XI11-54-1992 ACROCL-PHALUS nismo mogli ugotoviti identitete vrste Anas spi-nosa Lath. Freyerjeva »Favna« je dragocen dokument časa, saj nam daje favnistične in celo ekološke podatke. Med navedenimi vrstami so nekatere danes izjemna redkost, časovna odmaknjenost zapisa pa nam daje podatke o tem, da so nekatere vrste naselile nove habitate. SUMMARY Henrik Freyer's work entitled »Fauna der Krain bekanten Säugethiere, Vögel, Reptilien und Fische« was published in 1842 in Ljubljana and contained the first truly comprehensive list of the birds of Carmola, i.e. a part of today's Slovenia. The author listed no less than 268 species, classified according to he Cuvier's system and furnished with scientific, German and Carniolan (Slovene) names (and in a couple of cases with some others as well). For the stated species binary nomenclature was consistently used by him. For all scientific names Freyer also stated the name of the author of the mapping carried out in a certain taxon, what has made it easier to identify the species mentioned in this book. For most species a short description about their status in Carniola was given, either in respect of their appearance or habitat. This article contains a list of species mentioned by H. Freyer, i.e. with consecutive numbers as written by him. To some species notes regarding their identity as well as critical remarks as to their status were added. From all available references, the identity of the Anas spinosa Lath. could not be established. Freyer's "Fauna" is a valuable document of time, for it renders us not merely faunistic but ecological data as well. Some species among the stated ones are today extremely rare, while due to all the years that have passed since the birth of Freyer's book, we become aware how some species have adapted to new habitats. Prehrana pegaste sove Tyto alba na Diet of Barn Owl Tyto alba at Mursko Franc JANŽEKOVIČ Murskem polju polje UVOD Pegasta sova Tyto alba naseljuje pretežno nižinska področja. O njeni prehrani je veliko znanega, za področje Slovenije je objavljeno preučevanje prehrane samo z Ljubljanskega barja (Tome 1992). Izbljuvke sem nabral dne 2. 7. 1986 v zapuščenih hlevih pri železniški postaji Veržej na Murskem polju, UTM: WM 96. Vrstno pripadnost malih sesalcev sem določil s pomočjo priročnika »Mali sesalci« (Krystufek, 1985). REZULTATI IN DISKUSIJA Rezultate analize izbljuvkov podajam tabelarično (tabela 1 in tabela 2): Tabela 1: Sestava plena pegaste sove Tyto alba po razredih in družinah Table 1: Structure of Barn Owl's prey as per classes and families Skupina N N % Sesalci Mammalia Rovke Soricidae 165 58,5 Krti Talpidae 2 0,7 Voluharice Arvicolidae 60 21,3 Miši Muridae 31 11,0 Ptiči Aves 20 7,1 Žuželke Insecta 4 1,4 91,5 Skupaj: 282 100,0 Legenda: N - število primerkov / number of specimens N % - odstotek števila primerkov / percentage of number of specimens 137 ACROCF-PHALUS XI11-54-1992 Tabela 2: Vrstna sestava plena pegaste sove Tyto alba Table 2: Structure of species in Bam Owl's prey Vrsta N N% V relativno majhnem vzorcu, (282 izoliranih osebkov) je delež malih sesalcev 91,5 %, ptičev 7,1 % in žuželek 1,4 %. Najštevilčnejša vrsta ugotovljena v prehrani pegaste sove z Murskega polja je gozdna rovka s 36,2 % deležem. Vidno so še zastopane vrste: poljska rovka s 16 %, poljska voluharica z 10 %, vrabci s 6 %, vrtna voluharica s 5 % in gozdna voluharica s 4 % deležem. V prehrani pegaste sove z Murskega polja nastopajo vse vrste terestičnih malih sesalcev (iz družin rovk, krtov, volu- 138 haric m miši) znanih s tega področja, s tem dopolnjujem ugotovitve Krystufka (1991) o razširjenosti nekaterih vrst sesalcev v Pomurju. LITERATURA KRYSTUFEK, B., 1985. Mali sesalci. Naša rodna zemlja 4. PDS. Ljubljana. KRYSTUFEK, B„ 1991. Sesalci Slovenije. PMS. Ljubljana. TOME D., 1992. Prehrana pegaste sove Tyto alba na Ljubljanskem barju. Acrocephalus (13) 51, 33-38, Ljubljana. POVZETEK Iz izbljuvkov pegaste sove Tyto alba nabranih na Murskem polju, Slovenija (UTM: WM 96), je avtor izoliral ostanke 282 živali. Glavnino prehrane predstavljajo sesalci Mammalia z 91,5 %, ki pripadajo 19 različnim vrstam. Ptiči Aves so v prehrani zastopani s 7,1 % in žuželke Insecta z 1,4 % deležem. Med sesalci prevladujejo gozdna rovka Sorex araneus 36,2 %, poljska rovka Crocidura leu-codon 16,0 %, poljska voluharica Microtus arvalis 9,9 % in vrtna voluharica Pitymys subterraneus 5,3 % med ptiči pa vrabci Passer 6,4 %. SUMMARY From the pellets of Barn Owl Tyto alba gathered at Mursko polje, Slovenia (UTM: WM 96), remains of 282 animals were isolated by the author of this article. The main part of its diet is represented by mammals, i.e. 91.5 %, belonging to 19 different species. The Aves birds are represented by 7.1 %, insects by 1.4 % share. As far as mammals are concerned, there predominate Sorex araneus (36.2 %), Crocidura leucodon (16.0 %), Microtus arvalis (9.9 %), and Pitymys subterraneus (5.3 %). Birds are most frequently represented by sparrows Passer (6.4 %). Franc Janžekovič, Maistrova 10, 62000 Maribor 102 36,17 3 1,06 2 0,70 4 1,41 9 3,19 45 15,95 2 0,70 11 3,90 2 0,70 3 1,06 28 9,92 1 0,35 Gozdna rovka Sorex araneus Mala rovka Sorex minutus Povodna rovka Neomys fodiens Močvirska rovka Neomys anomalus Vrtna rovka Crocidura suaveolens Poljska rovka Crocidura leucodon Navadni krt Talpa europaea Gozdna voluharica Clethrionomys glareolus Veliki voluhar Arvicola terrestris Travniška voluharica Microtus agrestis Poljska voluharica Microtus arvalis Kratkouhe voluharice Microtus sp. Vrtna voluharica Pitymys subterraneus 15 5.31 Rumenogrla miš Apodemus flavicollis 1 0,35 Navadna belonoga miš Apodemus sylvaticus Dimasta miš Apodemus agrarius Belonoge miši Apodemus sp. Pritlikava miš Micromys minutus Črna podgana Rattusrattus Siva podgana Rattus norvegicus Hišna miš Mus musculus -, Ptiči Aves sp. Vrabci Passer sp. Žuželke Insecta sp. Skupaj 9 3,19 3 1,06 2 0,70 5 1,77 1 0,35 1 0,35 9 3,19 2 0,70 18 6,38 4 1,41 282 100,00