COBISS: 1.01 ON DENUDATION RATES IN KARST O HITROSTI DENUDACIJE NA KRASU Franci GABROVŠEK1 Abstract UDC 551.331.24:551.44 Franci Gabrovšek: On denudation rates in Karst Paper presents a simple mathematical model, which enables study of denudation rates in karst. A vertical fow of water which is uniformly infltrated at the surface is assumed. Denudation rate is calculated from the time needed to remove certain thickness of rock. Tis is done concretely on a limestone block dissected by a vertical array of fractures. It is shown that denudation rate increases with the thickness of removed layer and approaches an upper limit which is defned by the maximum denudation equations, which are based on assumption that all dissolution potential is projected into a surface lowering. Keywords: karst, denudation rate, limestone dissolution, math-ematical model. Izvleček UDK 551.331.24:551.44 Franci Gabrovšek: O hitrosti denudacije na Krasu V prispevku predstavim enostaven matematični model s katerim raziskujem dinamiko zniževanja kraškega površja. Predpostavim enakomerno napajanje s površja in vertikalno pronicanje vode. Denudacijsko stopnjo izračunam iz časa, ki je potreben za odstranitev določene debeline kamninskega sloja. Konkretno to naredim na primeru apnenca v katerem se voda pretaka v sistemu vertikalnih razpok. Hitrost denudacije narašča z debelino odstranjene plasti in doseže zgornjo mejo, ki je določena z enačbami, ki temeljijo na predpostavki, da se celoten korozivni potencial vode manifestira v zniževanju površja. Ključne besede: kras, denudacijska stopnja, raztapljanje apnenca, matematični model. INTRODUCTION Uniform lowering or surface denudation is a dominant karstifcation process (Dreybrodt, 1988; Ford & williams, 1989; white, 1988). Te denudation rate is defned as the rate (LT-1) of lowering of a karst surface due to the dissolution of bedrock. A common approach used to estimate the denudation rate is based on the presumed equilibrium concentration (or hardness) and the amount of water which infltrates into the subsurface. It is sum-marized in the famous Corbel’s equation (Corbel, 1959): Dc(m/Ma) = (P E)H f c 1000-p 1 Te infltrated water in mm/y is the diference between precipitation P and evapotranspiration E. H is the equilib- rium concentration (Hardness) in mg/L of dissolved rock, ? is the density of limestone in g/cm3, f denotes the portion of soluble mineral in the rock, which will be 1 in this paper. Te factor 1000 corrects for the mixture of units used in the equation. Tere are more general equations of this kind like that of white (1984, this issue). For a Limestone terrain in a temperate climate all these equations give denudation rate of the order of several tens of meters per million years. Similar results are obtained from fow and con-centration measurements in rivers which drain a known catchment area. From the measured data the total rock volume removed from the area in a given time period can be calculated. Dividing the removed volume by the surface of the area and the time interval gives the denudation rate. 1 Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Postojna, Slovenia, e-mail: Received/Prejeto: 01.02.2007 TIME in KARST, POSTOJNA 2007, 7–13 FRANCI GABROVŠEK Eq.1 implies that all dissolution capacity of water is used in the rock column, i.e. the solution at the exit of rock block is close to saturation. Among the many assumptions behind such estimations of the denudation rate I will address two of which at least one must be valid: 1. Most of the dissolution occurs close to the sur-face, i.e. within epikarst. 2. In the long term, the dissolution at depth is inte-grated into a surface denudation. It is the intention of this paper to theoretically vali-date “maximum denudation” approach. SURFACE LOwERING AND THE VOLUME OF DISSOLVED ROCK Dissolution of any rock is not instantaneous, but proceeds at some fnite rates. In conditions of difuse infltration through the karst surface and prevailing vertical fow, the concentration of dissolved rock in the infltrating water will normally increase with the depth as schematically shown by color intensity in Fig.1. Fig. 1. Section of a terrain with a uniform surface infltration of aggressive solution and prevailing vertical fow. Color intensity denotes that the concentration of dissolved rock increases with depth. Fig. 2 presents point at some depth z below the sur-face. Te volume ?V of rock dissolved per unit surface area S in time ?t between the surface and the point is given by Fig. 2: Idealized profle through the rock column at time t = 0 (lef) and t > 0 (right). Te depth of the point which is at z decreases in time due to the surface lowering. äV/S = c(z)-q-M I p 2 depth at t = 0 and D is the denudation rate (Fig. 2). Te volume of dissolved rock per surface area in time T above the point is then given by: AV/S (T) = ^ fc(z(t)) dt = - fc(z0 - D • t) dt 3 Po Po Introducing a new variable z=z0 - D·t into the right hand integral in Eq. 3 gives: where c(z) is the concentration of dissolved rock [M/L3] at the depth z, q is the infltration rate at the surface [L3/ (L2T)] and ? is the density of the rock [M/L3]. Due to the surface lowering, the depth of the point is decreasing according to z(t) = z0 – D·t, where