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Fry, The synergistic effect of cavitation erosion and corrosion for copper and cupro-nickel in seawater, J. Fluids Eng., 111 (1989), 271–277, doi:10.1115/1.3243641 25 S. Hong, Y. P. Wu, J. Zhang, Y. G. Zheng, J. Lin, Synergistic effect of ultrasonic cavitation erosion and corrosion of WC-CoCr and FeCrSiBMn coatings prepared by HVOF spraying, Ultrason. Sono- chem., 31 (2016), 563–569. doi:10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.02.011 Y. X. QIAO et al.: CAVITATION EROSION PROPERTIES OF A NICKEL-FREE HIGH-NITROGEN Fe-Cr-Mn-N STAINLESS STEEL 938 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 933–938 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... 939–944 INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 FORGED STEEL SHAFT WITH PLASMA-SPRAY CERAMIC-OXIDE COATINGS FOR SUGAR-CANE MILLS RAZISKAVA OBRABE AISI 1040 KOVANE JEKLENE GREDI S KERAMI^NIMI OKSIDNIMI PREVLEKAMI ZA MLINE ZA MLETJE SLADKORNEGA TRSA Duraisamy Revathi Ponnusamy Rajarathnam1, Murugesan Jayaraman2 1Paavai Engineering College, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Namakkal District, India 2Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erode District, India drprajamalathi@yahoo.co.in Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-03-27; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-05-19 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.035 In this investigation, ceramic oxide powders, alumina, titania, chromia, alumina-titania, alumina-chromia and titania-chromia, were coated for a thickness of 200 μm on an AISI 1040 forged steel substrate by means of an atmospheric plasma spraying method. Ni-Cr was used as an intermediate bond coat of thickness 20 μm over the substrate to improve the coating adhesion. Pin-on-disc apparatus was employed for a dry wear test as per the American Society for Testing and Materials G99 standards for a constant load of 10 N, at different sliding distances of 1000 m, 2000 m and 3000 m, respectively. The investigation shows that the microstructure, coating thickness, porosity, surface roughness and hardness influence the wear rate. Before and after the wear tests, surface roughness measurements were carried out by using a talysurf instrument on the specimens. It is shown that the highest value (20.89 μm) was obtained for the coating of alumina-titania. The practical results show that the pure chromia coated specimen has a very good wear-resistance property compared to the ceramic oxides. This suggests that surface coating with pure chromia on the top mill roll shaft of sugar industries enhanced the wear resistance. Keywords: alumina, titania, chromia, atmospheric plasma spray, pin-on-disc, wear, Talysurf profilometer V raziskavi so bili oksidni pra{ki: glinica, titan, krom, aluminijev oksid, aluminij-krom, prevle~eni z 200 μm na AISI 1040 podlago kovanega jekla z metodo napr{evanja s plazmo. Ni-Cr smo uporabili kot vmesni vezni premaz z debelino 20 μm nad podlago za izbolj{anje oprijemljivosti prevleke. Pin-on-disk aparat je bila uporabljen za preskus suhe obrabe, v skladu s standardi G99 Ameri{kega zdru`enja za testiranje in materiale, s konstantno obremenitvijo 10 N, na razli~nih drsnih razdaljah 1000 m, 2000 m in 3000 m. Preiskava je pokazala, da so mikrostruktura, debelina prevleke, poroznost, povr{inska hrapavost in trdota vplivali na stopnjo obrabe. Pred in po testih obrabe, so bile meritve vzorcev povr{inske hrapavosti izvedene z uporabo Talysurf instrumenta. Izkazalo se je, da je najve~ja vrednost (20,89 μm), pridobljena s prevleko iz aluminijevega oksida-titanovega dioksida. Prakti~ni rezultati ka`ejo, da ima s ~istim kromom prevle~en vzorec zelo dobro odpornost na obrabo kot tisti s kerami~nimi oksidi. Ka`e, da povr{inska prevleka s ~istim kromom na zgornji gredi mlina v sladkorni industriji pove~a odpornost proti obrabi. Klju~ne besede: aluminij, titan, krom, atmoferski plazma sprej, spoj na disk, obraba, Talysurf profilometer 1 INTRODUCTION In many sugar industries, the top mill roller shaft, used to crush sugarcane, is made up of AISI 1040 forged carbon steel as this medium carbon, tensile steel shows good strength, toughness and wear resistance. The roller shaft has to operate under critical working conditions such as heavy load, high speed, temperature and chemi- cal environment, while it crushes the raw sugar cane to extract the sugar cane juice. Hence, surface hardening of the shaft is a must to improve the wear resistance as they suffer from various types of degradation. Generally, the shaft diameter will decrease due to continuous rotation with a speed of 4 min–1 and accumulation of various im- purities such as bagasse, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and also due to improper lubrications in between the journal bearing and the shaft. Hence, the shaft surface at the pinion end should be coated with ceramic materials with a good wear-resistance property. The coating layer is very important because it enhances the wear resistance of the metal substrate of AISI 1040 forged steel to increase its life and efficiency. Some of the most commonly used ceramic materials in industrial applications are alumina (Al2O3), titania (TiO2), Chromia (Cr2O3). S.