Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American- Sloyenians LZ) Vr/MVAV&X NVIIW American home Ameriška Domovina- SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 106, No. 14 USPS 024100 ■ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 2004 Phone: (216) 431-0628 efmail: ah@buckeyevveb.com 70c SNPJ Celebrates 100th Year With Banquet in Pittsburgh Last Saturday, April 3, the Slovene National Benefit Society celebrated its 100th anniversary with a banquet at the Hilton Pittsburgh. In attendance were some 750 members and invited guests, including former president °f Slovenia Milan Kucan, former U.S. Congressman Dennis Eckart, and Slove-oia’s Ambassador to the Linked States Davorin Kračun, who will be completing his regular four year term in May and returning to Slovenia. SNPJ President Joseph C. Evanish offered a toast to the 40,000-plus member organi-zation he leads on its 100th anniversary. In terms of both membership and financial strength, the SNPJ is the largest Slovenian American organization. After dinner, SNPJ National Secretary Karen Pintar and National Treasurer Robert J. Lawrence made a m*mber of introductions and read some proclamations received by the organization f°r this occasion. Pintar and Lawrence then alternated in emceeing the program. The national anthem was sung by Toni Trontel Solarz, ^iss SNPJ for 1984. The Slovenian anthem was sung Ey the Lesna Octet from Slovenia, which also sang soveral Slovenian songs. President Evanish returned t° the dais and welcomed overyone present. His remarks were followed by a SuPerb visual presentation Summarizing SNPJ’s 100 Vears of service to its members and the broader com-munity. To make following the program easier in the huge hall, two large videoscreens were used; this was excellent touch. Two local Pennsyvania egislators offered their greetings and were followed y remarks from Sergij Pel-an> who is the new presi-ent of the Slovene Emigrant’s Society (Slovenska ^seljenska matica). Next came a video mes-from Ohio Senator . e°rge V. Voinovich, dur-8 which he spoke warmly his own SNPJ member-^ •mi»\anc* commended the lb wi or8anrzat'°n played '’helping the lives of so of its members. He also made a point of expressing his thanks to Milan Kucan for Kucan’s role in assisting the process of Slovenia democratizing and then gaining its independence. In many respects, Voinovich reiterated the thrust of the remarks he had made in Cleveland on March 29, at the celebration marking the accession of Slovenia and six other countries to NATO. After congratulatory remarks from Michael Stivoric, Vice President of the National Fraternal Congress, of which SNPJ as well as AM-LA, KSKJ and several other Slovenian American frater-nals are members, Matjaž Zanoškar, Mayor of Slovenj Gradec, spoke and presented President Evanish with a gift. The Lesna Octet, which is from Slovenj Gradec, returned to perform several additional Slovenian songs. Next was another video message, this time from Sen. Tom Harkin, Democrat of Iowa, who spoke of his late Slovenian immigrant mother and, as had Voinovich, thanked Milan Kucan for his years of leadership. Harkin also, as Sen. Voinovich earlier, expressed his regrets at not being able to be present in person. Next to speak was former Congressman from Northeast Ohio Dennis E. Eckart, who had at one time served as a first vice president of the SNPJ. He spoke about the excellent work of the SNPJ and also of the kinds of difficulties the Slovenian immigrants had encountered in coming to a foreign land and how successfully they overcome them, in part via the help of organizations like the SNPJ. The principal guest speaker for the evening was the former president of Slovenia Milan Kucan. He spoke in Slovenian, as did several of the others, using the services of able translators. Kucan spokd of his previous visits to the United States and the SNPJ as well as having received tour groups of SNPJ members in Slovenia. Kucan was present, for example, at the opening of the new SNPJ headquarters building in Imperial, Pa. in 1994, when the organization moved from St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Cleveeland pastor, Rev. John Kumse, center, blesses the butare (spring flowers) inside the church on a cold, rainy Palm Sunday, April 4. (Photo by PHILIP HRVATIN) St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School students display their hand-made butare. (Photo by PHILIP HRVATIN) Burr Ridge, Illinois, and at the opening of the renovated and expanded main building at the SNPJ Recreation Center. Slovenia’s Ambassador to the United State Davorin Kračun, Jadranka Sturm Kocjan, head of the Office for Slovenes Abroad and Franc Puksic, who leads a committee in the Slovenian parliament dealing with the same issue, also spoke briefly. (Continued on page 2) Happy Easter to AH Readers of Ameriška Domovina! A speccol/ vuUh/outEo&ter to-AU/Reoderyof A meruko/VomovCnaJ May Our Ktierv Lord/ bLew Your dayy w£tifv peaces and/ hope/ and/ love/, and/brinphappCnety to-your heart. You/\vdUbe/renventbered/ina/ipexUal/Holy Maty on Tenter Sunday by the/ Saletian Prveyty and/ B rothery. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8. * AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Sus61 - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: o $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. _______________I_____ No. 14 April 8, 2004 MFLecTsom sr mm Surviving Shopping St. Mary’s pastor, Rev. John Kumse, blesses Easter food (Photo by JO ANN KAIFESH) Blessing of Easter Food by RUDY FLIS There was a sale this past week at Kaufmann’s Department Store and guess what? My wife, Therese, had a gift certificate and a discount coupon - an irresistible urge to shop,shop, shop. Usually, shopping time is separation time in our marriage. But because Holy Week is upon us, the need for me to make an extra sacrifice or two for our savior Jesus is urgent and I offered to drive her to the store. She said, “You don’t have to.” But again, thinking of my salvation, and knowing I haven’t sacrificed much this Lent, I insisted. A^ we pulled into the parking lot my wife asked, “Are you going to wait in the car while I shop?” The naps in the car as Therese shops are quality naps that end only when she is pounding on the car window. For me naps are easy, anywhere, any time. Thinking penance for my many sins I said, “No, I’ll go with you.” A BIG MISTAKE! Her gait from our car to the store was of Olympian speed, beyond, far beyond, my leisurely walking. Once in the store, the place where she kno.wk where everything is, and I mean everything, we walked all over the place as Therese checked the merchandise. As we walked, my legs tired, fatigue took over my listless body and I found myself asking Jesus for a chair. I spotted one. What a merciful God. As I sank into it, I relaxed, I yawned and experienced a contentment that reached my soul. It was prefect for a nap, so I could not let my eyelids close. I was in a daze when Therese walked up and said, “Let’s go.” All that she carried was her purse and a disappointed look. Her enthusiasm gone, her gait normal, we walked out of the store side by side. I had survived shopping, but I had a very disappointed wife and I had to correct that. Hot coffee and a hot meal eased the terrible memory of shopping without buying, a woman’s nightmare. I brought home a content wife, made a few points with our Lord and I am ready for another great Easter Sunday. May God’s blessing be with all of us on this most holy day and all the year through, and please Lord, bring peace to our troubled world. SNPJ Marks 100... (Continued from page 1) In between the various speakers, a very large number of introductions of guests were made, including those present from the leaderships of other Slovenian fraternal organizations. Present from the Cleveland-based AMLA were its President, Albert Amigoni and Vice President - Finance, Theresa Aveni, as well as AMLA Directors Vida Zak and this writer. The number of speakers and as well the vartous introductions meant the program was an extended one, yet it proved not only very well organized, but interesting as well. It certainly was an appropriate way to mark the first century of the SNPJ and surely those who were able to attend were pleased with the evening. President Evanish made his concluding remarks, after which there was dancing to the midnight hour. Playing were the Joe Grkman Orchestra and Tony Klepec & Friends. As was to be expected, the large majority of those present were SNPJ members from the Pennsylvania area, but there was good representation from Greater Cleveland, where SNPJ also has a large membership, and from other states, such as Illiniis and Wisconsin. Present from Cleveland were, among many others noticed by this writer, radio personality Tony Petkovšek, new Cleveland Consul General from the Republic of Slovenia Marcel Koprol, Betty Rotar (an SNPJ board member), and Charles Ipavec. An Eastern European tradition, including Slovenian, that has become quite popular in most parishes in the United States is the blessing of Easter food on Holy Saturday. In the traditional food basket for Easter are certain foods. Easter bread or potica is symbolic of Jesus, the true bread of life. It is usually a round loaf symbolic of the crown of thorns. Sausage is a sign of God’s favor and generosity. Horseradish is symbolic of the nails that pierced the hands and feet of Jesus during His bitter passion. Eggs are a sign of resurrection and new life. Salt, necessary for flavor, is a reminder of our Christian duty to help one another. Wine is blessed as a reminder of the moderation that Christians should have in all things. Ham and other meat is a sign of the great joy and abundance of Easter and God’s mercy to us. Butter, often shaped into a figure of a lamb or small cross, reminds us of the goodness of God that we should find in all things. If you have not yet made the blessing of Easter food a part of your family’s holiday celebration, why not begin this year? St. Mary’s (Collinwood) and St. Vitus pastors bless Easter food on Holy Saturday afternoon, April 10, both at 1 and 3 p.m. wny, >/•• In the Netherlands, the Easter Bunny hides colored, hard-boiled eggs, both indoors and outdoors. Rudolph M. Susel If you worry, don’t pray - if you pray, don’t worry. --St. Mary’s Alumni news 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina EASTER SUNDAY 1848! You read the title correctly; On Easter Sunday, 1848, in the village of Spodnji Cerov v Berdih (Brda - Gorica region?), a sermon was given by a Franciscan priest by the name of Mansvet Smajder. A ten page sermon contains the following lines in the Slovenian language that were true in 1848 as well as 156 years later, on Easter Sunday, 2004: “The act of rising of Jesus from the grave of death to a physical life also has to be our spiritual rising from the grave of sin to a life of Divine grace....Only those that confessed their sins with inner sorrow and received the Easter communion can say: I have risen with Jesus from the grave of sin to a life of Divine grace .. .but it is not enough to rise from the grave of sin.. .but also to stay in the life of Divine grace and not repeat the old sins.’