Arheološki vestnik (Arh. vest.) 45, 1994, str. 95-98 95 The "Emona" Glass Beakers Janka ISTENIČ Izvleček Iz Emone in nekaterih drugih najdišč v Zgornji Panoniji in vzhodnem Noriku poznamo steklene čaše značilne oblike, ki ni zastopana med italskim steklom. Njihova razširjenost govori za delavnico v Emoni. Proučili smo tudi mere teh čaš. Abstract Glass beakers of a characteristic form, for which there are no analogies in the italic glassware, are known from Emona and certain other sites in Upper Pannonia and eastern Noricum. Their distribution suggests the existance of at least one workshop in Emona. The dimensions of these beakers are examined as well. Glass beakers with a charasteristic egg-shaped body, a slightly everted rim, a rib below the neck and a low foot (fig. la) are known from the Emona (Ljubljana) graves.1 The glass is transparent and slightly green coloured, in one case almost colourless (no. 3); air bubbles are visible, which is indicative of blowing. The widest body point of the broken Emona beakers (nos. 3-5) is extremely thin-walled (0.2 mm). Apart from Emona, where six such beakers are known (nos. 1- 6), two were reported from Poetovio (nos. 10,11; fig. lb) and individual examples from Cerknica (no. 7), Praetorium Latobicorum (no. 8), Štrekljevec in Bela Krajina (nos. 13,14), Wies (no. 16) and a variant with a rib below the neck and above the foot from Arrabona (no. 17) (fig. 2). They match the beakers from Emona in form, the appearance of the glass (transparent, slightly green or blue-green in colour) and technique of production. All of them are grave finds, apart from no. 11, where the circumstances of discovery are unknown. The beakers appear in graves from the end of the 1st and the first half of the 2nd centuries (nos. 2,3,6,7,10,12,13,14,17), but are most common in graves of the Trajanic period (nos. 2, 4-6, 12, possibly no. 10). The histogram of the rim diameters (fig. J) shows a marked aggregation in the region of 7.0 to 7.9 cm.2 The median value (arithmetic median) of the rim diameters is 7.447 cm, whilst the standard deviation is 0.415 cm. The distribution is not accidental, which is not surprising. Roman vessels were frequently made to dimensions, which are one or several times a Roman unit of measurement (Horvat 1986, 247 (with cited Fig. la: Beaker from Emona (no. 1 on list 1). Scale = 1:2. SI. la: Čaša iz Emone (št. 1 na seznamu 1). M. = 1:2. Fig. lb: Beaker from Poetovio (no. 10 on list 1). Scale = 1:2. SI. lb: Čaša iz Poetovione (št. 10 na seznamu /). M. = 1:2. ti../ —^ 1a v / 1b bibliography); Istenič 1992, 35-38; Consp. 151-152). In the case of the vessels under study the closest Roman measure is one palm or four digits, that is 7.39 cm (palmus = 4 digiti = 7.39 cm) (Hultsch 1971, 700, Tab. 6). The above result suggests that the ideal dimension of the rim diameter of these beakers was one palm. The exactitude of the production (for two-thirds of the artefacts cca. 4 mm) appears to be in keeping with the production technique, that is blowing without the aid of a mould. Contrary to the histogram of rim diameters, the histogram of hights (fig. 4) shows an even distribution in the region of 7.6 to 9.5 cm. The median value is 8.6 cm, which coincides with the roman measure of seven half-ounces (1 semiuncia = 1.23 cm), but the distribution is not normal. The histogram of ratios between rim diameters and hights (fig. 5) shows a similar distribution within the extreme values of 0.77 and 0.92. The median value of the ratio is 0.85, which fits well with the ratio of 6:7 half- ounches. The standard deviation is 0.05. The distribution of the sites with these beakers indicates two groups (fig. 2): a western (nos. 1-9) and an eastern group (nos. 10-17). The greater number of beakers from Emona is probably not only a result of the extensive cemetery excavations. It is supposed that one or possibly more connected workshops for these beakers existed in the town. This is also argued for by the economic role of Emona and its geographical location. The beakers in the eastern group could be imports from the postulated Emona workshops, or perhaps products of a workshop in that area, possibly in Poetovio. The variant from Arrabona might indicate another workshop. List 1:3 1 .Emona (Ljubljana). Petru 1972, 44, grave 319, T. 28: 8. R = 7.0-7.4 cm, H = 7.6-8.1 cm. 2. Emona, Plesničar-Gec 1972, 20, grave 35, T. 9: 14. R = 6.9-7.1 cm, H = 8.4-8.9 cm. Date: end of the Is1 - beginning of the 2nd cent, (oil-lamp of the type Buehi Xa; glass jugs of Isings 55 type - Rottloff 1988, 56 -7; modiolus of Isings 37 type - Rottloff 1988, 69). 3. Emona, Plesničar-Gec 1972, 36, grave 141, T. 39: 2. R = 8.2-8.4 cm. Date: lsl half of 2nd cent, (oil-lamp of Buchi Xa type, glass jug of Isings 55 type - for bibliography see no. 2). 4. Emona. Plesničar-Gec 1972, 108, grave 636, T. 146: 10 (incorrect graphic reconstruction!). R (cca. 35% of rim extant) = 7.4 cm. Date: end of lsl - beginning of 2nd cent, (unguentarium of type Isings 82 - Isings 1957, 97-99; Barkoczy 1988, 114-115: modiolus of Isings 37 type - Rottloff 1988, 69). Fig. 2: Distribution map of "Emona" glass beakers. SI. 2: Razširjenost "emonskih" steklenih čaš. The "Emona" Glass Beakers 97 5. Emona. Plesničar-Gec 1972, 143, grave 973, T. 193: 9. R = 7.45-7.6 cm. Date: end of Is" - beginning of 2nd cent, (for bibliography see no. 2). 6. Emona, Plesničar-Gec 1972, 144, grave 977, T. 196: 5. R = 7.3-7.5 cm, H = 8.3-8.5 cm. Date: end of lsl - beginning of 2nd cent, (for bibliography see no. 2). 7. Cerknica. Urleb 1983, 308, grave 32, T. 20: I. R (probably graphic reconstruction) = 6.6 cm. Date: Flavian period - Is' half of 2nd cent, (imitation? of a sigilla-ta dish, form Consp. 39). 8. Praetorium Latobicorum (Pristava near Trebnje), Slabe 1993,40, grave 27, T. 2:5. R = 7.2, H = 9.2. Date: Is1 - 2nd cent, (oil-lamp of Loeschcke I B type, probably low quality). 9. Štrekljevec, Dular 1973, 195, grave 7, T. 11: 2. R = 7.7 cm. H = 8.8 cm. Date: lsl- 2nd cent, (pot with a ribbed cilindrical neck). 10. Poetovio (Ptuj), Benko 1962, T. 37.8; Istenič 1992, II. Catalogue. 121, grave 495. R = 6.3 cm, H = 7.5-8.0 cm. Date: beginning or lsl half of 2nd cent, (coin of Traianus. oil-lamp of Buchi Xa type, probably import). 11 .Poetovio, Šubic 1974, 44. n. 48, fig. 9. R = 8.5 cm.4 H = 9.5 cm. The circumstances of the find are not known. 12. Strehovec, Šavel 1990, T. 2: 4. R = 6.5 cm. H = 7.8 cm. Date: 2nd cent, (coin of Traianus). 13. Kapfenstein, Urban 1984. 76, T. 53: 7. R (reconstruction) = 8.5 cm. Date: ls,half of 2"d cent. (Urban 1984,76,64). 14. Kapfenstein. Urban 1984, 92, T. 57: 12. R = 7.9, H = 8.4. Date: I-1 half of 2nd cent. (Urban 1984, 92,64). 15. Flavia Solva (Wagna near Leibnitz), Fuchs 1980, 170, T. A 41: 3 R = 7.8 cm, H = 8.6 cm. The grave context is not preserved. 16. Wies, Radimsky, Szombathy 1888, 82, T. 2: 10 (grave in a tumulus). R = 7.5 cm, H = 9.0 cm. Dale: probably time of Hadrianus (coin of Hadrianus; glass vessels; the law quality of drawings makes a typological analysis difficult). 17. Arrabona (Gvor). S/.onyi 1973, 20-21, fig. 15; 54, grave 14.T. 10: I. R = 7.3 cm, H = 9.4 cm (measure taken from the drawing) Appendix After the manuscript was handed in two unpublished "Emona" glass beakers from Zalna-Gatina in Dolenjsko (c. 20 km south-east from Ljubljana) were found in the store of Narodni muzej in Ljubljana. According to the data in the museum register they belong to graves I and 2. Grave 1 can be dated lo the 2nd century (probably the first half) on the evidence of a Buchi type Xa lamp (probably import from Italy). The reconstructed rim diameters of the beakers are c. 7.6 cm (grave 1, Inv. No. R 8491, c. 18 % of rim extant) and c. 7.8 cm (grave 2, Inv. No. R 8493 A, only c. 10% of rim extant). 1 I would like lo lhank Andrea Roltloff M.A. who drew my attention lo the non-italic origin of these beakers. : Apart from nos. 1 -6 and no. 9,1 did not measure the beakers, bul used the published informations. In many cases, where the 7 6 i 2 1 o —i--i—M—M—-M—M 'i'—-h-1— 5.0-5.4 5.5-5.9 6.0-4.4 t.5-4.9 7.0-7.4 7.5-7.9 8.0-8.4 8.5-8.9 9.0-9.4 9.5-9.9 rim diameter □ minimum 50X of rim □ 50% of rim or loss □ beoker from Arrobono Fig. 3: "Emona" glass beakers: histogram of rim diameters. SI. 3: "Emonske" steklene čaše: histogram premerov ustij. 5-i- 4 r——i 12 ta -2M - I l - 0 -I-1-H-M-M-M-H-1- 6.4-7.0 7.1-7.5 7.6-8.0 8.1-8.5 8.6 9.0 9.1-9.5 9.41nO 10.1-10.6 hight n "Emono' gloss beakers □ beaker from Arrobono Fig. 4: "Emona" glass beakers: histogram of hights. SI. "Emonske" sleklene čaše: histogram višin. 5' ~~ -----------1 I 4 • - e . i3l nn ° i -82 - E C t (1 • • I • • ( I I 0 45 0.49 0.7-0.74 0.75-0.79 0 8-0.84 0.85-0.89 0.90-0 94 0.95-0.99 1.00 1.04 rim diameter: hight □ 'Emono' gloss bookers □ beoker from Arrobono Fig. 5: Emona" glass beakers: histogram of ratios of rim diameters and hights. SI. 5: "Emonske" steklene čaše: histogram razmerij med premerom ustij in višinami. rim is sligluly cliptical in form or a beaker has unsymetrical hight, 1 respected the median value. 1 Abbreviations: R = rim diameter, II = hight. 4 1 would like to thank Ivan Žižek (Pokrajinski muzej, Ptuj) for this information. -TI- BENKO, A. 1962, Vvegcorpus, Regeszeti fiizetek ser. 2, 11. CONSP., Conspectus formarum terrae sigillatae Italico modo confectae. - Mater. z. rom.-genn. Ker. 10, 1990. DULAR, A. 1976. Rimski grobovi iz Rosalnic, Štrekljevca in Otoka pri Podzemlju. - Arh. vest. 27, 191-223. FUCHS, G. 1980, Die romerzeitlichen Graberfelder von Flavia Solva. Dissertation an der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Univerzitat Graz. - Graz. HORVAT J. 1986, K velikostim rimskih posod. - Arh. vest. 37, 247-254. HULTSCH. F. 1971- Griechische und romische Metrologie. -Graz. ISTENIČ, J. 1992. Zahodno grobišče Poetovione: keramični pridalki kot vir proučevanja ekonomije antičnega mesta, Disertacija. - Ljubljana (unpublished disertation). PETRU, S. 1972, Emonske nekropole. - Kat. in monogr. 7. PLESNIČAR-GEC, L. 1972, Severno emonsko grobišče. - Kat. in monogr. 8. RADIMSKY, V. and J. SZOMBATHY 1888, Urgeschichtliche Forschungen in der Umgebung von Wies in Mittel-Steiermark. - Mitt. Anthr. Ges. 18, 77- 108. ROTTLOFF, A. 1988, Glasfunde aus vier romischen Kellern in Augsburg. - Miinchen (unpublished). SLABE, M. 1993, Antična nekropola na Pristavi pri Trebnjem. -Ljubljana. SZONYI, E. T. 1973, A gyori Kalvaria utcai romai temeto ham-vasztasos sfrjai. - Arrabona 15, 5-67. ŠAVEL, I. 1990, Antiena gomilna grobišča v okolici Strehovec. - Zbor. Sob. muz. 1,7-17. ŠUBIC, Z. 1974, Tipološki in kronološki pregled rimskega stekla v Poetovioni. - Arh. vest. 25, 39-61. URBAN, O. H. 1984, D as Graberfeld von Kapfenstein (Steiermark) und die romischen Hiigelgraber in Osterreich. -Miinch. Beitr. z. Vor- u. Friihgesch. 35. URLEB, M. 1983, Antično grobišče v Cerknici. - Arh. vest. 34, 298-346. "Emonske" steklene čaše Povzetek Steklene čaše značilne oblike (glej si. 1) so poznane z najdišč, ki so prikazana na si. 2. Izvirajo iz grobov, ki omogočajo dataci-jo predvsem v trajanski in tudi še v hadrijanski čas. Domnevamo, da so jih izdelovali v Emoni in morda tudi v vzhodnem delu njihove razširjenosti, to je severovzhodni Sloveniji ali avstrijski Štajerski. Analiza mer je pokazala, daje bila idealna mera za premer ustja najverjetneje ena dlan (palmus = 7,39 cm; si. i). Idealna mera višine je bila morda 7 polunč (1 semiunca = 1,23 cm), vendar si ne znamo razložiti nenormalne porazdelitve na histogramu višin (si. 4). Janka Istenič Narodni muzej Prešernova 20 SI-61 (XX) Ljubljana