Volume 24 Number 2 June 2000 ISSN 0350-5596 ! Inform atica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Special Issue: Group Support Systeuis Guest Editors: Gary Klein, 00 CS 1 r- Tt- (i a (N !-< !D Xl Morgan M. Shepherd S 3 B- rr i 0 1 /7 ^ /7® 1 1 t«. The Slovene Society Informatika, Ljubljana, Slovenia Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Archive of abstracts may be accessed at USA: http://, Europe: http://ai.ijs.si/informatica, Asia: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/ liuh/Informatica/index.html. Subscription Information Informatica (ISSN 0350-5596) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter (4 issues per year) by the Slovene Society Informatilo, Vožarski pot 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The subscription rate for 2000 (Volume 24) is - DEM 100 (US$ 70) for institutions, - DEM 50 (US$ 34) for individuals, and - DEM 20 (US$ 14) for students plus the mail charge DEM 10 (US$ 7). 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Informatica is published in cooperation with the following societies (and contact persons): Robotics Society of Slovenia (Jadran Lenarčič) Slovene Society for Pattern Recognition (Franjo Pemuš) Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society; Cognitive Science Society (Matjaž Gams) Slovenian Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (Bojan Mohar) Automatic Control Society of Slovenia (Borut Ziipančič) Slovenian Association of Technical and Natural Sciences / Engineering Academy of Slovenia (Janez Peklenik) Informatica is surveyed by: AI and Robotic Abstracts, Al References, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM Digital Library, Applied Science & Techn. Index, COMPENDEX*PLUS, Computer ASAP, Computer Literature Index, Cur. Cont. & Comp. & Math. 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Wharton Rinker School of Business, Palm Beach Atlantic College, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA Phone: 561 803-2462, 803-1469, Fax: 561 803-2467 E-mail: myerssr@pbac.edu Keywords: Group Support Systems, Electronic Brainstorming, Electronic Meeetings, Collaborative Computing Edited by: Morgan Shepherd Received: June 11,1999 Revised: October 10, 1999 Accepted: December 9, 1999 One important task in the decision making process in an organization is that of brainstorming. In a Group Support System (GSS) environment, electronic brainstorming is enabled by special hardware and software that introduces both task gains and losses; and process gains and losses. The impacts of time pressure on task completion and task quality are important concerns for managers. Specifically, we focus on the impacts of time pressure on electronic brainstorming in terms of idea quantity per unit time (idea generation rate) and idea quality (creativity). One hundred and two undergraduate business students were subjects in an experiment examining the impacts of time pressure on: (a) the rate of ideas generated; and (b) the quality (creativity) of the generated ideas. In the treatments, we varied the amount of time available for working on an electronic brainstorming task over time. Social Entrainment Theory indicates that there will be a lasting effect as the length of time to perform a task over several treatments is varied. We hypothesize that the impacts explained by Social Entrainment Theory will occur in the GSS setting. Our results support the research hypotheses that the mean rate of: (a) idea generation, and (b) the creativity of the ideas is unequal in groups operating under different time pressure conditions. 1 Introduction Aronson (1998). Collaborative computing efforts by workgroups are enhanced by new forms of groupware (software and hardware that enables collaborative computing), such Many organizations want to improve group decision mak- as GroupSystems for Windows (Ventana Corporation) and ing activities. Consequently, there are volumes of research Lotus Notes / Domino Server (Lotus Development Corp.). that identify methods to produce more efficient and effec- These are diffusing throughout organizations for use in coltive group decision making. One important task in the de- laborative work, and for distance learning, an area into cision making process in an organization is that of brain- which many universities and colleges are moving along storming. In a Group Support System (GSS) environment, with corporations (see Reinig, Briggs, Brandt and Nuna-electronic brainstorming is enabled by special hardware maker, 1997). and software that introduce both task gains and losses; and process gains and losses (Turban and Aronson 1998). Gen- It is becoming increasingly important for a decision erally, one expects overall gains in task performance and maker to determine not only the appropriate sequence of enhancements to processes due to the introduction of spe- tasks required for a workgroup, but also to allocate the right cial technologies designed to enhance group work. How- amount of time to each task to 'optimize' the group's per- ever, this does not always occur. Sometimes task and pro- formance in terms of quantity and quality of work. De- cess losses may be introduced. For example, one poten- cision making under time pressure is a critical issue in tial task loss in a GSS electronic brainstorming session the modern organization. Since information is available is information overload, when more ideas are generated at the touch of a button, it must be synthesized and uti- than can be 'digested' and utilized by meeting participants lized quickly to become and remain competitive. Practi- in a reasonable time frame. For other examples of gains cally speaking, managers impose appropriate deadlines for and losses, see Nunamaker et al. (1993) and Turban and task completion in the workplace. There are tradeoffs in the quantity of work performed and its quality under time pressure. Given less time, quality and quantity tends to decrease. Given too much time, quality tends to decrease, while quantity may increase. A rushed decision maker may not make as good a decision that he/she could have made given more time. In the modern enterprise, people often work in groups. Likewise, groups also experience time pressures, and prior research on group work indicates that both the quantity and quality (a.k.a. creativity) of a group's output is directly affected by time pressure. Given too much time or too little time, and a group will underper-form in certain ways. Much of the early research on collaborative group work did not involve the use of technology but made use of other techniques often centering on the concept of brainstorming. Osborn (1957) devised brainstorming theory as a method of group problem solving to increase the quality and quantity of ideas developed by group members. In today's fast-paced business environment, time pressure is a major factor in conducting business. However, there have been few research studies that have investigated time pressure as it relates to group processes, productivity, and creativity (Kelly and McGrath, 1985). Some time pressure studies have found that group decisions made under time pressure have lead to poor performance for a variety of groups including government committees (Janis, 1982), various businesses (Thurow, 1980), and even juries (Greenberg, Williams and O'Brien, 1986). Providing too much time for group decisions may even lead to boredom and dissatisfaction (Karau and Kelly, 1993). In a GSS setting, this has been observed as a 'popcorn' effect: that initially, ideas are generated quickly, they peak, and then taper off to the point where only the last few subjects are typing. The remainder of the subjects are either reading or waiting. If too much time is allocated for a brainstorming task, the typing sounds like a bag of microwave popcorn cooking during the last minute or so (e.g., see Myers, 1997). Therefore, the selection of the proper time frame for groups to complete tasks successfully is critical. Specifically, we focus on the impacts of time pressure on electronic brainstorming in terms of idea quantity per unit time (idea generation rate) and idea quality (creativity). One hundred and two undergraduate business students were subjects in an experiment examining the impacts of time pressure on: (a) the rate of ideas generated; and (b) the quality (creativity) of the generated ideas. In the treatments, we varied the amount of time available for working on an electronic brainstorming task over time. Social En-trainment Theory indicates that there will be a lasting effect as the length of time to perform a task over several treatments is varied. We hypothesize that the impacts explained by Social Entrainment Theory will occur in the GSS setting. Our results support the research hypotheses that the mean rate of: (a) idea generation, and (b) the creativity of the ideas is unequal in groups operating under different time pressure conditions. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we discuss the definitions of GSS and related concepts. Following this, we discuss the theory and early research on which this effort is based. We also propose two hypotheses concerning the impacts of time pressure on electronic brainstorming in a GSS setting. In the following section, we describe our method. The last four sections consist of results, discussion, limitations and future research, and implications for GSS researchers and practitioners. A Group Decision Support System (GDSS) is an interactive computer-based system that facilitates the solution of unstructured problems by a group of decision makers (DeSanctis and Gallupe, 1987). Components include hardware, software, people, and procedures that support the process of group work (e.g., see Turban and Aronson, 1998). In the 1990s, reseai'chers eliminated the D from the GDSS acronym to generalize the term to Group Support System (GSS), because they determined that most of the systems were used to enhance meeting performance, but did not necessarily lead to a decision. The terms GSS and Electronic Meeting System (EMS) are used synonymously. An EMS is An information technology (IT)-based environment that supports group meetings, which may be distributed geographically and temporally. The IT environment includes, but is not limited to, distributed facilities, computer hardware and software, audio and video technology, procedures, methodologies, facilitation, and applicable group data. Group tasks include, but are not limited to communication, planning, idea generation, problem solving, issue discussion, negotiation, conflict resolution, system analysis and design, and collaborative group activities such as document preparation and sharing (Dennis et al., 1988). A decision room is a special facility containing computer workstations and a large public screen. The GSS software allows the participants to interact through a variety of tools including electronic brainstorming and ranking / voting. Our study focuses on electronic brainstorming (i.e., idea generation), a common task in GSS settings. Next we discuss specifics of the base theory and research. 3 Theory and Research Concepts associated with brainstorming have been widely investigated since Osborn (1957) first proposed the theory. Over twenty studies have found that nominal groups (individuals generating ideas on their own which are then combined with the ideas of other individuals also working on their own) generate more ideas than the same number of people in face-to-face interacting groups (Mullen, Johnson and Salas, 1991; Gallupe, Bastianutti, and Cooper, 1991). Consequently, researchers have attempted to create environments that enhance group performance. Only a few studies have examined the impact of time constraints on group productivity. A variety of approaches describe how time constraints influence group productivity. Wright (1974) found that group members under time pressure systematically place greater weight on negative evidence than those group members not under time pressure. Zakay and Wooler (1984) describe how high effectiveness diminished rapidly when time pressure was applied. Under time pressure, old habits that tend to overrule newly learned skills are activated. The reemergence of old habits may be deemed a form of social entrainment where an external condition (such as a time limit) alters the way the group is working. We turn to this concept next. 3.1 Time Pressure and Entrainment The entrainment concept relating to group performance is a relatively new area of research. Kelly and McGrath (1985) initially investigated the entrainment concept applied to group performance. They defined social entrainment as "a concept that refers to the altering of social rhythms or patterns by external conditions (such as time limits), and to the persistence of such new rhythms over time" (p. 395). This concept may have direct impacts on business in terms of optimizing training programs. However, our interest focuses directly on how time limits alter work patterns. We are interested in establishing how the quantity and quality of ideas in an electronic brainstorming task are altered by the concept of entrainment. Given an understanding of how entrainment impacts on task performance, a good manager can determine the correct sequence of tasks, along with appropriate time allocations for each one. Brainstorming is one task that decision makers perform on a regular basis. Though electronic group meetings have steps that follow brainstorming, we focus on this first one. Later studies may be conducted to establish the impacts of time pressure on the entire electronic meeting process. Their 1985 study of entrainment utilized 512 undergraduate students. The students were given two tasks consisting of either production, planning, or discussion tasks as identified by Hackman (1966). Production tasks required the group to generate ideas. Discussion tasks required the group to evaluate an issue and planning tasks required the group to describe a plan of action to achieve a goal (Kelly and McGrath, 1985). Dimensions that assessed both quality and quantity of idea generation were selected from those developed by Hackman, Jones, and McGrath (1967). The groups were given two time periods in which to work. One time period was 10 minutes while the second time period was 20 minutes. The time periods were varied between groups (Kelly and McGrath, 1985). At the conclusion of the experiments, the group members were asked to identify the main source of stress they experienced during the experiments. This assessment was completed through the use of post-test questionnaires. The format of the data collection was free response. All responses were then classified into one of two categories: (a) time pressure, or (b) all other responses (Kelly and McGrath, 1985). This study also utilized two judges rating each of the dimensions utilized in the research. The judges used a 7-pile sort-resort technique as noted by Hackman, Jones and McGrath (1967). As part of the research, the inter-rater reliability of the judges was assessed (Kelly and McGrath, 1985). This study found that time constraints do influence group performance. The shorter time period led to higher rates of performance but at a cost to quality. The 20 minute time period generated higher quality ideas than those generated by the 10 minutes period groups (Kelly and McGrath, 1985). This study also supported the concept of social entrainment. Kelly and McGrath (1985) found that persistence of interaction and performance patterns continued even when the situational conditions (time pressure) was altered. Kelly, Futoran, and McGrath (1990) continued the research by reporting the results of seven studies that investigated the entrainment concept. Their method was similar to the previous study by Kelly and McGrath (1985). All of the studies utilized undergraduate students who received course credit for their participation. The various studies used groups who operated under differing time periods. These periods were varied among the groups. The tasks used in these studies included the unusual-uses tasks' that were identified by McGrath (1984). These tasks required groups to develop unusual-uses for common items. For each of these time trials the groups consisted of either dyads or triads. The time constraints for these seven experiments varied between 5 minutes and 20 minutes depending upon the task used (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). This study found that entrainment effects can be divided into two types: (a) initial trial effects, or (b) trial-to-trial carry-over. This study found that when investigating rate of ideas, initial trial effects show that short initial trials lead to faster rates of performance while long initial trials lead to slower rates of performance. The trial-to-trial carry-over effects on rate of idea generation showed groups that ex- ' Unusual-tasks problems involve brainslorming efforts on very un-eommoii issues that most people typically would not have encountered before. These arc useful for comparing treatments in a GSS experimental setting for three reasons: firstly, the subject is unlikely to have encountered the task previously; secondly, the subject can easily understand the task because the function and content of the object in question is familiar; and thirdly, the task has an appropriate level of complexity so as to make it interesting, somewhat challenging, and yet quite doable by the subject. Examples of unusual-uses tasks include 1) the two thumbs problem ("What additional tasks would you be able to perform if you had two thumbs on each hand?"); 2) the paperclip problem ("What can be done with a production overrun of paperclip wire material?"); and 3) the tea bag problem ("What can be done with an overrun of teabag netting?"). For others, see Wheeler, [!. and B. Mcnnecke (eds.), "Research Tasks Repository," at IS-World Net, http://ais-notcs.bus.indiana.edu/isworld/tasks.nsf, and follow the links from "Group Tasks by Type" to "Idea Generation." perienced difficulty as related to capability seemed to slow down their rate on subsequent trials. Groups that experienced difficulty as related to capacity seemed to speed up rates on later trials (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990) discussed these concepts of capacity and capability. Capacity problems generally involve issues of either time, load, or difficulty level. If a group is facing capacity problems associated with time pressure, they will attempt to compensate for the capacity problem by speeding up their rate. The concept of entrain-ment is observed when the group continues this pace in a subsequent trial even when the time limit has been relaxed (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990) noted that groups operating under classic brainstorming instruction would most likely experience capacity problems as they attempt to obtain as many ideas as possible. Problems associated with capability are generally defined as tasks that are "beyond the unit's current or momentary task performance capabilities" (p. 287). The method groups use to deal with this problem is not to speed up their work but rather to slow down. This slow down allows the group more processing time for the task (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990) investigated how the concepts of capacity and capability relate to time pressure and group decision making. Capacity problems generally involve issues of either time, load, or difficulty level. They discovered that if a group faces time pressure-based capacity problems, the members attempt to compensate by speeding up their work rate. (We base our treatments in which we measure the rate of idea generation on Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). The concept of entrainment occurs when the group continues this pace in a subsequent trial, even when the time constraint has been relaxed (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990) also noted that groups operating under classic brainstorming instructions would most likely experience capacity problems as they attempt to generate as many ideas as possible. Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990) found that on the initial trial, groups work at a faster (production) rate with the shorter initial time limit and the higher task load. The study also found that groups working on the unusual-uses tasks and beginning with the short time period will generate ideas at about the same rate by the end of the time period as in the beginning. It is thought that these groups will only experience a capacity problem and they leave the time period believing that they will simply complete as many ideas as the time period permits. If the group has problems of the same general difficulty and at least the same problem load in the next longer time period, the group is likely to work at nearly the same rate during the longer time period to solve the capacity problem experienced by the group during the first time period (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990) also provided a posttest questionnaire to group members. The questionnaire asked participants "how much they had felt stress" during the time period (p. 308). The word "stress" was not defined. The questionnaire also asked the participants to note the cause of their stress. Over two-thirds of the group members who answered that question noted their stress was caused by time pressure. This study also noted a negative relationship between rate of idea generation and quality of performance (Kelly, Futoran and McGrath, 1990). Kelly and Karau (1993) have completed the most recent study investigating time pressure and entrainment. Their study was designed to investigate both the "initial and persisting effects of time on group creativity" (p. 179). This study also utilized the unusual-uses tasks that have traditionally been used to measure group creativity when utilizing brainstorming rules (Lamm and Trommsdorff, 1973; Diehl and Stroebe, 1987). Kelly and Karau (1993) used 99 undergraduate students to participate in the experiments. The students were placed into triads to complete the group work. The experimental design was a 3 (trials) X 3 (time limit order) factorial. The three orders of time limits were 4, 8, and 12 minutes; 8, 8, and 8 minutes; or 12, 8, and 4 minutes. This study also utilized common objects as the materials for the research. These materials were taken from Kelly, Futoran and McGrath (1990). Kelly and Karau (1993) used both quantity and creativity-dependent measures. They calculated the rate of use as the number of uses generated by the group per minute. Scale values were determined for both creativity and feasibility of ideas. These scale values were determined through a seven pile sort-resort procedure as identified by Hackman, Jones and McGrath (1967). Inter-rater reliability was also calculated as the correlation between the judges' ratings (Kelly and Karau, 1993). As a part of this research, two judges created 14 hierarchical categories that sufficiently categorized each of the uses generated by the groups. This categorization is similar to that of Vroom, Grant and Cotton (1969) and Lamm and Trommsdorff (1973). A variety of calculations could then be completed including the mean number of categories produced, number of categories generated per minute, and number of uses generated per category (Kelly and Karau, 1993). During the experiment, two three-person, same-sex groups were utilized. Participants were randomly assigned , to both seat positions and groups. A facilitator instructed the group, giving the following information: (a) the purpose of the study was to examine creative idea generation in three-person groups, (b) the groups were asked to generate creative and unusual uses for the common objects, and (c) the groups were instructed to focus on both quantity, originality, and feasibility of the uses. The groups were then given common objects and asked to produce 15 uses for each object. Just prior to the trial the groups were given the time constraint. At the conclusion of each trial, the groups were asked to complete a questionnaire containing questions on both performance and members' perceptions of each trial (Kelly and Karau, 1993). This study found that on the first trial, rate and creativity may be inversely related. The study also found that faster rates led to lower creativity while slower rates led to higher creativity (Kelly and Karau, 1993). Across-trial ratings, however, show that creativity increased over the three trials in the 4, 8, and 12 minute session and in the 12, 8, and 4 minute session. For the decreasing time series, there is a gain over trials in creativity and rate. Therefore, time pressure does not necessarily lead to reduced creativity in group performance (Kelly and Karau, 1993). 3.2 Hypotheses We are interested in determining the kinds of treatments that yield the largest rates of idea generation with the highest level of creativity. The prior research on social entrain-ment and group work leads us to the following hypotheses: HI: The mean rate of idea generation is unequal in groups operating under differing time-constraints. H2: The mean rate of the creativity of ideas is unequal in groups operating under differing time constraints. The key to conducting research to test these hypotheses empirically involves using appropriate tasks (complexity and motivation), appropriate timing (related to task complexity), appropriate subjects (students), and an appropriate environment (a decision support room with excellent collaborative computing software). 4 Methods 4.1 Subjects Subjects were undergraduate students enrolled in general business courses at a private southern college. One hundred and two students participated in 34 3-member, same-gender groups. Gender was evenly distributed over conditions. Previous research involving students as subjects has been validated by a number of researchers. Students provide ready subjects, receive course credit for taking part in experiments (providing motivation), are generally given familiar enough tasks to make it possible for them to perform, and provide a ready control group which cannot be provided in field studies. Many GSS studies have used students (e.g., see Dennis and Gallupe, 1993). There has been much debate in the literature over whether students make appropriate subjects for behavioral research; notably, Mc-Grath (1982), Gordon, Slade and Schmitt (1986), Green-berg, Gordon, Slade and Schmitt (1987), Dobbins, Lane and Steiner (1988), and Slade, Gordon, Dobbins, Lane and Steiner (1988). In summary, researchers have established that if the task is appropriate to the students, they behave reasonably, else there may be problems, i.e., the researcher must fit the task to the students' understanding, ability and motivation. Group size should be optimized to the task (Dennis and Gallupe, 1993; Gallupe, Dennis, Cooper, Valacich, Bas-tianutti and Nunamaker, 1992). For our study, there was an upper limit imposed by the room configuration. Brainstorming with a group size of 1 is not a group study. The length of time of task is somewhat related to the group size in electronic brainstorming. In our pilot tests, we observed that ideas repeat in the later studies. Since there is a relatively finite set of unusual uses that is generated, we decided that groups of size 3 would be appropriate in conjunction with the time limits imposed. Larger groups would generate more ideas quickly due to the parallelism of the GSS, indicating that even shorter session times would be necessary to impose time pressure, which would pose measurement problems. Likewise, longer times would require smaller groups, which would be difficult. Finally, some of the earlier validated studies used groups of size three. The use of same sex groups was adopted because of previous research. Perhaps certain distractions can be held to a minimum this way. Again, this is another control imposed on the experimentation. 4.2 Tasks The tasks consisted of three different unusual-uses tasks utilizing three common objects as noted by Kelly and Karau (1993). The unusual-uses tasks have been validated (Dennis and Gallupe, 1993) for GSS studies. They provide relatively simple topics that can be used for brainstorming by almost anyone, without any specialized knowledge, such as that of an expert who is highly motivated to solve a given problem. The unusual-uses tasks may even provide motivation in that they are understandable and doable, whereas attempting to solve a real-world problem such as high-crime or parking in a creative way would, no doubt, require the specialized expertise. Three objects as identified by Kelly and Karau (1993) were used to generate ideas within the groups. These objects included the following: (a) coffee cup, (b) shoelace, and (c) paper clip. These objects were counterbalanced across conditions and trials as noted by Kelly and Karau (1993). Subjects were instructed to generate "as many creative and unusual uses as possible" for each of the objects in three separate time trials. Each 3-member group participated in three time trials utilizing a different object for each trial. The order of the objects was random for the trials. Every 30 seconds, the group facilitator verbally noted the time remaining in the exercise. Each group performed three idea generating tasks under three different treatments of sets of time periods. Within the treatments, the time period lengths were designated as follows: one time period was considered to be high pressure (3 minutes), the second period provided adequate time to perform the task (6 minutes), and the third time period provided more time than necessary to perform the task (9 minutes). Task appropriateness in our context is based on task complexity, group size, and the time allocated to complete the task. All three factors are related. As mentioned above, the GSS process gain of parallelism impacts directly on all three factors. Parallelism in GSS required us to reduce the task times that were used in prior studies (e.g., Kelly and Karau, 1993). In pilot testing, small groups of size 3 could complete the task adequately in six minutes. Nine minutes provided an excess of time, while three minutes was inadequate. Based on prior research, we expect decreases in performance in the 3, 6, 9 minute treatment as we move from 3 to 6 to 9 minutes; moderate increases in performance in the 6, 6, 6 minute treatment; and the highest increase in performance in the 9, 6, 3 minute treatment. 4.3 Independent Variables The independent variable studied was the set (treatments) of time periods allotted during the experiment. Three sets of time periods were used. These sets of time periods required each group to work for one set of the three sets of time periods. The sets of time periods were 3, 6, and 9 minutes; or 6,6, and 6 minutes; or 9, 6, and 3 minutes. The groups were randomly assigned to one of the three cases. Participants were also instructed to follow Osborn's (1957) brainstorming rules. 4.4 Software and the Decision Support Room The GSS computer software used for this study is Group-Systems for Windows. This software has a strong reputation in the marketplace as being one of the best GSS packages. GroupSystems for Windows has most features needed for running effective electronic meetings in a same time / same place GSS setting. GroupSystems presents a horizontally split screen to the user. The ideas input by all participants are displayed on the upper part of the screen. A separate window in the lower part of the screen allows the user to type in his/her ideas and submit them into the common area. The software can be controlled and monitored from the facilitator workstation located in the front of the Decision Support Room at the School of Business and En-trepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, where the experiments were conducted. As part of the experiment, an electronic brainstorming training task was conducted to familiarize the subjects with the system. 4.5 Measures Both quantity and creativity-dependent measures were used. The rate of idea generation was calculated as the number of non-redundant ideas generated by the group in 30 second intervals. Creativity scale values for each generated idea were determined through a sort procedure de- scribed by Diehl and Stroebe (1987) and Gallupe et al. (1992). In this procedure, two raters independently sorted all the relevant^, nonredundant^ ideas generated by the groups based upon a five-point scale. The scale ranged from 1 (very low creativity) to 5 (very high creativity). Raters were given definitions for each of the anchor points on the scale. Following the work of Hackman, Jones and McGrath (1967, , 389), an idea was rated as a 1 (very low creativity) to the extent that it is "ordinary, everyday, or usual in content". An idea was rated 5 (very high creativity) if it is "unique, fresh, unusual, surprising, or refreshing". The two raters were defined as in agreement if their ratings were within one point of each other. Reliability was then calculated as the correlation between the ratings assigned by the two independent raters (Diehl and Stroebe, 1987; Gallupe et al., 1992; and Dennis, Valacich, Carte, Garfield, Haley and Aronson, 1997). Inter-rater reliability was adequate (r=.98). It would have been possible to allow the subjects to rate the ideas, however, this would have introduced another undesirable degree of freedom into the experiment. 5 Results 5.1 Idea Generation Rate The mean and standard deviations for the measure of the idea generation rate, in 30 second intervals, of the 3, 6, 9 minute group are shown in Table I. The results of the statistical analyses are depicted in Table 2. ANOVA analyses of groups utilizing this 3, 6, 9 minute treatment resulted in F(2,429)=0.82, p=0.442. Table 1: Group Overall Means for Idea Rate (3, 6, 9 Group) Group N Mean StDev 3 minute 72 3.78 1.83 6 minute 144 3.63 1.57 9 minute 216 3.55 1.58 The mean and standard deviations for the measure of the idea generation rate, in 30 second intervals, of the 6, 6, 6 group are shown in Table 3. The results of the statistical analyses are depicted in Table 4. ANOVA analyses ^Relevant ideas were used in our study. Sometimes subjects will enter irrelevant (non-task related) ideas such as "I'm getting hungry!" or "How long are we supposed to do this?" These are omitted from the study as distracters. 'Nonredundant ideas were chosen because in terms of productivity, two redundant ideas simply count as one contribution toward the brainstorming effort. However, it is possible to have closely related, nonredundant ideas (i.e., for the tea bag problem: "Fishing nets for boat or dock fishing" and "fishing nets for home acquariums.") or ideas that develop as a result of other ideas (again, for the tea bag problem: "inosquito netting for camping", and "sun shading for camping."). In both cases, these would be counted as two ideas. Table 2: ANOVA for Idea Rate (3, 6, 9 Group) Source DF Factor 2 Error 429 Total 431 SS 4.29 1126.19 1130.48 MS 2.14 2.63 F 0.82 P 0.44 Table 5; Group Overall Means for Idea Rate (9,6, 3 Group) Group 9 minutes 6 minutes 3 minutes N-216 144 72 Mean 2.57 3.08 4.29 StPev 1.30 1.42 1.85 groups utilizing this 6, 6, 6 minute treatment resulted in F(2,357)=5.33,p=0.005. Table 3: Group Overall Means for Idea Rate (6,6,6 Group) Group 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes N 120 120 120 Mean 3.66 4.23 4.38 StPev 1.49 1.78 2.11 Table 6: ANOVA for Idea Rate (9, 6, 3 Group) Source Factor Error Total DF 2 429 431 161.75 890.97 1052.72 MS 80.88 2.08 F 38.94 P 0.00 results of the statistical analyses are depicted in Table 8. ANOVA analyses of groups in this treatment resulted in F(2,429)=0.19,p=0.827. Table 4: ANOVA for Idea Rate (6, 6, 6 Group) Source DF Factor 2 Error 357 Total 359 SS 34.87 1168.28 1203.16 MS 17.44 3.27 F 5.33 P O.Ol Table 7: Group Overall Means for Idea Creativity (3, 6, 9 Group) Group N Mean StDev 3 minutes 72 1.21 0.28 6 minutes 144 1.19 0.31 9 minutes 216 1.20 0.28 The mean and standard deviations for the measure of the idea generation rate, in 30 second intervals, of the 9, 6, 3 group are shown in Table 5. The results of the statistical analyses are depicted in Table 6. ANOVA analyses of groups utilizing this 9, 6, 3 minute treatment resulted in F(2,429)=38.94, p=0.000. Therefore, the ANOVA analyses for the three time set treatments support HI. For all groups, a decrease in the mean rate occurs during the initial periods of the testing. Additionally, all three groups experienced an increase in the mean rate of ideas during the last 30 second interval. It is important to note that the overall mean rate of idea generation for the 3, 6, 9 minute treatment decreases as the amount of time increases, while those of the 6, 6, 6 minute and 9, 6, 3 minute treatments both increase, with the most dramatic increase in the latter case, for which we observe the entrainment effect. Finally, though we did not measure the levels of boredom or satisfaction, we observed that there was a sharper tapering off of the typing activity towards the end of the 9 minute time periods, and more so for the 3, 6,9 minute treatments, than for the 9,6, 3 minute treatments. 5.2 Idea Creativity The mean and standard deviations for the idea creativity measures of the 3, 6, 9 group are shown in Table 7. The The mean and standard deviations for the idea creativity measures of the 6, 6, 6 group are shown in Table 9. The results of the statistical analyses are depicted in Table 10. ANOVA analyses of groups in this treatment resulted in F(2,357)=4.04,p=0.0I8. The mean and standard deviations for the idea creativity measures of the 9, 6, 3 group are shown in Table 11. The results of the statistical analyses are depicted in Table 12. ANOVA analyses of groups in this treatment resulted in F(2,429)=0.52, p=0.594. The ANOVA analyses for the three treatments support H2. One area of interest is the low overall mean values of the creativity of generated ideas. Prior research in a related study noted similar creativity means (Kelly and Ka-rau, 1993). Based upon the mean values for creativity generated by this study, there is support for the claim by Kelly and Karau (1993) that groups under more time pressure generate a faster mean rate of ideas but generate ideas of lower creativity than groups under less time pressure. 6 Discussion The results of the experiment suggest that time pressure does directly impact the rate of ideas generated by groups performing electronic brainstorming in a GSS setting. The Table 8: ANOVA for Idea Creativity (3, 6, 9 Group) Source Factor Error Total DF 2 429 431 SS 0.03 37.12 37.15 MS 0.02 0.09 F 0.19 P 0.83 Table 11 : Group Overall Means for Idea Creativity (9, 6, 3 Group) Group N Mean StPev 9 minutes 216 1.17 0.34 6 minutes 144 1.20 0,31 3 minutes 72 1.17 0.18 Table 9: Group Overall Means for Idea Creativity (6, 6, 6 Group) Group N Mean StPev 6 minutes 120 1.29 0.32 6 minutes 120 1.20 0.24 6 minutes 120 1.21 0.21 Table 12: ANOVA for Idea Creativity (9, 6, 3 Group) Source Factor Error Total DF 2 429 431 SS 0.10 40.13 40.23 MS 0.05 0.09 F 0.52 P 0.59 ANOVA statistical testing supports the concept of social entrainment described by Kelly and Karau (1993). Therefore, initially placing groups of individuals into high pressure brainstorming situations seems to result in sustained high pressure performance even when these individuals are later given extended time to complete similar tasks (see Tables 1 and 2). Conversely, when individuals are given longer initial periods to complete a task, these individuals increase their productivity as the time pressure is increased (see Tables 5 and 6). Therefore, it follows that managers must carefully consider the time management and time allotment that employees are provided to complete tasks. Special conditions in collaborative computing environments (like synchronicity and even asynchronicity) require knowledge about how to impose or relax time pressure constraints on a group. Starting employees under high pressure conditions may create continued high pressure performance; providing too much time may be detrimental. One of the interesting findings of this study centers on idea creativity. Tables 7, 9, and 11 show surprisingly low mean scores for creativity relative to other studies on creativity (e.g., Dennis, Valacich, Carte, Garfield, Haley and Aronson, 1997). Our results indicate that individuals under any time pressure condition generate ideas that are relatively low in creativity. A critical impact here is that managers must recognize that placing individuals in high time pressure situations may result in ideas of relatively low creativity. Table 10: ANOVA for Idea Creativity (6, 6, 6 Group) Source Factor Error Total DF 2 357 359 SS 0.55 24.45 25.00 MS 0.28 0.07 F 4.04 P 0.02 7 Limitations and Future Research There are several limitations associated with this study. First, undergraduate business students were utilized in this study. Utilizing students in research that generates ideas may limit those ideas based upon the participant's limited experiences. Additionally, the students were given a portion of their final course grade for simply participating in the research. Therefore, the motivation, and as a consequence, the pressure felt by the students may not have been as great as would occur in a business environment. However, using students as subjects in experimental treatments comparing different approaches is generally considered a valid research approach as are the results (see Mc-Grath, 1982; Gordon, Slade and Schmitt, 1986; Green-berg, Gordon, Slade and Schmitt, 1987; Dobbins, Lane and Steiner, 1988; and Slade, Gordon, Dobbins, Lane and Steiner, 1988). Field studies in real business environments are impossible to control or repeat. Though, to better understand the impact of time pressure, it would be appropriate to further study this variable utilizing individuals from the business environment in field studies. Further research is appropriate for both non-management as well as management groups. Studying the differences and/or similarities between these two groups may also provide additional insights into time pressure studies. Second, the tasks used in this study, though attempting to inspire creativity, were simplistic in nature. This of course helps when using student subjects, so long as sufficient time is allocated for the given level of task complexity. Although the tasks were taken from prior GSS research and therefore grounded in the literature, care should always be taken when generalizing the results across all idea generating tasks. Investigating differing research tasks is an area in which further research is suggested. Third, even though two individuals rated idea quality (creativity) with high inter-rater reliability, it is possible that the creativity scale was biased or inappropriate, or that the ideas generated may not really have been very creative. Many low-rated creative ideas may weigh more heavily than a few, very creative ideas. In a real-world decision making situation, a few high-quality ideas may be the optimal solution space to the problem being solved, but, the creativity measure allows for many low-rated creative ideas to indicate a better job of brainstorming. This is a weakness of the creativity measure. In addition, in a real-world decision making situation, the participants generally discard duplicate, irrelevant and low-quality ideas. This, however, would have skewed the study by adding another degree of freedom. Fourth, the facilitator announced the time remaining for each exercise every 30 seconds. During the final 30 second intervals, participants increased the mean rates of their tasks which does occur in real-world brainstorming situations. Additional research in which the participants are not informed about the remaining time and the treatment abruptly ends without warning would be beneficial to determine if this trend remains constant. Fifth, 3 minute blocks of time may have been too long (or too short) for the subjects to perform their task. Perhaps treatments consisting of shorter time intervals such as 1.5, 3 and 4.5 minutes, or 1, 2, and 3 minutes, would have been more suitable. Sixth, learning curve influences may have occurred in that the students became more proficient with the software or the brainstorming task itself, so that early efforts may have not been performed at the peak level of performance. 