* (Translated from Shodni Ogovori, by Mansvet Smajder, Ljubljana, 1854) Addendum: In 1848, and well into the years that yours truly remembers, people in Slovenian churches knelt on their bare knees during the services, on stone or concrete floors. During visits to shrines, a procession on bare knees, on these floors, was often the norm. In a local suburban church u etin this past Palm Sunday, an article describing the newly-padded church kneeters, noted the following: “...a number of parishioners commented favorably that the time at Mass spent on their knees was much more pleasant and productive.” Have we been wrong all along - again? HAPPY EAS HER TO AMERICAN HOME READERS! Life in the Refugee Camps 1948 jfy Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj wn fr°m the govemme strJ,'6 for a j°b in co 6°t^bThis aftemoon> to !rid ^stič 90 shillin CL C the affair regardii ^’s photos. Uesday, juiy 20,1948 at s-inPt P0orly and got i *,ik“for m>'new j°b-bus t r lnto town, took t tninut Le°ben and walked : GqSs es to a village nam< 7;30 R. beSan working a.lrst they had me di W Street ,eve|. then > 9 fft°VeIln8 dirt np out i Vr L1 deep ditch (for ^ to a IP.e^ * Wouid throw ^ker ^ atform anc* anothi rest t^ould throw it th «ve]. t,he Way up to strei lot. j ard work. Sunny an Norn aS,S° tired 1 couldn | drink. Sll:3h I.'vaiked «“=3 On . acic to Leobei iach i a train to Trc 3.j5 returned to the cam % di ’ exhausted, thirst; ^ ^'nce the showe Ci aC0’ ^ Washed in nr 'tie anH best 1 could, ate ; Cer r ^ down> worriei ft Up tk„ Would he able t< "i»c«i,r,:non""8- Saturday, July 17, 1948 1 received our first letter rom Vinko Kržišnik in Can-a(h. He says the journey |/0ss the ocean was awful. . °w he has a job in a factory 111 ^'ctoriaville, Quebec. He ^kes only $23 a week. He Pays $19 for f00(i an(i rent) and so has only $5 left for ^erything else. Included 'ta the letter was a pair of sQcks which I need. 1 paid the camp admini-I rat'0n a percentage of my acemakers’ earnings. We’re 01 selling much, so there are 0w 0nly 4 lacemakers still irking. , i°zica Zorc went to the ^spital because it appeared bab WaS about t0 have a y> but it turned out she t quite ready. Sunday, July ig,1948 1 wrote back to Vinko in Sin a> and t0 h‘s mother in Ciiuen'a' 'he afternoon, Wo a 3nd ^ walked in the 0j,° s and found 2 pounds ^brooms. Even in the the° S’VVe C0ldd dearly hear Co . Usual announcements sPeake^ ^r°m tbe camP *oud' ^0n(lay, July 19,1948 received a recommer id upaia * s'ept poor|y> bi Went t30’ feeling C ■ Work. rr'~- I eet 1,.^ mc working "i'*S’.Which ™ U' healtw,Sh?d.,l:e °«d dinena"hy and had ^..»f.dumpli, with chocolate, pea soup and “mehlspeis.” Thursday, July 22, 1948 Despite the heat, work went well. I received a letter with $10 from Mire in Canada. Friday, July 23,1948 Work was hard today, shoveling dirt again. In the afternoon we had rain and thunder. I was hot and shirtless, and the cool rain felt so wonderful on my bare back. Our new roommate sometimes sings in his sleep and sometimes screams from the pains in his legs. Pavel Kokelj finally received the permission he wanted to emigrate to Canada. He will leave on Monday, and expects to get work on a farm. Saturday, July 24,1948 This morning I walked to the nearby village of Gai to buy a discount card for the railroad. Along the way, I picked mushrooms and strawberries. Monday, July 26,1948 Today we celebrated Rev. Klemencic’s 40th anniversary of priesthood. People collected money for a gift. We attended a solemn ceremony in the chapel, and then had singing next to his barracks. Tuesday, July 27,1948 I am being paid according to how much I dig. I don’t dig as much dirt as the other workers, and I’m completely exhausted. Sometimes my pick-ax hits a rock and it feels like 440 volts goes through my body. But I can’t give up. This afternoon, I said good-bye to Pavle Kokelj, who left on a train for Italy, where he will board a ship for Canada. (To Be Coutinued) Labor Day Weekend 2005 Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. Caretaker for Elderly Female Minimal responsibilities. Weekday hrs. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PT/FT. - Inquire phone after 6 p.m. 216—481-9851 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 Grocer Joke In a small town, a robber known as Arthur by the local police, broke into a grocery store. When the two employees refused to give him any money, he strangled both of them. He was disappointed wh?n the cash register turned out to have only a dollar in it. Nevertheless he escaped and the next day’s headline read, “Artie chokes two for a dollar in local grocery store.” —Bob Debevec Church Joke An elderly woman walked into the local country church. The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up the flight of steps. “Where would you like to sit?” he asked. “The front row, please.” “You really don’t want to do that,” the usher said. “The pastor is really boring.” -“Do you happen to know who I am?” the woman asked. “No,” he said.' “I’m the pastor’s mother.” “Do you know who I am?” he asked. “No,” she said. “Good,” he said. —Phil Hrvatin ..*.*............ I am Slovenian -eat your heart out | It’s nice to be important; but more important to be nice. —Sally Furlich CUMARD Euclid Travel invites you to join us November 26, 2004 in New York City for a 10-day Caribbean cruise on Queen Mary 2 Staterooms from $ 1,489pp* (Based on double occupancy. Includes panape, port changes and taras.) Contact Mary or Donna I-216-261-I050 mlscruising@sbcglobal.not 22078 Lakeshor* Btvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 KSKI Call a KSKJ represent alive today for a free quote: 1-800-843-5755 AA/.VRICAN SIOVTNIAN CAP or visit us on the weh ;«t: www.KSKJIife.com 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, : Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane « * '^^■1 by RAY MLAKAR What do you know? Ray can see again. The operation was successful, although I still have to put in three different kinds* of eye drops four times a d April 17 from 12 u 0n to 9 p.m. at the UWM j> ,0n Ballroom, 2200 E. e"wood Blvd. Br5atUred wil1 be "deseti fon., 0ctet from Ljubljana, dan 0rna slcuP*na “Lipa” and Denis Novato - diaionic wil1 by Musi lc Is by the Uspeh 0rus; button-box jam sessions, Barbara Sem and John Ash. Cultural exhibits include strudel and sausage making; order potica, strudel and flancate at the mission booth, collection of Slovenian stamps, and preview the largest collection of Slovenian music outside of Ljubljana. Slovenian food will be available. A presentation of the SAC Award of Merit to Eddie Vidmar. Tickets are $10.00 ($8 for Friends of SAC), $5 for students with ID). year, next year a direct route may be offered. EU Entry Problems Slovenia has already received a notice of warning from the European Parliament for seriously lagging behind in its preparations for the EU membership in veterinary and in the mutual recognition of professional qualifications in health sector. The European Commission explained that all 10 soon-to-be EU member states have been sent letters - up to 10 pages long - with a very detailed and sometimes very technical description of shortcomings. If the acceding countries do not do away with the problems, this will be to their own detriment, as they will be unable to enjoy all the benefits of the membership. Another delay causing headaches to the acceding states is the translation of the EU body of laws to their national languages. In its final report on the preparedness of Slovenia for EU membership on May 1, the Commission gave the country the best mark among the acceding states and sounded only one warning. Thanks to Philip Hrvatin of Wachovia Securities in Cleveland for this news. The Easter Jelly Bean Prayer: As you eat jelly beans this Faster, think of this prayer: Red is for the blood he gave. Green is the grass he made. Yellow is for the sun so bright. Orange is for the edge of night. Black is for the sin we made. White is for the grace He gave. Purple is for the hour of sorrow. Pink is for our new tomorrow. Ajar full of jelly beans is so colorful and sweet. It is a prayer; it is a promise; it is a loved one’s treat. May God bless your prayer and thoughts with Easter joy. -St. Mary’s Church Bulletin 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL . Located at ^52 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 k Time is the coin of your life. Only you can determine how it will be spent. -Carl Sandburg Voinovich welcomes Slovenian Prime Minister to NATO WASHINGTON, March 30 - U.S. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) met with Slovenian Prime Minister, Anton Rop, and congratulated him on Slovenia’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which was formally accepted on Monday March 29, 2004 at the White House. Voinovich has been a strong and vocal supporter of the expansion of NATO to include Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. He was a member of President Bush’s official U.S. delegation at the NATO summit in Prague where membership was formally extended in November, 2002. Senator Voinovich is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and pays special attention to Southeast Europe. The senator most recently traveled to Slovenia in May 2002, and led two trade missions there as governor of Ohio. Kuhar Receives Fed Bank Letter Stane Kuhar St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 Dear Mr. Kuhar: Thank you for providing members of the Community Affairs Staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland with a tour of St. Vitus Village. My colleagues and I appreciated the time you shared with us in this respect. We also gained great insight from your overview of the history, development and collaboration that went into making St. Vitus Village a reality. Your commendable efforts in this respect have resulted in beautiful apartment homes for seniors - and not just a place for them to live. —Maria J. Thompson Senior Advisor Community Affairs Office Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland N, PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185th Ared ¥ 531-7700 .-- Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE r»ENTAL CARE FACIT .ITV 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA APRIL Few Easter traditions are as cheerfully symbolic as the decorating of the egg. While Christian families have been commemorating Easter with such colorful customs for centuries some of the traditions and legends associated with the observance of this religious holiday have pagan origins. Egg decorating first gained popularity during a festival honoring mythological goddesses signifying spring and fertility. According to 8th century English scholar, St. Bede, Easter is believed to be named for the goddesses Eostre and Ostra whose celebration took place on the vernal equinox - the first day of spring, which this year was March 20^. (The origin of Easter as a religious holiday is rooted in the Jewish Passover which celebrates Israel’s deliverance from the bondage of Egypt.) Spring celebration was traditionally laden with symbolic observance. Many of the customs have survived and have become incorporated into current culture. The famous Easter Bunny, for example, took his first commemorative hop in Germany and is mentioned as early as the 1500s. The hare and rabbit were known as the most fertile animals and a likely choice for a celebration honoring a time of new growth. (It is believed, by the way, that the first chocolate bunnies were made in Germany in the early 1800’s). German settlers who came to Pennsylvania during the 1700’s brought the bunny lore to America. The egg, also a symbol of fertility and new life, was originally painted bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring. They made colorful gifts and were exchanged by lovers as we now exchange Valentines. Traversing both time and tradition, the egg continues Seven New Flags at NATO BRUSSELS, April 2 -Flags of Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were hoisted in turn as the national anthem of each country was played at the entrance square of the NATO headquarters today. NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and foreign ministers from all 26 NATO members, old and new, attended the ceremony. After the ceremony, all 26 foreign ministers met for the first time for a ceremonial meeting of the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s decision-making body. The foreign ministers of the seven new members voiced their comment and sentiment on the entry. De Hoop Scheffer said he was very pleased that the seven nations have joined the “unique alliance” and their membership would inject more strength and solidarity to the alliance. “The challenges of the new security environment -terrorism, proliferation and failed states - demand such strong solidarity,” he said, citing the Madrid terrorist bombings on March 11. “It is a struggle that requires of us to defend our security far away from home,” he said. The secretary general had said the alliance might be willing to play a role in Iraq if the UN Security Council authorized an international security force to serve there. Friday’s welcome ceremony is regarded as merely ceremonial because a formal accession ceremony had been held Monday in Washington after the seven countries deposited “instruments of accession” to the U.S. government. Earlier on March 17 the NATO headquarters inaugurated a new building where the. seven new members will have their offices. to be a favorite Easter symbol and just happens to come with its own cultural diversity. In Greece, eggs are colored crimson to honor the blood of Christ while in some other countries they are actually decorated with pictures of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The Ukrainians are noted for their intricately decorated eggs. Each portion of the egg is individually colored while the remaining part is covered with tape or beeswax. The results are so beautiful they often look like magnificently detailed mosaics. From the very complicated designs of the Austrians, to the simple techniques of the Poles, decorating eggs has become a cheerful sign of Easter as well as spring. r i I i Strawberry Jam Turnovers i l i 1 8-ounce package re- | frigerated crescent dinner rolls Confectioners sugar 1 large egg white, beaten 1/3 cup whipped cream cheese % cup strawberry preserves i Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. On cookie sheet, separate dough into 4 rectangles; pinch diagonal seams closed; sprinkle with 1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar. Spoon % cream cheese and '/i preserves in center of each. Brush edges with egg white. Fold corners to center; press. Brush tops with egg white. Bake 15 to 20 minutes until golden. Sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar. Makes 4 servings. i BROCCOLI SALAD 1 bunch broccoli 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 1 small red onion, chopped yA lb. bacon i 1 cup mayonnaise i 1/3 cup sugar 2 This, wine vinegar Cut the tops from broccoli into bite sized pieces and i place in a large bowl. Cook bacon until crisp, remove, i drain and crumble. Add cheddar, onion and bacon i pieces to broccoli. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, sugar and i vinegar. Mix until smooth and pour over the broccoli i mixture. Stir to combine. Should be mixed a few hours before serving or the i day before. Keep chilled in the refrigerator. ! —Brother Richard i X Gilmour Well Seasoned Cookbook A friend in deed, — is a friend indeed! —Joseph Zelle Happy Easter To All My Clients and Friends Dr. Frank Mršnik 34301 Chardon Rd. (Suite #9) Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 Ph: (440) 944-9201 “Happy Easter To All Our Customers and Friends Slovenian Workmen’s Home Slovenian Workmen’s Home Auxiliary 15335 Waterloo <« «216-481-5378>V> Fish Fry Every Friday 11:30 AM till 8 PM Take Outs Available Halls & Meeting Rooms Available to Rent Call for Appointment Rental Hours Monday 7 - 9 PM Saturday 10 AM -1 PM Visit Us Soon Watermelon is Good for You Tomatoes get the headlines for their protective effect against prostate cancer, but this picnic classic actually does the job better. Ounce for ounce, watermelon contains 40 percent more of the active cancer-fighting compound lycopene than tomatoes, says David Kiefer, M.D., a fellow at The University of Arizona’s Program in Integrative Medicine, headed by alternative medicine gum Andrew Weil, M.D. Not only is lycopene crucial in overall prostate health, but other studies suggests it may block the plaque buildup in your arteries that can lead to heart attack. And it may help to offset some of the cellular damage caused by environmental pollutants, bad diet, even aging - which may lead to cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and arthritis. SI.OVF.NIJA SLOVENIA SLOVENIJA SLOVENIA SLOVENIJA SLOVENIA 0 1 O Happy Easter yyyyyyy MIHELIN TRAVEL BUREAU ESTABLISHED IN 1952 4118 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 TEL. 216/431-5710 FAX 216/431-5712 E-MAIL: CAPYBARA@lX.NETCOM.COM 1-800-536-6865 SERVING CUSTOMERS THROUGHOUT U.S./ AND AROUND THE WORLD ZAGREB SPLIT IM I1UOVNIK POLA KRAPINSKE-TIUIEIJSKE TOPLIC*'- OlViYS ONON YSaLVTS VWSVDOU CVHSVA YNTOISOA WAAOM TALA ’ATTAD BOaraVW YKVngftn Death Notices MARY NOVAK Mary Novak (nee Fajfar), 96, passed away on Saturday, April 3, 2004 in Euclid Hospital. Mary was bom on Nov. 21, 1906 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She was a former resident °f Cleveland and retired to Zephry Hills, FL in 1968. She returned to Cleveland three years ago. Mary enjoyed gardening, travel, and having a good time with family and friends. She was a member of St. ^ne’s Lodge No. 4 AMLA. Mary js survived by daughter Dolores (Mrs. John) Anzlovar; three grandchildren: Robert Anzlovar, Ronald Anzlovar (wife Paula), Mary Jane (Mrs. Thomas) Grebenc; great- granddaughter: Annemarie Grebenc; Brother Frank Faj-Jar; four sisters: Olga Seeing, Lillian (Mrs. John) ollak, Florence Hack, Dolo-res Breidenbach; and many aieces and nephews; and Sroat nieces and nephews. Friends were received at St- Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., from 10:30 to noon, where Mass of e Resurrection was held at noon, Rev. John Kumse, Pastor, officiating. Burial in hapel Hill Gardens, Dade G'ty, Florida. Donations in her memory p St. Mary Church Building “od, 15519 Holmes Ave., '“'cveland, OH 44110. Arrangements by Zele Uneral Home, 452 E. 152 t > Cleveland. (7 rosemary a. t^ORMAN) SCHNEIDER Roaemary A. (Zorman) a ne‘der, age 48, passed on Y recently- She was bom n June 20, 1955 in Cleve-land, OH. Mass of Christian Burial as at H:3o a.m. Monday, sis '1* ^ 3t Franc's °f As~ Catholic Church, 6850 ay leld Rd., Gates Mills, Dai °Semary was an artist a^nter- She recently won a the^ ^°r ^er paintings i itibit a'rmount Fine ^rts ,ouR°seniarylived in wi luag> tor three month Afield Heights for 1 If* an Pletla BOm tit Inlmel Revenie Sanica StfucngMMkjals Corporations S Small Businessas. Big Fat Slovenian Wedding Slovenian Singing Society Zarja presents their spring frolic titled, “My Big Fat Slovenian Wedding” on Saturday, April 24 at the Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Dinner from 5 to 6:30, program at 7 p.m., and dancing from 8 until ? by the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. 7 For Rent E. 200 St. and Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 For Rent , Up/Cozy Duplex 18031 Neff Rd. ’ Appl. Inc. Washer and Dryer (216) 310-8310 Help Wanted Seeking Experienced Gardener to work part time (approx. 10 hours week). Willoughby Hills area. Entire growing season. 216—430-1622 I ■" ■ - ......= w. majer services | Garage door and door opener Entrance and storm doors. Home repairs and up-dates, interior or exterior. Electrical and more. Call Walter Majer at 216 - 732-7100 Emergency pager 216-506-8224 We speak Slovenian & Croatian 1224 tian Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. ___ listen to 0|THE rrl SLOVENIAN ^ HOUR ’On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio .oUl Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 2004 s Thumbs Down for Slow Slovenian Film by GREG RUDL CONCORD, OH - A Slovenian film set in Ljubljana played at the 2004 Cleveland International Film Festival at the Tower City Cinemas in March. Na Planincah, is translated to On the Sunny Side, is about two Bostian brothers, Ado and Suni, who spend the summer at their aunt and uncle’s apartment in Ljubljana. While Ado, the older of the two, takes a job as a pizza delivery man and falls r in love with a local girl, Suni finds the new surroundings hard to deal with as he enters puberty. While Ado leams Slovenian to impress his girlfriend, his brother hooks up with a group of rebellious youth and together they break into swimming pools at night, swear at adults and throw water balloons from balconies. The movie climaxes when Ado gets the approval of his girlfriend’s brother while Suni finds the move to Slovenia is permanent, and he has to accept it. Though it has some funny scenes, this coming-of-age story lacked plot, action or suspense. Fifteen minutes into the showing, I heard someone behind me say, “I hope this gets going.” Unfortunately, it never did. The title is a take off on the country slogan of Slovenia - “On the Sunny Side of the Alps.” Most American viewers probably missed that along with its backdrop - the ethnic unrest in Slovenia caused by immigrants, migrants and displaced people from the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. I don’t claim to know all the social issues facing Slovenia, but I do know that many natives see these southern nationalities as second-class citizens. The movie starts interestingly enough with kids swimming in what appears to be the Neretva River, just under the ruins of the famous Old Bridge of Mostar, built in 1566. It was the bridge so senselessly destroyed by Croat forces in 1993 symbolizing the racial disintegration of Bosnia’s Muslims, Croats and Serbs. (The bridge has since been rebuilt - a documentary on that subject would have made a better film). The Bosnian children, appearing understandably hardened from years of civil war, are next seen holding a talent show that livens up when a girl starts doing a strip-tease. Ado breaks it up by telling Suni to get ready to go to Ljubljana. If we look at where the movie starts and ends, one of ‘the filmmaker’s goals is evident. The Old Bridge of Mo- star serves as a symbol of ethnic division. The last scene finds Suni being accepted at his new Slovenian school - an example of ethnic union. The filmmaker’s social comment? Stop the prejudice against Bosnians and others like them. And, the scars of ethnic cleansing and revenge-killing can be overcome with the youth. The kids in a sense have to rebuild Mostar’s Old Bridge. Another symbolic effect used in the movie is the wall - many kids are sitting on them, climbing over them and walking along them. This classic symbol is used to represent the ethnic division between the more westernized Slovenians and their neighbors to the south. Some will see this lighthearted, slow-moving movie as the trials and tribulations of Suni trying to fit in. True, but the social comment the filmmaker is trying to make can’t be ignored. Was it made effectively? No. With a boring plot and no drama, the movie-goer is not drawn in. You don’t feel any empathy for the two, even if they’re up against ethnic prejudice. On top of that, much of the acting was amateurish. Scenes were longer than they needed to be. The drab photography lacked any vivid colors or contrast. At the very least, and like any foreign film should, On the Sunny Side gives glimpses of Slovenian culture: the cafes along the pedestrian boulevards that serve pivo (beer) and cappuccino; the accordion band playing outside to spectators sitting on picnic tables with the Alps in the background; the need to take a vacation at the “morje” (the Adriatic sea); and the family sitting around eating uha (soup) together. Another cultural insight - alcohol, and how it serves to unite and quell argument. In one scene. Suni and his friends serve justice to a “cat sniper” (they shoot it in the rear with his own pellet gun and dump it in the river). When the cat sniper’s grandfather finds out, he angrily confronts Suni’s aunt, demanding financial compensation. A few drinks of homemade schnapps (probably Slivovitz) later, the grandfather and Suni’s aunt are seen singing folk songs, while the sniper is trading soccer playing cards with Suni. In another scene Ado’s girlfriend’s brother interrogates Ado about his relationship with his sister. He tries to degrade him because he’s from Bosnia, but Ado holds his own. A few beers later everyone is seen singing and having a good time. The city of Ljubljana is portrayed as lonely, unfriendly and dreary. Most panoramic shots of it are smog-filled and hazy - done for effect I’m sure. Its residents are seen in the same way - leery of Bosnians and stem with children. One lingering question I had was why the movie was set in Slovenia. Sure there might be prejudice there, but the country should also be commended for taking in thousands of Bosnian refugees in the late 1990s. A more charged film would have had the brothers spend the summer in Croatia or Serbia, closer to the source of the war. About the Director: Miha Hočevar was bom in 1963 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and studied cinema at the University of Ljubljana, graduating in 1989. His debut feature, “Jebiga” (2000) was a domestic box-office hit. For more information on the film email: festi- vals@film-sklad.si Savings is a habit; extravagance, an art. Happy Easter to All Dr. and Mrs. Chrzanowski M J, Chrzanowski, DDS, Inc. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 692-2010 Coming Events... Tuesday, April 13 Cleveland East and West groups of Ohio Chapter of Slovenian Genealogy Society International meet at Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222 St., at 7 p.m. Friday, April 16 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Sunday, April 18 “Deseti Brat” Men’s Octet in concert at Lemont Cultural Center. Friday, April 23 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Eric Noltkamper Saturday, April 24 Zarja Spring Frolic concert titled “My Big Fat Slovenian Wedding,” at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Dinner 5 to 6:30, program 7 p.m., dancing beginning at 8 p.m. by Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Friday, April 30 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Fred Ziwich. Sunday, May 2 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Dinner-Dance at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Dinner served 2 p.m. Dance to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784 before April 25. Sunday, May 2 Ohio Boychoir benefit chicken or roast pork dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Adults $10, children $5. Take outs available. Saturday, May 8 Jadran Singing Society bids Fond Farewell with dinner-concert, dance at Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd., in Cleveland. Dinner served 5 until 6:30 p.m. Concert 7:00 p.m. Dancing following with music by Fred Ziwich. For tickets call (440) 951-1694. Sunday, May 9 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast Brunch $8.00. Children 10 years and under $4. Serving 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, May 16 Newburgh Slovenian National Home Salutes Eddie Kenik. Dinner 2 p.m. Music by A1 Battistelli from 3 until ? Reservations call (216) 475-7946, (216) 341-6136 or (440) 467-4971. Donation $18.00. Friday, May 21 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St, Cleveland, OH Pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner, $9.00. Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, May 22 Slovenian Choral group Korotan annual concert al the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., music by Veseli Godci. Saturday, June 12 Folklorna Skupina Kres Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina Kres 50th Anniversary Performance at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Society dinner in St. Vitus Audito* rium. Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga Days> L’Anse-Baraga area 0 Michigan. Sunday, Oct. 17 St. Mary’s School Alumni (Collinwood) An' nual Banquet following 1 noon Mass. Sunday, Oct. 24 Newburgh Slovenia1’ Home, E. 80th St., Annual Clambake catered by Map*® Hts. Catering. Serving 2 ' p.m. Music by Joe Novak 4' 7 p.m.____________________^ Labor Day Weekend 200 Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. Councilman Joe Cimperman Ward 13 A Blessed Easter Season To All Phone: 664-2691 Office City Hall Over 100 Cities Represented in International Children’s Games CLEVELAND - The International Children’s Games announced a milestone in registration - 122 cities representing 50 countries and 4 continents will compete in Cleveland, Ohio from July 30 - Aug. 2. The Games, a celebration of athletic competition and cultural exchange, are being held in the United States for the first time in its 36-year history. This International Olympic Committee-endorsed event will bring together thousands of young adults (ages 12 - 15) for three days of athletic competitions in 10 sports. A projected two thirds of the athletes will come to Cleveland from overseas with the remaining third making the journey from domestic cities. To recruit teams from a broad cross-section of cultures, volunteers in the culturally-rich Greater Cleveland Community have mobilized to spread the word about the Games and help raise funds to bring teams from their homelands to the Cleveland event. In addition, the Games are seeking individuals interested in volunteering during the Games. Volunteers must be 16 years of age by August 31 and need to be available for a minimum of four 6-hour shifts during the event. A wide variety of volunteer positions are available. Applications are available at www.childrens-games.org and are due by May 15. The Games will include competitions in tennis, table tennis, gymnastics, swimming, water polo, track & field, soccer, baseball, volleyball, and basketball. Athletes will compete at local universities and high schools and be housed at five of the region’s universities: John Carroll University, Case Western Reserve University, Ursuline College, Notre Dame College and Cleveland State University. Thoughts from Phil Hrvatin Some people are like Slinkies... not really good for anything, but you still smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. There are two kinds of Pedestrians - the quick and the dead. Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. Always get the last word in: apologize. Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Internet and he won’t bother you for months. Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut saves you $5. In the 1960s people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? Notice of Annual Meeting of Members The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED To be held on SUNDAY May 16, 2004 at the SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration: 2:00p.m. - Meeting 2:30p.m. ** Please note: The meeting day has been changed from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon ** Members are cordially invited to attend this important Meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those mdividuals and organizations who> have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For the 5/16/04 .meeting, this is the period from 4/1/03 through 3/31/04. Maple Meeting The next meeting of the Newburgh-Maple Heights Pensioners Club will be held on Wednesday, April 28th at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 East 80,h St., off Union Avenue in Cleveland. During the months following, meetings will be held on Wednesday, May 26th and Wednesday, June 23rd. Meetings always begin at noon. —Olga Dorchak One skilled person can manage five hundred bee colonies._ Happy Easter to All Our Customers! Perkins Restaurant 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Laugh every day. It’s like mental jogging. -from St. Mary’s Alumni news r misoii p SUPERMARKET RITE 12503 nflblSON dVL LflKCWOOb. OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTENTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS. - Happy Easter to AH MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 PM ____ Happy Easter from the staff of JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland 531-7770 JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lake Shore Blvd., Eastlake 953-4600 GOLDEN RULE Funeral Home AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, Happy Easter to All Our Customers! SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX • Amen'can'fxpress W* ^ mOSt mai0r insurance P'ans • Discover _ * Photo Finishing • MasterCard Tom Sršen — Manager • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons Visit Us! • Keys Made • Layaways Contact Lens Replacement EUCUDl TTCAVZrii 22078 Lake Shore Blvd, Euclid, Ohio Expand your horizons call Euclid Travel Happy Easter VESELA - VELIKA NOČ Donna - Helen - Mary - Marilyn Pat - Jeanne - Kathy - Luddy —Donna Lucas, Owner (216) 261-1050 1-800-659-2662 Ask the Travel Expert by PATRICIA COIL Euclid Travel Question: Are there any laws against having a radar detector in Canada? Answer: Yes; the police can fine a driver up to $1,000 if a detector is discovered in your car. It doesn’t make any difference in the penalty whether or not you are actually using the radar detector. Question: How can I prevent my luggage from being lost when I fly? Answer: There is no perfect solution. Before you check your luggage, learn the three-letter city/airport code, which you can find by looking at your ticket or asking your travel agent. When you check in your luggage make sure that it is correctly tagged with your final destination. In addition, always attach two luggage tags to each bag being checked so that if one is tom off or lost there will still be one left. Since most checked baggage have two handles, you can put a sturdy tag on each one. Question: What is an important thing to remember when you are traveling? Answer: To prevent someone from stealing your things, always be particularly alert when you put your bags down for any reason. Question: Often when I travel, I sec small fragile things I would like to bring home, but I am afraid they will break if I pack them in my luggage. What can I do to solve this problem? Answer: Personally I have had success using this method. I cut off the top of an empty water bottle, place the item inside, and use a sock or something as padding. Question: How can you encourage children to drink lots of water when they are traveling? Answer: If they are not fond of bottled water, simply add a powdered drink mix like lemonade to the water. Question: What can I do if I have a dental emergency and I am unable to see a dentist right away? Answer: I always travel with an emergency dental kit. This is an inexpensive item you can purchase in any drugstore. It usually contains a tube of rubbery material that hardens when exposed to air. You can use it to temporarily fix a loose cap or filling. To have an answer to a question about travel appear in this column, write this newspaper, or contact Euclid Travel, 1-216—261-1050, or write to: 22078 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123, or e-mail travel@euclidtravel.com Vesela Velika Noc HAPPY EASTER Brickman & Sons, Inc., Funeral Home 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid 481-5277 Serving Families With Dignity and Respect for over 84 years. (440) 602-5120 Fax <440) 602-5124 ŽELE &.ZJELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ŽELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorneyuat Law Centre Plazi South Suite 380 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 yjwm <£xeculu/& Commitfe*', t/ioaul of STrustevs and cMr/nAers Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Slovensko Ameriški Kulturni Svet Easter Plants - Corsages - Fruit Baskets EASTER BASKETS - Bunnies Louis Slapnik & Son 6102 St Clair Ave., Cleveland Phone: 431-1126 City Wide and Suburb Delivery A Most Happy and Joyous Easter to All! Happy Eaitef SHELLI’S RESTAURANT 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 Take Out Available “We’re As Near As Your Phone 486-4343 or FLO-WERS Vese>e veiikon°^ne praznike vam želi —Terri Jarem \( ^ BIG BOUQUET F l. O K I S T 480 East 200 Street -Euclid OH 44119 The Republic of Slovenia Republika slovenia Best Wishes for a HAPPY EASTER Happy Birthday SHA Residents Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of April: 4-03 —Christina Mische, 97, bom in Austria 4-03 — Donna Renton, 69, bom in Cleveland 4-07 - Josephine Traina, 88, bom in Cleveland 4-13 - Mary Sustarsic, 91, bom-in Wendel, WV 4-17 - Anastasia Boykus, 91, bom in PA 4-27 - Josephine Wess, 100, bom in Cleveland 4-29 - Frances Faska, 89, bom in Pittsburgh 4-30 - Grace Thobaben, 88, bom in Cleveland RESTAURANT • LOUNGE • PARTY CENTER Easter Dinner Buffet FROM 12:30 P.M.T0 5P.M. • CHEF CARVED ROAST BEEF AND BAKED HAM • ROAST TURKEY WITH DRESSING • BAKED CHICKEN • ROAST LEG OF LAMB • BOSTON SCROD • GREEN BEANS ALMONDINE • RIGATONI • MASHED & SWEET ^ ^ - potatoes >1 n95" • DELUXE SOUP AND V -SALAD BAR • ASSORTED DESSERTS EASTER BREAKFAST BUFFET From 9 am to 12 noon Only FULL COURSE EASTER MENU 4| ^95 12 Noon to 7 PM Prices starting at L 22305 LAKESHORE BLVD., EUCLID, OH CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 216-731-1800 God gave us a difficult winter so we may more fully enjoy the tulips of April — Happy Easter — to our customers, relatives, friends ‘ ‘ Vesela Velika Noč ’ ’ ‘Somrak ^Kitchens CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Somra^adcCs his personaf touch ... to all of his customkitchen designs. At SOMRAK S. we take the time to listen to your needs and expectations so you will have the most efficient working room in your home. From design to installation your satisfaction is ensured 26201 Richmond Road HOURS M-F 9-5 SAT 9-1 Visit Our Showroom 464-6500 Bedford Heights.Ohio EVENING BY APPOINTMENT HAPPY AND BLESSED EASTER TO ALL! Embassy, Washington, DC 202-667-5363 General Consulate New York, NY (212) 370-3006 Marcel Koprol General Consulate Cleveland (216) 589-9220 West Park Slovenian Club 4583 West 130 St. 941-3224 Halls for Rent SMALL and BIG We Cater Weddings Banquets, Company Parties, Wakes, etc. OPEN DAILY 11:00 to 11:00 LUNCHEON SPECIALS POLKA DANCING FRIDAY & SUNDAY Upper Ballroom Buffet Set-Up West Park Slovenian National Home Cordially Invites You to VISIT US AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 8, Genealogists Meet 12 The Cleveland East and 3 West Groups of the Ohio ^ Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International (SCSI) will hold a combined meeting on Tuesday, April 13 at Euclid Public Library, 631 East 222ml Street, Euclid, OH at 7 p.m. The topic will be “Getting Started,” keying in on information that will help the beginning genealogist find information both here in the United States and in Slovenia, but more important, learn how to organize this information in a meaningful way. And if you have read interesting books/articles about Slovenia, please come prepared to share them with others. R <& b Sausage Open Tues. thru Sat. 8 to 5 Slovenian Smoked Sausage Rice & Blood Sausage Cottage Ham - Želodec POTICA & STRUDEL IMPORTED FOODS FROM EUROPE 15714 Waterloo Rd. - Joe Zuzak (216) 692-1832 “Wishing my patients and their families a very HAPPY EASTER!” Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry Two Convenient Locations • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 • CLEVELAND 5227 Fleet Ave. 641-1760 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 Office: 440-951-2123 Fox: 440-255-4290 MegciMillion Dollar Producers "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@realfyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com -1 Happy Easter to All VANESH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. SPECIALIZING IN FIRE DAMAGE RESTORATION FAST TEMPORARY REPAIRS TO HALT FURTHER DAMAGE 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE COMPLETE RESTORATION SERVICE WIND STORM DAMAGE REPAIR INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 29013 EUCLID AVENUE 12205 SOB1ESKI ROAD WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 (440) 943-2020 (216) 941-5010 AKRON 510 EAST CUYAHOGA FALLS AVENUE AKRON, OHIO 44310 (330) 923-2021 TOLL FREE 888-878-2455 William S. (Bill) Yanesh — Happy Easter - FUNERAL HOMES “Family Owned & Operated” 20 Years of Continuous Service to your Community Formerly Grdina 28890 Chardon Road 17010 Lake Shore Blvd- Willoughby Hills 440 944-8400 Cleveland 216 486-2900 DAN COSIC and JOE ZEVNIK Licensed Funeral Directors ^ FOB Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, April 8, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - -------—i s . --------—**.-i : r > i Izid nedeljskega referenduma o “izbrisanih” Preteklo nedeljo je republiška volilna komisija odprla po Sloveniji 3391 volišč, na katerih bi lahko sodelovalo do 1,62 milijona državljanov z volilno pravico. Referenduma se je udeležilo znatno manj ljudi, od vseh upravičencev natanko 31,45 odstotka, torej manj kot tretjino oziroma nekaj več kot pol milijona. Tisti volivci pa, ki so se zanimali za referendum, so z ogromno večino glasovali proti tehničnemu zakonu o izbrisanih: proti jih je bilo kar 94,68 odstotka, za le 3,82 odstotka. Nekaj glasovnic je bilo neveljavnih. Opozicijske stranke, ki so bile možno Proti tehničnemu zakonu, so seveda pozdravili izid, leve in druge stranke, ki so bolj ali manj glasno pozivale k bojkotu referenduma, so menili, da je pač dve tretjini državljanov ali podprlo zakon ali vsaj ni bilo toliko proti, da bi se ti državljani odpravili na volišče. Zadeva v zvezi z izbrisanimi z referendumom ni končana in se bo, kot kaže, še Precej časa na dnevnem redu. Interpelaciji proti ministroma nista uspeli Pretekli teden je državni zbor razpravljal ‘n nato glasoval o dveh interpelacijah, ki sta ju bili vložili opozicijske stranke. Razprave so bile hude, na koncu pa je zmaga-la vladna koalicija, čeprav tokrat brez pod-Pore SLS. Prvo glasovanje je bilo o interpelaciji zoper ministra za zdravje Dušana Kebra. Opozicija je zbrala le 28 poslancev od potrebnih 46. SLS se je kot stranka glasovanja vzdržala, kar je pomenilo, v očeh vladajoče koalicije, da je kršila koalicijski sporazum. Eden SLS poslanec je glasoval proti Kebru. Nato je bila interpelacija zoper notranjega ministra Rada Bohinca. Vzrok tu je bil, da Bohinc izdaja odločbe nekaterim tkim. izbrisanim, to po odločitvi ustavnega sodišča. Izid glasovanja je bil 30 za interpelacijo in 46 proti. Premier Anton Rop je smatral, da je SLS s svojim ravnanjem kršila koalicijsko pogodbo in da je ne smatra več za partnerico, pri SLS pa so se odločili, da bodo njih trije ministri v vladi odstopili. (Daljše poročanje na str. 18 in 19.) Tudi po odhodu (ali izgonu) SLS iz koalicije, ima Ropova vlada še vedno zanesljivo večino (stranke LDS, ZLSD in DeSUS). Italijanska lovca že na slovenskem nebu I - ! • •. 1. : V torek sta slovenski zračni prostor že preleteli italijanski letali F 16. To je bil prvi prelet v okviru zavezniškega integriranega sistema zračne obrambe oziroma za varovanje .slovenskega neba. Letali sta vzleteli iz italijanskega oporišča Cervio. Ker sta pa letali pri obračanju nazaj proti Italiji preleteli celo hrvaški Zagreb, je Hrvaška vložila diplomatski protest. ^gor^j; Slovesnost ob širitvi NATA s sedmimi novimi državami je bila 29. marca. Na fevi na fotografiji je ameriški zunanji minister Colin Powell, prvi na pjegovi desni je slovenski premier Anton Rop. Spodaj: Premier Anton Rop izroča Colinu Powellu dokumente, ki potrjujejo, da Slovenija sprejema obveznosti, povezane s članstvom v NATU. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Večer Primorskega kluba— Primorski klub vabi svoje člane in prijatelje na vsakoletni banket, ki bo v soboto, 17. aprila, v SND na St. Clairju. Večerja se bo pričela servirati ob 6.30, za ples in zabavo bo igral Grand Avenue Band, pride več rojakov tudi iz Kanade in Pittsburgha. Za rezervacije in več informacij, pokličite 216-692-1069. Poslovilni koncert— Pevski zbor Jadran, aktiven v clevelandski skupnosti več kot 80 let, se je odločil, da bo prenehal z delovanjem. Poslovilni koncert, združen z večerjo, bo v soboto, 8. maja, v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Večerja bo od 5. do 6.30 zv., v spodnji dvorani, koncertni nastop bo ob 7h, sledil bo ples. Za rezervacije in več informacij, pokličite na 216-481-3187 oz. 440-951-1694. Novi grobovi Mary Novak Dne 3. aprila je v Euclid bolnišnici umrla 97 let stara Mary Novak iz Clevelanda, v letih 1968-2001 živela na Florida, rojena Fajfar v Ljubljani 21. novembra 1906, vdova po Johnu, mati Dolores Anzlovar, 3-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Franka, Olge Se-bring, Lillian Pollak, Florence Hack, Dolores Brei-denbach ter že pok. Molly, Victorije in Ann Beller, članica AMLA št. 4. Pogreb je bil 7. aprila v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vne-bovzete, sledil bo pokop na Chapel Hill Gardens, Dade City, Fla. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin St. Mary Church Building Fund, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. Stanley H. Telban Dne 2. aprila je umrl 83 let stari Stanley H. Telban, vdovec po Evelyn, roj. Lutes, oče Laure Reid, Mary, Stanleyja in že pok. Donne Dalton, 3-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat že pok. Vere Saver, Dave-a, Marie Kovačič in Josepha. Pogreb je bil 6. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Paskala Baj Ionskega in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Elizabeth A. Marolt Umrla je Elizabeth A. (•(ulje na str. 20) Veselo Veliko noč vsem svojim viAročnikom, sobelAVcem, pobpomiUom m dobrotnikom vošči AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Sprejem— V ponedeljek zvečer je generalni konzulat RSlove-nije priredil sprejem v Slovenskem domu za ostarele ob priložnosti obiska ge. Jadranke Šturm Kocjan, ki je direktorica v Sloveniji Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu. Sprejem je bil zelo dobro organiziran, ga. Šturm Kocjan in generalni konzul Marcel Koprol sta navzoče lepo pozdravila. Ob 100. obletnici SNPJ— Preteklo soboto zvečer se je v ogromni dvorani hotela Hilton v Pittsburghu zbralo 750 gostov na banketu, na katerem so praznovali 100. obletnico bratske organizacije SNPJ. Med častnimi gosti je bil bivši predsednik Slovenije Milan Kučan, navzoč je bil slovenski veleposlanik v ZDA Davorin Kračun ter bivši kongresnik iz Ohia Dennis Eckart. Daljši članek je v angleškem delu. KOLEDAR MAJ 2. - Kosilo v korist Ohio BoyChoir, v avditoriju pri sv. Vidu, od 11 dop. do 1. pop. 8. - Pevski zbor, Jadran ima svoj poslovilni koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Zbor bo nato prenehal z delovanjem. Večerja od 5. do 6.30. zv., sledi ob 7h koncert, nato ples. Igral bo Fred Ziwich orkester. 16. - Slovenski dom za ostarele ima letno sejo v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Registracija se prične ob 2h pop. sama seja pa ob 2.30. 22. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Po koncertu ples. Igra orkester Veseli godci. 30. - Društvo SPB sponzorira spominsko sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. opoldne, popoldne ob 3h bodo molitve na Vernih duš pokopališču. Velikonočna misel... Vstali Kristus, upanje Evrope (Geslo srednjeevropskega shoda, ki bo 22. maja v Marijinem svetišču Maria Zeli v Avstriji) dr. Vinko Škafar, urednik Naše družine Apostol Pavel v hvalospevu pravi ljubezni med najpomembnejšimi kristjanovimi krepostmi našteva vero, upanje in ljubezen in pri tem poudarja, da je največja med njimi ljubezen. Pred kratkim je Hans-Gert Pottering, predsednik najmočnejše stranke v Evropskem parlamentu, v pogovoru za mariborski dnevnik Večer izjavil, da je Kristusov križ apolitično znamenje ljubezni in humanosti, kar po njegovem ne velja za fered-žo, muslimansko pokrivalo. Dodamo lahko, da je prav vstali Kristus tudi sporočilo upanja. Organizatorji srednjeevropskega shoda, ki bo 22. maja v velikem avstrijskem Marijinem svetišču Maria Zeli, so si izbrali za geslo: Kristus, upanje Evrope. Čutili so in hoteli posebej poudariti, da je prav upa-pje tisti Kristusov velikonočni dar, ki je današnjemu Evropejcu najbolj potreben. Na svetu je sicer zelo malo nevernih ljudi, tudi dobrih ljudi je veliko, prav upanje pa je pri mnogih v krizi. Mnogo je namreč vernikov različnih verstev, ki nas s svojo dejavno vero pozitivno presenečajo, pfav tako pa tudi tistih, ki niso kristjani pa se iskreno trudijo, da bi bili dobri ljudje; morda celo s svojo ljubeznijo presegajo nekatere, ki trdijo, da so kristjani. Pomislimo na člane različnih mednarodnih dobrodelnih organizacij, ki lajšajo stisko najrevnejših po vsem svetu. Ti ljudje udejanjajo ljubezen do bližnjega in zato tudi gojijo tiho upanje na boljšo prihodnost človeštva. Take humane in plemenite ljudi, ki niso kristjani, je že pred desetletji nemški teolog Karl Rah-ner imenoval anonimni kristjani, saj prav s svojo ljubeznijo podzavestno izpovedujejo vero v tisto, kar kristjani imenujemo upanje v končno zmago dobrega zaradi Kristusovega vstajenja. V velikonočnem tridnevju, od velikega četrtka do velike noči, bomo kristjani vero v končno zmago dobrega še posebej podoživljali z obhajanjem velikonočne skrivnosti odrešenja. Na veliki četrtek se bomo zbrali okrog župnijskih oltarjev in prisluhnili Kristusovemu naročilu ljubezni do bližnjnega ter se zahvalili za dar evharistije in duhovništva. Na veliki petek bomo obnovili ljubezen do križa, znamenje ljubezni in humanosti, pri velikonočni vigiliji pa z obnovo krstnih obljub obnovili in izpovedali pripadnost Kristusu in z evharističnim bogoslužjem utrdili upanje v zmago življenja nad smrtjo. Slovensko izročilo teh dni je tudi bogato krščanskih navad in šeg, ki nam pomagajo, da tudi družina v teh dneh močneje zaživi z Bogom in bližnjimi. Znano je namreč, da je judovski narod prav z družinski- VEUKONOČNO BRANJE ... VELIKONOČNA DRUŽINA V spodnjih prostorih novega bloka je bil prostor za lokale. Majhna pekarna, izdelovalec ključev, šiviljska delavnica za popravljanje starih oblek in šivanje novih, restavracija s kavarno in čitalnico, trgovina, izposojevalnica glasbenih kaset in zgoščenk, papirnica in frizer so zasedli te lokale in izobešali svoje table z novo ponudbo na robu meseca. Dva ali trije lokali pa so ostali prazni in ljudje so se radovedno spraševali, kaj bo tam. Kaj pritegne podjetne ljudi v ta konec, kako premišljujejo in izračunajo, da bodo njihove usluge ljudem potrebne in bo posel uspešen? Čez nekaj mesecev je še en lokalček dobil novo dejavnost: cvetličarno. Prva in edina cvetličarna daleč naokrog je bila pravzaprav na drugi strani mesta in kadar je že kdo naročil venec ali potreboval šopek za kakšno res posebno priložnost, se je odpeljal tja. Nova lastnica cvetličarne je bila mlada, drobcena gospa z veselimi očmi, ki je za steklom svojega lokalčka delala prave umetnine iz štorov, vej, blaga in suhih rož. Mednje je postavljala vaze z rezanim cvetjem in izložba je bila osupljivo lepa, moral si se ustaviti in z očmi pobožati vso to lepoto. Mala cvetličarka pa je poskrbela za presenečenje: stopila je v župnišče in ponudila, če jo potrebujejo, da bi ona urejala cvetje v cerkvi. Župnik je bil seveda vesel, na sestanku župnijskega sveta Je odprl to vprašanje in vsi so se strinjali, kako lepo bo, ko bo cerkev vedno okrašena tako, strokovno, kot to znajo šolane cvetlličarke. Tako je Jera izgubila svojo dolgoletno nalogo. Že štirideset let je' skrbela, da je bilo na oltarjih vedno sveže cvetje. Za božič je vso cerkev okrasila s smrekovimi vejicami in ptičjim limom,’ za svečnico je izpod zemlje skopala prvi teloh in zimzelen, za majske pobožnosti je pod bregom nabirala šmarnice, za slovesnost prvega obhajila je doma gojila bin-koštne nageljčke in lilije, vse poletje pa je prinaša^ la astre in cinije in dalije. Le o veliki noči je potrebovala pomoč: vsako leto je navlekla vse lončnice od doma in naprosila tudi sosede, da so dale, kar so imele. Tako so stali okoli bož-jega groba lončki z raznovrstnimi rastlinami, da so ga skoraj zagrnile, z vsem bohotnim zelenjem. (DALJE na str. 15) mi bogoslužnimi praznovanji ohranjal vero v diaspori in se prav zato ohranil. Dobro je ohranjati krščanske družinske navade.tam, kjer so morebiti pozabljene, pa obnoviti stare in ustvariti nove. Ustvarjalni družinski člani bodo sami, drugi pa s pomočjo verskega tiska in drugih medijev storili vse, da bo sveto tridnevje čas najmočnejše družinske povezave z Gospodom. Tako se bo praznovanje velikonočnega tridnevja v župnijskem občestvu in ob družinski mizi še globlje zakoreninilo v naše življenje. V vseh ljudeh na svetu tiho tli hrepenenje po Kristusu, najsi se tega zavedajo ali ne, saj je On edino upanje dokončne prihodnosti, nič manj pa tudi upanje porajajoče se združene Evrope. Prihodnost pripada tistim, ki upajo v zmago dobrega, v zmago Kristusa vstalega, ki spremlja, ljubi in želi odrešiti vsakega človeka. Veselimo se, ker je Kristus premagal zlo, tudi smrt, je vstal in živi. (NAŠA DRUŽINA - april 2004) VELIKONOČNO BRANJE ... VELIKONOČNA DRUŽINA | Thomas Robertson bo novi veleposlanik ZDA v Sloveniji - Naslednik Johnnyja Younga iy NA VIDEZ MRTEV LES, (nadaljevanje s str. 14) Štirideset let! Tako rekoč vse življenje: kot mlada žena in mama, pa potem kot vdova in stara mama otrok, ki so živeli drugje. V tisti davni pomladi Je položila svoj poročni šopek na Marijin oltar in odtlej je zvesto skrbela za lepoto božjega hrama. Življenje je teklo po hribih in dolinah, po dežju in soncu, po zmrzali in toploti, vedno pa je Jera prinašala v cerkev, na glavni oltar in na stranske oltarje, cvetje v zahvalo, v slavo in čast Bogu, ki nam vse daje. Mala cvetličarka je po tistem sestanku župnijskega sveta vstopila v to Jerino skrb brez oporo-rila. Le v soboto popoldne, ko je Jera privlekla šope cvetja v cerkev, , je župnik rekel: -Kako gre? -Bo, bo ... :Zdite se mi utrujeni! -Bo že, z božjo pomočjo. -Pa se le preveč ženete. t -O, saj gre. -Bi potrebovali kakšno pomoč, kajne? -Dokler bom mogla ... :Zdaj je v fari nova 'cvetličarka, bi vam kaj bohiagala ... Tako se je začelo. Pomagala! Malc(i gospa je prišla, prijazno pokimala Jeri in si ogledovala cerkev, oltarje s svežimi šopki, steber pred svetim Jožefom in asparagus na njem, palme v kotu in Pušpan pod oltarnimi stopnicami ... “Gotovo je presenečena, kaj vse sem naredila in kako je lepo,” se je zadovoljno muzala Jera. No, zadovoljnost ni trajala dolgo. Ko Je Jera prišla v cerkev naslednjo soboto, je onemela. Le kdaj Je bila gospa tu? Cerkev je bila popolnoma spremenjena. Oltarji seveda ne in tudi klopi so še stale na svojih mestih, vse živo, kar je doslej krasilo božji hram, pa je izginilo. Nikjer asparagu-sa, nikjer palm, nikjer pušpana in na oltarju je stala ena sama nizka vaza, v njej pa med skrivenčeno vejo trije veliki cvetovi. “Ho, trije! Ta pa ne bo zapravljala za cvetje! Se ji zdijo trije cvetovi kar dovolj za glavni oltar! In kje so vendar moje lončnice!” Iz zakristije je zaropotalo-in župnik je pomignil Jeri, naj pride k njemu. In tam, • v: kotu zakristije, so stale vse njene rože v: lončkih. -Takole je, Jera, zdaj lahko nesete svoje rože domov. Gospa Majda pravi, da palme niso doma v naših krajih in da as-paragusa tudi ne potrebuje. Zvečer bom rekel ministrantom, naj vam jih pomagajo odnesti. Odnesti! Kam pa naj da Jera v svoji mali hiški te velikanske palme, leop vas prosim! In kam vse tri asparaguse, bohotno razraščene! In kaj se to pravi, da palme niso iz teh krajev! In kaj bo zdaj krasilo kote ob oltarju, kaj bo stalo na stebru pred svetim Jožefom? -Poslušajte, Jera, dolga leta ste lepo skrbeli za cvetje v naši cerkvi. Naj zdaj to počne še kdo drug, odpočijte si. Cvetličarka bo seveda' tudi znala okrasiti cerkev, za to se ne bojte, ji je prigovarjal župnik. Jera je debelo požrla. In ko je povedala svojo skrb, sta našla rešitev: velike palme bodo stale v preddverju župnišča, za dva asparagusa bo prostor v župnijski pisarni ... Enega Je Jera torej odnesla domov in ga postavila v spalnico. Zasedel je ves prostor, vendar ga Je bila vesela, kot bi ji Mati božja od svoje mize podarila rožo. Če že ne more biti več tam, naj bo tu, pri njej. Z grenkobo je odslej Jera opazovala okrasitev, v cerkvi, z grenkobo, a tudi z radovednostjo. .Vse je bilo drugače, popolnoma drugače. Mala gospa ni zapravila veliko denarja, rož je bilo malo. Seveda, ona jih ne prideluje na svojem vrtu, kupuje jih, zato jih daje malo. Cvet tu, cvet tam, na štorih, na suhih vejah, na žakljevini in na posušenem lubju so osamljeno čepeli vsak teden drugačni cvetovi, vsak tako sam, da si mu moral posvetiti vso pozornost. Ljudje so bili zadovoljni, govorili so, kako lepa je zdaj cerkev in kako u-metno mala cvetličarka dela svoje umetnine. No ja, Jera je kar molčala, kaj pa naj bi! Strinjala se pa ni, res ne. Kako naj b'i se, ko je tako malo živih rož hvalilo Boga,' prav res popolnoma drugače kot v časih, ko je še ona skrbela za to! Pa kaj hočemo, če je vsem drugim prav, kako bi se prav ona pritoževala ... Potem je gospa Majda zbolela. Pravzaprav ni zbolela, pričakovala je o-troka in zdravniki so ji ukazali popoln počitek. Tako ! kar« naenkrat ni mogla več skrbeti " > za cvetje, sv cerkvi. Ohoho, kako je bila Jera srečna, ko jo je župnik vprašal, ali bi hotela vendarle spet nekaj časa ona prevzeti to skrb. Do takrat, ko bo gospa Majda spet pri močeh ... Taka. se je Jera vrnila. Prva .misel, -ko Je. stala sredi cerkve in si jo o-gledovala, je bila, da bi prinesla nazaj palme in asparaguse. Pa si je premislila. Ne, ne bo spreminjala nove ureditve, o-skrbovala bo cerkev tako, kot si je zamislila gospa Majda. Ogledala si Je tiste novodobne ikebane in zdaj. Pesmi rTi j- ^ Melodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družina Cleveland ED MEIAC Vodja Radijske Družine WCSB 89.3 'EM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 tel/fax wf.b: www.wcsb.org Prvo zaslišanje novega veleposlanika ZD v Sloveniji Washington {Delo, 27. marca) - V četrtek (tj. 25. marca) je zunanjepolitični odbor ameriškega senata zaslišal Thomasa Robertsona, ki ga je predsednik George Bush imenoval za novega veleposlanika Združenih držav Amerike v Sloveniji. Če bo Robertson potrjen, kar bi se moralo zgoditi brez zapletov, bo nasledil veleposlanika Johnnyja Younga, ki se mu jeseni izteče mandat. Robertson je karierni diplomat, specializiran za Vzhodno in Srednjo Evropo. Delal je na veleposlaništvih v Moskvi in Budimpešti, bil direktor oddelka za ruske zadeve v Svetu za nacionalno varnost, v zunanjem ministrstvu pa se je ukvarjal z razvojnimi problemi. “Če me bo senat potrdil, bom v Slovenijo prišel v času /njene/ integracije,” je dejal v predstavitvenem govoru. “Z vlado Slovenije bom sodeloval, da bi zagotovil izpolnitev obveznosti nove članice NATA, ki mora povečati obrambni proračun in dokončati reformo vojske, potrebno za usklajeno delovanje v NATU. Če bom izvoljen (dejansko: potrjen, op. ur. AD), bom z vlado Slovenije iskal način, da bi prispevala k prizadevanju, da v Irak in na Bližnji vzhod prepeljemo demokracijo in da bi še bolj sodelovala v globalni vojni proti terorizmu.” Ervin Hladnik Milharčič ko so postale njena skrb, se ji kar naenkrat niso zdele več tako prazne. Pravzaprav je tudi to lepo, si je rekla in zamenjala cvetove ob lubju. Z novim veseljem in odprtega srca si je priznala, da je tudi bršljan na stebru pred svetim Jožefom zelo lep, pravzaprav neverjetno lep. Njej sami ni še nikoli uspelo vzgojiti tako velikega, tako močnega, tako svežega. Res tu spodaj nekaj suhih vejic kazi njegovo podobo, vendar ni to nič, če pomisli, kako je vendar razbohoten, koliko novih poganja in kako lepo se ovija okoli stare veje. Le kako mala gospa zleze sem gor, je premišljevala, ko je stala na vrhu lestve, .pa je . lonec z , bršljanom še vedno dosegla .samo od daleč. Vendar še je potrudila i • ti' *' i i in ga res dobro zalila. “Dvakrat , na teden ga bom zalivala, da se mi ja ne posuši,” je sklenila. Prišla je velika noč in iz cvetličarne so poslali same bele vrtnice, za cvetličarkin način kraše-nja neverjetno veliko vrt-nic. Jera je mnogo dni i • t ( Ij' i. - i . • ■V ''v « in noči, premišljevala -ob tem prazniku Je hotela prekositi samo ;sebe in tudi gospo Majdo, hotela Je, naj bo cerkev okrašena kot še nikoli. Razvrščala Je v mislih cvetje na glavnem oltarju, cvetje pri božjem grobu, cvetje po cerkvi .. na veliko noč pride tudi gospa Majda v cerkev, je rekel župnik. Njena nosečnost se bliža koncu, vendar bo tudi potem še nekaj časa doma in cvetje bo še dolgo Jerina skrb. Bila je vesela tega, pa tudi Majdi je želela, da bi se vse dobro končalo in bi bil otrok zdrav ... Bo že ona ta čas skrbela za cvetje, Majda pa naj skrbi za dete; cerkev bo lahko krasila naslednjih štirideset let ... Zdaj je v Jeri izginila vsa zagrenjenost, v teh mesecih so ji rože, ki jih je pošiljala Majda iz cvetličarne, povedale veliko skrivnosti o Majdinem pa da dlrekt bo moral primeru v primeru odsl Paj Str°v ljudske stra p naJd nove ministre. Ifej^obnik: je v ponede-Jka 2a§otovll. da ■ bo tro-da Fistrov SLS seve-s|e ^Pravljala tekoče i po-diiiiis^ irTlenovanja novih Mateja Babič ne bodo delili resorjev po strankah, po Ropovih besedaih tudi ne bo potreben kakšen nov dodatek podpisa h koalicijski pogodbi. Ko bo Rop imel poimensko izoblikovane kandidate za omenjena tri ministrska mesta, se bo koadicija znova sestala, se pogovorila in ugotovila, ali jih je pripravljena soglasno podpreti. Rop v torek ni bil videti zaskrbljen. Izrazil je prepričanje, da je koalicija trdna in enotna in da polno deluje naprej tako v vladi kot v državnem zboru. O odločitvi, da bodo ministri SLS odstopili, pa je Rop dejal, da to sicer obžaluje, da pa hkrati takšno odločitev spoštuje. “Odločitev SLS ima ustrezne konsekvence, vendar ni nič tragičnega in ne destabilizira dela vlade.” . - ■ Tudi v ljudski stranki odmeva prestop v opozicijske vrste, še zlasti pa odločitev o odstopu ministrov, za katero ni povsem jasno, kako je do nje prišlo. Medtem kq predsednik SLS Janez Podobnik trdi, da izvršilni odbor o tem ni glasoval in sprejel sklepa, pač pa se je zgolj soglasno strinjal z odločitvijo mini- V BLAG SPOMIN 7. obletnice smrti našega nepozabljenega očeta in starega očeta JOSEPH KLOBASA ki nas je za vedno zapustil 14. aprila 1997 Minilo je že let sedem, odkar si nas zapustil li. Smrt Ti vzela je življenje, končala Tvoje je trpljenje.. Tvoji žalujoči: Ivanka Brumen - hčerka Lojze Brumen - zet Marjan - vnuk ter drugi sorodniki v Sloveniji. sirov, je po drugi strani slišati ravno nasprotno -da je izvršilni odbor sprejel sklep o odstopu, ne glede na voljo;. ministrov, ti pa seveda niso nasprotovali sklepom. organa stranke. Pričakovati je, da bodo natančnejša pojasnila v sredo, ko bodo menda ministri na tiskovni konferenci podali odstopne izjave. (Ob za-ključitvi redakcije podatki o tem še niso bili na razpolago, op. ur. AD.) Tako naj bi SLS javno demonstrirala odziv na odločitev predsednika vlade, da SLS ni več v koaliciji. Dogajanje v koaliciji je v torek komentiral prvak SDS Janez Janša. Ugotovil je, da ima vladna koalicija tudi brez SLS parlamentarno večino, toda problemi so drugje. Janša ocenjuje, da bo Rop težko našel sposobne o-ziroma zares dobre kandidate za prevzem ministrskih mest nekaj mesecev pred iztekom mandata. !:■! •. y. Drugi problem je po Janševih besedah dejstvo, da bo zastalo delo v tistih resorjih, kjer bodo zamenjali ministre, to pa ■seveda ni dobro. “LDS je zgubila živce. Naredili so napako,” o : izgonu SLS iz koalicije meni Janša. Na vprašanje, ali bodo SLS povabili v Koalicijo Slovenija, je Janez Janša odgovoril, da se o tem še niso pogovarjali in da bo to odvisno predvsem od SLS. Dodal je, da bodo v vsakem primeru še nekaj časa počakali in spremljali delo te stranke in da bo zelo pomembno, kako bo SLS ravnala pri obravnavi in odločanju o predlogih ustavnih sprememb. Sprememb ustave ni mogoče sprejemati brez glasov ljudske stranke in te točke bodo po Janševih zagotovilih za SLS pravi izpit iz verodostojnosti. Sicer pa po Janševem mnenju zadnje dogajanje kaže, da koalicija razpada, predsednik vlade pa se že nekaj časa ubada s kadrovskimi težavami. Tudi zato Je Janša ponovil tezo, da bi bilo najbolje tudi državnozborske volitve izpeljati hkrati z evropskimi, (te bodo 13. junija, op. ur. AD) obenem je zavrnil trditve tistih. ki pravijo, da to ni mogoče. "Ni res, da volitev v Prvi večer slovenske izseljenske besede in prireditev Piknik: Vračamo se h koreninam Povzeto iz avstralskih MISLI, marec 2004 - Podjetje fit media iz Celja v sodelovanju z Mestno občino Celje, občinama Slovenske Konjice in Zreče, Slovensko izseljensko matico. Uradom RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in v svetu ter Svetovnim slovenskim kongresom prireja I. večer slovenske izseljenske besede v Sloveniji, piknik za izseljence z naslovom “Nazaj h koreninam” in poslovno srečanje s poslovneži - izseljenci na temo možnost za gospodarsko sodelovanje in vlaganja v Savinjsko regijo. Z večerom slovenske izseljenske besede v Celju, Slovenskih Konjicah in Zrečah želimo spodbuditi literarno ustvarjalnost v slovenskem jeziku med Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu, krepiti kulturno identiteto med rojaki in le-te še bolj povezati z matično domovino. Fit media, ki je v Mestni občini Celje pobudnik in organizator podelitve Veronikine nagrade za najboljšo slovensko pesniško zbirko v preteklem letu, zato vabi k sodelovanju ustvarjalce slovenske besede, pesnike, prozaiste, dramatike in pisce drugih žanrov. Pogoj za sodelovanje so objave v knjigah ali medijih oziroma sodelovanje na slovenskih kulturnih prireditvah v zamejstvu ali po svetu. Ustvarjalci se lahko prijavijo sami ali v sodelovanju s kulturnimi društvi, prispevke pa morajo poslati najkasneje do konca aprila 2004 po elektronski pošti info@fitmedia.si ali na naslov fit media d.o.o. Celje, Bežigrajska cesta 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija. Udeleženci I. večera slovenske izseljenske besede bodo nastopili v Celju, Žički kartuziji v Slovenskih Konjicah in na Vodovnikovi domačiji, osrednji literarni večer pa bo v Žički kartuziji v ponedeljek, 21. avgusta 2004. Organizator bo izbranim avtorjem zagotovil štiri nočitve v hotelu, žepnino v vrednosti 200 evrov (tj. kakih $160US), turistični izlet po Savinjski regiji, ogled podelitve Veronikine nagrade (torek, 22. avgusta 2004), srečanje z novinarji, sprejem pri celjskem, konjiškem in zreškem županu in piknik pod kozolcem v dvorcu Trebnik z naslovom Vračamo se h koreninam. Piknik bomo zastavili kot etnološko prireditev s prikazi starodavnih običajev, kulinarike, zeli-ščarstva, predstavlja pa darilo organizatorjev vsem izseljencem, ki nas bodo obiskali. Izbranim avtorjem, udeležencem I. večera slovenske izseljenske besede, bomo podarili tudi posebna priznanja. Več informacij: info@fitmedia.si Bojana Jančič, na e-mail: bo)ana.lancic@fitmedia.si. spletna stran www.flt-media.si. Jože Volfand državni zbor in evropski parlament formalno ni moč združiti. To je mogoče, in sicer tako, da vlada odstopi, obenem pa opravlja tekoče posle, in da, .predsednik države ne predlaga novega, mandatarja oziroma da nihče od tistih, ,ki imajo večino v parlamentu, ne sprejme te funkcije. V tem primem se skladno z ustavo razpišejo volitve.” Na to izjavo pa se je ostro odzval predsednik vlade. Dejal je, da Janša vsak dan izreče več neresnic. Glede združitve volitev pa je povedal, da to dejansko ni mogoče in da gre za čisto zava-janje, javnosti in sprenevedanje. “”Vsak pravni strokovnjak vam. lahko izračuna termine fn datumu, pa boste videli, da terminsko ni mogoče izvesti volitve 13. junija. Ne gre za nič dmgega kot samo za politično retoriko Janeza Janše. Mateja Babič SEZNANJAJTE NAŠE BRALCE O AKTIVNOSTIH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV! Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1519. Zelo lepo pismo sem prejela, prav za Veliki teden, od s. Emanuele iz Karmel-Sora: “Spoštovana! Že smo sredi postnega časa in kar kmalu bo Veliki teden, ko bomo skupno spremljali Jezusa v trpljenju in vstajenju. Želim Vam globoko doživeto skrivnost Velike noči in veselje v veri, da je Jezus vstal in živi med nami. Aleluja! V molitvi ste vsak dan z nami in veliko mislim na vse. Pri nas smo zdrave, ker smo imeli tudi zdravo zimo, ki je očistil zrak. Sedaj se zvesto po vseh naših predpisih pripravljamo na praznik naše vere - na Gospodovo vstajenje. Te dni smo končale duhovne vaje, Bogu hvala za nje. Mnogokrat sem bila v duhu v Ameriki, pri vas vseh in se z Bogom pogovarjala o vas in za vas vse. Božji mir, moč in blagoslov bodi vedno z vami vsemi in še posebno z vso Vašo družino. .■ Te dni se naš gospod nadškof Franc Rode poslavlja od nadškofije. Ljudem je zelo hudo in se počutijo, kakor ovce brez pastirja. Sedaj šele vsi vemo, kaj in kdo je bil g. nadškof Rode. Vse vodi Bog in v njegovi roki je naš čas, ki pa nam je mnogokrat nerazumljiv. G. nadškof ostane za nas redovnice in redovnike predstojnik in zato - smo mi Slovenci nanj ponosni. Z veseljem pa pričakujemo tudi novega nadškofa, katerega nam bo podarila božja Previdnost. Vse mine, Bog ostane in temu moramo vsi ostali zvesti. Tako, sedaj se moram posloviti tudi jaz, kar dolgo sem z Vami kramljala, zvonec me kliče v kapelo in tam bom nadaljevala. Hvala Vam za Vašo dobroto, kateri se priporočam in to v imenu matere predstojnice in vseh sester, ki Vam želijo: Veselo Veliko noč! Icr. k, Prejmite lep, v Njem vesel pozdrav Aleluja!, hvaležna s. Emauela Frančiška.” . Lm Tudi Celestinova je prejela pismo od s. Emanuele, ki je precej slično mojemu, le da je dodano: “Prosim Vas, povejte vsem našim dragim dobrotnikom, da jim želimo vesele velikonočne praznike in da so v molitvi z nami in da jih lepo pozdravljamo. Veste, nimam njihovih naslovov. Vsi gremo skupaj s Kristusom po poti vstajenja, On jim bo povrnil dobroto do nas. Recite jim hvala, prosim. Za vašo dobroto more biti dobrota samo Bog!” < . Tudi iz Karmel-Mirne peči je prispelo pismo, zelo bogato z duhovno hrano. Priloženo je še življenje pokojne redovnice, ki je odšla v večnost 15. marca, in s. Agneza Saje piše: “Spoštovani! Sv. maša je nekrvava daritev božjega Sina na križu. To je najbolj zgoščena molitev in največja žrtev. Jezus daruje svoje življenje Očetu, ga moli in časti, odpušča in prosi odpuščanja. Nikoli je ne moremo dvolj ceniti! Ne duhovne vaje, nobeno dobro delo, čeprav je vse to dobro in hvalevredno, se ne more primerjati z njo. Kdor bo zvesto in rad hodil k sv. maši in izkoristil to morje milosti, se mu bodo na smrtno uro odprla vrata Božjega usmiljenja in bo zaslišal blažljive besede: “Še danes boš z menoj v raju!” To pa je najveličastnejša Aleluja! Pozdravljamo s zagotovilom molitve, zlasti v nočnih adora-cijah na veliki teden in na Veliko noč! s. Agneza Saje.” “Vse življenje sem služila Bogu in skupnosti. Pokojna sestra Cirila Lurške Božje Matere, Jožefa O-korn, se je rodila 10. maja 1916 v Prekorjah v župniji Vojnik pri Celju, očetu Antonu in materi Barbari, roj. Vi-demšek, ena od dvanajstih otrok. Po smrti svoje prve žene, ki mu je zapustila štiri otroke, se je oče ponovno poročil in mati Barbara jim je bila najboljša mati poleg svojih osmih otrok. Vsi so ji vračali ljubezen tudi, ko so bili že odrasli. Oče Anton je bil sposoben, skrben in trden gospodar z velikim posestvom. V tej globoko verni družini, ki je dala Cerkvi tri redovnice, se je Pepca naužila tiste ljubezni, ki jo je odlikovala vse življenje. Štirinajstletna je nekje staknila knjižico o sv. Mali Tereziji, jo skrbno skrila na podstrešju in jo skrivaj hodila gledat in prosit, da bi v njen red stopila. Svojo tajno željo je zaupala svoji starejši sestri, ki je že bila redovnica in doživela mrzel poziv: “Karmeličank ni v Sloveniji, v Francijo pa ne moreš, ker ne znaš francosko!” Toda Pepca je imela vztrajnost svojega očeta, ki ga zlepa ni kaj vrglo iz tira. Prijavila se je za kuharski tečaj pri Šolskih sestrah v Repnjah in tam spet hodila gledat sv. Malo Terezijo v kapelo. Med duhovnimi vajami je zvedela za Karmeličanke na Selu. Bila je sprejeta, 14. maja je mama pospremila 18-letnp Pepco v Karmel. Leta 1936 je položila svoje prve obljube. Z vzem svojim mladostnim žarom se je izročila Gospodu. Z dovoljenjem svojega spovednika g. dr. Cirila Potočnika se je ponudila Bogu kot žrtev za duhovnike. Vojna vihra tudi Karmelu na Selu ni prizanesla. 1948 je bil samostan razpuščen. S. Cirila je želela še naprej os-jcrbovati karmelsko cerkev, a ,so jo domači prosili, naj pri-. de streč syoji težko bolni sestri v, Celje,, materi dveh nedoraslih otrok. Po nasvetu spovednika: “ljubezen zahteva, da greste”, je odšla. Po sestrini smrti je po vztrajnih prošnjah z dovoljenjem odšla v avstrijski Karmel v Linz 1. 1953, kjer je že bilo nekaj starejših sester selskega Karmela. Priorica je. bila vesela pomoč mlade sestre, ki je nesebično zagrabila za vsako delo. Polnih 16 let je pekla hostije, oskrbovala vrt in čistila velik samostan. Leta 1967 so se vrnile prve Karmeličanke iz Avstrije v Mengeš. Pridružila se jim je tudi s. Cirila, čeprav so ji v Linzu odsvetovali. Kratko je odgovorila: “Sem se že odločila!” Pomagala je: pri zunanji gradnji ter znosila ves pesek na nadstropje za nove celice, kmalu pa tudi pri notranji rasti skupnosti kor urejala z mirom in dobroto. V njen zadnji priorat je padla tudi gradnja samostana v Sori, ki ga je končala s pomočjo škofijskega ekonoma. Celotna ta gradnja je uspela z njenim velikim zaupanjem v Boga in na priprošnjo Marijinega brezmadežnega srca. Leta 1992 se je 16. maja odprla možnost novega Karmela v Mirni peči. Pokojna Angela Makše je podarila v ta namen hišo in zemljišče tik ob stari cesti v Novo mesto. Prva se je javila s. Cirila rekoč: “Še to žrtev hočem doprinesti pred smrtjo!” Na pomisleke drugih je odločno ponovila: “sem se že odločila”. Takoj po naselitvi je posekala grmovje za butarice, tudi kose se ni ustrašila in čez 14 dni že spet pekla hostije v zasilnem prostoru. S svojo marljivostjo si je pridobila naklonjenost vseh ljudi, ki so prišli z njo v stik. Gospod pa ni pozabil njene izročitve v žrtev. 22. aprila 1994 jo je pri pomivanju posode po zajtrku zadela kap. To je bil velik udarec za skupnost treh sester, prav tako za s. Cirilo, ki ni poznala brezdelja. Jokala je in zdihovala: “O, ko bi mogla hoditi...” A kmalu se je odločno zbrala: “O, ne, moj poklic je trpljenje!” Od tedaj je pogumno sprejela božjo voljo in vsa leta pogumno nosila svoj križ -na vozičku skoraj 10 let. Z molitvijo na vozičku je živo spremljala dogajanje v Cerkvi in domovini, pa tudi gradnjo novega samostana, ki je sedaj hitro napredovala. Kako je bilo Bogu všeč njeno nesebično trpljenje in prošnja dokazuje tudi to, da ni bilo pri gradnji nobene nesreče. Lani pred božičem se je njeno zdravje poslabšalo, a je še prisostvovala polničnici in vsak dan sv. maši, do srede, 10. marca, ko je popolnoma obležala. Na vprašanje, če bi gospod prišel po njo, je odgovorila: “Z vsem srcem Ga sprejmem. Jezus, veš, nisem vredna, ampak potrebna tvoje ljubezni in usmiljenja,” je mirno dostavila. “V življenju sem veliko trpela.” S poudarkom je dostavila: “Vse življenje ,sem služila Bogu in skupnosti>” Na vprašanje, kaj jo 'sedaj najbolj tolaži, je odgovorila: “To, da sem vedno rada hodila k sv. maši.” In potem: “Vse sestre bom priporočila. Mariji.” Čez čas: “Z Marijo se bom o vsem pogovorila, za take kandidatinje, ki se bodo žrtvovale za rešenje sveta, ki ne bodo iskale lahkega življenja, za take, ki bodo odvzele starejšim sestram breme.” To so bile njene zadnje besede v presledkih. Dne 15. marca so se pokazali znaki, da Gospod ni več daleč. Hišni duhovnik'ji je zvečer ob navzočnosti vseh' sester podelil sv. maziljenje, sv. popotnico in popolni odpustek. Naslednji dan je zastalo srce te močne žene molitve in vere, ki se je popolnoma žrtvovala za duhovnike. Dne 18. marca je vodil pogreb msgr. škof Andrej Glavan z 8 duhovniki. Po sv. maši so jo duhovniki in sestre spremili iz kapele na samostansko pokopališče v klavzuri. Drago sestro priporočamo v molitev. Naj počiva v miru! 19. marca je bila slovesnost prvih zaobljub novinke s. Mirjam, kar je prisostvoval nadškof dr. Franc Rode. Tako so imele v enem tednu dve nevesti: prva s svojimi 88 leti je končala skrito in bogato življenje, druga s 30 leti šele začenja svoje redovno življenje.” Koliko skritih, podobnih duš je že odšlo v večnost. Niso zapisane v koledarju svetnikov, a so pri Bogu in prosijo za nas, da ne omahnemo na pbti proti nebesom. Ko bomo tja dospeli, bomo našli vse te skromne, a bogate in se z njimi veselili ter hvalili Boga. Naj nam pomagajo po Jezusovi dobroti. Vse vam bralcem ter vrstic želim v imenu vseh sodelujočih prav lepo praznovanje Jezusovega vstajenja. Veselimo se in veselo pojmo Alelujo! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasnilo! Novi grobovi (nadatjevaiue s str. 13) Marolt, hčerka Johna i” Anne (oba že pok.), nečakinja Mary Marolt. Pogreb je bil 3. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rosemary A. Schneider Umrla je 48 let stara Rosemary A. Schneider, rojena Zorman 20. junija 1955 j v Clevelandu, mati Christo-pherja in Lindsay, sestra Mary Mohar, Estelle, Franka ml., Justine Ovsenik, H«' len, Thomas, Millie Schwartz j in Josepha, bivša žena Toin | a, hčerka Alojzije in Fran | ka Zorman (oba že pok) slikarka po poklicu. Rogr^ je bil 5. aprila v oskrbi C°' sicevega zavoda na Chardof Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi ^ Frančiška Asiškega v Gate* Millsu s pokopom na Vet' nih duš pokopališču. Rudolph Zupančič Umrl je 61 let stari Ru | dolph Zupančič, oče Chr> stine in Marka, sin Rudo'" pha (pok.) in Mildren, roj Sterle, brat Johanne Popc veteran vietnamske vojn« Potreb je bil 5. aprila v f skrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marij« Vnebovzete in pokopom 1,11 Vernih duš pokopali#111 Družina bo hvaležna za d*' rove v pokojnikov sporn111 St. Mary Church Build*^ Fund, 15519 Holmes A*" Cleveland, OH 44110. Andrew P. Zupanc Umrl je 85 let stari A1 drew P. Zupanc iz Cleve j landa, stric Pat LaFeV««’ roj. Anslovar, brat Fred'3, Anne in Josephine An8*®’ var (vsi že pok.). Pogre ; je bil 6. marca. Družina ^ hvaležna za darove v pok°l nikov spomin Slovene Ho^j for the Aged Foundati0’’’ 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland OH 44119. Rudy F. Simčič Dne 3. aprila je 11 Rudy F. Simčič, vdovec r Marie, brat Louisa, GiZ6 Balmert ter že pok. Fre^, Franka in Zore Beinh^ | stric in prastric. Pogreb , bil 7. aprila s sv. r__ _ _ ma# ^ cerkvi sv. Alberta Velik®* s pokopom na Sv. pokopališču. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAfOP $316 Fleet A ve. Cleveland, Qhio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zav*^ Ambulanca na razpol podnevi in ponoči- CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI*