Izvirni znanstveni članek / Original scientific paper PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF QUERCUSPETRAEA FOREST STANDS WITH CHAMAECYTISUS HIRSUTUS AND ERICA CARNEA IN THE VIPAVSKA BRDA (SOUTHWESTERN SLOVENIA) FITOCENOLOŠKA OZNAKA SESTOJEV GRADNA (QUERCUS PETRAEA) Z DLAKAVO RELIKO (CHAMAECYTISUS HIRSUTUS) IN SPOMLADANSKO RESO (ERICA CARNEA) V VIPAVSKIH BRDIH (JUGOZAHODNA SLOVENIJA) Igor DAKSKOBLER1 (1) Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional Unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin, and Biotechnical Faculty of the University in Ljubljana, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, igor.dakskobler@zrc-sazu.si ABSTRACT We conducted a phytosociological study of Quercus petraea stands, whose herb layer is dominated by Erica carnea in the flysch hills of Vipavska brda and on the margins of the Vrhe plateau (southwestern Slovenia). We have determined that they are a long-term degradation stage on beech forest sites from the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum. Based on comparisons with similar sessile oak stands from associations Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae, Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae and Erico carneae-Quercetum petraeae, the studied stands are classified into the new association Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae. They are best differentiated from the stands of compared communities by the species Erica carnea, Sorbus aria, Lathyrus linifolius, Loranthus europaeus and Erythronium dens-canis. The new association is classified into the alliance Carpinion orientalis and order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. Key words: phytosociology, synsystematics, Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae, Carpinion orientalis, degradation stage, Vipavska brda, Vrhe, Slovenia IZVLEČEK Fitocenološko smo raziskali sestoje gradna (Quercuspetraea) v flišnem gričevju Vipavskih brd in na robu planote Vrhe (jugozahodna Slovenija), v katerih v zeliščni plasti prevladuje vrsta Erica carnea. Ugotavljamo, da so dolgotrajen degradacijski stadij na rastiščih bukovega gozda iz asociacije Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum. Na podlagi primerjav s podobnimi gradnovimi sestoji iz asociacij Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae, Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae in Erico carneae-Quercetum petraeae preučene sestoje uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae. Od sestojev primerjanih združb jih najbolj razlikujejo vrste Erica carnea, Sorbus aria, Lathyrus linifolius, Loranthus europaeus in Erythronium dens-canis. Novo asociacijo uvrščamo v zvezo Carpinion orientalis in v red Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. Ključne besede: fitocenologija, sinsistematika, Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae, Carpinion orientalis, degradacijski stadij, Vipavska brda, Vrhe, Slovenija 1 INTRODUCTION 1 UVOD The forest of the Vipavska brda in southwestern Slovenia as seen from a distance (e.g. from the Nanos plateau) gives a fairly uniform picture. A closer view, however, shows that these are secondary stands that clearly demonstrate the impact of past management. In terms of ecology - these are steep, shady flysch slopes cross-cut with streams - the highest stage of development in the primary post-glacial development in this area was probably beech forest. Individual beech trees can still be found in numerous spots, as well as many beech stands, especially on higher elevations on slopes under the Vrhe plateau and in the eastern part GDK 188:176.1Quercus petraea(497.4)(045)=m Prispelo / Received: 22. 02. 2014 Sprejeto / Accepted: 24. 04. 2014 of the hills towards Razdrto and Rasa. We conducted a phytosociological inventory of several such beech stands that are mainly classified into the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (compare Dakskobler, 1997). The dominant species now is without a doubt sessile oak (Quercus petraea), and its stands, whose herb layer is dominated by autumn moor grass (Se-sleria autumnalis), are classified into the association Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae (Carni et al., 2002). We were especially interested in low-growing oak coppice stands, where the herb layer is completely dominated by spring heath (Erica carnea). Elevation, geological bedrock, slope are similar as in beech or sessile oak stands with autumn moor grass, while the herb layer is clearly different. Degradation and, in turn, deterioration of soil- and consequently of site conditions and changes in the species composition could have been caused by erosion (removal of soil still ongoing in several locations) and definitely also by past human activities, especially by litter gathering (Čokelj, in litt.). A phytosociological inventory was conducted for both beech and oak stands; the relevés were arranged into two tables and the results of our research are presented in this paper. 1.1 Ecological description of the study area 1.1 Ekološki opis raziskovanega območja The name Vipavska brda denominates the hills situated south of the Vipava river, north of the Branica river and west of the Močilnik stream (Kladnik, 2000) in southwestern Slovenia. In the east, the hills gradually continue into the Vrhe plateau between the Vipava and Raša valleys. The shady slopes of the Vipavska brda and of the Vrhe plateau above the Močilnik and Pasji rep streams are now mainly covered with forests. Settlements are located both on the plateau and in the valley. Figure 1 shows the approximate location of inventoried sessile oak stands, whose herb layer is completely dominated by spring heath (Erica carnea). The elevation of the localities is between 290 m and 535 m, the aspect is distinctly shady, northern, northeastern, eastern as well as southeastern, the slope is 5° to 30°. Geological bedrock of the Vipavska brda is Eocene fly-sch (Buser, 1973, 2009) and the predominant soil type is eutric brown soil (Lovrenčak, 1998, Prus, in litt.). The climate is warm, with mean annual temperature of 102C to 122C (Cegnar, 1998) and mean annual precipitation of between 1,400 mm and 1,600 mm (B. Zupančič, 1998). The phytosociological map of potential natural forest vegetation of Slovenia, scale 1: 400,000 (Čarni et al., 2002), indicates the study area as the association Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petrae-ae. According to our findings, beech forest is the potential natural vegetation of shady slopes of the Vipavska brda, especially the forest from the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, in part also from the association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum. Stands of the association Seslerio autumnlais-Quercetum petraeae (see relevés 11 and 12 in Table 2) in this area are largely secondary degradation stage. Although the steep flysch slopes have always been largely wooded, the military map from the second half of the 18th century (Rajšp and Trpin, 1997) indicates relatively large viticultural areas also on the shady