T. SERAFIMOVSKI et al.: Au-Pd AND Bi-Se BEARING PYRITE AND CHALCOPYRITE FROM THE BUCHIM COPPER MINE ... 71–76 Au-Pd AND Bi-Se BEARING PYRITE AND CHALCOPYRITE FROM THE BUCHIM COPPER MINE, EASTERN MACEDONIA Au-Pd IN Bi-Se PIRITI IN HALKOPIRITI IZ RUDNIKA BAKRA, BU]IM, VZHODNA MAKEDONIJA Todor Serafimovski 1* , Tadej Dolenec 2 , Goran Tasev 1 , Dalibor Serafimovski 3 , Nastja Rogan [muc 2 , Matej Dolenec 2 1 University "Goce Delcev"- Stip, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Institute of Geology, str. Bul. Goce Delcev No.89, 2000 Stip, Republic North Macedonia 2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, A{ker~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Prejem rokopisa – received: 2019-12-24; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2020-10-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2019.306 In the Buchim porphyry copper deposit, we determined several representative rare mineral phases, comprising metals from the gold-palladium group as well as those from the bismuth-selenium (Cu-Bi-Se-Te-As) group. The bismuth-selenium rare mineral phases are represented by new rare mineral phases in the Buchim porphyry copper deposit, bismuthinite, galenobismutite, krupkaite, friedrichite, emplectite, laitakarite and native bismuth as well as mineral phases of gold-palladium, including gold and palladium with their elemental mixtures. It should be stressed that both types of rare mineral phases were determined in py- rite and chalcopyrite from major ore paragenesis in the Buchim deposit. The bismuth-selenium mineral phases were related to the major quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite paragenesis, while the gold-palladium phases were related to a slightly higher temperature, oxido-sulphide parageneses such are magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite (Mt-Py-Cp) and pyrite-chalcopyrite (Py-Cp). Keywords: ore minerals, Au-Pd phases, rare Bi-Se mineral phases, Buchim mine Na obmo~ju bakrovega porfirskega rudi{~a Bu}im smo dolo~ili ve~ reprezentativnih redkih mineralnih faz, ki vsebujejo kovine iz skupine zlato-paladij in nadalje iz skupine bizmut-selen (Cu-Bi-Se-Te-As). Redke mineralne faze bizmut-selen so predstavljene z novimi redkimi mineralnimi fazami, in sicer, bizmutinita, galenobismutita, krupkaita, friedrichita, emplektita, laitakarita in naravnega bizmuta, pa tudi mineralnih faz zlata-paladija, vklju~no z zlatom in paladijem iz njihove elementarne me{anice. Poudariti je treba, da sta bili obe vrsti redkih mineralnih faz dolo~eni v piritu in halkopiritu iz glavne rude na obmo~ju Bu}ima. Mineralne faze bizmut-selen so bile povezane z glavno paragenezo kremen-pirit-halkopirit, medtem ko so mineralne faze zlato-paladij povezane z nekoliko vi{jo temperaturo, torej z oksidno-sulfidno paragenezo, ki jo definirajo magnetit-pirit-halkopirit (Mt-Py-Cp) in pirit-halkopirit (Py-Cp). Klju~ne besede: rudni minerali, faze Au-Pd, redke mineralne faze Bi-Se, rudnik Bu}im 1 INTRODUCTION The Buchim porphyry copper-type deposit is located in eastern central Macedonia, 10 km west of the town of Radovis. It is the only deposit of this type in Macedonia that is currently being exploited and producing copper and significant amounts of gold as a by-product. The mine started production in 1980 and produces four mil- lion tons of ore annually, with 0.25 % Cu, 0.27 % Au and 1 g/t Ag. Estimated reserves are approximately 100 million tons of low grade Cu-Au ores with some Ag and Mo and includes primary (the most important Cu-Au re- sources) as well as secondary (related to the zone of oxi- dation-cementation enrichment) and mixed types of ores. The mineralisation of the Buchim ore deposit is related to tertiary sub-volcanic intrusions of andesite and latite in a host of Pre-Cambrian gneisses and amphibolites. 