☆ ☆ ☆ "''V ☆ 1970 Scholarship Winners It is my pleasure to announce as secretary of the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Committee the 1970 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS. They are: Miss Ann Marie O’Block, No. 54, R. D. No. 2, Box 219, Vienna, Ohio. She will receive the Pachak Award of $200.00. Mr. Robert J. Sever, Branch No. 29, 741 Main, Vandling, Pa., who will receive the Žnidaršič Award of $200.00. Mr. Kenneth Cacich, Branch No. 95, 2702 E. 96th Place, Chicago, 111. will receive $200.00. Miss Kathleen Ann Cooke, Branch No. 32, 20971 Wilmore Ave., Euclid, Ohio will receive $200.00. These fine young people have our sincere congratulations for their high scholastic achievement during their high school career. We are indeed proud of their accomplishments and wish them a successful and satisfying future. In the name of two of our most generous contributors: Mrs. Anna Pachak of Pueblo, Colo—($510.00) and Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič of Cleveland, Ohio—($500.00) two of the Scholarships awarded this year will be given in their name in appreciation for their generosity. Dr. Žnidaršič, as a medic student, was a former winner of a Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship. The winners have been notified and will submit for the next issue of Zarja an essay entitled, “What The Slovenian Women's Union Mean:; To Me." Two Pueblo students at Creighton (Jesuit) University, Omaha, Neb., were honored for outstanding scholastic achievement during the annual honors banquet. Miss Dorthyann M. Zakrasek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Za-krasek, 310 E. Mesa, is one of two sophomores in the College of Arts and Sciences recognized. Dorothyann is a 1967 winner of a Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship. Congratulations! Hermine Dicke, Secretary. ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER, 1970 VOLUME 42 C> T‘. ZARJA - THE DAWN Publisher; ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 111. 00608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. NO. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1970 VOL.XLII Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly except one combined issue, Juty-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.46 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 6060S Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION NATIONAL OFFICERS MARIE PRISLAND 1034 Dillingham Ave., Founder — Honorary President Sheboygan, Wis.53081 ANTONIA TUREK Supreme President FANIKA HUMAR Supreme Secretary ELIZABETH ZEFRAN Supreme Treasurer ANN PODGORŠEK Supreme Auditor ANN KOMPARE Supreme Auditor JENNIE FEMC, Supreme Auditor 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 8101 Edgewater Road, No. Riverside, 111. 60546 1941 W. Cermak Road., Chicago, 111. 60608 301 97th Ave. W. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 9132 So. Constance Ave., Chicago, 111. 60617 1048 Addison Road., Chicago, 111. 60608 MARIE A. FLORYAN Vice-President ELIZABETH ZEFRAN Director of Women’s Activities FRANCES SIETZ Director of Youth Activities.. CORINNE LESKOVAR Managing Editor 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. 53214 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 308 Richmond Road, Cleveland, O. 44143 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 DATES TO REM EM HER . . . Sept. 13- MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Hr. SI, Keewatin, Minn. Sept. 20 -WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION and 40th Anniversary of Br. 43 at Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 24 — Pot Luck, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Oct. 4- ll.LINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, Br. l(i. So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 7- Games Party, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IIS AUGUST: National Officers: August 5—Ann Kompare, National Auditor, So. Chicago, August 11—Ann Lustig, State President, So. Chicago, 111. August 13—Mary Bostian, State President, Euclid, Ohio Branch Presidents: August 1—Rose Veronick, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. August 7 Mary Krogulski, Br. 24, LaSalle, 111. August 22—Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. August 29—Rose Racher, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio Secretaries: August 13—Virginia Bendick, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. August 18—Helen Kotchevar, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. August 22'—Mildred Poropat, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. August 26—Catherine Lastelic, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. STATE PRESIDENTS ANNA PACHAK Colorado-Kansas- Missouri ROSE KRAEMER Wisconsin MARY BOSTIAN Ohio-Michigan MARY TOMSIC Pennsylvania-New York ROSE SCOFF Calif .-Wasb.-O re. ANN LUSTIG Illinois-Indiana BARBARA ROSANDICH Minnesota 2009 Oakland Ave., Pueblo, Colo. 81001 3162 So. Pine Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53207 19617 Mohawk Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44117 Box 202 Strabane, Pa. 15363 2208 Mariposa San Francisco, Calif. 94110 10412 Ave. L., Chicago, 111. 60617 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. 55731 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O. F. M. 8500 W. Cold Spiritual Advisor Spring Rd., Greenfield, Wis. 53228 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBEBS MARIE PRISLAND, ANTONIA TUREK, FANIKA IIUMAR, OLGA ANCEL, Investment Secretary 1115 Frederick St., Joliet, 111. 00435 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBERS MARIE PRISLAND, ANTONIA TUREK, FANIKA IIUMAR,HERMINE P. DICKE, Sec’y. 3717 Council Crest Ave., Madison, Wis. 53711 WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION and 40th ANNIVERSARY OF BR. 43 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN When: September 20, 1970 Where: St. John the Evangelist Church At: 8500 Cold Spring Road, Greenfield, Wisconsin 8:50 a. m. Procession into Church 9:00 a. m. Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Claude Okorn 10:00-10:25 a. m. Coffee-time 10:30-12:30 a. m. Convention for State of Wisconsin 1:00 p. m. Dinner (Roast beef with trimmings, $3.50 adults, and $1.75 children under 12) SHORT PROGRAM TO FOLLOW. Hope to see you all there. ROSE KRAEMER, State President HAPPY BIRTHDAY ll\ SEPT EM HER: National Officer: Sept. 1—Barbara Rosaudich, State President, Ely, Minn. Branch Presidents: Sept. 6—Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Wickliffe, Ohio Sept. 16—Ellen Stefanski, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. Sept. 26—Rose Novak, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. Secretaries: Sept. 2 -Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio Sept. 2—Amalie Sorch, Br, 91, Oakmont, Pa. Sept. 7—Mary Lenieh, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Sept. 8—Helen Skol'f, Br. 46, St. Ix>uis, Mo. Sept. 10—Mary Dezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 16—Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Sept. 20—Jennie Pugelj, Br. 17, Garfield Helgths, Ohio Sept. 26—Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 30—Mary Chrnart, Br. 77 N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY' PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 15TH NATIONAL CONVENTION May 23, 1970, the first Slovenian Cotillion Ball ever held in the United States was sponsored by the Slo venian Women’s Union on the opening of the 15th Na tional Convention. Before I write any further I wish to congratulate and compliment a woman who ever since she joined has had in her heart Zveza and she is Frances Sietz of Br. 50, Cleveland. No one realizes what she has done in the past years since she has been a member. I will try and remember some of the work that she had performed in the past thirty-five years. She has made numerous drill team uniforms for adults and juniors, has been president of Br. 50 many years, Drill team instructress and captain of Marie Prisland Cadets. Attended and worked at least at five National Conventions. She always did her part in the Ohio State Conventions and gave her services to all the combined branches Bazaars that were held here and now she has even undertaken to be the Youth Director which I know that this position she will show great results. Her Co Chairman was another member of Br. 50 and who also works with the youth and she is lovely Jane Novak. Her daughter Teresa Louisa Novak was one of the debutantes and is talented with a very beautiful soprano voice and she also rendered a song at the ball. These two ladies worked months on this ball and all who attended saw the results. I wish to give my viewpoint of this affair. It was a thrilling evening for all who attended especially for the twelve debutantes and their fathers who so graciously presented their lovely daughters. Another touching scene was where the father and the daughter danced the waltz together. It was an evening that will be in our memory forever and ever. Again, I am ever more proud of the Cotillion Ball because it. is another first in the history of our Slovenian Women’s Union. May 21th we all marched in a body into the St. Vitus church for the 11:45 a. m. Mass with Rev. Claude Okorn O.F.M. officiating. The St. Vitus choir sang and soloist was Miss Carolyn Budan. After Mass we went to the spacious St. Vitus Auditorium where were were served a delicious dinner served by our two famous cooks Mrs. Steffie Smolic and Mrs. Stanonik and their assistants which was enjoyed by all. Thanks to all the waitresses who worked very hard to give their best service possible to wait cn the large attendance present. The young Veseli Vandrovci provided the dinner music. A two hour program was held which was enjoyed by all The Dawn Choral group opened the program with the National Hymn and followed by Zvezna Himna. They also sang for the memorial which was very solemn remembering our 599 adult members and one junior member who have passed away the past three years. They also rendered two Slovenian songs directed by Mr. Frank Gorensek. Also to be highly complimented are the young Folklore Group "Kres Folk dancers” dressed in their beautiful Slovenian costumes who did two acts and which wras enjoyed by all. This group is under the direction of Eda Volk and Breda Lonchar. Lovely Carolyn Budan sang like a nightingale! Many asked me if she is a professional. She has sung many years with the Glasbena Matica group under the direction of Ivan Zorman and Anton Schubel and now under Mrs. Filiinger. One or our very noted Slovenians in Cleveland, Common Pleas Court Judge August Pryatel gave a very interesting speech on our women and Zveza. Crowning of the Queen was another thrilling moment for Convention Queen Ann Hočevar of Br. 50 and the four princesses: Fanika Humar of Br. 2, Chicago, 111., Theresa Skur, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio, Ann Lustig Br. 16, South Chicago and Ann Podgoršek Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Queen Ann Hočevar was presented with a gift from Seated at the Head table at the First Slovenian Cotillion Ball were dignitaries including, Common Pleas Judge, Hon August Pryatel, former Senator from Ohio, Hon. Frank Lausche, Councilman of Cleveland’s 23rd Ward, Hon. Edmund J. Turk and Radio discjockey of Station WXEN, Tony Petkovšek see here with S. W. U. National1 Officers Antonia Turek, Albina Novak, Mary Bostian, Corinne Leskovar and a guest. Zveza plus personal gifts. Tiaras also were placed on the princess’ heads by Founder Marie Prisland and each one received a corsage and a gift from Zveza and members. These members received this recognition for writing in most members in this Convention Queen Campaign and two were honored for being the highest in the two previous campaigns. The Korotan group composed of ladies and men and under the directorship of Mr. Frank Gorensek also rendered three Slovenian songs and ended the program with the Slovenian National Anthem. Music for dancing was followed by the Veseli Vandrovci. Monday Convention session was until 1:00 p. m. Lunch was had and at 2:00 p. m. we all left for sightseeing to the grape country in Geneva and Madison, Ohio. In this section we have many of our members and they belong to Br. G8 Fairport Harbor. We were shown the beautiful recreation center of Pristava which has been built the past seven years and then we went to the new recreation center that has been completed last year by the American Mutual Life Ass’n of Ohio. This recreation center is really beautiful with a beautiful hall and grounds. I will not take any more space on this site as all the delegates will be able to tell their members and friends all that they had seen on this trip. There we encountered a little rain but then the good Lord was with us and gave us sunshine the rest of the day. Here some of the ladies wrere outside playing the Balinca or Boca Ball; others were in the beautiful hall dancing to the music of Frank Turek, Jack Flaisman, and Ed Milavec. Members of Br. GS Fairport Harbor and Painsville, Ohio served us a delicious dinner of breaded chicken and all the trimmings that go with it plus home-made Krofe. Also they had for us a beautiful large cake with: Welcome Delegates inscribed. Thanks to Jennie Mohorčič, (Continued on page 168) ACTIVITIES OF SHEBOYGAN BRANCH swim mats International Festival of PEOPLE to PEOPLE, April 1970. ’•jMl.MlJJPimiiiiim - m ■ '■ r ' - International Festival of The People to People organization. In far front is Slovenian Exhibit booth. Margie Fischer Pat Ziegenhorn Junior members who helped with the sale. Workers: Toni Brulla, Mary Turk, Margaret Fischer, Marie Prisland, Olga Saye, Mary Udovich, Dorothy Kregel. MOTHERS’DAY PROGRAM MAY 1970 Over 100 people attended, among them 30 Juniors PEOPLE ON THE PROGRAM Front: Mary Jo Grabner, Philip Plesetz, Steven Melanz.Yvone Kregel, Cythia Melanz, Alex Ferenz. Second row, Glee Club: Mary Turk, Mary Krainz, Anna Modiz, Helen Valentinčič, Julia Tratter, Frances Plesetz, Mary Udovich. Third row: Kathy Brezonik, Patricia Planton, Sara Weiss, David Manthey, Jody Lorger. Back: Michael Matichich, Ronald Mosnik, Mark Lorger, Joseph Jenz and their director Olga Saye, president of the branch. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. A grand day, altho short, was enjoyed by members and friends at Lemont, 111., on July 19th. We thank you all for cooperating to make it such a success. We prayed and sang our favorite Marian hymns, met our friends and feasted our eyes on the lovely scenery on that hill-top that is the Slovenian St. Mary’s Hill. The Franciscan Fathers must be happy up there to breath that fresh air and enjoy the greenery. The rains came a little too early! With the threatening skies all day, our folks didn’t mind too much — we expected it. But, it was a shame the day was so abruptly ended. Our special thanks to the officers of Br. 2 who directed the events of the day, especially Fanika Humar, vice-pres., who had charge of the grounds and came early to prepare the pavillion, to Fannie Zibert, secretary, for her business-like handling of all the committees and the following members for their help and donations: Kitchen: A. Zorko, M. Pai-soli, M. Poppish, J. Kitz, E. Kroschel. K. Srebernak; Chips: S. Bogolin, J. Kovaclc; Booth: A. Jerin, M. Miller, J. Zubek, A. Helder, M. Fabian; Bar: B. Fabian, L. Leskovar, G. Kitz and L. Troha. Mrs. Frances Kozelj baked 6 magnificent poticas — one of which was awarded to lucky Mr. Tony Kuk-man and others who baked were Mmes. Paisoii, Slmrayh and Fischin-ger. Without your help it would have been impossible—with it, we realized another grand success! Members from Indianapolis, a full busload, came for their annual weekend pilgrimage and another from Milwaukee was there for the day. Thanks to the organizers and all members for attending. Some are so loyal, such as Mrs. Antonia Bayt of Br. 5. She has her son Chet and daughter Mary bring her out every single year. Our Illinois and Wisconsin officers were there in full force. A million thanks to all! We will meet in September and HONOR GUARD AT ST. VITUS MARIE PRISLAND CADETS pro vided the Guard of Honor for tie procession into St. Vitus Church for the opening of the Convention May 24th in Cleveland.. Here they are leaving St. Vitus church and gath ering at the school hall before entering the Auditorium. The ladies in blue and white uniforms were on hand during the festivities and took part in the memorial to deceased members at the Grand Banquet. They (are members of Branches of Cleve jland- Euclid. See Secretary Fanny Zibert about your dues, and if not before, we will meet again., Sept 10th. Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. The last meeting for the summer was not as well attended as is should have been, with the favorable weather. Mrs. Ple-sko reported on the Convention at Euclid and the rest of who were not present will have to read the results as they appear in Zarja. The State Convention will be held Sept. 20th at the St. John’s hall with No. 43 as hostesses. Tickets for dinner are available from your officers. I am sure you will find it well worth the price and you will have the opportunity to visit friends from the various branches in Wisconsin, so please, plan to attend and buy your tickets ahead as we have to let them know the number. Our own Card Party will be held late in October, so make your plans for that too. I am sure we will have tickets to sell by the State Convention date The cake and coffee following the meeting was again donated by Stavia Dobersek who keeps herself active on the entertainment committee. She also donated a “smoked butt” won by lucky Mrs. Plesko. Several members are taking trips to Europe. Jane Perko and Frances Plesko, I know for certain are going. We wish them and all the other traveles a safe and pleasant journey. Perhaps we can count on some of their experiences to entertain us during the suumer months. This terrific heat and humidity does not do my thinking any good but before closing, I wish to extend sympathies to the members and friends of Mary Jeray whom we lost last month. To any who are ill or shut-in, we wish a speedy recovery and many thanks to Albina Novak and Josephine Železnikar for their dedicated past efforts. We wish them both very many more good years, as we will miss their services and counsel. It is good to still have them around. make plans for the fall season. First on the program will be the Ill.