GRAPHICAL MA TERIALS JERNEJA FRIDL GRAPHICAL MA TERIALS AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE CONCEPTUALIZA TION OF SPACE CONCEPTUALIZA TION OF SPACE R.A.V.E. Space INTERREG IIIB CADSES programme Raising Awareness of Values of Space through the Process of Education PROJECT PART-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION nsl.qxd 4.12.2007 9:52 Page 1 GRAPHICAL MA TERIALS AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE CONCEPTUALIZA TION OF SPACE JERNEJA FRIDL R.A.V.E. Space INTERREG IIIB CADSES programme GRAPHICAL MA TERIALS AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE CONCEPTUALIZA TION OF SPACE PROJECT PART-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:52 Page 1 2 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 2 3 VISUALIZA TION OF REALITY graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 3 Achieving sustainable spatial development requires a positive attitude towards nature, people, the space we live in and the processes that have been going on in that space. Such an attitude can be supported and encouraged in the classroom or through direct experiences in the school's surroundings, by means of field trips, excursions, and similar. Observing nature in the field opens up new opportunities for understanding since it is through direct contact with physical space that all our senses are engaged and honed. 4 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 4 In order to encourage young people to became aware of space, its values, and its planning, it is important to teach them to observe, to notice processes, to express their thoughts and to draw the processes they have observed. Visualization of reality thus plays an important role in synthesizing the knowledge gained. One of the most important ways to visualize the real world – both visible and invisible phenomena – is by using maps. Maps help train pupils: • to orientate themselves in space better, • to perceive space and spatial features more fully, • to present their interpretations of space more clearly, • to comprehend the dynamics of conflicting uses of space more completely. 5 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 5 6 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 6 7 CAR TOGRAPHIC LITERACY graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 7 8 The effective use of a variety of cartographic tools depends on the cartographic literacy level of pupils. Cartographic literacy begins in the preschool period: by the age of ten children achieve sufficient cartographic literacy for the use of all kinds of maps. Special attention should be paid to how young people of various age groups conceptualize space and how they transfer certain conceptions of space acquired in the field to maps. The opposite aspect is also extremely important: how young people interpret spatial maps and what kind of conception of space they gain from them. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 8 Map-reading ability by pupils depends on: • their level of cognitive development, • their past experience in using maps, • the appropriateness of cartographic displays relative to their developmental level, • the circumstances in which the maps are used, • the ability of the cartographic information to be abstracted. Map-drawing ability by pupils depends on: • their understanding of perspective and projection, • their familiarity with cartographic symbols and the explanation of these symbols in the legend, • their ability to determine location in a coordinate system: relatively and absolutely, • their ability to understand scale and associated relationships between distances and areas, • their ability to understand the purpose of a map and its associated selection of content. 9 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 9 10 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 10 11 MAPS AND OTHER GRAPHIC MA TERIALS IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCA TION FOR SUSTAINABLE SPA TIAL DEVELOPMENT graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 11 12 Sustainable spatial development is based on the properties of space as a natural public good. The state of the space and the changes that have occurred within in it over extended time periods can be most easily found out using a variety of graphical materials. Among these, cartographic and photographic materials, in classical or electronic form, stand out and form an indispensable tool in teaching young people about space and its importance for the continuing development of society. Graphical tools are preferable to textual materials in identifying and analyzing various elements of landscape through a case study. We have presented a selection of cartographic and other graphical materials at R.A.V.E. Space seminars for teachers, showing how they can be used to teach pupils about the significance and role of space for sustainable development. We highlight in particular the use of different maps, aerial photos, three-dimensional and simulated models and photographs of an area from different time periods to enable: graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 12 • an easier spatial presentation of the regions studied, • orientation in space, • awareness of the values of space and the conflicts which arise in this space, • a determination of the situation in the past and that of today, and an awareness and understanding of the changes which occurred over time, • planning of future spatial development, and • presentation of results. 13 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 13 14 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 14 15 OR THOPHOTOS graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 15 Description An orthophoto is an aerial photograph that has been geometrically corrected by the rectification process such that the scale of the photograph is uniform, meaning that the photo can be considered equivalent to a map. Unlike an aerial photograph, an orthophoto can be used to measure true distances, because it is an šaccurate’ representation of the earth's surface, having been adjusted for topographic relief, lens distortion, and camera tilt. 16 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 16 Application Orthophotos can have a dual role. In general they are important for orientation in space and for the marking of locations of observations in the field. At seminars we have drawn particular attention to this secondary meaning. When combined and enlarged they can be used as a »Gulliver's Map«, which places pupils in the role of a giant. The original idea of the Gulliver's Map methodology was developed by Spanish Professor Josep Llop Torné, director of »UIA-CIMES Intermediate cities and world urbanization.« The inspiring idea 17 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 17 18 of this methodology is very simple: We are giants who, like Gulliver, explore a territory. The territory is represented by a large-scale map: a city plan, a schematic drawing, a series of orthophotos, etc., but it's important that it represents just the area of the case study that will be explored. The dimension of the map allows us to physically perceive the space it represents, even to walk on it. In this way its users gain a more integrated sense of the space and the division of activities within it than through observations in the field. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 18 After the field work all impressions and collected material can be put on the Gulliver's Map. In this way the »empty« representation of the space will be filled in with our details, observation, and content. Filling in the Gulliver's Map will help us to discover the interaction between elements of the space, sharing diverse point of views, to read the space in a more complex way and to envision new possibilities for the development of that space. The »Gulliver's Map« not only offers a more integrated picture of the regions studied, it is also equipped with additional content perceived in the field, and it presents a new view of the relationships among spatial elements and offers a more complex image of existing and future spatial development. 19 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 19 20 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 20 21 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 21 Description 22 A topographic map is a large-scale general reference map which shows the locations of a variety of different geographical features, such as relief, settlements, waters, roads, coastlines and political boundaries. They are usually made by public agencies using photogrammetric methods, and are issued in a series of individual sheets. The use of topographic maps requires a somewhat higher level of cartographic literacy than does the use of orthophotos, hence they are appropriate for the upper classes of primary school. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 22 Application 23 Since orthophotos lack content such as toponyms (names of towns and villages, water bodies, and buildings), contour lines, road networks, boundaries, etc., these topographic maps were an essential supplementary tool for spatial orientation. Large-scale topographic maps, for instance 1 : 5000, which are produced and updated for individual countries by Surveying and Mapping Authorities, are best suited for a more detailed study of the state of space. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 23 24 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 24 25 SPA TIAL PLANS graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 25 Description 26 Planners most commonly display their vision of future development in the form of special plans for towns, their wider surroundings, region or country. Spatial plans are long-term plans for development and preservation in which building land, public spaces, land for municipal, energy and transportation infrastructure, and agricultural and forestry areas are determined. Spatial plans are a crucial element of spatial planning at the local and regional levels. Spatial plans for cities and major towns are often called urban plans. They provide an especially detailed determination of socio-economic, architectural, infrastructural and environmental aspects of impacts on the urban space. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 26 Application 27 Spatial plans prepared by expert institutions on request are usually not accessible for general use. It is, however, possible to find a number of instances of spatial plans of relatively poor resolution on the internet or in the different strategies of spatial development. It makes sense to acquaint pupils with their existence and purpose, especially if we wish to help them become future citizens who as adults will be more actively included in the process of spatial planning. Later on they will have the opportunity to encounter this type of plans at public unveilings of spatial plans. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 27 28 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:53 Page 28 29 OLD MAPS graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 29 Description 30 In order to determine the presence and organization of activities in space in past historical periods, maps from older periods are also a useful tool. We would draw attention to two important historical sources which are available in some neighboring countries. These are the Franciscan cadastral map and the Josephine military map. Generally cadastral maps showed the geographical relationships among land parcels and land use. The sheets of the Franciscan cadastral map from the beginning of the 19 th century formed a very accurate map, since it was produced on a scale of 1 : 2880. The measuring of a land took place over a fairly brief period of time given the conditions at the time, from 1817 to 1828. Somewhat older is the Josephine military map: Maria Theresa commissioned the creation of accurate, detailed maps for the needs of the military in 1763, and her son Joseph finished the cartography work in 1787. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 30 Application Sheets of the Franciscan cadastral map from the period 1817 to 1828 are accessible in all countries which at the beginning of the 19 th century were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Somewhat less accessible is the 18 th century Josephine military map, since due to military secrecy it was never publicly available. Until recently it was stored in archives in Vienna. Some countries reclaimed it from oblivion. Thus facsimiles of sheets of the Josephine military map are appended to the series of seven books by Vincenc Raj{p and colleagues entitled »Slovenija na voja{kem zemljevidu 1763–1787« (»Slovenia on the military map«). Both cartographic materials mentioned above were very important for understanding the previous land use and processes in the space. They help us comprehend and understand the economic and social situation in past time periods, the influence and scale of disasters, the traces of former landscapes, and the current situation. A comparison of maps from different time periods enables a historical perspective and provides insights into the changes of the landscape over time. In this way we can also more easily understand the changes in the values of space and recognize which values were more important in the past and which values are important today. 31 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 31 32 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 32 33 OLD PHOTOGRAPHS graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 33 Description From the beginning of the 19 th century onwards, with the development of photography black and white photos became increasingly widespread. After starting initially with portraits in the early history of photography, photographers gradually directed their cameras towards images of landscapes and people at work. Thus today many images have been preserved, which can be seen in museums and documentary films. 