S. GADAKARY et al.: WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu–TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS ... 373–380 WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu-TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS DURING COLD UPSETTING PREOBLIKOVALNOST Cu-TiB2 PREDOBLIK IZDELANIH Z METALURGIJO PRAHOV MED HLADNIM KOVALNIM PREIZKUSOM Saikumar Gadakary1, Asit Kumar Khanra1, Maharajan Joseph Davidson2 1National Institute of Technology, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Warangal, India 2National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Warangal, India sai.gadakary@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-04-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-06-17 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.074 An investigation was carried out to find the workability behaviour of a Cu-TiB2 composite under triaxial stress-state conditions. Initially, the TiB2 powder was prepared by using a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) technique and the same was added to a Cu matrix in order to make Cu-TiB2 composites. Cylindrical preforms with three different TiB2 weight percentages (2 %, 4 % and 6 %) with aspect ratios of 0.50, 0.75 and 1 were prepared using a uniaxial load. Then the preforms were pressureless sintered in a tubular furnace with a continuous flow of pure argon gas at 950 °C for a period of 1 h. The cold upsetting test was carried out on the sintered specimens. The relationships between the various stresses, strains and the relative density were determined. The results for the various stress-ratio parameters, namely ( / eff) and ( m/ eff), the formability stress index ( ) under triaxial stress-state conditions were systematically analysed. The formability stress index was found to increase with the increase in preform fractional density and it decreased with the aspect ratios. This was because the preform contains more pores and the porous bed height is high. A statistical fitting method was performed on the curve drawn between the axial strain and the stress-formability index. The compacts with a higher value of the aspect ratio and the initial preform density showed a very high fracture strain. Keywords: SHS, powder metallurgy, TiB2, workability, relative density, fracture strain Izvr{ena je bila preiskava preoblikovalnosti Cu-TiB2 kompozita pri triosnem napetostnem stanju. Najprej je bil pripravljen prah TiB2; s pomo~jo napredujo~e visoko temperaturne sinteze (SHS), ki je bil dodan Cu osnovi, da bi napravili Cu-TiB2 kompozit. Z enoosnim stiskanjem so bili pripravljeni vzorci cilindri~ne oblike s tremi razli~nimi vsebnostmi TiB2 v masnih dele`ih (2 %, 4 % and 6 %) in z razmerjem 0,50, 0,75 in 1. Nato so bile predoblike sintrane v cevasti pe~i pri kontinuirnem pretoku ~istega argona na temperaturi 950 °C in trajanju 1 h. Kovni preizkus v hladnem je bil izveden na sintranih vzorcih. Ugotovljena je bila odvisnost med razli~nimi napetostmi, raztezki in relativne gostote. Sistemati~no so bili analizirani rezultati razli~nih parametrov ( / eff) in ( m/ eff) ter indeks preoblikovalnih napetosti ( ) pri triosnem napetostnem stanju. Ugotovljeno je, da indeks preoblikovalne napetosti nara{~a z nara{~anjem gostote predoblike in se zmanj{uje z razmerjem {irina-vi{ina. Razlog za to je ve~je {tevilo por v predobliki in zato je vi{ina poroznega vzorca vi{ja. Izvedena je bila tudi statisti~na obdelava krivulje, narisane med osno napetostjo in indeksom preoblikovalne napetosti. Stiskanci z vi{jo vrednostjo razmerja med {irino in vi{ino ter ve~jo gostoto predoblike, so pokazali veliko napetost pri poru{itvi. Klju~ne besede: SHS, metalurgija prahov, TiB2, preoblikovalnost, relativna gostota, napetost pri poru{itvi 1 INTRODUCTION Powder metallurgy (P/M) is one of the most actively researched manufacturing processes capable of deliver- ing near-net-shaped precision metal parts. This process has delivered a large number of industrial components, such as connecting rods in engines, self-lubricating bear- ings, gear sets in automobile transmissions, etc.1–2 Near- net-shape components can be made and, the process has the capability to greatly reduce machining costs, and can improve material utilization.3–4 A series of upsetting, bending, rolling and plane strain tests to assess the frac- ture behaviour of porous materials was carried out.5 P/M components involving copper are a highly researched composite materials as alloys with copper as one of the constituents will be stronger and durable.6-8 Copper P/M parts are used extensively in both struc- tural and non-structural applications because of the high corrosion resistance, high thermal and electrical conduc- tivity. The corrosion resistance can be further improved by the application of chemical conversion coatings or anodizing treatment. In general, the physical and mecha- nical properties of near-full (theoretical) density copper and copper alloy P/M structural parts are comparable to cast and