slopes, at least in the Pasji rep Fig. 1: Approximate localities of inventoried sessile oak stan- Slika 1: Približna nahajališča raziskanih gradnovih sestojev ds in the Vipavska brda v Vipavskih brdih valley. Pioneer stands of various deciduous trees occur elsewhere too, especially in gullied slopes with deep soil. They frequently feature wild cherry (Prunus avium) - see relevé No. 13 in Table 2. Sites on what was once clearly agricultural land are increasingly overgrown by black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 MATERIALI IN METODE Vegetation in the Vipavska brda was researched applying the Central-European phytosociological method (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). A total of 39 relevés were made and entered into the FloVegSi database (Seliškar et al., 2003). Combined cover-abundance values were transformed into numerical values 1- 9 (van der Maarel, 1979). Numerical comparisons were conducted with the software package SYN-TAX (Podani, 2001). Relevés were arranged into two analytic tables (Tables 1 and 2) based on hierarchical classification. We integrated the results of the (unweighted) pair group method with arithmetic mean "(Unweighted) average linkage" - UPGMA, where Wishart's similarity ratio was applied. Phytosociological groups (= groups of diagnostic species) were formed on the basis of our own criteria, but with consideration of several authors (Aeschimann et al., 2004, Poldini, 1982, 1988, 1989, Zupančič, 1999). Similar oak communities from the sub-Mediterranean part of Slovenia (Poldini, 1982, Zupančič, 1999) and from serpentine areas in Bosnia (Krause and Ludwig, 1957, Ritter-Studnička,1970) were compared through hierarchical classification and two-dimensional ordination (principal coordinates analysis, PCoA), as well as on the basis of S0rensen's coefficient of floristic similarity (S0rensen, 1948) and analysis of percentage of diagnostic species of syntaxo-nomic groups. The nomenclature source for the names of vascular plants is Mala flora Slovenije (Martinčič et al., 2007). Martinčič (2003, 2011) is the nomenclature source for the names of mosses, Šilc and Čarni (2012) for the names of syntaxa (with the exception of the names of the class Querco-Fagetea Braun-Blanquet et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 and alliance Carpinion orientals Horvat 1958) and Urbančič et al. (2005) for the names of soil types. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3 REZULTATI IN RAZPRAVA 3.1Description of soils in the researched stands 3.1 Opis tal v preučenih sestojih Soil conditions were described on the basis of the sample that was obtained in the Pasji rep valley and analysed in the laboratory of the Slovenian Forestry Institute, as well as on the basis of the public data provided by the Infrastructural Centre for Pedology and Plant Protection at the Department of Agronomy of Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana, which were interpreted for us by Tomaž Prus (in litt.). Convex slopes with relatively shallow soil prevail, in places showing signs of erosion (leaching). The dominant soil type is lessivé eutric brown soil. Upper horizons are strongly acid (pH H2O 4.8, pH CaCl 3.8 to 4.0), the humus type is moder (C/N ratio exceeds 20). Soil properties change with depth and pH increases considerably. This indicates past practices on surface soil horizons. Litter gathering is one of the likely reasons that accelerated the process of soil base cation (Ca, Mg, K) leaching. Although characteristic for alkaline soils, Erica carnea can thrive also on soils that have gradually become acid. In the event of further soil degradation (acidification), it would be replaced by Calluna vulgaris, which has only been found in isolated spots in our relevés. Abundant occurrence of Erica carnea in the Vipavska brda can be attributed to the distinctly shady aspect, i.e. local climate factors, erosion-associated processes on convex slopes and to past litter gathering. 3.2 Stand description and species composition (Table 1) 3.2 Oznaka sestojev in vrstna sestava (preglednica 1) Pole- and mature sessile oak stands prevail on 39 researched plots; their diameter at breast height is between 25 cm and 35 cm and tree height between 10 m and 16 m. Many of them are of coppice origin. Frequent occurrence of the parasite Loranthus europaeus in sessile oak crowns indicates relatively poor vitality of sessile oak on these sites. The upper tree layer is admixed with individual trees of Fagussylvatica, Castanea sativa and Sorbus aria, very rarely also by Pinus nigra (sub-spontaneously), Betula pendula, Ostrya carpinifolia, Sorbus aucuparia and Pinussylvestris. The alien species Robinia pseudoacacia was recorded in the tree layer on one of the plots. The species that frequently occur in the lower tree layer and in the upper shrub layer include Fraxinus ornus, Sorbus aria, S. torminalis, Juniperus communis, in places also Castanea sativa and Fagus sylvatica, and only rarely Laburnum alpinum, Pyrus pyra-ster, Amelanchier ovalis and Crategus monogyna. In the shrub layer, we inventoried the taxa Sorbus graeca and S. austriaca, but our determination is not completely reliable. Above Veliki graben above Otošče we found a rare hybrid between Sobus aria and S. torminalis = Sorbus latifolia s. lat. In addition to the dominating Erica carnea, the taxon Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea, in places also the species Convallaria majalis, Serratula tinctoria and Vaccinium myrtillus, on several spots also Pteridium aquilinum, have a higher medium coverage. Common grasses include Sesleria autumnalis, Avenel-la flexuosa and Calamagrostis arundinacea; Luzula lu-zuloides is also frequent. Species with high constancy (more than 50%) in the herb layer are also Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Tanacetum corymbosum, Hieracium racemosum, H. sabaudum, H. murorum, Genista pilosa, Platanthera bifolia and Erythronium dens-canis. Common species in the moss layer are Hypnum cupressi-forme, Thuidium tamariscinum and Polytrichum formo-sum (= Polytrichastrum formosum), with Leucobryum glaucum observed on several plots. 3.3 Comparison with preserved beech stands (Table 2) 3.3 Primerjava z ohranjenimi bukovimi sestoji (preglednica 2) Table 2 comprises 13 relevés from the same area (Vipavska brda, Vrhe), but with a different composition of the tree layer. Ten relevés (1 to 10) are classified into the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, two are a degradation stage with dominant sessile oak on a beech site (relevés 11 and 12, both classified into the association Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae). Relevé No. 13 characterises a pioneer forest on former agricultural land dominated by Prunus avium, with individual specimens of Ostrya carpinifolia, Acer pseudo-platanus, A. campestre and Robinia pseudoacacia. We assume this is a pioneer stage on potential sites of the association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum. Comparison of 26 relevés of sessile oak forest with ten relevés of the beech forest from the association Seslerio autu-mnalis-Fagetum from the same area indicates substantial differences not only in the tree layer, but also in the herb layer. In beech stands, it is usually dominated by Sesleria autumnalis, there are clearly more mesophi-lous species, character species of the order Fagetalia sylvaticae (see Tables 2 and 4). The soil is deeper, less acid and in places also moister. 3.4 Synsystematic classification 3.4 Sinsistematska opredelitev Natural characteristics (flysch slopes), phytogeo-graphical position and origin (secondary community) of the studied stands are similar to the conditions in which sessile oak stands of the syntaxon Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Fraxinus ornus (Puncer and Zupančič, 1979, Zupančič, 1994) grow in the hills of Brkini. We conducted a comparison between 19 relevés of this association and our relevés; floristic similarity according to S0rensen (1948) is about 56%, which allows for classification into the same association, but new subassociation Melampyro-Quercetum ericetosum carneae. Such classification is conditionally supported also by the presence of diagnostic species from the association Melampyro-Quercetum in the studied stands in the Vipavska brda. In addition to sessile oak, Luzula luzuloides, Hieracium sabaudum and the geographical differential species Avenella flexuosa (= Deschampsia flexuosa) also frequently occur in these stands. Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum and Chamaecytisus supinus occur with considerably lower frequency and medium coverage, whereas Lem-botropis nigricans and geographical differential species Orobanche nana (O. ramosa subsp. nana) were not recorded. There are obvious differences in the proportion of diagnostic species (Table 4). The studied stands comprise a considerably higher proportion of ther-mophilous species of the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae and class Erico-Pinetea and a much smaller proportion of acidophilous species of the order Quer-cetalia roboris and class Vaccinio-Piceetea than the stands of the association Melampyro-Quercetum. Soil conditions are different. Dystric brown soils prevail in the stands of the association Melampyro-Quercetum, whereas the soil in our stands is eutric, although frequently leached. The fundamental difference is in potentially natural vegetation. In terms of the association Melampyro-Quercetum, this is most frequently a moderate acidophilous beech-oak forest from the association Castaneo-Fagetum sylvaticae, in our case the sub-Mediterranean beech forest from the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum. This is also the basis for classification into two different orders. The association Melampyro-Quercetum is classified into the alliance Quercion roboris (or Genisto germanicae-Quercion roboris) and into the order Quercetalia roboris, while the studied stands with their floristic composition are classified into the alliance Carpinion orientalis and into the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. If these stands were classified as the new subassociation Melampyro-Quercetum petraeae ericetosum carneae it should be classified into the same alliance as the previously described subassociations (Puncer and Zupančič, 1979), i.e. into the alliance Quercion roboris (or Genisto ger-manicae-Quercion roboris), which does not correspond to its full floristic composition. We therefore conducted additional comparisons with another two syntaxa, the association Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae (Zupančič, 1999, Table 5, Poldini, 1982, Table 4, columns 27-34) and with the association Erico carne- ae-Quercetum petraeae (Krause and Ludwig, 1957: 118-120, Ritter-Studnicka, 1970: 114-115, Beus, 1997: 94-95). We also made a synthetic table (Table 3) with six columns and compared them with hierarchical classification and two-dimensional ordination (Figures 2 and 3). In terms of floristics, our stands are most similar to the stands of the association Melampy-ro-Quercetum petraeae. Floristic similarity with the association Seslerio autumnalis-Queretum petraeae according to S0rensen (1948) is already lower at about 45%. Similarity is only slightly higher (47%) with the most acidophilous form of this association described by Poldini (1982) as Seslerio autumnalis-Queretum petraeae avenelletosum flexuosae. It is differentiated by Castanea sativa, Luzula luzuloides, Avenella flexu-osa and some other species. Poldini (ibid.) described two variants: the variant with Erica carnea on sites with less acid soil and the variant with Polytrichum for-mosum, Leucobryum glaucum, Genista germanica and Dicranum scoparium on more acid soil. He found such stands both on flysch and limestone. The tree layer is frequently dominated by Turkey oak (Quercus cerris). Poldini attributed the increased soil acidity to the past litter gathering. Despite certain similarities with the studied stands in the Vipavska brda (occurrence of Erica carnea, but with less medium coverage, and of some other acidophilous species except Vaccinium myrtillus), the dendrogram (Figures 2 and 3) shows the stands of the subassociation -avenelletosum flexuosae grouping with stands of other forms of the association Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae and not with our community. With consideration of the dominant species of the tree and herb layers, the studied stands could be classified into the association Erico carneae-Quercetum petraeae that was described in northern Bosnia (Krause and Ludwig, 1957: 90-91 and Table 1, column 3 on pages 118-120, Horvat, 1959: 30, Ritter-Studnicka, 1970), but in very different ecological conditions, on serpentine bedrock (in western Bosnia the oak stands with Erica carnea were described also on Permian sandstones and on dystric soils and were classified into the syntaxon Betulo-Quercetum petraeae ericetosum -Fabijanic et al., 1963, Stefanovic, 1984). Stands of this association are syndynamically closely related to the black and red pine on serpentinite (see also Horvat et al., 1974: 461) and their progressive development also leads to the (fir)beech forest. Floristic similarity of 23 relevés from the synthetic table of the association Erico-Quercetum petraeae Krause et Ludwig ex Horvat 1959 (the correct author citation, Theurillat, in litt.) -Ritter-Studnicka (1970: 114-115) with our stands is only 20% according to S0rensen (1948), while floristic similarity of 5 relevés from the synthetic table of the same association (Krause and Ludwig, ibid.) is slightly higher (31%), which does not allow for its classification into the same association. In addition, Zupančič et al. (1986: 12) classify the association Erico-Quercetum petraeae into the alliance Quercion robori-petraeae = Quercion roboris and into the order Quercetalia robori-petraeae = Quercetalia roboris, while we classify the studied stands into the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. Floristic dissimilarity is further confirmed by hierarchical classification (Figures 2 and 3). Based on these comparisons, we