463Creating links in education. Teachers and their associations UDC 37:069:378.4(460.15) 1.08 Published Scientific Conference Contribution Received: 4. 4. 2019 Paulí Dávila Balsera,* Luis Mª Naya Garmendia** A Project about a Museum of education in the Basque Country Projekt Muzeja izobraževanja v Baskiji Izvleček Baskovska univerza se je pridružila drugim univerzam in ustanovila Baskovski šolski muzej - "Euskal Hezkuntzaren Museoa". Že pred ustanovitvijo muzeja je v Baskiji delo- val Dokumentacijski center za zgodovino šolstva, ki ga je spodbujala skupina za zgo- dovinske študije in primerjalno izobraževanje, katere člana sta avtorja pričujočega prispev- ka (http://www.ehu.eus/euskal-hezkuntza/ espanol/). Baskovski šolski muzej je zasno- van na različnih vsebinah, ki nam pomagajo razumeti, razložiti in prenašati različne zna- čilnosti izobraževanja v Baskiji. Posamezne sobe so opremljene z gradivom, ki se nanaša na: »ikastole« (šole, ki izvajajo pouk izključ- no v baskovščini), obnovo šolstva, podeželske šole itd. Ravno tako pa so opremljene s klasič- nimi elementi šolskega muzeja. Abstract The University of the Basque Country joins the line opened by other universities, and launches the Museum of Education of the Basque Country - “Euskal Hezkuntzaren Mu- seoa”, in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The creation of this museum is preceded by the existence of a Documenta- tion Centre on the History of Education in the Basque Country, promoted by the group of Historical Studies and Comparative Educa- tion, whose members are the authors of this contribution (http://www.ehu.eus/euskal- hezkuntza/espanol/). This museum is being structured around a series of topics to help us understand, explain and transmit the dif- ferential characteristics of education in the Basque Country. In this sense, some rooms are being planned with material relating to: “ikastolas” (schools providing teaching exclu- sively in Basque), educational renewal, rural schools, etc.; as well as all the classic elements of a school museum. * Paulí Dávila Balsera, Professor of the History of Education at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, Avda. de Tolosa, 70, 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián; pauli.davila@ehu.eus ** Luis Mª Naya Garmendia, Professor of the History of Education at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, Avda. de Tolosa, 70, 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián; luisma.naya@ehu.eus 464 Šolska kronika / School Chronicle • 3 • 2019 Ključne besede: šolski muzej, univerza, Baskija, Donostia-San Sebastián, Key words: museum of education, university, Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country 15th Symposium on School Life, part 17: Visit us / obiščite nas – Sistory.si: http://hdl.handle.net/11686/37664 In the educational field, the recovery of historical-educational memory is being undertaken through valuing, promoting and safeguarding school her- itage.1 In the Western context, the inauguration, under a variety of names, of school and educational museums, museums of toys and games and children’s museums, etc., is increasingly more common. These museums have a marked institutional dependence: universities, trusts, local authorities, private bodies, cultural associations, etc. Within this wide-ranging provision, the inauguration of educational museums in universities is a model that is being developed at a number of European universities and research centres (Padua, Crete, Rouen, Salamanca, Seville, Murcia, amongst others). The University of the Basque Coun- try (UPV/EHU), through the Group for Historical and Comparative Studies in Education-Garaian, has begun the task of launching “The Museum of Education of the Basque Country - Euskal Herriko Hezkuntzaren Museoa”. In this article, we present the background of the project and the steps taken to date, focusing on its construction as a university museum and on the contributions to the project from various public and private bodies. 1. The Museum of Education of University of the Basque Country There is a wide range as regards Spanish museums of school education, some of which are traditionally physical and depend on universities such as Sala- manca, Murcia, Madrid or Seville. The University of the Basque Country (UPV/ EHU), as stated in the first article of its Statutes, directs its activity to “meeting the needs of Basque society and to the consequences of its history and its so- cioeconomic, political and cultural transformations, thus spreading knowledge of universal culture and science, with special emphasis on Basque culture and language”. This enables us to define some of the characteristic features of our university and its commitment to the society in which it finds itself rooted. Tak- ing part in the “enrichment of the intellectual, humanistic, cultural and scientific heritage of Basque society” is, according to its Statutes, an essential function of the UPV/EHU (Article 4). 