VODENJE v vzgoji in izobraževanju 1I2016 3 Uvodnik Vladimir Korošec Pogledi na vodenje 7 Eticno vodenje, šole in proces spreminjanja Stephen Murgatroyd 19 Internacionalizacija v šoli Urška Slapšak in Andreja Lenc Izmenjave 27 Motiviranje zaposlenih Barbara Bencina 49 Z gibanjem do drugačnega pouka Štefka Brodar, Ana Klemene, Barbara Smrekar in Johann Laco 69 Didakticni pripomocek Pozorko kot rezultat timskega dela Sanja Draksler in Darja Korpnik 83 Dnevi dejavnosti: nacrtovanje in evalvacija v osnovni šoli in v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom Vanja Manfredo, Mojca Petkovic, Alenka Nussdorfer Bizjak in Erna Meglic 95 Vrtec Pobrežje Maribor in družina -partnerja pri vzgoji predšolskih otrok Maja Petovar in Lara Lešnik 111 Mediacija kot transformativni nacin ucenja Jernej Šoštar 131 Abstracts Obiščite nas na http://vodenje.solazaravnatelje.si Uvodnik Vladimir Korošec Šola za ravnatelje Ce ti v srcu ne gori mocan ogenj, nima smisla poskušati. Dean Karnazes Revija Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju se je v štirinajstih letih izhajanja sicer vsebinsko dopolnjevala, nadgrajevala in preoblikovala, vendar je ostala zvesta svoji prvotni zasnovi, ki obsega tako predstavitev sodobnih teoretičnih spoznanj kot izmenjavo izkušenj, spoznavanje zanimivosti in novosti ter dobrih domačih in tujih praks na področju vodenja vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov. Zaradi praktične uporabnosti, vsebinske raznovrstnosti in strokovne verodostojnosti se je med vodstvenimi in tudi med drugimi strokovnimi delavci slovenskih vrtcev in šol uveljavila kot nenadomestljiv priročnik za vsakdanjo rabo, kot bogata zakladnica novih idej in kot prostor razvojnih premišljevanj. Njeno sprejetost povečuje preprosto dejstvo, da jo od prve številke v letu 2003 soustvarjajo vodstveni in drugi strokovni delavci slovenskih vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov ter priznani domači in tuji strokovnjaki, ki se ukvarjajo s preučevanjem zapletenih procesov vodenja v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Snovalci revije so v vseh obdobjih, z vsako izdajo posebej odgovorno povezani s svetom, s tujimi praksami in znanstvenimi spoznanji, od koder v slovenski šolski prostor vnašajo nove zamisli in ga hkrati strokovno povezujejo s tujimi izkušnjami. V reviji svoje strokovne prispevke namreč redno objavljajo tudi priznani tuji raziskovalci, številni med njimi ostajajo v rednih stikih s slovensko pedagoško stroko, z ravnatelji in učitelji in se soočajo z našimi zavidljivimi dosežki na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja, predvsem pa z našo odgovorno zavzetostjo za uvajanje novosti in izboljšav. Neprecenljiva je predvsem sporočilna vrednost strokovnih prispevkov v reviji, s katerimi avtorji neposredno spodbujajo ravnatelje in ravnateljice vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov k stalnemu strokovnemu usposabljanju in spremljanju lastnega profesionalnega razvoja, odkrivajo in spodbujajo njihovo vedoželjnost, jih nagovarjajo k nenehnemu vrednotenju svojega dela, k pogloblje- VODENJE 1I2016: 3-5 Vladimir Korošec nemu in kritičnemu premišljevanju o kakovosti lastnega dela in dela sodelavcev ter k medsebojnemu povezovanju na različnih ravneh in k povezovanju z okoljem. V novem uredniškem odboru, imenovanem v prvi polovici leta 2016, ki ga tako kot vse dosedanje sestavljajo priznani domači in tuji strokovnjaki na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja, uredniške politike nismo bistveno spremenili. Z objavljanjem aktualnih vsebin, zapisov o dogodkih ter dosežkih posameznikov in šolskih kolektivov pa bi radi revijo čvrsteje vsebinsko povezali z realnostjo časa in prostora ter ji zagotovili trdno mesto v naboru ravnateljeve nepogrešljive literature za področje vodenja. Philip Hallinger meni, da je vodenje obojestranski pročes vplivanja voditelja na sodelavče oziroma podrejene in obratno. Vodenje vrtča ali šole je strokovno zahtevna in družbeno odgovorna naloga, ki zahteva bogato strokovno zanje in izkušnje, pogum pri sprejemanju odločitev, zaupanje v ljudi, predvsem pa širino in toplino duha, voljo in pogum. Ravnatelji se vsak dan soočajo s številnimi osebnimi izzivi otrok, z njihovimi smelimi načrti za spreminjanje sveta in vsakdanjega življenja, s pričakovanji gospodarskega in družbenega okolja, z odgovornostjo do razvoja čelotne družbe ter ne nazadnje s prizadevanjem za karierni razvoj sode-lavčev. Ravnateljevanje je svojevrsten privilegij, ki posamezniku na tej funkčiji daje priložnost za oblikovanje osebnega in strokovnega razvoja šolajočih ter s tem za izboljševanje kakovosti življenja v družbi, predvsem pa mu na izvirne in raznovrstne načine omogoča lasten osebni in strokovni razvoj. Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju pomembno vpliva na dosežke otrok, učenčev in dijakov, zato je v vsaki razvojno usmerjeni družbi usposabljanje za vodenje vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov čiljno usmerjen, dobro organiziran ter znanstveno utemeljen pročes, ki zahteva usklajeno sodelovanje vseh dejavnikov na področju izobraževanja. Na prepričljivem začetnem zavedanju, da je kakovostno usposabljanje ravnateljič in ravnateljev ključ za razvoj kakovosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju, Šola za ravnatelje gradi svojo strokovno prepoznavnost, jo sproti preverja in sooča z uporabniki in pedagoško prakso, zato se ne bomo nikoli odpovedali stališču, da moramo skupaj z uporabniki nenehno in sproti oblikovati in dopolnjevati svojo programsko ponudbo. V Šoli za ravnatelje smo razvili kakovostne programe za usposabljanje ravnateljev in drugih strokovnih delavčev, ki sodelujejo v pročesu vodenja vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov. Že od leta 1995 4 Uvodnik zagotavljamo ustvarjalno in razvojno usmerjeno okolje, v katerem ravnatelji in drugi strokovni delavci ne pridobijo zgolj sodobnih teoretičnih in praktičnih znanj, temvec se lahko povezujejo s strokovnimi ustanovami, z domačimi in tujimi strokovnjaki ter v medsebojnem odnosu preizkušajo nove pristope na področju vodenja. Programska, organizacijska in razvojna dejavnost Šole za ravnatelje izhaja iz pričakovanj uporabnikov in družbe, iz spoznanj stroke ter uveljavljene domače in tuje prakse. Na podlagi bogatih izkušenj z izvajanjem razvojnih programov, potreb, ki so se pokazale v okolju, ter načionalnih razvojnih či-ljev na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja smo za novo programsko obdobje (2014-2020) pripravili razvojni program Vodenje in upravljanje inovativnih učnih okolij, skupaj z drugimi javnimi zavodi na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja pa dva razvojna programa, in si-čer Vzpostavitev, dopolnitev in pilotni preizkus modela ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja kakovosti na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja ter Usposabljanje za vodenje inovativnega javnega zavoda. K izvajanju razvojnih programov smo poleg priznanih domačih in tujih strokovnjakov na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja povabili uspešne ravnateljiče in ravnatelje ter čelotne kolektive vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov, ki so prepoznali potrebo po strokovni rasti in se zavedajo, da je nenehno spreminjanje in dopolnjevanje vzgoje in izobraževanja prava pot za uveljavljanje družbenega napredka. Pred nami je zahtevno obdobje, v katerem bomo morali javni zavodi, strokovne in znanstvene ustanove ter ministrstva odgovorno in usklajeno odgovoriti na izzive vodenja ter na podlagi načrtnega raziskovanja šolske prakse uveljaviti sistemske oblike organiziranja in vodenja vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov. V Šoli za ravnatelje bomo v ta namen uveljavili najvišjo kakovost usposabljanj in strokovnega dela ter zagotovili kar najboljše pogoje za izvajanje razvojnih programov in redne dejavnosti. Pri ozaveščanju strokovne javnosti o nujnosti uvajanja sprememb ter obveščanju o rezultatih, razvojnih usmeritvah in ukrepih ima pomembno vlogo tudi revija Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. 5 Abstracts Stephen Murgatroyd Ethical Leadership, Schools and the Process of Change Schools are challenged by internal and external conditions to change. Leading change is, in itself, challenging. This paper describes s framework for understanding the work of leadership, different kinds of leadership for different levels of change, the characteristics of renaissance leaders and the ethical context of change leadership. It explores two kinds of change - planned and emergent - and suggests that most ethical problems arise with unplanned, emergent and improvised change. School leaders need to attend to ethics in the process of change management. Keywords: renaissance leadership, leadership ethics, change leadership, technology, demography, austerity, contingent leadership, structural complexity, governance vqdenje l|20l6:7-17 Urška Slapšak and Andreja Lenc Internationalisation in School Through their co-financing programmes, the European Commission enables organisations to gain international experience and facilitates individuals to develop those competencies that are required today more than ever before. Due to globalisation, technology development and mass migrations, the young are faced with foreign countries, other languages and cultures that differ from the one they know from home. Life in this kind of society requires thorough upbringing and education where intercultural competencies must occupy a special place. Intercultural competencies do not develop on their own, but their development can be encouraged through the internationalisation of school, its culture and teachers. This article will discuss in greater detail the notion of internationalisation and two types of its development (internationalisation at