-H. Yao1 studied nanostruc- tured Al2O3 with 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 coatings and found that they showed better performance in hardness and wear. Y. Sert et al.2 studied the wear resis- tance of the plasma sprayed alumina – titania, titania, chromia and chromia – titania and found the effect of TiO2 content on Al2O3–TiO2 and Cr2O3–TiO2 coatings on Al-based substrate, and concluded that hardness, coating density and wear resistance changed with the TiO2 content. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 939 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 620.1:620.193.95:669.1.017:621.926 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(6)939(2017) B. A. Khan et al.3 studied the microstructural, surface roughness and tribological properties of a coated spe- cimen with alumina, titania and alumina-titania coating materials and the results showed that pure alumina has better wear properties than other coating materials, and it was observed that the thermal barrier coating decreases the wear rate compared to the parent metal. M. H. Korkut et al.4 studied the wear behaviour of the ceramic surfaces over different test durations on AISI 1040 mild steel and found that the pure chromium III oxide (Cr2O3) has a higher wear resistance than pure Al2O3 and its compositions with TiO2, they concluded that wear resistance decreased with an increase in the percentage of TiO2 powder in Al2O3 mixture. S. Islak et al.5 investigated the effect of TiO2 rate in an Al2O3–TiO2 composite coating on SAE 1040 steel and observed that the phase transformations take place from stable -Al2O3 and anatase TiO2 to metastable -Al2O3, rutile TiO2 and Al2TiO5 phase and as a result the micro- hardness value was found to be 3 to 4.5 times higher than that of SAE 1040 steel substrate materials due to a de- crease in pore content when the TiO2 powder rate in- creased in the composition. S. Salman et al.6 investigated the thermal shock resistance of various ceramic oxides coated on a cast iron substrate and found that zirconia coated samples deformed at 1040 °C after 37 s when compared to Cr2O3 which deformed at 960 °C after 33 s. It was concluded that the Al2O3 coated specimen has less thermal shock resistance since it deformed at 920 °C in 31 s. M. S. Kumar et al.7 analyzed the tribological proper- ties of thermally sprayed WC – 12 % of mass fractions of Co and Al2O3 – 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 on AISI 1040 steel used in the automobiles and found that the wear failure mechanism gets influenced more at higher temperatures around 600 °C. It was also observed that a carbide coating exhibited denser microstructured and higher hardness than ceramic oxide coatings. G. Bolleli et al.8 investigated the wear behaviour of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings (Al2O3, Al2O3 – 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 and Cr2O3) and found that the Cr2O3 coating was the hardest and most anisotropic among the other plasma-sprayed ceramics due to the low interlamellar cohesion, whereas the Al2O3 – 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 was less hard and tough due to the formation of a glassy phase and turns out to be quite brittle. A. Prasad et al.9 investigated the hardness of a Ni/La2O3 composite powder that was cladded over AISI 1040 steel through microwave irradiation to improve the wear resistance and observed the averaged Vickers microhardness was about 319HV. It was further stated that the hardness value depends upon the particle size, microwave power and microwave exposure time. M. S. Gök10 studied the microstructure and abrasive wear per- formance of an AISI 1040 steel surface coated with different ceramic materials and observed that a higher rate of Cr2O3 in the composition produced a better and higher microhardness value than other ceramic coating materials. They also showed that increasing the propor- tion of TiO2 in the composition affects the microhardness value of the specimen. P. Gadhari et al.11 studied the wear behaviour of a N-P-Al2O3 composite coating on AISI 1040 steel and showed that a change in the parameters like higher annealing temperature 500 °C and reducing agent con- centration (25 g/L) improved the wear resistance of the coating. The amount of alumina content affects the wear resistance property of the composite coating. M. Yunus et al.12 investigated the wear behaviour of ceramic coat- ings on a mild-steel substrate which has vast applications in aerospace, gas turbine engines and power generators. The result showed that the partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) has more thermal barrier and thermal cycling resistance than alumina-titania and alumina. The coating temperature (1000 °C), types of coating and thickness of coating affect or influence the thermal barrier against the ceramic coating materials. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Substrate preparation AISI 1040 forged steel was used as a substrate material provided by M/s.Coimbatore Metal Mart. The substrate AISI 1040 forged steel was made into circular pins of 8 mm diameter and 30 mm length by performing turning and facing operations in the lathe machine from its original dimension of 30 mm diameter and 40 mm length. Three types of coating materials were used: ceramic oxide powders (99 % of mass fractions) Al2O3 as fused, primarily -phase with particle -325 mesh size, (99 % of mass fractions) TiO2 traces metal basis with particle – 325 mesh size, (98 % of mass fractions) Cr2O3 with particle size 5 μm provided by Sigma Aldrich Che- micals Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India. The mixtures formed with six different compositions are shown in Table 1. D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... 