Rok Benčin Melancholy, or the Metaphysics of Fictional Sadness Key words: melancholy, metaphysics, lost object, possible world, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou In relation to Badiou's "metaphysics of real happiness", the essay explores psychoanalytical (Freud) and philosophical (Benjamin) accounts of melancholy with a view to developing a complementary metaphysics of sadness. It argues that melancholy is not restricted to the suffering of an individual confined to his or her finitude, but is itself, like Badiou's real happiness, related to infinity, subjectivity, and truth. The essay shows this by demonstrating how the principle characteristic of the melancholic object is not its status as being lost, but rather its indeterminacy and its monadic structure. Melancholy generates such objects, which seem, on the one hand, alien to reality, and yet, on the other, which enable the subjective and fictitious development of other possible worlds. Rok Benčin Melanholija ali metafizika fiktivne žalosti Ključne besede: melanholija, metafizika, izgubljeni objekt, možni svet, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou Na sledi Badioujeve »metafizike realne sreče« razprava raziskuje psihoanalitične (Freud) in filozofske (Benjamin) razlage melanholije, z namenom razviti komplementarno metafiziko žalosti. Trdimo namreč, da melanholije ne moremo zvesti na trpljenje posameznika, obsojenega na svojo končnost, temveč je tudi sama, podobno kot Badioujeva realna sreča, povezana z neskončnostjo, subjektivnostjo in resnico. Do te teze pridemo tako, da pokažemo, kako osrednja značilnost melanholičnega objekta ni njegova izgubljenost, temveč njegova nedoločenost in monadična struktura. Melanholija proizvaja takšne objekte, ki se po eni strani zdijo realnosti tuji, po drugi pa omogočajo subjektivno in fikcijsko razvitje drugih možnih svetov. Marcus Coelen Prolegomena to the Writing of Affect Key words: affects, psychoanalysis, politics, Freud, identification "Hilfslosigkeit", writing The article is a critical discussion of the concepts of "affect" in some of those positions of contemporary political theory that are based in (a critique of) psychoanalysis. Freud's definition of "identification" - the key notion in his Group Psychology and the Analysis of Ego - as both a psychic mechanism and an affect - helps to elucidate the aporetic status of affects (and mechanisms) in psychoanalysis and thus in psychoanalytically informed 225