International Scientific Conference »Learning to Live and Work Together« Book of Abstracts June 10th, 2021, Slovenia Editors Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič Majda Pajnkihar Sonja Šostar Turk Gregor Štiglic October 2021 Title International Scientific Conference »Learning to Live and Work Together« Naslov Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca »Učenje za skupno življenje in delo« Subtitle Book of Abstracts, June 10th, 2021, Slovenia Podnaslov Zbornik povzetkov, 10. junij 2021, Slovenija Uredniki Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič Editors (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Majda Pajnkihar (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Sonja Šostar Turk (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Gregor Štiglic (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Review Margaret Denny (Waterford Institute of Technology, School of Health Sciences), Suzanne Recenzija Denieffe (Waterford Institute of Technology, School of Health Sciences) Barbara Donik (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sabina Fijan (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Vida Gönc (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), David Haložan (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Barbara Kegl (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sergej Kmetec (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Anton Koželj (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Mateja Lorber (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Gabrielle Tracy McClelland (University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies), Nataša Mlinar Reljić (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Kasandra Musović (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Jasmina Nerat (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Urška Rozman (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Maja Strauss (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) & Jadranka Stričević (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Technical editor Jan Perša Tehnični urednik (University of Maribor, University Press) Cover designer Jan Perša Oblikovanje ovitka (University of Maribor, University Press) Graphic material Grafične priloge University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences Conference Konferenca Online International Scientific Conference »Learning to Live and Work Togheter« Location & date Kraj in datum On-line, Slovenia, June 10th, 2021 Programme Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Barbara Committee Donik (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Nataša Mlinar Reljić Programski odbor (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Gabriel e Tracy Mcclel and (University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies), Majda Pajnkihar (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sonja Šostar Turk (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) & Gregor Štiglic (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences). Organizing Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Barbara Committee Donik (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Aleksandra Lovrenčič Organizacijski odbor (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Majda Pajnkihar (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sonja Šostar Turk (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Gregor Štiglic (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) & Marko Uršič (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences). Published by University of Maribor Založnik University Press Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Issued by University of Maribor Izdajatelj Faculty of Health Sciences Žitna ulica 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Edition Izdaja 1st Published at Izdano Maribor, October 2021 Publication type Vrsta publikacije E-book Dostopno na Available at © University of Maribor, University Press / Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba Text © Authors & Čuček Trifkovič, Pajnkihar, Šostar Turk, Štiglic, 2021 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. / To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 4.0 Mednarodna. This license al ows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. 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Če želite ponovno uporabiti gradivo tretjih oseb, ki ni zajeto v licenci Creative Commons, boste morali pridobiti dovoljenje neposredno od imetnika avtorskih pravic. https://creativeco "The authors are responsible for the linguistic adequacy of the proceedings." / »Avtorji odgovarjajo za jezikovno ustreznost prispevkov.« CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor 378:616-083(082)(0.034.2) MEDNARODNA znanstvena konferenca "Učenje za skupno življenje in delo" (2021 ; online) International Scientific Conference "Learning to Live and Work Together" [Elektronski vir] : book of abstracts : June 10th, 2021, Slovenia / editors Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič ... [et al.]. - 1st ed. - E-zbornik. - Maribor : University of Maribor, University Press, 2021 Način dostopa (URL): ISBN 978-961-286-522-1 (PDF) doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-522-1 COBISS.SI-ID 77645315 ISBN 978-961-286-522-1 (pdf) DOI Cena Price Brezplačni izvod Odgovorna oseba založnika prof. dr. Zdravko Kačič, For publisher rektor Univerze v Mariboru Attribution Čuček Trifkovič, K., Pajnkihar, M., Šostar Turk, S. & Štiglic, G. (eds.) (2021). Citiranje International Scientific Conference »Learning to Live and Work Together«: Conference Proceedings, June 10th, 2021, Slovenia. Maribor: University Press. doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-522-1 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Table of Contents Preface Predgovor 1 Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič Plenary lectures Plenarna predavanja 5 Navigating Higher Education in the Pursuit of Belonging Rebecca Murray 7 The Importance of Considering the Lived Experience of the Migrant Learner in Higher Education 9 Russel Delderfield & Mel Cooper Student Stress Training e-Mobile Management: Managing Student Stress During Placement 11 John Wel s & Florian Scheibein Abstracts Povzetki 13 Displaced Migrant Learners Transition into Higher Education Barbara Donik, Eva Duda, Catherine Wasskett, Russell Delderfield, Emma Hurley, 15 Zvonka Fekonja & Gabriel e Tracy Mcclel and Learning to Live: Creating a Web Hub to Inform Effective Higher Education Supports for Vulnerable Migrant Students in Higher Education in Europe 17 Angela Flynn, Emma Hurley, Carol Condon, Patricia O’Regan & Nuala Walshe Measuring and Comparing Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE): Nursing Assessment Frameworks Mary Gobbi, Majda Pajnkihar, Nataša Mlinar Reljić, Thomas Kearns, Kate Meier, 19 Anna Marchetti, Roberta Sammut, Gregor Štiglic, Reet Urban, Dominika Vrbnjak & Marja Kaunonen Organizational Acculturation in Venezuelan Migrants under COVID-19 Pandemic: a Qualitative Study 23 Rosangela Raleigh, Angela Castrechini & Rita Berger ii TABLE OF CONTENTS. A Digital Literacy & Language Toolkit Angela M. Smith, Gabriel e Mcclel and, Maria Lourdes Rubio Rico, Sílvia Monserrate 25 Gómez, Maria Immaculada De Molina Fernandez & Isabel Font Jimenez An Integrated Digital Literacy and Language Toolkit for Vulnerable Migrant Students in Higher Education: How the Toolkit was Piloted Lourdes Rubio-Rico, Angela Smith, Inmaculada de Molina-Fernández, Sílvia 27 Monserrate-Gómez, Lina Alhafez, Isabel Font-Jiménez & Gabriel e Tracy McClel and Supporting Migrant Students in Higher Education Across Five Countries: Co-developing an App 29 Russel Delderfield & Mel Cooper Vključitev digitalnega izobraževalnega standarda Evropske unije v poučevanje in učenje v zdravstveni negi – pregled literature Implementing the European Union Digital Education Framework in Teaching and Learning in Nursing – Literature Review 31 Sabina Ličen, Colla J. MacDonald, Maria Cassar, Alexandros Yeratziotis, Debra Clendinneng, Leena Seriola, Igor Karnjuš in Mirko Prosen Capturing the Experiences of Displaced Migrant Students to Shape Effective Supports and Policy in Higher Education in Ireland 33 Emma J Hurley, Angela Flynn, Patricia O' Regan, Nuala Walshe & Carol Condon The Impact of Psychosocial Support in the Reintegration of Returnees Arben Hysenaj 35 Understanding Perspectives of Caregivers Regarding Dementia Care Across Europe: How to Collaborate Together Valentina Bressan, Henriette Hansen, Kim Koldby, Knud Damgaard Andersen, 37 Allette Snijder, Marijke Haitel, Natalia Al egretti, Federica Porcu, Sara Marsil as, Alvaro García & Alvisa Palese Physical and Mental Problems of Informal Carers in Connection with the Care of a Close Person Hana Hajduchová, Ingrid Baloun, Iva Brabcová, Sylvie Bártlová, Lenka Motlová, 41 Marie Trešlová & Helena Záškodná Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Among Polish Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Aneta Jędrzejewska, Barbara Niedorys-Karczmarczyk, Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak, 43 Adrian Bartoszek, Agnieszka Bartoszek & Barbara Ślusarska The Effects of Art Therapy on People with Dementia: an Umbrel a Review Beatrice Di Stasio, Valentina Bressan & Lucia Cadorin 45 Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on the Quality of the Outcome in Education of Nursing Care Students 47 Dragana Terzić Marković, Zvonko Dimoski & Biljana Majstorović Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Person-Centred Palliative Healthcare Sergej Kmetec, Zvonka Fekonja, Jožica Černe Kolarič, Nataša Mlinar Reljić & 49 Mateja Lorber TABLE OF CONTENTS iii. Nurses’ Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multicenter Mixed-methods Study on Coping and Resilience Strategies 51 Sonja Cedrone, Cristina Mazzega Fabbro, Jerry Polesel & Lucia Cadorin Provided Care to People with Physical Disability – Measurement of the Selected Domains 53 Jan Neugebauer, Valérie Tóthová & Jitka Doležalová Characteristics of Narcissism among Health Students Varja Đogaš, Nela Lemo, Silvana Krnić, Rahela Orlandini &Vesna Antičević 55 Evaluation of Endogenous and Exogenous Factors that Affect the Health of the Student Population Nikola Savić, Zoran Jokić, Marija Mladenovic, Andrea Mirkovic & 57 Slobodanka Bogdanovic Vasic King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Community Research with Older Adults: A Conceptual Framework 59 Arta Dalipi, Margaret Denny & Suzanne Denieffe Prehranjevanje dojenčkov: smernice za izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje na primarnem nivoju Infant Nutrition: Guidelines for the Implementation of Health Education at the Primary Level 61 Barbara Kegl, Petra Klanjšek in Leona Cilar Promoting Infection Prevention and Control Learning by Using Massive Open Online Course in Healthcare Education Pedro Parreira, Marja Silén-Lipponen, Leena Koponen, Ul a Korhonen & 65 Mikko Myllymäki The Importance of Health Education in Primary Schools of the Republic of Croatia and Switzerland 67 Nina Plazibat, Rahela Orlandini, Vesna Antičević, Ante Buljubašić & Varja Đogaš Vsebnost ohratoksina a v živilih v Sloveniji med leti 2012 in 2016 Ohratoxin A in Food Samples from Slovenia Between 2012 and 2016 69 Urška Rozman, Urška Blaznik in Sonja Šostar Turk Analiza igralnih uporabniških vmesnikov v pripomočkih za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe: preliminarni pregled trga Analysis of Game Modes in Commercial y Available Devices for Teaching Adult Basic Life Support: a 71 Market Review Nino Fijačko, Anton Koželj, Matej Strnad in Pavel Skok Didaktične igre – skozi igro do znanja: pregled trga Didactic Games – Learning Through the Game: Market Overview 73 Kristina Martinović in Nino Fijačko Učinkovitost uporabe probiotikov pri bolnikih z rakom prebavil Ef icacy of Probiotic Use in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer 75 Maja Strauss, Mateja Trunk,. Bojan Krebs in Sabina Fijan iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Analiza pametnih dodatkov za učenje ustne higiene otrok: preliminarni pregled trga Analysis of Smart Gadgets for Teaching Children's Oral Hygiene: a Preliminary Market Review 77 Adrijana Svenšek, Gregor Štiglic, Simon Kocbek, Lucija Gosak in Nino Fijačko Ovire v preventivnem presejalnem programu raka dojk: analiza koncepta Barriers to Breast Cancer Prevention Screening: a Concept Analysis 79 Marija Horvat in Branko Gabrovec Stroški izvajanja intervencij zdravstvene nege v simuliranem kliničnem okolju: retrospektivna študija The Costs of Nursing Interventions in a Simulated Environment: Retrospective Study 81 Nino Fijačko, Jasmina Nerat inSergej Kmetec Influence of Health Status and Demographic Factors on the Stability of Cognitive State and Impulsivity In Attempted Murder 83 Nderim Rizanaj ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Preface KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ Distinguished lecturers, students, higher education teachers and associates, warmly welcomed at the online international conference entitled: “LEARNING to Live and Work Together” which takes place under our already traditional annual conference, organized by the Faculty of Health Sciences under the motto Research and Education in Nursing Care. This year's international conference is part of the ERASMUS + project: “LEARNING to Live and Work Together: Improving the Quality of Life for Vulnerable Migrant Students through Integrated Digital Technology Enhanced Support and Transformative Action in Higher Education.” It also marks the 28th anniversary of the founding of the faculty. The purpose of the conference is to present the current topic of integrating migrant students into the education system, which is also encouraged and supported by the European Commission, recognizing that education has a crucial role in adapting migrant students to the new environment. Numerous contributions from domestic and foreign experts will present the quality of life of migrant students, transformational measures in higher education, progress in research and education and experience in the practice of advanced nursing care in Slovenia and internationally, with a desire to reduce social exclusion and improve social dialogue in the field of student migration. We are honored that renowned and distinguished domestic and foreign higher education teachers, experts in the field of nursing and health care and students will contribute to the implementation of the conference with their contributions and lectures. At the conference, they will present their knowledge and experience with 35 papers that highlight the 2 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. importance of scientific research in the field of student migration, nursing care and healthcare. We consider it an honor and a privilege to follow the latest findings of renowned and recognizable domestic and foreign lecturers at the conference. At the same time we look forward to a further successful professional and scientific research cooperation. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Predgovor KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ Cenjeni predavatelji, študenti, visokošolski učitelji in sodelavci, lepo pozdravljeni na spletni mednarodni konferenci z naslovom: Učenje za skupno življenje in delo “LEARNING to Live and Work Together”, ki poteka pod okriljem naše že tradicionalne vsakoletne konference, ki jo Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede organizira pod motom Raziskovanje in izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi. Letošnja mednarodna konferenca poteka v okviru ERASMUS+ projekta: “LEARNING to Live and Work Together: Improving the Quality of Life for Vulnerable Migrant Students through Integrated Digital Technology Enhanced Support and Transformative Action in Higher Education”. Z njo obeležujemo tudi 28-letnico ustanovitve fakultete. Cilj letošnje konference je predstaviti aktualno tematiko, tj. vključevanje študentov migrantov v izobraževalni sistem; aktivnost, ki jo vzpodbuja in podpira tudi Evropska komisija z zavedanjem, da ima izobraževanje ključno vlogo pri prilagajanju študentov migrantov v novo okolje. Številni prispevki domačih in tujih strokovnjakov bodo predstavili kakovost življenja študentov migrantov, transformacijske ukrepe v visokem šolstvu, napredek na področju raziskovanja in izobraževanja ter izkušnje v praksi napredne zdravstvene nege v slovenskem in mednarodnem prostoru, in sicer z željo po zmanjšanju socialne izključenosti in izboljšanju socialnega dialoga na področju migracij študentov. Počaščeni smo, da bodo k izvedbi konference s svojimi prispevki in predavanji prispevali priznani in ugledni domači ter tuji visokošolski učitelji, strokovnjaki s področja zdravstvene nege in zdravstva ter študenti. Na konferenci bodo svoje znanje in izkušnje predstavili s 35 prispevki, ki osvetljujejo pomen znanstvenega raziskovanja na področju migracij študentov, zdravstvene nege in zdravstva. 4 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. V čast in privilegij si štejemo, da na konferenci spremljamo najnovejša dognanja priznanih in prepoznavnih domačih in tujih predavateljev in se obenem veselimo nadaljnjega uspešnega strokovnega in znanstvenoraziskovalnega sodelovanja. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Navigating Higher Education in the Pursuit of Belonging REBECCA MURRAY The right to access higher education is enshrined in international legislation (article 26, UNDHR: 1948) and included in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG4 Quality Education – 4.3). The conflict in Syria and the surrounding region triggered a powerful reaction from universities across the world (circa 2015), at the centre of which was the recognition and identification of access to university education, as a priority response to support people fleeing conflict and persecution. This presentation seeks to look beyond the global to the local higher education institutional context, in order to explore the lived reality of navigating higher education, from the perspective of those with experience of forced migration. The term forced migrant is used to collectively describe and transcend the multiple legal definitions, such as ‘refugee’ and ‘asylum seeker’, used to categorise people who have been forcibly displaced. Higher education institutions play an integral role in expediting and maximising opportunities for social mobility in the resettlement process following forced displacement: opportunities which extend beyond the acquisition of qualifications, improved access to the labour market, to their role in developing social networks, as wel as an understanding of cultural norms, practices and expectations in a new context. The borders that prevent or deter access to higher education are constructed from actual or perceived deficits in the capital held by forced migrants. The ‘forced migrant habitus’ reflects the holistic and embodied experiences of students with a history of forced migration. It supports understandings of how existing capital is translated, redefined and new capital accumulated, in the process of navigating access to higher education studies. This paper reports on the agency exercised by forced migrants to draw on the same capital 8 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. utilised in the construction of the borders preventing access to higher education, in order to effectively navigate and overcome them. The concept of a ‘forced migrant habitus’ was developed over the course of my doctoral research, a comparative study exploring experiences of displacement and access to higher education across the UK and Sweden. About the author Dr Rebecca Murray, University of Sheffield, School of Education, Department of Sociological Studies, Sheffield, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) The Importance of Considering the Lived Experience of the Migrant Learner in Higher Education RUSSELL DELDERFIELD & MEL COOPER The University of Bradford is part of the University of Sanctuary, a UK-wide initiative aiming to ensure universities foster a culture of welcome and inclusion for forced migrants. This plenary presentation introduces ‘The Global Context Model’ which supports university staff in understanding factors that may influence the university experience of sanctuary students. The model forms the basis for staff training at our university. Using examples from this training, participants wil be able to see this innovative approach at work. Presenter reflections will enrich a narrative about this national initiative, the University of Bradford’s approach, and our ambitions for creating inclusivity through the upskil ing of our staff. About the authors Dr Russell Delderfield, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Dr Mel Cooper, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: 10 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Student Stress Training e-Mobile Management: Managing Student Stress During Placement JOHN WELLS & FLORIAN SCHEIBEIN Introduction: The ERASMUS+ funded Student Stress Training e-Mobile Management (SSTeMM) project is a partnership between Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Tecnocampus (Spain) and IBK Management Solutions (Germany). SSTeMM aims to support student nurses, internship mentors and higher education institute staff with the knowledge, skil s and competencies to address occupational stressors (both personal and environmental). Methods: Resources are informed by literature review, survey research and engagement with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) principles. SSTeMM works with and for students and staff to iteratively produce resources that are accessible, useful and actionable. Results: Resources include a stress self-assessment tool; mobile application; e-platform; videos; support documents; a manual; modules and training. Survey response collection, resource development and app development is ongoing. Discussion and conclusion: The SSTeMM stress self-assessment tool enables students and staff to identify their stress profile and compare their results against benchmark results. This enables users to identify their personal stressors which they can then address with SSTeMM resources. The CBT-based domains of “thoughts”, “feelings” and “behaviours” provide a guiding framework for the SSTeMM mobile application and 12 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. resources, whereby, students can better understand and manage how they “think”, “feel” and “do” in response to stress. Key words: Stress management; Resilience; Internship; Placement; Cognitive behavioural therapy About the authors Professor John Wel s, Dean, School of Health Sciences, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Irland. E-mail: Florian Scheibein, Research Assistant, School of Health Sciences, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Irland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Displaced Migrant Learners Transition into Higher Education BARBARA DONIK, EVA DUDA, CATHERINE WASSKETT, RUSSELL DELDERFIELD, EMMA HURLEY, ZVONKA FEKONJA & GABRIELLE TRACY MCCLELLAND Introduction: One of the fundamental human right is access to education. It is known, that a small per cent of migrants and refugees are able to secure access to higher education. Transition into higher education for displaced migrant learners is challenging because they can face with numerous hardships including violence, trauma, resettlement, disrupted learning and language barriers... The purpose of the study was to identify interventions for facilitating integration, attainment and retention for displaced migrant and refugee students in higher education. Methods: A scoping review framework was used. CINAHL, PubMed, ERIC and SAGE were search for relevant qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods studies. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) template was used to record the literature search and selection as a mechanism for promoting transparency and creating an audit trail. The Thematic Synthesis for data synthesis was used. Results: We identified unique educational challenges displaced migrant learners and refugees face: (a) acquiring general proficiency in the local language and an academic vocabulary; (b) gaining understanding of the host country’s higher education system; (c) financing their education, especially in tuition-driven, high-cost systems like the United States and in some European countries; (d) having qualifications recognized for students who fled without paperwork; and € obtaining academic, logistical, and other support that is critical for successful integration into higher education. 16 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Conclusion: The relationship between displaced migrant learners, refugees and higher education constitutes is an under-explored area of research, and that further research is required in this field. Within the academic literature, little is known about the chal enges of refugee access to higher education with regard to the scope and impact of existing interventions aimed at facilitating integration into university life. Keywords: higher education, migrant learners, access to education About the authors Barbara Donik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Eva Duda, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies & Professional Services, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Catherine Wasskett, Leeds Beckett University, School of Health and Community Studies, Leeds, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Russell Delderfield, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies & Professional Services, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Emma Hurley, University College Cork, School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Zvonka Fekonja, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Gabrielle Tracy Mcclelland, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies & Professional Services, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Learning to Live: Creating a Web Hub to Inform Effective Higher Education Supports for Vulnerable Migrant Students in Higher Education in Europe ANGELA FLYNN, EMMA HURLEY, CAROL CONDON, PATRICIA O’REGAN & NUALA WALSHE Introduction: The Learning to Live team is a consortium of academics in Schools of Nursing/Midwifery across five European countries (England, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia, Spain). The Irish team was tasked with the responsibility of creating a web hub for the staff of higher educational institutions who are supporting displaced migrant or refugee students in their sector. The objective was to create a website that would be a ‘one-stop-shop’ source of detailed guidance for academic and administrative staff seeking specific information or supports for this vulnerable student group. Vulnerable migrant students in higher education have specific needs which may not always be met by the structures and supports that universities and colleges put in place for domestic students. Results: Our research team recognized the specific needs for supports beyond educational matters, including psychosocial and other needs. Additionally, we recognized there was a need to support vulnerable migrant students in their development of language skills which would enable them to succeed and progress more readily in their third level studies. 