1 AR 2014/2 Editorial This year of research shot by even faster than the previous one. We are increasingly efficient and dependent on computers, merging the programme algorithms with people’s needs. The humanisation of architecture coupled with socially more responsible education and management in architecture have lately been highlighted more and more. We are presenting three foreign contributions in the magazine, confirming the prominent role played by our colleagues abroad. The new cybernetic morphology, which the famous Isaac Asimov once described, is increasingly moving to the forefront of considerations and ideas about robotics are making their appearance. Practice marks the starting point and an orientation in the study of artificial intelligence. In her article RESEARCH THROUGH DESIGN: AN ARCHITECTURAL RESPONSE TO PRACTICE-LED RESEARCH, our colleague Eli Hatleskog deals with practice as the simultaneity of the starting point and orientation. The performative research is believed to facilitate the investigation of issues and the determination of applicability in practical processes. The objective of this method is to generate new knowledge. An analogy with machine learning is made evident during the discussion, and active interdisciplinary work is emphasised. In the paper entitled OPEN PUBLIC SPACE ATTRIBUTES AND CATEGORIES – COMPLEXITY AND MEASURABILITY, young researcher Ljiljana Čavić and José Nuno Beirão describe the issues associated with research into open public spaces with the aim of improving their day-to- day use and operation. When looking for finding solutions, the users of these spaces are essential. There are numerous research studies in this field, but they all quite specific and wanting in width. The contribution sheds light on fresh methods and analytics of work. Boris Azinović, David Koren and Vojko Kilar contribute the article SEISMIC SAFETY OF PRECAST CANTILEVER ELEMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF THERMAL BRIDGES in which they meticulously examine pre-cast cantilever elements and the possibility of elevating a cantilever in the case of seismic shockwaves and vibrations. They calculate a statistically low probability (3%) of that happening, but still it is unacceptable as a degree of seismic collapse risk. In their contribution, our colleagues present a new clamping detail by embedding a proper tensile reinforcement. Economically speaking, this solution is interesting and necessary. Another colleague, Lara Slivnik, has been dealing with the theme of world exhibitions for years. In her article YUGOSLA V P A VILIONS A T WORLD EXHIBITIONS she gives a comprehensive review of the architecture of the pavilions erected during the Yugoslav period at world exhibitions (1929, 1937, 1967, 1968). Judging it from a suitable time distance, she presents the parallels with selected pavilions from those exhibitions. She wraps up the discussion by summarising the common characteristics of Yugoslav pavilions. The last scholarly paper in the magazine is co-written by our Dutch colleague Johan Verbeke and Tadeja Zupančič. They have produced a short contribution entitled ADAPTING TO AND ADAPTED BY ADAPT-R – ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND ART PRACTICE TRAINING-RESEARCH which heralds fresh ways of research in architecture. By way of conclusion, the magazine presents the book CONTEMPORARY SLOVENIAN TIMBER ARCHITECTURE FOR SUSTAINABILITY by Manja Kitek Kuzman, an excellent book which has received strong international acclaim. Editor Doc. dr. Domen Zupančič 2 2014/2 AR Uvodnik Letošnje raziskovalno leto je minilo še hitreje kot prejšnje. Vedno bolj smo učinkoviti in prežeti z računalniki, spajamo algoritme programov s potrebami ljudi. V zadnjem obdobju se vedno bolj poudarja humanizacija arhitekture in družbeno odgovornejše izobraževanje in upravljanje v arhitekturi. V reviji gostimo tri tuje prispevke, kar potrjuje prepoznavno vlogo naših sodelavcev v tujini. Vedno bolj prihaja v ospredje razmišljanj nova kibernetična morfologija, ki jo je opisoval slavni Issac Asimov in misli o robotiki so tu pred nami. Praksa je izhodišče in usmeritev pri učenju umetne inteligence. Kolegica Eli Hatleskog se v članku RAZISKOVANJE V PROCESU OBLIKOVANJA: ARHITEKTURNI ODZIV V PRAKSO USMERJENEMU RAZISKOVANJU ukvarja s prakso kot sočasnostjo izhodišča in usmeritve. Performativno raziskovanje naj bi omogočilo raziskavo vprašanj in določitev uporabnosti v procesih prakse. Cilj te metode je razvoj novega znanja. Sorodnost z učenjem naprav je v diskusiji bolj jasno berljiva in poudarja aktivno meddisciplinarno delo. Mlada raziskovalka Ljiljana Čavić in José Nuno Beirão v prispevku KOMPLEKSNOST IN MERLJIVOST LASTNOSTI TER KATEGORIJ ODPRTIH JAVNIH PROSTOROV opisujeta problematiko raziskovanja odprtega javnega prostora v izboljšanju vsakodnevne uporabe in delovanja. Pri tem so ključnega pomena prav koristniki teh prostorov. Raziskav na tem področju ne manjka, so pa vse dokaj specifične in niso usmerjene v širino. Prispevek osvetljuje nove načine in analitiko dela. Boris Azinović, David Koren, Vojko Kilar so v prispevku POTRESNA VARNOST PREFABRICIRANIH KONZOLNIH ELEMENTOV ZA PREPREČEV ANJE TOPLOTNIH MOSTOV pod drobnogled vzeli prefabricirane konzolne elemente in možnost dviga konzole ob potresnih sunkih ter vibracijah. Izračunali so razmeroma nizko statistično verjetnost (3%), da bi se kaj takega pripetilo, vseeno pa je to nesprejemljivo z vidika stopnje potresnega tveganja pred porušitvijo. Kolegi v prispevku predstavljajo nov vpetostni detajl z umestitvijo ustrezne natezne armature. Rešitev, ki je gospodarsko zanimiva in potrebna. S tematiko svetovnih razstav se več let intenzivno ukvarja kolegica Lara Slivnik in v članku JUGOSLOVANSKI PAVILJONI NA SVETOVNIH RAZSTAVAH celovito pregledno predstavi arhitekturo paviljonov, ki so bili v času Jugoslavije postavljeni na svetovnih razstavah (1929, 1937, 1967, 1968). S primerno časovno distanco je povzela vzporednice z izbranimi paviljoni s svetovnih razstav. Ob zaključku diskusije v prispevku strne skupne značilnosti jugoslovanskih paviljonov. Zadnji znanstveni prispevek v reviji je nastal v so avtorstvu nizozemskega kolega Johana Verbekeja in kolegice Tadeje Zupančič. Soustvarila sta kratki prispevek PRILAGAJANJE PROJEKTU IN PRILAGAJANJE PROJEKTA ADAPT-R– "ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND ART PRACTICE TRAINING-RESEARCH", ki napoveduje nove poti raziskovanja v arhitekturi. Revijo zaključi predstavitev mednarodno odmevne in vsebinsko odlične knjige CONTEMPORARY SLOVENIAN TIMBER ARCHITECTURE INTERNATIONAL RECOGNIZED, ki jo je napisala kolegica Manja Kitek Kuzman. Urednik Doc. dr. Domen Zupančič