Let Not The Light; Of Freedom Be Extinguished! fSCZ~\QZZZ AMERIC •Ameriška SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER ■yA 'NOJ-QNi 9017 T ■ iyy •ay BsnoHiynoo 'N yrNyAyy.-H Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150,000 American Slovenians No. 43 Vol. 93 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Future subscribers study Slovenian Situation ^atthew Coffelt, 5, son of Frank and Marnska (“Mu§i”) Coffelt of Euclid, Ohio and grand-s°ti of Mr. and Mrs. Branko Pogačnik, reads about Slovenia’s struggle to become an in-ePfndent nation. Also keeping an eye on the ^biation is Katie Kaye, daughter of Mary (Coffelt) and Ralph Kaye of Milwaukee. Katie and Mrs. Mary Coffelt of Milwaukee were visiting in Cleveland in July and stopped in the American Home office to shy hello. They were on their way to Toronto to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Father Joe Mejac who is a priest serving in the Dominican Republic. Mrs. Coffelt is the grandmother of Matthew and Katie. Tomaž J. Povšič receives Doctorate in Chemistry On August 6, Tomaž Povši Received a doctoral degree ii , etnistry from the Californi; nstitute of Technology. Tomaž Joseph Povsic wa horn July 7, 1964. in Bowlin] ^een to Slovenian im -gll&rantS~'~Pr. Slavko an< He attende< Aloysius Elementar hool in Bowling Green am T i jolln’s High School ii ?®7°> where he distinguish a himself as a valedictorian ^ational Merit Scholar am tu316 Ohio representative t< P National Youth Scienci aiJP in West Virginia. Cl_°™až graduated summ; 'q----jaude from BowliTTi •hafors8^1® University with chpJ ln subjects nemtstry, mathematics, anc mi^an language; and with i ntau f .,n Latin- He received < 7)^ -er^s •jegree in chemistry a Tom^e at ®owling Green Schr>f received numerou: amr, ars^'Ps and awards Schn)18 . .t^em a Trustei Ree arship. Ohio Board o: shin S Academic Scholar Chpm’: . ^>ovv Chemica ''ariou^ . Scholarsh'P> anc schni n°nor societie: Underoar!i^'pS- As 31 avvard8fadUate *1e received ar ^ffilint°rnUtstand'n8 Studen >idte Presentatinn o. .k. nation6, Presentahon at Am °. al meeting of L1 H^2an Ohemical Societ -Kgnpa p^e^ber oWie -Pbl Kappa Phi, ar America 0f Slovenia ricans in 1978. His cor position written there in Slovenian “Kaj mi pomeni biti S/omtec’^TWhat It Means to "Me Be Slovenian) was selected for publication in Koledar Družbe sv. Mohorja for the year 1979. Since his early student years Tomaž has served the catholic Church in various wavs, most notably in the Eucharistic ministry and as a music group member. In his PhD program at Cal Tech, Tomaž was named a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow. He is an author of several articles published in scientific journals, including the Journal of the American Chemical Socie-f'tf. His research has been I described in leading journals ^such as Science. One of his articles was written in Latin and was published in the Latin journal Hermes Americanus. Currently Tomaž is conlinu-ing with his research and at the fsame time studying medicine I at Harvard Medical School in ^Boston. ^ Tomaž speaks and writes Slovenian very well. When he was 14 years old he attended the Slovenian____S cho ol_i n 'Celovec (Klagenfnrt). Austria. There is a lot more that could be said about this extremely gifted young man’s many accomplishments. I am sure that some day in the future somebody will do just that. As an Ameriška Domovina subscriber and officer of Christ the King Lodge No. 226 of KSK J I feel very honored and very proud to have Tomaž as our lodge member. And I personally am extra proud of his achievements. This is because his mother, Frances Povšič (nee Bolha) was born in the same village in Slovenia as I was, and we share a lot of memories from our youth in the old country. To Tomaž and his parents we wish to extend our sincere congratulations, and wish you the very best of health, happiness, and success in all of your future endeavors! May God bless you! Frank Sega In Memory Mrs. Karolina Pust, Neff Rd., donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, Milko Pust. NATURAL HIGHS! A new hobby.Call from a friend.Watching a sunset. A great book. A job well done. Eating your favorite potica. Singing a Slovenian song. A warm smile. Breakfast in bed. A gift from a special person. A kiss from your daughter. A smile on an older person’s face. A good cartoon. Your first date. Doctor announcing that you can leave the hospital. Catching the last rays of sun on a lazy fall afternoon. Loving your neighbor. Helping someone. (Winifred Weaver and Robert M.Debevec know what a "natural high" really is when they submitted a solution to the code puzzle recently and noted to "please donate the dinner if the above is a winner to some worthy person". In the words of Willie, my ncighbor:"Try to do at least one good thing today for someone and you too will get high". Holiday concert features young Slovenian singers The Slovenian Junior Chorus will present a Holiday Christmas Concert at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 10 in the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. The Circle 2 SNPJ Chorus is under the direction of Cecilia Dolgan. All 50 singers will be part of a skit with Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, who will be portrayed by two well-known singers. The children will be dressed as snowflakes and angels. In addition to the concert, the choir will stage the traditional “Slovenski Božic” The Christmas story will be told through Slovenian carols. Accompanist is Ed Sumrada, for the program which begins at 3:30 p.m. Immediately after, Ed and his Sumrada Orchestra will play for the dance and social. Food and refreshments will be available. Admission is $5 for adults, and tickets are available from members and the Polka Hall of Fame. The children’s new album, ‘i£Iot Too Young to Polka” hasB&en norniflated by Polka Hall of Fame for “Record of the Year.” Editor’s Note: “Not Too Young to Polka” is the best album to come out of Cleveland in the last 50 years. It’s greatest quality is it makes you feel young again as you hear it. The youngsters seem to be enjoying the singing and they convey their happiness and vibrant enthusiasm to the listener. It’s really a distinct pleasure to listen to “Not Too Young to Polka” album. Each song is unique; each song is enjoyable; each song is entertaining; each song is a treat. It is indeed evident a tremendous amount of preparation and work went into producing this totally enchanting cassette. Congratulations to all concerned on a superior musical recording. —JVD Krofe St \ Mary (Collinwood) Altar Society will sponsor a krofe and bake sale on Saturday, October 26 in the school cafeteria beginning at 10:30 a.m. The ladies of the parish are kindly asked to bring baked goods. Clambake A Clambake and Steak Dinner will beyield on Sunday, October 27 \it the Slovenian National Horhe, 3563 E. 80th St. Serving from 2 to 5 p.m. Music by the Casuals from 4 to 8 p.m. Donation $15.00. West Park Dance On Sunday, Nov.y dance at the West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St. to the music of Dan Peters and his musicians from 4 to 8 p.m.\ Admission at the door^5. Door prizes, refreshments, home made pastries. RIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 Report of Baraga Days, Slovene chapel celebration .H- Washington, D.C. — Some of those who took part in the Washington celebration of Baraga Days and of the 20th anniversary of the Slovenian Chapel thought that the festivities were too broadly conceived and that it would have sufficed if we had remembered only the anniversary of the dedication of the chapel, while the Baraga Days could have been celebrated separately. It is true that th£,jinnual meeting of the Baraga ^"Association took a goodly S^ftortion of the timeaTlottedfor ^the banquet in Hotel Sheraton/Washington and could__have—been somewhat shorter without shortchanging its main purpose. It is, however, also true that each of the two days, Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1, was in its own way significant and magnificent. With the help of a monetary contribution by the KSKJr Which made possible the participation of Bjshop Smej as the representative___of the *' bishops of Slovenia, we were able to have among us a bishop from Slovenia. In the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, filled almost to the last seat, he celebrated on Saturday afternoon a solemn pontifical Mass in the presence of the Archbishop of Washington, James Cardinal Hickey, and three members of the American episcopate, including Bishop Edward Pev^r-of Cleveland. In his homily. Bishop Smej in his eloquent way stressed the four main purposes of the Slovenian Chapel: a token of gratitude to God for the gift of faith, an expression of pride in being Slovenian, a memorial to the twelve centuries of Slovenian Christianity, and an exhortation to our descendants to remain faithful to these fundamental virtues. The same were commemorated in the intercessions, to which prayers were added for the deepening of the veneration of Our Lady of Brezje and for God’s blessing of our perseverance, courage, and efforts for the freedom and independence of Slovenia. As at the dedication ceremony, a hymn to Our Lady of Brezje resounded at the beginning of the Mass from the choir sung, accompanied by the organ, by the combined choruses of Slovenska pesem of Chicago and Korotan of Cleveland under the direction of Rev. Vendelin Špendov. Their accomplished singing accompanied the Mass and the sung litany, woven after the Mass into the commemorative program dedicated to the celebration of the “Day of Slovenian Christian Heritage,” introduced in "Slovenia by ArčhBiStrop-štrštar but Ihe beginnings of whose concept came into being precisely in the Slovenian Chapel. The program was led by Mr. James Česnik, with the par-ticipatin of Misses Nataša Ba_-juk and Sarah Česnik and Mrs. Jelka Mejac-Dawyot and both Slovenian bishops. The Slovenian Chapel is dedicated to Our Lady of Brezje, but notable places in it are held also by two Slovenian spiritual giants, Bishops Anton Martin Slomšek and Frederic Baraga. Baraga also was the subject of the English homily at the Saturday Mass, delivered with oratorical perfection by Bishop Edward Pevec of Cleveland. To Bishop Baraga also was dedicated the homily of the Washington Archbishop, James Cardinal Hickey, the pricinal celebrant on the following day, Sunday, the Baraga Day, with eight concelebrating archbishops and bishops. Besides the accomplished singing of the combined choirs Slovenska pesem and Korotan and the mighty “Marija, skoz življenje,” sung by the entire congregation at the end of both Masses, special mention must be made of the presence of the Prime Minister of the Slovenian government, Lojze Teterle. to whom Cardinal Hickey extended a special greeting and invited him as Well to say a few words in the church. Mr. Peterle obliged and stressed that his remarks were primarily those of a Christian and less those of a Slovenian political figure; but that was true only in church. In his political role of Prime Minister of the Slovenian government, Mr. Peterle addressed us at the banquet on Saturday evening — other speakers were the chairman of the organizing committee, Mr. Konrad Mejač, Cardinal Hickey, representatives of the Baraga Association Mrs. Cor-inne Leskovar (who was honored as the “Woman of the Year”), and Bishop Smej — and again after the concert at the Hartke Theater that followed the Sunday afternoon Mass, where three choirs performed for us with polis <--7 and feeling a series of Slovi ^"nian songs, specifically t selected because of their patriotic emphasis. The concert was concluded with the rendition by all three choirs combined, Slovenska pesem, Korotan, and the Washington Slovenian Choral Society, of “Slovenec sem,” “Krasen pogled je na slovenski svet,” “Slovenski svet, ti si krasan,” and “Zdravica,” when the choirs were joined also by Prime Minister Peterle The Saturday concert was followed and the one on Sunday was concluded with “Gor čez izaro,” in which the entire audience participated under the direction of Mr. Rudi Knez, the director of Korotan. k Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St- Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) Sung with enthusiasm, the song seemed to be even more Slovenian and reached even deeper into our hearts. The Sunday concert had no intermission, but the singing was interrupted for a short while by a brief color-slide presentation of Slovenian folk-costumes, described in English by Mr. James Česnik. When, during his presentation, he jokingly remarked that a Slovenian majolica jug — in which, instead of the customary cruets, the gifts of wine and water had been brought to the altar at the offertory of both earlier Masses — ought to be included in the new flag of the Republic of Slovenia, the audience applauded enthusiastically. Applause and symbolic gifts also were rewards for the three choirs and their directors Rev. Dr. Vendelin Špendov, Mr. Rudi Knez and Mr. Vladimir Pregelj. A gift from the. League o£ Slovenian Americans in New York~ made pošsfbte the puEHcation of a small volume for the occasion, which reminded the participants of the more important events of the two-day program. Five years ago, the Metropolitan of Slovenia, Archbishop Šuštar, installed in the Slovenian calendar a “Day of Slovenian Christian Heritage - Dan slovenskih krščanskih izroči.” In Slovenia, that day coincides with the feast day of Our Lady of Brezje, Marija Pomagaj. The Archbishop’s proclamation was inspired by the promise made by Slovenians participating in the 41st Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia. That promise, in turn, had had its roots in the Slovenian Chapel in Washington. Thus, this Slovenian Chapel assumed a very important role in encouraging our bretheren in Slovenia to reorient their principles and their lives and their adherence to the basic principles of Christianity; the principles which led us through the millennium, inspired our cultural productivity and made our way of life Christian, with a very important emphasis on devotion to Mary, our Heavenly Mother. This chapel is dedicated to her, and it has become an important place of gathering for our community from far and near. Slovenians from all over America have been coming here regularly since it was dedicted on the feast of the Assumption in 1971. It also continues to be an important focal point in life of the Washington-area Slovenian-American community. The message emanating from this chapel goes to all Slovenes, wherever they live: First, the chapel was erected in commemoration of 1,200 years of Slovenian Christianity; a visible monument marking the fact that the Slovenian people were the first among the Slavs to embrace Christianity. Dedicated to Our Lady of Brezje, it is testimony to Slovenians’ devotion to Mary, Help of Christians. Through its memorialization of Bishop Slomšek, it bears witness to faithfulness to Christian doctrine. Through its depiction of Bishop Baraga, it symbolizes the Slovenian missionary spirit. Finally, by providing the source of inspiration for the institution of the “Day of Slovenian Christian Heritage,” it binds us all, through Our Lady of Brezje, into one Slovenian family. May this occasion also serve as an expression of thanks to all those who traveled to Washington to join in prayer for the formal recognition of Baraga’s sainthood and to all of those who contributed in any way to the erection of the great monument of faith em-boidied in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and in the Slovenian Chapel in the Basilica. Very special thanks go to the first Postulator of the Cause of Bishop Baraga, His Eminence James Cardinal Hickey, under whose guidance and leadership this gathering in Washington was initiated, and who always is available to give us a helping hand. Very special thanks also are due to Bishop Jožef Smej, who came to Washington as the official representative of the Bishops of Slovenia, both to participate in that capacity in the 1991 Baraga Days and to encourage us to renew our resolution to honor Our Lady of Brezje. We seek her intercession more than ever during this most crucial period in the history of Slovenia. Sincere thanks also to the other bishops and priests who concelebrated the Mass with Cardinal Hickey and Bishop Smej and joined all of us in this double celebration. Traditionally, liturgical services have been enhanced by music. Slovenians love music, particularly singing, and our greatest appreciation and thanks go to the Slovenian choruses who have traveled so unselfishly to Washington to join in prayer for the Cause of Bishop Baraga and to embellish our liturgical services and cultural celebrations-Thanks to Slovenska pesem, thanks to Korotan, and thanks to the Washington Slovenian Choral Society. — Miller For The People endorse The Re-Election of FAY MILLER Euclid Council at Large Endorsed by: Mayor David Lynch Tony Sustarsic Council President Joe Farrell Rep. Ronald J. Šuster Ohio Drive AFL-CIO Paid fbr by The Citizens for D. Fay Miller For Council, Chairpersons: Mr. A Mn. Anton J. (iombach 21451 Edgecliff Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 _ 4 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING • No ATM Fees • No Monthly Fees • Initial Supply of Checks FREE • Unlimited Check Writing • No Minimum Balance Required • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St.......486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd.371 -2000 • Euclid 1515 E. 260th St.........731-8865 • Mayfield His. 1351 SOM Center Rd.473-21 Zl • Pepper Pike 3637 Under Rd.......831-8800 • Richmond Hts. 27tOOChardon Rd...944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd.752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd.....291 -2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd 944-3400 METROPOLITAN Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC Corning Events... Sunday, Ocl. 27 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree pay. 12 Mass, followed by dinner in auditorium at 1:30. Inductees into Hall of Fame: Joseph Zelle and Eleanore Karlinger; posthumously: Rt. Key. B. J. Ponikvar and Michael Kolar. por tickets ($15) and reservations call Joseph Brodnik at 531-3485. Sunday, Nov. 3 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St. with Dan Peters and his musicians. $5 at the door. Saturday, Nov. 9 Jadran Dinner - Program ' ance with Fred Kuhar Orkestra at Waterloo Hall. Sunday, Nov. 10 Button Box Bash, Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., featuring many button box bands. 