18 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: This presentation will outline the structure and set up of the web-hub, including giving details of the broad sitemap used in the construction of the web-hub. Additionally, it will detail the challenges and difficulties we experienced when working to create a resource that would be applicable and useful across a range of European countries in which the context of migrant students’ asylum-seeking or refugee status can vary widely. Keywords: migrant students, refugee students, supports, web-hub, higher education About the authors Dr Angela Flynn, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Dr Emma Hurley, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Carol Condon, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Dr Patricia O’Regan, University Col ege Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Nuala Walshe, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Measuring and Comparing Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE): Nursing Assessment Frameworks MARY GOBBI, MAJDA PAJNKIHAR, NATAŠA MLINAR RELJIĆ, THOMAS KEARNS, KATE MEIER, ANNA MARCHETTI, ROBERTA SAMMUT, GREGOR ŠTIGLIC, REET URBAN, DOMINIKA VRBNJAK & MARJA KAUNONEN Introduction: Recognition of academic and professional qualifications in nursing is based on trust in approved laws (e.g. Directive 2013/55/EU), voluntary guidance and compliance (European Higher Education Qualifications Framework, EQF) and /or reputation (local or ranking tables). The chal enge of measuring and comparing nursing competences at programme, institutional or national level remains a contested issue, particularly where there is diversity of context, academic level and scope of practice. The CALOHEE project ‘Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europeàddresses these challenges by designing instruments to measure and compare levels of learning across countries and types of higher education institutions. CALOHE Phase 2 (2020-2022) refines existing work and designs new strategies to measure and compare competences at level 6 and Level 7. Methods: Comparative analysis of eight countries with respect to common competences in the level 6 and level 7 EQF programmes and their relevance in a COVID 19 world. 20 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Results: The majority of the Tuning competences or dimensions within the Assessment Frameworks (L6 and L7) are amenable to comparative assessment. However, this will require analysis of the interpretation of the competences with respect to the Scope of Practice and the breadth of the curriculum. Discussion and conclusion: Further detailed work is required once competences for assessment have been identified for the assessment tools. This includes analysing the competences with respect to the role of other professions. Comparisons must take account of the role of practice competences and not based solely upon theoretical assessments. Keywords: nursing education, competence, assessment, assessment framework, curriculum development About the authors Mary Gobbi, Professor Emeritus: Nurse Education, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Visiting Professor, Tartu Health Care College, Tartu, Estonia. E-mail: Majda Pajnkihar, head of institute, University of Maribor, Institute of Nursing Care, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Nataša Mlinar Reljić, Senior Lecturer, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Thomas Kearns, Executive Director, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, Ireland. E-mail: Kate Meier, Lecturer and Researcher, Odisee University Col ege, Department of Health Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. E-mail: Anna Marchetti, Lecturer and Researcher, Campus Bio Medico University, Rome, Italy. E-mail: M. Gobbi (et al.): Measuring and Comparing Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE): Nursing Assessment Frameworks 21. Roberta Sammut, Senior Lecturer and Dean, University of Malta, Faculty of Health Sciences, Msida, Malta. E-mail: Gregor Štiglic, Vice-dean for research, Associate Professor, head of Research Institute, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Reet Urban, Lecturer, Tartu Health Care College, Nursing and Midwifery Department, Tartu, Estonia. E-mail: Dominika Vrbnjak, Assistant Professor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Marja Kaunonen, Professor, Head of Health Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. E-mail: 22 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Organizational Acculturation in Venezuelan Migrants under COVID-19 Pandemic: a Qualitative Study ROSANGELA RALEIGH, ANGELA CASTRECHINI & RITA BERGER Introduction: Venezuelan migrants are settling in neighboring Colombia, working, and integrating to both organizations and society. Since the economic crisis and currently under pandemic conditions of COVID-19, organizational acculturation of Venezuelans has gained even more importance. The main objective of the present study is to analyze organizational acculturation in Venezuelan migrant workers in Colombia during COVID-19. Methods: Twelve semi-structured online interviews, based on the concept of organizational acculturation, were carried out twice with six Venezuelan migrant workers in Colombia in May 2020 and then in November 2020. The interview guide covered concepts from wel -stablished models such as the multidimensional individual difference acculturation model framework and organizational acculturation model. Atlas.ti 8 was used for content analysis and triangulation. Results: COVID-19 also affected other common hassles in Venezuelan, such as legal processes and family responsibilities. A strategy used to cope with discrimination, was to separate oneself from the other discriminated Venezuelans. Organizational acculturation model helped to explain the interaction of leadership and organizational climate and culture in dealing with uncertainty both coming from work and directly related to COVID-19. Influence of co-workers’ support helped a great deal in integrating to work environment and deal with acculturation hassles. 24 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion: This study contributes to the literature in organizational acculturation by exploring the experience of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia, specifically under the COVID-19 situation. Some of the limitations involve the small number of participants in the study. Keywords: organizational socialization, acculturation, migrant workers About the authors Rosangela Raleigh, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Psychology, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: Angela Castrechini, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Psychology, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: Rita Berger, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Psychology, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) A Digital Literacy & Language Toolkit ANGELA M. SMITH, GABRIELLE MCCLELLAND, MARIA LOURDES RUBIO RICO, SÍLVIA MONSERRATE GÓMEZ, MARIA IMMACULADA DE MOLINA FERNANDEZ & ISABEL FONT JIMENEZ Introduction: This Erasmus-funded project presents the cycle of co-design, co-production, piloting, evaluation and adaptation of an online self-paced, self-access, virtual learning environment (VLE) based Integrated Digital Literacy and Language Toolkit for vulnerable migrant students (VMs) at five EU higher education partner institutions. Its aim was to support the development of language and digital literacy skills required for VMs to successfully study at European universities. Methods: The Digital Literacy component was guided by the JISC Digital Capability Framework; the Language aspect considered literature pertinent to English for Academic Purposes and content -based instruction at language levels CFER B2-C1. Initial face to face interviews with 21 migrant students were conducted to establish key needs to embed within the design of the Toolkit; VMs at all five institutions then piloted the toolkit and completed an anonymised evaluation form. Feedback was used to adapt the final version, encompassing specific requests (i.e. host language resources/ situational informal learning needs) by students at individual institutions where relevant. Results: The results from students having used the revised toolkit show that VMs found it to be very successful in developing their linguistic, academic and digital literacy skills; in addition, praise was given for the toolkit improving both student confidence and self-esteem. 26 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion: Suggestions for improvement included developing of more resources for learning the local host language and the possibility of including online peer interaction. The Toolkit could be adapted for VMs studying at HE institutions in any host country. Keywords: vulnerable migrants, digital literacy, language toolkit About the authors Angela M. Smith, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Gabrielle Mcclelland, University of Bradford, Faculty of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Maria Lourdes Rubio Rico, University of Rovira i Virgili, Faculty of Nursing, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Sílvia Monserrate Gómez, University of Rovira i Virgili, Faculty of Nursing, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Maria Immaculada De Molina Fernandez, University of Rovira i Virgili, Faculty of Nursing, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Isabel Font Jimenez, University of Rovira i Virgili, Faculty of Nursing, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) An Integrated Digital Literacy and Language Toolkit for Vulnerable Migrant Students in Higher Education: How the Toolkit was Piloted LOURDES RUBIO-RICO, ANGELA SMITH, INMACULADA DE MOLINA-FERNÁNDEZ, SÍLVIA MONSERRATE-GÓMEZ, LINA ALHAFEZ, ISABEL FONT-JIMÉNEZ & GABRIELLE TRACY MCCLELLAND Introduction: The aim of this study was to present the piloting process of an Integrated Digital Literacy and Language Toolkit for vulnerable migrant students in higher education. Methods: The version of the Toolkit developed during the co-production phase was piloted in two stages: pre-pilot stage and pilot stage. In pre-pilot stage 4 steps were performed: (a) independent evaluation by two members of each of the participating teams; (b) incorporation of the feedback and development of a new version of the Toolkit taking into account the assessments and contributions of the independent teams; (c) different versions of the toolkit emerged from the previous step, al of them comprising a common structure and incorporating resources for learning both English and the local languages of the partners; (d) the different versions arising from the previous section were uploaded to a virtual learning environment. In pilot stage 21 vulnerable migrant students tested and evaluated the tool hosted on the virtual learning environment by completing an anonymous online questionnaire. 28 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Results: In general, the students considered the Toolkit a good idea to help them get into the online study and study abroad mood. We received 8 suggestions for changes in the content and/or structure of the toolkit. Discussion and conclusions: There is always room for improvement as free online digital tools can become outdated and need to be replaced as new tools and services become available. The Toolkit has been evaluated only by students. A similar evaluation by tutors would also be required. Keywords: piloting process, migrant students, higher education, language toolkit About the authors Lourdes Rubio-Rico, Universitat Rovira i Virgili ,Nursing Department, , Tarragona, Spain. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Angela Smith, University of Bradford, School of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Inmaculada de Molina-Fernández, Universitat Rovira i Virgili ,Nursing Department, , Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Sílvia Monserrate-Gómez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili ,Nursing Department, , Tarragona, Spain. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Lina Alhafez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili ,Nursing Department, , Tarragona, Spain. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean, Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: Isabel Font-Jiménez, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Nursing Department, Madrid, Spain. E-mail: Gabrielle Tracy McClelland, University of Bradford, School of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Supporting Migrant Students in Higher Education Across Five Countries: Co-developing an App RUSSELL DELDERFIELD & MEL COOPER Introduction: Forced migration presents a number of chal enges to those who find themselves trying to improve their education and career prospects in a new territory. This presentation reports on one aspect of a larger project seeking transformative action for forced migrants using co-design of a technology solution. Methods: Teams in England, Slovenia, Finland, Spain, and Ireland recruited migrant learners to join data generation exercises as part of a nominal group technique (NGT). The NGT exercises led to detailed needs, identified by potential app users, that a personal mobile application could fulfil for this group of students. This was an initial stage of ‘co-development’, whereby app function and content was initiated, developed, and prioritised by those who would actively make use of such technology. Results: Eight core areas of learners’ needs across all countries were generated. During further refinement in the co-development process, these were reduced to five. These are: Daily Living; Health and Wel being, Settling in; Migrant Status; and Language and Study Skills. Each core area is broken down into further detail that meets the needs of the NGT participants. Further co-development has taken place al owing users to see this content in context within a prototype app. 30 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion: Co-development process, merits and shortcomings are set in the context of working across languages, nations, teams, and group and individual needs from the learners involved. The resultant technological output, the app, is shared using visual methods and implications for practice, as well as recommendations for future research and development are presented. Keywords: forced migrant, forced migration, nominal group technique, mobile application, learner needs About the authors Russell Delderfield, University of Bradford, School of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Mel Cooper, University of Bradford, School of Health Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Vključitev digitalnega izobraževalnega standarda Evropske unije v poučevanje in učenje v zdravstveni negi - pregled literature SABINA LIČEN, COLLA J. MACDONALD, MARIA CASSAR, ALEXANDROS YERATZIOTIS, DEBRA CLENDINNENG, LEENA SERIOLA, IGOR KARNJUŠ IN MIRKO PROSEN Uvod: Potreba visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov, da razvijejo standarde in vzpostavijo zagotavljanje kakovosti digitalnega izobraževanja, je nenadoma postala pomembna. Cilj raziskave je bil, na osnovi pregleda literature, oblikovati interaktivni izobraževalni standard kakovosti, ki bi usmerjal oblikovanje in izvajanje e-izobraževanja v zdravstveni negi. Metode: Za namen pregleda literature so bile uporabljene smernice pregleda po Torraco, ki zagotavljajo večjo kompleksnost pregleda in zmanjšajo možnost napačne interpretacije virov. Pri pregledu so bili upoštevani naslednji vključitveni kriteriji: članki objavljeni v angleških znanstvenih revijah v zadnjih 20 letih in članki, ki obravnavajo standard ali model, povezan z e-izobraževanjem v visokem šolstvu. S pomočjo Boolovih operaterjev so bile pregledane mednarodne baze podatkov, in sicer Eric, PubMed, Cinahl in Scopus, s kombinacijo določenih ključnih besed določenih v iskalniku MeSH. Rezultati: Iskanje je podalo več kot 6000 potencialno ustreznih člankov, vendar jih je bilo po temeljitem pregledu, v končni analizi, uporabljenih 37. Pridobljene raziskave so poučne, a različne. Ker obstoječi standardi in modeli niso izpolnjevali zahtev glede na namen, je raziskovalna skupina iz vsakega standarda in modela prevzela ustrezne spremenljivke in pod spremenljivke, da bi ustvarila prilagodljiv, napreden standard kakovosti digitalnega izobraževanja. 32 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Diskusija in zaključek: Oblikovani interaktivni izobraževalni standard kakovosti je rezultat najboljših praks iz obstoječih standardov in modelov, objavljenih v znanstveni literaturi širom sveta. Standard tudi vključuje definicije spremenljivk in pod spremenljivk za lažje sledenje in razumevanje, in je za potrebe visokošolskega izobraževanja predlagan kot standard kakovosti za usmerjanje oblikovanja in izvajanja učinkovitega e-izobraževanja na področju zdravstvene nege, v širšem mednarodnem kontekstu. Keywords: e-learning, online learning; nursing students, quality, higher education O avtorjih: Doc. dr. Sabina Ličen, dipl. m. s., mag. zdr. neg., Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za vede o zdravju, Izola, Slovenija. E-pošta: Prof. Colla J. MacDonald, BSc, MA, Ed.D, Univerza v Malti, Msida, Malta. E-pošta: Maria Cassar, BSc, MSc, PhD, višja predavateljica, Univerza v Malti, Msida, Malta. E-pošta: Dr. Alexandros Yeratziotis, B-Tech, M-Tech, predavatelj, Univerza v Cipru, Nicosia, Ciper. E-pošta: Prof. Debra Clendinneng, BScN, M.Ed, PhD, Algonquin College, Nepean, Kanada. E-pošta: Leena Seriola, RN, MSN, predavateljica, Univerza za uporabne znanosti JAMK, Jyväskylä, Finska. E-pošta: Doc. dr. Igor Karnjuš, dipl. zn., mag. zdr. nege, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za vede o zdravju, Izola, Slovenija. E-pošta: Doc. dr. Mirko Prosen, dipl. zn., univ. dipl. org., Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za vede o zdravju, Izola, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Capturing the Experiences of Displaced Migrant Students to Shape Effective Supports and Policy in Higher Education in Ireland EMMA J HURLEY, ANGELA FLYNN, PATRICIA O' REGAN, NUALA WALSHE & CAROL CONDON Introduction: This study addresses a gap in the literature concerning participant led design and provision of supports for displaced migrant students in higher education in Ireland. As part of a two-pronged approach to provide digital and non-digital supports, this paper specifically targets non-digital supports for migrant students. Methods: A literature review of current practices in higher education and other disciplines suggests that, to date, provision of such resources has been top-down and focuses on the teaching of cultural competence to front-facing staff. In light of a movement to a person-centred, participant led approach in the provision of intervention and support for marginalised groups, a qualitative piece of research focusing on the experiences of displaced migrant students was indicated. Grounded theory was applied to capture and identify the subjective, lived experiences of people. Semi-structured interviews conducted with displaced migrant students engaged in higher education were conducted. Results: The heterogeneity of experiences of displaced migrants in Ireland is made manifest in our findings. Strengths and gaps in the effective provision of inclusive supports were identified at personal, institutional, and structural levels. 34 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: The paper presents the findings from the ongoing study to date and suggests pathways for the effective delivery of best-practice supports for this cohort. Keywords: participant-led design, grounded theory, cultural competence, cultural safety, migrant supports in education About the authors Emma J Hurley, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Angela Flynn, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Patricia O' Regan, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Nuala Walshe, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Carol Condon, University College Cork, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) The Impact of Psychosocial Support in the Reintegration of Returnees ARBEN HYSENAJ Introduction: There is a lack of investigation about the impact of psychosocial services regarding sustainability on the reintegration of returnees, especially on the explanation of how these services impact the returnee’s health, life, etc. The investigation aims to measure the quality of social and psychological services for the reintegration of returnees. Methods: 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted (8 returnees and 4 Experts) during 2020. Al participants were selected via snowbal sampling method in (Kosovo) Municipalities of Ferizaj, Peja, Fushe Kosova, Prizren, and Prishtina, with age from 14 till 72 years old. The findings have been analysed in detail (together with two other experts of this methodology) within qualitative analysis and software (Atlas). Results: The investigation shows a need for emergent support services, various support services, and constant support services. Returnees’ interview outcomes show that services should change, and there should be consistency in support services. Another outcome of the interviews indicates that experts are with profile from the economy, juristic, German language faculty. Very few of them are social workers and psychologists with no training and education to work with returnees. Conclusions: There is a need to pay attention to reintegration policies and services to frame support services suitable for returnees. Limitation of the studies: Snowball sampling, lack of previous research studies on this topic, limitation access on data, insufficient sample size. 36 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Keywords: appropriate support, sustainability in reintegration, Kosovo, deficient experts About the author PhD. Cand. Arben Hysenaj, University of Bamberg (Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg), Bamberg, Germany. Heimerer College, Psychology of Assessment and Intervention, Prishtinë, Kosovo. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Understanding Perspectives of Caregivers Regarding Dementia Care Across Europe: How to Collaborate Together VALENTINA BRESSAN, HENRIETTE HANSEN, KIM KOLDBY, KNUD DAMGAARD ANDERSEN, ALLETTE SNIJDER, MARIJKE HAITEL, NATALIA ALLEGRETTI, FEDERICA PORCU, SARA MARSILLAS, ALVARO GARCÍA & ALVISA PALESE Introduction: Worldwide around 60% of people with dementia living at home and their care represents a challenge for caregivers. This study aimed to 1) explore the needs of formal and informal caregivers caring for people with dementia at home in four European countries; 2) develop a “Community Collaboration Concept”. Methods: Participatory action research study, based on co-creation and the involvement of a purposeful sample of 120 stakeholders (relatives, health and social care professionals, volunteers) from four European countries, started in 2018. To capture the stakeholders’ perspectives, 13 focus group and 12 individual interviews between March and June 2019 were conducted, and deductive content analysis was performed. The Community Col aboration Concept was discussed and co-analysed with 18 European experts during a workshop promoted on March 2021. Results: Different needs and perspective were delineated. Relatives need to be informed, trained, assisted by specialised professionals to cope with dementia. Professionals recommended a re-organisation of available services. Volunteers, compensating the lack of formal support, cooperate with communities. The Community Collaboration Concepts 38 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. represents an umbrela concept that can guide stakeholders to promote the civil society involvement in the care of the people with dementia and their relatives. Discussion and conclusion: Commonalities emerged across countries, highlighting the chance to promote common policies to improve the quality of life of people with dementia and their relatives across Europe. Sharing positive experiences to improve person-family-centred care and the concept that dementia represents a community challenge are recommended. Strong collaborations between formal and informal services, and communities are needed. Keywords: co-creation, action research, participant collaboration, community collaboration, stakeholder, family-centered approach About the authors Valentina Bressan, PhD, MNS, BNS, RN, Research Fellow, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Henriette Hansen, Team Leader and Project Manager, South Denmark European Office, Bruxel es, Belgium. E-mail: Kim Koldby, Chief Consultant, University College Lil ebaelt, Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, Svendborg, Denmark. E-mail: Knud Damgaard Andersen, Special Consultant, Odense Kommune, Departement for the elderly and persons with disabilities (ÆHF), Odense, Denmark. E-mail: Al ette Snijder, BSc, Project Manager, Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands, Groningen, Netherlands. E-mail: Marijke Haitel, BSc, MSc, Project Coordinator, Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands, Groningen, Netherlands. E-mail: V. Bressan (et al.): Understanding Perspectives of Caregivers Regarding Dementia Care Across Europe: How to Col aborate Together 39. Natalia Alegretti, BSc Economics and Trade, Senior International Project Manager, European Connected Health Al iance, Belfast, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Federica Porcu, BSc Political Science and International Relations, MSc Governance and Global System, Researcher, International Project Manager, European Connected Health Al iance, Belfast, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Sara Marsil as, PhD, PSY, Researcher, Matia Gerontological Institute, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. E-mail: sara.marsil Alvaro García, PhD, PSY, Researcher, Matia Gerontological Institute, Spain. Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. E-mail: Alvisa Palese, PhD, MNS, BNS, RN, Associate Professor, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: 40 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Physical and Mental Problems of Informal Carers in Connection with the Care of a Close Person HANA HAJDUCHOVÁ, INGRID BALOUN, IVA BRABCOVÁ, SYLVIE BÁRTLOVÁ, LENKA MOTLOVÁ, MARIE TREŠLOVÁ & HELENA ZÁŠKODNÁ Introduction: Due to the need and topicality, the issue of carers in the Czech Republic is included in the National Strategy for the Development of Social Services 2016-2025. Informal carers are exposed to a high care burden, which leads to a deteriorating quality of life and health. The aim of the qualitative research was to identify the physical and mental problems of informal carers in connection with the care of a close person in the home environment in the South Bohemian Region. Methods: The data collection technique was a controlled in-depth interviewing. The interviews were conducted from June to October 2020. A total of 44 in-depth interviews were analyzed. The interviews were processed in the program Atlas.ti, version 9. Results: Tiredness, fatigue, disturbed sleep, back pain are the most commonly reported health problems of informal carers which have a causal connection with the care of a close person. Discussion and Conclusion: We recommend supporting informal carers through multidisciplinary counselling with regard to their individual needs. Virtual reality can be used as part of their support, for example, in the area of prevention of burnout syndrome. 