Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! teg. Z£'£3- T 0333 WA ‘NOIEiNIiay 9017 T 'IdW •ay ysnoHiynoo 'N to£i iiw mb mba m ^aSi:®^S£1:fcl^S3 Home- Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians vol- 96 - No. 14 <1 SI’S 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 7, 1994 ISSN Number- 0164-680X 50C St. Vitus Lodge marks 100 by Frank Zupančič drom writings of Frank Turek, Joseph Gornick and Anthony Fortuna) CLEVELAND — St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 KSKJ this year ls celebrating its 100th Anniversary with the KSKJ cntennial Year observance. As the oldest Slovenian ociety in Cleveland, Lodge No- 25 was founded in 1890 as Marjin Spolek” (Marian ociety). its originator was the lrst Slovenian pioneer settler oseph Turk who arrived in posVeland in 1881 ‘ The pur‘ Se of the organization was Provide funds for widows and orphans. Charter members were Joseph Turk, president; oseph Strniša, Michael j, e e> John Grdina, John Jac°b Turk, Anton Kline “no Joseph Žnidaršič. St. Vitus Church, first eveland Slovenian parish, J5 founded in 1893. Soon 3 niovement was under-\ ro change the name of the to St. Vitus Society. When the Grand Carniolan ovenian Catholic Union, ' -k-J. was organized, the aJOrity of St. Vitus Society ciphers voted to join KSKJ. and °CCUrred on May31- 1895 Ir,. Was known as St. Vitus LOTdh8eNo. 25 KSKJ. No 2^ s -I A- ROLAIDS - ANTACID 1 5- ZOVIRAX - FOR SHINGLES 1 6- WHISKEY - TAKES CARE OF THE SIDE EFFECTS OF ANY AND ALL OF THE ABOVE MEDICINES. ,, {ABOVE WAS ACTUALLY FOUND IN MY INLAWS MEDIdNL ^ CABINET. SOMEDAY THIS COLUMN WILL SPONSOR A CON FOR THE "BEST STOCKED MEDICINE CABINET". J COMMENTS: P.O.BOX SS9S7. CLEVELAND. OHIO 4A139-0937 CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 491-2231 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” Ai Koporc, Jr* riano Technician (216) 481-1104 MANOS & LoCONII ATTORNEYS at I A" Professional & Competent Legal Services at Reasonable R*1 John M. Manos, esq. Dennis N. LoContj, e*!- Personal Injury • Malpractice Divorce & Family Law • Wills ^ Criminal Defense • DUI Discrimination • Products LiabiM Business & Consumer Law 34950 Chardon Rd. Suite 206 • Willoughby Hills OH tf**4 975-9700 WE ARE EXPERIENCED TRIAL LAWV0& ! Trie! ► Mar my with whai cove hear wou Č agai: —Ei Th Fat °fa n tions Presst that \ and \ St. H Fat they and Mom ittipn matu Viktt hook hand I readi; abou On for | Qatit years An d/>ec Oarit i « Winners A Day. ■ OfcHO lorteRY Join In Tte Winning. All Ono Lonery players are subfect to taws and regulations of (he Oho lottery Corrimisa*orr For more information, call our Customer Relations Department (216) 787 3200 dunng regular bus* The fire and the fury L »>y Stane J. Kuhar k J E (Continued from last week) )[ C T we made our way into t Trieste and Rome, Father J Marko looked at me and after • Pestering, and pleading l w‘tb him, he began to explain I ^ 31 was inside the linen-j ^0vered package. Deep in my : eart, I had a premonition 1 t would never see my husband : again. "End of Part I, Chapter XI— . T Chapter XI The Mushrooms of Steel {Part II) a'her Marko had the look a man torn into manydirec- PresL?5 hC kept his hands that °n t*le WraPPed hnen and v-l5 C0Vering the book he S" Hemf h3d f°Und on Mt‘ ,ha' and i lound the missing Mon„e8endary book on the iniPressedtS °f He matter wha^011 me that n° Viktor or p WOUld haPPen to book had tFather Marko> the hands ° get *nto tbe r*ght readine!nJemembered from abom th niy history lessons One or eu8end of ‘his book. f°r thp e!”6 0r'g‘nal sources batin8 k °yenian lan8uage. years b3Ck nearly ^OOO *TO,'ls"PP°se