1 4/17 Kazalo stran Dr. Marjan Odar UVODNIK 3 Editorial Dr. Borut Bratina KODEKS O UPRAVLJANJU IN REVIZORJEVA ODGOVORNOST 5 Corporate governance code and audiator's responsibility Darinka Hvala, Aleksander Ferk UGOTAVLJANJE TRANSFERNIH CEN 23 Determination of transfer pricing Mag. Saša Jerman OPREDELITEV POSLOVNIH KOMBINACIJ PO SRS-jih IN MSRP-jih 39 Definition of Business Combinations according to SRS 2016 and IFRS Dr. Andreja Primec NEFINANČNO POROČANJE PO ZGD-1 60 Non-financial reporting under the revised Companies Act ( ZGD-1) Mag. Igor Strnad OBLIGACIJSKI PRAVNI POSLI S POUDARKOM NA POSEBNOSTIH POGODB O STORITVAH 73 Binding legal transactions with emphasis on the specificities of contracts of services