following night, Thursday night, Dec. 15th at 7 p.m. Note this change, ladiesl Election of officers for the coming year will be held and important matters discussed. Our Christmas party will follow the meeting. Another good time is assured, so please come! Rose Ann Munsell is f. 4 $ The Officers and Members of v5 BRANCH 33, DULUTH, MINN. WISH TO EXTED BEST WISHES FOR i A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO ALL! Elizabeth Smolnikar, Pres. Mary Shubitz Sec’y-Treas. MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR BR. #46 St. Louis, Mo. j Josephine Prebil. Pres. ..Helen Skoff, Sec’y Treas. 3 Seasons Greetings from afin KciuAik STUDIOS • 762 East 185th St., • Clevland, Ohio • IV anhoe 1-1797 chairman of the Christmas party and has a fine committee to assist her. We know it will be wonderful. To our sick members, a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to our Supreme Officers and all the members of S.W.U. A special greeting to our dear members! We’ll see you all Dec. 15th. Ann Podgoršek, reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn.—Members of Branch 34 met at the Catholic Men’s clubrooms for their November meeting with Mrs. Edward Dragavon presiding. Mrs. Mary Pahula gave a report on the progress of the candy selling project which is our annual money making project, and always nets a good amount for the treasury. It was decided to cancel the De cember meeting because of the numerous activities being held and the difficulty in attending with so many conflicts. However, members are advised to give their dues to Mrs. Mary Pahula at her home. There will be a regular meeting in January, and plans will be made then for our annual party. Following the business meetig, a social hour was held and the prize winners at “Cootie” were Mmes. Herman Mesojedec and Joseph Skala and at “500” Mmes. Louis Zupanich and Frank PI an ton. The evening was concluded with a luncheon served by the hostesses Mmes. Peter Yapel, Edward Dragavon and Anthony Yapel. With Christmas just a little less than a month away, may I take this opportunity to wish all SWU members a joyful Holiday season—may the Divine Infant shower each and everyone of you with His choicest blessings. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, reporter Pre-Convention Membership Campaign Closes Dec. 31st! As a member, what are you doing to help your branch, your organization, gain in numbers and strength? Our Pre-Convention membership drive will soon close. Everyone is as busy as can be right now, with the holidays just upon us, but I’m sure each of us has some one, a daughter, daughter-in-law or friend whom we could ask to join. Also, more children to join our juvenile department are so necessary if we are to insure the future of this grand organization. Not only is there an insurance policy attached to your membership, but in time of need, where can you get more sympathetic help than from ’your own sister members? I’m sure that with a complete explanation of the advantages each member of S.W.U. enjoys, you will be able to sign up many new members, not just one! Please try to help make our wonderful S.W.U. a bigger and better organization, one which we are and always will be most proud to call our own. God’s blessing to you all. Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor Duluth, Minn. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The October meeting of Branch #43 was well attended. Several new faces were present, and plans for future activities were discussed; the Midwest Bowling Tournament witli it’s 25th Anniversary, which will be held two weeks before Easter, and also a Poultry Card Party sometime in November 1961. Members be on the look-out for both dates. The November meeting was postponed because of St. John’s Church bazaar. The next meeting will bo held on December lltli, starting at 1:30 P. M. at St. John’s Auditorium. This will be a very important meeting because of election of officers will take place, and also an electric frying pan will be given away. Congratulations to the parents of a new horn girl, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Frangesli. A speedy recovery to all the sick members. I wish to thank all the officers and members for their wonderful work and co-operation they have given me. As we are coming closer to the Christmas Season. I would like to wish all our members a Merry Christmas and the best wishes for a Prosperous New Year. Rose Kraemer, Secy No. 46, St. Louis, Mo.—Had a few more members at our Nov. meeting. We decided to have our Christmas party on Dec. 4th at our treasurer, Helen Skoff’s home. Time 1:30, so, hope everybody comes! We also have to decide on a new meeting place for our meetings and have election of officers. We’ll have to get an early start to get everything in and have our party too. Everybody is to bring a dollar gift so we can exchange. The husbands of two of our members, Mrs. Speck and Mrs. Ancel are still on sick list. I’m sure they would enjoy getting cheer-up cards, especially during the holiday season. Thanks to ladies who are donating poticas, cakes, cookies, potatoe salad, etc., for our party. The son of Mrs. Hosek had surgery performed in November; we hope he has a speedy recovery. It would be nice to send him some cards, also, '^£2; 5^5&žJS&Ž£S^-SSŽy5^-'5£c* '^&ŽIS&ŠS <3£=? s5i^. ■*gsš' iqks*. xqš^. ^v*. sskšji w^ 9. SINCERE GREETINGS POR THE HOLIDAYS BRANCH 54, WARREN, OHIO Rose Racher, president; Mary Ponikvar, vice-president, & treasurer Mary Waltko, secretary; Joanne Ponikvar, recording secretary Angela Petrich, Elsie Persin, Ann Simkins, auditors Josephine Kassan, sentinel 0 A sincere wish that yours will be a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year ANTONIA TANKO State President of Ohio-Michigan 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio f-2 I I t I* A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, FROM SUPERIOR CLEANERS 419 Elm Rd., N.E. Warren, Ohio 2 HOLIDAY WISHES! PARNELL’S INTER l< >RS 230 North Park Ave., Warren, Ohio 'S&=2v'5ft=? ySbet'KS^* 'Cv*. XT, g OUR HEARTY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO YOU! | BR. 52, HIBBING, MINN. ,kJ The officers and members of ff Kitzville Location! SS3&. Everybody who attended the wedding and reception of our treasurer’s son, Richard Skoff on Oct. 15th had a wonderful time. The bride wore an ivory brocade satin gown, with scoop neckline and bouffant skirt. She wore a crown of orange blossoms with her veil. Carried stephanotis and ivy. Tlie church was beautifully decorated, all the bridesmaids looked lovely in champagne satin sheaths, with tunic over-skirts. They wore matching bandeaux in their hair and carried gold and bronze miniature chrysanthemums. The reception was held at the Gatesworth Hotel. Champagne breakfast, with rotisary chicken. The food was excellent, the music and the atmosphere were just wonderful. You just had to be present to enjoy it. It. was one of the nicest weddings I have attended in a long time. We wish the happy couple many years of wedded bliss. The next article I will write will be in 1961, so I wish to take this opportunity to wish all the members of Branch 46, as well as all the members of other branches, a very happy and holy holiday season, healthy and prosperous New Year. Marie Thompson, Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — How quickly the months have gone by! Election of officers is just around the corner. Every member should make an effort to be present at our Dec. meeting. We need your wholehearted cooperation to make 1961 a big year for our branch. You can start at the Dec. meeting by bringing along a new member. Let’s surprise Carole Tra- WISCONSIN PRESIDENT ASKS FINAL CAMPAIGN EFFORT Milwaukee, Wise.—With just a few weeks lacking, our 19G0 Pre-Convention Membership Campaign will come to an end. Questions will arise as to how many new members were enrolled. I am hoping that the Wisconsin branches have had some success and enthusiasm in achieving new members, towards its goal. Surely, there is someone in your relation, neighborhood, social circles, who would be glad to join. There is only one way to strengthen our Slovenian Women’s Union, and that is by enrolling new members. I don’t think we can remind ourselves too often, that the strength and greatness of the Slovenian Women’s Union depends primarily on it’s membership. Therefore, it is important, these last few weeks to try and get at least one new member. I3e a go-getter and enroll a member. Last month’s Zarja had a new column called Pots and Pans and Pastime, with a rather simple but delicious “Apple Strudel” recipe. The column was originated by our founder, Marie Prisland. If you are like most housewives, the tasties you prepare are often taken for granted and seldom varied. Unfortunately, like all other foods, they become tiresome if they are made the same old way, so try this delicious recipe. Our third State Convention Day, will be held on April 23, 196l and the hostesses will be Branch #17 of West Allis With the coming holiday season, 1 wish lo extend a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all. Rose Kraemer, State President of Wisconsin ven who has been chosen as our honorary delegate candidate for the next National Convention. To receive this title, she needs 30 new members in Classes A, B, and Jr. This will also help our branch. To date, we have 86 adult members. A quota of 100 members is required before we can send a member to be our own delegate to the Convention, so, please, do try to help us reach the 100 mark! If you make an earnest effort to sign up your friends and neighbors, you’ll really be doing a two-fold service. First, the new member will be happy and our branch will be most grateful to receive her. Give your branch a Christmas Present—so that in the year ahead of us, we will feel proud to know that we are loyal members who work for the progress of S.W.U. A big thank you is extended to Mary Bostian, Ernestine Jevec and Rose Mickovec, for all the help they gave at the State Convention banquet. Seeing that help was needed, they pitched right in and assisted in the kitchen chores. We will ever be grateful. Stella Roitz, who likes to travel, brought a number of souvenirs which she graciously donated to the branch, and wc will make good use of them during the coming year as prizes, etc. Thanks, Stella. The highlight of any meeting is greeting members we haven’t seen for quite a while. Tliis happy moment came at our last meeting when Ann Kumse, Stella Roitz, Rose Želodec, Hattie Jenko, Mary Hočevar and Christine Duche all attended. Hope to see you again at the December meeting! The other high spot of the evening was enjoying pictures which Sophie Poseli showed of her European trip. This time, we visited Germany, London, Holland, Italy and France. Sophie gave us a brief outline of the different countries she visited. We all enjoyed this trip very much and felt as if we were traveling along with her as she reminisced. Report of the State President of Ohio-Michigan The monthly meeting of Ohio branches was held on Nov. 9th with practically all branching attending, except 21, 32 and 47. Mrs. Pugelj, secretary of no. 17, excused herself due to the bad weather. December being the month of Christmas and everyone so busy, we decided to dispense with the meetings until Jan. 11th 1961 at which time we are to have a belated Christmas party with a $100 gift exchange. All branches are requested to be represented as we have our Bazaar and Style Show to discuss—this to take place at the St. Vitus School Auditorium, E. 62nd and Glass Ave. Each and every branch in Ohio is to be represented at the Bazaar with their own booth for display of handiwork. Also, with many articles for sale, each branch will make a little profit. So, get busy, as the time goes fast—if you want an adequate display, you’ll need a large quantity of items. We will also have a Bake Sale and Demonstration from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. Ladies will be on hand to show how to make potica, strudel, doughnuts and cakes. Here is the place for you so come and learn the secrets of good baking, girls, the way mother knows. Too often, the talent of our mothers is lost from generation to generation because the young girls don’t follow the tried and tested ways of baking and cooking their mothers knew. Hope this will be an enlightening experience for many young daughters and wives. Exhibits and sale of art and baked goods will be held Saturday and Sunday .March 11th and 12tli. On Sunday at. 3:30 p.m., a style show will begin, arranged by Grdina’s Bridal Shoppe, which is owned and operated by none other than Jean Drobnick, formerly Jean Jaksic whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaksic founded the bridal shoppe. Jean’s grandfather was Jack Grdina. There will be many other features of the show, including door prizes given away to some lucky winners. Admission for the entire show — both days’ events, will be only 50$. Attention, Cleveland branches! — The juvenile Christmas Party will be on Dec. 18th at 2 p.m. at the St. Clair Recreation Center. Frances Sietz and I are co-chairmen of the party which we hope will be a wonderful one for our children—and it will be with the cooperation of all the parents. So, please plan on attending and join the kiddies in this good time. Santa Claus will be there, too, and he will surprise you with (Br. 50 cont’d) The Bencin sisters, Carole Traven and Ann Dekleva took care of the refreshments which were enjoyed by all. Please notice that Dec. 12th Is the date set for our meeting and Christmas Party. One dollar Christmas gift exchange will take place and Christmas carols will be sung; refreshments will be served as well. You will be notified by mail of the time and place. Christmas and New Year comes but once a year, so, branch no. 50 wishes to extend holiday greetings to all the members of the S.W.U. of America! Frances Sietz, president goodies and gifts. I ask that all branches please notify me by Dec. 10th of the number of juveniles attending from the respective branches. Just let me know how many children will be there. Election of Officers for 1961 was held at the Nov. meeting and all former officers were re-elected unanimously to serve another year. The meeting was interrupted for a few minutes when we all gathered around the TV to see and hear President-elect John Kennedy speak. This is the first time in history that a Catholic has been elected president of the U.S. and we all wish him great success in this important venture. Two of our active representatives at each state meeting are on the sick list. Mrs. Mary Otoničar is under the doctor’s care, but is feeling much better. Hope she’ll soon feel good again and be able to resume her cooking and baking, for I know she just can’t stay away! Mrs. Amelia Legat is going to the hospital for surgery and at this time, we wish her a very speedy recovery. To both these ladies, God’s blessing. Have you been reading Pots and Pans and Pastimes that Mrs. Marie Prisland has originated? I think it is a wonderful addition. These recipes have been tried out by the members themselves and I know they will turn out succesfully for you. I do know Lhat the Marble Chiffon Cake is really delicious as we all tasted it at the bowling tournament in Cleveland last March. Don’t be afraid to tackle the job of making it! (Frances, this is a good plug for your cake, how about some advertising for me? Ha, Ha! Tanko) In last month’s writeup, I have a few corrections to make. Mary Iskra is the state secretary and Ella Starin is the state treasurer, not the reverse as I had it listed. Also, Louis Pahule, nephew af Mary Loushin was the bartender who worked so diligently behind the bar and not Louise Prhne of no. 42. (Editor’s mistake—didn’t dream it was male help that was so willing!) The transistor radio which was presented to the Ohio Zveza Princess was donated by Hollander Travel Agency, not the combined branches as stated. And, by the way, anyone planning on taking a trip to Europe next year should put in their reservations right away because if you wait until the last minute, it might be difficult to get space on the ship or plane. Steamship travel is very limited these days because of the increasing popularity of ocean travel. Cabin space can only be reserved if you notify the agency early. All you have to do is send in a deposit of $30.00 and tell them what day you wish to leave. Send your reservation to Hollander Agency 6419 St. Clair Ave., and they will provide all the rest of the information for you. In case you change your mind and wish to cancel, your deposit will be refunded immediately. Groups are leaving for Europe with guides in May, June and July. Albina Novak will have a group leaving by plane on June 17th and I will escort a group by ship in July. Please put your reservation in immediately if you are planning on a trip this summer. Now, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope that 1961 will bring you good luck, good health and success in every venture. May the good Lord take good care of you all! Toni Tanko IN LOVING MEMORY t ANTON TANKO (MIKLOV) Born: April 6, 1897 at Nemška Vas pri Ribnici na Dolenjskem Died: August 27, 1960 at Cleveland, Ohio Buried at Chisholm, Minnesota A sincere thank-you is extended to all the officers and members of our branches in Ohio and other states, for the messages of sympathy, their offerings of Holy Masses and prayers and their thoughtful consolation. Many tributes to his memory were made to the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Fund, the Franciscan Sisters’ St Joseph’s Home for the Aged in Lemont, 111. and other charitable institutions. To all, heartfelt appreciation. May God Reward you in return. Antonia Tanko ?&žt ^C- 558*? '5»=?. ■o***’«^- SEASON’S GREETINGS! from S.W.U. BRANCH #55 GIRARD, OHIO Theresa Lozier, Pres. Mary Ann Mehalco, Sec’y-Treas. GRAHAM & SON FUNERAL HOME C. A. Graham, Sr., Founder CONTINUOUS COMMUNITY SERVICE SINCE 1912 LICENSED MORTICIANS — LADY ATTENDANT Phones: SH erwood 1-2310 or SH erwood 1-4399 402 SOUTH FIFTH AVE. VIRGINIA, MINN. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A JOYOUS NEW YEAR, 1961! fro in j' S.W.U. #63, DENVER, COLORADO Mary Kovac, president Cecelia Kreiiing, vice-president Mollie Svigel, secretary Johanna Krasovich, treasurer Ellen Nortnik, recording sec’y DUSEK LUMBER & CONCRETE CO. 21220 Aurora Rd., Warrensville Hgts., Ohio MO. 3-5444 EVERGREEN MOBILE PARK & SALES 26041 Aurora Road Bedford Hgts., Ohio BE. 2-3114 Michigan 1 -0016 Notary Public FORTUNA FUNERAL HOME INVALID SERVICE — DAY AND NIGHT 5316 Fleet Avenue Mrs. Jake Kristance in Yugoslavia while both parties were there. Wasn’t that a coincedence!!! No. 55, Girard, Ohio — During the summer months I’ve been reporting our activities in our local newspapers and sorry not in our “ZARJA”. It is a good thing that our Emma Zore reported our news. At our September meeting the refreshments were served by Mrs. Frances Juvančič, Mrs. Nettie Juvančič, Virginia Bestic, Mary Skufka, and Julia Novosel. The birthdays of the members in September were of our president, Theresa Lozier, Frances Juvančič, Anna Umeck (The two twin sisters) and Nettie Juvančič. Games were played and won by Mrs. Theresa Severnski, Maria Cvetnic, and Mrs. Frances Juvančič. At our October meeting, Mrs.Helen Biscan was chairlady and assisted by Mrs. Anna Krivac, Mary Salajko, Anna Leskovec, and Mary Kalan. Apple and cheese strulde was served and I had to miss this delicious treat. Prizes went to Mrs. Angeline Bernard, and Mrs. Mary Salajko. The members observing birthdays in October were Maryann Bestic, Sophie Cekuta, Theresa Susnik, Mrs. Mary Lozier, Mrs. Katherine Russ, Mrs. Catherien Stabi. Mrs. Anna Kren is on the sick list, and happy to hear that Mrs. Anna Yaklevich has recovered nicely. At this time I would like to mention that our Albina Novak met Mr and Cleveland 5, Ohio ft during the past month. Also, happy to see Anna Rapinac who had been 111 at home the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kocjan visited my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Umeck of San Fernando, Calif, a few months ago. Miss Sylvia Copich, one of our members, is busy making arrangements to get married on Dec. 27th to Mr. Fabian. We have another young lady, Miss Barbara Ann Brezovcek, going to get married on Dec. 28th to Mr Frank DiGiacomo. Barbara Ann is niece to our reporter, Mrs. Emma Zore, and also proud to state she’s my second cousin. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brezovcek, To both girls our sincere wishes for a happy married life. It is hard to believe that it is the time of the year when just about everyone is getting excited over Christmas, and want to express my wishes for a HAPPY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS" to the HOME OFFICE OFFICIALS, TO OUR LOCAL OFFICERS, and TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND THEIR DEAR ONES. Anna Marie Racick No. 56, Hibbing, MINN.—Our meeting was held October 11th. We were happy to see Anna Berklich, A. Kirch-ling, and Angela Genac in attendance, all of whom have been hospitalized Our president, Ann Satovich, wishes to remind all the members that our Annual Christmas party will be held on December 13th. There will be a $1.00 gift exchange. We hope that as many as possible will attend — a very lovely party is assured by tha Committees, who are: Dining_____ Mary Drobnick, Mary Meadows, and Elizabeth Draskovich; kitchen—Mary Bissonette, Filomena Sucich, Barbara Doshen, Dorothy Oberstar, Frances Stanich, Mae Lou Chopp, Caroline Kozina, and Mary Sporer. Our deepest sympathy is extended to our faithful member, Barbara Doshen, whose husband died recently. Following the meeting, lunch was served by the following hostesses: Frances Puhek, Mary Massich, Rose Chernugal, and Mim Puhek. Door prizes were won by Eva Chernugal and Mary Putzel. Congratulations to Mrs. Tom Dre-shar on the arrival of her baby son. Also, congratulations to Barbara Doshen on her new grandson. Let’s all turn out for the next meeting. Mary Ayotte, Reporter No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio—Our October meeting was held on Sunday, October lGth at the American Slovene club rooms. Our president, Mrs. John Moliorcic opened the meeting and gave a report on the State Convention which was held In Cleveland and to which she was our delegate. Much was discussed at the convention and future plans were made for the coming year. Eleven other members journeyed to Cleveland on Sunday to attend the banquet and dance which climaxed t.he convention. Such good food was served and our heartfelt thanks go lo the women who worked so hard planning and preparing the delicious banquet. It was really wonderful and all that anyone could eat. A new member was also introduced, Mrs. Kristina Mahne, Welcome! To promote more activity within our lodge it was discussed that the members organize a bowling team. At our next meeting members are to come with suggestions of other interesting things we can do. Our Sunshine prize was won by Mrs. Kristina Mahne. Meeting was adjourned. A popular game was played. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Josephine Drobnick and Mrs. Julia Klamer. Since our meeting a sadder note to report. One of our beloved members, Mrs. Mary Shetina passed away after a lingering illness. She was a wonderful person and we all loved her very much. She left behind four wonderful boys. Her funeral was well attended by her sister lodge members and each one wore a white carnation in her honor. Eight women members were honorary pallbearers and we all hope God in his mercy will grant her peaceful rest. I3est wishes go to you all and until next time. Adios! Frances Ulle, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — We had numerous items of business to discuss at our October meeting. Again it was decided that a special assessment of $1.00 be taken up from each member for the treasury. Will you please take care of this at your earliest convenience? Plans were also made for a Christmas party to be held in conjunction with our December meeting. You know we always have nice Christmas parties, with delicious home-made refreshments, etc. Well this one will be no exception — so please come — the more the merrier. We usually have a good turnout at these affairs, but we would like to see even more of you come. So, put a ring around the date on your calendar — December 21st, about 1:30 p.m. I am happy to report that Mrs. An- m.p.: * Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer who lives and works for Zveza with all her heart, has sent in the following recipe for Meat loaf, appropriate for larger families: Juicy Meat Loaf 1 % pounds ground beef % cup Quaker Oats (quick or Old fashioned uncooked) 2 eggs, beaten % cup chopped onions 2 teaspoons salt >4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup tomato juice Combine all ingredients thoroughly and pack firmly into a loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350° F) 1 hour. Let stand 5 minutes before slicing. Makes 8 servings. J* j/t ,<* Do you like celery curls? Make them this way: Cut celery stalks crosswise into 2 inch pieces, then snip close -together slits from the broader end of each piece to within % inch of narrow end. Drop into ice water and leave there until ends curl up. J* To make whipped cream retain its peaks, add 1 tablespoon of honey before whipping. ,•* jx Rinse water from milk bottles will make house plants healthy and vigorous. J* J* jt Two lumps of sugar added to the water in which cauliflower is cooked will keep the vegetable white. gela Arko, while still convalescing, is doing very well. In fact she surprised us by coming to the meeting. We hope she will continue to improve and that she will soon be with us regularly again. After the October meeting we helped celebrate Mrs. Stephie Sheehy’s birthday. May you have many many more happy birthdays. See you on December 21st. In the meantime, a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year to all. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio— Our children’s Christmas party will be held this year on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 11th at 3:00 p.m. Santa Your coat. — You’ll wear your winter coat at least 100 times a year. No wonder it’s a major purchase. You spend more for it and are more times in it than anything else. The coat itself must be all things to your wardrobe, must prove its success by the way it relates. It goes over your important suits as easily and becomingly as over your knitted casuals or your brilliant chiffon evening dress. It is at home in city or country, or traveling anywhere in the world. The color of your coat is often the key to your wardrobe, adding vitality to your blacks, brown and neutrals, also lovely with matching colors. A good coat should last several years, staying in fashion all the time, reflecting your taste and personality. There is no room in today’s hectic life for a coat that doesn’t take over. Select it wisely! J* j* There are many things that parents can do for their children—but the most important thing they can do is to let them experience life’s trials and disappointments and help them strengthen their character by overcoming them. Dr Spock says: “Unusually per- missive, indulgent parents are more numerous today. They are weakening the character of their children. American youth is under-disciplined and over-coddled. We are bringing up our children too ‘soft’ for the stern realities they must face in life.” <5* JX The real Teachers: — Two good parents are worth a hundred good school teachers. MIRACLE We just coundn’t get our teen-age son To comb and slick his hair; But a cute little blond accomplished it, With a wide-eyed baby stare, Claus will be there to give the children gifts. Our adults’ Christmas Party will be on our regular meeting date for December, A pot-luck dinner will be held and the ladies will again donate towards something for the Rosemary Home for Crippled Children. Seventy-two members and guests at tended our annual birthday dinner this year, held at the White Horse Tavern. Everyone attending had a good time. Our project for the Ohio State Convention netted us a profit of $170.00. Thanks to all the ladies who did their part in this. We are happy to report that our member, Adaline Traska, received a beautiful radio as 4th prize. Congratulations to Elsie Liska on r*5^jv" "■ &£y&2c^SZ£3^-ysi^'^js*2^&^^y!^yQž’- '®i«?j<3&s&xsk=*. 'c«*=* '*^-. -ss**?. "®*=». 'Cjki*. •** -a*-- p; i i A JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON! BRANCH no. 73 WARRENSVILLE HGTS., OHIO ¥ SEASONS GREETINGS BR. 89, OGLESBY, ILLINOIS Frances Nemeth, Pres. Prances Meglicli, Vice-Pres. Nancy Kleczewski, Sec. Mary Kernz, Itec. Sec. Sophie Frank, Treasurer Auditors: Helen Komater, Rose Ann Prey and Josephine Schmidt Frances Gorišek and Lena Dawson, Sentinels the birth of a son. Good luck to baby and mother. On Nov. 12th, Gloria Novak, daughter of our vice-president, Josephine Novak and Timothy Dusek, son of member, Helen Dusek, were united in marriage at St. Jude’s Church. Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple. Also, congratulations to Rosalind Sklencka, who recently became a bride. She is the daughter of Lucille and granddaugkter of Emma. To all members on the sick list, a speedy recovery. And, to all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, “Our Very Best Wishes”. To all, Happy Holidays! Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa.—Here it is December already, and with it comes the yearly meeting and election of officers. There will be a lot of activities with the coming of Christmas and the New Year. Our ladies will be busy preparing and baking for the family gatherings. I want to urge you all to attend the important Dec. 11th meeting when we will take care of all business—and, then, you will be free to concentrate on the holidays with your families. And, accept my warmest wishes for happy, healthy holidays. A very Merry Christmas and may the New Year be blessed with prosperity for you. See you Dec. 11th. ..Mary Habich, president No. 89, Oglesby, 111. — November meeting was held and the election of officers resulted in the same slate of officers elected for the year 1961, except a new group of auditors to serve for the new year. Plans were made for the Christmas dinner at Vermillion Inn with a 50tf gift exchange between members. As a Christmas present to two of our worthy members, Mrs. Angie Kuhar and Mrs. Ann Szvascich, their dues will be paid for a year. The Children’s Christmas party will be on Dec. 15th with Mrs. Nancy Kleczewski in charge. Other members are asked to assist her with games and donations of cookies. The Turkey Trot was closed during Thanksgiving week with names of Ann Hancock and Raymond Konie-czny coming in first Following the meeting, a jewelry party was held with Mrs. Luella Kre-wer as demonstrator. Lunch was served by the committee. Mary Kernz, secretary No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo.—Please forgive me for not writing the news every month. I have been so busy and the months have gone by too quickly leaving me regretting the lack of time. All our meetings have been held at the home of Miss Aurelia Welch. Hostesses for August were Mrs. Caroline Kochevar and Josephine Kriz-manich and our guests that month were Mrs. Agnes Kochevar, Mrs. Ann Spritzer and Mrs. Martin Spritzer, Sr. Ann Malenšek and Catherine Lacy served in September and Mrs. Margaret Kochevar was a guest. For October, Margaret Malenšek and Georgia Me Daniels were the hostesses and Mrs. Martin Spritzer was our guest. Our November meeting was much the same with Frances Pogorelz and Josephine Somrak serving. Mrs. Martin Spritzer was a guest. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Mrs. Catherine Starika for not sending her a report of our lodge’s doings for the State Convention in August. I guess we just weren’t on the ball, Kay, so forgive us. We would like to say thank-you to her for doing a wonder-fupl job representing us at the convention. She was our delegate. I, myself, believe we should have a change In the officers, but, at the Nov. meeting, the majority was in favor of the same officers taking their present positions for another year. They are as follows: Frances Greenfield, president; Helen Cobai, vice-president & reporter; Josephine Somrak, secretary; Margaret Malenšek and Frances Pogorelz, auditors; Mary Kapushion, sergeant at arms. We do hope Mary Kapushion will be well enough to attend our banquet which is scheduled for Dec. 11th at Frank’s cafe. This will be for members and their husbands. We will also have a Christmas Tree and exchange of gifts. And, sincere get-well wishes to Mary Kapushion! Our new church, the Queen of All Saints, is being completed as rapidly as possible. The roof is on, but the snow and cold will hold up the outside work. Congratulations to John Cobai, president of the seniors at Crested Butte high school and Catherine Saya, who were elected King and Queen at the Carnival, for the second year in a row. Christmas is just around the corner and more than ever before, let us try to help one another, love one another and it will sure follow that we love God. Helen Cobai, reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III.—It seems hardly possible that another calendar year is fast approaching its end, bringing with it, the holiday season and its crowning climax, our yearly meeting. Election of officers is the main topic at the year’s end and we hope all our members will attend in large numbers, our meeing of Jan. Now, for the holiday season program: Our Christmas party, Wed. Dec. 7th will be a complete day of abstinence. We will have the usual gift exchange and the table will be full of divine goodies, contributed by the members, but no meat because of the holiday following Dec. 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This is a day every Catholic is bound to attend Mass To delinquent members: I cannot be gracious at this time oil the matter of delinquent dues. I am skeptical in some respects, and curious why you are not paying your dues! Our secretary, Mildred Poro-pat sent out cards to you, but in vain. No effort has been made by some of our members to reach her and explain your Intentions—If you want your name removed from our records, or if you will pay what you owe in dues. In all sincerity, we would like to know. Mildred will be on hand at our Christmas party to accept dues, and renew your loyalty to the branch. Greater interest is more worthwhile than non-essential members. Election of officers will be held at the Jan. 3rd meeting. The feature of the evening will be the presentation of movies shown by Catherine Alfirevich and her daughter, Helen Rapaich on their interesting travel 'jjjj&z- ^v-2 y&g-y&i?- ^r- &$ '*3&a*z- '®ka5!^58&^. y&&Q!*$y&x.y&i* '*s&z- •*:&*■ 'sgs«* '&&. 'ss&e* ^ &j H. & S. MACHINE & TOOL CO. $ merry Christmas & happy new year •j Manufacturers of J Tools, Dies, Jigs and Fixtures V PREY FUNERAL HflMF 22151 AURORA ROAD ® rnfcl runbnHb BEDFORD HGTS., OHIO £ OGLESBY, ILLINOIS Walter K. Hensse MOntrose 2-0694 j«^5k v?m&. «&. ;V BEST WISHES FOR THE SEASON jj FRAN’S TAP Fran & Maurice Kirback, Props. Pish, Friday Chicken, Saturday OGLESBY, ILLINOIS A T*j ^ _ ___ _ _ 'y ££>&, i experiences All members are invited to attend this meeting. I assure you, our Jan. 3rd meeting will not be devoted to dry business and polite small talk—but, it will be an evening which wil be well spent. Those having birthdays in December will be honored; they are: Mary Andretich, Mary Ashenbrenner, Rose Doerner, Kate Bucich, Mary Budislich, Rosemarie Cacicli, Anna Cavlovich, Jennie Corak, Stephanie Dosen, Jennie Gaspar, Matilda Jovica, Mary Kahn, Mary Kookich, Mary Marke-zich, Frances Perpich, Vica Rukovina, Mary Sambol, Lucy Sarich, Frances Seabloom, Margaret Simunic, Mary Sopcioh, Mary Starcevich, Josephine Stengel and Mary Lou Tomich. I wish you all a happy and blessed birthday. At our November meeting, a cake was donated by Doris Cuzella and Mary Simunic, baked a big Pogača with butter. It was still warm when served! How delicious! Hostesses lor the evening were Mary Perkovich, Mary Niksic and Mary Simunic. 1 am happv to report that my mother, Cvita Cliorich, is back home with us after spending a pleasant 6 weaks with my daughter, Jan Bercich in E. Lansing, Mich. Jan’s husband, Bob Bercich, was away at football training with his professional team, the Dallas Cowboys. Miss Frances Ann Simunic, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Simunic, 10227 Yates, entered nurse’s training at Columbus Memorial Hospital last month. She is a graduate of Ss. Peter & Paul High School. My sincere congratulations to you, Frances Ann. Get-well wishes are extended to our shut-in members. We are anxious to get some new members so please encourage your friends to join. In closing. I wish each and everyone a Merry Christmas, health and happiness thru-out the New Year. Mildred James, pres. No. 100, Fontana, Cal.—Well, here 1 am again, late, but sure! If you want to have a good time, there is not a prettier place than Fontana. This is the place where no one has time to get old or have stiff joints! Even I, have a hard time keeping my social calendar straight with so many parties, weddings, showers, anniversaries, lodge dances, picnics and the saddest of all, funerals. So, you see, there are not enough days in the week for all the activities. Our picnic was a success. We’re glad to have such a wonderful turnout. Congratulations to Mary Louise Lipovec, our rec. sec’y who married Frank Vidergar recently. She was a most beautiful bride. There were hundreds of guests at the reception. We wish all of life’s blessings to this young couple. (And, we hope to have a picture of this lovely bride for our Zarja. Ed.) Speedy recovery to all our members and to my sister, Mary Habich and Sophie Gorup. Also, my brother-in-law, Frank was in an accident, forwhich we extend to him sincere get well wishes. May God grant the blessing of good health to all and to Mary Zimmerman of Detroit who had visited here. Hope you are all better by now. I had the pleasure of having visitors from Ambridge, Pa, Rose Prebeg and family, who are now malting their new home at Huntington Park, Calif. And, Josephine Marchal of El-monte, Cal. brought her mother, Mary Lakner from Littleton, Colo, to see me. This was our first meeting and she knew me from reading my writeups in Zarja. Wasn’t that nice? Thanks for your visits and God bless you all. By the time this is printed, our bake sale will be over. We will report on it later. Don’t forget our Christmas Party on Dec. 1st. Santa will be there. Lunch will be served. Gift exchange, too. We extend deepest sympathy to out-dearest Mrs. Pernush on the loss of her beloved husband who was bedridden for 8 years Greetings to all S.W.U. members! Happy holidays! Anna Petrich, reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—We had a lovely time at our Oct. meeting which was held at Mrs. Jennie Vidmar’s home. She served a lovely luncheon that was enjoyed by all. Jennie also had a birthday cake for 3 members who celebrated their birthdays—they were: Mary Zimmerman, Dorothea Hatala and Jennie herself. Though Dorothea missed out on it, not being present at this meeting, she enjoyed hearing about the treat she missed. We really had a nice attendance and a very good time. Thanks to the ladies who pick us up in their cars for these gatherings! We decided to have the yearly luncheon for members late in November. More on this later. Three of our members were hospitalized for a short time—each at a different time—and hope they are feeling fit again. Mrs. Ault spent her summer at the lake with her family. The fresh air and sunshine did her good—she feels like herself again. She also offered us her home for our Nov. meeting— thanks a million! Jennie also had the usual hostess gift which was received by Mrs. Zimmerman. By the way, congratulations to Mary and husband, Joe, who are grandparents to a lovely new baby girl, presented them by their son and daughter-in-law. Best wishes to the entire family. Ann Lindicli reported a grand time in northern Michigan visiting her relatives. This summer certainly slipped by fast! I hope this coming winter does the same! And, I know we’ll all appreciate a moderate winter. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. See you at the meeting. Rose Jamnik, reporter 'Lord Keep Me Working’ Lord, keep me working; keep me fit; At windows I don’t want to sit. Watching my friends hurrying by, Let me stay busy till I die. Grant me the strength and breath and will Some useful niche in life to fill. This is my prayer as time goes by: Ixird, keep me busy until I die! Mabel Troy DAWN CLUB OF ELY CELEBRATES 25th YEAR! West Allis' Marion Marolt Appointed on Board Past Presidents of the Dawn Club of br. 23, Ely, Minnesota are still active members. They are seen at the festivities which marked the Club's 25 th an-niversary. Left to right, seated: Mrs. Frank Pucel, Mrs. Frank Vranesich, Mrs. John Miklaucich, Mrs. Amelia Mainer; Standing: Mrs. John Pecha, Mrs. Joseph Markovich, Miss Mary Shikonya, Mrs. Frank Zgonc and Mrs. William Rowe. Charter members of the Dawn Club which observed the silver anniversary on Sept. 14th with an evening of dinner and dancing are pictured here. They are, left to right, seated: Miss Mary Stubler, Mrs. Lyle Brennan, Mrs. William Rowe, Mrs. Amelia Mainer and Mrs. Joseph Skufca; standing: Mrs. John Vidmar, Mrs. John Rosandich, Mrs. Joseph Jamnick and Miss Mary Shikonya, Mrs. Rosandich is the State President of Minnesota and Mrs. Brennan is the Secretary. Not on the picture is Mrs. Frank Vranesich, another Charter member. The constitution and by-laws of the Dawn Club were drawn up by Mmes. Mary Milkovich, Barbara Brennan, Stephanie Vranesich and Amelia Mainer. No. 20, Joliet, III. — The Midwest S.W. U. Bowling Association announces that the active and popular bowler, vice president of Branch Number 17, Marlon M. Marolt was appointed as one of it’s directors. This addition to the Board will give the active Milwaukee S.W.U. another representative who will help the president, Itose Kraemer. They have the giantic task of promoting and launching the twenty-fifth anniversary 19G1 Bowling Tournament which will be held in Milwaukee two weeks before Easter, March 18th & 19th, 19G1. Preparations have already been started to make this the most extravagant sports spectacle the S.W. U. ever held. This is the time of the year—gener-and yearly meetings at which all the programs, promotions and activities of the respective Branches will be inaugurated -— as well as officers for the following year will be elected. This should be of special interest to all of us S.W.U. bowlers and sports enthusiasts. The S.W.U. has always recognized us with subsidies with which we are able to promote our activities. Then again our senior members will be most happy and they will appreciate it most dearly in seeing their daughters take an active interest in the respective Branches which they originated most proudly and unselfishly. The overall perspective of our S.W. U. is most niodernly designed in every one of it's procedures in that it match es and overtakes in many instances the flaunted features of the more reknown and popular American soror itles. This achievement is just the beginning of the great potentials and probabilities of which our S.W.U. is capable with your support and know how. Just as our Milwaukee S.W.U. is working feverishly to make our coming bowling tournament the greatest show on earth, so should we all, S. W. U. Bowlers and Boosters, start preparing ourselves to enter and to participate. The officers of the Mid West Bowling Association are always open for Information in any matters or details needed regarding the participation in the Annual Tournament, held this coming year in Milwaukee. Feel free to write. Sisterly Regards — Josephine Sumic, President Midwest SWU Bowling Association. GO TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER! 707 Boeing Jet - depart June 17 or June 29 Luxury Liner - United States, depart May 12 - May 25 Liberte, depart May 27 Queen Mary, depart May 17 Queen Elizabeth, depart July 27 AUGUST KOLLANDAR TRAVEL BUREAU 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND 3, OHIO from the editor... A very hearty greeting for the Christmas holidays! As you see by this issue, there are many who join the Officers of S.W.U. in extending these wishes—I refer to our many fine branches, businessmen and friends whose ads you see on these pages. Thanks to them for their kind interest Also, this month is the 34th Anniversary of S.W.U. Congratulations to our Founder and the organizers of our grand organization. The year 1960 is ending with this issue. In it are reports and pictures of many events of importance this past year. May 1961 find continued activity in our branches and greater progress lor S.W.U. A GENERATION APART Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Soohov pose just alter their marriage vows were spoken, before St. Leonard’s church in Berwyn, 111. recently. With the newlyweds are Sandra Soohov’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kerzisnik of Chicago who were most proud on this day. The Kerzisnik’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hopp are the bride’s parents and other members of the family include a younger son, Michael jr., and daughter Helen Smith, who is pictured on the right with her husband, George and Rev. Alexander Urankar, who officiated at Helen’s wedding in 1953. Pr. Alexander was the pastor of St. John’s parish in Milwaukee and came to Chicago especially for the ceremony uniting Helen and George. Another feature of this double pose is that Sandra’s “something borrowed” was Helen’s bridal attire which was a lovely satin and lace design. Mrs. Ursula Kerzisnik is an active member of br. 2 and our sincere good wishes to the family. Congratulations to the girls of Br. 33, Duluth, Minn, who formed a new bowling league and will start rolling ’em this month to be prepared for the Midwest bowling tournament in March. Good luck and good bowling! We also hear that Fairport Harbor, Ohio, br. 68, Is discussing the formation of their own league. Hope we’ll be reading about their successes soon. Corinne Leskovar Something New For Christmas— A HOLIDAY MOBILE OF COOKIES! Slice Pillsbury Slice ’n Bake Cookies (Sugar, Butterscotch Nut, Toasted Coconut