3 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Investigations on the Influence of Selected Factors on Thermal Parameters of Impulse-Transformers Krzysztof Górecki, Krzysztof Górski, Janusz Zarębski Gdynia Maritime University, Department of Marine Electronics, Gdynia, Poland Abstract: In the paper the results of experimental investigations illustrating the influence of the selected factors on parameters of the thermal model of the transformer are presented. The form of this model and the applied method of measurements of the transformer structural components’ self and mutual transient thermal impedances are described. The influence of the selection of material of the core, its geometrical dimensions, spatial orientation, shape of the core, frequency of the primary winding current in the transformer and power lost in this element on the considered thermal parameters of the transformer are discussed. An analytical formula describing the dependence of the considered transient thermal impedances on the internal temperature of the windings is proposed and verified experimentally. Keywords: thermal parameters;selfheating; impulse-transformers Vplivi izbranih parametrov na termične parametre impulznih transformatorjev Izvleček: Članek prikazuje rezultate eksperimentalnih raziskav vplivov izbranih faktorjev na parameter termičnega modela transformatorja. Opisan je model, uporabljene merilne metode in vzajemne tranzientne termične impedance. V smislu termičnih parametrov so obravnavni: izbira materiala jedra, geometrija, orientiranost, frekvenca toka primarnega navitja in izgube. Predlagana in eksperimentalno preverjena je analitična enačba odvisnosti tranzientne termične impedance od temperature navitja. Ključne besede: termični parametri; lastno segrevanje; impulzni transformator * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: k.gorecki@we.am.gdynia.pl Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 1 Introduction Impulse-transformers are commonly used in switched- mode power electronic converters [1, 2, 3, 4]. The con- sidered elements have a simple construction - they consist of the ferromagnetic core and windings. The properties of both these components influence tem- perature, the change of which causes changes of the value of technical parameters of the core and windings [4, 5]. Particularly, when the core temperature is higher than the Curie temperature, magnetic permeability of the ferromagnetic core decreases to the value near permeability of free air, and the transformer practically does not transfer energy from the input to the output. In turn, the excess of the admissible temperature of windings can cause destruction of isolation of winding wires [4, 5], leading to the short-circuit of turns. The temperatures of the core and windings of the transformer during its operation are higher than the ambient temperature as a result of self-heating in the core and in the winding [5-14], as well as mutual ther- mal coupling between them. Calculating values of tem- perature of structural components of the transformer demands using the thermal model. Such a model can have the form of the detailed model, making it possi- ble to calculate time-space distribution of temperature in the considered element [9-12, 15], or the compact model - making possible calculations of waveforms of temperature of this element [6, 13, 14] or the selected structural components of the transformer [5, 7]. In the paper [13] many results of calculations of temperature distribution in a planar transformer obtained with the use of the finite element method (FEM) are presented. In these calculations uniform distributions of the pow- 4 er dissipated in the core and in the windings were as- sumed. The results of measurements shown in this pa- per prove that this assumption is fulfilled. In the case of the use of the compact thermal model it is indispensable to measure the transformer’s self and mutual transient thermal impedances. Thermal models presented in papers [5, 6, 7, 8, 13] are linear models, i.e. transient thermal impedances in these models neither depend on constructional factors nor on the power lost in the transformer. Yet, in papers [16, 17, 18] (for in- stance) it was shown that thermal parameters of semi- conductor devices strongly depended, among other things, on the power dissipated in them, the type of the case, or the manner of mounting the considered de- vice. It can be expected that a similar influence will be observed in the case of magnetic elements, to which the transformer belongs. In the paper the method to measure thermal param- eters existing in the thermal model of the transformer and the results of measurements of these parameters illustrating