1 This article is the result of a research project financed by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Education, project number EDU-2010-15218. The authors are members of the Group for Histo- rical and Comparative Studies in Education – Garaian, recognized by the Basque Government, registry number IT 911-16 and of the Unity of Education and Research “Education, Culture and Society (UFI 11/54)” of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Email: pauli.davila@ ehu.eus; luisma.naya@ehu.eus 465Creating links in education. Teachers and their associations The University 2012-2017 Strategic Plan also highlights this aspect, defining the UPV/EHU as “a university which is public, research-orientated, rooted in Basque society, open to the world, with an intellectual leadership, and which has ethical and social commitment”. This initial declaration is reinforced in the Pillar of Social Commitment, this being understood as one of the aspects on which the University will be focusing in the upcoming years. In concrete, the UPV/EHU assumes its responsibility as a body committed to society, pledged to favouring activities of scientific dissemination and to the social promotion of science, tech- nology, the arts, humanities, and in collaboration with other bodies. The above arguments reinforce the fact that the UPV/EHU is the funda- mental reference in the Basque Country (Euskal Herria) regarding studies of a historical-educational nature. The creation of the Museum, to the extent that it is a space for the conservation, research and interpretation of historical-educa- tional heritage, projects this image, both at the University level as well amongst Basque society as a whole. The creation of a Museum of Education of the Basque Country responds to the importance of these spaces and centres for historical memory – including educational memory- , and of pedagogic museums in general, of great relevance and tradition in Europe and which, as we have pointed out, is a phenomenon be- ing consolidated in university bodies. The creation of the Museum at the UPV/EHU involves institutional back- ing in the form of the signing of contracts with other bodies for recovering or restoring material, for organising scientific events and meetings involving the cooperation of specialists or for establishing academic relations with interna- tional-level pedagogic museums. In this way, a number of exhibitions linked to historical-educational topics have been organised in university spaces on school exercise books, children of the Spanish Civil War, women and education, etc. Museum of Education of the Basque Country / Euskal Hezkuntzaren Museoa, Opening ceremony, 24. 10. 2016 (https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/museoeducacion, accessed 10. 10. 2019) 466 Šolska kronika / School Chronicle • 3 • 2019 The principal objective of the Museum is to recover, safeguard and make known both the historical memory of education in the Basque Country as well as to undertake the habitual uses and aims of pedagogic museums (cataloguing and conservation of historical-educational heritage), added to which are academic studies, research and teaching use. The Museum of Education of the Basque Country is a response to the need to preserve, study and disseminate the memory and the historical-educational heritage of the Basque Country, making it a training space for everything in- volving the history of material culture of educational institutions and of school practices in the contemporary history of the Basque Country, besides being an exhibition space aimed at the country’s schools and open to the public at large. The Museum also aims to stimulate gifts or donations of items or collections from private individuals or from institutions, both public and private; to create an au- dio-visual and visual archive of school images and interviews with or life histories of the lives of teachers, pupils or persons who have had a connection with train- ing or teaching activities; to promote the creation of specific collections such as school manuals, exercise books and workbooks and educational-scientific mate- rial; to cooperate with any other body promoting the same objectives and, above all, with those institutions which have historical-educational collections. Also highlighted amongst other activities is the organisation of courses, seminars or cycles of conferences linked to the study, reconstruction and dissemination of educational memory In drawing up this project, techniques in documenting and cataloguing of school and educational material were taken into account, adapting such items to the characteristics of a physical museum. To this end, we used the previous experience of a Centre for Documentation on Education in the Basque Country, an initiative from the same research team. The sources employed correspond to the cataloguing of school and educational material, following the model of this type of museum. 