-Ind. State Convention, Oct. 4th at Br. 16. So. Chicago, 111. Let's all cooperate with our new state president, Ann Lustig, to make it a grand event. In September, our city will host the Ivojze Slak Ensemble straight from Slovenia on their first American Tour. They will perform here at the New Lawndale Hall at 2 p. m. on Sunday, September 20th. We mourn the passing of two members this summer. Mrs. Anna Winter, and Mrs. Magdalena Haidinjak. May their souls rest in peace. We prayed at their biers and attended both funerals as honorary pallbearers. COMPLETES STUDIES Miss Maryann Oblak, a member of Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch No. 2 since birth, has recently earned her Master's Degree from Illinois State University in Biology. Miss Oblak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oblak of Chicago, 111, received a National Science Foundation Traineeship and an Illinois State Teaching Assistantship while in Graduate School. Our congratulations! COTILLION CO-CHAIRMEN SUPREME PRESIDENT CONTINUED: president, and all the members for all they did for the delegates and visitors. All the noon luncheons were home cooked by Prances Klun and her helpers at the Recher Hall and also the Night in Slovenia which was another affair enjoyed by all. The committee under State President, Mary Bostian, did a wonderful job. It was a lot of work and worry but as long as everybody was satisfied, happy and contented we have forgotten the work and worry and feel we tried our best to make this an enjoyable and suce .s-ful 15th Natioual Convention. At this time I wish to thank each and every one who had helped at thin Convention, Mary Bostian having charge of the lunches and Night in Slovenia and her committees; Josephine Trunk who did a marvelous job on the housing; Emily Unik taking care of the Package Leals To all the merchants that made it possible to have a beautiful souvenier book. To Ameriška Domovina for tl.e wonderful publicity given us and to Tony Petkovšek and Milan Pavlovcich for all the publicity on the radio. A Happy Birthday to all celebrating during the months of July, Aug. and Sept. and a speedy recovery to all ailing. Toni Turrk Chairman of the Ball w-.s Mrs. Frances Sietz, president of Br. 50 and newly-elected Director of Youth Activities. Her cho-cairman Mrs. Jane Novak is seen with her on the next photo and in the background are Mrs. Emily Unik and Mrs. Bea Tome, co-workers. At the adjoining table are Mimi and Luddie I.eskovar. Music for the ceremony and dancing was furnished by the Bob Timko Orchestra and emcee was Tony Petkovšek, radio disc-jockey heard locally over WXEN. The majority of guests were gowned formally and in the lovely setting enjoyed an evening to be remembered. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. J. Nemanich for the very good lunch and effort to make our trip home from Euclid a pleasant one. It was so like the Minnesota hospitality. It is good to know it’s still around even if they left. it. Thank you, a-gain! Mary Dezman No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Pleasant memories still linger in my mind of the Slovenian Women’s Union National Convention held in Euclid, Ohio. Each Convention is beautiful In its own Individual set-up. The friendly people one meets is always a sign of a good Convention. I also observed how the people in Euclid are on the move for the betterment of the S. W. U. I was deeply touched and honored to be again chosen as the National President of the three states, Washington, Oregon and California. I thank you for your trust in me. I shall do my best to live up to this honor and be ever mindful of my duties to these States and to their members. I shall keep in touch with their officers and assist them in every way I can. Our June meeting was timely for delegate Margaret Fager to give a detailed report of the Convention and the members were very Interested to know of what transpired at our sessions. Our next meeting is September 3rd and sincerely hope that many of the members will attend. We will have a social and a report on the Pot Luck Dinner for September 24th at. Burgermeister Brewing Co., 470-10th Street. The price is $1.50 per person and dinner starts at 6:30 p. m. Bring your husbands and friends and a prospective member. Chairman Margaret Fager and her committee assures you a very enjoyable evening. For information contact Kate Lampe 861-4630, Rose Bianco 861-2847 or Ruth Zwyssig 861-1043. To our members who are still on the sick list we wish them a speedy recovery. Rose Scoff, National President No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. —r Our delegate to the Convention Margaret. Fager and Supreme State President Rose Scoff gave a complete report of the functions, and brought a good report so that all the members present at the June meeting felt they too had been to the Convention. I regret I was not at the meeting, due to illness. But I have heard from many of the members present what a wonderful report was given by both Rose and Margaret. We have been advised to make our articles small with business only of interest to our branch. I will not. be affected by this as since 1941 I have been the reporter for Branch No. 13, it is now time for me to step down and let someone else keep you informed. I cannot attend all the meetings and therefore do not. keep in complete touch witih the vari- ous functions and cannot report correctly. I have enjoyed being reporter and will on occasion send in an article when needed, but my personal coverage will be less. Thanks so much to all the dear ladies who took the time to call and say thanks when their name was in print, I tried to give good coverage. To our sick members we wish a speedy recovery. My beloved Teta Katie Judnick suffered a heart attack, but it is a pleasure to report, that she is recovering ever so well. She is now abe to go out into her lovely garden, which Is a part of her life. Teta has had good care by her entire family and this has made her well once again. Tillie Kambic is recovering very nicely from her recent surgery. It was such a shock to have our little Tillie flat on her back in the hospital as she is so vital and full of life and fun. We report with great happiness that Tillie is well on the road to health and happiness. For all of the sick membeis we have not heard from to name we wish you all well. On meeting nights please try to attend and give the officers a good lift with a good attendance, your help is needed and will be greatly appreciated. God bless you one and all and be sure to keep well. Frances E. Chiodo No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — With the closing of the 15th National Convention things again seem to be coming back to normal and the excitement and hustle of that week are memories now. However, the meeting of new friends added with the reunion of old friends is still very close to us. The officers of Branch 14 hope that all the Supreme Officers, the Delegates, and many, many friends had a enjoyable time in Euclid. All the members hope that their visits here were as happy as the branch was in having them here. The branch would also like to congratulate the neighboring branches for their very fine effort in making this Convention a successful one. It seemed no job was too hard for anyone. In our own branch the ladies helping were just too numerous to mention. The members really co-operated and worked very hard, but they all really enjoyed themselves. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family of Mrs. Relh who passed away recently. May God keep her near and may she have eternal rest. Coming up very soon will be our September Card Party at Recher Hall, 4. p. m. Again this year Chairman Pauline Krall is asking all our members to help her gather together card tables for use at this party. If you have one at home, please call her at KE-1-0250, she will be glad to arrange to get them picked-up. Another item needed is canned goods to fill food baskets that are always popular prizes. Any members who would like to donate other items for door prizes or game prizes can call Pauline or other officers to tell of their donations. This is one project that all members even if they are not active can participate in. Pauline Krall is an exceptionally fine worker and the best way to show her our gratitude is by helping her. We wish her great success for this Card Party. Have a safe and happy vacation everyone and we hope to see you at are meetings in late summer. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 16, So. Chicago, III. The June meeting got under way with a prayer and Minutes were read by our Secretary. Congratulations and a hearty thank you again, were in order to oud Convention delegate Ann Lustig, representing our branch at the Convention and she briefed us on what took place answering questions to the fullest which made for a very interesting meeting. Congratulations to her especially as the new Illinois State President. Popular Games followed with prizes topped off with home made pastries and a special Birthday Cake and Coffee for our June celebrants to whom we all sang Happy Birthday. A speedy recovery to our members who are ill or hospitalized. Marge Price, Reporter No. 17, West Allis, Wis. An important notice! Our September meeting will be on the 2nd Sunday, Sept. 13th instead of the 3rd Sunday due to the Wiscconsin State Day and Convention and the 40th Anniversary of Br. 43. This affair will be held on Sept. 20th at St. John’s Church, 9500 W. Cold Spring Road. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 9 a. m. and at 10:30, the State Convention will convene. A banquet takes place at 1 p. m. Tickets are available thru our president, Marion Marolt, EV 4-4908 or myself. Plaese call in your reservations as they are limited. Congratulations are extended to Br. 42 on this occasion and may you have continued success! Marie Floryan, Sec’y. No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. We had a very memorable celebration of Mother’s Day at our May meeting. At that time we honored our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Antonia Erklautz. The president, Catherine Polack opened the meeting with prayer and minutes were read by Rec. Sec’y Mary Menart. The report from Secretary, Mary Lenich was from the past four months. We presented Mrs. Erklautz with a beautiful corsage as our special guest. The Convention report from our delegate Angela Vesel followed. She was in Cleveland from the 23rd until the 27th of May. The youngest mother present as well as the two oldest mothers, one 88 years young, received flowers. We also have four mothers 80 years old and they, too, were remembered. Our junior member, Anthony Menart spoke a brief message of love to all mothers in the Slovenian language; then Marie Bayulc and Joyce Mary Vesel congratulated all the guests in English. Father Frank Perkovich was with us that evening and was accompanied by his mother. His words to us will never be forgotten. Our hearty congratulations to Wiliam Kuntara, well-known musical director of the Men’s Choraleers. Mr. Kuntara recently retired from his position with the Erie Mining Co. and we hope he enjoys his life of leisure. He has given our locality many happy hours witih his fine musical direction. Deepest sympathy to the family of our departed member Barbara Stra-han. She was a long-time resident of this community and leaves a large family of two sons and five daughters, 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. We will miss her and pray for her eternal happiness. Remember to call me or stop by to pay your duos and we’ll be seeing you at the next meeting. Mary Lenich, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. The May meeting was held to honor our Mothers, especially our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Caroline Gregorčič (Gregory). President Emma Planinšek presented her with a corsage of dark red carnations., placed her in a seat of honor and many gifts and good wishes followed. At the age of 90, Mrs. Gergorich is still active and energetic. May she live with us for many years. At this time, the president introduced guests from Chicago, including the editor of Zarja, Corinne Leskovar with her daughter, Mimi, also the new National Secretary of Zveza, Mrs. Fanika Humar with her husband, Dr. Leopold Humar. We were pleased to initiate the new members of the branch who took the oath of loyalty led by Mrs. Leskovar. They are: Mrs. Frances Walczak whose mother, our good member Frances Pikush passed away some 11 months ago, also Mrs. Louise Sterle, Mrs. Cele Sterle, Marlin Sterle and her daughter, Michelle Dianne and Valerie Dolasin; Dianne and Marsha Fedo, and Elaine Koncar and Mrs. Mildred Riley. To all, a hearty welcome! At that meeting, $35.00 was collected and donated for the Scholarship Fund, and prize winners included Mmes. Anna Mraz, Rose Semrov, Corinne Leskovar and her daughter. A gift was also given to our guests and beautiful hand-made items were made ready to be taken to the Convention, donated by our members. This included pillow-cases, the work of our Sgt. at Arms, Theresa Muhich, pillow-cases with cut-out work donated by Mary Weismantle and three hand made-aprons by Rose Marjano-vich. Miss Christine Slapničar donated $10 to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. We were especially proud of our junior members who entertained us: Marie Ancel played the flute and Joyce Walszak rendered a song accompanied by secretary, Olga Ancel at the piano. Luncheon followed as a treat to mothers, and helpers were: Theresa Marentich, Millie Pucel, Frances Hubert, Josephine Muster, Theresa Muhich, Josephine Ruth and Janice Ruth. Movies were taken in Europe and Slovenia by yours truly and my family were shown after the meeting and we were pleased to have husbands attending the showing, including Mr. John L. Jevitz, Town Clerk. Group singing followed. We enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day party. * # « In the past month, we lost three members: Anne Stukel of Huchins St., Mary Jerman of Jackson St., and charter member, Josephine Judnich Zelko, who was one of the 14 members who organized the branch in 1928. Mrs. Stukel joined in 1935, recommended by her late mother, Frances Horvat. She is survived by one son Lawrence, an attorney in Joliet and several sisters. Ann was at one time an enthusiastic bowler in our league. Mrs. Jerman was born in Metlika, Slovenia and was our 40 year mem- ber. She was recommended by the late Agnes Skedel. She is survived by three grandchildren. With the loss of Mrs. Zellto, only two of our charter members of Br. 20 survive, namely Mrs. Mary Kun-stek and your reporter. Her son, Joseph Judnich, Postmaster in Joliet, several daughters and a large number of relatives survive. All three departed members were buried from St. Joseph’s church to St. Joseph’s cemetery. Our members came to pray at their biers and accompanied them on their last journey to the resting place. May they have eternal peace and our sincere condolences to the relatives. Member, Ivouise Sterle underwent an operation. She is now recovering. Member, Julia Trubich who was seriously ill has now returned to her home as has Anna Mahovec. To all, our best wishes for good health. Congratulations to the husband of our member, Eva Fabian. Anthony Fabian was elected as District Commander for Illnois. He will serve until 1971. Also congratulations to Pat Riley and Philip Pucel both a-gain on the Dean’s List at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Pat is the son of our new member, Mrs.Mildred Riley. Another graduate from St. Francis College this spring was Joyce Goran, daughter of Josephine Mahkovec Goran. To all our children who graduated this year, very best wishes for happy studies ahead and happy lives. We learned of the birth of a granddaughter to Helen Zadel. Wonderful news. Wedding anniversary, their 25th was celebrated by Anna and Tom Mainer. Ann is the daughter of our member, Julia Trubich. On June 21st, Joseph and Mary Spelich, nee Kostelc, celebrated their Golden Wedding. They had very impressive ceremonies in church and at St. Joseph’s Hall where many friends gathered to wish them well. We all know Joe, a part owner of the famous “Fitzgerald’s” furniture store, well-liked by his many customers and Mary, his wife, is also a wonderful person. They were married a day before your reporter and reside in a nice home on Dawes Ave. Their three children, Bill, also with the store, Joseph, proprietor of the liquor store on Jefferson St., and daughter, Marie Therese, married to J. Orenic and living in Chicago, were all there to help with the celebration. We wish the Spelich’s a long and happy life together and keep smiling as we all know you! Writing of these wedding anniversaries, I wish to report that your reporter was also one of the Golden Wedding celebrants. Married at St. Joseph’s church by the late Rev. John Plevnik, on June 23, 1920, my husband Joseph and 1, celebrated this year on June 14th. Our bridesmaid, Mrs. Mayme Fedo (sister of my Joe) and best man, Frank Besednjak were with us as we again exchanged our vows at St. Joseph’s church, this time officiated by our pastor, Msgr. M. J. Butala. We are grateful to him lor his kind words and cooperation and to everyone who made this special event so meaningful. Afterward, the party continued at the St. Joseph’s Hall. It was my daughters and son and 13 grandchildren that made this event possible. Our loving thanks to Olga, Mildred, Jonita, Ronald and their families, and our in-laws, for all their heartfelt wishes. May you all live to celebrate your Golden Weddings in good health. God bless every one of you! Next meeting is Sept. 20th. Keep well and inform me of any news so I may report of your activities. Josephine Erjavec No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Just 3 weeks ago I boarded the bus in Tower, to join the Ely delegation on our first leg of the journey to Euclid to attend the 15th National Convention of SWU. For me, it was a most enjoyable and worthwhile experience as it gave me a better insight of the aims and traditions of theSWU and added to that, the opportunity to meet all the lovely women who were and still are guiding our Organization. And to meet and know my fellow delegates—was a rewarding experience also. To all of them—a well deserved “thank you” for a job well done. Regretfully, we bade "goodbye" to our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland, and Secretary Albina Novak who gave up their important positions after serving the SWU from its beginning. Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, who because of illness was unable to be at the Convention, also gave up her post, as National Treasurer. To the new officers as well as to the re-elected ones, I wish much success, health and stamina to carry their duties for another three years until Convention time rolls around again—in Chicago., To all the Branches in the Cleveland and Euclid area must go a special round of applause for their hard work in preparing for the Convention—we can truly all say, it was wonderful! The dinners, the banquets, the programs, the Cotillion Ball all helped us to realize our wonderful heritage—our Slovenian background. To our Supreme President, Antonia Turek, 1 wish to congratulate her on a job well done, and to her husband Frank, many thanks for his ever helpful concern for all of us and her the many things he does for SWU. To my gracious “hosts”, my brother Joseph Nemanich and his wife Frances, a most sincere thank you for such wonderful hospitality. For the generous “picnic box” from them filled with delicious food—bread, krofe, strudel, želodec, ham etc. which was enjoyed by all the Minnesota and Mihvaukke (and Wisconsin delegation) who travelled on our chartered bus—we all enjoyed it so much, with hot coffee at a picnic table near Toledo, O. at 8:30 p. m. the day we left Cleveland. From all of us a public “Thank You!” Even though the travelling took a long time—more than 20 hours each way, we shortened the time by stopovers for meals and singing and visiting in the bus—and asked God’s blessing by saying the Rosary together both coming and going. For all the wonderful friendships I enjoyed and the happy memories of a successful Convention, and many social events, 1 am truly grateful and was happy to be a delegate. Barbara Yapel, Reporter, Br. No. 34 No. 42, Maple Heights, O. Although this news is coming a little late, our combination “Mother-of-the-Year” and Fortieth Anniversary dinner was a huge success. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and the good company of all the friends and relatives of Angela Perko. Also — with regard to our 40th Anniversary — we thank Marie Prisland for her much appreciated congratulatory letter. Summertime is vacation time and we’re sure that many of our members are taking advantage of this beautiful season. We do know that Betty Kosak and Mary Prhne enjoyed G weeks traveling through Europe. Carol Kastellic’s husband, Bob, went to Slovenia, to visit his mo- ther (our president, Antonija Kastelic) who is enjoying an extended visit there. We’re hoping the elder Kas-telics wil be home by the time of this printing. Bob loved the beautiful country and absorbed as much as possible during his stay. Theresa Simončič, Mary Yemec and Theresa Filips attended the convention banquet and enjoyed the entire affair. We’re proud to have such fine representatives of our lodge. Last but certainly not least, we wish to congratulate Olga Ponikvar on the birth of her 6th grandchild. A GIRL! Olga’s son, Bill, his wife, Carol, and Billy Jr. aro all popping buttons over little Beth Ann. B. A. Kastelic ♦> >*•:* * >:* >>*:* *:♦ * >;* •}• •> •:* >:♦ CORRECTION! A printer’s error in the 15th National Convention Minutes referred to the nomination of the Supreme President incorrectly. Nomination Committee proposed Antonia Turek as Supreme President not Fanika Humar who was nominated only as Supreme Secretary. Editor’s regrets. BRANCH 32 INITIATES NEW MEMBERS AND PROGRAM IS REMEMBERED Five new members were initiated at Br. 32’s June meeting who were enrolled in the last Pre-Convention Campaign. They are seen center photo. At left is Mrs. Jennie Gustinčič, Mother of the Year with State Presi- dent Mary Bostian and right photo was taken at Convention’s Night in Slovenia show May 26th in Euclid, Tillie Spehar and Mimi Rezonija, duet vocalists. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The State Convention, the 40th Anniversary of our branch will be celebrated on September 20th. Circle this date on your calendars as the committee is looking forward to an overwhelming membership attendance. We have four charter members and they de serve recognition. All members and friends are cordially invited, so please call for your tickets in advance as we must know how many to serve. Tickets are $3.50 per person and for children $1.75. Mass will be celebrated by Fathern Okom at 9 am. at St. John the Evangelist church. From 10 to 10:25, coffee will be served and at 10:30 sharp, the Convention meeting will take place. At 1 p. m. the dinner will be served and a short program will follow. To all the vacationers, we wish you pleasant trips wherever you may roam, on land, sea or near your home. Father Claude Okorn, our Spiritual Advisor, is visiting his dear parents in Europe. A speedy recovery to Mr. Lawler who is the husband of Frances Day Lawler. He is seriously ill and they are now' residing in Florida. Elsie Gallun is also hospitalized. Elsie, better get well soon, she is a very active member at St. John’s and we miss her very much! Mrs. Memik Is gradually recuperating from her serious illness and we are all happy to see her up and around again. Congratulations are due to a young man on his paintings, whose real name is Jerome Zakrajšek, a Slovenian lad, but who signs his paintings “Zak”. He is the son of Frank and Ann Zakrajšek and his aunt is Mary Muhich., our member. Our trip to Cleveland, with the group from Minnesota was just excellent. Again we wish to thank Ann Podgoršek and Barbara Rosandich and all the Minnesota ladies for the grand time we had aboard the bus and also the dear lady who brought along a box of food. We really enjoyed ourselves. In conclusion, a reminder that September 20th is the Big Day! To all shut-ins, a speedy recovery and all August and September birthday celebrants are wished all the best! Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Our June meeting was very well-attended. Members are raring to get started again to do big and good things when our meetings started again September 28th, after vacations are over. Marie Beck gave a good report on members paying their dues. Mrs. A. Turek gave a brief account on the Convention Banquet and other doings and also urged the members to plan now to attend the Dedication of the Slovenian Chapel In the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D. C. August 15, 1971. Marie Dolinar also reported on our sick members and the cards she had sent out. Delegate Frances Sietz gave a report on the Convention sessions. Honors in a small way were extended to Beatrice Tome, Mother of the Year, and to Ann Hočevar, our Convention Queen. August 10th, our picnic day was planned at Toni Tureks’. In charge of this affair were three sisters: Ann Kristoff, chairman and co-chairmen Mary Petrie and Victoria Pianecki. Everthing was well planned, in advance, for good food, games, prizes and lots of surprises. We will have a report on the picnic next month. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. THANK YOU!!! First I want to thank all the members of Branch No. 50 for helping me to get new members—50 in all. It was because of you that this “Honor of Convention Queen” was bestowed on me. Thanks to the Supreme Board for the beautiful crown (tiara), the spray of red carnations, the award gift and the silver tray. Also thanks to all the ladies for their personal gifts and congratulation cards and letters. As I participated in all of the Convention doings the delegates were so warm and friendly. It was a real pleasure which I will always remember. ANN J. HOČEVAR Member of Branch SO and member of the Dawn Choral Group, Euclid, Ohio Max Traven, (Carole), on the 30th Wedding Anniversary celebrated in June and to Donna Sietz on her graduations from Cleveland State U-niversity on June 14th. Another big day for Donna will be September 12th when she becomes the bride of Ralph Bischof and promises to love, honor and obey! Sincere sympathy to Helen Kobe on the loss of her darling 9 month baby girl, Patricia, and to Marie Ažman who lost her sister Ruth Phone. We are happy to report that Donald Zagorc, our J. member, is coming along just fine after a severe accident that happened while he was riding his bike. He is Sophie’s son. Welcome to our two new members, Jean Tomsic and Vera Nosan. Hope you attend all our meetings. Mary Stokal, a members since 1939, Is now residing at the Slovenian Home for the Aged on Neff Road. Cheer her up with a greeting card. At the present time, she is unable to see. IMPORANT NEWS: From now on. starting Sept. 28th, our meetings will be held every 4th Monday of the month at the Euclid Public Library, G31 E. 22nd St., Euclid, O., at 8. p .m. Congraultions to Terry Novak one of our pretty debutantes on graduation from Mayfield Heights High School. This month she will begin studies at Thiel College. Jane Novak Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 No. 50, Cleveland, O. Since the beginning of May, so much has hap-paned in the Cleveland vicinity that it’s quite a task to find words to explain all of it. No. 50 members showed their skill as all-around good workers during the National Convention week as they performed as singers, hostesses, waitresses and helped along with the Cotillion Ball, the Grand Banquet and a Night in Slovenia. Urgent help was needed at the Ball and two very capable members, Beatrice Tome and Marie Hearn heard the S. O. S. appeal and rushed in to Chesterland to help with serving on tables. We wished we could have had about ten more like Bea and Marie — they were so efficient. Ann Hočevar made a beautiful Convention Queen. We are proud of her! Carole Traven took care of the Memorial Cross, and our J. Member, Mary Hutar was the Angel. Josephine Trunk was the Housing Chairman for Delegates and she gave up her vacation to help at the Convention as a waitress. Frances Ne-manich was the Banquet Chairman in the Help Department. Our Prisland Cadets, Marie Beck. Christine Dusche, Nettie Leslie, Ernestine Jevec, Mary Susnik, Sophie Zagorc, Mary Cesnik, Rose Želodec. Ann Kumse lead the officers and delegates to the church on Sunday and later, escorted them to St. Vitus Auditorium. The Cadets gave this event a very colorful finish. Thanks to Mamie Martin who was in charge of this detail. Carolyn Budan’s performance was just wonderful. She sang like a bird at the Banquet program—her tones were clear as a bell! Frances Sietz and Jane Novak worked for months to set up the Cotillion Ball. Louise Mlakar as a member, attended all the Convention Sessions as did many members of our branch. The officers of Br. 50 are very proud of all the members who helped in any way — even made an appearance at the affairs that the Convention offered. Frances Sietz. President and. S'* 1 15 It. was a pleasure to meet many of you last May at the Slovenian Women’s Union Convention in Euclid, Ohio. It gave me the opportunity to visit with you and discuss this column. I was pleased to hear that it does serve a good purpose. I shall keep on the alert to find pleasing, tempting and nutritious recipes for your interest and enjoyment. The meals served at the Convention by our members were excellent. Many delegates remarked, “The Cleveland women can sure cook!” I jotted down a few recipes. Chicken was especially delectable. After the Sunday banquet held at St. Vitus Auditorium I talked with Mrs. Steffie Smolic in the kitchen. She said, “The chicken was easy to prepare. Broilers or fryers were salted, smeared with butter then roasted uncovered, with a little water added, about two hours at 350 degrees. To brown evenly the fryers were turned after one hour. When well done they were cut into serving pieces, returned to the pan, and then with some of the juices poured over the chicken heated again thoroughly and served.” At another meal served at the new, spacious American Mutual Life As-sociatiation Recreation Center cut-up chicken was seasoned with salt and pepper, rolled to flour and then dipped in whole beaten egg before the serving pieces were rolled in fine bread crumbs and deep fried. They were then placed in a pan and baked in a 350 degree oven for about an hour or until well done. The home-made noodle soup with home-made noodles was a wonderful treat for me because the only time I get home-made noodles is when we visit at home in Sheboygan or at one time when Mrs. Mary Petrich of Milwaukee brought me a large box filled with her noodles. I don’t know when I enjoyed lettuce more than during those four days at the Convention. It just seemed to “hit the spot." The lettuce was crisp and tossed with a vinegar-oil dressing until it glistened. One dressing recipe I was able to get amidst the chatter was: 1 tablespoon vinegar to 3 tablespoons salad oil. Salt and pepper as desired. Most cookbooks will tell you that after washing the lettuce, drain it, wrap in a towel and refrigerate. Keep it dry and cold. The greens or lettuce are torn into bite size pices (do not cut). Toss with vinegar-oil dressing just before serving. On Tuesday noon at the Slovenian Society Home in Rechar Hall, Euclid, POLENTA was served topped with Beef Goulash—delicious, served piping hot.. When time permitted I was able to jot down the ingredients. POLENTA For a small family: 2 potatoes peeled and cooked in a-bout 3 to 4 inches of water. % teaspoon salt. When potatoes are soft or cooked mash in potato water. Gradually add enough yellow corn-meal to make thick stirring constantly. (About 1 cupful cornmeal was suggested depending on size of pan and amount of water used.) “Cover and cook on low or simmering fire for about 30 minutes stirring 3 or 4 times with a wooden spoon pressing downward as you stir,” said one delegate. Another added, “I put little pieces of butter a-round the Bides and under the POLENTA and shake the pan occasionally during cooking.” The POLENTA will look like a loaf of bread. It is spooned hot on the plate then topped with beef goulash.” * # * The dessert at Rechar Hall on Monday was a moist, absolutely delicious raisin potica. Many of the women commented that they liked it better than the even popular walnut potica. I was promised the recipe so will give it to you when I receive it. To all of you who prepared the food for the Convention meals I wish to express my appreciation for the excellent cooking. If you have any recipes to add please send them to me. * # * Miss Mary Shikonya of Ely, Minn, brought me two recipes at the Convention for which I am grateful and which will be fun serving. JELLO AND CHEESE SALAD 1 small package lemon jello 1 cup grated carrots 1 cup whipping cream 1 small package cream cheese 1 cup celery 1 can crushed pineapple Melt jello in one cup of hot wrater. Add cream cheese and mix well. Add carrots, celery and pineapple. Mix well; fold into whipping cream. Refrigerate. BING CHERRY SALAD 1 cup hot water % cup Mogen David Wine 1 can black pitted cherries (No 303), drained, saving liquid 2 small packages cherry jello 1 cup cherry juice 3 oz. package Philadelphia Cream Cheese 18 large marshmallows Ms pint whipping cream Dissolve jello in hot water, add wine and cherry juice. Pour in mold or pan and add pitted cherries. Chill until set. Put marshmallows and Philadelphia Cream Cheese in bowl. Add % pint cream and cover with Saran Wrap. Chill over night. The next day whip and spread over mold or jello in pan. Sprinkle nuts over if you want. You can use mandarin orange segments, pears or bananas in this salad. Mrs. Edward Ancel, the newly ap-ponted Investment Chairman and columnist on Zarja’s Junior Page, gave me one of her favorite recipes at the Convention, APRICOT BARS 1% cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Vi teaspoon salt 1% cups quick-cooking rolled oats 1 cup brown sugar % cup butter or margarine % cup commercial apricot preserves or jam Oven 375 degrees Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt; stir in rolled oats and sugar. Cut in butter till crumbly. Pat % of crumb mixture into 11 x 7 x IV2 inch pan. Spread with preserves. Cover with remaining orumb mix. Bake in moderate oven (375) about 35 minutes or till browned. Cool. Cut in bars or squares. Makes about 2Vi dozen 3xl-inch bars or about 6 dozen 3x1 in. squares. * * * Recently I heard a series of interesting lectures on Child Psychology by a prominent psychologist from Wisconsin State University — Platte-ville. No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Our meeting took place June 1st, the first Wednesday of the month and heard the report of our delegate to the National Convention, Secretary Rose Chiodi. She notified us of the changes that were made and that most of the By-laws remained the same. And, a few other discussions were brought up to make our meeting very interesting. The session closed witih prayer led by president. Josephine Oswald. We also wish to take this time to congraulate Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stra-zishar, on their daughter Sharon’s marriage to Gene Whipple of Zumbro, Falls, Minn. The wedding was in July at the Immaculate Conception Slovenian church in Hibbing with the reception held at the Home in Chisholm. We also have to congratulate Sharon on her graduation as a psychiatric technician on June 4th from the Faribault State Hospital for the Retarded. We all pray that the job she Is doing will be rewarding to her for there are many children that need caring and there aren’t too many to do that work. As for Sharon’s wedding, we hope and pri y that she will be blessed with many happy and glorious days ahead. Two pertinent points he gave in the ABC’s of guiding the child are: Encouragement implies faith in and re;pect for the child as he is. Don’t discourage the child by setting too high standards and being overambiti-ous for him. A child misbehaves only when he is discouraged and believes he cannot succeed by useful means. A child needs encouragement as a plant needs sunshine and water. When we tell a child he could be better we are really saying he is not good enough as he is. Never do for a child what he can do for himself.. A "dependent” child is a demanding child. Maintain order and establish your own independence. Most adults underestimate the a-bilities of children. Give children opportunities and encouragement to become contributing members of the family and other groups. Children become irresponsible only when we fail to give them opportunities to take on responsibility. In assuming the child’s responsibility, we deprive him of the opportunity to learn. Don’t indulge yourself by giving service. A young child who has never been allowed to help in the house (“you’re not big enough to set the table”) or who has not been allowed to dress himself (because “mother is in a hurry”) will lack the feeling that he is a useful, contributing member of the family. He will feel important only when getting mother angry and annoyed with his misbehavior. Fondly, Mrs. Pots and Pans (as referred to at the Convention) Our evening continued with luncheon served by our hostesses, sisters Veronica Krizmanich, Ann Nelmark, Pat Mancuso, Marge Pogorelz. Prizes were awarded to the following: Genevieve Zldarich, Margaret Koche-var, Ann Roberts, Gertrude Kochevar, Pauline Germe, Josephine Oswald, Rose Chiodi, Millie Barbatto and the door prize to sister Rose Trombly. We wish our sick members Godspeed to a rapid recovery and hope and pray that you will all be up and around soon. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 63, Denver, Colo. — Greetings to all members. Hope you had a pleasant and enjoybale summer vacation. Now the tihe has come to get back to business. Our next meeting will be Sunday, Sept. 27th at 2:00 p. m. We would like to see a few more members than we have in the past at our meetings. After all, you know that you are what make our blanch and we would like to have a few more attend. To all our sick members, we wish a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear that our National Secretary, Albina Novak has retired. Best of health in your retirement! Congratulations to our new Secretary, Fanika Humar. Congratulations to Agnes Pogline who sold 71 books, “From Slovenia to America.” I’m sure it was greatly appreciated. The State Convention will be held in Canon City in September. Hope that a lot of members hope that a lot of members will be able to attend. On Oct. 4th, at the Slovenian Home, there is going to be a Concert and Dance featuring the Slak ensemble from Slovenia. We would like to see as many members atend as possible. Just a little note to remind everyone that has not paid their dues and are behind. I will ask again if you would please catch up as it is very hard for me to keep my books up to date and stay out of trouble! The auditors wi'l audit the books this month and I’m sure they are not going to be very happy with a lot of delinquencies. During the summer, I moved into my new home located at 55G4 Wor-chester, Denver, Colo, 80239. I would appreciate your attention in the matter of sending dues if you are unable to attend meetings. Any member or members who could give us more new ieads on how we could better our branch would be greatly appreciated. We would like to see you at our meeting and hear from you. I will close for now and hope to see you Sep.t 27th. Thank you and God bless you all! Mary Musich, Sc’y-Treas. No. 72, Pullman, III. — Our June meeting was held at my home in Lansing, 111. It was one of the largest turnouts we have had at any meeting in the last several years. Personally, I want to thank all the ladies for coming. I was happy to welcome them to my new home and I am sure they enjoyed themselves very much, because they stayted later than they have stayed at any meeting, and they were all in such good spirits and seemed to really enjoy themselves. We were happy to get acquainted with Mrs. Glusac. She has been a member for many years, but living so far out of the city she could not get in to the meetings. Now that I live in Lansing (she lives in Thornton) she was able to come to the meeting and for most of us it was our first meeting with her. Welcome, Mrs. Glusac, and from now on we hope to see you more often. Our prayers and good wishes go to all our sick members. We do have quite a number of them. Our next meeting will be held on September 13th at Mrs. Arko’s home, 311 West 111th Place. Hope you all have a happy summer, and we will see you in September. Wilma Zagar, Reporter MOMENTS AT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION TO REMEMBER AND CHERISH . . . The opening of the 15th National Convention in Cleveland Euclid, Ohio on May 24th took place at the St. Vitus church and hall. Holy Mass was officiated by S. W. U. Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Okorn at the historic church that is the largest Slovenian parish in the United States. Following the morning's ceremonies, a Grand Banquet and Program was held with National President, Toni Turek as chairman. Presented were an array of talented singers and dancers on the program that was highly entertaining. Photos in the Slovenian Section depict part of the program that included singing by the DAWN singing club, KRES folk-dancers enacting the traditional Slovenian wedding, music by Veseli Vandrovci musicians and singers and comedian Požo Pust. The program was enhanced by the singing of soprano Miss Carolyn Budan of Glasbena Matica and concluded with the presentation of KOROTAN, well-known mixed chorus conducted by Mr. Prank Gorensek. Honored speakers was Judge of Common Pleas Court in Cleveland, August Pryatel. Ills words were to inspire the organization to continue in its successful enterprise that are intended to close the “generation gap” and thus provide a solid future for the young men and women of Slovenian families. The crowning of the Convention Queen and her court of honor was another moment of inspiration which is seen in the photos facing this page. Top line, left, Convention Queen, Ann Hočevar receives her crown and bouquet from SWU Founder, Marie Prisland. Center shows Princess Fanika Humar bowing to receive her crown and right photo is of National President Toni Turek at the microphone. Second row photos continue the sequence with Theresa Skur, another Princess being awarded a sign of affection, and center photo Mrs. Prisland with Princess Ann T.ustig. Bottom right photo was taken during the Banquet showing the head table with guests of honor; from left, Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan who was co-chairman of the Convention arrangements, Judge Pryatel, National Secretary Albina Novak, National Presi dent, Toni Turek, Hon. President Marie Prisland; Editor Corinne Leskovar and her husband, Ludwig and ill the forefront newly- elected Treasurer Liz Zefran and National Vice-President Marie Floryan. The background shows the Veseli Vandrovci dressed in their national costumes as they entertained the gathering. (Photos by Luddie Leskovar.) The event Sunday was only the beginning of the enjoyable program of activities the officers and delegates and visitors attended. Monday, an afternoon excursion to the AM LA Recretation Center and dinner and dancing and Tuesday Night in Slovenian dinner and program rounded out the well-arranged Convention Week. Guests at Night in Sovenia, held in Euclid and featuring the children of Branch 14, male quartette and DAWN Choral Club of S. W. U„ topped a delicious dinner and was followed by another festive evening. Seen here are the National Officers at the head table, from left, Rev. Faleš of St. Vitus parish, Albina Novak, S. W. U. Spiritual Advisor Rev. Claude Okorn, Marie Prisland and Toni Turek. Right side: Mmes. Prisland and Turek, Fanika Humar, Am. Podgoršek, Mary Otoničar and Anne M. Kompare. Lower left photo, Liz Zefran, Marie A. Floryan, Hermine Dicke and Corinne Leskovar with Euclid City Councilman, Stanley Zagorc■ right: Rose Kraemer, Anna Pachak, Barbara Rosandich and Rose Scoff. (Photos courtesy of I.T.'ry Bostian.) Editor S.W.U. Royalty Honored at Grand Convention Banquet IT’S 25 YEARS! MR. AND MRS. FRANK F. KONTE The children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Konte of Canon City, Colo., honored them on the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary on June 14th with a gala open house. A host of relatives and friends attended to wish them well. Frank and Christine Konte were married in Canon City at St. Michael’s church. They are the parents of two: Frank J. Konte of Anchorage, Alaska and Mrs. Christine Cingoranelli of Canon City. The family includes five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Now retired from the CF & 1 where he was employed for 27 years and the Allen Mine at Stonewall. Colo., Mr. Konte spends much of his time taking care of his lawn and garden. Mrs. Konte is still i.ctive with various church and fraternal organizations, especially the Br. G6, of S.W.U. of which she is presit mt many years. We extend our heartiest wishes and fond hopes for at least another 2'5 years of good health and happiness. C. L. No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. Our Mystery Trip was a huge success. We had 48 members and friends who participated. Starting point was at the Epley’s where Lee and Louise graciously surprised us by serving re!reshments to all while we awaited the bus. After a little bus delay, we finally started off. Louise and Ann Fike did a fine job of distributing goodies as we rolled along. Everyone participated in games and singing. After about an hour’s drive, we arrived at Otto’s Brauhaus in Rocky River where we had a delicious Smorgasbord dinner. We enjoyed listening and dancing to the beauti-tlful old world melodies featured there. All too soon, it was time to leave. We again boarded the bus and headed towards town and our flats area and saw the sights at night. We arrived back at out start-point at midnight and were very able evening. This article is being written while driving from Williamsburg, Va.„ on our way to Gatlinburg, Tenn. We spent three days in Washington, D. C. and among other sights, visited the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception where we found the niche for the Slovenian Chapel. It’s located in the lower church not too far from the Cryt Chapel. On the right side in the Chapel is located the Croatian Chapel dedicated to Majka Božja Bistricka. The Upper Church is breathtakingly beautiful and must be seen to be appreciated. The magnitude and artistry of this edifice are beyond descprition. We extend our condolences to Dorothy and William Vidic on the death of Dorothy’s father. May his soul rest in peace. Dorothy Hrovat had Open Heart surgery on June 23rd. She was in need of many blood donors. We offer up our prayers for her complete recovery. Betty Lepp was blessed with a baby girl whom she named Christine Marie. Congratulations, Betty! See you all at the September picnic meeting. Kay Yuratovec, Pres. No. 89, Oglesby, III. — At the closing meeting, Mrs. Josephine Livek, our delegate to the National Convention gave her report. The names of the new National Officers were read. The branch offers congratulations to them. The Charter was draped for the late Mrs. Louise Kernz, who was a charter member. The prayers were led by Mrs. Lena Dawson. The family thanks all the members for their kindness to her during her illness and to the family after her death. Our recording sec’y, Angela Nico, was visiting her son in New Orleans before starting her studies in summer school. Refreshments were served by the Committee from tables decorated with roses grown in the garden of Miss Ann Komater. The next meeting will be in September. Best wishes to all. Mary Kernz, Sec’y. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — With 24 members present at our June meeting, our delegate, Mildred Poropat, who attended our National Convention was eager to tell us about the many new proposals that will be forthcoming in the near future. I believe that the new proposals now recorded are expressed with the deepest sincerity and in the hope that they will be regarded as strengthening. Our Rec. Sec’y. Evelyn Driscoll distributed our once a year mojiey making project, book of tickets, through the years this gal has accepted this responsibility and she has done her work with the utmost efficiency and dependability. Please accept those books and return them at our Sept. 2nd meeting, when the prizes will be awarded. At our October 7th meeting we will have a game# party, tickets will be $1.25 and prizes for this party will be accepted. As is the custom, refreshments were served and donated by Ann Pave. Evelyn Driscoll, Matilda Martin and Mary Niclcsic. Cash was donated by Sylvia Werner, $3); Matilda Turica and Mary Kahn each ($1). Birthday greetings to the following who celebrated in July: Louise Di-chele, Mary Margaret Faron, Matilda Grepo, Anna Loncar, Mary Mcdonich, Milka Miljak, Joane Paulich, Manda Nosich, Mary Possedi, Sylvia Werner, Marge Krmpotich, Ann Matesevac, (Cal.), Mary Jane Brezene, Ann Polande, and Rose Mary Grafrath. August celebrants were: Rose Bal-loch, Rose Dosen, Ann Kompare, Ann Kuehle, Bernice Golden, Matilda Martin, Mary Matijevlch, Anna Na goda, Ella Nosich, Anna Plesha, Mildred Poropat, Genevieve Ross, Kath erine Rukovina, Mary Železnika, Ma tilda Stevens, Olga Krmpotich, Eva Milnarlch and Emma Yergovich. We are sorry to announce that Anna Yovanovich had a piece of her toe cut accidently by a riding power lawn mower. Get-well-wlslies are extended to Charles Robert Thomas, nephew of Evelyn Driscoll who is recuperating at Hines Hospi tal, please remember him and all of our boys in Viet Nam in your prayers. We are greatly saddened, too, at the untimely death of Jerome Cuzella husband of Amelia. He too wus a world war veteran. His passing removes from the scene a patriot who Cought for the flag, and a dauntlesss citizen who perserved to achieve a better and more secure America in a better and more secure world. He will be mourned long and sincerely, not only by the Franko Post, to which he belonged, but by all who aspire to a better life. Our doepest. sympathy to the bereaved family. MINNESOTA MEETS AT Keewatin, Minn. The meeting of the Slovenian Women’s Union was held at the residence of Mrs. Edward Golla, with Ann Michelich as cohostess. "Minnesota Zveza Day” will be held in Keewatin this year on September 13th Plans are under way for the big event as we expect about 300 friends and members to attend from all parts of Minnesota. The day’s schedule includes: 10 a. m. Registration and a coffee hour at K-N gymnasium. 11:00 a. m. State Convention in the K-N gymnasium. Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, of Ely, State President, will preside. 12 noon Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at St. Mary’s curch. celebrated by Father Marincel and Father Perkovich. Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. Our deepest sympathy to Margaret Doherty on the loss of her beloved brother. We extend our best wishes and congratulations to Kenneth Cacich on winning the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship. May you continue to have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures. September birthdays: Matilda Cacich, Marie Gaspar (Paw Paw, Mich.), Mary Hecimovich, Mary Matosicli, Mary F. Mundger, Mary Perkovich (9Gth Musk.), Manda Spehar, Kate Starcevicli, Anna Tumpich, and Caroline Vukasovich. Our condolences to Ann Granich on the loss of her beloved brother Peter in California. On a more cheery note, I envy Regina Buchanan who is vacationing in Hawaii. In conclusion, have a pleasant summer and hope to see you all of you at our September 2nd meeting. God bless you all and take care. Mildred James No. 102, Willard, Wis. On June 4th, members of Br. 102 entertained the Historical Society of Clark County. More than a hundred visitors were present. The main event of the evening was Slovenian singing by the choir. Mr. and Mrs. John Staut, dressed in national costumes, escorted the people in the hall. Various members displayed articles from their native land, Slovenia. The members served delicious Potica and home-made Klobase. Frank Parlz and Patti Artac furnished music during the luncheon. Elsie Perko, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich Meeting was opened with prayer. Pauline Adamic was hostess. There were 18 members KEEWATIN SEPT. I3TH 1 p. m. Banquet in Father Frederick Hall. Mrs. John Mestnik will be the toastmistress. Our Spiritual Advisor, Father Mc-Enery, who has faithfully served us for 17 years has gone into retirement. We wish Father McEnery the best of health and happiness in the future which he so richly deserves. Our new Spiritual Advisor will be Father Marincel. All the members of our branch wish to send their best wishes to Mrs. Mary Kolar (Reporter) who has been confined to the Hibbing General Hospital for three weeks. We hope to see all of you in Keewatin on Minnesota Zveza Day. Mark the date down on your calendar, September 13, “Zveza” Day in Keewatin.” Clem Bolf, Reporter In Memory of Mrs. Frances O’Block Mrs. O’Block was born on February 14, 1880, in Grahovo pri Cerknici in Slovenia. She came to America in 1900, married Gregor O'Block shortly thereafter. They became the parents of 8 children: Frances H., Anthony E., Frank J., Vincent, Ignatius, Paul, Henry and Josephine Podobnik. They lived in Center, Pa., ever since. The entire family still lives in the vicinity, the eldest son being mayor of Plum Borough. She is also survived by 26 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Each of our members of No. 96 will remember her in our prayers and in our memory so long as we live. Her wonderful advice has helped many women and many, many younger women to a better life. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace through the mercy of God. Member of Br. 96., Universal, Pa. present. Everyone enyojed the delicious food Pauline served. Katherine Music read the thank you notes received from Julia Pan-zica and Stephanie Ilometz. Sorry to report that Josephine Kriser passed away. Our deepest sympathy. Gail Simon won the door prize, a lovely cometic mirror on a stand. Nice seeing you, Mary Zimmerman. Betty Karas and Mary Zimmerman gave an extra donation to the kitty. Thanks, ladies. IN LOVING MEMORY MRS. LOUISE KERNZ Charter Member of Branch 89, Oglesby, 111. Mrs. Kernz was born April 17, 1887 at Bela Cerkev, Slovenia, daugh-of Frank and Mary Fabancich Ger-govich. She married Frank Kernz, May 24, 1909 at St. Roch’s church in LaSalle, 111. He preceded her in death in 1964. Surviving are two sons, Frank Jr. of Oglesby and Joseph of Perrys-burg, Ohio; five daughters, Mrs. Louise Bennett of Ottawa, 111., Mrs. Eunice Supan of Peru, 111, Mrs. Caroline Widmar of DePue, 111., and Mary at home. Nineteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren also survive. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Alice in 1941. We pray for the beloved departed Mrs. Louise Kernz and may she rest in peace. We all liked the sharp dress Katherine wore with the slits on each side! Next meeting will be Sept. 27th at the home of Fulvia Rosa. Let’s mark that date on the calendars, ladies. Happy Birthday to the following for July and August: Pauline Adamic, Ann McGee, Angeline Yev-tich, Betty Karas, Gail Simon, Rose Jamnik and Donna Stackfish. Wishing everyone a joyful and safe summer; God bless all. See you in Sept. Frances Seman, Reporter WORK “EASY” You can take your choice, you know — work hard or work easy. A father taught his daughter that lesson long ago, and it was not the advice usually given to young people. She had a big basketful of ironing to do and commented that she did not know whether to start right in on the white shirts and get them done and still have all the rest of the ironing to do, or if it would be better to start with easy things and then end up with those white shirts staring her in the face. The father said: “Well, I am of the school of thought that it is better to do the easy things first and continue to do the easiest thing that is left to do; then when you get to the shirts, they are the easiest things and that way you have not done anything hard at all. Of course some people think it is better to tackle the hard thing first and get it done and then to do the next hardest thing and so on, but in either case you end up getting it all done and one of you has been doing easy things all day and the other the hard things." The daughter always remembered that advice. The same daughter a year or so ago went to the dentist. She was having some dental work done. The dentist commented that he did not know whether it would be better first to tackle the inlay that had to be replaced or to leave that until after and get some of the little filling done first. She told him he could take his choice: go through life always doing the hard thing, or always doing the easy thing. In either case he would always be tired out from working hard all day but if he should choose the latter way he would end up having had an “easy day.” Recently when she had an appointment with him, he commented to his new assistant that she had taught him a wonderful new philosophy of life that he was following the advice to work “easy” and life was easier for him and that he had also passed on the idea some of his colleagues and they had founded it good. Give it a little thought and then take your pick. Decide now whether you want to go through life working hard or if it would not be better to “work easy.” CLEVELAND COMBINED BRANCHES Now that the Convention is over, we must get busy on some new business. I know some branches recessed over the summer, but I hope this time was spent thinking up some new ideas for the future. It was a very exciting Convention and of course, much work was done to prepare for it. It all turned out just fine and I am sure the delegates will agree their meals were superb. I am grateful to all. The Euclid Committee worked very hard especially on the Night in Slovenia. We all had our own part and did our best. The events in Euclid were my headache and with everyone’s cooperation, I was so glad It was a success. How did you like the Community Singing? Wasn’t it fun? I think we started something and others are going to do the same thing. I would like to congratulate Frances Sietz for doing such a good job on organizing the lovely Cotillion Ball. It was just beautiful and I am sure all will agree with me. This involved a lot of hard work and Fran and her co-chairman, Jane Novak had reaped great results. Everyone will long remember the first Slovenian Cotillon. I know all members are very grateful to Fran BOG DAJE RAST Danes živimo v čudnem svetu. Veliko stvari gre mimo nas kakor bežna filmska slika. Ker se vse tako hitra razvija, je mnogo stvari, ki jih ne razumemo. Od tod tudi nerazumevanje mladine in sprememb v družabnem življenju. Neki oče in mati sta prišla k duhovniku in mu takole potožila: “Tako vestno sva vzgajala svojega sina v krščanskem duhu, toliko dobrih naukov sva mu dala za na pot v življenje. Pa vse najine besede kakor tudi duhovnega voditelja in drugih dobrih ljudi so bile zaman. Zdaj je dvajset let star in živi življenje, ki ni v skladu z božjimi zapovedmi in kakor da bi mu nihče nikoli ne povedal nobene dobre besede.” Duhovnik jima odgovori: “Potolažite se, glejte božjo besedo, ki jo vseje duhovnik, starši, v srce mlademu človeku, lahko primerjamo semenu, ki ga kmet vseje jeseni v zemljo. Seme vsklije, pokaže se našim očem zelena njiva. Pride zima pa je navidezno vse zamrzlo. Pod snežno odejo vse počiva. Ko pa pride toplo pomladansko sonce in strga snežno odejo pa se se’ne znova oživi in zemlja poraja bilko, potem klas nato polno žita v klasu. — Tako včasih božja beseda vsajena v srca mlademu človeku od vzgojiteljev, počiva >od snežno odejo ošabnosti in brezbrižnosti. Ta snežna o-deja včasih dolgo leži. Zdi se staršem, da so v.-e njune beseda zaman. — Pa prisije nekega dr'* i»oi <■>* božje milosti in sin se spomni besed, ki so - v*i in drugi vsejali na njivo njegovega srca. Vrne :.i pravo pot in začne živeti po naukih, ki jih je t < „el v mladosti. Sonce božje milosti sigurno prisije, • < starši ne nehajo za svojega otroka moliti.” Starši, ki za svojega otroka molijo, mu zagotovijo božjo milost. Če molijo, se zavedajo, da je vse odvisno od Boga. In Bog, ki je obenem dober in vsemogočen bo odraslega sina, če tudi že do’go hodi po stranskih potih, pripeljal nazaj na 'pravo pot. Apostol Pavel piše Korinčanom o oznanjevalcih božje besede: nekateri sadijo, drur.i zalivajo, Bog pa daje rast. Vse je odvisno od tistega lii daje rast in to je Bog. Vsi, ki sejejo božjo b >: edo a!! jo zalivajo, naj zaupajo v Boga. Prosijo nn j ga: “O Bog, daj last semenu, ki smo ga vrgli na n'.o človeških src. Naj tvoja moč pusti semenu, da se lszvije v polno žito v klasu." Poglobljeni v I :o? ;< uotno tudi bolje razumeni čase v katerih živimo in spoznali božjo voljo tudi v teh zmedenih časih. to carrying through this idea which she proposed many months ago and then worked on so diligently. Also, we enjoyed the big Banquet at St. Vitus. The program was lovely and both church and hall arrangements were excellent. Our National President was responsible for this project, so as you see, there were actually three parts to this Convention, the Cotillion, at St. Vitus and at. Euclid. In conclusion, my heartfelt congratulations to our new National Officers. I especially wish good luck to Fran Sietz, taking over as Youth Director. I know Frances is a hard worker and will do all she can. Please all of you give her your cooperation. Also, to Liz Zefran in her new post as Treasurer and I know Liz will do a tremendous job. My very best wishes to the new National Secretary, Fanika Humar who took over a big responsibility which means so much to us all I wish her success and the best of luck. Also, best wishes to our Investment Secretary newly named, and that is Olga Ancel. I was very sorry to lose Albina Novak and Josephine Železnikar who are retiring from office. My most sincere wishes for good health to Albina and Josephlno. Hope all visitors and delegates had a safe trip home and God bless you all! Mary Bostian, State Pres. CONGRATULATONS STATE CONVENTIONS! Sincere wishes and congratulations to the following State Conventions to be held this month. Minnesota State Day will be held at Keewatin and presiding will be State President, Barbara Rosandich. Attending and representing Zveza will be our new National Secretary, Mrs. Fanika Humar of Chicago, 111. Present as well will be National Auditor Ann Podgoršek of Duluth. Colorado State Convention will be held at Canon City, Colo. State President, Anna Pachak will preside. Both these events are Sept. 13th. On the 20th, Wisconsin will meet at Milwaukee, Br. 43, presided by State President, Rose Kraemer. They also will celebrate their 40th Anniversary. Important Announcement September 9th, come all to Branch No. 1 Annual Card Party! It will be held at St. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Prizes and refreshments. September 20th, we will attend Wisconsin State Convention in Milwaukee. Host — Branch No. 43, celebrating its 40th Anniversary. September 27th, will be our regular monthly meeting. Please, come to this meeting since pictures from Slovenia will be shown. Margaret Fischer, Sec’y- Wishes to all for a very successful Convention and my heart shall be with you! Toni Turek, National President FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY 1970 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JULIJ 1970 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 94.20 162 63 2 208.10 349 193 3 154.35 265 170 4 8.00 13 — a 5 87.70 101 21 a 6 44.35 104 8 7 50.95 96 55 8 18.10 46 — 9 — 21 2 b 10 132.10 305 26 12 6G.90 164 58 13 57.85 112 18 14 151.15 200 52 15 101.G0 204 9 16 83.85 145 92 17 81.85 154 77 c 19 54.10 113 24 20 152.30 330 63 21 58.80 110 45 22 — 19 — d «\o CO 203.80 215 53 e 24 209.40 142 7G f 25 328.70 631 171 26 49.G5 108 19 27 24.35 44 3 2)8 88 00 75 15 a 29 10.75 25 5 30 9 h 31 82 "0 87 27 a 32 ir,.\40 137 73 e 33 123.70 197 151 24 18.50 36 6 3”» 32.35 55 37 37 — 21 1 b 2S 83.45 117 — e 39 40.GO 43 9 e 40 52.50 101 2 41 S1.39 201 30 ■12 22.65 48 — c 43 77.50 135 62 45 20.40 45 14 46 13.95 30 5 c 47 55.10 106 36 49 34 50 30 — g 50 290.75 213 93 e 51 21.00 15 g 52 31.10 52 19 54 28.55 57 40 55 27.05 55 9 o 56 39.65 91 6 57 40.10 67 25 58 — 29 2 61 — 6 — 62 — 25 — 63 48.60 92 22 64 35.50 45 2 e 65 41.20 45 25 e 66 32.30 59 21 67 40.70 68 9 68 40.55 61 21 70 — 14 3 d 71 59.20 119 36 72 — 25 — d 73 57.90 105 71 74 — 30 1 b 77 — 47 32 e 79 53.25 30 20 g 80 16.65 9 — f 861 14.40 29 — 83 8.80 17 — 84 66.85 52 3 h 85 37.30 40 2 e 86 12.40 22 — 88 51.15 57 8 e 89 20.50 71 22 90 18.80 41 16 81 29.20 48 11 92 15.05 23 2 93 24.60 58 2 94 — 14 7 95 114 30 181 24 96 23.95 47 — 97 7.25 15 — 99 5.95 16 — i 100 28.70 45 12 101 21.45 29 14 102 — 34 3 d 103 34.00 25 13 a 105 — 30 6 d 106 — 22 0 Total $4,880.25 8,024 2,3S0 Assessments paid: July and August a; paid to Dec. b; June c; paid in June d; June and July e; April, May, June f; July, Aug. Sept. g; June, July. August h; August i. DISBURSEMENTS IN JULY 1970 Death Claims paid to the following: Br. 1, Sheboygan, Joh. Radovan $100 00 Br. 2, Chicago, Mildred Raeske 100.01) Br. 2, Chicago, Magda Haidinjak 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, Ag. Peterlin 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, K. Kopushar 100.00 Br. 1G, So Chicago, Mary Dolores Raschke B 50.00 Br. 17, West Allis, Mary Kastelic 100.00 Br. 19,Eveleth, Anna Benchina 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Mary Jerman 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Ch. Blazelcovich 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, P. Zakrajšek 100.00 Br. 2G, Pittsburgh, Mary Coghe 100.00 Br. 27, Braddock, Mary Ivucic 100.00 Br. 27, Braddock, Cath. Barsic 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Mary Rabuze 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Lucija Romih 100.00 Br. 55, Girard, Mary Gabrovšek 100.00 Br. 74, Ambridge, Joh. Svegal 100.00 Br. 95, So. Chicago, Cv. Chorich 100.00 Zarja — The Dawn 2,0G1,30 Salaries — Plače 1,182.24 Administ.—Plače in dnevice 1,250.00 Traveling and per diems 980.15 Fuel, Water, Elect.-—Luč in voda 48.07 State tax deposit—državni davek 45.76 Rent—Najemnina 75.00 Actuary 20.00 Prispevek za socialno zavar. 56.76 Investment Bond—Investicija 10,000.00 Savings and Loan Investment Hranilana vloga 12,000.00 Accrued interest 17.50 Fidelity Bond 275.00 Miscelen.—Razno 237.29 Donations—Darila 25.00 Convention-—Konvencija 12.93 Office cleaning 10.00 Total INCOME IN Assessment Savings Divid. Bond interest Rent Cook Books income From Slovenia to America Books Savings withdrawals 30,147.00 JULY 1970 $ 4,880 25 915.29 891.87 169.00 2,000.00 7,301.26 35,000.00 51,157.77 Sav. with, and books assets - 42,936.35 Total new income in July 1970 8,221.42 Ledger balance June 30, 1970 527,922.06 536,143.48 Disbursements in July 1970 - 30,147 00 New investments paid in July 505,996.48 - 22,000.00 Ledger balance July 31, 1970: 527,996.48 Fanika Humar, Secretary In the February report, Branch 93 paid $24.80 which was omitted inadvertently. MARIE PRISLAND Dober dan! Upam, da ste imele prijetne počitnice! Ste zelo pogrešale zadnji mesec ZARJO, ki je tudi imela odmor in počitnice? Ko to pišem smo v takozvanih "pasjih dneh”, ko je globoko misliti težavna zadeva, zato bo ta rubrika pri-prosta in domača. Povedala bom, če vas zanima, kako so letos potekale moje počitnice, ki niso bile počitnice. Ne vem, kaj je s tem svetom, da smo čimdalje bolj "bizi”. Komaj opravimo eno delo, se pojavi drugo. De- lo za konvencijo, ki je trajalo tri mesece, se je končno uneslo. Bilo ga je več kot dovolj. Študirati, brati, pisati in presojati dodatke k pravilom, ki so jih podružnice poslale; združiti podružnice za skupno delegatko; sestaviti finančna poročila in konvenčne odbore; korospondenca z zavarovalninskim oddelkom in aktuarjem. — Delo je bilo zanimivo in z veseljem izvršeno. Po konvenciji sem šla h hčerki Hermini v Madison, Wis. da se udeležim graduacije mojih dveh vnukov. Bobby je graduiral iz univerze kot električni inženir, vnukinja Kati, ki večkrat kaj za mamico nariše za njeno gospodinjsko kolono LONCI in PONVICE, je graduirala iz višje šole. Bila sem tudi pri sinu v Evanstonu. Njegova hčerka Anica je na Yale univerzi, kjer je prejela šolnino v vsoti $2,400.00, napravila izpit, “Masters Degree”, za učiteljico zgodovine. Pričenši s prvim septembrom bo učila na kolegiju blizu mesta Geneva, v Švici. 14. junija sem se udeležila zlate poroke mojih dobrih prijateljev Jožeta in Josephine Erjavec v Jolietu. Dan pred to slavnostjo sem bila povabljena na dom g. Franka Gospodariča, prijatelja in dolgoletnega uglednega finančnega uradnika KSKJ. Frank je na sestanek povabil vse svoje nekdajne sošolce. Bilo jih je 110. Na krasnem vrtu njegovega doma je bil razpet velik šotor. Pod njim so se pri pogrnjenih in okrašenih mizah zabavali njegovi sošolci. Da ni manjkalo jedače in pijače, se razume. Pa godbo so imeli, ki je svirala priljubljene slovenske pesmi. Precej poznanih in ljubih znancev sem na tem sestanku srečala, med njimi prijatelja moje družine g. Johna Jevitza, bivšega nadzornika Gozdnih nasadov za jolietski okraj ter tocašnega tajnika občine Joliet. On je delaven društvenik ter splošno poznan, priljubljen in spoštovan, ker vsakemu rad pomaga. Da je John “fant od fare” je razvidno, ker je to pomlad bil uvrščen v ameriški seznam WHO IS WHO, kamor so sprejeti le zaslužni ljudje. Sprejmi naše čestitke, John! Njegova prijezna soproga Lottie je Zvezina članica. Ob tej priliki sem se sestala z gdč. Mary Gospodarič, učiteljico državljanstva in bivšo požrtvovalna delavko po zadnji vojni pri organizaciji UNRA. Pred več leti je o tem delu zanimivo predavala članstvu moje podružnice v Slieboyganu. Na Erjavčevi slavnosti je bilo z "ta veliko žlico". Štirje otroci in 13 vnukov je svoje ljube starše obkolilo ter jima čestitalo k zlati poroki. Veliko prijateljev se je udeležilo slavnostne maše v cerkvi Sv. Jožefa, v farni park, kjer je bila recepcija, je pa dospelo okrog GOO ljudi. Vse je prav fino izpadlo. Erjavčeva sta bila globoko ginjena videti toliko prijateljev in znancev, ki so jima prišli čestitati k 50 letnici poroke. Erjavčeva družina je splošno priljubljena in spoštovana ter je z Zvezo tesno povezana, saj je Josephine bila 13 let zelo aktivna glavna tajnica in direktorica treh mladinskih krožkov, njena hčerka Olga pa je bodoča tajnica za Zvezine investicije. V Imenu vseh 12,000 Zve-zinih članic Erjavčevim izrekam iskrene čestitke. Naj jima dobri Bog dodeli zdravje ter še prav mnogo zadovoljnih let! Ljubo mi je bilo pozdraviti odbornico jolietske podružnice. Veliko let požrtvovalno delajo in vodijo svojo, v vsakem oziru odlično podružnic. Srečala in pozdravila sem tudi mnoge članice, kar me je jako veselilo. Snidenje z našimi dobrimi članicami me vedno osreči. Vrnivši se iz Jolieta sem se ustavila v Zvezinem glavnem uradu, da smo uredile nekatere važne zadeve. Bližala se je seja domače podružnice in treba je bilo pripraviti obširno poročilo o konvenčnih sklepih, ker se naše članice zelo zanimajo za vse, kar se pri Zvezi godi. Za moj rojstni dan se je zbrala vsa moja družina. Dobro smo se imeli. Prisrčna hvala odbornicam, delegatkam in članicam, ki so mi poslala lepa in iskrena voščila za rojstni dan. Istotako lepa hvala mojim ožjim prijateljem in domači podružnici. Še vedno ugibam, kdo je bil tako prijazen, da se je potrudil izposlovati čestitke za moj rojstni dan, ki sta jih poslala predsednik Nixon in njegova soproga. Silno sem “firbčna”, kdo izmed mojih prijateljev ima v Beli hiši tak vpliv. Iskrena mu zahvala! Nekdo je bil tudi tako prijazen, da je knjigo FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA poslal predsedniku Nixonu. Njegova osebna tajnica, Rose Mary Woods, je pošiljko potrdila ter pristavila, da se predsednik jako zanima za narodnosti, iz katerih izhaja ameriško ljudstvo, zato bo naša knjiga zanimiv prispevek predsednikovi knjižnici. — Neznanemu prijatelju (prosim, naj se javi), iskrena zahvala za storjeno uslugo. Imela sem večdnevni obisk sorodnice, profesorice na Northwestern universi v Evanstonu. Priscilla Walton je bila rojena v državi Pom, izšolana za učiteljico v Californiji, nato je bila načelnica 32 deklet, katere je vodila kot delavka za “Peace Corps” v državo Peru. Po dveh letih se je vrnila v Ameriko, se poročila in zdaj oba z možem poučujeta na Northwestern univerzi. Koncem meseca julija je v glavnem uradu bil sestanek odbora direktoric. Poslovile smo se od bivših uradnic ter pozdravile nove. Prejšna glavna tajnica sestra Albina Novak se lepo zdravi in istotako tudi bivša glavna blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar. Iskreno želimo, da bi se jima zdravje utrdilo, da bi se še mnogo let veselile svojih družin in Zvezinega napredka. Poslovile smo se tudi od naše dobre delavke sestre Mary Otoničar, kij je obljubila biti aktivna še mnogo let; dejstvo, ki ga iz srca pozdravljamo! Vidite, moje počitnice so bile kar zaposlene. Pa hudo vročino smo imeli. Naše veliko, lepo mišlgansko jezero nas navadno vročine varuje, letos pa tudi jezero ni pomagalo. Vročina je bila kar naprej. Večkrat je toplomer prilezel na 95 st. in celo više. To je vseeno prevroče! Mar bi no bilo lepo, če bi se dalo nekaj vročino prihraniti za mesec januar ali februar, ko nas trese mraz? — Gotova sem, da tudi vi mislite tako! SLAVNOSTNI KONVENČNI BANKET V DVORANI SV. VIDA 15 redna konvencija SŽZ se je pričela s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Vida v Clevelandu, ki je največja slovenska fara v Ameriki. Po maši je bil veliki banket v šentvidski dvorani, na kateri je mladi fotograf ujel nekaj posnetkov za spomin na ta dokodek. Na gornji sliki urednica Zarje Corinne Leskovar predstavijo častne goste. V ospredju je gl. preds. Toni Turek in častna preds. Marie Prisland. Na desni sliki je ugledni sodnik August Prijatelj med krasnim govorom, ki je povdaril zasluge naše organizacije in Slovencev pri gradnji boljše bodočnosti. Odlična godba Veseli Vandrovci so prijetno zabavali goste s poskočnimi slovenskimi polkami in valčki. Na glasbenem programu je poznana solistka, Carolyn Budan sprejela prisrčno odobravanje za njeno izvrstno izvajanje Zormanove “Oj večer je že". Naše članice zbora DAWN so enako bile deležne velikega aplavza ubrano petje pod vodstvom g. Frank Gorenšek. Mešani zbor zbora KOROTAN, je zaključil nepozabni pevski del sporeda z izrednim uspehom. Posebno je vžgal tudi nastop 10 mladih parov v slovenskih narodnih nošah, plesne skupine KRES, Ki so predvajali staroslavne slov. plese, med nji- Novoizvoljena glavna tajnica, Fanika Humar je slikana z njenim soprogom Dr. Leopoldom Humarjem ter bivšo gl. nadzornice, Mrs. Mary Otoničar, ki je tudi taj. št. 25, največje Zvezine podružnice. ☆ mi je posebno ugajala slovenska kmečka ohcet. Priljubljeni slovenski šaljivec, g. Božo Pust, je spravil celo dvorano v razigrani smeh in dobro voljo. Urednica bT- VITUS auditorium gymnasium Tradicionalna URNA NEŽKA (Ann Rebolj, št. 41), je bila deležna velike pozornosti zaradi posebne staroslavne nošnje in košarice polne kruha in klobas. Izgovorila se je, da se je izgubila, toda njen nastop je vse spomnil na prvo Urno Nežko, ki- se je udeležila vseh Zvezinih konvencij in zabavala zborovalke. Zapisnik 15 Redne Konvencije Slovenske Zenske Zveze . / dne 24. do 27. maja, 1970 V zadnji številki so bili objavljeni konvenčni sklepi in sedaj nadeljujemo s poročili gl. odbornic. POROČILO GLAVNE PODPREDSEDNICE Rev. Claude Okorn, glavne delegatke, članice in gostje! Iskreno vas vse skupaj pozdravljam! Prvo se želim zahvaliti lconvenčnemu odboru in vsem područnicam, ki so omogočile naše bivanje tukaj ter ga napravile prijetnega in nepozabnega. Kotiljonski ples in spored sta bila nad vse prijetna. Vedno strmimo vnaprej, ko se na naši konvenciji sestanemo in obnovimo stara ter napravimo nova prijateljstva. V resnici sl štejem v čast in zadovoljstvo, da se srečamo z največjim pričakovanjem, da bomo uspešno dovršile delo, ki nam ga nalaga naša Slov. Ženska Zveza, ki nas naj vodi k višjim ciljem; ne le povečati naše vrste, ampak tudi zadovoljiti naše dosedanje članstvo. Obiskala sem državno konvencijo 1967, ki se je vršila v Milwaukee. Gostiteljica je bila podružnica št. 12, ki je tudi proslavljala svojo 40 letnico. Podr. št. 17 v West Allis je tudi imela svoj dan s proslavo iste obletnice v letul9G8. Tudi državni dan v Willard, Wis. sem obiskala. Vsi ti državni dnevi in pojedine so vedno velik u^pel' in je zadovoljnost videti avtobuse prihajati od vseh b-> sednih podr. da se pridružijo slavnosti svoji sosed. Ti stestanki so zelo koristni za povezavo med podružnicami in za izmenjavo mnenj v korist organizacije. Podružnice stalno rastejo in imajo zelo razgibano članstvo. Čestitam vsem državnim predsednicam, ki opravljajo čudovito delo. Zvezin dan v Lemontu je vedno uspešen. Z bližnjimi in oddaljenimi romarcami se je veselje srečati. Taki dnevi snidenja so vedno še dolgo ohranjeni v naših spominih. Različne aktivnosti naših žena po celi Ameriki, nam pokažejo, da moremo uspevati na mnogih področjih. Kampanje za novo članstvo so bile v preteklosti vedno uspešne in je zadovoljstvo vedeti, kolike podružnice vedno sodelujejo. Čestitam vsem, za dobro opravljeno delo. Najboljše želje in čestitke izrekam clevelandski Kraljici Ann Hočevar iz podr. 50., Faniki Humar podr. 2, Chicago; Theresi Škur podr. 14, Euclid in Ann Lustig, podr. IG, Chicago in vsem, ki so pomagale pri tem delu. “From Slovenia To America” knjiga, ki jo je napisala ga. Prisland, zasluži veliko pohvalo. Je izredno dobra knjiga, ki slika preteklost naše kulture in nošnje naših ljudi in bo cenjena od naših slovenskih potomcev. Čestitam ga. Prisland! Priznanje ge. Prisland in Albini Novak za na novo pregledano kuharsko knjigo “Women’s Glory—The Kitchen” z vsemi priljubljenimi slovenskimi recepti. Zgoraj omenjene knjige so prinesle ugled in prizanje Slov. Ženski Zvezi. Ne pozabimo Šolninskega sklada. Truda vreden program za naše mladino na katere ramenih sloni odgovornost in bodočnost narodov in organizacij. Denar, ki ga prispevate v ta namen, omogoči več njim do višje izobrazbe. Na zadnji konvenciji podvzeta akcija za kapelo v Washingtonu je bila popolnoma uspešna. Veliko priznanja in zahvale zaslužita gl. predsednica Antonia Turek in njen mož Frank za delo, ki sta ga opravila. Kakšen uspeh za nas Slovence! Bila sem počaščena in srečna, da sem obiskala toliko prireditev Slov. Ženske Zveze skozi leta in delovala z odličnimi uradnicemi, ki jim je organizacija res pri srcu. Žal mi je, da gl. blaganjničarka Josephine Železnikar ni mogla priti na konvencijo, ker je bolna. Vem, da je z nami v duhu in mogoče bo mogla prisostvovali prihodnji konvenciji. Rada bi napravila poklon tudi glavnim uradnicam, ki so odlično opravljale svoje delo skozi leta. Naj vas Bog obdari in ohrani še mnoga leta. Vsem, prav vsem, posebej pa še našemu duhovnemu vodji prav velik—Hvala! Upajmo, da se bomo vse trudile za uspešno konvencijo. Moramo biti iskrene v naših mislih in dejanjih, gledati v bodočnost, kako izboljšati našo organizacijo. Če moramo narediti nekaj sprememb, jih bomo naredile za izboljšanje in pojačanje Slov. Ženske Zveze. S spoštovanjem, Marie A. Fyoryan Na predlog Josephine Sumic in potrjeno od Josephine Livek poročilo sprejeto,, kot prebrano. POROČILO UREDNICE Ob priliki, ko obnavljamo naša prijateljstva in pripravljamo poti po kateri naj nadalje hodi Slov. Ženska Zveza, bi rada govorila o našem mesečniku Zarji. V letu 19G7 nas je stalo tiskanje Zarje $18,942.86 v letu 19G8 smo zmanjšale obseg in so stroški padli na $17,409.09 lani smo z nadaljnim krčenjem spravile stroške na $15,895.42. To leto smo že izdale pet mesečnikov in samo en mesec May je bil razširjen na 32 strani. To objavljam zato, da bi spoznale, da vse poskušamo, da bi zmanjšale stroške, ki nam pretijo z vseh strani. Čutimo, da nam dosedanja tiskarna daje najnižje možne cene in zato priporočam, da bi ostale pri njih še v bodoče. Obseg Zarje bom skušala držati na minimum, da bi se stroški ne povečali. Predlagam da bi opustile tiskanje enega mesečnika s tem pa prihranile najmanj en tisočak. Ni mi treba povdariti, da bi to dalo urednici en mesec dopusta, ker bi prvič v osemnajstih letih, od kar sem jaz urednica, bil opuščen en mesečnik. Odločitev o tem predlogu prepuščam vam. Na tem mestu, ml dovolite, da se zahvalim našim dopisnicam za prispevke, kateri mnogo pomenijo za Zarjo. Lahko ste prepričane, da je v vsakem članku skritega mnogo truda in bi brez njih Zarja ne uživala take priljubljenosti, kot jo izraža mnogo zvestih bravk. Se strinjam, da moramo obdržati stvari organizacijskega značaja v Zarji, a tudi trdno verjamen, da bi mogle razširiti prispevke za naš ženski svet. Glavni moj problem je, bi se dopisnice držale termina. Ko bi se jaz držala samo dopisov, ki so prispeli pravočasno, bi bile zelo razočarane nad Zarjo. Prosim vas pomnite, kako važno je za ves potek, da prejmem prispevke pravočasno. Spremembe naslovov so vedno pravočasno dani v tiskarno in zahtevajo mnogo časa vsaki mesec ter stanejo denar. Vsaka sprememba naslova nas stane 30«!, če se nam vrne le en izvod. Ker pa vse ne sporočijo naslova, nam vzame mnogo truda, da ugotovimo pravilen naslov in stroški se povečajo. Splošno znan je problem s pošto, ki tudi nam ne prizanese. Imele smo resne probleme z dostavo mesečnika in se ne zdi, da bi šlo kaj na bolje v bodočnosti. Mnoge podružnice so spremenile svoje seje, da bi jih do takrat Zarja dosegla. Sestale se bomo z odborom za Zarjo ln vse te probleme reševale. Sledi denarno poročilo. (Vidi v angleškem delu zapisnika). Corinne Leskovar Na predlog Margaret Fager in potrjeno od Mary Gornik poročilo sprejeto kakor prebrano. 182 ZARJA—TI IR I1AWN POROČILO DIREKTORICE ŽENSKIH AKTIVNOSTI IN DRŽ. PREDSEDNICE IN Dl AN A-l LLINOIS Rev. Duhovni Vodja, odbornice in delegatke! Državna konvencija Ind.-Ill. se je vršila letno obiskana od podružnic. Bile smo razočarane, ker nismo imele boljše zastopane podružnice. Naše bodoče konvencije bi se naj vrstile po številčnem redu; na vrsti so podr. št. 20, 2-1 itd. Tako bomo obiskale vse podružnice in napravile konvencije bolj pomembne. Kegljaške tekme so se vršile v Clevelandu, Oglesby, 111. in Chicago, 111. Leta 1971 se bo tekma vršila v Sheboygan, Wis. Poskusimo vse sodelovati: Naša liga št. 2 sestavlja 50 kegljačic in tudi Športni klub je aktiven, sestane se vsaki mesec in pomaga podružnici starejših na več načinov. Odgovarjala sem vsakomur, ki je vprašal za nasvet, kako pridobiti sredstva in informacije so bile objavljene tudi v Zarji. V naši podružnici smo ponosne na intenziven program, ki vključuje odrasle in mladinske aktivnosti. Na zadnji materinski proslavi smo imele čez 100 ljudi pri sv. maši in 75 v dvorani za program in zakuski. Vse so bile obdarovane. Elizabeth Zefran Predlog, naj se poročilo v celoti sprejme, je dala Frances Sietz potrdila pa Josephine Livek. DIREKTORICA MLADINSKIH AKTIVNOSTI Drage odbornice in delegatke! Moje poročilo je bilo v zadnji Zarji, a bi vas vseeno rada vspodbudila, da bi našle poti do mladih ljudi, jih privabile, vsaka podružnica pozna svoje člane najbolje in kaj je mogoče zanje storiti. V mojem ocenjevanju ni izgovora, da bi mladina ne mogla biti pri čem udeležena. Pričnite z delom in same boste že uživale sadove tega dela z mladino. Mary Bostian Na predlog Mildred Poropat je poročilo bilo sprejeto in od Antonie Štoltar potrjeno. Sledila so poročila državnih predsednic. Bilo je pojasnjeno, da bodo vsi predlogi in nasveti predloženi od državnih predsednic, ki bodo izražali želje podružnic, dobili vso pozornost in upoštevanje pri odgovarjajočih lconvenčiih odborih in ti bodo razpravljali vsa predložena vprašanja. POROČILO DOPISNICE O GOSPODINJSTVU IN TAJNICE ŠOLNINSKEGA SKLADA Zame je užitek prisostvovati 15. konvenciji SŽZ. v resnici sem hvaležna ge. Turek in odboru za povabilo. Je res poseben dogodek, ker tukaj istočasno sodelujeta tudi moja mati in sestra. Moje in ponve poročilo je o mojim najljubšem prispevku: "Lonci in ponve”. Sem radovedna, koliko od vas bere ta prispevek? (Vse roke so se dvignile?) Koliko od vas včasih preiskusi recepte? Koliko od vas je prineslo kake recepte? Hvala vam za vse to! Za tiste od vas, ki ste prinesle recepte, jih prosim vrzite v tale nabiralnik, ki ga je zato pripravila moja hčerka Kathy. Če imate stare družinske recepte doma, mi jih, prosim, pošljite! Prosim napišite vse podrobnosti (naj bo posoda pokrita, ali odkrita, temp. pečice, čas pečenja i. t. d.) Podrobnosti, kakor dodatki in sestavine lahko povzročijo, da je recept dober, ali ne. Primer uspešnega recepta je bil Potica Cake objavljeno pred 10 meseci od Antonie Gornik, mame ge. Turek, ki živi v Chisholm, Minn. Mnogo pohvalnih pisem je prispelo, ker je potica tako dobrega okusa in sočna. Vsak predlog, ali vprašanje je dobrodošlo. Moje drugo poročilo pa zadeva tajništvo odbora Šol-ninskega sklada. V tem odboru so tudi Ga. Prisland, predsednica in ga. Turek ter ga, Albina Novak. Sem prepričana, da veste, da imajo nekatere naše članice zelo nadarjene otroke. Precej naših graduantov je v kategoriji 3.75, 3.G4 ali 3.5 akademskega ocenjevanja in to je precejšen uspeh. To so res odlični dijaki z veliko zmožnosti in talentov poleg marljivosti. Od naše zadnje konvencije 1967 je prejelo devet di- jakov štipendije; vsak po $200.00. (Berite njihova imena v angleškem delu zapisnika). Rada bi vas opomnila, da bodo prošnje veljavne, če bodo: 1. Končujejo zadnje leto high school in se pripravljajo za višji študij; 2. So vsaj dve leti člani SŽZ. Moški študentje, katerih matere so vsaj eno leto članice in v slučaju materine smrti, če je stara mati ali sestra naša članica vsaj eno leto. 3. V potrebi finančne pomoči, da bi mogel obiskovati priznano univerzo, ali college; 4. Akademsko sposoben in 5. Vsi potrebni papirji morajo biti poslani meni ne pozneje, kakor 31. marca; G. Člani iste podr. ne morejo dobiti štipendije dve zaporedni leti, kar pomeni: če je en član prejel podporo letos, je ne more prejeti tudi drugo leto, pačpa lahko vloži prošnjo naslednje leto. Te šolske podpore so odvisne samo od naših prispevkov. V Zarji je bilo objavljeno, da bi prinesle ročna dela, katere tukaj prodamo in skupiček je namenjen šolninskemu skladu. Bile ste zelo velikodušne! Krasna ročna dela so tukaj razstavljena na prodaj, darovana od delegatk. Iskrena vam hvala! Kakor je ga. Prisland poročala, je bila največ darovala ga. Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo. Zaradi njene dobrote, bo ena pomoč letos imenovana po darovalki. Dr. Adolph Žnideršič iz Clevelanda, Ohio je daroval $500.00 v zadnjih devetih mesecih v zahvalo, ker je tudi on prejel to pomoč, ko je bil študent medicine. Tudi po njem bo imenovana ena štipendija. Za pregled naših pravil, je bil imenovan poseben odbor od strani naše predsednice. Sestanek bo jutri in vašii predlogi bode dobrodošli. Sedaj pa z veseljem objavljam imena, ki so bila letos izbrana, da prejmejo pomoč SŽZ in izbrana po Šolnin-skem odboru: Miss Ann Marie Oblak, št. 54, Vienna, Ohio (Pachak Scholarship), Robert J. Sever, št. 29, Vandling, Pa. (Žnidaršič Scholarship); Kenneth Cacich No. 95, So. Chicago, Miss Kathleen Ann Cooke št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Moje prepričanje je, da vspodbujamo in pomagamo našim mladim ljudem do višje izobrazbe. Hvala vam! Hermine Dicke Na predlog Ant. Možina je bilo poročilo sprejeto in potrjeno od Jeanette Killoran. Ta poročila še spadajo k zapisniku konvencije, ki je bil objavljen v prejšnji številki Zarje. F. Humar, zapisnikarca POSVETITEV SLOVENSKE KAPELE V AMERIŠKEM NARODNEM SVETIŠČU V WASH INGTON U, D. C. Dolgotrajne stavke tu in v Evropi, ki so zadržale izgotovitev in dostavo marmornatih plošč in vložkov, so zakasnile gradbena dela v narodnem svetišču Brezmadežnega Spočetja v Washingtonu. Te ovire so sedaj mimo, Tako je odobru Sklada za slovensko kapelo, v sporazumu z ravnateljem narodnega svetišča, sedaj moč objaviti, da bo slovenska kapela, posvečena Mariji Pomagaj z Brezij, dograjena verjetno še pred koncem letošnjega leta, najkasneje pa na začetku prihodnjega leta. Slovesna posvetitev kapele, ki bo združena s spominsko proslavo dvanajst stoletij krščanske vere In kulture Slovencev, se bo vršila v dneh 14. in 15. avgusta, 1971. Upamo, da bo to zgodnje oznanilo omogočilo, da se bo tega svetovnega slavja slovenskega krščanskega izročila — ki bo simbolizirano v spominski slovenski kapeli v ameriškem narodnem svetišču v Washingtonu — udeležilo kar največje število ameriških Slovencev in slovenskih romarjev iz Evrope in drugih delov sveta. Podrobnejša obvestila o programu in organizaciji po-svetitvenih slovesnosti ter navodila glede prijav in priprav za udeležbo bodo sledila. V Clevelandu, Ohio, 1. junija, 1970. ZA ODBOR SKLADA ZA SLOVENSKO KAPELO: Joseph J. Nemanich, Predsednik Frank J. Turek, tajnik Antonia Turek, blagajničarka, Ciril A. Žebot, Zastopnik zveznega odbora v Washingtonu DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Dne 21. maja, dan našega prihoda v Euclid, Ohio, nam bo ostal trajno v lepem spominu. Tega večera smo prišle, jaz in mojih 5 sopotnic pozno zvečer na clevelandsko postajo, kjer so nas že čakali Mr. in Mrs. Frank Turek ter Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Nemanich glavni preds. KSKJ. Vse ugledne osebnosti med Ameriškimi Slovenci. Ko smo dospeli na vlak v Chicagu, smo se takoj pozdravili z Mr. in Mrs. Kastelic in smo tako v lepi in veseli družbi skupno potovali v naše kon-venčno mesto. Iz postaje v Clevelandu so nas vse skupaj odpeljali na dom gl. preds. Tončke, kjer so nas vse pogostili z okusno večerjo. Vse prehitro je čas potekal, morali smo se posloviti in oditi proti hotelu, kjer jebil naš začasni dom. Upam, da se mi bo nudila priložnost, da bom vrnila prijazno gostoljubnost. Iz konvencije imam lepe vtise. Naša 15 redna konvencija se je pričela s slavnostnim banketom v slov. šentviški dvorani, kjer je bila zastopana celotna delegacija in ugledni predstavniki mnogih organizacij, a katerimi ima naša SŽZ prijazne zveze. Dnevi konvenčnih zoborovanj so se vršili v najlepšem redu. Antonija Turek, gl. preds. je lepo vodila seje. kot jih ona zna (God bless her), častna preds. Marie Prisland, je še vedno gibčna in živahna kot mlado dekle. Obe sta bile ena drugi v pomoč v konv. času. Tudi bivša gl. taj. Albina Novak, je bila na konv. in dobre volje, zadovoljna, da ji je bolezen dopustila biti med nami, ker amo jo željno pričakovale za osebne razgovore, katerih je bilo dovolj v njeni prijetni družbi. Pogrešale smo našo gl. blag., Josephine Železnikar, ki je zbolela ravno v konv. času. Co-rinne Leskovar, urednica Zarje, je i-niela obilo skrbi in je vse lepe skon-čala, da je konvenčno delo dobro teklo. Želimo, da naša SŽZ pomaga ohranjati med Slovenci v naši deželi slovensko besedo, da bo naša slov. skupnost še dolgo živela. Iz Canon City, Colo., je prišlo zapoznelo voščilo za uspeh konv. od št. 66, Christine Konte, preds. in Mary McFarland, sec’y. Royal George Circle in Branch 46 of Western Slavonic Ass’n, Christine Cingoranelli, Sec’y. Vse, ki smobile navzoče na 15 konvenciji, smo odnesle odlične vtise in upam, da bodo konvenčni sklepi rodili obilne sadove. Cleveland in Euclid sta privlačni mesti. Narava jih je ogradila z lepimi cvetlicami, zelenjem in krasnim drevjem. Ludje so prijazni in po-strežljivi. Dobre članice naše Zveze so nam nakuhale in napekle domačih dobrot, da smo vsi bili zelo zadovoljni. Posebno okusni so bili krofi in stru-delni, vse pripravljeno po pristnem slovenskem receptu. Hvala vsem, ki ste se tako gibčno vrtele po kuhinji. Poznala sem samo eno, to je Frances Klun. Bog živi naše vrle slovenske kuharice! Imam pa tudi žalostne novice. V času naše odsotnosti, je umrla usta noviteljica naše podr. Frances Mika-tich v častitljivi starosti. Zapušča šteevilno družino. Njeni otroci so ji bili dobri, posebno v bolezni. Tiho in mirno je bilo življenje matere, bridko občutijo težko ločitev in po-slenje slovo. (Hvala Frances Skul za vodstvo pogrebnih obredov.) Umrl je tudi sin William od Frances Cho-rak. V lepi mladosti je moral v prerani grob. — Smrti je podlegla tudi Jennie Vertovec. Njene hčerke so naše članice in ona je bila družabna čla. Poslovila se je kar na hitro od nas. — Gertrude Arthur in Katie Zunich, žalujeta za umrlo sestro Mary Lansig, katero je smrt rešila težkega trpljenja dolge bolezni. — Vsi žalujoči preostali sprejmite naše sožalje. Pokojnim pa večnega življenja dom. Ko to pišem je že dolgo bolana čla. Mary Stravje. Kar hitro jo je napadla bolezen, in ji želimo, da čim-prej okreva in zopet pride na naše seje, saj je prijazne družabne narave in vedno vneta za dobre namene. — Frances Repar je doma iz bolnišnice. Zgleda vsa mladostna, tako tudi Frances Raspet, ki se kar dobro počuti doma iz bolnišnice, kakor tudi Anna Slobodnik. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Pri delu v tovarni se je poškod-vala čla. Josephine Simonich. Bila je v bolnišnici pod zdravniško oskrbo. V maju je bil naš običajni Mother’s Day breakfast. Počastili so nas možje Holy Name društva, ki so nas postregli z okusnim kofetkom in drugimi dobrotami. Moje osebna zahvala za počastitev s sedežem pri glavni mizi. Preds. Antony Krasovich in Rudy Krasovich, kakor tudi ostali člani, so nam vedno v prijazno postrežbo za materinska dan. Iskrena jim hvala! čla. Anna Gradišer se je podala na obisk domovine Slovenije s skupino iz Clevelanda. Vsem izletnikom želim obilo zabave in srečni povratek. Toplo pozdravljene vse nove gl. uradnice SŽZ. Anna Pachak Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — Drage sosestre naše SŽZ! Po dolgem času se zopet malo oglašam. Sedaj imamo seje ob nedeljah ob dveh popoldne v navadnih prostorih vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu. Upam, da vas bo več prišlo na seje, da boste izvedle kako gre pri naši podružnici. Naša seja dne 14. junija je bila prav zanimiva. Najprej smo čestitale naši dolgoletni in pridni Millie Novak ob 50 letnici njene poroke. Čestitke tudi njenemu možu Tonetu. Upamo, da bosta oba še mnogo let srečna med nami. Ga. Komidar je slavljenki pripela lep šopek cvetlic. Čestitali smo tudi naši preds. Ani Markovič, ki je bila srečna, da je dobila prvo nagrado $100 na listke zadnje konvencije. Bila je zelo vesela in je darovala $10 v našo blagajno, $.10 v “good time” blagajno, $5 za šolnino za mladino. Lepa hvala, Anni©, želimo, da bi bila še velikokrat srečna. Vsem članicam se lepo zahvalimo, da so kupile listke za konvencijo, posebno še naši tajnici, ki jih je prodajala. Naše ltonvenčne delegatinje Mary Camloh in Phyllis Chermely sta nam poročale o lepem poteku konvencije. Želim vsem novim glavnim odbornicam obilo sreče in uspehov polno delo v bodočnosti. Prav lepo je bilo videti ko so bila slovenska dekleta predstavljena skupno z njihovimi o-četi na sobotnem banketu. Ta dekleta so tretji rod naših rojakov. Potem so jih prevzeli mladi fantje. Vsi smo ponosni na jubilejno društvo. Slavnosteno kosilo in program v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu je tudi bilo izredno lep. Po okusnem kosilu, smo u-živali prelepo slovensko petje in narodne plese. Dobro smo se nasmejali in razvedrili po dobrem kosilu. V juliju in augustu nismo imeli sej, zaradi počitnic. Vsem našim izletnikom in obiskovalcem domovine Slovenije želimo veselo potovanje in med tem časom so se večinoma že vrnili med nas. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo družini Pike, ki so izgubili ženo in mamico, mi pa dobro članico. Vse članice smo molile za pokoj njene duše. Naj in razvedrili. Vesele smo, da so se vrnile naše sodelavke, gospe Urbas in Lojzka Čebular, ki se jima je izboljšalo zdravje da so zopet prišle na sejo. Na seji je bila tudi moja sestrična Stanka Baraga, ki je tukaj na obisku iz Grahovega pri Cerknici v Sloveniji. Članice so jo lepo sprejele. Taj. Mary Camloh prosi tiste, ki še niso plačale asesmenta, da bi poslale, ker je že pol leta za nami. Vsem tistim, ki praznujejo rojstne dneve, želimo vse najbolje. Če je zdravje, vse drugo že samo pride. Vsem, ki ste na bolniških posteljah, pa hitro okrevanje. Sesterski pozdrav vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Sophie Magayna PRISRČNA ZAHVALA CLEVELANDSKIM IN EUCLIDSKIM PODR. ZA GOSTOLJUBNOST V imenu delegatinj naše podružnice se tem potem prisrčno zahvaljujem članicam in odbornicam kleveland-skih podružnic za prisrčni sprejem, za lepo urejeni program, za vse zabave in za vso izkazano ljubeznivost in gostoljubnost. Vse to bomo dolgo ohranile v nepozabnem spominu. Hvala tudi tajnici št. 41 in prejšni gl. odbornici Ella Starin za moni podarjeno darilo. Bog Vas vse skupaj blogoslovi in upam, da se kmalu zopet vidimo. Josephine Erjavec Št. 30, Aurora, Mil. — To poletje salo imeli precej dežja, celo preveč, kar ni dobro za vrtove. Neka žena ml je pripovedovala o farmarju, da ima farmo v nižini, pa je revež 4 krat koruzo sadil, ker mu je koruza v zemlji zaradi dežja segnila Uboji farmarji to leto! Pri tem pa še, če oni se pridelajo dovolj, pa je še vse dražje za nje in za mestne ljudi. Brala sem, da bodo davki še višji, kar vse zadene revne in delovne ljudi. Če bi jaz mogla, bi vzela veliko metlo in bi pometla po Washingtonu naprej ta veliki smeti in potem počistila, potem bi pa poslala ducat žen prav iz naše Zveze in povem Vam prav zagotovo, da ne bi zapravljale in pošiljale milijarde dolarjev v 10 tisoč milj oddaljeno Azijo, ampak bi jih porabile doma v naši deželi kjer je potrebno. Kako je pa tukaj? Za mene moram reči, da gre čas kar hitro naprej. Zdi se mi kot bi bila kake 4 mesece tukaj, pa jih je že 8. Ta dom ima res dobro ime tukaj in ljudje so dobri. Zadnji teden so prišle učiteljice iz North Aurora z o-troci prvega in drugega razreda, a pred zadnji teden so prišli otroci prezbiterijanske cerkve. Pa da ste slišali kako lepo so peli. Vprašala sem učiteljico kako dolgo Jih je u-čila, pa je rekla, da so se navdušeno učili, ker jim je povedala, da bodo šli v Jenning Terrace pet starim ljudem. Vsako nedeljo popoldne pride minister kake vere, da imajo svojo službo božjo. Vsak mesec pride tudi Salvation Army, ki ima tudi svojo pobožnost. Katoličani pa imamo vsak prvi petek v mesecu sv. mašo. Duhovnik pride od cerkve Marije Dobrega Sveta. Pobožnosti se vršijo v kapeli Vse vere spoštujem, ki z nami častijo enega Boga, a kadar imamo katoličani sv. mašo, se mi pa zdi, da je kar praznik. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Frances Kranjc ZA NOVO CERKEV V GROSUPLJU Grosupeljski župnik sporoča vsem rojakom, ki so bili rojeni v grosupeljski fari in vsem sosedom in pri-jatelem fare svetega Mihaela na Grosupljem, da bodo v kratkem pričeli z zidanjem nove cerkve. Grosuplje je v zadnih letih silno narastlo. Je že kar pravo mesto postalo. Vse je novo, moderno, le cerkev je pa še zmeraj tista stara, majhna. Za tako veliko faro je čisto premajhna. 40 let se že pripravlja in govori, da bo treba zidati novo cerkev, a, sedaj upajo, da se bodo dela v kratkem pričela. Seveda bo potrebno mnogo dela in žrtev ter prosijo tudi Ameriške Slovence za pomoč. Darila lahko pošljete direktno g. župniku v Grosuplje, ali pa Mr?. Josephine Erjavec, Joliet, 111. Konvenčna kraljica, Mrs. Anna Hočevar, članica podr. št. 50 iz Cleveland je bila posebno počaščena v teku konvenčnega banketa v dvorani Sv. Vida ob navzočnosti odbornic, delegatinj in številnih gostov. Za njeno neutrudno delo za napredek Zveze ji je bila izrečena prisrčna zahvala in poklonjena darila. Št. 32, Euclid, O. Smo v letnem času, ko vse govori samo o letnem dopustu. Nekateri so odpotovali v rojstno domovino, da preživijo svoje počitnice z dragimi domačimi v lepi Sloveniji, ostali sl pa privoščimo mirnega počitka v naši širni Ameriki. Mesec maj je bil za nekatere res napori mesec, zaradi dela v zvezi s 15. narodno konvencijo SŽZ. Moramo reči, da je res vse tako dobro uspelo, kot mora biti. V torek smo imeli slovenski dan ob Izredno veliki udeležbi. Naše dobre in pridne kuharice so pripravile okusno večerjo in seveda tudi urne natakarice so se gibčno vrtele pri njihovem delu, tako da je ljudstvo bilo čimprej postreženo s toplo in svežo hrano. Vsem skupaj prav lepa hvala. Posebno se pa moramo zahvaliti naši predsednici št. 22, Mary Boštjan, ki je imela vse to v oskrbi. Ona res zasluži posebno pohvalo za ves njen trud In delo, ki ga je imela za našo konvencijo v Euclidu. V bolnici so bile: T. Potokar, F. Klun, E. Sudan, F. Clapacs, G. Calta in M. Kos. Vse članice jim želimo hitrega zdravja. — Mož G. Boukovlc se nahaja v bolnici ln mu tudi želimo hitrega okrevanja. Naši dobri članici Mary Drobniclt je po kratki bolezni preminula njena zlata mama v lepi starosti 8G let v Ely, Mlnn. Draga mama, počivaj v miru Gospodovem — Tebi Mary, pa vse članice izrekamo globoko sožalje. Naša seja bo 1. sept. v istem prostora koto običajno. Vsem skupaj vesele počitnice in se vidimo na naših sejah. Prijatelski pozdrav vsem! Tončka Skvarča, poročevalka Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Že se nahajamo v drugi polovici poletja, pa nikamor ne pridemo z našimi idejami. Mislile smo, kaj vse bomo napravile pa se je vse drugače obrnilo. To letos je bila konvencija SŽZ v Euclidu in imela sem čast zastopati našo podr. št. 38. Po pravici povem, da sem bila zelo zadovoljna s celim potekom konvencije. Vse je bilo v najlepšem redu. Izvrstna postrežba, kuharice, kelnarice, lepi programi in zelo prijazni in vljudni ljudje. Vse bom ohranila v lepem spominu. Naj še pripomnim, da je na konvenciji vladala lepa sloga, tako od strani glav. uradnic, kakor od delegatinj. Žalostno je pa to, da smo zaradi slabega zdravja izgubile našo dolgoletno priljublejno gl. taj., Albino Novak. Druga je Josephine Železnikar, gl. blag., katero je tudi prizadelo slabo zdravje. Želimo vama ljubega zdravja. Tretja je Mary Otoničar, gl. nadzornice, ki se je odpovedala. Seveda vse t.e so nadomeščene z novimi. Naj izrečem vsem omenjenim iskreno zahvalo. Vaše delo bo zabeleženo v arhivih Zveze in Ameriške Slovenije, da ste bile izvrstne uradnice in skrbne delavke za SŽZ. Bog Vas živi! Konvenčni sklep so priobčeni v Zarji. Med drugim je bilo sklenjeno, da dolgi dopisi niso zaželjeni. Razne podrobnosti lahko odpadejo. Bilo je tudi sklenjeno, da bodo dopisi priobčeni en mesec v angleščini, drugi mesec pa v slovenščini. Meni se zdi, da je tako prav. Katera ima še dober vidi, lahko bere, pa naj bo to v slov. ali angl. jeziku. V maju smo izgubili dve članice: Mary Puhek, ki je bila rojena v Dolenji vasi pri Ribnici v Sloveniji. Bila je naša dolgoletna članica in zapušča 4 sinove in hčerko, ki jo vsi zelo pogrešajo. Bog ji bodi milostljiv, družini pa naše sožalje. Draga smrtna žrtev pa je bila Mary Rabuse, ltl je živela pri hčerki v Michiganu. Ko smo Izvedele za njeno smrt, je žal že bila pokopana tukaj v Buhl, Minn. Zapušča 2 sinova in hčer. Bila je dobra članica. Bog ji daj mirni počitek in družini naše sožalje. Z zdravjem članic je pa tako kot povsod: ene so malo boljši, ne velja reči, da je katera prav zdrava. Sedaj je naša preds. Frances Hren morala v Duluth na očesno operacijo. Upamo, da boš prav fajn videla, ko boš zopet na domu. Naša prihodnja seja bo v sept. to je 2. v S. N. H. Bomo skušale pripraviti malo zabave. Lep pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam ln vsem članicam SŽZ. Anna Trdan, taj. blag. Br. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 22 33 34 35 37 28 39 4« 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 61 Gl G2 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 77 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 Assessment Adults Juniors $ 94.20 160 61 209.25 255 191 154.60 267 1G8 — 13 — a — 102 21 44.35 104 8 50.85 95 57 — 47 — — 21 2 b 134.15 308 26 68.25 167 59 58.10 112 18 153.40 305 52 — 206 9 84.50 146 91 82.00 155 77 55.10 115 24 153.55 332 G3 57.30 109 40 18.70 19 — c 101.45 216 52 — 142 76 341.75 634 171 50.15 108 19 — 46 3 43.90 75 14 10.75 25 5 — 9 — b — 89 27 a 78.60 135 78 123.95 198 151 — 32 6 32.35 55 37 — 21 1 b 43.15 120 — 20,40 44 9 53.75 101 2 81.80 202 30 — 48 — — 133 65 20.65 45 14 14.05 30 5 — 103 33 34.25 30 — d — 211 88 21.00 15 — 32.45 52 19 — 58 40 27.80 57 4 39.90 92 G 39.65 66 35 — 29 2 a — 6 — — 26 — 49.40 92 22 — 45 — a — 44 25 — 59 21 40.70 68 9 40.35 61 19 — 14 3 b 59 20 119 36 9.65 25 — 57.90 105 71 — 30 1 b 22.65 47 22 53.85 31 o 20 d — y 29 9.50 18 22.50 53 3 18.65 40 2 — 22 — a 88 — 54 9 89 30.95 72 22 90 18.80 41 16 91 — 51 12 92 15.05 23 2 93 49.20 58 2 94 — 14 7 95 113.GO 181 24 95 112 60 — e 9G — 47 — 97 7.25 15 — 99 6.20 16 — 99 6.20 — — f 100 28.70 45 12 101 21.45 29 14 102 — 31 3 a 103 17.20 26 13 105 18.35 30 6 106 13.15 22 3 Total $3,474.20 8,058 2,370 Assessment pd. in March a; b pd. in Jan.; c pd, in April and May; d paid in April, May, June; e paid March; f paid May. Disbursements in April, 1970 Death claims paid to the following: Sledeče smrtnine so bile izplačene: Br. 1, Sheboygan, A. Schustar $100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, F.Petkovsek 100.00 Br. 14, Euclid, Mary Cervan 100.00 Br. 14, Euclid, Anna Perko “B” 200.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, L. Vatovec 100.00 Br. 17, West Allis, Jennie Zalar 100 00 Br. 20, Joliet, A. Slmunovich 100.00 Br. 21, Cleveland, Julia Chesnlk 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Ana Hren 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Rose Polashak 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Jos. Polis 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Mary Margo 100 00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Louise Pyliclc 100.00 Br. 45, Portland, P. Markovich 100.00 Br. 62,Conneaut, Madeline D. Galliazzo “B” 250.00 Br. 74, Ambridge, Jen. Uhemilt 100.00 Br. 84, New York, S. Guardia ‘B’ 150 00 Br. 93, Brooklyn, Jen. Kovacich 100.00 Zarja—The Dawn April issue 1,941.52 Salaries of Officers 1,182.24 Administration expenses 300.00 Insurance Department Fees 427.00 Electricity, Fuel and Water 38.13 Federal O. A. Benefit 5G.76 Real Estate Tax 315.25 Building Repairs 352 45 Rent 75.00 Actuarial Expense 20.00 Main. Cleaning 30.00 Miscell. 117.75 Witholding Tax 45.76 Total $7,073.47 Income in April: Assessments 3,474.20 Interest on Bonds 554.95 Savings and Loans Interest 8.23 Rent 169.00 Total ' $4,206.38 Ledger bal, March 31, 1970 $529,447.34 Total income in April 4.20G 38 Total 543.G53.72 Total disbursements in April 7.073.47 Ledger bal. April 30, 1970 536,580.25 NOTE: Typographical error in last issue: Income In March, $7,457.52). Št. 41, Cleveland,Ohio — Iskreno čestitamo vs'.em novo In ponovno izvoljenim glavnim odbornicam naše organizacije Žeii uo jim najboljšega u-speha pri vodstvu naže Zveze. V domovino je za stalno odšla ses. Urška Ule. Želimo ji prijetno bivanje med sorodniki in najboljšega zdravja. Ses. Mary Yerak in soprog Tony, sta tudi odšla na obisk domovine. Želimo jima srečno po ovanje in zdrav povratek. V blagajno so darovale ses. Ann Videnšek, Justine Dermaša, Celia Wolf in Ann Herakovec. Vsaki posebej prav iskrena hvala. Meseca julija in avgusta ni bilo seje, toda pobirale smo članarino v navadnih prostorih. Vše katere ste zaostale s plačilo asesmenta, ste prošene, da istega čimprej mogoče poravnate. Vsem, katere godujete v tem mesecu iskreno čestitamo in vam želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih obletnic. Pridite vse na septembersko sejo! Vas iskreno pozdravljam, Ella Starin Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Na naši seji v mesecu juniju jo bila prav lepa udeležba. Delegatinja 15. redne konvencije SŽZ, ses. M. Kocian, je podala poročilo o poteku in sklepih konvencije, kar so članice odobrile. Vtem času ko to pišem imamo izredno vroče vreme, danes je celo 95 stopinj vročine. Imamo več članic bolanih, nekatere že več let. Tudi ses. Frances Batista je že več let bolana za artritis. Ne more več hoditi. Njen brat Jacob Tomsic iz Koritnice je prišel na obisk za 2 meseca iz Slovenije. IT-pam, da se bo dobro počutil tukaj. Čla. Antonija Progar, ki je izgubila nogo zaradi sladkorne bolezni, je obhajala 85 rojstni dan. Tončka, vse Ti želimo še mnogo srečnih obletnic. Najlepši pozdrav in ljubo zdravje želim naši Mrs. Novak. Lep pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam SŽZ. Mary Tomsic, preds. Clevelandska okolica mu je ugajala: Ob priliki konvencije SŽZ sem i-mel priliko obistkati Cleveland in o-kolieo. Med tem ko so članice S.Ž.Z, pridno zborovale, me je Mr. Frank Turek peljal 35 milj daleč v pred-mestije Geneva, kjer sva obiskala Mr. Toneta Debevec, ki je farmar in vinogradnik. Je zelo prijazen človek in sva se okrepčala z dobrim domačim vinom, ki človeka res povzdgne. Euclid je lepo, naglo se razvijajoče mesto, enako je lepo tudi v Vikliffu in okolici. Prav vesel sem bil, da sem obiskal te kraje, kjer živi mnogo Slovencev, saj sem si to želel že več let. Vse glavne uradnice in delegatinje so bile zelo prijazne. Sprejmite srčne pozdrave in Vam vsem želim ljubo zdravje. Joe Kostelec Kansas City, Kans. ZGODOVINSKA CERKEV V PREDGRADU POTREBUJE POMOČI Berkeley, Calif. — Drage sestre Slovenske Ženske Zveze: S sinom Julius sva se zavzela za pomoč in popravilo spominske cerkve Sv. Janeza Krstnika in Sebastijana v Pred-gradu na Sloveniji. Vzelo je celih 5 pet predno se je pričelo z delom in sedaj pridno delajo, da rešijo ta zgodovinski, kulturni in verski spomenik za bodoče rodove. Doslej smo zbrali že precej denarja, toda je še potrebno, zato trkam na dobra srca. da bi pomagali. Vsak dar je dobrodošel. Darila pošljite bodisi direktno na Banko: PREDGRAD CHURCH FUND, Accnt. No. 26919, Fidelity Savings, 2323 Shattuek, Berkeley, California, ali pa na moj naslov: KATHERINE SUSTAR1C, 28 — 39% Prince Street, Berkeley, Calif. 94705 št. 84, Dolenske Toplice, Slovenija. Pozdravljene članice SŽZ, posebno št. 84 v New Yorku. Moje potovanje v Slovenijo. Iz Kennedyjevega letališča smo odpotovali 15. junija s holandsko zrakoplovno firmo KLM, pod okriljem Kollandrove potovalne a-gencije. Bilo nas je lepa skupina 200 potnikov. V Amsterdamu smo prestopili na JAT eroplan in nas je vzelo samo eno uro in pol do Brnika pri Ljubljani. Tam so me čakali z autom in me odpeljali v Srednje Jarše pri Domžalah. Čakala me je sestrična Johana Marin in hčer, ki vozi auto in 2 sinova in 2 bratranca. Enako kot Mrs. Kobilica, ki sta se za stalno naselila v Domžalah že nekaj let nazaj. Bil je lep sprejem s šopki in polno obloženo mizo na domu. To je bilo od sina Franka od sestrične. Vesela sem bila pozdravov od številnih sorodov-nikov in se lopo zahvalim vsem do mačim za lep sprejem in postrežbo. Moj oče so bili doma v Srednjih Jaršah, toda mojo rojstno hišo imajo tuji ljudje, ki jo rabijo za mizarsko delavnico. Vseeno sem jo šla pogledati, saj se je v njej nas rodilo 12 o-trok, med katerimi sem bila jaz na.1-mlaljša in sem samo še jaz živa. Tam sem bila 5 dni in me je sin Frank peljal v Toplice, kjer sem bila pred 3 leti. Sedaj tam ogromno zidajo, da se človek skoro ne spozna, da je v Sloveniji. Imajo lepe nove hiše, lepo pohištvo in pralne stroje, televizijske aparte in automobile. Vse je zaposleno, a doma imajo še njive in živino. Začnejo delati zjutraj in do 2 popoldne. Res težko delajo, toda na cestah mrgoli automobilov, drugi pa s kolesi katerih je zelo veliko. Od Ljubljane do Kamnika je veliJto industrije in na Viru, Količevem, Radomljah dela več tisoč ljudi v papirnici. Gorenska lepo napreduje in tudi tukaj v Dolenskih Toplicah se zdravilišče modernizira. Tukaj je mnogo tujcev, imajo stal- Br. Assessment Adults Juniors 1 $ 94.40 162 62 2 209.80 363 191 3 154.25 266 171 4 8.00 13 — a 5 88.10 102 21 a 6 44.35 104 8 7 51.85 95 57 8 18.30 47 — b 9 — 21 2 c 10 — 308 26 12 67.80 166 59 13 58.10 122 18 14 151.85 301 52 15 102.05 205 9 15 102.05 b 16 85.35 147 93 17 — 155 77 19 54.10 114 24 20 153.05 CO CO CO 63 21 57.30 109 40 22 — 19 — d 23 102.35 217 53 24 — 142 76 25 340.15 633 171 26 50.15 108 19 27 152.75 46 3 e 28 44.00 75 15 29 10.75 25 5 30 9 — c 31 83.20 87 29 a 32 78.60 135 78 33 123.95 197 151 34 18.50 36 6 34 18.50 b 35 31.75 56 37 37 — 21 1 c 38 43.15 120 39 20.50 44 9 40 53.00 101 2 41 81.10 201 30 42 23.65 48 42 23.65 b 43 77.80 133 65 b 45 20.65 45 14 46 13.95 30 5 47 55.30 107 36 49 — 30 — d 50 142.45 217 104 b 51 — 15 52 31.10 52 19 54 29.00 58 40 54 29.00 b 55 27.15 56 3 56 39.90 91 6 G7 39.65 66 35 59 15.50 29 2 61 — 6 62 23.30 25 — a 63 48.60 92 22 64 — 45 22 65 41,30 45 25 f 66 32.30 59 21 b 67 40.70 68 9 68 40.55 61 21 70 — 14 o. 71 59.20 119 36 72 9.65 25 72 58.35 106 72 74 — 30 1 c 77 22.65 47 32 79 — 31 20 d 80 — 9 - 81 14.70 29 — b 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 91 92 93 94 95 9G 9G 97 99 100 101 102 103 105 106 8.80 22.40 24.90 30.95 18.60 29.20 29.20 15.05 15.40 113.60 23.95 23 95 7.25 28.70 21.45 18.35 26.30 17 53 40 22 56 72 41 48 23 58 14 181 47 15 16 45 29 31 26 30 22 3 2 9 22 14 11 2 2 7 ] 24 4 12 14 3 13 6 3 f Total $4,171.20 8,057 2,404 Assessments pd. a May, June; b April; c pd in Jan.; d pd. In April; e paid Jan.; f paid April, May; paid in March g; h pd in Feb. and March. Disbursements in May, 1970 Death claims paid to the following: Sedeče smrtnine so bile izplačane: Br. 2, Chicago, Anna Vintar $100.00 Br. 3, Pueblo, Mihaela Prince 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, Mary Rop 100.00 Br. 14, Cleveland, Mary Tumbry 100.00 Br. 19, Eveleth, Barbara Strahan 100.00 100.00 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Zust Br. 31, Gilbert, J. Stefanich Br. 31, Gilbert, Carolyn R. Suhodolc “B” Br. 37, Greaney, M. Prepodnik Br. 56, Hibbing, F. Prosnick Zarja—The Dawn May issue Zarja Engravings Salaries of Officers Administration expense Monthly Administration Awards Electricity and Fuel Federal O. A. Benefit Rent Postage and Telephone Actuarial Monthly Expense Office Cleaning Bowling and Campaign Awards 506.75 Convention Expense: Travel, Per diem, Hall Rental, Gifts, Telephone etc. 8,047.28 Convention Donations 1,700.00 Total disbursements in May Income in May: Assessments 4,171.20 Interest on Bonds 2,472 98 Interest on Savings and Loan 112.41 Rental income 169.00 State tax withheld 22 88 Total Income in May: 6,948 47 Ledger bal. April 30, 1970 $536580.25 May Income: 6 948 47 $543,528.72 May disbursements: 15,670.92 Ledger bal. May 31,1970 $527,857.80 Albina Novak, Secretary 350.00 100.00 100.00 2,024.15 135.98 1,1821.24 345.00 90.00 123 93 56.76 75.00 103.83 20.00 10.00 15,670.92 nega zdravnika Iz Novega mesta, ki je prav dober. Zgradili so tudi zabavišče. Ne vem koliko časa bom tukaj. Zadnjo nedeljo je bilo tukaj 3 tisoč ljudi, zgedalo je kakor mravljišče, same glave si videl. Vesela sem, ko vidim, da naša rodna domovina Slovenija napreduje. Sedaj pa še od naše podružnice št. 84. Dne 10. junija na zadnji seji, je bila kar lepa udeležba 18 članic. Za mojo odhodnico so me presenetile z lepim darom, gorak house—coat za Toplice, ki mi res lepo služi tukaj. Hvala lepa vsem, ki ste se me spomnile za moj odhod. Prihodnja seja bo pa 23. septembra in vas prosim, da pridete vse, ki ste zmožne hoditi, ker, imamo več bolnih članic na očeh, kot v nogah, za katere bi bilo res dobro če bi bile tukaj v Toplicah. Vse članice naše dične organizacije najlepše pozdravljam, kot ves novi odbor. Posebni pozdrav Albini Novak, dosedanji gl. tajnici. Naša tajnica Kristine Kepic se bo poročila 29. avgusta. Vse najboljše, veliko sreče in na svidenje 1. septembra. Angela Voje, pred S. FROM THE YOUTH DIRECTOR Our bowlers have had a nice rest this summer. Their last big day was April 25th when they were taken for a treat to the Tasty Resturant on Lake Shore Blvd. They had a ball! All received a remembrance even if they didn’t win any bowling prizes! Luncheon and sweets was on the menu. Good luck to them all and and we hope to see them again this fall! The Baton Twirlers were busy all summer — no vacation. Two of the little bowlers joined the baton group so they could stay active during their vacation time. This is a good idea. It helps to keep right on going, stay in the “groove”! To help you have fun this year, get a friend or two to join in the SWU activities with you. Bowling will resume this month and other things are going on all over. Inquire at your branch and get started! Here are the winners of the Junior Bowling League: In First Place was The Striking Foursome: Pat Sudar, Capt., Mary Ann Skudnik, Lou Ann Smrdel and Charlie Johns. High game Eddie Fabec. High Series: Laurie Milner. High Average, Nancy Roesch. At this time you will be meeting a new Director of Youth. I hope you will respect her and be nice to her. I know you will! I enjoyed working with you and it was a lot. of fun for me as well as you! Bless you all and Be Good. Mary Boatlan Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 94.15 162 62 2 186.00 350 191 9, 154.15 265 170 4 — 13 — a 5 — 102 21 a 6 44.35 104 8 7 50.85 96 54 8 36.40 46 b 9 — 2!l — c 10 266.10 305 26 b 12 67.35 165 59 13 58.10 112 18 14 151.35 301 52 15 101.60 224 9 16 85.25 147 92 17 81.85 154 77 d 19 54.10 113 24 20 152.95 321 63 21 57.40 109 40 22 18.70 19 — e 23 — 217 53 24 — 142 76 25 338.90 633 171 2'6 49.65 108 19 27 — 46 3 a 28 44.00 75 15 2« 10.75 25 5 30 — 9 — f 31 — 87 29 a 32 — 135 78 33 123.95 197 151 34 18.50 36 6 35 22.35 55 37 37 — 21 1 g 38 — 120 — 39 — 44 9 40 52.50 101 2 41 81.35 201 30 42 — 48 — 43 78.40 133 62 d 45 20.40 45 14 46 — 30 5 47 110.40 106 26 b 49 — 30 — 50 143.75 218 104 d 51 — 15 — 52 3110 52 19 54 29.00 58 41 55 27.25 56 3 56 39.75 91 6 57 39.65 66 35 59 — 29 2 61 — 6 — 62 — 25 — a 63 48.60 92 22 64 17.95 45 2 d 65 — 45 25 66 64.60 59 21 b 67 40.70 68 9 68 40.55 61 21 70 27.40 14 3 h 71 59.20 119 36 72 19 20 25 — e 73 57.80 105 69 74 — 30 1 g 77 45.30 47 32 e 79 — 31 20 i 80 — 9 — 81 28.80 29 — 83 8.80 17 — 84 — 53 3 85 18.65 40 2 d 86 — 22 — c 88 25.10 56 8 d 89 30.50 71 22 90 17.90 40 14 91 29.20 48 11 92 15.05 22 2 93 49.20 58 2 b 94 — 14 7 95 — 181 24 96 — 47 4 97 7.25 15 — 99 6.20 16 — 100 28.70 45 12 101 21.45 29 14 102 57.45 34 3 j 103 34.90 26 12 b 105 36.70 30 6 a 106 13.15 22 3 Total $3,782.70 8,065 2,-191 Assessments pd. in May a; May and June b; paid in March c; May d; June and July e; paid in Jan. f; paid to Dec. g; May, June, July, Aug. h; pd in April i; July, Aug. Sept. j. DISBURSEMENTS IN JUNE 1970 Br. 2, Chicago, A. Winter $100.00 Br. 3, Pueblo, Frances Mikatich 100.00 Br. 5, Indianapolis, L. Loviscek 100,00 Br. 8, Steelton, Catherine Zugaj 100.00 Br. 50, Cleveland, Mary Pajk 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, Mary Jeray 100.00 Br. 13, SanFrancisco, Margaret Klelnt 100.00 Br. 14, Euclid, Mary Rolih 100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Mary Novak 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Josephine Zelko 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Ann C. Stukel 100.00 Br. 23, Ely, Ann Baldine 100.00 Br. 23, Ely, Mary Russ 100 00 Br. 33, Duluth, Mary R. Laskey 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Mary Puhek 100.00 Br. 39, Biwabik, Gizela Kure 100.00 Br. 47, Garfield Hts. M. Lupsina 100.00 Br. 64, Kansas City, F. Petrie 100.00 Br. 79, Enumclaw, M. Potočnik 100.00 Br. 89, Oglesby, Louise Kernz 100.00 Zarja—The Dawn 1,071.69 Salaries—Plače 1,,182.2>4 Administration—Plače 275.00 Fuel, Elect.—Kurjava in luč 102.96 Stationary—Papir in slično 99.61) Postage and Telephone 141.61 Convention Expense 402.94 Per diem—Dnevnice 100.00 House Rep.—Popravilo stavbe 272.09 Rent—Najemnina 75.00 Actuarial expense 20.00 F. I. C. A. Tax 56.76 Donations—Darila 25.00 Misc.—Razno 187.18 Cleaning of office— Čiščenje pisarne 10.00 6,022.07 Income in June—Dohodki v junij: Assessment $3,782.70 Savings Div. 1,484.25 Coupons—Bonds 627.50 Rental 169.00 State Tax withheld 22,88 Total income in Juno $6,086.33 Ledger bal. June 30, 1970 $527,857.80 $533,944.13 June disbursement: 6,022.07 Ledger bal. June 30, 1970 $527,922.06 Albina Novak, Secretary i Junior’s Page t___________________ A BIO CATCH What do you think has caught? Folic from 1 to 50 to find fisherman HI, BOYS AND GIRLS! In your part of the country, as in oars, there may be a school whose schedule takes one throughout the twelve months—almost. It you are not so lucky then there may be some time for reading. Book Week is officially around the first of November, but anytime is the right time to visit a bookmobile or library. Entertaining books can also come in the mail as the Readers Digest Condensed books. For the real young ones there is Anne Rockwell’s “Gypsy Girl’s Best Shoes”, or James Razzi’s “Simply Fun!", or Tomi Un-gerer’s “The Hat.” “Take Off With Books" by Ogden Nash sums up the idea: Take off with books, Not with the rocket's roar, Take off in silence. And in fancy soar At rocket speed To every land and time, And see, spread out beneath. I’ast, present, future as you higher climb. Explore those worlds the rocket cannot reach, Troy, Camelot and Crusoe’s lonely beach. No path forbid, no darling secret hid; Books reached the moon before real rockets did. Your friend, REGINA FROM OUR LITTLE MESSENGER: THE FAMOUS BASKET TRICK There was once a magician. His name was Harry Keller. Keller was an American, but he went all over the world to find new magic tricks. One year, he went to India. There, he saw a magician. The magician was about to do a trick for some people. By now, Keller had seen many magicians and their tricks. “There are few magicians who can fool me,” he often said. But he was tired of walking. "I might as well watch,” he thought. The magician was a brown-skinned man. Beside him stood a small, brown-skinned boy. The magician held a sword. On the ground was a large basket. “One penny to watch the famous basket trick," the magician called. “Thank you, thank you," he said as people gave him pennies. “Now watch!” he called. “There is no other trick in the world like this!" He opened the top of the basket. The boy stepped inside. ' He smiled and waved to the people. He sal down in the basket. The magician put the top back on the basket. He took a cloth from around his waist and placed it over the basket. He looked to the sky and said some magic words. Slowly he took the cloth away and wrapped it again around his waist. Then he took his sword. Once— twice—three times he pushed it into the basket! The people heard the boy. “Ayyy!” he screamed. The magician pulled the sword out of the basket. It. was covered with blood! The people said: “Ohhhh!" The magician put the sword back into Ills belt. He opened the top of the basket. The people looked inside. There was no boy inside the basket! ” “The basket is empty!” the people said. “Look! Look! The boy is gone!" Keller was amazed. He knew it was a trick. But where was the boy? Just then, the people heard a yell. They looked up. There was the boy. He was sitting in a tree above the people. He was swinging his legs and smiling. Keller could hardly believe his eyes. “I must have that trick!” he thought. After the people went away, he went up to the magician. "I'll buy that trick from you,, he said. The magician in India had heard of the famous magician from America. He agreed to sell the trick for $1.00. Keller gave him the dollar. "Now,” he said, "tell me how you did it!” The brown-skinned magician looked around. He wanted to make sure 110 one was listening. Then he spoke low into Keller’s ear. Keller’s eyes opened wide. He looked at the sword that was red with the boy’s blood. He looked up at the boy sitting in the tree. Then he began laughing and laughing. He slapped his knee. “So that’s how you did it!” he cried. For a minute guess what the magician told Keller. Then read what (he magician told him. Remember when the magician pulled the cloth slowly away from the basket? The boy had opened the top of the basket and had hid under the cloth. As the magician wrapped the cloth around himself, (he boy hung between his legs on a rope. Each time (he magician pushed the sword into the basket, the boy screamed. The crowd thought the screams came from inside the basket. When the magician opened the basket, the crowd pushed close to look inside. The boy then came out from between the magician's legs and went up the tree. No one saw him because everyone was looking in the basket—Keller, too. The blood on the sword? A sponge filled with re