the influence of the selected factors on ef- ficiency of transformers cooling are presented. Trans- formers with ring cores considered in the present pa- per are characterized by uniform distribution of the magnetic force and magnetic flux density, similarly as transformers considered in paper [13]. Therefore, distri- bution of power density in the core is also uniform. In Section 2 the form of the thermal model of the trans- former is presented and the transformer’s self and mu- tual transient thermal impedances are defined. Section 3 contains a description of the measuring method to measure the transformer’s self and mutual transient thermal impedances. In Section 4 the results of meas- urements of thermal parameters of the selected con- structions of transformers are presented and the analyt- ical formula describing the influence of the dissipated power on the considered parameters is proposed and experimentally verified. 2 Thermal Model of Transformer The thermal model describes the dependence of the internal temperature of the electronic component on the power emitted in it. In the case of commonly used compact thermal models this dependence can be de- scribed by means of the convolution integral [19, 20, 21]. As it is shown, among other things, in papers [5, 7, 22], in order to describe correctly thermal properties of magnetic elements it is indispensable to take into ac- count both self-heating in the core and in windings, as well as mutual thermal coupling between them. Hence, the temperature of k-th winding can be described by the following formula ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )∫ ∑∫ −⋅+ −⋅+= = t cthck n j t jthwkjawk dtptZ dtptZTtT 0 1 0 ' ' ττ ττ + (1) where Ta denotes the ambient temperature, k repre- sents the name of the winding, pk(t) denotes the pow- er dissipated in k-th winding of the transformer and Z’thwkj(t) represents the time derivative of the devices’ self (for k = j) or mutual (for k K j) transient thermal impedance between the windings of the transformer, n – the number of windings, Z’thck(t) – the time derivative of mutual transient thermal impedance between the core and the k-th winding, whereas pc(t) is the power dissipated in the core. In turn, the temperature of the core is given by the fol- lowing formula ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )∫ ∑∫ −⋅+ −⋅+= = t cthc n j t jthcjac dtptZ dtptZTtT 0 1 0 ' ' ττ ττ + (2) where Z’thc(t) is the time derivative of the core’s self transient thermal impedance. The core’s self or mutual transient thermal impedance can be modelled using the classical formula [19, 23, 24] ( )           −⋅−⋅= ∑ = N k thk kthth taRtZ 1 exp1 τ (3) where Rth is thermal resistance, tthk denotes k-th ther- mal time constant, ak is the ratio factor corresponding to this time constant, whereas N is the number of ther- mal time constants. The presented thermal model, given by equations (1 – 3) of the transformer can be described as the RC electri- cal analog, like the linear thermal model presented in [5]. In the real situation, where the parameters existing in Eq. (3) depend on the value of the dissipated power, the nonlinear thermal model is needed. The simple form of this model for the electronic device non-cou- pled thermally with any other device is proposed in [17]. In this model, the controlled voltage and current sources are used instead of RC elements. K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 5 3 Method to Measure Thermal Parameters of the Transformer The transformer’s self and mutual transient thermal im- pedances of the selected magnetic devices were meas- ured with the use of the method described in papers [25, 26]. This method is realised by means of the meas- urement set presented in Fig.1. Figure 1: Measurement set for measuring thermal pa- rameters of the transformer [26] The measurements are realised in two steps. The first step needs stimulations of the primary winding with a current step and the measurement of waveforms of the windings temperature and the core temperature by means of thermo-hunters (pyrometers with IR sen- sors) until the thermally steady-state is achieved. In the considered measurement set the thermo-hunters of the type PT-3S by Optex are used [27]. The range of the measured temperature is from 0 to 200 oC and the resolution is equal to 0.1oC. These thermo-hunters are situated in the distance of 25 mm from the measured transformer. The area, on which the temperature is measured, has the form of a circle with the diameter 2.5 mm. During measurements it was assumed that emis- sivity of all components of the considered transformers has the constant value equal to 0.95. This value is close to typical values of emissivity