ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 13 • 2003 • 1 original scientific article JDK 597.5(262.3-12) received: 2ÜO3-07-10 ON THE RECORD OF MADEIRA ROCKFISH SCORPAENA MADURENSIS VALENCIENNES, 1833, IN THE EASTERN ADRIATIC lakov DULČIČ, Arm in PAI1AORO & Sanja MATIC Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, HR-2 i 000 Split, P.O.BOX 500 E-mail: ABSTRACT A Madeira rockfish, Scorpaena madurensis Valenciennes, 1833, was caught near the island ofDaksa (Dubrovnik) in March 2003. As far as the Madeira rockfish is concerned, this is, to our best knowledge, second record of this species for the eastern Adriatic. The presented morphometry and merisdc data are the fust for this species from the eastern Adriatic. Key words: Scorpaena madurensis, second record, eastern Adriatic TESTIMONIANZA D! SCORFANOTTO Di MADEiRA SCORPAENA MADURENSIS VAI.EN- OENNES, 1833 tN ADRIATICO ORIENTALE SINTtSl Un esemplare di scorfanotto di Madeira, Scorpaena madurensis Valenciennes, 1833, é stato catturato vicino al-l'tsola di Daksa (Ragusa) nel marzo del 2003. Secondo le ronoscenze degli autori, si tralla delia seconda testimonianza dolía presenza dello scorfanotto di Madeira nell'Adriatico orientóle. I 'articolo riporta i primi dati morfomelrici e merislici per quesea specie in Adriático oriéntale. Parole chiave: Scorpaena madurensis. Adriático oriéntale, seconda segnaíazione 19 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -13- 2003 • 1 Jakov PUIČIČ et i(,:ON THE RfCORD OF MADEIRA ROCKHSH SCGRPMNA MAOURf-NStt VAI.ENCffNUES. I»3(. IM THE EASTERN ADRIATIC, 15-22 INTRODUCTION Some 430 fish species and subspecies (Cyctostomata not included) have been observed in the Adriatic Sea (Lipej & Duicic, in press), and this number can be so far regarded as correct and complete tor several reasons. Of this number, the very rare and rare fishes make up almost a quarter (24.2%). The Madeira rockfish Scorpaena madurensis belongs to the very rare species in the Adriatic Sea (Jardas, 1985, 1996). it is a small demersal fish found in shallow coastal waters at depths ranging from 20 to 40 m (Schneider, 1990). It occurs in the eastern Atlantic (Azores, Madeira, and Morocco to the Canaries, Cape Verde and Senegal) and at several localities in the Mediterranean Sea (Schneider, 1990). The records on biology and ecology of this species in the areas of distribution and in the Adriatic Sea are scarce in the literature. Hureau & Lilvinenko (1986) noted that the Madeira rockfish feeds on crustaceans and small fishes. Vacchi ef ¿1. (1999) presented data about the occurrenc e and habitat of juveniles and adults at Ustica Island (Mediterranean Sea), while Morato et a/. (2001) reported the parameters of length-weight relationship of this species for the Azores archipelago. There are no data for the Adriatic Sea, except the notation of the first record for the eastern Adriatic (Kolombatovic, 1904). The main goal of this paper is to present first, data on morphometry and meristic characteristics of this species and to register its second record for the eastern Adriatic. MATERIAL AND METHODS The Madeira rockfish was caught on March IS11' 2003 near the island of Daksa (near Dubrovnik) (Fig. 1) by trammel bottom net (mesh size 28 mm) at a depth of 24 m (on the littoral rocky bottom). The specimen (juvenile stage, female) (Fig. 2) was identified according to jarclas (1996). It is deposited and registered in the Ich-thyologica! Collection of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split, Croatia. The specimen was preserved in 4% buffered formaldehyde immediately after capture, subsequently measured to nearest 0.01 mm, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. Meristic characteristics considered were: dorsal., anal, pectoral, ventral and cauda! fins. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The record of the Madeira rockfish near Daksa island (Dubrovnik) is the second record of this species in the eastern Adriatic. Kolombatovic (1904) recorded S. madurensis (he identified the specimen as Sebastes maderensis Lowe) (total length TL = 130 mm) for the first time on August 3"f near the island of La stove (open Central Adriatic) in 1902. The same author mentioned that some specimens had already been found near Malaga (Spain), Beirut (Lebanon) and along the coast of Syria. S. madurensis is a poorly known species distributed on the littoral rocky bottoms of some areas of the Mediterranean Sea, such as southeastern Spain, Sicily, Daksa 42°20'N it Grebeni 18°30'E Fig. 1: Scorpaena madurensis. Geographic location of the record in the South Adriatic area fSW-S Daksa Islet). SI. 1: Lokacija v Jadranu, kjer je bila ujeta Scorpaena madurensis (}Z-I otoček Daksa). 20 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -13- 2003 • 1 DULÜC «if.: ON THE RECORD Of MADEIRA ROCMlSl! SCORPAÍNA MADVRCNSIS VAIENC1ENNES, 19J3, IN IH{ EASTERN ADRIATIC, 19-23 Greece (Ionian and South Aegean) and Lebanon (Tor-tonese, 1975; Kaspiris, 1976; Economidis & Daoulas, 1981; Lanfranco, 1993). Hureau & l.itvinenko (1986) referred to several localities in the Mediterranean where the Madeira rockfish occurs: southeastern coast of Spain, Strait of Messina, Syracuse and const of Lebanon. It is very interesting that they excluded the Adriatic Sea as its distribution area. Tab. 1: Scorpaena madurensis. Morphometric (in cm) and meristic data (Daksa Island, Dubrovnik, March 2003). Tab. 1: Scorpaena madurensis. Morfometrični (v cm) in meristič/u podatki (otoček Daksa, Dubrovnik, marec 2003). Measurements (cm) $ juv. Total length (TL) 11.31 Standard length (SL) 8.72 Head length (HI.) 3.71 Orbital diameter (O) 0.91 Interorbital width (IO) 0.43 Preorbital length (PROD 0.85 Postorbital length (POOL) 1.95 Predorsal distance (PDD) 2.55 Preventral distance (PVD) 3.75 Preanal distance (PAD) 6.49 Prepecforal distance (PPD) 3.07 Dorsal fin length (DL) 5.16 Anal fin length (AL) 1.04 Ventral fin length (VL) 2.71 Pectoral fin length (PL) 2.51 i Cauda I fin length (CL) 2.56 Maximum height (Hmax) 3.03 Caudal peduncul height (Hmin) 0.89 Dorsal ray (D) XÍ./10 j Anal ray (A) II1/5 Pectoral ray (P) 15 Ventral ray (V) I/5 Caudal ray (C) il-1 HI_____J In Table 1, the main morphometric and meristic data are presented and are the first for this species from the Adriatic Sea. They are in agreement with those presented by Hureau & Litvinenko (1986) and lardas (1996). Kolombatovid (1904) reported the length of 130 mm of the caught Madeira rockfish at the Lastovo Island, and this has been, until now, the only reported length of this species caught in the eastern Adriatic. Bini (1968} pointed that this species attains a maximum size of 14 cm, while Morato etaf. (2001) gave length range for the specimens caught at the Azores from 5.4 to 17.8 cm (males: from 8.4 to 17. cm; females: from 6.9 to 15.6 cm). The specimen caught near Daksa was caught on the littoral rocky bottom together with photophilic algae, which is very much in line with the findings of Vacchi ef al. (1999). They observed specimens on hard substrate, both on rocky bottoms with photophilic algae, rich in crevices and with different slope, and, to a lesser extent, on hard bottom with pebbles characterised by gentle slope (Ustica Island, Northern coast of Sicily). Moreover, they also found that both young and adults seemed to require the same habitat features. Riera et al. (1995) reported that littoral crevices and cavities along the shallow waters (0.8-15 m depth) represent the preferred habitat of this species. As for the bottom slope, it does not seem to affect the distribution of specimens arid, in terms of ecological requirements, no difference between young and adults has been found (Riera ef al., 1995). Bini (1968) considered it preferentially inhabits the rocky coasts of the islands between 20 and 40 m depth. Fig. 2/51. 2: Scorpaena madurensis Valenciennes, 1833. (Pboto/Foto: A. Pallaoro). 21 ANNAIES • Ser. hist. nat. -13 • 2003 • 1 tttov DULQC el »I.: ON THt RECORD OF MADEIRA ROCKTISH SCORFAtNA maDURFNSIS VAUNCKNNtS, 1833. IM THC EASTERN AORIATiC. 19 12 O VRSTI SCORPAENA MADURENSIS VALENCIENNES, 1 833, UJETI V VZHODNEM JADRANU Jakov DULČIČ, Armin FALLAORO & Sanja MATiČ inštitut za oceanografijo in ribištvo, HR-2500D Split, P.O.BOX 500 POVZETEK Marca 2003 je bila v bližini otočka Oaksa pri Dubrovniku ujeta Scorpaena madurensis Valenciennes, 1833. Po razpoložljivi literaturi je to šele drugi podatek za to vrsto v vzhodnem jadranskem morju. Predstavljeni morfome-trični in meristični podatki so prvi za to vrsto iz vzhodnega Jadrana. Ključne besede: Scorpaena madurensis, drugi podatek, vzhodni )adran REFERENCES Bini, G. (1968): Atlante dei Pesci delle Coste Italiane. Vols. V, Vi, Mondo Somerso, Milano. Economidis, P. S. & H. K. Daoulas (1981): The Scorpi-onfishes (Pisces, Scorpaenidae) of the North Aegean Sea. Bull. Mus. natl. Hist, nat., Paris, 4 ser., 3, section A, no. 4, 1219-1224. Hureau, J.-C. & N. I. Litvincnko (1986): Scorpaenidae. in: Whitehead, P. J. P., M.-L. Bauchot, ).-C. Hureau, ). Nielsen & E. 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