S.W.I. CHICAGO CONVENTION CENTERS HOME OFFICE OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION located in the heart cf the Slovenian Community. Members and guests will assemble there Sunday morning for Open House. ST. STEPHEN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH celebrating their 75th anniversary this year is the site of appropriate religious ceremonies Sunday morning, May 20th. BISMARCK HOTEL IN CHICAGO'S LOOP the Convention Headquarters for meetings and the Grand Banquet and Debutante Cotillion Ball. FRANCISCAN FATHERS' SHRINE, LEMONT. ILL. spiritual center for Slovenians in America and a favorite retreat. Sat. evening Memorial Services will be held here. ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1973 VOLUME 45 ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 4 APRIL, 1973 Vo. XLV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL Branch Presidents: April 2 — Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Joliet, III. April 10 — Jeannette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio April 11 — Johanna Chesnik, Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. April 15 — Jennie Zoker, Br. 51, Akron, Ohio April 21 — Catherine Pollack, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. April 26 — Mary Debevec, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio Secretaries: April 2 — Frances Novak, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio April 7 — Stella Dancull, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio April 8 — Angelia Kozjan, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio April 8 — Lucille Smith, Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. April 10 — Antoinette Lucich, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DAT£S TO REMEMBER... April 7.8 — S.W.U. MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise, hostesses at Playdium Lanes, Sheboygan. April 8 — CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. April 12 — Card Party, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio April 26 — CARD PARTY, Br. 55, S.N.D. Girard. May 2 — 45th ANNIVERSARY MOTHER OF YEAR PARTY, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio May 13 — MOTHER’S DAY MASS, AND PARTY, Br. 2, Chicago, III. May 13 — MOTHER’S DAY MASS, Br. 17, Wfest Allis, Wise. May 20-24 — 16th NATIONAL S.W.U. CONVENTION, CHICAGO, ILL., BISMARCK HOTEL. May 27 — MOTHER OF YEAR MASS, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., 0. May 30 — CARD PARTY, Dawn Choral Group, Euclid, Ohio. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za neslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Ml. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 ^failenih 0 (%'wu Je izrednega pomena za naš narod, ki bo odslej imel svoj lastni center v srcu krščanstva. SLOVENIK ne bo samo dom za mlade slovenske duhovnike, ki se bodo izpopolnjevali v verski znanosti v večnem mestu, ampak bo tudi nudil duhovno zavetišče rojakom iz vsega sveta, ki bodo ob obisku Rima v tem domu vedno našli prijetno domače zavetje ter bo služil tudi bodočim rodovom, dokler se bo slovenski narod okiepal visokih krščanskih izročil. Blagoslovitev SLOVENIKA bo zgodovinski dogodek, ki bo zbral vse slovenske škofe ter rojake Iz Slovenije ter vseh kontinentov, kjerkoli živi naš rod. Pridružite se temu vseslovenskemu slavju tudi vi, da se pozdravite z rojaki od vsepovsod in da ste priča nepozabnih slavnosti v večnem mestu, ki bodo kronane s pozdravom Sv. Očeta. Darov; za Slovenik so še nujno potrebni, zato ste vabljeni, da darujete po svojih močeh. Darila sprejema gl. predsednica, gl. tajnica in urednica. "Dvakrat da, kdor hitro da. . .” Odbor iz Rima lepo prosi, da pomagamo tej prepotrebni ustanovi do dograditve. ČITAJTE PRILOGO V TEJ ZARJI O VELIKEM SKUPNEM IZLF.TU V RIM, KI BO V JUNIJU POD OKRILJEM SŽZ IN KSKJ (Ameriška Slovenska Katoliška Jednota). June 3 — ANNIVERSARY BANQUET, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O. Sept. 9 — MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Sept. 23 — 45th ANNIVERSARY & WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Oct. 5 — CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 14 — 45th ANNIVERSARY AND OHIO-MICH. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 18 — CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Oct. 24 — ANNIVERSARY MASS, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio CHICK CROSSWORD PUZZLE Word's Across: 1. A chicken picks up food with this. 5. What you do with an eraser. 6. Grows old. 7. You use this to go through a fence (plural). 9. You put Easter eggs in this. 11. A bird that lays Easter eggs. 12. A shorter way to write "senior”. Words Down: 1. What a baby duck does to its shell, to get out. 2. The greatest feast of the Church year. 3. Like. 4. What you carry on a key ring. 5. What you find in Easter baskets. 8. Initials of Thomas Edison (back-wards). 9. The first two letters of No. 1 Across. 10. Another word for “a”. (ANSWERS ON BACK INSIDE COVER) THINGS TO DO AND SEE IN CHICAGO! Chicago, III. Welcomes the 16th National Convention May 19-24, 1973 and the following program of activities has been planned for delegates and visitors. Reservations according to the Package Plans can be made at the S.W.U. Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608. The Committee hopes to hear from all interested individuals and groups so we can make the best possible arrangements for you. Saturday The Slovenian Franciscan Sisters at Mt. Assisi May 19 Convent will host a buffet dinner at 6 p.m. to be followed by a tour of the high school and Alvernia Manor Home. At 8 p.m., the group will move to the adjacent grounds of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers to visit the shrine of Marija Pomagaj. A. candlelight procession to the Grotto will be climaxed by the Singing Litany in memory of the deceased members of S.W.U. Cost for complete visitors package, from Chicago to Lemont, supper and return to hotel and one night accommodation is $15.00. Chicagoland visitors are also urged to attend. Sunday Gathering will take place at the S.W.U. Home May 20 Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., at 10:30 a.m. for open House. A procession will walk to St. Stephen Church for 11:30 Solemn High Mass and after Mass, a delicious Brunch will be served at the church hall courtesy of Br. 2, hostesses of the Convention. Grand Banquet is at 5 p.m. at the Bismarck Hotel followed by the Debutante Cotillion at 8. Dancing will follow. Cost for Banquet is $12.50 per person. Delegates and visitors have two options, complete package for events from Sunday thru Wednesday, all-inclusive for $85.00 or the weekend package, Saturday and Sunday, all-inclusive for $35.00. Monday Convention Opens at the Bismarck Hotel at May 21 9 a.m. Meetings will continue all day. Lunch- eon is served at the hotel for Delegates and guests. Cost of luncheons for delegates is 'ncluded in the package. Monday breakfast and dinner is n«t included. Monday evening is a free night. CONVENTION ItlPOIll: STATE PRESIDENT OF ILL.-IND. The combined branches of Illinois and Indiana wish all our National Officers and our spiritual advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn a huge success on our 16th Nat’l Convention. It is a distinct honor to be named the State President Illinois and Indiana and to represent the members from different branches. It was my intention throughout these three years to work as hard as I could for the progress of our organization. Sincere thanks to all of the members ffom all the branches who have helped me, and for rejecting me as their State President. I have visited several of the branches and found active and devoted members who have their branch interest at heart. In presiding over three conventions I was delighted to see increased attendance at each convention. Our next convention will be hosted by Branch No. 95 of South Chicago. Also, in May Branch No. 89 of Oglesby will celebrate their 35th anniversary. Congratulations! Our Branch No. 16 celebrated its 45th anniversary °n Sunday, February 25th with a Mass in honor of the living and deseased members at St. George's Church. Immediately following the Mass, a banquet was held at-^upcich’s Restaurant, 106th and Indianapolis Blvd. with a wonderful turnout. Neighboring branches represented at this affair were No. 2, Chicago, No. 72, Pullman and No. 95, South Chicago. Tuesday Convention meetings all day. Luncheon at May 22 the Hotel included in package. Dinner and Theatre in the evening is also included in package. Chicagoland guests are cordially welcome to join in the evening entertainment. Single tickets are $8.00. Wednesday Convention all day until adjournment. Lunch- May 23 eon at the Hotel included in package. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS! We are most pleased that the DAWN CHORAL GROUP from Cleveland, Ohio will attend the opening day celebration of the Convention and perform at the Grand Banquet. The group of 28 members from branches in Cleveland will be directed by Franček Gorensek, well-known choral master. Their beautiful musical program will be a real treat! DEBUTANTE COTILLION Sunday evening after the Banquet, ten lovely young members of the midwestern branches will make their debut to society at the Bismarck Hotel. Their presentation wili be delightful and we know it will be an unforgetable day in their lives. HANDWORK EXHIBIT Traditionally, the Handwork Exhibit prsented at the Convention is a most interesting and profitable project. First, there is the display of hand work that our diligent and talented members have produced and secondly, their sale benefits the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. We heartily urge a'l delegates and officers to bring items for the Exhibit and also for the special juvenile exhibit of work done by our young members. The Chicago Debs will have a special section and we encourage you to bring items from your own juniors thruout the S.W.U. Many other attractions will be enjoyed, e.i. old time movies of years ago with the S.W.U. drill teams, flag blessings and sports events; sightseeing of Chicago Skyscrapers and Theatre Party, so, make your plans now to be a part of the Chicago scene this May. Address all inquires to the Home Office. COMMITTEE One recommendation I would like to submit at this time is that the questionnaire used at the State Conventions be revised. In closing my report, I would like to thank the National Board for the fine job they have done in the past and to wish them continued success in the future. My best wishes to all. ANN LUSTIG STATE PRESIDENT OF CALIF.-WASH.-ORE. Sincere Greetings and a joyous welcome to all National Officer’s and Delegate’s of the Slovenian Women’s Union assembled at this 16th National Convention. My report during the past three years as State President has been very gratifing. Our membership has increased by enrolling 20 new members, altho we have, thru death lost three old time members. Our activaties have been “Zveza Day”. Mother of the Year, Pot Luck Dinner’s and Christmas Parties. We sold many cook books also Slovenia to America History books written by the Founder Marie Prisland. The newly elected Officer’s for 1973 have already showed great enthusiasm for the progress of this Great Organization. I received a letter from Branch 79, Enumclaw, Washington requesting that the Editor put in Zarja Magazine both articles in Slovenian and American. I want to thank Headquarters for the Convention project tickets which will help to defray the delegate expense. ROSE SCOFF Natl President's Message Sincere congratulations on the ,45th Anniversary to Branch 19, Eveleth, Minnesota organized April 12, 1928 by Josephine Rozioka. 30th Anniversary of branch . 105., Detroit, Michigan organized April 10, 1943 by Alice Kodrich. Campaign for the Woman of the Year is over, the deadline was March 31, 1973. We still accept new members and besides you receive for every member you sign in $1.00 for each class B,-50 cents for Class A and 25 cents for each Junior. Congratulations to the winner "The Woman of the Year” who will be honored at the coming convention held in Chicago, Illinois in May. Supreme Officers Board Meeting which was held February 20 & 21, 1973., all officers were present except Honorary President; Marie Prisland. Auditors checked all the books and investments and found ail in perfect order. We also were invited to visit the Bismarck hotel where our coming convention will be held. We all were very we'll satisfied and am sure you all will enjoy your stay at this hotel. All elected delegates who will represent their branch at the convention please prepare yourself a written report recommending new proposals and suggestions for the benefit of our branches: Reports must be written either in Slovenian or English language. Reports should be mailed by May 1, 1973 to Supreme President, Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave:, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Delegate should come to the convention with an attitude of seeking progress for the Union and have a willingness to propose ideas which will, make the SWU finer and greater so that your children and grandchildren will be proud to continue in this work. Increased activity for your branch is the goal of your branch officers, increased good business and progress is the goal of Convention Delegate. Anyone who wishes to visit the convention as a guest and partake of the sightseeing and other entertainment such as joining the group to Lemont Saturday, Sunday Mass, Brunch served by ladies of Branch 2, Chicago, III. Banquet in the evening followed with the First Cotillion Ball held by Chicago Slovenian Women’s Union. Make reservations with your branch officers. At the next meeting discuss this idea and encourage one another to come to Chicago and be a part of the convention. Members and friend of the Cleveland area will attend traveling by chartered buses. Reservations can be made with your branch officers, State President Mary Bostian or Toni Turek. Happy Birthday Mrs. Antonia Gornik! The President’s mother will be celebrating her birthday this month! God bless her and all our dear mothers! APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS And may the God of Love and peace be with you and yours always is my Easter Message to you all. Happy Birthday to all celebrating in April and especially to my Mother who will be celebrating her 86th Birthday. She is a member of Br. 38 Chisholm, Minn. Speedy recovery to all ailing. TONI TUREK Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Cartel' 'Jaitk To be a Christian is to believe in the Resurrection of Christ. We are not Christians because we believe in sin, in the cross, in suffering and death, but because we be-iieve in pardon, in joy, in liberation, in the Resurrection and life. The heart of our faith is the hope that every trial Becomes an increase in grace, that every sorrow will become a joy, every death a Resurrection, even that every, fault may became a happy fault. Christianity is light, joy, and Resurrection. And the Christian is a man who believes, who lets himself be invaded and transformed by that liberation which comes from another. To believe in joy is almost like consenting to renounce oneself. Our sadness is the measure of our attachment to ourselves, to our experience, to our doubts and mistrusts, to our sorrows. And our joy is the measure of our attachment to God, to confidence, to hope and to faith. All that we have closed off from happiness, we have closed off from God. All those areas in which we have resigned ourselves to know only frustration and bitterness, are areas from which God is excluded. In our lives God holds the same place as joy. To believe in God is to believe that he is capable to make us happy. Therefore Lord strengthen our faith and make us happy that we can celebrate this Easter. Happy Easter to you all. eepeit Jr. Čfa tide! News from Slovenia on the passing of Fr. Claude’s mother greatly saddened his many friends and parishioners. We extend heartfelt sympathy to him, his father and other relatives. May she rest in God’s bosom. Our Members Observe Slovenian Tradition On their way to church for the Blessing of Food at Eastertime, these members were photographed last year on Holy Saturday. Top line is near St. Vitus Church in Cleveland, Ohio, the largest Slovenian parish. Our members, younfe and old, enjoy carrying their baskets. Middle line of pictures was taken near St. Felicitas ^nurch in Richmond Hgts., Ohio where young suburbanites follow the tradition, too. Father Joseph Boznar is seer, blessing the baskets before the altar. On the right photo is Mrs. Olga Klanchar, president of the Dawn Choral Group and her Easter table is seen 3t lower right. The bottom line shows two more nice members on their way to St. Vitus with their symbolic baskets. In the old country, food baskets were carried on the head for miles to the nearest church. Photos by Jo Mislc ZARJA—THE DAW!1* ŽEGNANJE: An old Slovenian Tradition BASKETS FOR BLESSING ON HOLY SATURDAY An old Easter tradition among Slovenian people is the blessing of food on Holy Saturday. Baskets arc prepared with representative foods such as Potica, Klobase, Cooked Eggs (decorated with beautiful designs), Ham and Horseradish Root. In many families, this ceremony is conducted by grandma or mama with the kiddies joining in. They carry the basket to church at appointed times where the priest blesses it with special prayers. This food is then kept covered with a embroidered napkin under Easter Sunday morning and eaten for breakfast. It tastes the same, but blessed food is always special and eaten with delicate consideration. Our reporter, Jo Misic of Cleveland, Ohio, submitted these pictures taken at two Cleveland churches last year as our members trudged up with their baskets for blessing. Thanks to her for giving us a glimpse of this lovely Slovenian tradition called ‘‘Žegnanje” that is kept alive in most parishes in Slovenian communities here and in the homeland, EDITOR Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors HOME OFFICE, CHICAGO, ILL. FEB. 20-21, 1973 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Women's Union of America was held Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 20, 21, 1973 at the Home Office in Chicago, Illinois. The Executive and Auditing Committees visited the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company on Tuesday morning to verify and check the documents kept in the S.W.U. Safety Deposit Box there. The Committees then adjourned to the Home Office to continue with the audits of the Secretary's, Treasurer’s ledgers and the financial standing of the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund, Publisher’s Fund and Cookbook Fund. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. for lunch at the Bismarck Hotel, site of the 16th National Convention May 20-24, 1973. The Directors were given a tour of the Hotel and explanation of some of the preliminary plans being made for delegates and all who will attend. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. and after audits were concluded, the President led the prayer and opened the meeting. Present were the following: President, Antonia Turek, Secretary, Fanika Humar, Treasurer, Elizabeth Zefran, President of Auditing Committee, Ann Podgoršek, Second Auditor, Ann Kompare and Third Auditor, Jennie Feme, Investment Secretary, Olga Ancel and Editor C. Leskovar. Mrs. Marie Prisland, the Founder and Honorary President had asked to be excused but submitted her financial report for the Scholarship Fund. Convention outline was given by the Chicago officers and discussion was centered on various aspects of the three day convention. All the costs and expenses were budgeted and approved. The Convention plans given in March issue of Zarja were approved and the Convention Committee given suggestions from the Board. Approval was given to invite the Dawn Choral Club of Cleveland, Ohio to perform at the Convention Banquet. Also, special guests will be invited at the descnetion of the Convention Committee. The Editor will give further information in the April and May issues of Zarja. Meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m. The second session of the meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning at the Home Office. Present for the meeting were the same officers and Vice-President, Marie Floryan. Other written reports were sent from the Director of Youth, Mary Bostian, the State Presidents as follows: Mary Bostian, Ohio-Michigan, Barbara Rosandich, Minnesota, Anna Pachak, Colo.-Kans.-Mo., Mary Tomsic, Penna.-New York, Rose Scoff, Calif.-Wash.-Ore. A report was also received from the outgoing instructor of the Cleveland Combined Branches Baton Twirlers, Ann Cooke and greetings were received from Mary Otoničar, sec. of Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio and Mary Lenich, Sec. of Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. The President called for the reports of the officers which were given in the following order: NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S REPORT FOR 1972 Sincere Greetings and welcome to our annual meeting. This meeting will be very important as we will have to decide on many important decisions pertaining to our 16th National Convention which will be held here in Chicago. At this time I wish to thank the Chicago committee who have made all the arrangements and am sure they will do a marvelous job to make all delegates and guests enjoy their short stay in Chicago. 45th Anniversary campaign held in 1972 was very successful with twelve branches enrolling 284 members, altogether a nice total of 416 members joining Slovenian Women’s Union. This campaign was great and wish that each officer present here today will help and do your part in promoting the new Campaign “The Woman of the year Campaign”. We have only the month of March left. Attended all the Combined Branch meetings that were held last year in Cleveland. Also attended the Ohio & Michigan State Convention held at our spacious Slovenian National Home in Cleveland, Ohio. Present were 71 members. From Detroit came five members and from Chicago we had five guests from Br. 2. Presiding at the convention meeting was State President Mary Bostian. At the banquet which was held after the meeting there were 450 guests present. Honored quest for this event was Editor, Corinne Leskovar who was presented with a beautiful plaque in recognition for 20 years as editor of our official organ, Zarja-the Dawn. A busful came to the banquet from Pittsburgh, F’enn. Also attended the Pennsylvania State Convention that was held at Pittsburgh, Penn. At the convention meeting there were sixty-five members present. Presiding at the meeting was State President Mary Tomsic. Mary Tomsic gave up her post due to illiness. In her place Anna Trontel was nominated. Reports that I had received and read on State Conventions aill have been very successful and well-attended. All State Presidents are to be highly complimented on the fine work they have done as we all realize there is a enormous amount of work in a project like this. Salutations to all the State Presidents on a job well done. Attended the Cotillion Ball held in May 13, 1972 at the Celebrity Room with Marie Prisland who was the honored guest and her friend Jean Jelenc from Milwaukee, Wise. Eight Debutantes were presented to the company and the affair was beautiful and enjoyed by all. Attended the Dawn Choral Group concert held in November 1972. I am very proud of this group as they are doing a terrific job with their singing and wish that they could perform at the banquet. Woman's Glory — The Kitchen Cook book which was edited by Marie Prisland revised and enlarged I had received end of November 1971 and December, Fanika Humar distributed them also and by December 20, 1972 the books were all gone. Our famous cook books have been mailed to Canada, Yugoslavia, Australia and Alaska & Germany. I also had the Song books Let’s Sing (Zapojmo) and Marie Prisland’s books From Slovenia to America in recent years distributed throughout the U.S. I am very fortunate that I had help from my husband who does a wonderful job in packing as some of you have received and found them in good condition. All these books have to be taken to the post office for mailing. I did all the book keeping on them. My time is really taken up with all this work on the books but we enjoy doing it. I surprised Br. 38 at Chisholm, Minn. by attending one of their meetings last summer which I enjoyed meeting the members. Visited Pauline Stampfel who has been in a rest home the past three years. She was very active with Zveza, attended all the Combined Branch meetings and also was an officer of Br. 25 Cleveland, Ohio for many years. I try to the best of my ability to represent Zveza by attending different affairs and keeping our Zveza before the public and also keep writing in Zarja on different activities that arrive. Stay well and have a safe journey home. See you all at the Nationail Convention in May. Went to pay my respects to Cecilia Brodnick of Branch 21, Cleveland, Ohio who was the organizer of the branch and passed away this past weekend. Sincerely Yours, ANTONIA TUREK The Report was accepted as read REPORT OF PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Dear Sisters: Since I will not be attending the Board meeting, therefore I sincerely hope and wish that you will adopt a program, which will build a foundation for a very successful national convention coming in May. The organization needs improvement especially in its membership. Ideas and work are needed as to how to enroll more new members. In my column in March ZARJA I have suggested that with the usual Handwork sale at the convention, benefiting the Scholarship Fund, an Art and Craft Exhibit be also held at the convention with our Juniors participating. I hope that you agree with this idea and will announce it to the branches offering your full cooperation. We need to bring our Juniors forward! I am very happy that the new cookbooks WOMAN'S GLORY THE KITCHEN are sold out and another printing was neccessary. This is our biggest project, not only financially, but also of great publicity vailue for the Slovenian cuisine and the Slovenian nationality. Even the country of our birth, Slovenia, is cognizant of our cookbook. RODNA GRUDA, published monthly in Ljubljana, dedicated a whole page to it, including a picture of the cover. When called upon from Washington, D.C. I was happy to cooperate and to contribute a Slovenian dinner Menu 2nd recipes to be incorporated in the WORLD COOKBOOK issued by the Heritage Group of the National Republican Party. 32 ethnic groups, living in the USA, and 109 World nations are represented in this cookbook through their food recipes. It is well and good for the Slovenian kitchen to be in such company. We would like to think that our prodding has helped a little to open the USA Library and Reading room in Ljubljana, which was opened last year. Eventually a consular office will be established there. The Cotillion Ball held last spring, which I have attended, was presented by the combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio. It was a lovely affair. The committee in charge deserves our praise and gratitude. $200.00 was contributed to the Scholarship Fund from this Ball. 42 people from Sheboygan attended the concert in Chi-Cago on February 4th, presented by a group of 74 singers and dancers from Ljubljana, Slovenia. We compliment the Chicago branch for bringing in a performance of great Magnitude and admire the fine management of our National Secretary Mrs. Fanika Humar, who made all the arrangements. This concludes my report. If I can be of any help *ith the convention plans, please call on me. THE REPORT OF SCHOLARSHIP FUND IS AS FOLLOWS: (Income and disbursements from Jan. 1, to June 30, 1972 were published in October ZARJA.) Income: Anna Linovic, Mary Hrovat, Joliet, III. $4.00 Cotillion Ball, Cleveland, Ohio 200.00 Frank Ermenc, Milwaukee, Wis. 100.00 Marie C. Dye, Detroit, Mich. 10.00 S.W. State Bank, Sheboygan, Wis., Interest 115.00 Marie C. Dye, Detroit, in memory of Rev. Raymond Maiberger 10.00 Memorial for Apolonia Yeray, Sheboygan, Wis. 25.00 Anton and Julia Govek, Milwaukee, in memory of Apolonia Yeray 10.00 Branch 20, Joliet, 111. 16.00 Anchor Savings, Madison, Wis. interest 42.19 Members and Branch 20, Joliet, III., in memory of Mary Lesnik: 15.00 (Contributed: Branch 20, $3.00; E. Planinšek $2.00; $1.00 each: Jos. Muster, Jos. Erjavec, Jos. Sumic, O. Ancel, F. Hubert, E. Nosse, T. Marentič, F. Muhich, F. Gaspich, M. Pucel) Kohler Company, Kohler, Wis. interest 157.50 St. John Hospital, Joplin, Mo. interest 175.00 Anchor Savings, Madison, interest 43.09 Anna Trdan, Chisholm, Minn., in memory of Albina Novak 5.00 Total DISBURSEMENTS: Scholarship granted: Michael J. Matichich, Branch 1, Catherine M. Perme, Branch 32, Lynda J. Shine, Branch 54, Geraldine L. Kernz, Branch 89, Natalie M. Kastigar, Branch 14, Total Income Total Disbursements Gain Balance J'uly 1, 1972 Gain $927.78 $125.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Total $927.78 525.00 $402.78 $13,356.78 402.78 $525.00 Total in the Fund, Dec. 31, 1972 $13,759.56 Submitted by, MARIE PRISLAND President Scholarship Committee The Report was accepted as read REPORT OF THE SECRETARY Esteemed officers gathered at the yearly meeting in Chicago. I am bringing you the secretary’s report of the Slovenian Women’s Union for the past year. Again there was much accomplished for the good of our organization; but many things remain undone. It is interesting that we seem to write of only the good sides of our activities, which is right, but not always the most beneficial. Each month you read the financial report. It requires much work to compile this report that it comes to print in time and not some months later. The understanding and help of the editor and printing shop during the short time between the first of the month when we close the books and the time when it is required to be completed for printing is greatly appreciated. In the yearly financial report you will see that we made a nice gain regardless of the fact that costs are increasing. A careful handling of the business and study o1 the whole system of investing monies is very necessary. Strict adherence and perseverance would benefit the organization, and this motto is so appropriate, "grain on grain makes the bread". Our investments do not bring us equally high returns; we still prefer to mix sentiment with money and banking with friendship. Also the time which we waste in the intervals between making investments is expensive. Another place where income is not given full consideration is the advertisements in Zarja. For the advertisements we receive less the cost of printing and this is not good business practice. My thanks to the editor for her understanding in the past and I hope that we can in the future solve this matter with the benefit of Zarja and Zveza in mind. Last March the Slovenian Women’s Union was invited to join the Illinois Fraternal Congress. It was a very important recognition for this organization which has been called "fly by night” and what not. The persevering work of our predecessors and our continuing work has reaped some prestige. With the editor, C. Leskovar we attended the Congress at Arlington Hgts. III. This group is in constant touch with the state statutes dealing with our type of organization and the laws that directly and indirectly control our finances. In April the S.W.U. was invited to Washington D.C. where a meeting of the committee for Ethnic Studies in our nation’s capital was held. It was worth the time and effort to attend. At this meeting we were entered in the list of nationalities that were invited to Washington to this important meeting. Besides the intensively spent time and extremely interesting lectures, we discussed programs for schools that would in the future better teach the young some facts of their heritage. In Washington I visited friends who are closely connected with our organization. The members 'of the branch there gathered at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Mimi Mejac. We exchanged many good ideas and most important, we became friends. It would be difficult to find a more varied and loyal group of women anywhere as at Br. 103 in Washington. A conference on Ethnic Studies was held at the Circle Campus of the University of Illinois which I also attended with Krista Arko. We reported our activities with the childrens’ Slovenian School and how it is operated. This would also be the duty of regular schools. The adult evening school for Slovenian language which I organized now has 14 regular students meeting weekly under the supervision of Mr. Joseph Rus whose wife is our member. Problems with finding a suitable place for the lessons gave me the incentive that the S.W.U. should have its own place for such activities and much more could then be done. I attended the State Conventions in Pueblo, Colo, and La Salle, 111. that has already been reported in detail. 1 also visited the members of Br. 24, LaSalle and we together found a path for their future activity. I must compliment the new committee for their fine work and also for enrolling several new members. What does the future hold for us? Did we do all we could for the future. Not by a long shot! Increasing the membership and finding new ways is far from satisfactory. It is nice to recall the past successes but it is neccesary to accept the new day. The communication among the national officers has been unsatisfactory. You left me to sink or swim. It is the same with the branches as in the Home Office to one who is new at this work. Only the most dedicated survive, the others drown or move off. You see, this is to my way of thinking the reason that we do not have enough growth in our committees. Until the convention there is still time to dwell on these thoughts. Perhaps we will then hear more discussion on this question and we will be able to find more successful plans for the future. FINANCIAL REPORT 1972 INCOME: Assessment Class A Class B Juniors Socials Miscell. $21,807.13 24,650.90 2,701.20 497.15 86.55 Interest on Investments Rental Income Proceeds from Cook Books Miscellaneous Income Gain on sold Bond Tax Deposits Total Income 1972: DISBURSEMENTS: Death Claims: 181 Class A 23 Class B 1 Junior Zarja — The Dawn Publication Salaries Administr. & Travel Exp. Office Rent Real Estate Tax F.I.C.A. Tax Unemplyment Tax Postage & Teleph Secretarial Awards Stationary & Advert. House Repairs Accrued Interest Campaign Awards Bowling Donations Convention Material Cleaning Department of Insurance Fuel & Water & Electr. Miscellaneous Reai Estate Depreciation Total: Income 1972: Disbursement: Gain $90,054.48 70,049.07 20,005.41 $49,742.93 33,825.94 2,520.00 1,317.33 2,219.10 350.00 79.18 $90,054.48 18,100.00 4,200.00 100.00 18,982.42 12,729.86 7,817.52 900.00 809.58 661.94 224.66 730.66 532.25 405.14 432.41 410.58 364.50 364.50 177.50 456.00 60.00 40.00 379.31 670.24 500.00 $70,049.07 Balance Dec. 1971 Gain in 1972 Balance Dec. 31, 1972: $547,126.76 20.005.41 $567,132.17 $567,132.17 FANIKA HUMAR, The Report was accepted as read NATIONAL TREASURER'S REPORT PRESIDENT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE'S REPORT Esteemed Directors, accept my sincere greetings. I hope that this board meeting before our convention will bring Zveza and the membership helpful decisions for the future success of the organization. Our Supreme Secretary Fanika Humar will have an itemized financial report and I agreed with her records. Our branch is working in the Convention Campaign and congratulations to all the diligent members who are working to this end. I attended the Mllnois—Indiana State convention held in LaSalle, Illinois on October 1, 1972, with the attendance being the largest to date. The children's Christmas Party for Br. 2 was a huge success. The cooperation we received from the ladies and committee is comendable. This year we had a 115 children who enjoyed a show given by Nežka Gaber, Krista Arko, Marge Leff and Corinne Leskovar. A great big thank you also to our Santa Claus. This years bowling Tourney will be held in Sheboygan, Wisconsin on April 7 and 8. The hostees will be Branch 1, with Anne Modiz rounding up the bowlers for Sheboygan, Wis. Marion Marolt, for West Allis, Wis., Rose Kramet for Milwaukee, Wis., Josephine Sumic, for Joliet, Anne Pelko for La Salle, Caroline Dawson, for Oglesby, Lil Putzell and Liz Zefran, for Chicago, Illinois. Plan to attend Zveza Day in Lemont, the date July 15, 1973. Our Mother of the Year Program will be held on May 10, 1973 in the Church Hall and these affairs draw a larger attendance every year. Articles of interest to the branch are being published every month in the Zarja. LIZ ZEFRAN The Report was accepted as read NATIONAL AUDITING COMMITTEE’S REPORT National Pres. Mrs. Turek, and members of the Executive Board of the Slovenian Women’s Union: Greetings and sincere good wishes to all of you Present here at the Annual Board meeting, called to order °n February 20th and 21st, 1973 at the home office in Chicago, Illinois. As Chairman of your Auditing committee, I am happy to report, that after a careful examination of all the Union’s transactions, Scholarship Fund and Editor’s account for the year 1972, all have been found in satisfactory order. Income from branch assessments, interest and other incomes were checked. Disbursements were checked and reviewed as to issuance of vouchers. Bank deposits and records of our National Secretary, Mrs. Fanika Humar and National Treasurer Mrs. Liz Zefran, were checked and verified. A general review was made of all other items on record. On Tuesday, February 21st, 1973, a visit to the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., was made by the entire Board and a complete check and account of all bonds and other securities on deposit in the bank Safe box, were made and accounted for according to the r®cords. The Committee appreciates the assistance of our National Secretary, Mrs. Humar and her excellent and efficient maintenance of records. The undersigned members of the Auditing Committee hereby state that, to our best knowledge and belief, the Slovenian Women’s Union records for the year 1972 based on our review, are cornet and true. Slovenian Women’s Union Auditing Committee: Chairman: Ann Podgoršek Auditor: Anne M. Kompare Auditor: Jennie Feme The Report was accepted as read My sincerest greetings to each of you. I am happy to be present at this annual meeting and to see every-cne looking so well. It’s to bad Mrs. Pris'land could not attend. We miss her. Since our convention is just around the corner meeting will be of utmost importance. On September 10th Minnesota Zveza Day was held in Ely, hosted by the Ely branch. Members from each of the branches of Minnesota were well represented. Our branch had 41 members present. The day’s activities began with the Holy Mass followed by the State meeting. Barbara Rosandich presided. The banquet was a gala event enjoyed by all. We were honored to have as our guest speaker Corinne Leskovar, Editor, of our beloved Zarja. Corinne gave a very interesting talk. Mary nice comments of satisfaction were made on our Monthly Magazine. Pots and Pans Column is greatly enjoyed by the homemakers. Thanks to Hermine Dicke. Since the Minnesota branches didn't do too well in the membership drive recently, I urge the cooperation ol the membership to each sign up at least one new member. This would help to replace the many we lost in death. In this pre-convention drive so far I have 3 adults and 8 juveniles signed up. The Hibbing branch will host Minnesota Zveza Day in 1973. Our Monthly meetings are fairly well attended. Our juvenile directors are again in the process of making plans for activities for 1973. We are sure the youth will enjoy them. May God bless you all ANN PODGORŠEK The Report was accepted as read SECOND AUDITOR’S REPORT National President, Mrs. Turek, and members of the Executive Board: It is my pleasure to be present with you again, at iths annual Board meeting in 1973, and my best wishes to all of you. As a member of this Board, I submit the following report of my activities during the year 1972. In January 1972 I submitted a membership drive letter for our 45th Anniversary campaign, for publication in our Zarja, which was printed in March issue. On June 15th, I attended the Annual dinner of Branch 16, So. Chicago, at which Miss Katie Triller was honored. She is a past National officer and past President cf Br. 16 for 25 years. I congratulated her in behalf of the National Board. On July 16th, I was present in Lemont at our "Zveza Day" hosted by Br. No. 2. Also in attendance and representing my Br. No. 95, were Rec. Sec’y. Mrs. Evelyn Driscoll and her mother, Mrs. Apolonia Ashenbrener, a pioneer member of our Branch, and my sister Mrs. Margaret Pavletič. Early this summer I attend a preliminary meeting called by our National Sec’y, Mrs. Humar, in regard to planning and discussing the coming 16th National convention to be held in Chicago in May 1973. At this meeting were representatives from each Chicago Branch, who were invited to attend. They were from Br. No. 2, Mrs. Mayme Muller, President, also Corinne Leskovar and Fanika Humar; Br. No. 16, So. Chicago, Mrs. Jtean Buk-vich, President, and Miss Gladys Buck, Sec’y.; Br. No. 95, So. Chicago, Mrs. Mildred Poropat, Sec’y and Anne Kompare. At this meeting the dates May 20th to 20th inclusive were set for the National convention. Mrs. Humar and Corinne Leskovar previously sought out several downtown hotels, giving us the costs and other possibilities, and it was decided that the Bismarck Hotel had the best offer to accommodate our convention. There also was some discussion on plans for entertainment of delegates and guests, but nothing definite was set at this point. On October 1st, I attended the lllinoisilndiana State Convention in LaSalle, 111., hosted by Br. No. 24 and presided by state Pres. Anne Lustig. Besides the regular convention proceedings, the day’s events also included a High Mass at St. Rcch’s Church, after which a delicious dinner was served in the school hall, which was appropriately decorated for the occasion. It was a successful convention with a great number of members present, including 23 members and officers from my own Br. No. 95. On Fri. Oct. 27th, 1972, I participated in the audit of books of a branch that had changed officers. Present at this meeting was the Secretary and Treasurer. The books were closed and returned to the branch in question so they are able to continue with their business and keep members in good standing. During the year I attended all meetings of my branch, also participated in all the programs and events. We have a very active branch and have large attendances at our meetings and we are gaining new members regularly. Thanks to our good officers. For this annual meeting, I am happy to report as a member of the auditing Committee, that the audit of the S.W.U. records for the past year of 1972 have been completed and a signed report submitted to the Executive Board. Respectfully submitted by ANN M. KOMPARE The Report was accepted as read THIRD AUDITOR’S REPORT Dear National Board Members: Heartiest greeting to all. How time flies. Here we are gathered again, for the 1973 Board Meeting. I hope you had an enjoyable and healthy year since the 1972 meeting. I attended all our Branch 25 meetings, also Combined branch meetings of Cleveland in 1972. In February we celebrated Valentines Day at our meeting, and aiso Mary Otoničar our secretary and Dorothy Strnisa’s birthdays plus two other very active members, Our members will have to learn to bake goodies without calories. In May our Mother of the Year Antonia Mihevc, was honored. She was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. She deserved the honor as she attends every meeting. Her daughter is our Vice President. She also makes the best pehtranova (tarragon) potica. Brings it warm to the meetings. In July I helped with our annual bake sale. The success is due to the krofe we make. This sale is a big boost to our treasury. Thank you ladies. On October 29th I attended the Union's Ohio Michigan Convention in Cleveland, hosted by combined branches of Cleveland presided by our State Pres. Mary Bostian. The meeting was well represented by members from far and near. Thank you guest members who came from Chicago. Also bus load of people from Pittsburgh. There were many discussions for the good of our Union. After the meeting we celebrated Recognition Day. The young lady that was honored was our dear Editor Corinne for her 20 years of devotion and hard work to make the Dawn such a success. Corinne gave a speech in English and Slovenian. It brought tears to the eyes of the older people when she spoke so well in Slovenian. Hvala. We presented her with a plaque and corsage. Mary Otoničar and Dorothy Strniša also received corsages and gifts for their good works for the Zveza. A delicious dinner was served. Dance music was furnished by a good Slovenian Orchestra. In December we celebrated Christmas. This meeting is always well attended. I wish so many members would attend all meetings. Instead of gift exchange we donated the money to Slovenian Home for the Aged. In the past year the Lord called 13 of our members. May they rest in peace. Sorry to say we didn’t quite replace them but we will try to do better for the celebration of our 45th Annversary in October. Congratulations to our National Treasurer Elizabeth Zefran on her husband being honored at Slovenian Day in Chicago. Respectfully JENNIE FEMC The Report was accepted as read REPORT OF INVESTMENT SECRETARY To the auditors of our organization a detailed listing of our investments was presented. Said listing tallied with the bonds and deposits reposing in the Metropolitan State Bank. During the past year all of our $21,000.00 worth of United States Treasury 2i bonds matured. Of that amount $12,000 were on deposit with the Illinois State Insurance department in Springfield. In their place $15,000.00 worth of 6 3/8% bonds were purchased and deposited. An additional $10,000 — 6 1/4% treasury bonds were purchased. The following bonds also matured: $10,000 worth of Georgia Road Authority and $9,000 worth of Sisters of Charity in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. A savings certificate deduction of $10,000 was made at the Metropolitan State Bank in Chicago. With this money the following investments were made: $20,000 in federal savings and loan associations, namely Talman and Mutual of Chicago; $5,000 in the Joliet Union National Bank; $5,000 Providence Hospital, Seattle, Washington bond and $5,000 St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, Michigan, Bond. Abiding by the state rulings governing burial insurance societies, 375 preferred shares of Commonwealth Edison Company were also purchased. During the year of 1972 our investments increased by $24,627.07 for a total of $549,938.76 with an interest accumulation of $33,825.94. OLGA ANCEL, The Report was accepted as read NATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT My sincerest greetings to each and every one of you! I sincerely hope that this meeting of 1973 will be very successful in all of your discussions and plans, as this is the convention year for S.W.U. where very import-and matters will be coming up. This is a report of my activities for 1972. Branch No. 17 and my self participated in the Mid West Bowling Tournament at La Salle with 6 teams. A bus was chartered for this affair. Plans are in the making to attend the tournament at Sheboygan, Wisconsin on April 7 and 8. The Wisconsin State Convention which was held or October 22, 1972 at Willard, Wisconsin turned out a wonderful success. Our branch chartered a bus for this affair and I had accepted the invitation to attend. Everyone enjoyed the session and many ideas and suggestions were brought up to help us better the organization. By continuing these sessions, only then can we improve. Branch No. 17 will be the hostess branch for 1973 in conjunction with our 45th. anniversary. Congratulations are extended to the branches and winners in the 45th. anniversary campaign which brought in 416 new members. I hope that this “Woman of the Year” campaign will surpass all previous campaigns. Our Christmas party combined with the presentation of Christmas gifts to the children was again very successful, and also brings a larger attendance to the meeting. Sincere thanks to ail of the national officers for their hard work in performing their duties throughout the year. May God bless you with good health and happiness. National Vice-President MARIE A. FLORYAN, The Report was accepted as read EDITOR’S REPORT Dear Members of the Board: We are at the threshold of the 16th National Convention to be held here in Chicago in three months. The past year has been devoted to this convention to a great extent. The 45th anniversary Membership Campaign was our most important pre-convention activity and in Zarja, we Were able to bring the honor parade of prize-winning branches to the forefront by having their pictures on nine cover pages of nine consecutive months of Zarja. We congratulate these hard working branches and hope that they, too, feel gratified that the organization is proud of them. A complete tally of the campaign results also appeared in Zarja for the edification of all and I have made every effort to write on topics of importance to our Union with emphasis on the campaign in many issues. The secretaries of the organization are doubtless the directors of all progress. In February, all the past National Secretaries were paid a tribute on the cover page and 0lJr great secretary of Br. 25, Mary Otoničar was singled out in the special story. We were happy to have the participation of our National Officers in most of last year’s issues. Besides the regular monthly reports by our President and Secretary that give official notice to our activities, other members °f the Board sent their slogans and quotes for special Placement in Zarja in connection with the campaign. We Relieve members like to hear from the Officers frequently. An accent on youth has been recommended over and over again, in all our meetings and state conventions. We are proud to say that youth oriented features take a great amount of space in our Zarja. The first and most important youth activity is the Scholarship Fund report and call for applicants. The scholarship winners were also pictured w‘th their stories. The 1972 Cotillion for debutantes in ^hio received substantial coverage as we expect will the forthcoming Cotillion this May in Chicago. Regular monthly reports from our many bowlers are 'Hteresting to the SWU leagues in the midwest and east and tournament reports are telling us that this sport is still a major activity in our Union. For homemakers, Pots and Pans column reflects their interest in cooking and related subjects. Its writer Dicke makes a conscientious effort to make each column readable for all, those who cook and those who Cn,y -ike to read recipes. Regina writes for the Young at Heart under which category many qualify, and her material is always timely and educational. Not to be forgotten are our members who like to j_ead of things in the news and commentary which is Mrs. island's forte in her column Oh, Ta Svet, now also enjoying the 45th anniversary along with Zarja. We believe she has never missed an issue. She spends her time writing worthwhile columns for our members and their families which gives great prestige to our Zarja. Oh, Ta Svet is surely an important contribution to the Slovenian literature in America. And, again we have many members commenting on the pleasant reading found in Capsules, Mrs. Prisland’s English column with news and views of the. times. There is no age distinction in Zarja — all material is geared to be of interest to all such as Father Claude’s bi-lingual homiles that are not only enjoyable but provide spiritual uplift for all. In recalling the year's Zarja in this way, we measure our progress. It is undoubtedly true that Zarja’s function is to be the voice of the organization and it is certainly true that it is. The degree to which we make it important lies within those who participate in it. As the artists of its beauty and architects of its form, each and every officer, each and every reader and each and every reporter is charged to make this serious consideration. We appreciate your confidence in us in this regard and hope we can continue to satisfy all the organization needs as well in the future. Financially, costs to produce Zarja are kept as low as possible. Our new printers, the Croatian Franciscan Press, have been more than considerate in this regard. They have been fully cooperative with my wishes and at times, demands, and we believe, very fair in regard to holding down costs. Extra charges that accumulate each month with the printing of Zarja and mailing, are as low as it is possible to maintain. Engraving costs, supplies, art work, photos, etc. are somewhat more expensive than I would wish. The Publishers Fund has always been the source for defraying this added expense, but in the last year, the general treasury has had to make payment for many of the engraving bills. This was done in accordance to your directive of the 1971 meeting. At the conclusion of 1972, however, I was able to make a contribution to the cost of the December Zarja in the amount of $756.00 which was the balance in the Publishers Fund account at the end of the year. This amount reimbursed the general treasury for some of the engraving costs paid out thru the year. It would be the ideal situation if we could receive more advertising income to help pay such expenses but it seems impractical to add advertising pages unless ^he revenue would more than cover their cost. In this regard, I am hopeful that the slight increased advertising rates being paid now by our regular advertisers will help and that any new income in the future will be adequate tc equalize the engraving costs. I thank you very much for your fine cooperation and help in the past year and hope that as we are now in Zarja’s 45th year, even more will be achieved in the future. We still have our great goals and hopes to lead us on. I know that we have your confidence to try and make Z3rja as meaningful and beautiful as we can. It would be dreary indeed if we were to change the journalistic form of Zarja into a strictly business journal, and impractical to change it into a variety magazine. We hope we can hold a center line and satisfy our desires to serve the organization in its pages while at the same time opening up to our members the interesting and important review of the world around us. In conclusion, my sincere thanks to the members of the Combined Cleveland branches for the honor bestowed on me at the Recognition Dinner Dance Oct. 29th in Cleveland when the 20th anniversary of editorship was remembered. The engraved plaque has a very cherished place in my office. Subsequently, a beautifully worded resolution from the City of Cleveland was sent to me congratulating me on this anniversary. To those who made this all possible, my deepest gratitude and affection to you all. EDITOR’S FINANCIAL REPORT PUBLISHER’S FUND Balance, Dec. 31, 1971 Income: Yearly Ads Christmas ads Other ads Donations for cuts Memorials Other donations Subscriptions Total Expenses: Engravings Supplies Subscriptions Postage Postage Returns Art & Photos Bowling Team Miscellaneous $61.81 $700.00 160.00 40.00 67.25 12.00 4.00 6.00 989.25 $1,051.06 $123.00 59.17 55.99 61.40 32.00 28.00 20.00 10.35 390.10 Bank Balance, Dec. 31, 1972 Check reimbusing gen’l treasury 12/23 Actual Balance, Dec. 31, 1972 660.96 648.00 12.96 The check reimbusing the treasury for cost of engravings in 1972 was made in December but not cleared in the bank statement until January. To this amount add $108.00 paid by advertiser earlier in the year directly into the treasury totalling $756.00 contribution from the Publisher’s Fund in 1972. CORINNE LESKOVAR The Report was accepted as read REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF YOUTH I wish to take this opportunity to extend greetings ot the Supreme Board and wish for continued success. May God bless you all and help you in the right direction towards progress for the interest of the organization and especially the youth. I suppose I did wrong in declining the office of Director of Youth, but I could see no way of doing a job without an award to pay someone to help me with activities for the youth. In the beginning, there was not much cooperation and then I took ill which necessitated my getting someone to help with the bowling. I found a young girl whom I had to take care of at the end of the season, plus supplying a treat to the children for Christmas and at the conclusion of the bowling season. When I saw that I couldn’t handle all these expenses with what I received, I resigned. I am still interested in the children with the batons and I do hope this group will stay in the organization It takes a lot of time and energy to hold these groups together. I now have someone very fine, who has taken over the direction of the baton twirlers, in place cf Mrs. Cooke who had to leave us due to her other work and whose daughters are also busy with school and jobs. Luckily we have found another wonderful worker, Mrs. Antoinette Zabukovec and I know she will do well and I will give her my full cooperation. The baton twirlers go on parades often thru the year. It is very necessary they they find a good place to rehearse and they need encouragement of all of us, so they have the spirit to continue. As you know if you have ever worked with children and young people, it's a rather difficult job as they have many activities in their schools. I do hope a new Director of Youth will be found to take on this important work. I do know that without funds no one can do much. I recommend that the next Director be given sufficient awards to make this work a success. The baton group and youth bowling are two very successful fields for the youth if it is started on time and has the right director. Other places may find other activities such as sewing, singing, etc. but it costs more for the teacher and supplies. So, my dear officers, I am sorry that I was not more successful and hope that the next Director of Youth will have better luck. Bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN The Report was accepted as read REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF WISCONSIN My report will include the business events of the Wisconsin State Conventions of the years 1970, 1971 and 1972. Br. 1: New members are needed, more stimulating programs giving Slovenian culture to Americans and keeping Slovenian nationality alive. Mrs. Prisland announced changes in By-Laws relating to State Conventions and explained that in preceding years the S.W.U. did not pay delegates expenses to National Conventions. In 1936, a resolution was passed for J the fare to be paid delegates. Shortly after, the round trip tickets of delegates were approved and paid as they have at every Convention since then. As it has become too costly in recent years, the Board of Directors ruled that the State President should represent her branch as its delegate. It is estimated that this would be a saving of approximately $800 to every convention. The Conventions of S.W.U. are held every three years according to the Illinois Insurance Dept, regulations and we must abide by this ruling. If we were to become a fraternal organization, we would meet every four years. Also it was stated that one year before the National Convention, every State President Candidate be selected at the State Convention held that year and she will attend the Convention and there be duly elected for the next term. Br. 12: Lack of attendance and suggestions at meetings. Not knowing what is happening to the organization’s interest. One head for national affairs, namely the State President. In Milwaukee where there are three groups, each is responsible to the State President. State Convention meetings should be held after dinner because of traveling distance. Br. 17: Need new members. Headquarters should supply pens with S.W.U. advertising to be given on special occasions. Join the Fraternal Congress of Wisconsin. No increase in salaries, assessments or Dawn magazing at Convention. Abolish the two year limit term for National Officers. In future By-Laws, the Supreme Officers need not speak or write Slovenian. Cut out Pots and Pans for Slovenian dishes because people won’t buy cookbooks. Br. 43: Some sort of souvenir for anniversaries. If a membe,- maintains 25 years of continuous good dues standing, whether in one branch or transferring to another, why can’t the Supreme Board give her some sort of recognition such as a pin or souvenir? When the Supreme President’s term of office expires, the vice-president should be automatically, as a promotion, moved up to succeed the president. The same rule would apply to the vice president only she would be elected from the State Presidents. State Presidents within a reasonable distance should attend Board meetings. Lower the age limit for senior citizens to 70 years of age instead of 75; Class A - 20c.; Class B - 35c.; with same benefits as when she joined. 50c. appropriated towards the Childrens’ Christmas Party. All nominations for officers should be from the delegation floor, that is the reason for having delegates attend. Father Claude’s expenses paid for attending and offering mass when he is out of town getting a substitute priest at the State Convention. ROSE KRAEMER The Report was accepted as read REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN A big hello to the Board again and I hope you all are keeping well. The time is close at hand when we will nave our big moment, the National Convention to be held fn Chicago, the big city and home of our Headquarters. 1 assume that the convention will be the topic of conversation at your 1973 meeting. It was an exciting year for me and the Combined Branches. We had only five meetings as it was inconvenient for transportation for some of our ladies, but they are all so great and try their best to come if possible. We only have meetings when necessary for important discussion. May 10 was the day Br. 21 had their Mother’s Day celebration to which I was invited. It was a beautiful event. The mother of the Year was well-known secretary of Br. 21, Stella Dancull. They performed a This Is Your Life for her. It was great. Hats off to Br. 21. They keep up with -orne sort of activities to please the members. May 13th I attend the beautiful Cotillion Ball arranged by co-chairman Jane Novak and Ann Hočevar. The committee was from the Combined Branches. It was out of this world. On Oct. 29th it was a big day for us. We had the State Convention to which I presided and it was held in injunction with our first Recognition Day. As chairman this big affair, I thank all for the wonderful cooperation. I thank God for being with me. Nov. 29th was the Combined Branches yearly Christmas party that everyone enjoyed after the meeting. Our "ext meeting was scheduled for March, 1973. My heartfelt thanks to the organization for all your help during the current term. It was so greatly appreciated. MARY BOSTIAN ^he Report was accepted as read STATE PRESIDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA-NEW YORK Heartfelt greetings, Supreme Officers, Spiritual Advisor Claudf Okorn, O.F.M. and all Delegates and Friends. Since the last National Convention, we have conducted three State Conventions in Pennsylvania namely at Br. 96, ®r- 71 and Br. 26. All were held in good order and with great success for the sponsoring branches. A large gath-6ring attended each meeting. Our sincere thanks to the National President, Toni Turek and her husband for attending. The next State Convention will be held at Br. 67, Bessemer. Pa. I wish to thank the officers for all their work and Efforts of the past three years. To Mrs. Prisland, my sincere compliments for her good work for the S.W.U. which is going into the 47th year since the founding of °Ur organization, that is an honor to all Slovenian women lr! America. Her monthly column in Zarja, Oh, Ta Svet, 's to be commended. On Oct. 29th I attended the Ohio-Michigan State Convention banquet. We chartered a bus with members of Br. 26, Pittsburgh. It was a pleasure to see again our Editor, Corinne Leskovar of Chicago. The new year began on a sad note for us as we lost a member, Mary Urbanic. Deepest thanks to the members who came to take part in the ritual for our departed member and attended the funeral with lighted candles. My thanks to all the Supreme officers for the cooperation I have enjoyed all these years. I am hopeful that the Convention will conclude a successful campaign for new members but we must remember that the campaign is always on, new members are always weicome. It is now nearing 27 years since I was first elected to Supreme Office and I have worked willingly all the years with all my strength for the good and progress of this organization and my branch. I wish good health to all and a successful meeting. God bless you all. MARY TOMSIC The Report was accepted as read STATE PRESIDENT OF CALIF.-WASH.-ORE. Greetings and best wishes to the National Officer's at this Director’s Board meeting from Branch 13. May this 1973 be a year of vision and courage as we progress a:ong. I am proud to say Year 1972 was a good year for Slovenian Women’s Union of Branch 13 with 16 new members added to our membership. It takes hard work and determination to have young members take over as wt have now with their new ideas and responsibilities, There are many challenges that must be met if we want out organization to go forward. With four meetings a year (excluding July and August, vacation time) making preparations for Mother of the Year in May, Zveza Day and Pot Luck Dinner in October and December Christmas party and election of officers. We did exceptionally well considering the slow start at the beginning of the year. ROSE SCOFF The Report was accepted as read STATE PRESIDENT OF MINNESOTA Best wishes and health to all the Supreme Board officers and members at this meeting. This meeting will be an important one for you since it is the meeting before the National convention. I hope that all your problems will be solved and that this will be a very progressive and successfull convention. During the past three years we have had State conventions that are always well attended and enjoyed by a I. We want to thank the Supreme Board for giving us a supreme officer to attend our meetings. Our past State conventions were held in Keewatin, Hibbing and our home town Ely, Minn. At these meetings we all enjoy the inspiring talks that the Supreme officers give. It really adds something to the members feelings about the Slovenian Women's Union. In regard to the Zarja the members have the page Pots and Pans on top of the list and wish to have it even more than this page. We have been keeping up our membership by trying to enroll new members as many of our older members have passed away. In regard to our local branch, we have a committee to take care of the lunch and entertainment at each meeting and this really keeps up the attendance as well as the interest in the S.W.U. This Christmas we had a dinner at the Parish hall and had the older members as cur guests. It was very well attended and enjoyed by all. !n behalf of the members of the Minnesota branches I would commend the Board for doing such a wonderful job for the Slovenian Women’s Union. At this time I would like to thank all the Minnesota members for the wonderful cooperation they have given me while I was their State President. I hope they will give the same to the new State president as they have to me. I wish Angie Karish, the new State President a successful term of office. Fraternally yours, BARBARA ROSANDICH The Report was accepted as read The Board was pleased to hear a report by the Secretary on the recent successful Concert by the Singers 2nd Dancers of Ljubljana, Slovenia held in Chicago Feb. 4th under the auspices of the Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 2. One of the grandest concert halls in the world, Chiacgo's Orchestra Hall was nearly filled to capacity by Slovenians from Chicago and over the midwest who traveled some distances to attend the event. It was the first undertaking of such proportion by the S.W.U. and a tremendous success in that it brought so many people together under a common incentive — the enjoyment of S'ovenian culture and folklore. Reports were given by the President and Secretary on the standing of the Cookbok, “Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen”. As the distributor of the book from her home, the President reported many branches still owing payments and that her report could not be conclusive. The Home Office supply is under the direction of the Secretary who made her report to date. The latest shipment of books was slightly more costly due to increased paper and plastic prices. Songbooks "Zapojmo” are still on hand and Mrs. Pris-land’s history book “From Slovenia — To America” is sold out. The President thanked every branch, the officers and members for their continued interest in the publications of the Union which proceeds help to defray many expenses. The Board was given a report by the Secretary, Treasurer and Second Auditor on the audit of the books of a certain branch that resulted in a successful conclusion and retaining of the members in good standing. This circumstance was brught about due to the demise of the secretary and subsequent inability of the branch to find a permanent secretary. The Board approved the committee's action and thanked them for taking care of the matter saying the good will of the membership is one of the foremost concerns of the organization. The President called for discussion on the Bowling activity of the Union. Consideration was given to the problems faced by directors of bowling leagues trying to hold their leagues together. The bowling directors are urged to try to sign up all bowlers at the earliest time. Tournament bov/ling is very strict, and every bowler participating in a S.W.U. bowling tournament must be a member ;n good standing for at least three months prior to the tournament. Discussion was called on the recommendation of several members of the Board dealing with the ruling on State Presidents as delegates representing home branches at the Convention. The Board, after discussion and consideration of the subject, approved the following explanation of the ruling. The State Presidents that are cuirently in office attend the Convention according to the By-Laws. Candidates selected by their States or group of States to become the next State Presidents also attend the convention and they are the representatives of their home branches. In the case where the same person is the State President and the Candidate, her home branch rnay have the privilege of electing another person as delegate. In the case they are two different persons, the Candidate is automatically the delegate from her home branch. This ruling concerning the State Presidents is intended to give as much representation as possible to the membership. Consolidation of branches that must be combined to be entitled to a delegate will begin after the elections at March meetings. The Secretary will consolidate the branches. The Convention Committees will be appointed by the Piesident after the delegates credentials are received by the Home Office. At this meeting, the President appointed two commmee chairiadies who will have much preiimmaiy v.oik lu uu baTure the convencion, namely,. Marie Pnsianu as cnainaay of the By-Laws Committee ana Ann .vompdie, cnainaay or the Saianes and Per Diem Committee. Ihe Lsouiu 01 Unecois discussea possibiiuy or a new classification lor new members and possiibe way to increase insuicucu b-uiiems with new policies. A new market lor mem be i b wouia be open by enrolling men as auxmaiy members, mo uociiu was chaigea to consider these points and bring sume new iaeas to the Convention, ihe Executive uuiiiniiii.ee win look into the possibility or the new classmcation. "Ihe President directed the Board members to submit any proposea cnanges in By-Laws to the committee chair-lady, Mrs. msiana ana some discussion was held on various points uiougnt up by the Directors. The Board a.so review me ba.anes ana primarily the needs to increase them in line with the increased cost of living. Ihe Secretary tecoiiiiuenufcd that a Cietk be hired at the Home Office either on full time or part time basis. She also gave her suggestions on economizing the budget for various projects such as the Convention ticket Project which we may tmd is not saving the treasury any money but may be more expensive that giving convention delegates outright per diem payments. The Board discussed further, ways and means to better cover expenses connected with the printing of our monthly publication, ZARJA — THE DAWN. Advertising rates being so low, it is felt that further solicitation of higher-priced ads and more donations will be needed to cover the expensive secondary costs for engravings, photos, and supplies needed to publish each issue. The common problem of inactivity in some smaller branches was brought up for discussion by the Board members. This aspect of organizational work is the responsibility of the State President of each district. The Board members will make a special effort to help any branch that needs to be re-vitalized. The Secretary cited several cases of branches desiring to merge and that now seem to be floundering because of the lack of interest by younger members to take over the offices being vacated by older, pioneer officers. This common problem will be discussed at the convention. The membership campaign report was given by the Secretary. The projected results will not meet the expectations of the Board. The winner, to be named WOMAN OF THE YEAR, was at this meeting not determinable on the basis of applications submitted to date. The winner will be honored at the Convention and the Board approved a gift in addition to her cash winnings. State Conventions were announced. Wisconsin will meet Sept. 23, Ohio-Michigan on Oct. 14 in connection with the 45th anniversary of Br. 25 and Minnesota will meet Sept. 9th. The 37th annual Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held April 7-8 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. This site was chosen by the bowlers and Midwest Bowling Association officers since it has been many years since Sheboygan hosted the event. The bowlers were all anxious to visit Br. 1 and the Board thanked Sheboygan committee for the invitation that will bring bowlers and members from ali over the midwest together again. The President led the prayer for the repose of the souls of departed members and former officers who passed away recently: Frances Globokar, former Supreme Vice-President; Cecelia Brodnik, organizer of Br. 21 and Amalia Sorch, pioneer secretary of Br. 91. The President led the concluding prayer and adjour-ment followed at 6:00 p.m. ANTONIA TUREK, National President CORINNE LESKOVAR, Recording Secretary FROM THE PRESIDENT: SIOVENICUM-COLLEGE FOR SLOVENIAN PRIESTS This June will be the dedication of SLOVENICUM, a long-awaited college and center for Slovenian priests and young men studying for the priesthood. It will be the focus point for religious studies for the Slovenian people and is located in Rome, the seat of Christendom. Donations to SLOVENICUM can. be sent to the S.W.U. Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608; in care of the Secretary, Fanika Humar, to Editor, Corinne Leskovar at 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 or to me at my home, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Remember, all you give to this good cause may bring more vacations to the Slovenian priesthood. The Slovenian Women's Union is co-sponsor of the fund drive and the trip to Rome for three weeks, June 17 to July 9, 1973. In this issue of Zarja, you can read o f the details for travel to Rome and Slovenia. It will be a memorable time for all. . °7 / AN AUSPICIOUS ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Prisland celebrated their 65th Wedding anniversary in March. On that occasion a letter arrived from the White House with the following message: THE WHITE HOUSE W ashington March 7, 1973 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Prisland: The celebration of a sixty-fifth xuedding anniversary is a blessing to be cherished by all who are fortunate to reach this milestone. Mrs. Nixon and I join with your family and friends in expressing our heartfelt congratulations to you, and our sincere admiration for the inspiration that derives from your life together. In the years ahead may you continue to find contentment, and joy in the happiness you have shared. Sincerely, We extend to Mr. & Mrs. Prisland all the best wishes of the membership of S.W.U., that they may enjoy the fruits of their many years labor of love with their family and friends. We thank them for their exemplary lives that is an inspiration to the generations that have followed. God bless them for many more years to come! ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. At the February meeting Dorothy Knegel was elected as delegate to the National Convention in May. There were discussions and plans for the approaching Mid-West Bowling tournament to be held in Sheboygan, April 7, and 8th. Anna Modez is in charge of the tournament and Kathy Bnezonik is organizing the junior teams. An appeal was read for a donation for the Cause of Baraga Fund. A motion was made and seconded to send a donation. A thank you to Anna Modez for taking care of the transportation to Chicago in February, in order for us to enjoy the Slovenian dancers and singers who performed in Orchestra Hall; it was magnificent! Belated congratulations to Agnes Knaus upon being a receipent of an Appreciation Award from the city of Sheboygan, for being on the Library Board for nine years. Meeting date: third Sunday in April. Happy Easter Greetings to all. Secretary, MARGARET FISCHER No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. The February committee prepared a beautiful Valentine party for us with centerpiece depicting “the ship of love” and goodies that were pink —sweet and luscious. Thanks, girls. Easter is so late this year that our surroundings will be festive with greenery and flowers. May all of you find joy, happiness and peace of mind in the festivity of our church's most important feast. We are busy with the preparations for the national convention. At the February meeting we selected Mamie Muller and Lil Putzel as our delegates and Nežka Gaber and Fran Ze-fran as the alternative delegates. Corinne Leskovar is the convention chairman and coordinator of preparations. She has several committees, each with an able leader, which will assist her. I’m not too familiar with them, but I did observe Mrs. Muller's committee in charge of the Sunday brunch and what I saw would gladden anyone. Most of the ladies on this committee are our very newest members. What a wonderful way to help them feel part of the organization. A person doesn’t feel she’s a real member until she is able to give of herself for the good of the orga- nization. (Dues are just a necessary nuisance and do not bring one into the heart of things). With this kind of work sharing, new with the old, young with the aged, under Corinne's well-known organizational skills, we know the convention will be a success. The tradition that each delegate brings some kind of handwork to be exhibited at the Convention, either needlepoint, crocheting, knitting, lace making, etc., anything that is hand made, will again be preserved at the Convention. Our branch is very rich in talented members who do many different kinds of beautiful things and we are asking these members to join us in this project to contribute to the S.W.U. Handwork Exhibit. The articles will be on display at the Hotel during the Convention and sold with proceeds going to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. During March we were busy with several activities. Together with the Ladies Guild of our parish we sponsored an evening on the subject of safety. Police Chief Stan Sarbar-neck was the speaker. We also participated in the ‘‘International Evening” at Union League Boys Club representing the Slovenian community with various kinds of baked goods 37th ANNUAL MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY, APRIL 7-8 Br. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN, Hostesses This month we will meet for the 37th annual Handicap Bowling Tournament to be held at the Playdium Lanes in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, April 7th and 8th. The first entries were from Joliet, III. — with Tezak Funeral Home team, captain Mary Lou Bluth and three sets of doubles and singles; Johnny & Lou's Tavern, captain Marge Gasperich, 2 sets of doubles and singles. We are happy to have all our J'oliet bowlers with us, and they will be headed by Midwest Bowling Ass’n president Jo Sumic whose name was inadvertantly omitted from my last report. Br. 16 of So. Chicago, III. is also coming in with a team and Br. 2, Chicago is for the first time in the history of the tourney having one team with three generations of bowlers, namely Mrs. Frances Zibert better known as Fanny; her daughter, Frances Schultz and three granddaughters, Diane, Mary Ann and Barbara. Congratulations! The three young ladies are among our Chicago debutantes this year and we are very proud of them, too. We want to thank Cookies DiCenzo for coming to our aid in replacing our 80 cup coffee maker when it went out of commission after many years of service at our meetings. Congratulations to Br. 16 on the 45th anniversary celebrated Feb. 25th at St. Chicago. Mass was held at St. George’s church with Father Jerome officiating. Branch 2 was represented by 20 members, namely, Corinne Leskovar who was the main speaker and represented the Beard of Directors, also Liz Zefran, (yours truly), National Treasurer, Mayme Muller, president of Br. 2, Fanny Zibert, Anna Zorko, Marilyn Zefran, Jeannie Zubek, Anne Seieszka, Sophie Petrovič and her daughter, Frances, Mitzi Krapenc, Luba Troha, Mary Poppish, Mrs. Elsie Melissa and daughter Shirley, Julia Pavlin and daughter Lil Putzell and Alma Helder; also Sister Bertha and Sister Angela. I want to thank the drivers and ladies for always cooperating and being ready to join any of the festivities being held in connection with our organization. With my daughter, Marilyn, I was most happy to attend the 65th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. J'ohn Prisland held in Sheboygan, Wis. March 4th. In their home parish of Sts. Cyril & Methodius, there was a beautiful Holy Mass with singing by their choir that made everyone in the church feel so inspired. After Mass, we attended a banquet in their honor at the church hall. The family all participated in the program that was a complete delight. Mr. & Mrs. Prisland must be indeed proud of them. The warm and friendly atmosphere prevailed with singing and joviality all afternoon long. My sincere congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Prisland and may they live for another 65! LIZ ZEFRAN Nat’l Treasurer & Director of Women’s Activities being sold at their food tables. Nežka Gaber took capable charge of this activity. Illness likes to strike in winter months. In February alone we lost three members. Frances Cerjak, Mary Koren and Katherine Persa were summoned by our Maker. Marie Ovnik and Hana Burjek were hospitalized and are now recovering. To the ill we wish a speedy recovery, and to the families of the deceased we extend our condolences. Try to come to our April meeting. We are planning to devote the evening to convention business. The delegates we chose are representing all the members in our branch. They are eager to hear your ideas and suggestions to convey these to the convention. Dear silent majority; now is the time to speak up. Would you like to see changes? What improvements do you suggest? Your ideas are just as important, as someone else’s maybe even better, so don't be afraid to express them. Also, help will be needed in many different areas. We have worked well in the past and we will do it this time too. Let’s join our forces and energies and make this the best convention ever. CHICAGO BOWLERS VIE FOR STANDINGS No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. BOWLING NEWS KRISTA ARKO The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league seems to have a new leader every week, but as of February 20, Zefran Funeral Home was ahead with a record of 48 wins and 27 losses. The second place team, Marquette Supper Service, was only a half game behind with 47J wins and 27J losses. Dr. Grill was in third with 47 wins and 28 losses. Wagner’s Bakery (44-31) had a bad month and fell to fourth. Reliance Federal (38-37) held onto fifth place. Handicap leaders also continue to change. Dr. Grill bowled a tremendous 2858 series, one of the highest in recent years, and took over the lead in high team series; Marquette's 983 was the new high team game. B. Jakubowski is the new leader in high individual series with 649; A. Persa is still holding out with her high individual game of 252. During February there were six bowlers who shot more than 100 pins over average. Leading them all was Barbara Jakubowski, who bowled a 514 series — 160 pins over her 118 average. This included games of 156, 215 and 143. Just a week later she was 100 pins over average with a 466 series. Lana MaIJo was 114 pins over average with a 483 series. This included a 204 game. Agnes Marrazzo shot 478 —109 pins over her 123 average. Mary Stuck (492) and Rose Swarts (486) were 108 pins over their averages. Gail Grzywacz's series was only 414, but this was 102 pins over her 104 average. L. Jtones rounded out the "stars” with a 475 —100 pins over average. S. Gorka had the high series of the month —569. She also had a 522 series, a 506 series and a 219 game. Other high series during February were: D. Maes, 517 and 500; A. Sal-vino, 508 and 514; H. Fitzgerald, 514; B. Kosi, 508; B. Haas, 498. Railroad pick-ups during February: J. Ovnik and B. Haas, 5-10; E. Martin, B. Jakubowski, D. Knezevich, G. Grzywacz, 5-7; A. Vucko, S. Melissa, L. Zefran, E. Statkus, D. Maes, 3-10; M. Stuck, 3-<8-10 and 6-7-10; J. Schuda, F. Zefran, C. Wrezzes, 5-6-10; M. Zahorsky, 4-7-10; J. Ovnik, 4-5-7; R. Steponaitis, 3-5-7-8 and 2-7-8; S. Gorka, 6 7-8; B. Schacht, 6-7-10; D. Ceska, 4-8-10 and 5-8-10 (2). See you next month. BARBARA ZUREK Convention-Progress thru Participation Every three years we ask the same question? What is a Convention—or more pointedly, what will this Convention mean? And, each tri-ennial event is held with the hopes that more plans will be made to insure future progress. Conventions are not successful unless they are planned in the minds of each and every member, each and every officer and each and every delegate a long time before they attend the Convention itself. It means that everyone comes to the Convention prepared to make it some thing good and worthwhile. If you come with the thought: "We hope this convention will bring progress to the organization” — and when don’t to anything to bring this Progress about—it's an empty phrase. No, delegates and officers, you must come to the convention with the ideas and recommendations of months of work behind you. You must bring the consensus of opinion of your branches on all the subjects you can think of that might be brought up at the meetings. You must come to the convention ready to initiate some of the discussions. A convention is not a time to air your grievances and then sit back and think you have spoken your Piece and that’s it! No, dear members, it’s a time for thinking, talking and planning; all with your greatest concentration. Then, we can say we've had a good convention! If everyone present has contributed something and brought constructive ideas and plans then we can say we’ve had a good convention! In the days to come before the President opens the 16th National Convention May 21st, you have time to consolidate your ideas. Forget the old re hashed suggestions that have never left the "shelf” they ^ere put on many years ago. Come to the convention with a new set of l(feas and resolutions. Come with ways to open the doors to new membership. Bring plans for what We can do for our older members ~ our senior citizens. How can we •ncrease activities and how can we •ntenest the young and middle aged Prospective members. Shall we open °ur membership to men and if not, what will be the future standing of °ur boy members. These are the Problems. What are the solutions? he convention awaits us. CORINNE LESKOVAR Miri« Prisland: IcS ZVEZA HAS many outstanding members. The February issue of ZARJA carried in the Slovenian column OH, TA SVET the life story of Mrs. Gizella Hozian, member of branch 2 in Chicago, who’s brilliant idea and dilligent work helped to erect a church in her home town in Slovenia. Today this space is dedicated to MRS. MARY R. LUSHENE CHARNOWSKI, who organized and for 20 years directed a State bank in Minnesota. She is a member of branch 19 in Eveleth. Mrs. Charnowski was born in Eveleth, Minnesota whose parents were pioneers of Eveleth Graduate: Eveleth High School and Junior College; Northwestern University, Evanston, III., B.S. degree in Commerce, honored with membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, National Honorary Commerce Fraternity. Co-founder and incorporator of Biwabik State Bank of Blwabik, Minnesota, 1953; Executive Vice President and Director to the time of selling bank interest in 1972. First and only woman elected President of 8th District Minnesota Bankers Association; for many years served on Management and legislative Committees of Minnesota Bankers Association. Contact Banker for the American Bankers Association, Member, National Association of Bank-Women Inc. Licensed Minnesota Realtor. Field representative for Congressman John A. Blatnik. Extensive experience in Federal Agencies as Director of Ration Banking, Office of Price Administration; Business Analyst, Office of Price Stabilization; Directoi of Research & Records, Works Project Administration. Instructor of business courses at Duluth Junior College and high schools in Aurora, Minnesota and Seattle, Washington; summer session, University of Washington, Seattle. Only woman appointed by St. Louis County Commissioners to County Welfare Board. Elected to Board of Directors of Eveleth Hospital Inc., currently serving as its Secretary. Member, Board of Directors of East Range Day Activity Center for mentally retarded, Eveleth. Only woman to ha/e served on Virginia-Eveleth Airport Commission. Lay-Counci'i member, Resurrection Church, Eveleth. Member and Past State President, American Jugoslav Association. Member: Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, American Legion Auxiliary, Slovenian Women’s Union of America. Active in Democratic Farmer-Labor Party. Former State 2nd Vice Chairwoman D.F.L. Committee; for twenty years Secretary, St. Louis Co. D.F.L. Committee; for thirty years attended National Democratic Conventions, Delegate, Alternate, and Guest. L'sted in History of Minnesota; Who’s Who of American Women; and World Who's Who in Commerce & Industry. We are proud of Mrs. Charnowski! What a full life she has had! May she contribute many more active years for the betterment of humanity! i&5i (i Mary R. Charnowski No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Greetings and best wishes to all uur members. January meeting was pretty well attended by our regular members. With the coming of our 16th National Convention in Chicago, May 20-24, the ladies have chosen me to be the delegate and Mary Camloh is the alternate. Years ago we always were able to send two delegates -- but our membership is decreasing all the time, so this year it’s only one. I hope to bring you some good news. In January we were saddened by the loss of our member Agnes Obolnar. Deep sympathy to the bereaved family. Miss Obolnar was our member 44 years. Then, on Feb. 20th, we lost Antonia Zabukovec. She, too, was our member a long time, 38 years. We extend our sympathy to the remaining family. To our members, may they rest in peace and the perpetual light shine upon them. Our condolences to the Struna family, J’osephine, Alice and Pearl who lost their brother, Bill only 57 years old. The three sisters are very good members. In Euclid General Hospital is Josephine Oberstar — we hope it won’t be too long until she returns home again. Louise Fabec was also hospitalized but is home recuperating; also Mary Kobal and Anne Kovač is taking it easy too. She fell down the basement stairs and broke her leg. May the good Lord return all to good health. I can’t forget the rest of you, too. May good health be with all our members. Most of you ladies have paid your dues and I hope the rest will take time to mail me your checks. We really have a nice group of members. They are willing to donate to the treasury as they realize that with only 5 cents from each member per month, the money is needed Even stamps are 8 cents each! Thanks to all the members who have donated and they are: Mmes: Angela Smole, Mary Rakovitz, Josephine Debevec, Marion Filipič, Rose Susa, Jennie Cerne, Mary Volcansek, Ivana Gombach, Frances Zulich, Sophie Magayna, Jennie Rus, Mary Korošec, Antonia Kapel, Rose Yakos, Jennie Asseg, Veronica Vulick, Anna Yure- cic, Mary Svigel, Ivana Ancin. This year 3 ladies will reach their 75th birthdays — congratulations to them. May they have good health and happiness. I hope and wish they will be with us for many years to come. Members, if you have any questions be sure to call me I am at your service. We have some tickets to sell yet for the convention. Please let me know if anyone is ill and if you have any news for our column. Until next time, hope you all have a happy birthday. SOPHIE MAGAYNA Secretary No. 12, MILWAUKEE, W1S. February’s meeting surely was almost called off because of the snow storm, but after two hours of shovelling to get my car out of the garage, I finally get there about fifteen minutes late. I was glad to see that there were more brave members waiting and we were able to hold a meeting and give the new president, Jo Wilhelm a chance to show us how well she could perform her duties. The usual business of prayer, reports, then discussion went on and the new business was planning a card party April 8th at Reberni-sek’s. It was decided to have a “chicken” as a prize and any donations received for prizes can be had by any who do not care for the "chicken”. It was also decided to have a Chuck-a-luck for anyone not caring for card playing or as an added enjoyment. Tickets are now on sale and can be had from any of the officers for a 60 cents donation. Plan on attending and bringing your friends. The meeting ended with prayer for the sick and deceased and a good luncheon was waiting to be enjoyed served by our faithful ones who braved the storm. Hot coffee and good Slovenian sausage was served as well as cake by the officers, J'o, her sister Ann and Stavia who always makes sure we have enough. Mrs. Plesko started up our usual favorite game which we played for time and had several winners; so, join us whenever you are able! Cookbooks are still available as well as prize tickets for the Convention in Chicago in May. You can’t win if you don’t take a ticket and the money helps pay the expenses for your delegate to the convention. More discussion on this at the next meeting. Wishes for a speedy recovery to our sick members, Mrs. Kostanjcevic and Gertie Schunk who were at St. Luke’s Hospital, Carol Richwalski at Trinity Memorial Hospital and all those at home or in nursing homes. Report any sick members to Mary Evanich who is our Sunshine Girl. We're finally getting some new members. How about some more? Mrs. Pipan’s daughter, Christine and two daughters and two grandchildren are joining us; that makes three generations. Let’s all welcome them and bring in some more like that! MARY DEZMAN No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO The Sunshine Committee reports that Frances Plevnik, Rose Klemenčič and Maty Grill donated; to the treasury fund: Pauline Sesak, Helen Kusar, Frances Plevnik, Mary Walters, Mitzi Globokar, Antonia Ipavec; to the good time fund: Mary Kircher, Vera Krajic, Margaret Baron, Mary Walters and Dorothy Simens. Thank you, ladies and may God bless you all. We use this to give some get well token to members who are ill; sometimes just a little thoughtfulness from our branches means the world to those not feeling well. Mass for the deceased and living members was said at St. Christine's on March 7th. Sympathies to Marilyn Fitzhum whose dad passed away. Frances Kovach was elected to be Mother of the Year. We are having a card party on Sept. 14th at Euclid Park Club House at 7 p.m. Vida Kuhar, Mary Smrdel, Caroline Gabrenya, Frances Kog, Margaret Sadar are all at the Slovenian Old Age Home on Neff Road. The Dawn Choral group visited them and sang Slovenian songs and entertained the old folks immensely — they even sang along at the end. U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Anthony J. Skur, a Collinwood product who is in command at Baudette Air Force Station in Minnesota has received his 2nd and 3rd awards of the Distinguished Flying Cross and the fine awards of the Air Medal and Air Force Commendation Medal for heroic services in Southeast Asia. His parents are Theresa and the late Dr. Skur of 18223 La Salle. Thank God he’s now back in the U.S. Let's all say a prayer for the boys, especially those that will never come home. The March meeting was brightened by the celebration of Jan. Feb. and March birthdays. Goodies were donated by members. The hostesses were there to serve. After the meeting, Eileen Collins our “B” Caller and the ladies had a good time. The Good Time Fund was fattened by contributions from Mary Paskovich, Mary Panchur, Fay Clapacs and Marie Bla-ckensboen. Sunshine Fund contributors: Jean Dragolic, Mary Koljat, Mary Bubnic and Treasury fund, Frances Medved. Our Vice-President went to visit her son, Col. Al Grill in the Air Force. Antonia Susfar's son and family are “c 3 a) ® Z ^ o 5 ►- a> > Z E < (U c . a .2 l/> D C K (/) II s i «/) S < UL O z < in oc Ul ca S Ul S Z O Z 3 m Ž Ul %. O 5 z < z Ul > O ■ t/l W (1) »n a) o c 4) — c c i e •? «/> CL ■D C O (D <1> S O < u oo o m c o o d a e: o u z < ž z o i - n ^ O v*v “ X c o o Z -< u LU > 5 o w> H tf H a - u •- s UJ ^ U £V JC r— H= h- oc • 5"gK {]». O CN > CN v^Ui-Z « > «o * ° < •• -i ° ^ Z ' - J» — ae. ' co O i - - O CN ^ ° ig-O 2 K <5« uj w co 0 Z <*> 1 ± cn H OC *■ CO °Ow z O •• O •: > ^ _o> « O ® >* CQ v> C O E o o> c D “D C D o_ N co 2: lO *~z uj tO UJ U? O < C _>* u. 3 < ° Z * > -S o «o i-o ^ 3 O _ &s —1 rv; o S s °-< * o 0 “D •O -s : c o d> o cm Q Q < Z O x Q_ 0> c "5 > o .2. < h- o — o < O Z u z * < s O OČ uj — in o2 3 či ^ cs 'T' ^ «N v o • £* is o S o * c — ' J S; i E ?<< . “ s ji o. > ^ co Ui 10 U Oč °§ lo u z z z ui o; > => O *-ij iu t/) QC M Z — K O co Z S 3 QC —> Ul i| 3 a Cctigrcf t ula tie h A Rt. 16! 45th Anniversary Celebration Held in So. Chicago! On Sunday, Feb. 25th, members of Br. 16 hosted a lovely banquet in honor of the 45th anniversary of their branch. They paid special tribute to their three charter members who attended the festivities and among them, Miss Katie Triller, pioneer president of Br. 16 for over 35 years and former Supreme Officer from the earliest years of Zveza. They have a marvelous secretary, Miss Gladys Buck who has served them for over 31 years in this capacity and loyal officer Josephine Kralj, vice-president for 25 years. At present, their officers are energetically carrying on the work of their predecessors. Special compliments to their president, Mrs. Jean Bukvich and State President, Mrs. Anna Lustig who were heading the anniversary committee. Among the memories of that day, at which time I was privileged to speak on the goals and achievements still before us in this organization, is the remembrance of the beautiful words and compliments given the Slovenian Women's Union by the pastor of St. George's church, Rev. Jerome Sellak, O.F.M. and the assistant pastor, Rev. Thaddeus Trpin, O.F.M. Father Jerome offered his prayers at Mass for the good work of the S.W.U. J'ust a few weeks later, we learned of the automobile crash that left Fr. Jerome most seriously injured and took the life of Franciscan Brother Antonine Sega, a pioneer missionary. We hope that Fr. Jerome will with his ever-cheerful disposition, weather this misfortune and soon regain his strength and good health completely. May God grant him this wish. To the members of Br. 16, my thanks for a most pleasant day. CORINNE LESKOVAR vacationing in Florida. Hope to see you all at the next meeting April 3rd at 7 p.m. Wishes to all members for a Happy and Healthy and Blessed Easter. THERESA M. SKUR No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Congratulations to our dear VEDA PONIKVAR, under whose direction the Range Center for Mentally Retarded Children in Chisholm, Minn, was opened at a beautiful ceremony Feb. 8th. Also, congratulations to my very own daughter, Mrs. Max (Mary) Nornberg, who has been working for so many years with the children there, when the Range Center was No. 16 ST. CHICAGO, ILL. No meeting was held in January so our election of officers was deferred until February. It was an easy task as all the present officers were re-elected for another term. At our meeting in February plans were made for a Games Party to be held on Sunday, April 1st at 2:00 p.m. in St. George’s Church Hall. We also chose our Mother of the Year at this meeting it was unanimously decided to bestow this honor on Mrs. Edna Winters. You will be reading about her good work in the May issue. A speedy recovery is wished for Agnes Bregar, Olga Hicks and Beverly Hooper who are on the sick list. Congratulations to Frank and Emma K r a Ij who recently commemorated their 50th golden wedding anniversary. They renewed their marriage vows at an afternoon mass at St. George’s Church and were feted at a reception at the Jovial Club by their children with many relatives and close friends attending. Our Branch celebrated its 45th Anniversary on Sunday, February 25th. The day started with Mass celebrated by Father Jerome Sellak at St. George’s Church. Afterwards members and guests assembled for dinner at Rup-cich's Restaurant. The ladies were all presented with sapphire colored corsages made by Ann Lustig. She and Gladys Buck also prepared a printed program in sapphire color. Our President, Jean Bukvich, opened the program by welcoming ail present. We were honored to have with us two of our Charter members, Mrs. Agnes Cherne and Mrs. Katie Triller. The third charter member, Mrs. Mary Ca-malick, was unable to attend. Jean then turned the program over to Ann Lusting our lllinois-lndiana State President. She presented Father Jerome Sellak, our Spiritual Advisor and Father Thaddeus Trpin, who each gave an inspiring address. Corinne Leskovar, Editor of Zarja, turned back the pages of S.W.U. history for us and also talked of present and future plans. Ann introduced other guests who offered their congratulations. Among our guests were Liz Zefran, National Treasurer, and Mamie Muller, President of Branch No. 2 with a representation of 20 members, Anne Kompare, National Auditor and Millie James, President of Branch No. 95, and Angela Arko, President of Branch No. 72. We were pleased to see many men attend this dinner which included Ed Kucic, Supreme First Vice-President of K.S.K.J'. and fellow officers of St. Flo-rian’s lodge. The afternoon ended on a happy note with group singing led by Joe Franko with his concertina. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter just a small operation. The honored guests at this event included Mrs. Eunice Shriver, sister of the late President John F. Kennedy, and Mr. & Mrs. John Blatnik, our Congressman of Minnesota. At St. Joseph’s parish hall where the banquet was held, the people listened to inspiring talks given by Mrs. Shriver and Congressman Blatnik and I'm sure everyone was most proud and pleased to hear the compliments that this Center is one of a kind and a model for other cities to follow. We are also proud that Cong. Blatnik received another award, as Distinguished Citizen from the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The presentation was at Minneapolis. The plaque represents the vote of 80,000 members in our state. Happy Birthday wishes to Gertrude Indihar who lives at the nursing home and was 91 years young on February 14th, the day we all met there. The other was Julia Setnikar, only 80 years young! They enjoyed the big birthday cake donated by our pres. Katherine Poliak and other goodies the members brought. Our junior member, Tony Menart was also with us and took some pictures. Deepest sympathy to the family of our long time member, Caroline Oberstar. She was born in Slovenia and died here in Eveleth on Feb. 21st. May God grant her eternal rest. Get well wishes to our dear Antonia Brine, sisters Zupetz, Prebelich Brank and Lushin. Sister Udovich has gone to Arizona to recuperate in the sunshine at the home of her son and daughter. Many of our members are going to Slovenia with the Frank Tekautz group. Over 200 people have already signed up. I am so happy because my son, Frank Smoltz and his orchestra is among them, and my daughter, Mary and her husband, Max Nornberg. Hope they have a wonderful time and enjoy seeing the homeland of their parents. Happy Easter to all. MARY LENICH, Secretary felicitations, Wr.&WrS. Pri Janci! No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. John Prisland, who on March 4th celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversay. It was a perfect day thruout. The mass was beautiful with the wonderful choir singing, of Slovenian hyms that reminded me of the village of Smarje where my husband was born and christened — the songs sung were the same. We were all thankful to God to have Mrs. Prisland and her husband so well and happy. There were friends and members who come from out of town to join in this extraordinary celebration in Sheboygan at the Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church. Those from Joliet included my family, husband and three daughters, Olga An- cel, Millie Pucel and Jonita Ruth with their husbands and granddaughter Rosanne and sister-in-law Frances Stonitch with husband. It was a Sunday enjoyed where we also greeted many other friends. The party took place in the church hall where the food was very delicious and program wonderful. Msgr, Knacker, a friend of the family and 'Fr. Koren, the pastor, both spoke of the good deeds performed by Mrs. Prisland throughout our country and in Slovenia. It was a history of their life unsurpassed by many other Slovenians in America. May they live many more years in good health and may God bless them both. THANK YOU! Many thanks to Mrs. Olga Saye, president of Br. 1, for her wonderful entertainment and the performance of her singers at the Prisland’s anniversary program. It was a treat for all present. At our last meeting, delegates were elected to the coming National Convention and they are president, Emma Planinšek, with alternate Josephine Sumic and Mildred Pucel with alternate Josephine Erjavec. Plans how to celebrate our 45th anniversary were discussed. Final plans will be made at the next few meetings. Our treasurer, Jo Sumic, is also “Officer of the Year” for our branch. She gave details of the forthcoming bowling tournament this month in Sheboygan, Wise. After the meeting the members enjoyed lunch and games with prizes won by Dorothy Koncar, Frances Stonitch, Emma Planinšek, Ana Papesh, Millie Pucel, Theresa Muhich, Anna Sternisha, Jo Sumic, and we thank junior member Elaine Koncar for being with us to help with the prizes. We also congratulate Mr. & Mrs. Anton Papesh who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on a previous date. Theresa has been our member for a long time. We wish them good luck and many healthy years ahead. Mrs. Dorothy Mahon has returned from St. J’oseph Hospital after a serious operation. We hope that this recovery for Dorothy will bring her good health permanently. She was the captain of our cadets many years ago and her good work is not forgotten. So, good luck, Dorothy. Mrs. Mary Schmid- berger and her daughter, Agnes Lo-vati also spent a few days in the hospital. At present, Mr. Frank Muster, husband of our former vice-president, Josephine, is spending some time at the hospital. We wish all our members and friends a speedy recovery. Best wishes to all members for a Happy and Blessed Easter. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO S.W.U. Br. 21 will celebrate both their 45th Anniversary and Mother of the Year with a dinner on Wednesday, May 2, 1973 at West Park Slovene National Home, 4583 W. 130th St. at 6:30 p.m. Dinner donation will be decided at a later date. Mother Day Project: Get your tickets and try to help us in this money-making project. Deepest Sympathies; We are sad to report the loss of our charter member, Mrs. Cecelia Brodnik who died at the age of 86. Mrs. Brodnik was the first President of the first Altar Guild of Annunciation Church when the parish was founded in 1924. She was active in the West Park Slovene National Home and organized Br. 21 of the S.W.U. on June 21, 1928. Descriptive words of praise would seem rather inadequate for her because each and every member knows what she has done for the branch. Mrs. Mary Vehar, on the loss of her husband, Anthony after 14 years of illness; Mrs. Jaye Sanker on the loss of her husband, Joseph, after a lengthy illness. May God grant them all eternal rest. Wedding: Congratulations to the happy pair, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Krumbsy, fourth grandson of our president, Theresa Lach. Mrs. Mary Nosan was hospitalized recently and anyone wishes to drop her a card should write to 6411 St. Clair Ave. We know she will appreciate your card and good wishes. Elected delegate to the 16th National Convention of S.W.U. is yours truly, alternate is pres. Theresa Lach. To our birthday and anniversary celebrants, may God grant you the best of luck, good health and happiness. STELLA DANCULL Sec.-Treas. No. 23, ELY, MINN. At the Feb. 13th meeting we elected our president, Mary Shikonya as delegate to the Convention May 20-24, 1973. There were 34 members at the meeting and afterward we enjoyed slide showing of Slovenia given by our friend, Frederic Pahule who is a teacher in the Ely schools. Soudan-Tower is his home. The pictures showed us many beautiful sights of our homeland. We had the pleasure of having the young members join the older ones in serving cake and coffee. Thank you to all. As I am writing: this morning it was 34o below zero at 6 a.m. and now at 10 o’clock, it has climbed up to llo below. The sun is bright, the air clear and snow abundant. This is typical Ely winter weather soon to give way to spring. FRANCES S. JENKO No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Mrs. Mary Ann Piontek, one of our loyal charter members, passed away at the age of 89 years. She was buried from our St. Roch's Church with Rev. Michael Železnikar officiating. Mrs. Piontek is survived by two daughters and two sons: Mary Young, Frances Snell, John and Frank, also 17 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Honorary pallbearers for Mrs. Piontek were our members Theresa (Rose) Savnik, Frances Baznik, Frances Achin, Jane Gruenwald, Agnes Ostrowski and yours truly. May our dear member rest in peace and our deepest sympathy to the family. In February we honored the third anniversary since the passing of our former Secretary, Angela Strukei. She went to her eternal reward on Feb. 8th, 1970. With the family, we mourn her passing and remember her in our prayers. MARY PILETIČ President No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Our trip to Chicago was very enjoyable. Everyone liked the concert at Orchestra Hall. It surely was a pleasure to have Father Bernard Horzen along. Our Branch would like to thank Fr. Michael for his generous gift to our organization. We welcome five new members to the branch: Mmes. Frances Puestz, Emily Peterson, Mary Ann Weber, Barbara Gruenwald and Shirley Savnik, Julia Ann Weber was enrolled '■n the juvenile class. Theresa Savnik was our February birthday celebrant. Best wishes. We lost one of our older members, Mary Piontek who passed away at the age of 89. Our sympathy to the family. Sympathy wishes also to Father Michael on the loss of his brother, Louis. Our president, Mary Piletič is doing a good job selling our convention tickets and she always does well in Anything she undertakes. We need more like you, Mary. Theresa Savnik, Our secretary will be the delegate for our branch. Our Mother of the Year will be Ernma Shimkus. Gail Novak became grandma again as her daughter, Mary Jean had a girl. Mary is also our member. Congratulations. Mary Rolando was a patient at St. Mary’s. Barbara Gruenwald underwent surgery and we wish her a speedy recovery. MARY GRAMC No. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Happy to report that we have had good attendance at our December, January and February meetings in sPite of the miserable cold weather. However, we would like to see the attendance increase each month as We go forward into 1973. So ladies, keep attending the meetings. 1 would like to take this opportunity to ask your help m securing new ^embers. It would be appreciated if each of you could enrolll one per-s°n. perhaps a friend or relative. Since this is my first article appearing jn the ZARJA. I would like o report on some of our previous J^^etings. Election of Officers was eid at our December meeting at which time the following members were elected: Mary Kolegar — President; Sylvia Plymesser — Vice President; Mary Otoničar — Secretary & Treasurer; Marie Telich — Recording Secretary; Auditors — Antonia Mihevc & Jennie Feme; Vickie Faletič — Dir. of Juvenile Division, and Mollie Dezelan — Sergeant of Arms. We had a lovely Christmas party with members contributing the de-licasies. A nice time was had by all with quite a few members celebrating December birthdays, among them our two auditors Antonia Mihevc and Jennie Feme. During 1972 we lost 13 members. They are as follows: Rose Erste, Mary Krasna, Agnes Klemenčič, Theresa Spilak, Johanna Mervar, Mary Lovrin, Sophie Renko, Mary Lokar, Ernestine Perse, Anna Grajs, Theresa Anzur, Frances Champa and Mary J'ereb. May they rest in peace. At our January Meeting Mary Kolegar and Mary Jeraj were selected as Delegates to the 16th National Convention. The Alternates are Frances Okorn and Marie Telich. Our fatihful, long standing member, Anna Zalar was chosen "Mother of the Year”. She is always giving a helping hand in the “Krofe” department and frequently contributes to the socials which follow our meetings. Happy Birthday to all members celebrating their birthdays in January. During our February meeting plans were discussed for our 45th Year Anniversary which will be held October 14, 1973. More on this to follow later. Mary Otoničar, Secy. & Treasurer and Dorothy Strniša celebrated their birthdays on Feb. 6, 1973, and Mollie Dezelan, Sgt. at Arms had her big day on Valentine's Day. Happy Birthday to these fine ladies and all the other members who had February birthdays. Our active member, Antonia Mihevc, just returned from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida after soaking up some of that warm sunshine. We extend our heartiest congratulations to one of our junior members, Miss Michelle Spech, daughter of Dr. Anthony Spech and his wife Frances, 17406 Nottingham Road. She is a Biology Pre-med Major at John Carroll University. She has been named to the Dean's List after receiving a 4.0 average for the Fall Semester. We wish to extend get well wishes to all our ailing members. See you at the next meeting. SYLVIA (MIHEVC) PLYMESSER WE'RE PROUD... No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Hello everyone. How time flies and here we are as March blows in and also the season for lent. That's a sure sign of spring and then comes Easter on April 22nd. Happy Easter to all. Then comes the Convention in May in Chicago. We wonder who the winner of the membership campaign will be and have the title Woman of the Year! Last month I wrote about the beautiful Slovenian wedding of the Drobnicks and not quite a week later Frank and Mary Drobnick were involved in a car accident at Euclid and E. 222nd. This car rammed thru a red light and head on into the Drobnick’s car which was a total loss. They both got hurt pretty badly but thank God they did survive. Mary was hospitalized for 5 days at Euclid General with head and neck injuries and her husband was also badly shook up and bruised. We pray that they fully recover. Also sick and in Richmond Hospital is Louise Fabec. Annie Poyar is also very sick at Euclid General and Barbara Strumbly had surgery there. We wish them all speedy recoveries and we will remember them in our prayers. Let us also pray for the sick and visit the aged at the Slovene Home on Neff Road. March 3rd Jennie Gustinčič and her husband, left for Texas to visit their son, David and family. He is a dentist stationed there in the Army. Annie Godlar ad Mrs. Kozar and friend went to Hawaii with Tony Petkovšek and JOhnny Pecon-Lou Trebar polka tour. They stopped at Fontana, Calif, on the way. Our wishes for a safe and happy trip. Condolences to Matilda Bolek whose husband passed away Jan. 31st. He was ill for some time. May he rest in peace and all the faithful departed. Miss Michelle Spech • Honor Student We should remember our anniversary day Mass next Oct. 24th — an svening mass for the living and deceased members at St. Christine's church. Thanks to our secretary who went early and got that date for us. Try to attend the meetings in April and May and get in on all our doings. We will plan to go to the Convention in May and then the Mother’s Day celebration and birthdays. Please also pay up your dues and help the secretary so she doesn’t have to wait. Josephine is a good secretary. May God bless you all and have a happy and peaceful Easter. ANNA TEKAVEC Rec. Sec’y No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. ALOHA Several months have passed and Br. 33 has been busy with many things. This reporter spent the holidays in Hawaii. Ten glorious days in the sun and of relaxation. It was a beautiful and wonderful experience and I highly recommend it for everyone. The holidays of course have come and gone. Hoping at this time they were all pleasant days and may the future bring to all joy and happiness. Br. 33 has had their election of officers for the coming year. Re- maining in office are: President, Mrs. Frances Blatnik; Vice-President, Mrs. Helena Ellena; Secretary, Mrs. Emma Himebaugh; Treasurer-Secretary, Mrs. Jackie Rukavina; Auditor Mrs. Cyrlla Collard, Mrs. Rose Kresky and Mrs. Suntina Spehar; Mrs. Stella Mattson, Sgt. at Arms; Yours truly.. Reporter. Gratitude and appreciation is extended to all these members for accepting these offices for another term. It isn’t always an easy job for any of us. Also elected as Mother of the Year was Mrs. Anna Samarzia. She will be duly honored at our Mother’s Day Banquet in May. So congratulations, Ann. This is also the time when all the Mothers in the branch will be honored or remem- bered. More about our elected Mother later. Seems the activities planned for our juvenile members ran into some difficulties and didn’t work out according to plans, but they will again be resumed so they haven’t been forgotten. Our Juvenile director, Joan Danielski is a very interested and dedicated person where our youth group is concerned. Some of the winter months are quiet as far as meetings go, but coming up for April will be food demonstration from the Duluth Ex-tention Office. Do watch for the announcement. In March we had a liquid embroidery demonstration by Mrs. Rose Buttrick, one of our newly installed members. Very interesting and fun. Elected as a delegate to represent Br. 33 in May at the Convention was our president Frances Blatnick and appointed as an alternate was Florence Burger. We have had several members passing away in the last few months, and many have been in and out of hospitals or are at home now recuperating. I’m sorry that it is so hard to mention all the names like I would like to with out hurting someone by forgetting someone. But our sympathy and condolences go out to families and friends who have lost loved ones. May they rest in peace. Our best wishes and thoughts for our members in hospitals, nursing homes or confined to their own homes. Again I say, pay a visit, send a card or call if you can. Show someone that you care, it is so deeply appreciated. Doesn’t seem like much some times but it is truly a great thing when you are lonely or alone. "Prayer is a song that can be sung only to God in the stillness of our hearts.” FLORENCE BURGER Reporter No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our February meeting had a nice attendance at which time we had a beautiful luncheon served by treasurer, Mary Klinar and daughter in law, Francene Pavlovčič, both celebrating birthdays. Happy birthday to both of you. And, to all the members celebrating this month. At this time we wish to congratulate Mr. & Mrs. Terry Shullick on the birth of their new daughter, Debra Ann which makes Francene and Frank Pavlovčič proud grandparents as well as great grandmother, Mary Klinar. Congratulations to all the happy family. I wish to thank Mary Bostian for the very nice article written in the Feb. issue on my mother, Agnes Jancar who is pres, of Br. 40. Mom was very happy at the honor and kind words that were written. Truly she has always had Zveza at heart. Also, our secretary Angela Kozjan wishes to thank you for the nice words written in her behalf. She too is an ardent worker for our Zveza group and deserves the honor. Thanks again, Mary, and may God bless you for all your kind words. We wish all our sick members a speedy recovery and hope that everyone will soon be up and around again. Happy Birthday to all our members with March birthdays, one of our biggest birthday months: Angeline Voytko, Angie Zgonc, Rose Zdonc, Agnes Mrski and to the other members, and yours truly. Wishes for a very Happy Easter and God bless you all. See you on the second Wed. of the month. AGNES BUCHER Reporter No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Hello ladies! Another month is gone. Well, we surely had a very nice showing at the last meeting. Keep it up, ladies. We also had a good treat again. Nicoletta Lerchba-cher baked two delicious pies and Paula Hribar made delicious cupcakes; we also had ice cream and coffee. Our Mother of the Year this year is Mary Yemec. Isn’t that nice? The mass will be at St. Wenceslaus church on May 27th and a banquet on June 3rd. Please keep these dates open ladies. Oh, Mrs. Simončič is cooking, too, for our banquet. To all sick members, we wish a speedy recovery. Frances Tomsic is doing nicely and so is Betty Kosak; also our Agnes Vercek. Our travelers, Frances Galvic and her husband went on a visit to their daughter in No. Carolina and heard they had a nice time and nice weather, too. Ladies, our convention this year is in May in Chicago. We have tickets to sell for prizes. Want to go to the Convention? Let me know. Happy Birthday to our April gals; Helen Lipnos, Jennie Perko, Frances Stavec and Josephine Stavec. See you at the meeting on the 3 7th! MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. February Special meeting was a success. I am very sorry that I could not attend as I was hospitalized and am still not feeling too well. We wish our March celebrants the best congratulations, namely: Zeno- bia Dybul, Josephine Verbick, Beverly Frangesh, Mary Martino, Mildred Verbick, Josephine Spek, Rose Howe, Mary Bistan, Josephine Peterson, Elsie Gallun, Anne Pogorelc, Rita Udovich, Frances Jacobi, and two male members, Mark Frangesh and Joseph Mohorko. Sophie Krzysiak is visiting a pen pal of hers in Adelaid, Australia. They had been corresponding for 15 years and she is being treated royally down there. On her way back, she is stopping in California to visit her daughter, Yvonne, who is in the air force. To all our sick and shut in members, a speedy recovery. Marie Hu-daj is hospitalized at St. Luke’s and if you’re in that area, pay her a visit or mail her a card. Our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn was called unexpectedly to Slovenia for the funeral of his dear mom. Our deepest sympathy to Rev. Okorn and his dad. May her soul rest in peace. ROSE KRAEMER No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Our February meeting was well attended, keep it up ladies. Our Mother’s Day Party honoring Viola Pisoni will be on the 6th of May at Lemmon’s Restaurant. Marie Gartner will be in charge. AH members will be notified of further details. Congratulations Clarice, on joining the Sr. group. Also congratulations to Theresa Gabrian on being our new Vice-President, sorry I am so late. The KSKJ Society has invited us to receive our Easter Communion with them at St. Joseph’s Croatian Church on April 8th. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Theresa Franko and her family on the death of her husband John. Please try to attend the April meeting. JO PREBIL, Rec. Sec’y. No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our Feb. meeting was celebrated in a festive motif in honor of St. Valentine with 57 members attending despite the ice and snow. Beatrice Tome, our past president, was chosen to install the officers of 1973. With our Honor Guards Present and the members standing, the officers all repeated the pledge of office led by Bea which made the installation solemn and impressive. (Ed. note: The words of this Ritual are so beautiful that we have had many of our spiritual advisors and others comment on them from time to time. Compliments to our Founder Mrs. Prisland and the memory of our late Secretary, Mrs. Novak for these beautiful words read at installations, initiations and when bidding adieu to our departed members). We presented our Valentine Girl, Mary Perusek, with a heart-shaped-boxed gift for her many good qualities and her dedication to our organization. "Support your Campaign Manager." These were the words we heard at the meeting as we worked to bring in new members in the campaign that closed March 31st. Welcome to 2 new members, Marie Kelhar and Dorothy Winter. Do yourself a favor and buy a ticket for the Convention project. A worthy cause — our own branch treasury. Sympathy to the family and friends of our member, Mary Stokel who passed away Feb. 13th. She was a member since 1938. Our luncheon table with Valentine center decor was resplendent with many delectables artistically arranged by our three sisters, Vicki Pianecki, Ann Kristoff and Mary Petrick which did justice to our taste buds and healthy appetites. We also thank those who donated gifts of value that were received with happiness. Get well cards and prayers for our hospitalized members, Anna Kru-lac, Dorothy Lokar and Mary Evac. Remember with prayers our confined members, Louise Mlakar, Cecelia Žnidaršič, Johanna Mandel and Eleanor Karlinger. Bring a guest to our meeting on April 17th. Birthday greetings and Anniversary congratulations to all members in April and May. Vacationing in Florida were Mary Vukčevič and Pat Novak. Correction from March issue: Delegate to the Nat’l Convention is pres. Ann Hočevar and alternate is Ann Kristoff. May God bless you now and always, In His ever-loving way; And the Joyousness of Easter, Be the Joy of Every Day. SOPHIE KOPLAN No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Dear Sisters! Another month has rolled about and our meeting was held with 25 members present at which time we initiated 2 new members, Dorothy Ban and Dorothy Pavitich. Hope that they will accept us as sisters and that they will enjoy being with us. We also prayed in the memory of our dearly beloved sister, Mary Bartol who passed away. We who knew her will miss her greatly. To her daughters, Mary and Dorothy, and all the grandchildren, our deepest simpathy. May you be sustained in your grief by knowing that we all share in your loss. May she rest in peace. We also wish all of our sick members Gods speed to a rapid recovery. Betty Strazisar’s husband underwent surgery and Ann Nelmark’s mother is confined to the Hibbing General Hospital. Hope this wish speeds you back to good health. Our prayers to all ill members at home, too. We also elected a delegate to the Convention in Chicago and she is Rose Chiodi with alternate Rose Trombly. We won’t find out if she is to go until the branch consolidation is completed and we receive word from the Home Office. Meeting ended with prayers led by our president, Josephine Oswald and we continued with a wonderful social. Lunch was served by sisters Jtennie Crea, Angeline Russ, Frances Shega, Pauline Germe and Angeline Hrovat. Cards were also played and prizes went to sisters Margaret Andrican and Florence Techar, low in smear and high to Rose Trombly and Alice Barratto. Bridge, high to Celia Palitano and low to Rose Chiodi. “B” high to Ivanna Prelesnik and low to Josephine Oswald. Door prize to Dorothy Ban and other honors to Gertrude Kochevar and Rose Chiodi. Next meeting will be the first Wed. at the Little Grove. Please try to bring in new members. We have lost two in a short time and we need to replace them with new members. May God bless you and keep you in the best of health. Yours truly, GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Attendance at the Feb. meeting was very good even thought the weather was very cold. Our main discussion was the Card Party. A reminder that the date is changed from April 26 to April 12.... We will have a Bake Sale. So, keep this date in mind. It will be at the Slovenian Home in Girard. Chairlady of the affair is Tillie Cigolle and co-chairlady is Mary Macek. All committees have been assigned to do their share of the work. It is with sadness that we report the death of Steve Cvetnik, husband of Maria. He had been ill just a short time. To Maria and the bereaved family, we extend our condolences. It was nice to see Nancy Dom-brosky and Sophie Cekuta at the meeting. Both had been on the sick list for quite some time but are now back in the groove again. We selected as Mother of the Year, Mary Svesko, a very well deserved member. Aloha to Mary Kristin and Sophie Cekuta who left by plane on Feb. 10th from Cleveland with the Fankie Yankovic tour. It was a most pleas- ant visit for them as they have a sister iivinig in Hawaii. To those of you celebrating birthdays, a big, Happy Birthday to you. To those who are on the ailing list, a speedy recovery. A last reminder, a cordial welcome to our card party, April 12th. See you all at the next meeting. We always have an enjoyable evening. FRANCES HRIBAR No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Nineteen members were present at the Feb. 13 meeting of the Slovenian Women’s Union No. 56 at Assumption Hall in Hibbing. Our hope was that more members would attend the March 13 meeting when we had our first songfest. All members were urged ot bring their songbooks along (Za-poymo). The following members served on the lunch and program committee for March: Dorothy Oberstar, Anne Shubert, Sylvia Latick and Barbara Doshen. Our prayers are with Mamie Ayotte and Fran Fiori who are in the hospital. The delegate and alternate to the convention will be Rose Maras and Mary Massich, respectively. The jackpot was not won by anyone at this February meeting, so the prize at our next meeting should be more lucrative (?) The Brooklyn Ladies will serve on the lunch and program committee for the "Mother of the Year” banquet in May in honor of Mary Pucel, our Mother of the Year. We hope our next few meetings will be the beginning of a good vocal group, so don’t forget the songbooks, everyone! ANN KARAKASH, Reporter No. 57, NILES, OHIO How nice to know spring is just around the corner. Our attendance all winter has been good. Hope it is better now that the weather is improving. We welcome to our group two new members, Diane Leeworthy and Nellie Amadio. Josephine Perusek was nominated our new auditor and Frances Stanec and Elizabeth Haviach stayed on. Nominated as the Mother of the Year is Ann Tarr. Congratulations, Ann. In our group we had some wedding anniversaries recently. Mary Opalka and husband celebrated 55 years of marriage and Virginia Filipan and husband celebrated their 34th anniversary. Lots of luck and many more years together. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Churazzi family on the loss of their mother and wife, Barbara. She was a member for many years. We send our get well wishes to Mary Stancher who is recuperating from a broken hip at Hillside Hospital and to Barbara Flere who is not too well lately. My daughter and I had a lovely visit at the home of our member, Angela Gradišek. Hope to see you all at the next meeting where we will have a lovely evening plus a nice lunch. MARY MOLER No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Our meeting of Feb. was opened with a prayer. Minutes were read by our rec. sec'y, Celi Hulina. Celi has turned in the books after 36 years doing a very good job. Now since she works, she cannot attend our meetings as she would like to, so we have a new recording secretary now, Mary Yarab. Good luck, Mary, we think you will be very good. We have a new member who just joined and she is Mildred Pusnik. Congratulations, Mildred, hope you will like our company. Our ladies are all wonderful to know. We had election of officers and all are re-elected the same except Mary Yarab is our new secretary. We had our 37th anniversary dinner at the Croatian Club in Bessemer on Feb. 4th. The ladies, 47 of them, attended and it was very good. The cooks were Celia Hulina, Ann Novak, Kathleen Novak, Katherine Herbolich and Ann Kinkela. Congratulations on a job well done. After dinner, we danced to the music of Joe Pitko orchestra. Mary Snezic, our president for 37 years, was honored with a gift from us for being so faithful, wonderful, understanding. Oh, she is just one of the greatest persons to know. God bless her and keep her in good health. There was an error in my column in Feb. concerning the State Convention. It will be in May, 1974. But, ladies, we will have to start planning for it now. We selected as Mother of the Year Mary Slavich. Congratulations to you, Mary and have a wonderful day. A happy birthday to all who celebrated in February and March and to those in April and May. To our members who are in the sick list, we wish a speedy recovery and lots of good health. By the time this goes to press, it will be April, so I wish everyone a Happy Easter. Hope to see you all at th next meeting. God bless each and everyone of you. MARY PERCIC Sec.-Reporter No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO Greetings! from all of us. This is a little late but I hope that everyone had a happy holiday season. As all our members know by now we did have to cancel our Christmas Party because we had one of the worst snow storms and no one was able to get out because we were all snowbound. Even some of the superhighways around us had to be closed. I know everyone was disappointed because it is one of the highlights of the year. We did decide that come springtime we’ll have a get together and invite our husbands, and boyfriends. We will notify every member when it will be. We had our election of officers and the following were elected: Pres. Rose Bradack, Vice-Pres. Jennie Mohorčič, Sec. & Treas. Frances Lille, Rec. Sec. Molly J’uzna, Auditors, Molly Juzna, Mary Grzely, Rose Bradack, Amer. Rep. Frances Ulie, Slovenian Rep. Angela Godec, Sargent-of-arms - Jennie Troha. To our Shut-ins Jennie Zalek, Mary Snidereich, Anna Svigel, we want to send our very best wishes of good health; at Christmas time we remembered them with a little gift so that they’ll know that we do think of them and miss them and we all hope that they could be with us at the meetings. So, God Bless you and best of health. Our meetings are well attended and I know that many look forward to our meeting night. More because after our business meeting we have such a nice social time that everyone almost hates to leave. It is also a good way to keep in touch with each and everyone of us. Also the delicious refreshments that are served by each special hostess of the month. Many projects are lined up for this new year. Many are looking forward to our Ba'linca Games and I know that as soon as it warms up we'll all be out there again. To John Mohorčič, husband of our Vice-Pres. Jennie Mohorčič, we wish a speedy recovery and from latest reports in doing real well. A reminder to our members that our meeting night had to be changed we meet now on the third Thursday of each month at the American Slovene Club in Fairport Harbor, it is the ideal place to meet and convenient for everyone. So, ladies, I'll see you at our next meeting and until next time may God Bless you one and all. FRANCES ULLE, Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 * * . Easter holidays bring to mind thoughts of good food — especially EGGS. No wonder we refer to a nice person as "a good egg”. Eggs are a natural protective food recommended by nutritionists — four to seven a week. They contain vitamins necessary to growth and health and protein for building and repairing body tissues. Eggs are easily digested and low in calories. Be sure to cook eggs at low to moderate temperatures. High temperature and overcooking toughen eggs; cause curdling or watering. DEVILED EGGS are delicious and can be easily prepared from left over "Easter Eggs”. They are welcomed as a garnish with meat, as snacks, to take along with a picnic lunch, as a substitute for meat, as a garnish or hors d’oeuvre. DEVILED EGGS 6 hard cooked eggs, shelled 2 tablespoons real mayonnaise 1 teaspoon mustard with horseradish (or plain mustard) Vi teaspoon salt and 1/j teaspoon pepper Dash Worcestershire sauce (optional) Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Remove and mash yolks with fork; mix with mayonnaise, mustard, salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce. Spoon mixture back into egg whites. Garnish with a few sprinkles of paprika. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Makes 12 deviled egg halves. Note: To carry deviled eggs to picnics, fit two halves together, wrap in waxed Paper twisting the ends of the paper. From Branch No. 102 of Willard, Wisconsin Mrs. Mary Koschak shares a few of her favorite recipes. FRENCH SALAD DRESSING Vi cup salad oil Ml cup vinegar V4 cup sugar (granulated) M> cup catsup % teaspoon garlic salt (or add 1 clove of garlic in bottle) ^pper to taste 5STT and Blend all ingredients in bottle and keep in refrigerator. Shake well before using. SAUERKRAUT SUPREME 2 tablespoons bacon fat 14 cup chopped onion 2 cups sauerkraut 2 cups tomato juice (approximately) 2 tablespoons brown sugar (more if you like it sweeter) Black pepper to taste Slices of frankfurters, smoked or Polish sausages Saute chopped onions until golden. Add sauerkraut, pour tomato juice over kraut and let simmer about 15 to 20 minutes. Then add brown sugar and pepper to taste and mix. Top with slices of frankfurters, or smoked or Polish sausage; cover and simmer about 10 more minutes. (This is a favorite at pot luck parties). CARROT CAKE 2 cups sugar (1 white and 1 brown) 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon salt 7 oz. coconut 2 cups shredded carrots 1 cup chopped nuts Mix above ingredients then add 1 Yi cups oil 3 eggs 7 oz. pineapple, crushed 2 teaspoons vanilla Mix well and put in greased, floured pan 13 x 9 x 2 Bake at 350 degrees about 55 minutes. Frosting: 6 ounces softened cream cheese 2 tablespoons butter 3 Vi cups confectioner’s sugar Add a little water for right spreading consistency PASTIME: The book, A High Old Time or How to Enjoy Being a Woman Over Sixty, by Lavinia Russ is enjoyable to read. She lists Rose Kennedy, Bette Davis, Britain's Queen Mother, Margaret Chase Smith and Helen Hayes as women who have not only survived but conquered the hazards of age. Excerpts from her book include statements like: "Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Self pity is like putting on a dress whose colors bleed with white clothes in a washing machine — everything else in the machine is ruined.” It’s such a surprise for young people to find an older person who listens. To force your viewpoint by the authority of your age is to widen the generation gap. If someone asks you for an opinion, it’s a good play to say, ‘What do you think?’ For good grooming: Invest in haircuts by an expert and brush your hair a lot. Go easy on the rouge. Accentuate eyebrows with light brown pencil. Use lipstick in pink or rose red — never one with yellow or orange in it and never red-red. Go easy on the powder, but powder neck as well as face and don’t concentrate all the powder on your nose. There is an old saying, ‘There are no ugly women, only lazy ones’. Daily baths or showers are important. Sweet smelling creams, astringents and colognes make you feel prettier. A love of life gives a glow that all the chemists at Elizabeth Arden’s can't produce and that all the years can’t put out. When looking for clothes in the sixties you need all the help that good material and line can give you. No more impulse buying; no dress is economical regardless the bargain if it isn’t becoming. It’s better to get a dress too loose than too tight. If you like a suit and it can be altered then its worth the investment even if it costs twelve to fifteen dollars more on a $19.95 buy. If you can’t afford good clothes then be on the lookout for clearance sales especially in better department stores and if you know the saleslady. Take plenty of time and shop alone. Friends aren't always honest and patient. With current high prices more women are now sewing — one-fourth of all dresses worn are homemade. A-line is the best line for your skirts. A straight skirt will reveal more than you want. Black is not for senior citizens. Brown is the cruelest color. For a basic color, navy is the kindest to the sixties; then there’s white or shell pink. Vibrant pastels are always good. A pastel wool worn in winter can raise your spirits. Pearls are your best friend. A two strand pearl choaker is your best bet, if not worn too high. Scarves are great — long may they wave! If worn in the neckline of your dress, pin them down! Mrs. Russ finalizes: ‘‘Stay beautiful. Use your leisure to explore new worlds, great pleasures. The worst thing that can happen to you in the sixties is to find yourself with nothing to do. Keep busy and come out into the sunlight”. Happy Easter, Hermine WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OHIO BRANCH No. 73 We would like to remind our members again, of our annual card party to be held at the St. Francis of Assissi HaH, immediately north of St. Jude's Church on Richmond Rd. in Warrensvilde Hts. on April 6, 1973. We are hoping that a great number of our inactive members will be able to attend to renew old acquaintances, but also enjoy a delightful evening. We are still anticipating any foodstuff to make up baskets of groceries as even one can of food will be greatly appreciated, as well as any other items anyone would like to donate to be used as door and other prizes. This is our only event of the year to replete our treasury towards charitable donations for needy causes. So come one, come all, and we know you will have a fun evening, plus the delicious and plentiful refreshments all home made by the members. Don’t forget our annual Communion Anniversary Mass on April 29, 1973 at 9:30 A.M. at St. Jude’s Church, Warrensville Hts., celebrating our 37th Anniversary. After Mass, those desiring to go out in a group for breakfast can do so, but no particular place has been set up. While typing this column, we are experiencing a blizzard, and it can’t help but make me envious of Helen Dusek vacationing in her winter home in Oneca, Florida, and Ann Fike’s winter vacation in Florida with her daughter and son-in-law. We had five birthday girls for the month of February, and as a result there was plenty of home made refreshments, as we have it set up that the particular month one’s birthday falls in, that person brings the refreshment to be served after our regular meeting. The birthday girls for February we e: M"-rg’-rita Franchini, Ann Fike; Ann Yoger; Betty Adamovich and Mary Ann Pikus. After the general meeting a game was played for some small prizes brought by some of the members. We were sorry to hear that the nine year old Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Franchini (Margarita) had to be hospitalized for surgery, and are happy to hear that he is recuperating nicely. Ralphie and his parents would like to thank everyone for being so thoughtful and kind in so many ways. J"ohn David Tomsick, seven years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tomsick (Jo Ann), also underwent surgery this past month, and we are happy to learn that he is back in school. John David is also one of our Junior Members. Until we see as many members as possible at the next meeting, the card party, or the Anniversary Communion Mass, keep well and much happiness. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 77, NORTH SIDE, PITTSBURGH, PA. April Fool’s Day is the first of this month, but I’m not fooling when I say, I hope to see everyone at our first meeting of 1973! Don’t forget, April 11th, at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 910 Chestnut Street, 8 o’clock meeting followed by our favorite penny game. May I remind each of you to pray for our sick members, deceased members and their families. Our branch anniversary is next month. Mark May 9th on your calendar. A happy and Blessed Easter greeting to all members and their families. BETTY ANN MURPHEY, President No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Our first meeting of the year was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Boben with Mrs. Joe Marolt assisting. Twen-ty-four members were present. Election of officers was held and the same faces will be around for another year; they are as follows: President, Mrs. Matt Brletitch, Vice-President, Mrs. John Mestnick; Secretary, Mrs. Milo Prebek; Treasurer, Mrs. Joe Marolt; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Joe Boben; Auditors, Ann, Mary & Sophie Michelich; Sargent-at-Arms, Mrs. Matt Kolak; Reporters, Mrs. Mary Kolar & Mrs. Jtoe Bolf; Spiritual Advisor, Father Marincel. Chosen “Mother of the Year” is Mary Kolar. Congratulations Mary! Mary is truly deserving of this honor. She will be honored on Mother’s Day, May 13, at the Moose Hall after the 11:00 A.M. Mas, when there will be a communion breakfast in her honor. I wish to announce and welcome a new member, Miss Debbie Schutte. See you at our April meeting. The meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every other month. April hostesses will be Mrs. Mary Kolar & Mrs. Mary Marolt. CLEM BOLF, Reporter No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. After two months of winter vacation from meetings, we resumed on March 12th. The officers all reelected were installed then. Bowling was the main topic and our president, Lena Dawson who has charge of bowling in this area was busy calling the bowlers together and urging them to participate in the Tournament in Sheboygan, Wise. We hope to have at least one team going. It will be the two weeks before Easter. It was a short meeting with dinner served. Going back a bit — we enjoyed going to Chicago Feb. 4th for the concert a t Orchestra Hall of the Singers and Dancers in their debut appearance from Slovenia. The 3000 seat capacity hall was almost filled. It was breath-taking, just wonderful. No doubt the performers will have happy memories of their visit to the United States. The same goes for us here who attended. It showed what togetherness can accomplish. We should participate more often. How about it, LaSalle? Do this for Lemont Zveza Day in July and the Convention in May. I know we would all love it. I hope the ailing are well by now and that we'll see you at the meetings soon. Happy Easter to all. Fraternally yours, JOSEPHINE LIVEK No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Well, we had a gathering at our new secretary’s home, Jennie Flisek, in March but it will be too late for a write up in April issue. But, I do hope that you members tried your best to attend. Now, we have a few sad lines to write as we lost our dear secretary and for many years our officer, Amalia Sorch. She was one grand person. God rest her soul. May she rest in peace. And now some happy news. My dear granddaughter Patricia Ann, way down in San Diego, Calif, was engaged Feb. 23rd at a gala engagement party. We wish you all God’s blessings for all the good things in life, honey. Your old grandmother and Uncle Ray, Marty and family and your Aunts in our lodge will see this notice and join me in wishing you all the best. I wish all the members and their families a very nice summer and loads of good health and happiness. I am, sincerely, your president and reporter, ANNA KASTELIC No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. February meeting brought out 23 members and the beginning of a new year. Among the topics that were discussed was the one brought up by Louise Dichelle, her thoughts regarding the future of our branch that changes are not so easily fore cast, but, based on experience of the past decade, we know that time brings many changes. The recommendation she made, that we change our evening meetings to daytime. Connotations of words and expressions often cause misunderstandings, what is meant, that this topic will be discussed and observed for future discussions. Ann Kompare and Helen Price, the nominating Committee, announced the Election of officers, and the same faces will be around for another year. We also accepted the State Convention which will be held next October. Mildred Poropat was selected for our delegate to represent our branch at the National Convention in May and Yours Truly wil be the alternate delegate. We also hope to have two young ladies to participate in the Cotillion Ball. After the business session wa had on our program Mr. Don Gibertini of Bell Telephone as our guest speaker, his subject was “Right Here In Illinois.” For the remainder of the evening the ladies sat back relaxed and enjoyed the goodies from a table decorated in a Valentine theme, and donated by the following; Emma Yergo-vich, Mary Perkovich (Exchange Ave.) Virginia Kwiatkowski, Carrie Plebanski, Julie Hansen and Mildred James. Hostessess for the evening were Emma Yergovich and Virginia Kwiatkowski assisted by Mary Ann Sambol. Cash donated by the following: ($4) Bernice Golden, ($3) Ljuba Brunski, ($2) Lucille S a r i c h (Tex), Polonia Ashenbrenner and Ann Nelson ($1) Rosemary Cacich, Mary Malcic. Attendance prizes of Valentine candy went to: Barbara Sambol, Mary Perkovich (Exchange Ave.) and Virginia Kwiatkowski. The following members stand in need of our prayers. They have been ailing or hospitalized: Ann Pave, Rose Winters, Sophie Barbich and Irene Evans. Our condolences to Mary Ann To-Poris on the passing of her beloved father. Many happy returns to the following April Birthday Celebrants: Andrija-na Bandera, Frances Hlaner, Cecilia Kolavo, Rose Kovacevich, Rose Krne-ta, Marta Ladisich, Mary Nicksic, Mary Pavelich, Barbara Sambol, Marge Innis, Matilda Quinn, Helen Willis Jr. Carol Dean, Ann Nelson, Regina A. Buchanan, Ann Laski, Rosalie Racek, and Mary E. Aikovich. It is with a warm feeling of friendship that our thoughts turn to Br. 16 who are celebrating their 45th. Anniversary. We send you our greetings and best wishes in the years ahead so that your branch may continue to give your services to your members. Congratulations! My thoughts turn to all of you with affection and best wishes at this Easter Season. HAPPY EASTER! Members are urged to attend our May 2nd. meeting, when we will honor our Mother of the Year, Helen Golich. Also, may we ask you to try to bring along a friend and goodies of your choice? Anything will be appreciated. MILDRED JAMES No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. I have been remiss in mentioning the names of our officers for the year, so without delay here are the names of the ladies who have been elected for various offices. Sister Jean Kurilich, (bless her heart), is president for yet another year; sister Mary Jasina, vice-president; sister Mary Omaits, sec’y-tnea- surer and sister Dorothy Petrich, rec. sec'y. Sisters Gertrude Rupert and Marie Arneson are auditors and yours truly continues as reporter. Stephanie Majcen has been on the sick list as has been Mary Evanich. We trust that at this time they are both showing complete recovery. Birthday celebrants for the month of Feb. were Dorothy Petrich, Josephine Pondzo, Dierdri Dostaler, Mary Glad, Ann Kokalj, Agnes Morris and yours truly. Happy belated birthdays to us and may we have many more in good spirits and good health. Sister Mary Morovic was chosen as the Mother of the Year. More on this subject in a later issue. Mary Videgar propositioned me the other day, saying that she would bake me a strudel if I would take her to my mushroom grounds! So the following day we gathered plenty of mushrooms together, and had a lovely time doing so. I came out ahead anyway with my super delicious strudel! Anyone else want to gather mushrooms with me? It'll cost you a strudel! I wish health and happiness to all my friends who read this article. May God watch over you all. EDITH DRAWENEK Convention Greetings... will be included in next month’s special Convention Issue of Zarja. The May edition will be a souvenir of the Convention and feature our Mothers Day tribute, news of the branches, and Highlights of the Convention entertainments and proceedings. Deadline for advertising and any special items you may wish to have printed is April 5th. EDITOR No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. It was a beautiful sunny day on Sunday, February 4th, when we gathered for our first meeting of the new year. Our members must be congratulated for their fine attendance. Installation of our officers was held and we were, indeed, sorry that Father Franc Blatnick, our spiritual advisor was unable to attend because of illness. We did miss him and the bestowing of his blessing upon us. We trust that he continues to improve daily so that he can return to preside at our monthly Slovenian Mass at the Shrine. He gives much of himself in making the trip from Patterson, New Jersey. Welcome back to Mary Lou Terselic, our Treasurer and her lovely new daughter, Nancy. It was our pleasure to have Mrs. Vicki Steadman, formerly of Cleveland as our guest. She came with Mrs. Chokel. We also learned that the father of Mrs. lea Zebot passed away while she was visiting him in Slovenia. At this time of grief we would like her to know that our thoughts have been with her. Being away from her family has been doubly hard and we express our deepest sympathy to them. Following our business meeting the remainder of the afternoon was spent playing games. It was fun having some of our Junior members present. Our thanks again to Mr. John Underwood for his generosity in being our caller. Our Hostess Group, Mrs. Tillie Terselic, Mrs. Molly Thomas and Miss Helena Špacapan outdid themselves again. We enjoyed a lovely table setting and many delicacies. On March 23rd, at the John F. Kennedy Center for the performing arts, we had an opportunity to see the seventy-five members from the University of Ljubljana known as the France Marolt Dancers and Tone Tomšič Academic Choir present a spectacular program. We hope that all were privileged to see these native performers. FREDA H. MICHELITCH, President Zapisnik letne seje Direktoric v Chicago 20-21 februarja. 1973 Letno zborovanje se je vršilo v glavnem uradu v dnevih od 20 do 21 februarja, 1973 ob navzočnosti direktoric. Podrobni zapisnik je objavljen v angleškem delu Zarje. POROČILO GL. TAJNICE Spoštovane odbornice zbrane na letnem zborovanju v Chicagu: Z zadržanim zadovoljstvom vam poročam o stanju Slov. ženske zveze za minulo leto. Zopet je bilo veliko storjenega v prid naše organizacije, a še več je ostalo stvari, ki jih nismo poprijele z dovolj trdno roko. Vsakdo, ki bere Zarjo z odprtimi očmi, ima svoje mišljenje in sliko o našem delu. Zarja sama je sad delovanja in glas iz naših vrst. Zanimivo je, da se vse trudimo, da pišemo le dobre, lepe strani naših aktivnosti, kar je prav, a ni vedno najbolj koristno. Vsak mesec berete finančno poročilo. Veliko dela je vloženega v to poročilo, da pride ob času v tisk in ne nekaj mesecev pozneje. Sodelovanje in razumevanje urednice in tiskarne za kratek čas med prvim v mesecu, ko se zaključijo računi in nekaj dnevi, ko mora že biti v tiskarni, da je v prihodnji številki Zarje, nam omogoča le zelo tesno sodelovanje, za katero se obema lepo zahvaljujem. Z letnega finančnega poročila lahko vidite, da smo napredovale, kljub hitro naraščajočim cenam za vse storitve s katerimi smo v nujni zvezi Z umnim gospodarstvom in še z bolj trdim delom je bilo doseženo to kar imate pred seboj v številkah. (Glej letno finančno poročilo!) Ne le stara lepa delovna zavest, za to je potrebno navdušenje organizacije ter spoštovanje do dela in našega skupnega premoženja. Natančno poslovanje in pogled v ves sistem o gibanju vloženega denarja je zelo potreben. Pri izpolnjevanju mesečnih poročil za naše državne oblasti in potem še posebej polletno in pa letno poročilo mi je dalo tak temeljit pogled v naše finančno gibanje. Doslednost in vstrajnost se splača za organizacijo, ker nikjer bolj ne drži pregovor, kakor v naši Zvezi, da je zrno do zrna pogača. ... še nisem zadovoljna, kako obračamo naš skupen denar. Naše nivesticije nam še ne prinašajo vsepovsod najvišjih možnih obresti, še vedno rade mešamo sentimentalnost z denarjem in bančništvo s prijateljstvom. Kdor si v tej naši lepi Ameriki služi kruh, ve, da te stvari nimajo skupnega imenovalca: business! Dokler bomo tako ravnale, nam še zelo veliko manjka, da bi postale enakopravne partnerice moškim v denarništvu. Tudi čas, ki ga rade zamujamo pri investiranju, je dobesedno drag. To še posebno povdarjam, ker je lansko poročilo naletelo na gluha ušesa Drugi del dohodkov, ki je zanemarjen, so oglasi v Zarji. To leto smo s trudom že nekaj dosegle, a še ne dovolj. Zadeva z oglasi zahteva še posebnega dela in ve-iiko logike. Nobeden trgovec ne prodaja svoje robe za manj, kakor je sam plačal zanjo, ker bi ga bilo kmalu kcnec. A ravno to je v navadi v naši Zarji. Za oglase smo dobili manj, kakor nas je stal samo tisk, a nihče še nikoli ni računal, da je plača urednice tudi strošek za Zarjo. Zahvalim se urednici za razumevanje v preteklosti ter, da bi še v bodoče te zadeve reševale s skupnimi močmi v prid Zarje in Zveze. Ker je prostor v Zarji vreden denarja za vsakogar in lahko berete o vsem, kar se dogaja kar sproti, bom v tem poročilu omenila le nekaj glavnih aktivnosti, ki imajo večji pomen za S.Ž.Z. Lani marca je bila Slov. ženska zveza povabljena in sprejeta v Illinois Fraternal Congress. Zelo važno priznanje je to za organizacijo, katero so nekateri klicali “muha enodnevnica" in še kaj. Vstrajno delo naših predhodnic in naše nadaljevanje dobiva oblike. Skupaj z urednico C. Leskovar sva se udeležili Congresa v Arlington Hts. Illinois. Congress nam je dal velik pogled v notranjščino poslovanja podobnih organizacij. Istočasno pa smo dobili zaledje in povezavo z organizacijami, ki so tak značilen del sestave ameriške družbe. Fraternal Congress je v stalnih stikih z našimi državnimi zakonodajalci, kateri več ali manj odločajo naše delovanje in kontrolirajo naše finance. Meseca aprila je bila S.Ž.Z. povabljena v Washington D.C. kjer se je vršil vseameriški ustanovni zbor za Ethnic Studies na Katoliški univerzi v naši prestolnici. Povabilo in predmet sta se zdela tako pomembna za nas Slovence, predvsem pa še za S.Ž.Z. da sva z možem sklenila udeležiti se na lastne stroške. Le registracija je bila plačana s čekom S.Ž.Z. Bilo je vredno truda in denarja. Kdor pozna razsežnost in raznolikost Amerika in v tem morju miljonov odšteje nas Slovence bo dobil zelo majhen odstotek. (Ne da me muči stalna fraza nekaterih, ki svojo nedelavnost upravičujejo s tem, da rečejo: "saj nas je premalo”.) Kakovost in ne število ima vpliv na vse strani, Uvrstili smo se v spisek narodnosti, ki so bile povabljene v Washington na to važno zborovanje. To dejstvo mi je dalo veliko poguma in sem s ponosom nosila ves čas na prsih ime Slov. Women’s Union in razlagala raznim univerzitetnim profesorjem, kje da smo in kaj delamo. Poleg intenzivno izrabljenega časa in nad vse zanimivih predavanj, ki smo jih slišali, smo razpravljali o programih za šolstvo, ki bi naj v bodoče bolje poučilo našo mladino o njihovem poreklu. V Washingtonu sem obiskala znance, ki so vsi v tesni zvezi z našo organizacijo. Članice tamkajšnje podružnice so se zbrale pri tajnici ge. Mimi Mejač. Izmenjale smo mnogo dobrih idej, a najvažnejše od vsega zbližale smo se med seboj. Kmalu se kje ne najde bolj homogena in zavedna skupina žena, kakor so pri podr. št. 103 v Washingtonu. Nadaljevanje te konference iz Washingtona je bilo še v Chicagu lansko poletje. Konferenca za srednji zapad se je vršila na univerzi 111. Circle Campus, katere sem se zopet udeležila skupno s Kristo Arko. Poročale sva naše delovanje v slovenski šoli in pod kakimi pogoji vršimo te aktivnosti, kar bi bilo dolžnost rednih šol. Navdušenje, ki sem ga dobila na teh konferencah me je vodilo, da sem organizirala še tečaj slovenščine za odrasle, katerega redno obiskuje 14 ljudi in ga kar najbolj uspešno vodi g. Jože Rus, katerega žena je naša članica pri podr. št. 2. Težave s prostori za take tečaje so me močno navdahnile z željo, da bi ženska zveza morala imeti svoje prostore za take aktivnosti pa bi bilo mogoče še mnogo več storiti. Poleg rednega dela v pisarni so mi te aktivnosti vzele veliko časa, da še dopusta nisem mogla vzeti več, kakor nekaj dni. O državnih konvencijah, ki sem se jih udeležila v Pueblu, Colo. in La Salle, IM. je bilo že podrobno poro-čano. še posebej sem obiskala podr. št. 24 V La Salle, da smo s skupnimi napori spravile v tek delovanje podružnice in moram jih pohvaliti. Zelo natančno deluje nov odbor in tudi nekaj novih članic so že pridobile. Kaj pa hrani bodočnost za nas? Smo storile vse, kar smo mogle za naprej? še dolgo ne! Pridobivanje članstva in preusmerjanje v noveješe razmere še daleč ni zadovoljivo. Lepo je misliti na minule uspehe, a treba je sprejeti tudi današnji dan. Pred meseci sem pisala za nove predloge in ideje, kako se naj vrši konvencija. Odziva ni bilo. Komunikacije med glavnimi odbornicami niso bile zadovoljive. Razen nekaj častnih izjem ste me pustile plavati ali utoniti. To je najbolj preprosto povedano. Tako se godi pri podružnicah in v glavnem uradu, nekomu, ki začne delovati. Samo najbolj uporni zdržijo, drugi utonejo in se urnaknejo. To vidite, je po mojem mišljenju vzrok, da nimamo dovolj naraščaja v naših odborih. Do konvencije je še čas za nekaj poglobitve v gornje misli. Mogoče bomo takrat slišale več odgovorov na ta vprašanja in bomo na tej podlagi napravile več uspešnih načrtov za bodočnost. FANIKA HUMAR POROČILO DRŽ, PREDS. ZA COLO., KANS, IN MO. Pozdravljene, častna predsednica, Marie Prisland in vse glavne odbornice zbrane na letni seji SŽZ. Prepričana sem, da bo Vaša navzočnost na tem zborovanju pripomogla do mnogih važnih sklepov za napredek Zveze. Svoje dolžnosti kot drž. preds. sem izvrševala po svoji najboljši moči. Pridobivala sem nove članice, zbrala oglase našo Zarjo, tu in tam darilo za šolninski sklad in drž. konv. Nasa letošnja državna konvencija je bila kronana z 'epim uspehom. S svojim obiskom nas je počastila gl. taj. Fanika Humar s soprogom. Dne 26. dec. 1972 je poteklo 46 let dela naše SŽZ, katerega je pričela naša častna preds. Marie Prisland Ob *eJ priliki se mi zdi zelo važno, da se posveti več pozornosti mladim dekletom, da bi se seznanile z delom naše Zveze. Najbolj častni spomin bodi pokojni gl. taj. Albini No-Vak, ki je toliko let trdo delala v skupnosti in prijateljstvu z vsemi za napredek naše organizacije. Novi tajnici Faniki Humar želim vso srečo in uspeh. Skoncujem svoje poročilo z željami vsem za uspeh in uPam, da se vse vesele in zdrave snidemo na narodni konvenciji v Chicagu. ANNA PACHAK, Odbor je vzel z zadovoljstvom na znanje poročilo o čredno uspešni prireditvi slovenskih študentov iz Ljubljane, so nastopili v znani orkestra dvorani v Chicagu pod Pokroviteljstvom podr. št. 2. Uspeh je bil vsestranski ob Veliki udeležbi ljubiteljev slovenske kulture. Predsednica in tajnica poročata o stanju kuharske knjige “Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen”. Predsednica omeni, da ona raz-pošilja knjige iz njenega doma ter da nekatere Podružnice še vedno dolgujejo, zato ne more dati končne-§a obračuna. Zadnja pošiljka knjig, je nekoliko dražja, ker s° se dvignile cene papirju in plastičnim platnicam. Na razpolago je še vedno nekaj pesmaric, "Let’s sing”. Knjige ^rs- Prisland "From Slovenia to America”, so razprodane. Predsednica se zahvali vsem za sodelovanje. Poročiia so podale tajnica, blagajničarka in druga nad-2ornica o uspešnem pregledu knjig neke podr., ki sedaj ,eP° nadaljuje svoje delovanje. Odbor je odobril njihovo delo s povdarkom, da je dobra volja članstva najvažnejša bodočnost organizacije. Nato se je razpravljalo o kegljaških tekmah Zveze. Odobri se, da v izrednih primerih tudi nečlanice lahko ^egljajo v ligi, toda za splošne tekme, je članstvo absolutno Potrebno. Odbornice podrobno razpravljajo glede odloka, da državne predsednice istočasno zastopajo njihove podružnice delegatinje. Odbor je sklenil naslednje pojasnilo: drž. Predsednice, ki so sedaj v uradu se udeležijo konvencije v skladu s pravili. Kandidatinje, ki so bile izbrane za nove preds. pa zastopajo istočasno njihove podružnice. V s'učaju, da so iste osebe kandidatinje in drž. preds., potem lrT!a njena podr. pravico izvoliti drugo osebo kot dele-Satinjo. v slučaju, da sta dve različni osebi, potem kan- didatinja automatsko postane delegatinja podr. To pravilo ima namen, da nudi kar največjo zastopstvo članstva. Združitev manjših podružnic v svrho izvolitve delegatinje se bo pričelo v marcu. Tajnica ima to nalogo združitve podružnic, da bodo upravičene do delegatinje Preds. bo imenovala konvenčne odbore potem ko bodo delegatinje izbrane in odobrene. Na tej seji je preds. imenovala načelnico odbora za pravila, Mrs. Prisland ter načelnico odbora za plače in dnevnice, Mrs. Kompare. To je bilo potrebno, da se pripravi delo že pred pričetkom konvencije. Odbornice razpravljajo o možnostih novega razreda članic s povišanjem zavarovalnine in o možnosti novih polic. Mnogo novega članstva bi lahko vpisali, če bi odobrili moške, da lahko postanejo pomožni člani, ali podporni člani. Sklene se, da se predlogi predložijo konvenciji. Preds. svetuje vsem, ki imajo predloge glede spremembe pravil, da svoje predloge pošljejo načelnici Mrs. Prisland. Nekaj predlogov je bilo izraženih na seji. Potrebno bo pregledati plače, zaradi zvišanja življenskih stroškov. Tajnica predlaga uradnico za glavni urad. Tudi omeni možnost, da bi se stroški konvencije lahko znižali, med drugim tudi odpravo prodaje listkov, ker bi morda bilo bolje dati delegatinjam dnevnice. Tudi se priporoča pridobivanje oglasov za delno kritje stroškov Zarje. Cene oglasov se naj zvišajo, tako da bodo oglasi krili stroške klišejev, slik in drugih potrebščin. Razpravljalo se je o nedelavnosti raznih podružnic. Drž. preds. naj bi po možnosti posredovale in skušale oživeti delo manjših podr. V gotovih primerih bi združitev izboljšala položaj, toda vsekakor je potrebno, da mlajše članice prevzamejo mesta starejših odbornic, ki so izpraznile mesta. Tudi o tem se bo več razmotrivalo na konvenciji. Tajnica je poročala o članski kampanji, ki žal ne bo dosegla začrtanega cilja in ob tej priliki še ni bilo znano katera bo izbrana kot ŽENA LETA, ki bo počaščena na konvenciji in odbor je odobril posebno darilo dodatno k denarni nagradi. Oznanjene so bile državne konvencije, ki se bodo vršile: Wisconsin, dne 23. sept., Ohio-Mich. dne 14. okt. v zvezi z 45 letnico podr. št. 25, in Minnesota bo imela Zvezin dan dne 9. sept. 37-ta Snednje-Zapadna kegljaška tekma se bo vršila dne 7. in 8. aprila v Sheboygnu, Wis. Kegljačice so izbrale to mesto, ker tam že precej časa ni bilo tekme in odbor se zahvali Sheboygnu za gostoljubnost. Preds. je vodila molitev za pokoj duš umrlih članic in bivših odbornic, med njimi bivše gl. podpreds. Frances Globokar, organizatorke št. 21, Cecella Brodnik ter biv. tajnica št. 91, Amalia Sorch. Nato se seja zakljči ob 6 uri zvečer z zaključno molitvijo. ANTONIA TUREK, gl. predsednica CORINNE LESKOVAR, zapisnikarica MchVehcija Je (tlija Doslej ste že čitale o konvenčnih pripravah. V marčni Zarji je bi! objavljen celotni program in cene in upam, da ste mnoge že poslale Vaše rezervacije na Glavni urad. V nedeljo bo popoldanska prireditev pri slovenski cerkvi Sv. Štefana in zvečer bo slavnostni banket in predstavitev mladih članic v Bismarkovem hotelu, na kar ste posebno vabljeni vsi od blizu in daleč, ker bo res nekaj izrednega. V soboto zvečer bodo gostje tudi imeli priliko obiskati ameriške Brezje, Lemont, kjer bodo litanije In procesija. Majska Zarja bo posebna konvenčna izdaja s pozdravi od podružnic in naklonjenih trgovskih podjetij. Za vse informacije pišite na Gl. urad. i MARIE OH Slovenec pred 100 leti v Ameriki Pod gornjim naslovom so Bleiweisove KMETIJSKE in ROKODELSKE NOVICE izhajajoče v Ljubljani, "na svitlo dale (1846)” pismo Matija Premuta iz Semiča, ki ga je ieta 1845 svoji rodbini pisal iz mesta St. Louis. Od takrat je poteklo skoro 130 let.-Iz tega pisma navajam nekaj izčrpkov ter Premutov življenjepis kot ga omenjajo NOVICE: Matija Premuta v Semiču od kmetijskih staršev v letu 1816 rojen, je fantič, pri devetih letih pastirčeval v tujih službah, potem se pa krojaškega poprijel in čez tri leta izučil. Ko pa je videl, da se to rokodelo svojemu zdravju ne prileže, ga je pustil ter se je krošnje oprijel in je iz perviga le v domači, pozneje pa tudi v ptujih deželah kupčevati začel. Obhodil je večjidel z krošnjo na rami s svojim tovarišem Janezam Goršetom Kranjsko, štajersko, Hrovaško, Koroško in celo Nemško deželo, pa Švedsko, Norvegijo, Laponijo, Danijo, Izlandijo, Angleško, Irsko, škocijo in en del francoske zemlje in je pri tem potovanju 4. dan Velikegatravna 1839 prišel v mesto Brenta, kjer je šest dni ostal, potem pa v petek pred Kristusovim vnebohodom ob sedmih žvečer se v barko podal, ktera je 70,000 funtov razniga blaga in 132 oseb v dveh mesecih in pet dneh v Ameriko pripeljala. Tja pridši se je našimu Premutatu, dokler se ni z Ameriko seznanil in njih jezika naučil, prav slabo godilo; tri dni ni imel kaj jesti in piti, in 3 noči je mogel pod milim nebom spati. Zdaj pa srečen in premožen mož in kupec v mesti, ki mu pravijo St. Louis, z svojo ženo in pet let staro hčerko vesel in zadovoljen živi. Premutovo pismo se glasi: Preljubi oče, brat! priserčne sestre! Božja milost, veselje in mir naj bo z Vami! V Gos- podu našemu Jezusu Kristusu vam serčno pozdravljenje vsem skupaj pošljem. Moje nar večji želje so, da bi Vas oče, brat in sestre te vrstice v dobrim zdravju našle. Akoravno se mi tukaj tako dobro godi, da si boljšega življenja ne želim se že živo spominjam Vaše ljubezni, ki ste mi jo skazovali, dokler sim dečik še na domu bil. Kako ljubeznivo ste me moliti, božje in cer-kovne zapovedi in več druzih keršanskih resnic učili. Da ste me pa v šolo pošiljali, tega Vam ne bom mogel nikoli poverriiti. Kaj bi počel, ko ne bi znal brati in pisati — Večkrat se tistih časov spominjam, če se mi je kak gumba ali kaka preveza pri srajci odtrgala, takrat sem si tern v germi odlomil ali pa s pipcem odrezal, da sim si z njim zopet nederje zapel. Zdaj si pa hvala Bogu nederje zapenjam z zlato iglico. Če bi bil jaz v Semški fari ostal, bi se mi ne bilo tako dobro godilo kakor se mi tukaj vede. Tukaj ima vsak človek, naj bode bogat ali reven, po trikrat na dan dvoje, troje ja tudi četvere sorte mesa za jesti. Drugačnega hruha nimamo kot beliga. Konje in prešice rede tukaj z debelačo (koruzo). Mi mestniki gremo vsak dan na terg, kamor kmetje na velicih vozeh vse sorte sočivja in veliko drugih stvari pripeljejo. Grozdje je tukaj zelo drago; če bi ime! le en košček vinograda, gotovo bi bil več vreden, kakor je nar gorši v Semški Gori. Vino pa ni drago; boka) francozkiga velja 3 goldinarje, rajnskiga 4 goldinarje, šampajnskiga pa 5 gld. Funt suhih sliv košta Vse članice Zveze pošiljamo naši ustanoviteljici in njenemu soprogu, MR. & MRS. j OH N PRJSLAND vez.ilo ljubezni in spoštovanja ob njunem visokem 65-tern jubileju. Postavila sta lep vzor ne samo njuni družini, ampak vsem, saj v njunih lepih letih, sta še vedno mladostna v duhu in delovanju. Bog ju živi še mnogo let! C.L. #_____ 10 do 15 grošev. Druziga sadja je tukaj dost; Še to Vam moram povedati; Meseca Velikitravna ianskiga leta sim se bil med divje Amerikance podal, ktere Indijane imenujemo, po kranjsko jim bi divjaki rekli. Peljal sem se 600 milj angleških od našega mesta St. Louis; čez sto milj smo se v barki peljali, brez da bi bili kako hišo videli, in tja pridši smo našli divjih korenjakov dovelj. Divji Indijani so veliko večji od nas, ter sc tudi močneji in po navadi so kufraste farbe. Vsi imajo černe, debele in terde lase. Njih oblačila so veči del iz kož divjih zverin, poleti so pa skoro nagi. Oni so prav zdravi in verlo zraščeni in krepke in močne postave. Rede se večidel od mesa divjih zverin, divjega sadja in mnogoverstnih korenin; oni govore svoj lasten jezik. Njih orožje sta lok in pšica, z tem orožjem se bojujejo in ga tudi na lov s seboj jemljejo, da si z njim zverjačine za potreben živež pridobijo. Eden med njimi je njih sta-rašina, ki ga ČIF imenujejo. Laž jim je ojstro prepovedana; žganje prav radi žulijo in ga imenujejo Wisky. Indijani druziga ne delajo, kakor na lov hodijo. Radi so veseli in radi plešejo. Pisali, z katerimi muziko delajo, so iz bezga napravljene, boben pa iz jelenove kože. Zdaj Vam prelubi oče moram povedati, da ne stanujem več v Cincinatu, temuč de sim se od ondod v mesto, kterimu se pravi Sv. Ljudevik ali po angleške St. Lcuis. To mesto je veliko in ima čez 40 tavžent prebivalcev; lež' ob bregu neizrečeno velike reke kteri je Misisipi ime, ktera čez 500 milj delječ od tukaj v Novim Orleanu m morje teče. (New Orleans). Iz tega mesta tedaj pridejo vsaki dan k nam barke ter gredo naprej in nazaj skoz celo leto. Mesto Sv. Ljudevika je pol tretje ure dolgo, poldrugo uro in čez pa široko. V tem mestu sem se sedaj vselil, kjer sim si v sredi mesta hišo sozidal, da je lepo videti, ktera me čez 3 tavžent goldinarjev kešta. Razin hiše sim si tudi 225 oralov zemlje, blizu imenovane reke, v prav lepem kraju za tavžent dolarjev kupil. Sto korakov od mojega domovanja stoji ena prav lepa in velika katoliška cerkev, posvečena Materi božji, ktera je 60 čevljev široka, 100 čevljev pa dolga, zidal joje gospod Zaler, zidarski mojster iz Tirolskiga po rimski umetnosti. Potroškov pri nji smo imeli 30 tavžent. Zraven cerkve je pa škofija, tode veliko veči, ko ljubljanska. Iz tega vidite, de sim že veliko sveta videl, veliko prestal, vidil in se marsikaj naučil, vendarle mislim, ko je božja volja pred ko bo mogoče svojo drago domačijo v Semiču obiskati, če se mi bo vse prav vedlo, Vas bom prišel obiskati v jeseni tekočiga leta 1845. Rad bi Vam dostikrat pisal, ali časa mi zmanjkuje in dela imam neizrečeno veliko. štacuna in oštarija mi toliko dela daste, da ne grem nikoli pred 12. uro h pokoju, zjutraj pa, preden se dan napoči, moram zopet na nogah biti. Predenj svojo dolgo pisanje sklenem in od Vas slovo vzamen, Vam vsim skupaj roko podam, Vas kušnem in objamem iz keršanske ljubezni in ostanem do smrti Vaš, zvest in hvaležen sin Matija Premuta Uredništvo NOVIC je pristavilo sledečo pripombo: Žalostne reči beremo od veliko tavžent ljudi, ki so se v Ameriko preselili; namesti bogastva so lakoto in revšino našli. Le malokdo je tako srečen, kot naš Premuta. PRISLAND , TA SVET P Klaude Okorn, O.F.M.: NI ZMAGE BREZ KRIŽA Vsaka velikanoč nam pripoveduje o praznem grobu, ° speči straži, o pogrebcih, ki se veselijo, o razdejanju, ki slavi zmago. Velikokrat nam razdejanje oznanja pojav novega življenja. Posebno živo nam to pove narava okrog nas. Da lahko pomlad vzklije v vsej lepoti, mora zima prej otresti vsak list z drevesa. Po božjem načrtu je telo Kristusovo moralo biti razbičano, razpraskano s trnjem, Pribito na križ, prebodeno s sulico, izmaličeno tako, da je celo Pilat zaklical: Glejte ali je to še človek, - da je moglo zasijati v vsem veličastvu vstajenja. Nikoli ni bilo velike noči, da n! bilo prej velikega petka. To se pravi: prej je treba trpeti in se žrtvovati predno nam je podeljena zma-2a; križ mora priti pred krono. Sv. apostol Pavel nam pove isto ko pravi: Postrgajte stari kvas, da boste novo testo. To se pravi, umreti mo- ramo staremu človeku greha, očistiti se v pokori in postu, rta se bo tako v nas rodilo novo življenje v Kristusu. Tako, da bo po razdejanju starega človeka nastalo novo življenje, nova pomled. DA BI JO VSE ČLANICE IN NJIHOVE DRUŽINE OBHAJALE V ZDRAVJU IN SREČI.—GLAVNI ODBOR S.Ž.Z. POGREŠANI BODO V februarju je nenadoma preminul v Jolietu, bivši dolgoletni gl. tajnik KSKJ, LOUIS ŽELEZNIKAR. Pokojni je bil dober katoliški bratski delavec ter bo pogrešan med prijatelji širom Amerike. Podpisana sem osebno izrekla iskreno sožalje družini ob priliki počastitve ob odprti krsti v kapeli. Naj počiva v Bogu! Tik pred tiskom Zarje, je iz San Francisca prišla novica, da je tam umrl starosta slovenskih duhovnikov v Ameriki in veliki slovenski kulturni delavec, 103 letni Ftev. JURIJ TRUNK. Bog mu bodi bogati plačnik za vsa njegova dobra dela v korist slovenskega naroda v njegovem tako plodonosnem življenju! Naj mu bo lahka gruda! Corinne Leskovar mi# ■ ij i im m zdravita, kakor tudi Anna Kovač, ki si je pri padcu po stopnicah zlomila nogo. Članice, ki so darovale v našo blagajno, imajo res dobro srce. Saj veste da s 5 centi od članice na mesec, ne moremo shajati, saj pošta stane 8 centov, zato smo hvaležne, da nam priskočite na pomoč. Lepa hvala naslednjim sestram: Angela Smole, Mary Rakovetz, Josephine Debevec, Marin Filipič, Rose Susa, Jennie Černe, Mary Volcanski, Frances Zulič, Sophie Magayna, Jennie Russ, Ivana Bombach, Mary Korošec, Antonia Kapel, Rose Marolt, Olga Sedej, Jennie Asseg, Jennie Planinšek, Millie nepozabnem dp ominu JML ine flood Dne 6. aprila bosta potekli že dve leti od prerane smrti naše nikoli pozabljene bivše g! tajnice, Albine Novak. Ne moremo doumeti, da naše sosestre in prijateljice ni več med nami. Srečno v ljubezni je živela za svoje hčerke in njej priljubljeno Zvezo, še takrat ko ji je breme bolezni utrudilo korake, je vendar svoje onemogle moči posvetila vsem, katere je zapustila 2a seboj. Bridko občutimo ločitev od nje. Zaklad nepozabnega spomina bo nam °Stal trajno v tolažbe, ker jo jo Bog sprejel v svoj zadnji objem. ANNA PACHAK DOPISI ST. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Z vsemi silami se pripravlijame na konvencijo, ki se bo vršila meseca maja v našem mestu. Na zadnjem sestanku smo izbrali delegatinje in sicer predsednico Mamie Muller in Lil Putzeil. Kot nadomeščevalke sta bili izvoljeni Nežka Gabor in Fran ^efran. Corinne Leskovar ima pa celotno vodstvo v svojih sposobnih rokah. Kot je navada naj bi vsaka dele-gatinja prinesla kakšno ročno delo. izdelki bodo potem razstavljeni in Prodani. Prosimo tudi članice iz naše Podružnice, da bi kaj naredile. Imamo veliko zelo spretnih delavk. Ves ta denar potem gre v šolninski sklad. Marca je naša podružnica skupno 2 Ladies’ Guild povabila glavnega Policista Staneta Sarbarnecka, ki je Predaval o varnosti. Naše članice so tudi pomagale pri mednarodnem večeru v Union League Boy’s Club. V februarju so umrle tri naše članice in sicer: Mary Koren, Frances Cerjak in Katherine Persa. Dobre žene so bile in bodo gotovo tako poplačane. V bolnišnici sta bili Maria Ovnik in Hana Burjek. Da bi se le kmalu pozdravile! Veliko bolezni je bilo v dobri Burjekovi družini. Iz vsega srca jim želim, da bi se kmalu pozdravili in ostali zdravi. KRISTA ARKO ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Drage sestre: Kot Vaša nova tajnica, Vas vse lepo pozdravljam. Na naši januarski seji smo se zbrale, kot po navad!. Razpravljale smo o bližajoči se konvenciji, ki se bo vršila od 20. do 24. maja v Chicagu. Za dele-gatinjo so članice izbrale mene in namestnica je Mary Camloh. Upam, da vam bom kaj dobrih novic prinesla nazaj iz konvenčnih zborovanj. Pred leti smo imele 300 članic in smo poslale dve delegatinji, toda sedaj nas je manj kot 300, zato imamo samo eno. Kmalu po Novem letu nas je zadela žalostna vest, da nam je umrla čla. Agnes Obolnar, ki je bila naša članica 44 let. V. febr. pa je preminula tudi Antonia Zabukovec, ki je pri podr. 38 let. Naše iskreno sožalje ostalim sorodnikom. Naj blage pokojne sestre počivajo v miru. Naše sožalje tudi družini Struna, ko so naše članice Josephine, Alice in Julie (Pearl) izgubile brata Willia-ma starega komaj 57 let. Imamo precej članic bolanih: v Euolid je Josephine Oberstar. Upam, da se bo kmalu vrnila na svoj dom. Louise Fabec in Mary Kobal se tudi Novak, Carolina Stefančič, Anna Ja-kos, Veronica Vulich, Anna Jurečič, Mary Svigel in Ivana Aucin. Letos so kar 3 članice dosegle 75 let ter jim iskreno čestitamo in upamo, da bodo še mnogo let med nami in v zdravju in veselju praznovale bodoče rojstne dneve. Po telefonu se kar rada pomenim s članicami. Najprej me vprašajo, če še znam po slovensko pogovoriti; seveda, ko sem bila stara 6 let, nas je ata vzel 3 punčke v staro domovino in tam sem šla v šolo tri mesece, zato me je zmeraj zanimal slovenski jezik, tako da po sili znam pisat in čitat. Članice, ki še niso poslale ases-menta, vas prosim, da kar na moj naslov pošljete. — želim vsem našim bolanim članicam, da jim ljubi Bog vrne zdravje. — Vesele rojstne dneve vsem in hvala za darilo. SOPHIE BARAGA-MAGAYNA, tajnica ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Poročilo mesečne seje. Ker je tega dne bilo prav lepo toplo vreme za ta letni čas, se je zbralo kar lepo število članic na seji. Podpreds., Mary Stražišar se ni mogla udeležiti, ker je šla na počitnice k sinu v Elu, Texas. Z njo je šel tudi brat Anton in njegova žena Mici. Tam bodo ostali en mesec. Frank Šuštar z družino je tudi šel za en mesec v Florido. Z njim je šla tudi Jožica Gril, ki je nedavno prišla iz Slovenije na obisk k Franku Šuštarju. Zadnji teden je pa tudi prišel na obisk k sestri Julki Krničar, Slavko Jerman, ki je doma iz Velike vasi pri Domžalah. Zadnjo nedeljo sem tudi obiskala vse naše članice v Domu ostarelih na Neff Road. Sedaj jih je že 5 notri in te so: Vida Kuhar, Mary Smrdel, Mrs. Krog, Mrs. Gabrenja in Mrs. Sadar. Vesele so bile obiska. Kog in Smrdel sta precej bolane. Med bolnimi so tudi Mrs. Ficem, ki se nahaja v bolnišnici. Mrs. Baloga, Mrs. Zigman, Mrs. Eržen, Mrs. Stopar in Mrs. Ma-rold. Všem želimo, da bi jim Bog naklonil hitrega zdravja. Za konvencijo v Chicagu, ki bo v maju, se odobri oglas. Prosimo tudi za nove članice, če je kaj takih med vami, ki še niso včlanjene v našo organizacijo. Pripeljite jih s seboj na prihodnjo sejo in prosimo, da se vse udeležite seje v velikem številu. Ta večer smo imele tri-mesečna godovanja. Sestre so prinesle mnogo dobrot. V jestvinah so darovale: Iskra, Stražixar, Kovač, Bajec, Sustar, Eržen, Plut, Baranovski, Fakult in Ziperman. V blagu so darovale: Iskra, Šuštar in denarne prispevke so prinesle: Mrs. Klepak, Pančur, Paskovič, Blackens-boen, Dragolič, Bubnič, Medved Orago- lič in Mrs. Koljat. Vsem se lepo zahvalim. Bog Vam daj zdravja, da bi še nadalje tako lepo skrbele za društvo. Nato se je seja končala z molitvijo za vse naše žive in mrtve članice. Pepelnične sv. maše za pok. sestre smo se tudi udeležile v lepem številu. Vsem najlepši pozdrav. Vaša proče-valka. A. SUSTAR ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Naj vas še enkrat opozorim, da bomo imeli card party dne 12. aprila. Pridite in pripeljite tudi svoje prijatelje, da se skupno pozabavamo pri kartah. Zadnja seja je bila bclj slabo obiskana. Glejmo, da se ogrejemo na duši in telesu in pozabimo kako je bilo hudo, ko nas je toliko bilo to zimo bolanih za flu. Hitro se približujejo Velikonočni prazniki, zato vam vsem želim Veselo Velikonoč, obilo pirhov in dobrih potic. Vsem bolnim članicam pa skorajšnje zdravje in mir srca ter potrpljenje. Seveda se v tem času spominjamo tudi na cvetno nedeljo, katere smo se tako veselili v starem kraju. Veseli smo bili belih zvončkov in rumenih mačic. O Veliki noči smo vpletli mačice v butare in zvončki so nas pozdravljali v vazi na mizi. Pred leti sem napisala o tem času naslednjo preprosto pesmico: Kimali so zvončki mačici rumeni, ki je lepo cvetela na tratici zeleni; Ali veš, da že se bliža dan Vstajenja in pojdeš zopet v cerkev, obdana od zelenja. Težko že čaka deček, da se bo postavil z najlepšo butaro bo pomlad pozdravil, traki pisani bodo v vetrcu vihrali, otroci od veselja bodo poskakovali. Ah pomiad in mladost živa, ko po žilah se še vroča kri preliva; nikar jo ne zamudi - vživaj zdaj veselje, mogoče za vogalom že čaka te trpljenje. MARY MURN ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Ker bo naša prihodnja seja šele v maju, zato nekoliko poročam od naše podr. — Zopet nas je doletela žalostna vest, da smo izgubile dobro, dolgoletno članico, Corlina Oberstar. Preminula je 21. febr. Bog jo je rešil zemeljskega trpljenja, saj je bila več mesecev v bolnišnici. Sin Eddy ir žena hčerka so zelo lepo skrbeli za bolno mater ter jo obiskovali. Hčer- ka je prišla iz oddaljene Flint, Mich., kjer je poročena z Mr. Jagonich. Druga hčerka pa živi v Eveleth. — Pok. Corlina je bila doma iz vasi Sajevec pri Ribnici v Sloveniji, članice smo se poslovile od nje z molitvijo - ter opravile vse dolžnosti. Draga ses. Carlina: počivaj v miru božjem, naj ti bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Ostalim naše sožalje! Dne 14. febr. smo se zbrale članice skupno s člani SNPJ v Nursing home in skupno počastili rojstne dneve ses. Gertrude Indihar, ki je tisti dan dosegla 91 let ter ses. Julijo Stenlkar za njen 80-ti rojstni dan. Prinesli smo dobrot in birthday cake s svečami ter jim lepo zapeli. Vodstvo doma je bilo hvaležno, da smo se spomnili naših članic SŽZ, kakor tudi SNPJ. Mi imamo 6 članic v domu ter smo jih malo razvedrili in počastili. Navzoč je bil tudi naš mladinski član Tony Menart, ki je posnel nekaj slik. Preds. Katherine Pollack je podarila lep cake, druge smo pa prinesle razne prigrizke. Bilo je lepo videti veselje na obrazih naših članic v domu, saj vidijo, da se jih radi spomnimo in jih večkrat obiščemo. Več naših članic pa je bolnih na domu. V bolnišnici se je nahajala ses. Antonija Brine, ki je sedaj boljši. Ses. Zupetz je tudi bila en teden v bolnišnici ter ses. Prebelich in ses. Lushin je imela operacijo, katero je srečno prestala in je sedaj doma. Ses. Udovich je bila tudi v bolnišnici nato pa več mesecev pri hčeri v Mount Iron, sedaj so jo pa sin in hčer vzeli v Arizono, kjer se zdravi na gorkem soncu ter se lepp pohvali. Več mesecev je bila v bolnici tudi Mary Brank. Želimo jim zdravja. Tudi tukaj v mrzli Minn. imamo letos zmerno zimo, tako da nam ni treba kidati snega, samo zmetlo pometemo, pa zadostuje. Vabljene ste vse na našo prihodnjo sejo v maju za Materinski dan, ker takrat bo že gorko. Čestitam tudi Frank Tekautz, ki se je zavzel, da bo vodil skupni izlet z letalom v domovino direktno iz Dulutha za 3 tedne dne 22. junija. Vesela sem, ker bo moj sin Frank Smoltz in orkester jih zastopal, šlo jih bo črez 200, med njimi tudi moja hčerka Mary z možem Max Norn-berg. Več naših članic se je že tudi priglasilo. Tudi jaz bi bila zelo rada z njimi in moj mož, toda mi zdravnik odsvetuje zaradi noge. Želim vsem veselo in srečno rajžo ter zdravo vrnitev. Ob zaključku pozdravljam vse v gl. uradu, vse članice SŽZ ter posebno čla. od št. 19, Fr. Perkovich in Fr. Okorn, želim vsemu članstvu vesele Velikonočne praznike, posebno zdravja in uspehov naši konvenciji v maju. MARY LENICH, tajnica Čestitke Mr. & Mrs. John Prisland ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Najlepše in iskrene čestitke naši ustanoviteljici in njenemu soprogu, Mr. in Mrs. John Prisland, ki sta dne 4. marca praznovala svojo 65 letno Poročno slavnost. Bilo je krasno videti ta priljubljeni par prostopiti k oltarju med sv. mašo in prepevali so jirna krasne slovenske pesmi. Zbrala je bila vsa družina, hčerke Margaret in Hermine, sin Teddy in 11 vnukov ter 11 pravnukov. Vsi so prihiteli iz raznih krajev, da izrečejo čestitke in počastijo sta riše ob tej visoki obletnici poroke. Slavljenca vsekakor ne kažeta na njunih obrazih, da sta res dosegla tako visoko sta-r°st, vendar njihova dela in bogate izkušnje nam pričajo, da je ta slavna dvojica dočakala to izredno čast. V cerkvi je bilo vse slavnostno, krasni nagovor, dalje Rev. Koren so dodali lePe misli med pridigo in nato na banketu. Povdarili so velike zasluge Mrs. Prisland za slovenski narod in njena priljubljenost in zasluge so Poznane tudi med drugimi narodi in v rodni Sloveniji, članice SŽZ smo lahko ponosne, da imamo tako iz-^dno sposobno ženo, kateri je Zveza Pri srcu, da daruje svoje sposobnosti za napredek naših žena. V dvorani so tudi bili lepi govori ln Olga Saye je s svojim igranjem še Posebno razveselila vse in petje čla-n|c je vsem seglo do srca. Enako cerkveno petje je bilo res ubrano, da Se mi je zdelo, da sedim v cerkvi v Šmarju pri Grosupljem. Taki spomini se nam zbujali, ko smo se vračali 'z slavnosti. Z nami je bila vnukinja ^osanne Ruth in svakinja Frances Hubert Stonich. Moje hčerke Olga Ancel in Millie Pucel ter Jonita Ruth s soprogom in hčerko, so bili veseli, da so imeli priliko se pridružiti so- ŠT. 23, ELY MINNESOTA •• t * ** ,'t - V torek dne 13. februarja smo lrnele našo mesečno sejo in izvolile Predsednico, Mary Shikonja za dele-Satinjo prihodnje konvencije, ki se vrši od 20. do 24. maja letos v Chicagu. Seje . se je udeležilo 34 članic. Po Seii pa nam je kazal slike “slides” °d Slovenije, naš prijatelj Frederic ahulfe, ki je učitelj v eliških šolah, j^jegov dom pa je v Soudan-Tower, M'nn.) Slike šo bile posnete iz več rajev Slovenije in ostalih predelov ugoslavije ter so bile res izredno ePe in zanimive. progom in svakinji s soprogom, da so bile navzoče na tem lepem slavju 65 letnice poroke Mr. in Mrs. Prisland, saj redki doživejo tako visoki zakonski jubilej. Njun sin Theodore je bil za stoloravnatelja ter je lepo predstavil vse sorodnike in prijatelje od blizu in daleč, da jim izkažejo ljubezen in spoštovanje za ta izredni praznik. # *ec # Na seji smo izvolile delegatinje za našo konvencijo, ki bo v maju v hotelu Birsmarck v Chicagu. Program obeta biti bogat vse dni, zato so vse članice vabljene, da se pridružite skupini. Za prvo delegatinjo je bila izvoljena Emma Planinšek, namestnica Jo Sumic in za drugo delegatinjo Millie Pucel in namestnica Josephine Erjavec. Blagajničarka Jo Sumic, je tudi podala razne informacije glede prihodnje Kegljaške turneje, ki bo v aprilu v Sheboygnu. Na bolniški listi je bila Dorothy Mahan in nekaj dni se je nahajala v bolnišnici Mary Schmitberger in Agnes Lovatti. Tudi je bolan Frank Muster, soprog prejšnje podpreds. podr. Josephine M. Vsem želimo hitrega in dobrega okrevanja. Zlato poroko sta pred meseci obhajala Anton in Theresa Papesh. Naše čestitke! Na seji smo čestitale čla. Ana Rapesh, ker je bila imenovana pri cerkvenem društvu Rosarians "Mati leta”. Bila je trikrat preds. Po seji se je serviral prigrizek in imeli smo priljubljene igre. Dobitke so prejele: Dorothy Končar, Theresa Muhich, Anna Papesh, Emma Planinšek, Mili Pucel, Jo Sumic, Ann Ster-nisha in Frances Stonich. Veselo Veliko noč vsem članicam, želimo vse! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC Potem so pa nam ta mlade in tudi starejše članice postregle s kavo in pecivom. Vse lepo pozdravlja, FRANCES S. JENKO ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, O. Vesela poročam, da je bila udeležba na zadnjih sejah prav dobra, 17 čeprav smo imeli zelo mrzlo vreme. Vsekakor pa bi želeli, da bi se udeležba na naslednjih sejah še povečala, zato vse lepo vabljene! Uporabljam to priliko, da pozivam vse članice, da bi se potrudile in vsaka pridobila vsaj eno novo člani- co, morda sorodnico, ali prijateljico. Na januarski sejo smo izvolile Mary Kolegar in Mary Jteraj za delegatinje 16. konvencije, ki bo v maju v Chicagu. Namestnice sta: Frances Okorn in Marie Telich. V teku naše februarske seje smo razpravljale o pripravah in načrtih proslave 45 letnice naše podr., ki se bo vršila dne 14. oktobra, 1973. Več o tem bo sledilo. Naša taj. in blag., Mary Otoničar in Dorothy Strniša sta slavile rojstne dneve dne 6. febr. in Mollie Deželan, vratarica je slavila na Valentinov dan dne 14. febr. Najlepše čestitke in voščila vsem tem vrlim ženam ter vsem ostalim članicam, ki ste slavile zadnji mesec. Naša delavna članica, Antonia Mihevc se je pravkar vrnila iz Ft. Lau-derale, Florida, kjer se je naužila toplih sončnih žarkov. Odlična dijakinja— Gdč. Michelle Spech, hčerka znanega slovenskega zdravnika dr. An- thonyja Specha in njegove žene Frances, 17406 Nottingham Rd., je bila vpisana v dekanovo listo na John Carroll University, kjer študira biologijo kot del predmedicinskega študija, ker je v jesenskem semestru dosegla povprečje 4.0. Odlični dijakinji k lepemu uspehu naše čestitke z željo, da bi dosegala odlične uspehe tudi v bodoče! Vsem bolnim sestram želimo kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Na svidenje na prihodnji seji! SYLVIA (MIHEVC) PLYMESSER ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILL. LAGRANGE, ILL. - Najprej vam bom povedala kako lepo sobo imam. Nahaja se na vogalu tretjega nadstropja. Na drugi strani ceste je velika šola in cel blok veliki playground - igrišče, ki kar oživi, kadar imajo otroci odmor v šoli in jaz jih zelo rada gledam ko sedim pri oknu. Na drugi strani naše hiše, pa je pogrebnik, kar me opominja, da bom tudi jaz kmalu tam, saj sem že čez 86 let pomladi na svetu. Za Lincolnov Dan nam je dom napravil prav lepi party. Zbrali so se vsi starejši, okrog 25, delavke in Mr. & Mrs. Jakush, ki sta lastnika doma. Ko smo pospravili cake in ice cream, se je pa oglasil najstarejši mož in začel peti in takoj je zadonela lepa ameriška pesem: God bless America, my home, sweet home. .. Potem še vrsto ameriških, nekaj nemških in čeških pesmi, nakar pride Mr. Jakush k meni in pravi: "Frances, zakaj ne poješ?” Povem mu, da ne znam nemških in čeških pesmi. Pa me prime Mrs. Jakush za roko in pravi, pa za- poj kar znaš in okorajžila sem se in zapela: “Slovenka sem, Slovenka sem, tako je mati dj’ala, ko me je dete pestovala. Zatorej dobro vem, Slovenka sem, Slovenka sem!" Vsi so ploskali. Imeli smo res lep večer. Moram pohvaliti in se zahvaliti našim članicam in drugim, ki mi res lepo pišejo, le ža'l mi je, ker ne vidim, da bi vsem odgovorila. Oči in sluh mi je zelo opešal. Daj Bog, da bi bila srečna pot v večnost. Prisrčni pozdrav vsem članicam. FRANCES KRANC The Del Prado 42 Ashland, La Grange, III. ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Ta zima se res igra z nami. Lep sončni dan. zvečer pa nam začne snežiti in jutro nas preseneti z belo odejo. Vse križem se sliši praskanje lopat, ki odmetavajo sneg. Le nai bo, ko je čas za to. Zima in mraz delata mladini veselje in kratek čas, ko se drsajo po ledu. kar utrjuie život in ude, da se po tej telovadbi sladko spi. Ko bodo te vrstice prišle v vaše domove, nas bo pozdravljala že težko pričakovana pomlad. Novo leto nam je prineslo več važnih zadev, da jih uvrstimo v korist pozdružnic in za napredek SŽZ. Na januarski seji je bila povoljna udeležb*. Volile smo delegatinjo za 16 konvencijo SŽZ. ki se vrši v mesecu maju v Chicagu, lil. Izvoljena je bila Jennie Purely in za namestnico Anna Kresevic. Za zaslužno mater leta smo izvolile Stenhanie (Stella) Mahnich. Več o tem bo v majski številki. Imamo med nami tudi članico, sestro Anne Kre?evic ki bo zastopala S. D.D. iz Prince Ave. na federacijski letni prireditvi slovanskih narodnih Domov. Banket se je vršil 18. marca v SND na St. Clair Ave. Ona je dobra kuharica za vse prilike, svatbe, bankete in drupe važne obletnice društvenih prireditev. Na tej prireditvi ji ne bo treba delati, ker bo med častnimi gosti kot žena leta. Naj ji na tem mestu izrečemo vse c'anice naše iskrene čestitke. Mnogi jo poznajo in je priljuibliena pri vseh, saj rada pomaga kjerkoli more. S soprogom Leopoldom se udeležita vsake prireditve. Imata eno hčerko poročeno z Andy Harsh in tri vnuke, živiio na Schre-ber Rd. Valleyview. živijo v lepi slogi v dvo-s*anovanski hiši s krasnim in velikim vrtom okoli hiše. Imajo nekaj lepih smrek, da je zelo prijeten vonj, posebno v jutranjih urah. V poletnem času imajo vedno prijateljske obiske, da se naužijejo čistega zraka v senci obširnega vrta. želimo obema družinama, da jih Bog blagoslovi z dobrim zdravjem, da bomo lahko prišli na oddih k vam. Naša blagajničarka, Mary Vlcek, je šla na počitnice v Florido, da si utrdi zdravje, ker jo je srčna bolezen nadlegovala vse zadnje poletje. Upamo, da se vrne zdrava domov. Ses. Agnes Žagar je srečno prestala očesno operacijo. Vse ji želimo ljubega zdravja ter vsem ostalim bolnicam. Več let že trpi na revmatizmu v nogah ses. Josephine Slana. Naj vam vsem, ki bolehate Marija pomaga in lajša trpljenje, da bi zopet se zdrave veselile življenja. Vse, ki imate svoje rojstne dneve v mesecih marcu, apriilu in maju, gotovo pridite na majsko sejo, da vam bomo zapele Happy birthday in vas pogostile, ko bomo istočasno praznovale materinski dan. Želim vsem vesele Velikonočne praznike ter pozdrav vsem! JENNIE PUGELY, taj. ŠT. 68, CONNEAUT, OHIO Moram napisati nekaj vrstic v našo priljubljeno Zarjo, da ne bodo članice rekle, kje je pa poročevalka. - Udeležila sem se seje prvi in drugi mesec v letu. Po prvi seji, me je hči odpeljala na njen dom, katerega je pravkar kupila v Cleveland Hts. ter je sama z otroci, zato rabi pomoč. Upam, da vse članice veste, da imamo seje po pravilih vsaki tretji četrtek. Seveda na tej seji, je bilo bolj kakor po navadi, ker je po vsej državi nastopila huda zima in mraz pod ničlo. Huda burja je mela in sem poklicala tajnico, če bomo imele sejo, pa ona je korajžna in dobra šoferka in je odgovorila, da ja. Prodajala je listke za card party. Tudi mene je vzela s seboj v auto in spominjali smo se onemoglih članic, ki ne morejo na seje. Tajnica jim pošlje tolažilne karte. Tudi jaz želim vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja. Bližajoča se pomlad bo prinesla vsem boljšega razvedrila. Upamo, da pomlad res pride po napovedanem času, kakor je zapisano na koledarju. Rada čitam dopise, ki jih piše Frances Kranc, ki se nahaja na počitniškem domu v LaGrange, III. Da boš vedela kdo sem, si me večkrat obiskala ko sem bila v Fairport Hrb. Moj prvi mož Toni Lunka, je tudi bil rojen v Grahoven. še piši in želim Ti zdravja. Vse članice pa vljudno vabim na seje, ker po seji imamo priljubljene igre in prigrizek s kavico. Bodite najlepše pozdravljene. ANGELA GODEC, poročevalka Finančno Poročilo za mesac Februarja, 1973 Br. No. :Amount: Adults: Jr.: 1 $107.20 182 67 2 261.90 409 209 3 148.05 253 154 4 — 12 — 5 — 90 17 6 44.80 99 16 7 45.80 87 33 8 14.40 40 — 9 79.80 20 1 10 — 281 18 12 65.00 152 59 13 — 106 29 14 144.85 290 28 15 — 186 7 16 90.45 147 69 17 82.25 152 94 19 45.50 100 15 20 349.20 351 98 21 65.35 117 49 22 — 15 — 23 101.30 212 39 24 59.35 122 37 25 300.05 565 137 26 52.80 106 23 27 — 38 2 28 82.55 70 27 29 9.95 24 4 30 10.40 9 — 31 77.00 80 27 32 82.15 147 67 33 120.70 187 158 34 19.25 36 4 35 30.00 50 32 37 — 19 — 38 38.05 101 — 39 — 42 7 40 56.30 104 2 41 182 29 42 — 48 1 43 — 168 77 45 — 39 11 46 12.90 30 3 47 55.30 102 37 49 — 28 — 50 157.75 251 59 51 — 15 — 52 30.70 51 21 54 — 53 38 55 31.25 56 18 56 42.00 91 7 57 32.25 59 15 59 — 28 — 61 — 5 — 62 — 21 — 63 — 90 20 64 33.50 42 1 65 38.10 41 22 66 — 57 21 67 40.95 69 8 68 37.25 58 24 69 — 69 8 70 — 14 3 71 58.50 118 37 72 7.30 22 — 73 53.70 99 62 Financial Report for February, 1973 m FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART it = 74 182.10 26 1 77 20.45 43 28 79 — 39 13 80 5.15 13 — 81 14.80 30 — 83 8.20 17 2 84 — 45 3 85 — 38 2 86 — 19 — 88 — 52 8 89 29.60 68 25 90 16.20 42 5 91 — 42 8 92 19.05 27 12 93 — 51 3 94 — 6 — 95 231.10 180 23 96 — 43 — 97 6.15 15 — 99 5.30 14 — 100 31.65 48 15 101 23.80 32 11 102 — 34 2 103 15.65 22 14 105 — 29 6 106 12.50 23 3 $3,837.55 7,905 2,235 Remarks: Pd. in Jan. a; Jan Dec. b; Jan. & Feb. c; Jan. d. Income - Dohodki: Feb Assessment: Interest: Rent: Tax Deposit: to 1973: $3,837.55 2,346.28 210.00 27.95 Total: DISBURSEMENTS - STROŠKI FEB. 1973: Following claims pd. Izplačana zavarovanja: $6,421.78 Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Sa 1, Frances Plesetz 2, Frances Cerjak 2, Mary Koren 12, Josephine Pung 12 Helen Koroschetz 17, Mildred Golob 23 Anna Movrin 23, .Jennie Alar 25, Josephine Poljane 38, Theresa Champa 62, Josephine Koblinski 84, Mary Zalokar iaries, plače: Administration Travel. Ped Diems ^eP- of Insurance f ' C.A. Tax ^arja Feb. Issue Office supplies Telephone Rent M'scell, razno Book printing $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,075.14 625.00 potni str. 867.00 25.00 63.09 1,157.07 11.50 28.46 75.00 108.25 2,000.00 HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Through all the crises in this country women have played a large part. In the development of our nation the women who landed from the Mayflower faced in that first winter in the stern New England country the first great crisis. Just as much credit must be given to the Pilgrim mothers as to the Pilgrin fathers as they lived and the part they played in conquering starvation and the wilderness. During the Revolution the women bore hadrships and privations and carried on the work of their homes while the men fought for freedom. And so it was during the Civil War when it was "up to the women” to carry on. Women knew that life must go on and that the needs of life must be met through courage and determination. Prior to the 19th centry women were considered subordinates. Gradually through the efforts of three men women became released. Playwright J'ohn Stuart Mill of England formed the opinion that woman was unjustly oppressed by man. Dramatist, novelist and critic Henrik Ibsen of Norway attacked conventions of the day and put forward the idea that women had rights similar to those of men. Mr. Bernard Shaw of Ireland wrote plays working toward an emancipation of the woman. Prejudice of man against woman was created in a hundred thousand years and so it cannot be wiped out in a couple centuries. Thus only gradually women have stepped into the world of medicine, law, education, business, sports, politics and social work. Total Disbursements skupno stroškov: Balance Jan. 1973: Income - dohodki: Feb. Disbursement: $5,235.51 $568,781.82 6,421.78 $575,203.60 5,235.51 Book: s asset 7,235.51 2,000.00 Balance Feb. 28, 1973: $569,968.09 Fanika Humar Sec’y Deceased member Mary Stlmac was a member of Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn, not Br. 1 as reported in the last financial statement. Jane Addams was responsible for Hull House, Chicago's first settlement house and the country’s most famous through which she helped the needy and united the community. First woman editor of the New York Tribune Margaret Fuller’s book on women’s problems. Woman in the Nineteenth Centry, laid the groundwork for feminism in the United States. Famous educator Mary Lyon established in her lifetime a means whereby young women might obtain an advanced academic education comparable to that previously available only to young men. Florence Sabin, noted for her studies of the lymphatic system, of the blood vessels and of tuberculosis was the first woman to teach at the John Hopkins Medical College. Mildred (Babe) Didrikson Zaharias was the foremost all-round athlete in American sports history.—• known as “the athletic phenomenon of all time, man or woman”. And then there was Eleanor Roosevelt, who during her years as America’s First Lady, worked to overcome unfair practices against minority groups. She was of the belief that women are interested in “the abolition of war as a means of settling disputes between nations”. She felt women must to two things: create a will to peace in all things and the other is to make adventurous some other things in life besides war, for the youth of this world. Mrs. Roosevelt’s challenge stili exists. Have you any ideas how best to meet it? May the lovely Easter season fill your heart with hope and peace. Your friend, REGINA ♦ ♦ ♦ Spring came dancing down the hill Cascading blossoms trailing wide, With dainty steps she pirouettes, In shyness turns aways to hide. Answers to Chick Crossword Puzzle Words Across: 1. Beak 5. Erase 6. Ages 7. Gates 9. Basket 11 Hen 12. SR Words Down: 1. Breaks 2. Easter 3. As 4. Keys 5. Eggs 8. ET 9. Be 10. An - PATRONIZE OUR IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: Pleas* fill out this coupon and mail to th« Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 6060S: Nam«: OLD Address: NEW Address: Br. no: Zipcocie Zipcode AVE lAFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th Si. 25000 Euclid Ave. v,, 8235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills ** 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. rm A.\ri I ^ F^ki ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOMES. INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN 1 & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road »ANK FDH Chicago, Illinois 60608 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, Ml. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 A. GRDINA & SONS RECIPES! Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turck 980 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 ALL KITCHEN- TESTED! wxm's GLOW Ths (Citcfoeta.