3 p.m. until ? Saturday, November 23 Indianapolis, IN — Fantje i asi and the Alpine Sextet w e. Performing at Ho lenity’s Bockhold Hall, 9< • Holmes Street at 7 p.r tickets, $10, call 271-83-299-3266. Sponsored 1 ^ovenian Cultural Socie ?.ncI Slomšek Kul turn društvo. Wednesday, Nov. 27 Pre-Thanksgiving Jam Ses-^ub of Associations of - H, 6409 St. Clair Ave., fc*tUr«ig Zeke and Charlie the om St. Clair, Roman and many more. 7:30 P°ssedj D,nt. until ? Thursday, November 28 Tony Petkovšek’s 30tl nanksgiving Polka Party a puffer Tower City Plaza o^ntown Cleveland. Dona tlon $10.00. Friday, Nov. 29 Sir, 0sf'Thanksgiving Dance, 64,^e"Ian National Home, Bai, Si- Clair Avenue. “Full Jop c j"1 Dancing” featuirng ^edorchak Orchestra, 7:30 p-m- until ? Saturday, Nov. 30 e ^-ollinwood Sloven An^6 .Polka Capital’s’ Ni: DC’ fThanksgivin8 Din Dona.- ^r0m 6 P m- unIi Nation $12.00 Christmas Dinnei Fu^kian Pensioners Glut Chr;*, 'V'*I bold its ann dav Snmas Dinner on Wedr nia’ r’kember 4 at the Slo Aven 0ciety Home on Rec O6’ Euclid> °hio- Din Meni^g at 1 P-m.; donation F0rers °nly- 946-3 oi^I8 caH 942-3 53k--78, ■4445.’ 481-5004 Sewntje na V; dial'1 wiu bt 4 rIis’11 tact -rn fr°m Koporc, Jr. '''y Technics (2H») 481-4391 uin Rev. Mihelich answers President October 6, 1991 The Honorable President George and Mrs. Barbara Bush The White House Washington, D.C. Thank you for the congratulatory card you sent me on the occasion of my 85th birthday. It was both a surprise and a pleasure to receive it. However, it would make me happier to see another birthday recognized by you, Mr. Bush. On June 25, 1991, the land of my birth, Slovenia, declared its independence from Yugoslavia so it could jdin the family of free, democratic nations. To date, you have steadfastly refused to recognize that independence, causing great hardship to my countrymen, including my own family. By your inaction you have supported Communist tyranny rather than freedom and justice. I respectfully request that you grant immediate, full diplomatic recognition to Slovenia. Thank you and God bless you. Sincerely, Rev. Lepopld Mihelich (Denver, Colorado) P.S. Please excuse my printed signature. My right side has been paralyzed for the past two years due to a stroke. Christmas boutique A Christmas Boutique will be held in the St. Ann Dining Room of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 8, 9, and 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. St. Anne Lodge No. 4 AMLA observed Flag I baked by Ann Tomsick. The girls meet each Day last June with a specially designed cake I month in the St. Vitus auditorium in Cleveland. New tennis magazine from Slovenia by Kathy Tepesh and Mia Pirnat New York, NY — it is quite an accomplishment to see two new magazines come out of Slovenia just now - during these history making times. One of them is called the “Slovenian Business Report.’’ a must for all American Slovenians who plan to do business with Slovenia and a point of great interest to everyone else who wants to watch peace-loving and creative Slovenians developing from a business point of view. The Slovenian Business Report is confirmation of Slovenia’s* determination to leave a state of Yugoslavia in which the basic truth that the communist economy cannot be stabilized or reformed,” Pusan Snoi. efr The first is: Chief issue of the Slovenian Business Report is dedicated to the theme of quality management. “All past, present and future business partners are welcome!” declared Snoj. The business magazine is published in English. It can be ordered by mailing a check for $38.00 for annual subscription to Gospodarski Vestnik, Titova 35, 61000 Ljubljana.Slovenia. Telephone 3861/318-389, fax 3861/871. The second new magazine is called “Tennis Sport.” Tennis is rapidly replacing soccer as the most popular sport in Slovenia. According to the magazine, Slovenia is the third biggest state in Europe in number of available tennis courts versus the number of Slovenians. Already, two tennis players are rated in ATP ratings. The best tennis player in Slovenia is Barbara Mulej rated 278 in the world. Her father/tennis coach Janez and Barbara have a goal for Barbara to be among the top 100 players within the next year. The second best is Tina Križan, rated 410. The magazine Tennis Sport is primarily serving Slovenians since it is published in the Slovenian language. However, it will serve American Slovenians who are tennis fans, curious about inside tennis news from Slovenia. The monthly can be ordered from Simotisk d.o.o., Koprska 106 d, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Annual subscription is $345.00. „ & RE-ELECT and ELECT JERALD A. ^SKUBIC JAMES E. PETKOVIČ For Euclid Council At Large THE ENDORSED DEMOCRATS A Great Team Working Together To Meet The Demanding Needs OS Today & Beyond Paid for by Friends to Elect Petkovič To Council Frank Chukayne, Secretary, Spiros Gonakls Treasurer *65 East 21 HD Euclid Ohio 44123 and Friends of Jerald Sustarsic, Tony Sustarsic, Chairman, 309 E 272nd, Euclid Ohio 44132 YES! I want to help United Americans for Slovenia get the United States to recognize Slovenia. My check for $______is enclosed, payable to: United Americans for Slovenia send to: Edmund J. Turk, Chairman United Americans for Slovenia Slovenian National Home, Suite 8 6411 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland. Ohio 44103 »«■1 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio , OCTOBER 24, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 ;S#1 i m, m ■ Zarja marks 75 years with food, concert, and dance at Recher hall 1916, but Zarja has continued, year aTFer year, season after ‘'season to perpetuate the «fl®fc Canadian Thanksgiving observance Relatives from the United States and Canada Tony Grdina, Josie and Joe Condello, Josie gathered on October 14 to celebrate Canada’s and John Grdina, Emma Maffei and Mary and Thanksgiving. From left to right are Betty and Joe Grdina. The Slovenian Singing Society Zarja is in the mI3it of rehearsals and preparations for our up-coming Diamond Jubilee Banquet-Program-Dance to be held on Sunday, October 27 at the Recher Slovenian Home in Euclid, Ohio. One season has inexorably followed another during our 75 years of existence, during which past and present members of Zarja have experienced sadness, gladness, births, deaths and indeed the entire gamut of human experience. We’ve quite literally gone from the horse and buggy days to the space age. It’s mind boggling to realize that Zarja was founded a year prior to the Russian Revolution — and to think we considered that event ancient history when we were school memory oT our Slovemap heritage through song, dange and laughter. We’ve done this with the” same determination our founders had to ensure that the memory of our roots would not be forgotten. This is your invitation to attend this historic, joyful event, Zarja being the oldest Slovenian Singing Society in America, as we celebrate our U.S. could lessen bloodshed by recognizing republics kids! n nip AM Deti icl&frf by C. Michael Adams In the midst of the present turmoil in Yugoslavia, one thing is clear: Croatia and Slovenia will be free, independent and democratic nations — with or without the blessings of the so-called world powers. No actions or inaction on the part of any government is going to reverse the will of the majority of Croatians, expressed by every generation since 1918. For centuries, the Croatians and Slovenians fought for autonomy within the Hapsburg Empire. By the early 20th century, they had succeeded to a great extent and had no desire to be absorbed into another multinational state. Seventy-two years later, opposing forces have reached a centrifugal mass that is now tearing Yugoslavia apart. On June 25, the long-held dream of independence became a reality for Croatia and Slovenia. The Slovenian and Croatian peoples have seized control of their own destiny and now seek a new arrangement with Serbia and other republics. Since last October, the presidents of the two republics have offered a proposal for a confederation in which each republic would direct its own economic development with Responsibility for its own security and for the preservation of its culture. The proposal was met with government-inspired violence and a de facto Serbian coup in the federal government. In light of the hostility caused by the Yugoslav experiment, and Serbia’s unwillingness to relinquish its control of the army, party and government, Croatia and Slovenia had no other choice than to declare independence from Belgrade. It now appears that the army may become a law unto itself, writing the final chapter in the brief, bloody history of Yugoslavia. The United States can, by immediately granting recognition to the nations of Slovenia and Croatia, do much to lessen the violence now being visited upon these two peaceful and largely unarmed republics. By delaying recognition further, the United States em- boldens the Yugoslav army and Communist hard-liners. And once again, while preaching to other nations about freedom, democracy and self-determination, we find ourselves supporting totalitarian regimes long after it is obvious that the people will prevail. In 1776, the first European government to recognize the Latin alphabet. Serbs are an Eastern people who spent 500 years under Turkish rule. They are almost entirely of the Orthodox faith and use the Cyrillic alphabet. Even though they speak a similar language, the Serbs’ inability to communicate with Most exciting is the fact that since Zarja’s beginning, Slovenia has evolved from the days of Austrian rule to its declaration of independence this past June 25, 1991 — the year of our 75th. Ihe-worid-has-changgd enormously since our formation in 75th. Our musical program will include such favorites as the Blue Danube, Triglav, and Pesem O Svobodi, all under the direction of Doug Elersich and piano accompanist and president, Ed Polšak. A delicious meal, prepared by Mary Ster and her staff will be served from 2 to 3:45 p.m-Program at 3:45. Dancing to the Ray Polantz Orchestra until 9. Donation $15.00, children up to 12, $5.00. Tickets available from members, the Recher Club Room or call treasurer Barbara Elersich at 382-2258. Let’s make this the season of gladness as we celebrate our rich heritage together. newly founded United States of America was the tiny, democratic Croatian Republic of Raeusa. now knbwrTTaS has written the history of the region for 70 years. Last spring, a transformation e ■ • ■ • jt JO. - . * v began in Croatia and Slovenia • ifml) mu Dubrovnik. Perhaps now is the time to return the favor. The chaotic events now unfolding in Yugoslavia cannot be judged in simple terms of capitalism vs. communism, democracy vs. totalitarianism, or even the often-stated “Balkan rivalries.” In fact, all of these issues are blended into a kaleidoscope of politics, more than 40 years. In Croatia the result was an overwhelming victory for Franjo Tudjman, a Partisan war hero, former general of the Yugoslav army, a former Communist and a former political prisoner (in that order). He is a renowngd history, ethnicity and nationalism. To those unfamiliar with this history, Yugoslavia appears as a nation divided against itself. In fact, the present conflict is not within a nation but among nations. Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are not only different nations: They belong to two different cultural spheres. The Slovenians and Croatians are historically and culturally a Western people. They are predominately Roman Catholic and use the scholar Of Croatian histprv, who was purged of his power and position after exposing official party history as fiction. Slovenia also elected a democratic, pro-market government. Mr. Adams, director of the University of San Francisco’s Sacramento center, has written extensively on Yugoslavia. He wrote this article for the Baltimore Sun. Doctor: Hoy^suie boy who swallowed thehalf dollar? Nurse^Io changtsyet, Doctor. D STOP IN AT BRONKO’S Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 4411$ DMH Corp. 531-8844 Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski • Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine — Owner - David Heuer ENDORSEMENTS Sun Newspapers The News-Herald CAP COUNCIL U.A.W. Regional 2 OHIO DRIVE The Political Voice of Teamsters KEEP DALLOS in Ward 4 it QUALIFIED ★ EXPERIENCED * PROVEN LEADERSHIP We Support JOE DALLOS in Euclid - Ward 4 ■ ■■ «%• •"*•*«* —W "In Ward 4, we endorse Incumbent COUNCILMAN JOE DALLOS, . . . his worked well in the pasp—find he offers realistic and obijtimifegoals on what can and shotrttf be done in EUCLIDI" — —i,,, ; . X JOE DALLOS Paid lor by Frlandf ol Dallos - Ward 4 Committee, Treat. Bill Tomko, 2079 Miami Rd., Euclid, OH 5 Bishop Smej addresses Baraga pilgrims in D.C. Address delivered by the Most Reverend Jotef Smej, Auxiliary Bishop of Maribor, Slovenia, at the banquet celebrating Baraga Days and the 20th anniversary of the Slovenian Chapel of Our Lady °f Brezje at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Concept on in Washington, D-C. on Saturday, August 31. “I have taken root among noble people.” (Sir 24, 12). With these words of the Bible, spoken by Divine Wisdom, but also by the seat °f Divine Wisdom, Mary, I greet all those present. This my greeting is expressed >n the name of all Slovenian bishops, and is extended first °f all to His Eminence James Cardinal Hickey, Archbishop °f Washington, and to all other most reverend archbishops and bishops, and reverend clergy. % greeting is extended also ^organizers of these , naragfl DavsT chairman Kgnrad Mejač, his brother Srn. Messrs. Stane Šuštaršič anqyiadimir Pregelj. Mr?. ^•ebot, and many others. The greeting is extended above all to all of you, dear tellow-Slovenians, who have ^ome from Washington, Cleveland, Chicago, Lemont, Joliet, Milwaukee, Bridgeport, Fairfield, Kansas, ban Francisco, Florida, New °rk, Toronto, Hamilton, Condon, Montreal and other places. The greeting is also extended 0 the singers and their direc-ors, above all to Rev. Father endelin Spendov. £ven if the Slovenian people had no art, no literature, and had only their song, they would have to be numbered among the nations of culture ^ause of this song alone. T° the Slovenian song apply <.w Worcls of St. Augustine: How much I wept as I listen-to sweet-sounding voices, bese sounds poured into my fars and truth flowed into my eart and emotion flamed in ever higher and tears flow- CLASSIFIEDS: EUCLID brick - 4BR beauty baths on all levels, newer A & furnace, basement w/rec/rm. and office space, Possible teen suite up, eat-in 't- Lake Shore blvd. area, Jjove-in cond. $88,444. ,ome with A HEARTH ovely Euclid colonial eatures 3BR, WBFP, cozy am.rm., formal