or Crunchy Peanut) and shape holiday cookies on ungreased cookie sheets as directed below. Bake at 375° for 6 to 9 minutes until light golden brown. Remove from oven and immediately make a small hole near the top of each cookie with a tooth-piclc. Cool 1 minute; remove from cookie sheets and cool completely. Decorate aa desired by spreading cookies with icing and decorating with colored sugar or cake decorations, or by making designs on each (cont. on p. 274) —— --------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU FROM OHIO QUEEN November 11, 1960 Dear Mrs. Novak, I would like to wish you, Mrs. Novak, a belated Happy Birthday this month, November 5. I would like to express my heartiest thanks to all my friends of Slovenian Women’s Union, Lodge 50. I was very much surprised when I found out that I had won the fine honor of being elected Queen. If any of the readers are wondering what gifts I received, I would like to tell you. The most beautiful moment was when I received the S.W.U. emblem ring from Mrs. Novak. This ring, with the crest of our organization in blue, red and gold, is truly my fondest possession. It was given to me as the winner of the title, “Queen” from the Home Office. Next, I received $100 which will go toward my college tuition, and a beautiful necklace with Our Lady of Sorrow on it, which Mrs. Novak brought from Rome on her recent visit there. The ring and necklace I will treasure as long as I live. If any of the Junior members are wondering how it feels to be Queen of S.W.U. it’s a very nice honor. There is always someone who comes up to you and is congratulating you for winning. There are two persons whom I would like to thank especially, and they are my mother and father who kept on encouraging me during the whole drive. To any of the Junior members who would like to write to me and be my pen pal, I would be more than happy to correspond with you. Thank you again to all who helped me. Very sincerely yours, Joanie Arko 1171 Norwood Road Cleveland 3, Ohio CELEBRATE 60 YEARS TOGETHER Mr & Mrs. Frank Stefanic, married GO years ago 011 Sept. 29th, joined in holy wedlock on the feast of St. Michael. This year, they celebrated this memorable anniversary with a family gathering when this picture was taken. Mrs. Jennie Stefanic and her four daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Milavec, Mrs. Mary Mrsnik, Mrs. Jean Lube and Mrs. Steffie Petrie all belong to branch 14, Euclid, Ohio. Mrs. Stefanic is an active member and never forgets to bring her most delicious potica when we celebrate birthdays. Best wishes and many more years to them! Pauline Cesar CHRISTMAS TREE FOR TWO This tree for two, or even three, can be made easily as ABC. The ingenious table decoration, can be easily put together by kids eager to contribute to holiday fun. Start with an 8 oz. and a 16 oz. cottage cheese container, a 4 oz. food cup and a cone water cup; gather aroll of scotch tape and a hand stapler, some green crepe paper, gold or silver stars and small colored paper balls. Then follow these steps, assigning each step to a different child. STEP A Turn the paper cups upside down and stack them one atop the other to form a pyramid, the 1(> oz. container serving as the base and the cone cup on top. The cone cup will be secure 011 top if a toothpick is stuck through the bottom into the food cup. Wrap the whole thing with green crepe paper and secure it with scotch tape. STEP B Cut strips of the same crepe paper; fringe them and wrap them diagonally around the tree, fastening them in place with scotch tape at the top and a staple at the bottom. STEP C Decorate the finished tree with stars and small balls. — ■ ( COOKIES FOR HOLIDAY MOBILE (cont’d from p. 273.) cookie with a decorating tube. Carefully tie cookies with colored string or ribbon and hang on mobile. Wreath Slice Cookies %-inch thick. Roll each slice to five inches in length. Shape into a wreath, overlapping ends slightly. Star Slice Cookies Vs-inch thick. Cut a few slices into quarters. Place five quarters around each cookie slice, pointed ends to outside, to make stars. If desired, sprinkle some witli colored sugar or cake decorations. Ornaments Slice Cookies %-inch thick. If desired, sprinkle some with colored sugar or arrange cake decorations to make striped ornaments. Pinwheels Slice Cookies %-inch thick. For each pinwheel, cut three slices in half; place the points together with straight edges facing same direction. If desired, sprinkle some with colored sugar or cake decorations. Christmas Balls Slice Cookies 14-inch thick. Roll each slice into a ball and coat with colored sugar or cake decorations. Stencil Cookies Slice Cookies %-incli thick. Place stencil over eacli slice and spoon colored sugar Into opening until design is filled. Press sugar with back of spoon. Remove stencil. Bake. For reverse stencil, place cut-out 011 each Branch # 13 in San Francisco is planning a trip to our newest State, Hawaii, next July. The reasons are two-fold: Zveza is celebrating its 35th Anniversary and Mrs. Marie Prisland, the Founder, celebrates a birthday in June just a few weeks before our planned trip. Let’s celebrate both anniversaries in the nicest spot 011 earth, HAWAII, the paradise of the Pacific! All members must feel that we owe Mrs. Prisland our gratitude for organizing the Slovenian Women’s Union and for bringing together the Slovenian women living in the United States. Let's honor her with a trip to Hawaii! We invite all members, their families and friends to join us and malte the tour to Hawaii the biggest event we ever had. The more of us go the less will be the cost of the trip. For further information write to: Fran Chiodo 2275 Mission Street San Francisco, California ________________________________________________________________________ I DO YOU HAVE THE FEBRUARY 1960 ISSUE OF ZARJA? In it you will find a story, about the Home on the Range. This humanitarian project is receiving many applications for entry from homeless boys. Due to lack of space, they cannot all be admitted. Won’t you please help build an additional building? Please ask your friends to help. Kindly send your donation to this address; HOME ON THE RANGE FOR BOYS Sentinel Butte, No. Dak. PRIJETEN ODDIH V SLOVENIJI - 1961 Z LADJAMI: Z LETALI-JET do ZAGRBBA 4. maja AMERICA 11. maja SABENA-JET 18. maja COLOMBO 28. maja SABENA-JET 25. maja UNITED STATES 11. junij KLM-JET 11. junij HANSEATIC 25. junij SAS-JET Slovesni sprejemi v Ljublani! Blanket! v Ljubljani ter v Zagrebu! Izlet v Polhov Gradec ter drugam. SŽZ priredi tudi v prihodnjem letu romanje v: FATIMO-LURD-RIM ter obisk v Slovenijo! BLED TRAVEL SERVICE 6113 St. Clair Avenuo Cleveland 3, Ohio EX 1-8787 ( — j HOW TO MAKE A SCENTED SANTA ' Filled with cookies and spice, it smells very I nice, and the materials sell for a very low price, j With just a plain paper ice bucket, a few bits of ! cotton, some felt and a little glue, you can make j a cookie cannister that reminds the kids to be ( good pending December 25. This scented Santa J was devised by a Lily-Tulip Cup Corporation em- J plovee; in private life she’s the mother of two small ( children who are now eagerly ewaiting Santa’s I next move. ! 1. Bake a batch of whatever cookies are most popular at your house. FOUR GENERATIONS AT FAMILY REUNION FOUR GENERATIONS Eric Laurich, William Laurich, Mrs. Francis Lukanich and 2-Year-Old Leona Marie Laurich 2. While they’re cooling, glue Santa’s white cotton beard and mustache to the paper ice bucket; the “fur” trim for Santa’s cap is glued around the rim of the container. The jolly old chap’s features can be cut out of felt or colored paper. If you like, you can use two black gumdrops, for his eyes, a big l ound red one for his nose. 3. Santa’s cap can be made by pasting a circle of felt on the paper lid of the ice bucket. Decorate it with poinsettias--or with “flowers” made from red crepe paper by the youngsters. 4. Pile in the cookies—and bake “refills” as they disappear. For this is one package destined to be opened many times before December 25—and after. slice and spoon colored sugar around edge. Remove cut-out. Rake. Christmas Tree Slice Cookies VHnch thick. Arrange C slices in tree shape. Place a half slice at the bottom for trunk. If desired, sprinkle some with colored sugar or cake decorations. Recently, Mrs. Frances Lukanich of Fontana, California, our loyal reporter of br. 100, visited her son’s home in San Pablo for a wonderful family reunion of their four generations. The reunion was the family’s last opportunity to get together for several years since Wm. Laurich, who has been stationed at the Class B School at Treasure Island, is being transferred to Great Lakes, 111. The four generations included Mrs. Lukanich; her son, Chief Laurich; her grandson, Eric Laurich; and her great-granddaughter, two-year-old Leona Marie Laurich. Eric, who formerly served in the Marine Corps, is majoring in electrical engineering at San Pablo College; and during his parents’ tour of duty in Illinois, he and his wife and daughter will continue to live in Chief Laur-ich’s San Pablo home. Chief Laurich and his wife, after their son Eric was grown, started another family during a tour of duty in Japan by adopting a two- year-old Japanese girl, Linda Sue, who Is now four years old. The Chief has been assigned to serve on a new ship which is presently under construction in Seattle, Wash., during his Great Lakes duty. We know it was a wonderful moment for Mrs. Lukanich and we can see from the picture, just how happy the family was to be reunited. Best of luck to them. C. Form stocking by pushing one end slightly to one side for “foot”. ICING Combine 1 cup sifted powderrd sugar and 4 to 5 teaspoons milk until smooth. If desired, divide icing and color some with red or green food coloring Spread cookies with icing or use decorator tube to make designs on each cookie. Makes enough icing for decorating 1 roll Pillsbury Slice ’n Bake Cookies. Candy Canes Slice Cookies *4-inch thick. Roll each slice to seven inches in length; shape into a cane. Angel Slice Cookies %-Inch thick. Cut narrow strips from two sides of each cookie slice, leaving a triangularshaped piece for “body”. Place the 2cut strips at sides for wings. Make a ball from % of another cookie slice; place at top of triangle for head. Use two silver cake decoratioons for eyes. Christmas Stockings Slice Cookies %-inch thick. Roll each slice to three inches in length. Marie Prisland: Skoro vsaka ameriška gospodinja ima šivalni stroj. Naj danes napišem nekaj o izumitvi tega stroja. Bostonski časopis je 14. junija 1844 prinesel sledečo novico: Senzacija Senzacija Izvanredna tekma! Danes, 14. junija, se bo v konfekcijski trgovini Aubum in Company v Atwoodovi ulici v Bostonu vršila velika in izvanredna tekma v šivanju. Pet najboljših šivilj v mestu bo tekmovalo z našim meščanom Howe-jem v šivanju. Howe je namreč iznašel stroj za šivanje in bo sam tekmoval proti petim šiviljam. Elija Howe je bil sin ubogega mlinarja, vendar se je izučil za mehanika. Njegov učitelj mu je nekoč rekel: “Elija, če hočeš čez noč postati slaven, tedaj izumi šivalni stroj.”—Od takrat se je mladi mož neprestano bavil s to mislijo. Napravil je mnogo poskusov, toda nobeden se ni obnesel. Družina je stradala, ker je ves denar vtaknil v to stvar. Vse ženine prošnje naj opusti misel na šivalni stroj, so bile zaman. Nekega dne je pri tkalnem stroju opazil, kako šviga tkalski čolniček sem in tje, pa mu je v glavo prišla misel, da bi ta čolniček zvezal z nitko—in rešitev je bila tu. Prvi šivalni stroj je bil kmalu sestavljen. Ko se je izvedelo po mestu o tekmi s šivanjem je nastalo veliko nasprotstvo od strani šivilj in krojačev. Razburjeni so kričali po ulicah: “Howe nas bo s svojim strojem spravil ob kruh in zaslužek. Razbili mu bomo njegovo mašino!” Howe je odgovarjal, da krojače in šivilje ne bo opravil ob hruh, le njih delo jim bo olajšal. V tekmi Je prekosil pet spretnih šivilj, to se pravi, je on na svojem stroju v istem času sešil več kot pet najboljših šivilj. Velikanska množica ljudi je tekmo radovedno qpazovala. Pred poslopjem so se zbrali krojači in šivilje ter Howeju grozili. Le varnostna straža je preprečili nasilnost. Howe s svojim šivalnim strojem ni imel sreče. Nihče v Ameriki se ni potegoval ze njegov patent, tako malo zanimanja je vzbujal takrat šivalni stroj. Howe-jev mlajši brat je nato s patentom odpotoval na Angleško in ga tam prodal nekemu fabrikantu. Par let zatem je Elija Howe sam odpotoval v Anglijo ter svoj stroj veliko izboljšal, toda od tega ni imel nikakega dobička. Lastnik tovarne je tako nesramno z njim ravnal in ga tako grdo osleparil, da je moral Howe prodati svoj poslednji stroj, da se je lahko vrnil nazaj v Ameriko. Tovarnar pa je z njegovo iznajdbo postal milijonar. Isto slabo srečo je Howe imel v Ameriki. Izak Singer si je na umazan način prisvojil Howe-jev patent in je stroj izboljšal. Singerjev! šivalni stroji so nakrat zavojevali svet. Singer je delal sijajne kupčije, Howe pa je postal berač. Živel je v veliki revščini. Njegov prijatelj George Fischer ga je opozoril na Singerjevo lumparijo in mu svetoval naj ga toži. Priskrbel mu je tudi posojilo za proces Pričela se je tožba. Singer se je zvito boril in proces je trajal leta in leta. Končno je sodnija vendarle morala priznati, da je Howe tisti, ki je prvi iznašel šivalni stroj in da je patent njegov. Howe je tožbo dobil. Singer je bil obsojen, da mora plačati Howe-ju za vsak stroj, ki ga je izdelala in ga še bo izdelala njegova tovarna po 5 dolarjev od vsakega. Dognali so, da je Singerjeva fabrika do zaključka tožbe izgotovila in prodala že tristo tisoč šivalnih strojev. Howe je na ta način postal bogataš čez noč. V Bridgeportu je ustanovil lastno tovarno za šivalne stroje, ki nosijo njegovo ime. * * * Slovenci so povsod raztreseni; po vsem svetu jih najdemo. Pred kratkim sem čitala poročilo, da se nahaja z argentinsko ekspedicijo na Južnem tečaju tudi Slovenec. Časopis pravi: “Je to menda edini Slovenec, ki sodeluje pri naskoku na Antarktiko in verjetno tudi prvi, ki je stopil na ‘dno’ naše zemlje. Piše se Dinko Bertoncelj, doma iz Jesenic na Gorejnskem. Je splošno znan po svojih alpinističnih podvigih v Južni Ameriki, posebno pa še po svojem vzponu na Dhaulagiri v Himalajskem gorovju, kjer je dosegel višino 7G00 metrov, a se je moral kakih 500 metrov pred vrhom ustaviti, ker so mu zmrznile noge.” * * * Mesec december je za nas velikega pomena. V tem mesecu imajo naše podružnice svoj glavne seje, kjer se volijo odbornice in se delajo programi za prihodnje leto. Nehote mi vhajajo spomini v prejšna leta. Kako živahno je bilo na glavnih sejah! Kako čast je bila za one, ki so bile Izvoljene v odbor! Z veliko ljubeznijo in nepo pisno požrtvovalnostjo so naše odbornice vodile in gradile naše podružnice. In zdaj? Težko je dobiti odbornike in odbornice in to pri vseh naših društvih. Odbor je največje važnosti za vsako podružnico. Brihten in delaven odbor je pravi blagoslov In incijativa za napredek. Odbornice igrajo važno vlogo. S svojim delom dajejo dober vzgled in vspodbudo članstvu, in so gonilna sila nepredka pri podružnici. V čast in ponos bi si morala vsaka šteti, ke je od članstva izvoljena v odbor! Seveda so skrbi, so žrtve, pota in delo, a ničesar, kar bi bilo imena vredno, se ne doseže brez truda in napora. Odbornice se žrtvujejo, da pravilno in vestno vršijo svoje posle. Članstvo se žrtvuje z asesmentom, z delom in raznimi prispevki za prireditve. Če verjamete ali ne, žrtvujejo se tudi glavne odbornice, dasi te žrtve največkrat članstvu niso znane. Članstvo podružnice bi se naj zavedalo, da je treba c '.bornice tu in tam moralno nagraditi za njih požtrvo-valr.o delo. Tudi najbolj skromni odbornici, kateri ni prav nič do pohvale, ki nikdar ne dela radi časti in priznanja, tudi taki odbornici se s pohvalo ne boste zamerile. Vaše priznanje jo bo dvignilo in navdušilo, da bo zanaprej še z večjim veseljem delala. In kdo bo imel od tega korist? Podružnica, seveda! Glavne seje so najbolj pripraven čas, da se dobrini odbornicam da priznanje. Naj se pri vsaki podružnici vsaj ena spomni na celoletno delo odbornic in drugih delavk ter stavi predlog, da se jim izreče zahvala in priznanje. Mesec december je za nas važnega pomena zaradi tega, ker v tem mesecu Zveza praznuje svoj rojstni dan. Letos bo poteklo 34 let od njenega postanka. 