wrought copper-based materials of a similar composition. However, P/M copper parts vary in density from the low-density self-lubricating bearings or filters to the near-full density of the electrical parts. TiB2, due to its high melting temperature, hardness, elastic modulus, electro-conductibility and thermal diffusivity, and excellent refractory properties and chem- ical inertness has been widely used in many industrial Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 373–380 373 UDK 621.763:67.017:621.7.073 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(3)373(2016) fields. It has applications in rocket nose cones for atmo- spheric re-entry, ballistic armour, cathodes for Hall-Heroult cells, crucibles for molten metals, metal evaporation boats, and as acoating on cutting tools.9–10 It is widely used as cutting-tool composites and wear-resistant parts.11 The TiB2 powder is synthesized using the SHS method. The main feature of the SHS process is that, it utilizes the high energy released during the exothermic chemical reaction of the reactants to yield a variety of inorganic materials. Once the reactants are ignited by an external source, the reaction front propagates within the solid with a certain velocity to complete the chemical reaction. The extent of deformation possible without failure is defined by the term "workability". It is the ability of a material to withstand the induced internal stresses of forming before any failure occurs. It is the extent to which a material can be deformed in a specific metal working process without the initiation of cracks.12–14 Workability depends on both the material and the process parameters. The workability of dense material is better than with P/M material. The workability can be calculated by interpreting the value of hydrostatic stress and effective stress for a tri-axial state of compression, and the hydrostatic stress can be evaluated from the axial and hoop stresses. The evaluation of different stresses and the failure strain will reveal the workability limits of the P/M composites.15 M. Abdel-Rahman and E. Sheikh16 explored the effect of the relative density on the forming limit of P/M compacts during upsetting. J. J. Park et al.17 developed a constitutive relation involving the Poisson’s ratio, relative density and flow stress to predict the plastic deformation behaviour of porous metals. A mathematical equation for the calculation of the flow stress in the case of a simple upsetting of P/M sintered performs was proposed by R. Narayanasamy et al.18 Fur- thermore, the authors developed a new equation for the determination of the hydrostatic stress in the case of the simple upsetting of sintered P/M compacts. Equations for the determination of the flow stress and the hydro- static stress depending upon two factors, i.e., (i) the value of Poisson’s ratio and (ii) the relative density of the P/M preform in the case of the simple compression test were proposed in the literature.18 However, copper-based materials are hard to form as they offer resistance to the forming load due to the formation of intermetallic com- pounds. Thus, it is essential to investigate the defor- mation behaviour of the Cu-TiB2-based composite developed in the present work. The deformation behaviours of Al matrix composites have been studied extensively. There are, however, few research reports on the deformation behaviour of Cu-TiB2 composites. In the present paper efforts were made to make composites of Cu-TiB2. The TiB2 used is synthesized by using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). Until now there is no report of work- ability studies on Cu-TiB2 composites. The workability studies of the composites using a cold upsetting test are evaluated. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Cu-TiB2 composite sintered preforms were selected in order to provide a reasonably wide range of study, namely, workability and work-hardening behaviour dur- ing cold upset operation. The commercially available copper powder was obtained from Alfa Aeser and the TiB2 powder was produced using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) in our lab, igniting the stoichiometric mixture of 20 g according to Equation (1), in a tubular furnace, maintaining an argon atmosphere. To investigate the particle size, shape and its distribution, copper, TiB2 powders were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Figure 1). The Cu-TiB2 powders with different weight percentages of TiB2, namely, 2 %, 4 % and 6 %, blend in a mortar mixer in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture. The powders were compacted in a 25-ton manual pel- let press with the closed die set assembly technique. Compacts of 15-mm diameter were prepared with aspect ratios of 0.50, 0.75 and 1. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the height to the diameter of the sample. The approxi- S. GADAKARY et al.: WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu–TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS ... 