Tadeja Zupančič, Urs Meister, Vojko Kilar_ BUILDING ANATOMY: ROPE STRUCTURES 2oo7/2 AR avtor / a^ulhor. Tadeja Zupančič, Urs Meister, Vojko Kilar naslov knjige / title of the b^ok. Building anatomy: rope structures izdajatelj / pu^^s^^r. UL FA kraj, leto izdaje / place, year ofedi^on: Ljubljana, 2007 obseg / number of pages. 57 strani, fotografije naklada / number of copies printed. 300 izvodov prodaja / sale. Monografija ni v prodaji, izdelana v namene promocije V publikaciji so ilustrirani potek in rezultati Erasmus intenzivnega programa, ki ga je Fakulteta za arhitekturo organizirala v soteski Pršjaka pri Tolminu. Primer študentskega modeliranja v merilu 1:10 in 1:1 združuje izkušnje ljubljanske Univerze, Univerze Liechtensteina iz Vaduza, Tehniške univerze iz Trondheima, Katalonske politehnike iz Barcelone, Univerze Moderna iz Setubala, lokalne skupnosti in regionalnih borcev za spoštljivo ravnanje z naravnim okoljem. Po proučitvi lokalne tradicije in tridnevnem natečaju so udeleženci delavnice izdelali brv za pešce čez potok, začasne garderobe za soteskarje ter poskrbeli za nevpadljivo udobje ob razgledu na Slap v Sopotih. Tadeja Zupančič, Urs Meister, Vojko Kilar BUILDING ANATOMY: ROPE STRUCTURES "Each technically pure construction has its own characteristic forms. Hence, the new method of working wood does chance the external face of the building. A new form has to emerge. This does not have much to do with the currently accepted understanding of the term "wooden house", but it represents the continued, organic advancement of the century-old art of building with wood." Konrad Wachsmann, Holzhausbau - Technik und Gestaltung, Berlin 1930 THE CRISIS OF CONSTRUCTION The culture of Construction as a basis of all building processes has lost its meaning in Architecture in the past few decades. Architectural form is not generated through the logic of the building material anymore. Materials are being used in a simplified manner to obtain attractive surfaces covering purely technical structures. To counter this development, possibilities for revitalizing constructive tectonics in architecture and traditional building techniques must be reinterpreted. BUILDING ANATOMY The aim of the workshop was not only to look for the potential of regional handcraft, but also to seek an innovative enhancement to that knowledge in construction in order to build a real bridge. In this sense, the approach to this year's Intensive Program perfectly fitted into the concept of "Building Anatomy", which is the overall theme of the partnership for three workshops in an annual rhythm. Also, in accordance with the general principles of the Erasmus Program, the aim of the IP was to initiate sustainable development in the region. It is a fact that most of the valleys in western Slovenia suffer an increasing depopulation. There is not enough work in agriculture; stores, post offices and even schools must close. There is a strong need for innovative projects that respect the characteristics and singularity of the region and send positive signals for the future. To support this, the area of our intervention was set in a small valley called Trebusa, where modest outdoor activities were started a few years ago. A decent crossing to get over the riverbed to walk upwards to a waterfall at the end of the valley was missing. ROPE STRUCTURES We accepted the challenge to project a footbridge and also two changing rooms that define a clear starting point for can-yoning and hiking. After introductions to the history and actual problems of the valley by local experts and a lecture to the theme of rope construction by Vojko Kilar, our structural engineer from the University of Ljubljana, the design period started. Four projects in drawings and large models in scale 1:5 after three days. A jury had to choose the best solution, both matching the needs of the people confronted with it in the future but also bringing a new and innovative structure into the discussion on an architectural level. The following building work took five days and was done by the participating students and professors themselves, including excavation and all structural work. Only drilling of holes for foundation anchoring and scaffolding had to be executed by local workers. AR 2007/2