decided to classify sessile oak stands from the Vipavska brda into the new association Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae ass. nov. hoc loco. Its diagnostic species are Quercus petraea (the edifier of all four compared communities that characterises the newly described association against the primary association Seslerio au-tumnalis-Fagetum), Erica carnea, Sorbus aria, Sesleria autumnalis, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Lathyrus linifo-lius, Loranthus europaeus and Erythronium dens-canis. These species undoubtedly differentiate the studied stands both from floristically slightly similar stands of the associations Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae and Melampyro-Quercetum petraeae as well as from physiognomically similar (with dominant Erica carnea in the herb layer) stands of the association Erico-Quercetum petraeae in Bosnia. The differential species that distinguish them from the stands of the association Seslerio-Quercetum are Loranthus europaeus, Lathyrus linifolius and Erythronium dens-canis, partly also Erica carnea and Sorbus aria. The species that differentiate them from the stands of the association Melampyro-Quercetum are Sorbus aria, Sesleria autumnalis, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Lathyrus linifolius, Erythronium dens-canis and Loranthus europaeus, and the species that differentiate them from the stands of the association Erico-Quercetum are Sorbus aria, Sesleria autumnalis, Lathyrus linifolius and Loranthus europaeus. The diagnostic species characterise the new association both ecologically (Erica carnea, Sorbus aria, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Lathyrus linifolius, Loranthus europaeus) and phytogeographically (especially Sesleria autumnalis and Erythronium dens-canis). The nomenclature type of the new association, holotypus, is relevé No. 5 in Table 1. 4 CONCLUSIONS 4 ZAKLJUČKI Stands of Quercus petraea with Chamaecytisus hirsutus and Erica carnea on shady slopes of the Vipavska brda under the Vrhe plateau are an easily recognised degradation stage on potential sites of beech forest from the association Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum and are also easily distinguishable from other stands. The forest's surface area is estimated at between 500 ha and 1,000 ha (so far, it has been mapped as the association Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae, Reščič, in litt.). Stands of this stage are mainly distributed in the Karst forest management region, in the forest management unit Vrhe and on a smaller area also in the Ajdovščina forest management unit within the Tolmin forest management region. Progressive development back into the beech forest has been very slow. Now, in the absence of human impact (such as litter gathering), it is hindered by natural factors (convex slopes subject to erosion) and by the fact that due to the warm climate beech in this area occurs on the edge of its natural distribution area. It therefore makes sense to treat these stands at the level of the association Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae and to make sure that their role of protection against erosion is considered in forest management practice. They play a significant role also as a biotope, i.e. as a site of the rare hybrid Sorbus latifolia s. lat. (see Avdibegovic et al., 2013), protected species Erythronium dens-canis, Platanthera bifolia, P. chlorantha, Lilium martagon, Cephalanthera longifo-lia, Neottia nidus-avis, Sedum maximum (Anon., 2004) and of Leucobryum glaucum, a moss species of conservation concern (Anon., 2002). In terms of floristics and site conditions, the stands of the new association slightly resemble the stands of associations Melampyro vulgate-Quercetum petraeae, Seslerio autumnalis-Quer-cetum petraeae and Erico carneae-Quercetum petraeae, but also distinctly differ from them in terms of syndy-namics, certain ecological factors and in the occurrence of several species. They are characterised by the shady aspect, flysch bedrock, lessivé eutric brown soils, the sub-Mediterranean climate and differential species such as Erica carnea, Sorbus aria, Lathyrus linifolius, Loranthus europaeus and Erythronium dens-canis. Erico-Quercetum/Melampyro-Quercetum/Seslerio-Quercetum 0,80,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 ilra0,45 imsi0,4 ¡3)35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 01 Fig. 2: Dendrogram of stands of the syntaxa Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae (CQ), Melampyro-Quercetum petraeae (MQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae (SQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae avenelletosum flexuosae (SQaf) and Erico-Quercetum petraeae (EQ, EQ1) from southwestern Slovenia and Bosnia, UPGMA, similarity ratio SQaf SQ Slika 2: Dendrogram sestojev sintaksonov Chamaecytiso hir-suti-Quercetum petraeae (CQ), Melampyro-Quercetum petraeae (MQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae (SQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae avenelletosum flexuosae (SQaf) in Erico-Quercetum petraeae (EQ, EQ1) iz jugovzhodne Slovenije in Bosne, UPGMA, količnik podobnosti »similarity ratio« CQ Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae ass. nov., this article MQ Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae Puncer & Zupančič 1979 var. geogr. Fraxinus ornus (Puncer & Zupančič) Zupančič 1994 (Puncer in Zupančič, 1979) SQaf Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae Poldini (1964) 1982 avenelletosum flexuosae Poldini 1982 (Poldini, 1982) SQ Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae Poldini (1964) 1982 (Zupančič, 1999) EQ Erico-Quercetum petraeae Krause et Ludwig ex Horvat 1959 (Ritter-Studnička, 1970) EQ1 Erico-Quercetum petraeae Krause et Ludwig ex Horvat 1959 (Krause and Ludwig, 1957) Classification of the new association into higher syntaxonomical units is as follows: Class: Querco-Fagetea Br.-Bl. et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 Order: Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Klika 1933 Alliance: Carpinion orientalis Horvat 1958 Suballiance: Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryenion Blasi, Di Pietro & Filesi 2004 = Ostryo-Carpinenion orientalis Horvat (1954) 1958 nom. illeg. Association: Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae ass. nov. hoc loco 5 POVZETEK 5 SUMMARY Po standardni srednjeevropski metodi smo fito-cenološko preučili sestoje gradna (Quercus petraea) v flišnem gričevju Vipavskih brd in na robu planote Vrhe (jugozahodna Slovenija), v katerih v zeliščni plasti prevladuje vrsta Erica carnea (slika 1, preglednica 1). Uspevajo na položnih do strmih osojnih pobočjih, na nadmorski višini od 250 m do 550 m. Prevladujoči talni tip so evtrična rjava tla, ki so pogosto izprana. Potencialno naravna vegetacija osojnih pobočij tega gričevja je bukov gozd iz asociacije Seslerio autumnalis- Fagetum, kar potrjujejo nekateri še ohranjeni sestoji, ki smo jih prav tako fitocenološko popisali (preglednica 2). Zdaj prevladujoče sestoje gradna uvrščamo v asociacijo Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae. Nizki panjevski hrastovi sestoji s spomladansko reso uspevajo v podobnih rastiščnih razmerah kot sestoji bukve ali gradna z jesensko vilovino, a imajo očitno različno zeliščno plast. Degradacijo in s tem poslabšanje talnih in posledično rastnih razmer in spremembo vrstne sestave je povzročila erozija (odnašanje prsti, na več krajih jo vidimo še zdaj) in človekova pretekla dejavnost, predvsem steljarjenje. To se kaže v zgornjih horizontih tal, ki so precej kisli (pH H2O 4,8, pH CaCl 3,8 do 4,0), oblika humusa je prhnina (razmerje C/N je nad 20). Z globino se lastnosti tal spremenijo in je pH precej višji. Steljarjenje je eden izmed verjetnih razlogov, ki je posledično pospešil procese izpiranja bazično delujočih kationov (Ca, Mg, K). Vrsta Erica carnea je sicer značilna za bazična tla, vendar lahko dobro uspeva tudi na tleh, ki so v teku razvoja postala kisla. Preučene hrastove sestoje smo primerjali s podobnimi gradnovimi združbami iz asociacij Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae, Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae in Erico carneae-Quercetum petraeae in ugotovili največjo 3 0,350,30,250,20,150,1! 0,050 0,05 -0,1-■0,15-0,20,25 -0,3 Erico-Quercetum/Melampyro-Quercetum/Seslerio-Quercetum SQ SQaf EQ1 EQ MQ CQ | I I I | I I I | I I I | I I I | I I I | I I I | I I I | I I I | 0,3 -0,2 -0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Axis 1 Fig. 3: Two-dimensional scatter diagram of stands of the syntaxa Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae (CQ), Melampyro-Quercetum petraeae (MQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae (SQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae avenelletosum flexuosae (SQaf) and Erico-Quer-cetum petraeae (EQ, EQ1) from southwestern Slovenia and Bosnia, PCoA, similarity ratio Slika 3: Dvorazsežni ordinacijski diagram sestojev sintakso-nov Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae (CQ), Melam-pyro-Quercetum petraeae (MQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Querce-tum petraeae (SQ), Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae avenelletosum flexuosae (SQaf) in Erico-Quercetum petraeae (EQ, EQ1) iz jugovzhodne Slovenije in Bosne, PCoA, količnik podobnosti »similarity ratio« floristično podobnost s sestoji asociacije Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae iz flišnih Brkinov. Od njih se razlikujejo v talnih razmerah, sestavi po skupinah diagnostičnih vrst (preglednica 5), po izvirni združbi, ki je v primeru asociacije Melampyro-Quercetum ki-sloljubno bukovje (Castaneo-Fagetum sylvatice), in po pripadnosti višjim sintaksonomskim enotam (asociacijo Melampyro-Quercetum uvrščamo v zvezo Quercion roboris in v red Quercetalia roboris). Ekološko nekoliko podobni so tudi sestoji subasociacije Seslerio autu-mnalis-Quercetum petraeae avenelletosum flexuosae, a je njihova floristična sestava že precej drugačna, kar potrjuje hierarhična klasifikacija (sliki 2 in 3). Ta kaže tudi na očitno floristično različnost s sestoji asociacije Erico-Quercetum petraeae, ki so jo opisali v Bosni, na serpentinski podlagi. Ti sestoji imajo kljub podobnosti v dominantnih vrstah drevesne in zeliščne plasti, gradnu in spomladanski resi, drugačno sindinamiko in so povezani z združbami črnega in rdečega bora. Na podlagi teh primerjav drugotne gradnove sestoje iz Vipavskih brd uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae ass. nov. hoc loco (zveza Carpinion orientalis, red Quercetalia pubescent-petra-eae). Njen nomenklaturni tip, holotypus, je popis št. 5 v preglednici 1. Njene diagnostične vrste so Quercus petraea, Erica carnea, Sorbus aria, Sesleria autumna-lis, Chamaecytisus hirsutus, Lathyrus linifolius, Lorant-hus europaeus in Erythronium dens-canis. Sestoji novo opisane asociacije so lahko prepoznaven in od drugih sestojev lahko ločljiv degradacijski stadij na potencialnih rastiščih bukovega gozda iz asociacije Seslerio au-tumnalis-Fagetum. Njegova površina ni zanemarljiva in jo ocenjujemo med 500 ha in 1000 ha. Razširjeni so v Kraškem gozdnogospodarskem območju, v gozdnogospodarski enoti Vrhe in na manjši površini tudi v Tolminskem gozdnogospodarskem območju, v gozdnogospodarski enoti Ajdovščina. Progresivni razvoj nazaj v bukov gozd je zelo počasen. Zdaj ko ni več človekovih vplivov (na primer steljarjenja), ga zavirajo naravni dejavniki (izbokla pobočja, izpostavljena eroziji) in dejstvo, da je bukev tu zaradi toplega podnebja na robu svojega naravnega areala. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6 ZAHVALA Oak forest research in the Vipava valley was partly conducted within the framework of the target research project Updating of the vegetation system for the forest management planning purposes (V4-1141), funded by the Slovenian Research Agency and Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment. Within the scope of this project, the Slovenian Forestry Institute conducted an analysis of the soil sample. I am sincerely grateful to Mag. Tomaž Prus and Dr. Milan Kobal for their help in the interpretation of soil conditions in the stands of the studied community. Matej Reščič and Klavdijo Čokelj helped me with their advice on the forest cover and the condition of forests on both the Vrhe plateau and in the hills of Vipavska brda. 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Preglednica 1: Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae hoc loco ass. nov. hoc loco Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Pr. Fr. Database number of relevé 9 5 ^ CSD 2 7 CO 5 CO 9 6 90 93 2 3 2 5 7 CO 4 9 3 0 9 CM CO co 51 r-- CO — 51 co 51 co 51 co 51 CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 CO CO CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 CM CO CM CO CM CO CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 CO 51 (Delovna številka popisa) 4 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Elevation in m (Nadmorska višina v m) 410 305 400 290 360 415 360 535 425 455 500 340 390 310 335 380 395 320 460 440 410 420 450 375 455 315 Aspect (Lega) E NE N E E SE SE NE N N NEE NE NE N NNE N NE NNE NE NE NE SE NE NE NE SEE Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) 25 5 25 25 25 25 25 20 15 15 25 20 20 25 25 20 15 25 10 15 10 15 15 20 15 30 Parent material (Matična podlaga) Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Fly Soil (Tla) Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 5 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 Cover in % (Zastiranje v %): Upper tree layer (Zgornja drevesna plast) E3b 80 80 70 80 80 80 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 80 90 80 Lower tree layer (Spodnja drevesna plast) E3a 5 10 20 10 10 10 20 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 0 5 5 5 0 5 10 0 5 Shrub layer (Grmovna plast) E2 20 30 50 10 20 20 30 20 10 20 20 10 20 20 25 15 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 Herb layer (Zeliščna plast) E1 90 90 90 70 90 95 90 100 95 100 100 80 80 95 90 95 95 90 90 95 95 95 95 95 100 90 Moss layer (Mahovna plast) E0 10 10 1 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 30 5 10 10 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 Maximum diameter of tre- es (Največji prsni premer cm 30 30 25 30 35 35 30 25 25 25 30 30 30 25 25 35 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 30 25 30 dreves) Maximum height of tress (Največja drevesna višina) m 15 17 13 17 16 14 15 10 14 12 14 15 16 14 15 15 12 15 15 14 12 12 12 14 9 15 Number of species (Število vrst) 32 49 21 38 28 24 30 26 32 28 34 39 28 36 39 37 28 37 28 26 26 26 20 26 23 38 Relevé area (Velikost popisne ploskve) m2 400 200 400 200 400 400 400 400 200 200 400 200 200 200 400 400 200 400 400 400 400 200 200 200 200 400 3 3 O 01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Date of taking relevé (Datum popisa) 01 CM LO 0. 01 CM LO 5. CM co ja >CÖ 03 rd c o ica roj Sv c o gr ok _Q lo >M G G G b Ko p-Lo br p-La p-La G rep sj rep sj e ic rep sj e č e č e č e č rep sj rep sj a š rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj rep sj sk rep sj rep sj rep sj e č a û_ a û_ N o a û_ toš O toš O toš O toš O a û_ a û_ a (Y a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ a û_ ipa a û_ a û_ a û_ toš O Quadrant (Kvadrant) CM 3 CM 3 3 LO CM 3 LO 3 LO 3 LO 3 LO 3 LO 3 LO 3 LO CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 CM 3 3 LO 3 LO CM 3 3 LO 3 LO 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Coordinate GK Y (D-48) LO 2 CO 3 71 o 5 CO 2 o 9 CO 3 CO CO CO 7 o 0 LO 3 41 5 9 3 5 0 2 - o 6 CM 9 CM CO 7 4 41 4 LO 6 o 2 m co co co co co CM CM CO CM CM 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 CO CO CO r-- en -T- CO LO r-- LO cn cn r-- CO cn cn CO CO CO CO CM r-- CO Coordinate GK X (D-48) m ^ c^ ^ co CM CO co CL e č iš td ra fi n e b ra CT ok _Q O C9 e č š to O n e b ra CT o _Q lo c? e- č š to o n e b ra CT ok _Q O C9 e č š to O n e b ra CT o _Q lo c? e- č š to o Pasji rep - Pekel Pasji rep Pasji rep - Pekel Pasji rep Pasji rep Lozice - Čeledinca Pasji rep Quadrant (Kvadrant) O 2 0 çn 2 0 ö LO 2 0 ö LO 2 0 ö LO 2 0 ö LO 2 0 0249/2 0249/2 0249/2 0249/2 0249/2 0250/1 0249/2 Coordinate GK Y (D-48) m 424342 416859 423673 423649 423691 423841 421200 421905 421034 422055 420760 423298 420549 Coordinate GK X (D-48) m 5069312 5072382 5069279 5068961 5068986 5069221 5070527 5070184 5070444 5070116 5071051 5069845 5070680 Diagnostic species of the syntaxa (Diagnostične vrste sintaksonov) FS Fagus sylvatica E3b 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 + 10 100 11 85 FS Fagus sylvatica E3a + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 1 9 90 10 77 FS Fagus sylvatica E2b 1 1 1 + + 1 1 + 1 + + r 10 100 12 92 FS Fagus sylvatica E2a + + + + + 4 40 5 38 FS Fagus sylvatica E1 1 + + + 1 + 6 60 6 46 CO Sesleria autumnalis E1 4 4 3 3 + + 1 1 3 3 4 5 10 100 12 92 QP Lathyrus venetus E1 + r + + 1 + 1 6 60 7 54 QR Quercus petraea E3b 2 1 + 1 r + 1 1 1 2 5 4 10 100 12 92 QR Quercus petraea E3a + 1 1 10 2 15 QR Quercus petraea E1 + + + 1 1 3 30 5 38 FS Prunus avium E3b r 2 r 4 3 30 4 31 FS Prunus avium E3a + 1 10 1 8 FS Prunus avium E1 + + + 1 + + + 6 60 7 54 AF Aremonio-Fagion Lamium orvala E1 r r + 1 3 + 3 6 60 7 54 Hacquetia epipactis E1 r r 1 1 1 1 1 6 60 7 54 EC Primula vulgaris E1 + + + + 1 + + 5 50 7 54 EC Erythronium dens-canis E1 1 1 + r 3 30 4 31 Anemone trifolia E1 1 1 10 1 8 Anemone x pittonii E1 + 1 10 1 8 Euphorbia carniolica E1 + 1 10 1 8 Calamintha grandiflora E1 r 1 10 1 8 Cradamine enneaphyllos E1 + 1 10 1 8 Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pr. (1-10) Fr. (1-10) Pr. (Total) Fr. (Total) Knautia drymeia E1 r 1 10 1 8 FS Fagetalia sylvaticae Galium laevigatum E1 2 + + + + + 1 1 1 8 80 9 69 Prenanthes purpurea E1 1 1 2 2 1 1 + 1 1 9 90 9 69 Symphytum tuberosum E1 + 1 1 1 + 1 + + 6 60 8 62 Dryopteris filix-mas E1 1 + + + + + + 1 6 60 8 62 Euphorbia dulcis E1 r + r + + + + 6 60 l 54 Salvia glutinosa E1 1 + + + + + + 5 50 l 54 Asarum europaeum subsp. caucasicum E1 + 1 + 1 + + 4 40 6 46 Lilium martagon E1 + + + + + + 5 50 6 46 Carpinus betulus E3b r + 2 20 2 15 Carpinus betulus E3a + + + r + 4 40 5 38 Carpinus betulus E2b r + 2 20 2 15 Carpinus betulus E1 + + 1 10 2 15 Laburnum alpinum E3a + r r 3 30 3 23 Laburnum alpinum E2b + + 2 20 2 15 Laburnum alpinum E2a i 1 10 1 8 Laburnum alpinum E1 + + + + + 5 50 5 38 Lathyrus vernus E1 + r + + 1 4 40 5 38 Acer pseudoplatanus E3b + + 1 10 2 15 Acer pseudoplatanus E2a + 1 10 1 8 Acer pseudoplatanus E1 + + + + 3 30 4 31 Pulmonaria officinalis E1 + + + + 2 20 4 31 Senecio nemorensis E1 + 1 + + 4 40 4 31 Campanula trachelium E1 + + + 3 30 3 23 Mycelis muralis E1 + + + 3 30 3 23 Polygonatum multiflorum E1 + + + 3 30 3 23 Sanicula europaea E1 + + + 3 30 3 23 Acer platanoides E1 + + 2 20 2 15 Neottia nidus-avis E1 + 1 10 1 8 Sambucus nigra E2b + 1 10 1 8 Sambucus nigra E1 + 0 1 8 Senecio ovatus (S. fuchsii) E1 + 1 10 1 8 Fraxinus excelsior E3b r 1 10 1 8 Aruncus dioicus E1 + 1 10 1 8 Actaea spicata E1 + + 1 10 15 Cardamine bulbifera E1 + 1 10 1 8 Viola reichenbachiana E1 + 1 10 1 8 Mercurialis perennis E1 + 1 10 1 8 Circaea lutetiana E1 1 0 0 1 8 Ulmus glabra E1 r 0 0 1 8 QP Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Fraxinus ornus E3a i + + + + + + 1 2 + l l0 10 ll Fraxinus ornus E2b i + 1 + 2 2 4 40 6 46 Fraxinus ornus E2a 2 + + 1 + 1 1 5 50 l 54 Fraxinus ornus E1 1 + + + 1 + + 1 1 l l0 9 69 Tanacetum corymbosum E1 1 + + + + 1 + 1 1 l l0 9 69 Campanula persicifolia E1 1 + + + + + + r l l0 8 62 Sorbus aria E3b + 1 10 1 8 Sorbus aria E3a + + + + + + 4 40 6 46 Sorbus aria E2b + + + r + 1 + 5 50 l 54 Sorbus aria E2a + + + + + + 5 50 6 46 Ostrya carpinifolia E3b 1 + + + + 4 40 5 38 Ostrya carpinifolia E3a 1 + r 2 20 3 23 Ostrya carpinifolia E2b + 1 10 1 8 CO Asparagus tenuifolius E1 + + + + 3 30 4 31 Melittis melissophyllum E1 1 + + 1 3 30 4 31 Sorbus torminalis E3a + 1 + 1 10 3 23 Sorbus torminalis E2b + + 1 10 2 15 Sorbus torminalis E2a + + + 1 3 30 4 31 Sorbus torminalis E1 + 1 10 1 8 Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 8 9 1O 11 12 13 Pr. (1-1O) Fr. (1-1O) Pr. (Total) Fr. (Total) Convallaria majalis E1 1 + + 3 3O 3 23 Lathyrus niger E1 1 + 1 1O 2 15 CO Aristolochia lutea E1 + + 2 2O 2 15 FB Dianthus monspessulanus E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Hypericum montanum E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Arabis turrita E1 r 1 1O 1 8 Buglossoides purpurocaerulea E1 r 1 1O 1 8 Calamintha sylvatica E1 r 1 1O 1 8 QR Quercetalia roboris Hieracium racemosum E1 1 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 + + 8 8O 1O ll Serratula tinctoria E1 1 + 1 + 2 3 3O 5 38 Hieracium sabaudum E1 + + 1 3 3O 3 23 AG Alnus glutinosa E3b r r 2 2O 2 15 Castanea sativa E3a r 1 1O 1 8 Castanea sativa E2b + 1 1O 1 8 Castanea sativa E1 + + 2 2O 2 15 Hieracium lachenalii E1 r 1 1O 1 8 Lathyrus linifolius E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Rubus hirtus E2a + 1 1O 1 8 Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum E1 1 1 1O 1 8 Pteridium aquilinum E1 + 1 1O 1 8 QF Querco-Fagetea Anemone nemorosa E1 + 3 1 + + 1 2 1 2 + 1 9 9O 11 85 Carex digitata E1 + + + + + + + + 6 6O 8 62 Hedera helix E3a + r 1 1O 2 15 Hedera helix E1 + 1 + + + + + 6 6O l 54 Aegopodium podagraria E1 + r 1 + + 4 4O 5 38 Hepatica nobilis E1 r 1 + 1 1 4 4O 5 38 Acer campestre E3b r r 1 1O 2 15 Acer campestre E3a r + + + 4 4O 4 31 Acer campestre E2a + + 2 2O 2 15 Acer campestre E1 + + + 1 1O 3 23 Corylus avellana E3a 2 O O 1 8 Corylus avellana E2b 1 + + 1 3 3O 4 31 Corylus avellana E2a + 1 1O 1 8 Cephalanthera longifolia E1 1 + + 2 2O 3 23 Crataegus laevigata E2b + r 2 2O 2 15 Clematis vitalba E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Moehringia trinervia E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Pyrus pyraster E2a + 1 1O 1 8 Dactylorhiza fuchsii E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Rosa arvensis E2a + 1 1O 1 8 Platanthera chlorantha E1 r O O 1 8 VP Vaccinio-Piceetea Calamagrostis arundinacea E1 1 1 1 2 2 + + 1 l lO 8 62 Aposeris foetida E1 1 + 1 1 1 1 + 6 6O l 54 Hieracium murorum E1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 l lO l 54 Luzula luzuloides E1 + 1 1 1 2 1 + 6 6O l 54 Avenella flexuosa (Deschampsia flexuosa) E1 1 + + + 1 1 6 6O 6 46 Atrichum undulatum EO + + + + + 5 5O 5 38 Solidago virgaurea E1 + + + + 4 4O 4 31 Hypnum cupressiforme EO 1 + 1 + 4 4O 4 31 Veronica urticifolia E1 + + + 3 3O 3 23 Polytrichum formosum (Polytrichastrum formosum) EO + + 1 3 3O 3 23 Gentiana asclepiadea E1 + + 2 2O 2 15 Abies alba E3a r O O 1 8 Abies alba E2a + 1 1O 1 8 Vaccinium myrtillus E1 + 1 1O 1 8 Thuidium tamariscinum EO + 1 1O 1 8 EP Erico-Pinetea Erica carnea E1 1 + + 2 2O 3 23 Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pr. (1-10) Fr. (1-10) Pr. (Total) Fr. (Total) Chamaecytisus hirsutus E1 + 1 10 1 8 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea E1 + 0 0 1 8 RP Rhamno-Prunetea Crataegus monogyna E3a + 1 10 1 8 Crataegus monogyna E2a + + + + + 4 40 5 38 Crataegus monogyna E2b + + + + 3 30 4 31 Ligustrum vulgare E2a + 1 10 1 8 Rubus fruticosus agg. E1 + 0 0 1 8 TG Trifolio-Geranietea Campanula rapunculoides E1 2 + + + + 1 1 1 7 70 8 62 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria E1 + + 1 2 20 3 23 Iris graminea E1 + 0 0 1 8 AT Asplenietea trichomanis Polypodium vulgare E1 1 1 + + 1 + + + + 8 80 9 69 Asplenium trichomanes E1 + + + 2 20 3 23 O Other species (Druge vrste) MA Veronica chamaedrys E1 + 1 10 1 8 Juglans regia E3b 1 0 0 1 8 Juniperus communis E2a + 0 0 1 8 Juniperus communis E2b + 0 0 1 8 Robinia pseudoacacia E3a r 1 10 1 8 Robinia pseudoacacia E3b r 0 0 1 8 Robinia pseudoacacia E2b r 1 10 1 8 Solanum dulcamara E1 + 1 10 1 8 GU Geum urbanum E1 + 1 10 1 8 ML Other mosses (Drugi mahovi) Isothecium alopecuroides E0 1 + + + + + + + + 8 80 9 69 Schistidium apocarpum E0 + + + + + + 6 60 6 46 Peltigera canina E0 + + 2 20 2 15 Eurhynchium striatum E0 + + 1 10 2 15 Plagiothecium denticulatum E0 + + 2 20 2 15 Neckera crispa E0 + + 2 20 2 15 Fissidens taxifolius E0 + + 1 10 2 15 Tortella tortuosa E0 + 1 10 1 8 Marchantía polymorpha E0 + 1 10 1 8 Dicranum sp. E0 + 1 10 1 8 Plagiochila porelloides E0 + 1 10 1 8 Anomodon attenuatus E0 + 1 10 1 8 Porella platyphylla E0 + 1 10 1 8 Cladonia sp. E0 + 1 10 1 8 Ctenidium molluscum E0 + 1 10 1 8 Legend - Legenda Fly - Flysch / fliš EU - Eutric brown soil / Evtrična rjava tla CO Carpinion orientalis EC Erythronio-Carpinion AG Alnetea glutinosae FB Festuco-Brometea MA Molinio-Arrhenetheretea GU Galio-Urticetea Table 3: Synoptic table of the forest communities with dominant Quercus petraea in southwestern Slovenia and in northern Bosnia Preglednica 3: Sintezna tabela gradnovih združb v jugozahodni Sloveniji in severni Bosni Successive number (Zaporedna številka) i 2 3 4 5 6 Number of relevés (Število popisov ) 26 19 B 15 23 5 Sign for syntaxa (Oznaka sintaksonov) a o a 2 SQaf a CO a LU a E Diagnostic species of the association Chamaecytiso-Quercetum EP Erica carnea 100 5 3B 100 100 QP Sorbus aria 92 11 13 13 QP Sesleria autumnalis B5 5 93 93 EP Chamaecytisus hirsutus 73 50 33 30 40 QP Loranthus europaeus 62 QR Lathyrus linifolius 69 5 EC Erythronium dens-canis 50 100 Diagnostic species of the association Melampyro-Quercetum QR Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum 15 95 3B 40 40 QR Chamaecytisus supinus 19 95 25 13 VP Luzula luzuloides 73 B9 13 QR Hieracium sabaudum 96 B9 25 VP Avenella flexuosa (Deschampsia flexuosa) B5 B9 100 QR Lembotropis nigricans 47 13 FB Orobanche ramosa subsp. nana 16 Diagnostic species of the association Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae CO Knautia drymeia subsp. tergestina 75 53 CO Helleborus odorus subsp. istriacus 3B 27 TG Pulmonaria australis 25 20 QR Serratula tinctoria Bi 5 75 93 10 60 QR Hieracium racemosum 69 100 100 B7 FS Salvia glutinosa 75 33 QF Carex digitata 31 25 27 60 QF Carex montana 15 16 50 13 QF Corylus avellana 4 37 75 27 FS Carpinus betulus 53 50 47 QP Campanula persicifolia B 11 3B 13 30 60 FS Lathyrus vernus 25 13 TG Digitalis grandiflora 16 13 7 Diagnostic species of the association Erico-Quercetum petraeae QR Potentilla alba 3B 7 70 40 AF Epimedium alpinum 70 B0 TG Trifolium alpestre 50 50 QR Calluna vulgaris 31 95 3B 13 50 20 QR Potentilla erecta 42 6B 50 53 50 20 FB Genista tinctoria (incl. G. ovata) 15 32 50 47 50 40 FS Melica nutans 5 50 B0 FS Euphorbia amygdaloides 13 30 QR Veronica officinalis 21 13 30 QR Danthonia decumbens 11 30 FS Asarum europaeum 30 AF Primula vulgaris 63 53 30 QR Agrostis tenuis 21 3B 30 QP Dianthus giganteus subsp. croaticus 30 FB Danthonia alpina 30 VP Luzula pilosa 10 TG Centaurium erythraea 10 QP Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Fraxinus ornus 100 47 75 100 30 60 Convallaria majalis 92 53 3B 20 Sorbus torminalis 69 5 25 93 30 40 Tanacetum corymbosum 5B 26 75 40 50 40 Lathyrus niger 23 63 63 100 Ostrya carpinifolia 15 25 27 10 Malus sylvestris B 5 27 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) i 2 3 4 5 6 Sorbus austriaca s. lat. 4 Sorbus graeca 4 Sorbus latifolia s. lat. 4 Quercus cerris 63 50 33 Carex flacca 5 13 60 Buglossoides porpurocaerulea 5 13 13 Melittis melissophyllum 63 53 40 Hypericum montanum 50 7 Cornus mas 3B 20 Sorbus domestica 13 40 Ruscus aculeatus 13 33 Quercus pubescens 13 20 Hierochloe australis 13 Tamus communis 47 CO Lonicera etrusca 40 CO Asparagus tenuifolius 27 Carpinus orientalis 20 CO Cotinus coggygria 20 10 Quercus x streimii 13 Orchis purpurea 13 Rosa sempervirens 13 CO Coronilla emeroides 7 Cephalanthera rubra 30 Acer tataricum 30 20 Prunus mahaleb 10 CO Mercurialis ovata 10 Clematis recta 40 Pulmonaria mollisima 60 QR Quecetalia roboris, Calluno-Ulicetea Quercus petraea 100 100 BB 100 100 100 Genista pilosa 65 42 50 60 Castanea sativa 46 6B 50 60 Pteridium aquilinum 42 5B 13 20 30 100 Hieracium lachenalii 12 Genista germanica 4 74 25 20 Phyteuma zahlbruckneri 4 37 Betónica officinalis s. lat. 4 26 75 B0 50 B0 Betula pendula 4 5 Frangula alnus 37 10 40 Chamaespartium sagittale 32 Populus tremula 16 13 CU Nardus stricta 16 Carex fritschii 3B CU Festuca filiformis 25 40 Rubus hirtus 50 B0 AF Aremonio-Fagion, Erythronio-Carpinion EC Lonicera caprifolium 13 33 Cyclamen purpurascens 13 Daphne blagayana 30 20 Aremonia agrimonoides 30 FS Fagetalia sylvaticae Fagus sylvatica 35 53 Galium laevigatum (incl. G. sylvaticum, G. schultesii) 23 11 3B 40 40 Prenanthes purpurea 23 32 13 Lilium martagon 12 13 13 Acer pseudoplatanus 4 5 13 Laburnum alpinum 4 5 Neottia nidus-avis 4 13 Dryopteris filix-mas 4 13 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Viola reichenbachiana 37 50 60 60 Polygonatum multiflorum 16 27 Prunus avium 5 47 10 Senecio fuchsii (incl. S. nemorensis) 5 13 Euphorbia dulcis 38 60 Symphytum tuberosum 38 53 100 Campanula trachelium 38 20 Heracleum sphondylium 13 13 Aruncus dioicus 13 Brachypodium sylvaticum 20 Epipactis helleborine 13 QF Querco-Fagetea Platanthera bifolia 50 16 13 Pyrus pyraster 19 5 13 27 60 Anemone nemorosa 8 42 38 33 80 Cephalanthera longifolia 8 13 Hedera helix 8 5 88 40 Rosa arvensis 8 21 33 Platanthera chlorantha 4 Festuca heterophylla 63 67 Cruciata glabra 16 50 50 100 Clematis vitalba 5 13 13 Acer campestre 25 20 Crataegus laevigata 13 47 Ulmus minor 20 Listera ovata 20 Dactylorhiza fuchsii 13 Spiraea chamaedryfolia (S. ulmifolia) 30 Viola riviniana 30 EP Erico-Pinetea s. lat. Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 100 26 38 33 Scleropodium purum 15 5 30 Amelanchier ovalis 12 Pinus sylvestris 12 5 Pinus nigra 4 38 40 Peucedanum austriacum 16 Polygala chamaebuxus 5 Calamagrostis varia 13 10 Scabiosa cinerea (S. leucophylla) 50 20 Potentilla malyana 50 Festuca amethystina 50 Cytisus austriacus subsp. heufielii 30 Cerastium moesiacum 30 Genista januensis 30 Cardamine plumieri 30 Viola beckiana 10 20 Euphorbia montenegrina 60 Alyssum murale 20 Rhamnus saxatilis 20 Sesleria latifolia 20 VP Vaccinio-Piceetea Calamagrostis arundinacea 96 58 50 27 Hypnum cupressiforme 88 95 20 Vaccinium myrtillus 54 42 50 20 Hieracium murorum 50 79 27 Thuidium tamariscinum 38 21 20 Polytrichum formosum (Polytrichastrum formosum) 35 84 50 Atrichum undulatum 31 47 Pleurozium schreberi 23 47 Solidago virgaurea 19 74 50 47 Leucobryum glaucum 15 79 38 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus 8 Aposeris foetida 4 5 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Picea abies 4 37 Dicranum scoparium 4 11 25 Maianthemum bifolium 11 Gentiana asclepiadea 11 13 Veronica urticifolia 5 Luzula multiflora agg. 38 Laserpitium krapfii (L. marginatum) 50 80 Rosa pendulina 30 Melampyrum sylvaticum 30 SCC Sambuco-Salicion capreae Sorbus aucuparia 4 11 Fragaria vesca 42 25 67 40 RP Rhamno-Prunetea Crataegus monogyna 15 16 75 80 Viburnum opulus 11 Rubus bifrons 5 27 Cornus sanguinea 38 60 Prunus spinosa 38 40 Euonymus europaea 25 13 Viburnum lantana 13 Rubus tomentosus 13 Rhamnus catharticus 7 10 Rosa spinossisima 10 TG Trifolio-Geranietea Vincetoxicum hirundinaria 8 38 73 Anthericum ramosum 4 11 53 Silene nutans 4 50 Thesium bavarum 4 Silene italica 42 Hypericum perforatum 16 Calamintha brauneana 11 Clinopodium vulgare 5 38 Ligustrum vulgare 5 13 73 Melampyrum nemorosum 5 13 Trifolium medium 5 Trifolium rubens 13 47 Viola hirta 25 20 Euphorbia angulata 13 Lilium bulbiferum 13 Limodorum abortivum 13 Peucedanum cervaria 20 Vicia sylvatica 13 Libanotis sibirica subsp. montana 13 Thalictrum minus 7 FB Festuco-Brometea Dianthus hyssopifolius (D. monspessulanus) 31 26 38 Hypochoeris maculata 4 38 20 Inula hirta 4 Peucedanum oreoselinum 4 25 20 30 80 Thymus serpyllium agg. (incl. Thymus sp.) 26 70 80 Prunella grandiflora 11 Trifolium montanum 11 Dorycnium gremanicum 5 50 Genista sericea 5 Pimpinella saxifraga 5 13 Cirsium acaule 5 Dianthus carthusianorum 5 Globularia elongata 5 Koeleria sp. (lobata, macrantha) 5 30 Brachypodium pinnatum agg. 63 40 30 Carex humilis 13 40 Filipendula vulgaris 50 27 Teucrium chamaedrys 13 7 1 Chamaecytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae ass. nov., this article 2 Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae Puncer & Zupančič 1979 var. geogr. Fraxinus ornus (Puncer & Zupančič) Zupančič 1994 (Puncer in Zupančič, 1979) 3 Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae Poldini (1964) 1982 avenelletosum flexuosae Poldini 1982 (Poldini, 1982) 4 Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae Poldini (1964) 1982 (Zupančič, 1999) 5 Erico-Quercetum petraeae Krause et Ludwig ex Horvat 1959 (Ritter-Studnička, 1970) 6 Erico-Quercetum petraeae Krause et Ludwig ex Horvat 1959 (Krause and Ludwig, 1957) CO Carpinion orientalis, EC Erythronio-Carpinion, CU Calluno-Ulicetea, MO Molinietalia caeruleae Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum 13 50 Bromus erectus agg. 13 10 20 Cirsium pannonicum 13 Asphodelus albus 13 Euphorbia cyparisias 13 Centaurea triumfetti 30 20 Teucrium montanum 30 Galium verum 10 Galiium lucidum 80 MA Molinio-Arrhenetheretea, Molinietalia caeruleae MO Laserpitium prutenicum 8 Veronica chamaedrys 37 50 33 30 Anthoxanthum odoratum 21 Achillea millefolium 16 Leontodon hispidus 11 Ajuga reptans 5 27 Centaurea jacea 5 Vicia sepium 5 Leucanthemum vulgare 53 Dactylis glomerata 25 33 Vicia cracca 13 13 30 80 MO Succisa pratensis 25 Galium mollugo 20 MO Inula salicina 7 Poa pratensis 70 Centaurea stenolepis 30 Lathyrus pratensis 30 80 Carex caryophyllea 30 Centaurea nigrescens (inc. subsp. smolinensis) 10 20 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lotus corniculatus 20 AT Asplenietea trichomanis Polypodium vulgare 15 5 25 20 Asplenium adiantum-nigrum 8 10 Sedum maximum 4 13 Asplenium trichomanes 4 O Other species (Druge vrste) Juniperus communis 85 89 75 60 Robinia pseudoacacia 4 25 27 Thlaspi kovatsii (T. avalanum) 10 Carduus carduelis 60 ML Other mosses and lichens (Drugi mahovi in lišaji) Cladonia sp. 27 16 13 Eurhynchium striatum 23 33 Bryum capillare 19 Mnium sp. 15 Isothecium alopecuroides 12 5 Plagiothecium sp. 8 Tortella tortuosa 8 Rhodobryum roseum 4 Bryum sp. 4 Ctenidium molluscum 4 13 Fissidens taxifolius 4 13 Neckera crispa 4 Thuidium abietinum 4 Thudium delicatulum 11 Cladonia rangiferina 11 Homlothecium lutescens 5 Table 4: Groups of diagnostic species in the stands of the associations Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, Chamaecytiso-Quer-cetum petraeae and Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae (relative frequencies) Preglednica 4: Skupine diagnostičnih vrst v sestojih asociacij Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, Chamaecytiso-Quercetum petraeae in Melampyro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae (relativne frekvence) Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 Sign for syntaxa (Oznaka sintaksonov) SF CQ MQ Number of relevés (Število popisov) 10 26 19 Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae 18 21 8,6 Quercetalia roboris, Calluno-Ulicetea 8 27 36 Fagetalia sylvaticae, Aremonio-Fagion 34 3,7 6,6 Querco-Fagetea 12 7 6,5 Erico-Pinetea 0,7 11 1,8 Vaccinio-Piceetea 14 19 23 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 Rhamno-Prunetea, Sambuco-Salicion capreae 1,5 0,7 2,5 Trfolio-Geranietea 2,2 0,7 3,4 Festuco-Brometea 0 2 4,5 Asplenietea trichomanis 2,4 1,1 0,1 Molinio-Arrhenetheretea 0 0 2,9 Other species (Druge vrste) 1 3 2,6 Other mosses (Drugi mahovi) 7,3 4,6 1,4 Skupaj (Total) 100 100 100