44 INFLUENCE OF STEP AEROBICS TRAINING PROGRAMME ON CHOSEN DIMENSIONS OF MORPHOLOGICAL STATUS IN MALES VPLIV TRENA@NEGA PROGRAMA STEP AEROBIKE NA NEKATERE RAZSE@NOSTI MORFOLO[KEGA STATUSA MO[KIH Damir Sekuli}* Gordana Furjan- Mandi}** Miran Kondri~*** Sekuli}, D., Furjan-Mandi}, G., Kondri}, M. (2001). Influence of step aerobics training programme on… KinSI 7(1–2), 44–48 Abstract The aim of the research was to establish the transfor- mational effects of step aerobics programme on selec- ted morphological parameters among 26 male sub- jects, participants of the programme. The programme consisted of 25 step aerobics training sessions and la- sted for nine weeks. The subject of analysis was chan- ges in four variables concerning the thickness of skin fold and four circumferences of corresponding parts of the body. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed a satisfying level of significance of differences in morp- hological dimensions, which can be represented by noteworthy changes in two selected variables (abdo- minal skin fold and thigh skin fold). We assume that changes in circumferences of selected body parts did not reach the satisfying level of significance because of minor muscle hypertrophy, which compensated the decrease caused by reduction of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Key words: step aerobics, males, morphology, pro- gramme, transformational effects Izvle~ek Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali vpliv programa step aero- bike na posamezne morfolo{ke mere. Vzorec je pred- stavljalo 26 merjencev, ki so sodelovali v programu. Vadba je obsegala 25 vadbenih enot step aerobike, ki so jih merjenci izvajali v obdobju devetih tednov. Ana- lizirane so spremembe na {tirih spremenljivkah za oceno ugotavljanja koli~ine podko`nega ma{~evja in {tirih pripadajo~ih obsegov telesa. Multivariatna ana- liza variance je pokazala ustrezno raven zna~ilnosti nastalih sprememb v morfolo{kem prostoru, kar je vidno iz ugotovljenih statisti~no zna~ilnih sprememb na dveh posameznih spremenljivkah (ko`na guba tre- buha in ko`na guba stegna). Domnevamo, da spre- membe obsegov izbranih delov telesa niso bile stati- sti~no zna~ilne zaradi blage hipertrofije mi{i~evja, kar je v meri obsegov nadomestilo izgubo, ki je povzro- ~ena z zmanj{anjem velikosti ko`nih gub. Klju~ne besede: step aerobika, mo{ki, morfologija, vadba, program, spremembe (Received: 28. 03. 2000 – Accepted: 27. 06. 2001) *University of Split – Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Education, Split, Croatia ** University of Zagreb – Faculty of Physical Education, Zagreb, Croa- tia *** University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact address Damir Sekuli} University of Split – Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Edu- cation, Split, Croatia Teslina 12 HR–21000 SPLIT Phone: +385 21 385 102 Fax: +385 21 385 431 E_mail:damir.sekulic@yahoo.com 45 Sekuli}, D., Furjan-Mandi}, G., Kondri}, M. (2001). Influence of step aerobics training programme on… KinSI 7(1–2), 44–48 INTRODUCTION Nowadays modern aerobics is one of the most popu- lar organised forms of recreational exercising. One of the reasons of fast development of this sports-recrea- tional activity is undoubtedly a vast variety of its forms (Metiko{, Zagorc, Prot, Furjan-Mandi}, & Zaletel, 1997; Zagorc, Zaletel, & I`anc, 1996). Despite the discrepancies, existing forms of aerobics can in the first place be characterised by possibility of relatively precise dosing the effort that is of basically aerobic or slightly anaerobic intensity (Williford, Scharf-Olson, & Blessing, 1989; Sekuli}, 1995, 1997, 1999). Work intensity of this kind enables relatively long and dis- continued training that, besides the content of the training and realisation of earlier defined intensity, is the main precondition for reaching the already con- firmed results of this kind of activity, which among ot- hers include: • Enhancement of the efficiency of respiratory system – increased oxygen uptake (Berry, Cline, Berry, & Davis, 1992; Williford et al., 1998); • Changes in the body structure – decrease of sub- cutaneous fatty tissue (Thomsen, & Ballor, 1991). Most of the researches however concentrate on the influence of different kinds of aerobics on women, particularly young ones (McCord, & Patterson, 1989) and on elderly participants (Shimamoto, Adachi, Ta- kahashi, & Tanaka, 1998). Remarkably, a small num- ber of studies deal with the programme of aerobic created for male subjects (Scharff-Olson, Williford, Blessing, & Brown, 1996). Therefore the amount of information about potential effects of different kinds of aerobics on male participants is insufficient. The source of this situation lies in the fact that most of the population taking part in such kinesiological program- mes are women. Nevertheless, the growing number of men participating in various forms