of materials used to con- struct transformers. As it results from the Authors’ investigations presented in [26], in the area of a transformer, in which the wind- ings are located, practically uniform distribution of the temperature is observed. Similarly, temperature distri- bution of the core is quasi-uniform. Therefore, averag- ing the temperature value in a circle of the diameter equal to 2.5 mm does not cause a visible measurement error. The waveforms of the core temperatures TC(t) and of the winding temperature TW(t) while heating the trans- former are registered by the computer PC coupled with two thermo-hunters. By means of the voltme- ter and the ammeter the values of the voltage on the primary winding V1 and the current of this winding I1 are measured at the steady-state. The results of these measurements are used to calculate transient thermal impedance of the winding ZthW(t) and mutual transient thermal impedance between the core and the wind- ings ZthWC(t) with the following formulas ( ) ( ) 11 IV TtTtZ aWthW ⋅ −= (4) ( ) ( ) 11 IV TtTtZ aCthWC ⋅ −= (5) where Ta is the ambient temperature. In the second step, the primary winding of the trans- former is stimulated by a sinusoidal signal of frequency fs, whereas the temperature of the core is measured by the thermo-hunter. When the steady state is obtained, the hysteresis loop of the magnetising characteristic B(H) of the core is measured using the oscilloscope and next - transmitted to the computer (PC). The waveforms of the magnetic force H(t) and flux den- sity B(t) are calculated using the following formulas ( ) ( ) Fe C Sz tuCRtB ⋅ ⋅⋅ = 2 (6) ( ) ( ) Fel tiztH 11 ⋅= (7) in which R and C denote resistance of the resistor and capacitance of the capacitor used in Fig.1, respectively, z1 and z2 are numbers of turns in primary and second- ary windings, respectively, SFe – the cross-section area of the core, lFe – magnetic path in the core, uC – voltage on the capacitor C, whereas i1 – the current of the pri- mary winding. The area SH of the obtained hysteresis loop B(H) is given by following formula ∫= BdHSH (8) This integral is calculated using the Excel software and the method of numerical integration. The used values of frequency fs are in the range from 1 kHz to 100 kHz. Next, in the moment t = 0 the power supply of the pri- mary winding is switched off and waveforms of the core temperature TC(t) are measured until the steady state is obtained. The transient thermal impedance of the core ZthC(t) is calculated using the following formula V Thermo-hunters A Oscilloscope OX OY Rw R C Transformer Vin PC K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 6 ( ) ( ) ( ) HsC CC thC SfV tTtTtZ ⋅⋅ −== 0 (9) where VC represents volume of the core. In Eq. (9) only the power dissipated in the core is taken into account, whereas the power dissipated in the windings is omit- ted. This is justified, if the value of the power dissipated in primary and secondary windings is much smaller than the power dissipated in the core. Such conditions are fulfilled when 2 2 21 2 1 RIRIVfS CH ⋅+⋅>>⋅⋅ (10) where I1 and I2 are RMS values of primary and second- ary windings currents, whereas R1 and R2 are resistanc- es of these windings. 4 Investigation Results Using the method presented in Section 3, measure- ments of thermal parameters of transformers contain- ing ferromagnetic cores made of the powdered iron (RTP), the ferrite (RTF) and the nanocrystalline cores (RTN) were performed. The first series of measurements was performed for ring cores of the dimensions RTP 26.9x14x11 made of material T106-26, RTN-26x16x12 made of material M-070, RTF-25x15x10 made of material F-867, called in the further part of this paper small ring cores. The sec- ond series of measurements was made for cores made of the same ferromagnetic materials, but of the big- ger dimensions: RTP 39.9x24.1x14.5 made of material T157-26, RTF 40x24x16 made of material F-867, called in the further part of this paper large ring cores and for the pot core B65701 -T1000-A48 of the diameter 30 mm and heights 19 mm made of material N48. In Ta- ble 1 the values of basic parameters of the considered ferromagnetic materials are collected. In this table Bsat denotes saturation flux density at the magnetic field strength Hsat, HC is the coercive field strength, TC – Curie temperature, whereas PV – relative core losses. In marking ring cores each number means the outside diameter, the inside diameter and the height of the core expressed in millimetres, respectively. The view of the ring core with its dimensions is shown in Fig. 2, whereas the view of the pot core is shown in Fig. 3. The temperature of windings of the transformer with the pot core can be measured