©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2004 Vol. 12, No. 2: 217-228 FAUNISTIC NOTES ON HOVERFLIES (DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE) IN SLOVENIA Maarten DE GROOT Droevendaalsesteeg 61, 6708 PN Wageningen, The Netherlands, email: m.degroot@rocketmail.com Abstract - In the period of May till September 2003 hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) were collected in several places across Slovenia. 70 species were found with 278 specimens in total. From these species 41 were new to Slovenia. Almost all species occur also in the neighbouring countries. Keywords: Syrphidae, Diptera, Slovenia, fauna Izvleček - FAVNISTIČNI PODATKI O MUHAH TREPETAVKAH (DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE) V SLOVENIJI V obdobju od maja do septembra leta 2003 smo na več krajih po Sloveniji zbirali muhe trepetavke (Diptera, Syrphidae). Našli smo 70 vrst s skupno 278 primerki. Od teh vrst je 41 za Slovenijo novih. Skoraj vse vrste so zastopane tudi v sosednjih državah. Ključne besede: Syrphidae, Diptera, Slovenija, favna Introduction Many life forms in Slovenia are already studied and monitored like dragonflies (Kotarac, 1997), bees (Gogala 1991, 1994), birds (Geister, 1995) and plants (Jogan, 2001). The hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) however seem to be neglected and not much is known about them in this region. Hoverflies are known by their mimicry and can occur in many habitats. The larvae are parasitoids or live from rotting wood, as scavengers in nests of bees, or from organic matter in stagnant waters (Chinery 1993). The species can therefore occur almost everywhere. 217 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 In neighbouring countries Croatia, Italy and Austria checklists are already known of this family: Austria has 207 species (Wakkie, 2003), Italy has 494 species (Belcari 1995; Mauro & Sommaggio 2002), but in Slovenia there are only 63 species known by literature (Glumac 1972, Vujic, 1986, Vujic 1990, Vujic 1997, Vujic 1999, Vujic et al 1999, Vujic et al 1995-1998, Vujic & Sikoparija 2001, Vujic et al 2001, Vujic & Radoviz 1990, Vujic & Milankov 1990, Simic & Vujic 1990, Milankova et al 1995). In Slovenia four biogeographical regions meet each other and the country has variable habitats. This gives many opportunities for a high diversity of hoverflies. This article has the aim to add new records of hoverflies to the checklist of Slovenian species. The hoverflies were observed in the period of May till September in 2003. The observations were done all over Slovenia, as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. Most of the observations, however, were done in the surroundings of Ljubljana, in the Karavanke mountain range and in the direction of the Slovenian coast. Almost all species were collected; only easily recognisable species like Episyrphus balteatus were not. The hoverflies were identified with help of Sack (1932) and van Veen (2002). Species, which could not be identified, were shown to dr. Vujic or checked in the reference collection of the Slovenian Museum for Natural History. Materials and methods Fig. 1: Map of Slovenia with the places visited in 2003 218 M. de Groot: Faunistic notes on hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Slovenia Tab. 1: The places in Slovenia visited in 2003 ID Plače Y X Habitat 1 Ankaran 402228,5 48416,9 Grassland 2 Brestovica pri Povirju 419136 63721 Bushes, grassland 3 Divača airport (Ležeški Gabrk) 423705,9 61223,9 Pine forest 4 Markovščina 425440,9 47012,2 Dry grassland 5 Slivje 426458,2 48630,6 Forest 6 Petelinjsko jezero 440301,2 62913,5 Flower rich grassland 7 Petelinjsko jezero 439796,1 62737 Forest 8 Volovja reber 445842,8 58881,2 Flower rich grassland 9 Jurišče 445842,8 58881,2 Forest 10 Cerknica 454436,5 68202 Flower rich grassland 11 Cerknica 452741,7 64568,8 Forest 12 Planinsko polje 443341,4 76706,4 Edge grassland forest 13 Velike Bloke 462553,1 71966,4 Flower rich grassland 14 Iški Vintgar 460992,7 84739,9 Forest 15 Jezero (Podpeč) 456738,9 91341,1 Flower rich grassland 16 Bevke spring 451980,2 93103 Grassland 17 Dragomer 451628,9 98048,3 Grassland/forest 18 Ljubljana 459226 101124,9 Grassland 19 Triglav national park 418971,6 143677,3 Grassland 20 Blejski Vintgar 431073,9 139989,1 Forest 21 Jelovica (Ledine) 431619,1 124427,1 Bog/grassland 22 Sava 432970 138160 Forest 23 Žirovnica 434846,2 140020,2 Forest, grassland 24 Karavanke 440390 143280 Forest 25 Karavanke 438813 142936 Forest 26 Ljubelj 444281,4 143121,7 Forest 27 Podljubelj 444079,8 141043,4 Grassland, forest 28 Kamniška bistrica 469524,2 130033,3 Forest 29 Krakovski gozd 532095,9 80712,3 Forest 30 Krog 585874,6 164130,9 Grassland 31 Dokležovje 590485,5 162123,4 Grassland 32 Gornja Bistrica 594072,6 159437 Forest 219 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 Results and discussion During the period of May till September 70 species and 278 specimens were found. They are listed in Table 2. Here the place, sex and other comments are shown for the species. Species with doubtful identification were not incorporated in the article. Species that could only be determined to the genus level are included to get a good view of the amount of species. Genitals could only identify most of these species. I could not find any appropriate keys. Other species, which were not identified, were collected and some are preserved in the Slovenian museum of Natural History, waiting for correct identification. The keys I used were sometimes outdated (Sack 1932) or out of the range of the species (Barendregt 2001). However Sack (1932) has good descriptions of species. When the description did not match the specimen I tried another key. From these 70 species 41 are new to Slovenia. Most of them are known in the neighbouring countries (Soos & Papp 1988; Belcari et al. 1995; Mauro & Sommaggio 2002; Vujic 1986) and were expected to occur in Slovenia. The neighbouring countries have even more species and have less diverse habitats as can be found in Slovenia. Beside this four biogeographical regions meet each other in Slovenia and therefore it is even possible that more species can be found. Species, which are missing are from the Mediterranean coast and the Alpine region (pers. comm. M. Kotarac). More attention should be paid to these regions to get a good overview of the hoverflies of Slovenia. Tab. 2: Hoverfly species and their finding places. The taxonomy is after Barendregt (2001). *species occurring in Slovenia from the database of Centre of Cartography for Flora and fauna (CKFF) and literature Subfamily Species variety Place, date and sex Occurence in (u = unknown, neighbouring $ = female, countries: 8 = male) I: Italy; A: Austria; -: does not occur in I or A; ?: the occurrence not proved Syrphinae Epistrophe Volovja reber, 21 June, 1$ I daphania 220 M. de Groot: Faunistic notes on hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Slovenia Epistrophe flava Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August, 16 I, A Epistrophe latifasciatus Markovščina, 25 May, 1$; Planinsko polje, 25 May, 1S; ? Epistrophe sp. Dragomer, 18 May, 1$ Episyrphus balteatus Ankaran, 6 August, Cerknica lake, 6 July, lu; Dragomer, 16 August, 1$, 29 August 1$, 9 August, 3$, \S\ Jelovica bog, 28 July Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu; Karavanke, 24 July 2u, 26 July lu; Krakovski gozd, 17 August 4u; Krog (Mura), 25 June lu; Ljubelj, 7 September lu; Mura river, 26 July lu; Brestovica pri Povirju, 8 June lu; Sava, 28 July lu; Žirovnica,; 25 July lu, 29 July lu; Slivje, 31 June lu I, A Meliscaeva auiïcollis* maculicornis Karavanke, 24 July lu I, A Meliscaeva cinctella* Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu; Karavanke, 24 July lu; Volovja reber, 21 June 1$; Žirovnica, 25 July lu I, A Metasyrphus corollae Dragomer, 18 May 1$ Eupeocles corollae* Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August I, A Eupeocles lapponicus Karavanke, 26 July lu I, A Eupeodes luniger* Karavanke, 26 July \<$ I, A Eupeodes sp. Volovja reber, 21 June \<$ Scaeva pyrastri* Karavanke, 26 July lu Podljubelj, 7 September lu I, A 221 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 Sphaerophoria ruepelli Ljubljansko barje (Dragomer), 1 July 1$ I Sphaerophoria scripta* Ankaran, 6 August 1$; Bevke, 5 September Dragomer, 9 August 1$, 2S\ Iški vintgar, 4 June 1 S\ Petelinjsko jezero, 13 July 2u; Planinsko polje, S', 25 May \S\ Sava, 28 July 1$; Triglav national park, 23 July 2u; Velike bloke, 14 June 1 Volovja reber, 21 June I, A Sphaerophoria sp. Cerknica lake, 6 July 1$; Divača, airport, 10 May 2u; Karavanke, 24 July lu; Planinsko polje, 25 May 3£; Sava, 28 July 1$; Triglav national park, 23 July lu; Slivje, 31 June lu Syrphus ribesii* Cerknica lake, 6 July lu; Karavanke, 24 July 2u, 1$, 26 July 1 u; Krakovski gozd, 17 August lu; Sava, 