of aerobics eli- cits the need of exploring the transformational effects of these programmes also on the male population. Aims of the Research The aim of the research was to analyse the quantity and quality of changes that appeared as an effect of the training programme of still more popular, in Croa- tia as in the world, step aerobics, in male participants of the programme. Analysis of the anthropometrical - morphological characteristics involved four variables concerning the circumferences of body parts and four variables of the thickness of skin fold in correspon- ding areas. METHODS Sample of subjects The sample consisted of 26 male students of Faculty of Technical and Mathematical Sciences, and Peda- gogy of University in Split, Croatia, aged 20 in the ave- rage. All subjects were in good health condition. Sample of variables Experiment included the analysis of changes in four variables estimating the amount of subcutaneous fat- ty tissue and four variables estimating the circumfe- rences of selected parts of the body («Morphological anthropometrics in sport«, Mi{igoj-Durakovi}, 1995) such, as: 1. Upper arm skin fold –AKNN 2. Abdominal skin fold –AKNT 3. Thigh skin fold – AKNAT 4. Calf skin fold –AKPO 5. Upper arm circumference (relaxed) –AOPN 6. Abdominal circumference –AOPT 7. Thigh circumference –AONT 8. Calf circumference – AOPOD Course of experiment Before the training programme started, the subjects had taken part in initial measurement of analysed va- riables. After the initial measurement, the training process has started. Programme consisted of 25 training sessions scheduled three times a week and lasted for 9 weeks. First 30 to 35 minutes out of each 60-minutes-long- training were prescribed for the classic step cardio programme (average heart rate value in this part of the training was 155 beats per minute). This part of the training was followed by 15-minutes-long power training of separate parts of the body (three minutes for each listed part: abdomen, legs, loin area of the back, hands and shoulder girdle). Each session at its end included a stretching programme (5 to 10 minu- tes). The final testing had taken place after the com- pletion of all 25 trainings. Final measurement included the same variables as the initial. Methods of data processing To attain the exact indicators of changes in the period between the initial and final testing, data gathered during the two measurements were processed by fol- lowing statistical procedures: 1. Estimation of descriptive statistical parameters from initial and final measurement (arithmetical mean, standard deviation, minimal and maximal results of measurement); 2. Multivariate and univariate analysis of variance of the results of initial and final measurement. 46 Sekuli}, D., Furjan-Mandi}, G., Kondri}, M. (2001). Influence of step aerobics training programme on… KinSI 7(1–2), 44–48 Table 1 and Figure 1 present the results obtained du- ring initial and final measurement on the chosen sam- ple. Analysing the global degree of changes by multivaria- te analysis of variance (MANOVA) we can estimate the level of statistical significance (Wilks Lambda = 0.1 at p = 0.04) as satisfying. Therefore we can conc- lude that the step aerobics programme caused signi- ficant changes in anthropometrical characteristics of the subjects. Univariate analysis of variance revealed two signifi- cant changes in the thickness of the skin fold: abdo- minal skin fold – AKNT (p = 0.00) and thigh skin fold – AKNAT (p = 0.05). In case of both variables a con- siderable decrease was observed. There were no sta- tistically significant changes (neither decrease nor in- crease) in any other analysed variable. Considering the results from Table 1 and Figure 1, we can notice an inconsistency in changes of circumfe- rence. For instance, in case of variable »abdominal circumference« we can observe a slight decrease of numeric value of arithmetical mean between the ini- tial and final testing (from 78.92 to 78.09) and also considerable decrease of maximal result of the mea- Variable Initial measurement Final measurement MANOVA mean min max SD mean min max SD AKNN 6.13 3.47 10.33 2.07 6.09 3.8 9.6 1.94 AKNT 8.45 5.13 14.8 2.77 6.8*** 4 10 1.96 AKNAT 10.21 4.8 18.27 3.36 9.54* 4.8 16.4 2.99 AKPO 10.06 5 16.93 3.4 9.78 4.6 14.6 2.9 AOPN 29.7 25.6 36.4 2.87 28.8 25.5 31.7 1.83 AOPT 78.92 72.3 86.4 3.47 78.09 71.9 83.6 2.81 AONT 54.55 49.3 60.2 3.98 55.19 49.7 61 3.21 AOPOD 36.93 33.3 41 2.91 36.67 32 40.6 2.61 RESULTS Table 1.: Descriptive statistical parameters of initial and final measurement Wilks Lambda = 0.1 P = 0.04 Legend: Mean - arithmetic mean; Min - minimal result; Max - maximal result; SD - Standard deviation Multivariate analysis of variance (Wilks Lambda, statistical significance – p) Univariate analysis of variance (***p=0.00; *p < 0.05) THICKNESS OF THE SKINFOLD Initial and final (2) measurement 