using a hole in this core. Figure 2: View of the ring core with its dimensions On small ring cores two windings containing 22 turns were wound with copper wire in the enamel of the di- ameter 0.8 mm. In turn, on large ring cores two wind- ings containing 30 turns of copper wire in the enamel of the diameter 0.8 mm were wound. The transformer with the pot core contains two windings made with the same wire consisting of 22 turns. The views of trans- formers with the ring core and with the pot core are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. As it is visible, the distance between turns in each wind- ing is not constant. The temperature of these windings is measured for the area in which this distance is the smallest and much smaller the measuring spot of the used thermo-hunter. In the following figures the results of measurements of self and mutual transient thermal impedances Zth(t) of the selected constructions of impulse transformers (solid lines) and approximation of these curves (dashed lines) with Eq. (3) are presented. The values of param- eters of the model described with the equation (3) are estimated with the use of the method proposed in [5]. The value of Rth is estimated by averaging the wave- Table 1: Values of basic parameters of the considered ferromagnetic materials parameter T106-26 and T157-26 M-070 F-867 N48 manufacturer Micrometals Magnetec Feryster Epcos Bsat [T] 1.38 1.2 0.5 0.42 Hsat [A/m] 19.9x103 590 966 1200 HC [A/m] 440 9 75 26 TC [oC] 750 600 215 170 PV [kW/m3] 180 @f=100 kHz 800 @f=100 kHz 400 @f=100 kHz - K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 7 form of the considered transient thermal impedance in the steady state (typically for the last 100 seconds), whereas the values of the parameters ai and thermal time constants tthi are determined by the least square method. Starting from the longest thermal time con- stant through approximation based on the formula [5] ( )                 −⋅−−= ∑ − = 1 1 exp)(1ln i j thj j th th i ta R tZty τ (11) the linear function given by Figure 3: Cross-sections of the pot core B65701 -T1000- A48 with its dimensions Figure 4: View of the transformer with the ring core Figure 5: View of the transformer with the pot core )ln()( i thi i a tty +−= τ (12) is used. Attention is focused on the parameters describing self- heating phenomenon in the core (ZthC(t)) and in the winding (ZthW(t)), as well as mutual thermal coupling between the core and the windings (ZthWC(t)). The mu- tual thermal couplings between the windings are not taken into account. The values of parameters Rth, ai, tthi approximating the selected waveforms of the investigated transformers’ self and mutual transient thermal impedances are col- lected in Tables 2 - 5. Table 2: Parameters values of transient thermal imped- ances in transformers with the small ring core RTP situ- ated horizontally parameter ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) ZthC(t) Rth [K/W] 22.15 18.12 25.39 a1 0.664 0.758 0.925 a2 0.206 0.242 0.068 a3 0.13 0.007 tth1 [s] 661.2 710.5 702.1 tth2 [s] 134.1 259 283 tth3 [s] 10 12.8 K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 8 Table 3: Parameters values of transient thermal imped- ances in transformers with the big ring core RTP orientation horizontally vertically parameter ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) Rth [K/W] 13.5 11.1 11.1 9.01 a1 0.6 0.774 0.742 1 a2 0.192 0.226 0.118 a3 0.148 0.09 a4 0.06 0.05 tth1 [s] 1062.5 1078.4 680.1 654.9 tth2 [s] 470.5 459.4 114.8 tth3 [s] 30.9 19.4 tth4 [s] 5.64 14.7 Table 4: Parameters values of transient thermal imped- ances in transformers with the small ring core RTF parameter ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) ZthC(t) Rth [K/W] 24.88 14.26 11.98 a1 0.651 1 0.92 a2 0.255 0.08 a3 0.094 tth1 [s] 474.1 449.5 483.4 tth2 [s] 126.8 53.1 tth3 [s] 9 Table 5: Parameters values of transient thermal imped- ances in transformers with the big ring core RTF orientation horizontally vertically parameter ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) Rth [K/W] 14 7.59 13.42 6 a1 0.595 1 0.605 1 a2 0.225 0.275 a3 0.13 0.118 a4 0.05 0.002 tth1 [s] 918 1050.5 792.8 800 tth2 [s] 224.8 152.8 tth3 [s] 23.5 11.18 tth4 [s] 5.67 5.67 Comparing the data collected in the mentioned tables one can observe that the description of the considered transient thermal impedances demands the use of a different number of thermal time constants tthi. In the case of large ring cores RTP and RTF up to 4 thermal time constants appear in the description ZthW(t), while in the description ZthWC(t) for both ferrite cores RTF - just only one thermal time constant. In all the considered cases the prevailing meaning has