home and internationalisation abroad), and, through a presentation of the Study of the Impact of the Lifelong Learning Programme, the importance of international school collaboration in the development of internationalisation and its effects will be addressed. Keywords: internationalisation at home, internationalisation abroad, intercultural competencies, Erasmus+ vqdenje l|20l6: 19-26 Barbara Bencina Motivating Employees Motivation is a notion we encounter constantly. It accompanies us in all aspects of our lives, including our workplaces. Leadership staff often engage in motivating other employees, too. This article is written based on a project assignment that was carried out by a group 131 Abstracts of colleagues as part of our obligations for passing the school leadership exam. Building on swot analysis and group interview, we studied the current state of motivation among staff in the educational institutions of our employment, focusing on the ways in which the leadership could possibly improve motivation among the teaching staff. Improved work motivation generates advantages for both, the individuals and their institutions; if the staff are motivated, the quality of their work is higher and they draw more joy out of it. In achieving this, the director of the institution certainly plays a significant role. Keywords: motivation, employees, leadership, educational institution vodenje i|2016: 27-47 Štefka Brodar, Ana Klemenc, Barbara Smrekar, and Johann Laco Through Physical Activity to Instruction Change The ability to move is given to humans at the beginning of our lives. Even so, we only grow aware of just how important physical activity is for survival and the quality of life when, for various reasons, movement is rendered impossible or becomes hampered. In the process of learning, physical activity is key from the moment of birth onwards. The fact that it is strongly interrelated with brain activity is little acknowledged, even though the teaching staff in schools and kindergartens are relatively knowledgeable about it. An encouraging environment is a decisive factor of child development in the area of motor development, especially in the time we live in now, where the sedentary type of work is prevalent. Understanding learning and teaching in relation to physical activity ensures an encouraging learning environment for children of every age. Principals as educational leaders must promote successful teaching and learning methods. Enhanced learning, better information retention and greater work motivation can all be achieved through physical activity as a didactic method. Movement activates thinking processes, which is why it must be part of everyday work, not only in physical education classes but throughout school classes regardless of subject. Physical activity in its various forms allows for healthy development, which in turn leads to better capability in children, and it is the principals who are responsible for ensuring favourable conditions and guiding their teaching staff towards those forms of instruction that involve physical activity, too. Keywords: physical activity, learning, brain functioning, teaching and learning methods, school performance vqdenje l|20l6: 49-68 Sanja Draksler Pozorko Didactic Tool As a Result of Team Work and Darja K°rpnik Given the nature of modern times and its fast-paced life, the adults as well as children find ourselves exposed to a multitude of stimuli 132 Abstracts from our environment and within ourselves. It is paramount that we know how to focus on these stimuli, to pay attention to them. Active attention is of utmost importance for pupils in schools; it must be developed and reinforced. Furthermore, active attention is indispensable within the school sphere for knowledge procurement and acquisition, the learning process itself, as well as later in life. The active collaboration of various professionals of different educational profiles in our team work had an effective impact on the final result of our efforts. The perspectives of primary school class teacher, special education counsellor and education counsellor respectively differed from one another considerably, but encouraged constructive thinking, searching for different ways, broadening one's own knowledge horizons and accepting new challenges. During our active collaboration, the most diverse ideas and thoughts emerged and were then gradually realised and tested in practice. As the result of our work, we want to present the Pozorko didactic tool, an instrument aimed at the systematic encouragement of active attention. Keywords: attention, active attention, Pozorko didactic tool, www.pozoren.si, study vqdenje i|2016: 69-81 Vanja Manfredo, Mojca Petkovic, Alenka Nussdorfer Bizjak, and Erna Meglic Activity Days: Planning and Evaluation in Elementary Schools and Elementary Schools with Adapted Special Needs Programmes Activity days are a