dining, Pd,/"1 • BEACH -f.KIVlLEGES. Off Blvd., this home is violation free! ^EDUCED $77,000. Realty Professionals . onnie Marinčič Gould, J^^er. 289-4663/289-HOME ed and I felt good with them.” (Confessions). As we celebrate Baraga Days in Washington and observe Slomsek’s triennium at the 130th anniversary of his death, it is appropriate that we recall the vital tie between these two candidates for sainthood, Slomšek and Baraga. To Baraga and Slomšek, too, applies the word of the Holy Writ that liturgy uses for the Apostles Peter and Paul: ‘‘Slomšek and Baraga, gentle and mild, are separated neither in life nor in death.” I should also like to mention two happy news: one, that on September 29, a monument to Bishop Slomšek will be unveiled in front of the Maribor cathedral in the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio and of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Milan Kučan, and the other, that through the kindness of some benefactors in Rome, SlomSek’s birthplace at Slom near Ponikva has been purchased. On Wednesday, June 26, 1991, Slovenia became an independent, autonomous and sovereign state. What a national saint means for a state and a nation is eloquently witnessed by our neighboring nations. Great moral support was given in the days of their great trials to the Hungarians by their national saints, St. Stephen the King and St. Ladislas the King. The same could be said of our Czech brothers: What would have happened to them had they not had St. Venceslas and St. John Nepomucene. What would have happened to the Poles, if they did not have St. Stanislas and St. Casimir. It is imperative that we do everything for the beatification of Slomšek and Baraga. To officially recognize saints belongs by every right also an officially recognized state of their own. “I have taken root among noble people,” speaks Divine Wisdom, speaks Marija Pomagaj, Mary, Help of Christians. With the Slovenian Chapel, Marija Pomagaj has taken root in the basilica of nations. Even more she has taken root in the hearts of the Slovenes. And this is a comforting sign. This is a sign that we are among the elect, among the predestined. Catholic dogma teaches the so-called predestination, which is that God prepares for us the necessary graces in this life and eternal glory in the hereafter. That this predestination exists is also taught by Christ Himself in the gospel: “Come, blessed ones, receive the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the beginning of the world.” That this kingdom has been prepared for us is testified to by our veneration of the ■ M1 I dE V- Škof Jožef Smej from Maribor, Slovenia. Mother of God. Divine Wisdom and with it Mary, the seat of Divine Wisdon, speak: “Whoever finds me, finds life and receives salvation from the Lord.” Bosnia votes to leave Yugoslavia Residents of Sarajevo, capital of the Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina, last week rushed to stock up on staple foods as fears of civil war with neighboring Serbia increased after the republic declared itself a sovereign state. Moslem and Croat parliamentary deputies adopted a “memorandum on sovereignty” paving the way for the republic to secede. Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnia’s Moslem president, said, “There is no place for us in Yugoslavia.” (216) 692-2099 Slovenian flags, patches Frangies Fashions, Inc. is making Slovenian Flags which are now available. ~ We will also have for sale iron-on patches. One patch will be of the Slovenian flag, the other of a crest of the Republic of Slovenia. The flags are made in three sizes: large (2 yards by 1 yard); medium (1 yard by 18 inches); and small (18 inches by 9 inches) Prices are, large $25; med $15, and small $5 From the sale of each flag, Frangies Fashions will donate a portion of the sale to United Americans for Slovenia. ($5 for large, $2.50 for med, and $1.25 for small) The patches are $5.00 each. Frangies Fashions, Inc., 475 E. 200 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 — Phone (216) 692-2099 EXPERIENCE • LEADERSHIP • MATURITY ELECT ED K£= Mahnič EUCLID COUNCILMAN AT LARGE Ffiends of Ed Mohntc Committee. M, Mahnič. Eo iy, . . ’ Teas 2580' Lakeshore Blvd.. Euclid. OH 44132 Prank Mahnič Sr., State Rep. Frank Mahnič, Jr. and the Mahnit Family Thank You for Your Support. ____________________________________ Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villa view Road at Neff 692-1172 phone 777-0644 677460 twin Ra" SAVE 30% statuary. patio stone ‘ many unusual items! ALLLARGETREES •20% OFF- VERY SPECIAL CLOSEO Ask about our $9.99 Reg Tag Sale on Trees EVERGREEN CLOSEOUT ora Juniper $5.00, Reg. 29.99J H Bush reg $9.99 sale I rporesibsrry Ylntreg. 1999 sale $9.991 BMemmetWw reg. 19.99 sale $9.99 Clematis reg. 15.99 sals $«J9 • Large Dogwoods, white or pM • 50% OFF Reg. Price I WHITE PINE EVERGREENS 4 Reg. 29.99 Sal« 12.99 MUMS CLOSEOUT Large 5 inch Pots jTeg. 3.99 Sale 1.99 ea.i 'SEASONED FIREWOODl Buy Now, Special Price Call 777-0644 Greenvlew Winter Fertilizer (15,000sq.ft,Reg.29.99,Sale 19.99 , 'CLAY PUMPKINS Large Selection 20% Off Sale Price | BMK NUGGETS CLOSEOUT . 3 cu. ft. damaged bags 1 reg. *4.99 each NOW *2.50! PINE MULCH 5 tor‘15.99 TOP SOIL 40 lbs. *7.69 Reg. ‘2.29 STRAW—large bale ‘3.99 COMPOST MANURE 40 lbs. ‘1.69 flop. '2.99 GRASS SEED Kentucky Blue reg. *2.99 lb. NOW‘1.59 DIAZANON 5,000sq.ft.‘6.99 Fall Fertilizer 11-54 5,000 sq.ft.‘4.99 jUMESOIbs. reg.‘2.99NOWs1.99 , BULBS Daffodil Bulbs mixed or yellow *7.99 per 25 Darwin Hybrid Tulips *12.99 per 100 Assorted Crocus Bulbs *3,99 per 35 Thistle Seed (to ibs.) 79*/lb. WINTER PANSIES 4-inch Pots .99 each PERENNIALS Closeout 4-inch Pots reg. $2.99 Sale .99 each arge size, reg. 5.99, sale 3.991 FRUIT TREES Fruit Bearing Size Reg. 19.99, Sale 9.99 ORTHO SALE All Liquid Products 50% Off Sale Price ORTHO BOOK SALE 50% Sale Price ORPHAN DEPT. Odds S Ends From $2 to $5 Propane FiHyour cylinder at Waldo's Cornstalks-Pumpkins Jndlan Com and Bittersweet FREE with purchase Miict aclf far Pnlrhinim •fan Dally k luMey far Taar Cutfeaiai Coivainici 1 WALDO'S 23460- Lorain Rd 777-0644 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 Recent Deaths KARLO ZUZIC Karlo Zuzic, 73, husband of Marija (nee Nagoda), formerly Domanko; father of Karlo, Peter, Draga Savron, Zdenka Kukovec, and Valerie Pavolik; brothers and sisters in Slovenia, all deceased; and grandfather. Family received friends at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Avenue on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Funeral Thursday, Oct. 24 at 10 a.m. chapel service followed by 10:30 Mass at St. Vitus Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. JOHN URBANČIČ John “Berger” Urbančič, 74, passed away at his home on Saturday, October 19th. John, a former resident of E. 67th St. for 39 years, resided on Carl Ave. for the past eight years. He was a printer all his life. He was employed at Jud-son Printing for 10 years, retiring at age 62. He was the brother of Mary Urbančič, the son of John and Agnes (both dec.), the cousin of Frances Poremba, Eleanor Zrimšek, Frank Zrimšek (AR), and Patricia Varga (Australia). Funeral services were at St. Vitus Church on Tuesday, October 22. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. ANNA KARLINGER Anna Karlinger (nee Zupančič), 82, a resident of Euclid for 41 years, entered into rest on Sunday, October 20, in Meridia Euclid Hospital. Anna was born in Cleveland and was a member of Maccabees, SNPJ Lodge 614, AMLA No. 27, Holmes Ave. Pensioners, and Catholic Daughters of America. Anna was the widow of Joseph who died in 1978, the mother of Richard (wife, Lynne) of California; grand- mother of Kimberly Calderon and Michael Jon; greatgrandmother of Michael and Ashley; sister of Rose Fox, Hermina and Fred (all deceased) and sister-in-law of Edith Zupančič; cousin of Theresa Clements and John Dolšak. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Wednesday where services will be held Thursday, Oct. 24 and at St. William Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. ALBERT F. LEGAN Albert Legan, father of Veronica (Mrs. Thomas Stadler) and Sandra (KY), grandfather of Catherine and Kristin, brother of Frank (deceased), Mary Brule (deceased) and John. He was a 40 year member of the Cleveland Scorers Association. He was a lifetime resident of Carry Avenue. Mr. Legan was retired from Horsburgh & Scott Co., where he was employed for 45 years. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., where services will be held Thursday 8:45 a.m. and at St. Vitus Church, 9:30 a.m. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Rose Žnidaršič, Cleveland, donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Buh and husband John Žnidaršič. Thank you, Rose. Donation Thanks to Dr. and Mrs. V. A. Opaskar for a donation of $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.’ Grdina — Faulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS D’Amato calls for Yugoslav sanctions U.S. Senator Al M. D’Amato (R-NY) on Oct. 2 introduced legislation calling for sweeping U.S. economic sanctions against Serbia and all parts of Yugoslavia under Serbian control in an attempt to force an end to the civil war there. “This bill will force the Serbian communists to reconsider their policy of solving ethnic grievances with violence,” D’Amato said. “The United States cannot close its eyes to the brutal reality of Serbian sponsorship of the civil war in Yugoslavia. And we cannot turn our backs on those who seek democracy, freedom and human rights in Slovenia, Croatia, Kosova and the other republics.” Senator D’Amato added, “It’s time to send a clear signal to the communists in Serbia that the U.S. will not permit trade or aid while Serbia follows a policy of violence, intimidation, and suppression of human rights.” In Loving Memory OF THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF John J. Sušnik who was called to his heavenly reward on October 27, 1986 Peto leto je že minilo, odkar Ti srce več ni bije. Črna zemlja truplo krije, luč nebeška duši sije. Saj ne mine nikdar dan, da ne bi bili v duhu tam, kjer zdaj počiva Tvoje truplo, kjer Tvoj dom je zdaj hladan. Sadly missed by: Mary Sušnik, wife Raymond, Kenneth, Dennis, sons, and Families Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1991. White House answers publisher James V. Debevec President and Publisher September 24, 1991 Ameriška Domovina Cleveland, Ohio Dear Mr. Debevec, On behalf of President Bush, I would like to thank you for your recent letter expressing your views regarding the U.S. recognizing Slovenia as an independent Republic. Please be rest assured that your comments have been shared with the appropriate individuals and will be given the greatest review and consideration. , Jim Schaefer Assistant Director Office of Public Liaison •THE WAY TO GO‘ 22078 LAKESHORE BOULEVARD EUCLID. OHIO 44123 For domestic, U.S. or Canada, So. America, all of Europe — contact us! We can offer you all special trips advertised in the Greater Cleveland area. Donna l.ucas, owner ----------------- Patricia Spivak, Travel Consultant 261-1050 St. Vitus school announces meal policy St. Vitus School announces its 1991-1992 school policy and free and reduced-price meals for children unable to pay the full price meals served under the National School Lunch Program. Local school officials have adopted the following income eligibility scale for free and reduced-price meals. INCOME ELIGIBILITY SCALE FOR FREE OR REDUCED PRICE MEALS Effective for the 1991-1992 School Year Household Size: Income Eligibility Scale Income Eligibility for Free Meals Parents, Children and other Household Members A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Each Additional Household Member Children from households with income at or below the level shown may be eligible for free and reduced-priced meals. B Annually $8,606.00 11.544.00 14.482.00 17.420.00 20.358.00 23.296.00 26.234.00 29.172.00 + 2,938.00 Scale for Reduced-Priced Meals C 12.247.00 16.428.00 20.609.00 24.790.00 28.971.00 33.152.00 37.333.00 41.514.00 + 4,181.00 ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director DEMOCRAT TONY GIUNTA as Mayor of Euclid You’ve been told by Euclid’s Mayor that our real Mayor boasts about, WHY CANT HE LOWER estate taxes have been reduced twice. If in fact THE HOMEOWNERS REAL ESTATE TAXES Euclid has a $5 million dollar surplus, as the SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE IT TO THE BANK? How Much Did YOU Save?1 Vote For Tony Giunta on Nov. 5 GIUNTA For Mayor of Euclid • Democrat Paid for by Giunta for Mayor, Anthony Giunta, Jr., Treasurer, 18948 Renwood Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44119 Conclusions of Parliament of Slovenia The following is a faxed statement received on Thursday, Oct. 10 directly from the Parliament of Slovenia: The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, at a joint session of all three chambers on October 2, 1991, Concluded that the three month moratorium on further execution of processes covered by the Declaration on Independence of June 25, 1991 and aws accepted until June 25, 1991, which was covered oy the Joint Declaration accepted at Brioni on July 7, •991, and confirmed by the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia on July 10, 1991 and signed in Zagreb. With this, all obligations which the Republic of Slovenia accepted with the signing of the Joint Declaration as well as Annexes have not been fulfill-^o, above all, no agreement has been reached of luture links and cooperation between the republics of •he former SFRY and for peace on the territory of mis former country. Since the Republic of Slovenia is not responsible for the failure to meet these demands which, on its part, it has done everything it undertook with the signing of the Joint Declaration and the wo Annexes, the Parliament of the Republic of •ovenia finds that with the conclusion of the Hjoratorium for the Republic of Slovenia, all these °hligations actually cease. Without regard to this, the Republic of Slovenia ls still interested in an agreed solution and the settle-?ent °f all issues open after the dissociation of the public of Slovenia from the other parts of former RY, in an agreement in connection with reciprocal v3 'Ration5 and claims as well as in connection with e division of the former federal property, together with agreement on future forms of cooperation bet-gen sovereign states on the territory of the former f'RY and an agreed settlement of all issues in con-"ection with the inheritance of the former SFRY. In ^ompliance with this, Slovenia is not only prepared ? Co°perate but is also interested in further coopera-IOn at the conference in The Hague. , . The Republic of Slovenia has constantly expresses willingness to make agreements, to negotiate ..to find a peaceful solution of open issues on the ^rritory of former SFRY aimed at achieving instants for independence and sovereignty. The decision of the Republic of Slovenia on in-ePendence, based on the universal right of nations ° self-determination, and the plebiscite implemented n December 23, 1990, was followed by the ruthless SFi)tary intervent'on °f •he armed forces of the KY, which caused numerous deaths and much estruction. The Republic of Slovenia succeeded in e ending its independence and territorial integrity in th*s conflict. st ®ecfuse the Republic of Slovenia wants to be a tjate which respects the general principles of interna-°nal law and accepts the procedures which Europe , s established for safeguarding peace and Vve?J.0crat*c development, which guarantees the ofe are °f and a future to all citizens, the Parliament flict ’ ^epuk*'c Slovenia, in its desire that the con-10C ^ttled by peaceful means, accepted on July 1 the Brioni Joint Delcaration of the Republic the F6"13’ the RePub,ic of Croatia, the SFRY and tr> ,1bUropean Community and, through this, agreed •he moratorium. De . The Republic of Slovenia, throughout the entire Brj. of ihe moratorium, fulfilled the terms of the 0Urm Declaration in good faith. The authorities of SjonSt^.te cooperated with the monitoring mis-which t^le ^uroPean Community, the presence of trucp to a K.reat extent contirbuted to control of the Pie’s a"d "^h^rawal of the units of Yugoslav Peo-rnUsSf Army fr°m the Republic of Slovenia, which of th °” the basis of the resolution of the Presidency °Ur ^ ^RRY> made on July 18, 1991, withdraw from rf16 ^'thin a period of three months. SIqv ^Sp'te the willingness of the Republic of gres en,a for an agreed solution of open issues, ag-by IOn a8ainst the Republic of Slovenia continues Decl °n nid'tary means- 1° breech of the Brioni authnarra!ion> an economic war has been waged by the repui.,ltles and institutions of the SFRY and some SWenJ and/or their parts against the Republic of e*.