the longest thermal time constant tth1. The corresponding to it weight- co- efficient a1 assumes the values in the range from 0.595 to 1. In turn, the values th1 are in the range from 471 s (for the small ring core RTF) to 1078 s for the large ring core RTP. The presented below results of investigations illustrate the influence of geometrical dimensions of the core (Fig.6), its spatial orientation (Fig. 7), shape of the core (Fig. 8), current of the primary winding (Fig. 9), mate- rial the core is made of (Fig. 10) and frequency of the current on the primary winding (Fig. 7) on waveforms of the transformers’ self and mutual transient thermal impedances. In Fig. 6 the measured and modelled with the Eq. (3) waveforms of transient thermal impedance of the winding ZthW(t) and mutual transient thermal imped- ance between the winding and the core ZthWC(t) for transformers containing ring cores RTP (Fig.6a) or ring cores RTF (Fig. 6b) of different dimensions are present- ed. The measurements were performed at the stimula- tion of the primary winding with the direct current of the value equal to 9 A. Figure 6: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of transient thermal impedances in transformers with ring cores RTP (and) and RTF (b) of different dimensions at the stimulation with the direct current of the primary winding and the horizontal ori- entation of the core 0 5 10 15 20 25 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] ZthWC(t) ZthW(t) RTP core situated horizontally ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) ` small ring core ` big ring core 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] RTF cores situated horizontally ZthW(t) ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) ZthWC(t) ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) small ring core pot core big ring core a) b) K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 9 As one can notice in Fig. 6, the process of heating the core and the winding of the transformer with the con- sidered cores runs slowly. The time indispensable to obtain the steady state exceeds 3000 s for the small ring core, 4000 s - for the pot core and 5000s - for the large ring core. The value of transient thermal imped- ances ZthW(t) is about 40% greater for the transformer with the small ring core RTP than for the transformer with the large ring core RTP (Fig. 6a). In the case of the transformer with the core RTF (Fig. 6a) one obtained greater by about 10% values of the considered param- eter for transformers with ring cores made of the same material, while the transformer with the pot core shows average values of the time needed to settle the course between the values of this parameter corresponding to different measurements of ring cores. Waveforms of mutual transient thermal impedance between the winding and the core ZthWC(t) are late in relation to waveforms ZthW(t) by more than 20 s, and values ZthWC(t) at the steady-state are smaller than the value ZthW(t) at the steady-state. For transformers with cores RTP this difference is about 15%, and in the case of transform- ers with cores RTF these differences are bigger and are about 50% for ring cores and about 30% for the sot core. For all the considered waveforms the very good agreement between the results of measurements and the calculations performed with the use of the consid- ered model is obtained. In Fig. 7 waveforms ZthW(t) and ZthWC(t) for transform- ers with large ring cores RTP (Fig. 7a) and RTF (Fig.7b) placed both horizontally and vertically at the stimula- tion of the primary winding with the direct current of the value 9 A are presented. As one should expect the waveforms ZthW(t) and ZthWC(t) obtained in horizontal orientations lie above the wave- forms obtained for the transformers situated vertically. It is the result of more efficient convection of heat for ele- ments situated vertically, similarly to the situation with transistors mounted on any heat-sink situated vertically [9]. The vertical orientation of the considered elements quickens the perpendicular air flow along the sides of these elements, because the length of these sides is greater at this arrangement of the investigated element. The values of the considered transient thermal imped- ances in the steady-state in the horizontal and vertical orientation differ from each other by about 15% for the transformer with the core RTP and by about 10% for the transformer with the core RTF. It is visible that the consid- ered model approximates well the measured waveforms ZthW(t), whereas it is possible to observe divergences between the measured and approximated waveforms ZthWC(t), especially for small values of time t. In Fig.8 the influence