UDK 669'71'3'1:620.17 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni članek ISSN 1580-2949 MTAEC9, 41(6)265(2007) THERMOELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF A MONOCRYSTALLINE Al64Cu23Fe13 QUASICRYSTAL TERMOELEKTRIČNE LASTNOSTI MONOKRISTALNEGA KVAZIKRISTALA Al64Cu23Fe13 Igor Smiljanic1, Ante Bilušic1'2, Željko Bihar1, Jagoda Lukatela1, Boran Leontic1, Janez Dolinšek3, Ana Smontara1 institute of Physics, Bijenička 46, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia 2Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Split, N. Tesle 12, HR-21000 Split, Croatia 3J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ismiljanic@ifs.hr Prejem rokopisa — received: 2007-07-12; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2007-08-01 We performed investigations of the electrical resistivity, thermopower and thermal conductivity of a monocrystalline i-Al64Cu23Fe13 as well as a polycrystalline i-Al63Cu25Fe12 icosahedral quasicrystal, for comparison. The electrical resistivity of both samples, the monocrystalline i-Al64Cu23Fe13 and the polycrystalline i-Al63Cu25Fe12, exhibits a negative temperature coefficient with p4K = 3950 ||Q cm and p4K= 4900 ||Q cm, and the ratio p4K/p300K = 1.8, p4K/p300K = 1.7, respectively. The thermopowers are large and have a negative sign. In addition, the thermopower of the monocrystalline i-Al64Cu23Fe13 exhibits a sign reversal at T = 278 K. The thermal conductivity is anomalously low, of the order of 1 W/mK at room temperature, with a slightly different temperature variation at low temperatures. On the basis of these results, we concluded that there are no systematic differences between the high-quality monocrystalline and polycrystalline icosahedral i-Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals. Moreover, the reported transport properties of i-Al-Cu-Fe appear to be intrinsic to this family of icosahedral quasicrystals. Keywords: quasicrystals; i-AlCuFe, physical properties, resistivity, thermal conductivity Raziskali smo električno prevodnost, termonapetost in toplotno prevodnost monokristalnega i-Al64Cu23Fe13 in za primerjavo tudi polikristalnega ikozaedričnega kvazikristala i-Al63Cu25Fe12. Električna upornost obeh vzorcev ima negativen temperaturni koeficient z p4K = 3950 ||Q cm in p4K = 4900 ||Q cm, ter razmerje p4K/p3ooK = 1.8, p4K/p3ooK = 1.7. Termonapetosti so velike in z negativnim predznakom, termonapetost monokristalnega i-Al64Cu23Fe13 pa ima spremembo predznaka pri T = 278 K. Toplotna prevodnost je anormalno majhna, je reda velikosti 1 W/mK pri sobni temperaturi in z nekoliko drugačno temperaturno odvisnostjo pri nizki temperaturi. Na podlagi rezultatov meritev sklepamo, da ni sistematične razlike med visokokakovostnima monokristalnima in mnogokristalnima ikozaedričnima kvazikristaloma i-Al-Cu-Fe. Poleg tega so transportne lastnosti i-Al-Cu-Fe značilne za to družino ikozaedričnih kvazikristalov. Ključne besede: kvazikristali, i-AlCuFe, fizikalne lastnosti, upornost, toplotna prevodnost 1 INTRODUCTION The family of icosahedral i-Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals is currently one of the most studied, due to its excellent thermal stability. Most studies reported so far were performed on polycrystalline samples, and include investigations of the electrical resistivity and magnetoresi-stance,1-9 thermoelectric power,9-12 thermal conductivity,2913 magnetism,3814 and Hall coefficient.1578 Though polycrystalline samples may acquire quite a high structural perfection through a proper thermal annealing procedure, rapid quenching to room temperature after annealing inevitably results in a strained material that also contains high thermal vacancy concentration for the room temperature conditions (i.e., the quenched-in vacancy concentration is in equilibrium for the much higher temperature of annealing). In addition, grain boundaries may hinder the propagation of electrons and phonons, thus affecting long-range electrical and heat-transport phenomena. In order to test for the true intrinsic properties of i-Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals, it is desirable to compare the physical properties of the polycrystalline material with those measured on high-quality monocrystalline samples, where structural imperfections are largely absent. Therefore, we have performed a study by investigating the electrical resistivity, the thermoelectric power and the thermal conductivity of a monocrystalline i-Al64Cu23Fe13 and a polycrystalline i-Al63Cu25Fe12 quasicrystal. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE We investigated two samples with slightly different compositions, a monocrystalline i-Al64Cu23Fe« (in the following text abbreviated as i-Al64Cu23Fe13) and a polycrystalline i-Al63Cu25Fe12 icosahedral quasicrystal (in the following text abbreviated as i-Al63Cu25Fe12). The i-Al63Cu25Fe12 were made from large polycrystalline ingots prepared by conventional casting and subsequent annealing, and it was verified with X-ray diffraction that the samples are single-phase icosahedral. A large mono-crystalline i-Al64Cu23Fe13 quasicrystal was prepared by the Czochralski technique and annealing removed the strains. It has an almost phason-free quasicrystalline structure and shows superior quasicrystallinity on both the macro- and microscopic scales. The samples were Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 41 (2007) 6, 289-293 289 I. SMILJANI] ET AL.: THERMOELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF A MONOCRYSTALLINE Al64Cu23Fei3 QUASICRYSTAL shaped in the form of a prism, with dimensions 3.9 mm x 1.5 mm x 1.4 mm (j-Al64Cu23Fei3) and 7.2 mm x 1.6 mm x 1.2 mm (j-Al63Cu25Fei2). The electrical resistivity was measured by a standard four-probe technique with applied currents of 0.1 mA to 1 mA, while the thermoelectric power was measured with respect to high-purity gold lead wires, using a deferential technique. The thermal conductivity was measured using an absolute steady-state heat-flow method. The thermal flux was generated by a 1 kfi RuO2 chip-resistor glued to one end of the sample, while the other end was attached to a copper heat sink. The temperature gradient across the sample was monitored by a chromel-constantan differential thermocouple. 3 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Electrical resistivity and thermopower The electrical resistivity (p(T)) and thermopower (S(T)) of i-Al64Cu23Fe13 and i-Al63Cu25Fe12 were measured in the temperature range from 4 K to 300 K. The results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The resistivities of i-Al64Cu23Fe13 and i-Al63Cu25Fe12 exhibit a negative temperature coefficient, the room temperature values are p3