* Republic of Slovenia has been practically ^stenv , l*rom the monetary and hard currency of S|o: the Property of companies from the Republic R°sniaVen'a 'n ^erb'a> Montenegro and parts of authoritand Hercegovina has been confiscated: the econo tbe SFRY are causing enormous ^*0veniaCv5arna8e to tbe econoniy °f the Republic of ^omniu • 8‘v'n8 disinformation to the European Passencn'ty regarding customs control of goods and Slovenjg.rs on the borders of the Republic of harmed K ^epubhc of Slovenia has been especial- y harrneH u puoilc ot blovema has been espe 'heasurec • tbe blockade of its airports and ^elgrade Jntr9duced by flights controlled Clines in tC,aus'n8 great damage to airports i__ •he tfaffic p e RePublic of Slovenia, a hindrance I mes of the Republic of Slovenia with tl am world and the obstruction of the normal flow of goods, capital and people. Because the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia finds that the Army, economic and other aggression against the Republic of Slovenia, the continuation of the war in Croatia as well as the absence of trust among the republics of former SFRY prevents the possibility of forming a community of sovereign states on the territory of former SFRY, the Republic of Slovenia will associate with other states only on the basis of internationally recognized independence and sovereignty and concrete interests.In compliance with these views, the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia accepts the following conclusions: 1. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia determines that the moratorium specified under the Joint Brioni Declaration runs out on October 7, and that in relation to the Republic of Slovenia, there are no reasons for its continuation. In compliance with this, on October 8, 1991, the implementation and execution continues of the: — Basic constitutional documents on the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia, — Constitutional law for the implementation of the basic constitutional document on the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia, — Declaration of Independence, — Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia, — Law on Foreigners, — Law on Passports of Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, — Law on the Control of State Borders, — Law on Changes and Supplements to the Law on Safety in Road Traffic, — Law on Foreign Affairs, — Law on Customs Servings, Law on Foreign Credit Transactions, — Law on Hard Currency Transactions, — Law on the Bank of Slovenia, — Law on Banks and Savings Banks, — Law on the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Insuring Deposits in Banks and Savings Banks, — Law on Restructuring, Bankruptcy and Liquidation of Banks and Savings Banks and —Law on Prices. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia requires the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia to prepare proposals for urgent changes and supplements to the above mentioned laws as soon as possible, regarding the terms for realizing individually regulated tasks in them. 2. The Pariament of the Republic of Slovenia finds that the mandates of the monitoring mission of the European community in the Republic of Slovenia expires on October 13, 1991. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia appreciates the presence and work of the monitors who supervised the truce between the defense forces of the Republic of Slovenia and the Yugoslav Army and considers that their work was committed and beneficial. 3. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia insists on the specified three month term for the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army from Slovenia concluded by the Presidency of the SFRY, which means that the last members of the Yugoslav Army must depart from the territory of the Republic of Slovenia by no later than October 18, 1991. Considering the actual circumstances, the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia finds that no foreign armed forces are necessary on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. 4. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia is of the opinion that the Republic of Slovenia should continue its constructive participation at the Hague Conference, in the status of an independent, sovereign and inheriting state, interested in peace on the territory of the former SFRY and for arranging all open issues of the legal inheritance of the former SFRY. 5. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia abrogates from all authorities and services of the former SFRY authorization for representing and presenting the interests of the Republic of Slovenia before other states and international organizations. The Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia should continue further discussions with the governments of states which may be prepared to undertake consular protection of the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia in third states. 6. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia requires the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia immediately to stop all outflows of resources from customs and any other taxes from the Republic of Slovenia to the budget of the former SFRY. Simultaneously, the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank of Slovenia should immediately accept measures for the establishment of the monetary sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia, begin procedures for the implementation of an independent currency unit in the Republic of Slovenia and submit the necessary drafts of laws for this. Until the Council of the Bank of Slovenia is constituted, the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia authorizes the governor of the Bank of Slovenia for all stated activities of the Bank. In compliance with this, the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia and all other relevant authorities must establish a border with the Republic of Croatia with a regime which will be on a par with the regime on the borders with Italy, Austria and Hungary. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia requires the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia to continue negotiations with the government of the Republic of Croatia to reach agreement on the establishment of such a regime on the border between the two states which will not hinder coexistence and will be based on the principle of open borders. The Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia should propose the necessary regulations and measures for creating and independent foreign trade regime and system. At the same time, the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia should offer to those states which are the most important economic partners of the Republic of Slovenia appropriate, at least temporary, agreements, which will allow the Republic of Slovenia the most undisturbed possible economic cooperation, mutual payment transactions and trade links with these states. 7. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia requires the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia to achieve through an agreement on the execution of flight control in the air space of the European Community, the restoration of air traffic in the air space of the Republic of Slovenia and the opening of airports in the Republic of Slovenia. 8. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia finds that, in respect to the changed circumstances, there are no further reasons of need for continuing the cooperation of the representatives of the Republic of Slovenia in the work of the federal authorities of the SFRY and the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia in diplomatic-consular representative offices of the SFRY. 9. The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia demands from all bodies of authority in the Republic of Slovenia and from all individuals holding public office, who participate in foreign affairs in the name of the Republic of Slovenia, to coordinate their activities, views and contracts with agencies and authorities of other states regularly, within the framework of the International Relations Commission of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia. Similarly, the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia requires such coordination and cooperation from all bodies and public officials who form or implement economic policies, create the economic systems of the Republic of Slovenia, cooperate in negotiations on economic relations with foreign countries and on the division of property as well as the arrangement of other matters with other parts and with the authorities of former SFRY. All these activities must be coordinated in the framework of the Executive Council of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, which must report regularly on this to the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia. President Dr. France Bučar AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 24, 1991 8 ‘Domovina’ used by Barberton Slovenian to trace Slovene history Barberton, OH — Members of Barberton’s Slovenian community met Monday to rally in support of independence for their relatives and friends in Europe. “It’s too bad some of us aren’t young enough to be over there and help,” retiree Vincent Lauter told about two dozen members of the Barberton Slovene Heritage Group at the West Theatre. Members of the group are writing letters to congressional representatives urging them to recognize the recent Declaration of Independence of Slovenia. They are joining with a larger Cleveland effort to collect funds for those struggling to free themselves from Yugoslavian Communist rule. Lauter who came to the United States from Slovenia as a young child, founded the local ethnic group in 1976 — on the 200th annviersary of America’s independence. He said there are 600 Slovenian families in Barberton, more than in any other Summit County community. Lauter shared copies of Cleveland’s Slovenian newspaper. Ameriška Domovina, with others at the meeting. The papers traced the history of the Slovene people and their domination by the Bavarians, the Hungarians and the Italians. “After 1,300 years I think this is an opportunity which will work out,” he said, comparing the current independence drive to Bunker Hill and the Alamo. Member Martin Kumse said donations will be used for medical supplies and other needs to support the independence effort. Kumse told group members that he is concerned that the civil war has been portrayed as being between Slovenes and Serbians. The Slovenes aren’t battling the Serbian people, he said; it just happens that most officers of the Communist-controlled Yugoslav army are Serbs. “It is the Communist element” the Slovenians are rebelling against, he said. Red Cross Honors 2 For Saving Lives The Greater Cleveland chapter of the American Red Cross on Sunday, October 13 awarded certificates of merit to two men who saved others by using first aid/cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques. At the annual awards event held at Red Cross headquarters on Euclid Avenue, Robert J. Lewis Jr., an employee at NASA Lewis Research Center, received the Red Cross’ highest award for saving a woman earlier this year when he saw the woman choking on cake. Lewis gave the woman four quick back blows, but the object was not dislodged. He then performed the Heimlich maneuver on the woman, and she was able to breathe again. A certificate of merit also was given to James F. Majer, an administrator in the Cleveland Department of Public Safety. In April, Majer visited City Hall’s basement cafeteria for his usual morning coffee and saw a man, 62, slump in a chair and stop breathing because of a heart attack. Majer rushed to the man, placed him on the floor and opened his airway and administered CPR. He continued mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and CPR until the man’s pulse had been restored. The man was taken to a hospital and recovered. Majer is a son of Stan and Marian Majer of Richmond Heights, formerly operators of Stan’s Shore Store on St. Clair Avenue at E. 61 St. in Cleveland. ELECT Joe Zone A FAMILY TRADITION OF SERVICE TO CLEVELAND JOS E P H J. FOR JUDGE CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL COUKT • Partner, Pellegrin & Zone, Attorneys at Law • Ten years civil and criminal trial experience • St, Ignatius Elementary School, St. Edward High School, Kent State University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law • Ward 19 resident • Founding member, Cleveland Rovers Rugby Club • Member: Cleveland Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association, Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys, Justinian Forum • Married to Joan Pellegrin, his law partner of 10 years. ENDORSED BY • Ohio Attorney General Lee Fisher • International Association of Firefighters, Local 93 (Greater Cleveland Firefighters) • Fraternal Order of Police • Communication Workers of America • Cuyahoga Women's Political Caucus • Cosmopolitan League • County Commissioner Tim Hagan • United Auto Workers • State Representative Madeline Cain • Councilman Dan Brady • Councilman David McGuirk • Councilman Pat O’Malley • Councilwoman Fannie Lewis • The Citizens League of Greater Cleveland • State Senator Eric Fingerhut • German American Federation of Greater Cleveland • AFL-CIO • Cleveland Bar Association Paid for by the Joe Zone for Judge Committee, Kathleen M. Gilday. Campaign Manager, 3932 West 162nd Street. Cleveland. Ohio 44111. Filming Begins for Slomšek Documentary Cameras have been rolling in Slovenia for a documentary film about Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek. It will be a 40-minute production in color. The scenario was written by Alojz Rebula, the well-known writer and literary man of Trst (Trieste). Other members of the production team, all established cultural workers, include: diector Jože Pogačnik, coordinator Vladimir Pogačnik, and producer Ljubo Struna. In addition to various sponsors of the film, the Ministry of Culture in Slovenia is also backing it. Viba Films, Slovenia’s foremost film center even though at present in liquidation, will supply the needed technology and equipment. The documentary will also be available on videocassette. Plans call for release early in 1992. The film itself will be concerned with the main events of Slomšek’s life. Included will be the places where he toiled and matters related to him. He was very active during the second half of the 19th century. For instance, he was very influential in promoting literacy among the Slovenian peasants. It was estimated that at the turn of the century almost 95% of the Slovenes could read and write. This was a remarkable achievement of world significance for such a tiny agricultural nation. Slomšek founded the Society of Hermagoras (Mohorjeva družba). The society survived two world wars and the Communist revolution of 1945. At present there are three bran-cnes of the society: Celje (in Slovenia), Gorica (in Italy), and Celovec (in Austria). Slomšek is especially remembered for arousing the Slovenian people to consciousness as a nation. At that time it was a part of the Austrian empire. He likewise moved the bishopric to Maribor. Not only was he a prince of the Church, but he was a poet, composer, educator, and organizer, and was well-beloved by all of his compatriots. In recent years his cause for sainthood has been in progress. Slomšek in Slovenia and Bishop Frederic Baraga — missionary of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, first bishop of Marquette in America, also a candidate for sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church — would become the first Slovenian saints. In Cleveland there is a very active group for the cause of Bishop Slomšek known as the Slomšek Circle. These members look forward with joy at the release of the documentary film and videocassette about Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek. Two of the more active members of the circle are John Petrič and Frank Urankar. Joseph Zelle Thanks Mr. and Mrs. John Brodnick of Willoughby, Ohio and North Port, Florida donated $40.