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 AKNN AKNT AKNAT AKPO AKNN2 AKNT2 AKNAT2 AKPO2 PERIMETERS OF BODY PARTS Initial and final (2) measurement 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 AOPN AOPT AONT AOPOD AOPN2 AOPT2 AONT2 AOPOD2 Max Min AS Figure 1.: Graphic presentation of results distribution (Min – Max) and arithme- tical mean for analysed variables 47 Sekuli}, D., Furjan-Mandi}, G., Kondri}, M. (2001). Influence of step aerobics training programme on… KinSI 7(1–2), 44–48 surement (from 86.4 to 83.6). We can conclude that the state of the subjects with the highest values of ab- dominal circumference changed the most significantly in direction of the decrease of the value. In case of the thigh circumference – AOPN, we can observe the opposite trend. In spite of no statistical significance of differences, we can notice the growth of numeric value of arithmetical mean and also of mi- nimal and increase of maximal results of initial and fi- nal measurement, although, considering statistically significant decrease of the skin fold value in the same body area – AKNAT, it was hard to expect. Similar il- logical transformations can be observed also in other analysed variables (e.g. calf). DISCUSSION The interesting fact is that we could not observe any noticeable changes among any of the variables con- cerning the circumference of body parts, although they could be expected taking into account changes of the thickness of the skin fold in selected body ar- eas. We assume that the reasons of this phenomenon may be as follows: Step aerobics exerts a positive influen- ce on the reduction of the quantity of subcutaneous fatty tissue among the participants of the programme. This fact is confirmed by current as well as earlier re- searches that were carried out mostly on women (Kra- vitz, Cisar, Christensen, & Setterlund, 1993). Changes can be represented by decrease of skin fold value in selected parts of the body. Meanwhile, the functional loading of certain muscle groups (mainly the legs) cau- ses possible minor hypertrophy in chosen areas. The- refore, because of simultaneous reduction of subcu- taneous fat and growth of muscle tissue, we cannot notice statistically significant changes of neither direc- tion, among the variables concerning the circumfe- rence of the body parts. On the base of obtained results we can conclude that step aerobics programme induced in students – par- ticipants of the programme, a positive transformation in the form of decrease of subcutaneous fat. Statisti- cally significant changes were observed in the variab- les concerning the parameters of abdominal skin fold and thigh skin fold. There were no significant chan- ges among the variables concerning the circumferen- ce of selected parts of the body. We can speculate that the problem lies in simultaneous decrease of skin fold values and mild hypertrophy of the muscles in same body areas, which is the reason for relatively steady circumference values in analysed body parts. CONCLUSIONS The aim of current research was to establish the sig- nificance of changes in anthropometrical measures of circumference and skin fold in selected body areas, under the influence of 25 step aerobic training ses- sions conducted during nine weeks. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed sufficient statistical significance of differences between the ini- tial and final measurement of variables of morpholo- gical – anthropometrical status. Hence it proved the positive transformational effects of the step aerobics programme. Univariate analysis of variance exposed satisfactory significance of two variables of skin fold estimation (abdominal skin fold and skin fold of the thigh). The reason of relatively small number of single significant differences probably lies in insufficient duration of the experiment. This assumption can be supported by the fact that that the studied sample consisted of male students, who have relatively small skin fold parame- ters in contrast to females –main subjects of compa- rable researches (Williford et al., 1989; Kravitz et al., 1993; Shimamoto et al., 1998). Considering the changes in the circumference of cho- sen parts of the body we can notice a total lack of sig- nificance of differences in single variables. We assu- me that during the course of the training programme the functional loading in analysed areas caused slight temporary hypertrophy. Because of simultaneous de- crease of the skin fold thickness, the significant chan- ges among the analysed variables of circumference cannot be noticed. REFERENCES 1. Berry, M.J., Cline, C.C., Berry, C.B., & Davis, M. (1992). A compa- rison between two forms of aerobic dance and treadmill running. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 24(8), 946-951. 2. Mc Cord, P., & Patterson, N.P. (1989). 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