LOST IN A BUNCH OF WEED Cilka Žagar Lost in a bunch of weed I played an equal opportunity role In statistics Stunt roles In motherhood Support role Holding up your ego A reluctant part in climbing On foreign ladders of success I had a minor part in persuasion Among different races and creeds With changing popularity I have been carefully avoided singer Background fashion model A runaway crier Always scared of madness I played a key role in research Of God's intentions About the future And afterlife Away from smallness A distant star In a very late night movie A face of innocence Your face and mine As the wind in the grass played our tune Nobody understood Nobody knew Nobody was as wise As we at eighteen Let us celebrate The knowing That we were Once loved Let us pretend to be Lovers forever And never afraid Of going Going Away You are back Sunshine is reaching my dreams My dreams are reaching the sun You live on my road You sleep in my heart I am alive I am afraid of dying I imagine Ways of being with you On my terms Never afraid of Not being loved Of not loving Never afraid of leaving Or dying Let's not temper with fantasy Let's not change the scenery Let us not promise anything to each other Let us enjoy moments in time Let us remain Two strangers on the road Ten years Same dress Same hands wanting to caress Eyes as blue as when you left You stepped into my day Footprints visible in the dust My dust Buds of spring Praying for rain Nothing is dead Nothing is missed Or lost In memory No barriers for dreams No distance for thoughts No place but universe No time but eternity Just moments shared When you step into the dust of my day You are Hiding in my dreams I will not let you Touch my day I am old enough Smart enough I know what is good for me I will keep my eyes open Look the other way When I find you on the street Looking for me I search for a hiding place A timeless space Where I love you Sounds perfectly Reasonably Sane Where Our hearts could see What they want to see With eyes shut I pull in my extended waist Flick back unruly hair Wet my lips Hide the dirt Measure the smile To please your eyes Before you walk away What would you have me say Or do Where would you have me go How long would you like to walk With me You would like to share My umbrella My spot in the sun I would like to Believe your promises Wide awake We keep the distance I know you don't love me I am nothing to write home about I passed my used by date I can not understand Why you look at me so intensely Why I remember every word I imagine you whisper to me You are a seaman I am homeward bound I see no future With you You have nothing to lose But pain I have nothing to give But pain We want to feel good We keep on walking We are both at sea We do not know what to do With each other I am homeward bound I am not a seaman I see no future With you I love the moments we share It is only an autumn Ray of sunshine Caught in our eyes Leaves on the footpath Colourful Dying Surprised by the sunshine We remember growing And loving And waiting And hoping The light in our eyes As we meet A spark added To memory We are not going anywhere There is nowhere to go from where Our eyes met I only see The blue of your eyes As we meet on the street The heat of the summer Dusty sweat of rushing Mixed with the splendour Of our giving To each other The essence of our being My hand on my chest To hold back my heart As we meet on the street In the middle of our living Oh how blue are your eyes As we meet On the one way road For one I am scratching footprints On the road To engrave the traces of our passing One perfect love And no perfection in it A ball of fire Burnt into a glorious light Of death Caught in your light Like a moth I burn I saw your pain In my rear vision mirror I saw you stop Put down your tools to cough A heart tearing cough Shoulders bent like folded wings A wounded bird I came to catch you Before you die But you saw me first Your shoulders up You smiled at me You swung the tools Like a bunch of roses for a bride Into the battered truck Only in my rear vision mirror I saw your pain I am running from you After you Afraid of you I look back I try to resist I try to forget I want you to follow I do not love you Like you want me to You have nothing I like Or want Or love Seeing you Just makes me want to dance and sing Seeing you makes me Say silly things Out loud Pray in silence Compose poetry Paint pictures I feel so foolishly young and alive I wish you had something I could love I return to you When flowers bloom And when they die In sunshine and rain I put my head on your shoulder To pass through time You hold the key to The best part of me Your name forbidden on my lips Like chocolate chips And autumn fruit So ripe and sweet I should just look But never eat It's only when I close my eyes Like spies my thought Go through your smiles My hands feel Tingling touches of your skin But when in clear light of day We walk on busy street Our talk is brave Our love is hidden far away It's a lifetime since you loved me A lifetime with nothing in between But memories And tomorrows looking back My thoughts Like foxes hunting in the night Are searching Through the secret places in my heart I am the only one to see My hidden webs of inconsistency I love you wanting me You love me wanting you I'll never be most anything to you You'll never be most anything to me Your finger tips The bits of fire On my lips Bitter tear Running down my cheek With Bits of fire Bits of smoke And bits of fear Sharp eyes Drilling holes in my day Raindrops on window pane Whisper your name I want to be a mirror for you So you will see in me How wonderful you are I want to see my dreams in you So you can see your dreams in me A wave rising And falling A tune dying A tune Played again By other hands And hearts And minds Waking the silence A tune A tiny wave Becoming an ocean I wanted that dress I first saw your face Through its gossamer lace Alone I now stand To admire the lace Displayed