19. decembra bomo pričele 35-letnico obstoja naše lepe organizacije. Glavni odbor je na svoji zadnji seji razpisal posebno nagrado za pridobivanje novih članic ta mesec. “Telefonistka” vam bo povedala podrobnosti. Čitajte, kaj pravi! Vse se potrudimo ter pridobimo vsaj eno novo članico Zvezi za rojstni dan! * * + Šest stvari je potrebnih, kdor sl hoče postaviti srečen dom: 1) Stavbenik srečnega doma mora biti poštenost. 2) Ljubezen mora biti v domu centralna kurjava. 3) Veselost mora biti njegova razsvetljava. 4) Snažnost njegova vzdrževalka. 5) Pridnost in delavnost morata biti v hiši ventilator, ki vedno obnavlja zrak ln prinaša dan za dnem novo svežost. G) Kot streha mora biti nad vsem tem razpet božji blagoslov, ki ga družina izprosi z vzglednim življenjem. sakokrat, ko se približa božič, nas stisne okoli srca. ..Božične pesmi, ki jih slišmo, ko prihajajo druga za drugo na vrsto že veliko časa pred božičem, nas navdajajo z nekim mrzličnim koprnenjem. ..Zdi se nam, da se v nas prebuja nov človek. ..Vzbujajo se nam stari spomini. Čuvstva nas prevzemajo, da sami sebe več ne poznamo in razumemo. ..Z otroško razposajenistjo iščemo božično drevo. Vsi načrti so že zdavnaj izdelani do podrobnosti, kje bo stalo božično drevo in kako bo izgledalo, četudi še pred enim mesecem nismo nič vedeli o slovesnem razpoloženju in pripravljenosti, ki jo kažemo za božič. Kako vneto iščemo primernih darov, s katerimi bomo presenetili svoje mile in drage kakor tudi prija- telje in znance. Čuvstvenost, ki je tako močno v nas zagorela zaradi božiča in ki se je skoraj izčrpala do konca, nas ni popolnoma zadovoljila. Še so pred nami nerešena vprašanja. Še nas muči negotovost. Ni nam dovolj, da smo zaželeli svojim prijateljem in znancem vesele božičn«■ praznike s temi ali podobnimi izrazi. V nas je volja storiti nekaj velikega. Ves svet bi objeli, če bi ga mogli. Vsakemu bi radi stisnili roko pa če je še tako tuja. Vsa borba za prazno čast, za namišljeno pravico, iskanje zadoščenja, kjer sploh ni bilo žalitve, se nam naenkrat zdi majhna in brezpomembna. Tedaj nam v trenutku pride pred oči kot novo razodetje. Jasna nam je resnica, da je razpoloženje v nas in drugih ljudi sad rojstva božjega otroka. Če bi tega ne bilo, bi bil svet prav tako mrzel in neizprosen kot poprej. Sedaj pa je tako svetlo in lahko v naši duši. Pred očmi nam je slika naše mladosti. Še vidimo samega sebe s kakšno ljubeznijo smo gradili jaslice *ot spomin na tisti prvi božič pred davnimi stoletji. Kako svetlo so zrle naše oči v prelepe jeslice v cerkvi. Kako še danes odmeva v naših srcih ubrano zvonenje božičnih zvonov. Neprestano so ponavljali: sveta noč, sveta noč, blažena noč. Zgodba o angleškem petju na prvo božično noč, nam je še vedno blizu. Še vedno radi slišimo njihovo poslanico: Mir ljudem na zemlji, ki so dobre volje. Sedaj vemo, da pravi pomen božiča ni v zunanjemblesku in sijaju, ampak v zbližanju duš z Bogom, ker Beseda je meso postala in med nami prebivala. Zaradi božjega usmiljenja do človeka, je človek obnovil prijateljstvo s sočlovekom. Takrat v prvi božični noči, so ponižani in razžaljeni zadobili upanje. Od takrat naprej je beseda odpuščanje našla pot v človeško govorico. Tudi sveti Pavel piše o pravem pomenu svete noči, ko piše: Razodela se je milost božja, ki prinaša zveličanje vsem ljudem. Uči nas, da se odpovejmo hudobiji in brezbožnosti ter trezno in pravično in pobožno živimo na tem svetu, pričakujoč blaženega upanja. To zbližanje človeka z Bogom mora ostati trajno. Vstop, ki ga Bog išče v naše prenočišče, mora vedno biti odprt. Izkazana ljubezen do bližnjega, usmiljeno srce, ki ne pozna razlike in sočutje do vsakega, bo obnova pravega bratstva med ljudmi in sad tega bo mir, ki ga Kristus prinaša ljudem, ki so dobre volje.............. Vesple praznike vsem. 'Blmjor-lovljea? *!Bo^5č ! Drage so-sestre: 19. decembra je rojstni dan naše Zveze in zaključek 34 let našega uspešnega dela. Zasluga gre naši ustanoviteljici in častni Predsednici sestri, Marie Prisland in njenim pomočnicam za neumorno delo. Od nas je sedaj odvisno, ali bo šla Zveza naprej—ali nazaj. Obračam se na Vas, drage sestre, s prošnjo, da bi dobile pred koncem mesecam, nakaj novih članic, dar naši Zvezi in v čast naši ustanoviteljici, sestri Prisland. Dostikrat se šliši, da Mladina noče odgovornosti. Morda je to res. Jaz pa mislim če bi dale pogum našim mladim, da bi se prizdele, ker so zmožne in laliko so važen del v življenju pri podružnici. Mi jih moramo opozoriti, da je potrebno, da se nam pridružijo, da skupno bomo močnješe in da skupno bomo več dosegle. Pred seboj imate volitve odbornic in važne sklepe za drugo leto. Odvisno je od Vas, da imate od zdaj naprej zanimive seje, ket se tudi približuje Konvencija drugo leto. Na tej seji si lahko spremenite pravila in če imate kako priporočil glede pravil pošljite predsednici za pravila, Mrs. Marie Pi island, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Mrs. Prisland bo upoštevala vsa priporočila, ki jih bo dobila do 10. januarja 1961. Vas še enkrat opominjam na tekočo kampanjo. Vaša pomoč bo sprejeta z največjo hvaležnostjo Vam vsem bo v čast ko bo vaša delegatinja sporočila na Konvenciji v Ely, Minn., KODIKO NOVIH IMATE OD ZADNJE KONVENCIJE. POMAGAJTE JI! Želim vam vsem skupaj lepe božične praznike in mnogo blagoslovov. Josephine Livek, gl. predsednica Dopisi Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—Še enkrat opozarjamo vse naše < lanice na spremembo letne seje, ki >.',e bo vršila v Standard dvorani tretjo nedeljo, dne 18. dec. ob 2:30 pop. Po seji bo servirana večerja in imele bomo tudi Christmas party. Kazale se bodo tudi izvrstne slike iz stare domovine. Vsaka naj prinese hanky za izmenjavo božičnih daril. Glede večerje ste gotovo bile vse telefonično obveščene in upamo, da se boste vse udeležile. Dajmo lepo zaključiti leto 19G0, ki je bilo za našo podružnico zelo uspešno v vseh pogledih. Ko nas bo več skupaj imamo lepo priložnost, da predložimo kake dobre predloge za konvencijo, ki bo drugo leto. V imenu vaših uradnic voščim vsem našim članicam vesele Božične praznike in srečno ter zdravo Novo leto. Mary Gode*, poročevalka PRED KONVENCNA KAMPANJA ZA NOVE CLANICE Drage članice, sedaj imate samo še nekaj tednov časa, da pridobite kako novo članico, ker kampanja se zaključi koncem meseca. Hitro na delo; bodisi, da dobite v odrasli ali pa v mladinski oddelek, da boste dosegle kvoto in imele pri podružnici “častno delegatinjo’:, ki bo šla na konvencijo v Ely, Minn. Deležne ste lahko tudi drugih lei>ih nagrad. Prosim, da se potrudite, da bomo zopet pridobile vsaj toliko novlli, kolikor nam jih smrt pobere. Naša ohijska državna konvencija in banket sta Mia zolo uspešna. Vršila se je ob veliki udeležbi članic in prijateljev. Hvala vam vsem, posebno pa tebi Albina za daliko v narodni noši, ki se je odlično obnesla. Želim vsem članicam najboljšega zdravja. Vsemu članstvu in duhovnemu svetovalcu želim vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto, da bi bilo polno božjega blagoslova. S sestrskim pozdravom. Frances Globokar, gl. pod-predsed £ '®SSŠ' \3» -i*. -®i^. .'TOč* ’^'SSssrt '^5? N^?’- 5^'’'- 'Ofes*. 'CSfec'. ’<5^. ■©■«* '5^'. '®ker. 'S*y K, DODATNI DATUMI BOŽIČNIC KASIH PODR. Klobase Klobase ^ xi (Drugi so zapisani na ovitku.) 4. dec.—Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio 1:30 pop. letna seja 7. dec.—Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. letna seja 8. dec.—Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. letna seja 11. dec.—Št. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio, letna seja 11. dec,—Št. 61, Braddock, Pa. letna seja 11. dec.—Št. 85, De Pue, 111., Božična večerja ob G uri 14. tlec.—Št. 71, Strabane, Pa., letna seja V zalogi imamo izredno okusne mesene in riževe klobase po sledečih cenah: Riževe klobase - 45 centov funt Mesne, prekajene, domače klobase - 79 cts. funt. Naročila pošiljamo po vsej Ameriki. SUSCHA MEAT MARKET 931 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. s. v?*®* i. A SS..V Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Udeležite se letne seje 8. dec. na kateri bo tudi izmenjava daril v vrednosti $1.00. To bo Božičnica za vse članice z drevescem in dobitki. Seja je važna, ker se bo volilo novi odbor in napravil načrt za delo v prih. letu. Ne pozabite tudi našo Božičnico za otroke, ki bo 18. dec. v spodnji sve-toštefanski dvorani. Vabljene tudi vse odrasle članice, ker bomo imele lep program s petjem in drugimi točkami. Seveda Miklavž bo tudi prišel. Posebni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo je pridno na delu. Postregle bodo tudi s kavo in drugimi dobrotami. Torej na svidenje, 8. in 18 dec. Vesel Božič vsem! Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Božični prazniki so pred nami. Vsem gl. odbornicam, duh. svetovalcu in posebno še vsem članicam naše podružnice, želim polno božičnega veselja in razpoloženja. Ob tem lepem božičnem času, mi bo še prav posebno drag spomin na vaše prijateljstvo, katerega sem bila deležna preko leta. Naj bodo prazniki bogato blagoslovljeni za vas in vaše družine. Naša vedno nasmejana John in Mol-lie Jeršin, sta dne 16. okt. obhajala 50 letnico zakona s sv. mašo. Slavnostni sprejem se je vršil v lepi restavraciji Top of the Town, katero lastuje sin Johnie. Zlatoporočenca je Bog obdaril z dvema sinovoma in hčerko Betty Ilund, ki je tudi naša članica, kakor je njena mama. Mrs. Johanna Kert, je prišla iz Clevelanda na slavnost zlate poroke, tukaj pa živi Mary Mihelich; obe sta rodni sestri naše Mollie. Slavljenca še vedno dobro izgledata in posebno še Mollie, je skoro tako zgledala kakor pred 50 leti. Iskrene čestitke slavljencema in vsej Jeršinov! družini od naše podr. in posebno še od mene. Bog jili živi! 29. okt. sta se poročila Richard Pu-cel in Elenor Vidmar. Ljubka nevesta je naša članica ter jima vsi želimo obilo sreče in blagoslova v novem življenju. Gotova ste vse pazno prečitale članek v Zarji pod naslovom Molek izpod peresa č.g.p. Claude Okoren. Neki moj znanec, ki je bil na obisku v stari domovini, mi je pravil, da je prinesel s seboj najlepši spominček, katerega mu je dala mama, to je- molek. Še vedno mi je v spominu, kako smo pri nas doma otroci z mamo vsak večer klečali na golih tleh iz opeke ter molili rožni venec z velikim črnim moJkom. Naša Iline Boitz, jr. je prestala resno operacijo na nogi kot posledica automobilske nesreče to poletje. V isti bolnišnici se zdravi njena grandma Anna Černač, ki je zbolela za pljučnico. Frances Mišmaš je tudi prestala operacijo na očesu. Ses. Christine Konte iz Weston, Colo. je hišni gost pri Joe in Julia Škrabec. Ona ima že več tednov bolnega moža v Št. Mary Corwin bolnišnici. Vsem, kateri željno čakate da se vam vrne ljubo zdravje, želimo kar najhitrejšega okrevanja. Naša molitev je z vami. Cecilia Bradish je imela prijetne počitnice v Clevelandu. Deležna je bila krasnega družinskega sestanka sorodnikov, katerega se je udelažilo 2C3. Tudi mladi nečak, ki študira za duhovnika je bil vesel snidenja s svojo teto. -Mary Pader je bila za več tednov na obisku pri hčerki in drugih sorodnikih v drž. Oregon. Obe sosestri sta potovali z letalom, katerega so jima preskrbeli skrbni itroci. Srečne matere! Opozarjam vse tiste, ki dolgujete za asesment, da poravnate pri tajnici, ker knjige morajo biti zaključene ob koncu leta. Brez zamere za opomin. Ponovno vabim vse na glavno sojo, kateri bo sledila domača zabava s prigrizkom in Christmas party. Pozdrave in vesel Božič. Anna Pachak, preds. V imenu odbora želim vsem gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam SŽZ zadovoljne praznike In zdravo Novo leto. Na svidenje na seji. Julka Št. 6, Barberton, O.—Zopet je konec leta pred nami. V minulem letu ste bolj slabo obiskovale naše seje, a upam, da bo v letu 1961 bolje. Kakor veste, si moramo izvoliti novi odbor in vas vse vabim, da pridete na sejo dne 4. dec. ob 1:30 popoldne in sicer v dvorano stare cerkve. Izvolite si odbor po vaši volji. Vse tiste, ki ste zaostale s članarino, prosim, da poravnate, kajti denarja se ne more zalagati. Želim glavnemu uradu in vsem članicam SŽZ vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto 1961. Pozdravljene. Mary Fidel, tajnica Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — Drage članice: prelepo poletje nas je kar prehitro zapustilo in sedoj se bo treba pripraviti na mrzle zimske dneve in s tem tudi na zimske seje pri naših podružnicah. Naša zapisnikarica nas bo zapustila za mesec tlni, ker bo šla k hčerki za Božič na oddih, zato bomo počakale, da se vrne in vas bom s karticami in preko telefona obvestila kedaj se bo vršila seja takoj po Božiču. Prosim vas, da bi so udeležile v velikem številu, ker bomo izvolile novi odbor. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj, ki ste pomagale, da smo v tem letu prav lepo napredovale. Kakor lansko leto, tako smo žal tudi letos izgubile eno članico iz naše srede to je Mrs. Rose Banič. Počivaj mirno Rose, lahka naj ti bo ameriška gruda. Št. 10, Cleveland, O.—Na okt. seji smo sklenile, da zopet pričnemo z rednimi sestanki šivalnega kluba, vsak torek ob 7 uri, ker se hočemo udeležiti skupne razstave, ki se bo vršila pomladi 11 in 12. marca na St. Clairju. Prosim vse članice, da se nam pridružite v velikem številu in s tem pomagate do večjega uspeha, ker nas je veliko premalo, da bi res mogle kaj večjega napraviti. Po 4 mesečnih počitnicah v stari domovini, se je naša podpreds. L. Čebular vrnila zopet med nas. Na okt. seji nam je pripovedovala kako se je tam imela. Prinesla nam je tudi lepe spominčke. Hvala lepa L. Pred kratkim se je preselila iz Cl. k svoji hčerki in zetu v Alcron, O. naša dolgoletna aktivna članica, Martha Baticli in njen soprog. Postavili so si tam krasen novi dom. Selili so se tja, ker je njihov sin tam zaposlen kot zdravnik in njihova hčerka kot bolničarka. Hčerka je tudi članica naše podr. Vse članice vama želimo veliko sreče in mnogo božjega blagoslova v novem domu. Pri podr. pa te bomo, draga Marta, močno pogrešale. Upamo, da nas bo večkrat obiskala. Naj Bog blagoslovi celo družino. V soboto 5. nov. sta se v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete poročila Bemar-dette Cliermely z mladim George Mar- MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Soldren & Family 231 Goodnight Ave., PUEBLO, COLORADO \ SRČNO VOŠČILO ZA IiOZlČNE PRAZNIKE! 