940 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Schematic picture of plasma spray coating Table 1: Chemical compositions (w/%) of ceramics for surface coat- ing Specimen No. Al2O3 TiO2 Cr2O3 S1 99 - - S2 - 99 - S3 - - 99 S4 45 55 - S5 55 - 45 S6 - 45 55 Before spraying, the substrate was cleaned with ace- tone. In the present work NiCr bond coat of 20 μm thick- ness was deposited on the substrate surface materials so as to compose an intermediate surface for the purpose of best adhesion property and the coating thickness with 200 μm was deposited by plasma spraying process as shown in Figure 1. 2.2 Thermal spraying equipment Sulzer Metco 3 MB spraying guns were used for the deposition of ceramic oxide layers provided by M/s. SprayMet Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India. The parameters used for the deposition of ceramic oxide coatings by thermal spraying process are shown in the Table 2. Table 2: Guidelines of plasma spray process Gun METCO 3MB Nozzle GH Arc flow rate 80–90 L/min Arc pressure 100–120 psi Auxiliary gas flow rate 20–35 L/min Auxiliary gas pressure 100 psi Spray rate 2.0–6.5 kg/h Arc voltage 60–70V Arc current 490–590A Spray distance 3–5 inches Powder feed 40–50 grams/min 2.3 Characterization of coatings The microstructures of the specimens coated with Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3 and other compositions were charac- terized under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to study the microstructure of the substrate. 2.4 Microhardness of the ceramic oxide coatings Hardness measurements were carried out to find the microhardness value of the AISI 1040 steel substrate and coated samples. The hardness test was carried out on the top surface of the coatings with a load of 250 g and dwell time period of 10 s and the average of three read- ings are shown in the Table 3. Table 3: Hardness value of the specimen Specimens Vickers hardness number(HV) AISI 1040 230 Al2O3 776 TiO2 340 Cr2O3 960 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2 448 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 560 45 % TiO2 + 55 % Cr2O3 652 2.5 Surface roughness measurements Talysurf instrument schematic sketch shown in Fig- ure 2 was used to measure the surface roughness of the specimens before and after wear tests. The cut-off length was chosen as 0.8 mm for the instrument and a mean value of five readings was calculated. 2.6 Wear test and evaluation Ceramic oxide coated specimens were subjected to dry wear tests by using a pin-on-disc wear testing device as per ASTM G99-04 standards. The 8 mm diameter and 30 mm length cylindrical pin samples coated with alu- mina, titania, chromia and combination of 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3, and 45 % TiO2 + D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 941 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Schematic diagram of Talysurf instrument Figure 3: Pin-on-disc geometry B. A. Khan et al.3 studied the microstructural, surface roughness and tribological properties of a coated spe- cimen with alumina, titania and alumina-titania coating materials and the results showed that pure alumina has better wear properties than other coating materials, and it was observed that the thermal barrier coating decreases the wear rate compared to the parent metal. M. H. Korkut et al.4 studied the wear behaviour of the ceramic surfaces over different test durations on AISI 1040 mild steel and found that the pure chromium III oxide (Cr2O3) has a higher wear resistance than pure Al2O3 and its compositions with TiO2, they concluded that wear resistance decreased with an increase in the percentage of TiO2 powder in Al2O3 mixture. S. Islak et al.5 investigated the effect of TiO2 rate in an Al2O3–TiO2 composite coating on SAE 1040 steel and observed that the phase transformations take place from stable -Al2O3 and anatase TiO2 to metastable -Al2O3, rutile TiO2 and Al2TiO5 phase and as a result the micro- hardness value was found to be 3 to 4.5 times higher than that of SAE 1040 steel substrate materials due to a de- crease in pore content when the TiO2 powder rate in- creased in the composition. S. Salman et al.6 investigated the thermal shock resistance of various ceramic oxides coated on a cast iron substrate and found that zirconia coated samples deformed at 1040 °C after 37 s when compared to Cr2O3 which deformed at 960 °C after 33 s. It was concluded that the Al2O3 coated specimen has less thermal shock resistance since it deformed at 920 °C in 31 s. M. S. Kumar et al.7 analyzed the tribological proper- ties of thermally sprayed WC – 12 % of mass fractions of Co and Al2O3 – 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 on AISI 1040 steel used in the automobiles and found that the wear failure mechanism gets influenced more at higher temperatures around 600 °C. It was also observed that a carbide coating exhibited denser microstructured and higher hardness than ceramic oxide coatings. G. Bolleli et al.8 investigated the wear behaviour of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings (Al2O3, Al2O3 – 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 and Cr2O3) and found that the Cr2O3 coating was the hardest and most anisotropic among the other plasma-sprayed ceramics due to the low interlamellar cohesion, whereas the Al2O3 – 13 % of mass fractions of TiO2 was less hard and tough due to the formation of a glassy phase and turns out to be quite brittle. A. Prasad et al.9 investigated the hardness of a Ni/La2O3 composite powder that was cladded over AISI 1040 steel through microwave irradiation to improve the wear resistance and observed the averaged Vickers microhardness was about 319HV. It was further stated that the hardness value depends upon the particle size, microwave power and microwave exposure time. M. S. Gök10 studied the microstructure and abrasive wear per- formance of an AISI 1040 steel surface coated with different ceramic materials and observed that a higher rate of Cr2O3 in the composition produced a better and higher microhardness value than other ceramic coating materials. They also showed that increasing the propor- tion of TiO2 in the composition affects the microhardness value of the specimen. P. Gadhari et al.11 studied the wear behaviour of a N-P-Al2O3 composite coating on AISI 1040 steel and showed that a change in the parameters like higher annealing temperature 500 °C and reducing agent con- centration (25 g/L) improved the wear resistance of the coating. The amount of alumina content affects the wear resistance property of the composite coating. M. Yunus et al.12 investigated the wear behaviour of ceramic coat- ings on a mild-steel substrate which has vast applications in aerospace, gas turbine engines and power generators. The result showed that the partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) has more thermal barrier and thermal cycling resistance than alumina-titania and alumina. The coating temperature (1000 °C), types of coating and thickness of coating affect or influence the thermal barrier against the ceramic coating materials. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Substrate preparation AISI 1040 forged steel was used as a substrate material provided by M/s.Coimbatore Metal Mart. The substrate AISI 1040 forged steel was made into circular pins of 8 mm diameter and 30 mm length by performing turning and facing operations in the lathe machine from its original dimension of 30 mm diameter and 40 mm length. Three types of coating materials were used: ceramic oxide powders (99 % of mass fractions) Al2O3 as fused, primarily -phase with particle -325 mesh size, (99 % of mass fractions) TiO2 traces metal basis with particle – 325 mesh size, (98 % of mass fractions) Cr2O3 with particle size 5 μm provided by Sigma Aldrich Che- micals Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India. The mixtures formed with six different compositions are shown in Table 1. D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... 940 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Schematic picture of plasma spray coating Table 1: Chemical compositions (w/%) of ceramics for surface coat- ing Specimen No. Al2O3 TiO2 Cr2O3 S1 99 - - S2 - 99 - S3 - - 99 S4 45 55 - S5 55 - 45 S6 - 45 55 Before spraying, the substrate was cleaned with ace- tone. In the present work NiCr bond coat of 20 μm thick- ness was deposited on the substrate surface materials so as to compose an intermediate surface for the purpose of best adhesion property and the coating thickness with 200 μm was deposited by plasma spraying process as shown in Figure 1. 2.2 Thermal spraying equipment Sulzer Metco 3 MB spraying guns were used for the deposition of ceramic oxide layers provided by M/s. SprayMet Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India. The parameters used for the deposition of ceramic oxide coatings by thermal spraying process are shown in the Table 2. Table 2: Guidelines of plasma spray process Gun METCO 3MB Nozzle GH Arc flow rate 80–90 L/min Arc pressure 100–120 psi Auxiliary gas flow rate 20–35 L/min Auxiliary gas pressure 100 psi Spray rate 2.0–6.5 kg/h Arc voltage 60–70V Arc current 490–590A Spray distance 3–5 inches Powder feed 40–50 grams/min 2.3 Characterization of coatings The microstructures of the specimens coated with Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3 and other compositions were charac- terized under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to study the microstructure of the substrate. 2.4 Microhardness of the ceramic oxide coatings Hardness measurements were carried out to find the microhardness value of the AISI 1040 steel substrate and coated samples. The hardness test was carried out on the top surface of the coatings with a load of 250 g and dwell time period of 10 s and the average of three read- ings are shown in the Table 3. Table 3: Hardness value of the specimen Specimens Vickers hardness number(HV) AISI 1040 230 Al2O3 776 TiO2 340 Cr2O3 960 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2 448 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 560 45 % TiO2 + 55 % Cr2O3 652 2.5 Surface roughness measurements Talysurf instrument schematic sketch shown in Fig- ure 2 was used to measure the surface roughness of the specimens before and after wear tests. The cut-off length was chosen as 0.8 mm for the instrument and a mean value of five readings was calculated. 