34 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 34 Application Old photographs can frequently be an important source of information about the state of a landscape during periods in the past as well as about the life of the people there. In this way they can make a useful contribution in researching changes in a space over a long period of time. As a result of their nostalgic qualities, photographs often arouse in us a somewhat sentimental view of a space in the past. 35 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 35 36 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 36 37 3-D MODELS OF LANDSCAPES graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 37 Description 38 3-D models provide a better visual representation of space than two-dimensional illustrations. An appropriately shaded digital model of relief proved versatile and useful. Objects such as roads, buildings and similar were somewhat less suited to a three-dimensional portrayal. Google has made general access to 3-D models of the earth's surface much easier, offering users free access to the Google Earth application at graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 38 Application 3-D display is very useful tool in the classroom for presenting the test area. The computer application enables numerous operations. We performed a computer simulation of a flight over the region for a bird's eye view. We decided to use these means based on a survey carried out in an earlier phase of the R.A.V.E. Space project. The results of the survey showed that in the opinion of the teachers a favourite teaching/learning tool of pupils was computer animation and games. For this reason we looked at the tested areas from a bird's-eye view using animation enabled by the Google Earth program. Using this kind of approach makes it possible to motivate pupils for further work. 39 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 39 40 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 40 41 SIMULA TED DISPLAY OF IMPACTS ON THE SPACE graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 41 Description Appropriate programs enable the preparation of simulated displays to an increasingly wider circle of users. The purpose of such kinds of displays is to show the appearance of a building, space, or landscape after the completion of a planned development or change in the space. Simulated displays are used in large measure by architects to prepare conceptual plans, and many displays are accessible on the internet and in promotional materials. 42 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 42 Application Simulated displays are becoming more and more accessible on the web pages of companies which plan new buildings or layouts, most often in urban areas. They facilitate our comprehension of a planned impact on a space and make it easier for us to express of our views, positive and negative, of the impact itself as well as the problems in the space that it will trigger. 43 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 43 44 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 44 45 COMPUTERS GAMES graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 45 Description 46 Among the numerous computer games which are freely available on the internet and developed especially for the needs of education, it is also possible to find some which teach architectural and urban planning principles. One such is »Urban Plan 2001«, which places the player in the role of urban planner. Drawing on a limited budget, the player must arrange housing, shops, schools, businesses providing jobs for residents, services, green space and so on in an empty space. When the game is over, the player is given advice on what he or she should have anticipated and what could have been done better. At the same the player accumulates points for the number of people who live there, the anticipated level of crime, the number of jobs and similar. Some games give greater emphasis to the formation of new behavior patterns which will influence our own existence as well as the lives of future generations. The computer game »My Sust. House« is an exciting interactive game exploring what sustainability means and how it relates to our homes. This program provides opportunities for developing knowledge and understanding, skills development and developing informed attitudes. As well as providing interesting information, it stimulates discussion, presents problem solving activities and provides a context for teamwork and decision-making. graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 46 Application Computer games of course cannot replace the knowledge and experience gained from learning in the space itself. They are, however, an interesting supplementary tool for motivating pupils to begin to think about the challenges, demands, and problems posed by the planning and organization of space. 47 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 47 48 GRAPHICAL MATERIALS AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SPACE Jerneja Fridl © 2007, Anton Melik Geographical Institute – Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Editor: Mimi Urbanc Photographic materials: Archives of Anton Melik Geographical Institute SRC SASA (Jerneja Fridl, Marjan Garbajs, Primo` Ga{peri~, Matev` Lenar~i~), Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Archives of R.A.V.E. Space (Jerneja Fridl, Primo` Pipan, Marko Zaplatil), Geodetski zavod d. o. o., Maritime Museum »Sergej Masera« Piran, Municipality of Piran, Project REGALP: Regional Development and Cultural Landscape Change: The Example of the Alps (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Matej Nik{i~, and archives of Miran Trontelj), Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana (Ilka ^erpes, Matev` Juvan~i~, Toma` Pipan, Radosav Stevovi}, Tadeja Zupan~i~), Vizualizacije d. o. o. Consultants: Stefania Bertolino, Claudia Ferluga, Ilaria Garofolo, Elena Marchigiani Translator: Jean McCollister Designer: Jerneja Fridl Publisher: Zalo`ba ZRC/ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana 2007 Desktop publishing and printing: SYNCOMP, d. o. o., Ljubljana Print run: 300 Some interesting links The book results from the international project R.A.V.E. Space in the INTERREG IIIB CADSES programme, and is financed in part by the European Union, with co-funding from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Anton Melik Geographical Institute SRC SASA. Thanks to this funding, the book is available to the public free of charge. CIP – Katalo`ni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knji`nica, Ljubljana 371.673 FRIDL, Jerneja Graphical materials as teaching tools for the conceptualization of space / Jerneja Fridl ; [photographic materials archives of R.A.V.E. Space and Anton Melik Geographical Institute SRC SASA ; translator Jean McCollister]. – Ljubljana : Zalo`ba ZRC = ZRC Publishing, 2007 ISBN 978-961-254-038-8 236151040 graficne priloge.qxd 4.12.2007 9:54 Page 48 Digital version (pdf) is freely available according to the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence: GRAPHICAL MA TERIALS JERNEJA FRIDL GRAPHICAL MA TERIALS AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE AS TEACHING TOOLS FOR THE CONCEPTUALIZA TION OF SPACE CONCEPTUALIZA TION OF SPACE R.A.V.E. Space INTERREG IIIB CADSES programme Raising Awareness of Values of Space through the Process of Education PROJECT PART-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION nsl.qxd 4.12.2007 9:52 Page 1