8 Implications This work, and potential extensions, have some interesting impacts on how managers can incorporate collaborative computing technologies, and on how GSS could be designed and utilized in practice. This includes newer collaborative systems that do not require all participants in a meeting to work in the same place at the same time. Time pressure exists even for groups working asynchronously. Work groups are affected by time pressures, independent of special technology. A good manager should have an expectation of how much time an employee, or a work group, requires to perform a task at sufficient levels of competency and excellence. Now, managers must develop an awareness of how collaborative computing technologies, such as GSS, impact on task performance. A good manager must adjust his/her expectations for the group, and allow an appropriate amount of time to perform tasks at hand, especially when using GSS. A manager can then impose varying time pressures for each task at hand to create a work environment to produce desired results, e.g., the quality level and amount of work performed. A good manager should know that too much time can be just as detrimental as not enough time for task completion. GSS can be designed to incorporate time pressure effects induced by a facilitator by indicating how close the group is to using their time allotment in completing various tasks. In synchronous mode, i.e., groups working in a "decision" room - the same time / same place situation, induced time pressure could keep the group 'synchronized' and move them along throughout their tasks while using GSS. Time pressure effects could be more dramatic in asynchronous, dispersed groups, i.e., groups using Web-based groupware (see Turban and Aronson 1998) - the different time / different place situation. In this latter case, time pressure is automatically imposed by creating strict deadlines (synchronization points) so that the entire group will know when it can view their results and thus know when to move on to the next phase of the meeting to make further contributions. This is critical for dispersed groups in multiple time zones, which is not uncommon in distance learning environments. The multiple time zone situation causes other problems, and managers must take care to include all members in the process. In either case, time pressure and the effects of en-trainment could generally be imposed by the facilitator in consultation with the manager of the group when setting the agenda for the meeting. Further work can include using different sets of times, tasks other than brainstorming (such as decision making tasks), multiple-step electronic group meetings, asynchronous group environments, real-world environments, comparison of GSS time pressure effects with those of groups in manual mode, the relationship of time pressure to member satisfaction, and others. References [1] Dennis, A.R. and R.B. Gallupe (1993), A history of GSS empirical research. Chapter 3 of Jessup, L.M. and J.S. Valacich, Group support systems: New perspectives, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 59-11. [2] Dennis, A.R., J.F. George, L.M. Jessup, J.F. Nuna-maker and D.R. Vogel (1988), Information technology to support electronic meetings, MIS Quarterly, 12, 4, 591-624, December. [3] Dennis, A.R., J.S. Valacich, T. Carte, M. Garfield, B. Haley J.E. and Aronson (1997), The effectiveness of multiple dialogues in electronic brainstorming. Information Systems Research, 8, 1-9. [4] DeSanctis, G. and R. 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Kelly The College of William & Mary, School of Business Administration, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, Tel: 757 221-2970, E-mail: ggkell@business.wm.edu Keywords: Information systems. Joint applications development, facilitation, coordination, distributed work environments, group processes Edited by: Gary Klein Received: June 11, 1999 Revised: December 9, 1999 Accepted: December 14, 1999 Virtual teams have become a fixture of organizations in the 90s. Part of the reason for the creation of virtual teams is the existence of limited resources or need for people to share knowledge concurrently over long distances. Software development is not an exception to this problem, and it is likely to become even more of a distributed process in the near future. In this paper we address the problems that are likely to be found in distributed Joint Application Design (JAD) efforts. We then propose an interpretivistic study to perform a more complete analysis of the key issues in distributed JAD. Important applications to practice are raised. 1 Introduction see where there are areas of agreement and where there are conflicts. Meeting with all these impor- IBM developed Joint Application Design (JAD) in the late tant people for over a week of intense sessions 1970's as a process for collecting information system re- allows you the opportunity to resolve conflicts, quirements and reviewing system designs. The premise or at least to understand why a conflict may not of JAD is to add structure to the requirements definition be simple to resolve, phase of analysis by involving key stakeholders in structured meetings run by a session leader (Hoffer, George et al. 1998). The JAD session leader is often asked to wear many hats (e.g., group facilitator, systems analyst, and ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ proponents is that sometimes project leader). In JAD sessions, participants infeasibie to have groups meet at the same time share knowledge and documents pertaining to requirements »o geographic separation, diffi- definition including process models, data models, and other scheduling all members, and other constraints. Al- documents and diagrams. Computer Aided Software Engi- information technology (IT) easily allows dispersed Heering (CASE) tools help transform unstructured informa- distributed work groups to communicate, the lack of tion into structured models that can be shared by all partic- ^ce-to-face (FTF) involvement has provided new issues to ipants. The main purpose of JAD perhaps is best summa- ^^dress in the systems development environment (Bandow rized in the following excerpt from (Hoffer, George et ai. 'This paper presents our findings from our initial research project that investigates the coordination and facilitation of distributed groups conducting JAD. First we The primary purpose of using JAD in the present a limited review of the current literature regarding analysis phase is to collect systems requirements distributed JAD and facilitation of JAD sessions. Next, the simultaneously from the key people involved methodology employed in this initial project is explained, with the system. The result is an intense and We conclude the paper with a discussion of our findings structured, but highly effective, process. As with and conclusions. We have used the findings presented here a group interview, having all the key people to- as the basis for on going and future research projects re- gether in one place at one time allows analysts to lated to distributed environments for group work. 2 Distributed JAD Drawing on the literature of traditional JAD research, critical elements have been identified in order to increase the likelihood of effective JAD sessions. (Carmel, Whitaker et al. 1993) identified the following four building blocks: 1. Facilitation. A designated leader (or leaders) manages the meeting. Some JAD practitioners consider the meeting leader to be key to process success, even more so than the act of gathering the users in one place, the essence of JAD. 2. Agenda setting/structure. The meeting must have a plan of action. 3. Documentation. One or more designated scribes carefully document everything in the meeting. Various lists are rigorously maintained. 4. Group Dynamics. Group dynamics techniques are used for inspiring creativity (e.g., brainstorming), resolving disagreements (e.g., airing facts, documenting them as "issues," taking notes), and handling speaking protocols (e.g., enforcing "only one conversation at a time"). Transferring these factors into a distributed setting is not necessarily an easy task. These building blocks become more difficult to manage when groups become distributed geographically, and some of the key structures of JAD may become infeasible due to this distribution. Before examining the possible effects of distribution on traditional JAD, it is important to illustrate how groups can be distributed. Not only can groups be distributed by time and space (Johansen 1988), but they can also be proportionately distributed by members. For example, some groups may have geographically co-located members and other geographically co-located members that are at another location. This brings to light a third category, degree of distribution. Therefore, distributed groups can vary in time (same/different), place (same/different), and degree of distribution (partial/complete). Please see figure 1 for an illustration. With traditional JAD everyone meets at the same time often for several days at an off-site location thus providing an environment absent from other distractions. This scenario is unlikely to occur with distributed JAD due to normal business demands on participants that they are unlikely to be able to divorce themselves from. Furthermore, there is often a lack of social norms of a typical group, and there is no particular consequence for missing an action. On the other hand, research by (Evaristo, Scudder et al. 1998; Evaristo and Fenema 1999)suggests that critical to the success of distributed projects are: (1) a initial face to face meeting where all the stakeholders meet and get to know each other; (2) a traditionally scheduled meeting, for instance once a week, where everybody meets even if on a video teleconferencing link; this should happen even when there is no specific agenda to be discussed as subjects always come up anyway. It is the opinion of the authors that most distributed JAD in the future will be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous place and time with distribution of participants uncertain (e.g., can be partial or complete). It is also important to note that the facilitator can be distributed, or co-located, and that there may be multiple facilitators. The role of the facilitator has been identified as one of the critical elements for successful traditional JAD. Exactly how this role is enacted in a distributed environment is just beginning to unfold. The rapid growth and adoption of the Internet, desktop conferencing, and telecommuting are requiring workers to participate in distributed meeting although many participants are ill prepared to effectively contribute in a distributed environment (Kelly and Bostrom 1998). When groups are distributed geographically the dynamics of the group change and this can often produce many challenges in facilitation. FTF groups exhibit more effective leadership and coordination competence over their distributed counterparts (Burke and Chidambaram 1995). The importance of facilitation is heightened in a distributed JAD environment. The facilitator is often the person appropriating the technology. To maximize the effectiveness of this new process, facilitators must be aware of the components that make-up the JAD environment. They must be skilled at helping others address the task before them. The facilitator not only facilitates the actual JAD sessions but is also responsible for many pre-and post- JAD session activities. It is often the facilitator's job to perform the agenda setting and providing structure that is identified as a critical JAD element. In addition, facilitators must also be skilled at helping group members deal with the group dynamics aspects of the changes they are attempting to make, especially when these changes are radical, as is often the case with JAD (Conner, 1992). For example, group dynamics are an important aspect in getting a group to agree on task issues. In order for any group to be productive, it must give attention to task accomplishment. That is, the work of different members must be coordinated and combined so that everyone is pulling together to attain the desired outcomes of the group session. At the same time, the group also must be mindful of the emotional and personal welfare needs of the members. If not, the group jeopardizes its ability to accomplish its task. Most seriously, if proper maintenance behaviors are not performed, the survival of the group is threatened. (Kayser, 1990, pp. 84-85) Socio-emotional behaviors associated with group dynamics, on average, account for one-third of the group processes with positive socio-emotional behaviors twice as likely as negative behaviors (Ridgeway and Johnson, 1990). A need for balance between task and social behaviors is required (Chidambaram and Bostrom, 1996; Kayser, Time O) o (O Same {ai,a2,.. ■}, where ai, 02,... are concept labels. This function defines on R" a set of regions. The same concept label can be assigned to one or more regions. The learner's task is to find another function, called a classifer, h : i?" {ai, 02,... }, minimizing the probability that h{x) ^ c(x) for any x drawn randomly from a fixed distribution. With the transition from the source to the target the function c changes and the performance of a classifier can drop. The extent of this drop is a measure of the context change between the source and target. By contrast to concept drift, that refers to gradual context change, this paper will focus on an abrupt context switch: from a certain moment, all objects presented for classification come from the target context. In this paper, the first tier is implemented as a decision 3 Decision Tree with a Linear Second Tier The classification strategy used in decision trees has remained virtually unquestioned for decades. Each path from the root to a leaf defines rule whose antecedent is a conjunction of tests along this path, and the consequent is the label associated with the given leaf. Quinlan (1987) suggested to optimize these rules by the removal of some of their tests. Another strategy, adopted by Helmbold and Shapire (1995), was inspired by the question how to adjust properly the extent of tree pruning. They consider all possible prunings in parallel, and treat them as voting "experts." To increase flexibility. Carter and Catlett (1987) replaced the crisp tests in numeric domains (x < 6) by piecewise linear functions, arguing that crisp tests fail to discern how close the attribute value is to the threshold: the output of the test Xi > 5 will be the same whether Xi = 5.01 or Xi = 1000. Piecewise linear tests provide some tolerance in the vicinity of the thresholds. The distinctive feature of DT-2T is the fact that, in addition to inducing the decision tree (using Quinlan's C4.5), it also generates the second tier. The program DT-2T employs soft thresholding implemented by the sigmoid function f{xi) = , where 9 is the threshold. Note that f{6) = 0.5, and that f{xi) converges to its limits (0 or 1) only when Xi is sufficiently distant from the threshold 9. The tree-to-rules transformation is illustrated by Figure 2. Each path from the root to a leaf is turned into an if-then rule whose antecedent is a conjunction of the softened tests along the path. Each test acquires two distinct forms, Xi < 9j (left branch) and xi > 9j (right branch). If the output of the j-th test in the fc-th rule is denoted as Tjk, then the proximity of the /c-th rule to the example is calculated as the product Hj^iTjk, where Tt is the number of tests in the A;-th rule. As it is common in the pattern-recognition literature, one "void" rule whose proximity is fixed at 1 is provided. decision tree rules Figure 2: The decision tree is interpreted as a set of rules with rule has on the individual concept labels. 'soft" tests. The second tier weighs the impact that each Examples are thus transformed from the original i?"-space to the n/j-dimensional space (for ur rules) where the i-th attribute gives the example's proximity example to the i-th rule. The next step is to induce a linear classifier for these new data. Denote by X the matrix whose j-th row represents the j-th (transformed) example, and the i-th column represents the example's proximity to the i-th rule. Denote by C the matrix such that if the j-th example is labeled with the i-th concept, then the j-th value in the j-th row of C is 1 and all other values in this row are —1. The matrix of weights, W, should minimize the mean square error E = X ■ W — C. For implementational convenience, DT-2T uses the technique of a pseudoinverse matrix, building on the well-known fact that the mean square error is minimized when W = (X^Xj-^X'^C = X^C. The rules are fully interconnected with the concept labels, and these interconnections are weighted. Rules that are less relevant for the given concept will carry smaller weights. If a rule suggests that the example represents concept tti, then the weight between this rule and ai will be positive; the weight between this rule and the other concept labels will tend to be smaller, perhaps even negative. Each output unit corresponds to one concept. The system classifies an example with the concept label of the unit giving the highest output. Figure 3 illustrates the behavior of the linear second tier for the simple case where there are just three rules and two concept labels. Each of the three coordinates represents the proximity of an example to a rule. A decision tree with crisp tests will send all examples to the vertices (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1). With soft thresholds, the examples become more "scattered." The hyperplane in the second tier makes it possible that also some examples lying between the vertices can be correctly classified. Consider two rules that differ only in the last test that precedes the leaves—the test has the form of <9 in one rule and Xi > 6 in the other rule. If the context switch manifests itself by an altered value of 9, then the examples that were originally located at the two corresponding vertices move away from the vertices. The system compensates for this Figure 3: When re-described in terms of proximities to each of the tree branches, the examples tend to cummulate in the vicinity of the vertices. The hyperplane of the second tier helps improve classification of ambiguous examples. change by tilting the hyperplane accordingly. 4 Preliminary Experiments with Synthetic Data For initial insight, toy data files with positive and negative examples were synthesized. Attribute values were randomly generated according to the normal distribution where each class is defined by the mean vector, ß, and by the vector of standard deviations, a. Figure 4 shows the source domain. The positive class is defined by= [0,0] and a+ = [1,1], whereas the negative class is defined by = [2,0] and cr_ = [2, 2]. Formal analysis would show that the ideal bayesian classifier for this task is a circle centered at [-2/3,0], with radius r = 2.34. Its performance is 81.51%. For source, as well as for each target, 1000 examples were generated, 600 of them being used for learning, the rest for testing. The positive and negative examples were equally represented in all the training and testing sets. The decision trees were pruned by C4.5's default. Two methods for creating the target were used. In case A, a "linear" shift. sifters improved. This is because the negative region in target 1 is fairly compact: many false negatives from the source will find themselves in the positive region of the target. This is an important observation: performance of re-used classifiers depends not only on the extent of context change, but also on the separability of the classes in the target context. The decision trees generated by C4.5 in the gaussian domain typically contain dozens of tests that transform, non-linearly, the original examples. This explains the performance: non-linear transformation has long been known to increase linear separability of the data (Cover, 1965). Figure 4: Gaussian data. The ideal decision surface is circular. 5 Two Case Studies the disparity between source and target was modeled by shifted centers. In case B, a "non-linear" shift, the disparity was modeled by altered standard deviations. Table 1 shows the results for case A. The first two rows are meant as reference points: C4.5: re-used shows how much C4.5's performance drops with context change (indicating the degree of discrepancy between source and target) and C4.5: re-learned shows the performance of a decision tree re-induced in the target. The remaining rows characterize the behavior of DT-2T. The row DT-2T: re-used shows how much the source classifier suffers from a mechanical transfer, whereas DT-2T: re-learned provides the results of a classifier that was trained and tested in the same context. The headings define each distribution by its mean (the bracketed expression) and standard deviation. The standard deviation and the distance between the centers of the positive and negative concepts are unaffected by the transfer, which ensures that C4.5, run separately in the source and target, induces decision trees with the same topology, only with changed thresholds. The accuracy achieved by re-learned C4.5 (and re-learned DT-2T) is the same in each target. As the centers move further from the original position, the utility of re-used C4.5 (and re-used DT-2T) drops. The reader can see that the values in DT-2T: post-tuned are virtually unaffected even by the extremely strong disparity between the source and target 4. This indicates that in the testbed A, re-induction of the second tier will adjust the tree to any shift of the concept centers, provided that the distance between the centers remains unchanged. Supplementary experiments showed that reasonable recovery was possible even when the distances between the centers changed. Table 2 shows that similar behavior can be observed also in case B (altered standard deviations): post-tuned DT-2T achieves the same performance as re-learned DT-2T. In two of the three targets, post-tuned DT-2T outperforms re-learned C4.5. Target 2 is difficult because here the decision surface is linear, with the theoretical performance 66% (the two concepts heavily overlap). Note that in target 1 the performance of re-used clas- Synthetic domains permit the researcher to control characteristics he or she believes are relevant for the studied phenomenon. To what extent these characteristics are realistic is another question, and experiments with synthetic data thus have to be supplemented with real-world case studies. 5.1 Phoneme Recognition The repository of machine-learning tasks at the University of California, Irvine (Murphy and Aha, 1995), contains a data file recorded during a phoneme-recognition study (Robinson, 1989). Each example represents an audial spectrum of a single utterance described by 10 numeric attributes and labeled with one out of 11 different vowels. In the phoneticians' terminology, the vowels are referred to as hid, hid, hEd, hAd, hYd, had, hOd, hod, hUd, hud, and hed. The examples were recorded from 15 different speakers: 4 males and 4 females in the training set, and 4 males and 3 females in the testing set. Each of these persons provided 6 instances of each vowel, which amounts to 66 examples per speaker. The total number of training examples is 528 and the total number of testing examples is 462. The obvious context in this domain, the speaker's gender, suggests the following scenario. Suppose that the source decision tree was induced from female examples. After some time, the tree is used to identify phonemes in males. Alternatively, the target can be represented by a mixed population of males and females. The original file was thus divided into four subsets: male-training, femaletraining, male-testing, and female-testing. For each source (male of female), two different targets were considered: the opposite gender and mixed population. Table 3 summarizes the results. Since the decision surface is highly non-linear, and the concepts overlap, the performance of all learners is poor (for comparison, linear regression scored 33.3% on the mixed data). The accuracy of re-learned C4.5 in males (48.9%) is better than in females (30.3%), which indicates greater variance in the female examples. The apparent increase in accuracy in re-used C4.5 (trained in females, re-used in males) is thus actually a reduction. In DT-2T, this phenomenon is less pronounced. Table 1: Gauss A. The target contexts have shifted means. source target 1 target 2 target 3 target 4 negative examples ([0,0],!) ([1,0],!) ([2,0], 1) ([4,0], 1) ([10,5]),1) positive examples ([2,0],2) ([3,0],2) ([4,0],2) ([6,0],2) ([12,5]),2) C4.5: re-used 78.0 75.0 60.8 48.0 47.5 C4.5: re-learned 78.0 78.0 78.0 78.0 78.0 DT-2T: re-used 81.0 75.3 61.3 47.5 52.5 DT-2T: re-learned 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 DT-2T: post-tuned 81.0 80.8 80.5 80.8 81.0 Table 2: Gauss B. The target contexts have altered standard deviations. source target 1 target 2 target 3 negative examples ([0,0],!) ([0,0],0.5) ([0,0],2) ([0,0],2) positive examples ([2,0],2) ([2,0],2) ([2,0],2) ([2,0], I) C4.5: re-used 78.0 84.8 55.5 64.2 C4.5: re-learned 78.0 92.5 65.2 77.0 DT-2T: re-used 81.0 87.0 59.8 62.5 DT-2T: re-learned 81.0 94.8 64.0 80.5 DT-2T: post-tuned 81.0 94.5 65,5 80,5 Table 3: Transfer between genders in vowels (11 classes) src: f trgt: m trgt: all C4.5: re-used 30,3 36.4 33,8 C4,5: re-learned 30.3 48,9 42,6 Table 4: Transfer between genders in VW-012 (3 classes) DT-2T: re-used 47.0 36.4 40.9 src: f trgt: m trgt: all DT-2T: re-learned 47.0 50.0 48.5 C4.5: re-used 61.1 23.6 39.7 DT-2T: post-tuned 47.0 53.4 52.8 C4.5: re-learncd 61.1 68.1 64.3 src: m trgt: f trgt: all DT-2T: re-used 61.1 44.4 51,6 C4.5: re-used 48.9 17.2 35.3 DT-2T: le-learned 61.1 72.2 66,7 DT-2T: re-used 50.0 22,2 38.1 DT-2T: post-tuned 61.1 54.2 73.0 DT-2T: post-tuned 50.0 44,4 46,3 src: m trgt: f trgt: all C4,5: rc-used 68.1 33.3 53.2 DT-2T: re-used 72.2 33.3 55.6 Mechanical transfer of C4.5 or DT-2T from males to fe- DT-2T: post-tuned 72.2 55.6 51.6 males is useless. For instance, the accuracy of the tree in- duced by C4.5 drops from 48.0% to 17.2%. Importantly, the results of post-tuned DT-2T are only slightly worse than those of re-learned DT-2T in the male-to-female transfer, and are even better in the female-to-male transfer. Detailed examination of C4.5's output revealed that some vowels were more difficult to discern. To study the learner's behavior on these "difficult" vowels, two subdomains were extracted: VW-012 with examples of hid, hid and hEd; and VW-345 with examples of hAd, hYd, and had. As before, each of the subdomains was divided into training and testing examples, subdivided into males and females. The results are shown in Tables 4 and 5. Again, mechanical use of the source classifier in the target (C4.5 re-used and DT-2T re-used) gives poor performance. Interestingly, in VW-345 post-tuned DT-2T outperforms re-learned DT-2T in 3 out of 4 transfers (female-to-male, female-to-all, and male-to-female). In VW012, this happens in 2 out of 4 Table 5: Transfer between genders in VW-345 (3 classes) src:f trgt: m trgt: all C4,5: re-used 48.1 50.0 49.2 C4,5: re-learned 48,1 58.3 47.6 DT-2T: re-used 61,1 56.9 58,3 DT-2T: re-learned 61,1 69.4 51.6 DT-2T: post-tuned 61,1 72.2 65.9 src: m trgt: f trgt: all C4.5: re-used 58.3 48,1 54.0 DT-2T: rc-used 69.4 48,2 60.3 DT-2T: post-tuned 69.4 51.9 59.5 transfers (female-to-all and male-to-female). Although this can be mere coincidence, one can stipulate that the knowledge acquired in the source helps the learner in the sense that post-tuning with smaller target training sets now yields higher performance than in the re-learned case. However, the small number of examples in this subdomain makes it unrealistic to investigate the learning curves. Statistical data analysis provides additional insight. Apart from the altered variance, the context switch causes shifts in some attribute values. For instance, the values of attributes 1,6,7, and 8 in VW-012 are greater in males than in females with confidence level 99% according to t-test, whereas attributes 3,4,5, and 10 have greater values in females (with the same confidence). As another example, attribute 9 in female examples of VW-012 has greater values for hid than for hid with confidence level 95%, but the same attribute in males has greater value for hid than for hid with confidence level 90%. This shift is much less pronounced in VW-345, which seems to corroborate the above hypothesis explaining why post-tuned DT-2T outperformed re-learned DT-2T more often in VW-345 than in VW-012. 5.2 Identification of Sleep Stages The task in the second case study is to identify distinct stages of human sleep based on 15 numeric attributes such as EEG amplitude, heart rate, or respiration. Manual classification of recordings of a 8-hours sleep is expensive, requiring several hours' effort of a highly qualified professional. Early attempts to automate this process by machine learning (Kubat, Pfurtscheller, and Flotzinger, 1994) revealed that the involved signals are sleeper-dependent: a decision tree induced from one subject cannot be used to classify another subject. Therefore, a weaker objective was specified: the expert classifies a subset of examples obtained from a sleeper, the system learns from them, and only then classifies this sleeper automatically. Even this weaker scenario yields significant savings in the expensive human expertise. The experiments discussed below use three files, br, ra and kr, containing 920, 779, and 931 examples, respectively, labeled with 7 distinct concepts. Domain-specific knowledge and the order of example recording are ignored. The three sleepers represent three contexts. The first experiment will demonstrate that the second tier facilitates successful transfer between sleepers. Each file was randomly split into disjoint training (60%) and testing (40%) sets. The results in Table 6 confirm that induction of a new second tier is a legitimate option in domains where "re-use" fails. Post-tuned DT-2T achieves similar results as re-learned DT-2T, and outstrips re-learned C4.5. The results of post-tuned DT-2T on ra (77.9% and 78.9%) even surpass those of re-learned DT-2T on the same sleeper (76.9%). Figure 5 demonstrates that post-tuned DT-2T is a good match to re-learned DT-2T in each sleeper. When 30-50% Table 6: Transfer between sleepers: initial experience br ra kr C4.5: re-learned 79.3 76.3 61.0 DT-2T: re-learned 82.6 76.9 67.7 src: br trgt: ra trgt: kr C4.5: re-used 79.3 42.0 44.1 DT-2T: re-used 82.6 48.7 24.7 DT-2T: post-tuned 82.6 77.9 66.1 src: ra trgt: br trgt: kr C4.5: re-used 76.3 14.9 24.7 DT-2T: re-used 76.9 51.9 31.7 DT-2T: post-tuned 76.9 81.5 68.0 src: kr trgt: br trgt: ra C4.5: re-used 61.0 35.6 19.6 DT-2T: re-used 67.7 32.6 4.9 DT-2T: post-tuned 67.7 82.1 78.9 of the examples from the domains kr and ra are used for post-tuning, then the assertion that post-tuned DT-2T and re-learned DT-2T achieve comparable results is true with confidence 95% according to Dietterich's (1996) "5x2cv" test. Although the knowledge acquired in the source does not improve the learning curves of the post-tuned classifier in the target, the graphs show that the source decision tree can successfully be recycled. 6 Discussion The purpose of this paper was to verify the idea that a linear second tier added to a decision tree can facilitate efficient recycling of this decision tree in novel contexts. Linear classifiers are computationally less demanding than induction of decision trees, and it is thus cheaper to provide an existing decision tree with a new second tier than to induce a new tree from scratch. Experimental evidence was obtained from a synthetic gaussian domain and from case studies from phoneme recognition and sleep classification domains. The fact that existing decision trees can be recycled can prove useful in many realistic domains. For instance, data mining applications often require that many similar concepts be learned. The experience reported in this paper suggests to induce just a few generic decision trees, each tree representing two or more concepts to be further distinguished by the cheaper second tiers. The described system can be improved along several dimensions. First, the technique used for the induction of the second tier (pseudoinverse matrix) is known to be sensitive to noise and outliers. Among possible alternatives, the algorithm employed in the system OCl (Murthy, Kasif, and Salzberg, 1994) is attractive because it minimizes the number of involved attributes. In DT-2T, this would mean to connect each rule only to those concept labels that are really relevant. The understanding of the individual tree paths as voting experts suggests to exploit the results of the 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 C4.5 on kr; re-leamed DT-2T on kr: re-leamcd DT-2T on kr; post-tuned from br •■■i..........f- 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 C4.5 on ra; re-leamed DT-2T on ra: re-leamed DT-2T on ra: post-tuned from br h. ■■'i........... C4.5 on br; re-leamed DT-2T on br: re-leamed DT-2T on br: post-tuned from ra Figure 5: Learning curves characterizing the learning speed of DT-2T. research in combining expert opinions. The analyses provided by Cesa-Bianchi et al (1993); Littlestone and War-muth (1994); and Kearns and Seung (1995) prove the computational effectiveness of the requisite algorithms. As an alternative to the current method of "softening" the decision tree, the technique presented by Kubat and Ivanova (1995) can be recommended: the hyperrectangular regions defined in the instance space by the induced decision trees are replaced with gaussian kernels. The experiments reported in this paper focused exclusively on univariate decision trees. Similar techniques might prove successful also in multivariate trees (Brod-ley and Utgoff, 1995; Murthy, Kasif, and Salzberg, 1994; Kubat and Flotzinger, 1995). The second-tier approach can be employed to recycle other expensive classifiers such as multilayer perceptrons (Rumelhart and McClelland, 1986), RBF networks (Broomhead and Lowe, 1988), or perhaps even in inductive logic programming (Lavrač and Džeroski, 1994). From the perspective of recycling, each of these paradigms has its own idiosyncracies that call for further investigations. The price for DT-2T's performance is decreased under-standability. The explanations provided by the original decision tree make sense only when the tree suggests the same concept label as the complete DT-2T. Other examples remain unexplained. 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Tan Department of Computer Science, School of Computing National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 117543 Phone: +65 874 2729, Fax: +65 779 4580 E-mail: {angch, tanst, tante}@comp.nus.edu.sg Keywords: spatial data structures, i?-tree Edited by: Rudi Murn Received: December 3, 1990 Revised: January 18, 2000 Accepted: February 4, 2000 Bitmap R-tree is a variant of R-tree in which bitmaps are used for the description of the internal and the external regions of the objects in addition to the use of minimum bounding rectangles. The proposed scheme increases the chance of trivial acceptance and rejection of data objects, and reduces unnecessary disk accesses in query processing. It has been shown that with the bitmaps as filters, the reference to the object data file can be cut down by as much as 60%. 1 Introduction With the widespread use of computers, many non-conventional applications have been developed to handle spatial data in two and three dimensions. The spatial data include map objects such as bridges in a Geographical Information System (GIS), or electronic components such as transistors in a VLSI Computer Aided Design (CAD) application. With the ever increasing demand for the manipulation of spatial data, spatial database system evolves and many data structures have been proposed such as quadtree [5], kd-tree [4], and E-tree [7]. (Refer to [10] for more details on the various spatial data structures that have been in use.) As one of the earliest proposed tree structures for nonzero-sized spatial objects, i?-tree has always been used as a yardstick in assessing the performance of other related data structures. Variants of the iž-tree, such as ii^-tree [11], i?*-tree [3], and Rr-tree [9] have been proposed all with the aim to improve performance. All these structures can be used to support various forms of query, in particular, point query and region query. The bitmap R-tree we propose in this paper aims to enhance the query processing performance of Ä-tree by extending it with two types of bitmaps. It is hoped that with the use of these bitmaps, some unnecessary disk accesses can be avoided. Even though the construction of the bitmaps requires some processing time, the overall saving in query processing can still be gained. The paper is organized as follows. We begin with a discussion on i?-tree and its variants in section 2, followed by introducing bitmap i?-tree in section 3. Query processing using bitmap i?-tree is described in section 4 and its performance analysis based on empirical results is presented in section 5. In section 6 we draw our conclusion. 2 R-tree and its variants /ž-tree is a multi-dimensional generalization of 5-tree [2]. It is used as an indexing structure to speed up the retrieval of spatial objects. It is height-balanced and the insertion and deletion of an object may trigger node splitting and merging. Usually, a fc-dimensional spatial object is fully described with all its spatial and aspatial attributes of interest contained in a long record in a data file. In order to access this record quickly, its offset from the beginning of the file is used as an index which is stored in a leaf node of an i?-tree. An entry in a leaf node of an ii-tree is a tuple (mbr, aid), where mbr is the /c-dimensional minimum bounding rectangle of the object, and aid is the object identifier that can be used to retrieve the full object description record from the file. Each entry in a non-leaf node of an J?-tree is a tuple {mbr, childptr), where childptr is a pointer to a lower level node in the i?-tree, and mbr is the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) that covers all the rectangles in the lower level node pointed to by childptr. Figure 1 shows the MBR of an object. Figures 2 and 3 show the planar view of an i?-tree, and its corresponding structure, respectively. Figure 1: MBR of an object. i a R1 ^.-.J------------------- i b i e i d r- .....-.....-----------------r-R7 C R3 1 h i 1 1 i g f 1 j R4 Figure 2: Planar view of an -R-tree. Figure 3: Structure of an i?-tree. Each i?-tree node has a predetermined capacity which is the maximum number of entries a node can carry. During the insertion of an entry, a node will be split when it overflows. A new node is allocated, and all entries in the overflowed node together with the new entry are redistributed into the overflowed node and the new node according to some rules. A new index which contains the MBR of the new node and the pointer to the new node has to be inserted into the parent node (the node that contains the pointer to the overflowed node). The overflowed node's MBR has to be updated. The insertion of the new index may in turn cause the parent node to split and the node splitting may propagate upwards. If the propagation reaches the root node, the root node is split, a new root node is created and the depth of the E-tree is increased. Overlapping regions exist not only in the leaf node but also in the non-leaf nodes of an ii-tree. When a query point falls within an overlapping region, there will be multiple access paths leading to the desired objects, resulting in higher search cost [8]. To overcome this problem, 7?+-tree was proposed. It uses the object clipping approach to divide objects into as many sub-objects as required so that the MBRs of these internal nodes do not overlap each other. The disjoint partitioning of subspaces ensures a single search path for a given query point. In i?r-tree, in addition to the use of MBR, the maximum internal rectangle (MIR) is used and stored in the leaf node together with the MBR of an object. The MIR is the largest rectangle that is strictly contained in the object. Any point falling inside the MIR of an object is definitely within the object. The use of MIR can therefore further reduce the number of accesses to the data file, especially in answering a point query. Figure 4 shows the MBR and MIR of an object. Figure 4: MBR and MIR of an object. 3 Bitmap R-tree The basic idea of using bitmaps in bitmap ii-tree is similar to the iir-tree except that instead of storing the MIR, the internal and external bitmaps of the object are stored together with its MBR at the leaf node. A spatial object is usually represented by a simple polygon (a polygon without holes). Two regions are defined by the polygonal boundary of the object: one that is strictly contained in the object and another that is strictly outside the object but still within the MBR. Instead of using 16 bytes for the description of MIR as is done in the /?r-tree, we could make good use of these spaces to describe the two regions in the highest resolution attainable, resulting in the use of two bitmaps, the internal bitmap and the external bitmap. Each MBR is divided into 8 by 8 grid cells. Ä small bitmap can be constructed and stored in 8 bytes if a cell is represented by a bit. The Is in an internal bitmap of a spatial object represent the corresponding grid cells that are completely within the object while the Is in an external bitmap represent the corresponding grid cells that are completely outside the object but inside the region confined by the MBR. Figures 5, 6, and 7 show a triangle that is superimposed on an 8x8 grid, its internal bitmap, and its external bitmap. From the internal bitmap and the external bitmap, it is not difficult to obtain the outline bitmap which shows all grid cells that intersect with the boundary of the object. The three bitmaps are closely related; given any two, we can easily derive the remaining bitmap. Figure 5: A triangular object T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 I I 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 6: Internal bitmap of T. 1 1 1 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 I 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Test Result PointExt If a query point is mapped into a bit in extmap witli value 1, ttie point is in the external region and the object is trivially rejected. Pointint If a query point is mapped into a bit in intmap with value 1, the point is in the internal region and the object is trivially accepted. BilipNonlnlerseciion If none of the Os in extmap is mapped to any of the Os in Qextmap, the regions do not intersect. Otherwise the regions may intersect. BmpContainment If all the Os in the extmap are mapped to Is in Qintmap, it implies that the spatial object of the entry is sU^ictly contained in the query region. Bmplntersectioii If any of the Is in intmap is mapped onto a I in Qintmap, the two regions intersect. The object can be trivially accepted for the intersection query. Linelnterseclion Clip the query line to the MBR of the selected entry. Create bitmap of the clipped line and perform Bmplntersection test. Figure 7: External bitmap of T. The algorithm to generate the external bitmap of a polygon is adapted from the polygon filling algorithm [6] used in graphics rendering. The outline bitmap is generated by using the voxel traversal algorithm [1] used in ray tracing. With these two bitmaps, the internal bitmap can be obtained. The deletion and insertion of an object into a bitmap R-tree is the same as that for an i?-tree except that the corresponding bitmaps are to be created during the insertion of an entry at the leaf node level. 4 Query processing In an i?-tree, if the query is an arbitrary region, the MBR of the query region will be used to select object entries that satisfy the query MBR. In addition, the object descriptions of all the selected entries are needed for further testing with the query region. With a bitmap ii-tree, the internal and the external bitmaps of the query region, denoted Qintmap and Qextmap, can be generated and used in query processing. Using the bitmaps and the MBR of the query region, certain entries may be trivially accepted or rejected without further testing. Table 1 lists the tests on the bitmaps that are used in processing a query. In point query, we are to locate all objects that contain a given point. In an i?-tree, even though the given point Table 1: Bitmap test functions is contained in an MBR, we cannot determine if the object really contains the point. In a bitmap ii-tree, if the point is found to be in the intmap, then it is inside the object and the object is trivially accepted. If the point is in the extmap, then it is outside the object and the object is trivially rejected. Of course, if it is not within the MBR, then it is also outside the object. Only when the given point is found to be in the MBR of an object and is neither in its intmap nor its extmap, then will the object description record stored in the data file be accessed. In a region query, we want to find all objects covered completely by the given region (a subset query), containing it (a superset query), or simply intersecting it (an intersection query). We only consider intersection query in our study. In an i?-tree, the region specified is usually a rectangle. Any MBR in a leaf node found intersecting with the specified region will cause the corresponding object record to be read in. In a bitmap i?-tree, if any portion of the intmap of an object is found to be within the region, the object is trivially accepted. If the region is found to intersect only with the extmap of an object, then the object is trivially rejected. Otherwise, the object record has to be retrieved for further checking. The use of bitmaps of the given query region simplifies the filtering step. The cost of checking the intersection between the bitmaps of the given region and the bitmaps of the objects is low. Therefore, specifying a non-rectangular query region in a bitmap i?-tree will not pose any problem in the performance of query processing. 5 Performance analysis We implemented i?-tree and bitmap i?-tree. We did not implement i?.r-tree as the area of an MIR is usually smaller than that of the corresponding intmap, and with the use File size Point query Line int. Quadrangle ini. 10000 68 69 69 20000 69 65 63 30000 69 64 62 Table 2: Efficiency (in percentage) of bitmaps of the extmap, the number of objects that can be trivially accepted or rejected based on the use of both the intmap and the extmap should be more than that with the use of MIR. The space requirements of i?-tree and bitmap ii-tree can be worked out easily. The sizes of an MBR, a child pointer, and a coordinate are 16, 4, and 4 bytes respectively. Thus the sizes of an entry in a leaf node in an ii-tree and bitmap iž-tree are 20 and 36 bytes respectively. The sizes of the entry in an internal node of both structures are 20 bytes. Assuming that a node is of IK bytes, then the capacities of a leaf node in an i?-tree and a bitmap i?-tree are 50 and 28 respectively. The capacity of a non-leaf node in both trees is 50. The size of the domain from which the spatial objects are drawn is 100000 by 100000. The spatial objects are no larger than 1000 by 1000. The objects are made up of randomly generated points, lines, triangles and quadrangles. Equal number of each type of objects were generated. During the experiment, the total number of objects trivially accepted and rejected, and the total number of disk accesses were noted. The number of input objects varied from 10000 with increment of 10000 till 30000. The node size varied from IK bytes to 4K bytes, with increment of IK bytes at each step. Three different sets of 100 query objects of the same type (point, line, etc.) were randomly generated. The 100 points were used in point query. The line objects were used to locate objects that intersect with the query lines. The quadrangles were also used for intersection query. This would allow us to find out the effect of the shapes of the query objects on the efficiency of the bitmaps in the query processing. The efficiency of the bitmap is defined as t/c, the ratio between t, the number of candidates that are trivially rejected or accepted, and c, the number of candidates selected by checking their MBRs with the query point or with the MBR of the query region. For the same set of test data and the same query set, the efficiency of the bitmaps remained very much stable regardless of the size of the nodes. When the same query set was used, the efficiency varied slightly when different sets of test data were used. This can be seen from Table 2. In point query, 68% of those candidates were either trivially rejected or accepted. For intersection query, the efficiency is 62%. Although the efficiency of the bitmaps seemed to be quite high, the reduction in disk accesses was about 36% at best. The percentages of saving in disk accesses are shown in Table 3. The saving is large for point query using small nodes but Node size Point query Line int. Quadrangle int. IK 36 27 21 2K 30 20 13 3K 24 15 9 4K 20 5 7 Table 3: Percentages of saving in disk accesses using bitmap i?-tree the advantage of using bitmap fì-tree wanes when the node size is increased. This is because a bigger node allows more objects to be stored, hence the MBRs of the internal nodes are larger, more regions overiap, causing more nodes in the lower level to be read in the search. As the capacity of the leaf nodes of the bitmap i?-tree is smaller, the same set of candidates is stored in more leaf nodes. Therefore, more leaf nodes have to be accessed even though the efficiency of the filter remains the same. We have experimented to find out the efficiency of the intmap and the extmap of the internal nodes. The results showed that they were not effective at all (less than 0.2%) in trimming the access path. This is indeed not surprising. In fact, the intmap of an internal node is useless as the low level nodes are still required to be read in when the query point is found within the intmap. The saving can only come from the use of the extmap of an internal node to terminate the search from proceeding further. When the MBR of an internal node is represented by an 8 by 8 bitmap, each of the 64 grid cells is very likely covered by some of the rectangles of the corresponding entries stored in the low level nodes. This means that the internal bitmap intmap is likely to contain all Is and the external bitmap extmap will contain mostly Os, making the use of bitmaps in an internal node very ineffective. 6 Conclusion The use of MBR in i?-tree helps to filter away objects that are unlikely to be included in the answer to a query. Although the use of MBR is simple, it may be too crude at times, especially when its external region is large. By using MIR in /?r-tree, even though it helps to filter additional candidates that are definitely to be included in the answer set, it is still not effective when the external region of an object is large and thus the corresponding MIR is small. Since each MIR requires 16 bytes, the capacity of a leaf node in an i?r-tree is significantly reduced. We propose to enrich the J?-tree structure with additional information that can quickly differentiate if a given point is inside or outside an object. With the same storage overhead as MIR by using 16 bytes for storing the internal bitmap and the external bitmap of a given object in bitmap i?-tree, we are able to trivially accept or reject more than 60% of the candidates identified based on the MBRs alone. An object with a large external region has a large external bitmap, and hence this increases its chance of being rejected in a point query or a region query. Although a bitmap i?-tree needs more space and time to process the bitmaps and the tree resulted may be deeper due to the larger number of leaf nodes each of which having fewer entries, the empirical results show that the query performance has generally improved by more than 20% in terms of the number of disk accesses. Since the CPU processing time is only a small fraction of disk access time, a net gain in query performance is evident. References [1] John Amanatides and Woo, A fast voxel traversal algorithm for ray tracing, EUROGRAPHICS (1987). [2] R. Bayer, E. McCreight, Organization and maintenance of large ordered indices. Acta Informatica 1, 3(1972), 173-189. [3] N. Beckmann, H. Kriegel, R. Schneider, B. Seeger, The ß*-tree: An efficient and robust access method for points and rectangles, Proc. of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, Atlantic City (1990), 322-331. [4] J. L. Bentley, Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searching, CACM 18, 9(1975), 509-517. [5] R. A. 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Faloutsos, The tree: A dynamic index for multi-dimensional objects, Proc. 13th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Brighton, England, (1987), 507-518. The Polling Primitive for Computer Networks Andrzej Czygrinow Department of Mathematics, ASU, Tempe, AZ, 85287-1804 andrzej@math.la.asu.edu AND Michal Karoriski Faculty of Math and CS, AMU, Poznan, Poland and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 30033, USA karonski@amu.edu.pl, michal@mathcs.emory.edu AND Vaidy Sunderam Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 30033, USA vss@mathcs.emory.edu Keywords: distributed computing, polling, hypercube. Edited by: Marcin Paprzycki Received: March 12, 1999 Revised: November 11, 1999 Accepted: February 1, 2000 We describe a distributed computing primitive termed polling that is both a means of synchronization and communication in distributed or concurrent systems. The polling operation involves the collection of messages from nodes in an interconnection network, in response to a query. We define the semantics of polling, and present algorithms for implementing the operation on complete and hypercube networks. Time and message lower bounds are presented, and are followed by an analysis of the number of operations performed at each node for every algorithm. We show that polling in a complete graph on 2" vertices can - 1 messages. In case ofn-cube, we show that be completed in 2n rounds using 2" + 2" + polling in 2n rounds requires [2" + + — |1 messages and we present an algorithm that completes polling in 2n rounds and sends 2" + 3 • - 1 messages. 1 Introduction We define the polling operation on interconnection networks as follows: One processor in a network (termed the root) has a "question" that must be asked of all other processors, each of which must respond with an "answer". We wish to perform this operation in minimal time using a minimal number of messages, under the following assumptions: (1) Processors communicate solely by message-passing; messages may contain the question, one or more answers, or both. (2) Polling proceeds in "rounds"; a processor may either send or receive at most one message during any round. Processors other then the root may participate only after they have received at least one message (i.e. a message containing the question). As with most distributed algorithms, the efficiency of polling is measured by the time required to accomplish the operation (number of rounds), and by the number of messages needed. Algorithm goals are to minimize the num- communication model considered is however different than ber of rounds necessary, and given the minimal number of rounds, to minimize the number of messages. The notion of polling is traditionally associated with terminals and controllers, and with data link protocols. However, polling has important applications in distributed systems, and on non-shared memory multiprocessor machines. Status or resource monitoring, fully replicated queries or updates, the computation of multiple-input functions, and certain synchronization primitives may all be implemented using polling. Polling inherently requires that one processor initiates the operation, that every processor participates, and that all outputs be returned to the initiator. When these are necessary conditions within an application, polling is an effective distributed computing primitive. It seems that until recently, the polling problem received much less attention than the classical broadcasting and gossiping problems for which many results were obtained and different models were studied (see for example [6] and references in it). The time complexity of polling was recently studied by A. Rescigno in [8] and [9]. The ours. For example, in model in [8] and [9] a node can send a message to all of its neighbors in a single round but it is not possible to send many responses along a single edge. In our model, a vertex can communicate only with one of its neighbors in a single round. On the other hand, we assume that responses can be combined and send as one. Consequently, under the assumptions in [9] polling in a complete graph on n vertices can be done in 2 rounds, in our model it requires about 21ogn rounds. The algorithms of [9] are based on special kind of polling trees which are used to distribute the question and to gather the responses. In contrast, our communication graphs are not trees as it is easy to see that if we use any spanning tree as communication graph then the number of messages sent will be twice the number of edges which is greater than what is obtained using our graphs. The number of messages sent is not discussed in Rescigno's papers. The paper presents the lower bounds and algorithms for polling in networks with complete graph and hypercube topology. In the next section we show the lower bounds and we present an algorithm that performs polling in complete networks in the minimal number of rounds and using the minimal number of messages. Section 3 contains an analysis of polling in the hypercube network. We show a slightly better lower bound for the number of messages and propose a nearly optimal algorithm. 2 Preliminaries We define a path in a network as a sequence of vertices viv2 ■ ■ - Vn such that for all 1 < i < n — 1 there is an edge Vi, Vi+i- We then say that the path covers n vertices or if wi and v„ are already nodes of a different path we say that the path covers n — 2 new vertices. Cycle is defined as a sequence V1V2 ■ ■ - Vn such that for 1 < z < n there is an edge Vi, ^(i+i) (mod n)- The degree of a vertex is the number of vertices incident to it. Also N will denote the number of nodes in a network, Iga will denote the logarithm of base 2 and In a the logarithm of base e. We define partial broadcast as the delivery of a message originating at the root to a subset of nodes of a network. Partial gather is defined analogously as the collection of messages from a subset of nodes of a network. Proposition 1 For 0 < M < 2" - 1 partial broadcast to M (gather from M) nodes requires [Ig (M -f 1)] rounds. Proof We prove the bound in case of partial broadcast. Partial gather is proved in the same way. During one round a node may either send one message to one of its neighbors. Thus number of nodes that have received the message can at most double in each round. Therefore if the number of rounds k is less than Ig (M -f 1) then the number of nodes which received the message is at most Eti 2' < = M. Thus A; > Ig (M + 1) and since k must be an integer the proof is complete. 3 The Algorithm for complete graphs In this section we present the lower bound for the number of rounds and the number of messages. The technique used in the proof of second bound leads to an optimal polling algorithm in complete graphs which is described at the end of the section. Proposition 2 Let N = 2" - k where 0 -1- 1 then the number of rounds in is at least 2n - 2. Proof (i) Let N = 2". From Proposition 1 we know that immediately after n—1 rounds at most — 1 nodes other than root received the message originated at the root. Denote the set of these nodes by L and let R — V{K!yi) \ L. To gather messages from R we need at least [Ig |7?|] = [Ig + 1)1 = rounds. At least one more round is necessary to initiate the participation of nodes in R. The situation is illustrated in Figure 1 (i). This shows that to complete polling in Kn, at least n— 1-fl-l-n = 2n rounds are necessary. (ii) When k < then TV > 2" - 2"-^ = 2"-^ + 2"-^ and Proposition 1 implies that immediately after n — 1 rounds at most — 1 nodes other than root will receive the message originated at the root. To gather from remaining nodes, we need [Ig (2"-'"^ -f 1)] rounds and at least one round to initiate the participation of remaining nodes. Therefore, at least n — l-fl-|-n — 1 = 2n — 1 rounds are required to complete polling in Kn (see Figure 1 (ii)). (iii) It follows from (i) as A^ > 2" - = 2"-^ Figure 1: Proof of Proposition 2 Proposition 3 The polling in a complete graph K2'' >11 2n rounds > 2"-l-|2"-i-l messages. Proof. Consider an optimal polling algorithm with root x. It will be convenient to think about a; as a pair of vertices {xi,x2) where sends messages and X2 receives messages. Let D denote a directed communication graph constructed by the polling algorithm, that is [y, z) is an arc in D if a message is sent from y to z. Let Li denote the set of nodes that receive a message in the ith round (for example, Lo = {2:1}, L2n = {X2]) and set r = . To estab- lish the lower bound for the number of messages we prove the following lemma. Lemma 4 For some n-l 2"-^ + Proof. First observe that due to the requirements of polling \Li\ < 2|Lj_i| fori > 2 with the initial conditions |io| = |I/i| = 1 which gives \Li\ < 2 i-l (1) Since the polling requirements for sending and receiving are symmetrical we can reverse the orientation of the arcs of D to obtain a polling algorithm which sends the message from X2 to xi. Consequently \L2n-i\ 2 n-3 -)n-3 -f -1- 1 Since |Lj| is an integer,Lemma4 gives that |I/i| > + r for some i € {n — l,n,n + 1}. The number of messages sent by the algorithm is equal to the number of arcs in D and so it is enough to prove the following lemma. Lemma 5 The number of arcs ofD, e{D) is at least 2" 4- Proof Let i be such that |ii| > + r. Let Di denote the subdigraph of D induced by levels Lq,. .. ,Li and let D2 be the subdigraph induced by levels Li,..., L2„. The number of arcs in D is e{D) = e{D,) + e(D2), where e{Dj) denote the number of arcs in Dj {j = 1, 2). Since Di and D2 are connected e(A) + e(-D2) > (2"-fl)-2+|Li| > + Thus, the number of messages sent is at least 2" -f 2" ^ r^i-1. Next we present the algorithm that completes polling in -K'2" in 2n rounds and that uses — 1 messages. The idea is as follows. In the first n — 3 rounds the greedy procedure is invoked that results in total of 2" - - 1 nodes covered. The remaining vertices are covered using paths. More formally, let us define the broadcasting tree of height n, B{n) as follows: B{0) contains just one vertex- the root, for n > 0, B{n) is obtained from B{n — 1) by adding for each vertex v E V{B{n — 1)) exactly one vertex v' and an edge vv'. Note that the vertices of the tree can be grouped into levels, where the ith level contains the vertices that are at distance i from the root. Then the communication graph can be constructed by the following procedure. Algorithm 1. Take two copies of the broadcast tree B(n — 2) of height n-2,B mdB'. Let vi, V2,... ,vi,{l = 2"-^) denote the leaves of B and ... ,v\ the corresponding leaves of B' (both Vi and v'^ correspond to the same vertex of B{n — 2)). For every 1 < i < I connect Vi with v[ by a path of length four. The resulting graph looks as in Figure 2. 2. Let r = j^l- To simplify the exposition we assume that -—3-^ is an integer. Take r vertices ■w\,... ini? that are not leaves and connect Wi with the corresponding vertex w^ in B' by a path WiXiiX2iX3iw[ which adds three new vertices to the graph. Note that, since\V{B)\ = 2"-^ and I = there are > r internal vertices that can be used aswi's. 3. Map the constructed graph so that the roots of both copies of B{n — 2) are mapped to the single vertex-the root of the network. Proposition 6 Graph constructed in steps ] -2 by the above algorithm contains 2" + 1 vertices and 2" -)- 4r — 2 edges. Proof Since\V{B{n - 2))| = the graph constructed in the first step contains 2 • ^ 3 . 2"-^ vertices. In the second step, we add 3r vertices which gives total of 2"-f 1. Since we are connecting two trees by paths of length four, the number of edges after the first step is 2(2"~^ — 1) 4- 4 • = 2" - 2. In the second step we add 4r edges which gives the total of 2" -I- 4r - 2. Note that 2"-t-4r - 2 = 2" + ^ - |. A. Czygrinow et al. Figure 2: Construction of communication graph Propositions Let n be an even number. Polling in 2n rounds in (x + K2"-i)n with the root x requires [2" + + - Il messages. Proof.ln the process of polling the algorithm constructs a layered graph with the fcth level containing the vertices initiated in the fcth round. It is convenient for our discussion to view the root x as a pair of vertices {xi,x2), where xi sends the messages, x^ receives the messages. Denote by Gl (/) a graph with vertex set consisting of levels 0 through I and all the edges in the communication graph between these levels, by G2{1) a graph with vertex set consisting of levels 2n — I through 2n and all the edges in the communication graph between these levels. 0(1) na) Figure 3: Polling in the Example 7 //TV = 2® then r = 2 and the communication graph is presented in Figure 3. 4 Analysis for the n-cube In this section we discuss polling primitive in hypercube networks. The n-cube Q^ is the graph [V, E) such that V = {(ii,Ì2 ■ ■ ■ ,in) ■ ik € {0,1}} and two vertices (il, 12 ■ ■ •, in) and (ji ,j2---,jn) are joined by an edge if and only if there is exactly one k such that and jk are different. The number of vertices in the n-cube is 2" and the number of edges is n2"'"^. To improve the lower bound from previous section, we consider the following graph. Take /rz--! where = {!,...,2" - 1} and let {x -I- i<'2"-i)„ be the graph obtained from K2^-i by adding vertex x, the root and edges between x and i for i — l,...,n, i.e. with vertex set V{K2"-i) U {a;} and edge set £(7^2"-!) U {{x, 1}, {x, 2},..., {a;,n}}. Figure 4: Construction of communication graph Denote by /11, (/12) the heightof Gi, (Gj) by ^1,(^2) the degree of xi, {X2). Figure 4 illustrates a possible communication graph with hi = 4. Since the degree of the root is n we have, di d2 < n. Let Li denote the set of vertices on the ith level. Then the number of vertices in graph Gi(n-2) is n-2 |y(Gi(n-2))|=:^|Li|. i=0 Similarly as in the proof of Proposition 3 we have |Lo| = 1 and \Li\ < 2 (5) for i = 1,..., d] but since after round di, X\ will not initiate any vertices we have \Li\ < - (6) for i = di -I-1,..., n — 2. Therefore, n-2 n-2 |y(Gi(n-2))| < - + l i=l i=rfi+l _ (^11 — 2 _ -1-1. (7) Since the communication in G2 can be viewed as reverse polling procedure, we also have |T/(G2(n-2))| <2 n-^2 -2 n-d2-2 + 1. (8) The number of vertices in the communication graph is 2" + 1 and so \ViGi{n-2))\+\ViG2Ìn-2))\ + which gives Therefore for some n — 1 < i (9) Consider the function /(di, (/2) = + subject to di + d2 < n. The function is minimized for di = = f and so we can further estimate the right hand side of (9) \Li\> 2«-! 2"/2-I - 1 (10) The number of messages sent is equal to the number of edges in the communication graph which by (10) is at least on-l a U«l;s(2) ^ ! 1 'T 1 1 • Figure 5: The communication graph for the n-cube Since Qn is a subgraph of (x + K2"-i)n we have the following corollary. Corollary 9 Let n be an even number. Polling in 2n rounds in n-diniensiona — |] messages. rounds in n-dimensional hypercube requires [2"+i 2" ^ + Next, we describe an algorithm that can be used to perform polling in an n-cube. In the communication graph, we will again make use of B(n) trees described in Section 2. The algorithm uses the communication graph from Figure 5. Thus, the communication graph contains two special vertices xi, X2 which correspond to the root. Layer 1 contains one vertex which is the root of ßi, a copy the broadcast tree B(n - 2) (upper right box in Figure 5). Layer 2, in addition to some vertices of Bi, contains another vertex which is the root of Ì32. a copy of the broadcast tree B(n — 3) (upper left box in Figure 5). The leaves of Bi are connected by paths of length 2 (Links(l)) with the corresponding leaves of another copy of B(n — 2), B{ (lower right box in Figure 5). The leaves of B2 are connected to the corresponding leaves of the second copy of B{n — 3), B'2 (lower left box in Figure 5). The root of B2 is X2 and there is one more edge connecting the root of i?2 with X2. Thus, technically X2 is on level 2n + 1. The number of layers of the graph is 2n -f 1 and since the broadcasting trees observe the polling requirements all the restrictions of the communication model are meat. It remains to show that the communication graph can be embedded into the n-cube. The n-cube embedding is illustrated in Figure 6. Figure 6 contains six boxes A, B, C, L, F, G which correspond to the boxes in Figure 5. Specifically: - F consists of two layers: Fl contains x ... a;1110, F2 contains x... xlOlO. - L is a broadcasting tree of height n — 3 with leaves from x ... a;0110, which can be easily constructed. - G is a broadcasting tree of height n — 3 with leaves from x... xlOOO. - A is a broadcasting tree of height n - 2 with leaves from x ... xQll. - B has only one layer: x.. .xlll. - C is a broadcasting tree of height n — 2 with leaves from x ... xlOl Note that the vertices in Fi are connected to the corresponding vertices of F2 as they differ in exactly one position (third position from right). Leaves of L can be connected to the leaves of G by paths of length 3 which look like a;... a;0110 - a;... xlllO -x... 2;1010 - a;... a;1000. Similarly, leaves of A can be connected with leaves of C by paths of length 2 which look like x ... xOll — x.. .xlll — x...xiiòi. Example 10 The concrete example of the embedding into 5-cube is illustrated in Figure 7. Proposition 11 The algorithm terminates in 2n rounds and sends 2" -f 3 • 2""'' - 1 messages. Proof. Tree B{k) contains 2'' - 1 edges and leaves, and so the total number of edges used is 2(2"-2 -I)+ 2- -f 2(2"-3 - 1) + 3 • 2"-^ + 3 = 2" -h 3 • - 1. n=5 '00000 Figure 6: Embedding Figure 7: The communication scheme for 5-cube 5 Summary We studied the polling problem in networks with complete graph and hypercube topologies. For a complete graph on 2" vertices we showed that the polling primitive requires 2n rounds. We also showed that a polling algorithm in a complete graph which terminates in 2n rounds must send at least 2" +-1 messages. In addition, we presented an algorithm which completes polling in 2n rounds and sends the optimal number of messages. For hypercube networks we established the lower bound of r2" + i2"-i + - |] for the number of messages sent in 2n rounds by a polling algorithm and we presented an algorithm which uses 2" + 3 ■ - 1 messages an completes polling in 2n rounds. Note that, unlike in the case of complete graphs, the lower and upper bounds are significantly different and it will be interesting to improve either of them. Acknowledgments Research partially supported by grant KBN 2 P03 A 023 09 and by NSF grant INT-9406971. References [1] D. Agarwal. E. Abbadi, "An Efficient Solution to the Distributed Mutual Exclusion Problem", Proc. 9th Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing, 1989. [2] L. Bomans, D. 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Rescigno, "On the communication complexity of polling". Information Processing Letters 59, pp. 317323,1996. [9] A. Rescigno, "Optimal Polling in Communication Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 449- 461, 1997. [10] Y. Saad and M. Schultz, "Topological Properties of Hypercubes", IEEE Transactions .on Computers, Vol. 37, pp. 867-872. 1988. Strategic IS Planning From the Slovenian Business Perspective Andrej Kovačič, Aleš Groznik, Jurij Jaklič, Mojca Indihar Štemberger, Talib Damij, Janez Grad, Miro Gradišar and Tomaž Turk University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 61 1892 400, Fax: +386 61 1892 698 E-mail: andrej.kovacic@uni-lj.si Keywords: strategic information system planning, business information systems, survey, questionnaire Edited by: Rudi Murn Received: October 29, 1999 Revised: April 6, 2000 Accepted: April 27,2000 In recent years there has been a dramatic change in business environment resulting in reengineering of key business activities and processes. Among others, the role of information system (IS) has significantly increased as organisations have employed information technology (IT) to improve the capture, processing and distribution of information. Information became an important asset to the company, which is carefully monitored, planned and upraised. The paper presents the results of a survey on the strategic IS planning practices of Slovene companies. It highlights the participation, critical success factors and main benefits of strategic IS planning. The results show that comparing to similar studies very low number (50%) of responding companies were performing strategic IS planning. It is also interesting that in Slovene companies the leading initiator is top management (36%) whereas the role of IS management is surprisingly modest (23%). Main benefits of strategic IS planning from the Slovene business perspective are improved internal co-ordination, efficient and effective management of IS resources and improved productivity. 1 Introduction There are a number of researches focused on identifying key IT issues concerning corporate transformation. Technical progress together with the opening of a global market is definitely among the primary factors playing roles in modern society. IT is an essential component of a firm's strategy in a global market. One of the consequences of recent development in the field of information technology is an ongoing process of planning in both the IS and business arenas. Slovene organizations react very differently to projects or attempts at introducing modern IT and renovation of business processes, though the purpose is clear: reduction of costs, shortening the business cycle, and improvement of quality. The difficulties in the public sector are larger than those in the private sector. The increased employment in the public sector during the past few years has further entrenched bureaucracies; the problems of efficiency are then most often solved through purchasing computer hardware and software. Moreover, if managers feel the corporation they work for is successful at the present time, they usually reject the idea of strategic IS planning and renovating the business. Of course, when a company faces trouble, there never seem to be enough financial or human resources to start such a project. Coping with these problems while working on IS renovation projects in the last few years, we have noticed (Kovačič, 1999) that IT plays the key role in business process renovation and a strong cor- relation between the quality of IS within an organization, and improvement of overall corporate culture and strategies (Lederer, Sethi, 1996). We must also keep in mind that an incorrect or inadequate strategic IS planning can deliver partial solutions which do not consider the system as a whole and are by all means unsatisfactory. Strategic IS planning is the process of identifying a portfolio of computer-based applications that assists an organisation in executing its business plans and realising its business goals (Lederer, Salmela, 1996). Although the importance of strategic IS planning is clearly identified (Karimi, Gupta, Somers, 1996), (Lederer, Sethi, 1996), (Lederer, Salmela, 1996), (Porter, 1985) practical experience on strategic planning is very scarce. The lack of information encouraged us to perform a systematic analysis of strategic IS planning practices in Slovenia. The paper presents the results of a survey on the strategic IS planning practices of Slovene companies. It highlights the participation, critical success factors and main benefits of strategic IS planning. The results are compared to the results of similar studies (Pavri, Ang, 1995), (Teo, Ang, Pavri, 1997). Different place and time of that investigation had to be considered. 2 Methodology The purpose of the study was to analyse the strategic IS planning practices in Slovenia. The study was performed by the MIS department of the faculty of Economics in Ljubljana in 1998 and was based on a questionnaire (can be optained from http://www,ef.uni-lj.si/projekti/informatika) that was previously developed by Teo, Pavri and Ang (Pavri, Ang, 1995), (Teo, Ang, Pavri, 1997). We found the coverage of the questionnaire a very good basis for evaluation of strategic IS planning situation and was therefore left unchanged in order to made the comparison of the results between present and Teo et al's study feasible. The questionnaire was sent to IS executives in several Slovene organizations which were asked to provide information by answering the questions on the following subjects: organization of the MIS departments, the state of IS, the use of new concepts and technologies in the development of IS, databases, data warehouses and IS strategic planning. The answers to the first section provided general information about the company, its structure and general state of the IS, second part provided information about the architecture of IS and the underlying technology. The focus of the third section was the state of databases and data warehouses and the last part of the questionnaire investigated IS strategic planning. We are planning to repeat the survey every two years which will help us compare the results and observe current trends in Slovene organizations over a longer timeframe. After eliminating the missing and illogical answers, we got the total number of answers to all the four parts of the questionnaire (181 to the first part, 175 to the second part, 166 to the third and 131 to the last part). Table 1 shows the structure of the organizations according to its activities. The activities in the category other is of a different kind such us consulting, transport, IT, catering, tourism, health service, government, telecommunications. This paper focuses only on the IS strategic planning part of the questionnaire which covers the following topics: - The participation in strategic IS planning - The strategic IS planning critical success factors - The benefits of strategic IS planning - Company and MIS department degree of maturity - Other relevant IS planning data (e.g. planning methodology, corporate and IS plans alignment). 3 Results The study involved 450 large Slovene companies from a wide range of industries. The size of the companies was defined according to the number of employees and the revenues in 1997 (Slovene Corporate Law, 1993). A company classified as large when met both criteria: more than 250 employees and the revenues over 4 million USD. A total of 131 useful returns to the IS planning part were obtained, representing the database on strategic IS planning practices in Slovenia. The rate of the return was 29% and is comparable with the similar studies (Karimi, Gupta, Somers, 1996), (Lederer, Sethi, 1996), (Pavri, Ang, 1995), (Teo, Ang, Pavri, 1997), (Torkzadeh, Xia, 1992) conducted in the past where the rate of the return reached 21%, 24%, 22%, 20% and 23% respectivelly. Considering the length (21 pages) and complexity of open and closed questions, the number of useful returns is quite encouraging and is showing that strategic IS planning is becoming more and more important in Slovenia. Analysis of the returned questionnaires shows that 66 (over 50%) of the responding companies were performing some form of IS planning process. As can be seen from Table 2, the relationship in Teo et all's study was better since 63% of companies have implemented some form of IS planning process. This is especially worrying since Teo et al's study was performed two years earlier. Since we are planning to repeat this study every two years it is going to be very interesting to observe how the IS strategic planning process in Slovenia will develop. 3.1 IS strategic plan/corporate plan As has already been presented in the past, the key to the success of the strategic IS planning process is in corporate and strategic IS plan alignment (Clarke, 1992), (Lederer, Sethi, 1996), (Lederer, Salmela, 1996). Although the rate of companies conducting the strategic IS planning in Slovenia is much lower that the one in Singapore, it is surprising that corporate and strategic IS plans are aligned in much higher rate (92.4% compared to Teo et al's 79.3%) as shown on Table 3. Furthermore, in majority of companies (96.9% in the present study, 93.1% Teo et al's), the IS strategic plan developers show a high level of awareness of corporate objectives. Such results suggest that those companies that perform strategic IS planning realise the importance of corporate and strategic IS plan alignment as the key to the successful role of IT in business environment. 3.2 Planning methodologies/participants in IS planning Table 4 shows the comparison of the planning methodologies used by companies. Of the 65 respondents, 39 (60% compared to Teo et al's 69%) stated that they used a combination of top-bottom and bottom-up planning methodologies. In addition, 24 respondents (36.9% compared to Teo et al's 19%) used top-down planning approach. This result suggests that combination of methodologies prevails as most usual IS planning methodology, enabling synergy of business and user involvement. Dissimilar to Teo et al's finding our results suggest that top-down approach is more widely used in Slovenia. This indicates that IS planning in Slovenia is still traditionally oriented process in which management plays very important role. Table 5 shows the portfolio of participants involved in strategic IS planning in which top and MIS management plays the predominant role (on the scale from 1 to 5, 2.92 and 2.43 respectively Business activity Number Percentage Manufacturing 75 41% Commerce 31 17% Finance and insurance 13 7% Mixed 7 4% Other 55 30% Table 1: Structure of organizations based on business activity IS strategic plan Present study Teo et al. Number Percentage Rank Number Percentage Rank Existing 66 50.4% I 58 63.0% 1 Non-existing 65 49.6% 2 34 37.0% 2 Table 2: IS strategic plan implementation in the present study compared to Teo et al's 3.79 and 3.36) comparing to users involvement (1.55 compared to Teo et al's 2.8). Comparing strategic IS planning methodologies and participants we can conclude that combination of both topbottom and bottom-up planning methodologies is still prevailing. High involvement of top and MIS management and significant lack of users participation results in high rate of top-down approach. 3.3 Critical success factors Among 10 critical success factors listed, first 4 in our study were related to importance of management involvement and support as well as human resources related issues. Getting top management support for the planning efforts (4.83 in the present study, 4.69 Teo et al) with having a clear-cut corporate plan guide IS planning efforts (4.52 in the present study, 4.41 Teo et al) represent the key drivers for successful strategic IS planning in the literature (Clarke, 1992), (Karimi, Gupta, Somers, 1996), (Lederer, Sethi, 1996). The ability to obtain sufficient qualified personnel ranks as the second most important critical success factor in strategical IS planning personnel in Slovenia (4.59 in the present study, 4.22 Teo et al). We believe that the reason for this deviation is a significant shortage of qualified resources to support increasing evolution and spread of information technology. The fourth most important critical success factor is good user-IS relationships (4.38 in the present study, 4.22 Teo et al). This relationship is crucial for achieving the strategic objectives. Users and IS staff should act as partners in meeting the strategic objectives which would lead the company to operational excellence as already proved in the past (Karimi, Gupta, Somers, 1996), (Lederer, Sethi, 1996), (Lederer, Salmela, 1996), (Porter, 1985). Other suc- cess factors (see table 6) are mainly planning related (i.e. time management, environmental changes, planning procedure, etc). 3.4 Benefits/satisfaction with strategic IS plan According to the results shown in Table 7, companies highly appreciate the benefits from strategic IS planning process (on a scale from 1 to 5, all benefits were rated with a mean of 3.89 or higher). The most important benefits were in both studies improved internal co-ordination (4.57 in the present study, 4.07 Teo et al), efficient and effective management of IS resources (4.45 in the present study, 4.05 Teo et al) and improved productivity (4.37 in the present study, 4.09 Teo et al). It is also interesting to observe that respondents value internal benefits more than external. The possible reason is that internal benefits are easily recognised whereas external are not clearly defined. A comparison of the two studies reveals that although the most important benefits match, they were ranked differently. Improved productivity, which was the most important benefit in Teo et al's study ranked only third in the present study. This is somehow interesting since improved productivity is historically the most important benefit from strategic IS planning process (Davenport, Linder, 1994), (Karimi, Gupta, Somers, 1996), (Lederer, Salmela, 1996), (Porter, 1985), (Torkzadeh, Xia, 1992), that was in the present study clearly underscored (10 respondents rated improved productivity below semi-beneficial). This indicates that many Slovene executives perhaps still do not understand the strategic role and benefits of IS. The change of traditional thinking using IS for internal co-ordination and efficient and effective management support will have to be changed to improve producfivity as well as external benefits. The first step to achieve this change should be a part of strategic IS planning process. IS strategic plan allignment Present study Teo et al. Number Percentage Rank Number Percentage Rank Alligned 61 92.4% 1 46 79.3% 1 Not-alligned 2 3.0% 3 12 20.7% 2 Corporate plan non-existing 3 4.5% 2 0 0.0% 3 Table 3: Corporate and strategie IS plan alignment Planning methodologies Present study Teo et al. Number Percentage Rank Number Percentage Rank Bottom-up 2 3.1% 3 7 12.1% 3 Top-down 24 36.9% 2 11 19.0% 2 Combination of above 39 60.0% 1 40 69.0% 1 No answer 0 0.0% 4 0 0.0% 4 Total 65 100.0% 58 100.0% Table 4: IS planning methodologies Similarly to highly appreciated benefits from strategic IS planning process, the satisfaction with strategic IS plan also ranked high. Over 98 percent of respondents rated the satisfaction with their strategic plan above average. 3.5 Initiation of strategic IS planning process The results presented in Table 8 show that initiators of strategic IS planning process vary significantly between Slovenia and Singapore. Whereas Teo at al's study shows natural rank of initiators (41.4% IS management; 25.9% top, IS and line management; 12.1% top and IS management), present study reveals that in Slovenia the most important initiator of strategic IS planning process is top management (35.9%), followed by top and IS management (28.1%) and IS management (23.4%). The responses regarding the initiation of strategic IS planning process confirmed that in Slovenia IS planning is still traditionally oriented process in which top management plays very important role. This is very surprising since we would expect IS management to significantly add value to the strategic IS planning due to it's expertise. It is also very revealing to note that top, IS and line management does not take joint initiation in Slovenian companies. In fact, joint management initiation rated last with only 3.1% in contrast with 25.9% in Teo et al's study. 3.6 Evaluating IS function It is interesting to observe that among 66 companies that practised strategic IS planning process, only 15 (23.1%) have objective measures of IS contributions to productivity, although 95% of respondents rated the importance of developing such measures with 3 or higher on a scale from 1 to 5. This result is in line with Teo et al's result that shows 24% respondents have objective measures and 98% rated the importance 3 or higher. The lack of objective measures of IS contributions to productivity is also connected to benefits from strategic IS planning. Since very few respondents have objective measures of IS contributions to productivity there is no mechanism to measure the impact on productivity of business processes resulting in poor rating of improved productivity as a benefit from strategic IS planning (Table 7). Nevertheless, results show that the importance is recognised by the companies, but not yet implemented in practise. It is going to be very interesting to see how this subject is going to develop in the future since the impact of information technology on productivity remains an important benefit. 3.7 Company's degree of maturity The company's degree of maturity has been evaluated through long range business planning, capital allocation and objective setting. It is very encouraging that 84.6% of responding companies perform long range business planning in either more tactical than strategic (47.7%) or clearly strategic nature (36.9%). Financial aspect of the capital allocation is significant since 95.4% of respondents have set capital allocation criteria. Out of these 64.6% of respondents perform rigorous financial analysis with (33.8%) or without (30.8%) post audit. This results show that most companies perform serious financial analysis as a part of their planning process. In case of clear objective setting, our study shows that the majority of respondents set the objectives (93.8%). It is interesting that there is a spread of only 12.3% between the top three objective settings; highly targeted in- Participants (scale from 0 to 3) Present study Teo et al. Number Mean S.D. Rank Mean S.D. Rank MIS managers 64 2.92 0.32 1 3.79 0.59 1 Top managers 65 2.43 0.76 2 3.36 0.74 2 System analysts (developers) 55 2.20 0.86 3 2.75 0.88 4 Non-MIS managers 63 2.02 0.85 4 2.58 0.84 5 Consultants 62 1.92 1.05 5 1.89 0.92 9 Computer systems programmer 62 1.77 0.99 6 2.29 1.02 6 Computer operations personnel 57 1.56 0.94 7 2.05 0.91 7 Users 64 1.55 0.90 8 2.80 0.80 3 Vendors 58 1.36 1.03 9 2.02 0.86 8 Table 5: Participants in IS planning dividual objectives with strong follow-up directly affecting compensation (32.3%), only generalised individual objectives (24.6%) and highly targeted individual objectives with strong follow-up (20%). This indicates that there is a wide variety of objective setting practises currently in place in Slovene companies leading us to a conclusion that this area should be better focused on and improved in the future. 3.8 MIS department's state of maturity The MIS department's state of maturity has been evaluated through computer operations, system development, user involvement and feasibility assessment. The study shows that 14.8% of respondents stated that users are dissatisfied with the timeline and accuracy of computer operations. That is clearly a number that is not to be overlooked and computer operations should be the area where MIS departments must improve. One reason for dissatisfaction could be that extent of users participating in strategic IS planning is very low (L55 in Table 5) although one of the most important critical factors in strategic IS planning is good user-IS relationships (4.38 in Table 6). System development and users involvement parts of the questionnaire are possibly the most questionable in terms of data quality since our respondents are from the IS department. The study nevertheless shows that in the majority of respondents users are very confident of the MIS group's ability to consistently deliver major systems approximately on time, within budget and meeting specifications (66.2%) as well that users are involved only as much as necessary to define the system specifications and to implement it (63.1%), we must not forget that the questionnaire was filled in by IS executives. Ratings of IS department on MIS performance and users involvement might therefore be biased. In case of feasibility assessment it is very surprising to note that in 24.6% of companies no formal standard for assessing the feasibility of proposed major systems development projects exists. Feasibility studies are nevertheless performed in 75.4% of companies. This share should increase in the future since resource management is becom- ing of vital importance in today's business environment. 4 Conclusions Although the importance of strategic IS planning is clearly identified, the study shows that a moderate number (50.4%) of Slovene companies are involved in strategic IS planning. This is surprisingly low if we take into consideration that Teo et al's study reveals 63% of Singapore companies were performing strategic IS planning in 1996. On the other hand, it is encouraging that those companies that perform strategic IS planning have corporate and strategic plans aligned (92.4%), enabling them to meet overall business plans and goals. The study also shows that strategic IS planning in Slovenia is still traditionally oriented process in which top management plays an important role since top managers are the key initiators and participants in IS planning in which top-down approach is broadly used. This is very surprising since we would expect (he role of IS management to be significant due to their expert knowledge and experience. On top of the sometimes diminished role of IS management, the study shows that 14.8% of respondents stated users are dissatisfied with the timeline and accuracy of computer operations. This indicates that apart from underperforming role of IS management, users involvement in a strategic IS planning is also insufficient (users participation ranked last in the present study), although good user-IS relationship is one of the key success factors in strategic IS planning. Overall strategic IS planning process is still one of the key business activities where Slovene companies will have to improve in order to be able to effectively participate on the overall global market of the information era. References [1] R. Clarke: Strategic Information Systems: Retrospect and Prospect, International Conference on Information Systems and Organisations, Bled, Slovenia, 1992. Critical success factors Present study Teo et al. (scale from 0 to 5) Number Mean S.D. Rank Mean S.D. Rank Getting top management support 64 4.83 0.38 1 4.69 0.54 1 for the planning efforts Being able to obtain sufficiently 64 4.59 0.58 2 4.22 0.75 3 qualified personell to do a proper job Having a clear-cut corporate plan to 64 4.52 0.73 3 4.41 0.80 2 guide IS planning efforts Good user-IS relationships 64 4.38 0.76 4 4.22 0.68 3 Investing sufficient 'front end' time to ensure 64 4.31 0.73 5 3.98 0.78 8 that all planning tasks and individiual responsibilities are well understood Anticipating likely changes in information 64 4.28 0.74 6 4.10 0.67 5 technology (and environmental changes) which might affect the strategic IS planning process Having free comunication and commitment 63 4.21 0.91 7 4.02 0.81 7 to change throught the organisation Having a clear, concise, formal. 64 3.98 0.86 8 4.05 0.85 6 planning procedure Deciding on an appropriate 64 3.89 0.89 9 3.95 0.60 9 planning horizon Taking into account the people and politics 63 3.65 1.09 10 3.55 0.82 10 side of strategic IS planning system Table 6: Critical success factors in IS planning [2] T. Davenport, J. Linder: Information Management Infrastructure: the new competitive weapon? Proceedings of the 27th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1994, 885 - 896. [3] J. Karimi, Y. P. Gupta, T. M. Somers: Impact of Competitive Strategy and Information Technology Maturity on Firm's Strategic Response to Globalisation, Journal of MIS, 12(1996), 55 - 88. [4] A. Kovačič: Information Technology as an Enabler to Enterprises in Transition, Proceedings of The Third International Conference 'Enterprise in Transition', University of Split, Split-Sibenik 1999,278 - 290. [5] . L. Lederer, V. Sethi: Key Prescriptions for Strategic Information Systems Planning, Journal of MIS, 13(1996), 35 - 62. [6] A. L. Lederer, H. Salmela: Toward a Theory of Strategic Information Systems Planning, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, (1996), 237 - 253. [7] F. N. Pavri, J. S. K. Ang: A study of the strategic planning practices in Singapore, Information and Management, 28(1995), 33-47. [8] M. E. Porter: Competitive Advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance, Free Press, New York, 1985. [9] T. S. H. Teo, J. S. K. Ang, EN. Pavri: The state of strategic IS planning practices in Singapore, Information and Management, 33(1997), 13 - 23. [10] G. Torkzadeh, W. Xia: Managing Telecommunications by Steering Committee, MIS Quarterly, 16(1992), 187- 199. [11] Zakon o gospodarskih družbah (Slovene Corporate Law), Uradni list RS-30/93(1993), Ljubljana. Benefits from strategic IS planning process Present study Teo et al. (scale from 0 to 5) Number Mean S.D. Rank Mean S.D. Rank Improved internal coordination 65 4.57 0.63 1 4.07 0.71 2 Efficient and effective management of 65 4.45 0.66 2 4.05 0.59 3 IS resources Improved productivity 65 4.37 0.81 3 4.09 0.64 I Improved quality in products/services 65 4.23 0.87 4 3.88 0.69 6 Improved competitive position 64 4.16 0.91 5 4.00 0.81 4 Sound technology path and policies 65 3.97 0.80 6 3.70 0.63 7 Larger market share 63 3.90 1.00 7 3.30 0.91 8 Greater ability to meet changes 62 3.89 1.11 8 3.89 0.76 5 in the industry Table 7: Benefits from strategic IS planning process Initiated by Present study Teo et al. Number Percentage Rank Number Percentage Rank Top management 23 35.9% I 5 8.6% 4 Top and IS management 18 28.1% 2 7 12.1% 3 IS management 15 23.4% 3 24 41.4% 1 IS and line management 3 4.7% 4 3 5.2% 6 Line (or functional) management 2 3.1% 5 0 0.0% 7 Top, IS and line management 2 3.1% 5 15 25.9% 2 Missing data 1 1.6% 7 4 6.9% 5 Table 8: Initiators of strategic IS planning process Degree of maturity Number Percentage Long range business planning No formal long-range business plan 3 4.6% Mostly financial and headcount projections 7 10.8% More tactical than strategic 31 47.7% Clearly strategic in nature 24 36.9% Capital allocation No formal capital allocation criteria 3 4.6% Formal document stating purpose and level of investment, 20 30.8% but no financial measure of attractiveness Rigorous financial analysis for all major expenditures 20 30.8% but no post audit Rigorous financial analysis with post audit 22 33.8% Objective setting No formal setting of individual objectives 4 6.2% Only generalized individual objective are set 16 24.6% Highly targeted individual objectives are set 11 16.9% but no formal follow-up or appraisal of results Highly targeted individual objectives with strong follow-up 13 20.0% Highly targeted individual objectives with strong follow-up 21 32.3% directly affecting compensation Table 9: Company's degree of maturity Stage of maturity Number Percentage Computer operations Users are dissatisfied witii the timeline and accuracy of 9 14.8% computer operations Users are generally satisfied with timelines and accuracy of 26 42.6% computer operations but no formal production statistics are communicated to them Production control has been formalized, production objectives 26 42.6% are set and performance versus plan is communicated to users on a regular basis Systems development No formal standard for systems development exists 8 12.3% Users have little confidence in the MIS group's ability to deliver 14 21.5% major systems on time, within budget and meeting specifications Users are very confident of the MIS group's ability to consistently 43 66.2% deliver major systems approximately on time, within budget and meeting specifications Users Involvement Users are rarely involved in the systems development process 2 3.1% Users are involved only as much as necessary to define 41 63.1% the system specifications and to implement it Users are actively involved in all phases of the system 22 33.8% development process and often manage the project team Feasibility assessment No formal standard for assessing the feasibility of proposed 16 24.6% major systems development project exists Feasibility assessments are well defined and required for 15 23.1% all proposed major system development project but no post-implementation audit Feasibility assessments are well defined and required for 34 52.3% all proposed major system development projects and followed by post-implementation audits Table 10: MIS department's state of maturity Application Modeling and Concurrency Control in Active DBMS: A Survey Prithwish Kangsabanik, R. Mall and A.K. Majumdar Dept. of Computer Science and Engg. I.I.T Kharagpur, India. PIN - 721 302. email: {prith, rajib, akmj ) @cse.iitkgp.ernet.in Keywords: Active database, Concurrency control, Object oriented systems. Edited by: Rudi Murn Received: October 5, 2000 Revised: March 5, 2000 Accepted: April 19,2000 In this paper, we survey some of the recent developments in application modeling and concurrency control in Active DBMS (ADBMS). We fìrst review the evolution of Active DBMS and different application areas of ADBMSs. Application modeling techniques for ADBMS applications have been surveyed after that. Then we discuss about the execution modeling and concurrency control in active DBMS - which is one of the most challenging areas in active database research. Several important active database research projects are also reviewed with mention of their contributions and current research directions pointed out by these projects. 1 Introduction Databases are traditionally seen as passive repositories of facts. Actions performed on the database are insertion, rearrangement, modification and retrieval of data. The role played by a database is similar to that played by a bookshelf. We do not expect the bookshelf to reject an unsuitable book. Similarly we do not expect databases to do autonomous work, such as actively constraining their contents, based on environmental cues. This passive view of databases affects the way we think of interacting with them, the jobs for which we use them, and the way we design systems containing them. This traditional perspective is insufficient for many applications such as computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), office workflow control, process control, stock control, battle management, network management etc., which require timely response to critical situations. For time-constrained applications, it is important to monitor conditions defined on the states of the database, and then once these conditions are satisfied, to invoke specified actions, subject to some timing constraints. For example, inventory control in an automated factory may require that the available quantity (stock) of each item be monitored; if the stock for some item falls below a threshold, then a reorder procedure has to be initiated before the end of one working day. In a situation assessment application which requires various targets to be tracked, if a target is discovered within a critical distance, then an alert message may have.to be displayed on the commander's screen with the highest priority. The passive DBMSs are not equipped to deal with applications requiring such autonomous actions. An Active DBMS [62] (ADBMS hereafter) is a database system that incorporates user-definable responsive components which can autonomously execute actions affecting both the database and the external environment. It attempts to ensure both modularity and timely response. To achieve these objectives, often event-driven production rules are incorporated into the databases. These rules are triggered by database operations and perform suitable actions. Situations, actions and timing requirements are all specified declaratively to the system using the rules. The system monitors the database state, triggers appropriate actions when certain situations become true, and schedules tasks to meet the timing requirements without user or application intervention. 1.1 Evolution of Active DBMSs Initial attempts to unite rule functionalities with the databases involved interfacing databases and expert systems [192], Such an interfacing approach, while useful in some applications, has encountered several major problems: - The interface is a barrier. Since expert system rules are separated from the database, event detection of database events and rule optimization is much more difficult. - Time cost of interface. The interface can introduce a significant performance penalty in time. - Data structure mismatch. Expert system rules are instance oriented but database languages are set oriented. - Rule execution mismatch. Expert system rules often execute using either forward or backward chaining, event driven rules typically execute using forward chaining. An approach to overcoming these problems is to integrate rule functionalities fully into the database itself, resulting in an Active DBMS. Rules are defined using database languages, and are executed by the database runtime system. Such an integrated approach is highly desirable, since it removes the interface barrier and its cost. Full integration, implies harmonizing rule functionality with the services already promised by the database to its users. These services include: - Persistence of data between executions. - Safe concurrent access to data. - Data independence. - Efficient access through multiple indices. - Uniform associative access language. - Protection against hard and soft failures. - Schematic organization. - Logically centralized data. - Security. - Automated integrity enforcement. In an active database, each database service must be carefully reconsidered, and perhaps redefined. For example, - Transactions containing rules can spawn and signal subtransactions by triggering rules. Streams of long running inter-communicating hierarchically structured transactions could be constructed this way. This suggests the need for a new transaction framework for handling communicating transactions. - User transactions should not see data inconsistencies due to concurrently executing rule actions. Rule actions must be integrated into the concurrency control framework of the database. - Rule actions (trigger expressions, predicates) must be integrated with existing database languages, so the user sees a single mode of data access. Although the rules and rule processing have been extensively investigated in the expert systems and deductive database literature, there are some important differences in the semantics of rules in active databases and steps to be taken for rule processing in such an environment. Some of these issues are discussed below. 1. The rules in active databases are event driven and are typically invoked by operations or state changes caused by a transaction. 2. Multiple rules may be eligible for execution and hence their (concurrent) execution needs to be consistent with the semantics used for transaction execution. 3. As active capability is intended as a uniform mechanism for supporting several database functionalities (e.g. integrity constraints, view materialization), the rules are treated as any other shared data and are managed by the system. Based on application requirements, the events to be monitored can be categorized into the following: - Database events : typically insert, delete, and modify operations in a relational DBMS or method invocations in an object-oriented DBMS. - Temporal events : typically absolute, relative events. - Abstract or external events : events that are detected outside the scope of the DBMS; the condition-action portion of the rule is processed by the DBMS. Active capabilities in DBMSs can be traced back to the ON conditions of CODASYL [1]. Triggers were proposed in System R [78,79] as a mechanism for enforcing integrity constraints (or "assertions"). The use of triggers for maintaining materialized views, snapshots, derived attribute values, and some algorithms for implementing them have been described in [34, 141, 168, 155, 22, 125, 151, 113]. The term "active database" was coined in [155] to describe a system that supports automatic updates of views and derived data as base data are updated. Simple triggers (where the triggering conditions involve only a single relation) are supported by some current commercial relational DBMSs (e.g. [61]). Time triggers, where the triggering condition is a point in time (e.g. at 2:00:00 on 5/2/1998), have been used for office system applications in [205, 15]. In [80, 183], Stonebraker et. al. have pointed out the utility of production rules (i.e. situation-action) as a unifying mechanism for integrity control, access control and view processing, and for supporting inference via forward and backward chaining. Of course, the AI community has long been using production rules [85], actors [123], daemons, active objects [23], and procedural attachment of slots of frames [ 154,23] for "active" knowledge representation and inference mechanisms. However, these representations and their implementations assume small number of objects (rules, facts) stored in the main (or virtual) memory, not in a large database on secondary storage. Also, they typically assume a single thread of execution, and hence do not provide any concurrency control over shared objects (as DBMSs do). In recent years several active database systems have been designed and some have been implemented. Three early active database systems are Ariel [119], the second version of the POSTGRES rule system (PRS-II) [188], and Chimera [39, 40, 86]. Ariel has a rule language and execution semantics based closely on the expert system 0PS5 [28], and incorporates a production rule language originally designed for expert systems. The Ariel project has focused on the design of an 0PS5-like rule language for database setting, and on methods for highly efficient rule condition testing using a variations of Rete and TREAT algorithms designed for OPS5 [196], Tiie Ariel rule language is fully implemented using Exodus database toolkit [119]. ThePOSTGRES rule system, sometimes referred to as PRS-II to distinguish it from an earlier proposal [186], focuses on both the language and implementation of several different classes of rules, each appropriate for a particular suite of applications. The Chimera system combines object-oriented, deductive, and active database technology. The first prototype of Chimera has also been implemented, employing some techniques adapted from Starburst [39], Two other relational active database projects are DATEX [25] and DIPS [175], These projects implement 0PS5 rule language using an underlying database system and special indexing technique to support efficient processing of large rules and data sets. The PARADISER project also uses a database system for efficient processing of expert system rules. PARADISER, in addition, focused on distributed and parallel rule processing [68]. RPL (for Relational Production Language) was an early project in relational active database system. RPL includes an 0PS5-like rule language based on relational queries. In a prototype implementation of RPL rule processing is loosely coupled to a commercial relational DBMS [67]. The Alert project explores how active rules can be supported on top of a passive database system with minimal extensions [174]. Finally, Heracli-tus [108] is a relational database programming language with delta relations as first-class objects; a primary goal of the Heraclitus language is to simulate and support active rule processing [108]. Beginning with an early project HiPAC [63] several recent efforts (including Chimera) have considered active object-oriented database systems. HiPAC was a pioneering project in the area of active object oriented database systems. HiPAC includes a very powerful rule language for an object oriented data model, a flexible execution semantics, and several main-memory experimental prototypes [63]. Other recent active object oriented database projects are Ode [6, 99], Sentinel [11, 47], REACH [32, 24, 31], SAMOS [98, 97], ADAM [71, 69]. Though "active functionality" has been claimed for many database systems, it should be clear which functionalities a database management should support in order to legitimately considered as an active database management system. Thus, in [72], a rulebase of active database features has been provided. Here, it has been distinguished between mandatory features that are needed to qualify as an active database system, and desired features which are nice to have. Also, in [72], a set of application classes for ADBMS applications and the corresponding subset of functionalities needed for each of these application class has been identified. In this paper, several important research areas in active database are surveyed. We begin with a brief discussion on some of the important application areas of active databases, e.g. constraint and integrity management, workflow management, cooperative problem solving etc. One important research area lacking focus, in spite of the apparent popularity of ADBMSs, is the development of a suitable application modeling techniques for active DBMS. We review some important works on application modeling on passive DBMS first. Then we discuss how these works have been transformed with the advent of object oriented modeling, which gives better modeling power in the presence of changing requirements, which are to a large extent due to the changes in the business environment. However, it has been realized that a more intuitive way to describe business policies is in terms of rules, which is the basic backbone of active DBMS. New modeling techniques which are coming up for developing active DBMS applications have been discussed. One of the important areas of research in ADBMS is the execution modeling of active DBMS transactions. The different extended transaction models have been used for ADBMS transaction modeling and execution modeling. Variation of the existing extended transaction models have been used to develop the concurrency control algorithms for event driven execution of ADBMS transactions. We give an extensive review of the execution model and concurrency control algorithms for ADBMS. transactions in this paper. To make this paper complete, we discuss the major projects that have been carried out in ADBMS and current research directions investigated by these projects. Several prototype active database systems are being or have already been developed. The underlying data models used in these databases are mostly relational or object oriented. To capture the execution semantics, most of these systems have adopted the rule based approach. We first discuss relational active database projects and the research directions investigated in this projects. Afterwards the projects on Active Object Database Systems (AODBMS) and their research directions are reviewed. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we discuss the rules in active database systems. In section 3, we give the application areas of active databases. The research issues lead by these advanced applications of ADBMS are presented in section 4. Section 5 gives the survey of reported work in the area of application modeling in ADBMS. The work on execution modeling and concurrency control of active database transactions has been reviewed in section 6. Important projects on active RDBMS and active ODBMS and the research directions pointed out by these projects are reviewed in section 7 and section 8 respectively. 2 Rules in Active Database System A consensus seems to be emerging among the database community about the elemental components of a rule used for supporting active functionality. These components are an event expression, one or more conditions, an action, and a set of attributes. A rule with these components is called an Event-Condition-Action rule or ECA rule [63]. The components of a rule are usually packaged in three different formats: 1. EC-A where only the action and the condition are specified (events are implicit) 2. E-CA where condition and action are specified together, event is specified explicitly and 3. E-C-A where all three components are explicitly specified. In Sybase [3] and Interbase [2], a rule is composed of an event part and an action part (format 2). The action part is a transaction, i.e. a sequence of Transact-SQL statements in Sybase or a sequence of GDML statements in Interbase. The condition part is encoded as part of the action. ETM (Event Trigger Mechanism [146]) also uses the same format. On the other hand, Postgres [184], Starburst [201], and HIPAC [64] have separate event, condition and action parts (format 3). An extension of the above scheme includes a contingency action to replace the specified action when the action cannot be completed within a specified deadline [64]. Production rule systems (e.g. the expert system 0PS5) typically use the first format. For example, the following Starburst rule aborts the transaction whenever the average of updated employee salary exceeds 100: define rule AverageTooBig on update to Employee.salary [<=Event Part] if ((select avg(salary) from new-updated) > 100) [-^Condition Part] then rollback [<=Action Part] The rule AverageTooBig is specified in the third format, where separate event, condition and action can be specified. 2.1 Rules in Commercial RDBIMS Systems and SQL3 Most commercial relational database management systems (RDBMS) support active database rules, referred to as triggers. These RDBMSs suffer from the following shortcomings: 1. These RDBMSs lack standardization in their syntax and semantics of trigger. Thus applications written using triggering facilities become unportable. 2. These product don't have a clearly defined execution semantics. 3. Lack of advanced active database features like event composition, binding of events to condition and condition to action, coupling mode of rules and parallelism in rule execution, application specific events etc. 4. Most of the time these products have a limitation on the number of triggers that may be defined, or on the interaction between the triggers. In this subsection, we discuss in brief the active facility in the prevalent commercial relational database system like Oracle, Sybase, Ingres and Informix. To provide a more consistent support for active mechanisms in relational systems, assertions and triggers are included in the emerging SQL-3 standard [200]. Thus we start our discussion with SQL-3, to see what standard bodies are doing in this area. 2.1.1 Active features in SQL3 SQL-3 standard (which later became SQL99) support active functionalities by means of (a) assertions and (b)triggers[148]. Assertions in SQL-3: The SQL-3 assertion facilitates for checking specific constraints (on a table) during the transaction execution. The constraint can be arbitrary SQL predicate and the assertion is satisfied if the constraint evaluates to true. The constraint is evaluated when explicit assertion events occurs. The assertion events may be transactional events (e.g. "BEFORE COMMIT") or data modification events (e.g. insert/delete/update on a table). The granularity of constraint evaluation can be tuple-level, i.e., the condition is evaluated for each tuple of the specified table. Otherwise, granularity of evaluation is statementlevel, i.e., the condition is evaluated exactly once for the entire table. A constraint's evaluation may be immediate if the constraint is evaluated after every SQL statement that may affect the constraint or it may be deferred if constraint checking is not performed until the commit point of a transaction. Triggers in SQL-3: SQL-3 follows the active database ECA paradigm. The event is the monitored database operation, the condition is an arbitrary SQL predicate, and the action is a sequence of SQL procedure statements. These procedure statements are executed iff the event occurs and the condition evaluates to true. Like assertion in SQL-3 standard, trigger facility supports both row-level triggers (with a transition granularity of tuple) and statement-level triggers (with a transition granularity of set). Statementlevel triggers are executed once in response to an update operation on a table, no matter how many tuples are affected by the update. In the condition and the action part of a trigger, references to values of the tuple/table before and after the execution of trigger are also available. However, perhaps the most important feature of the SQL-3 standard is that it makes explicit how triggers are to interact with other features found in relational databases, and in particular, declarative integrity-checking mechanisms. For example, SQL-3 prohibits triggers on tables with referential integrity constraints. The syntax and execution behavior of commercial RDBMS systems span a broad spectrum in their variance from the proposed SQL-3 standard and also they widely vary among themselves too. We discuss this in the following subsections. 2.1.2 Active features in Oracle The RDBMS Oracle 7.0 and higher versions supports triggers [200], The triggers in Oracle may be specified to be executed before or after the triggering operation, and with either tuple-level or statement-level granularity as in SQL3. The condition part can be specified only for tuple-level triggers and is restricted to be a simple predicate on the modified tuple. The triggered action is a procedure block written in PL/SQL, a special database programming language supported by Oracle. The old and new value of the tuples are available only in case of tuple-level triggers. Triggers may cascade as a result of recursive trigger invocation, but there is a maximum limit on the number of cascading triggers. The trigger processing may be non-deterministic as the system does not guarantee any particular order for the row processed by the SQL operations. In Oracle, triggers are used for auditing and event logging, automatically computing derived data, enforcing referential integrity constraints and maintenance of replicated table synchronously. 2.1.3 Active features in Sybase In Sybase 10, triggers are only statement-level and can execute after the triggering operations [200]. Triggers are supported for insert, delete and update operation on a table. The old and new values of the tuple are available by two system defined temporary tables called INSERTED and DELETED. These table include all the tuple that were inserted or deleted by the triggering operation. Updates are treated as a delete followed by an insert. Triggers in Sybase can cascade with a built-in limit of 8 firings. Triggers in Sybase can be used for implementing referential integrity constraints like "cascaded delete". 2.1.4 Active features in Ingres In Ingres, triggers, referred to as rules, are executed after its triggering operation and with a tuple level granularity [200]. The rule triggering events are insert, delete or update on a table. The condition part of a rule may reference current, old and new attribute of the tuple that cause the rule to fire and these values may be passed to the procedure in the rule's action. Like Oracle and Sybase, rules in Ingres may cascade upto 20 rules. If an error occurs, during rule execution then the triggering operation and all subsequent trigger actions are rolled back. Rule are used in Ingres for maintenance referential integrity constraints, enforcing of general-purpose business policies and for maintaining authorization schemes. 2.1.5 Active features in Informix In Informix rules, multiple triggers may be defined within a single rule. Thus separate condition-action pairs may be defined together, one pair to be triggered before a statement, one pair to be triggered for each row affected by a statement, and one pair to be triggered after a statement [200]. The triggering events may be insert, delete on a table or an update on a column of a table. The old and new values of the tuple can be referenced in the rules condition and action part. Actions are arbitrary sequence of insert/delete/update statements or procedure calls. Like Oracle, triggers in Informix can cascade upto with a built-in limit of 60. When logging is enabled, if an error occurs during trigger execution then the triggering operation and all subsequent triggered actions are rolled back. When logging is not enabled, handling of errors in trigger execution is application's responsibility. 2.2 Rule Expressiveness As we have discussed in section 2.1, commonly used data manipulation languages (SQL and its variants) currendy support primitive EGA rules. As a result, ad hoc extensions have been proposed even for the specification of simple integrity constraints (e.g. domain constraints). Some of the earlier approaches specifically addressed enforcement of integrity constraints by extending the data model for specifying triggers. In contrast, active DBMSs require enhancement to the data model in at least two ways: 1. for specifying events 2. for specifying conditions and actions along with the attributes for tailoring the behavior of rules. 2.2.1 Event Specification Enhancement In ADBMS, in addition to the specification of events corresponding to database operations, such as insert, delete, and modify, specifications of composite events, temporal and/or periodic events as well as external events need to be supported [72]. This has to be provided by defining event types and event consumption policies. Event Types: The event types may be primitive or composite. Primitive event types define the events which are raised by a single low level occurrence, for example, method invocation, data item modification, transaction operation, abstract and time event types. Composite event types are defined by some combination of primitive and composite events, using set of event constructors such as disjunction, conjunction, sequences etc. Rich event algebras have been proposed for a range of systems, including HiPAC [63], ODE [103], Sentinel [48] and SAMOS [94]. Event Consumption Policies: To detect composite event from a sequence of primitive events, the event consumption policies need to be specified. In [48] four possible event consumption policies have been defined namely recent, chronicle, continuos and cumulative. In recent context, most recent primitive events are used to construct a composite event. In chronicle context, prihiitive events are consumed in a chronological order. Each primitive event starts the detection of all possible composite events in con-tinuos context. In cumulative context, all the primitive events of same type are accumulated until the compositeiiim.eJi„idy„ner event is finally raised. O...OICI |A|0.,.OICI|A| ICKA) [Al 2.2.2 Condition and Action Specification Enhancement Specifications of conditions and actions also require exten- operators, and may refer to the old and new state corresponding to the state before the execution of the operations and the state created after the execution of the operations, respectively. 2.3 Rule Execution Semantics The introduction of EGA rules, executed as a side effect of transaction execution, requires redefinition of transaction semantics. The semantic relationships among the original transaction and the subtransactions invoked for evaluating the condition and execution of action, are specified by coupling modes. Several alternative coupling modes have been proposed [124], Suppose an operation 0 is performed by transaction T, and that the invocation of O is the triggering event E for a rule with condition C and action A. Assuming that the condition C is satisfied, it would be necessary to execute action A. There are three possible ways by which A can be executed: - Immediate: The action A is executed immediately when the event E occurs and before the next operation in T. Thus, the processing of remaining steps of the transaction which caused the event to occur (i.e. T, the triggering transaction) is suspended until the evaluation of the fired rule has been completely processed. - Deferred: The action A is executed after the last operation in T and before T commits. This type of coupling mode is required for enforcement of integrity constraints in a transaction oriented environment. - Detached: The action A is executed in a separate transaction T'. Furthermore, the action A does not have to be executed at the same point where the condition C is evaluated. For example, the condition can be evaluated immediately after the triggering event, while the action is executed in a separate transaction. The condition C and action A can be considered separately, subject to the constraint that A cannot be executed before C is evaluated. There are seven distinct coupling modes that satisfy these constraints: 1. Evaluate C and execute A immediately when the event E occurs and before the next operation in T. the triijgeriiig opcriiliuii iiiid beliire llie licxt ojienilioii At\cr Ihc last ojienitiotl ill the Iniiisactioii and hcfore the triiiisiietiott COIIllllitS 1» -a stiimi-iile tniiisiietioii 111 a seiKirate trunsiietioii 1. 0. ■ OICIIAIO.. .0 2. 0.. ■ OICI O...OIAI 3. 0.. .0 0...01CMAI 4. 0.. • OICI 0...0 |A1 S. 0- .o O...OICÌ |A| 6. 0.. .0 0...0 ICilAI 7. , O- .0 0...0 , .|A| Figure 1: Different type ofRule Coupling in Active DBMS 2. Evaluate C immediately when the event E occurs and execute A after the last operation in T and before T commits. 3. Evaluate C and execute A after the last operation in T and before T commits. 4. Evaluate C immediately when the event E occurs and execute A in a separate transaction T'. 5. Evaluate C after the last operation in T but before T commits, and execute T in a separate transaction T'. 6. Evaluate C and execute A together in a separate transaction T'. 1. Evaluate C in one separate transaction T' and execute A in another separate transaction T". These cases are depicted in Figure 1. In addition to specifying the event, condition, and action, the definition of a rule must also specify the coupling mode of condition evaluation and action execution. Rule Cycle Policy: The cycle policy of the rule execution model defines how the events signaled during condition and action evaluation need to be processed. In iterative cycling policy, the condition and action execution of the event signaling rule will continue even after the event signaling. In recursive cycle policy, event signaling during the condition and action evaluation causes the event signaling rule to be suspended, so that any triggered rule due to this event can be fired. Thus recursive cycling policy needs to be supported for immediate mode rule execution, and iterative cycling policy for deferred mode rule execution. Rule Scheduling: It is possible that an event occurrence can make several rules eligible for execution. The scheduling of rules determines (a)the selection of the next rule(s) to be fired and (b) the number of rules to be fired. Next rule selection policy is often carried out by means of priority mechanism in which rule priorities are specified using one of the following ways: - using a numerical value for each rule [188], which is its priority. - specifying relative priorities of rules by stating explicitly that a given rule needs to be fired before another when both are triggered at the same time [7]. The number of rules to be fired from the triggered rules can have following options: (a) To fire all rules sequentially. This policy is needed for rules supporting integrity maintenance. (b) To fire all rules in parallel, to facilitate more efficient rule processing as in HiPAC [63]. (c) To fire all instantiations of a specific rule before any other rules are considered, which is mostly used for expert systems to yield more focussed inference mechanisms. (d) To fire only some rule instantiation(s). This policy is used to support derived data in which out of several derivation criteria only one need to be selected. 2.3.1 Dependencies of Rule Expressiveness and Rule Execution Semantics Rule expressiveness and rule execution semantics are dependent on each other. In [163], a formal framework was introduced for studying the semantics and expressiveness of active databases. This framework allows to provide insight into the interplay of various active database features, and their impact on expressiveness and complexity. It was found that: - Unbounded immediate triggering has a complexity of EXPTIME. But if the depth of nesting of immediate triggering is bounded, then the complexity goes down to PSPACE. - Deferred triggering is computationally more powerful than immediate triggering. Several complexity bound may be found in case of deferred triggering under various restrictions on queuing discipline. If multiple occurrences of rules are not allowed in the triggered rule set queue, then the complexity becomes PSPACE. If multiple occurrences of the same rule is allowed in the queue, but not with same delta relations as parameters, then the complexity is EXPSPACE. - For mixed triggering, i.e., when immediate and deferred triggering are combined, it subsumes both. - Also, the complexity results induce relative expressive power of various restrictions. Thus, relative expressive power of different active databases can be determined based on their coupling mode supports and rule queue management strategy, as studied in [163]. 3 Applications of Active DBMS Since an ADBMS is intended to implement a greater portion of application semantics within the DBMS, it is necessary to investigate possible application areas. Below we look into some of the applications that have been implemented on top of an ADBMS. - Constraint and Integrity Management : Constraint management and integrity control are classical application areas for ADBMSs. Constraints on the database are expressed as first-order predicates. Using these constraints, a set of production rules are generated (possibly redundant and non-terminating) which are able to take corrective actions corresponding to violated constraints. In [37], Ceri et. al. have introduced a scheme for automatic correction of violated constraints. A rule analyzer selects a subset of generalized rules such that termination is ensured and a large number of constraints are compensated. Static analysis algorithms described in [9, 8] determine whether a set of rules applied to a given user transaction will either terminate producing a unique final database state {confluence), or produce unique and user observable side effects {observable determinism). These algorithms have been based on the Starburst rule system [201, 202] and can be used by other rule evaluation systems that allow arbitrary execution points within a user transaction. Decidability and undecidability results for the termination problem of active database rules has also been investigated in [13]. The PARDES system [81, 82, 83] uses an integrity constraint approach based on an object-oriented ADBMS. The rule semantic is 'ON update AND condition DO update'. In PARDES, the rules are triggered not by events but by modifications of data. It addresses a set of semantic problems such as (i) non-determinism caused by different rules concerning the same object, (ii) infinite loops, and (iii) direct update problem, where both rule execution and regular updates may modify an object. In [42] production rules of an ADBMS have been used for defining a rule set for view maintenance. Here the user defines a view as an SQL select expression. The system automatically generates the production rules to maintain the materialization of the views. In [107], production rules have been used for integrity repair and for detection of integrity constraint violation. The rule language introduced in PARDES [107] is powerful enough to specify violation of repair actions. The Postgres system [185,186,187,188] uses rules for maintenance of views, integrity control, and protection. Usage of production rules for maintenance of temporal conditions and integrity maintenance have been proposed in [180], where incremental detection algorithms for complex temporal conditions have been given. Here, the temporal conditions are monitored as the database state changes with time. Usage of rules for database internal applications has also been discussed in [76]. Workflow Management : In [35], EGA rules are used to specify the coordination of tasks within a multi-step workflow. Coordination aspects of tasks are synchronization of steps and mechanism to guarantee the right number of step execution within the workflow. In [65, 66], it has been shown that complex transaction models for workflow execution can be defined using rules. HiPAC transaction coupling modes have been extended by special transaction dependencies which are useful for dependent and nested top transactions. An example workflow model for a hospital patient information system has been defined using these rules [65]. Cooperative Problem Solving : In a cooperative problem solving system, events and context information of long running activities have to be persistent [52]. Complex cooperation dependencies are captured by algebraic expressions involving those events and contexts. It has been shown that an active database may be used as a persistent blackboard for basic and complex event monitoring. The active database performs the tasks of event collection, monitoring complex events, and notification to the application layers. Cooperative Work : Distributed cooperative task execution can be done using ECA rules of an ADBMS [105, 145]. In distributed cooperative execution, the cooperation knowledge for execution of the task is coded in the individual agents. Using ADBMS, the policy of each of the agents is coded using ECA rules. The underlying active DBMS thus controls the cooperative task execution. ADBMS functionality may also be used for coordination among agents [19]. Multidatabase System : Active DBMS production rules may be used to specify data integrity constraints in heterogeneous distributed multidatabases having different local and global data integrity constraints [73]. It is based on an architecture that wraps each local DBMS and a framework allows different levels of cooperation. Advanced Transaction Model : Flexible transaction models can be developed using an active DBMS as the building block [51, 104]. This approach presents an application for active ECA rules to specify the behavior of the intended DBMS. In [51], a framework has been developed where ECA rules are used to implement different transaction models within a DBMS. The different locking data structures for concurrency control are updated by the ECA rules according to the specified transaction model. The ACTA framework [56] has been used for specification and reasoning about transaction structure and behavior in advanced transaction models. In ACTA, a set of logical rules are used to specify the advanced transaction models. ACTA has been used in [204] to reason about transactions and data timing constraints in real-time active databases for analysis and verification of real time software. A rule based extensible DBMS kernel has been developed in [104], to support different transaction manager semantics described by a set of logical ACTA rules, which are translated into appropriate ECA production rules. - Finance : The requirements to be met for implementing financial applications using an Active DBMS have been discussed in [54]. Applications of commercial trigger database system (SYBASE, INGRES, ORACLE) to business rules in information systems have been discussed in [140] with the case study in the area of banking and insurance. It has been shown that ADBMS can be used to implement business rules of financial applications. - Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) : In CIM, execution and coordination of multiple activities are required. The execution of the activities are based on outcome of previous activities and also the different triggering conditions based on the environmental parameters. Usage of temporal active databases for CIM applications have been discussed in [74]. Coordinating CIM activities in a multidatabase system environment has been taken care of in [84]. - Graphical Interface : Dynamic displays can be supported using active rules [70]. Dynamic displays having graphical interface react automatically to modifications of the underlying database and can be implemented without changes to the application system or the graphical interface. 4 Research Issues in ADBMS The advanced applications discussed in section 3 requires the effective support of ECA rules in an active DBMS, which leads to the close analysis of the following major issues [62]: - Knowledge Model: extend conventional data models to accommodate EGA rules and their associated execution and timing requirements as far as possible. This issue has been investigated by several researchers [62, 64, 188, 11, 126,50, 32,31]. - Application Model: develop an application modeling framework for applications running on top of an active DBMS. Obviously, such a framework will differ from existing modeling frameworks for applications running on a passive DBMS since here, the database is responsive and can trigger the application transactions which they have opted for. Though considerable effort has been directed towards knowledge modeling, not much work has been reported on application model development. - Execution Model: extend conventional transaction models to specify correct interleavings of the system-triggered actions in addition to user or application-initiated transactions. Transactions subscribe to the database for the events they are interested in. Transactions containing the rules, would spawn and signal sub-transactions as a result of triggering of the rules. Streams of long running inter-communicating and cooperating hierarchically structured transactions can be constructed in this manner. This suggests the need for a new framework for handling communication and cooperation among transactions. Though some work has been carried out on execution modeling of active DBMS transactions [124], issues related to communicating and cooperating active DBMS transactions in the presence of detached mode rules however, need to be carefully examined. - Scheduling: develop algorithms for scheduling tasks to satisfy concurrency, cooperation semantics, and timing constraints. This has to be done based on appropriate execution model for cooperating and communicating transactions. - Condition Monitoring: develop techniques for efficiently evaluating sets of dynamic, overlapping conditions. - Architecture: define the functional components of an active DBMS, and their interactions. - Performance Evaluation: construct a test-bed for evaluating alternative architectures and algorithms for condition monitoring and scheduling. 5 Application Modeling on Passive and Active DBMSs Research in ADBMS has concentrated mostly on event modeling [53, 94, 95, 103], transaction modeling [62, 65, 49, 31], and execution modeling [124,66,31]. But in order to develop complex applications, we need to consider an application modeling framework where all these aspects are simultaneously taken care of. Brodie et. al. [26, 27, 139, 157] have proposed several techniques for dealing with database-intensive applications on relational databases. In Brodie et. al [26, 27], transactions operate on a classical relational database, i.e., the RDBMS is assumed to be not an active one. Recent research on dynamic modeling of data and systems has resulted in several representation formalisms [10, 139, 158], IntheDATAlD project [10], programmer-defined forms are used for event specification and these are converted to Petri-Nets for analysis. ACM/PCM [158] uses a behavioral specification language based on predicate transformers. The event model of King and McLeod [139] uses design schema or scripts. In the TAXIS project [158], the TAXIS language, which is similar to an object oriented programming language, is used to specify transactions. In all of these schemes, the database is considered as passive and transactions operate on the database. 5.1 Need for Object Oriented Modeling Non-standard applications have to cope with frequently changing requirements which are, to a large extent, due to changes in the business environment [152]. Those aspects of the business environment which are subject to frequent changes are often referred to as business policies. Business policies typically capture context-dependent and time-dependent organizational knowledge. They may be based on ethics, law, culture and organizational commitments by either prescribing a certain action or by constraining the set of possible actions [122, 159]. To cope with changing business policies, it should be possible to easily adapt the application implementing the respective policies. The introduction of object oriented paradigm has been one step in this direction. Object-oriented languages and development environments help to intuitively model the universe of discourse and to adapt to the changing requirements [87]. However, a mechanism for explicitly specifying business policies in a natural and straightforward way is still missing. In most object-oriented systems, business policies are implemented by some methods, or part thereof, and thus business knowledge is mixed with code realizing basic functionality with a low modification probability. In this respect, the authors in [171] have suggested distinguishing methods containing policy ("making of context dependent decisions"), from methods containing implementation ("execution of fully specified algorithms"). It has been shown, however, that a more intuitive way to describe business policies is in terms of rules, since the domain specialists usually do so in expressing their system requirements [162]. 5.2 Integrating Rules with Object Oriented IVIodeling Approaches for integrating rules with object-oriented concepts have been widely accepted as a powerful means for explicitly modeling applications [159, 170,191]. These approaches are also known as rule-based models, or more accurately as active object oriented models. In these models, EGA rules are often used for explicit, localized, and transparent specification of business policies of applications [71, 72]. The usage of EGA rules enhances the reusability of methods and classes since such methods and classes need not contain application specific policies. Moreover, since a business policy can be expressed by rules, it can be readily modified if the situation demands so. Active Object Oriented Database Systems (AODBMS) provide both object-oriented and rule based specification of the applications. Thus in an AODBMS application, the database is an integral part of the dynamic model of the application. Therefore, the methodology for traditional transaction modeling schemes has to be modified to capture the dynamic properties of the application. In [134, 131, 132], a methodology has been reported for modeling application Active Object DBMS (ADBMS). The proposed methodology in [134] investigates the interrelationships among transactions, objects, and events in a closed loop environment. A database is considered not only as a repository of the application data, but also as a storekeeper and monitor of the control and dynamic aspects of the complete system. Thus a database itself may automatically generate transactions as a part of the application semantics. The conceptual design of AODBMS applications can be carried out using multi-level diagrams as proposed in [177]. When a rule set of an ADBMS becomes quite large, the rule set needs to be modularized for better conceptualization and designing. Several modularization techniques for active rules design have been investigated in [14]. 6 Execution Modeling in Active DBMS In this section, we review the reported research on execution modeling of active DBMS transactions. The execution model of ADBMS transactions also determines the concurrency control scheme to be used for concurrent execution of multiple transactions. The research on concurrency control of ADBMS transactions has naturally been influenced by classical concurrency control protocols for atomic and extended transaction models. 6.1 Atomic Transactions : Traditional transactions [77, 109] are based on the notion of atomicity and thus are often referred as atomic transactions. Atomic transactions enforce the properties of f/j failure atomicity, (ii) consistency, (Hi) isolation, and(iv) durability, commonly referred to as ACID properties. Failure atomicity means that either all or none of the transaction's operations are performed. Consistency means that a transaction maintains the integrity constraints of the database. Isolation, commonly known as serializability, means that concurrent transactions execute without any interference as though they were executed in some serial order. Durability means that all the changes made by the committed transactions become permanent in the database. In most of the schemes, serializability is based on the notion of conflicting operations and is called conflict preserving serializability. Two operations conflict when their effect is order-dependent. Conflict preserving serializability ensures that pairs of conflicting operations appear in the same order in the equivalent serial schedules [77, 110]. Different versions of serializability such as view and state serializability, have been introduced in [161]. Although view or state serializability may increase concurrency as compared to conflict preserving serializability, it is NP-complete to test whether a schedule is view or state se-rializable. Both pessimistic and optimistic schemes have been proposed to ensure serializability in centralized and distributed environments. Most of these schemes are based on either two-phase locking or timestamp ordering [20], To achieve failure atomicity [21], two schemes are commonly adopted. One is based on the notion of careful replacement (commonly referred to as intentions lists) [193] and the other is based on maintaining execution logs [112]. The intention list based recovery applies the proposed updates of a transaction when the transaction decides to commit. If the transaction is aborted, then it need not be undone since the proposed updates have not been applied to the database yet. Also, if the transaction is committed, but the system failure occurs before posting its updates, then the intention list of the transaction is applied on the database, i.e. the transaction is redone. Thus it is also called "No Undo but Redo" based recovery [21]. The execution log based recovery applies the effects of the transaction to the database as the transaction executes the operations. It also keeps log of the "old" values of the objects. If the transaction decides to abort or a system crash occurs, then all the old values are brought back for the unfinished transactions and all the updated values are put back into the database for the committed transactions. This approach is also called "Undo and Redo" based approach [21]. 6.2 Extended Transaction Models In atomic transactions, interleaving of transactions is implicitly constrained by the concurrency properties of the objects, i.e. operation conflicts. Here, the consistency of the database is based on the notion of serializability. In an alternative approach, interleaving of transactions is explicitly constrained by the concurrency specifications of the transactions. This approach may not achieve serializability, but can be used in such a way that consistency can be preserved. In such schemes, concurrency specifications are defined according to the semantics of the transactions and the data they manipulate. In recent years, this approach has resulted in a proliferation of extended transaction models [75, 4], since this approach provides the only means for dealing with the functionality and performance requirements of the new advanced applications. Here we provide a brief overview of some well-known extended transaction models. One of the most well-known extended transaction models is the Nested Transaction Model [156, 164] in which a transaction is composed of subtransactions that may execute concurrently. A subtransaction can be further de- composed into other subtransactions, and thus, a transaction may expand in a hierarchical manner. Subtransactions are executed atomically with respect to their siblings and other non-related transactions and are failure atomic with respect to their parent. The subtransactions can abort independently without causing the abort of the whole transaction. Thus nested transactions are designed to localize failure within the transactions and can exploit parallelism within transactions. A subtransaction can potentially access any object that is currently accessed by one of its ancestor transactions. In addition, any object in the database is also potentially accessible to the subtransaction. When a subtransaction commits, the objects modified by it are made accessible to its parent transaction. However, the effects of objects are made permanent in a database only when the root transaction commits. Another scheme of extended transaction model has been proposed in [89]. It is based on the notion of compatible transactions. In this scheme, pairs of transactions are distinguished as being compatible or not. Compatible transactions, as with compatible operations, have semantic structures that allow them to execute concurrently. This scheme simplifies the specification of compatible transactions by classifying them into different semantic types. The concept of compatible transactions has been generalized to several levels leading to the notion of imdti-level atomicity [153]. In this model, transactions can belong to more than one semantic type. Each transaction type has different sets of breakpoints, inserted between the steps of a transactions at appropriate points. Steps of compatible transactions can be interleaved at these breakpoints. In [153], the breakpoints are embedded in the body of the transactions. In [181], breakpoints are external to the transactions, captured by a set of patterns. A pattern is a state transition diagram [16] which expresses the goals and pieces of work to be done. In this approach, cooperative transactions are grouped into transaction groups. A transaction group represents the unit of consistency and recovery. Components of cooperative transactions may not produce consistent results. In fact, cooperative transactions do not have any properties of atomic transactions and just represent different threads of controls. The consistency constraints for transaction groups are specified with the help of the "patterns". Since goals in a pattern may invalidate the goals of other patterns, conflict specifications among the operations are needed to control the interleaving of concurrent patterns. Thus the effects of a transaction group are considered to be consistent as long as all the steps of applicable patterns are executed (invoked exactly once by some cooperative transactions in the transaction group) and the patterns are interleaved concurrentìy. Just like transaction groups, split transactions [165] and sagas [88] have also been proposed to deal with the problem of long lived and cooperative transactions. In neither of these schemes the notion of compatibility between transactions has been explicitly used. A saga is like a two level nested transaction with traditional transactions as child transactions. Each child transaction is associated with an application specific compensating transaction. A saga can be interleaved in any way with other sagas, but it cannot be partially executed. If a saga is interrupted, it attempts to proceed by executing the contingency transactions (forward recovery), or amends partial executions by invoking compensating transactions {backward recovery). A contingency transaction [29] is invoked upon the failure of a transaction to accomplish a goal similar to that of the failed transaction. Formal aspects of compensating transactions are discussed in [142, 149]. A variation of sagas [90] allows the characterization of children as vital or nonvital where the abortion of a vital child causes the abortion of the transaction. Sagas are appropriate in applications where each child transaction does not have to observe the same consistent database state. In the context of long durational and cooperative transactions, the Recoverable Communicating Actions (RCA) model has been proposed to deal with the problem of non-hierarchical computations [194]. In this model, an action, the sender, is allowed to communicate with another action, the receiver, by exchanging objects resulting in an abort-dependency of the receiver on the sender. If the sender aborts, then the receiver must abort as a result of dependency. However, partial failures are tolerated since an action may abort without aborting the action on which it has developed an abort-dependency. The concepts compound transactions [176] and cooperative transactions [144, 143] use the same correctness criterion, which permits non-serializable executions while satisfying the individual postconditions of the transactions. In the case of the compound transactions, the criterion are known as setwise serializability, whereas in the cooperative transactions case it is known as predicatewise serializability. Objects in both schemes are grouped into sets based on the database consistency constraints. In the compound transaction scheme, it is assumed that each set, called an atomic data set, has independent consistency constraints and that individual transactions operate on a particular atomic data set. There are no such assumptions in the case of cooperative transactions. Thus it is possible for cooperative transactions to be serialized in different orders with regards to different atomic data sets. Finally, to facilitate the formal description of transaction properties in an extended transaction model, a comprehensive transaction framework named ACTA [57, 55] has been developed. Using ACTA, one can specify and reason about the nature of interaction among transactions in a particular model. ACTA characterizes the semantics of interactions (i) in terms of different types of dependencies between transactions (e.g., commit dependency and abort dependency), and (ii) in terms of transactions' effects on objects (their state and concurrency status i.e., synchronization state). Through the former, one can specify relationships between significant events, such as begin, commit, abort, delegate, split and join, pertaining to different transactions. Also, conditions under which such events can occur can be specified precisely. Transactions' effects on object state and status are specified by associating view and conflict set with each transaction and by stating how these are affected when significant events occur. A view of a transaction specifies the state of objects visible to that transactions. The transaction's conflict set contains those operations with respect to which conflicts need to be considered. Thus the ACTA framework can characterize transaction models that can associate different semantics with the notions of visibility, consistency, recovery, and permanence. Also, ACTA can reason about the properties of the transaction models. 6.3 Transaction Model and Concurrency Control of Active DBMS Transactions There have been several research efforts on rules, rule control, and transaction framework in ADBMS [124, 186, 63, 115, 173, 202, 17, 178, 43, 166]. The concurrency control schemes adopted in these projects are determined by the transaction models of the ADBMS transactions in presence of triggered rules. The rule subsystems of active DBMSs, POSTGRESS [186], Ariel [115], HiPAC [63], and Alert [7], support priorities to define control structures among rules. However, priority based rule control is not flexible enough to support the control requirements of rules in advanced DB applications. Also, these rules systems do not support cooperative transactions, i.e. where the partial effect of a transaction may be visible to some other concurrently running cooperating transactions. In [178], RDLl supports a set of control constructs namely 'sequence', 'disjunction', and 'saturate', for specifying the control structures among rules. In RDLl, rules are defined in modules. Each module contains a rule section in which rules are defined, and a rule control section in which the control structure among these rules is defined. However, a set of rules defined in a module cannot follow different control structures when they are are triggered by different events. For a set of rules to follow different control structures when they are triggered by N different events in RDLl, the same rule must be defined N times in N different modules. In an active DBMS environment, the rule execution must be uniformly incorporated into a transaction framework [172]. In POSTGRES and Ariel, the execution of rules has been incorporated into a flat transaction model. In [124], Hsu et. al. have described a more expressive model which is basically an extended nested transaction model to capture rules and nested triggering of rules. A subset of this execution model was analyzed in [36] to study the system performance as a function of transaction boundary semantics for various level of data contention, rule complexity, and data sharing between externally submitted tasks and rule management tasks. These results demonstrate that the way in which transaction boundaries are imposed can have a major impact on the performance of an active DBMS, and that this aspect of rule semantics must therefore be carefully considered at the time rules are specified. Other significant works that use variants of the nested transaction model for modeling the execution of rules are reported in [17, 43, 166]. However, the tree based structure of nested transaction models is not expressive enough to capture complex control dependencies among rules in a uniform fashion. In [130], a graph-based transaction model has been defined which captures triggered rule graphs uniformly and places them at an appropriate control point of the transaction structure according to the occurrence of triggering actions. Hence, a nested transaction model based execution becomes a special case of this graph-based model. Alternative transaction models reported in [58, 195, 30, 12], however do not focus on the uniform incorporation of rules, rule control, and trigger occurrence in the transaction framework. Also, all the previously mentioned works on execution model do not support cooperation among the transactions since they are essentially closed transaction models (nested/flat) in general. Development of knowledge models has received considerable attention especially for increasing the expressive power of event specification languages without consequences for the execution models. In these works, one of the most challenging problem is the development of a transaction model involving composite events, i.e. events representing a combination of other events [31, 48, 145]. The nested transaction model has been suggested as an appropriate transaction model for AODBMS involving both primitive as well as composite events[137]. 6.3.1 Nested Transaction Models for Primitive Events Most of the execution models of existing AODBMSs are based on nested transaction models [31, 48, 59, 91]. However, these nested transaction models supports closed nested transactions [5]. The nested transaction model is particularly appropriate for the active system due to the following reasons [124, 160]: - A nested structure accommodates nicely the hierarchical composition of execution units as it is in the case of active systems. The relationship(s) between event signaling transaction (the transaction in which an event is raised) and one or more rule transactions (the transactions wherein the condition and/or action are processed) can naturally be mapped to the relation-ship(s) between parent transactions and child transactions within a nested transaction model. - Nested transactions preserve serializability and toplevel atomicity while allowing for a decomposition of a "unit of work" into subtasks as a prerequisite for in-tratransaction parallelism. This is especially useful for active systems since rules often realize add-on functionality which may be executed parallel to the event signaling transaction as well as to each other [179]. - Lastly, as compared to traditional "flat" transaction models, nested models offer finer-grained control over concurrency and recovery [121], thereby allowing rollback of rule transactions to be executed independently of event signaling transactions. The different variations of nested transaction models used in active systems work well with primitive events. A primitive event triggering a rule establishes a one-to-one relationship between the event signaling transaction and the rule processing transaction corresponding to the condition and/or action of the rule. The transaction coupling for such one-to-one relationship is defined by means of coupling modes [31, 65]. A coupling mode, in most systems, permits two types of coupling among the event signaling and rule processing transactions. The rule processing transaction may be executed serially either in a subtransaction of the event signaling transaction or as an independent top level transaction. As discussed above, the event processing in these schemes is intra-transactional in nature, i.e. the events generated by a transaction T are processed in the context of T only. Any external transaction (say T') cannot make the events generated by T, an 'event of interest' for it. Therefore, a transaction cannot specify its 'events of interests' which are generated by other transactions and define the corresponding rules to be executed on occurrence of these events. When this kind of specification is allowed, then the event processing becomes inter-transactional, i.e. a transaction generated event may cross application and transaction boundaries. 6.3.2 Nested Transaction Models for Composite Events Many active DBMSs allow composite events to be constructed from primitive events and/or other composite events using different kinds of logical operators such as conjunction (AND), disjunction (OR), and sequence (;) [48, 94], A composite event consists of component events. The event starting the detection of a composite event is called initializing event and the event terminating the detection called the terminating event or triggering event. The transaction(s) wherein these component events occur are analogously called initializing transaction and triggering transaction respectively. Following this terminology, both an initializing transaction and a triggering transaction are special kinds of event signaling transactions. With composite events, more than one component events may have to occur to trigger a single rule. Depending on the origin of these component events, different cases can be identified: all the component events occur in a single transaction, or some of them occur in different transactions. In the latter case, there are two possibilities, either the event signaling transactions are sequentially processed within a single thread of control, or they are executed in different threads of control. Note that in this case the composite event is inter-transactional since the component events would be received from different transactions running in separate threads. These transactions may belong to dif- ferent applications running over the same database. Any of these cases would result in a many-to-one relationship between event signaling transactions and a rule transaction. This many-to-one relationship is specified by associating a transaction mode or coupling mode with the rules. The transaction mode specifies the semantic relationships among triggering events, condition, and action. In existing active systems, the many-to-one relationship is handled in several different ways. There are some systems which do not allow component events of a specific composite event to occur in different transactions [48], i.e. they offer only the detection of intra-transactional events. Again, there are systems which allow component events to occur in different transactions. However, in some of these systems the transaction mode refers only to the triggering transactions [94]. Another class of systems allows transaction modes that refer to all event signaling transactions to be specified, but do not allow a subtransaction mode to be specified [31]. Finally, there are some systems which allow transaction mode for each event part of the composite event to be specified within the context of a rule [137, 136]. In the literature, only some systems deal with different transaction modes for composite events. Among these are REACH [31], SAMOS [92], Sentinel [48], Ode [102, 150], and TriGS [137, 136, 138]. In the following, the types of transactions supported by these systems are examined. All the five systems mentioned above allow component events, which are part of a certain composite event, to be signaled within multiple transactions. In SAMOS and Ode, composite events internally are represented within a complex database object structure. Thus, composite events on the one hand are signaled not before commit of signaling transactions. In SAMOS, they might even produce deadlock between event signaling transactions and, thus, prohibit its detection. In Sentinel, component events are flushed at commit of the corresponding event signaling transactions. Consequently, composite events represented in main memory are detected not before commit of all participating event signaling transactions. In contrast, REACH allows composite events to be signaled before commit of the participating event signaling transactions. Although Sentinel, TriGS, and REACH permit parallel composite event detection, Ode and SAMOS do not support this feature. SAMOS uses a closed nested transaction model. However, due to restriction of the underlying object-oriented database system ObjectStore, neither subtransaction parallelism nor parent/child parallelism is provided for. Furthermore, SAMOS allows all types of coupling modes for nested rules. Sentinel supports nested transactions [31], where as REACH and Ode do not offer this facility. One interesting feature of REACH is that it restricts the combination of transaction modes to some reasonable combinations to have better performance. Thus, rules containing composite events whose component events occur in a single transaction cannot be defined as immediate, since every time a component event is signaled it would have to be determined if it is a triggering event for an immediate rule. Such rule can only be defined as deferred or detached. Similarly, rules containing composite events whose component events occur in multiple transactions are not allowed to be defined as immediate or deferred since it would be ambiguous which transaction is referred to. In REACH, various detached coupling modes are allowed for both, single and multiple event signaling transactions, provided that commit/abort dependencies are respected for all event signaling transactions. In TriGS [137, 136], it has been shown that in the presence of composite events there is a need to apply transaction modes, not only to triggering transactions, but also to some or all of the event signaling transactions. TriGS has taken an approach which allows transaction modes to be specified for each of the component events in the context of a single rule. It has been shown that existing transaction models are not powerful enough to support a subtransac-tion mode with respect to multiple event signaling transactions. With this prerequisite, TriGS has extended nested transaction model by introducing multi-parent subtransac-tions. The multi-parent subtransaction model enables the semantic of composite events to be mapped onto appropriate transaction modes, i.e. parallel or sequential and dependent or independent execution. The transactions signaling events which are part of a composite event are allowed to cooperate in starting a common subtransaction in which the rule, i.e. its condition and/or action get executed. In TriGS's multi-parent transaction scheme, every parent transaction becomes commit-dependent on all of its children, i.e. the parent can commit only if all of its children transactions have committed. A child transaction becomes abort dependent on all of its parent transactions, i.e. if a parent aborts then its children have to be aborted. TriGS has enhanced the nested transaction locking protocol to ensure controlled upward and downward inheritance of locks [137]. The problem with the multi-parent transaction scheme of TriGS is that in a parent transaction, if a data value which has been modified by its committed child transaction is used, then the committed data may have to be rolled back because the child transaction is later aborted due to the abort dependency to another parent transaction. Upon abort, all such modifications would have to be rolled back within the parent. In case that such a parent transaction also had already committed, cascading aborts have to be performed. In order to keep track of which modifications are based on which child transaction, it was suggested that vital subtransactions [58] should be used within the whole transaction graph. A vital subtransaction identifies the parent to be abort-dependent on the child. This means that abort of a single vital transaction T1 would result in aborts of all transactions which are direct or indirect subtransactions of Tl, or due to the abort semantics, direct or indirect parents of these subtransactions. The only transactions that would not be affected by these aborts are direct and indirect parents of Tl. It was suggested in [137] that a reasonable solution to this problem has to be found. The preceding discussions reveal that none of the AODBMS mentioned support horizontal cooperation, i.e. where a transactions effect may be read by other parallely running transaction based on some user defined transaction cooperation semantics. Vertical cooperation, i.e. parent-child cooperation, is supported by some execution models based on the extensions of nested transaction model. It was pointed out in [72,179] that using vertical cooperation, cooperative applications like workflows, cooperative editing, etc. can be handled. It was pointed out in [136] that how far EGA rules should be allowed to influence the application program needs to be carefully analyzed. On the one hand, database system should not be seen as a mere slave to the application, but rather should be able to autonomously control the application activities in various ways [72, 179]. On the other hand, it would also be possible that the application need not be aware of the underlying active capabilities if it chooses to do so. In [134, 133] these aspects have been discussed in detail. The proposed application modeling in [134, 131] gives a framework for designing the ADBMS so that applications can choose how much to affect the application activities due to the ADBMS. A cooperative nested transaction model which supports both controlled cooperation among the transactions and also provides facility to define nested and parallel control structures among the rules, has been discussed in [133, 135]. It supports vital transactions defined by the user to alleviate the problems with the existing execution models. 7 Active RDBMS Projects and Current Research Directions 7.1 Starburst At IBM, the Starburst project attempted to extend a relational database system [199, 111] with an EGA rule system. The application of this research is introduced in IBM's DB2 database. Starburst rules were the first active rules with a clearly defined set-oriented semantics. Events, conditions, and actions are all expressed through an SQL-like syntax. An event is any update, delete, or insert command performed on some specified relation (or relational column). A condition is a predicate about the state of the database written in an extension of the SQL query language. A condition may also refer to the set of tuples affected by the event. For instance, if the event is a deletion of tuples from table T, the condition may refer to the set of tuples deleted by that action. The "transaction-affected" tuples are stored in transition tables which may be queried during evaluation of the rule condition. The condition may also be omitted, in which case the predicate is simply TRUE. An action is any non-empty sequence of SQL commands. The set-oriented execution semantics of Starburst rules is presented in [201]. Starburst uses the deferred modes for E-C couplings, and the immediate mode for C-A couplings. The Starburst rule language is based on arbitrary database state transitions of set-oriented execution semantics rather than tuple- or statement-level changes, yielding a clear and flexible execution semantics as discussed in [199]. But set-oriented semantics prohibits natural before option for rule triggering [199]. Also user may feel that they can better express rules using tuple- or statement-level granularity. The implementation of Starburst rules is described in [202]. Starburst provides a mechanism, attachment procedures, which may be invoked after every access to a relation. Rules are triggered by designating an attachment procedure for every event relation combination specified in the event clause of a rule. When the specified event occurs, the associated attachment procedure is called and passes exactly the information requested by the rules to the transaction that caused the event. When the transaction is ready to commit, rule processing begins. Transition tables are formed on demand from the information reported by attachment procedures. Rule processing continues until no rule triggered by the transaction remains to be evaluated. At this point, the transaction commits. Starburst work has also focused on the issue of rule selection and rule priorities. Since many rules can be triggered by a single event, some conflict resolution strategy is required to determine the order in which the pending rules are selected for execution. It has been shown that execution order of active rules affects the outcome in unpredictable ways [203]. To solve this problem, rule priorities are used so that the rule with the highest assigned priority is selected first for execution. The Starburst database system assigns a default priority (such as the time-stamp of rule definition) automatically. Users are able to override the default priorities with user defined priorities. The data structures and algorithms used to test and incrementally maintain user-defined rule priorities are described in [7]. Since predicting and understanding the behavior of active database rules are important aspects of any application development, a suitable methodology has been developed for statically analyzing sets of Starburst rules. These analysis determine (conservatively) whether a set of rules is guaranteed to terminate, and whether the rules are guaranteed to produce a unique final state [9]. The Starburst rule system has been used as a platform for developing a number of applications and for investigating various issues in active database systems, e.g. for integrity constraint maintenance [41], for maintaining materialized views [42], for implementing deductive databases [45], as well as for several other more ad-hoc applications. In [43], it has been shown how the Starburst rule system can be supported in a tightly coupled distributed database environment with full distribution transparency. Starburst also has been used for managing semantic heterogeneity in loosely coupled databases [44], Some researchers have used the Starburst Rule System as a basis for studying and implementing secure active databases [182], dynamic integrity constraints [106, 190], and automatically generated compensating actions for static constraints [38]. Starburst work has also motivated the need for a formal foundation of active database system [198]. A formal foundation of active database rule languages would provide a very important step in understanding and characterizing the commonalities and differences across systems. 7.2 Postgres The Postgres system can be considered as an object oriented relational system which extends the relational model with abstract data types, user defined operators and procedures, relational attributes of type procedure, and inheritance [169]. The first generation Postgres rule system, PRS-I [185], was subsequently modified to PRS-II, which can take care of old and new values of data items to deal with transition constraints [186, 187]. PRS-II rules have been used to solve the view update problem [188]. Procedural data types can also be simulated by the PRS-II rule system. It has been shown that by caching the action part, it is possible to improve performance and the scheme can be applied to materialize views [188, 189]. The main contribution of the Postgres work is that it shows that rules can be used to subsume views and procedures as special cases. This has lead to further research in these areas. 7.3 Ariel Ariel is implemented on top of the EXODUS storage manager at University of Florida. Ariel focuses on extensions to the relational DBMS towards production rules with a forward-chaining rule system [120]. The query language of Ariel is a subset of POSTQUEL, extended with a new production-rule sub-language. Ariel rules can have conditions based on a mix of selections, joins, events, and transitions. For testing rule conditions, Ariel makes use of a discrimination network composed of a special data structure for testing single-relation selection conditions efficiently, and a modified version of the TREAT algorithm [196], called A-TREAT for testing join conditions [119]. Ariel work has also focused on optimization of discrimination network structure to provide good performance given the database update pattern, size of relations and memory nodes, join relationships in the rule condition, etc. [114]. The system also provides support for streamlined development of reliable, recoverable applications that can receive data from database triggers asynchronously [117], The Ariel communication scheme between the active database and the application has the potential to deal with applications such as safety and integrity alert monitors, financial trading analysis programs, and command and control systems. The Ariel system has raised the need for asynchronous interaction between application and ADBMS, as a further research direction [118, 116]. The asynchronous interaction of application and ADBMS has lead to research in cooperating application model design. It also raised issues for solving the "correctness" issues of such asynchronous applications using extended transaction models and concurrency control schemes, as we have reviewed in this paper. 7.4 AIS AIS (Active Information System) is an active extension on top of Oracle and has been developed at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. A prototype of the system has been built on which several applications are running. This project provides a tool-box for browsing, designing, editing, simulation, debugging of production rules, and explanation of rule results. The interactive rule debugging tool [18] supports simulation of the rules by generating realistic and relevant event sequences derived partially from the rule definitions themselves. Simulation of basic and composite events, event parameters, and incremental partial extensions of given situations can also be taken care of by the rule debugging tool. The AIS system has also lead to the research in designing active repositories [128] and use of ADBMS for workflow management [129]. The idea of active repositories that partially automate scheduling and controlling of the activities described within a process model was introduced in [18]. It is based on active database technology that supports detection of events and triggering of corresponding actions. Events correspond to state changes in the repository or are raised by external components, e.g. a clock or CASE tool. Actions manipulate repository, trigger CASE tools, signal external systems or notify the user. The AIS system has also pointed out the necessity of extended transaction models for mapping the action-subaction hierarchy, to define "correctness" of such action-subaction hierarchy execution, as a further research issue. 7.5 ETM ETM (Event Trigger Mechanism) is an extension to the DAMASKUS DBMS (FZI at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany). ETM [147] was developed to maintain higher consistency concepts in design applications (e.g. VLSI design). Rules watch over constraints and react by invoking suitable programs. ETM research also focuses on transaction management in the presence of rule execution in general production systems [60]. It classifies different inference mechanisms and how they interfere with the notion of transactions. The JOKER system, which has been developed as a part of the ETM project, supports both two phase locking and optimistic concurrency control for synchronization of complex transaction. 8 Active OODBMS Projects and Current Research Directions 8.1 HiPAC The HiR\C (High Performance Active) Database System [63, 62, 64], developed at Xerox, is one of the pioneering work on active object databases. This system focused on time constrained applications. HiPAC events are very general, and can include data manipulation language (DML) operations, schema manipulation operations, transaction events, various kinds of temporal events (absolute, relative, and periodic), and external notifications from database application programs. These primitive events can be combined into complex events by disjunction or sequence operators. HiPAC conditions are queries in an object oriented DML. The queries can utilize information about the events as well as the state of the database. HiPAC actions can be database operations or messages to application programs, such as a request for some type of services. HiPAC rules have five parts: event, condition, action, timing constraints, and contingency plans. The rules can have following two types of couplings among events, conditions and actions. 1. E-C Coupling. This coupling specifies when and how the condition will be evaluated relative to the occurrence of the event. 2. C-A coupling. The C-A coupling specifies when the action is executed relative to the evaluation of the condition. Couplings in HiPAC affect database transactions. For both E-C and C-A coupling the immediate, deferred and detached modes of rule evaluation are supported. The execution model of HiPAC [124] extends a nested transaction model [156] with a variety of coupling modes that may be specified between the event part and the condition part of a rule, and between the condition part and the action part. These coupling modes provide flexibility and user control in defining the behavior of an active DBMS, instead of always executing sequentially within the triggering transaction. Several techniques have been proposed for efficiently evaluating conditions. These includes the evaluation of multiple conditions simultaneously, incremental evaluation [167], the maintenance of derived data, and exploiting knowledge of the action parts of the rules [46]. HiPAC also investigates techniques for scheduling transactions to satisfy both the consistency constraints of execution model and timing constraints [63, 62]. It requires integration of database concurrency control techniques and time-constrained scheduling techniques developed for real-time operating systems. An active DBMS architecture that reflects the modularity and flexibility inherent in ECA rules has also been proposed. This architecture extends the functions of the trans- action manager and object manager components of a passive DBMS, and adds an interface for event detector components (which signal the occurrence of events of various types), a condition monitor (which accepts conditions to evaluate and optimize their evaluation), and a rule manager (which controls the processing of the rules). Important architectural issues include the interaction of active DBMS components, especially the transaction manager with the operating system and mapping of the architecture into distributed and multiprocessor architectures. The HiPAC project has given considerable attention to long-running transactions [66] as a further research direction. With a variety of coupling modes and the ability to trigger one transaction based on the effects of another, cooperating sets of transactions can be used to support applications such as hospital management systems or office information systems. Long running transactions can respond to each other and may be used to express office protocols, such as the routing of paper work for which approvals of different managers are required. A model of long-running transactions suited to an active database environment has also been investigated in HiPAC [66], 8.2 Ode Ode [6, 99] was developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. It is primarily an object-oriented DBMS with activity extensions. Ode's database programming language 0-t-+ extends the object definition of C+-t- by supporting persistent objects. Ode contains facilities to define constraints, and boolean conditions with the class specifications [6]. Ode also allows definition of triggers that monitor the database for occurrence of some conditions. When these conditions become true, the associated action is executed. The semantics of composite events are defined as a mapping to the event history, while the composite event detection is implemented by a finite automata [101,103]. A prototype named COMPOSE for composite event detection based on finite automata has been implemented [ICQ]. Integrity maintenance in Ode takes care of referential integrity, uniqueness Integrity, and relational integrity [127]. 8.3 Sentinel Sentinel combines activity and object orientation in a DBMS. It treats rules and events as first class objects, and extends the object concept by an asynchronous interface for the generation and notification of events [11, 47], Snoop [53], a language for event specification in Sentinel, has been designed to specify the primitive and composite events based on a global history log and with different parameter contexts [48], The concept of inter-transactional and intm-transactional events and their detection has also been taken care of [47] in Sentinel. Although Sentinel has adopted the execution model of HiPAC [124], the "correctness" issues of transaction execution in the presence of inter-transactional events and deferred mode rules have not been considered. Sentinel has also been used for cooperative problem solving [52] where events and context information of long running activities have to be persistent. Complex cooperation dependencies are defined by the algebraic expressions involving events and contexts. The active database is used as persistent blackboards for basic and complex event detection and notifies the application layer. 8.4 REACH The active OODBMS REACH (REal time ACtive and Heterogeneous mediator system) [33] supports complex applications by three types of rules, namely (i) integrity rules, (ii)access control rules, and (iii) transaction modeling rules. Application semantics are modeled by integrity rules which allow controlled inconsistency and use time constraints for specification when an integrity constraint has to be observed within the system. The access control rules and transaction modeling rules provides a more open OODBMS functionality. The transaction modeling rules are specifically used for designing workflow management applications [32]. The REACH system also supports soft and hard real time capabilities in an active DBMS environment [24]. The execution model of REACH is similar to HiPAC, but it introduces two additional coupling modes for handling irreversible actions and contingency plans [32]. The REACH prototype introduces tightly integrated event detection and rule execution mechanism [31]. This prototype focused on a clean integration of database management and active capabilities by extending Open OODB [197], an extensible OODBMS that supports low level event detection as a basic mechanism for providing extensibility. 8.5 SAMOS SAMOS [98, 97] is an active OODBMS developed at University of Zurich, Switzerland. While aiming at HiPAC functionality, it has a richer language comparable to Ode. A prototype of SAMOS has been implemented on top of ObjectStore. SAMOS uses colored Petri nets for complex event detection [93]. The S AMOS Petri nets handle typed tokens and places for representing event parameters. Instead of using a finite automaton for complex event detection as in Ode, the typed Petri nets provide an integrated solution for handling events and event parameters as well [96]. 8.6 ADAM ADAM is an object-oriented DBMS project with prototype implementation using PROLOG. Active extensions of ADAM treat method invocations as events. ADAM manages rules by integration of active rules as first class objects [71]. Rules are managed by methods attached to them. On a metalevel, rule classes specify different rule properties and semantics [69]. The execution model of ADAM can adopt several semantics by using iniieritance for rule classes [69]. The rules also can be optimized by using class-based rule indexes [71]. An application of ADAM uses active rules to support dynamic displays [70], 9 Conclusion In this paper, we have reviewed some of the recent developments made in the areas of active databases, specifically in the area of application modeling and concurrency control. Some of the application systems that have been developed on top of these active RDBMS and active ODBMS are first discussed. It has been observed that though there are a plethora of advanced applications that have been developed on top of these ADBMSs, there is still need for a suitable application modeling technique. The concurrency control scheme for these advanced applications running on ADBMSs has to support cooperative and long duration transactions. The reported research works on extended transaction models and the way these models have been adapted in existing ADBMSs/AODBMSs to support execution model of rules have been investigated. The major active database projects that have been carried out so far, in both active RDBMS and active ODBMS, have also been reviewed and the current research directions motivated by these projects are discussed. References [1] Codasyl data description language. 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Gauss elimination, matrix multiplication Edited by: Rudi Murn Received: June 1, 1999 Revised: July 20, 1999 Accepted: April 5, 2000 Frequently used problems of linear algebra, such as the solution of linear systems, triangular decomposition and matrix multiplication, are computationally extensive. To increase the speed, those problems should be solved with systolic structures, where many processors are used concurrently to compute the result. Since two-dimensional array of processors is very consumptive, considering space and resources, it is better to use one-dimensional array of processors. This leads to the operation reallocation and causes unequal utilization of processors, but it is much easier to implement since there is only one linear array of processors. 1 Introduction Many scientific problems can be solved by linear algebraic computations, but even some basic operations are computationally extensive. Computation time could be shortened by synchronous data processing, which is enabled through the systolic structure. Systolic solving is presented by the processor structure, where data is flowing through the net of specialized processors, which are locally connected and work synchronically. This approach has some disadvantages, while there is a lot of connections. It is difficult to monitor all processors and to read data from them. Besides, they are poorly utilized, since they mostly wait for their data to compute. It is possible to compose the structure with higher utilization, time suitability and lower complexity [3], which would remove the mentioned disadvantages. To realize that, we can merge some processors, i.e. one processor performs tasks of more processors, and we can put them into one straight array, to reduce the number of connections and to make easier access to the processors. This work presents the linearization of different matrix transformation algorithms, such as elimination, decompositions and multiplication, and also some comparisons of two-dimensional and linear arrays are given. 2 Linear system of equations Systolic arrays can be used to solve the system of linear equations [2] in the form: Ax = b. Suitable triangular systolic array for realization of Gauss elimination and various decompositions (QR and LU) [4,9] is presented in Fig. 1. Shapes Q Q represent two types of processor (diagonal and inner), performing their own instructions; diagonal operations are executed in diagonal processors and inner operations are executed inside the structure. Inputs of the structure are matrix coefficients (aij) and at the end there are coefficients of the upper-triangular matrix inside the structure and the coefficients of the lower-triangular matrix on the outputs. Dotted square represents a delay r. According to the matrix size n x n the number of required processors n* is: n(n-M) Where n diagonal processors and (n* - n) inner processors are required. Figure 1: Triangular systolic array (n=4) Two-dimensional array in Fig. 1 can be transformed into one-dimensional [11, 6] in several directions; horizontal linear array (Fig. 2), vertical linear array (Fig. 4), diagonal linear array (Fig. 6) and interweaved linear array (Fig. 8). Symbol O represents the processor that performs the tasks of processors Q and Q. Next, the operations of diagonal and inner processors are presented. All mentioned operations [1] are executed in one systolic cycle (step), but of course, more cycles are needed to finish a transformation, i.e. those operation are repeated (operations present only the set of processor's instructions). Gauss elimination [5] and LU decomposition [7]: Ofll Oj: r 2. r = Xi 1. Xg=Xi-yr l.r- Xi In such structure there is a similarity of Gauss elimination and LU decomposition (results of LU decomposition are just transformed Gauss coefficients) [7], QR decomposition [5]: i{xi=0, r=0 then c=l,s=0 Od.- (C.SÌ Oi (C.S) - ► (C.S) else c = Ht, s = xjt, r = t Xg =-s-r-\-c-Xi r=c-r+s-xi 1 i 1 ^ N B S / C ) Ö Ö Ö Figure 2: Transformation into horizontal array As presented in Fig. 2, processor 1 is mapped into processor A; processors 2 and 5 into processor B, processors 3, 6 and 8 into processor C; processors 4, 7, 9 and 10 into processor D. So, processor A takes over the tasks of one processor and performs operation o^, but processor D takes over the tasks of four processors and performs operations Od and Oj. They work in different modes: - mode 1: operation Od with one input Xi, - mode 2: operation Oi with two inputs {xi,y), - mode 3: operation Oj with one input y and one input from its output {Xo to Xi). Each processor works in these modes: - processor A always in mode 1, - processor B in modes 2 and 1, - processor C in modes 2, 3 and 1, - processor D in modes 2, 3, 3 and 1, - additional processors would work in modes 2, 3,... 3 and L Occupation of processors is presented in Table L Table 1: Processor occupation in horizontal array A B C D 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 5 1 1 3 6 2 3 7 1 2 1 8 3 2 17 1 3 18 3 19 1 Input or output (c, s) of QR decomposition will be treated as y in the following sections. Because of the transformations the instruction sets of the processors are changed as described in the following sections. 2.1 Horizontal array Figure 3: Data inputs in horizontal array Input values an, ai2, flis and a^ are delayed for one r, and values 021, 022, 023 and a24 are delayed for {n — l)r according to values an, ai2, 013 and ai4, where n is the number of processors, as presented in Fig. 3. 2.2 Vertical array As it can be seen in Fig. 4, processors I, 2, 3 and 4 are mapped into processor A; processors 5, 6 and 7 into processor B; processors 8 and 9 into processor C; processor 10 into processor D. Processor A is the most loaded, while processor D takes over the tasks of only one processor. GKIH • 2 -► 3 4 6 7 0- 9 © Figure 4: Transformation into vertical array Processors A, B and C perform operations Od and Oi, while processor D performs only operations Od- They wori< in different modes: - mode 1: operation Od with one input Xi, - mode 2: operation Oi with one input Xi and one input from its output.(2/ to y). Table 2: Processor occupation in vertical array A B c D CE Cß Figure 5: Data inputs in vertical array Each processor works in these modes: - processor A in mode 1, 2, 2 and 2, - processor B in mode 1, 2 and 2, - processor C in mode I and 2, - processor D always in mode 1, - additional processors would work in modes 1, 2, ...2 and 2. Occupation of processors and their work modes are presented in Table 2. Values an, ai2, ais and au follow each other without delay, values a2i, 0.22, ^23 and 024 are immediate successors of values an, ai2, aia and an, as presented in Fig. 5. When transformed into horizontal or vertical array, the processors' occupation and their instruction set are equal. The only difference can be noticed in data inputs. 2.3 Diagonal array Fig. 6 presents the diagonal contraction, where processors 1, 5, 8 and 10 are mapped into processor A; processors 2, 6 and 9 into processor B; processors 3 and 7 into processor C; processor 4 into processor D. Even here the most loaded is processor A and at least processor D, but all processors Figure 6: Transformation into diagonal array execute only one type of operations (processor A performs only diagonal operations, the others only inner operations). Processor occupation and their operations are presented in Table 3. Table 3: Processor occupation in diagonal array A 13 C D 1 Od 2 Od Oi 3 Od Oi Oi 4 Od Oi Oi Oi 5 Od Oi Oi Oi 6 Od Oi Oi 7 Od Oi 8 Od 14 Od Oi Oi 15 Od Oi 16 Od Values an, ai2, ais and 014 are one r delayed and are followed by values 021, 022, «23 and a24. Values 031, a32, aaa and a34, are delayed 2(n — l)r, where n is the number of processors, as presented in Fig. 7. Contraction of the array in the direction of the other diagonal is not reasonable, while there would be too many delays and inputs/outputs on each processor. 252 Informatica 24 (2000) 249-257 G. Papa et al. a) A B C D b) A+B C D 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 5 1 1 3 5 1 1 3 6 2 3 6 2 3 7 1 2 I 7 I 2 1 8 3 2 8 3 2 ó- a) O-TH ©H3— Figure 7: Data inputs in diagonal array 2.4 Processor mirroring To decrease the number of processors and to eniiance the performance of transformations, mirroring can be used. The processor can be mirrored into another processor, so that its tasks are executed while another processor would be idle otherwise. The example of processor mirroring in horizontal linear array is presented in Table 4. Processor A is mapped into processor B, and merged processor A+B executes tasks of both processors. Similarly other mirrorings can be used. Table 4: Processor mirroring a)original array, b)array with mapped processor GH0 0- Ö^Ql-] '0: Ö Figure 8: Transformation into interweaved array of n = 5 processors only n* = = 3 are needed, which are fully utilized. Processor A performs operations Od, while B and C perform operations Oj. Processors occupation and their operations are presented in Table 5. Table 5: Occupation of interweaved array 2.5 Interweaved array When there is an odd number of processors in the first line of the triangular array, the interweaved method can be used, as presented in Fig. 8 [11], where the isomorphic embedding of the graph is employed. Processors in Fig. 8a are mapped into processor array in Fig. 8b: processors 1, 6, 10, 13 and 15 are mapped into processor A; processors 2, 5, 7, 11 and 14 into processor B; processors 3, 4, 8, 9 and 12 into processor C. All processors (A, B, C) are evenly loaded, while each of them takes over the tasks of five processors. The method is similar to processor mirroring, but it occupies processors almost completely and evenly. Instead A B C 1 Od 2 Od Oi 3 Od Oi Oi 4 Od Oi Oi 5 Od Oi Oi 6 Od Oi Oi 7 Od Oi Oi 8 Od Oi Oi 9 Od Oi Oi IO Od Oi Oi 27 Od Oi Oi 28 Od Oi 29 Od Values ail, ai2. ai3> ai4 and ois are delayed oner, values a2i, 022, «23. 024 and 025 are delayed (n* -f l)r, according to values an, 012, aia, 014 and O15, as presented in Fig. 9. 3 Matrix multiplication Systolic arrays can be also used when performing matrix multiplication [2] of the form C = AB-fCo. e ä;; i,... äj ö Figure 9: Data inputs in interweaved array Square array of processors for multiplication of two square matrices is presented in Fig. 9 [8]. Inputs of the structure are coefficients {aij in bij) of the matrices and at the end of the process there are coefficients Cij inside the structure. According to the matrix size n x n the number of required processors n* is: n* = n\ b„ i i X J L =«=33=32331.. T X XXX 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 16 Figure 10: Square systolic array (n=4) All processors in the square array in Fig. 10 perform the same operations [8]: \.Xo=xrx2 + r 2.r = Xa II A B C D Ö Ö Ö Ö Figure 11: Transformation into horizontal array Occupation of the processors is presented in Table 6, where numbers represent the processor of the adequate (square) array that would be used in that moment. Table 6: Processor occupation in horizontal array A B C D 1 2 1 5 2 3 9 6 3 4 13 10 7 4 5 1 14 11 8 6 5 2 15 12 7 9 6 3 16 17 14 II 8 18 15 12 19 16 Due to the processor merging the data inputs are changed as presented in Fig. 12. =43 =33 =23 =13 =42 ^32 =22 =12 =41=31 =21 =11 "24 b„ i........1 A B C D Ö Ö Ö U 3.1 Horizontal array Horizontal array is obtained when all processors of the first column are merged into processor A, processors of the second column into processor B, etc, as presented in Fig. 11. Processors perform the same operations, as before the transformation, beside that, there is an additional input from one of its outputs. Figure 12: Data inputs in horizontal array 3.2 Vertical array Vertical array is made when we merge the processors of the first row into processor A, processors of the second G. Papa et al. row into processor B, etc, as presented in Fig. 13. Processors perform the same operations as wiien they were transformed into horizontal array. 3.3 Diagonal array 1 CQ 03 11 A B C D Figure 13: Transformation into vertical array Occupation of processors is presented in Table 7 and changed data inputs are presented in Fig. 14. Table 7: Processor occupation in vertical array A B C D 1 2 1 2 5 3 3 6 9 4 4 7 10 13 5 1 8 11 14 6 2 5 12 15 7 3 6 9 16 17 8 11 14 18 12 15 19 16 bu 1 a,4DZE'>.3ir3I>,£TjJa,r a»!........1........1.............,1........i..................L.....law........r B n!____LJ___^13......J......1......®12..J........L„Jan,„,.J. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D D D D Figure 14: Data inputs in vertical array Actually there is no significant difference between horizontal and vertical transformation, since all processors in two-dimensional array perform the same operations. Thus, it is insignificant what the contraction direction is, however we can choose which coefficients are delayed when entering the array. Figure 15: Diagonal transformation (n=4, n*=4) Due to the square array structure, diagonal transformation is a bit more complicated. According to the merging process, there can be different linear solutions, but only some typical will be presented in this paper. If there is an even number of processors (e.g., n=4) in a two-dimensional array, we can choose between two possibilities. In the first one, as presented in Fig. 15, the processor array is transformed as follows: processors 9, 13 and 14 are merged into processor A, processors 1, 5, 10, 11 and 15 are merged into processor B, processors 2, 6, 7, 12 and 16 are merged into processor C and processors 3, 4 and 8 are merged into processor D. So there is even number of processor (n*=4) in linear processor array. Table 8 represents the occupation of the processors, while data inputs are set as presented in Fig. 16. In the second case, there is an odd number of processors (e.g., n*=5) in the linear array. According to Fig. 15, processors are merged as follows: processors 9, 13 and 14 are rrierged into processor A, processors 5,10 and 15 are merged into processor B, processors 1, 6, 11 and 16 are merged into processor C, processors 2,7 and 12 are merged into processor D and processors 3, 4 and 8 are merged into processor E. Processor occupation is shown in Table 9, while Fig. 17 presents the data inputs. But when there is an odd number of processors (n=5) in the two-dimensional array, the linear array consists of odd number of processors(n*=5) . The situation is presented in Table 10. Here processors 11, 16, 21, 22 and 23 are merged into processor A, processors 6, 12,17,18 and 24 into processor Table 8: Processor occupation (n=4, n*=4) Table 9: Processor occupation (n=4, n*=5) A 13 C D A 13 C D E 1 2 1 5 ■y 1 2 5 1 1 2 3 9 1 6 3 3 9 5 6 2 3 4 13 5 2 4 4 13 IO 1 7 4 5 9 1 6 3 5 9 5 6 2 3 6 10 2 6 14 10 1 7 8 7 14 5 7 7 13 5 11 2 4 8 13 1 G 8 S 9 6 3 9 9 10 2 4 9 14 11 8 10 14 5 7 3 10 13 15 6 12 4 11 13 11 6 8 11 9 10 16 7 3 12 9 10 12 4 12 14 15 11 12 8 13 15 7 3 13 13 10 16 7 4 14 11 16 14 14 15 11 12 8 15 14 10 12 8 15 15 16 12 16 13 15 7 4 16 16 17 14 11 16 8 18 15 12 19 11 16 20 15 12 21 16 i a« a« 3,4 s ^23 ^33 a,3 ^22 3,2 b2, »32 ^21 i i a„ a,, »44 b,3 b« i b,. Figure 17: Data inputs (n=4, n*=5) Figure 16: Data inputs (n=4, n*=4) B, processors 1, 7, 13, 19 and 25 into processor C, processors 2, 8, 9, 14 and 20 into processor D and processors 3, 4, 5, 10 and 15 into processor E. Data inputs have to be set according to the new processor utilization, as presented in Fig. 18. 4 Conclusions According to the results, there are important differences when transforming original triangular array in different directions and with different mirrorings. The difference is in execution time, processor utilization and complexity of processor's operations. Table 11 represents characteristics of n = 4 and n = 5 arrays. Different transformations are considered (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, interweaved) and different mirrorings (processor A mirrored into proces- sor B, processors A and B mirrored into processor C, ...). Number of steps is the number of systolic cycles needed to perform the algorithm. Number of processors is the number of needed processors, and utilization is their use according to the number of steps (min and max utilization represent smallest and largest utilization of a single processor). As it can be seen in Table 11 and Fig. 19, mirroring improves the differences between the smallest and largest processor utilization in the array. Table and figure show these conclusions: - The number of steps, to execute the algorithm, increases with the transformation, but the number of processors decreases significantly, while their utilization is increased. - When transforming triangular arrays with even number of processors in the first row of the array, the best transformation is diagonal one with mirroring. Diagonal transformation is the best even if there is no mirroring. Table 10: Processor occupation (n-5, n*=5) A B C D E 1 2 6 1 1 2 3 11 6 1 2 3 4 11 6 7 2 3 5 16 12 1 8 4 6 11 6 7 2 3 7 16 12 1 8 4 8 21 17 7 9 5 9 11 6 13 2 3 10 16 12 7 8 4 11 21 17 13 9 5 12 22 18 14 10 13 11 3 14 16 12 7 8 4 15 21 17 13 9 5 16 22 18 19 14 10 17 23 15 18 16 12 8 4 19 21 17 13 9 5 20 22 18 19 14 10 21 23 24 13 20 15 22 21 17 19 9 5 23 22 IS 25 14 10 24 23 24 19 20 15 25 22 18 25 14 IO 26 23 24 19 20 15 27 23 24 25 20 15 28 24 25 20 29 25 - When transforming triangular arrays with odd number of processors in the first row of the array, the best transformation is interweaved, while it offers largest utilization and needs only a few processors. - When transforming square arrays any transformation is better than initial array. Since all processors perform the same operations it is irrelevant in which direction we contract the array, but horizontal or vertical arrays are much simpler to implement than diagonal. - Processor utilization can be even higher if there are consecutive multiplication computations used one after another. - In all untransformed arrays the number of steps is defined as 3n - 2 and the number of processors is SlldH in triangular and n^ in square arrays, where n x n is the size of matrix. - In transformed arrays the number of steps is defined as n^ -I- n — 1 and the number of processors is n. In some common problems there are very big matrices, e.g., 250 X 250, which lead to the large number of processors required. Therefore in those cases it is appropriate to use also some other techniques with even fewer number of processors [5, 10]. References [1] H.Barada, A.El-Amawy, Systolic architecture for matrix triangularisation with partial pivoting, IEEE Proc., Vol. 135, Pt. E, No. 4, July 1988, pp. 208-213. Figure 18: Data inputs (n=5, n*=5) [2] RBlaznik, J.Tasič, D.J.Evans, Parallel Solving the Updated Linear Systems of Equations, F.Solina and B.Zajc (ed.), Proceedings of the second Electrotechnical and Computer Science ERK'93, Volume B, 1993, pp. USUS. [3] J.Kaniewski, O.Maslennikow, R.Wyrzykowski, VLSI implementation of linear algebraic operations based on the orthogonal Fadeev algorithm. Parallel Computing: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives, Elsevier, 1996, pp. 641-644. [4] S.Y.Kung, VLSI Array Processors, Prentice Hall, En-glewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988. [5] J.G.Nash, S.Hansen, Modified Faddeeva Algorithm for Concurrent Execution of Linear Algebraic Operations, Proc. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 37, No. 2, February 1988, pp. 129-136. [6] J.G.Nash, C.Petrozolin, VLSI Implementation of a Linear Systolic Array, Proc. 1985 Int. Conf. Acousl., Speech, Signal Processing,lzLmp?i,¥L, pp. 1392-1395. [7] N.Petkov, Systolic Parallel Processing, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993. [8] P.Quinton, Y.Robert, Systolic Algorithms & Architectures, Prentice-Hall, UK, 1989. [9] R.Wyrzykowski, Processor arrays for matrix triangularisation with partial pivoting, IEEE Proc.-E, Vol. 139, No. 2, March 1992, pp. 165-169. Table 11 : Array efficiency number of steps procs. processor utilization (%) overall single min max n=4 triangular 10 10 40.0 40.0 40.0 - horizontal 19 4 52.6 21.1 84.2 A into B 19 3 70.2 63.2 84.2 A into D, B into C 27 2 74.1 74.1 74.1 - vertical 19 4 52.6 21.1 84.2 D into C 19 3 70.2 63.2 84.2 D into A, C into B 27 2 74.1 74.1 74.1 - diagonal 16 4 62.5 25.0 100.0 D into A, C into B 24 2 83.3 83.3 83.3 square 10 16 40.0 40.0 40.0 - horizontal 19 4 84.2 84.2 84.2 - vertical 19 4 84.2 84.2 84.2 - diagonal (n*=4) 21 4 76.2 57.1 95.2 - diagonal (n*=5) n=5 triangular 16 5 80.0 75.0 100.0 13 15 38.5 38.5 38.5 - horizontal 29 5 51.7 17.2 86.2 A into B 29 4 64.7 51.7 86.2 A and B into C 34 3 73.5 58.8 88.2 - vertical 29 5 51.7 17.2 86.2 E into D 29 4 64.7 51.7 86.2 E and D into C 34 3 73.5 58.8 88.2 - diagonal 29 5 51.7 17.2 86.2 D into C, E into B 41 3 60.9 60.9 60.9 - interweaved 29 3 86.2 86.2 86.2 square 13 25 38.5 38.5 38.5 - horizontal 29 5 86.2 86.2 86.2 - vertical 29 5 86.2 86.2 86.2 - diagonal (n*=:5) 29 5 86.2 86.2 86.2 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% [10] R.Wyrzykowski, Y.Kanevski, S.Ovramenko, Dependence graph transformations in the design of processor arrays for matrix multiplications, Microproces. & Microprogram., Vol. 135,1992, pp. 534-539. [11] R.Wyrzykowski, J.S.Kanevski, H.Piech, One-dimensional processor arrays for linear algebraic problems, Proc. Comput. Digit. Tech., Vol. 142, No. 1, January 1995, pp. 1-4. Figure 19: Arrays efficiency Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid ATM Switch Architecture by Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Csaba Lukovszki, Robert Szabó and Tamäs Henk High Speed Networks Laboratory, Department of Telecommunication and Telematics Technical University of Budapest, Päzmäny P. sétany 1/D, Budapest, H-1117 Hungary Phone: +36 1 463 2764, Fax: +36 1 463 3107 E-mail: {Icsaba, szabor, henk) @ttt-atm.ttt.bme.hu Keywords: ATM switching, QoS, performance evaluation, parallel modeling Edited by: Matjaž Gams Received: August 31, 1999 Revised: August 31, 1999 Accepted: August 31,1999 Nowadays, telecommunication networks are passing through a rapid evolution. The introduction of novel services in high-speed networks such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) requires different handling of connections. While real-time applications usually require low end-to-end delay and delay jitters, and are not very sensitive to loss within an acceptable range, there exist applications that require very low loss rates but are not concerned of delay or delay jitters. The concept of designing Multistage Interconnection Network (MIN) capable of operating with and without cell loss and cell delay sensitiveness can be a reasonable alternative. This paper is divided into two subjects. In the first a new switch architecture is depicted. Our proposed switching architecture and protocol handles connections' different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements with different mechanisms. We introduce four cell types that can be mapped to the existing ATM services. The investigation of such a complicated system as an ATM switch, requires lot of simulation time in any conservative simulation environment. To achieve shorter simulation time, our simulation platform was designed for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) environment. The extended features and mechanisms of our MIN involves individual solutions during interaction among processes, which are addressed in the second part of the article. 1 Introduction priority scheduling) is used to ensure the other criteria. Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs) offer a rea- Communication on Broadband-Integrated Service Digital sonable alternative between cost and performance. Most Networks (B-ISDN), such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode recently, there are growing interests in using MINs as the (ATM), demands the network to handle different connec- interconnection structure of the switching nodes of high- tions differently. In accordance with expectations of end- speed communication networks [11, 12, 13]. MIN is an point user, connections of B-ISDN covers voice, data, example of Banyan networks - see Figure 1 -, where suf- video and image traffic within a single network. The ficiently large buffers are applied at the outputs of the introduction of these novel services into high-speed net- Switching Elements (SEs), and a priority scheduler is used works such as ATM, requires different handling of con- to ensure low delay for delay sensitive traffic. However, nections [5, 12, 17]. The two significant classes of con- in order to meet the very low cell loss ratio requirements nections are established by real-time and data applications. buffer spaces need to be increased, which introduces both The main difference between these two is based on the cell delay and delay jitters. This architecture has the disadvan- loss and delay sensitiveness. While real-time like applica- tage of the necessity of large buffers in each SE. tions usually tolerate cell loss in order to achieve low delay The counter example can be a backpressure MIN that uses and delay variation, on the other hand data applications re- an additional, two directional communication protocol in quire very low loss rate with indifference in delay and delay order to stop forwarding cells when there is not enough jitters. free buffering capacity in the next-stage SE. In this way this The optimization of a switching architecture based upon backpressure mechanism ensures that there will be no cell the above mentioned two criteria requires different de- losses inside the switch. Besides, one must face the prob- mands. Low delay and delay variation can only be achieved lem of maximum achievable throughput, i.e: simple back- with small buffer sizes in the network, but it results in pressure MINs have a theoretical maximum in throughput higher cell loss in case of bursts [17, 18]. As a trade-off be- around 60% of link capacity [13, 17]. tween these requirements, switches are usually optimized Our proposed architecture mixes two protocols in the same for one of these criteria, and some other mechanism (e.g. switching fabric in order to be optimized for the differ- C. Lukovszki et al. stage 0 stage 1 stage 2 input ports switching elements output ports Straight connected switching element Cross connected switching element CUR rtVBR nrtVBR ABR UBR CDV X X CTD X X CLR X X X X Table 1: QoS parameters Loss Sensitive Delay Sensitive type A X X type B X type C X type D Table 2: Distinguished cell types Figure 1: Multistage Interconnection Network (MIN) ent type of services. For data applications, a backpressure mechanism is used to reduce cell loss ratio. For realtime applications, higher priority class is applied with small buffers and no backpressure mechanism. The proposed switching architecture and protocol is modeled in a parallel simulation environment, where exaggerated precautions are necessary because of the mixed protocol scheme in order to avoid dead-locks. The rest of this article deals with the performance evaluation of the proposed hybrid switch architecture. First, we describe the model of our hybrid MIN and identify the requirements put on it. Then the simulation environment that has been developed for performance analysis is described. Finally, simulation results are discussed and conclusions are drawn. 2 The Model of the Hybrid MIN We propose a novel switching architecture that can distinguish among cells from different kinds of connections in cell level. To achieve our goal some modifications was accomplished inside the switching elements. In this way the proposed MIN is capable of operating with loss and delay sensitive cell flows simultaneously. Thereby, hybrid MIN can make difference among connections inside the switching fabric and efficiently utilizes the performance of the switch. The concepts for designing a MIN capable of operating with internal cell loss and with backpressure mechanism comes from the different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements imposed on ATM. There are six QoS parameters defined by the ATM Forum that identifies the end-to-end behavior of a connection [1]. As three of these are independent of the switch architecture, we only consider Cell Delay Variation (CDV), Cell Transfer Delay (CTD) and Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) (see Table 1). Accordingly, to investigate MINs it was necessary to map the connection level QoS parameters into a cell level equivalent. We distinguished four types of cells inside our switching fabric (see Table 2). The mapping was chosen in order to optimize the favorable parameters of each individual MIN type. Loss sensitiveness can be handled by the backpressure protocol, while low delay and delay jitters can be guaranteed with the priority mechanism. Besides, backpressure mechanism introduces extra delays that can be eliminated by applying higher priority class as well. Further, during the design of the hybrid MIN some necessary architectural constraints were to be fulfilled, i.e. backpressure MIN architecture requires input port buffering to support up-to-date information on the available resources [13, 14], However,MIN with traditional input port buffering has significant disadvantage in throughput caused by head-of-line blocking [13, 14, 20]. Hence, our switching elements (see Figure 2) consist of both input and output buffers. type A type C type B I r^'-type D type A V { type C typeB /tr'typeP pmi \ jmn —}-[-p] switching transfer medium | Input buffers output buffers Figure 2: Switching Element (SE) According to the Figure 2, each cell type has a dedicated buffer through every path inside the SE. The two loss sensitive traffic types (A, B) have buffers at the input ports and are handled with the backpressure protocol, while the delay sensitive cells of type C and D are just forwarded and stored at the output queues or dropped in case of congestion. Besides, at each output port we use scheduling with static priority scheme [8]. The service order is C, A, D, B. It means whenever there is at least one cell in buffer associated with type C, it is served first, otherwise cell is chosen according to the priority order. It stands to reason, culling a cell from some input buffer is possible if that cell is des- lined to the output port where scheduling is being executed. Besides, in order to increase efficiency at higher loads, if the forwarding of a type A cell was blocked due the backpressure mechanism, the server checks for a lower priority cell to transmit. On the whole, the forwarding of the C cell type is straightforward. requesting sen/er service server station station Transmission Requested buffer is completely .T1 filled IlQ.access/ACC., ^ : cell C/D^ cellA/B T1 cellC/D .TI.O.request/REQ.. ^ : ^ J.2©.rejectipn/TJM cellA/B 12 cellA/B Re-Transmission TÖ.request/REQ.. ^ : ^ T20ayailable/AyA Requested buffer is not completely T2 filled T^.acces^ACC .. ^ : cellA/B^ In the case of parallel simulation one can follow either the optimistic or the conservative approach [14]. We chose the conservative approach, where no causality errors are allowed at all because of its less complexity. Here one must ensure that the execution of events is in strictly non-decreasing time-stamp order. However, to ensure this non-decreasing time-stamp order execution of events in concurrently executed threads, processes have to be blocked until it is safe to execute the next event in their event lists. Safe means there is no chance to get an event with time-stamp earlier than the executed one. However, the blocking and invoking of processes can result in circular wait deadlock situations that have to be avoided by good design. On the other hand, in the optimistic approach where no precautions are taken to avoid the causality error one has to detect and correct it somehow. Usually a roll back mechanism is used to enforce the in-order execution of the critical events. server is waiting server Is working Figure 3: Backpressure protocol Figure 3 describes the forwarding of a backpressure cell A or B. In the first case, the requested buffer type is completely filled, so an access rejection message is sent back to the previous stage. Now, if we have a lower priority cell D, or a type C cell has arrived during the blocked period, that is forwarded instead of the blocked cell. In the second case if the request is confirmed with an available message, the original cell is forwarded. 3 The Parallel Model of Hybrid MIN Uniprocessor systems are approaching their limit on computation speed. The computation power of such systems can not be improved infinitely due to the fact that the speed of a signal transmission on a chip is bounded by the speed of light [16]. In the last two decades the interests in multiprocessor systems consisting of hundreds, or even thousands of processors has increased noticeably. The interaction among these processors is realized either by message passing or by shared memory [7, 10]. For this reason, it seemed a promising directive to reduce the MIN's simulation runtime by exploiting parallelism in the switching fabric and mapping the simulation program onto multiprocessor machines. Moreover, the architecture of MINs with their identical switching elements also lends themselves for parallel computation. Additionally, parallel simulation is also interesting from an academic point of view, because it represents a problem domain that often contains substantial amounts of parallelism, yet paradoxically, it is surprisingly difficult to parallelize in practice. generators switching element sinks Figure 4: Process oriented simulation model The simulator, that we designed is a shared memory model conservative parallel simulator, where each switching element was mapped to a thread. Consequently all switching elements have their own local clock that indicates their progress in simulated time, state variables that describe the state of the system and an event list containing all pending events for the specific SE, that have been scheduled but have not taken effect yet. The basic component, i.e. a 2x2 switching element connected to traffic generators and sinks can be seen in Figure 4. Here the 5 physical objects were mapped to 5 logical threads of the simulation. The simulation model for the Banyan switch [11], where no backpressure mechanism is used, is quite straightforward. In this case, messages are only passed in the forward direction. The very special MIN architecture with this unidirectional message passing property requires minimal synchronization among the processes and is very suitable for parallel computation [9, 13, 15, 16]. However, as one can not apply infinite message storing capacity among the processes, it is necessary to supporta minimal synchronization among the processes, unfortunately introducing dead-lock into this very simple scheme, too [6, 13]. The backpressure MIN itself requires very strict synchronization among the stages of the MIN, which results in a synchronization at the level of threads also. In order to ensure no internal loss within the switching fabric backpressure cell forwarding must adhere to the following protocol: 1. Before a cell transmission is initiated, the sender must find out if the receiving buffer contains at least one empty slot. This is done by sending a request (REQ) message, and waiting for the reply. 2. When a SE receives a REQ message, it checks for empty slots in the corresponding buffer of its input ports. If the buffer is not completely filled, an available (AVA) message is sent back to the sender. Otherwise a time indication (TIM) signal is sent with the indicator of the earliest time when the desired buffer could be released. The switching element can proceed with the next event of its event list, but must check back to the refused port at the time indicated by the TIM message for further REQ message. 3. The switching element must wait for an access (ACC) message after it replied an AVA message. 4. A switching element can only send out an ACC message if an AVA message has been previously received. 5. A switching element receiving TIM message can proceed with the next event of its event list, but must schedule the re-transmission of the blocked cell at the time indicated in TIM message. An illustration of the proposed backpressure transmission protocol can be seen in Figure 3. Because of the almost continuous synchronization among the processes the achievable speed-up in backpressure MIN simulation is lower than in case of traditional Banyan MIN [11, 13]. In our special case, we wanted the synchronization to be as loose as possible, so we synchronized the processes only when they were playing the backpressure handshaking protocol. Our backpressure mechanism extends the above detailed protocol by utilizing the blocked period. Whenever a requesting server receives a TIM message it checks the buffers for other cell types. If during the blocked period there is at least one cell in other buffers, the scheduling mechanism chooses one cell to forward according to the priority order. Necessarily, the backpressured cell has to be scheduled to re-transmission after the chosen cell leaves the SE. 4.1 Sink and Generator Model Cell generators are used in the simulation as traffic sources. They can produce cell streams different ways in conformity with the modeled traffic source. They can substitute some often used arrival types, like Poisson Processes (PP), Interrupted and Markov Modulated Poisson Processes (IPP, MMPP) and constant arrivals. Constant arrival model is used to model Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic. Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffic is modeled by PP, IPP or MMPP depending on its characteristics. A generator connected to an inlet of the MIN can produce all our four cell types acting like a multiplexer at the same time. With this we reduce the number of concurrently running processes, thus also reducing the complexity. Sinks are only used in our model to gather performance statistics on MIN's performance. Besides, they also have to participate in transmission protocol with the last stage SEs. 4.2 Switching Element Model As we already mentioned, switching elements must have an event list. However, we decided to distribute our event list to the corresponding ports. These event lists are shared objects as they are manipulated by two simulation objects i.e. the owner and the one the port connects to. As processes have to process events in non-decreasing time-stamp order, ports have to be sorted to offer the lowest time-stamp event. If any of the input ports are empty, process must be halted until a new event arrives at the corresponding port to avoid causality error. The processing of the selected event depends on its type. DEPARTURE events initiate cell forwarding either with backpressure or traditional mechanism. After a successful cell transmission a new already buffered cell has to be scheduled for transmission. Here, buffers are selected according to their priority order see the previous section. ARRIVAL event must accept or reject the forwarding of a cell depending on the used protocol. After receiving a cell, it must be queued to the corresponding buffer. 5 The Simulation Platform 4 Simulator Model of the Switch Architecture The simplest investigated architecture consists of a MIN switching fabric - interconnected switching elements -, cell generators and sinks that are connected to the inlets and the outlets of the MIN, respectively. The mapping of the model onto the parallel simulation is made by the assignment of logical processes to each individual building blocks i.e. SEs, generators and sinks. As described earlier, logical processes have their local clock, event list and state variables. Cells are passed through the architecture by modeling DEPARTURE and ARRIVAL events of the corresponding cell types. The simulator itself was developed in a C-I-+ extension called micro (/j.) C++ [3, 4]. This extension introduce new object types that augment the exciting panoply of control flow facilities and provide for lightweight concurrency on single processor and parallel execution on multiprocessor computers running the UNIX based operating systems. The /LtC++ programming language answers the requirements of parallel programming by providing wide range of possibilities of interaction among different kinds of objects. This allows the programmer to choose the kind of object best suited to the particular problem without having to cope with communication restrictions. Besides, this programming language facilitates synchronous and asynchronous communications not hiding their details in a system, which increases the flexibility. 6 Traffic Models L^ve^ TNetwork tévé» ppSdiifceß ^'ppDéstinitionlJ " TSwitch TSwitch IppJnputSwBementß _ ppOutütSwElement[ ' L6vé\i fswÉlement I | fSwElèment 1 TSwElement pßnßutPodH ' L$vél4 pfJextInputPoit ^gSejvejStàtys_ TServerStatus |pServer pRpuTmg" TServer TRouting TPort fiPÖufputPprt" pNextlnputPort^ pPrevOutputPort | jp^^^ _— L$véìr- TEventList TBuffer Figure 5: Object model Packet generators are used in the simulation as traffic sources. They can produce cell streams different ways in conformity with the modeled traffic source. They can act as if they were some CBR applications producing cell stream with constant inter-arrival time. To model applications characterized with VBR, generators can produce cell streams according to PP with arrival rate A. On the other hand to model real-time like application, generators bear the ability to produce cell streams according to a MMPP with average sojourn times and foi" states 1 and 2, respectively. When the Markov chain of a real-time application is in state i (i = 1, 2), the arrival process from that source is Poisson with rate Aj. The stationary probability vector of the Markov chain is: e = [ei,e2] = [ Vl +U2 i/2 (1) where Si is the stationary probability in state i. The effective arrival rate from one such a source is: The object structure was designed to support simulation of different MIN based ATM switching fabrics with backpressure or traditional forwarding protocols. Both the structure and objects' functions are flexible enough to conform to these requirements. Each object realizes an organic part of duties in the switch. The basic building blocks and their connections can be seen in Figure 5. The figure also represents the hierarchical structure of objects and how a SB and a MIN is constructed. Some objects implement only PDES functionality and others realize switching functions. As an example the TPort object plays an active part of the switching providing synchronous and asynchronous transmissions of cells. The simulation platform was designed to be a flexible and scalable simulation platform supporting simulation of different ATM switch architectures. It enables the user to easily configure the network topology and to implement new functions by deriving objects from the existing base classes. Basically the TSwElement object represents a SE. The underlying objects implements specific features for SE and the parallel execution as well. The TRouting object is responsible to route cells to the destined outlet. The TPort component is designed to keep connection with other SEs, otherwise it plays the backpressure protocol with other SB's ports. The objects at Level 5 are destined to store cells and events respectively. The levels above the TSwElement facilitate to simulate big interconnected switching networks. A Network Configuration File (NCF) was designed to automate topology configurations. By editing this input file, one can create a top-down network topology without any knowledge of underlying PDES mechanism. On the other hand, experts can easily extend the existing library functions and basic classes to derive new, enhanced features. XefJ = Yl^i ^ (2) i=l In our first experiment we only tested our hybrid MIN model against results found in literature. Here we used Poisson generators for all four cell types. However, in our next experiment in order to be consistent with the introduced four cell types (A, B, C and D) we used different traffic sources in accordance with the modeled traffic type. For type C cells constant CBR generators were used; for type A traffic IPP were used to emulate rtVBR cell streams; for type D cells (rtVBR and nrtVBR) MMPP generators were used while simple Poisson sources were used for cell type B. 7 Numerical Results 7.1 Experiment 1 In the first Experiment we only testified our simulator against the results found in related literature [2, 19]. We present results for a 8x8 MIN made of 2x2 SEs. We investigated maximum achievable throughput, delay and delay jitters of the different cell types. Besides, we present some results on how the buffer allocation influences these characteristics. The throughput of the switch architecture is given by: throughput = #of arrived cells sìinulatìon time service time #of ports (3) where #of arrived cells is the summed number of arrived cells at the outputs, simulation time is the duration of simulation, service time is the service time of a cell and #of ports is the number of output ports. As for the input traffic, we connected 4 generators - one for each cell type - through a multiplexer to each input port of the MIN. They generated cell streams according to Poisson arrivals with identical rate. The aggregated arrival rate of the cells are shown in the figures as generator intensity. The destinations of the cells were also identically distributed. On Figure 6 we show how our hybrid MIN's throughput goes compared to an ordinary backpressure MIN. During the simulation we applied 4 buffer slots at each input ports of the backpressure MIN and 2 buffer slots for each cell type inside our hybrid MIN. -C, Buffer-l --«--D, Buffer-1 -C, Buffer=2 --A--D, Buffer=2 0.5 O.SS 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 Generator Intensity [cells/ cell time] 0.95 Figure 6: Throughput comparison between Backpressure MIN and our proposed hybrid MIN It is quite obvious from the figure, that our hybrid MIN's throughput characteristic is better than that of the backpressure. However, we must admit, that it is only true if not the type A and B traffics are dominant. In the most extreme case, when we only have the type A and B cells, we would obtain the same throughput as a backpressure MIN. Fortunately, this scenario is not typical at all. 0.1 —■—A (loss and delay sensitive cell flow) —^—B (loss sensitive cell flow) --0--C (delay sensitive cell flow) --A--D (cell flow with no sensitivity) - I I I I i 1 I i I 1 i I t I — 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0. 6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Generator Intensity [cells/cell time] Figure 7: Mean Cell Delay for cell types, while buffer size for each cell type is 10 In Figure 7- 8, one can see how our static scheduling works. The lowest priority traffic, i.e. the type B cells, is punished most according to Figure 7, but still here we guarantee no cell loss inside the switching fabric. It can be efficient or 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Generator Intensity [cells/cell tine] Figure 8: Cell Loss Probability can reduce the expenses of memories to concentrate big buffers only at the ingress ports of the MIN, where the congested cells are backpressed to. In Figure 8, we show the cell loss probability of type C and D cells. It can be seen that even a buffer capacity of 5 cells for the type C traffic can significantly reduce its loss probability. On the other hand. Figure 8 also shows that the type D buffers should be increased in order to achieve lower cell loss ratio. 0.65 Generator Intensity Figure 9: Mean Cell Delay for cell type D In Figure 9 we present how changing of the applied buffer size for all cell type affects the characteristics of Mean Cell Delay for cell type D. As it was excepted the delay increases as the function of applied buffer size. 7.2 Experiment 2 Further we investigated, how a finite buffer capacity should be partitioned among the different cell types to achieve the best performance. Here, we also took into account, beside our priority scheme, that we want to minimize the delay and delay jitters of the type C and A traffic classes. So we kept in mind, that for cell types A and C buffers should be smaller than for the types B and D. One of our partition- ing scheme is shown in Table 3, where we examined four buffer partitioning realizations with a capacity of 60 cells (Table 3: set 1-4). buffer size seti set 2 set 3 set 4 type A 1 2 3 4 typeB 4 9 14 19 type C II 10 9 8 type D 44 39 34 29 Table 3: Buffer allocation schemes From the results shown in Figure 10 and 11, it was interesting to see, that even though the type A cell is ahead of the type D cell in the service priority order, it suffered higher delays if the backpressure mechanism was in action for the most part of the operation (see Figure 10). This can be explained by the fact, that if a type A cell was stopped forwarding because of the lack of buffer space at the next stage, a lower priority type D cell was transmitted if it was queued in the system. H 10 S C a S -a—cell type A —■—cell type B -A- —cell type C -A—cell type D -----^ buffers: A=l, B=4, C=ll, D=44 —r-1-1-1-1-1-F—-T-r—1- 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 Generator Intensity [cells/cell time] Figure 10: Mean Cell Delay for Set 1 We found that with properly adjusted buffers, one can optimize the network performance. One of our recent interest is to investigate, how this optimal allocation should be implemented. 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.15 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Generator Intensity [cells/cell time] Figure 12: Throughputs for set 1-4 Besides the delay characteristics depicted above, we also examined how the throughput of the overall switch was affected in these buffer allocations. First, Figure 12 shows that the throughput curves are linearly increasing functions of the offered load for all cell types but type B, where we experience a breakdown similar to the backpressure MIN's throughput characteristics. However this breakdown point was dependent on the actual buffer allocation (see Figure 13). 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 Generator Intensity [cells/cell time] Figure 11: Mean Cell Delay for set 4 In Set 4, where we allocated more buffers to type A cells, their delay went just below the delay of type D cells (Figure 11). The delay of the type C cells, which were the highest priority traffic, were indifferent to this allocations. 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 Generator Intensity [cells/cell time] Figure 13: Throughput if cell type B for set 1-4 7.3 Experiment 3 After we testified our simulator and the results in throughput and delay seemed promising we started to analyze traffic situations more realistic than in the previous case. All the following results are shown for 16x16 MINs. We used traffic models shown in Table 4 to emulate the different characteristics imposed by the diversity of ATM traffics. The total offered load was distributed evenly among the different cell types, so only the total offered load is presented in charts further on. The load imposed on the switching fabric was also symmetric in the means that all destination ports were equally preferred. First of all we in- —■—set 1, buffers: A=l, D-19 —a—set 2, buffers: A=2, --*--set 3, buffers: A=3, D-15 --ù--set 4, buffets: A=4, D=13 type Cell stream generators A Interrupted Poisson Process-rtVBR B Poisson C Constant inter-arrival time-CBR D Markov Modulated Poisson Process-VBR Table 4: Streams for cell types vestigated the buffer requirements of the real time traffic, i.e. type C cells as the highest priority traffic. We found that in order to satisfy the QoS requirements of the real time traffic up to 25% of total load we have to allocate at 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Generator Inteslty [cells/call tlna] Figure 15: Mean Cell Delay of cell type A O.S 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Generator Intensity [cells/celX time] Figure 14: Cell Loss Probability for the CBR traffic class fic, i.e. type C, we tried to configure optimally the buffer partitioning between the type A and D cell streams (see buffer locations in Figure 2). We further assumed that we can only dispose of a finite and pre-defined buffer space to be partitioned and we tried to find an optimal partitioning by heuristic methods. The correlated results can be seen in Figure 15 and 16. Here the mean delays of A and D cells can be seen respectively for different buffer partitioning. It can be seen from Figure 15 and 16 that the allocation and de-allocation of a few buffer spaces can significantly degrade or improve the performance of the respecting cell type. It is also clear from the results that one must find a trade-off as the improvement of one cell class results in the degradation of the other class. Finding the appropriate buffer partitioning is not the least straightforward. For this reason an adaptive mechanism may be required in the switching fabric to adjust the buffer partitioning to the actual network load in order to achieve optima! performance. The study of this question and to determine a metric to be optimized is our future plan. However, as a primary metric we used the summa mean delays of the first three priority classes i.e. C, A, D to determine a performance descriptor. An example can be seen in Figure 17. These charts vary both in the actual offered load and in the realized buffer partitioning scheme. To determine the optimal buffer partitioning for an offered load, one has to compare all possible partitioning settings for the given load to determine the optimal settings. However the changing in load may result in the need of re-partitioning of buffers in order to achieve optimal performance. This comparison is complex and time consuming, so we are seeking for heuristic solutions to maintain optimal buffer partitioning in case of varying loads. 8 Conclusion We have introduced a new hybrid protocol MIN, which can support the complete range of traffic types existing in ATM networks. We presented some forerunner results as a base of our performance analysis in this field. We found the results good enough for further investigation. We analyzed a 16x16 MIN with different traffic loads to determine the optimal buffer partitioning among different traffic classes. We also proposed a performance metric to optimize the buffer partitioning for. Our future plan is to further investigate the possibilities to determine the optimal buffer partitioning and to simulate large ATM switches. 100 90 -,80 I 70 ^ 60 M ^50 >,40 n » 30 Q 20 10 0 ■ cell type B □ cell type D Ecell type A □ cell type C ..11! 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Generator Intensity [cells/cell time] Figure 17: Proposed performance metric 9 Acknowledgement First of all we want to thank Gabor Fodor, who has planned the idea of a hybrid switch in our mind a few years ago. Besides, this work could not have been done without the support of the High Speed Networks (HSNLab) of the Technical University of Budapest. We also owe our special thanks to József Biro, for his selfless assistance. References [1] ATM Forum (1996) Traffic Management Specification, Version 4.0. ATM Forum Specification [2] Bhagwat S., Tipper D., Balakrishnan K., Mahapatra A. (1994) A Comparative Evaluation of Output Buffer Management Strategies in ATM Networks. 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One of the most noticeable features of research concerning consciousness is that there are three domains of discourse, the physiological, computational and experiential, each with its own methodology and concerns. While confusion is often expressed about what it is that one is discussing, there are four main categories of definitions of the term consciousness: consciousnessi is the registration, processing and acting on information; behavioural consciousness is the explicit knowledge of one's situation, mental states or actions as demonstrated by one's behaviour; subjective consciousness is the subjective stream of thoughts, feelings and sensations that occur for a person; and consciousness is the sense of existence of the subject of mental acts. There are also disparate views concerning consciousness that surveys have revealed to be correlated with investigators' beliefs about the nature of reality along a material-transcendent dimension. Those with materialist views tend to think that only that which is physical is real and that consciousness is an emergent property of neural or information-processing systems; those with conservatively transcendent views think that there is more to reality than that which is physical and emphasize subjective aspects of consciousness; while the extraordinarily transcendent conceptualize consciousness as ontologically primitive and place importance on self-transformation. An investigator's contention that she has had anomalous experiences appears to incline her toward a transcendent position. The presence of these correlations indicates that research programs concerning consciousness proceed, not in an unbiased manner, but on the basis of personal beliefs about the nature of reality. Can beliefs change in the course of the educational process? Data from 129 undergraduate students indicates that beliefs about consciousness and reality can move in a transcendent direction in classes with an instructor with extraordinarily transcendent beliefs. 1 Introduction There has recently been a great deal of interest observation of behaviour are used in order to gather concerning consciousness within the academic knowledge concerning consciousness. Somewhat community, yet the research effort has been fragmented disconnected from neuroscience, although often with many academics working at cross-purposes to one considered part of the physiological domain, are another. What is presented here is an overview of the discussions of the relationship between subatomic events contemporary study of consciousness that can serve to and consciousness. This includes discussions of provide a context for discussions concerning relationships between quantum mechanics and mind, consciousness. This consists of a delineation of three domains of discourse, metanalysis of definitions of A second domain of discourse is the computational consciousness, a discussion of the beliefs about whereby consciousness is discussed in terms of consciousness and reality of consciousness researchers information processing. This is the area of cognitive and the results of a study concerning changes in students' science which subsumes primarily the disciplines of beliefs that has implications for consciousness research. cognitive psychology and philosophy of mind. In practice, it is concerned with cognitive processes such as 2 Domains of Discourse thinking, language, memory, problem solving, and One of the most noticeable features of research ^'^y. One of two theoretical presuppositions is concerning consciousness is that there are three domains that mmd results from processes of discourse that often have little to do with one another. f^^ogou, to those used by computers or that it results One domain of discourse, the physiological, is concerned the parallel distributed processmg of ne^orks of with an understanding of the biological processes connected units Knowledge is derived from the involved in consciousness. This is the realm of observation ot behaviour, including verbal behaviour, neuroscience and the usual methods of biology and and from theoretical analyses. A third domain of discourse is the experiential involving phenomenological, humanistic and transpersonal approaches to consciousness. This includes discussion of both subjective and private features of consciousness. Knowledge is derived from introspection as well as from the accounts of others concerning their experiences. The first thing to note about these domains of discourse is that they are domains of discourse, not necessarily of phenomena. For example, ingestion of a psychedelic substance is a physiological event that has specific neural effects, such as the stimulation of S2 receptor sites (Levinthal 1996), yet has perceptual and cognitive as well as experiential effects some of which can be profound and persist for years as in the case of seminary students given psilocybin prior to a Good Friday service (Doblin 1991). The second thing to note is the lack of any widely accepted links between these domains of discourse. In fact, there has been considerable attention drawn to the presence of the explanatory gaps between these domains with much debate concerning the inability to account for experience in physiological and computational terms. The third thing to note is that, while both bodies and experiences seem to be eminently accessible to an individual, the "middle" layer, the computational, may not exist except as a theoretical construct. "Mentalese", the purported formal language of the brain, along with the necessary axioms and rules of classical logic necessary for the processing of information in a manner analogous to that in a computer, has been called into question (Barvvise 1986). And whereas parallel distributed processing models arose from neural networks through a process of abstraction, they have become so far removed from the actual biological processes they initially represented that what it is about the brain of which these are models remains to be seen (Hanson & Burr 1990, Smolensky 1988). 3 Definitions of Consciousness What are we talking about when we talk about consciousness? There are four main categories of referents for the term consciousness as described in Barušs (Barušs 1987, 1990, 1992). At the most basic level, consciousness 1 is the characteristic of an organism in a running state that entails the registration, processing and acting on information as demonstrated by the organism's behaviour. Rather than getting into a debate about a minimum level of processing, consciousnessi can be considered to be a variable. Similarly, rather than placing restrictions on the types of organisms that would qualify, such as larger mammals and humans, one can apply the term to any entity that meets these criteria keeping in mind that the manner in which they are instantiated may differ. That is to say, there is no reason to disqualify computers. It is important to note, with this and some of the other definitions of consciousness, that, in spite of some overlap, the concept of consciousness is not equivalent to that of awareness. In particular, whereas awareness is a passive property of an organism, consciousness has connotations of active agency as reflected in discussions concerning free will within consciousness studies. Behavioural consciousness2 designates the use of the term consciousness to refer to the explicit knowledge of one's situation, mental states or actions as opposed to lack of such awareness as demonstrated through one's behaviour. Subjective consciousness2 refers to the stream of thoughts, feelings and sensations that occur for a person, some of which are more directly the focus of attention than others. It is subjective consciousness2 that is most often identified as consciousness (Barušs 1990). The problem, of course, is that a person's experiences as such are private and inaccessible to the members of a scientific community. Behavioural consciousness2 is the operationalization of subjective consciousness2 so as to make it available for objective study. Conversely, having identified objective criteria for consciousness, one could infer subjective consciousnessi from the presence of behavioural consciousness2. In practice this applies to machines, whereby one would maintain that a machine that can pass the Turing test, that is to say, a machine behaviourally indistinguishable from a human with regard to its information-processing capabilities, is conscious. While this is clearly a logical error, some researchers have insisted that subjective consciousness2 must be inferred from the presence of behavioural consciousness^ (e.g., Lycan 1987). There are those who have maintained that consciousness is more fundamental than indicated in the first three referents. That it is not that consciousness is the subjective stream of experience but that it is the sense of existence that allows for the possibility of there being a subjective stream at all. Usually this is accompanied by the contentions that there is a self for whom experience occurs and that states of pure consciousness without objects are possible. Thus, consciousnessa is the sense of existence of the subject of mental acts. This is a definition given in subjective terms with no operational equivalent although it has sometimes been reified as an instance of subjective consciousness2 (e.g., Natsoulas 1986). 4 Consciousness Surveys It does not take long for someone interested in consciousness to notice the disparity of ideas about consciousness in the academic literature. These ideas appear to follow the beliefs of individual investigators, in particular, their fundamental beliefs along the material-transcendent dimension that underlies Western culture (Barušs 1990, 1992). In order to empirically test this contention, Robert Moore and 1 developed, through a number of stages, an instrument that could be used for measuring beliefs about consciousness and reality (Barušs 1990, Barušs & Moore 1989,1992). In an initial study in 1986, we circulated a consciousness questionnaire to academics and professionals chosen on the basis of the likelihood that someone from their discipline would write about consciousness in the academic literature (Barušs 1990). We received 334 completed copies of the questionnaire. The participants had a mean age of 44 years, 27% were women, 67% had obtained a doctorate, 42% were allied with psychology, 12% with physics, 6% with philosophy, while smaller numbers represented a variety of other disciplines (Barušs & Moore 1992). A material-transcendent dimension clearly emerged with items about reality and consciousness intertwined with one another. The material pole of this dimension is characterized by agreement with statements that reality is physical in nature and that science is the proper way in which to know it. Consciousness is thought to emerge from neural activity or information processing, to always be about something, and is defined as consciousness; or behavioural consciousness^. A conservatively transcendent position is defined by importance placed on meaning in life and adherence to traditional religious beliefs. Subjective aspects of consciousness are emphasized with subjective consciousness2 and consciousnesss as preferred definitions. Not surprisingly, consciousness is perceived to give meaning to life and to provide evidence of a spiritual reality. At the transcendent pole is an extraordinarily transcendent position whereby not only is the ontological hegemony of physical reality questioned but relegated to the status of a byproduct of consciousness. Respondents tending toward this position were more likely to claim to have had anomalous experiences such as out-of-body experiences, to believe in paranormal phenomena such as extrasensory perception and the continuation of life after death, and to find value in inner exploration. Universal consciousness is the goal of self-transformation as well as the key that makes the process of change possible. Rather than definitions that apply to the waking state of consciousness, altered states of consciousness are emphasized (Barušs 1990, 1992; Barušs & Moore 1989, 1992). Using a more recent version of the initial instrument, called the Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire, a consciousness survey was conducted of participants at the scientific meeting Toward a Science of Consciousness 1996 'Tucson 11'. Two hundred and twelve completed questionnaires were received of which 29% were from women and 56% from those who had earned a doctorate. The mean age of respondents was 50. A broad range of disciplinary categories from the natural sciences to arts and humanities was represented. The overall score of 18.3 on the global Transcendentalism scale was higher than that of 1.2 for the 1986 sample with a range of possible scores from Si 14 to 114. This may be due to a younger cohort for the 1996 study or to more transcendent beliefs of researchers with an actual rather than possible interest in consciousness. Those with an interest in neural correlates of consciousness tended to have low scores while those with an interest in phenomenology and culture had high scores. Thus the domains of discourse concerning consciousness are dominated by particular beliefs. Physiological aspects of consciousness are likely to be discussed by materialists while experiential aspects by transcendentalists (Barušs & Moore 1998). While it is often thought that science should proceed without interference from the biases of the scientists carrying out the research, such is clearly not the case for consciousness studies. In particular, an investigator's contention that she has had anomalous experiences such as mystical or out-of-body experiences appears to incline her toward a transcendent position with its attendant emphasis on the primacy of consciousness. This dependence is not surprising given that the study of consciousness is concerned with subjective experiences that are accessible as such only to each investigator for herself (Barušs 1990, 1992, 1996). 5 Changes in Students' Beliefs Given the importance of beliefs about consciousness and reality for the study of consciousness, a question arises concerning the conditions under which a person's beliefs about consciousness and reality would change. One situation in which they could change may be a university course in which transcendental issues are explicitly addressed as part of the course curriculum. Such a situation was presented in some of the classes taught by the author. Students' spontaneous comments concerning the courses had indicated that, in some cases, their beliefs had changed. Hence, in a continuation of our earlier research, Robert Moore and 1 decided to document those changes. It was hypothesized that students' beliefs would move in the direction of their instructors' beliefs. For the 1995S96 and 1996-97 school years, students in my undergraduate Humanistic Psychology and Consciousness courses, taught at a small, Canadian, liberal arts. Catholic college, were given the Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire at the beginning of classes in September, around the time of the mid-year examination in December and again around the time of the final examination in April. Students in these classes were presented with data challenging materialist assumptions about the nature of reality and were required to understand the substance of transcendentalist arguments. Also during 1995-96 students in a Psychology of Creativity class taught by another instructor at the same institution and students in an Introductory Psychology course taught by yet another instructor at a separate but comparable small, Canadian, liberal arts. Catholic university were also administered the questionnaire using the same schedule. In addition, during the 1996-97 school year, students in my undergraduate Statistics for Psychology course were included in the study in the same manner as the others. In all cases, students were assured that their responses to the questionnaire would not be observed until all grades for the course had been submitted. Analysis of the reliabiUty of the Transcendentalism scale of the Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire using all of the student data gives values for Cronbach's alpha of .88 {n = 220), .89 (n = 145) and .92 (rt = 141) for each of the consecutive administrations. Thus, the instrument has good reliability when administered to students. Changes in students' beliefs between the initial and final administrations of the questionnaire for students who completed it on both of those occasions are given in Table 1. Table 1 Clearly there are many influences on a students' beliefs of which an instructor's beliefs in a single course are only one possibility. The data indicate that there may be an institutional effect of moving students toward transcendent beliefs irrespective of the beliefs of single individual instructors at the particular college at which 1 and the Psychology of Creativity instructor teach. The effect was not observed at the university at which the Introductory Psychology course was taught. Alternatively, since the effect was only observed for courses that I teach it may be that I have an effect on students' beliefs without explicit discussion of transcendental issues that overrides other influences on Within Subjects Analysis of Variance for Changes in Students ' Scores on Transcendentalism Scale of Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire Class Years N Initial Final F M SD M SD Humanistic & Consciousness 1995-96 & 1996-97 41 31.10 32.06 45.72 33.60 21.19* Statistics 1996-97 24 24.25 21.66 33.96 24.31 24.01* Instructor 1995-96 1 74.00 81.00 Introductory 1995-96 57 13.51 18.65 14.16 19.15 0.13 Instructor 1995-96 1 45.00 43.50 Creativity 1995-96 7 35.50 14.69 43.93 21.56 1.45 Instructor 1995-96 1 20.50 23.50 ♦significance level p < .0005. n refers to the number of participants iW refers to the mean score on the Transcendentalism Scale SD refers to the standard deviation F refers to the F test statistic for within subjects analysis of variance While high to begin with, as expected, students' scores in my Humanistic Psychology and Consciousness classes moved in the transcendent direction during the school year. Students' scores in the Introductory Psychology course remained the same despite the fact that the instructor's scores were numerically higher than the class mean. Students' scores in the Psychology of Creativity class increased numerically although not to a statistically significant degree, despite class means numerically higher than the instructor's scores. Surprisingly, students' scores in my Statistics for Psychology course also moved in the transcendent direction even though there was no explicit discussion of transcendental issues in that class. students. In either case, what the data reveal is that beliefs about consciousness and reality can change during an undergraduate course, at least as measured by the Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire and that more research is needed to understand the reasons for the changes that occur. This research has implications for the study of consciousness. What one talks about, what definitions one is willing to adopt and what attributes consciousness may have are tied to beliefs about consciousness and reality of the investigators doing the talking. In addition to anomalous experiences, education may influence the beliefs of investigators and hence appears to play a significant role in contemporary consciousness studies. Those entrained in materialist interpretations of reality and those exposed to transcendental ist arguments may reflect the respective biases of their instructors in their research. This is an issue of fundamental importance for the study of consciousness. 6 References [1] Baruss, 1. (1987). Metanalysis of Definitions of Consciousness. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 6, 4, p. 321-329. [2] Baruss, I. (1990). The Personal Nature of Notions of Consciousness. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. [3] Baruss, 1. (1992). Contemporary Issues Concerning the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Anthropology of Consciousness, 3, 3 & 4, p. 28-35. [4] Barušs, I. (1996). Authentic Knowing: The Convergence of Science and Spiritual Aspiration. Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press. [5] Baruss, 1. & Moore, R. J. (1989). Notions of Consciousness and Reality. In J. E. Shorr, P. Robin, J. Gonnella and M. Wolpin (Eds.), Imagery: Current Perspectives, p. 87-92. New York: Plenum. [6] Baruss, I. & Moore, R. J. (1992). Measurement of Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality. Psychological Reports, 71, p. 59-64. [7] Barušs, I. & Moore, R. J. (1998). Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality of Participants at 'Tucson ir. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 5, 4, p. 483496. [8] Barwise, J. (1986). Information and Circumstance. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 27, 3, p. 324S338. [9] Doblin, R. (1991). Pahnke's "Good Friday Experiment": A Long-term Follow-up and Methodological Critique. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 23, 1, p. 1-28. [10] Hanson, S. J. & Burr, D. J. (1990). What Connectionist Models Learn: Learning and Representation in Connectionist Networks. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 3, p. 471S489. [11]Levinthal, C. F. (1996). Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. [12] Lycan, W. G. (1987). Consciousness. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, Bradford. of a Self-intimational Hypothesis. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 16,2, p. 197S207. [14] Smolensky, P. (1988). On the Proper Treatment of Connectionism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11, l,p. 1S23. 7 Acknowledgements I thank Robert J. Moore for his collaboration in this research including the changes in students' beliefs described in the last section. I also thank Ted Wright and Diane Humphrey for administering the Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire to their classes during the 1995-96 academic year. Julienne Patterson for data entry and assistance with data analyses, King's College for research grants that were used to finance the changes in students' beliefs project and to all the students who chose to participate. [l3]Natsoulas, T. (1986). Consciousness: Consideration Recursion of Logical Operators and Regeneration of Discrete Binary Space Jeremy Home 15 Copper HiirCt. Durham, NC 27713 E-mail: jhornel@cris.com Keywords: logic, recursion, operators, order Edited by: Anton P. Železnikar Received: September 11, 1999 Revised: February 18, 2000 Acccptcd: March 15,2000 Any discrete (closed) binary, or Boolean, space is recursive. Thai is, if the outputs of functions are repeatedly forward-fed into those functions, those outputs will present themselves again for processing. That is, the fidi functionality of an operator reproduces itself. Each of the 16 operators, or functions, in a two variable system is a self- maintaining (homeostatic) automaton in logical space. The homeostatic character of the function is displayed by that recursion. As larger binary spaces are comprised of the functions (partial or complete), functional recursion may open the way to analysing basins of attraction in spaces produced by the random concatenation of operators to reveal the character of pattern generation. Further, recursion of binary logical operators may have correlates in biological neural networks: 1 Synopsis Any discrete (closed) binary, or Boolean, space is recursive. That is, if the outputs of functions are repeatedly forward-fed into those functions, those outputs will present themselves again for processing. That is, the full functionality of an operator reproduces itself Each of the 16 operators, or functions, in a two variable system is a self- maintaining (homeostatic) automaton in logical space. The homeostatic character of the function is displayed by that recursion. As larger binary spaces are comprised of the functions (partial or complete), 1 suggest that functional recursion may open the way to analysing basins of attraction in spaces produced by the random concatenation of operators to reveal the character of pattern generation. Further, recursion of binary logical operators may have correlates in biological neural networks. Two issues emerge about how to approach pattern analysis in binaiy space. First, the way each operator renders an environment displays its information processing character and efficiency. The character of a function's recursion is revealed by its outputs, and efficiency is measured by how rapidly an operator manages the complexity of the other functions it processes. (There is no issue of accuracy in such a measurement, since the outcome is deterministic.) Both character and efficiency may be components in discovering the sources of patterns in basins of attraction or deciphering what appears to be noise in digital space. Second, prioritisation schemes in a parenthesis-free notation might be based on such an efficiency in order to measure overall computational efficiency in the system. Ranking of operators in a parenthesis-free (ungrouped) expression based on information processing efficiency also may be a means for exploring the basis of efficient logical thinking, or how fast a person can process logical alternatives to arrive at a correct conclusion. 