2.6 Wear test and evaluation Ceramic oxide coated specimens were subjected to dry wear tests by using a pin-on-disc wear testing device as per ASTM G99-04 standards. The 8 mm diameter and 30 mm length cylindrical pin samples coated with alu- mina, titania, chromia and combination of 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3, and 45 % TiO2 + D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 941 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Schematic diagram of Talysurf instrument Figure 3: Pin-on-disc geometry 55 % Cr2O3 oxides of coating thickness 200 μm were used as test materials. Counter face material made from hardened steel was used as a disc. For each sample dry- sliding wear tests were carried out three times against a constant load of 10 N for a sliding speed of 260 min–1, 525 min–1 and 790 min–1 under a sliding distance of 1000 m, 2000 m and 3000 m respectively. The corres- ponding weight losses of the coated specimens were calculated by means of an electronic weighing balance. The microstructural characteristics and wear behaviour were identified by means of the wear scars observed by using SEM for both the coated and uncoated specimens. The pin-on-disc geometry was shown in Figure 3. 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructure of ceramic oxide coating Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the AISI 1040 forged steel substrate and ceramic oxide powder samples at 200× magnification are shown in Figure 4. Figure 4a shows various elements present in AISI 1040 forged steel substrate and the increase of the ferrite grain size at the inner regions and ferrite, for example, similar to white regions and perlite, for exam- ple, similar to dark side regions were found. Figures 4b to 4d represent the morphological structure of the Al2O3, TiO2 and Cr2O3 particles. The Al2O3 and TiO2 powders have distinctive grain sizes, exhibited an irregular mor- phology and were sharp edged because of the agglo- meration of essential particles.The alumina particles are generally nano-sized and the shape of particle is non- spherical. Particle density or true density gives data about the sort of material present in the sample. A particle density higher than 1.0 g/cc is attributed to a high alumina content in the sample rather than the orga- nic matter. The porosity is likewise sensibly high as expected.13 It demonstrates that the chromium oxide is in pure form and the particles are white colored nano- particles that are almost rhombohedral and isolated. Photographic images of the ceramic oxide coated specimens on AISI 1040 forged steel substrate are shown in Figure 5. Figure 5a to 5f show that the Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3, 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 and 45 % TiO2 + 55 % Cr2O3 particles are homogenously distributed with less porosity present on the surface of the specimens. An examination of these images revealed that the substrate surface layer and the ceramic coating layer were homogenously fused and there were no pores, cracks, and spaces on the coating area. 3.2 Surface-roughness measurement The surface roughness (Ra) values were higher for both the coated and uncoated samples before the wear test, whereas the Ra values were lower for both the coated and uncoated samples after the wear test. The re- corded values are shown in Figure 6. The specimen coated with 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 and having a coating thickness of 200 μm is shows a smaller Ra value before the wear test when compared to other values of coated and uncoated specimens.The specimen coated with (99 % of mass fractions) TiO2 and having a coating thickness of 200 μm shows a lower Ra value after the wear test when compared to the other values of the coated and uncoated specimens after the wear test. D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... 942 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 6: Surface roughness of coated and uncoated specimens Figure 4: SEM images of steel substrate and ceramic oxides at 200× magnification: a) AISI 1040 forged steel, b) Al2O3, c) TiO2, d) Cr2O3 Figure 5: Photographic image of a) Al2O3, b)TiO2, c) Cr2O3 d) 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, e) 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 and f) 45 % TiO2 + 55% Cr2O3 3.3 Microhardness values of ceramic oxide coating Figure 7 shows the recorded microhardness values for different ceramic oxide coated and bare specimens. From the recorded values, the 99 % Cr2O3 coated specimen has the highest microhardness value when compared to the other coated and uncoated specimens. 