of the selection of material of the ferromagnetic core on waveforms ZthW(t) and ZthWC(t) of transformers containing the small (Fig. 8a) or large (Fig. 8b) ring core is illustrated. The measurements were performed at the stimulation of the primary winding with the direct current of the value 9A. As it can be noticed in Fig.8a, heat removal from the transformer containing the ferrite core (RTF) is the least efficient, while transformers with the powder core (RTP) and nanocrystalline core (RTN) have almost iden- tical waveforms ZthW(t). It is worth noticing that dissipa- tion of power of the same value in the winding causes a considerably higher temperature increase of the core RTP than the remaining cores, considered in this paper. This results from the greater value of thermal conduct- ance of this material, which causes more efficient re- moval of heat generated in the winding through the core. Therefore, in the transformer with this core con- siderably smaller differences appear between tem- peratures of the winding and of the core than for the remaining considered transformers. The qualitatively similar results were obtained for transformers contain- ing the large ring core. In this case, increases of the Figure 7: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of transient thermal impedances in the transformer with the core RTP (and) and RTF (b) at the stimulation with the direct current in the vertical and horizontal orientation of transformers 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] ZthW(t) RTP big ring core core situated horizontally core situated vertically ZthWC(t) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] RTF big ring core ZthW(t) ZthWC(t ) core situated horizontally core situated vertically a) b) K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 10 winding and the core temperatures of the transformer with the core RTP differ only just by about 20%, and for the transformer with the core RTF – up to about 60%. In Fig. 9 the influence of the current flowing through the primary winding of the transformer on waveforms of transient thermal impedance of the winding and mutual thermal impedance between the winding and the core was illustrated. The measurements were per- formed for the transformer with the large ring core RTP situated horizontally for the current equal 7.35A and 9.1A, respectively. As one can notice, with the current of the primary winding of the value 9.1A the values ZthW(t) and ZthWC(t) are by about 8% smaller than with the current equal to 7.35A. The improvement of efficiency of cooling with an increase of the current of the winding results from an increase in the value of the power dissipated in this element, which causes a temperature rise of the wind- ing. In turn, the temperature rise of the winding causes an increase in efficiency of heat convection. Fig. 10 illustrates the influence of the shape of the waveforms ZthC(t) of the transformer with the core RTF at the stimulation of the primary winding with the si- nusoidal signal. In this case the power dissipated in the winding is negligible in relation to the power dissipat- ed in the core. Figure 10: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of transient thermal imped- ance of the core of transformers with the core RTF at the stimulation with the sinusoidal current In Fig. 10 distinct differentiation of the obtained wave- forms ZthC(t) is visible. The large ring core assures the most efficient cooling and the small ring core - the least efficient. The average values ZthC(t) are obtained for the transformer with the pot core. The obtained values of the considered transient thermal impedance differ from each other even four times. In Fig. 11 the influence of frequency of the signal stimu- lating the primary winding of the transformer with the large ring core RTP on the waveforms ZthC(t) and ZthCW(t) is illustrated. Investigations were made for the transformer placed horizontally at two values of frequency equal to 25kHz and 75kHz, respectively. It is visible that an increase Figure 8: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of transient thermal impedances of transformers with the small (a) or large (b) ring core made of different materials 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] RTF RTP RTN small ring core situatead horizontally ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) RTF 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] big ring core situatead horizontally ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) RTP RTF a) b) Figure 9: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of transient thermal impedances of transformers with the large ring core RTP at the stimu- lation