374 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 373–380 Figure 1: a) Upsetting test setup, b) deformed preforms Slika 1: a) Sestav za kr~ilni preizkus, b) predoblike po deformaciji mate initial preform density is 70 % of the theoretical density. These densities were achieved after sintering. Then the preforms were sintered in a tubular furnace at a temperature of 950 °C for a period of 1 h. To avoid oxidation the preforms were heated in an inert argon atmosphere. After the sintering schedule, the compacts were cooled in the furnace itself. The sintered preforms were cleaned and the dimensional measurement was made before the deformation. The upsetting tests (Figures 1a and 1b) were con- ducted on a hydraulic press having a capacity of 50 tons. Extreme care was taken to place the cylindrical specimen within the platens, concentric with the central axis of the hydraulic press (loading direction). Cylindrical preforms were cold upset between the flat platens. Each preform was subjected to an incremental compressive loading in steps until the appearance of visible cracks on the free surface. Immediately after each incremental loading, the con- tact diameter at the top (DCT), the contact diameter at the bottom (DCB), the bulged diameter (DB), the height of the preforms (hf) and the density (f) were recorded. Before upsetting, the initial diameter (Do), the initial height (ho) and the initial preform density (o) of the specimens were measured. Moreover, the density measurements of the preforms were carried out using the Archimedes principle. Using the load, the dimensional parameters and density, the different true stresses (i.e., z, , m and eff) and the different true strains, (i.e., z and ) and the workability parameters ( ) were determined using the expressions specified below for the triaxial stress-state condition. For the present investigation, the TiB2 powders were synthesized in-house as explained by the authors in a previous study.19 The mixture of titanium oxide (TiO2), boric acid (H3BO3) and magnesium was taken as per the stoichiometric reaction (Equation 1). The powders were mixed in a mortar mixer for about 20 min. A mixture of 20 g was then taken in a stainless-steel boat and was kept in a tubular furnace (Systems control, Chennai). The complete process was carried out in a highly pure argon atmosphere in order to maintain an inert atmosphere. The furnace was then heated up to 800 °C with a con- stant heating rate. It was observed that the reaction was taking place with an explosive sound at an approximate temperature of 680 ± 15 °C. The furnace is then left to cool to room temperature. TiO2 (s) + 2H3BO3 (s) + 5Mg (s)  TiB2 (s) + MgO (s) + 3H2O (g) + H (1) After cooling, the synthesized powder was taken out. It was observed that the reacted mixture is formed of black lumps, and some amount of white surface layer was seen on the lumps. The powder is then taken out and was crushed into fine powder before going to the leach- ing process, in order to make the leaching process effective. The leaching process was carried out in diluted HCl, with normality of 2 N. The solution was mixed S. GADAKARY et al.: WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu–TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 373–380 375 Figure 4: XRD patterns of samples: a) pure Cu and b) Cu-6 (6 % of mass fractions of TiB2) Slika 4: Rentgenograma vzorcev: a) ~isti Cu in b) Cu-6 (6 % masnega dele`a TiB2) Figure 2: XRD pattern of TiB2 synthesized powder Slika 2: Rentgenogram sintetiziranega prahu TiB2 Figure 3: TEM image of TiB2 synthesized powder Slika 3: TEM-posnetek sintetiziranega prahu TiB2 with the crushed powder and heated up to 120 °C. The process was continued while the solution boils for about 10 min, and then the solution was separated using filter paper. The resulting powder, which was taken after the leaching process, was then dried in an oven for 1 h. The resulting powder is used in the present study. The XRD patterns of the sample produced by the SHS process after leaching shows the presence of TiB2 as major phase with TiO2 as minor phase in Figure 2. The TEM image of the synthesized powder is shown in Figure 3. The TEM images show the formation of spher- ical and hexagonal TiB2 particles. The XRD pattern of pure Cu and Cu-6 (6 % of mass fractions of TiB2) is shown in Figure 4. The pattern shows the presence of TiB2 as small peaks and Cu as a major phase. This indicates there is no interaction bet- ween the Cu and TiB2 during the pressureless sintering. It is because of the smaller weight percentage of TiB2 in the Cu matrix. The scanning electron microscope images of the Cu-TiB2 samples are shown in Figures 5a and 5d. Pure Cu is shown in Figure 5a. Cu-2 (2 % of mass fractions of TiB2), Cu-4 (4 % of mass fractions of TiB2) and Cu-6 (6 % of mass fractions of TiB2) are shown in Figures 5b to 5d, respectively. The SEM images reveal the surface morphology of the sintered samples. The images show the porosity, the distribution of the powder particles and the sintering behaviour. 3 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS In the upsetting of P/M parts, the height decreases, the average density increases, and the various stresses increase.20 The expressions for the normal stress ( z), normal strain ( z), hoop stress ( ), hoop strain ( ), hydrostatic stress ( m), effective stress ( eff), and effective strain ( eff) were taken from N. Selvakumar et al.21 and Narayanasamy et al.22 S. GADAKARY et al.: WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu–TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS ... 376 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 373–380 Figure 6: a) Relative density (R) versus axial strain ( z) for triaxial stress state condition, b) relative density (R) versus axial strain ( z) for triaxial stress-state condition (power-law curve-fitting results) and c) relative density (R) versus axial strain ( z) for triaxial stress-state condition (parabolic curve-fitting results) Slika 6: a) Odvisnost relativne gostote (R) od osne napetosti ( z) pri triosnem napetostnem stanju, b) odvisnost relativne gostote (R) od osne napetosti ( z) pri triosnem napetostnem stanju (rezultati urejanja poten~ne krivulje) in c) odvisnost relativne gostote (R) od osne napetosti ( z) pri pogoju triosnega napetostnega stanja (rezultati urejanja paraboli~ne krivulje) Figure 5: SEM images of: a) pure Cu, b) Cu-2 (2 % of mass fractions of TiB2), c) Cu-4 (4 % of mass fractions of TiB2), d) Cu-6 (6 % of mass fractions of TiB2) Slika 5: SEM-posnetek: a) ~isti Cu, b) Cu-2 (2 % masnega dele`a TiB2), c) Cu-4 (4 % masnega dele`a TiB2), d) Cu-6 (6 % masnega dele`a TiB2) Triaxial Stress State Condition:  = A B (1) A R R z= + − +( ) ( )2 2 2 2   (2) B R Rz z= + − +( ) ( )2 2 2 2  (3) Hoop stress,    = + − + ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ 2 2 2 2 2 2 R R R z (4) Hydrostatic stress,   m = +z 2 (5) Effective stress,    eff = + − + − ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ z zR R 2 2 2 2 2 0 5 2 2 2 1 ( ) . (6) Relative density, R =   f th (7) f is the final density of the compact after deformation and th is the theoretical density of the compact. Formability Stress Index,   = m eff (8) 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figures 6a to 6c show the relationship between the relative densities attained and the axial strain for the Cu-TiB2 preforms. The compaction load was kept con- stant for all the samples compacted with different pro- portions of TiB2 and copper. It is observed that the initial densification achieved is better for the preforms prepared with copper alone and its relative density is around 75 %. This reduces as the percentage of TiB2 addition in- creases. The strain to failure was found to be low for the preforms with 6 % TiB2 and it was found to increase as the TiB2 decreases. Moreover, it can also be inferred that the strain to failure is low for the low initial relative den- sities. A statistical curve-fitting technique was adopted for the drawn curves and the prediction equation developed from the curves was checked for its applicability by comparing the correlation coefficient 'R2' values. These values can be used for modelling purposes and can also serve as prediction equations. In the present study, two S. GADAKARY et al.: WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu–TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 373–380 377 Figure 8: a) axial strain ( z) versus formability stress index () triaxial stress-state condition, b) axial strain ( z) versus formability stress index () triaxial stress-state condition (power-law curve-fitting results), c) axial strain ( z) versus formability stress index () triaxial stress-state condition (parabolic curve-fitting results) Slika 8: a) odvisnost osne napetosti ( z) od indeksa preoblikovalne napetosti () pri triosnem napetostnem stanju, b) odvisnost osne napetosti ( z) od indeksa napetosti preoblikovanja () pri triosnem napetostnem stanju (rezultati urejanja poten~ne krivulje), c) odvisnost osne napetosti ( z) od indeksa preoblikovalne napetosti () pri triosnem napetostnem stanju (rezultati urejanja paraboli~ne krivulje) Figure 7: Fracture strain versus formability stress index () Slika 7: Napetost loma v odvisnosti od indeksa preoblikovalne sile () different curve-fitting techniques, i.e., the power law and parabolic curve fitting, were used. As the aspect ratio increases, the fracture strain in- creases (Figure 7). The fracture strain decreases with the addition of TiB2. Irrespective of the TiB2 content, the fracture strain is less for 0.5 aspect ratio preforms. The decrease in the fracture strain indicates that the composite has attained a higher strength level with the addition of TiB2, with less sacrifice in the strain values. The addition of TiB2 to a preform with an aspect ratio of 1 has increased the strength with very little loss of frac- ture strain. Figures 8a to 8c show the plot drawn between the axial strain