28 July lu; Triglav national park, 23 July lu; Blejski Vintgar, 27 July lu I, A Syrphus torvus Dragomer, 12 May lu I, A Xantho-gramma peddisiquum Dragomer, 16 August Iški vintgar, 12 July lu; Jurišče, Pivka, 13 July lu; Karavanke, 26 July lu; Planinsko polje, 25 May lu; Podpeškojezero, 26 May lu; Žirovnica, 25 July lu I, A Paragus sp. Bevke, 5 September 1 $ Baccha elongata* Dragomer, 5.July 1$; Kamniška Bistrica, 24August \S\ Planinsko polje, 25.May I, A Baccha sp. Dragomer, 9 August 1 $ 222 M. de Groot: Faunistic notes on hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Slovenia Chrysotoxum arcuatum Jelovica, 28 July 1$; Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu A Chrysotoxum bicinctum Cerknica lake, 6 July lu; Dragomer, 12 June 5u, 5 July 1$; Karavanke, 26 July lu; Brestovica pri Povirju, 8 June lu; Blejski Vintgar, 27 July lu I, A Chrysotoxum vemale Podpeško jezero, 10 August 1$; 26 May lu I Chrysotoxum octomaculatimi Ljubljana, 15 September 1$ I, A Melanostoma mellinum* Iški vintgar, 12 July 1$; Karavanke, 24 July lu; Žirovnica, 29 July lu I, A Platycheirus clypeatus* Dragomer, 16 August 1$ I, A P latycheirus transfugus Planinsko polje, 25 May 1 $ Heringia maculipennis (syn. Pipizella maculipennis) Divača airport, 7 June 1S Cr Heringia sp. Sava, 23 May lu; Žirovnica, 29 July 2u I, A Pipiza noctinea Dragomer, 16 August 1$ Pipizella sp. Planinsko polje, 25 May 1$; Volovja reber, 21 June 1$ Milesiinae Cheilosia canicularis* Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August IS I, A Cheilosia carbonaria* Planinsko polje, 25 May 1 $ I, A Cheilosia chrysocoma* Karavanke, 24 July lu I, A Cheilosia longula* Dragomer, 16 August I, A Cheilosia pagana* Karavanke, 26 July \S I, A 223 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 Cheilosia scutellata* Dragomer, 16 August \S\ Karavanke, 26 July 2$ I Ferdinanda ruficornis Dragomer, 12 June lu I Rhingia rostrata Slivje, 31 June lu I Volucella inanis Dragomer, 16 August 1$; Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu; Karavanke, 26 July 2?; Sava, 28 July 1$ I, A Volucella pelluscens Dragomer, 8 June lu, 12 June lu, 16 August 1$, 29 August \S\ Iški vintgar 2u, 12 July; Jurišče, Pivka, 13 July lu; Karavanke, 24 July lu, 26 July 4u; Triglav national park, 23 July 2u; Blejski vintgar, 27 July lu I, A Volucella bombylans plumata Jurišče, Pivka, 13 July lu; Slivje, 31 June lu I, A Volucella bombylans bombylans Slivje, 31 June lu I, A Chrysogaster solsticialis* Dragomer, 16 August 1$ I, A Neoascia dispar Dragomer, 9 August 2$ I, A Sphegina clunipes Dragomer, 9 August 2$ I, A Eumerus strigatus Ljubljana, 23 August lu I, A Microdon ana lis Divača airport (Ležeški Gabrk), 7 June 6u I, A Spilomyia manicata Podpeč jezero, 10 August 1 $ I Syritta pipiens* Cerknica lake, 6 July 5u; Dragomer, 18 May 3$, 16 August 1?, 29 August Podpeško jezero, 24 May lu; Žirovnica, 25 July 3u, 29 July lu I, A Temnostoma bombylans* Dragomer, 12 July lu A 224 M. de Groot: Faunistic notes on hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Slovenia Xylota segnis* Dragomer, 18 May 1$; Jurišče, Pivka, 13 July lu; Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu; Ljubelj, 7 September 1 $ I, A Xylota sylvarum* Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu I, A Merodon aeneus Cerknica lake, 6 July lu; Planinsko polje, 25 May \S I Merodon cinereus Karavanke, 24 July lu I, A Merodon constans Krog (Mura), 25 June 1$ I Merodon rufus Brestovica pri Povirju, 8 June I Merodon spicata Petelinjsko jezero, 13 July Merodon pinipes Brestovica pri Povirju, 8 June 2$; Volovja reber, 21 June 1$ Eristalinae Eristalinus sepulchralis* Dokležovje (Mura), 26 june 1 S', Krog (Mura), 25 June lu; Ljubljansko barje (Dragomer), 1 July 2$ I, A Eristalis arbustorum* Dragomer, 16 August 2u, 29 August 1$; Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu; Planinsko polje, 1 July lu; Petelinjsko jezero, 13 July 3u; Volovja reber, 21 June 1$ I, A Eristalis pertinax Cerknica lake, 6 July 1$ lu; Dragomer, 16 August lu; Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August lu; Karavanke, 26 July lu; Petelinjsko jezero, 13 July 2u; Triglav national park, 23 July lu I, A Eristalis pratorum Dragomer, 16 August I, A Eristalis sp. Triglav national park, 23 July lu Eristalis tenax* Cerknica lake, 6 July 3u; Dokležovje (Mura), 26 June 1 Dragomer, 7 September lu, I, A 225 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 29 August lu 1$, 9 