UDK 669.295:66.094.3 Strokovni članek ISSN 1580-2949 MTAEC9, 37(6)381(2003) SILICONIZING AS A METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE RESISTANCE OF TITANIUM TO OXIDATION SILIKONIZIRANJE KOT METODA POVEČANJA OKSIDACIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI TITANA Dalibor Vojtëch, Tomas Kubatík Department of Metals andCorrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic dalibor.vojtechŽ vscht.cz Prejem rokopisa - received: 2003-10-01; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2003-11-11 Titanium alloys are promising materials because of their excellent strength-to-weight ratio andtheir resistance to corrosion. However, their high-temperature resistance to oxidation is rather poor. One of the methods for improving the oxidation resistance of Ti-basedalloys is surface siliconizing. In our investigation we have lookedat methods of CVD andpowder siliconizing, andthe structure, morphology andhardness of the silicon-rich surface layers were investigated. The protection effect of the surface layers was confirmedby measuring the oxidation kinetics. Key words: titanium, silicon, siliconizing, CVD, oxidation, hardness Titanove zlitine so obetajoči materiali zaradi dobrega razmerja trdnost/masa in zaradi korozijske odpornosti. Oksidacijska odpornost zlitin je majhna. Od metod za povečanje oksidacijske odpornosti je bilo raziskano silikoniziranje površine. V članku so opisane metode CVD in silikoniziranje v prahu. Določene so bile struktura, morfologija in trdota površine. Oksidacijska odpornost je dokazana z določanjem kinetike oksidacije. Ključne besede: titan, silicij, silikoniziranje, CVD, oksidacija, trdota 1 INTRODUCTION Titanium andits alloys are attractive materials because of their superior strength-to-weight ratio and their resistance to corrosion. However, one of the main disadvantages of Ti and Ti-based alloys is their poor resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. The highest operating temperatures for components made of Ti-based alloys are limitedto about 550 °C 1,2. There have been many attempts to improve the high-temperature oxidation resistance of titanium. Among the methods used for this purpose, surface alloying with silicon has been extensively studied. This type of alloying seems to be more suitable than bulk alloying because the silicon significantly modifies the mechanical properties of titanium 3-7. Besides a reduction in the oxidation rate 711, silicon has been shown to improve wear 1213 andcreep 14 resistance. Although the exact mechanism of the oxidation of titanium alloyedwith silicon does not appear to be fully understood, it is generally believed that silicon, which is present both in solidsolution in rutile andin small silica particles, plays several roles 8,9: 1. Si decreases the depth of the oxygen penetration into the alloy substrate, which is in agreement with its ß-forming nature, 2. Si dissolved in the TiO2 surface layer reduces the diffusion rate of oxygen atoms through this layer, and3. Si modifies the stress relaxation processes in the oxide layer and contributes to the formation of a more compact layer with a lower porosity. Several methods are used for the surface modification of metals with silicon. Laser surface alloying 1012, silicon-ion implantation 1517, vapour-phase siliconizing 18-20 andpowder siliconizing 11,21,22 have been the most extensively studied. The laser surface alloying of titanium with silicon involves rapidmelting of a thin surface layer anda simultaneous feeding of silicon powder. As a result, a layer of rapidly solidified (cooling rates of more than 104 K/s) Ti-Si alloy with a very fine microstructure is formed 10. The implantation of acceleratedsilicon ions into the surface of titanium is also able to improve its oxidation resistance. However, a large dose of ions and/or a high acceleration voltage can lead to the introduction of an excessive number of lattice defects. This enhances the diffusion, and the improvement of the oxidation resistance is not significant. The negative effect of lattice defects can be partially diminished with post-implantation annealing 17. The wide applicability of both laser surface alloying andion implantation for the treatment of components from Ti-basedalloys seems to be limited, particularly because of their high cost. In addition, the reproducibility of the laser surface alloying appears to be unreliable. CVD methods have been widely used to produce silicon surface layers, but most of the applications are concentratedin electronics 20. Despite the fact that this methodis relatively simple, there is only little information on CVD appliedto titanium with the aim of improving the chemical resistance 18. In CVD, a number MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 37 (2003) 6 381 D. VOJTĚCH, T. KUBATÍK: SILICONIZING AS A METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE RESISTANCE of compounds have been used as the source of silicon, including SiCl4, SiCl2H2, SiH4, andSi2Cl6. The last method, powder siliconizing (or pack cementation), is a very efficient andinexpensive method for modifying the surface of titanium-based alloys. It consists of simply embedding the sample in a powder andthen heating to an appropriate temperature. Pure silicon powders or various powder mixtures of silicon, inert fillers andactivators can be usedas the siliconizing media. Depending on the temperature and the time of the process, as well as on the composition of the substrate, surface layers containing various phases can be formed 21-23. This paper deals with the properties of silicon-rich surface layers on pure titanium preparedwith powder siliconizing. 