3.4 Wear-rate performance of ceramic oxide coated specimens By using a pin-on-disc apparatus, dry-sliding wear tests were carried out on the ceramic oxide coated and uncoated AISI 1040 specimens according to the ASTM G99-04 standard wear test. The effect of sliding distance in the wear loss of the uncoated and coated specimens at a constant load of 10 N for the different composition coating powder is shown in Figure 8. The specimen coated with 99 % Cr2O3 and having a thickness 200 μm has comparatively less wear loss for all the sliding distances rather than the uncoated AISI 1040 forged steel specimen and other combinations of cera- mic-oxide-coated specimens. The specimen coated with Al2O3-55 % TiO2 shows a higher wear loss at all the sliding distances when compared to all the other coated specimens. SEM images of ceramic oxide coated speci- mens and AISI 1040 forged steel after wear test under a constant load of 10 N are shown in Figures 9. From Figure 9a to 9f it was observed that the Al2O3-55 % TiO2 coated specimen experienced serious wear condition described by shearing and plastic distortion and the surface of the substrate has turned out to be rough and D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 943 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 8: Effect of sliding distance on the wear loss for 200 μm Figure 9: SEM microstructure after wear test of: a) Al2O3, b) TiO2, c) Cr2O3, d) 45 Al2O3+55 TiO2, e) 55 Al2O3 + 45 Cr2O3, f) 45 TiO2 + 55 Cr2O3, g) AISI 1040 forged steel Figure 7: Microhardness of coated specimens and bare AISI 1040 forged steel 55 % Cr2O3 oxides of coating thickness 200 μm were used as test materials. Counter face material made from hardened steel was used as a disc. For each sample dry- sliding wear tests were carried out three times against a constant load of 10 N for a sliding speed of 260 min–1, 525 min–1 and 790 min–1 under a sliding distance of 1000 m, 2000 m and 3000 m respectively. The corres- ponding weight losses of the coated specimens were calculated by means of an electronic weighing balance. The microstructural characteristics and wear behaviour were identified by means of the wear scars observed by using SEM for both the coated and uncoated specimens. The pin-on-disc geometry was shown in Figure 3. 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructure of ceramic oxide coating Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the AISI 1040 forged steel substrate and ceramic oxide powder samples at 200× magnification are shown in Figure 4. Figure 4a shows various elements present in AISI 1040 forged steel substrate and the increase of the ferrite grain size at the inner regions and ferrite, for example, similar to white regions and perlite, for exam- ple, similar to dark side regions were found. Figures 4b to 4d represent the morphological structure of the Al2O3, TiO2 and Cr2O3 particles. The Al2O3 and TiO2 powders have distinctive grain sizes, exhibited an irregular mor- phology and were sharp edged because of the agglo- meration of essential particles.The alumina particles are generally nano-sized and the shape of particle is non- spherical. Particle density or true density gives data about the sort of material present in the sample. A particle density higher than 1.0 g/cc is attributed to a high alumina content in the sample rather than the orga- nic matter. The porosity is likewise sensibly high as expected.13 It demonstrates that the chromium oxide is in pure form and the particles are white colored nano- particles that are almost rhombohedral and isolated. Photographic images of the ceramic oxide coated specimens on AISI 1040 forged steel substrate are shown in Figure 5. Figure 5a to 5f show that the Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3, 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 and 45 % TiO2 + 55 % Cr2O3 particles are homogenously distributed with less porosity present on the surface of the specimens. An examination of these images revealed that the substrate surface layer and the ceramic coating layer were homogenously fused and there were no pores, cracks, and spaces on the coating area. 3.2 Surface-roughness measurement The surface roughness (Ra) values were higher for both the coated and uncoated samples before the wear test, whereas the Ra values were lower for both the coated and uncoated samples after the wear test. The re- corded values are shown in Figure 6. The specimen coated with 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 and having a coating thickness of 200 μm is shows a smaller Ra value before the wear test when compared to other values of coated and uncoated specimens.The specimen coated with (99 % of mass fractions) TiO2 and having a coating thickness of 200 μm shows a lower Ra value after the wear test when compared to the other values of the coated and uncoated specimens after the wear test. D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... 942 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 6: Surface roughness of coated and uncoated specimens Figure 4: SEM images of steel substrate and ceramic oxides at 200× magnification: a) AISI 1040 forged steel, b) Al2O3, c) TiO2, d) Cr2O3 Figure 5: Photographic image of a) Al2O3, b)TiO2, c) Cr2O3 d) 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, e) 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3 and f) 45 % TiO2 + 55% Cr2O3 3.3 Microhardness values of ceramic oxide coating Figure 7 shows the recorded microhardness values for different ceramic oxide coated and bare specimens. From the recorded values, the 99 % Cr2O3 coated specimen has the highest microhardness value when compared to the other coated and uncoated specimens. 