4 A (i I John & Anna Pachak f William & Elsie Pachak & Family L PUEBLO, COLO. MERRY CHRISTMAS & A BRIGHT. t HAPPY NEW YEAR -5 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS « % 4 4 and LOAN ASSOCIATION of PUEBLO, Colo. w .................A . kovich. Nevesta je hčerka naše članice L. Chermely. Oba sta dobro pripravljena za bodočnost; ženin je kemični inženir in nevesta je učiteljica. Mlademu paru veliko sreče in blagoslova v novem življenju. V blagajno so darovale: Frances Leskovec in Mary Pavšek. Drage članice: bliža se konec leta, zato nujno vabim vse, ki kaj dolgujete na asesmentu, da to poravnate, da bo tajnica uredila knjige. Tajnica si veliko prizadeva, da ima vse v najlepšem redu in bi ji članice mnogo pomagale, če bi pravočasno poravnale svoje obveznosti. Vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam ter njihovim družinam vesele in zdrave Božične praznike ter blagoslovljeno in uspehov polno Novo leto 1961. God bless you all! Antonia Repic, porčevalka Št. 14, Euclid, O.—Seja dne 1. nov. se je vršila prav na dan Vseh Svetih. Ni bilo premrzlo, toda vseeno je bila udeležba bolj pičla. Prosim, da se v bodoče bolj potrudite in pridete polnoštevilno na prihodnjo sejo. Več nas je, tem bolje lahko ukrenemo za bodoče leto. Zima je tukaj, upam, da ne bo prehuda, vsekakor ne bo dela na vrtovih. Mrs. Ban iz Geneve nam je pisala, da bi bila vesela obiska od nas, ker je reva že toliko let na bolniški postelji. Mrs. Mary Stražišar se je vrnila iz obiska Iz starega kraja, kjer je z možem celih G mesecev potovala. Veliko zanimivega ve povedati. Posebno je bila vesela, da je mogla pozdraviti svojo 83 let staro mamo v Sloveniji. Nam se je pa zahvalila, da je njen stolček kot pod-preds. jo še čakal. Ta čas jo je zastopala Tily Špehar. Preds. Mali I>egat, kakor tudi sestra Frances Globokar, ki je pridobila tri nove članice, priporočata, da gremo na delo za nove. Na prihodnji seji bomo obhajali God Sv. Miklavža, zato je vsem članicam naročeno, da prinesejo na sejo darilo v vrednosti $1.00, da se s teni izvrši zamenjava daril, kakor vsako leto-Vršile se bodo tudi volitve odbornic,, zatem pa tri mesečno godovanje-Tako se zabavamo pri naši podružnici. Pridite v velikem številu na. seje v zimskem času, ker bomo vedno, imele kaj zabave. Pokrivanje številk imamo po vsaki seji. Ob koncu pa Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.—Vabim vse sestre na sejo dne 7. dec. v cerkveni dvorani ob eni uri pop. Kampanja za nove članice je še v teku, toda pri št. 12 pa vsi spimo. Časi se mnogo spreminjajo pri naši podr. Na bolniški listi imamo naslednje sestre: Mary Trader, Anna Novako- vicli, Mary Jeraj, Kathie Stuler, Caroline Skrubey, Josephine Kusnik, Josephine Bergenz. Prosim članice, da bi obiskale bolne sestre, če vam je le mogoče. Končno pozivam vse članice, da bi pridobile kake nove članice. Vsem gl. uradnicam in vsem članicam Zveze, vesel Božič, prav posebno še sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz, tajnica Pozor Zvezine Članice! Prihodnje leto meseca julija bo podružnica Št. 13 v San Franciscu imela veliko potovanje v našo najnovejšo državo HAWAII, lii je raj Pacifiškega oceana. Namen je Zveza bo prihodnje leto praznovala svoj 35-letni jubilej obstoja, Mrs. Marie Prisland, njena ustanoviteljica in vsa leta neutrudljiva delavka pa bo meseca junija imela svoj rojstni dan. Dajmo obe slavnosti praznovati na Krasnem otoku Hawaii, ki nam bo vse življenje ostal v najlepšem spominu. Vse članice se zavedamo, da sino Mrs. Prisland dolžne zahvalo, ker je ustanovila Slovensko Žensko zvezo, ki nas je pripeljala skupaj, da se poznamo kot Ameriške Slovenke. Brez Zveze bi si bile tujke. Počastimo torej ustanoviteljico 35 letnico Zveze. S potovanjem na Hawaii. Prijazno vabimo vse članice, njih družine in prijatelje, da se temu potovanju pridružijo. Garantiramo Vam, da boste v dobri in veseli družbi. Čim več nas bo, cenejše bo potovanje. Za nadaljno podatke pišite na: Fran Chiodo 2275 Mission Street, San Francisco, California VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE TEK ZDRAVO IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Vsem Glavnim Odbornicam in Članstvu S.Ž.Z.! % želi 4. PODRUŽNICA ŠT. 5 Indianapolis, Indiana HEARTY GREETINGS FROM JOS. PRIMC DELICATESSEN 15508 Holmes Ave Cleveland 10, Ohio Tel. GLenville 1-7487 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE! HOLMES AVE. MARKET FRESH & HOME SMOKED MEATS FANCY GROCERIES & VEGETABLES 15638 HOLMES AVE. ft CLEVELAND, 10, OHIO LI. 1-J5139 tudi malo kofetka. Za vse to pa skrbi Čebulova mama iz Lindberg Ave., ki zastopa kuhinjo. Mrs. Frances Grchman pa nam pošilja pozdrave po hčerki Frances, ker se sama zaradi bolezni ne more udeležiti sej. Tudi Mrs. Gorše, je bila zadnje čase hudo bolana. Prosim, da se vseh bolnih spominjate v molitvah. Ker se bližajo božični prazniki, voščim vsem članicam vesele praznike v zdravju in veselju Vam in Vašim družinam. Antonia Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), Ohio —Zadnja seja je bila bolj kratka, zato tudi nimam kaj posebnega poročati. Preds. je poročala o državni konvenciji, a več o tem se bo razmo-trivalo na letni seji. 22. okt. se je poročil sin naše članice Angele Plašček. Izkrene čestitke. S. Mary Rožanc je zopet postala dvakrat več stara mama, ko so pri sinu Rudolfu dobili lepega fantka in sinu Richardu pa zalo hčerko, ki bo delala družbo sestrici. Rosi Vatovec je se vrnila iz bolnišnice. Želimo ji, da bi se kmalu zopet zdrava vrnila med nas. Ker smo ob zaključku leta, se želim v imenu odbora zahvaliti vsem tistim članicam, ki so redno prihajale na seje, kakor tudi vsem tistim, ki ste na katerikoli način sodelovale in pomagale pri napredku podružnice. Hvala vsem souradnicam za tako složno delovanje. Najlepšo zahvalo izrekam tudi naši urednici Corinne za njeno potrpljenje, ki ga je imela z mojimi dopisi. (Z veseljem c.) Vsem članicam in gl. odboru želim blagoslovljene božične praznike ter srečno in zdravo novo leto, našim bolnim članicam pa želim hitrega okrevanja. Helen Mirtel, poročevalka Št. 16, So. Chicago, HI. — Bil je krasen dan 25. sept. ko sta Jerry in Katarina Triller praznovala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Otroci so jima priredili lepo slavje na domu in povabili ožje sorodnike. Bog vaju ži- vi še mnogo let zdrava in .vesela. (Opis in slika sledi). Pri naši podr. smo sklenile, da vsaka članica, ki pride na sejo sest-krat v letu bo imela prosto vožnjo na busu na Zvezin dan v Lemont. Torej dekleta korajžo in na seje, saj so vendar naše seje zanimive in se malo pomenimo s prijateljicami. In Mrs. Buck nam vedno skuha dobrega hofetka, da zalijemo dobrine, katere prinesejo naše dobre članice. Kaj pa kampanja, zdi se mi da gre bolj počasi naprej. Potrudimo se vsaj sedaj v zadnjih mesecih, da dosežemo zaželjeno vsoto, vsaka podr. vsaj 10 novih članic. Naše pijonirke gredo po plačilo, me pa glejmo, da ne bomo nazadovale, ampak napredovale. Nagrade so lepe, le potrudimo se, da jih zaslužimo. Ker je več naših članic bolnih, toda ne vem vseh imen, pa želim vsem in vsaki posebej hitrega okrevanja, da boste zopet lahko prišle na seje, kajti vsako pogrešamo. Pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu, Katie št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Na seji v novembru smo se prav lepo zabavale. Hvala vsem, ki ste se udeležile ter upam, da boste prišle tudi na decembrsko sejo. Posebna hvala Ivanki Grebenc In Albini Malo-vasič, ki sta nam postregli z dobrotami in jaz sem prinesla “ocvirkovko”. Žal naj bo vsem, ki ste doma sedele in me smo se pa dobro imele, ha, ha! Na prihodnji seji bomo imele izmenjavo božičnih daril in prišel bo tudi Miklauž. To ba glavna seja in volitev odbora. Najbolj bomo vesele, če boste pripeljale kaj novih članic. Približuje se konvencija in bi bilo za vse članice lepo, če bi tudi naša podružnica bila na častni listi v tekoči kampanji za nove članice. Na svidenje na seji! Vsem bolnim želimo ljubo zdravje in želje, da bi vse imele lepe praznike ter srečno novo leto vam pošiljam. Nettie Strukel, predsednica št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Bližajo se nam veseli in najlepši prazniki v letu. to so gotovo božični za katere se vse povsod pripravljamo, Naj bo star ali mlad vsak z radostjo v srcu pričakuje božični dan in otroci, imajo glavno skrb, kaj bodo lepega dobili od Santa Claus. V decembru je tudi praznik, oziroma obletnica ustanovitve naše Zveze, ki se je rodila dne 19. decembra, pred 34. leti. Zato sestre, potrudimo se vse povsod, da bomo poklonile vsaj eno novo članico za božično darilo in za rojstni dan Zvezi. Jaz se bom gotovo potrudila vpisati vsaj eno novo. Ali boš tudi ti, draga sestra storila isto za svojo priljubljeno Zvezo? S tem boš gotovo prinesla veliko veselja in zadovoljstvo v sredo svojih so-sester! Drage mi sosestre! Vljudno ste vabljene na glavno sejo v četrtek večer. 8. decembra, ker bo volitev odbora in razmotrlvale bomo o zadevah, ki so za dobrobit podružnice za prihodnje leto. Vsaka dobra beseda m vsako priporočilo bo hvaležno sprejeto. Ker nismo imele v poletnem času rednih sej, zato se odzovite vsaj za glavno sejo v decembru. Velika udeležba bo prinesla tudi mnogo lepili zaključkov. Za decembrsko Zarjo sem dobila ^s": ."SS*?. '««*58»® "^5^ TS*** '®^- '<»=?'• PODRUŽNICA ST. 12 želi Vsem Članicam Vesel Božič in Srečno Novo Leto! [j Frances Plesko, Preds. Mary Evanich, Pod-preds. 1 Mary Mesarich, Zapis. Mary Schimenz, Tajnica Milwaukee, Wisconsin OUR BEST WISHES TO YOU FOR HAPPY HOLIDAYS! BEST GAS & OIL CO. Wholesale Petroleum Products GILBERT, MINNESOTA SH. 1-5171 JELENC FUNERAL HOME EFFICIENT, DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE Beautiful Chapel 2316 West National Avenue MILWAUKEE 4 WIS. Mitchell 5-6065 or Mitchell 5-3278 I? nekaj oglasov za Zarjo. Priporočam vam, da obiščete trgovce, ki so nam naklonjeni in omenite jim, da ste či-tale oglas v Zarji, ker potem je lažje dobiti drugič, ko gremo zopet po oglase, ker to si vsak trgovec dobro zapomni. Tudi na bankah jim omenite, ker tam vas zelo radi vidijo, da pridete večkrat s svojimi prihranki. (Prisrčna hvala, sestra Lenich, za Vašo neutrudljivo pomoč, ker Vi ste vedno med prvimi kar se tiče pridobivanja oglasov za kar smo vam iskreno hvaležni-C.L.). Ako ne veste kaj bi dali svoji prijateljici za božično darilo, vam svetujem, da ji podarite našo poljudno kuharsko knjigo “Woman’s Glory— The Kitchen”, brez katere ne bi smela biti nobena naša gospodinja in še posebno za mlade je koristna, da se navadijo delati dobre potice, štrudlje, krofe, flancate in druga jedila. Lahko jo dobite na seji ali pri meni na domu. V tem letu, ki se bo v kratkih tednih za vedno od nas poslovilo, smo imele pri naši podružnici precej živahnega gibanja in to posebno ob času, ko smo se pripravljale za sprejem Zvezinega dne. Ponovno izrekam najsrčnejšo zahvalo vsakemu posebej in vsem skupaj, za prijaznost in mnogotere naklonjenosti, ki ste jih izkazali. Veselje je biti v uradu, kjer je složnost in ljubeznivost med članicami in to ste v obilni meri pokazale v tem letu, drage sestre. Bog vam naj poplača na vseh koncih in krajih. Voščim duhovnemu svetovalcu, vsem glavnini odbornicam ter vsem članicam po Ameriki, da bi vam Božje Dete prineslo mnogo blagoslovov ter zdravje in srečo v novem letu. Po svetu, ki je tako velik, pa naj bi za vselej zavladal ljubi mir in sprava! Na svidenje na seji 8. decembra in prosim vse, ki imate za plačat da bi gotovo prišle, ker bi rada imela vse v lepem redu prod nastopom novega leta. Z hvaležnim pozdravom, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III., —■ Naše sožalje družini Govednik, kateriso izgubili dobrega očeta Joseph Govednik, starega 69 let. Umrl je v Billings bolnišnici po daljši bolezni. Njegova žena Jennie je umrla leta 1955 ter bila dolgoletna naša članica. Pokojni je stanoval v Jolietu preko 50 let, kjer ima svoj dom na N. Hickory Street. Bil je uposljen v Ruberoid, predno je šel v pokoj. Bil je član raznih organizacij. Zapušča tri sinove, in dve hčerke Mrs. John Mahon (Dorothy), in Miss Jean Govednik. Dorothy je bila dolgo letna kapitanka našega zmagovalnega krožka. Zapušča tudi teto Barbaro Ancel, ki je tudi naša članica in eno sestro v Sloveniji, in brata Martina v Jolietu. Zapušča tudi več nečakov ter Edward Ancel, kateri je moj zet. Pokojni je bil mirnega značaja in priljubljen pri vseh kateri so ga poznali. Pokopan je bil iz naše farne cerkve Sv. Jožefa na farno pokopa lišče. Naša članica Suzanna Glavan (Mrs. Anton), žaluje za očetom Mr. Thomas Kovalčik, kateri je umrl hitre smrti. Bil je star 76 let. Pokopan iz Sv. Cirila in Metoda na isto pokopališče. Naše sožalje vsem družinam pokojnih, rajnim pa naj sveti večna luč. Vrnili so se iz Miami, Flo., Mr. in Mrs. Rudolph Pucel in sinovi, kjer so prebili dva tedna. Tja je šel Rudi Pucel kot član Jolietske zmagovalne Harwood Post godbe, katera je ponovno odnesla prvo nagrado. Bolna je bila članica Mrs. Agnes Ferkol. Upam, da je že na potu okrevanja. Sedaj ko so predsedniške volitve za nami, in je zmagal Sen. John Kennedy, sem uverjena da smo vse članice nanj ponosne, ne glede katere stranke so članice. Važno je za ves katoliški svet, da nam vlada enkrat katoliški predsednik. Upajmo in pro- simo Boga, da bo modro in razsodno vidil našo veliko deželo v miru in blagostanju v teh kritičnih časih in da bo pravi naslednik F. D. Roosevelt. Božič je pred nami. Hitro se je zopet zasukal koledar in že smo v zadnjem mesecu v tem letu. Upam da boste vse članice v zdravju in veselju, preživele te lepe praznike. V tem mesecu je tudi naša letna seja, in sicer v navadnih prostorih Ferdinand dvorani. Priporočam, da bi vse prišle na letno sejo, saj je predsednici toliko lažje voditi sejo, ako je velika udeležba. Mnoge se boste tudi spomnile, da dolgujete še v tem letu. Ne odlajšate, ampak poravnajte do konca leta, da bo tajnica lažje knjige zaključila Iskrene čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Francis Muster, ki so dobili te dni sinčka, kateri se bo igral s svojilni dvema sestricama. Enako čestitke Mrs. Josephine Muster in soprogu ki sta postala tretjič stara stariša. Mrs. Muster je naša nadzornica. Pozdravljam vse članice, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland 35, O.—Pozdravljene drage sestre pri vseh podr. Čas tako hitro beži, smo žs pred prazniki. Zadnja seja je bila prav zadovoljiva. Sklenile smo, da se napravi mali party za Božič. Vse sestre ste naprošene, da prinesete darilo za $1.00 za izmenjavo. Prav vesele smo sprejele ses. blag. Josephine Weiss, ki se je zdrava vrnila iz dolgega potovanja. Hvala je za poslano karto. Ses. Mrs. Brakovič se je podala za stalno v New Smyrna Beach, Flo. in ji vse želimo srečno pot. Prav nevarno je zbolela ses. Rozi Župančič, ki ji vso želimo hitrega ozdravljenja. 10. dec. obhaja rojstni dna naša dobra članica Mary Hočevar. Vse najboljše in se mnogo let v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želi vsem članicam PODR. ŠT. 19 EVELETH, Minnesota Rev. J. Jershe, duh. vodja; A. Nemgar, preds.; Catherine Polack, podpreds.; Mary Lenich, tajnica in blagajničarka; Mathilda Rebetz, zapisnikarica; nadzornice: Frances Sterle, Catherine Polack, in Anna Skrinar. COMPLIMENTS OP FRANCES BEAUTY SHOPPE 428 Jones St. Phone SH 1-8180 EVELETH, Minnesota “If your hair is not becoming to you— You should be coming to us!” SEASON’S GREETINGS! BETTER FOODS MARKET ‘PR IMOZ IC’S” Red and White Stores Phone SH 1-5895 511 Grant Ave. Eveleth. Minn. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ROGERS ELECTRIC Eveleth, Minnesota 310 Grant Ave. Phone SH 1-7175 Hotpoint Sales Electrical Contractors Wishing Everyone A JOYOUS SEASON AND A HEALTHY HOLIDAY and SATISFACTORY NEW YEAR 1961! Miners National Bank Eveleth, Minnesota 6 '■fl'V First National Bank Eveleth, Minnesota MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! THE GOLDEN RULE Evelsth’s Leading Department Store Phone SH 1-7435 321-323 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota SEASON’S GREETINGS! SIEGEL'S Furniture & Appliance, Inc. Carpets, Bedding and Home Furnishings 313-315 Grant Ave. Phone SH 1-1627 EVELETH, Minnesota MERRY CHRISTMAS and A I-IAITY NEW YEAR! SEDEY’S FAIRWAY FOODS 317 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota FRESH HOME-SMOKED MEATS, FINE FOOD GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES WE DELIVER SEASON’S GREETINGS! BIWABIK STATE BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. BIWABIK, Minnesota Mrs. Louise Nisen, President Miss Mary R. Lushene, Exec. Vice-Pres. & Cashier MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! STEBLAY’S JEWELRY 307 Grant Avenue EVELETH, Minn. All kinds of religious articles & Christmas gifts which will be long treasured by all your friends! GREETINGS! DAIRY BAKERIES Distributors of AWREY BAKED GOODS JOHN SMOLTZ, Owner and General Mgr. 9958 WARD, Detroit 27, Michigan s Božični prazniki so pred durmi in želim vsem sestram SŽZ, da bi jih v veselju iz zdravju obhajale in vso srečo v Novem letu. Voščila tudi g.p. Claude Okorn, OFM, ki tako lepe članke pišejo v Zarjo. Hvala vam za lepo branje. Hčere in sin pokojne Ivane Zalar se prav lepo zahvaljujejo vsem za obiske in sožalne karte ter molitve. Iskrena hvala vsem sestram za sočutno prijaznost.—Hčerke blage pokojnice pa bodite potolažene, kajti vaša mama je odšla tam, kamor ji bomo tudi me sledile. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj. Čestitamo sestri Ceciliji Brodnik, ki je postala osmič stara mati in 8 krat pra stara mati. S. Mejzel jo postala drugič stara mati, ko so pri sinu Antonu dobili sinčka. Čestitke tudi stari materi Mrs. Mejzel. Vsem mladim mamicam želim ljubega zdravja in dosti blagoslova. Malčkom pa, da bi ras-tli v milosti božji. Stefan Brodnik, sin naše sestre bo šel v Florido, kjer je kupil hišo in mu vse želimo dobre sreče in zdravja. Zadnji mesec so obhajale rojstne dneve: s. Mary Mismas, 13. okt., s. Theresa Lah 21. okt. s. Frances Blatnik, 28. okt. je bil posvečen Rožen-venski Materi Božji; lepo je skupno moliti. Vse sestre lepo pozdravljam in želim, da se vidimo zdrave in vesele na prihodnji seli. V molitev priporočani Ana Avguštin, ki je že dalje bolana v bolnišnici in Josephine Struna v Calif, Naj jim Marija zdravje bolnikov izprosi zdravja. Pozdravljene in na svidenje na seji. Posebna hvala Mrs. Mary Nosan, ki nas je zadnjič tako lepo pogostila. Frances Kave Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Zopet je za nami dan Minnesotskih podružnic, ki se je vršil to leto na Eveleth. Udeležba je bila velika, busi in automo-bili so vozili naše članice iz vseh krajev. Naša podr. je tudi bila dobro zastopana. Lahko rečem, da je bil to se najlepši Zvezin dan v Minn. Vsako leto je večje zanimanje za te dneve. Ko so skupine prihajale nas je pred dvorano pričakala in pozdravila naša urednica, Corinne Leskovar. Tam je bil tudi njen prijazen soprog Ludvik. Vesele smo tudi bile, ko smo zagledale našo Albino, ki je tudi imela priliko priti z družino. V dvorani so nam postregli s kavo in pecivom, kar se nam je lepo prileglo po daljši, ali krajši vožnji. Potem smo se podali v cerkev in sv. mašo so darovali Father .Terše ki so nas tudi v lepih besedah nagovorili in pozdravili. Cerkveni zbor pa je med vso mašo prepeval lepe slovenske Marijine pesmi. Po verskem opravilu smo se podale nazaj v dvorano, kjer je bilo zborovanje nakar je sledil banket. Programa ne bom opisovala, ker vem, da bo vse na drugem mestu Št. 24, La Salle, III,—Gornja slika je bila posneta v San Francisco, Cal., kjer je naša dobra clanica Mrs. Katrin Spicmiler obiskala svojo hčerko Trese Vallee (Mrs. John), svojo vnukinjo Marly White (Mrs. Robert) in pravnukinjo Kathleen White. Čestitke poli o s n i pra-stari materi! Pozdrav vsem! Angela Strukel, tajnica opisano, toda vem, da je odbor evelet-ske podr imel veliko dela in truda, da je bilo vse tako lepo izpeljano. Mrs. Lenich gotovo ni spala par noči, toda Mary naj bo v tolažbo, da je vse tako kar najlepše izpadlo. Torej, na svidenje drugo leto v Chisholm. Žal moram poročati žalostne novice. V enem tednu smo izgubile 2 članice. Koncem sept. je umrla Sophie Prijatel, stara komaj 42 let. Podlegla je srčni bolezni. Zapušča moža Joe, sina in 2 hčerki. Samo par dni zatem pa je umrla Margareta Grahek, vdova po pokjn Johnom. Bila je 69 let stara. Bolana je bila več let na sladkorni bolezni. Zapušča 3 sinove in 2 hčeri, ki so vsi poročeni in več drugih sorodnikov. Pred par meseci pa je umrla Rose Škufca stara nad 80 let. Vse so bile dolgoletne članice naše podr. Žalujočim naše globoko sožalje, pokojnim pa naj Bog podeli večni mir in pokoj. Priljubljene igre na sept. seji so se dobro obnesle in naša blagajna si je opomogla. Toda ostalo je precej dobitkov, ki bodo prišli prav na dec. seji, zato se vse gotovo udeležite te seje, ker bo zopet mnogo članic srečnih. Pa še svoje prijateljice povabite na igro po seji. Več nas bo, bolj bo veselo in zabavno. Kath. Slogar, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III.—Seja je bila še kar dobro obiskana, seveda bi lahko prišle tudi tiste, ki nikoli ne pridejo. Prosila bi tudi, da tiste, ki ste zaostale z asesmentom, da bi sedaj poravnale, ker leto gre h koncu in za tajnico je težko, ker mora vsak mesec poslati denar na gl. urad. Torej prosim, da pridete in poravnajte, da bom knjige imela zaključene, ko jih predložim nadzornicam. 25 letnico zakona sta praznovala članica Anna Gregorčič in njen soprog Frank. Otroci so ju presenetili s surprise party. Želimo jima še mnogo let zdravja v krogu rvoje družine. 50 letnico zakonskega življenja sta slavila Mary in Frank Struna. Lepa slavnost se je vršila v Narodnem domu, katero so pripravili njuni otroci. Posebna sv. maša je bila darovana za zlatoporočenca v slov. cerkvi sv. Roka, katere se je udeležila vsa družina. Želimo jima mnogo let ljubega zdravja. Kruta smrt je zopet poseg!a v našo podr. ter si je izbrala za svojo žrtev 18 letno dekle Peruša Kastigar. Podala se je k počitku in zjutraj so jo našla mrtvo. Smrt ne izbira in ne vemo ne ure ne dneva. Pokojna Penisa zapušča globoko užaloščene starše, sestro, brata in staro mater, Mary Kastigar, ki je naša blagajničarka. Sorodnikom naše sožalje in pokojni naj bo Bog dober plačnik. V bolnišnici se nahaja Mary Brate. Njej in vsem bolnim članicam, želimo ljubega zdravja. Zopet vabim vse na sejo in želim vsem vesele božične praznike in veselo Novo leto. Enako vsem gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam po celi Ameriki. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. Caš hitro beži, komaj je minulo poletje, pa je že Božič tukoj. To leto je kar tako hitro minulo. Tudi volitve so za nami. Z napetostjo smo pričakovali kaJio bodo iztekle, toda Mr. Kennedy, ki je katoličan, je vse lepo izpeljal, da smo lahko ponosni na njega. Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Urbas sta praznovala 25 letnico srečnega zokons-kega življenja. Imata 3 fante in hčerko. Vse jima želimo, da bi srečna dočakala še zlato poroko. Mrs. Urbas in njena sestra Mrs Foletič ddstlkrat zabavajo naše članice z lepim petjem. Poročila se je hčerka naše dobre članice Mr. in Mrs. John Zarnik. Vzela je David Zak. Poroka je bila v cerkvi Sv. rančiška, kjer je nevesta obiskovala farno in višjo solo. Mlademu paru vso srečo v zakonskem življenju Mrs. Angela Virant se je morala podvreči operaciji. Želimo ji hitrega okrevanja, ki bi bila zopet kmalu med nami. Resno opominjam sestre, ki so zaostale s članarino, da poravnate, saj čitate koliko članic nam je smrt pobrala. ŠTIRJE RODOVI Sedaj je tudi zadnji mesec kampanje in prosim, da pripeljete kaj novih na sejo. Dajmo vsaj toliko novih pridobiti, kolikor smo jih izgubili v tem letu. Zopet bomo imele božičnico skupaj s štev. 50 za naše mlade, da bomo mladino razveselile. Za datum bom že poklicala. Želim vsem članicam gl. odbora in našemu duh. svetovalcu Rev. C .Okorn, OFM in vsem našim sestram vesele, zadovoljne in blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno Novo leto. Na svidenje na dec. seji. Mary Otoničar Št. 28, Calumet, Mich.—Pozdravljene uradnice in članice Zveze! Po dolgem času se zopet oglašam. Kakor vsako leto se sedaj bliža volitev odbora, zato je dolžnost članic, da pridejo polnoštevilno na sejo in izvolijo dober odbor za prihodnje leto. Če podružnice dobro napredujejo, vsa organizacija uspeva. Vsa čast Mrs. Marie Prisland, da je imela tako dobro misel, da je ustanovila Zvezo, saj imamo 100 podružnic po Ameriki. Na to smo lahko ponosne, pa lahko bi jih bilo še več, ker je veliko naselbin, ki nimajo podružnice. Imamo nekaj bolnih članic in upam, da bodo kmalu ozdravele in prišle na seje. Naše seje so zanimive in po seji imamo lunch in zabavo, tako, da čas hitro mine v prijaznem pogovoru. Pripeljite nove članice, če vam je le mogoče. Na dec. sejo pride Miklavž in imamo izmenjavo daril. Pozdrav Mary Stefanek, poročevalka Št. 30, Aurora, III.—Danes pisem iz Oconomowoc, Wis. in zato nimam poročila o okt. seji. Če bi bila doma, be se je bila gotova udeležila, saj se imamo vedno lepo na sejah, četudi nas ni veliko pa se vedno precej nasmejemo, kar je koristno za nas. Zelo rada berem dopise v katerih članice opisujejo svoje počitnice, posebno še tiste, ki ste tako srečne, da šle v staro domovino. Oj hišica očetova kak’ ljubim te, pa čeprav si že v tujih rokah! Ne verjamem pa, da bi katera dobila tako povabilo za počitnice, kot sem ga jaz od sina pri katerem sem sedaj. S sinom, ki je še doma sva se namenila da bova šla v Wis., pa dobim karto, ki pravi: Don, če prideš gotova pripelji še mamo, nato pristavi: ma, pridite gotovo, kajti vse stare in raztrgane štumfe šparamo za Vas . . . Amen. Verjemite, da sem se ves dan smejala. In zdaj sem res tukaj za nekaj dni. Kako je pa s štumfi, si pa lahko mislite kar si hočete. Drevje je v jeseni tukaj nad vse lepo in se spreminja v vse mogoče barve, le škoda, da so ptičice odletele v toplejše kraje, samo muhe še pobijamo. Večkrat mi pride na misel družina v Žerovnici, rekli si pri Las- tavcavih, pisali so se pa Muha. Iineli so sina Janeza, ki je bil vesel fant. Ko so enega večera fantje iz Žerov-nice in Grahovega v gostilni pili in peli, je prišla na vrsto tudi tista: “Kje je tista muha, muha, muha, ki nima nic trebuha, buha, buha . . .” Janez pa skoči na mizo in zapoje: “Tu je tista muha, k’ nima nič trebuha . . .” Vse je pogledalo kaj to pomeni, ali pretep, pa jim je Janez razložil, da se on piše muha in vse je bilo veselo. Res revni smo bili v starem kraju, pa so si ljudje znali napraviti veselje iz prav malih reči. Moj sin, ki živi v Lombard, Ul., je pisal Planters Peanut Co. in jim povedal, da je kupil in pospravil že veliko pinaca, pa ni dobil niti enega slabega do sedaj, tega pa je zavil v papir in jim poslal s čestitkami, da imajo res dober pinac. Kompanija se je Hermanu zahvalila in mu poslala 3 kante dobrega pinaca. Vidite, tudi družbe rade vzamejo dobro besedo. Vesele in zadovljne Božične praznike želim vsem članicam in njihovim družinam, vsem, ki berejo Zarjo in še posebej tistim, ki mi vsako leto pošljejo toliko lepih kartic in še lepših voščil. Noj vas vse dete Jezušček blagoslovi. Vaša, Frances Kranjc, 807 Aurora Ave. Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn.—Vabljene ste vse sestre na glavno sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 13. decembra. Pridite v obilnem številu in vsaka naj prinese darilo, vrednost en dolar, ker bomo imele običajno izmenjavo. Poseji bo serviran tudi okusen prigrizek. Poleti nimamo sej, zato se pričakuje, da boste res vse prišle, ker to bo zadnja seja v tem letu. Smrt se oglaša enkrat po mladih in potem zopet pri starejših. Letos smo izgubile štiri članice: Mary Kern, Frances Champa, Theresa Slabotnik in Frances Križel. Vse so bile zveste članice ter pogostokrat prišle k sejam, zato jih bomo pogrešale. Zapustile so sorodnike, ki žalujejo močno za njimi in jih pogrešajo po svojih domovih. Vsem preostalim izrekamo globoko sočutje. Pokojnim pa kličemo: na svidenje nad zvezdami! Res je lepo, da imamo skupni Zve-zin dan za vse podružnice v državi enkrat na leto. Večkrat se primeri slučaj, da se srečajo prijateljice in znanke po dolgih letih odsotnosti in kako vesele se počutijo, ko se snidejo za nekaj ur v lepi družbi ter slišijo lepo petje, govore in glasbenike, kar nas vse razvedri. Naš poklon podružnici št. 19 na Evelethu za krasen program in prijetno zabavo med vami. Prihodnje leto se pa vidimo na Chis-holmu prt št. 38 in upati je, da bomo vse dočakale Zvezin dan v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Želim vsem, ki berejo Zarjo, da bi obhajali vesele božične praznike in dočakali Novo leto v sreči, ki naj vas spremlja skozi vse leto 1901! Na svidenje 13. decembra! Antoinette Lucich, tajnica Skorajšno okrevanje! Marko Lucich, soprog sestre Tončke Lučič se nahaja že več mesecev v bolnem stanju. Želimo mu hitro okrevanje in vesele praznike!-C. Št. 32, Euclid, O.—Na nov. seji smo ukrepale kako se bo delovalo v prihodnjem letu. Žal, da ni bilo večje udeležbe, ker več glav, več ve. Teta štorklja se precej oglaša pri naših družinah. Jennie Gustinčič je že 9tlč stara mati, ko so pri hčeri Lillian dobili fantka, ki je šesti v družini. Spodaj podpisana Frances Perme je postala sedmič stara mati, ko so dobili pri sinu Elmer ju in Vida v okt. dobili sinčka, da bo delal družbo sestrici in bratcu. S tem je postala tudi Tresa Levstek, članica podr. št. 25, tretjič stara mati. Pri Eddy in Nancy Potokar so pa v nov. dobili sinčka, da bo delal družbo sestrici in s tem je naša predsednica Tresa Potokar postala 18-tic stara mati in Mary Črček pa zopet pra-stara mati. Mary Hočevar je drugič stara mati, ko so pri hčeri Mary Ann dobili sinčka, kibo delal družbo sestrici. Šestitke na vse strani in naj Bog obvarje hudega našo mladino! V ročno blagajno so darovale Rozi Matko $2.00 in Mary Praznovski $1.00 v zabavno blagajno. Lepa hvala. Hvaležne smo tudi Ana Godlar, ki je bila najbolj pridna s prodajo listkov za prireditev skupnih ohijskih podr. in tako se je zopet naša ročna blagaj na opomogla. Bližajo se Božični prazniki in želim, da bi jih kar najlepše obhajale med svojimi dragimi. Vsem članicam Zveze in vsem, ki berejo te vrstice tudi blagoslovljeno, zdravo in veselo Novo leto. Bolnim pa želimo ljubega zdravja in na svidenje na naših sejah. Frances Perme, Vaša poročevalka Št. 32, Duluth, Minn.—Seja v nov je bila dobro izpeljana. Naše pridne kuharice so nam pripravile dobro večerjo pred sejo. Po seji je bila lepa večerna zabava. Res je lepo, če pride toliko članic skupaj. Sprejetih je bilo 13 novih članic, katerim kličemo: Dobrodošle! Prihodnja seja bo glavna, ko bomo izvolile novi odbor Kaj pa, če bi si izbrale kako mlado tajnico? Opozarjam, da imamo novi datum za uec. sejo. Ker sreda pade na kvaterno sredo, zato bomo imele sejo naslednjega večera, to je v četrtek, 15. dec. ob 7 uri zvečer. 