Slovenska trgovina z državami tihooceanskega loka, zlasti z Avstralijo Dejan Romih Povzetek Slovenija je odvisna od trgovine z ostalim svetom, zlasti z ostalo Evropo, ki je njen najpomembnejši tuji nabavni in prodajni trg. Trgovina z evropskimi državami predstavlja 90 % vrednosti slovenske trgovine z ostalim svetom. Za to obstaja nekaj razlogov, kot je relativno kratka razdalja med Slovenijo in drugimi evropskimi državami. Če želi Slovenija povečati vrednost njene trgovine z neevropskimi državami, mora sprejeti številne ukrepe, kot je povečanje učinkovitosti njene trgovinske promocije. V tem članku avtor razpravljata o možnostih za povečanje vrednosti slovenske trgovine z državami tihooceanskega loka, zlasti z Avstralijo. Ključne besede: • Avstralija • izvozni partner • uvozni partner • države tihooceanskega loka • nabavni trg • prodajni trg • Slovenija • trgovina • trgovinski partner KONTAKTNI NASLOV: Dejan Romih, asistent, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru, Razlagova ulica 14, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenija, e-pošta: ISSN 1855-7147 Tiskana izdaja / 1855-7155 Spletna izdaja © 2014 LeXonomica (Maribor) UDK: 339.542 JEL: F29, F41, F59. Na svetovnem spletu dostopno na Slovenia's trade with Pacific Rim countries, notably Australia Dejan Romih Abstract Slovenia is dependent on trade with the rest of the world, especially with the rest of Europe, its most important foreign buying and selling market. European countries account for 90% of the value of Slovenia's trade with the rest of the world. There are several reasons for this, such as the relatively short distance between Slovenia and other European countries. If Slovenia wants to increase the value of its trade with non-European countries, it should adopt a number of measures such as increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of its trade promotion. In this paper, the author discusses opportunities for increasing the value of Slovenia's trade with Pacific Rim countries, notably Australia. Keywords: • Australia • export partner • import partner • Pacific Rim country • buying market • selling market • Slovenia • trade • trading partner CORRESPONDANCE ADDRESS: Dejan Romih, assistant, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova ulica 14, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, e-mail: dejan. romih@uni-mb. si ISSN 1855-7147 Print / 1855-7155 On-line © 2014 LeXonomica (Maribor) UDC: 339.542 JEL: F29, F41, F59. Available on-line at Slovenia's trade with Pacific Rim countries, notably Australia 209 1. Introduction Slovenia is dependent on trade in goods and services with the rest of the world, notably with the rest of Europe, its most important foreign buying and selling market. In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the world amounted to €52 178.9 million, 144.4% of the value of Slovenia's gross domestic product (GDP)1 and an increase of 0.6% over the previous year.2 In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the world amounted to €27 392 million, 75.8% of the value of Slovenia's GDP and an increase of 2.5% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the world amounted to €24 786.9 million, 68.6% of the value of Slovenia's GDP and a decrease of 1.5% over the previous year.3 To further increase the value of its trade in goods and services with the rest of the world, Slovenia should increase its competitiveness, which is low in comparison to the competitiveness of some other countries (for example, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).4 According to the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2014 (IMD, 2014), Slovenia is ranked 55th out of 60 countries on The World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2014. There are several reasons for this such as the poor management of resources (including human) in Slovenia in the past, which has resulted in increased social costs.5 Slovenia's trade in goods with the rest of the world. In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods with the rest of the world amounted to €43 406.4 million, 83.2% of the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the world, and a decrease of 0.1% over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods to the rest of the world amounted to €22 025.6 million, 80.4% of the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the world and an increase of 1.8% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods from the rest of 1 In 2013, the value of Slovenia's GDP amounted to €36 144 million, an increase of 0.4% over the previous year (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2014a). 2 In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the world per capita amounted to €25.3 thousand, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the world per capita amounted to €13.3 thousand, an increase of 2.4% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the world amounted to €12 thousand, a decrease of 1.6% over the previous year. 3 In 2013, Slovenia was a net exporter of goods and services to the rest of the world. In that year, the value of Slovenia's net exports of goods and services to the rest of the world amounted to €2 605.1 million, an increase of 68.1% over the previous year. 4 See International Institute for Management Development (2014). 5 See International Monetary Fund (2014). the world amounted to €21 380.8 million, 86.3% of the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the world and a decrease of 1.9% over the previous year. Slovenia's trade in services with the rest of the world. In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in services with the rest of the world amounted to €8 772.5, 16.8% of the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the world and an increase of 3.9% over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of services to the rest of the world amounted to €5 366.4 million, 19.6% of the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the world and an increase of 5.6% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of services from the rest of the world amounted to €3 406.1 million, 13.7% of the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the world and an increase of 1.4% over the previous year. 2. Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of Europe This chapter deals with Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of Europe, the former's most important foreign buying and selling market of goods and services. There are several reasons for this, including geographical ones. In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of Europe amounted to €46 947.3 million, 90 % of the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the world and an increase of 0.5 % over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of Europe amounted to €25 075.2 million (see Figure 1), 91.5% of the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the world and an increase of 2.6% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of Europe amounted to €21 872.1 million (see Figure 2), 88.2% of the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the world and a decrease of 1.7% over the previous year.6 6 In 2013, Slovenia was a net exporter of goods and services to the rest of Europe. In that year, the value of Slovenia's net exports of goods and services to the rest of Europe amounted to €3 203.2 million, an increase of 106.7% over the previous year. 30 000 25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 ■ 2012 «2013 Figure 1: Slovenia's exports of goods and services by region, 2012 and 2013 (million €). Source: Bank of Slovenia (2014). 25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 ■ 2012 «2013 Figure 2: Slovenia's imports of goods and services by region, 2012 and 2013 (million €). Source: Bank of Slovenia (2014). Slovenia's trade in goods with the rest of Europe. In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods with the rest of Europe amounted to €38 808.5 million, 89.4% of the value of Slovenia's trade in goods to the rest of the world and an increase of 0.2V over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods to the rest of Europe amounted to €20 104.3 million, 91.3% of the value of Slovenia's exports of goods to the rest of the world and an increase of 2.1% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods from the rest of Europe amounted to €18 704.2 million, 87.5% of the value of Slovenia's imports of goods from the rest of the world and a decrease of 2.2% over the previous year. Slovenia's trade in services with the rest of Europe. In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in services with the rest of Europe amounted to €8 138.8 million, 92.8% of the value of Slovenia's trade in services with the rest of the world and an increase of 3.1% over the previous year. In the same year, the I Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania and Other Antarctica I Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania and Other Antarctica value of Slovenia's exports of services to the rest of Europe amounted to €4 970.9 million, 92.6% of the value of Slovenia's exports of services to the rest of the world and an increase of 4.5% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of services from the rest of Europe amounted to €3 167.8, 93% of the value of Slovenia's imports of services from the rest of the world and an increase of 1.1% over the previous year. 3. Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the European Union This chapter deals with Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the European Union (EU). In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the EU amounted to €40 224.3 million, 85.7% of the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of Europe and a decrease of 0.4% over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the EU amounted to €20 743.9 million, 82.7% of the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of Europe and an increase of 2.2% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the EU amounted to €19 480.3 million, 98.1% of the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of Europe and a decrease of 3.1% over the previous year.7 In 2013, Slovenia's most important trading partner in the EU was Germany, the world's third largest economy in terms of GDP.8 In 2013, the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with Germany amounted to €9 682.8 million, 24.1% of the value of Slovenia's trade in goods and services with the rest of the EU and a decrease of 0.1% over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to Germany amounted to €5 189.5 million (see Figure 3), 25% of the value of Slovenia's exports of goods and services to the rest of the EU and a decrease of 0.1% over the previous year, while the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from Germany amounted to €4 493.3 million (see Figure 4), 23.1% of the value of Slovenia's imports of goods and services from the rest of the EU and a decrease of 0.1% over the previous year. 7 In 2013, Slovenia was a net exporter of goods and services to the rest of the EU. In that year, the value of Slovenia's net exports of goods and services to the rest of the EU amounted to €1 263.6 million, a decrease of 42.3% over the previous year. 8 See the World Bank (2014a). In terms of GDP at purchasing power parity, Germany is the world's fourth largest economy (see the World Bank, 2014b). Figure 3: Slovenia's exports of goods and services by member state of the EU, 2012 and 2013 (million €). Source: Bank of Slovenia (2014). 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 I.I lllll es u ^ *"0 'S ? 3 °g 'S Ü m to S g jpH U N U ^ >; ^ «J fc O U £ * § S « S3 O J -H ^ Sg cy 2 . oo § Si « 3 S3 -a S