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Thank you for your generous donation. Food for Thought The greatest sin — Fear The best day — Today The biggest fool — The person who will not go to school The most agreeable companion — One who would not have you any different from what you are The best town — Where you succeed The great bore — One who will not come to the point The greatest deceiver — One who deceives himself The greatest invention of the devil — War The greatest secret of production — Saving waste The best work — What you like The best play — Work The greatest comfort — The knowledge that you have done your work well The greatest mistake — Giving up The most expensive indulgence — Hate The cheapest, stupidest and easiest thing to do — Finding fault The greatest troublemaker — One who talks too much The greatest stumbling block — egotism The most ridiculous asset — RECIPE n PEACH TAPIOCA 1/2 cup sugar |j 3 tablespoons quick-cooking | tapioca 4 large peaches (about 1-1/2 pounds) | 1/2 teaspoon almond extract | About 2-1/2 hours before | serving or early in day. 1. In 2-quart saucepan,! combine sugar, tapioca, and 1-3/4 cups water; let mixture ^ stand 5 minutes to soften | tapioca slightly. | 2. Peel peaches. In small j bowl or pie plate, with potato j masher or fork, mash 3 peaches. Dice remaining j peach; set aside. 3. Into tapioca in saucepan, j stir mashed peaches with then | juice. Cook mixture over | medium heat, stirring occa- I sionally, until mixture comes to a full boil. 4. Remove saucepan from |, heat. Stir in almond extract | j and diced peach. Spoon pud' | ding into six 6-ounce custard | ^ cups; cover and refrigerate un- : til well chilled. Makes 6 serv- I ings. ^Jj Donations Pride The worst bankrupt The soul that has lost its enthusiasm The cleverest man — One who always does what he thinks is right —Vera Šebenik Frances Godec, Cleveland " $5.00 Josie Leufkens, Mentor, 0-— $10.00 Mario Stare, Stockton, Calif-— $25.00 Theresa Teskac, Cleveland-' $5.00 nrjanc Established 1963 SALES - SERVICE INSTALLATION FURNACES AIR CONDITIONERS BOILERS HUMIDIFIERS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL REFRIGERATION *• * * * * * * * * * 4- i (216)692-2557 *• J Whenever you have a problem with 4- refrigeration, air-conditioning, furnace, or * want installation, call on well-known, trusted, J and reliable American Slovenians from Gorjanc. 760 E. 200TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 Elect KEVIN FARRELL Councilman Ward 3, Euclid M StW Endorsed by: » I ■ * Mayor David Lynch * • Current Ward 3 Councilman, Jayne HeraK • Euclid Firefighters - Local 337 • The News Herald “As a resident of Ward 3, like yourself,1 am interested in who will represent us in council in the upcoming years; Kevin Farrell demonstrates the leadership and ability to be that person. Please join me in voting for Kevin Farrell on November 5th.” — Mayor David Lynch Paid for by Citizens for Farrell - Michael Sustar. Chairman, 2111 Apple Drive. Euclid-Ohio FOR v- Freedom AND Justice ji Ameriška Domovina Mi Ti i a» AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, October 24, 1991 Vesti iz Slovenije Iz Clevelanda in okolice / Obrambni minister Jugoslavije zahteval takojšnjo mobilizacijo — JA pripravljena zlomiti hrvaški odpor z vsemi sredstvi Pretekli torek je jugoslovanski obrambni minister gen. Veljko Kadijevič govoril na seji bistveno okrnjenega predsedstva SFRJ *n zahteval takojšnjo mobilizacijo »v vseh krajih države, ki še želijo ostati znotraj Jugoslavije«. Seje predsedstva so se udeležili le Predstavniki Srbije in njenih podrejenih pokrajin Vojvodine in Kosove ter republike Črne gore. Gre torej za srbsko klapo, kajti v predsedstvu niso več prisotni predstavniki Slovenije, Hrvaške, Makedonije ter Bosne in Hercegovine. V svojem nastopu je gen. Kadijevič izrecno dal vedeti, da v to »jugoslovansko« yojsko naj ne bodo zastopani Slovenci in Hrvati. Kadijevič je tudi grozil, da je JA pripravljena uporabljati vsa potrebna sredstva zoper Hrvaško. V zadnjem tednu ni prišlo do obsežnih spopadov, pač pa so boji še ved-no srditi v okolici od srbskih vstajnikov in JA obkoljenega Vukovara ter Dubrovnika. Y Vukovaru je okrog 15.000 ljudi, ki so že več kot mesec dni skoro odtrgani od sveta, brez elektrike in z vedno manjšimi količina-hrane in vode. V Dubrovniku je pa 60.000 ljudi, ki so zadnjih 25 dni brez elektrike in toPle vode. V zadnjih dni je bilo iz Dubrov-uika evakuiranih 800 civilistov. Enote zvezne v°jske oz. JA so pa zapustile hrvaško obalno ^esto Zadar, vendar so še vedno blokirane vse ceste, ki vodijo iz Zadra v notranjost Hrvaške. Te dni umik dodatnih 1100 vojakov JA •z Slovenije — Rok podaljšan za teden dni Čeprav je pretekli petek potekel rok za odhod zadnjega vojaka JA, ki je še ostal na ozemlju republike Slovenije, do tega umika n> Prišlo, predvsem, izgleda, iz tehničnih vzrokov. Zato je bil rok podaljšan še za en teen. Po razpoložljivih vesteh, je v zadnjih neh zapustilo Slovenijo okrog 1100 voja-0V JA. Tako naj bi jih še bilo v Sloveniji u^anj kot dva tisoč. Slovenija ustanovila svoj olimpijski odbor Pretekli teden je na slovesnosti v Can-arjevem domu v Ljubljani prišlo do ustano-Vltve slovenskega olimpijskega odbora. Kot Neodvisna država bo Slovenija oziroma njeni P°rtniki skušali nastopiti na prihajajočih olimpijskih igrah — ti bodo že prihodnje leto — pod lastno, slovensko zastavo. Predsednik iniciativnega odbora za ustanovitev Olimpijskega komiteja Slovenije je najboljši slovenski športnik vseh časov, telovadec Miro Cerar, ki je na slovesnosti dejal: »Zame, prepričan pa sem, da tudi za vse vas in slovensko javnost nasploh, je danes velik dan.« Slovensko olimpijsko listino je prebrala najboljša slovenska športnica vseh časov, olimpijka iz vrst alpskega smučanja, Mateja Svet, v imenu vseh slovenskih športnikov pa sta jo podpisala prvi slovenski dobitnik zlate olimpijske kolajne, starosta slovenskih športnikov, telovadec Leon Štrukelj in njegov nič manj uspešen naslednik Miro Cerar. Cyrus Vance, bivši ameriški državni sekretar in sedaj posebni odposlanec Združenih narodov obiskal Ljubljano Pretekli teden se je mudil na obisku v Ljubljani Cyrus Vance, izkušen ameriški diplomat in nekdanji državni sekretar, pred nedavnim pa je bil imenovan za posebnega odposlanca generalnega sekretarja Združenih narodov, njegova misija je pa v funkciji čim uspešnejšega dela haaške konference o Jugoslaviji, ki sedaj poteka, čeprav brez posebnega napredka. V Ljubljani se je VancC sestal z domala celotnim slovenskim političnim vrhom. Predsednik Slovenije Milan Kučan je novinarjem po pogovoru z Vanceom rekel, da je bil njegov sobesednik očitno dobro informiran in da zaradi dolgotrajnega procesa razvozlavanja jugoslovanske krize bo Vance gotovo Slovenijo še večkrat obiskal. Predsednik vlade Lojze Peterle je po poročilu v Delu govoril z Vanceom predvsem o gospodarskih ukrepih, ki jih je podvzela Slovenijo pri uresničevanju svoje neodvisnosti. Vanceu je pojasnil zamenjavo denarja in monetarno reformo. Dr. Janez Drnovšek je pa novinarjem rekel, da je Vancea opozoril o tem, da se je Slovenija nedvoumno odločila za samostojnost in da naj zato tega vprašanja ne načenjajo več. Drnovšek je Vanceu povedal, da je Slovenija pripravljena sodelovati v predlaganem koordinacijskem telesu, v katerem naj bi razreševali vsa sporna vprašanja v Jugoslaviji, a to pod slovenskim pogojem, da bo vnaprej jasno izražena pripravljenost za njeno priznanje. STRATEGIJA LAHKO PRIDEMO t>0 7 HAAGA'. Štajersko martinovanje— To soboto ima Štajerski klub svoje martinovanje v SND. Kličite 731-5826 ali 531-4346 za informacijo glede nakaznic. Veselim Štajercem in Prekmurcem želimo lep večer! Občni zbor— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima občni zbor v sredo, 30. okt., ob 1.30 na SP. Članstvo vabljeno. Dopis na str. 2. Krofi in pecivo— Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo imelo prodajo krofov in peciva to soboto v šolski dvorani. Radiothon— Na radio postaji Clevelandske državne univerze WCSB 89.3 FM je na sporedu ob nedeljah od 9h do lOh dopoldne in ob sredah od 6h do 7h zvečer oddaja Pesmi in melodije iz lepe Slovenije, ki jo vodi s sinom Mitjem, Milan Pavlovčič. Na tej postaji se bo vršil od nedelje, 27. oktobra, do sobote, 2. novembra, vsakoletni Radiothon. Med slovensko oddajo to nedeljo in potem v sredo pokličite tel. štev. 687-6900 in ponudite svoj prispevek (pledge). Čeke potem naslavljajte na: CSU - Development Fund (WCSB) in jih pošljite na naslov: Cleveland State University Rhodes Tower - Room 956 Cleveland, OH 44115 Molitve— Molitve za mrtve bodo v nedeljo, 3. novembra, na Slovenski pristavi. Ob dvanajstih se bodo servirale klobase, ob dveh popoldne bodo pa molitve. Tudi je daroval— Oglasil s** je g. Frank Žnidaršič iz La Crosse, Wis., ki sporoča, da je daroval $50 v pomoč Sloveniji pri nabirki Slovensko ameriškega sveta, njegovo ime pa še ni bilo objavljeno. Ker bodo vsa imena objavljena v Amerikanskem Slovencu, baje tudi nekatera, ki nam niso bila poslana v objavo, zaključujemo zadevo pri našem listu z izjemo, če smo res spregledali ime darovalca v enem od nam poslanih seznamov. »Fantje na vasi«— Pevski zbor Fantje na vasi in ansambel Alpski sekstet bosta gostovali na slovenski prireditvi v Indianapolisu prihodnji mesec. Potovali bodo z avtobusom in vabijo zraven rojake, ki bi si radi ogledali to mesto in spoznali majhno, vendar zelo aktivno slovensko skupnost v Indianapolisu. Za vso potrebno informacijo, kličite 352-7455. Obisk Indianapolisa bo 23. in 24. novembra, število sedežev je seveda omejeno. »Slovenski večer«— Letošnji »Slovenski večer«, ki ga sponzorira Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, bodo 3. novembra, glavni govornik bo dr. Janez Dular. Več v dopisu na str. 2. Belokranjsko martinovanje— Belokranjski klub vabi na svoje martinovanje 9. novembra v SND na St. Clairju. Za več informacije in rezervacijo vstopnic, kličite go. Rupnikovo na 289-0843 ali g. Hutarja na 481-3308. Nova rubrika— Naš dolgoletni naročnik MJ nam je obljubil redno novo rubriko o matematiki oziroma matematičnih zanimivostih in problemih. Gl. str. 6. Taroški turnir— Že sedaj sporočamo, da bo prihodnji taroški turnir v soboto, 30. novembra, v šolski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Na redni letni čas!— Ne pozabite, da preidemo to soboto zvečer na nedeljo na redni letni čas. Predno greste v soboto zvečer spat, pomaknite vse ure za eno uro nazaj, sicer boste v nedeljo marsikaj zamudili! Jesenski koncert Jadrana— Pevski zbor Jadran vabi na svoj jesenski koncert, ki bo 9. novembra zvečer v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Vstopnice za večerjo, koncert in ples so po $14 in jih imajo člani. Novi grobovi Anna Karlinger Dne 20. oktobra je v Meri-dia Euclid bolnišnici umrla 82 let stara Anna Karlinger, živeča v Euclidu 41 let, rojena Zupančič v Clevelandu, vdova po 1. 1978 umrlem možu Josephu, mati Richarda (Kalif.), 2-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, sestra Rose Fox, Hermine in Freda (vsi že pok.), svakinja Edith Zupančič, sestrična Therese Clements in Johna Dolšaka, članica ADZ št. 27, SNPJ št. 614, Maccabees, Katoliških hčerk Amerike in Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Ave. Pogreb bo danes, 24. oktobra, iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. v cerkev sv. Viljema dop. ob 9.30 in nato na Vernih duš pokopališče. John Urbančič Dne 19. oktobra je na svojem domu na Carl Ave., kjer je živel zadnjih 8 let, preje pa na E. 67 St. 39 let, umrl 74 let stari John “Berger” Urbančič, brat Mary Urbančič, bratranec Frances Poremba, Eleanor Zrinsek, Franka Zrimseka in Patricie Varge, tiskar po poklicu, zaposlen pri Judson Printing 10 let, upokojil se je pred 12 leti. Pogreb je bil 22. (dalje na str. 6) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday 83 No. 43 Thursday, October 24, 1991 Slovenija more imeti lastno ustavo Težko je verjeti, a res je. Minilo je že poldrugo leto od aprila lani, ko so bile v Sloveniji prve povojne svobodne volitve in je zmagala demokratična Demosova koalicija. Ali, drugače rečeno, padla je komunistična oblast. Iz demosovih strank je nastala nova slovenska vlada, pod vodstvom Lojzeta Peterleta. V teh osemnajstih mesecih je Slovenija imela druge volitve, te sicer v obliki referenduma o samostojnosti oziroma neodvisnosti. Na podlagi referenduma je Slovenija proglasila svojo popolno neodvisnost 25. junija letos. Mednarodno priznanje neodvisne Slovenije je le vprašanje časa. Kar je za zunanjega opazovalca težje verjeti, je to, da današnja Slovenija nima lastne ustave. Še vedno je v veljavi ustava, ki jo je bila demokratična Slovenija podedovala od propadlega komunističnega režima. Že ob Peterletovem prvem obisku v ZDA julija lani, sta on in zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel, ki ga je spremljal, obširneje govorila o oblikah nove ustave oziroma o novem parlamentarnem ustroju. Izšel je osnutek nove slovenske ustave. Splošno je bilo pričakovanje, da bo Slovenija že pred koncem prejšnjega leta ali vsaj v prvih mesecih 1991 dobila novo ustavo. Pa je še nima. Ob njegovem obisku v ZDA novembra lani je bil dr. France Bučar, predsednik parlamenta, dejal, da zaradi drugih perečih problemov je zadeva nove ušT&ve začasno drugotnega pomena. Tisti, ki sledijo bolj ali manj tekoče dogajanjem v Sloveniji, vedo, kakšne so težave, ki spremljajo razpravo o novi ustavi. Te težave morajo pa biti premagane. Nezaslišno je, da išče Republika Slovenija mednarodno priznanje, ko doma nima in tudi očitno ni zmožna pripraviti in odobriti najbolj osnovnega državotvornega, družbenotvornega dokumenta — ustave. Do ustave mora Slovenija čimhitreje priti po isti poti, ki jo je uporabila za proglasitev svoje neodvisnosti: na podlagi demokratično izvoljenega parlamenta — ki ga že ima — in nato na referendumu ali enako veljavnem načinu doseženega soglasja slovenskega naroda. Ko bo nova ustava v veljavi, bodo potrebne nove volitve. Do teh mora priti tudi v slučaju, da Slovenija še ne bo imela mednarodnega priznanja. Šele s temi volitvami oziroma njih izidom bo imela Slovenija resnično post-komunistično ureditev. Z današnjo vlado in ureditvijo je šele v prehodnem obdobju. Volivci bodo na prihodnjih volitvah upoštevali in ocenili dosedanje delovanje posameznih politikov in njih strank. Dvoma tudi ne more biti, da bo Dr. Janez Dular, dr. Ernest Petrič gosta na »Slovenskem večeru« CLEVELAND, O. - Na letošnjem »Slovenskem večeru«, ki bo pod sponzorstvom Slovensko ameriškega kulturnega sveta (Slovenian American Heritage Foundation) v nedeljo, 3. novembra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju, bo glavni govornik dr. Janez Dular, minister za Slovence po svetu v vladi Lojzeta Peterleta. Z dr. Dularjem, ki bo tako na njegovem prvem obisku Združenih držav, bo tudi dr. Ernest Petrič, predstavnik Republike Slovenije v ZDA, ki ima svoj urad v Washingtonu, D.C. Dr. Dular in dr. Petrič bosta v Clevelandu nekaj dni, nato bosta obiskala dva dni Chicago in okolico ter potem še New York. Potovalne in bivalne stroške obeh vsaj v Clevelandu krije »Foundation«, ki se preko njenega predsednika dr. Karla Bonuttija tudi trudi, da bi imela dr. Dular in dr. Petrič možnost čim več srečanj z različnimi slovenskimi skupinami med nami, kar je posnemanja vredna poteza. »Slovenski večer« Vstopnice za »Slovenski večer« so po $18 na osebo, ali $35 za par. Mize s osmimi ali desetimi mesti so tudi na razpolago. Za rezervacijo vstopnic, pokličite Joyce Ann Hribar (261-0200) ali Ann Opeka (531-7850). Koktajlska ura se bo pričela 3. novembra v SND ob 4. pop., večerja bo deljena ob 5., nato bo sledil program. Na kulturnem delu programa bodo sodelovali Fantje na vasi in Slovenski mladinski zbor kr. 2 SNPJ. Med častnimi gosti bo škof A. Edward Pevec, program bo povezoval Edmund J. Turk, navzoč bo župan Michael White, ki bo pozdravil dr. Dularja in dr. Petriča v naši clevelandski sredi. Dr. Janez Dular Dr. Janez Dular je bil rojen 29. septembra 1943 v Vavti vasi pri Novem mestu. Šolo je obiskoval v Vavti vasi, Novem mestu in Ljubljani. Diplomiral je iz slovenščine in srbohrva- ščine, njegov magisterij je iz slovenske stilistike, doktorat pa iz slovenske sintakse. Predaval je kot asistent in nato docent na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani in je njegova sedanja stopnja izredni profesor. V študentovskih letih in pozneje je bil dr. Dular član in dvakrat predsednik Akademskega pevskega zbora ljubljanske Univerze. Dolga leta je sodeloval pri reviji »2000« (glasilu laičnih krščanskih izobražencev). Objavljal je strokovne in znanstvene prispevke v Slavistični reviji, Jeziku in slovstvu, zbornikih Seminarja slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture in drugih publikacijah ter delal kot lektor pri dnevniku Delo. Raziskoval je tudi jezikovni položaj manjšin v Porabju, Prekmurju in v Kanalski dolini (sociolingvistika) in bil član jezikovnega razsodišča. Dr. Dular je poročen in je tudi njegova žena profesorica na Filozofski fakulteti, kjer predava slavistiko. Dularjeva imata dva sinova, stara 16 in 11 let. Formalno ni član nobene stranke, vendar je znano, da mu je blizu predsednik vlade Peterle. Dr. Ernest Petrič Dr. Ernest Petrič, ki je v začetku oktobra prevzel dolžnosti predstavnika Republike Slovenije v ZDA, je bil rojen v Tržiču 1936. leta. Doktoriral je na ljubljanski Univerzi iz mednarodnega prava in je študiral tudi na univerzah v Avstriji in na Švedskem. Poleg tekoče angleščine, govori dr. Petrič še materino slovenščino, nemščino, italijanščino in ruščino. V svoji akademski karieri je imel dr. Petrič več visokih funkcij, med njimi je bil redni profesor in dekan fakultete za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo ljubljanske Univerze, bil je tudi profesor mednarodnega prava na univerzi Addis Abebe v Etiopiji. Objavil je knjige in številne članke na področju mednarodnega prava, mednarodnih odnosih ter sodeloval na številnih konferencah, tako v Sloveniji >n bivši Jugoslaviji kakor v tuji-ni. Komaj 31 leten, je dr. Petrič postal minister za znanost in tehnologijo leta 1967 v liberal- ^ no reformni vladi Staneta Kavčiča ter služil do odstavitve 1. 1972. Tista leta je tudi služil kot član predsedstva republike Slovenije. Po zlomu Kavčičeve vlade se je dr. Petrič posvetil akademskemu življenju, leta 1989 pa je bil imenovan za ju-goslovanskega veleposlanika v ; Indiji, kjer je služil do njegovega odstopa septembra letos. Dr. Petrič je poročen in im* tri otroke. Že par dni po prihodu v Washington pred tedni, se je dr. i Petrič srečal s predsedniki treh največjhi slovenskih ameriških | bratskih zvez, sprejel je že tudi predstavnike nekdanje politič- | ne emigracije, svoj krog slovensko ameriških znancev bo pa močno razširil ob obiskih v Clevelandu, Chicagu in Nw Yorku. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel Zahvala in vabilo WICKLIFFE, O. - Kakor ste gotovo že slišali, so »Koline(< upokojencev Slovenske pristave odlično uspele. Odkar nas klub obstoja, in če je moj spo; min v redu, še nismo im6*1 tako lepega obiska na naši je' senski prireditvi. Seveda, tud’ Bog nam je bilo zelo nakl°' njen, dal nam je prelepi sonču' dan, za kar se mu moralP^ zahvaliti. Zahvaliti se moramo tud' dr. Milanu in Mitji Pavlovč'" ču in Ameriški domovini, ki s° nam tako lepo oglašali in °*5' javljali vabila na prireditev- Prisrčna zahvala vsem, ki s° koline pripravili. Pečenice, vavice in riževe klobase so bu narejene pod spretnim v°d’ stvom Vinkota Vrhovnika z njegovimi sodelavci. Hya* vsem, ki so delale v kuhinji.1 vsem ženam, ki so prinesle ja bolčne zavitke in domače peCl' vo. Ko ne bi imeli toliko po#1 vovalnih ljudi, bi naš klub 1,6 mogel imeti tako lepega uspe ^a- Seveda se pa moramo za*1 valiti tudi vsem, ki ste prišli h® naše »koline«, saj brez vas bilo vse delo brez smisla. Pf®V | vsem še enkrat prisrčna hva in »Bog plačaj«! Vsi člani Kluba upokoji cev SP ste vabljeni, da se ud* ležite občnega zbora kluba, bo na Pristavi. V sredo, ’ ’ oktobra, bomo ob 1. pop- set virali lahko kosilo, ki je br*^ plačno za vse člane. Ob 1-30 J bo pričel občni zbor in to vsakem vremenu. J Vsi člani, ki so za to fiztf^ ; zmožni, so lepo naprošeni, . pridejo že preje. Pomagali h bi očistiti SP in pograbiti b* je. Kdorkoli le more je dobf^ došel. Prinesite s seboj f5ra | Ije, če jih imate. Vsem članom lep pozdrav na svidenje na Slovenski P stavi prihodnjo sredo, 30- 0 volivna kampanja bistveno demokratičnejša, kot je bila lanska. Kljub vsem težavam, s katerimi se soočujejo v Sloveniji glede mednarodnega priznavanja neodvisnosti, kakor tudi glede priprave in odobritve nove ustave, upravičeno lahko pričakujemo, da bo uspeh dosežen tako z enim kot z drugim. Ni več misliti namreč, da bo Slovenija kdaj v bodoče prisiljena živeti pod tujim jarmom. Prav tako ni več misliti, da bo slovenski narod kdaj pripravljen živeti pod diktatorskim režimom domačega izvora. Naj torej ne bomo črnogledi glede končne usode Slovenije. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel Tone Osovnik New York, N.Y. Posebnosti pri župniji sv. Cirila Dozdeva se mi, ko redno pi-^em kroniko slovenskega sv. Cirila na Osmi v New Yorku, jja postaja dolgočasna in enojna. v stvarnosti je pa tako, da je kroničar — prav vsak — ujet v življenje samo, katerega 23 Poznejši čas zapisuje v seda-nKm trenutku. Tega se močno ^vedam, ko izpolnjujem dolgost, ki sem jo pred parimi desetletji sam sebi naložil. Jorej moja kronika le po-^ei> da smo se kot svetocirilska drna skupnost nekako posta-r 1> Čeprav sem in tja vidimo m®d nami še precej mladih ° razov, in da imamo celo far-n° ^ovensko šolo, katero bi Jaz raje poimenoval »dvorno mesečno slovensko uro«. Da ne bi bilo deveh »prosvetnih dr« na leto, bi bilo naše farno ,^vjenje še bolj enolično, kot Takšna bi bila pač tudi moja ^rno-srenjska kronika. To je sm Je^sko dejstvo namreč, da rod* SC Postaral‘- Nnš starejši nam je odmrl oziroma neniogei, mladega pa je tre-po^n® Premalo, da bi to vrzel sta^n-6^* roc* n‘ ‘z me' • “il je pač konservativen. S bij, n°^em reči, da je bil repu-Do k01 nas Je označil ^ročevalec za »Naš tednik« let en'Cratnem srečanju na po-ni maši na Babnik-Gromovi reir)651' To je bi! rod — h kate-ki • ° .Se Prištevam tudi sam — ji6 lmel nedeljo za nedeljo, Se ' id je bil posvečen predv-božjemu ukazu: spolnuj dspodov dan. Tako seje nje-Sta n’ držalo na Slovenskem. ^ ejši rocj( kj je prišel sem na .^ko, je ta način življe-v v xr'nesel s seboj. Zato se je lni oklenil tudi sv. Cirila na Osmi. Nedelje, ko je ta rod še živel, so bile zares nedelje, Gospodovi dnevi. Vendar časi se spreminjajo in z njimi tudi mi, kot so ugotovili že stari, modri Rimljani. Zato se spreminja tudi način našega življenja in to kljub temu, da tako pogosto deklariramo o pomembnosti verskih in narodnih izročil. Držati se teh izročil na tujem in v tehnološkem času, ki ti predvsem ponujata koristnost in užitek življenja, ni lahko. Kljubovanje temu valu kaže na neko krepost, katero danes lahko nekateri smatrajo za konservativnost. Ob nedeljah zato pogrešam pri Sv. Cirilu najnovejše prišleke v ZDA, ki se imajo za progresivne demokrate. Le narodni konservativci smo tisti, ki držimo našo faro pri sloven-, skem življenju. Narodna zavest nas vsako nedeljo požene k njemu. In Bog daj, da bi imela ta fara še dolgo let nekaj takih konservativcev. Le narodna zavest, ne pa politična, je temu zagotovilo. Že omenjeni članek v »Našem tedniku« mi je narekoval drugačnost današnjega kroni-škega zapisa. Drugačnost mi ukazujeta še dva dogodka, ki sta se dogodila v času od mojega zadnjega dopisa. Dve poroki smo imeli v teh zadnjih tednih. Prva je bila na tretjo septembrsko soboto, druga pa na drugo oktobrsko nedeljo. Prva srečanje dveh zadnjih novo-prišlekov, druga zlata poroka dveh iz starejšega slovenskega rodu. Med nami — kar v farovžu je stanoval — je že par let prikupni mlad Marko Gosar. Po MEMENTO MORI ^°lgost življenja našega je kratka. R^j znancev je zasula že lopata! Odprta noč in dan so groba vrata; ar dneva ne pove nobena prat 'ka. ed smrtjo ne obvdrje koža gladka, °d nje nas ne odkup jo kupi zlata, ne odpadi od nas življenja tata veselja hrup, ne pevcev pesem sladka. Qj zmisli, kdor slepoto ljubi sveta in od veselja do veselja leta, ? da smrtna žetev vsak dan bolj dozčri. abiti, da kdor zdaj vesel prepeva, v mrtvaškem prtu nam pred koncem dneva močno trobental bo: “Memento Mori". France Prešeren Viktorju Derlingu Ob šesti obletnici Prerane smrti 29. oktobra 1985. ^v°ja družina in sorodstvo v Evropi Ma<*>h-k° ®osne’ š°*a *n obve2113 'tka« ob vsakem cestnem rižišču na štirikilometrski °ti domov. In seveda delo na 0 ju, sušenje sena in otave in ^bljenje listja za steljo v po-1 jeseni in krmežljave goz-.ne tiiši, katerim sem prekinil 2lmski počitek. K-olucija je prinesla smrt ^sedov in znancev, požig hiš s .ne gre mi iz ušes tuljenje so-k h°J-e8a psa’ k* je priklenjen ’42* * ^*V z8°rel. V septembru s° bili skoro vsi moški od- jan na °če pa v itali-Sta? -1 ZaP°r in pred sodišče. Se ni strah seveda; poleti ’42 Se vprašal, če bo spet kdaj tako, da se ne bo treba bati, in si odgovoril, da to pač ni mogoče. Naš konec je bil v letih ’42 in ’43 dom Dolomitskega odreda; ob prebiranju Kocbekovih in Fajfarjevih spominov pozneje sem obujal svoje. • Kaj bi povedali o svojih starših? O Vašem očetu sem slišala, da je bil vidnejša osebnost v slovenski emigraciji. Vašo mamo pa sem celo osebno spoznala, ko sva bila z možem 1. 1979 v Torontu. Očarala me je odprtost tistega doma, polnega smeha in mladih ljudi. Gospa je morala biti res veliko srce, tako samoumevno obkrožena z otroki in vnuki. Ali je bila kot mati stroga? — Bili ste številna družina, vendar vem samo za Vašega brata, odvetnika v Torontu, a še to iz reklame v reviji Božja beseda. Kam ste se razkropili? Oče, mama, kaj naj povem o njih? Karkoli rečem, bo zame premalo, za koga drugega pa morda preveč. Naj omenim veliki božji blagoslov, da je ostala družina v begunskih letih nerazdeljena. Oče in mama sta v maju ’45 bežala s svojima dvema hčerkama in petimi sinovi na Koroško. Skupaj smo bili v Vetrinju, Lienzu in Spi-ttalu; tudi v Kanado smo šli skupaj. Tu se nismo razkropili: z izjemo sestre, ki živi v Ottawi, smo vsi v Torontu. Mama je bila manj stroga od očeta, toda pregovoriti jo je bilo teže. Njeno življenje je bila družina: ko se je leta ’71 prvič vrnila v domovino, ji je bil peti teden v Sloveniji že odveč. Oče je bil aktiven pri Slovenski ljudski stranki; sebi se je smejal, ko je v Kanadi volil za liberalce. • Na usodno pot čez Ljubelj v emigracijo ste leta 1945 šli še kot otrok. Je bilo to doživetje za Vas kot otroka grožljivo? Se kakšnega dogodka posebej spominjate? — Postaje Vaše emigracijske poti: realna ali klasična gimnazija? Kje? Kak- Zadnjič smo to stalno rubriko ge. Zore Tavčarjeve ponatisnili, ko je intervjuvala prof. dr. Jožeta Velikonjo, tokrat pa je njen gost nadškof Ambrožič. Intervju je izšel v reviji Mladiki (štev. 7, 1991). Dr. Rudolph M. Susel šne spomine imate na svojo srednjo šolo, ki človeka navadno močneje oblikuje kot univerza? Se Vam je kakšen profesor posebej vtisnil v spomin? Na poti čez Ljubelj sem bil star 15 let. Pot skozi takrat še nedokončani predor je bila morda najbolj travmatično izkustvo tistega maja — do predaje domobrancev. Klasično gimnazijo sem začel v Ljubljani, nadaljeval nekaj tednov v Vetrinju in nato dve leti v Lienzu in končal v Spittalu. Spomini nanjo so mešani s spomini na begunska taborišča — silno zanimiva tri leta, ki se zde zdaj objeta v idealni oklepaj. Družba sošolcev in sošolk, študiranje, »za-bušavanje«, »plonkanje« nalog, odkrivanje sveta in samega sebe, hribolazenje in sanjarjenje in, posebno prvo leto in pol, stalno prazni želodec. Profesorjev se dobro spominjam; največji vtis sta morda zapustila Božidar Bajuk, ki je učil grščino, in Lojze Luskar, ki je učil verouk. (Ta je bil nekaj časa kaplan v moji rojstni Loki pri Zidanem mostu; dober pevec, režiser izredno priljubljen. Pozneje tragično umrl v Egiptu. Op. Z.T.) Vojna in povojna leta so mi posredovala, kar bi smel imenovati optimistični fatalizem, občutek namreč, da naj bo situacija taka ali drugačna, uničila me ne bo. • Za teološki študij ste se odločili v predkoncilnih dneh. Kdo ali kaj je vplivalo na Vašo izbiro? Svojje duhovništvo pa ste zaživeli v dneh koncila. Kako ste doživljali prelomnico, do katere je bila emigracija dokaj zadržana? Ste teologijo študirali v Rimu? Kaj Vam je pomenilo — ob Vašem izrazitem čutu za umetnost — doživetje Rima? Kaj me je, človeško gledano, privedlo do odločitve, da postanem duhovnik? Dom predvsem, brez dvoma, ki ni bil »pobožen«, jemal pa je Boga in njegovo voljo kot nekaj samo po sebi umevnega, prav tako dnevno molitev in nedeljsko mašo. Ta vera je bila zavestna in premišljena; eden od očetovih bratov se je imel dolga leta za brezverca, eden od maminih bratov je bil partijec, ki je padel na Rašici. Članstvo pri Tomčevih Mladcih (Tomca sem videl le enkrat, na hodni- ku na klasični) je vsekakor imelo svoj vpliv na mojo odločitev. In vse vojno in povojno izkustvo: poraz, beg, Vetrinj, angleška zahrbtnost. Svet se je podrl; edina, ki nas ni izdala, je bila Cerkev. Misel, da bi postal duhovnik, mi sprva ni bila prav nič dobrodošla. Pa se mi je vsililo vprašanje: »Zakaj pravzaprav ne?«, in nisem našel pametnega odgovora. Celibat je seveda problem — problem, a ne argument proti. Na študij filozofije in teologije, ki sem ga začel v torontskem semenišču septembra ’48, sem prinesel vrsto vprašanj, življenjskih in ideoloških, katerih nuja in intenzivnost je bila večini mojih novih sošolcev in profesorjev precej tuja; njih versko in idejno o-zadje se je močno razlikovalo od mojega. Razumevanje sem našel pri profesorju francoske literature; francoska in angleška literatura sta bili namreč poleg filozofije obvezna predmeta v prvih treh semeniških letih. Dali sta mi vpogled v dve glavni svetovni kulturi in često več filozofskega razumevanja kot filozofija sama. Hvaležen o-stajam enemu od profesorjev filozofije, ki me je s svojo nedvomno miselno globino in stalno nepripravljenostjo pri predavanjih prisilil k več ali manj samostojnemu študiju Tomaža Akvinskega in metafizike. Teologija, kateri sem posvetil naslednja štiri leta, je bila z izjemo svetopisemske eksegeze vse preveč »pastoralna«, to se pravi intelektualno plitva. Profesor dogmatike mi je s svojo površnostjo in nedopu-ščanjem debate povzročal resne verske skušnjave. Zato je bil Biblični institut v Rimu v letih ’58-’59 zame prava umska sprostitev in osvobojenje; konkretno in praktično sem iz- kusil, kar sem abstraktno vedel, da je namreč zelo mogoče verovati in misliti obenem. Biblicum me je pripravil na koncil, ki ga nisem dojel kot psihološko ali teološko prelo-mnnico. Če je res, da naj bi bila emigracija zadržana do koncila, rečem le, da sem po prihodu v Kanado hitro neha-val biti »emigracija«, čeprav seveda ostajam Slovenec in emigrant; vživljal sem se v ritem Kanade in Cerkve v Kanadi in Rimu. Dodati pa moram, da mi je vojna in povojna izkušnja brez dvoma pripomogla do tega, da nisem naivno požiral vseh teoloških in pastoralnih zaključkov in posledic, ki jih nekateri iščejo in zato najdejo v koncilskih tekstih. Kaj mi je dal Rim? Med drugim občutek širine, notranje moči in zgodovinske zakoreninjenosti, pa tudi človeške šibkosti katolicizma. Nanj kot šolo umetnosti in umetnostne zgodovine sem bil slabo pripravljen; potreboval sem skoro leto vsakodnevnega gledanja izpred Kvirinala, da se mi je razodela lepota kupole sv. Petra. Toda v treh letih sem se kljub počasnosti le kaj naučil. • Teološke študije ste nadaljevali v Wiirzburgu v Nemčiji. O tem ste pripovedovali, medtem ko ste nama razkazovali univerzitetno središče v Torontu: od teoloških strok Vas je najbolj zanimala svetopisemska veda. Zakaj? Vas je bolj zaposlovala Stara ali Nova zavezal Bili ste pripovedovalec z neslovenskim temperamentom, saj se je vso pot, ko ste naju z avtom peljali na o-gled Niagrskih slapov, kar kre-salo od teoloških debat. Ciri-rali ste preroka Izaija in ob bučanju slapov je bilo to pravo doživetje. Vas enako priteguje še kako drugo teološko področje. (dalje na str. 6) Torontski nadškof dr. Ambrožič (nadaljevanje s str. S) MJ ZABAVNA MATEMATIKA 1 Imena mesecev so dali stari Rimljani, ampak leto so začeli z marcem. Tako je bil pri njih september sedmi mesec, oktober osmi, november in december pa deveti in deseti mesec. Kaj so torej latinske besede za 7, 8, 9 in 10? 2 Napiši katerokoli celo število, pa ga pomnoži s 3. Zdaj prištej 159, od vsote pa odštej prvotno število. Dobljeno razliko zmanjšaj še za 87. Nato pa prištej 226 in od vsote odštej 98. Polovico ostanka končno zmanjšaj še za 100. Poskusi na več primerih! 3 V računski uri je dal učitelj otrokom nalogo, naj izračunajo vsoto prvih sto številk, in sicer 1 + 2 + 3 +... -I-100. Mislil je, da bo s tem računanjem zaposlil učence vso uro. Zato je bil zelo presenečen, ko je čez nekaj minut prišel mlad dečak pred kateder in predložil rešitev naloge. Bila je pravilna. Fantek ni sešteval kakor njegovi sošolci, marveč je napisal takole: 1 2 3 ... 