3.4 Wear-rate performance of ceramic oxide coated specimens By using a pin-on-disc apparatus, dry-sliding wear tests were carried out on the ceramic oxide coated and uncoated AISI 1040 specimens according to the ASTM G99-04 standard wear test. The effect of sliding distance in the wear loss of the uncoated and coated specimens at a constant load of 10 N for the different composition coating powder is shown in Figure 8. The specimen coated with 99 % Cr2O3 and having a thickness 200 μm has comparatively less wear loss for all the sliding distances rather than the uncoated AISI 1040 forged steel specimen and other combinations of cera- mic-oxide-coated specimens. The specimen coated with Al2O3-55 % TiO2 shows a higher wear loss at all the sliding distances when compared to all the other coated specimens. SEM images of ceramic oxide coated speci- mens and AISI 1040 forged steel after wear test under a constant load of 10 N are shown in Figures 9. From Figure 9a to 9f it was observed that the Al2O3-55 % TiO2 coated specimen experienced serious wear condition described by shearing and plastic distortion and the surface of the substrate has turned out to be rough and D. R. PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 943 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 8: Effect of sliding distance on the wear loss for 200 μm Figure 9: SEM microstructure after wear test of: a) Al2O3, b) TiO2, c) Cr2O3, d) 45 Al2O3+55 TiO2, e) 55 Al2O3 + 45 Cr2O3, f) 45 TiO2 + 55 Cr2O3, g) AISI 1040 forged steel Figure 7: Microhardness of coated specimens and bare AISI 1040 forged steel debris formed because of the wear. The Al2O3-coated specimen had a wear mechanism on the surface in the form of flaky micro-cracks. This could be attributed to the high hardness values of the specimens. Micro-cracks occur if a critical value is exceeded in loading and abrasive wear also takes place in relation to the fracture toughness of the abraded material. The TiO2-coated specimen showed that the wear mechanism on the surface formed micro-cutting of various widths along with plastic deformation because of micro crackings. Figure 9g reveals that the transfer of the materials that occurred from the pin to the disc. The debris produced throughout the test was deposited on both sides of the wear track. Over the wear track a few patches of the initial surface are observed, indicating that the trans- ferred steel film was detached as a result of a fatigue process. 4 CONCLUSIONS The AISI 1040 forged steel substrate was coated with alumina, titania, chromia individually and again with different combinations of ceramic oxides such as 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2, 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3, and 45 % TiO2 + 55 % Cr2O3 by using a plasma-spraying process with an intermediate bond coat of NiCr, SEM tests were carried out to determine the surface roughness and adhesion of the coating onto the AISI 1040 substrate. The specimen coated with 99 % Cr2O3 has higher microhardness values among all the ceramic-oxide- coated specimens, which was followed by 99 % Al2O3, 45 % TiO2 + 55 % Cr2O3, 55 % Al2O3 + 45 % Cr2O3. The lowest hardness value was obtained from the ceramic oxide coating surface with a mixture proportion of 45 % Al2O3 + 55 % TiO2. The chromia-coated specimen showed excellent wear property when compared to other coating materials due to its excellent adhesion to the base metal. The increase in the weight percentage of TiO2 in the Al2O3 ceramic material affects the microhardness value of the specimens in a decreasing manner. The microhardness values of the coated specimens influence the wear loss. The specimens having higher microhardness also have a higher wear resistance and cause less wear loss. If the weight percentage of TiO2 in Cr2O3 ceramic materials increases, this decreases the microhardness value of the specimens. From the experimental results it can be concluded that the pure 99 % Cr2O3 coated AISI 1040 forged steel specimen showed better wear resistance property due to dense, compact, defects free and good adhesion charac- teristics, while compared to other coating materials. Hence, it is recommended for surface coating on the top mill roll shafts used in sugarcane industries to increase the wear resistance of the shaft. Acknowledgement The research work was supported by my father Mr. D. Ponnusamy and my spouse Mrs B. Malathi. Special thanks to Professor Dr. K. K. Ramasamy and Dr. M. Premkumar from Paavai Engineering College, Nama- kkal, India, for their valuable help. 5 REFERENCES 1 S.-H. Yao, Comparative study on wear performance of traditional and nano structured Al2O3-13 wt.% TiO2 air plasma spray coatings, J. Ceram. Silikaty, 59 (2015) 1, 59–63 2 Y. Sert, N. Toplan, Tribological behaviour of a plasma – sprayed Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 coating, Mater. Technol., 47 (2013) 2, 181–183 3 C. A. Berkath, A. Khan, Dr. Anilkumar, P. M. Suresh, Tribological behaviour of a plasma – sprayed Al2O3-TiO2 coating on Al-6082T6 substrate, Int. J. of Inno. Res. in Sci., Eng. and Techno., 3 (2014) 6, 13956–13963 4 M. H. Korkut, Y. Kucuk, A. C. Karaoglanl, A. Erdogan, Y. Er, M. 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PONNUSAMY RAJARATHNAM, M. JAYARAMAN: INVESTIGATION OF THE WEAR BEHAVIOUR OF AN AISI 1040 ... 944 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 939–944 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS M. BOROUNI et al.: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AN IN-SITU MAGNESIUM-BASED ... 