IgorRižnar UniversityofPrimorska, FacultyofManagement igor.riznar@fm-kp.si StudentsBeware! Thetextisaboutcognitive biasesthat teachers,studentsandpolicyma- kers should be aware of when making important decisions about tea- ching,learningandtheeducationsystemingeneral.Wealltendtocreate our own reality, form opinions that are not exclusively based on facts, judge situations and other people inaccurately and make illogical deci- sions. The text is primarily based on Daniel Kahneman’s bookThinking, FastandSlow(2011),abookthatdescribestheworkingsofthemindasan interaction between two systems: the automatic and very fast System 1 andtheeffortfulbutslowSystem2.Inthefinalsectionofthearticle,the importanceofdevelopingthinkinganddecision-makingskillsinbothte- achers andstudentsisemphasized. Ključnebesede: cognitive biases,teaching, learning Študentipozor! Besediloobravnavanekaterekognitivnepristranskosti,kisebijihmorali zavedati učitelji, študenti in oblikovalci izobraževalne politike pri spre- jemanju pomembnih odločitev o učenju, poučevanju in izobraževalnem sistemu na splošno. Vsi smo nagnjeni k ustvarjanju lastne resničnosti, oblikovanju mnenj, ki ne temeljijo izključno na dejstvih, netočnemu presojanju situacij in drugih ljudi ter sprejemanju nelogičnih odločitev. Besedilo temelji predvsem na knjigi Daniela Kahnemana z naslovom Thinking,FastandSlow(2011), ki opisuje delovanje naših možganov kot interakcijomeddvemasistemoma:samodejniminzelohitrimsistemom 1terpočasnimsistemom2,kizahtevavelikoosebneganapora.Vzadnjem delu članka je poudarek na pomenu razvijanja sposobnosti razmišljanja inodločanjatako priučiteljihkotpriučencih. Keywords:kognitivne pristranskosti, poučevanje,učenje https://doi.org/10.26493/1854-4231.17.17-20 Introduction The title is used in the sense of Caveat emptor, whichmeansbuyerbeware,theprinciplethatthe customer is responsible for checking the qual- ity of goods before buying them. In our case, we are responsible for taking informed decisions by investigating thoroughly the situation, thinking about viable alternatives, exploring our options, selecting best solutions, constantly evaluating our plans and, finally, rethinking facts and valu- able pieces of information available to us. This, of course, holds true for personal decision mak- ing, business decision making and consumer de- cision making, and, as you might have guessed, forteachers andstudents. The inspiration for the text has come mainly from Daniel Kahneman’s bookThinking,Fastand Slow (2011). To some extent, mind and brain re- searchisalsoanimportantsource–iftimeallows, havealookatLearningwithBraininMind,aFlip- boardmagazine onTwitter, foran introduction. Purpose Th i st e xti sa bo u ts e v e r a lc og n i t i v e biases and faultyheuristics–theshortcutsandrulesofthumb by which we make judgments and predictions – which were discussed in the 1970s by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. Tversky died in 1996. Kahneman later won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics for the work the two men did to- gether, which he summarized in his 2011 best seller, Thinking, Fast and Slow. Another impor- tantfigureinthefieldistherenownedeconomist RichardThaler.Oneofthebiaseshe’smostlinked with is the endowment effect, which forces us to place an irrationally high value on our posses- sions. Thaler won the Nobel Prize in Economics in2017. management17(2022)številka1 17 IgorRižnar|StudentsBeware! With200entries,thelistofcognitivebiasesis ratherlong,butIwillfocusonthosethatIbelieve are the most harmful in the context of learning andteaching: • Optimism bias makes us consistently un- dervalue the costs and the duration of al- most everything we do. Teachers are often overoptimistic about the role of technology inteaching,orwemayoccasionallyseeacer- tain teaching methodology as the best – if notonly–possible(say,project-basedlearn- ing). Availability bias–isabouteaseofre- call and more exposure to certain events or knowledge.Inotherwords,webaseourdeci- sionsuponeasilyavailablerecentknowledge • Bandwagoneffectmakesusbelievethingsbe- causemanypeoplebelievethesame:ifmany teachers believe that learning styles really exist, the idea remains alive years after it hasbeendebunked.H ere,aselsewhere,a healthy doseofscepticism may help. • Confirmationbias – the propensity to search for,interpret,focuson,andrememberinfor- mation in a way that confirms our precon- ceptions. This seems to be the most damag- ing bias, as it leads us to look for evidence confirming what we already know or think, byignoringanypieceofevidencethatseems to support alternate views. Testing is good for students, said a teacher, now they are workinghardtofindsupportiveinformation only. • Stereotyping–expectingamemberofagroup to have certain characteristics without ac- tual information about that individual. Yes, of course,boysarebetteratmath. • False consensus effect–weoverestimatethe degree to which others agree with them. Thinkaboutmeetingsandyouwillfindmyr- iad situations when participants reach false conclusions. Both