at The price Below cost In the shop Where we met The sun in the window Did its best The colours failed The test of time On top And beneath The lace Stay on display you beautiful little dress I don't want you to impress my lover I confess I am out of contest You look better where you rest I look better than my dress We spent time and energy Proving each other wrong We were both right We are both wrong We raced to come first Afraid to be last Second best We went for gold Cold and dead In the rush we forgot What we came here to do So we saved our love For the heaven above While we lived down in hell All the days of our lives On the last day of my life I will empty the sack Get rid of the gold Scatter the coloured stones I don't want anything To slow me down Every day is the last As we race to come first Holding the breath To the finishing line On the last day of my life I will remember That I was just right in your eyes We are falling apart Crumbs of us moving down the river To rest on the rocks We are looking back At what we once were Bits of us scattered Naked bits of beauty That was us The bits of life On the rocks Of the river Shiny crystals of what we were Cold fragments of us The river A memory of what we once were Today is waiting To be lived Or mourned over as lost I am waiting to get through You are waiting For a rose At the end If you loved me You say If you really truly loved me You wouldn't mind Following And it wouldn't matter Where we go What we do I follow Obey and do It is true With you It does not matter Where we go What we do I go with you Not brave enough To be me The clock is ticking The shore is near Finishing line marked The whistle ready The umpire waiting The clock is ticking I am running I am still running I am coming I am almost there You won the race I am running With hands full of love I am still running Take the love from my hands You won the race You are dead I am dying I will pretend that You don't exist And never did Not even then Not even when I was holding onto you To carry me through Not even when you said That I was your second chance Almost as good as the first Today I saw a cross at the head of the bloke Who just collected his super lump sum We all took part in throwing lumps of dry clay On him in his grave He's been coughing a lot Now he rests with a lump of dirt On top of his head Now that he is dead He tried to give up bad habits And come closer to God Now he's got it all At the nod of his God He passed In his sleep Without disturbing his wife Or his cat Just like that; Under the lumps now he rests Plastic flowers are best Plastic flowers will last When he becomes a forgotten past The promise is dead All has been said Cold as lead are we Dreams are begging For a kind funeral Let's not pretend any longer Our blanket was swept away in the thunder We are shivering We are prone to accidental discoveries Of us I dried my tears I like the breeze between us You don't need to warm me anymore I shiver inside At your touch It is over I am over you Over us Moving on Not turning back You have no power over me I have no power over you It is over I have given up smoking Laughing and crying I've given up regrets and fears Those mixed up years Are over You have nothing on me anymore No one home No one to answer the bell No one at the other end No one on the other side No one to give a hand No one to understand No one to mend my heart No one to offer a new start No one home The clapping stopped The trophies presented The audience left To finish their living No more rushing Nowhere to go Nobody waiting To my son You cried for mummy and daddy You roamed and wandered A chatterbox Smiling Kissing Waving goodbye You were growing away More every day You picked pebbles And flowers And sticks And words And reason On the road Growing away More every day You chased birds And dogs And people Growing away More every day You were Coming and going Singing sad songs Drying tears Playing mad tunes Growing away More every day You were a wild boy Flying high Living it up Before redirecting Refocusing as fathers do Slowly Cautiously Becoming a man Coming home every day Watching the children play Worried about them running Away More every day Slowly and sensibly Guiding Kissing the pain away More every day Coming home to stay Playing with children And memories More every day Are your sails still tight My son Are your anchors up Are you still adrift Looking for your star Does a downtown light Shines a promise still Do not sail too far Do not cry inside Build the bridges son Plant your garden Be an invincible Build the homeward road It hurts this letting go This breaking of the heart strings When I don't You don't And nobody understands But we must go on It hurts this letting go This breaking of the heart strings When I don't You don't And nobody understands But we must go on Are your sails still tight My son Are your anchors up Are you still adrift Looking for your star Does a downtown light Shines a promise still Don't' sail too far Don't cry inside Build the bridges son Plant your garden Be an invincible tree Build the road leading home My son We are living to each other's expectations Polishing shelves of our existence Hiding cupboards of secret places My wisdom is a dot on the horizon Compared to your blissful ignorance Son You sit on the ground Scared of my reaction to your flying I am trying to understand That skies are made for you Hanging on your heart strings I try to sing A farewell song I want to free your wings And let you fly My son I still regret the words I said The way I let your dreams grow cold My son Don't let me see my madness in your face As sadness has no place Where dreams should be When I'll be dead These poplars tall Will play a lullaby for me And full moon's playful madness Will bring me no more sadness Sleepless nights and senseless fights When I'll be dead Just gleaming stream Blue clear sky The blades of grass The birds and I When day is done And friends have gone The time is still The sun is hot These waters Like a clock run home To make a cloud To wash the world And run downstream again So where my dreams have ended now Your hopes will grow We are just a river running from the cloud As full moon's playful madness is bringing sadness Sleepless nights and senseless fights I've run my race you take my place God sets our clocks He charts our streams He gives us dreams It's not for me to say Which way you'll go I'll lay down low And watch the river run I can not stop God's clock to rest with me I can not take with me the spears That pierce the heart I leave you son A title to the house A piece of top dirt Night to hide in Moon to curse God to blame Fences to keep you in A well for tears For when love will try to blow you away Sunshine to warm your head When I'll be dead I am a link Holding eternity And a chain of events I am coming I am finally coming Around I am a link Without me The chain of events Could not link God to eternity My son You are next in the chain When mine is done You will carry the pain Until we meet again Remember those cups with little blue flowers Dad smashed them didn't he You picked them up Dad was whistling in bed I stood behind you Your tears were falling on the floor And on me You said: I am not crying You were lying then weren't you I was about two wasn't I Conscription Benediction Redemption We can not Will not But somebody should Do something War goes on in prayers For peace Dead soldiers can't kill I found an acorn in the city park The mother oak looked well Her acorns underneath Were looking for the ground To grow their roots I took the seed And planted it in Lightning Ridge Like someone planted me The first and only of my kind In foreign ground I wonder if this acorn carries memories Of old grandfather tree Oak cousins Friends and other branches of the family Are they in acorn's tapestry Is the core of the oak tree Ever crying For his family Is acorn anything like me Does it remember days of history And in it me To my friend God There is God One God Worship nothing but God There is God My God Waiting God do you remember The time When things were not yet As they are The time when you were Just happy to be Do you remember us two As we met On top of that hill I saw you looking at me Your face in the sky Through the umbrella Of budding branches Talking to me As I sat on the moss Looking down on my home My mother and father Working the field The bees in the flowers The birds in the nests When you and I met When I was so happy to be Close to you Do you long For the place where we met For our paradise lost Why try to enhance That which we once had Why travel through time Why wander away We created the world Now we search For the paradise lost For the place where we met God Help me forget the glory That wasn't meant to be Measure my wine and my smiles Stop my heart From leaping into uncertainty I long for painless love To warm my heart in safety God measure my smiles and my wine You know how my heart Starts dancing foolishly With the memory of him I pray my God To let you know What you already know To let you see What you already see Please Speak to me Please let me be The best you wanted me to be God you know Why I am I You created me You believe in me Are you just a Cross Or kingdom too Are you the boss Or a slave likes me You do so much for me What will you have me do for you? One step closer To knowing If God And everlasting love Are just fantasies we play with As we try to catch up with each other On our way to eternity One step closer All equally near To the almighty Thine the glory and the power I resigned from competition I stepped aside Finally Not so terribly unhappy About my place Not crying as much Things don't have to happen My way I forgive myself for not coming First Thank you God For my place The meaning of it beyond me The wonder of the unity According to your plan Bound by love And evil End to end Forever I am looking for someone Who is looking for me Only God can see My futile attempts to escape The ropes that hold me back So the love won't blow me away Demanding praise Glory Love Obedience Fidelity From his peers Are Gods Counting popularity votes In heavenly democracy Deciding on rain and sunshine Punishment and reward To live in glory Loved endlessly God made this day By word alone He quenched the earth By weeping clouds A day well spent The watering done The prayers said I watch in awe Grey green leaf Trembling in the wind Green grey day Spent For myself G'day to me Forget all others Smiles Handshakes Yesterdays and tomorrows Forget the death G'day to me Play on piped piper Happy land is around the corner The same piped piper Piping the same pipe dream For ever The road is all One way traffic to eternity A glimpse of truth A hint of perfection And the ashes Every word that you said Every kiss that we had Our eyes as they met Our souls As we parted All that we had Ashes Play on piped piper Happy land is around the corner I am coming mother We will tell each other About the Lord and his mother We will kneel down We will rejoice in each other I am coming father We will tell each other About Cinderella And the prince dancing For ever after Play on piped piper Happy land is around the corner Ashes Cinderella ashes To wade through On the way to heaven The prince is dancing without me On his way through hell On his way to heaven I remain your Cinderella And my prince is dancing without me Play on piped piper I grew up in the days When everyone knew Where everyone stood When one did the tasks One felt that one should The one shining the floor Could not wish for more While those that could ponder Would plan And aimlessly wonder Computer I loved your playful way Responding to my fingers' play Your hard drive's heartstrings taking me away Then suddenly and unpredictably Like people die you died on me I trusted you I put my heart into your memory You had no right to die I begged embracing you To come alive To think my thoughts and feel my pain To work again You punished me for trusting you You died like flowers do You left me like true friends would too You took my pain You died for me You left the box An empty case That held my life My mirror vision My second memory I pressed a button to delete Your life complete I contemplate new start Much wiser now I do not trust my heart I am your Christmas cheer Shoulder to cry on A dog to kick An obstacle to your freedom A ground to lay your blame on I don't dare wet your Christmas With my tears I clap for your success To spend the energy I could use For climbing walls and hitting bricks Voices of the night tip toeing Through the maze oflife Looking for final solutions Clearly written in the stars All is calm as daylight comes Dewdrops of wisdom dry Night voices die We made progress With my naked eye I can not see Unwanted hair on my face Or yours Lines around our eyes Brown and white spots Appearing in unusual places My feet are not aching To dance any more I listen to songs of long ago I close my eyes To see the wild flowers Of the wild days dancing To the music of the wind I am fifty On my face victory Over anxiety Fear of rejection Fear of old age And the big bad wolf I can share the limelight and smiles I don't need it all I can sit on the sideline Enjoy the sun Without running scared That I am not good enough I don't sleep with regrets any more I don't go over my words at night I watch and remember Warm and tender The lights and sights passing I enjoy all perspectives I don't have to convince anyone At fifty I have nothing to prove I've done my best I want to pay now I don't want to count minutes By small dawn payments Until my funeral I am still alive Only your love is dead Was that all there was We made it We blame each other For the monotony of years But then God We are still here We made it so far Many didn't They are missed Messed up Or dead Or forgotten Or all of the above Like a river we carry debris Like a river we keep running I need someone to laugh with Or at Someone to hold on the sunset And share the sadness of its passing By day I walk the roads With strangers Singing for money Smiling for favours Cursing ever so quietly At night My skies are blue My roads are wide Flowers bloom in my hands Smiles decorate my face You come to me Don't turn on the light The pictures of the night Might die All of me May be less Than you need What I am Is all you get You want to be best To win this contest You will abstain From loving the longest I provided a measure of greatness For you I let you win I gave in Pleaded guilty As you killed my desires and yours You won your contest You killed my desires and yours You shelter in my arms now And wander What to kill next You are waiting for me to confess And beg forgiveness For all you have killed You are waiting for my tears You are ready for my caresses You hope that I will Make you a hero Appoint you a judge Of my impulsive actions Erratic decisions Ambiguous indecisions; That I will beg you To decide for me Which way to go Which tricks to play? Which lies to tell? Smiling sweetly I killeayou off a bit every day I denied you the right to make me cry When you raised your voice And hit the table I killed you off a bit every day Smiling sweetly And shaking inside me Died I made you Who you are A monster feeding on my tears You sucked my blood You took the song off my lips, Wiped the smile of my face Threw mud on my forget me nots Nothing more to destroy You have no power over me My tears dried I can catch smiles in the wind Hear words of praise On the road To new me I pricked a hole in your balloon The wind will not carry you above me anymore You will be trampled on the ground Dazzled by the beauty Afraid To lose the prize That was never mine Longing to hold and to have The star Forever Never to be afraid Of going away Same distance forever On parallel roads into Unknown Never asking Why Where When Why Animals need no God They fear man Who multiplies uncontrollably Man has God on their side Animals have men against them They hide They can not pray Dumb they are dieing Looking through the windows of today Crying with yesterday's sorrows Dreaming of loving tomorrows Trying to see today the way I dreamed of it yesterday I looked at the lady next to me In bed at Macquarie hospital An old lady The nurse told another nurse About the old darling And how old are you The nurse asked me I said fifty Same as this old lady Said the nurse She wandered Why my pulse rose sharply You proved that you love me By staying with me By never letting me be Me Now you want me To gratefully say You showed me the way Do not fret Dead is What we were born to be Do not fret When all is lost We are free Dog on a leash Never to stray Never to wander away Dreaming about being free Dog without a leash Nobody lets him in Nobody is asking for him I appointed you my judge You convicted me Sentenced me To fidelity For life I beg for mercy And pardon Every day One life Is all you can take I am playing hide and seek Inside myself Out of reach I am not competing For your trophy anymore I am not playing by your rules I am playing hide and seek Inside myself My better late than never wisdom Is down to you I would never be where I am If you did not cut my wings To stop me flying You are my path to redemption A cross ofmy salvation You rub out the danger Of joy ever ruining my chances You shield the sun I would never be Where I am If it wasn't for you A stump Without spring buds Stuck in the rock I want to step away Small steps Slow steps Life steps Away I would never be where I am If it wasn't for you I would never be as wise as I am If you did not cut away my wings You spent on me Pearls of wisdom Gained from mistakes You joyfully made I hate your advice I'll float or go under Through my own blunder I don't want to see The rocks on the ground The knocks all around Waiting for me The price will be greater But I choose to be wise later Day by day Repetition Reflection Reformation Day by day Regret Revision Rejection Day by day Retribution Redemption Regression Day by day Repetition Repetition Repetition Day by day Remorse Repentance Reconciliation Day by day Regeneration Reproduction Reincarnation Day by day Repeat of yesterday Day by day Today A shadow of yesterday Events keep me On my toes I pretend To be alive While life goes on And on As I play with the dials Of time passing I report to friends that events eventuated I redecorate the news to amuse I pretend that things are going my way I exist I have no idea why For words not spoken For ties broken For songs unsung I mourn Your passing The tune on your grave A reminder Of us Star dust Among stars And words I exist A weed Lost in a bunch of weeds Waiting to be named On the seventh day Until again I lay me down As dust to dust Do flowers bloom For me Do they know that they are my flowers Growing in my garden Drinking my water Are they afraid That I will shake the dirt off their roots Replace them with younger ones Place them to dry for the bonfire Scatter their ashes Around the seedlings Fresh in the sunrise Morning dew on their faces They beg for another day Racing ahead The ones in front Scared to look back The ones behind Gasping for breath To the end To the end For a shiny moment Of dying I don't care if you are not here You are nothing to me I have become a part of eternity I am only a drop in an ocean Of tears cried before me Playing cards on my computer I daydream of blossoming And being sixteen At night I dream of killing time Playing cards Is time like me Waiting To be dead No one to walk with No one to remember with Going Going faster Every day Wise ones Gone Fathers and mothers Dead Teachers and preachers Irrelevant Children Waiting for me To show the way I should know I walked the road To the end Cold angel stones On top White bones underneath Food for thought Those stones Food for roses Bones I hear good things said By those on top About us below I am glad To be mourned As prematurely dead I want a new dollar I want a new love Big shiny dollar Everlasting love I need an ace To win the game Any game Any pack of cards I bought an oyster shell And found her pearly pain That will through death again Become a light For my delight They'll look at you You'll shine again And hide my pain Sixty is not so bad in your company Grey hair flying in the wind Without a rinse or shame Your hands as warm as creases of your smile We are remembering The springs And other things Sixty is not bad in your company I've walked my roads leaning on you Lean now let me help too The seed of greed I need I need My need The murky water Quenching roots of greed Beneath our feet The weed Stark bare breasts Hidden nests of fear For my inspection only Feeling for lumps Cancer is his answer Malignancy Positive Like a prize Wise old man My doctor He dealt with it before Farewell my lovers One last sunset One last meeting Final curtain One last chance To be loved forever Children are looking to the future Parents are buried in the past I am the presence Trembling for one more day Searching for you Time To be sad Time to be glad Time to make words That we never said Time to feel close when far apart Time to look into my own heart Time to let stars stand still Seeking reflection in your eyes Time to remember The birds singing Clouds dancing Sun rays resisting the darkness of my soul I will make time to remember The blue of your eyes Our wings flapping in the wind We surrender to gravity The road is all One way traffic Everybody is Equally near The road is all there ever was The dream is all I ever had What a beautiful day Greenness washed with the rain The sunflowers following the sun I am so fine I lost touch with anxiety I am free Blown away like a soap bubble Not missed by anybody No longer hungry Or hurting Dead Not afraid of dying Cold Not afraid of ice Alone Not afraid of you No regrets No guilt No shame Nobody cares What words are said We are Demanding recognition of right To be Loved Adored Special To significant others To hold them all In awe Playful little idea Like god Never to die Grow old Go away Like love Like us Never to be Never to end I run my obstacle race I do my best I endure Pace myself For the test To last As long as it takes To brake the line Be done Triumphantly Win or lose Makes no difference at the end Of the obstacle race The three of us met And knew That all of us Wanted to be The two Sadly We parted As three times one Walking a black dog Wagging a friendly smile Black dog telling Black stories And then You call my name With a sing-along voice With the spring in your step You walk with me Awhile In the dust Of the day Walking a black dog I am Acting predictably Equally responsible Equally innocent Sitting in my carriage I steer my course Into an unknown I came from Vote for me Aborigine! Your daughters with babes in arms Leaning on babes unborn Babes rearing up babes Need governments Like mine More money for empty hands More games in the pub More videos for your home We will play music for your corroboree We will cut your clap sticks Equal rights Beer pie and hamburger Coke and chips And smokes Pregnant No problem On drugs Never mind No windows on houses? We will supply We will not allow poverty In this country In prison Trouble with authority We pay your legal aide We let you go free We will order everybody To love Aborigine Freedom from God Spouse and property A part of community Never asking How full is the full moon Communal juices Perpetuating the misery Dry Communal singing In the black hole Of the full moon Of communism Sharp Is the edge of the moon? These poems were written during my husbands last days in 2013 Growing away every day Every hour knowing less Of who we were Every moment we are less To each other Closer to death Undoing all we did Paying for the wrongs Emptying the well of tears Washing away yesteryears Saying goodbye Not knowing any more or any less Of where we were Or where we are going What is this thing we are going through Looking for God Waiting for God Hold his hand and pray They say Talk to God God takes away the tears God destroys despair God be with you Heaven is real Hell is not Growing away every day Every hour knowing less Of who we were Every moment we are less To each other You are no longer who you were You cannot say who you are now You are a stranger to me and to yourself I have to merge into the long forgotten single line I look at flowers along the road Waiting to be picked Everybody wants to be chosen Everybody needs to hold someone To be held Wherever you are We are Forever in line To be picked And become a first choice for each other Nobody to share the news The sounds of birds in the breeze The smells from the kitchen The memories of yesteryears The pictures The songs Cabbages are making heads Oranges are ripening The big tree-our tree How we admired that tree And the birds having party time in it How we loved to watch cockatoos Having breakfast They on sunflowers Us inside Singing as we went And laughed Pointing out people and things Events and memories Making plans for grandchildren Loving them more every day We were holding hands like a daisy chain for over half a century I am nothing now Nobody wants to know Nobody wants to see what I have done Nobody to rejoice with Or cry Or just sit in the sun Empty seat next to me Empty home Pictures on the wall tell our story to my empty heart. Since I am no longer half of you I don't know who I am Did I ever know Was I ever anybody in particular Was I ever the same today as I was yesterday Was I ever certain of where I was going Was I ever certain of anything Like a show flake lingering in the air for a moment Like a butterfly floating from flower to flower Like a breeze moving itself And us along Specks of dust of different manifestations Going hand in hand forever Making bubbles of life on the way Bubbles of fragility afraid of fading Of bursting into nothing Hoping to make another bubble in the afterlife To start again with a stronger everlasting Less afraid light within Shining into eternity Searching for the heart of it For the head and heart of it For the last secret for the mystery to be revealed Will we ever know Why we followed the script so willingly Why we thought that it was us thinking When all the time we just followed What was written in our head and heart For us to do Build a nest, store food, court and mate and procreate Nurture, guide and die Like a flower on the roadside Shedding seeds of new Knowing finally that nothing ever is Old or new Like specks of dust Hand in hand we go. We visit a friend in a nursing home You are scared Of people unable to move Unable to beg Unable to cry Without a shoulder To lean on they wait You are afraid of once loved faces Waiting for God Lips in prayer Hands folded in resignation Lonely days are long Endless nights whisper of the end There is John, your friend, I say Careful he might hit you Says the security man John whispers: water Help me out in the sun He is not allowed out he can't get a drink he hit a nurse Careful he might hit you too Says the security man John's lips are trembling His hands are shaking His eyes are filled with tears He has to learn He has to be a good boy At eighty four Careful He might hit you Says the fat security man Let's go home, you beg With tears in your eyes. It is the end of the line for you What is there left for me Just God holding my hand Saying follow me Nobody on my side now Nobody praising me Or criticising Alone The half of me The half of you Longing for unity All ties broken No one to report to No one to consider No one to be afraid of No one to be angry with No one to love No one to dream about Freedom is death Spray them dead Ants, spiders, cockies, mice, weeds, cats, dogs, And enemies Dreams and flowers die of old age Worn out Memories go with the refuse Shop Garden Cook Wash Dust Wipe Scrub Dream Enough. Another murder on TV Another romance in a book Another misery disclosed Another mystery solved In the headlines Local murder like a breeze refreshes stale dialogues Enough Frocks Shoes Hairpins For the ball Gala event illustrated A joke retold A compliment rewarmed Tired feet turn home Enough Cheer up Life goes on What a beautiful day Best time of the year Best time End of time The end has come No turning back No coming home No one to welcome me No one I want to see Nobody To love me How could you leave me In the middle of life And die forever We walked hand in hand To the end How could you leave me then Without mercy Unprotected Unloved No longer tickled to tears No longer anybody To anyone Nobody to give a damn If I die Like you died Nobody to share my dreams Or food or bird watching Nobody to live for In the middle of the night In the middle of my life In the middle of nowhere Not belonging Unknown Alone 1.6.11 First winter day Cold inside and out. I am in the cold. Lonely people hold my hand They walk with me There is no desire for friendship or relationship I am treading lightly I do not want to offend the fragile disillusioned people who want to comfort me I am very alone You were the centre of my life Time is running out Yet games have to be played Laughter to be laughed Songs to be sung People to meet Decisions to make Distractions to create Needy people Lonely animals Ignored flowers Are waiting for my attention I close my eyes To dream Escape the pain To join my God To start again As someone else Someone so young And full of hope So much in love I close my eyes to sleep and dream Our eyes met in a dream But our feet took us away We wanted heaven But we chose hell. Touch and go forever Chasing each other Through hell In the obstacle race to heaven I ssearch dark corners of my dream To see If you found me If I found you Like we promised To be forever I pray every night To meet you in my dream We travelled on our cloud For half a century Touching each other's sacred places Open eyed As a lullaby Every night We promised Eternity Fidelity Felicity To each other you were my lullaby? My dreamland My destination My eternity You were my lullaby My promise My sanctuary God gave me fear and sadness And words for love I have no words for emptiness Silence screams at me The end is near Life is closing down Wash, wipe, polish Sleep eat drink Wash wipe Sleep It could not hurt as it does This emptiness inside me There must be a poem wanting to emerge In a sad pain of birth A bud in the making A flower of the future In place of emptiness It could not possibly hurt so much Just emptiness Sitting on top With the view over creation struggling to stay alive Not hot or cold outside Nothing inside Nowhere to hang my hopes My longing has no address Sitting on top With a long way down With a clear view of abyss below Holding on Not knowing how long Or why I don't jump Those below Want me to jump To make room For the next in line When did I die Since nobody is happy because of me Since nobody prays for me Since people like me Only pray to die silently Pain free Without becoming a nuisance Incontinent Begging for mercy We pray silently The world ended when you stopped loving me Says the song Only in my nightmare I see you Knowing me Only in a dream we are There is no dream without us in it But the dream is fading into daylight Without us in it Chasing the wind to catch the time To turn the time around To change what was To spend the moments as I should To use my time for something good Instead I chase the wind As time goes by I watch it go and wave goodbye I join the wind I get along Where we will end nobody knows I pray at night To meet you in my dream To see If you found me If I found you Like we promised to We travelled on our cloud For half a century Touching each other's sacred places Open eyed For a lullaby Every night We promised Eternity Fidelity Felicity To each other I came to see That part of me I left with you In sixty-two I came to see What did you do With what we called Our destiny I came to see If it is true That love lasts for eternity I came to see If really That part of me With part of you Was best of us I knew you knew That love with you Was true Who would believe That long ago I was seventeen I looked at the sky and saw eternity I looked into your eyes and discovered Love Like nobody ever knew Everlasting And true The first flower of spring The everlasting spring Who would believe that I knew When I was seventeen What nobody knows now. Seventy on the front page Of me Seventeen inside Not at all me Inside Not at all what we were To each other Seventy Stars in the eyes Shy The words of loveliness afraid Hands tucked away Seventy on the front page Seventeen inside I had a hidden gem Of rare beauty Nobody admired me Because of it It was hidden for safety But we knew We would be poor without it If I could frame and protect the moment we met As we kissed Remember the joy As we held each other knowing full well that we were Forever Embraced in the love Of our spring If I could I would frame and protect the moment we met in my dream I would save it for my evenings alone I am running Tired But I am running The finishing line Is a blur But I am running I must not be left behind I will never catch up If I stop running To find God To be God To be near him To be him Adored Obeyed Worshiped Envied I smell the roses I smile at children I pray for mercy I hope For love I dream of being Just right in your eyes I touch your side of our bed You are not there I listen for your breathing The gentle tremor of our bed My bed is silent Where are you now I need to hold your hand Will you have a cup of coffee A lolly, a chocolate, an apple, a kiss What are you going to have The world is away tonight This is an ordinary night I never had an ordinary New year's night With the world far away A year turning A lifetime ending A moment in time A drop in the ocean A picture Complete Nothing is missed Nothing is lost Did anyone notice That I do not love That I am not loved Did you find in me what you were looking for Or maybe something more For a moment you were a part of me And I a part of you as one In a book of time Nobody can rub out What we had Or imagined we had What have you left with me What have you taken of me But life goes on-they say Whoever they are Numbers follow each other on the clock Days change names Birds are nesting Bees are buzzing I only remember Our moment in time Just a stone on the grave of what used to be us Just the wind blowing Raindrops On what made us embrace Life Just the rain on the stone now Tapping away Echoes whispering Your name Going going Coming closer every day Almost there Where the rest is a must Set in a stone Decorated with angels Fragile twigs for decoration of dead dreams Dry dirt underneath Summer fires are dead Nothing grows All is spent And said I don't know why I still wish that you were alive I don't know what we could do At this hour If anything I am merging I am becoming a part of everything There is nothing apart from me Nothing to fear Or hate All is perfection Forever blossoming Blooming Singing dancing Dying only to begin again World without end According to the plan It will remain a mystery Revealed at His will The road is grey The smiles are dead I am waving goodbye To an empty space where you Made me alive Now you are dead Now all that we had All that was said All that we wished Is in my head As I wave goodbye to emptiness The bunch of words we wrote The lights we found The scents we embraced The summer grass For us Forever In heaven we will be Forever Clean and chaste In His glory Without a struggle to come first Without the fear to be last Without the need to be more loved We will be Unafraid Forever Do we all wish To be Dead To have and to hold At a fair distance In admiration To walk in your footsteps A fair way behind Alone Looking for God To show the way Be on my side Against the enemy I weep for things I left unloved I rushed ahead To shine my light I closed my ears To your music Trashed the flowers You have picked I pushed ahead Afraid to be last And left behind I plat a wreath of words For our grave I pray for you to know I know that you know We hear the same song from the distance A promised Saviour Born again Forever promised It has been written On lily white pages On the essence of our being It has been written What was to be In the spring of our blossoming Following us into the desert of our living For the remembrance days Of the images of our spring You were my lullaby My dreamland My destination My eternity You were my lullaby My promise My sanctuary Maintaining status quo Keeping in tune In step In order Invisible shadow of what we once were I hide what once was I stretch days To hold the baby Never born Off us For us In the making Walking Waiting Anticipating The next step Crossing the next line And then you came Smile all over you Like rain On dying flowers Sadness gone, Thirst quenched Future beginning Restlessness settled Ready to go One step after another Sounds looking at each other Up and down From every side Holding hands Words smiling at each other The song They make The picture Painted by them The tears of joy They created Satisfied They smile Sound to sound Word to word Changing Dresses You create words To tell me who I am Again and again All of you walking with me Moulded me into a sentence I stand at the end of the road I am a full stop confirmation A testimony of your words Made into a story of us all Nobody can separate What melted into one book Of what we met on the way To here Where The words in the stone Tell us to rest in peace. Now we know Who we are Part of each other's picture We hear echoes from afar Familiar We are I read Good News The word of God Lost in a maze of words I try to decode To see To understand To be Like She Or He Who makes me want To see And be A part of the life Everlasting Ever-changing Looking to the future Remembering the past Dancing Believing Hoping Loving With him In Him The creator The creation To the end of times To the end of universe With almighty Being one A little bit sad A little bit mad Forever hoping For a winning ticket To a better tomorrow The moment passed But we hold the memory That lasts We knew it then We know it now We held the universe In our eyes We were born for that moment That union Leaving us the memory Of life You came into my dream From your grave Small Childlike You asked If I still hold The memory Of us Before Transcending Into night You came to see If you still make me happy Within Where we were Before the grave Became your place You do I do We meet We are Where we have always been Together forever You are alive We are going To meet again I water my roses Over the fence The little white daisies With a hint of pink On the edges of petals In stony dry bed Are praying for rain Never picked Just looked at Over the fence Outside the fence Where wild things grow Like our love Searching for unity Outside the fence Outside of us We understand each other Feeding as we are From the same ocean Swimming as we are In one eternity We know what it is like to be As we are Small within the universe Twice as big together Rushing With twice the need to succeed And grow bigger We know what it is like to be smaller Without We experienced the shortage of love We both need to be recognised We are Unwilling to share From the picture on the shelf You look at the empty seat next to me Into my lost eyes Into my empty day Are you waiting for me Are you waiting to be with me Like I am waiting to be with you To be as we were Hand in hand I play games I do not expect to win I do not know the rules I am not looking into the future. I don't want to review the past. I want a distraction. A dream to take to bed. A reason to survive until tomorrow. A reason to get up for in the morning. A reason to forget that we are not going anywhere. Running on empty To keep alive Brick on brick A monument of my life Going going Coming closer every day Almost there Where Rest in peace is a must Set in a stone Decorated with angels No more questions There are no answers The mystery is more mysterious every minute The universe is bigger every moment The eternity is longer every day The stars fade away In the sky and on the sea There is no forever There is no everlasting Everything is changing Touch and go Butterfly Visiting all Waiting for one True love Fly Butterfly Before the flowers die Catch the sunshine Before the sun sets And smiles are at rest Touch and go Forever The wave of the sea Meeting the shore Like the two of us Everlasting duet Dreaming of unity We search For memories of places where we were For the shiny apple of the knowledge tree Showing us the way To heaven As we wade Through hell A memory Of how it was Fading We are who we chose to be We are home With nowhere to go Folding our sails We are here to stay I am on the road to heaven Singing for money Smiling for favours Cursing ever so quietly I arrived to the end of the road The sky above The valley below Waiting for me Left right Never to stop Time goes on Never to rest Never whole Never finished Dying bit by bit Every day The mourners waiting respectfully To cry into white hankerchiefs For their beloved Departed You will never be forgotten You will live in our hearts Says the obituary As the relatives argue Splitting the remains Give thanks for being By leaving a trace Of living Of occupying a moment in eternity Of using the space in the universe. Mosquitoes love me Sun set behind the red line of the horizon Crickets sing lullabies As the sky lights up million candles For my pleasure The wind is dancing on the leaves The rustle of the petals is scenting the air When I sober up I will forget the tears The fears and the laughter I will be strong Fearless Decisive Creative Cheerful Getting along You died Fragile twigs for decoration Withering On dry dirt Nothing grows All is spent And said I don't know why I still wish that you were alive I don't know what we could do If you were At this hour If anything