2 EXPERIMENTAL Titanium of technical purity (99.6 %) in the form of annealedbars (10 mm in diameter) was usedas the substrate for siliconizing. The cylindrical samples of 2 mm in height for powder siliconizing and 10 mm in height for CVD were cut directly from these bars. Before siliconizing, the substrate surface was given a final polish with 1-micron diamondpaste, then washedand dried. In the case of powder siliconizing, the sample together with the silicon powder (purity 99.99 %, powder fraction less than 45 µm, irregular particles) were placedinto a silica glass tube, which was then evacuatedandsealed. The tubes were heatedat temperatures of (800, 900, 1000 and1100) °C for 3 h. Silane SiH4 (mixture with Ar of purity 99.999 %) was usedas the precursor for the CVD. This compound undergoes a thermal decomposition above approximately 600 °C to form solidsilicon, which is deposited on the substrate andthen diffuses into the substrate. The apparatus usedfor the CVD consistedof a silica glass Figure 1: Cross-section of the sample which was powder siliconized at 1100 °C for 3 h Slika 1: Prerez vzorca, ki je bil silikoniziran 3 h pri 1100 °C 25 20 15 10- 12 Il \i.m 16 20 Figure 2: Silicon concentration profile along the line in Figure 1 Slika 2: Profil koncentracije silicija na črti na sliki 1 tube, as a reaction zone, placedin the resistance furnace. The depositions took place at (900, 1000 and 1100) °C for 3 h. Optical microscopy, SEM, EDS, XRD and hardness measurements were used for the characterization of the siliconizedsamples. The cyclic oxidation of the siliconized samples was conducted at 850 °C for 300 h in air. One cycle consisted of heating at 850 °C for 50 h andthen cooling to room temperature for about 10 min. The oxidation kinetics was monitoredby measuring the weight gain as a function of oxidation time. 3 RESULTS The microstructure of the Si-rich layers is shown in Figure 1, where a cross-section of the powder-siliconizedsample is shown. We can see a dense, compact layer with a thickness of about 10 µm. The layer consists of two sharply separatedsub-layers. A chemical microanalysis was performedalong the line in Figure 1, andthe results are plottedin Figure 2. The Si-distribution curve shows that the outer sub-layer contains a mass fraction of approximately 20 % Si and the inner only approximately 10 % Si. At the boundaries ¦¦ M' -fi-JČL. IE ft L'i .--Č AČ__M 2LČ 26V Figure 3: XRD patterns of the samples powder siliconized at different temperatures Slika 3: XRD-spektri vzorcev, ki so bili silikonizirani pri različnih temperaturah 5 0 4 n 382 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 37 (2003) 6 D. VOJTĚCH, T. KUBATÍK: SILICONIZING AS A METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE RESISTANCE 1400 1200 H 1000 800 600 400 200 i ' i ' r 0 4 8 12 Al /m r 16 Figure 4: Microhardness profile in the cross-section of the sample which was powder siliconized at 1100 °C for 3 h (A/ - distance from the surface) Slika 4: Profil mikrotrdote na prerezu vzorca, ki je bil silikoniziran 3 h pri 1100 °C between both sub-layers andbetween the inner sub-layer andthe metallic substrate, the silicon concentration decreases steeply. The Si-concentration in the metallic substrate is very small. The surface concentrations of silicon in the powder-siliconizedsamples are listedin Table 1. After siliconizing at 900-1100 °C, the surface concentration remains nearly constant andpractically independent of the siliconizing temperature. However, the siliconizing at 800 °C produces a layer containing less silicon. The results of XRD on the powder-silico-nizedsamples, see Figure 3, revealedthe presence of only Ti andTi5Si3 phases. The total volume fraction of silicide in the layers is observed to increase with the siliconizing temperature. Moreover, a temperature of 800°C seems to be too low to form a sufficient amount of silicide. In Figure 4, a microhardness profile in the cross-section of a siliconizedsample is plotted. We can clearly see that a surface hardness above 1200 HV can be easily achievedby surface siliconizing. Table 1: Surface concentrations of silicon in the samples which were powder siliconized at different temperatures. Tabela 1: Površinska koncentracija silicija pri vzorcih, ki so bili silikonizirani pri različni temperaturi siliconizing temperature (°C) 800 900 1000 1100 Si concentration (%) 13.5 21.9 25.4 21.5 The kinetics of cyclic oxidation at 850 °C is shown in Figure 5 for the samples siliconizedin powder at different temperatures. The rate of mass growth due to oxidation is the highest for pure titanium. In this case, the plot of mass gain versus oxidation time seems to be almost linear, which corresponds to a weak protection effect of the scale against oxidation. Figure 5 also shows that all Si-rich layers slow down the oxidation and that the protecting effect of the layer preparedat 800 °C is insufficient. The oxidation kinetics of samples prepared at 900–1100 °C is very similar andapproaches the 1000- 800- 600 400 200 100 200 t/h Figure 5: Kinetics of cyclic oxidation at 850 °C of the samples powder siliconized at different temperatures Slika 5: Kinetika ciklične oksidacije vzorcev, ki so bili silikonizirani pri različnih temperaturah parabolic kinetic law. This implies a strong protecting effect of the scales in which the diffusion of oxygen is the process controlling the oxidation. 4 DISCUSSION It was shown that siliconizing produces surface layers that are rich in silicon. It can be assumedfrom Figures 1 and 2, Table 1 andfrom the Ti–Si equilibrium phase diagram 24, that the outer sub-layer contains a significant share of silicide Ti5Si3. This assumption was also confirmedby XRD (Figure 3). The protecting effect of such layers was clearly proved. It was also shown that the properties and phase composition of the surface layers strongly depend on the temperature of siliconizing. The powder-siliconizing temperature of 800 °C is insufficient to produce a layer that provides enough protection. This was also confirmedby XRD, which didnot reveal any significant volume fraction of silicide in the surface layer, although approximately 13 % of Si was foundon the surface of this sample with EDS, see Table 1. This discrepancy may be due to a distribution inhomogeneity of the silicide particles. From the practical point of view, powder siliconizing at 900 °C or more for 3 h seems to be sufficient to produce protection against oxidation. 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