Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 38/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 9.10.2011 28. NEDELJA MED LETOM - ZAHVALNA NEDELJA 28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Thanksgiving Sunday Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Prostor na gostiji Tri nedelje zaporedoma smo bili z gospodarjem v vinogradu. Danes nas vabi na svatbeno gostijo svojega sina. Očitno si želi imenitno ženitovanje, saj hoče, da so vsa mesta v dvorani zasedena. Ta gospodar je Bog. Najprej je povabil na gostijo božjega kraljestva judovsko ljudstvo. Ker se je pokazalo nevredno, so bili pozneje povabljeni drugi narodi. Božja svatba je celotno krščansko oznanilo. Obsega Kristusovo učlovečenje, po katerem je vse človeštvo povzdignjeno na raven božjega posinovljenja; obsega odrešenje, po katerem nas Kristus vabi, naj skupaj z njim premagujemo vsakršno duhovno in telesno zlo v veri in upanju, da bo vse zlo končno res premagano; obsega posvečenje, ki ga Kristus uresničuje po mnogoterem delovanju Cerkve; obsega obljubo večnega življenja, kjer bomo mogli vzklikniti: Glejte, to je naš Bog! Te gostije si ljudje sami nikakor ne bi mogli pripraviti. Prav tako nismo z ničimer zaslužili, da bi bili nanjo povabljeni. Da smo povabljeni, je dar božje dobrote. V evangelijih so razna mesta, ki jih ne razlagamo dobesedno, temveč pomensko. Prav tako moramo v današnjih evangeljskih besedah o človeku brez svatovskega oblačila in o tem, da je mnogo poklicanih, pa malo izvoljenih, iskati njihovo osnovno misel. Ta je, da končno vsakdo sam odloča o svoji udeležbi na božji gostiji. Povabljeni smo vsi, toda za primerno oblačilo mora poskrbeti vsakdo sam. Bog je pripravil prostor vsakomur, toda priti in zasesti ga mora vsakdo sam. The Holy Father's Message for World Mission Day 2011 "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (Jn 20:21) The most precious service that the Church can render to humanity and to every individual seeking profound purpose for living is to bring the Gospel proclamation to all with "the enthusiasm ofthe very first Christians". This same invitation to proclaim re-echoes every year in the celebration of World Mission Day. In fact, the ceaseless proclamation of the Gospel also revitalizes the fervent, apostolic spirit of the Church. Faith, when it is given to others, is strengthened! Go and proclaim The call to proclaim is constantly renewed by the celebration of the liturgy, particularly by the celebration of the Eucharist which always ends by reiterating the risen Jesus' command to the Apostles: "Go..." (Mt 28:19). All those who have met the risen Lord have felt the need to proclaim him to others, as did the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. To all peoples The beneficiaries of the Gospel proclamation are all peoples. This task has not lost any of its urgency. Indeed, "the mission of Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still very far from completion.... (JOHN PAUL II, Enc. Redemptoris Missio, 1). We cannot be content when we consider that, after two thousand years, there are still peoples who do not know Christ and have not yet heard his Message of salvation. Not only this: but there is an ever greater number of people who, although having received the proclamation of the Gospel, have forgotten it or abandoned it and no longer associate with the Church; and many sectors, even in traditionally Christian societies are today reluctant to be open to the word of faith. Cultures are changing, nourished also by globalization, by movements of thought and by the prevailing relativism, a change that leads to a mentality and a life-style that disregard the gospel Message, as if God did not exist, and that exalt the search for well-being, easy money, a career and success as the aim of life to the detriment of moral values. The joint responsibility of all The universal mission involves everything and everyone. The Gospel is not an exclusive possession of those who have received it, but it is a gift to be shared and good news for others. The Church's attention and cooperation in missionary activity in the world cannot be limited to some particular moments or occasions, or as one of many pastoral activities: the Church's missionary dimension is essential and continually present. It is important that both individual baptized persons and ecclesial communities should be involved not only spasmodically and occasionally in mission, but constantly, as a way of Christian life. Global evangelization Evangelization is a complex process and includes various elements. The Pontifical Mission Societies worldwide are the voices for help to carry out evangelizing activities in mission territories. They are involved in supporting institutions necessary for establishing and consolidating the Church through catechists, seminaries, priests; while also giving assistance to improve the living conditions of people in nations where poverty, malnutrition, above all infantile malnutrition, diseases, lack of health care services and education are most serious. This, too, is part of the Church's mission. It is unacceptable, Paul VI declared to neglect in evangelization the themes of human promotion, justice, liberation from every form of oppression. To ignore the temporal problems of humanity would be "to forget the lesson which comes to us from the Gospel concerning love of our neighbour who is suffering and in need" (Ap. Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, 31.34). May World Mission Day reawaken in each person the joy and desire to "go" out to meet humanity taking Christ to all. In his name, my Apostolic Blessing is imparted wholeheartedly, especially on those who toil and suffer most for the Gospel. Benedictus PP XVI Dekleta CGC so se zopet zbrala na srečnju. Najprej so pregledale čas od zadnjega srečanja, pozdravile nove čanice, potem pa začele z načrtovanjem letošnjih srečanj in aktivnosti. Na sliki je igra, kako graditi skupnost, ob sodelovanju vseh in vsakega. LONDON - TRIGLAV: V nedeljo, 2. oktobra smo začeli z mašami v skupnosti London-Triglav. V lepem številu smo se zbrali k sveti maši in praznovali tudi zahvalno nedeljo. Sunday's Readings I 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Isaiah 25:6-10 On the mountain of Zion, God celebrates the end of death in a banquet with all peoples, whose sorrow and suffering are removed for ever. Second Reading Philipp. 4:12-14.19-20 The apostle Paul is in prison, yet even there rejoices in God and in his companions for the strength and equanimity to accept whatever befalls him. Gospel Matthew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 God's kingdom is described as being like a great feast to which everyone, both bad and good, is invited, but not everyone accepts the invitation. Illustration The English artist and visionary poet William Blake wrote a poem that, with music by Sir Hubert Parry, has become a popular hymn. It is often sung at matches involving English national sports teams. "Jerusalem", beginning, "And did those feet in ancient time", is based on the legend of the child Jesus travelling with his supposed uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, to England, and particularly to Glastonbury. The poet wonders whether, by their presence, heaven came to his country's shores: "Was Jerusalem builded here?" Jerusalem, the city built on the hill of Zion, was widely understood to represent God's kingdom of heaven. It bears little relation to the sadly fought-over city of history, claimed by all three Abrahamic religions. This heavenly Jerusalem is where God dwells eternally and thus is the place of true justice and peace, the shalom for which all creatures long. Blake contrasts this with the hell on earth brought about in the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century by the mass migration of people to the cities. Workers and their families endured terrible conditions in the cramped and unsanitary urban slums and vast noisy factories, "the dark satanic mills". These Blake compares to the green and pleasant countryside which they had to leave. The second half of the hymn calls for a return to the state brought about by the visit of Jesus to the land, and demands the means to undo the injustice, to build Jerusalem in England. Gospel Teaching Jerusalem, the mountain of the Lord, is the place of God's presence in today's first reading. Just before this passage starts, Isaiah depicts God destroying the power of chaos and of the ungodly world; the poor and needy of all nations have been saved and have made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to acknowledge God. Here God lays on a wonderful party for them, with the best food and drink imaginable, where they can enjoy each other's company and that of the Lord himself. This brings peace between them, the end of human-inflicted suffering; but more than that, God brings an end to suffering of all kinds, removing the veil of mourning from all people by destroying death itself. The Lord himself will wipe the tears from our cheeks. Little Israel, an insignificant power compared with the mighty empires surrounding her, has a God who is proved to be the one true God. Israel's loyalty to God has been vindicated, but the "He will destroy death forever." benefits are not only for Israel but for all people (that includes us), and the time has now come for celebrating. This inspired vision of Isaiah anticipates the