compulsory part of elementary school curricula. They interlink subject contents in the syllabus across subjects and are implemented in accordance with the school's annual work plan, which determines their contents and organisational implementation. In order to reach these goals, their planning must be efficient. It is often observed that there is little interconnection and meaningful upgrading among the three triads. Activity days are planned by teachers within the same subject groups. Too often, they're only connected through the curriculum goals of certain subjects. The organisation of activity days requires good knowledge in the field of planning, because the planner must keep in mind the availability of the teaching staff, the organisation of transport and meals for pupils, the cost... These activities are often carried out routinely within schools and do not follow curriculum changes. Our goal is to make these activity days as rational and goal-oriented as possible. This is why we have laid down their time frame - drawn up a month-by-month time schedule - and designed a form applicable for any individual day of activities (organisation and evaluation). Keywords: activity days, planning, organisation, goals voDENJE 112016:83-94 133 Abstracts Family and Kindergarten as Partners in Pre-School Education The goal of the educational process and upbringing is to promote and further comprehensive development in pre-school children. This is why a partnership between their parents and teaching staff is of the utmost importance, as it is this joined approach to solving potential problems that shapes a child's personality, builds children's self-perception and ensures their comprehensive development. Each child is an active participant of the educational process. This is why active cooperation between the educator and parents is absolutely necessary, as both family upbringing and kindergarten education interweave and influence the child's development. The emphasis is placed on coordinated educational goals, in relation to which it is often necessary to accept compromises on both sides. A good partnership is based on mutual respect and trust. Our study was carried out with the aim of finding out just how important the collaboration between educators and parents is, as seen from the parents' perspective, and which types of collaboration are deemed important by parents. The data was gathered with the help of questionnaires that were distributed among children's parents. Pobrezje Maribor Kindergarten plans and implements various forms of collaboration. Drawing on this study we have observed that, while these formal forms of parent collaboration assure the parents' right to being informed, they are not conducive to the development of mutual trust. A collaboration between kindergartens and parents is extremely important. This is something we are all aware of. Both, the educators and parents, are convinced that, in order to maintain good collaboration and communication, trust and positive attitude are needed. Keywords: partnership, parents, kindergarten, forms of collaboration vodenje i|2016: 95-IO9 Jernej Sostar Mediation As a Transformative Approach to Learning The fact is that our interests and priorities keep changing throughout different stages of our lives. These stages could be equated to development and growth in adulthood, and understood as a learning process - a phase where the transformation process often means a change in understanding as a reference to critical reflection, discourse validation and reflection on actions, which leads us to better comprehension and a more authentic reality. Because this transformation, transforming the problematic frames of reference and presumptions, is so important, and our grasp of it facilitates problem-solving, the theory on transformative learning acts as a tool through which, based on the in-depth knowledge of the guiding laws of transformative learning, the quality and merit of education can be improved. Can mediation as a procedure for resolving disputes, considering its nature also prove helpful for the resolving of conflicts within a school system, and Maja Petovar and Lara Lešnik 34 Abstracts can it be discussed in the context of transformative learning? The latter, together with the potential formative impact of mediation within a school system, has been examined first on the basis of theory and then on the basis of an implemented study. This article theoretically defines mediation as a procedure and the mediator as the executor of the mediation procedure, defines peer mediation and investigates the correlation with transformative learning. It examines theoretical starting points within the framework of the study that was carried out, and presents its opinion on mediation within the school system. Keywords: mediation, mediator, peer mediation, transformative learning, transformation vqdenje i|2016: 111-130 135