students and teachers are prone to sev- eral biases, as a general ‘law of least effort’ ap- plies to teachers as much as to other human be- ings.Weoftenallowourselvestobeguidedbyim- pressions and feelings and have high confidence in ourintuitive beliefs.Evenwhenwe are wrong, weareconfidentthatweareright.Bothteachers andeducationpolicymakersarepronetoemploy- ing System 1 (which is fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic and subconscious) when System2(whichisslow,effortful,infrequent,cal- culating and conscious) should be employed. Ac- cordingtoKahneman,ourmindsdonotnaturally rely on logical, rational and critical thinking pro- cesses. Among the biases found in teachers and stu- dents,confirmationbiasisfoundeverywhere.Af- ter years of practice, it is not particularly diffi- cult to believethat what we haves always doneis the right way of doing it. An example of confir- mation bias, combined with the status quo bias (the tendency to like things to stay the same way) is the damaging fine-tuning of Business English courses at Slovenian business and eco- nomics higher education institutions. It is so strong a bias that nothing has changed since the late 1990s in all higher education institutions in Slovenia,except,maybe,one:TheFacultyofMan- agementof theUniversityofPrimorska. T eachers,too,lovetoberight,sowemake sense of the world by seeking patterns they are familiar with. This may explain why so many teachers are keenly interested in one, and one only,methodofteaching,say,projectwork.While project work can certainly help students learn certain things more effectively, it cannot be con- sidered the only method for teaching all subject matter forallcoursestaughtat afaculty. Maybe some teachers (and considerably more educationpolicymakers)arevictimstoDunning- Kruger Effect, according to which the less one knows, the more likely one is to perceive one- self as an expert. Many students at all levels of education are familiar with the illusory superi- ority of some of their teachers and vice versa, who are unable to recognize their own lack of skills/knowledge/understanding necessary for effective teaching/learning. Thetendencytobeoveroptimisticandtoover- estimate favourable and pleasing outcomes is called optimism bias. Unrealistic optimism of unexperienced teachers has been a topic of sev- eral studies (Weinstein 1980; Kulik and Mahler 1987;Weinstein1988;Kearns1995).Ontheother hand,highperformanceexpectationsamonglow scoring students have also been discussed by re- searchers (Richman 2010), but it seems that too little has been written about the overoptimistic bias of education policy makers and seasoned teachers. Framing bias (using a too narrow approach to solvingasituationorissue)andsubstitutionbias (being prone to substituting a difficult question withasimpleone)canalsobefoundineducators and education policy makers. The question How could we improve higher education? Is answered 18 management17(2022)številka1 IgorRižnar|StudentsBeware! by ‘We should introduce iPads or computers’ or ‘We should make smaller classes and things will improveconsiderably.’ SomeOtherImportantErrorsofThinking inEducation • Fundamental attribution error. When teach- ers observe another teacher’s class they clearly seethe things the otherteacher does wrong.Butwhenweteach,weonlynotice the things students might do wrong. This is fundamental attribution error. Fundamen- tal attribution error stops us from learn- ing by condemning our problems on the ex- ternal circumstances (students, technology, not enough time, etc.) rather than with our own limitations. • Planning fallacy. Have you ever kept post- poning planning your classes until the last day? Or, in the case of students: have you everpostponedstartingtostudyforanexam until it was almost too late? The planning fallacy makes us underestimate how much time we need to complete the task before the deadline. • Overconfidencebias.Overconfidencebiasma- kes us misjudge how much control we have and makes it impossible for us to predict problems. Student progression may be mis- judged,theirfailuretopasstheexammaybe misinterpreted,ourownabilitiesasteachers may beplainwrong. • Outcomebias.Theoutcomebiastellsteachers that because something worked well in one class, may also work splendidly in all other classes.Whenwedonotfocusontheprocess but prefer to focus on the result, things are likelytogowrongwithoutusknowingit. • Cognitive dissonance. If you have been read- ing this carefully and think that none of this applies to you, cognitive dissonance is the term you should pay some attention to. Even though people tell you that you are wrong,youkeepbelievinghowrightyouare. If someone observes your lesson and gives you feedback, you refuse to change your opinion because you are sure the observer is wrong. You might never learn anything if you constantly think you are right. • Groupthink. A perfect example for group- thinkbiasistheOfficeforStandardsinEd- ucation’s keen desire to continue grading schools. Ofsted officials do not see