
143 MULTIKULTURALIZEM V KONTEKSTU MIGRACIJ Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik Strokovni članek UDK 316.73:314.15 Izvleček Multikulturalizem je nov teoretični in politični koncept, ki se je pojavil pred trideseti- mi leti in okrog katerega se vrtijo sodobne razprave o medkulturnem dialogu, usmeri- tvi družb in o migracijah. Prispevek poudarja, da so migracije stare toliko kot človeštvo in da so bile vedno temelj socialnega reda ter medkulturnih odnosov. Odnosi so lahko dialoški ali konfliktni, kar prispevek ilustrira s primeri. Z njimi pojasni kontroverznost koncepta multikulturalizem v družbeni in politični perspektivi. Vse sodobne države in družbe se morajo ukvarjati s fenomenom multikulturalizma, tudi če ga zanikajo. Gre namreč za zahteve ljudi, ki se razlikujejo od modela vladajoče večine, da se upo- števajo njihov način življenja in potrebe. Sem spadajo vsi, ki imajo svoj življenjski način in identiteto drugačno od predvidene ali vsiljene, »nacionalne«. Ključne besede: multikulturalizem, migracije, medkulturno sporazumevanje Professional article UDC 316.73:314.15 Abstract Multiculturalism is a new theoretical and political concept which emerged thirty years ago and which has been in the focus of modern discussions about intercultural dia- logue, societies and migrations. The article stresses that migrations are as old as the human race so they have been the basis of social order and intercultural relations. Some examples of relations based either on conflicts or on a dialogue are given. Thus, the controversy of multiculturality in social and political perspective is explained. All modern countries have to be concerned with the phenomenon of multiculturalism although they deny its existence. It is necessary to consider the way of life and the needs of people who are different from the majority of the society. Those people have their own way of life and identity which is different from the “national” one. Keywords : multiculturality, migrations, multicultural communication MILHARČIČ HLADNIK, Mirjam. Multiculturality in the context of migrations. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 53(2009)1–2, p. 143–151