and the formability stress index (b). A statis- tical fit is made using the polynomial function and the power-law function. It is found that the power law related the parameters with higher accuracy. The addi- tion of TiB2 decreased the strain further. For preforms with a higher aspect ratio and a lower initial relative density, the formability stress-index value moves closer to the minimum value. The reason is that this preform contains more pores and the porous bed height is larger or greater. The increase in relative den- sity with increasing deformation is less in this case com- pared to lower aspect ratio preform. A parabolic curve- fitting technique was applied to relate the formability stress index and the axial strain for a varying aspect ratio and relative density. The polynomial equations obtained for each aspect ratio and relative density along with its regression co-efficient value are presented in Table 1, where it is observed that the constant value decreases with a decreasing amount of relative density, irrespective of the aspect ratio. S. GADAKARY et al.: WORKABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF Cu–TiB2 POWDER-METALLURGY PREFORMS ... 378 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 373–380 Figure 10: Axial stress ( z) versus relative density (R): a) 1 ASPR, b) 0.75 ASPR and c) 0.5 ASPR Slika 10: Odvisnost osne napetosti ( z) od relativne gostote (R): a) 1 ASPR, b) 0,75 ASPR in c) 0,5 ASPR Figure 9: a) Stress ratio ( m/ eff) versus relative density (R), b) stress ratio ( z/ eff) versus relative density (R), c) stress ratio ( / eff) versus relative density (R) Slika 9: a) Odvisnost razmerja napetosti ( m/ eff) od relativne gostote (R), b) odvisnost razmerja napetosti ( z/ eff) od relativne gostote (R), c) odvisnost razmerja napetosti ( / eff) od relativne gostote (R) Figures 9a to 9c give the plot of the relative density with the stress ratio. The change of density along the ax- ial and hoop stress directions was analysed. Figure 8a shows the variation of the relative density with the mean stress ratio. It is found that Cu with 4 % TiB2 and an aspect ratio of 0.5 yielded high density values with a high load-bearing capacity. The same was true for the axial stress ratio and the hoop stress ratio. The hoop stress is responsible for the initiation of cracks in the preforms. Thus, it is clear that the addition of 4 % TiB2 improves the density of the preforms and postpones the initiation of cracks. As the relative density increases the stress ratio parameter also increases. It was found that the relative density increases as the stress-ratio parameter increases. The effect of the aspect ratio on the stress-ratio parameter is found to be minimal for the lower initial preform density preforms. However, as the initial preform density increases, a higher stress ratio parameter is observed for higher initial preform densities with a lower aspect ratio. This shows that the formability increases for the preforms with lower aspect ratios and higher initial preform densities. The Figures 10a to 10c show plots of the axial stress ( z) against the relative density R. The experiment was done with preforms that have initial densities ranging from 0.6 to 0.75 and aspect ratios ranging from 0.5 to 1. The axial stress is found to increase rapidly during the initial stage of densification, and thereafter continue to increase with a lesser rate. The increase in stress due to the forming load is followed by the closure of pores in the preform, leading to its densification. This densifica- tion is attributed to the combined effect of the geometric and the matrix work-hardening. The preforms with a lower TiB2 content were found to attain a higher stress value than the TiB2 preforms. Along with the densifi- cation, the load-bearing capability of the preforms also increases, as is evident from the higher stress values in the plot (Figures 10a to 10c). It was found that the preform with 6 % TiB2 and a 0.5 aspect ratio densified more. Preforms with a high initial preform density had a higher load-bearing capacity and a longer strain to failure. This is due to the presence of a smaller number of pores. At the same time, the disloca- tion density increases rapidly during plastic deformation, thereby resulting in a steep axial stress regime with a smaller increase in the corresponding relative density. 5 CONCLUSION The formability behaviours of sintered Cu-TiB2 com- posite preforms was studied. The formability stress index increased with an increase in the initial preform frac- tional density and decreased with the aspect ratios. A statistical fitting method was performed on the curve drawn between the axial strain and the stress formability index, and the parabolic curve fitting was found to give better predictive results. For the compacts with a higher value of the aspect ratio and initial preform density, the initiation of the crack appeared at a very high fracture strain. 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