ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 77-94 19th ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE "SPORT SCIENCE AROUND THE CANALS" Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2nd -5th July 2014 The 19th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS Amsterdam 2014, entitled "Sport Science around the Canals", was held between 2nd and 5th July 2014 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It was the second largest congress in the history of the ECSS, this year hosted by VU University Amsterdam (Dutch: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Some congress fact: the congress was attended by 2760 participants, coming from 75 countries worldwide, who submitted 1908 abstracts. The congress consisted of 8 keynote lectures, 114 invited presentations, 896 oral presentations, 410 mini-oral and 488 e-poster presentations. The participants presented their latest research findings in the fields of kinesiology, sport, nutrition, physical activity, physiology, neuroscience, sport training, sport pedagogy and sport management, among others. The scientific and the professional part of the congress was divided in three main subdivisions: a Scientific Part (research presentations, plenary sessions, memorial lectures and symposiums), a Satellite Symposia and Technical Sessions. Some of the sessions were available on ECSS.zv and/or ECSS Youtube Channels, a free of charge service for all ECSS members. Contributions were published in peer-review symposium proceeding book of abstracts. The RAI Convention Centre was a great venue for the 19th ECSS Congress, as it provided functional facilities for all the activities during the congress, from exhibition and various scientific sessions to social events and networking. (retreived from: 89 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77-94 It was my great pleasure and honour that I spent a few days in Amsterdam with my colleagues from the Institute for Kinesiology Research at SRC UP and others, getting acquainted with some very interesting topics as well as spending time sightseeing while immersed in interesting conversations with other participants. The next ECSS congress will be held between 24th and 27th June 2015 in Malmo, Sweden. Matej Plevnik 90 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 77-94 19. LETNI ZNANSTVENI KONGRES EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE "SPORT SCIENCE AROUND THE CANALS" Amsterdam Nizozemska, 2.-5. julij 2014 19. letni kongres European Sollege of Sport Science, ECSS Amsterdam 2014, z naslovom "Sport Science around the Canals" [Športna znanost med kanali] je v letošnjem letu potekal med 2. in 5. julijem 2014 v Amsterdamu na Nizozemskem. Letošnji kongres je bil po številu udeležencev drugi največji kongres ECSS in ga je v letošnjem letu gostila VU Univerza Amsterdam (nizozemsko: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Nekaj dejstev o kongresu: kongresa se je udeležilo 2760 udeležencev iz 75 držav sveta, ki je prijavilo 1908 prispevkov. Na kongresu je bilo predstavljenih osem uvodnih predavanj, 114 vabljenih predstavitev, 896 ustnih predstavitev prispevkov, 410 kratkih ustnih predstavitev in 488 e-poster predstavitev. Udeleženci so predstavljali raziskovalne rezultate interdisciplinarnih področij kineziologije, športa, nutricionistike, telesne aktivnosti, fiziologije, nevroznanosti, športnega treninga in vadbe, pedagogike športa, menedžmenta športa in drugih. Znanstveni in strokovni del kongresa je bil razdeljen na tri glavne dele, na Znanstveni del (predstavitve prispevkov in raziskovalnih ugotovitev, uvodna predavanja, spominska predavanja in simpoziji), na Satelitski simpozij in Tehnične predstavitve. Zanimivejše predstavitve so članom ECSS brezplačno dostopne tudi na in/ali Youtube portalu ECSS. Prispevki kongresa so bili objavljeni v recenziranem zborniku izvlečkov. Prizorišče 19. letnega kongresa ECSS je bil kongresni center RAI, ki je nudil vse potrebne kapacitete za vse aktivnosti kongresa, od razstav opreme do različnih znanstvenih sestankov in socialnih dogodkov ter mreženja. 91 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77-94 (vir: V veliko čast si štejem, da sem dneve v Amsterdamu preživel v družbi sodelavcev Inštituta za kineziološke raziskave UP ZRS in drugih. Predstavitve znanstvenih prispevkov, ogledovanje mestnih znamenitosti ter prijetni strokovni in družabni pogovori so letošnji kongres ECSS prijetno obogatili. Naslednji kongres ECSS bo potekal od 24. do 27. junija 2015 v Malmu na Švedskem. Matej Plevnik 92