1,2 The paragenesis of this deposit was studied by M. Pavi~evi} and S. Raki}, 3 V. ^ifliganec, 2 T. Serafimovski et al. 4 and others. Besides the basic ore paragenesis (py- rite, chalcopyrite, magnetite, bornite and enargite), Bi-Se mineral phases and especially Au-Pd mineral phases were also determined. R. Petrunov et al. 5 published pre- liminary microscopic and microprobe data of the occur- rence of the platinum group elements (PGEs) within the Buchim porphyry copper deposit for the first time. An increased content of Pd as well as palladium-mineralisa- tion (PGM-Platinum Group of Minerals) was established in the Cu-Au ores of the deposit in Buchim, Macedonia. Thus, this is the fourth case in the territory of the Balkan peninsula after Bor-Majdanpek, Serbia, 6 Skouries, Greece 7 and Elatsite, Bulgaria 8 where the Cu-porphyry style of hydrothermal PGM has been found. As an alkaline porphyry deposit, the Buchim deposit represents, besides copper, a significant gold resource for Macedonia and fits well into the recently reported ele- vated levels of PGE, particularly Pd and Pt, described in the Cordillera of British Columbia (Copper Mountain, Galore Creek), Allard Stock, La Plana Mountains, Cop- per King Mine in the USA, Skouries porphyry deposit in Greece, Elatsite in Bulgaria, 9 as well as bismuth-sele- nium derivatives. 10 In the latest studies, results were ob- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 71–76 71 UDK 549.01:669.3:553.536(497.72Severovzhodna Makedonija) ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 55(1)71(2021) *Corresponding author's e-mail: todor.serafimovski@ugd.edu.mk (Todor Serafimovski) tained for Au-Pd-bearing pyrite and chalcopyrite as well as Bi-Se±Au±Ag±Te minerals, which are the subject of this study. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Field sampling took place within the boundaries of the active Buchim open-pit mine. Samples were taken from the Central ore body, between 580 m and 540 m, for microscopic and microprobe studies. In total, 40 ore samples were studied under a Zeiss Axiolab Pol polar- ised reflected-light microscope equipped with a ZEISS MC 80 DX (Databack D4) analogue camera and state- of-the-art LEICA DMP 4500 polarised reflected-light microscope equipped with a LEICA DFC 450 digital camera (at magnifications in the range of 100× to 630×) in the optical laboratory of the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, University "Goce Del~ev"-[tip, R. Macedonia. Some of the most representative microscope photographs are given in Figure 1. Quantitative elemental analyses of the most interest- ing samples were performed in two stages. First, an older JEOL Superprobe 733 was used with the following stan- dards: for Bi-synthetic Bi 3 S 3 ; for Ag-synthetic Ag; for Cu, Fe and S-synthetic CuFeS 2 ; for Se-synthetic PbSe; for Pb-synthetic PbS; for As-chemically analysed and checked for homogeneity FeAsS; I = 0.8 A and U=25kV . At the more advanced stage of the study, we used a JEOL JXA-8200 Electron Probe Micro-Analyser WD/ED Combined Microanalyzer (equipped with a SE- and BSE-detector, 5-WDS crystal spectrometer and an EDS analyser) in the analytical facilities at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH-Zurich, Switzer- land. The selected electron-beam conditions were a beam current of 20 nA at an acceleration voltage of 15 kV. The X-ray studies of particular minerals were carried out us- ing X-ray diffraction (TUR-M-60, camera RKD-57, Cu, Ni 30 hours). Besides the spectroscopic analysis of the elements, electron microphotographs were taken. T. SERAFIMOVSKI et al.: Au-Pd AND Bi-Se BEARING PYRITE AND CHALCOPYRITE FROM THE BUCHIM COPPER MINE ... 72 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 71–76 Table 1: Quantitative X-ray spectral analyses (EDS) of bismuth and bismuth-selenium minerals in the Buchim deposit (in w/%), sampling posi- tions shown in Figures 1a to 1d. Element. sample 1234567891 01 1 Bi 99.52 80.36 80.37 54.67 55.38 64.06 64.08 41.69 42.63 41.66 80.11 Pb 0.18 – – 26.64 21.05 – – 33.38 30.03 30.11 2.21 Cu – 0.43 0.31 0.92 6.55 14.14 13.89 – 9.50 10.25 – A g––––– 2.75 2.79 4.96 0.70 0.62 – Fe – 0.62 0.71 – – 0.71 0.61 –––– A s––––––––––– S e––––– 1.48 2.45 0.26 – – 13.41 Te –––––––––– 1.10 S – 18.59 18.61 18.42 17.71 16.74 16.15 16.84 17.20 17.36 3.10 Ó 99.70 100.00 100.00 100.75 100.69 99.98 99.97 97.13 100.06 100.02 99.93 1. Native Bismuth [Bi]; 2. Bismuthinite [(Bi 1.95 Cu 0.03 Fe 0.05 ) 2.04 S 2.95 ]; 3. Bismuthinite [(Bi 1.95 Cu 0.02 Fe 0.05 ) 2.04 S 2.95 ]; 4. Galenobismutite [(Pb 0.92 Cu 0.10 ) 1.02 Bi 1.87 S 4.10 ]; 5. Krupkaite [Cu 1.1 Pb 1.09 Bi 2.85 S 5.94 ]; 6. Emplectite [Bi 1.11 (Cu 0.80 Fe 0.04 Ag 0.09 ) 0.94 (S 1.84 Se 0.11 ) 1.95 ]; 7. Emplectite [Bi 1.12 (Cu 0.80 Fe 0.04 Ag 0.09 ) 0.94 (S 1.84 Se 0.11 ) 1.95 ]; 8. Cosalite [(Pb 1.55 Ag 0.44 ) 1.99 Bi 1.92 (S 5.05 Se 0.03 ) 5.08 ]; 9. Friedrichite [Cu 5.02 (Pb 4.87 Ag 0.21 ) 5.08 Bi 6.85 S 18.01 ]; 10. Friedrichite [Cu 5.36 (Pb 4.84 Ag 0.19 ) 5.03 Bi 6.82 S 17.88 ]; 11. Laitakarite [(Bi 4.01 P 0.10 ) 4.11 (Se 1.78 Te 0.09 S 1.02 ) 2.89 ] Figure 1: Microscope photographs of: a) microscope detail of massive/blocky pyrite (light yellow) associated with some chalcopyrite (darker yellow) within rock matrixand b) representative chalcopyrite-pyrite-magnetite association within corroded quartz vein 3 RESULTS In following review, we present the most important features of the particular Bi, Se and mixtures of rare Bi-Se sulphosalt mineral phases, then we concentrate on the Au, Ag and Pd phases in the chalcopyrite and pyrite. Within the quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite paragenesis, bis- muth and bismuth-selenium minerals occur in the fol- lowing order: quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite-bismuthi- nite-galenobismutite-krupkaite-friedrichite-emplectite-la itakarite-native bismuth (Figure 2, Table 1). Preliminary microscope and microprobe investiga- tions in our "quest" for rare minerals within the Buchim porphyry copper deposit determined two main mineral assemblages: magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite (Mt-Py-Cp) and pyrite-chalcopyrite (Py-Cp) as the major hosts of Au and Pd. The studied pyrite grains are of four different genera- tions (pyrite micro-disseminations, network-like veins of quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite-magnetite, pyrite veinlets and massive/blocky pyrite) and increased concentrations of Au and Pd were determined in so-called block pyrites or massive pyrite with coarse crystallinity and grains up to 0.5 mm (Figure 3). The Au-Pd phase occurs as a sepa- rate mineral phase distinguished by a special color (gull grey to pink grey; Figure 3). That mineral phase mostly corresponds to pyrite (Table 2), but as can be seen from the table, increased gold (7.746 % Au, Table 2, analysis 10) and palladium (6.784 % Pd, Table 2, analysis 11) concentrations are directly associated with decreased concentrations of iron and sulfur as the major constitu- ents of pyrite. 4 DISCUSSION The determined mineral associations in the Buchim deposit are comparable with other deposits of the same type. 2,5,7,11,12 In fact, the similarity is related to the major sulphide and sulphosalt minerals and mineral phases as well as in regards to the rare minerals with the signifi- cant participation of gold, silver, tellurium, selenium, bismuth, platinum, and palladium. The pyrite and chal- copyrite are the most common ore minerals within the T. SERAFIMOVSKI et al.: Au-Pd AND Bi-Se BEARING PYRITE AND CHALCOPYRITE FROM THE BUCHIM COPPER MINE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 71–76 73 Figure 2: Bismuth-selenium mineral paragenesis in the Buchim porphyry copper deposit: a) laitakarite-emplectite agregate (gray-white) in hyd- rothermally altered rock (dark), backscattered electrons, b) laitakarite (white), emplectite (gray), COMPO (when backscattered electron signal (BSE) in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been used for an investigation of a specimen surface composition), c) bismuthinite (white) along chalcopyrite (gray) in hydrothermally altered rock (dark), COMPO, d) illustration of cosalite crystal representative morphological forms, scanning-electron photograph deposit and constitute the major sulphide paragenesis in the Buchim deposit, while the latest mineralogical stud- ies have discovered numerous new mineral phases of bis- muth, Bi-Se, Cu-Bi-As-S, Au-Ag-Pt-Pd and Au-Pd. Bismuth-selenium mineralisation in the Buchim por- phyry copper deposit can be considered as a typomorph for gold-bearing types of endogenous mineralisation. Quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite paragenesis successive order of minerals where bismuth and bismuth-selenium miner- als occur as bismuthinite-galenobismutite-krupkaite- friedrichite-emplectite-laitakarite-native bismuth shows that according to the time of their deposition, they en- gaged substantial amounts of copper and iron. Copper is present in bismuthinite in the range 0.31–1.82 w/% Cu, in galenobismutite 0.92 % w/% Cu, in krupkaite 0.92–6.28 w/%Cu, friedrichite 9.50–10.25 w/%Cu and emplectite 6.55–14.14 w/%Cu. The iron distribution is more homogenous and ranges from 0.61 to 1.90 w/%Fe. Selenium is not representative of the initial part of the paragenesis; it scarcely occurs in krupkaite (1.12 w/%Se), emplectite (1.85–2.45 w/%Se), while the most abundant is in laitakarite (13.5 w/%Se). Increased concentrations of copper and iron in the bismuth-selenium minerals are probably closely related to the intense corrosion alterations in the chalcopyrite. Those alterations exemplify the hydrothermal metamor- phism of chalcopyrite. One fraction of selenium could be attributed to corrosion processes and alterations of chal- copyrite, but during the deposition of laitakarite, there was probably a yield of selenium by hydrothermal solu- tions. In the second paragenesis, which also carries cer- tain amounts of bismuth, significant concentrations of silver (up to 4.96 w/%Ag) occur, as well as a small frac- tion of selenium (0.26 w/%Se). The determined existence of bismuth-selenium mineralisation within the Buchim ore deposit gave us an insight into a more detailed geo- logical-genetic model of the deposit, which can be used in the study and exploration of similar deposits, analo- T. SERAFIMOVSKI et al.: Au-Pd AND Bi-Se BEARING PYRITE AND CHALCOPYRITE FROM THE BUCHIM COPPER MINE ... 74 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 71–76 Figure 3: Electron microprobe photographs of pyrites (dark grey) with Au-Pd admixtures (light grey), from the Buchim porhyry copper deposit, Central Part ore body , with analysis points: a) pyrite grain with Au-Pd admixtures, b) detail, c) microscope detail of massive/blocky pyrite (light yellow) associated with some chalcopyrite (darker yellow) within rock matrix Table 2: Quantitative X-ray spectral analyses of pyrite in the Buchim deposit (w/%) Analysis 1234567891 01 11 2 Au (%) 6.979 0.21 7.627 6.512 0.12 7.54 0.22 0.027 0.1 7.746 6.47 0.033 Fe (%) 39.228 43.636 40.575 39.976 45.458 43.556 43.854 45.438 45.123 39.177 38.932 45.531 S (%) 44.438 53.503 47.352 44.398 53.534 47.342 52.668 51.818 53.265 46.169 45.452 53.926 Cu (%) 0 0 0.01 0.022 0.062 0.012 0 0 0.02 0.034 0 0.024 As (%) 0.157 0 0.019 0.684 0.141 0.02 0.02 0.761 0 0.028 0.042 0.157 Ag (%) 0 0 0.21 0 0 0.73 0.04 0 0.02 0 0 0 Pd (%) 6.33 0.01 1.25 5.65 1.23 0.04 0 2.34 0 6.02 6.784 0.28 Ge (%) 0.31 0.35 – – – 0.21 0.25 0.38 Zn (%) 0.22 – – – 0.37 0.26 0.35 V (%) 0.33 0.25 0.27 0.21 – 0.22 0.41 0.21 0.32 Ni (%) 0.24 0.47 – – 0.21 0.54 0.15 0.28 Se (%) – – 0.74 0.52 – – Bi (%) – – 0.48 0.65 – – Te (%) – – 0.35 0.39 – – 0.21 sum 98.232 98.429 98.883 99.012 100.545 99.88 98.332 100.384 98.528 100.044 99.01 99.951 gous to the Buchim deposit. From an economic point of view, it is a necessary to study the quantitative distribu- tion of bismuth, selenium and silver in the entire deposit and to make an effort to foresee possibilities for their valorization. Characteristic of the Mt-Py-Cp assemblage (earlier and high-temperature) is the geochemical association Fe-Cu-Ni, Co-As-O-S+Au, Ag and Pd, with magnetite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, cobaltite, Ni-Co-Fe-sulfides and na- tive Au (subordinate and rare). Pd is included in the structure of the main, subordinate and rare minerals. Later enrichment of the hydrothermal fluids with Cu, Bi, Se, Te, Pb, As, Au and Ag led to the formation of Py-Cp assemblages overprinting the Mt-Py-Cp aggre- gates. New minerals were formed, partly as a result of the inclusion of the elements in situ: aikinite, bismuthi- nite, friedrichite, wittichenite, soucekite, emplectite, paderaite, merenskyite, michenerite (Serafimovski et al. 2006), other Pd-Bi-Te phases, tennantite (including Pd-, Co- and Ni-bearing), Ni-Co pyrite, Ni-Te phases, Bi-Pb-Ag-S phases, Cu-Fe-Bi-S phases, galena, claus- thalite, sphalerite, native gold, electrum and (in the up- permost levels) enargite, luzonite and pearceite. 5 The Au-Pd association was determined within the py- rite and chalcopyrite of the major ore-bearing phase in the central ore body in the Buchim mine. It should be stressed that this Au-Pd association occupies certain lev- els (580–540 m) within the Buchim open pit. There, ore-bearing pyrite and chalcopyrite are found in associa- tion with magnetite and are usually massive and coarse grained. The relationship between the concentrations of gold, palladium and arsenic in the pyrite and chalcopyrite from the Buchim deposit show a high degree of geochemical correlation. 13 This probably points to the wide range of physicochemical conditions and the interplay between the magmatic and the hydrothermal processes during the formation of the deposit. The addition of volatiles associ- ated with these magma mixing processes was responsible for the magmatic-hydrothermal Cu–Au mineralization in the porphyry intrusion or in the surrounding gneiss host rocks (gneiss). Undoubtedly, REE analyses indicated an oxidizing environment (Ce/Ce*), while the negative Eu-anomaly (Eu/Eu*) points to an earlier crystallization of plagioclase (G. Tasev and T. Serafimovski; 14 S. Lehman et al. 15 ), while high ratios of some trace ele- ments such as Sr/Y and La/Yb may be an indicator for a high pressure and/or strongly hydrous fractionation, as suggested by M. Kolb et al., 16 which all together with the magmatic fluids of the hydrothermal system and certain participation of meteoric portion in the Buchim ore de- posit may be a strong control of the Pd concentration in the ore. The relatively lower Pd content, compared to some other similar systems (M. Economou-Eliopoulos and G. D. Eliopoulos), 17 with increasing Te, As, Pb and Zn content most probably indicates that the Pd distribu- tion in this particular porphyry copper system is effected by the evolution of the magma-hydrothermal system (P. Frei). 18 The palladium content in the Buchim por- phyry copper deposit may be related to an early vein-type Cu mineralization or it was redistributed and concentrated by leaching (due to supergene leaching un- der oxidizing conditions) from early-stage stockwork mineralization. The relatively low Pd-enrichment only in certain samples from the Buchim deposit, may indicate that an oxidation process, by leaching from an early-stage stockwork mineralization could have played a certain role in the precious-metal concentration. How- ever, the fact that Pd-enrichments within the Buchim ore deposit are hosted predominantly as inclusions within sulphides is a strong evidence that the Pd in this deposit is part of the same mineralising event as the Cu and Au. Increased concentration of Au and Pd in practice means that there is a substitution of major pyrite constit- uents by gold and palladium. The fact that gold and pal- ladium form such a mixture in the main mineral phase in pyrite and chalcopyrite equally (temperatures around 250 °C) and their absence in the later phases of the ore-bearing process could indicate the stabilisation of the crystal lattice of the pyrite in the later evolution of the process. In chalcopyrite, the Au-Pd concentrations are proba- bly related to the mixed mineral phases that we were un- able to fully determine, but with the noted presence of Au-Pd in chalcopyrite, we have confirmed that there are numerous mineral phases, such as Bi-Se minerals (laita- karite, friedrichite, cosalite), already determined previ- ously by T. Serafimovski 11 and T. Serafimovski et al. 4 5 CONCLUSIONS The scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopy studies of the ore samples from the Buchim porphyry copper deposit determined several mineral groups with representative mineral paragenesis, where interesting rare mineral phases of Cu-Bi-Se-Te associations and Au-Pd metals were determined. The two main mineral paragenesis, quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite, have been de- fined as major bearers of Bi-Se-Te rare mineral phases where bismuthinite, galenobismutite, krupkaite, fried- richite, emplectite, laitakarite, native bismuth and mag- netite-pyrite-chalcopyrite predominated as the bearer of the Au-Pd mineral phases. The gold content in the Buchim pyrite is within the range 0.027–7.746 % Au, while the palladium content is within the range 0.040–6.784 % Pd, and they are related to the special mixture mineral phases characterised by a gull gray colour. Increased concentrations of Au-Pd in chalcopyrite (6.335–9.095 % Au and 1.33–8.11 % Pd) are related to the massive medium-to-high temperature chalcopyrite, which constitutes the major ore phase within the Buchim deposit. For more detailed definition of the PGE, additional studies are needed. T. SERAFIMOVSKI et al.: Au-Pd AND Bi-Se BEARING PYRITE AND CHALCOPYRITE FROM THE BUCHIM COPPER MINE ... 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