with the direct current of different values 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hW (t) Z th W C( t) [K /W ] big ring core RTP situated horizontally ZthW(t) ZthWC(t) I1 = 7.35 A I1 = 9.1 A 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hC (t) [K /W ] pot core RTF cores situated vertically small ring core big ring core K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 11 of frequency of the stimulating signal from 25 kHz to 75 kHz causes an increase in the value of transient thermal impedances ZthC(t) and ZthCW(t) by about 10%. Figure 11: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of transient thermal imped- ance of the core and mutual transient thermal imped- ance between the core and the winding of the trans- former with the small ring core RTP at the stimulation with the sinusoidal current of frequency equal to 25kHz and 75kHz The observed differences between waveforms of the considered thermal parameters can be caused not only by changes of the value of frequency, but also with changes of the power dissipated in the core at these frequencies (1 W at f = 25 kHz and 0.8 W at f = 75 kHz). Similarly, as this was shown in Figs. 9, an increase in the value of the power dissipated in the considered ele- ment causes a decrease in the value of thermal param- eters of the transformer. As one can notice in Figs. 6 - 11 for all the considered constructions of transformers and for all the considered cooling conditions the good agreement between the results of measurements and calculations performed with the use of Eq. (3) was obtained. However, as it is re- sults among other things, from papers [16, 17] thermal resistance existing in this model is a decreasing func- tion of the power dissipated in the modelled element. The decreasing dependence of thermal resistance on the dissipated power is a result of improved cooling of the transformer component with an increase in their temperature. As it is commonly known efficiency of convection and radiation increases with an increase in temperature of the heat source. Therefore, the depend- ence of thermal resistance on internal temperature of the heating source (the core or the winding) can be ap- proximated with the function of the form:         −−⋅+= p ththth a TTRRR 010 exp (13) where T denotes temperature of the considered com- ponent of the transformer, whereas Rth0, Rth1, T0 and ap are the model parameters. The correctness of the presented description was veri- fied experimentally. For example, in Fig.12 calculated (lines) and measured (points) dependences of thermal resistance of the winding RthW and mutual thermal re- sistance between the winding and the core RthWC on the dissipated power in the winding of the transformer with the big ring RTP core are shown. Solid lines cor- respond to the transformer placed horizontally, and dashed lines - to the transformer situated vertically. Figure 12: Measured (points) and modelled (lines) de- pendences of thermal resistance of the winding and mutual thermal resistance between the winding and the core on the dissipated power for the transformer with the big ring core RTP at the stimulation with the dc current As it is visible, both the considered dependences are monotonically decreasing functions. The good agree- ment between the results of calculations and measure- ments is obtained. This proves that the proposed de- scriptions of the dependences RthW(p) and RthWC(p) are useful. Figure 13: Measured (solid lines) and modelled (dashed lines) waveforms of self transient thermal im- pedance of the winding of the transformer with the big ring core RTP situated vertically at the stimulation with the direct current of different values 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 10 100 1000 10000 t [s] Z t hC (t) Z th C W (t) [ K /W ] RTP small ring core situated horizontally ZthC(t) ZthCW(t) f = 25 kHz f = 75 kHz 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 p [W] R th W R th W C [K /W ] RthW RthWC 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 t [s] Z t hW (t) [K /W ] big RTP core situated vertically I1 = 4.2 A I1 = 5.2 A I1 = 7.5 A I1 = 9.2 A K. Górecki et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 1(2017), 3 – 13 12 The considered dependences were used to model wave- forms of transient thermal impedances of the impulse transformer. In this model only the value of thermal re- sistance is a function of the dissipated power given by Eq. (7), whereas the values of parameters ai and tthi exist- ing in Eq. (3) are constant for the considered transformer. For example, in Fig.13 the waveforms of measured (solid lines) and calculated (dashed lines) transient thermal im- pedance of the winding of the transformer