945–951 SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AN IN-SITU MAGNESIUM-BASED CAST NANO COMPOSITE VIA NANO-SiO2 ADDITIONS TO THE MELT SINTEZA IN KARAKTERIZACIJA IN SITU NANOKOMPOZITA NA OSNOVI MAGNEZIJA Z NANO-SiO2 DODATKOM ZA TALJENJE Mansour Borouni1, Behzad Niroumand2, Ali Maleki3 1Isfahan University of Technology, Pardis College, Materials Engineering Group, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran 2Isfahan University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran 3Isfahan University of Technology, Research Institute for Steel, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran m.borouni@pa.iut.ac.ir Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-04-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-05-12 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.036 In this study, AZ91C magnesium matrix in-situ nano-composites reinforced with oxide particles were produced by the addition of 2 % of mass fractions of silica nanoparticles to the melt using the stir-casting method. For this purpose, nano-silica powder was mixed in molten AZ91C by a special procedure and stirred for 15 min at 750 °C and cast in a preheated die at 720 °C. Control samples were also cast under the same conditions. Improved microstructure, reduced porosity and increased hardness, tensile strength and yield strength of the composite sample were revealed by microstructural and mechanical investigations. The hardness, yield strength and tensile strength values increased from 65 BHN, 82 MPa and 165 MPa for the monolithic samples to 77 BHN, 97 MPa and 175 MPa for the in-situ formed cast composites. Microstructural and EDS analyses suggested the in-situ formation of Al2O3, MgAl2O4 and MgO oxide particles by in-situ reaction of the Al, Mg and SiO2 in the melt. Keywords: AZ91C alloy, in-situ cast nano-composite, silica nanoparticles, mechanical properties V {tudiji so bili izdelani AZ91C nanokompoziti in situ, na podlagi magnezijeve matrike in oja~ani z oksidnimi delci z dodatkom 2 % nanodelcev silicija za topljenje, z uporabo metode litja z me{anjem. Za ta namen je bil nanosilicijev prah zme{an v raztopljen AZ91C s posebno metodo in nato 15 min me{an na 750 °C in lit v predogretem modelu na 720 °C. Preizku{anci so bili ravnotako liti v enakih pogojih. Izbolj{ana mikrostruktura, zmanj{ana poroznost in pove~ana trdota, napetostna trdnost in napetost vzorcev kompozita so bili odkriti s preiskavami mikrostrukture in z mehanskimi preiskavami. Vrednosti trdote, napetosti te~enja in natezne napetosti so se pove~ali iz 65 BHN, 82 Mpa in 165 MPa in za monolitne vzorce na 77 BHN, 97 MPa in 175 MPa za in situ formirane lite kompozite. Mikrostrukture in EDS-analize so predlagale in situ formacijo Al2O3, MgAl2O4 in MgO oksidne delce z in situ reakcijo Al, Mg in SiO2 v topljenem. Klju~ne besede: AZ91C zlitina, in situ litje nanokompozitov, nanodelci silicija, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Besides extensive applications in automobile and aerospace industries, magnesium and its alloys have had considerable growth in three markets of communica- tions, computer and video and photography cameras. Magnesium is the lightest industrial metal with a density of 1.74 g/cm3. Magnesium has a high specific strength and therefore it is used extensively as the metal matrix in the manufacturing of composites. Among the alloys of magnesium, Mg-Al-Zn alloys, specifically the AZ91 alloy, have extensive applications in various industries. Corrosion resistance and relatively high strength are the particular properties of the AZ91 alloy compared to other magnesium alloys. The AZ91 alloy is one of the most common magnesium alloys to produce magne- sium-matrix composites.1–5 For producing magnesium-matrix composites, rein- forcing materials with different shapes, sizes and materials are used. Micron-sized ceramic reinforcements including carbides, borides and oxides are the most common.2,5 Various studies are carried out in the field of magnesium-matrix composites reinforced with ceramic particles. For instance, in 2008, Hassan and Gupta pro- duced a magnesium composite reinforced with Al2O3 particles with 0.3-micron sizes using disintegrated melt deposition method and reported improved yield strength, tensile strength and flexibility by 2 % of mass fractions increase of Al2O3 particles.6 By changing the scale of the reinforcing particles from micrometer to nanometer, their specific surface is increased significantly and the impact of the properties of the surface of the particles become more important. Since one of the mechanisms to increase the properties of the composites is the load transfer in the interface of the matrix and reinforcement particles, using nano- particles, the surface of the reinforcement which is in contact with the matrix is increased and higher increases in the properties are expected.7 In a research in 2012, AZ91D-TiB2 nano-composites were manufactured using ultrasonic mixing and their sub-structure and mechanical properties were studied. For AZ91D nano-composites Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 945–951 945 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 67.017:620.3:621.74:669.721 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(6)945(2017)