August 1 S\ Kamniška Bistrica, 24 August 4u; Karavanke, 24 July lu 26 July 4u; Krakovski gozd, 17 August lu; Ljubelj, 7 September 2$ 1$; Ljubljansko Barje, 1 July 1$; Petelinjsko jezero, 13 July 4u; Sava, 28 July lu; Triglav national park, 23 July 3u; Blejski vintgar, 27 July lu; Žirovnica, 25 July lu Helophilus penclulus Dragomer, 15 July lu I, A Helophilus hybridus Dragomer, 15 July, 1$ - Helophilus sp. Ljubljana, 15 May 2u Parhelophilus versicolor Krog (Mura), 26 June, 1$ I Myathropa florea* Cerknica lake, 6 July lu; Dragomer, 16 August lu; Karavanke, 26 July lu; Triglav national park, 23 July 5u I, A Acknowledgements I want to express my gratitude to dr. Tomi Trilar and Mladen Kotarac for being helpful during the research period giving me access to material and letting me use the database of the Centre of Cartography of Flora and Fauna (CKFF). I want to thank dr. Ante Vujic for help with the determination of some hoverfly species. References Barendregt, A., 2001: Zweefvliegentabel, geheel herziene 9e druk. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, Utrecht. 96 pp. Belcari, A., Daccordi, M., Kozanek, M., Munari, L., Raspi, A., and Rivosecchi, L., 1995: Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, chapter Diptera Platypezoida, Syrphoidea, pages 1-25. Number 70. Calderini, Bologna 226 M. de Groot: Faunistic notes on hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Slovenia Chinery, M., 1993: Collins field guide insects of Britain and Northern Europe. Harper Collins publishers, London Geister, I., 1995: Ornitoloski Atlas Slovenije. DZS, Ljubljana Gogala, A., 1991: Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bee Fauna of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Scopolia 25: 1-33. Gogala, A., 1994: Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bee Fauna of Slovenia II (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Scopolia, 31: 1-40. Glumac, S., 1972: Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae. III/6. Syrphoidea. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti v Ljubljani: 1-72. Jogan, N., 2001: Materials for the Atlas of Flora of Slovenia. Center za Kartografijo favne in flore, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Kotarac, M., 1997: Atlas of the dragonflies (Odonata) of Slovenia, with red data list. Center za Kartografijo favne in flore, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Mauro, Sommaggio, 2002: Syrphidae checklist upgrade. Bollettino Societâ Entomologica Italiana, 84-90. Milankova, V., Vujič, A., Šimič, S., 1995: Species of Xylotini (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the Yugoslav region. Entomologist's Gazette 46: 209-216. Sack P., 1932: Syrphidae, In: Lindner E. Fliegen der Palaearktische Region, Teil 31. E. Nagele, Stuttgart. Soos, A., L. Papp (eds.), 1988: Catalogue of Palearctic Diptera, Vol. 8, 11-230. Budapest. Šimič, S., Vujič, A., 1990: Vrste roda Eristalis Latreille, 1804 (Diptera, Syrphidae) iz zbirke instituta za biologiju u Novom Sadu. Glasnikprirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu B 45: 115-126. Van Veen, M., 2001: http://home.hccnet.nl/mp.van.veen/hf_index.html Vujič A., 1986: Genus Cheilosia Meigen and related genera (Diptera:Syrphidae) on the Balkan Peninsula. Department of natural sciences, 1-201. Vujič A., Milankov, V., 1990: Taksonomski status vrsta roda Criorrhina Meigen 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) zabeleženih u Jugoslaviji. Glasnik prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu B 45: 105-114. Vujič, A., Radovič, D., 1990: Vrste roda Brachypalpus Macquart 1834 (Diptera Syrphidae) u Jugoslaviji. Glasnik prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu B 45: 95-104. Vujič, A., Šikoparija, B., 2001: Species related to Cheilosia canicularis (Diptera: Syrphidae) on the Balkan peninsula. Acta entomologica serbica 5 (1/2): 107120. 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Vujic, A., Simic S., Radenkovic S., 1999: Mediterranean species related to Paragus hermonensis Kaplan, 1981, with the description of Paragus gorgus spec. nov.v(Diptera, Syrphidae). Volucella 4 (1/2): 29 - 44 Vujic, A., Simic, S., Radenkovic, S., 2001: Endangered species of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) on the Balkan peninsula. Acta entomologica serbica 5 (1/2): 93-105. Wakkie, W., 2003: http://www.syrphidae.com/checklist.php?country=AT Received / Prejeto: 31. 3. 2004 228