Christian hope for eternal life. Lest anyone be misled into thinking of eternal life as some kind of never-ending boredom, both this passage and the Gospel use the imagery of the delicious banquet as one of the most fun and enjoyable experiences the human mind could imagine. If we were invited to this feast, would we not jump at the chance? What on earth could stand in our way? Today's Gospel asks this question of us - and warns that the experience of others is that when some people have been invited, they have found other concerns too important to bother with the invitation. Some have even been hostile to those who delivered it. This can be seen in the fate of many of the prophets, and of Jesus himself. The depiction of the king mounting a military campaign and destroying the city - which is not in Luke's version of the parable - may have been inserted by Matthew to refer to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. The words about the unprepared guest can imply that, once people have responded to the invitation by faith and baptism, there is a follow-up expected of a just life with good works. Membership of the Church alone does not guarantee salvation. Application As in Blake's poem, we are called not to "cease from mental fight", nor to let "the sword sleep" in our hand, till we "have built Jerusalem" where we live. In other words, the kingdom of God is not restricted to one place, one mountain of Zion, but is where we are, is all around us. The fight is with injustice in our world, with whatever causes unnecessary suffering. It is also within us: the "sword" is to be used to oppose whatever prevents us from hearing the Gospel of justice and peace, of God's unstinting generosity and patience. We may then begin to see God's kingdom, Jerusalem, already here among us, with the feasting already begun. Slovenian School has now started and runs every Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. We have many children returning and lots of new students just starting. This is a great opportunity for children of Slovenian descent to learn about their language, heritage and culture. It's still not too late to register! All children in Senior Kindergarten and older are welcome. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor Pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor so ob četrtkih, po večerni maši. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA • Cleveland Annual Polkafest * Nov. 24-26* * This is probably our last trip to Cleveland. If you are planning to attend, please contact Jerry Ponikvar at *333-5813* or Frank Erzar *643-2085. Package per person is $300. It includes coach, 2 nights at the Marriott Hotel, polka party admission tickets, Awards Show, Polka Mass with Bishop Pevec, Tony Petkovsek hospitality room welcome with food & drinks, 2 buffet breakfasts and 2 dinners, shopping and most of all a relaxing fun weekend that you deserve! *Tuesday Social Nites for the fall & winter seasons begin Tuesday, October 11 at 7 PM at Villa Slovenia. A 'pregrizik' will be served. Come and join in the fun with your friends. *Octoberfest - Kitchener - Coach will depart at 12 noon from the Church parking lot. Both our bus and Sava Club are sold out for Saturday, October 15th evening! *Villa Slovenia Bingo will begin on Monday, October 17th at 1:30 PM. Our attendance has been dropping and we need more players to make it viable. So we will begin and see how the turn out is. Come and join us! Slovenian Canadian Scholarship_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation will hold its 15th annual Banquet on 306 | VESTNIK 2011 Saturday, October 22rd, 2011 at St. Gregory Slovenian Parish Banquet Centre - Hamilton. Reception at 5:30 PM with banquet commencing at 6 PM. sharp. The 2011 Bursaries and Scholarships recipients will be recognized and presented with their awards. Tickets for the banquet - dinner/dance are $40.00 for adults and $25.00 for students. An income tax receipt will be issued for the portion of the ticket that supports the scholarships and bursaries. Dancing music will feature "Brajda". All are welcome to attend! For table or tickets and information call: *Robert Letnik @ 905-973-1501; *Karl Ferko @905-578-5690. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA »VENEC«_ Folklorna skupina "VENEC" began last year with a new idea of joining communities, friends and family together for the enjoyment of folklore and fun! Many interested and enthusiastic adults came out from throughout southern Ontario to establish this group. This year we will be continuing with costuming, dance, song and performances. For more information, contact 905.664.5980 or email to ANSAMBEL SIBAJ » AKK AM RFI Brian Pavlic - 905 643-7394 (h) - 905 978-1827 (m) jnm DLL ŠIBAJ« great pleasure to extend an invitation to party with Ansambel Šibaj on a bus trip to Montreal to celebrate Folklorna Skupina Marjetice 15 year anniversary at St. Vladimir Church Hall. Bus leaves early Saturday October 22nd, 2011 (pick up at Hamilton and Toronto) arriving in Montreal early afternoon with some free time to spend in Montreal before the dance, which starts at 6 pm. On Sunday we will have breakfast provided by the hotel, some more free time, lunch and then depart back to arrive home by dinnertime! We will be staying @ The Hotel Universal located across from Olympic Stadium. Maxima Tours has put together all the travel/ hotel arrangments. Cost for trip includes: Bus/hotel with breakfast (on Sunday) and entrance/dinner to dance for $195.00 per person. Come join us! For more info contact Brian Pavlic (905)643-7394 or cell (905) 978-1827. BOLNIKI - SREČANJE_ Slomškovo oltarno društvo se tudi letos pripravlja za srečanje bolnikov, ki bo v sredo, 12. oktobra 2011. Začeli bomo srečanje z mašo ob 11:00h dopoldne. Kdor bi želel opraviti sveto spoved, naj pride malo prej. Med sveto mašo bomo podelili zakrament bolniškega maziljenja. Po maši se bomo zadržali še v skupnem pogovoru v atriju cerkve, članice društva pa bodo poskrbele, da ne boste omagali od lakote. Prijavite se lahko Gizeli Hauzar: 905 573-3263 ali Jožici Vegelj: 905664-5240 IGALSKA SKUPINA IZ SLOVENIJE_ Vseslovenski kulturni odbor vabi na ogled igre, ki jo bo izgralo slovensko gledališče iz Nove Gorice. Naslove dela je: JAZ SEM ZDRAV IN SE MI DOBRO GORI, podnaslov: PISMA S FRONTE. Vstopnina - prostovoljni prispevki. Igrali bodo trikrat in sicer v petek 4. novembra v Clevelandu, v soboto 5. novembra v Torontu in V NEDELJO, 6. novembra v naši župnijski dvorani v Hamiltonu. Vabljeni vsi v nedeljo, 6. novembra popoldne. Povejte tudi sosedom in jih povabite na enkratno prestavo. IZLET V SLOVENIJO - 2012_ JOŽEF RAZPOTNIK Sr. iz Londona prosi vse, ki se zanimate za izlet v Slovenijo v letu 2012, da ga pokličete na telefon: 1-519-461-0653. Njegov naslov je: 17733 Wyton Dr, Thorndale, On N0M 2P0. Zaradi rezervacije letalskih kart ga čimprej pokličite, najkasneje do 15. oktobra 2011. DAROVI_ Za rože je Terezija Zadravec darovala $50, Irma Gomboc pa $100; za misijone je darovala Elica Juršič $20. Hvala vsem za darove. KRST_ Zakrament svetega krsta je v soboto, 8. oktobra 2011 prejela LEILA STRAYER, hči očeta Christopher-ja in matere Sandre, roj. Tomlinovic. Iskrene čestitke staršem ob krstu otroka naj božji blagoslov psremlja družino, da bosta starša dobra vzgojitelja v veri, z besedo in zgledom. MISIJONSKA NEDELJA: 23. oktober V nedeljo, 23. oktobra je misijonska nedelja. Prav je da se spominmo vseh misijonarjev, ki delajo in ki so delali v gospodovem vinogradu. Sveti oče, Papež Benedikt XVI. Je za to nedeljo napisal tudi posebno spodbudno pismo. Lahko si ga preberete na začetku današnjih oznanil. Od 9. 10. 2011 Do 16. 10. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 09. Oktober 28. nedelja med letom Dionizij, škof-muč. za žive in rajne župljane f Janez Kosednar f Jožefa Lukšič 9:30 a.m. Žena z družino 11:00 a.m. Hčerka z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 10. Oktober Danijel, mučenec ff Janez in Marija Sobočan, otroci f Marija Horvat Za zdravje 8:15 a.m. Elizabeta Gerič z družino Elizabeta Gerič z družino Gizela Hauzar Torek -Tuesday 11. Oktober Filip, diakon ff Max in Maximilian Sagadin f Karl Volčanšek f Jože Pust f Marjan Bartol 7:00 p.m. Julijana Sagadin z družino Mira Števančec Manja Erzetič Manja Erzetič Sreda - Wednesday 12. Oktober Maksimilijan Celjski Za bolne in trpeče f Frank Ferenčak f Benjamin Markoja f Ivan Dobršek 11:00 a.m. SOD - Srečanje bolnikov 7:00 p.m. Jože Antolin z družino Jože Antolin z družino Veronika Čurič Četrtek - Thursday 13. Oktober Koloman, mučenec ff John in Terezija Halas f Stane Kanc ff John in Terezija Halas f Jožef Pust 7:00 p.m. Elizabeth z družino Štefan Petek z družino Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Angela Kobe z družino f Zofija Klepec 7:00 p.m. Družina Jakša ff Karl Volčanšek in Blaž Čulig Toni in Marija Franc f Marija Bizjak Mož V čast Bogu in Materi Božji v zahvalo Janko Demšar z družino Petek - Friday 14. Oktober Kalist, I., papež, muč. Sobota - Saturday 15. Oktober Terezija Avilska, red. Po namenu 8:15 a.m. n.n. f Terezija Sušec 5:30 p.m. Družina Hozjan f Dragica Vrbanac Jožica Vlašič z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY 16. Oktober 29. nedelja med letom Marjeta, red. za žive in rajne župljane f Marija Skalij 9:30 a.m. Jožica Vlašič f Štefan in Veronika Prša 11:00 a.m. Družina Mertuk 4Î* svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.