1. okt. smo izgubile dobro in zvesto članico Mary Ivanovich. Drage sestre, spominjajmo se naših umrlih čla nic v molitvi. Vesele in blagoslovljene Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto 1961. r* $ Vesele Božične Prusnike vy, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ji S CIMPERMAN'S FOOD MARKET In Srečno Novo Leto želi ZAK FUNERAL HOME 1115 Norwood Rd. CLEVELAND, 3, Ohio 6016 St. Clair Ave. CLEVELAND, Ohio Phone: ENdicott 1-0566 Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Udeležba na oktoberski seji je bila prav povoljna. Vesele smo, da je naš Oliljski Zvezin (lan tako lepo uspel. Lepo se je bilo zopet sniti z našimi posetniki, predvsem z našo gl. tajnico Albino Novak, predsednico države Pa. Mrs. Mary Tomšič in z vsemi drugimi odbornicami in članicami podružnic ki so v lepem številu posetile naš dan. Prav lepa hvala našim odbornicam, Rose Pujzdar in hčerki Diane, Mary Debevec, Ančki Rebolj in Mary Cerjak za vso izdatno pomoč pri banketu in v kuhinji. Lepa hvala tudi Johnu Rebolj ki je pridno stregel gostom v točilnici. Enako lepa hvala vsem katere so prodajale srečne listke in vstopnice za banket. Prisrčna hvala sestre M. Markel in ses. R. Pujzdar, za zopetno pogostitev po seji. Koncem meseca augusta je prišla na obisk iz Floride ses. Rose Korže. Rose se je tudi na nas spomnila, in darovala en petak v našo blagajno, za kar ji prav iskrena hvala. V blagajno so darovale tudi sestre, M. Jalovec, A. Longar, K. Artelj, M. Plesec, M. Kren, J. Fajdiga, A. Skok, R. Strumble in A. Bozich, za novembra sta pa darovale ses. A. Močnik in Urška Ponikvar. Vsem prisrčna hvala. Septembra meseca smo izgubile sestro Mary Zdoljšek, ki je v štirih dneh po povratku iz domovine nepričakovano odšla v večnost. Pokojna zapušča sinove, Edwarda, Williama in Franka pastorka Millie in Martin, in več sorodnikov. Vsem preostalim izrekamo globoko sožalje, pokojna Mary pa naj sladko sniva v ameriški zemlji. Sestra Frances Cvar je srečno prestala nevarno operacijo na očesu, in se sedaj zdravi na domu. Sestra Justine Girod ima tudi težkoče z zdravjem, ln je odšla v bolnišnico na pregled. Obema želimo čimprejšnega okrevanja. Dne 2. oktobra sta v krogu svoje družine slavila 45 letnico poroke, Mr. in Mrs. Blaž Skok. Mrs. Skok je naša dolgoletna agilna članica ki vedno rada pomaga k napredku podružnice. Obema slavljencema iskreno čestitamo in želimo, da bi v zdravju dočakala zlate poroke. Prav lepa hvala ses. Skok, ki je podružnici pridobila novo članico ses. Frances Kollar, kateri kličemo prisrčno dobrodošla. Vse najlepše, predvsem pa najbolj- šego zdravja, želimo naši gl. predsednici Mrs. Josephine Iivek, in gl. tajnici Mrs. Albini Novak za njun rojstni dan. Bog Vaju živi še na mnoga leta. Naša glavna tajnica nam je na državni konvenciji, prav posebno priporočala za pridobitev novih članic, tekom pre-dkonvenčne kampanje. Torej sestre, potrudimo se vsaka nekaj v tem oziru. Iskrene želje za hitro okrevanje sestram, Fiances Cvar, Justine Girod, Poloni Bališ in Tinki Kuzmick v dalni Arizoni. Ses. Fanny Jamnik je iz domovine prejela žalostno poročilo da je preminula ljublena mamica, Marjeta Kočevar v starosti 86 let. Sestri Jamnik izrekamo iskreno in globoko sožalje. Blaga pokojnica pa naj mirno počiva v domači zemlji. Prihodnja seja bo G. decembra, na katero ste vse vabljene, imele bomo običajno božično zabavo z Miklavžem, in izmenjavo daril, v vrednosti $1.00, vsaka naj na darilo zapiši svoje ime. Po novemberski seji ki je bila bolj kratka radi praznika Vseh Svetnikov, smo praznovale rojstne dneve navzočih sester: Mary Markel, Mary Cerjak in Mare Jurkezi. Slavljenke so nam izborno postregle s potico, sirovim zavitkom in cake, katerega je spekla in lepo okrasila Nellie Pintar, k tem dobrotam so še nekaj dodale ses. Debevec, Rebolj in Starin. Vsem trem želimo še mnogo zdravih rojstnih obletnic. Torej ne pozabite na decemberslco sejo, in skušajte pripeljati kaj novih članic. Pozdravljene, in vesele blagoslovljene božične praznike vsem. Ella Starin, tojnica Št. 47, Garfield Heights, O.—Kmalu bo zatonilo 1. 1960 in z njim naj gre vse kar ni bilo koristnega v pozabljivost, samo dobra dela in veseli dogodki naj nas sremljajo v bodočnosti; prav posebno še kar se tiče naše organizacije kot so skupni sestanki, drž. konvencije, ki je važna zamisel za vse podružnice. Na teh sestankih se imamo priliko spoznati z načrti kako delujejo drugod za boljši napredek pri podr. Obe ohajske konvencije, lanska in letošnja sta bile zelo uspešne. Zelo vesela sem bila srečati svoje prijateljice in vaščanke: sestre Julka Klamer iz Pannesville od št. 08, Jennie Cekoda in Josephine Fajdiga od št. 61. Lepo število jih je bilo zas- topanih iz Loraine in Warren, O. Hvala drž. preds. Mrs. Antonia Tanko in ostalemu odboru ki žrtvujejo mnogo dela za take prireditve. Za banket so kuharice delale tri dni, da so pripravile dovolj in postregle polni dvorani. Samo na to bi rada opozorila, da si naj ljudje v naprej oskrbijo vstopnice, ker s tem bi bilo lažje postreči vsem, toda še vedno velja pregovor: navada je zeležna srajca. Na tem mestu se zahvljujem sestri L. Zidanic. Ob priliki našega izleta dne 15. sept. v Millersburg, O. in okolici smo se najprej ustavile v tovarni sirove produkcije. Meni se je najbolj dopadel švicarski sir. Ogledale smo si vso opremo od začetka. Za 200 funtov sira uporabijo črez 700 funtov mleka. V istem mestu izdelujejo tudi nudelce, prav drobno ali široko rezane. Vse delo vršijo stroji. Potem smo šli v restavracijo na obed v Smithville, kjer večinoma servirajo zgoraj omenjene proizvode. Zaradi ovir nismo si mogle ogledati tovarne za izdelavo jelly, zato pa smo šle v Boys-tovvn, kjer je šola za fante, ki niso pridni doma, da jih učijo vsake vrste rokodelstva, mašinerije in kmečke obrti. Dobro je, da se izučijo in jih potem pošljejo na vse kraje. Dalo bi se še mnogo pisati o tem. V mnogih primeri so krivi tudi starši, ki se ne zavedajo pomena doma in družine. Ses. Ivana Dedek se je doma v hiši ponesrečila ter si zlomila nogo v kolku. Nahaja se v St. Alexis bolnišnici. Upamo, da bo že boljša in doma, ko bo brala te vrstice. Več članic je bolnih in se zdravijo doma. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Ivanki Bizjak čestitamo, ko je zopet postala dvakrat več stara mati in s. R. Šuster, ki je že petič stara mati. Najlepša voščila mladim in stare mamice vpišite jih v Zvezo, ker je do 31. dec. še vedno v teku kampanja. Hvala s. Mary Sholar, ki je vpisala svoji dve vnukinje v mladinski oddelek. Naša glavna seja se bo vršila 11. dec. ob 1 uri popoldne v navadnih prostorih, 8601 Vineyard Ave. Vabljene prav vse, da storite svojo dolžnost vsaj enkrat v letu. Samo bolne članice bodo oproščene. Imele bomo za rešiti več važnih stvari za prihodnje leto. Želim vsem skupaj blagoslovljen Božič in srečno Novo leto. BLAGOSLOVLJENE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO, VSEM ČLANICAM IN PRIJATELJEM ŽELI Podružnica št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio Rose Pujzdar, preds. Mary Markel, pod-preds. Ella Starin, tajnica Mary Debevec, blagajničarka Anna Rebolj, zapisnikarca nadzornice: Mary Cerjak, Rose Strumble, Nellie Pintar Maple Heights Poultry & Catering 17330 Broadway Maple Heights Kompletno postrežbo za svatbe, bankete, obletnice in druge prireditve. Na razpolago vseh vrst perutnina. ANDY HOČEVAR in SINOVI Tel.: v trgovini MO 3-7733—na domu MO 2-2912 ‘SLOVENSKI NARODNI DOM" Lake St., CHISHOLM, MINNESOTA Poklanja Pozdrav S.Ž.Z.! Št. 55, Girard, O.—Zelo mi je žal, da nisem bila navzoča na zadnji seji, vzrok, bila bolna! Novice, katere poročam, mi je oskrbela tajnica Mary Mehalko. Hvala lepa. Na committee za ta večer so bile sledeče članice: ses. Helen Biscan, Anna Krivac, Mary Salajko, Anna Leskovec in Mary Kalan Servirale so 2 različna štrudel-na, jabolčnega In sirovega. Vse so se soglašale, da je bil odličen. Hvala vam! Dobitke so dobile: Angeline Bernard in Mary Salajko. Okt. so praznovale rojstne dneve: Marian Bestic, Sophie Cekuta, Theresa Sušnik, Mary Luzier, Katharine Rus in Catharine Stubi. Vsem veseli rojstni dan in še na mnoga leta! Na bolniški listi se nahaja ses. Anna Kren. Vse ji želimo, da bi se kmalu pozdravila in zopet prišla med nas na sejo. Umrla sta v kratkem in oba zaporedoma Mrs. Anton Dežman in George Ritter Jr., oba iz Girarda in v sorodstvu Mrs. Ana Leskovec in Mrs Anna Salajko. Naše iskreno sožalje! Predno zakujučim želim vsem članicam doma, širom Amerike, kakor tudi vsem gl. uradnicam, vesele Božične praznike in srečno, zdravo Novo leto, da bi nam prineslo veliko več uspeha in božjega blagoslova. Emma Zore št. 61, Braddack, Pa.—Prosim vas, drage sestre, da bi se udelažile seje dne 11. dec., ker je zadnja v tem l*tu. Dobro bi bilo, da bi prišle in bi se pogovorile kaj bi napravile za naprej, aW bi obdržale to številko, ali pa bi pristopile k drugi, ker nas ni dosti in mnogo starejših je pomrlo in nekaj mladih je pustilo. Smo že precej stare in bolj nerodne. Prosim, da pridete in poravnate svoj dolg, katere ste dolžne. Sedaj se bližajo božični prazniki ter želim vsem sestram, da bi jih zdrave in vesele obhajale še mnogo let, posebno pa še moji sestri Marjeta Ahlin pri št 25. Pozdravljam vse skupaj, Johana Česnik Št. 63, Denver, Colo.—Že dalje časa se spravljam k pisanju, toda čas hitro beži. Pii naši podr. smo izgubile dolgoletno članico in večkratno odbornico ses. Martha Krasovic. Umrla je 13. jun. po lolgi in mučni bolezni. Za seboj zapušča soproga, dva sina ter drugo sorodstvo tukaj in v starem kraju. Bog je poklical tudi našo družabno članico Helen Chembrig. Naj jima bo ljubi Bog dobri plačnik. Naša ses. preds. tudi žaluje nad izgubo svojega brata Josepha Grubešiča. Ses. blagajničarka se je podala na pregled v bolnišnico. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo hitrega okrevanja. Sedaj pa bolj vesele novice. 28. aug. smo se udeližile Zvezinega dne v Pueblo. Ker je bila nedelja smo se udeležile zjutraj maše v farni cerkvi, nakar smo šle z busom 30 po številu. Manjkala je preds. Kovač, njena sestra Cecilija Brawn in njene 2 hčerki C. Kreling in M. Pepper. Razlog je bil smrt v družini. V Pueblo so nas čakale gl. preds. J Livek, odbornice in članice št. 3 in drugih podr. Ko je minilo rokovanje, smo zasedle naše prostore in bile postrežene kave in prvovrstnih krofov, da se nam še sedaj po njih sanja. Lepa hvala. Ob 10 uri je preds. Colo. podr. ga. Anna Pachak pričela sejo z molitvijo nakar so delegatlnje poročale o delu svojih podrž. Ses gl. preds. je nas vzpodbudila, da bi se v bodoče morale bolj zanimati za delo, predvsem za seje in za pridobivanje novih članic, ako hočemo napredek.—Po seji smo si ogledale cerkev in mesto, ki je lepo napredovalo v zadnjih 10 letih. Skoro bi bile pozabile na banket, kjer je bilo vsega v izobilju in postrežba izvrstna. Program je bil lepo urejen in posebno nam je ugajalo slovensko petje. Čast tukaj rojeni mladini, da se tako lepo zanima. Še enkrat vsem najlepša hvala od nas vseh denver-čanov. BoBtimber, i960 — Stroški v sept.... 4,491.51 Balance S«8^ityer 3(^1960 — Preostanek 31. Hept. 1960. .$ 442,104.25 lgI#£v.;45M ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary jHterrg (ttljrtstmas ta ODur $ 133 It |)untars _______________________________________———_________ j ♦ 1 1 L. PEN PALS WRITE! Hello Margie, It seems that you and I are the only faithfuls who follow up on our Junior Page. I wonder why? I’m sure all the Junior members read and enjoy our letters, but for some reason they never send in any news. Do you think they are bashful or afraid to start? You and I both know how easy it is! We just write about things that happen. If our spelling or English grammar is wrong, we know there is no need to worry, because our good editor corrects all our mistakes. When I see our news in print, I feel a litle proud, don’t you? Your emblem for the S.W.U. membership drive is very good—wish I was an artist. But, I can color pictures, such as those that come with numbers. For a little girl, you really keep busy. It’ll be hard to keep up with you if you continue to get newr members. I will try to get all my cousins to join our circle, to help in this drive for new members. I want to help my Aunt Carole Traven become our branch’s honorary delegate for the next convention. I know you will enjoy the Brownies group. I am a member of the 4H group for 3 years. One year my project was baking; this has helped me in my Home Economics class because I received an A in this subject. Have a nice Christmas, Margie, I hope Santa Claus will be good and bring you lots of presents! Your Pen Pal, DONNA Dear Donna, I am your new Pen Pal. My name is Katherine Dicke. I am eight years old and a Brownie. I have one sister, two brothers and one dog. We all live in Madison, Wise. I belong to the Sheboygan branch. My grandmother is Mrs. Prisland. I made this Christmas tree for you. (The tree is below.) Kathy Dicke ir & Jr. Member of Penna. Anthony Elovar, Jr., is just one year old this month. He lives in Forest City, Pa. with his mother and daddy and is a member of hr. 7. Anthony wishes a happy, happy Christmas to all! HERE IS AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT The Cleveland, Ohio branches are looking for boys and girls who are interested in group activity! Any junior and all friends, who are anxious to join these various activities listed below, should have his or her mother contact the branch secretary or our state president, Mrs. Tanko, EX. 1-1938 or Mrs. Seitz, AN. 1-2856. They wil be happy to give further information. First thing on the list is: We need young boys who would be interested in learning to play drums— also, young girls to do baton twirling —and groups to make marching for-mantions! All this, you can do, and still have a lot of fun while learning. Great things are being planned for March 11-12, 1961—so, c’mon, join up! Do something different—make mother and dad swell up with pride, by pointing you out of the groups of boys and girls who will be marching along in our S.W.U. Drum and Marching Corps! The groups, In various age units wil arrange practice schedules not to conflict with school work! Join up today! The S.W.U. Drum and Marching Corps! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! JUNIOR MEMBERS! The combined branches of S.W.U. in Cleveland, Ohio are having a Christmas party on Dec. 18, 1960 for all the Junior Members! This will be on a Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at St. Clair Recreation Center, E. 63rd and St. Clair—the same place as last year! All those who wish to attend, please have mother call the secretary of your branch, as Santa will have to know how' many boys and girls will be present. There will be singing, dancing, games and puzzles—w’ith prizes for the winners. We will have good refreshments, too, and a special gift from Santa Claus. Mothers and Dads are invited to come along. Put a big X on the calendar for the 18th of Dec. so you won’t miss this wonderful party. Here’s hoping all the branches of S.W.U. will have Christmas parties, too. It would be great to read about the fun you have on this page—so, pick someone to write and tell all the Junior members how you enjoyed the party. So, with a Ho! Ho! Ho! and the ringing of jingle bells, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. DONNA Santa, himself! The Dutch nicknamed St. Nicholas "Santa Claus” for short, but his image as a fat little man with rosy cheeks and white beard comes down to us from a poem written in 1822 by Dr. Clement C. Moore, an American minister. Dr. Moore based the poem on a colorful old Dutchman he once met, and named it, “The Night before Christmas." He recited it to his children, who were delighted. Then he threw it away. A lady visitor rescued it from the wastebasket and had it published in the Troy, N. Y. Sentinel. It became a literary classic and almost every child now knows about the creatures that were not stirring, not even a mouse. VIAHY CHRNART 937 HASLAOS AVS. PITTSBURGH 12, FA. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL, HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO KATOLIŠKA SLOVENSKA JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do 00. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali lajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. AVE AFELY «13 East lasih Street 20000 Euclid A v*nu« 0230 St. Clair Avanu« ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-8688 LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors