ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME IV No. 9-1 April 1951 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. la Editorial« Libraria S. p. A.. Trieste - 1951 ..„J..' :■ ' - \ . . - ' ' . ■ ■ : --- . " . : . : - • •>.- • • -V . •. ■ • . • ' ' ■ V j ’ ' ■ - • • • • ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 49 BATE OF COMPENSATION DUE TO „ENTE NAZIONALE PER LA CELLULOSA E PER LA CARTA „ON INVOICES RELATING TO THE SALE OF PAPER AND ON CELLULOSE PRODUCED IN, OR IMPORTED INTO THE ZONE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the rate of contribution due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on cellulose produced in, or imported into, that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from 16 January 1951, the contribution provided for by Article I, paragraph (d) of law 13 June 1940, n. 868, is hereby fixed at L. 6,— for each kilo of cellulose produced in, or imported into, the Zone and destined for uses other than the manufacture of artificial textile fibres. ARTICLE II With effect from the same date 16 January 1951, the contribution due in terms of Article 1, paragraph (b) of law 13, June 1940 n. 868, is hereby fixed at 3 per cent on the net amount of invoices made out by national paper mills, by their syndicates or by importers in connection with the sale of paper or cardboard of any type (excluding newprint for daily papers and paper and cardboard required by State Administrations) manufactured in the Zone or imported from abroad and destined for inland consumption. The same rate of contribution shall apply to paper and cardboard employed or consumed by the said producing or importing firms, or directly sold by them to the public through their retail shops. The right of recovery referred to in Article 4 of D.M. 3 July. 1940 may be exercised up to 1 per cent of the net amount of the invoices. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, it shall be operative from 14 February 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 16th day of March 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/siIjo Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 50 TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS OF CUSTOMS DUTIES ON BACON, LARD AND CERTAIN SEED-OILS AND FURTHER ADDITIONS TO THE TEMPORARY RULES FOR THE FIRST APPLICATION OF THE NEW CUSTOMS TARIFF, AS APPROVED BY ORDER No. 183/1950 WHEREAS it is deemed, advisable to make temporary modifications of customs duties on bacon, lard and certain seed-oils and to make further additions to the transitory rules for the first application of the new Customs Tœriff, as approved by Order No. 183/1930, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affaires, ORDER: ARTICLE I The application of Customs duty on pea-nut, soya, colza and cole, cotton, sesame, and sunflower oil-seeds, as established in item n. 110, sub-item (a), (d), (h), (1), (m) and (o) of the general Tariff of Import Customs Duties is hereby suspended up to 31 July 1951 inclusive. The application of customs duty on neuk (guizotia) seed and on maize sprouts, as included in item n. 110, sub-item (p) of the said Tariff is hereby suspended up to the same date. ARTICLE II Customs duties on the products hereinafter specified shall be temporarily applied, up to 31 July 1951 inclusive at the following rates : Tariff items and sub-items DESCRIPTION OF GOODS „Ad valorem“ duty 19 12% 130 Melted pork fat (lard), regardless of its consistency, including liquid lard (lard oil) 12% 139 Fixed oils, either fluid or solid, crude or refined, of vegetable origin : c from soya 10% d from sunflower and maize 10% e from cotton 10% f from pea-nut 7% g from colza and cole 8% h from sesame 7% ex p ex 2) from neuk (guizotia) 7% ARTICLE III The following additions are hereby made to the table referred to in Article III, paragraph b) of Order No. 183 dated 21 September 1950 : Tariff item DESCRIPTION OF GOODS „Ad valorem“ duty ex 69 Roots and tubers with a high starch content (manioc, arrow- -root, etc), even if dried or cut into pieces Manioc roots destined for the production of flour for cattle- — -feeding shall be exempt from duty subject to observance of the terms and conditions which will be established by the De- partment of Finance in consultation with thé office of Agriculture and Fisheries - ex 442 Casein Casein destined for the manufacture of artificial textile fibres shall be exempt from duty within an annual quota of 60.000 quintals under observance of the terms and conditions which — will be established by the Department of Finance in consultation with the Department of Production and of Commerce and with the office of Agriculture and Fisheries. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 1 February 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 16th day of March 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier Geneial, U. S. Army Ref. : LD/Af 51/31 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 51 SUPPLEMENT FOR ASSESSMENT EXPENSES TO BE COLLECTED IN ADDITION TO THE AMOUNT OF UNIFIED CONTRIBUTIONS IN AGRICULTURE FOR THE YEAR 1951 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to determine the amount of the supplement to be collected in 1951 in addition to the amount of unified contributions in agriculture under the heading of assessment expenses of the said contributions in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The supplement for assessment expenses for the year 1951, to be collected in addition to the amount of the unified contributions in agriculture due in respect of the aforesaid year, shall be and is hereby confirmed at the rate of 4.50% of the said contributions. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of March 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General XT. S. Army Ref. : LD/ A/51/35 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 24 PROMOTION OF TEMPORARY MAGISTRATES WHEREAS by' Administrative Order No. 52 dated 10 August 1946 Dr. Piero TON IN I and Dr. Gabrio SZOMBATHELY were appointed as temporary Magistrates of grade IX, and are not ,,di ruolou magistrates having a contract of service with the Italian Government; WHEREAS the said Magistrates have completed over four years of efficient service; WHEREAS upon recommendation of the Judicial Council of the Court of Appeal, Trieste, it is considered that such service should be rewarded by promotion to grade VIII, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F, BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. Dr. Piero TONINI and Dr. Gabrio SZOMBATHELY temporary Magistrates of grade IX are hereby promoted to grade VIII with effect from 1st March 1951. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of March 1951. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref.: LD/B/51120 Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 11 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY WOOD WORKING INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Arbitration Board, established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated I December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel em/ployed by wood-working concerns not members of category associations the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partire dali’l febbraio 1951, al personale con qualifica non impiegatizia cui il presente lodo si riferisce, in aggiunta a quanto corrisposto ai sensi dell’art. 2 del lodo pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dd. 1/3/1950, con l’Avviso n. 13, a titolo di anticipo sulla rivalutazione salariale, sarà erogata un’ulteriore quota di rivalutazione giornaliera come sotto indicato : Qualifica oltre 20 anni dai 18 ai 20 dai 16 ai 18 sotto i 16 Operaio spec................ L. 90, — L. 90, — L. 90, — — Operaio qual................ „ 44, — „ 44, — „ 44, — — Manovale spec.............. „ 22,— „ 19,80 „ 13,40 L. 11,— Donne di I. c.............. „32,- „32,- „ 32,- „ 32,- Donne di II c. ............. „ 16,- „ 14,40 „ 11,20 „ 9,20 I minori di cui alla precedente tabella, sono quelli che hanno raggiunto la qualifica dell’operaio adulto cui spettano le quote di rivalutazione, o che ne esplicano autonomamente le mansioni. Ai fini del computo delle quote di cui sopra, nei vari istituti contrattuali, si seguiranno le norme relative all’indennità di contingenza. ARTICOLO 2 Con la medesima decorrenza sarà pure corrisposto un assegno temporaneo giornaliero, in sostituzione dell’assegno straordinario previsto dal lodo pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dd. 21/6/50 con l’Avviso n. 34, dell’ammontare sottoindicato : Qualifica oltre 20 anni dai 18 ai 20 dai 16 ai 18 sotto i 16 Operaio spec Operaio qual L. 14,- L. 10,- „28,- „ 20,- 40,— „ 34,20 L. 2,-„ 8,-„ 28,60 „ 36,- L. 19,- „ 24, - , 48, — , 44, — .... „ 20, - „ 10, - „ 4,— „ 18,80 „ 28, - .... „30,— „ 21,60 „ 14,80 Donne cornimi „ 40, - „ 32, - „ 24, - Per quel che concerne gli apprendisti rimane in vigore l’assegno previsto nel lodo citato all’inizio del presente articolo. Dell’assegno di cui alla suddetta tabella, si terrà conto nei vari istituti contrattuali. ARTICOLO 3 Quanto previsto nel lodo di cui all’art. 1 del lodo presente e non in contrasto con la materia qui regolata, si intende nello stesso integralmente riportato. Il lodo verrà a scadere il 15 agosto 1951. Sarà ammessa una richiesta di revisione alla predetta scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico del personale disciplinato dal relativo contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 29 gennaio 1951. Approvato : 28 febbraio 1951 Sgd. de PETR1S Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Il Presidente I Componenti : I Consulenti Tecnici : Sgd. Walter LEVITUS „ Bruno MARI „ Carlo FRANDOLI „ Renato CORSI „ Marcello BALBI „ Nicolò PASE „ Ruggero TIRONI Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of March 1951. Ref. : LP>!C\5i\8 Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labor Notice No. 12 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY COFFEE-HOUSES, BARS AND SIMILAR SHOPS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by coffee-houses, bars and similar shops the following award: LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partire dall’l febbraio 1951 la tabella degli stipendi e dei salari per il personale in premessa risulta modificata come sotto indicato : Personale impiegatizio Categoria A........... Categoria B........... Categoria C Economo Marchiere Cassiere.. I e II cat. Esercizi di III e IV cat. L. 25,684 mens. „ 19,543 mens. 20,572 mens. 16,052 mens. 16,052 mens. 11,236 mens. 12,171 mens. 12,842 mens. 9,662 mens. 10,426 mens. Esercizi di I e II cat, III e IV cat. Pers. non impiegatizio I Categoria Capo barista e capo gelatiere .................... „ 18,698 mens. — II Categoria Barista e gelatiere .............................. „ 15,582 mens. 11,418 raens. Ili Categoria Aiuto barista e aiuto gelatiere Pers. di fatica maschile.... Interniste donne............. Oltre a quanto previsto nella precedente tabella, il personale impiegatizio, per l’anzianità maturata e da maturarsi al momento dell’entrata in vigore del presente lodo, avrà diritto a sette scatti pari al cinque per cento dello stipendio base, rispettivamente all’inizio del IV, VII, IX, XI, XIII, XV e XVII anno di servizio. ARTICOLO 2 Il presente lodo avrà la stessa scadenza di quello citato in premessa del quale seguirà le sorti. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 31 gennaio 1951. Il Presidente : Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti : » Natale ACERBI Francesco DE GRASSI Renato CORSI »» Deodato DECOLLE I Consulenti Tecnici : 5» Giovanni POLI ” Ruggero TIRONI Approvato : 3 marzo 1951 Sgd. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of March 1951. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Re/. / LD/Olsi/g Chief. Department of Labor 10,842 mens. 9,178 mens. 6,669 mens. 7,509 mens. 6,669 mens. 5,421 mens. Notice No. 13 PRICES OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS As from 28 February 1951 the provisions of Notice No. 72 dated 27 December 1950 fixing the prices of petroleum products are hereby amended as follows : A - DUTY-PAID AND DUTIABLE MERCHANDISE. I. Selling prices to consumer for loose merchandise delivered free at depot or at distribution centre or at filling pump : Duty-paid merchandise (turnover tax incl. ) ql. hi. ORDINARY PETROL (N.O. 64/66 M.M.) 17.103 12.400 5.286 3.832 ORDINARY PETROL (N.O. 70/72 M.M.) 17.655 12.800 5.795 4.201 SUPER-FUEL (N.O. 79 R.M.) 18.648 13.800 - — KEROSENE FOR ILLUMINATION . 13.563 11.000 4.519 3.665 GAS-OIL FOR MOTOR-ENGINES (Diesel index not lower than 50) . .. 9.642 8.100 4.100 3.444 The indication of the octane-number in invoices and price lists for the public is compulsory. Failing such indication, the selling prices shall not exceed that established for petrol 64/66 N.O. No compensation or refund shall be due for delivery in purchaser’s barrels. The established additional charge of 200 lire per ql., inclusive of barrel hiring costs, may be collected only in respect of sales in barrels returnable to the vendor. II. Prices for loose merchandise, free at coast establishments, on railway-tankers or motor tankers of more than 10 tons : Dutiable merchandise (turnover tax in addition) ql. hi. Duty-paid mere handise Dutiable merchandise (turnover tax incl.) (turnover tax in addition) ton. ton. FUEL OIL Heavy oil for furnaces and boilers (wit h distilled product not exceeding 20% at 300» C) .......................................... 20.000 18.100 Fluid (with distilled product not exceeding 20% at 300° C) ; viscosity less than 8 E at 50° C, and flowing at + 5° C) .. 21.000 19.060 Fluid for motors ............................. 53.510 19.060 Diesel extra (10% of gas-oil and 6C% of fluid oil for motors) .................... 61.210 26.500 A charge of 1.000 lire per ton may be collected in addition to the average transportation cost from the coast establishment in respect of loose fuel delivered free at the inland depot. An additional lire 1.500 per ton inclusive of barrel hiring cost may be collected for the sale in barrels returnable to vend.r. B - MERCHANDISE ON WHICH A REDUCED DUTY HAS BEEN PAID. 1. Selling price to consumers for loose merchandise delivered free at the depot or at the distri button centre. Merchandis' on which a reduced duty has been paid (turnover tax included) per quintal PETROL N.O. 70/72 M.M. : Used for running railroad cars and trucks on State Railways .. 5.867 Used for producing motor power for drilling after petrol 8.044 KEROSENE: For agricultural use at 32 N.O................................. 4.100 For agricultural uses with a lower octane-number than prescribed .. 3.850 Used at 32 N.O. for producing motive power drilling work on petroleum resear h ........................................................ 6.335 Destined for fishing lamps (merchandise considered as foreign) .... 3.700 (equal to 30 lire per litre) Merchandise on which a reduced duty has been paid (turnover tax included) per quintal GAS-OIL : For agricultural uses.............................................. 3.700 For small ships (merchandise considered as foreign) ............... 2.730 Used for producing motive power in drilling works on petroleum research, for operating pumping machines, for producing electric power either directly or indirectly .................................................. 4.560 Used for running railroad-cars and trucks on State Railways, destined for the destruction of larvae of malarious mosquitoes and for the manufacture of anti parasitic preparations for fruit trees as well as for the calcium --cyanamide industry.................................................... 4.440 The characteristics of 32 N.O. fuel oil (Motor Method) for agricultural tractors shall correspond to those contained in the table annexed to Notice No. 72 dated 27 December 1950. The indication of octane-number in invoice or in any other sale document is compulsory. Failing such indication, the selling price shall not exceed that of kerosene for agricultural uses having a lower octane-number than prescribed. The prices of kerosene and gas-oil for agricultural uses do not include dues payable to U.M.A. No compensation or refund shall be due for delivery in purchaser’s barrels. The established additional charge of 200 lire per ql., inclusive of barrel hiring costs, may be collected in respect of sales in barrels returnable to the vendor. II. Selling price to consumers for loose merchandise delivered free at coast establishments and loaded on railway tankers or motor tankers of more than 10 tons. Merchandise on which a reduced duty has been paid (turnover tax incl. ) ton FUEL OIL FOR FURNACES AND BOILERS (with distilled product not exceeding 20% at 300° C) : Destined for thermo-electric power stations : heavy oil................................................................ 20.000 fluid (viscosity less than 8 E at 50° C and flowing at + 5° C)........... 21.000 Destined for calcium-cyanamide industry, the construction and maintenance of public roads, the production of natural solid bitumens, the destruction of malarial mosquito larvae : heavy oil................................................................ 19.600 Fluid (viscosity at 50° C less than 8 E and flowing at + 5° C)........... 20.700 Merchandise on which a reduced duty has been paid (turnover tax incl.) ton FUEL OIL FOR MOTORS : Destined for the running of railroad cars and trucks on State Railways : fluid .......................................................... Diesel extra (40% gas-oil and 60% fluid fuel oil for motors).... 20.700 28.710 Destined to produce motive power in drilling work on petroleum research, for the operation of pumping machines, to generate, either directly or indirectly, electric power and to directly produce motive power by means of fixed motors in industrial and agricultural-industrial establishments, laboratories, building yards : fluid ..................................................................... Diesel extra (40% gas-oil and 60% fluid'oil for motors).................... Destined for calcium-cyanamide industry, the construction and mainte nance of public roads, the production of natural solid bitumens and the destruction of malarial mosquito larvae : Diesel extra (40% gas-oil and 60% fluid fuel oil for motors)............... 21.885 29.900 28.710 A charge of lire 1000 per ton may be collected in addition to the average transportation cost from the coast establishment for loose merchandise delivered free at the inland depot. An additional lire 1.500 per ton inclusive of barrel hiring cost may be collected for the sale in barrels returnable to the vendor. SOLVENTS: The price established by Notice No. 56 dated 21 September 1950 are amended as follows : A - DUTY PAID AND DUTIABLE MERCHANDISE Selling prices to consumers fo:1 loose merchandise delivered free at vendor’s depot or at railway station of destination : Duty-paid merchandise Dutiable merchandise (turnover tax incl.) (turnover tax in addition) ql. ql. VERY LIGHT SOLVENT PETROL (40/60) ............-........ 18.800 LIGHT SOLVENT PETROL (60/80) 18.100 MEDIUM AND HEAVY SOLVENT PETROL (exceeding 80 and less than 160) 17.600 MINERAL OIL OF TURPENTINE .... 14.072 6.853 6.206 5.745 4.589 An additional charge of L. 200 per quintal, inclusive of barrel hiring, costs, may be collected in respect of sales in barrels returnable to the vendor, and of L. 400 per quintal in respect of sales in cans or other containers of the customer. B - MERCHANDISE ON WHICH A REDUCED DUTY HAS BEEN PAID Selling price to consumers for loose merchandise delivered free at vendor’s depot or at railway station of destination : Merchandise on which a reduced duty has been paid (turnover tax included) per ql. Lire MINERAL OIL OF TURPENTINE employed for the manufacture of paints........................................................ 9.522 Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of March 1951. L. R. BATTENSBY Ref. : LDjCf5ifio Chief, Department of Finance Notice No. 14 MINIMUM WAGES FOR NON CLERICAL PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY FIRMS OPERATING LICENSED AUTOBUS-LINES Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of non clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed autobus-lines, not member of category association, the following award: LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partire dal 15 febbraio 1951 ai dipendenti cui il presente lodo si riferisce, sarà corrisposto un assegno straordinario giornaliero della seguente misura : Uomini Donne L. 48 L. 40 „ 44 „ 32 „ 36 „ 28 sotto i 16 anni 24 Per gli apprendisti la misura dell’assegno sarà la seguente : Uomini Donne T, 91Q 9,9, sotto i 16 anni „ 18 „ 16 L’assegno sarà ragguagliato ad ora secondo l’orario normale di lavoro e calcolato agli effetti delle ferie, festività, gratifica natalizia o 13° mese, trattamento di malattia, gravidanza, puerperio, infortuni sul lavoro, lavoro straordinario, preavviso e indennità di licenziamento. ARTICOLO 2 Con la modificazione prevista nell’articolo precedente, l’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso n. 41 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dd. 1/7/1950 si intende prorogata sino al 30 settembre 1951. Sarà ritenuta legittima una richiesta di revisione del lodo anteriore alla predetta scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico dei lavoratori disciplinati dal relativo contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 27 febbraio 1951. Il Presidente : Sgd I Componenti : „ I Consulenti Tecnici : Approvato : 8 marzo 1951 Sgd. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro 1 la!od at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of March 1951. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD\Cl5i\n Chief, Department of Labor Walter LEVITUS Guido CALISSANO Carlo VENTURINI Renato CORSI Marcello BALBI Ruggero TIRONI Giovanni POLI Notice No. 15 LIQUIDATION OF „CONSORZIO DELLE COOPERATIVE DI PRODUZIONE E LAVORO“ Notice is hereby given that the Chief, Department of Labor, has issued the following measure : „THE CHIEF, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Having seen the Notes of the Office of the Zone President of Trieste, dated 3 and 15 February 1951, No. 3184/21560 urgently requesting a measure to provide for compulsory administrative liquidation of the „Consorzio delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro“ of Trieste ; Having seen the resignation handed in by the „Commissario Prefettizio“ rag. Ugo Ca-stellani - Chief Accountant of „Prefettura“ - as shown in the communication made by the Office of the Zone President of Trieste on 10 February 1951 ; Having seen the findings of the extraordinary inspection ordered in respect of the aforesaid „Consorzio“. Having ascertained that the latter is in a state of insolvency ; Having heard the opinion of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies, in terms of letter b), Section I, of Article XIV, of A.M. G. Order No. 298, dated 15 October 1948 ; Having recognized that, in the interest of general creditors, it is necessary and urgent to provide for the compulsory administrative liquidation of the „Consorzio“ ; and Having considered articles 2540 of the Civil Code and 194 and following of R.D. 16 March 1942, No. 267; hereby ORDERS: 1. The „Consorzio delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro“ with registered Office at Trieste, via Rossini No. 16, constituted on 18 February 1946, by notarial deed of Dr. Mario Froglia, Notary, in conformity with the Law 25 June 1909, No. 422, is hereby placed under compulsory administrative liquidation in terms of law. 2. Dr. Rag. Luciano Steno is hereby appointed Liquidating Commissioner („Commissario liquidators“) of the said „Consorzio“ with the obligations and responsibilities provided for by law. 3. The compensation due to the Liquidating Commissioner shall be to the charge of the „Consorzio“ and shall be determined at the end of the liquidation. 4. The Liquidating Commissioner is hereby authorized to complete the works presently in course. 5. The Supervising Committee („Comitato di Sorveglianza“) contemplated by article 198 of R.D. 16 March 1942, No. 267 shall be appointed by subsequent provision. 6. This provisions to be published in the Official Gazette and communicated to the competent Authorities in terms of Law. Dated at TRIESTE, this 23 February 1951. Sgd. : Dott. Ing. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labor“ Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of March 1951. Dott. Ing. E. de PETRIS CONTENTS Order Page No. 49 Rate of compensation due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on cellulose produced in, or imported into the Zone ................................................................. 177 No. 50 Temporary modifications of customs duties on bacon, lard and certain seed-oils and further additions to the temporary rules for the first application of the new customs tariff, as approved by Order No. 183/1950 ................... 178 No. 51 Supplement for assesment expenses to be collected in addition to the amount of unified contributions in agriculture for the year 1951 ............... 180 Administrative Order No. 24 Promotion of temporary magistrates ..................................... 181 Notice No. 11 Minimum wages for personnel emp'oyed by wood-working industria' concerns 181 No. 12 Minimum wages for personnel emp'oyed by coffee-houses, bars and similar shops 183 No. 13 Prices of petroleum products .............................................. 185 No. 14 Minimum wages for non clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed autobus-lines ...............................•........................... 189 No. 15 Liquidation of „Consorzio delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro,, ..... 191