IRDO - Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti je bil ustanovljen leta 2004 z namenom raziskovati in pospeševati razvoj družbene odgovornosti v Sloveniji in v svetu. Prizadeva si povezati vse kljucne akterje na podrocju razvoja družb ne odgovornosti (podjetja, vlada, civilna družba…) ter izvajati skupne aktivnosti in kampanje za osvešcenost širše družbe o potrebnosti in pomenu družbene odgovornosti v Sloveniji. S svojim delovanjem inštitut IRDO prispeva k prenosu in prilagajanju tujega znanja ter konceptov slovenskim razmeram in potrebam, hkrati pa omogoca izmenjavo slovenskega znanja in izkušenj s tujimi strokovnjaki, podjetji in organizacijami. Povabite v naše clanstvo tudi druge, ki bi želeli biti seznanjeni z informacijami o družbeni odgovornosti in prispevati k razvoju le te! Izdajatelj: IRDO Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti, Preradoviceva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor Slovenija // Telefon: + 386 (0)31 344 883 Faks: + 386 (0)2 429 7104 Spletna mesta:,, Uredništvo: V kontekstu družbene odgovornosti (zmanjšanje stroškov, onesnaževanja okolja) so novice v elektronski obliki. Za vsebino prispevkov odgovarjajo avtorji. Mnenja avtorjev niso tudi nujno mnenja uredništva. Besedila niso lektorirana in so v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Vse pravice pridržane. Ponatis celote ali posameznih delov je dovoljen le s pisnim dovoljenjem uredništva. Namenjeno clanom inštituta IRDO. Vsebine 04 | 8. IRDO mednarodna konferenca 18 | CSR Europe 20 | Odnos do zaposlenih 24 | Odnos do okolja 25 | Odnos do skupnosti 26 | Odnos na trgu 27 | DO vodenje 28 | Razpisi 29 | Dogodki, konference 34 | Evropska prestolnica mladih 36 | In župan je... 37 | Prejeli smo 38 | Razstava 39 | Vošcilo V program se lahko kot MENTORJI prijavijo vsi, ki imajo znanja in izkušnje, in bi jih želeli deliti naprej. Kot MENTORIRANCI se lahko prijavijo mladi med 15. in 30. letom starosti. V sredo, 10. aprila, bo v organizaciji podjetja Prosperia potekalo srecanje ENERGETIKA in OKOLJE ‘13, na katerem bodo predstavljene zadnje novosti uspešnega umešcanja energetskih rešitev v okolje in Naturo 2000 v Sloveniji in EU, ucinkoviti postopki in rešitve. Od 7. do 9. marca je v prostorih Univerze v Mariboru potekala 8. mednarodna IRDO konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi casa 2013: Izobraževanje in komuniciranje za vec družbene odgovornosti. Slovenska filantropija že cetrtic zapored pripravlja dan za spremembe s tematskim naslovom prostovoljci širimo solidarnost, zato vas vabi, da sodelujete pri vseslovenski akciji, ki bo potekala v petek, 5. aprila 2013. Uradni rezultati nadomestnih volitev župana Mestne obcine Maribor in štirih clanov Mestnega sveta MOM. Župan je postal vodja ZRC IRDO, dr. Andrej Fištravec! Spoštovane clanice in clani! Marca se obicajno zacnejo številne konference. Veliko teh vam predstavljamo in najavljamo v tej številki IRDO novic. Med njimi tudi naš najpomembnejši izobraževalni dogodek leta na podrocju družbene odgovornosti. 8. mednarodna konferenca »DRUŽBENA ODGOVORNOST IN IZZIVI CASA 2013: “IZOBRAŽEVANJE IN KOMUNICIRANJE ZA VEC DRUŽBENE ODGOVORNOSTI”, ki je potekala od 7. do 9. marca 2013 v Mariboru. Vsako leto mednarodno konferenco obišce približno 200 udeležencev in vec kot 80 avtorjev iz vsaj 10 držav sveta. Oglejte si utrinke, preberite vtise in sklepe te konference. Predstavljamo vam zmagovalce Dnevnikovega izbora Zlata nit, rezultate volitev za 40. župana Mestne obcine Maribor, aktivnosti v okviru Maribor- Evropske prestolnice mladih 2013. Ta obcina je nakljucno ravno letos dobila župana, ki ima izreden posluh za mlade in njihove težave. Udeležite se katerega izmed dogodkov, ki jih predstavljamo, in v vašo prakso cim bolj vkljucujte družbeno odgovornost. Obilo pestrega branja in pisanih pirhov vam želi, Uredništvo IRDO novic IRDO MOZAIK 2013/02 Dogodki, konference European Seminar Smart Specialisation Strategies: the new Ex-Ante Conditionality ofthe 2014-2020 Programming Period 11th - 12th April 2013, Berlin How to design your Innovation Strategy, is a seminar which takes place in Berlin. It is useful be-cause every EU Member State has to implement and outline a Research and Innovation Strategy for its Operational Programmes. The advantages you get with the seminar:  Understand the concepts behind Smart Speciali-sation and its future developments  Improve your practical skills to design or update your Research and Innovation Strategy for your.  In a workshop, learn how to implement coop­erative frameworks and aligned interests for all stakeholders • Boost your region’s competitiveness by identi-fying its advantages, strengths and priorities  Get a hands-on perspective with lessons learnt and case studies from practitioners around Europe With Experts from: • Foresight and Planning Research Group Joan-neum, Austria • Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, Finland • Nordic Centre for Spatial Development Nordre-gio, Sweden  Directorate for Innovation, Research, University and Sustainable Energy Development, Piedmont Region, Italy For direct registration please use the online book-ing form. The detailed brochure information is available here. The Summer 3rd International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2013 July 9 - 12, 2013 - Orlando, Florida, USA Design and modeling are concepts and activities common to several disciplines in Science, Educa-tion, and Technology. Consequently, Design and modeling provide effective concepts, theories, methodologies, and tools for intra- and inter-disciplinary communications. The World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Infor-matics: WMSCI might provide synergic relation-ships with a conference on Design and Modeling, and vice versa. Attendees of these conferences might gain insights and have effective analogical thinking in both the formal and informal commu-nication they usually have in meetings, sympo-sium, and conferences. On the other hand research activities are also common to several disciplines in Science, Education, and Technology, as have reciprocal relationships with Design and Model-ing. Descriptive models are used in Science, and prescriptive modeling activities are used in de-signing scientific activities, educational methodo-logies, and engineering or technological products. Consequently, Design, Modeling, and Research are transdiciplinary concepts that might serve well in disciplinary and inter-disciplinary communica-tion. International Conference on Managing the Asian Century 2013 The international conference on Managing the Asi-an Century 2013 is taking place in Singapore from 11th to 13 July 2013. The conference will be hos-ted by Singapore - a campus of James Cook University Australia. The conference theme is “Managing the Asian Century”. This conference offers both academics and practitioners the oppor-tunity to share knowledge in several disciplines relevant to Asian countries. The focus is how we facilitate the developments in the emerging econo-mies. Important dates: Submission of Abstract: 15th April 2013 Full Paper Submission Deadline: 6th May 2013 Final Paper Submission: 28th June 2013 Early Bird Registration Deadline: 15th May 2013 Late Registration Deadline: 1st July 2013 Conference Dates: 11th - 13th July 2013 Each Full Paper will through a blind review proc-ess. Accepted papers will be published in the re-viewed Conference Proceedings (with ISSN). Selected papers will also be considered for publica-tion in Special Issue of several journals. For further information, please contact. Konferenca o družbeni odgovornosti podjetij Corporate responsibility in 2013: Why it’s essential and how to make it pay V Londonu bo 7. in 8. maja 2013 potekala konferenca o družbeni odgovornosti podjetij Corporate responsibility in 2013: Why it’s essential and how to make it pay. Namenjena je predstavnikom podjetij in drugih organizacij, ki poslujejo ali želijo poslovati družbeno odgovorno. Glavne teme konference so: sodelovanje s kljucnimi deležniki, poudarek na razvijajocih se trgih, obnova zaupanja, clovekove pravice v akciji, pomanjkanje virov v letu 2020, vaša kariera v DOP in trajnostnem razvoju, zagotavljanje top kadra, upravljanje dobavnih verig in strategija z vrha. Konference se bo udeležilo vec koz 500 pomembnih udeležencev, vec kot 65 govorcev in vec kot pet direktorjev, ki bodo izmenjali dobre prakse in razpravljali na temo najaktualnejših trajnostnih izzivov leta 2013. Do 3. aprila organizatorji ponujajo cenejšo prijavo. Vec informacij o konferenci je na voljo na spletni strani konference. Exploring Leadership Roles for Lo­cal Peace and Global Justice The Leiden Leadership Centre of Leiden Univer­sity - Campus The Hague, in partnership with the International Leadership Association and the Mu-nicipality of The Hague, will host a topical leader-ship conference in The Hague on 16-17 May 2013. This conference will focus on identifying catalysts for change to successfully deal with the complexi-ties related to international justice and safeguard-ing peace. International academics, practitioners and leaders are invited to join our search for effec-tive and ethical public leadership and to learn from leadership experiences, both on an individual and an institutional level. Conference Topics: • Leadership Narratives as an Instrument to Build Bridges: Scoring Stories;  Successful Cases of Cross-Sector Cooperation: Partnerships of Public, Private and Community-Based Institutions; • Local Initiatives for Global Justice: A Multi-Level Approach; • Innovative Learning Leadership interventions: How to Put the Learning Back into the System. ASC Annual conference: Acting, learning, understanding This conference is designed around the explora-tion of understanding and acting as circularly con-joined. Acting and understanding will be given equal weight, with each framing the other. The processes of learning are a major means of mov-ing between the two, and take place in an environ-ment, often framed as formal or informal education. Theme The fundamental position of the conference is based in circular causality, which was at the heart of the concerns of the Macy Conferences where cybernetics took its contemporary form. We see the old simplification that acting is located in un-derstanding and operates through linear causality, as providing inadequate explanation for lived ex-perience. Style The conference will be a conversational confer­ence. We will work together (collaborate) in small groups and through plenary sessions, to improve understanding and acting, explored together. The conference is hosted by the Institute for Edu-cational Cybernetics, University of Bolton, UK, whose goal is to develop better understandings of how information and communication technologies affect the organization of education at all levels. More detailed information is available on the web-site: »Družbena odgovornost- od nakljucja do strategije« 13. maja 2013, bo na Bledu potekala prva mednarodna co-konferenca: »Družbena odgovornost- od nakljucja do strategije«. Združeni sta dve dosedanji konferenci, in sicer »Mednarodna konferenca o družbeni odgovornosti Studia Moderna in mednarodna konferenca poti družbene odgovornosti Ekvilib inštituta in Mreže za družbeno odgovornost Slovenije. Na konferenci bodo sodelovali številni domaci in tuji strokovnjaki s podrocja družbene odgovornosti. Iskali se bodo nacini: • kako družbeno odgovornost vkljuciti v dolgorocno strategijo poslovanja, • kako premišljeno skrbeti za družbeno odgovorno nabavno verigo,  kako vlagati v razvoj zaposlenih in delovno okolje,  kako podpreti delovanje socialnih podjetij, • kako odpirati možnosti za zaposlovanje. Udeležba na konferenci je brezplacna! Za vse dodatne informacije se lahko obrnete na telefonsko številko: 01 430 37 51 ali preko elek­tronske pošte: ONLINE TRAINING COURSE Toby Webb who was also participating at the The8thIRDO conference on Social responsibility and current challenges 2013, and his colleague Mallen Baker launched an online training course called “Getting to Grips with Corporate Responsi-bility” (http://www.getting-to­ The course is going to be available from April 15 over four months online. After the end date, the online course will also be archived so you could access it at your own pace. The course will be a mixture of video, PowerPoint and live and archived web chat / video discussions. It’s designed to help someone moving into the field who wants to get a deeper grounding, or someone that has been given CR responsibilities as part of a more senior role. It covers key issues such as the history of, and business case for, sustainable business and CSR. It also looks in depth at important areas such as reporting, communications, supply chain management, human rights, the environment and other areas. More information on the modules can be found here, where you can also sign up for updates, as well as an interview with one leading head of CSR, Rich-ard Ellis, that gives you a taste of what the course will cover. For more information write on the following mail: UK Systems Society International Conference 2013 9. September to 11. September 2013,University of Oxford The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Systems and Society: ideas from practice’. Living In the 21st century, it is difficult for anyone to be un-aware of the interconnectedness of ‘things’. To take just one example widely covered in the Press, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mex-ico in 2010 had far reaching consequences, causing extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats, to the Gulf’s fishing and tourism industries, and hence to the livelihoods of many people in the USA and Mexico. The subsequent White House commission reported that “The root causes are sys-temic and, absent significant reform in both indus-try practices and government policies, might well recur” (The Telegraph, 5 January 2011). The need for effective Systems thinking is paramount. It is vital for industry, government and academia to engage with one another to learn from each other and to tackle our real world complex problems together. Enquiries about the Practitioners’ day can be dis-cussed with Andrea Lewingdon email: Enquiries about registration, including special needs can be made to the Conference Secretariat email: conference2013 Bookings can be made via the UKSS Website: „Soziale Landwirtschaft - Situation und Perspektiven fiir Osterreich, Sudtirol und Trentino” 22. April 2013, Wien Innerhalb des Konzepts einer multifunktionalen Landwirtschaft gewinnt die Soziale Landwirtschaft eine immer groBere Bedeutung. In diesem Band werden die Ergebnisse einer in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bundesanstalt fiir Bergba-uernfragen, der Bundesanstalt fiir Agrarwirtschaft, der Europaischen Akademie in Bozen und dem Istituto Agrario di San Michelle all’Adige im Trentino durchgefuhrten semistrukturierten, explorativen Studie zwischen Osterreich, Sudtirol und Trentino zur Situation und Perspektiven der Sozialen Landwirtschaft vorgestellt. Erstmals wurde dabei eine umfangreiche Daten-grundlage iber die involvierten land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Betriebe erstellt, sowie die pflegerischen, therapeutischen, padagogischen und integrativen Leistungen wissenschaftlich systematisch dokumentiert und bewertet. Des Weiteren stellt der Bericht ein Konzept zur begrif-flichen Abgrenzung der Sozialen Landwirtschaft zur Diskussion, auBerdem werden nationale und internationale Netzwerke prasentiert, sowie Hintergrunde und Entwicklungschancen fiir die Zukunft analysiert. SPOMLADANSKA SOLA MANAGEMENTA Srecanje na temo »Zagotavljanje dobrega pocutja« bo potekalo na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru, 10.4.2013 Prof. dr. Sonja Treven, dr. Simona Šarotar Žižek, Ekonom-sko-poslovna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru Vabimo vas na SPOMLADANSKO ŠOLO MANAGEMENTA na temo Zagotavljanje dobrega pocutja, ki jo organizira Katedra za organizacijo in informatiko dne 10.4.2013 od 8:30 do 18:00 v predavalnici PA, Ekonomsko­ poslovne fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. Vsebine programa spomla-danske šole managementa ZAGOTAVLJANJE DOBREGA POCUTJA, ki bo potekala 10.4.2013 od 8.30 do 18.00 ure, bodo naslednje: • Uvodni pozdrav prof. dr. Sonje Treven, predstojnice Katedre za organizacijo in informatiko • Zvocne terapije z gongi in tibetanskimi posodami, Lucka Ungar, zvocna in gong terapevtka • Nevro-lingvisticno programiranje (NLP), Marko Korenjak, psihoterapevt in NLP trener • Psihoterapija/ Terapevtsko jahanje, Erna Lülik, praktik psihoterapevt transakcijske analize (ali TA) in specialistka za terapevtsko jahanje • Bioresonanca, Erika Žagar, dr. med., • Pomen zdrave prehrane za cloveka, prim.mag. Branislava Belovic, dr. med., spec. • Telesna dejavnost za dobro pocutje, Ema Mesaric, dipl. med. sestra • Obvladovanje stresa v vsakdanjem življenju, asist. Tatjana Krajnc- Nikolic, dr. med., spec., M. Sc. PH (UK) • Joga – prakticna pot do zdravja, Sabina Zadel, dr. med.  Vadba Qi Gong - osem zakladov, Maja Kosmacin • Tehnika doseganja custvene svobode (EFT), Cvetka Horvat, izvajalka EFT metode • Zakljucek - prof. dr. Sonje Treven, predstojnice Katedre za organizacijo in informatiko