2. Antecedents for the Museum The Museum project emerged from the Group for Historical and Comparative Studies in Education -Garaian, which had been managing the above-mentioned Centre for Documentation on the History of Education in the Basque Country for a number of years, thus representing a clear precursor to the Museum. The material deposited at the Centre involves a wide-ranging documentary collec- tion which was started at the beginning of the eighties by its principal promoter, Dr. Paulí Dávila, who began classifying all the documentation obtained from the various research projects undertaken by himself and by other colleagues at the Department of Theory and History of Education at the UPV/EHU. Arising from this classification of documentary and bibliographical material was a database which facilitated the search and recovery of the collections deposited. 467Creating links in education. Teachers and their associations The Centre currently has a considerable volume of documentation about the history of education in the Basque Country (more than 3,500 documents). All this has been photocopied, originating from various provincial and local archives in the Basque Country as well as from the General Archive of the Administration of Spain, the University Archive of Valladolid, the National History Archive, etc. It also has collections from Secondary High Schools, Teacher Training Colleges, Art Schools and Professional Colleges, as well as from private colleges (Dávila and Naya, 2009). The documentation is very varied and encompasses copies of Minutes of provincial institutions – in more or less complete series –; correspondence between provincial governments; inspectors’ reports, files on teachers, corre- spondence between different institutions, reports from High Schools and other schools, rules of private colleges, statistics, reports from Boards of Governors, statistics on literacy, texts on the teaching of Basque, and documentation on the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País (Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country), etc. As we have pointed out above, this documentation arose from previous research, and while obtained with a specific objective in mind, has not impeded using wider-ranging descriptors when classifying it, in order to Museum of Education of the Basque Country / Euskal Hezkuntzaren Museoa, Exhibition 2017: The Most Important Think. Portraits of an escape. Refugees yesterday and today (https://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/museoeducacion, accessed 10. 10. 2019) 468 Šolska kronika / School Chronicle • 3 • 2019 facilitate the use of these documents for ends other than those established for the initial investigation. The Centre does not depend solely on this type of material; it also possess- es a series of theses, research reports and monographic works in this field. We should point out, moreover, that, together with all this material from primary sources, the Centre has an important bibliographic collection which contains, above all, works on the History of Education in the Basque Country , a general bibliography of the History of Education, books of statistics, various yearbooks referring to the Basque Country, contemporaneous history and educational jour- nals, etc. It also has audio-visual material and audio tapes with interviews, which act as support for a number of lines of research. Also deposited at the Centre is an important bibliographic collection, donated by the Teresian Institution and made up of classic Spanish and international educational texts, the history of education, reports, regulations, legislation, educational programmes and text- books. This material encompasses a XX-century timeframe between the 1920s and the 1960s. To date the principal users of the Centre have been degree students in Edu- cation studying the subject of History of Education in the Basque Country, as well as students on master’s and PhD programmes and doing research in this field. The possibility of having primary-source documentation in situ is a great advantage and incentive to stimulating historical research and, in many cases; the monographical work undertaken is complemented with other documenta- tion located by the students themselves. All the documentation may be consulted on the http://www.ehu.eus/euskal-hezkuntza/espanol/ web page, hosted on the UPV/EHU server. When the space is up and running, the Centre will be trans- ferred from the Central library at the Gipuzkoa Campus to the Museum site in Donostia-San Sebastian, although an important volume of old school texts and manual has already been deposited there. 3. Anticipated organisation and tasks undertaken The Group for Historical and Comparative Studies in Education-Garaian currently has a space of about 250 m2 in a villa which is the property of the UPV/ EHU and which is currently completing the appropriate formalities with the Uni- versity’s Legal Services for the approval of the Museum’s Statutes. 