42 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. “This study was supported by the project Support for informal caregivers in the South Bohemian Region through audio-visual means including virtual reality (no. TL03000518) of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.” Keywords: informal carers, physical and mental problems, south Bohemian region About the authors Mgr. Hana Hajduchová, PhD., University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Emergency Care, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: Mgr. Ingrid Baloun, PhD., University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: doc. Ing. Iva Brabcová, PhD., University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Emergency Care, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: doc. PhDr. Sylvie Bártlová, PhD., University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Emergency Care, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: PhDr. Lenka Motlová, PhD., University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: doc. PhDr. Marie Trešlová, PhD., University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Emergency Care, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: doc. PhDr. Helena Záškodná, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Humanities in Helping Professions, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Among Polish Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic ANETA JĘDRZEJEWSKA, BARBARA NIEDORYS-KARCZMARCZYK, AGNIESZKA CHRZAN-RODAK, ADRIAN BARTOSZEK, AGNIESZKA BARTOSZEK & BARBARA ŚLUSARSKA Introduction: Nowadays, computers have become essential tools, both in work and free-time. At present, the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic caused an increase in computer use as a result of both home quarantine and remote learning. This may lead to the development of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) which is a complex of eye and vision problems related to activities involving computer use. We aimed to determine the incidence of CVS and its factors among polish students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic using a survey questionnaire that collected socio-demographic data, CVS symptoms and related factors. Student from both Medical Universities and Universities of Technology (N=641) in Poland took part in the study. Results: The prevalence of CVS was found to be at 97%. The most common symptoms of CVS were eye strain, eye burning and headache. Technical students reported moderate and severe double vision significantly more often than medical university students. The latter group reported headaches, burning eyes and blurred vision more often. Females were more likely to report headache, neck pain, and shoulder pain. In contrast, men were more likely to report a red eye. 44 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Conclusion: CVS concern most of the Polish students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the increase in computer use in the last few years the syndrome is likely to become a major public health issue. The attention should be paid to prevention, through the modification of the computer environment and user education. Keywords: computer vision syndrome, COVID-19, health behaviour About the authors Aneta Jędrzejewska, Medical University of Lublin, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Barbara Niedorys-Karczmarczyk, Medical University of Lublin, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak, Medical University of Lublin, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Adrian Bartoszek, Medical University of Lodz, Faculty of Medicine, Lodz, Poland. E-mail: Agnieszka Bartoszek, Medical University of Lublin, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Barbara Ślusarska, Medical University of Lublin, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) The Effects of Art Therapy on People with Dementia: an Umbrella Review BEATRICE DI STASIO, VALENTINA BRESSAN & LUCIA CADORIN Introduction: Dementia is a significant global disease that is affecting an increasing number of people and requires them to receive complex clinical and care management. Non-pharmacological approaches, such as art therapy, have been studied little to date, but appear to have good potential. The aims of the review were to analyse/synthesize the literature available on art therapy’s effects on patients with dementia and investigate its role in treating dementia. Methods: An umbrel a review was conducted that synthesized evidence from studies on persons with any form of dementia published in English during the last ten years. The databases searched were Cinahl, PsychInfo, Pubmed, and Scopus. The data extracted were tabulated, categorized into themes, and presented in a narrative synthesis. Results: A total of 11 reviews published between 2012 and 2018 was included. The art therapy used and investigated most widely in people with dementia was music therapy. Studies were conducted in different settings, as nursing homes, daily care centres, and the professionals involved most in art therapy activities were art therapists and nurses. Cognitive functions, behavioural aspects, and psycho-emotional wellbeing were the outcomes investigated most, while data with respect to the benefits of measuring physiological parameters, such as adrenaline and melatonin levels, were limited. 46 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and Conclusion: Art therapy has been shown to have beneficial effects on people with dementia, particularly on their cognition and behaviour, and psycho-emotional wellbeing. The studies present in the current literature were highly heterogeneous and indicated the need to conduct further research in the nursing field. Keywords: art therapy, non-pharmacological approach, nursing, dementia, older people, effects About the authors Beatrice Di Stasio, .BNS, RN, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Valentina Bressan, PhD, MNS, BNS, RN, Research Fellow, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Lucia Cadorin, PhD, MNS, RN, Research Collaborator, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on the Quality of the Outcome in Education of Nursing Care Students DRAGANA TERZIĆ MARKOVIĆ, ZVONKO DIMOSKI & BILJANA MAJSTOROVIĆ Introduction: Due to Covid-19 pandemic education went through rapid transformations from traditional to online studying; this also led to changes in realization of outcome in education of nursing care students. For this reason, aim of our paper is to identify positions of nursing care students through self-assessment of knowledge, comprehension and capability to demonstrate, i.e. do basic procedures of nursing care in practice after completed learning in Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: The research was done in April 2021 as cross-section study. Survey participants were third-year professional nurse course students. Respecting epidemiological measures, an online survey was created (Google questionnaire); aim of the research was defined in preamble providing explanation to students that it is a voluntary anonymous research with no consequences for them. Survey link was sent to students via Moodle platform. Questionnaire contained preamble and 16 questions designed for needs of this paper. Results: Analysis of data collected from 89 interviewed students shows that most of them can independently monitor vital parameters, use several methods of medication application and personal protection measures, while more than a half (59.2%) recognizes the need for exercises and professional practice during nursing care education. 48 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: The study is a beginning of monitoring quality of nursing care students’ skills and competencies created in Covid-19 pandemic. There is a need to expand monitoring spectrum to other procedures in nursing care in order to review certain curriculums and methods of professional practice delivery. Keywords: nursing care, students, outcomes of lessons, competencies, Covid-19 pandemic About the authors spec. farm. Dragana Terzić Marković, Lecturer, Academy for Applied Studies in Belgrade, Department of School of Applied Health Science, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: Zvonko Dimoski, Lecturer, Academy for Applied Studies in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: PhD Biljana Majstorović, Professor, Academy for Applied Studies in Belgrade, Department of School of Applied Health Science, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Person-Centred Palliative Healthcare SERGEJ KMETEC, ZVONKA FEKONJA, JOŽICA ČERNE KOLARIČ, NATAŠA MLINAR RELJIĆ & MATEJA LORBER Introduction: Person-centred palliative healthcare aimed at improving the quality of life for a patient with chronic disease and their care partners. The poor provision of person-centred palliative healthcare mainly lacks knowledge and attitude by nurses, fear of treating pal iative persons and fear of providing poor-quality person-centred palliative healthcare to patient and care partners. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of person-centred palliative healthcare by nurses. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study. The survey included 440 nurses who use person-centred palliative healthcare approaches in practice in clinical environments in Slovenia and Finland with a completed bachelor, master, or doctoral level of education. Results: We identified that nurses in both countries have different attitudes towards person-centred palliative healthcare but have the same level of knowledge. We found that statistically significant differences between both countries in the knowledge of person-centred palliative healthcare were not confirmed (U = 23 254.0; p = 0.477). We confirmed statistically significant differences between both countries in the attitudes of Person-centred palliative healthcare (U = 13 697.0; p = 0.001). Discussion and Conclusion: Person-centred palliative healthcare is an important part of a patient's comprehensive and integrative treatment with disturbing symptoms. Nurses' better knowledge and attitudes of person-centred pal iative healthcare may help patients improve and raise their quality of life. For these reasons, further research into person- 50 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. centred palliative healthcare is needed to determine how these principles can best be translated into effective delivery models, informed by person-centred perspectives. Keywords: pal iative care, person-centred care, person, chronic diseases, nursing About the authors Asist. Sergej Kmetec, University of Maribor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Asist. Zvonka Fekonja, University of Maribor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Jožica Černe Kolarič, Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Klinika za psihiatrijo, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Viš. predav. Nataša Mlinar Reljić, University of Maribor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Doc. dr. Mateja Lorber, University of Maribor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Nurses’ Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multicenter Mixed-methods Study on Coping and Resilience Strategies SONJA CEDRONE, CRISTINA MAZZEGA FABBRO, JERRY POLESEL & LUCIA CADORIN Introduction: Little information is available to date on nurses’ resilience and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we designed a cross-sectional study to evaluate these strategies in nurses working in the oncology setting. Methods: A multicenter, sequential explanatory mixed-methods study will be conducted, in which quantitative and qualitative data will be collected and analyzed sequentially and individually. The study will begin in May 2021 and be conducted for 12 months in two Oncology Departments in Northeastern Italy. The quantitative study wil be based on the accuracy of estimating resilience with a 95% confidence interval and a standard deviation of 20% and 95%. Two questionnaires in Italian will be mailed to 276 nurses who have been working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data will be collected through an electronic procedure (REDCap). The study findings will support the development of an interview guide for the qualitative study. Here, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with purposeful sampling until saturation. Interviews will be transcribed verbatim and the Colaizzi framework (1978) will be used for content analysis with the NVivo program. Results: This study protocol is under evaluation at the Regional-Ethics-Committee. Programming contacts are underway between the two centers involved for the subsequent study activation. 52 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and Conclusion: We expect that this study wil provide information about difficulties, resilience, and coping strategies adopted by oncology nurses who are working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results will help the organization and nursing managers develop effective strategies to cope with future emergency situations. Keywords: strategies, pandemia, multicenter, oncology nurses, quanti-qualitative study About the authors Sonja Cedrone MNS, RN, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (CRO) IRCCS, Aviano, Italy. E-mail: Cristina Mazzega Fabbro MNS, BNS, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (CRO) IRCCS, Aviano, Italy. E-mail: Jerry Polesel, ScD, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (CRO) IRCCS, Aviano, Italy. E-mail: Lucia Cadorin, PhD, MNS, RN, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (CRO) IRCCS, Aviano, Italy. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Provided Care to People with Physical Disability – Measurement of the Selected Domains JAN NEUGEBAUER, VALÉRIE TÓTHOVÁ & JITKA DOLEŽALOVÁ Introduction: Physical disability is a multifactorial issue for nursing and sociology. Mostly, the nursing practice reflects providing care in a general way – not focused on individual character of patients and his specific needs. This study focuses on providing care to people with physical disability in healthcare facilities. Methods: Our study is a quantitative cross-sectional study focused on the assessing domain in people with physical disability and the nurse’s knowledge about the reason why is it important. We use a non-standardized questionnaire to collect data from all the Czech Republic. Data was collected in 2019 and statistically evaluated in SASD and SPSS programs. Our representative sampleś character was created based on statistical evidence from our Ministry of Health. We collected 1200 questionnaires (80,5 %) from 1490 sent. Reliability was tested by test re-test method and this questionnaire was reliable for this testing. Results: In healthcare facilities the nurses assess the risk of falls and of pressure ulcers, self-care, mobility, activity, motivation, and education in people with physical disabilities. The nurses do not know the relationship between the physical disability and fal s, pressure ulcers development, hyperhidrosis etc. They assess these domains because they must. 54 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: Based on our results we recommend focusing on the use of standardized tools for measuring the health condition and level of disability. People with physical disability have a different hierarchy of specific needs and nurses must also assess the actual issues. Keywords: nursing, healthcare facility, adults, assessment About the authors Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, PhD student, University of South Bohemia in Česke Budejovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: Prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph.D., University of South Bohemia in Česke Budejovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: Mgr. Jitka Doležalová, PhD student, University of South Bohemia in Česke Budejovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, České Budějovice, Czechia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Characteristics of Narcissism among Health Students VARJA ĐOGAŠ, NELA LEMO, SILVANA KRNIĆ, RAHELA ORLANDINI &VESNA ANTIČEVIĆ Introduction: It was aimed to examine the characteristics of narcissism in the health studies students. Next, we examined differences in narcissism between students of different study programs and the effects of the study year to the levels of narcissistic traits. Methods: This cross-sectional survey was conducted on 101 freshmen and 100 third year students who studied at different health study programs during February 2020. Students completed sociodemographic questionnaire and a validated Pathological Narcissism Inventory, where reliability coefficient was 0.95. Results: Average levels of narcissistic traits were found in the entire sample. The results showed that there was no difference in the overall narcissistic personality traits (Z = -0.47; p >0.05), as wel as in grandiose (t = 0.82; p > 0.05) and vulnerable (Z = -0. 37; p>0.05) narcissism between students of different health study programs. Considering the year of study, significant higher scores were established in vulnerable (Z = 0.28; p < 0.01) and grandiose narcissism (t =0.07; p < 0.01), as wel as in overall narcissism (Z=0.30; p<0.01) among freshmen. Discussion: The findings indicated that nursing and midwifery students did not differ in narcissistic traits from their counterparts studying in other health programs. Higher narcissism among freshmen indicates that a deeper entry into the essence of the profession leads to a decline in the initial narcissism. The cross-sectional nature of the study limits the conclusion about the causal relationship between narcissism and professional choices. 56 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Future studies should examine the association of narcissism with professional efficacy after graduation. Keywords: narcissistic personality, students, professional efficacy About the authors Varja Đogaš, University of Split, Faculty of Medicine, Split, Croatia. Nela Lemo, University of Split, Faculty of Medicine, Split, Croatia. Silvana Krnić, University of Split, Faculty of Medicine, Split, Croatia. Rahela Orlandini, University of Split, Faculty of Medicine, Split, Croatia. E-mail: Vesna Antičević, University of Split, Faculty of Medicine, Split, Croatia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Evaluation of Endogenous and Exogenous Factors that Affect the Health of the Student Population NIKOLA SAVIĆ, ZORAN JOKIĆ, MARIJA MLADENOVIC, ANDREA MIRKOVIĆ & SLOBODANKA BOGDANOVIĆ VASIĆ Introduction: Health is a complex concept, influenced by a number of endogenous and exogenous factors. The health potential of the student population primarily depends on the dominant impact of health risks and health resources. Endogenous factors are difficult to change, and include primarily hereditary factors. Factors that we can influence are exogenous factors including, socio-economic, socio-cultural, lifestyle, physicaland and biological environment. The aim is to evaluate and identify endogenous and exogenous factors that predominantly affect the health of the student population. Methods: The research was conducted at the Faculty of Health and Business Studies Valjevo, Singidunum University, 110 students participated in the research, the research was conducted in the form of a cross-sectional study. The research instrument is a survey questionnaire, constructed on the basis of available literature, for the purposes of this study. Results: The health of students is predominantly influenced by exogenous factors, such as biological environmental factors, nutrition, environment, social and economic conditions, health literacy, health culture, attitudes, habits, but also motivational factors related to health. The analysis of the epidemiological model of the "Diamond" revealed hereditary and genetically conditioned disorders of students' health. 58 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Conclusion: It is necessary to continuously and from a scientific point of view to analyze and evaluate all the mentioned factors, which have multiple effects on the health potential of the student population. Prevention and promotion of health can prevent the influence of negative factors and the dominance of health risks, and thus prevent the development of pathological conditions, mass non-communicable diseases and disabilities. Keywords: factors, health, social medicine, public health, health potential About the authors Nikola Savić, Medical school "Dr Miša Pantić" Valjevo, Valjevo, Serbia. Singidunum University, Faculty of Health and Business Studies Valjevo, Department of Health Studies, Valjevo, Serbia. E-mail: Zoran Jokić, Singidunum University, Faculty of Health and Business Studies Valjevo, Department of Health Studies, Valjevo, Serbia. Polyclinic Jokić Valjevo, Valjevo, Serbia. E-mail: Marija Mladenovic, Singidunum University, Faculty of Health and Business Studies Valjevo, Department of Health Studies, Valjevo, Serbia. Polyclinic Jokić Valjevo, Valjevo, Serbia. General Hospital Valjevo, Valjevo, Serbia. E-mail: Andrea Mirkovic, Etiko Eye Ambulance, Valjevo, Serbia. E-mail: Slobodanka Bogdanovic Vasic, Academy of Vocational Studies Šabac, Valjevo, Serbia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Community Research with Older Adults: A Conceptual Framework ARTA DALIPI, MARGARET DENNY & SUZANNE DENIEFFE Introduction: The pace of increase in the longevity in the older adult population is noteworthy. Therefore, there is an escalating requirement to do more research with this cohort, which should focus on their psychosocial wel being in community settings, so as to provide a more comprehensive community nursing care approach. The purpose of this paper is to explain the development of a conceptual framework to inform community nursing research with older adults incorporating King’s Theory of Goal Attainment and psychosocial (hedonic and eudemonic) well-being. Methods: A literature search was undertaken to locate previous research papers that used King’s theory in a community setting with older adults and the measurement tools that assess psychosocial wellbeing and incorporated King’s major concepts. 24 of research papers were identified. These papers were analysed using a thematic approach to develop the conceptual framework. Results: The framework developed includes consideration of the three dynamic interactive systems of King’s theory (personal, interpersonal, social) and how these major concepts can be measured when conducting community nursing research. The framework also includes the questionnaires that were identified to measure the psychosocial wellbeing of older people in each of King’s three systems. 60 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and Conclusion: The results identified that the development of conceptual framework using King’s theory and specific instruments to assess wel -being offers a conceptual innovation and a way forward in community research with older adults, the findings of which may impact on policy and care provision for older adults living in the community. Keywords: goal attainment, psychosocial well-being, wel -being measuring instruments, community research About the authors Arta Dalipi, Msc., Phd Cand., University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor Slovenia. E-mail: Dr Margaret Denny, D.Phil.,MPhil.,BSc, PGDipED.,RNT.,RBT, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor Slovenia. E-mail: Suzanne Denieffe, Ph.D.,MSc.,BSc., RNT.,RGN.,RPN, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Prehranjevanje dojenčkov: smernice za izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje na primarnem nivoju BARBARA KEGL, PETRA KLANJŠEK IN LEONA CILAR Uvod: Za zagotovitev dobrega telesnega in duševnega razvoja dojenčkov je ključnega pomena ustrezna prehrana. Dobre smernice za prehranjevanje dojenčkov temeljijo na najboljši praksi, ki je podprta z znanstvenimi dokazi. Namen prispevka je preučiti sedanje smernice o prehrani dojenčkov za izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje na primarni ravni. Metode: Izveden je bil pregled literature v podatkovni bazi Google Schoolar s pomočjo ključnih besed, vključitvenih (otroci stari od 4 do 12 mesecev, smernice uvajanja dopolnilne prehrane, protokoli, soglasja, pregled literature), izključitvenih kriterijev ter limitov iskanja (angleški in slovenski jezik, objave med leti 2016 – 2021). Vsebinska analiza literature je predstavljena opisno ter v obliki tabele s ključnimi značilnostmi in ugotovitvami. Kakovost dokazov je ocenjena s pomočjo hierarhije dokazov. Rezultati: Ugotavljamo, da je do 6. meseca starosti priporočeno izključno mlečno hranjenje. Po 6. mesecu starosti se priporoča postopno uvajanje mešane prehrane. Začne se z uvajanjem zelenjave, krompirja, mesa/rib/jajc, žit, sadja. Otroka je potrebno hraniti kadar je lačen in ga ne siliti. Živila je potrebno uvajati postopoma in večkrat. Število obrokov se povečuje s starostjo. Ob uvajanju dopolnilne prehrane je potrebno dojenčku redno nuditi dodaten vnos tekočine. Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da imamo v Sloveniji poenotene smernice za prehranjevanje dojenčkov, ki so jasne, sistematično podane in dostopne vsem 62 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. medicinskim sestram, ki delujejo na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva, saj so prav one tiste, ki so v tesnem stiku z otroci in starši ter izvajajo zdravstveno vzgojo. Pri zdravstveni vzgoji mora medicinska sestra upoštevati tudi posameznikove družinske situacije in zmožnosti. Obstaja možnost nadaljnjih raziskav glede upoštevanja smernic prehranjevanja dojenčkov pri zdravstveni vzgoji s starši. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, na dokazih utemeljena zdravstvena nega, pediatrična zdravstvena nega, pregled literature Infant Nutrition: Guidelines for the Implementation of Health Education at the Primary Level Introduction: Proper nutrition is crucial to ensure good physical and mental development of infants. Good guidelines for infant nutrition are based on best practice supported by scientific evidence. The purpose is to examine the guidelines on infant nutrition for the implementation of health education at primary levels. Methods: A literature review was conducted in Google Schoolar database with the help of set keywords, inclusion (children aged between 4 and 12 months of age, guidelines for infant nutrition supplement, protocols, agreements, literature reviews) and exclusion criteria and search limits (English and Slovene language, publications between 2016 - 2021). The content literature analysis is presented descriptively and in a table with key features and findings. The quality of the evidence is assessed using hierarchy of evidence. Results: We find that up to 6 months of age exclusive milk feeding is recommended. After 6 months of age, the gradual introduction of a mixed diet is recommended. The first food should be vegetables, potatoes, meat/fish/eggs, cereals, fruits. The child should be fed when she/he is hungry and not forced. Foods need to be introduced gradual y and offered several times. The number of meals increases with age. When introducing a complementary diet, it is necessary to regularly offer additional fluid intake. B. Kegl, P. Klanjšek in L. Cilar: Prehranjevanje dojenčkov: smernice za izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje na primarnem nivoju 63. Discussion and conclusion: We found out that unified guidelines for infant nutrition are used in Slovenia. Those are clear, systematically given, and accessible to all nurses working at the primary level of health care, as they are ones who are in close contact with children and parents and carry out health education work. During health education, nurse must consider individual's family situation and abilities. There is possibility for further research regarding guidelines compliance in parent health education. Keywords: education, evidence-based nursing, pediatric nursing, literature review O avtoricah: Viš. predav. mag. Barbara Kegl, dipl. m. s., univ. dipl. org., Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Asist. Petra Klanjšek, mag. zdr. nege, spec. managementa, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Asist. Leona Cilar, mag. zdr. nege, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: 64 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Promoting Infection Prevention and Control Learning by Using Massive Open Online Course in Healthcare Education PEDRO PARREIRA, MARJA SILÉN-LIPPONEN, LEENA KOPONEN, ULLA KORHONEN & MIKKO MYLLYMÄKI Introduction: The aim of this study was to describe Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish health care students´ perspectives about learning of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) by using the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This study is part of an Erasmus+ project Educating students for innovative infection prevention and control practices in healthcare settings (InovSafeCare). The MOOC was organized into 11 modules, containing theory, media elements, and competency testing quizzes with feedback. Methods: The descriptive cross-sectional research design was used to describe health care students´ perspectives about learning of HAIs the MOOC in March 2021. The participants (N= 139) were students from the partner institutions. The project group developed a semi structured questionnaire for data collection, containing questions of technical and pedagogical usability. The data was analyzed by statistical methods and content analysis. Results: The MOOC facilitated health care students’ independent learning and promoted their knowledge of HAI prevention and control. Study materials were easy to use (84%) and the media of the study materials high standard (83%). Some technical problems (14%) were identified with the use of the materials. The study materials were relevant (70%) for infection prevention and control learning but should be provided in different languages. 66 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: The MOOC will strengthen students’ role as future healthcare professionals and wil be usable also for the health care professionals who need to update their skills with today's HAI requirements. MOOC should also be translated into other languages than English. Keywords: HAI prevention and control, online-learning, health care student About the authors Pedro Parreira, PhD, InovSafeCare project, project leader, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (ESEnfC), Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), Coimbra, Portugal. E-mail: Marja Silén-Lipponen, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Health Care, Kuopio, Finland. E-mail: Leena Koponen, Senior Lecturer, MHSc, PhD-student, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Health Care, Kuopio, Finland. E-mail: Ulla Korhonen, Senior Lecturer, MHSc, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Health Care, Kuopio, Finland. E-mail: Mikko Myl ymäki, Lecturer, MHSc, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Health Care, Kuopio, Finland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) The Importance of Health Education in Primary Schools of the Republic of Croatia and Switzerland NINA PLAZIBAT, RAHELA ORLANDINI, VESNA ANTIČEVIĆ, ANTE BULJUBAŠIĆ & VARJA ĐOGAŠ Introduction: This research aimed to examine the differences in knowledge and attitudes, as well as in satisfaction, about issues addressed in health education curricula between primary school students in Croatia and Switzerland. Methods: This data were collected from November 2019 to June 2020, included 136 primary school students from Croatia (n = 54) and Switzerland (n = 82). The questionnaire used to examine the research objectives consisted of 100 questions that have been adapted to the health education curriculum in both countries. Results: The most pronounced differences were found in knowledge about gender-related issues between upper and lower grade students. In general, upper grade students had better knowledge of issues related to menstruation (χ2 = 23.395; P <0.001), condom use (χ2 = 25.140; P <0.001), and HIV transmission (χ2 = 28.025; P <0.001). Swiss students were more satisfied with health education than Croatian students, especially with regard to teaching content related to health education (χ2 = 32.900; P = 0.001). The significance threshold was set at p<0.05. 68 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: A trend of more positive attitudes about the importance of health education and satisfaction with the health education curriculum was observed in Swiss primary school students compared to Croatian primary school students. The students in both countries understand personal responsibility for health and the importance of a healthy lifestyle for health preservation. The most appropriate methods to improve health-related knowledge and positive attitudes in primary school students are practical teachings, age-appropriate continuous informing, and using healthy habits in everyday life. Keywords: health education curriculum, primary school, ethnic specificities About the authors Nina Plazibat, bacc. med. techn., University of Split, University Department for Health Studies, Split, Croatia. E-mail: Rahela Orlandini, mag. med. techn., University of Split, University Department for Health Studies, Split, Croatia. E-mail: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Vesna Antičević, University of Split, University Department for Health Studies, Split, Croatia. E-mail: Ante Buljubašić, mag. med. techn., University of Split, University Department for Health Studies, Split, Croatia. E-mail: Doc. dr. sc. Varja Đogaš, University of Split, School of Medicine, Split, Croatia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Vsebnost ohratoksina a v živilih v Sloveniji med leti 2012 in 2016 URŠKA ROZMAN, URŠKA BLAZNIK IN SONJA ŠOSTAR TURK Uvod: Mikotoksini ohratoksini so sekundarni metaboliti gliv iz rodov Aspergil us in Penicil ium, med katerimi je ohratoksin A poznan kot najbolj strupen. Prisoten je na živilih in krmi, pri čemer največji delež onesnaženih rastlinskih živil predstavljajo žita, začimbe, kava, čaj, kakav, vino in pivo. Pri živalih in ljudeh ima ob dolgodobni izpostavljenosti škodljive učinke na delovanje ledvic, ob višjih odmerkih lahko povzroča nepravilnosti pri zarodku in plodu, vpliva na delovanje imunskega sistema in je uvrščen med potencialno rakotvorne snovi. Namen raziskave je bil ovrednotiti večletne (2012 – 2016) ugotovljene vsebnosti ohratoksina A v vzorcih živil iz Slovenije glede na zakonodajne mejne vrednosti. Metode: Podatki so bili pridobljeni v okviru uradnega nadzora Uprave RS za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin. Z deskriptivno statistiko smo glede na različne kriterije podatke primerjali z zahtevami Uredbe Komisije (ES) 1881/2006 o določitvi mejnih vrednosti nekaterih onesnaževal v živilih. Rezultati: V vrednotenje je bilo vključenih 742 vzorcev živil, pri 62 vzorcih (8,4 %) je bila ugotovljena prisotnost ohratoksina A. Zelo nizek delež vzorcev (5; 0,7 %) je presegal mejne vrednosti, določene v Uredbi, medtem ko je preostalih 57 vzorcev (7,7 %) vsebovalo koncentracije pod mejnimi vrednostmi. Diskusija in zaključek: Izmed vseh obravnavanih kategorij živil je bilo največ vzorcev z vsebnostjo ohratoksina A iz kategorije začimb in začimbnih mešanic. Odstotek onesnaženih in neskladnih živil je bil višji v primeru konvencionalne pridelave v primerjavi z ekološko pridelavo. Za zmanjševanje in preprečevanje onesnaženosti živilih z 70 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. mikotoksini so nujne preventivne metode pred in po žetvi, zagotavljanje dobre kmetijske prakse in intenziven uradni nadzor nad onesnaževali v živilih. Ključne besede: onesnaževala v hrani, varnost hrane, mikotoksini, uradni nadzor O avtoricah: Doc. dr. Urška Rozman, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Dr. Urška Blaznik, Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, Center za zdravstveno ekologijo / Center za proučevanje in razvoj zdravja, Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-pošta: Red. prof. dr. Sonja Šostar Turk, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Analiza igralnih uporabniških vmesnikov v pripomočkih za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe: preliminarni pregled trga NINO FIJAČKO, ANTON KOŽELJ, MATEJ STRNAD IN PAVEL SKOK Uvod: Simulacijske lutke so del izobraževanja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe že več kot šestdeset let. V zadnjem letu se je pojavila posodobitev le teh z vključevanjem igralnih uporabniških vmesnikov. Namen prispevka je predstaviti komercialno dostopne pripomočke za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe, ki imajo poleg standardnih uporabniških vmesnikov vključene tudi igralne. Metode: V maju 2021 je bil s pomočjo Google iskalnika izveden pregled spletnih strani (n = 6) proizvajalcev pripomočkov za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe, ki so najpogosteje vključeni v izobraževalnem okolju. Vključitveni kriterij je bil igralni uporabniški vmesnik vgrajen v pripomoček za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe. Lastnosti slednjih so bile med seboj primerjane po tehnični in programski vsebini. Rezultati: V analizo so bili vključeni štirje komercialno dostopni pripomočki za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe, ki imajo vgrajen igralni uporabniški vmesnik. Dva sta bila v obliki simulacijske lutke, druga dva pa sta bila v obliki dodatka za simulacijske lutke. Vsi analizirani pripomočki so za prikazovanje igralnega uporabniškega vmesnika razvili mobilno aplikacijo, s katero uporabniku prikazujejo uspešnost izvajanja 72 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe. Slednje je prikazano v obliki animirane vožnje reševalnega vozila, reševanja animirane živali in zbiranja animiranih točk. Diskusija in zaključek: Vključevanje igralnih uporabniških vmesnikov v pripomočke za učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe nakazuje smer, v katero se bo usmerilo izobraževanje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe v naslednjih letih. Vendar pa je trenutno znanega zelo malo o vplivu le tega na ohranjanje znanja in veščin iz temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe. Ključne besede: kardiopulmonarno oživljanje, mobilno učenje, simulacije O avtorjih: Asist. Nino Fijačko, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Viš. predav. mag. Anton Koželj, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Izr. prof. dr. Matej Strnad, Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Prof. dr. Pavel Skok, Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Didaktične igre - skozi igro do znanja: pregled trga KRISTINA MARTINOVIĆ IN NINO FIJAČKO Uvod: Že v antičnih časih so prišli do spoznanja, da se otroci raje in lažje učijo skozi igro. Zlasti pri mlajših otrocih je učenje z vključevanjem didaktičnih iger učinkovitejše. Zaradi navedenega, smo pregledali katere namizne didaktične igre so dostopne na trgu. Pregled ponudbe nam služi kot temelj za prihodnje ustvarjanje lastne zdravstveno-vzgojne didaktične igre. Metode: Uporabili smo kvalitativni metodološki pristop. Z deskriptivno metodo smo opisali dosedanja dognanja. Z uporabo metode zbiranja podatkov ter metodo analize in sinteze smo izvedli pregled trga. Uporabili smo tuje podatkovne baze (npr. PubMed), iskalnik Google in Google Scholar ter bibliografske sisteme (npr. Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru). Uporabili smo ključne besede: didaktična igra/didactic game, učenje/learning, znanje/knowledge. Rezultati: Ustreznih iger je bilo petinštirideset. Del teh iger je mogoče kupiti v različnih spletnih (n = 21 ) in fizičnih trgovinah (n = 18). Največkrat so namenjene razvijanju besednega zaklada (n = 6 ), učenja tujih jezikov (n = 6 ) in za izboljšanje koncentracije (n = 3). Ostale didaktične igre so bile ustvarjene v sklopu zaključnih del (n = 24). Avtorji so jih uporabili za lažjo razlago prometnih predpisov (n = 11), naravnih pojavov (n = 6), mlečnih izdelkov (n = 3) itd. Največkrat so nastale v sklopu šolskega učnega načrta (n = 22) za posamezni predmet. 