with the big RTP core are presented at different values of the power dissipated in the primary winding. As it is visible, the good agreement between the results of calculations and measurements is obtained. The difference between the temperature inside the core and on its surface is caused only by a non-zero value of thermal conductance of material used to make the core. Of course, the temperature inside the core is the highest, when power losses in the core dominate. In turn, the temperature rise of the core as a result of thermal coupling between this core and the windings is higher on the surface of the core than in the middle of it. Therefore, it is difficult to formulate the universal dependence between the temperature inside the core and on its surface. It is possible only to estimate the dif- ference between temperatures of the surface and the middle of the core assuming that the only mechanism of heat transfer is conduction, generation of heat ap- pears in the infinitely thin ring situated in the middle of the core, and heat flux density has uniform distribu- tion. With these assumptions, for the ring core of the outside diameter equal to 5 cm, the inside diameter equal to 3 cm and the height equal to 1 cm, made of powdered iron at the power dissipated in the core of the value equal to 1 W the maximum temperature dif- ference between the middle of the core and its surface amounts to 14 K. 5 Conclusions In the paper the method to measure transient thermal impedances in the transformer and the results of meas- urements, illustrating the influence of the selected fac- tors on waveforms of these thermal parameters, are presented. The research done by the Authors proves that efficiency of cooling the structural components of the transformer can be characterised by means of parameters of the compact thermal model and that the waveforms of the considered thermal parameters change depending on many factors. For example, an increase in the value of the power dissipated in the winding by more than 30% causes a decrease of the waveforms ZthW(t) by several percent. In turn, enlargement of the diameter of the ring core by about 60% is effective with deterioration of thermal resistance by even about 50% and with extension of the indispensable time to obtain the steady state even by about 60%. For comparatively large sizes of the in- vestigated elements, the time indispensable to obtain the thermally steady state reaches even 2 hours. The change of spatial orientation of the transformer (hori- zontal or vertical orientation) causes a change of the considered parameters by even about 20%. The essential meaning has also the material, the core is made of, because its thermal conductance influences the measured waveforms ZthW(t) and ZthWC(t) in an essen- tial manner. The least differences between waveforms of the mentioned thermal parameters, not exceeding 20%, were observed for transformers with cores RTP (characterised by high thermal conductance), and the greatest (by even above 50%) - for cores RTF. The analytic description of dependences of self and mutual thermal resistances of the transformer on the power dissipated in it is proposed. It was shown experi- mentally that the use of this dependence in the clas- sical literature model of transient thermal impedance assured correct modelling of waveforms of transient thermal impedances of the transformer over a wide range changes of the current of the primary winding. It is worth noticing that the classical literature descrip- tion of transient thermal impedance with the proposed description of thermal resistance enables very good approximation of the measured waveforms of transient thermal impedance of the winding for all the consid- ered transformers. One observes, however, essential differences between the measured and approximated waveforms of mutual transient thermal impedances between the winding and the core and transient ther- mal impedances of the core for transformers contain- ing ferrite or nanocrystalline cores. In the mentioned above transformers a large delay of the process of heat- ing the core appears, which reaches even 100 s. The correct modelling of this delay demands correction in the thermal model of the transformer, which is at pre- sent an objective of the Authors investigations. The results of investigations presented in this paper can be useful for constructors of impulse-transformers and constructors of switched-mode power supplies contain- ing these transformers. These results will be of service also to the Authors as experimental material, indispensable to formulate the non-linear electro-thermal model of the im- pulse-transformer. 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