rrsiMi; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 22/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 29. 5. 2011 6. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca http://www.carantha.net/ st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Z vami bom vse dni Jezus se od apostolov poslavlja, obenem pa jim zagotavlja, da jih ne bo zapustil. Z njimi bo in se jim bo razodeval. Ko se sedaj oziramo nazaj, imamo vtis, da Jezus ni bil vedno s svojimi učenci in da se jim vsaj v nekaterih razdobjih ni razodeval. Pa se vprašujemo, kje je bil koje rimska država neusmiljeno je zatirala kristjane. Kje je bil Jezus za časa preseljevanja narodov, ko je bilo razdejanih mnogo cvetočih krščanskih pokrajin? Ali ni pozabil svoje Cerkve v času Borgijcev, ki so omadeževali prestol njegovega namestnika. Kje je bil Jezus v burnem času reformacije? Kje je danes? Da bomo glede navedenih in drugih nenavedenih ugovorov pravični, se moramo vprašati, kaj je Jezus sploh obljubil. Obljubil je, da bo njegova Cerkev mogočno drevo, v katerega krošnji gnezdijo ptice neba, imenoval pa jo je tudi mala čreda. Apostoli so poslani po vsem svetu, da bi učili vse narode, v tem istem svetu pa bodo doživljali stisko. Cerkev bo postavljena na skalo, toda to skalo bodo neprestano oblegale peklenske sile. Prazne ribiške mreže, ko so se vso noč trudili, in polne, ko je bilo najmanj pričakovati, so dale vedeti, da ima božji ribolov posebne zakonitosti. Rečeno je bilo: Jokali boste in žalovali, svet pa se bo veselil. Pohujšali se boste nad menoj. Preganjali vas bodo in vse hudo zoper vas lažnivo govorili . To in še marsikaj podobnega jim je napovedal. Obenem pa tudi: Ne bom vas zapustil. Z vami bom vse dni do konca sveta. Držal je besedo, čeprav včasih drugače, kot bi pričakovali. ZAKLJUČEK SLOVENSKE ŠOLE 2010-11 V soboto, 14. maja so se učenci slobotne slovenske šole v Hamiltonu zbrali k zahvalni sveti maši. Bogu so se zahvalili tako z molitvijo kot tudi pesmijo za vse, kar so dosegli in se naučili v preteklem letu. Neke vrste izpit je bil že slovenski program na Materinskem dnevu. Današnji dan pa je krona vsega truda, saj so tisti, ki zaključujejo zadnje leto prejeli, s strani Slovenske šole, diplome, ki jim jih je izročila ga. Victoria Andolšek. V imenu Slovenia Credit Union je spregovoril g. Robi Letnik in jim izročil »spominček«, da bodo lahko začeli zbirati sredstva za svoj študij. Letošnje leto zaključujejo štirje učenci in sicer Nadia Miklavčič, Hanah Milosavljevič, Olivia Habjan in Steven Horvat, ki pa se zaradi obveznosti ni mogel udeležiti podelitve. Na sliki, od leve proti desni so v prvi vrsti: Rok Curkovič, Sofia Stadler, Marcela Milosavljevič, Ilyria Volčanšek, Katrina Antolin,Mramor Tomas, Gregory Horvat, Erzar Damian, Ava Bosiljevac, Marcus Miklavčič, Kezman Mark, Sebastian Erzar, Kassandra Pavlic, Olivia Scarcelli, Nikola Lukežič, Maya Habjan, Anna Marie Horvat, Julia Miklavčič, Mathew Mramor. V zgornji vrsti pa so od leve: Victoria Andolšek, Mark Škerl, David Nardin /zadaj/, Maksim Štadler, Hanah Milosav-ljevič, Joel Antolin, Adriana Erzar, Olivia Habjan, Nadia Miklavčič, Leah Škerl, Tonya Miklavčič, Amalia Lukežič, Adam Antolin, Fr. Drago Gačnik. Na desni strani pa so slike od »GARAGE SALE«, ki ga je organizirala Slovenska šola. Ob sodelovanju mnogih je lepo uspelo, tudi dež je počakal. - . . ------ ■, _..... VESTNIK 2011 1175 s Sunday's Readings I 6th Sunday of Easter First Reading Acts 8:5-8.14-17 Philip preaches in a Samaritan town and has great success. Peter and John lay hands on those who have been baptised and the Samaritans receive the Holy Spirit. Second Reading 1 Peter 3:15-18 Peter reminds his readers to reverence Christ in their hearts, to witness to Christ and to be courteous. If it is the will of God that they should suffer, it is better to suffer for what is right than for what is wrong. Gospel John 14:15-21 Jesus addresses his disciples, saying that if they love him they must keep his commandments. Jesus says he will be leaving but that he will send the Spirit of truth to be with them. Illustration A wonderful poem was written in the Middle Ages. Called Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, it tells the story of Sir Gawain, a knight in King Arthur's court. A magical Green Knight comes to King Arthur's castle, asking for a knight to volunteer to cut off his head. In return that knight must promise to let the Green Knight cut off his head in a year and a day. Thinking this is an easy task, as a beheaded knight cannot take his revenge, Sir Gawain volunteers. But, to everyone's astonishment, once the Green Knight has been beheaded, he simply picks up his own head and puts it back on again. Almost a year later, Sir Gawain must go to meet the magical Green Knight. On the way he is tempted by a woman. He resists for two days but on the final morning accepts three kisses and a green sash, which the woman promises has power to keep him safe. When he meets the Green Knight, the Green Knight swings his axe but just nicks Sir Gawain on the neck. The Green Knight explains that the quest was a test of the chivalry of King Arthur's court and that Sir Gawain has almost passed the test by resisting the charms of the woman, who turns out to be the wife of the Green Knight. The nick on the neck signifies Sir Gawain's failure on the final morning, and he is told to wear the green sash back to court and explain his shame to his fellow knights. Gospel Teaching The poem was probably written in the fourteenth century. Some people read it as a parable about Jesus, with the Green Knight as a Christ-like figure returning from death to teach us how to live well and showing mercy at our failings. In the Middle Ages the language of chivalry and the adventures of legendary knights were common currency. They are still popular with many people today. We can read today's Gospel and see how it might have looked to medieval readers with tales of knights and quests on their minds. Jesus sets out his challenge. He lays down the terms of his followers' quest: "If you love me you will keep my commandments." Just as loyalty was demanded of a medie- "lf you love me you will keep my commandments." val knight, so too is loyalty demanded of Christians. The reward for success is to be part of the circle of loyal followers, loved by God. Instead of membership of the Round Table as the prize, Christ's followers can look forward to being with him in heaven. And unlike King Arthur, Jesus has not chosen highly trained knights as his followers. His disciples then were fishermen and tax collectors, and today include all those who seek to follow him. Being a follower of Jesus is not an exclusive club - everyone is welcome. And all that is expected of his followers is to keep his commandments. Application We know from the experiences of those first followers of Jesus that keeping his commandments was sometimes costly. In the part of St Peter's first letter that we heard as our second reading today, St Peter reminds us that there is a distinct possibility that following Jesus can bring suffering and even death. Peter calls us to keep doing what is right even when it causes us to suffer. If that all makes it sound as if what is being asked of us is difficult, if not impossible, we would do well to remember the other part of Jesus' message in today's Gospel. Unlike King Arthur, sending his knight out on a seemingly suicidal mission alone, Jesus is not sending us out on an impossible task unaided. Jesus promises his Holy Spirit. Even though Jesus makes clear that he himself will be going away, he promises that we will not be left like orphans. Jesus calls this Holy Spirit "the Spirit of Truth". He also gives the Spirit a title that is translated in today's Gospel as "Advocate"; but in some other translations the same title for the Spirit is translated as "Comforter". This Spirit is a caring, strengthening power enabling us to be the people that we cannot be alone. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can have the strength to be true followers of Jesus. What Jesus calls us to do is to accept his gift of the Spirit and to be open to the working of this Spirit in our hearts - then we may do things that we thought impossible. KOLEDAR ZA JUNIJ - JULIJ 2011 ❖ 5. junij 2011 - nedelja: ob 1:00 popoldne bo sv. maša in Telovska procesija na Slovenskem parku. ❖ 11. junij 2011 - sobota ob 11:00 AM maša za vse pokojne na »Gate of Heaven« pokopališču. ❖ 12. junij 2011 - nedelja: Binkošti: ob 1:00 PM bo sv. maša in telovska procesija pri društvu Triglav - London. ❖ 18. junij 2011 - sobota ob 11:00 AM maša za vse pokojne na »Our Lady of the Angels« pokopališču. ❖ 19. junij 2011 - nedelja - Sveta Trojica: ob 9:00 AM bo običajna nedeljska maša in po maši procesija Sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. Ker je to nedeljo tudi »Father's Day« bo sveta maša ob 12:30 PM pri društvu Bled. ❖ 26. junij 2011 - nedelja: SLOVENSKI DAN pri društvu Bled-Beamsville. Ob 11:00 AM bo sv. maša s procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in krvi po maši. Vabljene narodne noše in deklice v belem, da bodo potresale cvetje. Ob 12:30 kosilo in ob 2:00 PM začetek kulturnega programa. V župnijski cerkvi 26. junija NE bo slovenske sv. maše ob 9:30. Sv. maša bo samo ob 11:00 AM v angleškem jeziku. ❖ 3. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 1:00 PM sv. maša v Slovenskem parku. ❖ 24. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 12:30 PM sv. maša pri društvu Bled Planica -Beamsville: proščenje - žegnanje! Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Vaja za zbor bo v četrtek, 2. junija po večerni maši. Pripravljamo se za procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in krvi, ki bo v naši župniji 19. junija. Ta dan je začetek maše že ob 9:00 dopoldne. Procesija je po maši. društvo sv. jožefa Lancaster Region of Pennsylvania /Hershey & Bethlehem - Join in the fun with the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph : September 6-9, 2011. Trip highlights include all of the sight seeing attraction, performance of "Joseph"- Millennium Theatre, tours, step on guide & meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, accommodation, motor coach and gratuities. Also one night stay at the new Sands Casino Hotel with $30 free play. Subsidized package per person: $685 (dbl), $655 (tpl). For reservations-minimum deposit of $150. and balance by July 22. Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For further information and reservations contact Jerry Ponikvar @ 333-5813 or Frank Erzar @ 6430285. cwl - kžz_ A CWL mass is being held Monday, May 30 at 7pm with our prayers for Mary Jane Yaegar, our Diocesan President 200911, who tragically lost her home to a fire. Our members presence at this mass would be greatly appreciated. Our monthy General meeting has been moved to Wednesday June 8 following 7pm mass. As always our members are encouraged to attend and new members are always welcomed! prvi petek in prva sobota_ Začenjamo mesec junij, posvečen Srcu Jezusovemu. Tudi na prvi petek bomo razmišljali o tem pri sveti maši. Dopoldne bom obiskoval bolnike. Ob šestih popoldne bo prilika za sveto spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. večna luč_ Večna luč bo v mesecu juniju gorela za pokojnega Franca in Mateja Čurič, po namenu Veronike Čurič. obisk dr. borisa jesiha_ Od 27. maja do 4. junija 2011 bo na obisku v Kanadi državni sekretar v Uradu za Slovence po svetu in v zamejstvu dr. Boris Jesih. Delegacijo bosta v času obiska v Kanadi spremljala veleposlanik g. Tomaž Kunstelj in častni generalni konzul g. Jože Slobodnik. V soboto 4. junija bo delegacija obiskala tudi našo župnijo in se srečala s predstavniki župnijskega sveta, Slovenske šole in društev. Popoldne istega dne se že vračajo nazaj v Slovenijo. svete maše na pokopališčih_ ♦ Saturday, June 4 • Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, - Bishop Tonnos; at 11:00 AM ♦ Saturday, June 11 • Gate of Heaven - Bishop Tonnos ; at 11:00 AM ♦ Saturday, June 18 • Our Lady of the Angels - Bishop Crosby; at 11:00 AM darovi_ Za blazine na klopeh sta darovala Kristina in Kalman Mes $100. Hvala za vaše darove . slovenska banka - poletni urnik Slovenia Credit Union would like to remind all www.sloveniacu.ca members of our summer office hours. All SCU offices will be closed Saturdays starting May 21st until after the Labour Day weekend. For further information consult our website at www.sloveniacu.ca Thank you for your valued membership and have an enjoyable summer. zahvala_ 16. maja smo pokopali in se poslovili od dragega moža in očeta, Blaža Čuliga. Prisrčna zahvala župniku za sveto mašo, pevkam za lepo petje, kuharicam za kosilo in delavcem pri baru za postrežbo s pijačo. Hvala tudi ženskam, ki so spekle pecivo in tudi vsem župljanom ki ste se prišli poslovit od pokojnega. Olga in Janet Čulig. bishop anthony tonnos_ He celebrated his 50th anniversary of priestly ordination on May 27, 2011. He will celebrate Mass with priests of the Diocese at NOON on Monday, May 30th. The Mass is open to the public. Over 120 priests have indicated their intention to join in the celebratory meal that will fol- low! Bishop will receive an Honorary Doctorate from St. Jerome's University at Commencement Exercises on June 16, 2011. He is a worthy recipient! /Bishop Crosby/ the third edition of the roman missal - English_ It will be implemented on the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011. While the official decree has not yet been published, the date has been set by the CCCB Executive Committee in consultation with the Permanent Council. Additionally, on September 25th, our Diocese will begin celebrating according to the norms of the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal. The Missal itself is currently being prepared for printing. It is foreseen that there will be two editions of the new English translation, a chapel edition and a full-size edition. baragovi dnevi: 24-26 september Počitnice se bližajo, vsak si že dela načrte za naprej. Da ne bi pozabili tudi letos imamo namen udeležiti se Baragovih dni. Tisti, ki ste bili lani tam, že veste, da gremo malo bližje kot lansko leto in sicer v Harbor Springs Petoskey Area. Kot običajno v soboto bo slovenska maša, v nedeljo pa angleška. Hotel smo že rezervirali, da ne bi zadnjo minute ostali brez, prav tako avtobus, sedaj potrebujemo vaše prijave. the catholic girls club_ The Catholic Girls Club meeting will be held on Friday June 3rd at 7:30 p.m. This is the last meeting until the fall. We will be planning a summer party. New members are welcome. Od 29. 5. 2011 Do 05. 6. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY Med slovensko mašo: 29. Maj za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. PRV0 sv- OBHAJILO 6.VELIKONOČNA f Darinka Ferletič Elizabeth Farkaš Maksim Emonski, šk. f Stefan in Marija Horvat 11:00 a.m. Jože in Marija Magdič Ponedeljek - Monday ff 30. Maj f Kancijan in oglejski f mučenci pokojni farani Anton Vengar Anton Peternel po namenu /for Mary Yager/ 7:00 p.m. Jože Gimpelj z družino Družina Groznik Slavka Virant CWL - KŽZ Torek -Tuesday 31. Maj Obiskanje D. Marije ff f f f starši Klemenčič Jože Kuzmič Jože Kuzmič Ilona Kalbah 7:00 p.m. Zorka Rev z družino Toni in Marija Franc Amalija Štadler Irma Hull z družino Sreda - Wednesday 01. Junij Justin, muč. ff Jože Gjerek , Ivan in Ana Šemen 7:00 p.m. f Steve Booth f Vsi pokojni farani Po namenu CWL Marija Glavač Matilda Bratuž z družino Toni in Marija Franc CWL - KŽZ Četrtek - Thursday ff 02. Junij f f Marcelin in Peter, muč. , ff Franc in Matej čurič Anica Kološa Jožef Kuzmič Sorodniki iz družine Šemen 7:00 p.m. Veronika Čurič Hčerka Družina Šetej Družina Šemen Prvi Petek - First Friday ff 03. Junij ff Karel Lwanga, muč. f ff duše v vicah Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Anton Vengar Stane Kanc in Ivan Mavec 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Tone in Marija Bukvič Matija in Anica Kastelic Sobota - Saturday 04. Junij Frančišek Caracciolo Stanko Bratuž Matija Vlašič Anton Vengar Anna Selšek 8:15 a.m. Štefan in Gizella Ray z družino 5:30 p.m. Žena in otroci Franci in Lojzka Novak z družino Mož z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY 05. Junij 7.VELIKONOČNA Gospodov vnebohod za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Fonzi Mozetič ff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. f Metod Kuzma /SLOVENSKI PARK/ 1:00p.m. ff Matija Vlašič, Metod Kuzma Janko in Veronika Brez Manja Erzetič z družino Družina Ponikvar /Desanti/ Frank Pavlakovič z družino Družina Vlašič 41* svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.