z0 is the 8 TIME in KARST – 2007 AV S D-PZ„JDR.T 4 ON DENUDATION RATES IN KARST Te complete volume of rock initially above z0 is z0·S. To remove this volume a time TD is needed, where z0 D·TD. Using all this in Eq. 4, we obtain: plete layer and D an avarege denudation rate. It is easy to see that if the solution quickly attains equilibrium Eq. 6 gives maximum denudation rates: Sfc(z)dz q-TD z0-p fc(z)dz a'C % a -c D_^_3fdz-^—S-Dc VPo P D VPo fc(z)dz As given, D is an average denudation rate, cal-culated from the time TD needed to remove a layer of thickness z0 from the rock column with initial a uniform porosity distribution in vertical direction. If a rock layer has a fnite thickness, z0 can be taken as the layer thickness, TD the time needed to remove the com- If this is not the case D will be below Dc, since inte- gral with ceq is maximal. In this case we rewrite D = ^-lfc(z)dz = fcJDc C 7-J P. Eq. 6 as: 8 with increasing layer thickness an average concen-tration within the layer increases and average denudation rates approach maximal. CALCULATION OF THE CONCENTRATION PROFILE Te results given so far are valid for any “natural” c(z). To obtain some quantitative results we revert to a special case where the calcite aggressive water is infltrating into a vertical fracture network. Terefore we need to couple the rate equation for limestone and fow of laminar flm down a vertical fracture wall. LIMESTONE DISSOLUTION RATES Recently Kaufmann & Dreybrodt (2007) published the corrected rate equation with two linear regions and a non-linear region of dissolution kinetics: '«i(0.3c„-c) cC<«"'C«1 13 c n-0.7e-^);0.3c c-y^{\-s-1^1) 17 we will demonstrate the results on a characteristic data for a moderate climate with I=1000 mm/y and rela-tively bare karst area with ceq= 1mmol/l or H = 100 mg/L. For ? = 2.5 g/cm3. DC for this case is 40 m/Ma. we assume that the rain infltrates into a parallel set of fractures with spacing d = 1 m. Fig. 5a shows z0(TD) for four different saturation lengths arising from different infiltration intensities. yearly infiltration is 1000 mm/y for all curves. Therefore, the time period of dissolution is inversely proportional to the infiltration intensity. Dashed line shows the uniform lowering by DC. we wee that all lines become practically parallel to maximum denudation line for zg > 2?2.The actual denudation rate becomes “maximal 0 when the removed thickness is larger than 2?2. This is about the depth where the concentration reaches 90% of saturation. The slope of the dotted lines presents the averaged denudation rates for curve with ?2 = 70 m. Fig. 5b shows the averaged rate for the same scenarios as Fig. 5a. Red dashed red curve clearly shows the fast approach of the actual rate to maximal for ?2 = 52.5 m. Another interesting conclusion can be made from Fig. 5a. Diferent saturation lengths ? can also arise from diferent fracture spacing (see Eq. 15 for qf) . If we imagine a region with high fracture density within a region of low fracture density, the frst will initially be denuded faster, but latter on both actual rates will become the same. Terefore the diference made at the onset will stay projected in the surface. Tis is shown by the double arrow between lines 3 and 4. TIME in KARST – 2007 11 FRANCI GABROVŠEK Fig. 5: a) Te time dependence of removed thickness for several infltration intensities. I=1000 mm/y, h = 100 mg/L, ? = 2.5 g/cm3, d = 100 cm, N = 2. dashed line show the “maximum denudation” rate which is 40 m/ma. dotted lines present the time averaged denudation rates (Eq.16). double arrow demonstrates the diference between the denuded thicknesses which is kept in time due to the initial rate diferences. b) dependence of average denudation rates on the removed thickness for the same scenarios as in Fig. 5a. dashed line presents the actual surface lowering for ?2 = 52.5 m. 12 TIME in KARST – 2007 ON DENUDATION RATES IN KARST CONCLUSION Denudation rate in a block with initially uniform porosity increases as the denudation proceeds and becomes maximum denudation (Eq.1), when the thickness of removed layer is about twice the typical saturation length. Initial diferences arising from diferent saturation lengths remain imprinted in the surface. If a soluble layer has a fnite thickness, the average denudation rate increases with the thickness, i.e. denudation is more efective on thick rock layers. Te presented results are based on many assump-tions which might not be valid. Nevertheless, it gives some theoretical validation of maximum denudation formulae and suggest some mechanisms that can cause irregularities in karst surface. REFERENCES Appelo, C. A. J. & D. Postma, 1993: Geochemistry, ground-water and pollution. A.A. Balkema, xvi, 536 pp, Rotterdam; Brookfeld, VT. Bird, R. B., Stewart, w. E. & E.N. Lightfoot, 2002: transport phenomena. John wiley & Sons, Inc., xii, 895 p. pp, New york, Chichester. Buhmann, D. & w. Dreybrodt, 1985: Te kinetics of cal-cite dissolution and precipitation in geologically relevant situations of karst areas.1. Open system.-Chemical geology, 48, 189-211. Corbel, J., 1959: Vitesse de l’erosion.- Zeitschrif fur Geomorphologie, 3, 1-2. Dreybrodt, w. , Gabrovšek, F. & D. 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