74 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Diskusija in zaključek: Pregled trga didaktičnih iger je prikazal redko vključevanje tematik o zdravstveni vzgoji. Slednjo vrzel želimo še natančneje raziskati in ponuditi staršem ter njihovim otrokom didaktično igro, ki bo temeljila na zdravstveni vzgoji. Ključne besede: otrok, učenje; motivacija, zdravstvena vzgoja, učni pripomoček O avtorjih: Kristina Martinović, mag. zdr. nege, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Asist. Nino Fijačko mag. bioinf., Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Učinkovitost uporabe probiotikov pri bolnikih z rakom prebavil MAJA STRAUSS, MATEJA TRUNK,. BOJAN KREBS IN SABINA FIJAN Izvleček Uvod: Probiotiki so po definiciji mikroorganizmi, ki imajo koristne učinke na zdravje gostitelja, kadar jih apliciramo v zadostnem številu. Veliko kakovostnih kliničnih študij dokazuje, da probiotiki pomagajo pri različnih prebavnih motnjah, kot so driske, povezane z jemanjem antibiotikov, sindrom razdražljivega črevesja ipd. Pri bolnikih za rakom prebavil je njihova vloga še posebej pomembna, kar dokazujejo številne klinične študije. Zanimalo nas je, ali uporaba probiotikov pri bolnikih z rakom prebavil pozitivno vpliva na zdravljenje in kakšna je seznanjenost o probiotikih med temi bolniki. Metode: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 20 vprašanj zaprtega tipa. V raziskavo smo vključili (N=100) samo pravilno in v celoti izpolnjene vprašalnike. Analiza rezultatov je bila narejena s statističnim programom IBM SPSS 26, uporabljena je bila deskriptivna statistika, hi kvadrat test in binomski test. Rezultati: Večina anketiranih, starih do 60 let, je poznala probiotične izdelke, medtem ko večina anketiranih, starih nad 60 let probiotičnih izdelkov ni dobro poznala. Več kot polovica anketirancev (58%) je poznala njihove mehanizme delovanja. Med najpogostejšimi pozitivnimi učinki probiotikov so bili: ureditev prebave, izboljšanje počutje in dvig naravne odpornosti. Večino informacij o probiotikih so anketiranci, namesto od zdravstvenih delavcev, dobili iz sredstev javnega obveščanja (splet, televizija). 76 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Diskusija in zaključek: Bolniki z rakom prebavil so navedli veliko pozitivnih učinkov probiotikov in željo po večji ozaveščenosti. Za boljšo ozaveščenost bolnikov z rakom prebavil o probiotikih bi bil potreben sistemskih pristop za implementacijo sodobnih smernic za zdravo prehrano, ki vsebuje tudi probiotike. Ključne besede: onkološki pacienti, črevesna mikrobiota, prehranska dopolnila O avtorjih: Viš. predav. mag. Maja Strauss, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Mateja Trunk, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Doc. dr. Bojan Krebs, Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta, Maribor, Slovenija. Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Izr. prof. dr. Sabina Fijan, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Analiza pametnih dodatkov za učenje ustne higiene otrok: preliminarni pregled trga ADRIJANA SVENŠEK, GREGOR ŠTIGLIC, SIMON KOCBEK, LUCIJA GOSAK IN NINO FIJAČKO Uvod: Učenje ustne higiene predstavlja za otroke svojevrsten izziv. Tehnologija nas spremlja na vsakem koraku, zato je bil namen članka raziskati svetovni splet in ugotoviti kateri pametni dodatki z mobilnimi aplikacijami so namenjeni otroški populaciji ter so trenutno dostopni za izvajanje ustne higiene. Metode: S pomočjo Google iskalnika in Googlove spletne trgovine smo izvedli sistematični pregled pametnih dodatkov z mobilnimi aplikacijami namenjenim otrokom za izvajanje ustne higiene. Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodologijo raziskovanja kjer smo uporabili vprašalnike za prikaz elementov igre, tehnik sprememb vedenja in informacij na dokazih podprtega zobozdravstva v pametnih dodatkih z mobilnimi aplikacijami. Analiza podatkov je potekala s pomočjo statističnega programskega paketa IBM SPSS. Rezultati: V analizo smo vključili tri pametne dodatke s petimi mobilnimi aplikacijami. Pametni dodatek Playbrush omogoča uporabo največ mobilnih aplikacij (3/5; 60 %). Colgate Magik je pametni dodatek z mobilno aplikacijo, ki vsebuje največ elementov igre (21/31; 68 %), tehnik spreminjanja vedenja (13/26; 50 %) in največ informacij na dokazih podprtega zobozdravstva (5/10; 50 %). 78 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da so analizirani pametni dodatki z mobilnimi aplikacijami primerni za izvajanje ustne higiene otrok, saj vključujejo zadostno število elementov igre, tehnik spreminjanja vedenja in informacij, ki so podprte z dokazi iz zobozdravstva. V prihodnosti bi bilo smiselno razmisliti o mobilni aplikaciji, ki bi bila združljiva s katerim koli pametnim dodatkom in bi imela bolj dodelane tehnike izvajanja ustne higiene, kot je na primer prikazovanje glavnih značilnosti ščetkanja in prikazovanje pomanjkljivosti pri izvajanju ustne higiene skozi igro. Ključne besede: skrb za ustno zdravje, elementi igre, tehnike spreminjanja vedenja, na dokazih podprto zobozdravstvo, tehnološko podprto učenje O avtorjih: Adrijana Svenšek, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Izr. prof. dr. Gregor Štiglic, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Dr. Simon Kocbek, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Asist. Lucija Gosak, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Asist. Nino Fijačko, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Ovire v preventivnem presejalnem programu raka dojk: analiza koncepta MARIJA HORVAT IN BRANKO GABROVEC Uvod: Presejalni pregledi so temelj zgodnjega odkrivanja raka dojke, katerega glavna slabost je stopnja udeležbe žensk. Koncept ovire temeljijo na perspektivi posameznika in vključujejo znanje in prepričanja o raku, znanje o mamografiji ter prepričanja in negativna pričakovanja glede presejanja. Namen je bil opisati, analizirati in evalvirati koncept ovire ter ugotoviti njegovo uporabnost v praksi za preventivni presejalni program raka dojke. Metode: Izveden je bil pregled in analiza relevantne literature v podatkovnih bazah: CINHAL, PubMed, Medline ter Sage s pomočjo ključnih besed: "perceived barriers" AND "health belief model" AND cancer. Za opis in analizo koncepta uporabljen je bil model od Cutcliffe & McKenna. Rezultati: V končno analizo je bilo vključenih 19 od 793 zadetkov. Koncept ovire pomeni omejitev ali meja, ki omejuje, ali ovira napredek. Koncept ovire temelji na številnih atributih, kot so finančni stroški, fobične reakcije, osebnostne značilnosti posameznika, neprijetnost, nevarnost, nelagodje ter finančni strošek. Različni postopki ocenjevanja ovir so bili razviti za vrsto različnih presejalnih vedenj za raka ter za specifična vedenja. Koncept ovire lahko pomaga medicinski sestri v preventivnem presejalnem programu raka dojk. Diskusija in zaključek: Pojem ovir je pomemben in osrednji koncept za številne ugledne teorije zdravstvenega vedenja. Koncept je usmerjen predvsem na zaznavanje ovir, ki vplivajo na posameznikovo vedenje in odločanje. Potrebne so dodatne raziskave glede pomanjkanja konceptualne jasnosti, zato prihodnje raziskave naj bi nadaljevale in širile 80 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. uporabo konceptov in ukrepov za ovire, zlasti na področjih, kot so ovire za preventivni presejalni pregled. Ključne besede: ovire, model zdravstvenega prepričanja, rak O avtorjih: Marija Horvat, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Doc. dr. Branko Gabrovec, Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje, Ljubljana, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Stroški izvajanja intervencij zdravstvene nege v simuliranem kliničnem okolju: retrospektivna študija NINO FIJAČKO, JASMINA NERAT IN SERGEJ KMETEC Uvod: Objektivni strukturirani klinični izpit je eden izmed najbolj razširjenih metod za ocenjevanje osvojenih intervencij zdravstvene nege v simuliranem kliničnem okolju. Sledenje je vključeno v različne spektre tematik znanstveno raziskovalnih študij, le malo pa je znanega o stroških povezanih z izvajanjem omenjenih intervencij, kar bo predstavljeno v prispevku. Metode: Uporabljen je bil retrospektivni pregled dokumentov nabavljenega materiala (n = 4) za študijsko leto 2018-2020 na prvi stopnji študijskega programa Zdravstvene nege. V podrobni pregled je bilo zajetih 9 intervencij zdravstvene nege. Podatki so bili analizirani z deskriptivno statistično metodo. Rezultati: V stroške izvedbe izbranih intervencij zdravstvene nege so vključene posamezne cene materialov (z DDV), ki se porabijo za enkratno izvedbo le teh. Stroški izbranih intervencij v prvem letniku znašajo: nastavitev intravenoznega kanala ± 82,78 €; vakuumski odvzem krvi ± 34,90 €; prevez kronične rane ± 61,30 €. Nastali stroški intervencij v drugem letniku so: nastavitev in odstranitev atravmatske igle ± 35,34 €; vstavitev trajnega urinskega katetra ± 71,81 €; uvajanje nazogastrične sonde ± 22,70 €. Stroški intervencij v tretjem letniku so: menjava trahealne kanile ± 40,06 €; priprava zdravila za aplikacijo preko infuzijske črpalke ± 45,20 €; odvzem krvi iz arterije ± 71,40 €. Diskusija in zaključek: Na stroške izvedbe posameznih intervencij zdravstvene nege v sklopu objektivnega strukturiranega kliničnega izpita vplivajo številni dejavniki. 82 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Pomembna dejavnika sta tudi zahtevnost intervencije in vrsta materiala (npr. uporaba intravenske kanile z zaščito igle). Za celovit pregled stroškov so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave, ki bi vključevale analizo vseh intervencij zdravstvene nege, izvajanih v simuliranem kliničnem okolju. Ključne besede: objektivni strukturirani klinični izpit, klinične vaje v simuliranem okolju, študenti, ocenjevanje, cene materialov O avtorjih: Asist. Nino Fijačko, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Predav. Jasmina Nerat, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Asist. Sergej Kmetec, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER« BOOK OF ABSTRACTS K. Čuček Trifkovič, M. Pajnkihar, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Influence of Health Status and Demographic Factors on the Stability of Cognitive State and Impulsivity in Attempted Murder NDERIM RIZANAJ Introduction: Through this research, I have presented the impact of health status and demographic factors such as gender, age, and family upbringing on cognitive state stability and impulsivity for attempted murder. The purpose of the research is to compare demographic factors, namely the difference between men and women, age and family education concerning their cognitive state and impulsivity for suicide. Methods: The research belongs to the quantitative type, and was conducted through an online questionnaire, which was attended by a total of 284 respondents of different ages in Kosovo. The questionnaire was sent via e-mail addresses and online forms. Results: The research results show that there are no significant differences between men and women in terms of impulsivity for attempted murder, but there are differences between them concerning their cognitive state, where men present a less favorable state, compared to women, while in terms of the level of family education which includes the education of the mother and father, we see that we have no significant differences between the level of family education and the cognitive state and impulsivity for attempted murder. Regarding the age factor, we see that age has a negative impact on the cognitive state, ie older people have an unfavorable cognitive state. 84 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGETHER«: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the research results, we confirm that demographic factors such as gender and age have an impact on cognitive status, while the most worrying factor is the medical condition. Keywords: Health, suicide, murder, education, cognitive. About the author: Nderim Rizanaj, Heimerer College, Prishtinë, Kosovo. E-mail: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TOGHETER« KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ ET AL. (ED.) University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Abstract University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences is organizing the Online International Scientific Conference »LEARNING to Live and Work Together«, held on June 29th 2021. E-proceedings of the conference include most recent findings of domestic and foreign researchers and students in higher education, social work, nursing and health sciences. The conference aims to explore the quality of life for migrant students, transformative action Keywords: in higher education, advances in nursing research and education as wel higher as advanced nursing practice experience in Slovenian and international education, social arena. It provides an opportunity to promote the development, work, dissemination and use of knowledge in the field of social work, nursing nursing, and health sciences for educators and health practitioners, furthermore health sciences, they exchange research evidence, models of best practice and conference; innovative ideas. research DOI ISBN 978-961-286-522-1 MEDNARODNA ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA »UČENJE ZA SKUPNO ŽIVLJENJE IN DELO« KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ ET AL. (UR.) Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta: Povzetek 10. junija 2021 Univerza v Mariboru Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede organizira Spletno mednarodno znanstveno konferenco z naslovom »Učenje za skupno življenje in delo«. Ob tej priložnosti je izdan e-zbornik izvlečkov mednarodno priznanih in domačih strokovnjakov ter študentov s področja visokošolskega izobraževanja, socialnega dela, zdravstvene nege in zdravstvenih ved. Namen konference je predstaviti kakovost življenja študentov Ključne besede: migrantov, transformacijski ukrepi v visokem šolstvu, napredek na visokošolsko področju raziskovanja in izobraževanja ter predstavitev izkušenj v izobraževanje, socialno praksi napredne zdravstvene nege v slovenskem in mednarodnem delo, prostoru. Predstavlja tako priložnost za spodbujanje razvoja, širjenja in zdravstvena nega, uporabe znanja s področja socialnega dela, zdravstvene nege in zdravstvene zdravstvenih ved kot tudi odlično priložnost za visokošolske učitelje in vede, zdravstvene delavce da izmenjajo raziskovalne dokaze, modele dobrih konferenca, raziskovanje praks in inovativne ideje. DOI ISBN 978-961-286-522-1 Document Outline Preface Predgovor Invited lectures Vabljena predavanja Book Of Abs