3.1. Organisation of the Museum The space adjudicated for the Museum of Education of the Basque Country is divided into six rooms, the largest being 80 m2 and the smallest 25 m2. In the initial design of these, the following distribution has been established: • School classroom We have recovered eight school double desks from the Francoist period, to- gether with a teacher’s desk, two double blackboards, and various other items. With all these elements we have recreated a classroom from the 50s-60s. This is 469Creating links in education. Teachers and their associations an important element as it will enable visitors to situate themselves in a school model and which, either can be recalled by themselves through personal experi- ence or, being teaching degree students, will know of it through classes in the history of education. We have also received more modern material, corresponding to the edu- cational reform of the 1970s, and which has been installed next to the previously mentioned material, in such a way that visitors can see at a glance the structural changes that have taken place in school furniture. This same space hosts a great quantity of encyclopaedias and textbooks used from the 1920s to the 1970s, all of these catalogued and classified; they will be available for all those interested on the Museum of Education of the Basque Country website. This section aims to extend the collection with the incorporation of photographs and uniforms from various schools in the city of Donostia-San Sebastian. • The “Second Republic” space The Space known as the “Second Republic” aims to bring together the educational activities and child protection programmes undertaken by the Basque Government in its short-lived existence (8 months). With reference to the assistance given to and the protection of children the actions of the Basque Government were adapted to the wartime conditions of the period. One of its first actions was to organise the evacuation of children from war zones and their transfer to “colonies” established in a number of European countries and Mexico, Museum of Education of the Basque Country / Euskal Hezkuntzaren Museoa, est. 2014, opened 2016 (Juan Carlos Ruiz/ Argazki press, https://www.berria.eus/paperekoa/1976/038/001/2016-10-26/hezkuntzak_ badauka_memoria.htm ; accessed 10. 10. 2019) 470 Šolska kronika / School Chronicle • 3 • 2019 the most numerous being sent to the United Kingdom, nearly 4,000 children who, shipped from the Port of Santurce, arrived on Sunday the 23rd of May, 1937 in Southampton, from where they were immediately transferred to a camp at North Stoneham and then dispersed to different colonies in England, Wales, and Scotland. Some of these children returned to the Basque Country at the end of the Civil War, and a significant number, for different reasons, stayed permanently in the UK and subsequently organised themselves around the Basque Children of ’37 Association, which is still functioning and the members still known as “niños” in the United Kingdom. To this end, we have 15 panels which record the odyssey that these children struggled through. As regards the educational actions of the Basque Government in the Sec- ond Republic, one of the main elements was the development of a new University, a very complicated task in times of war, but an objective that was achieved, al- though for a brief period of time. To this end, we have a series of panels which explain the progress and significance of the first “Basque University”. This room is completed with a series of photographs of rural schools and urban neighbour- hood schools which were very successful for their time. • The first ikastolas space During the Francoist period, a number of schools emerged in various locations in the Basque Country and which operated in an irregular manner – although it was not allowed, they taught in the Basque language. We are in the process of recreating one of these “etxe-eskola” (home-schools), in which funda- mentally active teaching was carried out, with a large input of walks and informal learning. To this end, we have a number of school exercise books used therein and with photographs of and testimonies from those who were pupils at this kind of school. • Scientific instruments in education These instruments, which have come from various public and private cen- tres, will enable us to familiarise ourselves with the school culture of the time. Research into scientific material reflects specific pedagogic intentions (Bernal and López, 2007) and the level of provision of instruments has been an element of “distinction” for certain schools. We have obtained part of this material from some of these schools on permanent loan. Besides these spaces, the implementation of which is currently under way, the creation of spaces around pedagogic renewal is also being planned – bringing together work undertaken by Educational Renewal Movements in the Basque Country: school voices with stories about the lives of schoolmasters and school- mistresses; extramural activities (drum parades, beach football, and so on); a chronology of educational legislation, etc. Finally, with the transfer of the Documentation Centre, mentioned above, and the collections from various donations, what we have here is a significant source of resources for the study of the History of Education in the Basque Coun- try, creating a museum with the projected targets. 