49 50 100 99 98 ... '52 51 To je 5 parov številk, vsak par je 101. Torej vsota jc* 50 krat 101 = 5050 Na to izvirno rešitev so bili opozorjeni merodajni činitelji, ki so potem omogočili mlademu brihtnežu nadaljnje šolanje. Iz tega fanta je zrastel eden največjih genijev, tkzv. knez matematikov, C. F. GAUSS (1777—1855). Op. ur. — Čez dva tedna bo objavljena potrebna rešitev in komentarji, ter tudi novi prispevek. Začenši s prihodnjim tednom bo pa ta rubrika izšla v angleškem delu in nato čez dva tedna spet. Tako bo en sestavek v listu vsak teden, izmenoma v slovenskem oz. angleškem delu. Je bilo kulturno doživetje Nemčije in njene znamenite »znanosti« za Vas pomembno? Ali pa ga je predvsem prekrilo doživetje ameriškega oziroma kanadskega pragmatizma? — Pri nas doma občasno zasedajo nočno omarico različni misleci in teologi, svoj čas Merton, Danielou, Mari tain, danes De Lubac, Rahner, U. von Balthasar, Frossard... Katere ljubljence bi izpostavili Vi? Po licenciatu na Bibličnem institutu leta ’60 sem se vrnil v Toronto, kjer sem v semenišču predaval eksegezo Stare in Nove zaveze. Najbrž preveč za enega samega profesorja, toda vesel sem, da me je poznanje Stare Zaveze rešilo tega, da bi Novo Zavezo gledal v oblakih; tako gledanje najdem predvsem pri nemških protestantskih novozaveznih znanstvenikih: Staro Zavezo poznajo le iz svojega prvega letnika teologije, ko so sami šele napol pripravljeni misliti teološko, in v prizmi teorij, ki tedaj prevladujejo; ko se specializirajo, nimajo več časa, da bi se nasrka-li realizma in konkretnosti, ki preveva Staro Zavezo in izvoljeno ljudstvo. Pri tem sodeluje še prepričanje, zavestno ali nezavestno, mnogih lutera-nov, da je Pavlovo pismo Rimljanom pravzaprav srce in kriterij vse ostale Nove Zaveze. To so bila leta koncila, silno zanimiva, med duhovniki in redovniki pa vse nemirnejša. Moje začetno navdušenje je postopoma postajalo bolj realistično, ko sem videl, da se vsa Cerkev ne more, in v nekaterih pogledih ne sme, spremeniti čez noč. V Wiirzburgu sem odšel leta ’67, da bi delal doktorat v no-vozavezni eksegezi pri prof. Rudolfu Schnackenburgu. Tista tri leta na wurzburški univerzi so bila pravi božji blagoslov: resnost in temeljitost, ki jo je zahteval Doktorvater in nemška atmosfera sploh; čas za eksegezo in razmišljanje o teoloških in cerkvenih vprašanjih in problemih, ki so se kopičili v neposredni pokoncilski dobi; postopno odkrivanje moje prevelike zaljubljenosti v boginjo Razuma. Notranje sem se osvobodil raznih mitov, celo mita teološke in znanstvene avtoritete: ne da bi hotel odžagati vejo, na kateri sem sedel, sem moral pač priznati, da je težko kaka neumnost pod soncem, ki je ta ali oni teolog ali ekseget ne bi zagovarjal. Nadaljevanje prihodnjič Rojaki! Priporočajte Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim prijateljem in znancem! NOVI GROBOVI (Nadaljevanje s str. 1) oktobra v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Karlo Zuzic Umrl je 73 let stari Karlo Zuzic, mož Marije, roj. Do-manko, oče Karlota, Petra, Drage Savron, Zdenke Kukovec in Valerie Pavolik, stari oče, vsi bratje in sestre (v Jug.) so že pok. Pogreb bo iz Zak pogrebnega zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., danes, v četrtek, dop. ob 10., v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10.30 in nato na Vernih duš pokopališče. Albert F. Legan Dne 20. oktobra je v Southwest General bolnišnici umrl 76 let stari Albert F. Legan, rojen v Clevelandu in živeč na Carry Ave., oče Veronice Stadler in Sandre, 2-krat stari oče, brat Johna ter že pok. Franka in Mary Brule, zaposlen 45 let, vse do svoje upokojitve, pri Horsburgh & Scott Co., najstarejši član Cleveland Scorers Assoc. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes, v četrtek, v cerkev sv. Vida in od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. TRST IN JLA (nadaljevanje s str. 3) tak način že naredila določeno razliko: v preteklosti se je namreč vedno govorilo v »titi-nih« in o »slavokomunistih«. Vsaka normalna družba bi se ob novici, da se neki tuji vojaški sili, ki nastopa zoper lastne narode, dovoljuje pohod skozi svoje ozemlje, zgražala zaradi morebitne (ali gotove) uporabe te sile za nove napade in razdejanja ter pokole. Ven-dar razmere v Trstu niso bile normalne: strah pred »slovensko nevarnostjo« in »slovenskim bakcilom«, pred »slavo-komunizmom«, tudi ko slednjega ni več, je vedno pogojeval in še pogojuje mišljenje naših italijanskih someščanov. Ta dejavnik izkoriščajo italijanski nacionalisti za podpihovanje sovraštva proti tukajšnjemu slovenskemu prebivalstvu. Je to resnični Trst? Če je, ne vemo, zagotovo pa je v svojih zahtevah najbolj glasen. V zadnjih časih pa je še glasnejši kot običajno: nastopi predstavnikov MSI, Liste za Trst in istrskih beguncev se kar vrstijo na tekočem traku, zahteve po vrnitvi Istre in Dalmacije Italiji so vedno bolj pogoste, čeprav je anketa, ki jo je pred tremi meseci izvedel tržaški Piccolo, pokazala, da se tržaško prebivalstvo v glavnem ne navdušuje nad takimi zahtevami. Vsekakor je zaskrbljujoč odnos, ki ga.ima Trst to vojne na Balkanu: namesto da bi se zgrozili pred strahotami, ki se dogajajo na Hrvaškem, se Tržačani bojijo, da ne bi — sedaj že odpovedani — prehod enot JLA skozi Trst mesto »onečastil« in mu vzel »dobro ime«. Ko pa gre za cenejši bencin, cenejše cigarete in cenejšo hrano ter kosila in večerje v slovenskih gostilnah onstran meje, je »italijanski ponos« skrivnostno pozabljen in doživljajo Sežana, Divača, Lokve ter drugi kraji na Krasu pravo pravcato invazijo. Potem se tržaška javnost zgraža nad rimsko vlado, češ da ne ščiti dovolj interesov mesta, pozablja seveda na dejstvo, da je Trst — kot je statistično dokazano — eno izmed italijanskih mest, kjer se najbolje živi, če že ne prvo na lestvici. Da Tržačani dobro živijo, priča tudi njihovo zavzemanje za pravice živali, ki so kajpada važnejše kot potrebe tistih oseb, katerim manjka najnujnejše, predvsem človeška toplina: koliko starejših oseb umre v stanovanju, njihove smrti pa nihče ne odkrije tudi po več tednov? Kdor torej nekoliko pozna tržaško stvarnost, se ne sme čuditi reakcijam, ki so nastale ob novici morebitne uporabe tržaške luke za umik enot JLA iz Slovenije. To je predvsem normalno za mesto, katerega glavni problem je nasprotovanje zaščiti Slovencev v Italiji, obramba italijanstva in drugi podobni miti. Miti, ki preprečujejo, da bi Trst zaživel polno in bogato življenje mesta, v katerem se spajajo različni narodi in kulture in ki bi lahko bilo zgled, ne pa sramota Evrope, kot je sedaj. ~ ni Pri Sv. Cirilu v N.Y. (nadaljevanje s str. 3) zakoni, sklenjeni z neke trenutne nuje. Kadar so pa povezave nekaj globljega, duhovnega, ostajajo trdne, skoro bi rekel »večne«. Primer neke trdne notranje povezave sta bila bila na drugo oktobrsko nedeljo pri deseti maši Frank in Jean Cerar. Pred petdesetimi leti sta se poročila kot pripadnika slovenskega rodu v cerkvici sv. Cirila. Tedaj seveda je bilo vse izvedeno v slovenskem jeziku. In takšna je bila tudi njuna svatba v »Slovenskem narodnem domu« ob robu Ridge-wooda. Ob 50-letnici obnovitve je pa bila Gospodova daritev, žal, angleška. Po krvi oba izhajata iz Domžalskega, čeprav je tako, da se je Frank rodil na Slovenskem, Jean pa tu, na Ameriškem. Frank še dobro obvlada svoj materin jezik, saj je leta 1926 kot 16-leten fant prišel v ZDA. Domači cerkvi je ostal zvest, čeprav ni bil tako močno v delovanju povezan z njo kot njegov umrli brat Mirko, ki je bil kot prvi tenor dober pevec. Vendar sta Frank in Jean našo cerkvico stalno obiskovala in jo podpirala, ter se do nedavnega tudi udeleževala njenih zabav. Zdaj pa jo, če je potreba, oskrbuje z rožami. Frank je namreč strastni ljubitelj rož. Ob svojem domu v Woodhavnu, v bližini Ridge-wooda, ima rožni vrt. Goji ga kot strokovnjak. Zato je za svojo ljubezen dobil že par nagrad, kot je za svojo prvo lju- bezen dobil nagrado z dobro ženko Jean. Druga oktobrska nedelja pri Sv. Cirilu nam je dopovedovala, da je v teh naših časih zlata poroka kot žlahtni blišč zlata. Zlatoporočna svatba pa tokrat ni bila več v dvorani Slovenskega doma v Ridgewoo-du, ampak v kočevski. Med gosti smo bili le v večini ljudje slovenskega rodu, toda naša materina beseda je bila le u-dušena z drugo domačinsko, ameriško. Tako sem spoznal v tej posebnosti, zakaj je ob sv. Cirilu življenje takšno, kot je, da bodo zmerom bolj potrebni večji napori in večje žrtve, da ga bomo za prihodnji naš rod še ohranili slovenskega. Prijatelfs Pharmacy Sl. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! JANEZ STEFANČIČ 29. maja 1964 MARIJA STEFANČIČ 21. okt. 1989 DRAGI ATA IN MAMA! ZA VSE DOBRO VAMA NIHČE PLAČATI NE MORE, ZATO UPAMO, DA STA PRIŠTETA V NEBEŠKE ZBORE. Žalujoči: Vinko — sin Slavka Gril (Slovenija) in Mary Vogel — hčerki Jože, Anton — zeta Mimi — snaha vnuki, pravnuki in ostalo sorodstvo. Euclid, Ohio, 24. oktobra 1991. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 917. Slovenija je postala neodvisna 7. oktobra, ko je na Hrvaškem divjala Jugoslovanska armada in napadla celo Zagreb, kjer je nad milijon meščanov trepetalo za življenje. Zdi se, da je dva dni kasneje spet malo upanja na premirje. Večina ljudstva se bo oddahnila. Titovi generali in oficirji bodo pa ostali del življenja lahko premišljevali, če se je splačalo tako javno izreči zadnji brutalni »hura« samim sebi v največjo škodo. Iz Subotice je ravno tiste dneve odfrčal v Quebec (Sherbrooke) mlad hrvatski duhovnik Franjo Ivankovič na zaobljube rodne sestre, mlade hr-vatske dominikanke. S seboj je prinesel lepe kuverte prvega dneva (FDC) od naše sodelavce s. Ivane Cvijin, kateri smo Poslali po njem malo pomoči v ameriški valuti. Dolga leta, odkar je začela sodelovati v Belgiji, je s. Ivana zvesta sodelavka MZA in po njeni želji MZA podpira letno hrvatsko sestro v Afriki, kadar delimo letno pomoč okrog Božiča. Ko se 17. oktobra vrne g. Franjo v domovino, bo Hrvatska, upaj-mo, že svobodna. Vzdrževalnino za bogoslovca v Afriki je prevzela družina J°an in Raymond Atance iz naše fare, kjer smo teden preje Pokopali 20-letnega sina Chri-stopherja, ki je imel raka v Črvi. Darovali so iz darov ob P°grebu, ki so bili dani družini 23 nevezano uporabo, kan. $350. Neimenovana iz Chicaga (M.P.) je darovala $20 za pjenega domačega duhovnika *n stotak za naše misijonarje, z željo, da se od tega desetak po-rabi za nabavo poštnih znamk za številno in vedno dražjo po-Štno korespondenco. Ga. Helen Oven Hiserman i2 San Mateo, Kalif., je posla-*a v spomin rajnega očeta Sla-v°ta Oven $380 »za slovenske •hisijone, posebno tiste, ki bodo rabili nekaj toplega za Prihodnjo zimo«. Družina Charlotte in Edward Dalton iz naše fare je da-r°vala spet za enoletno vzdrže-vanje njunega domačega bogoslovca $300. Prav tako ga. Lilijana Galenič, doma iz Hr-vatske, ni hotela biti pozna z °bnovitvijo vzdrževalnine za Pienega kandidata in je daro-Vala $300 us . Živi z družino v Torontu oz. Scarboroughju, ki je mesto v Velikem Torontu in raste vedno hitreje, da šteje danes že skoraj tričetrt milijona prebivalcev v Vel. Torontu, ki jih šteje nekaj nad dva milijona. Kratko nas je obiskal župnik France Turk iz Phelpsto-na, Ont., in povedal, da članice Katoliške ženske lige iz njegove fare čakajo, da vse članstvo na prvem jesenskem sestanku odobri, kar je odbor že sprejel, da bodo vzdrževale v Afriki domačega bogoslovca. Predsednica Marica Lavri-ševa nas je obvestila, da je župnik John Kumše pripravljen dati MZA 300 sv. maš po $10, iz zapuščine rajne Ann Dejak (Rekart). Župnik Marije Vnebovzete je na naš pristanek kar indorziral ček iz zapuščine rajnice, ki ga je poslal advokat Edmund Turk, in blagajnik Rudi Knez nas je obvestil, da je denar deponiran. Poskrbeli bomo, da bodo te sv. maše, kot so vedno vse druge, ki nam pridejo v roke, opravljene na raznih mestih od večih misijonarjev, ki jih želijo ali zanje prosijo. Nekaj jih bomo pa poslali spet v Južni Vietnam za domače duhovnike, ki so izšli iz delovanja in žrtev dobrega g. Andreja Majcena. Za dar sv. maš smo tako g. župniku, kot družini rajne, zelo hvaležni. Ker se bližamo Vseh vernih duš dnevu pa še to resnično zgodbo iz življenja. Umrl je bogat mož, ki je bil lastnih večih »kasino« in kopičil denar, ki mu ni šel rad iz rok. Ob pogrebu je imel okrog 20 ljudi in protestantski minister v je 8 minutah povedal in razložil eno samo misel, da smo »nagi prišli na ta svet in bomo nagi iz njega odhajali«. V »casino« so držali enominutni molk. Čim je minuta minila, je eden od prisotnih zakričal: »On je dobil svojo minuto, da meni sedaj karte!« Vsi so ga pogledali in morda je ta ali oni pomislil, kako malo pomeni denar, ko ga ne moreš več uporabiti. Večkrat kdo mimogrede omeni, kako je čudno, da kak od res »bogatih« med nami v ZD ali Kanadi, ki se rad pohvali, koliko ima pod palcem, odrine malenkost npr. za misijonsko nabirko, ko verjetno enkrat v restavraciji da toliko napitnine natakarju. Od večih čitateljev mojih člankov v AD pod MSIP sem zadnja leta slišal, da kdo potoži, kaj vendar g. W. piše o zapuščinah in sili v ljudi, saj to »ni njegova zadeva«. Le verjemite, da je, saj je že sv. Pavel zapisal, da moramo resnico oznanjati v celoti, bodi prilično ali neprilično tistim, ki jo slišijo. Boljše, da nam kdo pravočasno kaj koristnega pove, kot da »ven najdemo« prepozno, kako je hudo. Te dneve sem videl zanimivo risanko (cartoon). Sv. Peter pred nebeškimi vrati stoji z veliko torbo v rokah. Tik ob njem so ljudje in vrsta se vije v daljavo do horizonta. Vsi bi radi v nebesa šli in kar takoj. Peter gleda v prvega, ki ga sprašuje, če sme notri, pa mu mirno reče: »Sedaj moram še za 14 dni počitnic, ki jih še nisem izrabil.« Ljudje smo pač čestokrat taki, da hočemo to ali ono, kadar se nam zazdi ali poljubi. Pri Bogu pa čas ni važen, kar je On začetnik vseh časov in mi smo tisti, ki nam je čas, za karkoli že hočemo v življenju doseči, zelo odmerjen. MZA Maidstone-Detroit (še) Na pikniku MZA Maidstone-Detroit je bilo 18. avgusta lepo število Hrvatov s Slovenci na Martinčičevi farmi. V večih MSIP, zadnjič v številki 914, smo objavili poročilo ge. Mimi Martiničičeve, ki je bila medtem* operirana in upamo, da se dobro zdravi. Naj danes še dodamo iz njenega poročila del, ki zadeva posamezne darovalce in darovalke. Takole izgleda. »Imena darovalcev iz hrvaške fare sv. Frančiškega Asiškega: Peter Bakič $10; družina Car $40; Drago Galinac $20; Nikola Ivčec $5; Mike Kelič $20; Johanna Klanček $5; Miroslav Katič $20; Zdravko Kuharič $20; župnik Zvonimir Kutleša $60; Nikola Palometa $10; Helen Perz (cvetličarka) $50; Milivoj Prepolec $60; Jelena Primorac $20; Vlado Se-lendič $10; Nikola Žarkovič $10; — skupaj $360. Iz Detroita: Frank in Rezka Gerkman $20; Miha in Mary Košir $20; Pavla Košir $20; Franci Martinčič $20; Jože in Milka Martinčič $100; Ann Logan $10; — skupaj $190. Iz Londona: Marija Škufca $15. Iz Toronta: Viktor, Vanda in Roman Zakrajšek (cela družina je bila med nami) $250. Iz Windsorja: Vinko Bernik $15; Steve Benčak $10; Jože Brinac $10; Rezka Cosic $20; Feliks Baselj $20; Silvester in Irena Figar $20; Lojze Gerkman $25; Janez Grebenc $50; John in Fran Grebenc $30; Vene Hrovat $20; Rezka Hrovat $10; Matevž in Micka Je-kovec $30; Cita Jershy $20; Metka Količ $20; Mary Kosi $10; Frank Košnik $10; Milica Kropek $50; Frank Kužnik $35; Jože Makše $20; Ivan Matos $20: Ana Novak $35; N.N. $10; N.N. $60; Jože Omahen $30; Janko Oroš $10; Ivan Petrič $10; Zalka Pirih $20; John Rehberger $20; Jože Ročnik $20; Leon Scurk $20; Frank Skočaj $10; Rudolph Solar $20; Bogo Stark $10; Maks in Ani Štravs $10; Milka Stular $20; Lizika Štrukelj $10; Marjeta Tompa $10; Anica Turk $10; Janez Ule $25; Martin in Ani Utroša $20; Anica Vrečič $20; John Zupanc $20; Anka Zupanc $50; Anka Zupanc v spomin na pok. brata Janeza Jakšeta $50; Lojze Žagar $25; Viki Podolski $10; Dorda $10; Leonarda Skurat $5; Marija Vujatovič $10; Katrin Nicksch $5; Uršula Topper $20; Besse Mandel $10; — skupaj $1.060. Okoli Božiča sva bila z možem povabljena na kosilo k ge. Milici. Ona mi izroči dar od ge. Vike $10. Razveselila sem se in na glas dejala, da bom poslala za lačne, kjer nimajo danes kruha. Darovali so mi potem še navzoči Peter in Ivana Bakič $10, Milica $6 in Rado $5 — skupaj $31. Vsi smo se počutili srečni in nič nam ni zato manjkalo. Vsi darovi znesejo $1,906.« Naj Bog bogato blagoslovi napote tolikih, ki z misijonskim sodelovanjem segajo v dogajanje celega sveta. Naše sodelovanje je bilo po Božji Previdnosti določeno za ta leta. Ko se domovina za Slovence in Hrvate prebija v boljše čase, bomo pa doživeli tam lepšo rast misijonskega sodelovanja. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 MALI OGLASI POTUJETE V RIM? Nekoč hotel Bled, danes hotel Emona! Obveščamo vas, da smo odprli v Rimu hotel Emona. Za rojake poseben popust. Naslov hotela: 00185 - ROMA, Via Statila 23, Tel: 06-7027911 ali 06-7027827, telefax: 06-7028787. Dobrodošli! Lastnik hotela Emona, Vinko Levstik V BLAG SPOMIN 'OB 6. OBLETNICI SMRTI NASE DRAGE MAME in STARE MAME MARIJA RUS Umrla je 25. oktobra 1985. Srčno ljubljena nam mama, šla prezgodaj si od nas, dobra, skrbna si nam bila, vdano molimo za Vas. Žalujejo: Francka, Marija, Ivanka, Tončka — hčere z družinami; France, Ivan, Stanley, Joseph, Tony — sinovje z družinami ter ostalo sorodstvo. Willoughby Hills, O., 24. okt. 1991. V BLAG SPOMIN r m ■ ^ Manca preša un»rla 31. okt. 1969 LOJZKA PREŠA umrla 20. jul. 1990 VEČNA LUČ NAJ NJIMA SVETI, NAJ POČIVATA V MIRU! Žalujoči: sestri PAVLA in FRANCA Argentinski Slovenci (nadaljevanje s str. 4) venskih mož, tako so imenovane tudi šole, v katerih delujejo: Prešernova, Balantičeva, Rožmanova, Hladnikova, Bajukova. Vloga društva je pospeševanje in omogočanje slovenskih osnovnih šol ter prosvetna (kulturna, zabavna) dejavnost. Praviloma je društveno življenje povezano s cerkvenimi ustanovami, prek Zedinjene Slovenije in Medorganiza-cijskega sveta pa tudi z drugimi društvi. Prek teh dveh organizacij sta mogoči medsebojna povezanost in pomoč. Uspešne lokalne gledališke predstave obiskujejo druge domove, predavatelji, govorniki, voditelji tečajev nastopajo v raznih društvih ter s tem preprečujejo izčrpanje zmogljivosti krajevnih skupnosti. Argentinska oblast ne daje in ni dala nikakršne pomoči slovenskim društvom. Pomagali nista niti Jugoslavija niti SRS oziroma sedanja Republika Slovenija. Drugače je z drugimi domovi, recimo z Domom Primorcev v Triglavu ali Domom Prekmurcev v Berna-lu, ki so dobivali znatne subvencije, npr. od Jugoslovanskega konzulata, ali Domom Benečanov, ki dobiva pomoč iz Italije. Vendar je pomanjkanje kakršne koli pomoči dajalo emigrantskim ustanovam potrebno samostojnost. (nadaljevanje in konec prihodnjič) Ameriška Domovina je Vaš lisi! MALI OGLASI Real Estate Buying or Selling. Call and ask for Anton at Cameo Realty at 261-3900 - Matic res. 338-3205 (x) House For Rent St. Mary’s Church area. Completely renovated. $375 plus deposit. Call 381-5298. For Rent 1 bdrm apt. near the Slovene Home for the Aged. Call 481-6929 or 531-8336. For Sale 1018 E. 76 St. Immaculate 3 bdrm colonial. Lge liv & din rms. Eat-in kitchen. Extra rm on first floor. Beautiful yard. Reduced — $16,900. Joe Dougherty Realty, Inc. 531-4300 (42,43) FENCES — OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: Jokic Fence Company 944-6777 (x) Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj. Tapeciramo. (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNIK Pokličite 423-4444 Roster of Organizations ------------ ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Ameriška Slovenska Katoliška Jednota American Slovenian Catholic Union Društvo SV. VIDA št. 25 Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph Božnar; preds. Joseph Baškovič; podpreds. Joseph Hočevar; taj. Albin Orehek, 18144 Lake Shore Blvd., tel. 481-1481; blag. John Turek; Nadzorniki: Mary Hodnik, James Debevec, Stan Martinčič; vratar Frank Zupančič; vodja atletike in mladinskih aktivnosti Joseph Hočevar. Za pregledovanje novega članstva vsi slovenski zdravniki. Društvo zboruje vsako drugo nedeljo ob 10.15 dop. pod cerkvijo sv. Vida. Mesečni asesment se prične pobirati pred sejo in tudi 25. januarja in 25. julija od 6. do 7. ure zvečer v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. V slučaju bolezni naj se bolnik javi tajniku, da dobi zdravniški list in karto. Društvo SV. LOVRENCA št. 63 Duhovni vodja: Rev. Anthony Rebol; preds. Joseph L. Fortuna; podpreds. Isabelle Godec; taj. Ralph Godec, 847 E. Hillsdale, tel. 524-5201; zapis. Mary An:. Sray; blag. James T. Weir; nadzorniki: Anthony B. Lausche, Olga Sray, Virginia Fortuna; zastopnika za SND na E. 80 St. Joseph Fortuna in Ralph Godec; zastopnika za atletiko in »booster club« Joseph Fortuna in Ralph Godec. Zdravnika dr. Wm. Jeric in dr. F. Jelercic. Seje so 25. v mesecu v SND na E. 80 St. ob 7.30 zv. Novi člani sprejeti od rojstva do 60. leta starosti. Bolniški asesment je 65 centov na mesec in plačuje $7 bolniške podpore na teden, če je član bolan 5 dni ali več- Lodge ST. ANNE No. 150 Spiritual Director Rev. Anthony Rebol; President Angela Winter; Vice Pres. Helen Krofi; Secretary Josephine Winter, 3555 E. 80th St.; Treas. Laura Berdyck; Auditors: Anna Winter, Theresa Zupančič, Helen Krofi; Rec. Secy. Kathryn Zabak; Rep. for Slov. Natl. Home, E. 80 St. Laura Berdyck; Rep. for Slov. Natl. Home, Maple Hts. Helen Krofi; Reps, for Federation: Angela Winter, Josephine Winter. Physicians: all Slovenian & Family. Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in the school hall at St. Lawrence Church on E. 80 Street. Društvo SV.VMARIJE MAGDALENE št. 162 Duhovni vodja Rev. Joseph Božnar; preds. Frances Nemanich; podpreds. Betty Orehek; taj. Mary Ann Mott, 760 E. 212 St., Euclid, OH tel. 531-4556; blag. Betty Orehek; zapis. Frances Novak; nadzornice: Frances Macerol, Josephine Gorencic in Mary Palcic; rediteljica Rosalia Palčič; zastopnice za Ohio KSKJ Federacijo: Betty Orehek, Frances Novak, Frances Nemanich; zdravniki: vsi slovenski. Seje se vrše vsako prvo sredo v mesecu, ob 1.30 pop. v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Društvo SV. JOŽEFA št. 169 Duhovni vodja Rev. John Kumse; preds. Eugene Kogovšek; podpreds. Anthony Tolar; fin. taj. Anton Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110, tel. 541-7243; pomožna taj. Anica Nemec; bol. taj. Helena Nemec, tel. 541-7243; blag. Jennie Tuma; zapis. Mary Okicki; nadzorniki: Frank Žnidar, John Obat, Charles Eržen; direktor za atletiko John Obat, tel. 481-6129; dir. za ženske aktivnosti Jennie Tuma; vratar John Jackson; zdravniki: dr. Maks Rak in vsi družinski zdravniki; por. v angleščini Helena Nemec; por. v slovenščini Josephine Kastigar. Seje se vrše vsak tretji četrtek v mesecu ob 7.30 zv. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Društvo sprejema člane od rojstva do 70 let za zavarovalnino od $2,000 naprej. Društvo Presvetega Srca Jezusovega št. 172 Duhovni vodja rev. Joseph Božnar; preds. Ludmila Glavan; podpreds. Frank Kuhel; taj. Dragica Gostič, 19831 Locherie Ave., Euclid, OH 44119, tel. 531-5678; blag. Angela Bolha; zapis. Gabriela Kuhel; revizorji: Joseph Lach, Frank Glavan, Aurelia Zadnikar. Seje se vrše vsak tretji petek v mesecu v Baragovem domu, 6304 St. Clair Ave. ob 5. uri zvečer. Pobiranje asesmenta pred sejo in po seji. Društvo KRISTUSA KRAUA št. 226 Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jože Božnar; Predsednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel. 585-4749; Podpredsednik: Mary Wolf-Noggy; Tajnik in Blagajnik: Frank Šega, 2918 Emerald Lakes Blvd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092-2718. Tel. (216) 944-0020; Zapisnikar: Eva M. Verderber; Nadzorni odbor: Anthony L. Rigler, Ivan Cugelj in John Zupančič; Direktor: Mladinskih aktivnosti: Judy A. Ryan; Športni referent: Raymond F. Zak; Vratar: Antonia Šega; Zastopnika za Klub društev: Raymond F. Zak in Robert Mc’Donaugh; Zastopnik za SND delniških sej: Anthony L. Rigler. Seja društva se vršijo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu of februarja do decembra ob 12 uri, Meseca Januarja in decembra so seje ob 2 uri. Vse seje se vršijo v Slovenskem narodnem domu 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno in moderno življensko zavarovanje za vsote od 2,000 do neomejene vsote in to pod najbolj ugodnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se z zaupanjem in brezpogojno obrnite na tajnika društva. Lodge OUR LADY OF FATIMA No. 255 Spiritual Adviser Rev. John Kumse; President Edward J. Furlich; Vice Pres. Sally Jo Furlich; Secy.-Treas. Josephine Trunk, 17609 Schenely Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119, tel. 481-5004; Rec. Secy. Connie Schulz; Auditors: Jackie Hanks, Connie Schulz; Women’s & Youth Activities Maureen Furlich; Men’s Sports Bob Schulz. Meetings: second Wed. of the month at the Furlich home, 18709 Kewanee Ave., at 6:30 p.m., tel. 486-6264. Physicians: all Slovene physicians in the greater Cleveland area. Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza American Mutal Life Association Lodge ST. ANNE No. 4 President Josephine Novak, Vice President Madeline D. Debevec; Sec. Marie Orazem, 20673 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123, tel 486-2735; Treas. Josephine Ambrosic; Rec. Sec’y. Frances Novak; Auditors: Frances Kotnik, Frances Macerol, Josephine Mohorčič; Youth Coordinator Madeline D. Debevec; Reporter: Madeline D. Debevec. Meetings are every second Wed. of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Social Room at St. Vitus, E. 62 St. and Glass Ave. New members may go to any Slovenian physician for their physical. Društvo NAPREDNI SLOVENCI št. 5 President Frank Stefe; Vice-President Edward Pečjak; Secretary Frances Stefe, 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH 44117; Treasurer Frances Stefe; Recording Secretary Harold Telich; Auditors: Mark Telich, Dr. Joseph Chrzanowski, Edward Pečjak; Fraternal Affairs Officer Mark Steven Telich. Meetings the 3rd Sunday of month at 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH at 10 a.m. Lodge SLOVENSKI DOM št. 6 President Joseph G. Petrie, Vice President Marie Hosta, Secretary Albin Banko, 6805 Mayfield Rd. No. 726, Mayfield Hts., OH 44124, Treasurer Virginia Kotnik, Recording Secretary Anne Cecelic, Auditors: Jean Fabian, Caroline Lokar, Louise Fabec, Youth Coordinator: Jean Fabian, Medical Examiner Dr. Anthony Spech. Meetings: First Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Društvo NOVI DOM št. 7 Predsednik Anton Švigelj; podpreds. Anton Škerl; taj.-blag. Franc Kovačič, 1072 E. 74 St., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 431-7472; zapis. Jennie Antloga; nadzorniki: Jože Gabrič, Slavko Gabrič, Ana Mihelich. Zdravnik: vsak po zakonu priznani zdravnik v Ohiu. Seje: prva nedelja v mesecu, ob 10. dop., na domu tajnika. Društvo KRAS št. 8 Predsednica Vida Zak; podpreds. Mary Price; tajnik Anton M. Lavrisha, 18975 Villaview Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119; blag. Ivanka Kapel; zapis. Sophie Matuch; nadzorniki: Pauline Škrabec, Joseph Skrabec, Dorothy Smrtnik; mlad. koordinator Joseph Skrabec. Seje: Drugi četrtek v mesecu ob 7. zv. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Lodge CLEVELAND No. 9 Preš. Albert Amigoni; Vice Pres. Stanley G. Ziherl; Secretary Patrica Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123, tel. 531-8468; Treasurer Robert Menart; Rec. Secy. Mary Ziherl; Auditors: Frank Ahlin, Mary Champa, Andrew Champa; Fraternal Affairs Coordinator: Albert Amigoni. Physicians: Any Slovenian. Meetings: 1st Sunday of the month at AMLA Home Office, 19424 S. Waterloo Rd., 10 a.m. Lodge RIBNICA No. 12 President Louis Silc, Vice-President Jolm Cen-dol; Secretary Carole Czeck, 988 Talmadge Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092; Treasurer Carole Czeck; Recording Secretary Gina Ilacqua; Auditing Committee: Gina Ilacqua, John Cen-dol, Louis Silc. Meetings at the home of the President, 30417 Oakdale Rd., 2 p.m.: March 17, July 14, Oct. 20, Dec. 15, 1991. Lodge COLLIN WOOD SLOVENES No. 22 President Tina Collins; Vice-President Joyce Segulin; Secretary-Treasurer Frank Koncilja, 6050 Thunderbird Dr., Mentor, OH 44060, Tele: 257-1021; Recording Secretary Stephanie Dagg; Auditors: Joyce Segulin, Stephanie Segulin, Tina Collins; Fraternal Affairs Officers: Annie Dagg, Stephanie Dagg. Monthly meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m. at the Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44110. Društvo KRALJICA MIRU št. 24 Preds. Anna Perko; podpreds. Frances Cazin; taj. Alice Arko, 3562 E. 80 St., Cleveland, OH 44105, tel. 341-7540; blag. Rosemary Pozarelli; zapis. Angela Musil; nadzornice: Dolores Hrovat, Angela Musil, Harriet Fashinpaur; mlad. koordinatorka Alice Arko. Seje so vsako drugo sredo v mesecu ob 2. pop. v SND na E. 80 St. Društvo SV. CECILIJA št. 37 Preds. Anna Šilc; podpreds. Frances Slepic; taj.-blag. Florence Zak, 24085 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117 Phone: 481-6681; zapis. Marie Bond; nadzornici: Anna Ribic, Bertha Vidmar. Zdravniki: vsi slovenski. Seje so vsak prvi torek v mesecih feb., apr., jun., sept. in nov., ob 1.30 pop. v šoli sv. Vida. Lodge MARTHA WASHINGTON št. 38 President Terry Hočevar; Vice Pres. Rose Zalneratis; Secy.-Treas. Bertha Richter, 19171 Lake Shore Blvd., tel. 692-1793; Rec. Secy. Carol Lesiak; Auditors: Frances Primosch, Jane Royce, Rosemary Kozar, Ann Krajc; Youth Coord. Joanne Fordyce; Fraternal Affairs: Bernadette Pavlik. Medical Examiner: any physician recommended by AMLA. Meetings are the third Tuesday in January, April, June, November with additional meetings as scheduled. Slovenska Ženska Zveza Slovenian Women’s Union PODRUŽNICA št. 10 Duhovni vodja Rev. John Kumse; preds. Marie Gombach; podpreds. Dannielle Susel; taj.-blag. Rosemary Susel, 9965 Knollwood Dr., Mentor, OH 44060; zapis. Ann Stefančič, 900 Rudyard Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110, tel. 531-7635; nadzornica Helen Suhy; sunshine comm.: Faye Moro, Joyce Le Nassi; zgodovinarka Ann Stefančič; vratarica Alice Struna. Seje se vrše vsako tretjo sredo v mesecu ob 1. pop. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. in sicer v sledečih mesecih: januar, marec, maj, junij, september, november in december. PODRUŽNICA št. 14 Duhovni vodja Rev. Francis Sterk; preds. Martha Koren; podpreds. Vera Bajec; taj.-blag. Diane Varney, 1197 Easton Dr., Akron, OH 44310; zapis. Addie Humphreys; nadzornice: Marilyn Fitzthum, Antoinette Zabukovec, Tillie Nosse; poročevalka Alice Kuhar; Sunshine Ladies: Rose Rodgers, lleene Collins; zastopnici za Klub društev: Martha Koren, Mary Jane Stanič, Ruth Kurilec. Seje vsak prvi torek v mesecu ob 7. zv. v SDD na Recher Ave. v Euclidu. PODRUŽNICA št. 25 Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; preds. Josephine Mohorčič; taj.-blag. Cirila Kermavner, 6610 Bliss Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 881-4798; zapis. Janet Krivacic; nadzornici Mary Turk, Frances Kotnik. Seje se vrše vsak drugi torek v mesecu, ob 1.30 pop. v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Asesment se pobira pol ure pred sejo, ter tudi 25. dan v mesecih januarja in julija, od 5.30 do 7. zv., v isti sobi kot so seje. Če je 25. na soboto, se pobira v petek,'če je na nedeljo, pa v ponedeljek. • PODRUŽNICA št 47 Duhovni vodja Rev. Anthony Rebol; preds. Mary Mundson; podpreds. Olga Dorchak; taj.-blag. Mary Taucher, 15604 Shirley Ave., Maple Hts., OH 44137, tel. 663-6957; zapis. Jennie Praznik; nadzornici: Anna Harsh, Elsie Lovrenčič; zastopnici za vse SND: Jennie Grk in Mari Taucher. Seje so na drugi nedelji v mesecih marca in septembra, ob 1. pop. V mesecih maja in decembra pa na prvi nedelji, ob 1. pop., v Slov. domu, 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hts., Ohio. BRANCH No. 50 President Ann J. Terček; Vice President Mari Miller; Secretary Evelyn Pipoly; Treasurer Mari Jo Rom; Recording Secretary Ann Winter; Sentinel Molly Mauer; Dawn Reporter Vera Šebenik; Auditors: Mary Miller, Mary Maxim! Historian Josephine Smith. Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month except in July, August and December, at 1 p.m. at the Euclid Public Library, 681 E. 222 St. Guests welcome. Progresivne Slovenke Amerike Progressive Slovene Women of America SUPREME BOARD President Florence Unetich, 1st Vice President Joyce Plemel, 2nd Vice President Millie Bradač. Recording Secretary Frances Mauric, Treasurer Marie Plevnik. Auditors: Chairwoman Julian* Kobal, Josephine Škabar, Stella Kostick, Jennie Zaman, Joanna Jadrich. Education Office! Chairwoman Caroline Lokar, Olga Pozah Josephine Kostunshek, Helen Jaca, Rose Gorman. Historian Joanna Jadrich, Editor Agne* Elish. CIRCLE 1 | President Frances Mauric; Vice Pres. Sophie Matuch; Sec.-Treas. Vida Zak; Rec. Secy. Dolores Dobida; Auditors: Julianna Kobal, Josephi** Tomsic, Jeanne Skolaris; Education & Social! Angela Žabjek, Roberta Haic, Dorothy Gorjup-Meetings: First Thursday of the month, Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road- CIRCLE 2 President Josephine Turkman; Vice Pres. Ann* Filipič; Sec’y.-Treas.. Margaret Kaus, 3420" Ridge Rd. No. 505, Willoughby, OH 44094! Recording Secretary Florence Zalokar; Auditor*' Mary Turk, Justine Girod; Sunshine Ladf Christine Ujcich. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Annex of S.N.D. on St. Clair. members are welcome! CIRCLE 3 President Dorothy Lamm; 1st Vice Pres. Mari' lyn Fitzhum; 2nd Vice Pres. Molly Sodja; Fin' Secy. Miss Fran Mam, 1541 E. 191 St., l^0' K104, Euclid, OH 44117, tel. 486-2643; R* Secy. Ann Adams; Sgt.-at-Arms Caroline Lokat’ Auditors: Loretta Hlabse (Ch.), Millie Pth*' j Fran Ogoreuc; Reporter Dorothy Kapel; Sun" j shine Marie Shaver; Bingo Stella Kostick' Cookbooks Mickey Frank, tel 481-8693. Meetings: Second Wed. of the month, at p.m., at the Slovenian Society Home, Rechef Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. P.S.W.A. CIRCLE 7 President Julie Zorc; Vice Pres.: Ang* Batulewick; 2nd. Vice Pres.: Irene Stranc*t' Recording Sec’y.: Pauline Krall; TreasUf{f Frances B. Weyant; Auditors: An8|S Baranowski, Mary Krnel, Esther Larabee. S'1” shine Lady: Katherine Dohnal; Reporters: E®* ^ Larabee, Ann Stefančič, Lillian Ribarich; Bin* Chairman: Puline Krall. MEETINGS: First Thursday of the month, 1- . p.m., Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44110.