2 The system's syntax - Structure of the function There are 16 operators generated from a binary relationship schema, each operator being a function with a specific degree of complexity, as will be discussed informally below. We obtain descriptions of functions with the permutations of symbols, such as 0 and 1 (00, 01,10, and II), resulting in a logical space (table of functional completeness) in the form of a 4 row by 16-column table, with each column headed by functions to through f|5. I use the symbol set {0,1} to indicate columns that start with 0000 under the fo operator and end with 1111 under f|5. This would be 0 through F in hexadecimal. 1 »0 Uì \i2 |t3 hv I.IV I.IV .nrn^fKT O^lfiTi hr Ifui |ft5 lo Jo 1 p. J I..0.. 1 .0.. 1.0.. [..o... 1.0, rrnfT .I..lI.IJ l.,l.....: 1 1 I..L. 1.0. lo 1 0 1 0 1.1. 1.1.. 1 11 [ö"rö~rö" irmrr J I.I, lo lo Ir. I..1... 1.0. i p i} h JoJolv h lo 1 0,,: 1 1 11.. 1 0 h lo 1.1 lo 1 !.. I 0 11 rFQTö- 1.1.1,0..,] 1,1..... 1.0..: I...L. Figure I: Table of Functional Completeness. All 16 relationships display how the first element is related to the second for each permutation of 0 and 1. For example, 0011 (the "0" often regarded as a "false," and 1 as "true") can be related to 0101 as 0111, and we call the relationship "or" (0 or 0 = 0, 0 or 1 = 1, etc.). Each function, then, is an ordered set of four elements. Note also that 0011 (or {0011}) is fj and 0101 is fj. In standard truth table form using placeholders p and q for the functions fj and fs, respectively and systematically displaying all four permutations of 0 and 1 in a binary relationship, i-j is: 1 12 1 Ü porq 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1, 1 I 1 1 0 1 11 1 1 Figure 2: Permutations of 0 and 1. Each row of the function is a "deductive instance," where there is a description of a specific relationship between two points in space-time. The third row for example has the deductive instances of 1 and 0 to yield 1. The functions, or operators, both process information in logical space, and are, themselves, units of information. Alpha characters are placeholders, or the variables, for functions, as in p v (q 3 r), where the number of rows in the "truth table" rendition of the expression equals 2", n being the number of variables. With p * q, the number of rows required to describe a function completely equals four, where * is any function consisting of the four bits representing particular deductive instances. P * q * r requires eight rows; p * q * r * s needs 16 rows, and so forth. As soon as one determines the number of placeholders for values, the size of logical space is automatically determined, as well. However, the 4 rows by 16 columns logical space is the basic building block of these larger logical spaces, as may be seen by inspection. There are two types of logical space: predetermined and sequentially ordered by the number of variables (as illustrated above), and space resulting from operations (such as a "truth table" computation). In a formal deductive proof, premises, including expressions of coupled functions, imply conclusions by the means of rules (axioms, inference rules, and equivalences). It must be borne in mind that every premise, intermediate expression, and conclusion in a proof is a function. 3 The system The system in which the functions, or operators, perform is closed, and both functions and system seek to maintain integrity. Disorder, the breakdown in explicit placement of elements, results when the system accepts information not already found within its universe; certainty turns to probability. Deduction is a closed process, where any fiinction or coupling of functions as a rule or rules, and entities upon which those rules act, yields a result predetermined by that coupling. (Recall that a function also is information.) In common parlance, "if the premises are true, the conclusion must be, as well." There are two aspects of deduction. First, there is system deduction, where an introduction of information outside the system, such as a function other than the ones within the system or an arbitrary extension of logical space with other functions disorders the system. A second aspect concerns maintaining the integrity of structures within the system. This could be called subsystem deduction. 4 Functional Recursion If the operator is continuously "fed" two functions at a time without regard to previous output, there will result a logical space with a pattern (Wuensche and Kauffman, Chapter 5). Since each output is binary, it will be found as a column in logical space, hence contained within the system and deducible. It is not new information. Emerging patterns from these ostensibly randomly coupled operations in a closed system suggest a way of discovering the nature of that reputed randomness. If we can place restrictions on how the information is given to the operator, we can see that the repetitive character of the operators within the space shows functional self-maintenance. By feeding the outputs back to the four-digit operator as inputs, the outputs eventually will be repetitive, meaning that the function has stabilized. A systems analysis view provides a reason for this. Think of a binary relationship, such as p & q as being an atomic proof, that is, "{0011} and {0101}. Therefore {0001}." A deductive logic proof seeks stability. In the case of self-maintenance, the proof will accept information (other functions) as premises and process them, ultimately reaching a goal state of stabilization, where the output is a repetition of the input. Feeding this input back into the proof as premises simply repeats the proof For both the function and proof, there is no longer produced any new information, there being be stabilization, the function(s) having reached the goal or deductive state. A full complement of information has been processed by the function. A system (be it a single operator interacting with other operators or a proof) that interacts with its environment and maintains itself in a state of equilibrium is called a homeostatic automaton. The next section describes its mechanics. 5 Structure and process of the binary homeostatic automaton Keeping with our designation of p and q variables as placeholders for functions [f«(p, q)], the recursion, using fj as an example works in the following manner. (Note that each function is an ordered set.) I.f2(f3,fs) = f2: {0010}({0011}, {0101})= {0010} 2a. f2(f2, fj) = f2: {0010}({0010}, {0101}) = {0010} = {0010} The "p" half terminates, since the output of f2 is a repetition of a previous output, f2, and its reprocessing as an input obviously will result in another repetition of f2. 2b. fzCfs, f2) = fi: {0010}({0011}, {0010}) ={0001} (Note that the order to be evaluated is f^, f2, and NOT f2, f3) 3a. f2(f|,f5) = fo; {0010}({0001}, {0101}) = {0010} = {0010} This half now is fo, by virtue of 2b and continues on with f2(fo,f5) and f2(f5,fo). 3b. f2(f3,f,) = fj: {0010}({0011}, {0001}) = {0010} This half terminates with fi, by virtue of 2b. The function is unstable ultimately for only four iterations. A state diagram exhibiting its homeostatic behaviour may represent each operator. For example, these are the state diagrams and graphs for the fy and fg homeostatic functions. ' t Branchings i Iteration 1 f7(f7,f5) ^f7 f,(f3,f5)^ f7 f7(f3,f7) ^f7| f 7(f3,f7)=f7 V f7(f7,f5)=f7 f7(f3,f7)=f7 Figure 4: Graph for f? The state diagram for fg is: ir Oj Itcriition 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Mf„f5)->f,| f,(f5,f5) -»f,5| f,(f„f5)-> f3 f,(f,,,f5)fs f,(f3,f5) f,(f3,f5) C £ « f,(f„f3) ->f,5| f,(f3,f5) ->f,| Figure 5: State Diagram for f^ In fg, there is one branch for the p side of the diagram, but there are ultimately three branches, or divergences on the q side. The graph for fp is: Figure 3: State Diagram for f7. Every time a set of p and q variables is used, there is created a branch, or divergence. In ^^ there are two branches, one for the ^^ function in the p placeholder, and the other for the f-, in the q placeholder. The graph for ^^ is: F7 Figure 6: Graph for fg. Each of the 16 functions is recursive, i.e., f. (fs, fs). Furthermore any function over any other two functions, f*(fn,fp) is recursive, as well, because there can be only a maximum of 16 iterations (only 16 unique functions) on any branch before there is a repetition of one of the previous. Perforce, even if there are 16 unique outputs on a branch, there is repetition on the 17' iteration. Because of this, no function can have more than sixteen iterations. Diagrammatically, For the p side; For the q side: F*(fp,fq) = fa F*(fp,fq) = fa F*(fa, fq) = fb F*(fp, fa) = fb F*(fb, fq) = fc F*(fp, ft) = fc Max F*(ip<16, fq) MaxF*(fp, fq<16) before there is repetition before there is repetition Figure 7: Maximum Iterations is 16. The number of times a function receives input before it repeating the output (number of iterations) and how much information or logical space the operator consumes (number of "sub-functions" generated by each iteration) will vary with the function. So, f|3 may process t'} and fs recursively for three iterations and terminate, but fs might take seven iterations. The same initial information is processed, but the state diagram shows the other areas of logical space involved, thus giving the function an "anatomical description" of its attempt to gain homeostasis. The two vector components are the number of branches, or divergences, at each iteration (node creations) and number of iterations required to reach equilibrium, the point where the function is stabilized and starts repeating its outputs. Each operator has a different complexity and can be ordered according to its vector descriptions. In terms of computational efficiency, a function has to process a quantity of information (or it only has to process that much less information) to maintain itself as a homeostatic automaton. (To symbolically describe a function, one might take the Cartesian product of the differentials of both the X and Y components of the function.) A question is whether the same efficiency exists for the function acting recursively over any two initial functions other than fs and fs 6 Recursion of Discrete Binary Spaces A discrete binary space is an n-dimensional bounded area in which each component assumes exclusively either of two values, conditions, or states. Thus, each of the 16 functions discussed above occupy a discrete binary space. In larger discrete spaces, randomly generated bit streams display "basins of attraction," or repeating functions, according to Wuensche and Kauffman. Inasmuch as such basins are repetitive and are comprised of binary functions, it would reasonable to ask if the recursive characteristics of those functions discussed above would also apply to these spaces and be useful in understanding the repetitions within those spaces. Essentially, the methodology is the same for examining any n-dimensional space recursively as is with the individual functions. Following is an informal presentation of this approach to spaces of two or more dimensions. It is not meant not to be a complete discussion but illustrative. There are three ways in which a discrete binary space can be shown to be recursive. • First, since the space is composed of one or more of the 16 functions and because functions are recursive, we see that the space, then, is recursive. • Second, because f.(fp^ fq) is recursive, any column of the space can act over the next two columns recursively. • Third, the environment for an n-dimensional space consists of the permutations of bits of that space. For example each function as a one dimension has as its environment, 2"*, or 16 permutations. An i by j matrix has 2'-' permutations as its environment. To examine the recursive character of a space: 1. f*(AS, PS) = NS, where f* is one of sixteen functions, AS is the initial space being examined, PS is one of the possible spaces, and NS is the resulting space. In matrix notation, where AS, PS, and NS are matrices: |AS| * |PSi = |NS|. Recursively: 2A. P(NS, PS) = NS, or |NS| * |PS| = |NS1 first branch 2B f*(PS, NS) = NS, or |PS| * |NS| = |NS| second branch for each of the 16 functions, resulting in 16(2'-' ) generations. 7 Character of Attractors - Starting point for analysis Whenever a function produces an output previously produced, there is begun a cycle that has been previously iterated. This repetition point forms the basis of an attractor. Every function operating over two other functions results in one of more emerging attractors. While it seems that logical operators are randomly coupled to produce patterns, it would be interesting to see what patterns emerge if the operators were coupled according to an empirically determined scheme based upon a specific ordering of operators. (Home, 1997) A concept of information processing efficiency of each operator may be used to disassemble the recursive process within the larger spaces and the boundaries between patterned and chaotic space. To do this requires affixing an order of operators based upon a standard, a subject for further research. A starting point would be to examine how many iterations it would take for each function to process inputs fa and fs. From the above, the functions could be ranked according to the number of iterations required to process and fs. Thus, f'o, f;, f3, fs, f?,, and fis might be ranked co-equally and most efficient in maintaining themselves,, since each has only one iteration. Those functions having two iterations, fio and fi2, would be the next most efficient, and so forth. Taking into account the number and type of branches could be a factor in a function's complexity and bear on how it processes its environment. 8 Ramifications and applications of theory - avenues for exploration A discrete binary space is comprised of elements having one of two possible conditions, a factor of great import. Any phenomenon that can be digitised is subject to recursive analysis. Both ordered and unordered phenomena can be digitised and set in a discrete binary space. Sunspot activity, waves, and background "noise" are candidates. Every piece of computer code, whatever the language, can be reduced to machine language, Os and Is, meaning that every computer program is a discrete binary space. To say that a discrete binary space is recursive is to say, also, that any computer program is recursive and can reproduce itself. How would one determine whether there is order, or pattern, within any discrete binary space? There are attraction points found within autonomous random Boolean network (BN) state-space (Kauffman 1993, Chapter 5). With respect to ordering in Boolean complexity, it can be demonstrated that numerous random couplings of operations result in patterns resembling those of cellular automatons (Wuensche 1993, passim). By "dissecting" these spaces by functional recursion, it may be possible to discover the nature of any attractors and dispel any notion that the patterns were generated "randomly." Too, spaces without any discernible pattern might also be analysed with recursion. 9 Summary Any discrete binary space can repeat itself because it is composed of one or more of the 16 binary logical functions that are recursive. The reason fed-back four bit functions repeat themselves is the same as for the more than four bit functions, as the latter are composed of the former. (Partial functions - three or fewer digits - are repeatable, albeit the graphs are more complicated. Each possible outcome has to be graphed. {001}, for example would require graphs for {0010} and {0011}.) A discrete binary space as a homeostatic automaton processes its initial environment, thereby producing outputs that, ipso facto, change the character of the environment. The discrete space processes the changed environment, and, in the course of doing so, tries to maintain itself. After a number of iterations, if the initial function (or space) is homeostatic, it will stabilize, evidenced by repeating outputs characteristic of how it processes the environment. Discrete binary spaces may be analysable with the recursion method; a larger space reputedly randomly generated and containing a pattern may be analysable with functional recursion and may not be random at all A number of actual situations arise where binary grouping is at issue in analysing spaces. Some operators may be more efficient than others in the way they process information and maintain themselves in the environment. Logic and automatons seem to describe how neural pulses behave (Hameroff and Penrose, passim) and a question is whether operational ordering would make a difference in how binary patterns emerge from the surface of neuronal microtubules. Basins of attraction may bear a relation to cellular automatons, or electroencephalograms (EEG), as suggested by Wuensche. (Wuensche 1993, p. 11) EEGs may be correlated with temporal coding in neural populations, since neural nets operate in groups to process information, and a temporality enters in information processing. (Fetz p. 1901) If temporality is important in neuronal information and logical operations can be correlated to EEGs, then, logical operations are temporally bound. Further, neural networks "...exhibit emergent properties such as ... generation of distinct outputs depending on input strength and duration, and self-sustaining feedback loops." (Bhalla and Iyengar, p. 381) If mapped to biological neural structures, binary recursion as discussed above, becomes immediately relevant. To add to the space-time theme, I have argued elsewhere that the values of 0 and 1 are representations of wave function collapse, similar to "truth tables." (Home. 1997) As can be seen above, there is a philosophical and theoretical side to the structure of binary logic. It is a bit (not only a pun) more than a crude device used for ordinary language translation. 10 References [1] Bhalla, Upinder S. and Iyengar, Ravi (1999) "Emergent Properties of Networks of Biological Signaling Pathways" Science, 283, p. 381-387. [2] Fetz, Ebherd E. (1997) "Temporal Coding in Neural Populations?" Science, 278, p. 1901-1902. [3] Hameroff S. and Roger Penrose (1996) "Orchestrated Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: A Model for Consciousness." Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. Eds. S.R. Hameroff et al. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA, p. 507-540. [4] Kauffman S. (1993) The Origins of Order Oxford University Press. New York. [5] Home J. (1997) "Logic as the Language of Innate Order in Consciousness" Informatica, Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 675-682. [6] Hayes P. J., Novak G. S. \& Lehnert W. G. (1992) ACM Forum - In Defence of Artificial Intelligence. Communications of the ACM, 35, 12, p. 13-14. [7] Wuensche A. (1993) "The Ghost in the Machine. Basins of Attraction of Random Boolean Networks" in Cognitive Science Research Papers, CSRP 281 University of Sussex at Brighton. ERK'2000 Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca September 21-23, 2000 Conference Chairman Baldomir Zajc University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška 25, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: 386 1 4768 349, Fax: 386 1 4264 630 E-mail: Baldomir.Zajc@fe.uni-lj.si Conference Vice-chairman Saša Divjak University of Ljubljana Faculty of Comput. and Inform. Science Tržaška 25, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: (061) 1768 260, Fax; 386 1 4264 647 E-mail: Sasa.Divjak@fri.uni-lj.si Program Committee Chairman Jurij Tasič University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška 25, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: 386 1 4768 260, Fax: 386 1 4264 630 E-mail: Jure.Tasic@fe.uni-lj.si Programe Committee Tadej Bajd Genevieve Baudoin Gerry Cain Saša Divjak Janko Drnovšek David J. Evans Matjaž Gams Ferdinand Gubina Marko Jagodic Karel Jezernik Jadran Lenarčič Drago Matko Miro Milanovič Andrej Novak Nikola Pavešić Franjo Pernuš Kurt Itichter Borut Zupančič Publications Chairman Franc Solina University of Ljubljana Faculty of Comput. and Inform. Science Tržaška 25, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: 386 1 4768 389, Fax: 386 1 4264 647 E-mail: franc@fri.uni-lj.si Advisory Board Rudi Brie Damjan Dittrich Miloš Urbanija Call for Papers for the nineth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'2000, which will be held on 21-23 September 2000 in Portorož, Slovenia. The following areas will be represented at the conference: - electronics, - telecommunications, - automatic control, - simulation and modeling, - robotics, - computer and information science, - artificial intelligence, - pattern recognition, - biomedical engineering, - power engineering, - measurements, - didactics. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with the Slovenian Electrotechnical Society and other Slovenian professional societies: - Slovenian Society for Automatic Control, - Slovenian Measurement Society, - SLOKO-CIGRE, - Slovenian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, - Slovenian Society for Robotics, - Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society, - Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society, - Slovenian Society for Simulation and Modeling, - Slovenian Language Technologies Society. Authors who wish to present a paper at the conference should send two copies of their final camera-ready paper to Baldomir Zajc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška 25, 1001 Ljubljana. The paper should be max. four pages long. More information on http : / /www. ieee . si/erkOO/ Time schedule: Camera-ready paper due: July 24, 2000 Notification of acceptance: End of August, 2000 282 Informalica 24 (2000) Call for Paper International Multi-Conference Information Society - IS'2000 17 - 19 October, 2000 Slovenian Science Festival Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia Invitation You are kindly invited to participate in the "New Information Society - (IS'2000)" multi-conference to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe, from 17-19 October, 2000. The multi-conference will consist of eight carefully selected conferences. Basic information The concepts of information society, information era, info-sphere and infostress have by now been widely accepted. But, what does it really mean for societies, sciences, technology, education, governments, our lives? What are current and future trends? How should we adopt and change to succeed in the new world? IS'2000 will serve as a forum for the world-wide and national community to explore further directions, business opportunities, governmental European and American policies. The main objective is the exchange of ideas and developing visions for the future of information society. IS'2000 is a standard scientific conference covering major recent achievements. Besides, it will provide maximum exchange of ideas in discussions, and concrete proposals in final reports of each conference. The multi-conference will he held in Slovenia, a small European country bordering Italy and Austria. It is a land of thousand natural beauties from the Adriatic sea to high mountains. In addition, its Central European position enables visits to most European countries in a radius of just a few hours drive by car. The social programme will include trips by desire and organised trips to Skocjan or Postojna caves. Coffee breaks, the conference cocktail and dinner will contribute to a nice working atmosphere. Call for Papers Deadline for paper submission: 15 July, 2000 Registration fee is 100 US $ for regular participants (10.000 SIT for participants from Slovenia) and 50 US $ for students (3.500 SIT for Slovenian students). The fee covers conference materials and refreshments during coffee-breaks. More information For more information visit http://ai.ijs.si/is/indexaOO.html or con- tact milica.remetic@ij s.si. The multi-conference consists of the following conferences: - Information society and governmental services - Media in information society - Education in information society - Warehouses and data mining - Development and reingeeniring of information systems - Production systems and technologies - Cognitive science - Language technologies. International Programme Committee: Vladimir Bajic, South Africa Heiner Benking, Germany Se Woo Cheon, Korea Howie Firth, Scotland Vladimir Fomichov, Russia Alfred Inselberg, Izrael, USA Huan Liu, Singapore Henz Martin, Germany Marcin Paprzycki, USA Karl Pribram, USA Claude Sammut, Australia Jiri Wiedermann, Czech Republic Xindong Wu, USA Yiming Ye, USA Ning Zhong, Japan Call for Papers International multidisciplinary conference on Emergence, Complexity, Hierarchy, Organisation, to be held from the 31st of July to the 4th of August 2000 at the University of South Denmark, in Odense. All details are to be found on the conference website: http:/Avww. hum.edu.dk/center/filosofi/emergence THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Address; Trg OF 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Tel.: +386 61 178 46 00, Fax: +386 61 178 47 19. http://www.mzt.si, e-mail: info@mzt.si Minister: Lojze Marinček, Ph.D. Slovenia realises that that its intellectual potential and all activities connected with its beautiful country are the basis for its future development. Therefore, the country has to give priority to the development of knowledge in all fields. The Slovenian government uses a variety of instruments to encourage scientific research and technological development and to transfer the results of research and development to the economy and other parts of society. The Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible, in co-operation with other ministries, for most public programmes in the fields of science and technology. Within the Ministry of Science and Technology the following offices also operate: Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) is in charge of industrial property, including the protection of patents, industrial designs, trademarks, copyright and related rights, and the collective administration of authorship. The Office began operating in 1992 - after the Slovenian Law on Industrial Property was passed. The Standards and Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (SMIS) By establishing and managing the systems of metrology, standardisation, conformity assessment, and the Slovenian Award for Business Excellence, SMIS ensures the basic quality elements enabling the Slovenian economy to become competitive on the global market, and Slovenian society to achieve international recognition, along with the protection of life, health and the environment. Office of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO is responsible for affairs involving Slovenia's cooperation with UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, the implementation of UNESCO's goals in Slovenia, and co-operation with National commissions and bodies in other countries and with non- governmental organisations. General Approaches - Science Policy Educating top-quality researchers/experts and increasing their number, increasing the extent of research activity and achieving a balanced coverage of all the basic scientific disciplines necessary for: - quality undergraduate and postgraduate education, - the effective transfer and dissemination of knowledge from abroad, - cultural, social and material development, - promoting the application of science for national needs, - promoting the transfer of R&D results into production and to the market. - achieving stronger integration of research into the networks of international co-operation (resulting in the complete internationalisation of science and partly of higher education), - broadening and deepening public understanding of science (long-term popularisation of science, particularly among the young). General Approaches - Technology Policy - promotion of R&D co-operation among enterprises, as well as between enterprises and the public sector, - strengthening of the investment capacities of enterprises, - strengthening of the innovation potential of enterprises, - creation of an innovation-oriented legal and general societal framework, - supporting the banking sector in financing innovation-orientated and export-orientated business - development of bilateral and multilateral strategic alliances, - establishment of ties between the Slovenian R&D sector and foreign industry, - accelerated development of professional education and the education of adults, - protection of industrial and intellectual property. An increase of total invested assets in R&D to about 2.5% of GDP by the year 2000 is planned (of this, half is to be obtained from public sources, with the remainder to come from the private sector). Regarding the development of technology, Slovenia is one of the most technologically advanced in Central Europe and has a well-developed research infrastructure. This has led to a significant growth in the export of high-tech goods. There is also a continued emphasis on the development of R&D across a wide field which is leading to the foundation and construction of technology parks (high -tech business incubators), technology centres (technology-transfer units within public R&D institutions) and small private enterprise centres for research. R&D Human Potential There are about 750 R&D groups in the public and private sector, of which 102 research groups are at 17 government (national) research institutes, 340 research groups are at universities and 58 research groups are at medical institutions. The remaining R&D groups are located in business enterprises (175 R&D groups) or are run by about55 public and private non-profit research organizatios. According to the data of the Ministry of Science and Technology there are about 7000 researchers in Slovenia. The majority (43%) are lecturers working at the two universities, 15% of researchers are employed at government (national) research institutes, 22% at other institutions and 20% in research and development departments of business enterprises. JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE Jožef Stefan (1835-1893) was one of the most prominent physicists of the 19th century. Born to Slovene parents, he obtained his Ph.D. at Vienna University, where he was later Director of the Physics Institute, Vice-President of the Vienna Academy of Sciences and a member of several scientific institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things, he originated the law that the total radiation from a black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute temperature, known as the Stefan-Boltvnann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading independent scientific research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear science technology, energy research and environmental science. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a research organisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research departments composed of different task teams. Emphasis in basic research is given to the development and education of young scientists, while applied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national economy and society in general. At present the Institute, with a total of about 700 staff, has 500 researchers, about 250 of whom are postgraduates, over 200 of whom have doctorates (Ph.D.), and around 150 of whom have permanent professorships or temporary teaching assignments at the Universities. In view of its activities and status, the JSI plays the role of a national institute, complementing the role of the universities and bridging the gap between basic science and applications. Research at the JSI includes the following major fields: physics; chemistry; electronics, informatics and computer sciences; biochemistry; ecology; reactor technology; applied mathematics. Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particular computer sciences, artificial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer architectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automation and control, professional electronics, digital communications and networks, and applied mathematics. ranean Europe, offering excellent productive capabilities and solid business opportunities, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bern and Munich, all within a radius of 600 km. In the last year on the site of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Technology park "Ljubljana" has been proposed as part of the national strategy for technological development to foster synergies between research and industry, to promote joint ventures between university bodies, research institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to accelerate the development cycle of innovative products. At the present time, part of the Institute is being reorganized into several high-tech units supported by and connected within the Technology park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginning of a regional Technology park "Ljubljana". The project is being developed at a particularly historical moment, characterized by the process of state reorganisation, privatisation and private initiative. The national Technology Park will take the form of a shareholding company and will host an independent venture-capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Science and Technology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics and Vacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of Economic Relations and Development, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:-H386 61 1773 900, Fax.:+386 61 219 385 Tlx.:31 296 JOSTIN SI WWW: http://www.ijs.si E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Contact person for the Park: Iztok Lesjak, M.Sc. Public relations: Natalija Polenec The Institute is located in Ljubljana, the capital of the independent state of Slovenia (or S'^nia). The capital today is considered a crossroad between East, West and Mediter- INFORMATICA AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS INVITATION, COOPERATION Submissions and Refereeing Please submit three copies of the manuscript with good copies of the figures and photographs to one of the editors from the Editorial Board or to the Contact Person. At least two referees outside the author's country will examine it, and they are invited to make as many remarks as possible directly on the manuscript, from typing errors to global philosophical disagreements. The chosen editor will send the author copies with remarks. If the paper is accepted, the editor will also send copies to the Contact Person. The Executive Board will inform the author that the paper has been accepted, in which case it will be published within one year of receipt of e-mails with the text in Informatica I5Tjä format and figures in . eps format. The original figures can also be sent on separate sheets. Style and examples of papers can be obtained by e-mai! from the Contact Person or from FTP or WWW (see the last page of Informatica). Opinions, news, calls for conferences, calls for papers, etc. should be sent directly to the Contact Person. QUESTIONNAIRE Send Informatica free of charge Yes, we subscribe Please, complete the order form and send it to Dr. Rudi Murn, Informatica, Institut Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 61111 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 1977, Informatica has been a major Slovenian scientific journal of computing and informatics, including telecommunications, automation and other related areas. In its 16th year (more than five years ago) it became truly international, although it still remains connected to Central Europe. The basic aim of Informatica is to impose intellectual values (science, engineering) in a distributed organisation. Informatica is a journal primarily covering the European computer science and informatics community - scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author's country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the Refereeing Board. Informatica is free of charge for major scientific, educational and governmental institutions. Others should subscribe (see the last page of Informatica). ORDER FORM - INFORMATICA Name: ............................... Title and Profession (optional): ......... Home Address and Telephone (optional): Office Address and Telephone (optional): E-mail Address (optional): ............. Signature and Date: ................... Informatica WWW: http://ai.ijs.si/informatica/ http://orca.st.usm.edu/informatica/ Referees: Witold Abramowicz, David Abramson, Adel Adi, Kenneth Aizawa, Suad Alagić, Mohamad Alam, Dia AH, Alan Aliu, Richard Amoroso, John Anderson, Hans-Jurgen Appelrath, Vladimir Bajič, Grzegorz Bartoszewicz, Catriel Beeri, Daniel Beech, Fevzi Belli, Francesco Bergadano, Istvan Berkeley, Azer Bestavros, Andraž Bežek, Balaji Bharadwaj, Ralph Bisland, Jacek Blazewicz, Laszlo Boeszoermenyi, Damjan Bojadžijev, Jeff Bone, Ivan Bratko, Jerzy Brzezinski, Marian Bubak, Leslie Burkholder, Frada Burstein, Wojciech Buszkowski, Rajkumar Bvyya, Netiva Caftori, Jason Ceddia, Ryszard Choras, Wojciech Cellary, Wojciech Chybowski, Andrzej Ciepielewski, Vie Ciesielski, David Cliff, Maria Cobb, Travis Craig, Noel Craske, Matthew Crocker, Tadeusz Czachorski, Milan Češka, Honghua Dai, Deborah Dent, Andrej Dobnikar, Sait Dogru, Georg Dorfner, Ludoslaw Drelichowski, Matija Drobnič, Maciej Drozdowski, Marek Druzdzel, Jozo Dujmović, Favo! Duriš, Johann Eder, Hesham El-Rewini, Warren Fergusson, Pierre Flener, Wojciech Fliegner, Vladimir A. Fomichov, Terrence Forgarty, Hans Fraaije, Hugo de Garis, Eugeniusz Gatnar, James Gelier, Michael Georgiopolus, Jan Golinski, Janusz Gorski, Georg Gottlob, David Green, Herbert Groiss, Inman Harvey, Elke Hochmueller, Jack Hodges, Rod Howell, Tomaš Hruška, Don Huch, Alexey Ippa, Ryszard Jakubowski, Piotr Jedrzejowicz, A. Milton Jenkins, Eric Johnson, Polina Jordanova, Djani Juričič, Sabhash Kak, Li-Shan Kang, Orlando Karam, Roland Kaschek, Jacek Kierzenka, Jan Kniat, Stavros Kokkotos, Kevin Korb, Gilad Koren, Henryk Krawczyk, Ben Kroese, Zbyszko Krolikowski, Benjamin Kuipers, Matjaž Kukar, Aarre Laakso, Phil Laplante, Bud Lawson, Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Barry Levine, Xuefeng Li, Alexander Linkevich, Raymond Lister, Doug Locke, Peter Lockeman, Matija Lokar, Jason Lowder, Kim Teng Lua, Andrzej Malachowski, Bernardo Magnini, Peter Marcer, Andrzej Marciniak, Witold Marciszewski, Vladimir Marik, Jacek Martinek, Tomasz Maruszewski, Florian Matthes, Daniel Memmi, Timothy Menzies, Dieter Merkl, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Gaulam Mitra, Roland Mittermeir, Madhav Moganti, Reinhard Moller, Tadeusz Morzy, Daniel Mossé, John Mueller, Hari Narayanan, Ranee Necaise, Elzbieta Niedzielska, Marian Niedq'zvviedziriski, Jaroslav Nieplocha, Jerzy Nogieć, Stefano Nolfi, Franc Novak, Antoni Nowakowski, Adam Nowicki, Tadeusz Nowicki, Hubert Österle, Wojciech Olcjniczak, Jerzy Olszewski, Cherry Owen, Mieczyslaw Owoc, Tadeusz Pankowski, William C. Perkins, Warren Persons, Mitja Perus, Stephen Pike, Niki Pissinou, Aleksander Pivk, Ullin Place, Gustav Pomberger, James Pomykalski, Dimithu Prasanna, Gary Preckshot, Dejan Rakovič, Cveta Razdevšek Pučko, Ke Qiu, Michael Quinn, Gerald Quirchmayer, Luc de Raedt, Ewaryst Rafajlowicz, Sita Ramakrishnan, Wolf Rauch, Peter Rechenberg, Felix Redmill, David Robertson, Marko Robnik, Ingrid Rüssel, A.S.M. Sajeev, Bo Sanden, Vivek Sarin, Iztok Savnik, Walter Schempp, Wolfgang Schreiner, Guenter Schmidt, Heinz Schmidt, Dennis Sewer, Zhongzhi Shi, William Spears, Hartmut Stadtler, Olivero Stock, Janusz Stoklosa, Przemyslaw Stpiczyfiski, Andrej Stritar, Maciej Stroinski, Tomasz Szmuc, Zdzislaw Szyjewski, Jure Šile, Metod Škarja, Jin Šlechta, Chew Lim Tan, Zahir Tari, Jurij Tasič, Piotr Teczynski, Stephanie Teufel, Ken Tindell, A Min Tjoa, Wieslaw Traczyk, Roman Trobec, Marek Tudruj, Andrej Ule, Amjad Umar, Andrzej Urbanski, Marko Uršič, Tadeusz Usowicz, Elisabeth Valentine, Kanonkluk Vanapipat, Alexander P. Vazhenin, Zygmunt Vetulani, Olivier de Vel, John Weckert, Gerhard Widmer, Stefan Wrobel, Stanislaw Wrycza, Janusz Zalewski, Damir Zazula, Yanchun Zhang, Zonling Zhou, Robert Zorc, Anton P. Železnikar EDITORIAL BOARDS, PUBLISHING COUNCIL Informatica is a journal primarily covering the European computer science and informatics community; scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international referee-ing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor from the Editorial Board can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author's country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the list of referees. Each paper bears the name of the editor who appointed the referees. Each editor can propose new members for the Editorial Board or referees. Editors and referees inactive for a longer period can be automatically replaced. Changes in the Editorial Board are confirmed by the Executive Editors. The coordination necessary is made through the Executive Editors who examine the reviews, sort the accepted articles and maintain appropriate international distribution. The Executive Board is appointed by the Society Informatika. Informatica is partially supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology. Each author is guaranteed to receive the reviews of his article. When acccpted, publication in Informatica is guaranteed in less than one year after the Executive Editors receive the corrected version of the article. Executive Editor - Editor in Chief Anton R Železnikar VolariČeva 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia sSlernOlea.hamradio. si http://lea.hamradio.si/~s51ein/ Executive Associate Editor (Contact Person) Matjaž Gams, Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: -f386 61 1773 900, Fax: +386 61 219 385 matjaz.gamsSij s.si http://www2.ijs.si/~inezi/matjaz.html Executive Associate Editor (Technical Editor) Rudi Mum, Jožef Stefan Institute Publishing Council: Tomaž Banovec, Ciril Baškovič, Andrej Jerman-Blažič, Jožko Čuk, Vladislav Rajkovič Editorial Board Suad Alagić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Vladimir Bajić (Republic of South Africa) Vladimir Batagelj (Slovenia) Francesco Bergadano (Italy) Leon Birnbaum (Romania) Marco Botta (Italy) Pavel Brazdil (Portugal) Andrej Brodnik (Slovenia) Ivan Bruha (Canada) Se Woo Chcon (Korea) Hubert L. Dreyfus (USA) Jozo Dujmović (USA) Johann Eder (Austria) Vladimir Fomichov (Russia) Georg Gottlob (Austria) Janez Grad (Slovenia) Francis Heylighen (Belgium) Hiroaki Kitano (Japan) Igor Kononenko (Slovenia) Miroslav Kubat (USA) Ante Laue (Croatia) Jadran Lenarčič (Slovenia) Huan Liu (Singapore) Ramon L. de Mantaras (Spain) Magoroh Maruyama (Japan) Nikos Mastorakis (Greece) Angelo Montanari (Italy) Igor Mozedč (Austria) Stephen Muggleton (UK) Pavol Navrat (Slovakia) Jerzy R. Nawrocki (Poland) Roumen Nikolov (Bulgaria) Marcin Paprzycki (USA) Oliver Popov (Macedonia) Karl H. Pribram (USA) Luc De Raedt (Belgium) Dejan Raković (Yugoslavia) Jean Ramaekers (Belgium) Wilhelm Rossak (USA) Ivan Rozman (Slovenia) Claude Sammut (Australia) Sugata Sanyal (India) Walter Schempp (Germany) Johannes Schwinn (Germany) Zhongzhi Shi (China) Branko Souček (Italy) Oliviero Stock (Italy) Petra Stoerig (Germany) Jin Šleehta (UK) Gheorghe Tecuci (USA) Robert Trappl (Austria) Terry Winograd (USA) Stefan Wrobel (Germany) Xindong Wu (Australia) Board of Advisors: Ivan Bratko, Marko Jagodic, Tomaž Pisanski, Stanko Strmčnik An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Introduction Time Pressure Impacts on Electronic Brainstorming in a Group Support System Environment Facilitating and Coordinating Distributed Joint Applications Development A Discussion on Process Losses in GSS: Exploring the Consensus Gap Factors Affecting the Use, Adoption and Satisfaction with Groupware An Empirical Study to Measure the Diffusion of GroupSystems in Organizations J.E. Aronson et al. J. Suleiman R. Evaristo, G.G. Kelly W.B. Martz Jr. M.G. Sobol M.A. Winniford M.M. Shepherd 147 149 159 167 175 187 Recycling Decision Trees in Numeric Domains Bitmap i?-trees The Polling Primitive for Computer Networks Strategic IS Planning from the Slovenian Business Perspective Application Modeling and Concurrency Control in Active DBMS: A Survey 195 205 211 217 P. Kangsabanik et al. 225 M. Kubat C.H.Ang et al. A. Czygrinow et al. A. Kovačič et al. Linear Algebra in One-Dimensional Systolic Arrays G. Papa, J. Šile Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid ATM Switch Architecture by Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Overview of Consciousness Research Recursion of logical operators and regeneration of discrete binary space Reports and Announcements C. Lukovszki R. Szabó, T. Henk I. Baruss J. Home 249 259 269 275 281