alterna- tiveviewpoints,constantlysupressopposite views. • Status Quo Bias. Maybe both teachers and students are afraid of change. The result of status quo bias is the feeling some of them have:thatnothingchangedtobetterinedu- cation foraverylongtime. Conclusion Ourbrainsplaytricksonus.IwishIwereahand- some, young and confident writer, because then, thereaderwouldjudgemycommentsmorefavou- rablythanImightdeserve.Speakingaboutthink- ingerrorsofpeopleisadifficultjob.Fears,af- fection, and hatred explain many occasions on which people depart from rationality. On the other hand, luck plays a large role in every suc- cessstory. Kahneman’s book describes the workings of the mind as an interaction between two systems ortwocharacters:theautomaticSystem1andthe effortfulSystem2. So,letmeaskthefinalquestion:Whatcanwe dotobecomelessbiased?Oneansweristhatlittle canbedonewithoutaconsiderableinvestmentof effort.BeingawarethatIamaspronetoovercon- fidence, extreme predictions, and the planning fallacy as my 40-year younger students is some- thing. I am maybe a bit better at recognizing the signs of a cognitive minefield, and so I can slow down deliberately and ask for help from System 2. But this sensible procedure is, in my case, too, lesslikelytobeappliedwhenneeded. Whatcanteachersdo?Weshould,perhaps,fo- cus moreon developingstudent’sthinking skills, decision-making skills, principles of probability, choice theory and statistics and teach our stu- dents how to approach problems methodically andavoidjumpingtoconclusions–inotherwords, teach them to understand and not only to gain new knowledge, to understandby not blindlyac- cepting what they hear or read. They should be constantly asking questions, do their own think- ing andbe critical by challengingthe well-known andexploringtheunknown. Appendix Kahneman’slistofbiasesisunexhaustive,andhis remarks are precious food for thought. Here are someforyoutodiscusswithyourpeersandthink over. 1. ‘A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because management17(2022)številka1 19 IgorRižnar|StudentsBeware! familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth.’ Authoritarian institutions as well as someuniversitiesknowthis fact. 2. ‘If you care about being thought credible andintelligent,donotusecomplexlanguage wheresimplerlanguagewilldo.’ 3. ‘Odd as it may seem, I am my remembering self,and theexperiencingself,whodoesmy living,islikeastrangertome.’ 4. ‘Theconfidencethatindividualshaveintheir beliefsdependsmostlyonthe quality of the storytheycantellaboutwhattheysee,even ifthey see little.’ 5. ‘We are proneto overestimate how muchwe understandabouttheworldandtounderes- timate the roleofchancein events.’ 6. ‘We can be blind to the obvious, and we are alsoblindtoourblindness.’ 7. ‘The illusion that we understand the past fosters overconfidence in our ability to pre- dictthe future.’ 8. ‘Acquisition of skills requires a regular envi- ronment, an adequate opportunity to prac- tice, and rapid and unequivocal feedback about the correctness of thoughts and ac- tions.’ 9. ‘Declarations of high confidence mainly tell you that an individual has constructed a co- herent story in his mind, not necessarily that the storyis true.’ 10. ‘Before an issue is discussed, all members of the committee should be asked to write a very brief summary of their position. This proceduremakesgooduseofthevalueofthe diversity of knowledge and opinion in the group.Thestandardpracticeofopendiscus- sion gives too much weight to the opinions of those who speak early and assertively, causingothersto lineupbehindthem.’ 11. ‘The easiest way to increase happiness is to control your use of time. Can you find more time to dothe things youenjoydoing?’ 12. ‘Expertswho acknowledgethe fullextentof theirignorancemayexpecttobereplacedby more confident competitors, who are better abletogainthetrustofclients.Anunbiased appreciation of uncertaintyis a cornerstone ofrationality–butitisnotwhatpeopleand organizations want.’ 13. ‘The idea of mental energy is more than a mere metaphor. The nervous system con- sumes more glucose than most other parts ofthebody,andeffortfulmentalactivityap- pears to be especially expensive in the cur- rency of glucose.’ References Kahneman, D. (2011).Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kearns, S.,and G. Morgan. 1995. ‘The Relationship be- tween Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs, Sense of Effi- cacy and Optimism Bias.’ Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference,Hobart, 26–30November. Kulik, J. A., and H. I. M. Mahler. 1987. ‘Health Sta- tus,PerceptionsofRiskandPreventionInterestfor HealthandNonhealthProblems.’HealthPsychology 6:15–27. Richman, H. 2010. ’Optimistic Bias in the University Classroom.’PerspectivesinLearning 11(1):17–22. Weinstein, C. S. 1988. ’Preservice Teachers’ Expecta- tionsabouttheFirstYearofTeaching.’Teachingand Teacher Education 4(1):31–40. Weinstein,N.D.1980.‘UnrealisticOptimismaboutFu- ture Life Events.’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology39:806–20. 20 management17(2022)številka1