471Creating links in education. Teachers and their associations 4. Conclusion. The creation of the Museum of Education in the heart of the University of the Basque Country links up with the work, recently initiated, of a number of Spanish universities, which have launched this kind of project. The Group has promoted this Museum for Historical and Comparative Studies in Educa- tion-Garaian, recognised by the Basque Government. Amongst the objectives of this group is the recovery of historical-educational heritage, a goal which is be- ing achieved through implementing an exhibition space and a series of diverse material items related to classroom layout, school copybooks, maps, scientific material, etc. and which represents important educational heritage of the Basque Country. One of the most relevant aspects of this Museum is the incorporation of Centre for Documentation on Education in the Basque Country, thus most appropriately complementing the objectives of a Museum of Education. The presentation we have carried out is adapted to the reality of the project while, within the strategic plan undertaken in order to implement the Museum, we have a series of educational and didactic use proposals which will enable the entity to be a reference for museums in the Basque Country. Also of increasingly great interest is the teaching use to which both the Museum and the Documentation Centre is being put, in order to favour research projects and course work for Teacher Training and Education degree students. Bibliography Bernal, J. M. y López, J. D. (2007). Los museos educativos y el material científico-ped- agógico construido en la escuela. In Escolano, A.: La cultura material de la escuela. CEINCE: Salamanca, pp. 155-168. Dávila, P. y Naya, L. Mª (2009). El centro de documentación sobre historia de la educación en Euskal Herria en internet: una experiencia innovadora. Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educación: El patrimonio histórico-educativo y la enseñanza de la historia de la educación, Murcia: SEDHE, pp. 111-123. Davila, P. y Naya, L. Mª (2012). El Patrimonio Pedagógico y Científico de los Museos de La Salle en España. Moreno, P. L. y Sebastián, A.: Patrimonio y Etnografía de la escuela en España y Portugal durante el Siglo XX. Murcia: Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo (SEPHE) y Centro de Estudios sobre la Memo- ria Educativa (CEME) de la Universidad de Murcia, pp. 597-609. Martín, B. (2007). El museo pedagógico de la Universidad de Salamanca. Foro de Edu- cación (9): 349-358 Ruiz, J. (2010). El patrimonio histórico-educativo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. Ruiz, J. (2012). La Sociedad para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo. SEPHE. Revista de Ciencias de la Educación (231): 273-277. Museum of Education of the Basque Country / Euskal Hezkuntzaren Museoa – La Es- cuela de Ayer y de Hoy: Propuestas para el Futuro, - Short presentation of Museum: https://vimeo.com/310079502, accessed 10. 10. 2019) 472 Šolska kronika / School Chronicle • 3 • 2019 Summary A project about a Museum of education in the Basque Country Paulí Dávila Balsera, Luis Mª Naya Garmendia In the current museum panoramic in Spain, school museums installed on university head- quarters are achieving an increasingly important presence. In different parts of Spain (Albacete, Galicia, Cantabria, etc.) there are education-related museums with different names such as School Museum, Children's Museum, etc. There are also other types of museums which can be personal or private (toy museum); or museums installed in both private and public schools. With respect to the museums installed in universities, it is necessary to highlight the ones placed in Murcia, La Laguna, Seville, Salamanca, Huelva, etc. Some of them have a remarkable presence on the Internet, working as virtual museums. To this line opened by other universities, it has to be joined the recent launch of a Museum of Education of the Basque Country - “Euskal Hezkuntzaren Museoa”, in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The creation of this museum is preceded by the existence of a Documentation Centre on the History of Education in the Basque Country, promoted by the group of Historical Studies and Comparative Education, whose members are the authors of this contribution http://www.ehu.eus/euskal-hezkuntza/euskara/. This museum is being structured around a series of topics to help us understand, explain and transmit the differential charac- teristics of education in the Basque Country. In this sense, some rooms are being planned with material relating to: “ikastolas” (schools providing teaching exclusively in Basque), educational renewal, rural schools, etc.; as well as all the classic elements of a school museum.